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商务活动中,任何时候都离不开数字,数字可以 准确地表达事物的状况,可以翔实记录事物的 发展状态,也可以科学地证明某些观点。在商 务报告中,可以说数字的应用比比皆是。 本单元重点阐述数字翻译以及与数字紧密相关的 表达法如“上升、下降”等词汇的翻译。我们 知道,“失之毫厘,差之千里”,数字及有关 数字的翻译的重要原则就是“准确性”。
[例6]原文:China’s actual foreign direct investment (FDI) rose by 24% to $4.58 billion in the first two months of this year while contracted FDI shot up by 37.8% in the same period. 中国今年头两个月实际外商直接投资增长了24%,达45.8 亿美元,而同期合同外商直接投资猛增37.8%。
1997年,美国手机用户占电话用户总人数的8%,为欧洲、 美国和亚洲三者之最,2002年上升到18%。期间,亚 洲手机用户占电话用户的比例增长了3倍,从2%增长 到2002年的8%。我们可以预测,亚洲手机市场将比欧 洲和美国手机市场发展更快。
[例5]原文:This report illustrates the changes of the total production cost of ABC company between 2000 and 2010. The production cost went down gradually from US $55 million in 2000 to US $40 million in 2003. However, it suddenly started to increase dramatically in the following 2 years and reached a new high of US$ 60 million in 2005. 本报告阐明了2000年到2010年ABC公司生产成本 的变化。生产成本从2000年的5 500万美元逐步 下降到2003年的4 000万美元。然而,接下来2年 内,生产成本猛增,2005年达到新高,成本高达 6 000万美元。
全国人口有13亿5,879万5,400人。2003 年国民经济发展很快,年底外汇储备达 2,834亿6,700万5,600美元。
The total national population was 1.3587954 billion. The national economy in 2003 developed very rapidly, and its amount of foreign currency reserves reached 283.4670056 billion US dollars by the end of the year.
这个国家2003年的人口普查和一项报告表 明,有2,936座城市,最大城市的人口有 1,245万人,最小的有30万8,640人。 A national census and survey done in 2003 in that country indicated that there had been 2,936 large cities, with the largest having a population of 12.45 million and the smallest, 0.30864 million.
[例1和例2中的数字“three score and ten”和
“the thousand and one”都不是实指,而具有 一定的夸张含义。“three score and ten”在 《旧约》中表示人的寿命大约为70岁,此处不 能按实际时间翻译,而表示“一生一世、天长 地久”的意思;而“the thousand and one”表 示数量很大,不计其数。本单元讨论的数字翻 译并不包括文学作品中的数字的翻译,也不包 括具有深刻文化内涵的数字的翻译,而仅仅讨 论商务英语中有关数字的准确翻译,如例3中 的数字翻译。
[例8]原文:It is expected that the cost of superconducting cable might plummet soon with the rapid advancement of technology in the near future. 可以预见,随着技术的快速发展,超导电缆的成本不久就 会大幅下降。 [例9]原文:Through rounds of WTO negotiations, the average tariff rate has been reduced dramatically from nearly 40% right after the Second World War to about 4% of the developed nations and 13% of the developing countries in recent years. 经过几轮WTO谈判,近年来平均关税已从二战后的40%大 幅下调到发达国家的4%和发展中国家的13%。
In USA, the percentage was about 8% in 1997, the highest among the three groups. It increased to about 18% in 2002. The increase in Asia reached three times in these years, from only 2% to about 8% in 2002. So we can expect that the mobile phone market in Asia would be developing much faster than in the other two areas.
1,000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000 10,000,000
thousand ten thousand one hundred thousand one million ten million
一千 一万 十万 一百万 一千万
1,000,000,000 10,000,000,000
At this turning point, the Company successfully controlled such a rocketing cost of production and made great efforts to cut it and in 2008, it reached a new low. Unfortunately, starting from 2009, the production cost began to go up again and in 2010 it reached the same level as high as that in the year 2005. 这是个转折点,公司成功控制急剧上扬的生产成本, 努力削减成本,2008年降到最低。不幸的是, 2009年开始,生产成本开始上升,2010年生产 成本与2005年持平。
one hundred million
one billion ten billion
十亿 一百亿
1,000,000,000, 000
one hundred billion
one trillion
记录方法:10亿6572万 十亿六千五百七十二万
翻译和读法:one billion sixtyfive million and seven hundred and twenty thousand
数词是日常生产、生活、工作、研究等活动中必不可少的 一种词类。数字大量应用于文学作品和实用文体中。文 学作品中的数字往往具有一定的修辞含义,如例1和例2, 实用文体中的数字往往表示实指,如例3: [例1]原文:I will love you three score and ten. 译文:我会爱你一辈子。/我会爱你一生一世。 [例2]原文:There were 60 million Americans at home working to turn out the thousand and one things required to wage war. 译文:美国国内有六千万人在生产成千上万的军需品。
[例4]原文:This report provides information about the growth rates in the ownership of mobile phones in Europe, USA and Asia in the years between 1997 and 2002. During the five years, there was a general increase in the mobile phone ownership in all three parts of the world. In Europe, the number of mobile phone owners accounted for about 4% of the total number of telephone users in 1997. The percentage rose to 14% or so in 2002. 本报告提供了1997年至2002年欧洲、美国和亚洲手机增长 率的有关信息。在这五年期间,这些地方的手机拥有量普 遍增长了。1997年,欧洲手机用户人数占电话用户总人数 的4%,2002年上升到约ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้4%。
[例7]原文:Through optimizing the economic structure and improving economic returns while reducing consumption of resources and protecting the environment, China will have quadrupled its GDP per capita of the year 2000 by 2020. 通过优化结构、提高效益、降低消耗、保护环境,2020年 中国将实现人均国内生产总值比2000年翻两番。
英语中可以用“decrease, fall, reduce, down, drop, slide, slip, shrink, dip, diminish, lessen, descend, come down”等 表示减少、下降或下降百分之多少,用 “plunge, plummet, fall dramatically”表示 迅速降低、大幅下跌、暴跌的意思,也可 以通过比较级如“less than”表示减少的意 思。
1. 英汉数字翻译
英语和汉语数字的读法和记录方式差别很大,汉 语按“个十百千万”记录,而英语按数字分节 号记录,每三位数字为一节,要进行数字翻译, 必须掌握基本的英汉数字对应,现归纳表示如 下:
例如:1, 0 0 0, 0 0 0, 0 0 0 英文:billion million thousand 中文:十 千 百 十 亿, 亿 万 万, 万 万 千, 百 十 个
英语中,表示数量增加的词语或者短语包 括“increase, rise, grow, up, reach”,增 长了多少可以用“up, by”表示,增长到多 少用“increase to, arrive at”表示。另外, 表示迅速增长或者急剧上升可以用 “rocket, skyrocket, jump, leap, soar, shoot up, increase dramatically, increase sharply”等表示。