Cottbus Timed Automata Formal definition and semantics




㈢ 免疫调节作用
1、类胡箩卜素具有免疫增强作用。 2、类黄酮具有免疫抑制作用。 3 、皂甙、硫化物、植酸具有免疫增 强作用。
㈣ 抗微生物作用
1 、硫化物(蒜素)具有很强的抗微 生物作用。 2、芥子油甙的代谢物(异硫氰酸盐 和硫氰酸盐)具有抗微生物作用。 3 、其他:浆果(酸梅和草莓)可预 防和治疗感染性疾病。
㈡ 抗氧化作用
1、类胡箩卜素、多酚、植物雌激素、蛋白 酶抑制剂、硫化物具有明显的抗氧化作用。 以多酚类的抗氧化作用最强。 2、对DNA氧化损伤有保护作用。 3、抗氧化作用机制: ① 清除自由基:自身供氢氧化。 ② 抗脂质过氧化:抑制酶性或非酶性脂 质过氧化过程。 ③ 螯合金属离子:过渡态金属离子是许 多自由基产生过程的催化剂。
㈤ 多酚(polyphenols):
主要为酚酸和类黄酮(存在于水果蔬 菜外层和整粒谷物中)。如:槲皮素摄 入量约为23mg/d。
㈥ 蛋白酶抑制剂(protease inhibitors):
存在于所有植物,以豆类、谷类含 量更高。摄入量约为295mg/d。
㈦ 单帖类(monoterpenes):
植物化学物 (Phytochemicals)
养成分外的一些低分子量生物活性物 质,是植物的次级代谢产物(secondary
① 种类多,数量少 (6~10万种,摄入量1.5g/d)。 ② 对人体健康具有双重作用。
㈤ 降胆固醇作用
1 、皂甙、植物固醇、硫化物等具有 降低血浆胆固醇的作用。 2、可能机制: ① 在肠道中与初级胆汁酸结合,使 胆汁酸排出增加。 ② 增加肝脏中胆汁酸的合成,从而 降低了血中胆固醇浓度。 ③ 抑制肝脏中胆固醇代谢的关键酶。



8《计量与测试技术》年第48卷第5期多参数监护仪中关于呼末二氧化碳的检定方法杨冰(沈阳市市场监管事务服务中心(沈阳市检验检测中心),辽宁沈阳110179)摘 要:多参数监护仪是最常见的一种监护设备,多应用在急诊、心血管科、ICU 等科室,其性能的准确更是尤为重要,为此国家在2519年发布 了关于JJG123-252《多参数监护仪》的计量检定规程,其规程覆盖了心电、脉搏血氧饱和度、无创血压和呼末二氧化碳四大参数的检定,而针对多参数监护仪呼末二氧化碳的检定则是第一次出现在检定规程中,本文着重介绍多参数监护仪中关于呼末二氧化碳浓度的检定方法。

关键词:多参数监护仪;呼末二氧化碳浓度;检定中图分类号:TB9文献标识码:A 国家标准学科分类代码:42.55DOI : 2. C598/j. okn 254 - 6941.2521.5.053Veribcation Metiod of End - tibal Cardon Dioxibe inMulti - parrmeter MonitorYANG BitAbsOrct : Mule 一 parametec monitor is tee most commoo type of mooimrine equipmeee It is moshy used in emecheeco deqartmeqt, cordiovascelar deqartmeqt, ICU ant oteer deeartmeets. The acceraco of F s performatco is epe-ciaHo impoCdne F ot this caot, ee coyntre releesee ee mesucmett of multi - parametec monitor in 2219. The arifiedtiot pmluc JJG 1163 - 2219 coven the arifiedtiot of the fou parameterc of ECG , pulse 0X1061:10 , not- itvasiva Uloot pnsshn ant ent -corgot dioxide , ant the eriPcatiov of ont - corgot dioxipe for multi一 parametec monimrsis the fimi time it anpeari in the verificatiov. It the reaulatiots , thie articte O^ceses ot theverificatiov methot of eat - tidat coraot dioxide in muOi - parametec monitoia.Keywords : multi - parametec monitor ; eat - tidat dioxide ; veeficatiov1概述目前,很多手术室中使用的多参数监护仪多具备呼末二氧化碳监测的功能,它指人体呼气末期呼 出气体中二氧化碳的浓度(呼气周期内的峰值浓度),通常以分压形式表示;呼末二氧化碳浓度可用 来监测病人肺通气以及肺血流的情况,在呼吸功能不全、心肺复苏以及渠道全麻气管内插管的位置等 情况下普遍使用。


答,提高Kupffer细胞的免疫应答 抑制主要组织相容性复合体(MHC)Ⅱ类分子表达
❖ 胰岛素抵抗(Insulin Resistance,IR):是指胰岛素作用 的靶器官对胰岛素作用的敏感性下降,即正常剂量的胰岛 素产生低于正常生物学效应的一种状态。
❖ 内质网应激:是指由于某种原因使细胞内质网生理功能发 生紊乱的一种亚细胞器病理状态。
❖通用名: 牛磺熊去氧胆酸胶囊 ❖商品名: 滔罗特 ❖英文名: Taurolite ❖规格: 250mg/粒
溶解胆固醇结石,促进胆 500mg/日 石排出,预防结石形成 (8~10mg/kg/日)
疗程 6个月
❖ 对药物成分过敏者禁用 ❖ 消化性溃疡活动期禁用 ❖ 怀孕妇女禁用
专利产品 全球独家
❖ 意大利贝斯迪大药厂,成立于1910年,其产品 行销欧洲、亚洲、南美洲和非洲。
❖ 滔罗特,作为意大利贝斯迪大药厂的专利产品, 1991年获准生产,1993获美国专利。
❖ 国外用于临床十余年,疗效显著,无明显副作用。
❖ 2007年在中国上市。
❖ 每粒胶囊含 牛磺熊去氧胆酸( TUDCA ) 250mg

