中国各民族奇特婚俗 -文字解说

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1、瑶族:葫芦订婚Gourd Engagement

在广西瑶族,有一种“葫芦订婚”的风俗。Guangxi Yao, there is a "gourd engagement" custom.

青年男女结识后,男子邀请两位男媒,携带猪肉和两个盛满酒的葫芦,至女家求婚。到了女方家后,把所带来的礼物,挂在女方家的篱笆上。女方招待客人,在茶余饭后,若女方同意男方婚事,则收下酒和肉,一年后就举行婚礼。如果女方不愿意,则女方用针刺破葫芦,让酒漏出来,表示不能承受这番婚事。After the young men and women to get to know the man invited two men and the media, carrying pork and two gourd filled with wine, women at home to marry him. To the woman's home, put brought gifts hanging on the woman's home in the fence. Woman entertain guests, gossip, man marriage if the woman agrees, then accept wine and meat, a year after the wedding. If you do not want the woman, then the woman pierce gourd, let the wine spilled, and that they can not afford this marriage.

除此“葫芦订婚”的风俗之外,瑶族还有打亲、陪楼、撒商、拜弄、传烟、合鞋、送女、逃婚、正月屋、唱风流、唱礼貌、从妻居、腰带情、破竹筒、以歌说亲、埋蛋择婿、咬手定情、凿壁谈婚、半夜迎亲、五不通婚、亲戚头欢酒等数种恋爱婚娶习俗。Yao still playing pro accompany floor, sprinkle providers, thanks to Lane, pass smoke, combined shoes, sending women, fleeing forced marriages, the first month of the house, singing romantic, singing courtesy from his wife home, belts love, broken bamboo, with songs act as a matchmaker, buried eggs Zexu, tokens of love to bite the hand, cutting the wall to talk marriage, wedding night, five intermarriage, relatives and several kinds of wine head Huan love marriage marry customs.

2、东乡族:乱砸枕头Hit the pillow

东乡族深受宗教(伊斯兰)影响Dongxiang affected by Islam

在甘肃东乡族,有一种“砸枕头”的婚礼习俗。这种活动,多半是在新婚之夜举行。Such activities are mostly held in the wedding night届时,前来贺喜的乡亲、好友们,都要翻看女方的嫁妆。尤以枕头上绣花的色彩、图案,来作为评价姑娘心灵手巧的标准。当新娘进入洞房后,小伙子们会拿起陪嫁的枕头,朝坐在炕上的新娘,乱砸一顿。砸得越狠、越痛、越好。When the bride enters the bridal chamber, the boys will pick up a pillow , bride sitting on the kang ,then the bridegroom hit the pillow to the bride

. more pain, the better而炕旁护新娘的姑娘们和小伙子们,此时也会用枕头互相戏闹,直至深夜尽兴为止。这样用枕头戏闹的婚礼习俗,是东乡族男女老幼,对新娘表示热情欢迎的一种方式。


3、哈尼族:怒捶新郎Strickland bridegroom

在云南哈尼族,有一种“捶新郎”的传统习俗。哈尼族人在新人婚礼时,当男方迎亲的队伍到达女家后,一般情况下,新娘总是有意拖延离开娘家的时间,她们精心打扮梳妆自己,等梳洗完毕,然后才接见新郎。After the wedding the bride arrives home team, under normal circumstances, the bride leaves her family always deliberately delaying the time, they dressed dressing themselves, such as grooming, then met the groom.此时,新娘并不表现满心欢喜,而是面带愠色,进而会举起双拳Raised his fists,怒打新郎。新郎这时不能抵抗 can’t resist,任其新娘一阵拳打Let the bride beat,以表示新娘考验新郎,在爱情上是否忠贞Test to show the bride and groom, whether loyalty in love。亲朋好友及旁观者,只看不劝,甚至笑着鼓励新娘,还要打得厉害一些。Friends and bystanders, just do not be persuaded, even a smile to encourage the bride, but also played a number of powerful

除此“捶新郎” 的传统习俗之外,哈尼族还有串婚、胡扎、坐家、偷婚、阿巴多、密乌搓、然密莪机多、然密阿多补、搓厄阿慧波楚、克尼阿尼吉扎、眉则玛白艾勒玛等稀奇百态的恋爱婚娶习俗。

4、满族:箭射新娘Shot bride

在东北满族,有一种“箭射新娘”的传统迎亲婚俗。在迎娶新娘时,男方必备喜车迎亲。新郎头戴“小登科”帽Wearing a "little Davydenko" cap(官帽),身披大红绸,Wearing a large red silk由娶亲婆Matchmaker、陪郎Groomsmen、赶车Coachman、放炮Shooting people、执灯笼Take the lantern man、夹红毡者take the hongzhan of the people六人陪同;新媳妇着大红袍Wearing a large red silk,罩上盖头红Cast a red scarf,由送亲婆Send pro-people、兄弟等陪同,驱车送亲drive to songqin 。双方在途中相遇,车辕并在一起(俗称“插车”),寓意“行营结亲”The two sides met on the way, and the shafts together (commonly known as "plug car"), meaning "line of business matchmaking"。待新娘下轿时Alighting from the Sedan,新郎拿出弓箭,朝新娘轻射三箭Alighting the bride and groom took a bow and arrow, shoot three arrows toward the bride light(实际上箭射至喜车下或轿门帘上 actually shot to the car or the Curtain),这叫做“箭射新娘”。



5、苗族; 灰抹新郎Wipe with a pot ash groom

在贵州、湖南及云南的苗族,一些地方有一种“戏姐夫Brother play”或称“画脸Face painting”的传统婚俗。当新郎和新娘举行婚礼后,在新郎随同新娘回娘家的当日晚上,Along with the bride and groom back home in the evening the same day,一群大胆的
