国际商务谈判教学Chapter 1

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2) These methods must be negotiated to the satisfaction of both parties. It can be very trying process with confrontation and concession(冲突与
3) Both parties share open information. 4) Both sides try to understand each other’s point of view.
---the levels
Conflict exists everywhere. One way to classify conflict is by level, and four levels of conflict are commonly identified. (Roy J. Lewicki et al, 1985. Negotiation. p17-18. McGraw Hill)
After Deutch(1973) and many others
In fact conflict can be productive.The objective is to learn how to manage it so that the destructive elements are controlled while the productive aspects are enjoyed.
4)The parties prefer to search for agreement rather than to fight openly, have one side capitulate(投降), permanently break off contact, or take their dispute to a higher authority to resolve it.
Features of business negotiation(1-4)
1) Negotiation is at the heart of every transaction ( 交 换 ) and it comes down to the interaction between two sides with a common goal (profits) but divergent(广泛) method.
Negotiation Situations(2)
(Why negotiations occur?)
1) to create something new that neither party could do on his/her own, or (---human
relationship, esp. social conflicts)
2) to resolve a problem or dispute between the parties (---social, business differences, competitions and conflicts).
Characteristics of a negotiation situation(6)

1) Intrapersonal or intrapsychic conflict 2) Interpersonal conflict 3) Intragroup conflict 4) Intergroup conflict
Most people initially think that conflict is bad or dysfunctional. This has 2 aspects: 1) conflict is an indication that sth. is wrong or needed fixed, and 2) it creates largely destructive consequences or
1) Discussing conflict makes organizational members more aware and able to cope with problems 2) Conflict promises organizational change and adaptation 3) Conflict strengthens relationships and heightens morale 4) Conflict promotes awareness of self and others 5) Conflict enhances personal development 6) Conflict encourages psychological development 7) Conflict can be stimulating and fun
1>“Let’s never negotiate because of scare, and let’s never be scared of negotiation. ”
2>“To meet the needs of others’, we can gain what we want.” 3>“People may not understand what they feel, but can feel it deeply when they understand it.”
B. Why some people are afraid of negotiation?
(Investigation and illustration)
The definition of international business negotiation
Business negotiation is a common human activity as well as a complex process(复杂过程) in which every party involved in a business activity talks to each other, exchanges one’s views of point with the objective of satisfying one’s own needs, reaching a final agreement and carrying it out through continuous and conscious efforts (长期努力).
I: Conflict II: Key aspects of negotiation III: Tips for successful international negotiation mission
I: Conflict ---Definitions
Conflict may be defined as a “sharp disagreement or opposition, as of interests, ideas, etc.” and includes “the perceived divergence of interest, or a belief that the parties’ current aspirations cannot be achieved simultaneously(同时).”(Pruitt & Rubin, 1986, p4) Conflict results from “the interaction of interdependent people who perceived incompatible goals and interference from each other in achieving those goals.”(Hocker & Wilmot, 1985)
6) Successful negotiation involves the management of intangibles(无形) as well as the resolving of tangibles(有形).
Correct understanding of negotiation(3 issues)
Features of business negotiation(5-8)
5) Both parties know they have common and conflicting objectives, so they try to find a way to achieve common and complementary ( 互 补 ) objectives acceptable to them both. 6) The purpose of negotiation is to redistribute(重新划 分) the potential profit. 7) Everything is negotiable. No “take it or leave(爱干不 干)”. 8) It is known as the “zero-sum game (得失所系的赌
Chapter One:
The General Overview of
International Business Negotiation
•I: Terminology of Negotiation •II: Understanding the Framework of IBN •III: Psychology in negotiation •IV: Case study: (Items & necessity)
destructive images 1) Competitive process 2) Misperception & bias 3) Emotionality 4) Decreased communication 5) Blurred issues 6) Rigid commitments 7) Magnified different, minimized similarities 8) Escalation of the conflict
1)There are two or more parties---interpersonal, intragroup, or intergroup process; 2)There is a conflict of interest between two or more parties---what one wants is not necessarily what the other one wants; 3) The parties negotiate because they think they can use some form of influence to get a better deal that way than by simply taking what the other side will voluntarily give them or let them have;
5) When we negotiate, we expect give and take.Truly creative negotiations may not require compromise(妥协); instead the parties may invent a solution that meets the objectives of all sides.
I: Define International Business Negotiation
What is negotiation and why negotiate?
(Cases in point: 1>Splitting the apple pie 2>Squabbling over an orange)