小 增加胆汁酸的
胆 胆固醇溶解能力
汁 减少胆囊蛋白分泌

水 拮抗疏水胆酸对胆囊

抑制 增加 减少
不能 不能 不能
抑制 增加 减少
能 能 能
作用最强 增加
作用最强 作用最强 作用最强






生工小鼠褪黑素 (MT)说明书

生工小鼠褪黑素 (MT)说明书



用 途:用于小鼠血清、血浆及相关液体样本中褪黑素(MT)测定。

工作原理本试剂盒采用的是生物素双抗体夹心酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA )测定样品中小鼠褪黑素(MT)水平。

向预先包被了小鼠褪黑素(MT)单克隆抗体的酶标孔中加入褪黑素(MT),温育;温育后,加入生物素标记的抗P 抗体。

再与链霉亲和素-HRP 结合,形成免疫复合物,再经过温育和洗涤,去除未结合的酶,然后加入底物A 、B ,产生蓝色,并在酸的作用下转化成最终的黄色。


试剂盒组成 试剂盒组成 48孔配置 96孔配置 保存 说明书 1份 1份 封板膜 2片(48) 2片(96) 密封袋 1个 1个 酶标包被板 1×48 1×96 2-8℃保存 标准品480pg/ml 0.5ml ×1瓶 0.5ml ×1瓶 2-8℃保存 标准品稀释液 3ml ×1瓶 6ml ×1瓶 2-8℃保存 链霉亲和素-HRP 3 ml ×1瓶 6 ml ×1瓶 2-8℃保存 生物素标记的抗P抗体 0.5ml ×1瓶 1 ml ×1瓶 2-8℃保存 显色剂A 液 3 ml ×1瓶 6 ml ×1瓶 2-8℃保存 显色剂B 液 3 ml ×1瓶 6 ml ×1瓶 2-8℃保存 终止液 3ml ×1瓶6ml ×1瓶2-8℃保存浓缩洗涤液 (20ml ×20倍)×1瓶 (20ml ×30倍)×1瓶 2-8℃保存需要而未提供的试剂和器材问题:1.如何保证我所取植物叶片大小中褪黑素的含量在标准曲线范围内 2.取样时间问题的确定 3.样品的制备方法1.37℃恒温箱。



自噬的抑制2009-06-07 18:33:44 来源:未知根据自噬形成的过程,自噬的抑制也分为不同的阶段,包括自噬的起始阶段,自噬泡和溶酶体融合阶段,以及溶酶体内的降解阶段。

目前常用的一些抑制药物如下:(1)对自噬体形成的抑制:主要是PI3K通路的抑制剂(如3-MA, Wortmannin,LY294002等),这些药物均可干扰或阻断自噬体形成。

3-甲基腺嘌呤(3-Methyladenine, 3-MA)是磷脂酰肌醇3激酶的抑制剂,可特异性阻断Autophagy中自噬体的形成,被广泛用作Autophagy的抑制剂。

另外,渥曼青霉素(Wortmannin)、LY294002 也可用作Autophagy的抑制剂。


巴伐洛霉素A1(Bafilomycin A1)是一种来源于灰色链霉菌的大环内酯类抗生素,分子式C35H58O9,是空泡型H+-ATP酶的特异性抑制剂,具有抗菌、抗真菌、抗肿瘤等作用。




(3)对溶酶体降解的抑制: 自噬体与溶酶体融合后最终被溶酶体中的水解酶水解,它首先经过囊泡酸化,达到所需的PH值后经多种蛋白酶作用使囊内容物降解,降解产物在细胞内再循环利用。


因此,蛋白酶抑制剂,如E64d、Pepstatin A等,在抑制溶酶体降解的过程中发挥着自噬抑制剂的作用。



荷兰阿姆斯特丹De Ruyterkade 6 bg
1013 AA









产品内容:产品名称规格Storage试剂(A):MDC Stain1ml-20℃避光试剂(B):10×Wash buffer20ml4℃试剂(C):Collection buffer10ml4℃产品说明:自噬(autophagy)是细胞受到刺激后吞噬自身的细胞质或细胞器,最终将吞食物在溶酶体内降解的过程,自噬体(autophagosome)为双层膜包被的圆形或椭圆形结构,内含细胞质、长寿蛋白质和异常蛋白聚集物,损伤或多余细胞器如线粒体、粗面内质网和微体、病毒和细菌等。




自备材料:荧光显微镜、低速离心机、EB、载玻片、盖玻片操作步骤(仅供参考):(一)、MDC单独染色:1、用去离子水稀释10×Wash buffer至1×。

2、800g离心5min,收集细胞,用300~400μl的1×Wash buffer清洗细胞1次,弃上清。

3、加入适量的1×Wash buffer重悬细胞,计数并调节细胞浓度至106/ml。

4、取适量90μl的细胞悬液至新的EP管中,加入10μl的MDC Stain,轻轻混匀。


6、800g离心5min,收集细胞,用300~400μl的1×Wash buffer清洗细胞2次,弃上清。

7、加入100μl的Collection buffer重悬细胞,滴加于载玻片上并加盖玻片。



线粒体自噬的英语Mitochondrial Autophagy: A Vital Process for Cellular HomeostasisMitochondria, often referred to as the "powerhouses" of cells, play a crucial role in cellular metabolism and energy production. These organelles are responsible for generating the majority of the cell's supply of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the primary energy currency of the cell. However, mitochondria are not just passive energy producers; they are dynamic structures that undergo constant remodeling and maintenance to ensure optimal function. One of the key mechanisms involved in this process is mitochondrial autophagy, also known as mitophagy.Autophagy is a fundamental cellular process in which damaged or unwanted components are engulfed and degraded within the cell. This process serves as a quality control mechanism, removing dysfunctional organelles, misfolded proteins, and other cellular debris to maintain cellular homeostasis. Mitophagy, a specialized form of autophagy, specifically targets and removes damaged or dysfunctional mitochondria, ensuring the overall health and efficiency of the cellular energy production system.The importance of mitophagy cannot be overstated. Impaired mitophagy has been linked to a variety of disease states, including neurodegenerative disorders, cardiovascular diseases, and metabolic disorders. When mitochondria become damaged or dysfunctional, they can release reactive oxygen species (ROS) and pro-apoptotic factors, leading to cellular stress and potentially triggering programmed cell death (apoptosis). Mitophagy serves as a protective mechanism, selectively removing these damaged mitochondria and preventing the propagation of cellular damage.The process of mitophagy is a highly regulated and complex event, involving a series of coordinated steps. The initial step involves the identification of damaged or dysfunctional mitochondria. This is typically achieved through the detection of specific molecular signals, such as the loss of membrane potential or the accumulation of misfolded proteins within the mitochondria. These signals trigger the recruitment of specialized proteins, known as mitophagy receptors, which act as the "tags" that mark the damaged mitochondria for removal.Once the mitochondria have been identified, the next step is the formation of the autophagosome, a double-membrane vesicle that engulfs the targeted mitochondria. This process is facilitated by a group of proteins known as the autophagy-related (Atg) proteins, which coordinate the assembly and maturation of theautophagosome. The autophagosome then fuses with the lysosome, an organelle rich in digestive enzymes, resulting in the degradation of the mitochondrial contents.The regulation of mitophagy is a delicate balance, as the process must be precisely controlled to ensure the appropriate removal of damaged mitochondria without compromising the overall cellular function. This regulation is achieved through a complex network of signaling pathways and transcriptional programs that respond to various cellular cues, such as oxidative stress, nutrient availability, and energy status.One of the key regulators of mitophagy is the PINK1/Parkin pathway, which has been extensively studied in the context of Parkinson's disease. In this pathway, the PINK1 protein acts as a sensor, detecting the loss of mitochondrial membrane potential and recruiting the E3 ubiquitin ligase Parkin to the damaged mitochondria. Parkin then ubiquitinates specific mitochondrial proteins, marking them for degradation and triggering the mitophagy process.In addition to the PINK1/Parkin pathway, other signaling cascades, such as the AMPK (AMP-activated protein kinase) and mTOR (mechanistic target of rapamycin) pathways, also play crucial roles in the regulation of mitophagy. These pathways respond to changes incellular energy status and nutrient availability, respectively, and modulate the activity of mitophagy-related proteins to maintain cellular homeostasis.The importance of mitophagy extends beyond its role in maintaining cellular health. Emerging evidence suggests that mitophagy may also be involved in various physiological processes, such as development, aging, and adaptation to environmental stressors. For instance, during embryonic development, mitophagy is crucial for the elimination of paternal mitochondria, ensuring the exclusive inheritance of maternal mitochondrial DNA.Furthermore, the dysregulation of mitophagy has been implicated in the pathogenesis of various age-related diseases, including neurodegenerative disorders, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer. Understanding the mechanisms underlying mitophagy and its role in these disease states has become a major focus of research in the field of cellular and molecular biology.In conclusion, mitochondrial autophagy, or mitophagy, is a vital process that ensures the proper maintenance and function of mitochondria within the cell. By selectively removing damaged or dysfunctional mitochondria, mitophagy plays a crucial role in maintaining cellular homeostasis and preventing the propagation of cellular damage. The regulation of mitophagy is a complex anddynamic process, involving a network of signaling pathways and transcriptional programs that respond to various cellular cues. Ongoing research in this field continues to shed light on the importance of mitophagy in both physiological and pathological conditions, paving the way for the development of potential therapeutic interventions targeting this crucial cellular process.。









过量的蛋白质分解产物( proteolysis)3。










过量的蛋白质分解产物( proteolysis)3。










Allegion 1 1 2 英寸门锁说明书

Allegion 1 1 2 英寸门锁说明书

*P515-748*P515-748B571 Thumbturn Deadbolt with Vacancy Indicator B581/F Thumbturn Deadbolt with Blank Cover Cerrojo de Pasador c on Cubierta Llana Cerrojo de Pasador c on Cilindro de Indicador Pêne Dormant avec Couverture Plaine Pêne Dormant avec Cylindre d’IndicateurB571 / B581 / B581FInstallation Instructions Instrucciones de instalaciónNotice d’installation1110479Turn to “Vacant”Gírelo a “vacant”Tourner à “vacant”B571: Indicator Must Be Centered in Door Hole B571: Indicador se debe centrar en agujero de puertaB571: Indicateur doit être centré dans le trou d’porteB581B571OR O OU5Top Tapa HautFor Wood DoorPara puerta de madera Por porte en boisFor Metal DoorPara puerta de metal Por porte en métalOR O OU¹⁄₈” (3 mm) Pilot HolesAgujeros de guía de 3 mm T rous pilote de 3 mmThumbturn points away from latch Mariposa señala lejos del pestillo Tourniquet se dirigeloin du verrouMeasure Door WidthMida el grosor de la puertaMeasurer l’èpaisseur de la porteBreak bar as indicatedRompa la barra según lo indicado Casser la barre comme indiqué2¹⁄₄” (57 mm)2” (51 mm)1⁷⁄₈” (48 mm)1⁵⁄₈” (41 mm)1¹⁄₂” (38 mm)1³⁄₈” (35 mm)Determine Driver Bar (F) LengthDetermine el tamaño de la barra impulsora (F)Determiner la longeur de la barre de transmission (F)ULB571: Ensure that “Vacant”is centered in its window before inserting driver barB571: Asegure que “Vacant” está centrada en su ventana antes de inserter la barraB571: Assurer que “Vacant” est centré dans sa fenêtre avant d’inserer le barre2 ³₄B581F: 1¹⁄₂” (38 mm) Hole OnlyNote : Screws (R) are required for UL/CUL ApplicationB581F: Agujero de 38 mm solamente Nota : Los tornillos (R) son requerido para la aplicación de UL/CUL B581F: Trou de 38 mm seulementNote : Les vis (R) sont requis pour le application d’UL/CULWood Block (not included)Bloque de madera (no incluido)Bloc en bois (non inclus)OR O OUTopTapa HautLatch Retracted Pasador contraído Le verrou rétractéB581F :2¹⁄₈” Hole Only: Insert UL Fire Cup (Q) Before Deadbolt Agujero de 54 mm: inserte la taza de UL (Q) antes del pasador Trou de 54 mm: insérer le tasse d’UL (Q) avant le pêne dormant2¹⁄₈” (54 mm)I n s i d e o f D o o rD e n t r o d e p u e r t a L'i n t ér i e u rd e p o r t e V A CA NT 67W o o d M a d e r a B o i sN P 1³⁄₁₆”(30m m)1¹⁄₂” (38m m ) ⁷⁄₈” (23m m )LM QAADERFor Strike Side of DoorPara el lado de placa hembra de la puerta Pour la côté de gâche de la porte⁵⁄₃₂”x 3”(4 mm x 76 mm)PGHFL。



分析检测二氧化硫残留量测定仪-电位滴定法测定食醋中不挥发酸含量谢永广,赵慧芳,杨 燕,谷晓霞(漯河市产品质量检验检测中心,河南漯河 462000)摘 要:为了简化国标《酿造食醋》(GB/T 18187—2000)中不挥发酸含量的检测方法,以二氧化硫残留量测定仪-电位滴定法测定食醋中不挥发酸的含量。



关键词:二氧化硫残留量测定仪;全自动电位滴定仪;不挥发酸Determination of Non-Volatile Acid in Vinegar by Potentiometric Titration with Sulfur Dioxide Residue AnalyzerXIE Yongguang, ZHAO Huifang, YANG Yan, GU Xiaoxia(Luohe Product Quality Inspection and Testing Center, Luohe 462000, China) Abstract: In order to simplify the determination method of non-volatile acid content in GB/T 18187—2000, the sulfur dioxide residue tester - potentiometric titration method was used to determine the content of non-volatile acid in vinegar. The results show that the relative deviations of the methods are less than 1%, and the recoveries range from 93.10% to 96.30%. The method has high precision, simple operation and is suitable for batch distillation and determination.Keywords: sulfur dioxide residue analyzer; automatic potentiometric titrator; non-volatile acid酿造食醋是日常烹饪中常用的调味品,一般由含有淀粉、糖的物料或者酒精,经过微生物发酵制成的液体调味品。

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Cottbus Timed Automata:Formal Definition and SemanticsDirk Beyer and Heinrich RustSoftware Systems Engineering Research GroupTechnical University CottbusD-03013Cottbus,Postfach101344,Germanydb|rust@informatik.tu-cottbus.deAbstract.We present a formalism for modular modelling of hybrid systems,the Cottbus Timed Automata.For the theoretical basis,we build on work about timed and hybrid automata.We use concepts from concurrencytheory to model communication of separately defined modules,but we extend these concepts to be able to expressexplicitly read-and write-access to signals and variables.1IntroductionThe programming of embedded systems which have to fulfill hard real-time requirements is becoming an increas-ingly important task in different application areas, medicine,in transport technology or in production au-tomation.The application of formal methods,i.e.of modelling formalisms and analysis methods having a sound mathematical basis,is expected to lead to the development of systems with less defects via a better understanding of critical system properties(cf.[Rus94]).In[BR98]a modelling notation is presented which allows to model hybrid systems in a modular way.It builds on the theoretical basis used in tools like UppAal[BLL96],Kronos[DOTY96]and HyTech[HHWT95].In these for-malisms and tools,finite automata are used to model the control component of an automaton,and analogue variables which may vary continuously with time are used to model the non-discrete system components of a hybrid system. Partial automata of a larger system communicate via CSP-like synchronization labels(cf.[Hoa85]).Algorithms for these kinds of models have been presented in[ACD93]and[HNSY94].In[BR98],we presented a refined notation which introduces the following concepts:–Hierarchy:Subsystem descriptions can be grouped.Interfaces and local components are separated.–Explicit handling of different types of communication signals:We allow to express explicitly that an event is an input signal for an automaton,an output signal,or a multiply restricted signal.–We allow to express explicitly that an analogue variable is accessed by an automaton as output,as input,or that it is multiply restricted.–Automatical completion of automata for input signals.Input signals are events which an automaton must always admit.If there are configurations of an automaton in which the reaction to an input signal is not defined,it is understood that the automaton enters an error state.–Recurring subsystem components do not have to be multiply defined.They are instantiated from a common module type.The differentiation between different roles of signals in an automaton has been used in the definition of IO-automata[LT87]and extended to hybrid systems in[LSVW96].In[AH97],another approach is presented to de-scribe modular hybrid systems.It builds on reactive modules[AH96]and extends them with continuously changing variables.2Formal definitionOur semantics for the basic underlying model is similar to that of[Hen96].We extend it by formalizing our concepts of different types of input,output,multiply restricted and locally defined signals and variables,and by formalizing what it means to instantiate a module in a context module.2.1Hybrid automataThe basic concept in our formalization is the hybrid automaton.Definition1.(Value assignments,configurations,hybrid automata)A hybrid automaton consists of the fol-lowing components:–:Afinite set of discrete states.–:Afinite set of signals.–:Afinite set of analogue variables.Variables are used in value assignments.A value assignment for a set of variables is a member from the set of functions.An element is called configuration.It consists of a state of the automaton and a value assignment to its variables.A set of configurations is called a region.–:An initial condition,described as a set of configurations.–:Afinite set of transitions.–inv:A function associating an invariant to each state.The invariant is a set of value assignments.–deriv:A function associating a set of admissible derivatives to each state.In thefinite set of variables there is for each variable the corresponding element which is used to define admissible time derivatives of the variable.While the automaton remains in a state the continuous changes of a variable are defined by theirfirst time derivative.–trans:A function associating a starting state and a target state to each transition.–guard:A function associating a guard with each transition.–sync:A function associating a signal or no signal to each not a signal;it is the value of sync for transitions without a signal.–allowed:A function associating with each transition a function which transforms a value assignment into one of a set of value assignments.The aim of this function is to restrict changes which may occur in any environment.–initiated with initiated(t)(a)allowed(t)(a):A function associating with each transition a function which transforms a value assignment into one of a set of value assignments.In contrast to’allowed’the aim of this function is to restrict changes which occur without an environment.For each and guard,the set initiated must be nonempty.This condition ensures that the ’initiated’or’allowed’component can not inhibit a discrete transition to be taken.A further restrictions is:For each,there is an element of with the following properties:–trans–guard true–sync–initiated–allowedThese transitions are no-op transitions.The subset of consisting of all no-op transitions is referred to by’noop’. The’allowed’function of no-op transitions does not exclude any resulting value,and’initiated’defines that no variable value changes.Notational convention:A typical case to use the’initiated’predicate is to restrict variables which are not restricted by any parallel transition.If there is a variable which does not occur ticked in at least one inequation of the ALLOW clause,then this does not mean that the whole range of is possible.For a variable which does not occur ticked in’ALLOW’the meaning is that this transition does not change the value of the variable.Transitions of environmental automata are allowed to restrict the variable.But if no automaton restricts the variable in its transition in the same point in time,then we use the information of the’initiated’set which contains typically the additional restriction.To express that the whole range of is possible for after a transition,one might use the clause ALLOW OR.In our notation we only use the typical case described above.Perhaps there are other useful aspects for a more general use of the’initiated’set,but we did not yetfind them,and thus we restrict our notation to have an easy to use syntax.Thus,in the INITIATE clause would be only restrictions of the form for each variable(set of variables known by the automaton),if does not occur ticked in ALLOW.The consequence for us is to generate the’initiated’set automatically,i.e.we do not have a syntactical clause for INITIATE in our notation.Note.All variables which occur in an’ALLOW’clause must be declared as OUTPUT,LOCAL,or MULTREST.Fig.1.Fischer’s mutual exclusion protocol2.2IllustrationTo show the intention of the hybrid automata we display the automata for Fischer’s timing-based mutual exclusion protocol in Fig.1(cf.[Lam87]).In our Fischer automaton a process is modelled by four states.The initial state is the state Uncritical,which models the uncritical section,and the initial value of the shared variable is.From this state only one transition is possible:If the shared variable signifies that no process is in the critical section then the process can try to enter the critical section.It enters the state modelling the Assign statement.The clock(with time derivation in all states)measures the time staying in this state,and the invariant forces to leave the state after at most time,which models the maximal time needed by the assign statement of the process.Then the transition to the Wait state sets the variable to the number of the process.In this state we have to wait at least time to give other processes a chance to set to its process number.After time the process can decide to enter the critical section if.Otherwise it goes back to the uncritical section.Leaving the critical section the automaton sets to value to signify that the resource is free again.’Allowed’and’Initiated’.Now we give an intention of our double transition predicates.The ALLOW clause at transition of process defines both the’allowed’set and the’initiated’set.The restriction for the’allowed’set is,which defines the new value of variable after the transition is taken.The’initiated’set is additionally restricted by the notational convention given after Definition1above:AND.Thus variable is notchanged by this transition although could be changed by a transition executed in parallel to this transition.The advantage of the distinction beetween’allowed’and’initiated’is that we can express that the value of a variable is not changed by a transition in one automaton,but this transition allows a value change by a transition in a parallel automaton.If,for example,is in state and it takes transition then we have two possible situations in process:12MODULE Process{3//Constants for time bounds.4INPUT5//a is the maximal time the modelled assignment k:=1needs.6a:CONST;7//b is the minimal time the process waits for assignments8//initiated from other processes.9b:CONST;10processNo:CONST;//Parameter for significant value of k.11MULTREST12k:DISCRETE;//k is the flag for announcement.13LOCAL14x:CLOCK;//A clock to measure the time in a state.1516INITIALIZATION{STATE(Fischer)=uncritical AND k=0;}1718AUTOMATON Fischer{19STATE uncritical{DERIV{DER(x)=1;}20TRANS assign{GUARD{k=0;}21ALLOW{x’=0;}}}22STATE assign{INV{x<=a;}23DERIV{DER(x)=1;}24TRANS wait{ALLOW{x’=0AND25k’=processNo;}}}26STATE wait{DERIV{DER(x)=1;}27TRANS uncritical{GUARD{x>=b AND28k<>processNo;}}29TRANS critical{GUARD{x>=b AND30k=processNo;}}}31STATE critical{DERIV{DER(x)=1;}32TRANS uncritical{ALLOW{k’=0;}}}33}34}3536MODULE System{37LOCAL38a=3:CONST;b=3:CONST;39pNo1=1:CONST;pNo2=2:CONST;40MULTREST41k:DISCRETE;4243INST Process1FROM Process WITH{44a AS a;45b AS b;46processNo AS pNo1;47k AS k;48}49INST Process2FROM Process WITH{50a AS a;51b AS b;52processNo AS pNo2;53k AS k;54}55}56Fig.2.Fischer’s Protocol:An example for a CTA model–takes at the same point in time.The only valid value of variable is because of the ALLOW clause of .–If does not take in parallel,then the’initiated’set of process forces(because of,and by guard).To present our notation we show the textual version of the system in Fig.2.Implicit invariants and guards are understood to be true.The instantiation concept used in the module is explained in the sequel of the paper.The semantics of a hybrid automaton will be defined formally in the next section.2.3Labeled transition system semantics of hybrid automataNotation.For a real and two value assignments and,let denote the function, and let denote the funtion.time is a function describing how the passage of some time changes a configuration when a time derivative for the variable values isfixed:timeWe use the dot notation to address the component of.A hybrid automaton can perform time transitions and discrete transitions.Definition2.(Time transitions and discrete transitions of a hybrid automaton)Let be a hybrid automaton.time is the set of time transitions of.It is defined as the following set:.derivtimetime.invdiscrete is the set of discrete transitions of.It is defined as the following set:.trans.guard.initiatedsyncIllustration.We illustrate these definitions with our example in Figure1:If the automaton has entered state Assign then the variable has the value0and thefirst time derivative of is1.In this situation the following time transitions are possible:For each time in the interval(a is the upper bound for in the invariant) the automaton may take the time transition to the configuration Assign with(is the value assignment).The other possibility is to take the discrete transition to state Wait leading to the configuration Wait where is not changed by the transition.Note.For discrete transitions the invariant is irrelevant.An invariant which is identically false can be used to con-struct urgent states,i.e.states in which time cannot pass.The state component of the configuration may not change in a time transition.In the definition of the set of discrete transitions,the signals and the’allowed’function are not used.Their meaning is defined later,when we consider the parallel composition of automata.We will define a transition system semantics for hybrid automata.Definition3.(Labeled transition system)A labeled transition system consists of the following components:–A(possibly infinite)set of states,with a subset of initial states.–A set of labels.–A set of transitions.The transition system corresponding to a hybrid automaton is defined in the following way:Definition4.Let be a hybrid automaton.The labeled transition system ts corresponding to is defined in the following way:–tsdef.–tsdef.–ts.def–tstime discrete.defNote.The state space of the transition system consists of the configurations of the hybrid automaton.The set of starting states in the transition system is defined via the inital condition of the hybrid automaton.The transitions of the transition system are all time transitions and all discrete transitions of the transition system.2.4Parallel composition of hybrid automataIn this section,we define what it means for two hybrid automata to be composed parallely.We define the extension of a value assignment or a configuration by not restricting the values for the added variables,and some further notation.Notation.For a tuple of length,with is a projection operator:it selects the’th element.For a function,we write dom for its domain and ran for its range.For a function with domain and with,we write for the restriction of to.For a set of functions,is the result of applying componentwise.Let be a set of configurations over the states and the variable assignments for,letbe a set of variable assignments for,and let be a superset of.Then,the extensions of and to,written extend and extend,are defined as follows:extenddefextenddefModular specification makes it necessary to combine several hybrid automata.Definition5.(Parallel composition of hybrid automata)Let and be two hybrid automata.Their parallel composition is defined in the following way(cf.[Hen96]for the general principle):–def–def–defextend extend–def–defsync syncsync noopsync noopextend inv extend inv–invdefextend deriv extend deriv–derivdef–transdeftrans transtrans trans–syncdefif syncthen syncelse sync–alloweddefextend allowedextend allowed–For the definition of’initiated’we need to refer the set of variables which are not restricted in the corresponding ’ALLOW’clause.We call this set’Unmentioned’.initiated defallowedextend–guarddefextend guardextend guardallowedNote.The set of transitions of the parallel composition consists of pairs of transitions which have to be executed together.The no-op transitions defined to be in ensure that independent transitions in the two automata can be executed independently in the parallel composition.For non-synchronizing pairs of transitions,at least one of the paired transitions must be a no-op transition.We include the information in the guard that the intersection of the allowed-sets for a value assignment is empty or nonempty.In this way,the restriction for initiated-sets and allowed-sets in hybrid automata,i.e.that they have to be nonempty for value assignments in the guard,is trivially fulfilled for transitions with contradicting allowed-sets.The parallel composition allows all transformations of value assignments which are allowed by.allowed and ’.allowed.If we do not restrict a variable in the’allowed’-set of a transition,this means that we do not restrict the value of this variable after the transition has been taken.If no other automaton restricts this variable,it may get any value from the whole range of.But we often want to express that any change may happen to the variable during the transition,but that the given automaton itself on its own would not change the value.The solution to this problem is:If no automaton restricts a variable and we would like to express that its value does not change,we set a restriction in’initiated’that has the same value as before the transition.The parallel composition of two hybrid automata is again a hybrid automaton:Proposition6.Let and be two hybrid automata.Then is also a hybrid automaton.Notation.(Parallel composition of several automata)Let be a nonemptyfinite set of hybrid automata.Then denotes a parallel composition of all elements of in some order.Note.Different orders of the automata from lead to different automata,but with respect to the communication behaviour they are isomorphic.2.5Hybrid modulesHybrid modules are hybrid automata with partitions of the variables and signals into input,output,multiply restricted and local sets.Thus,hybrid modules encapsulate those of our new concepts which concern the interface specification of a CTA modules.Definition7.(Hybrid modules)A hybrid module consists of the following components:–:A hybrid automaton.–:The signals of the hybrid module are those of the hybrid automaton.–:The set of input signals.–:The set of output signals.–:The set of multiply restricted signals.–:The set of locally defined signals.–:The variables of the hybrid module are those of the hybrid automaton.–:The set of input variables.–:The set of output variables.–:The set of multiply restricted variables.–:The set of locally defined variables.These components have to fulfill the following axioms:–,,and are a partition of.This means that they are pairwise disjoint,and their union is .–For each and each,the following holds:Let be the set of transitions of starting at and marked with.The disjunction of the guards of is identically true.–,,and are a partition of.–For each,the following two conditions hold:For eachderivextend derivFor each and each guard:allowedextend alloweda’.initiated(t)(a):a’()=a()Note that the operation‘’is used in the last two formulas as componentwise domain restriction for a set of functions.Note.These definitions encapsulate our decisions for the difference between input signals and the other signals,and between input variables and the other variables.Note that output,multiply restricted and local signals and variables are not differentiated by these definitions.The differences between these concepts will be defined when we consider hybrid compositions.The definition for input signals can be interpreted as follows:For each input signal and each state of the automa-ton,some transition labeled with the signal can always be taken.In this way the automaton does not restrict the input signal and thus it is not to blame for a time deadlock.The multiply restricted components are available for all access modes.A module as well as the environment for which a signal or variable is declared as MR can restrict the component in any way.The definitions for input variables can be interpreted as follows:–The derivation for an input variable may not be restricted in the deriv-set of any state of the automaton.–The value of an input variable after a transition may not be restricted in the allowed-set of any value assignment in a transition.–In difference to’allowed’,input variables can be restricted in’initiated’to reflect that the value of the input variable is not changed by this automaton.2.6Compatibility of hybrid modulesTo build a composition of hybrid modules we need some restrictions to ensure that the composition is a hybrid module again.For the definition of compatibility we need some notation.Notation.Let be afinite,nonempty set of hybrid modules().Let be afinite set of signals with(we use the symbol for the disjoint union)and be afinite set of variables()for each module.Let be the set of signals which are used at most as input signal in all the modules.These are the signals which the product automaton must not restrict.If is a tuple,then denotes.The set of all combinations of transitions(from modules of the set)which are synchronized with input signal is given by the following function:,defined by:def syncsyncnoopFurthermore we need a function t to get the set of all tuples of transitions synchronized with for a given signal and a starting state:,defined by:def transNow we can define the compatibility of hybrid modules.Definition8.(Compatibility of sets of hybrid modules)A nonempty,finite set of hybrid modules is compati-ble if and only if there is a set which is partitioned into four subsets,,and,the input,output, multiply restricted and locally defined signals of the hybrid composition,and a set which is partitioned into four subsets,,and,the input,output,multiply restricted and locally defined variables of the hybrid composition,such that the following conditions hold:munication through common components:2.Hiding of local components:age of input components:age of output components:5.Avoiding restriction of input signals:Let be the set of all variables.guardallowedNote. 1.Elements of can at most communicate through elements of and.This means that for different hybrid modules in a hybrid composition,common signals and common variables must be elements of and.2.The local signals and variables of different modules are different and the local signals and variables of a hybridmodule are not used outside the hybrid module.3.Input signals and input variables of the hybrid composition are not used as output or multiply restricted signalsor variables in the component modules.4.Output signals of a hybrid module may at most be used as input signals in the context of the hybrid module,and those of them which are members of the signals of the containing hybrid composition must be either locally defined or output signals.The analogue proposition is true for variables.5.To avoid the restriction of input signals we have to ensure that at every point in time a transition is enabledto synchronize with an input signal.Thus we have to fulfill the condition that for each input signal in each state tuple the disjunction of the common guards is identically true and the’allowed’set does not forbid any transition.To construct this condition,we take the conjunction of the guards from all transitions in the common transition(note that the guards from no-op transitions are true)and then we have to subtract the guards,for which a common assignment is not possible.2.7Hybrid compositionsWe define hybrid compositions as parallel composition of hybrid modules.Definition9.(Hybrid compositions)A hybrid composition is a tuple,where is thefinite set of signals,is thefinite set of variables and is a compatible set of hybrid modules.The definitions for hybrid compositions contain some of the most important of the concepts we introduce in this work.They allow to structure a system into subsystems,and they contain the core of the concepts used to differentiate between different kinds of signals and variables.What is missing is the possibility to define hierarchical systems.We allow this by defining a hybrid module which is equivalent to a given hybrid composition.The component modules in a hybrid composition can be combined to a hybrid automaton.This yields a hybrid module corresponding to the hybrid composition:Definition10.Let be a hybrid composition.The hybrid module described by the function hymod()correspond-ing to is aflattened version of this hybrid composition.We define the function hymod in the following way:–hymoddef–hymoddef–hymoddef–hymoddef–hymodhymod hymod hymod hymoddef–hymoddef–hymoddef–hymoddef–hymoddef–hymodhymod hymod hymod hymoddef–hymoddefNote11.The local signals and variables of the hybrid module corresponding to a given hybrid composition consist of the local signals and variables of the hybrid composition itself and of all signals rsp.variables of component modules which do not occur as interface signals rsp.variables of the hybrid composition.Note12.To get the product automaton for the whole composition we have to generate the product of all the sets of automata contained in the component modules.Proposition13.(hymod defines a hybrid module for a hybrid composition)Let be a hybrid composition.Then hymod is a hybrid module.Proof outline.We have to show that the function produces a hybrid automaton which fulfills the axioms in Definition7.Thefirst and the third axioms are fulfilled by the construction of the partitioned sets of signals and variables.The second axiom requires that the construction of the product automaton has to be stable according to the completness of the guards for input signals.It is fulfilled by the compatibility of the hybrid modules in the composition.Item7of Definition8,which ensures that no transition is avoided by an empty allowed-intersection, makes it possible to construct the product automaton.The fourth axiom requires that no input variable is restricted by neither the derivative function nor the allowed function.This is fulfilled because the intersection of some deriv sets(rsp.allowed sets),which do not restrict the input variable,does not restrict,too.For nonrestricted variables(i.e.those which do not occur ticked in the’ALLOW’clause)the initiated set does not change the values. Thus the constructed sets for derivations,allowed and initiated sets fulfill the conditions in Definition7.2.8Instantiation of hybrid modulesOften it is helpful to use several similar hybrid modules as components in a hybrid composition.For this,we will use instantiations of an existing hybrid module.Definition14.(Hybrid instantiations)Let and be hybrid modules with disjoint sets of signals and vari-ables.A hybrid instantiation of module for use in module consists of the following components:–:The instantiated hybrid module.–:The context module in which is instantiated.–ident:An identification function assigning to each element of a subset of the signals and variables of a signal or a variable of.’ident’has to fulfill the following conditions:Signals are mapped to signals and variables are mapped to variables.The function’s domain does not contain local signals or variables of the instantiated hybrid module:dom identThe function identifies different signals and variables of the context module with different signals and variables of the instantiated hybrid module:ident is injectiveOutput signals and variables of the instantiated module may at most be identified with local or output signals rsp.variables of the containing module:ran identran identMultiply restricted signals and variables of the instantiated module may not be identified with input signals rsp.input variables of the containing module:ran identran identIf and are both instantiated in a module,different output signals of and may not be identified with the same signal in,because this would mean that the signals are in fact multiply restricted. The same holds for variables.Outputs may only be identified with inputs of parallel modules.We encapsulate this observation in another definition.Definition15.(Consistency of sets of hybrid instantiations)A set of hybrid instantiations for which the con-text module is identical is said to be consistent if for different elements and of,the following two properties hold:ran identran identran identandran identran identran identNotation.(Renaming signals and variables of a hybrid automaton)Let be a hybrid automaton and be a hybrid module.Let the signals and variables of and of be disjunct.Let be a function from a subset ofto.We denote the renaming of by by.rename.This is the hybrid automaton resulting from by replacing each signal and variable in the domain of by the value yields for it.。
