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Skritter使用说明登录您的账号,将出现如下界面:在导航栏,点击“vocabulary”, 选择您想学习的汉字,如箭头所示,将会出现如下界面:如图所示,Skritter有不同种类的学习资源可供选择,点击“textbook”,你就可以选择想要的课本进行学习,如箭头所示,这样,将出现如下界面:假设想学习“All Things Considered”, 则点击它,将出现如下界面:单击“Study List”, 如红色箭头所示,就能选择您所想学习的课文生字生词;如果您想自己制定一份字词表,单击“More Action”下的“Remix”,如绿色箭头所示。


如下所示:点击“practice”, 将出现如下的界面:在您已经添加好的学习资源中,选择想学习的一个资源,并点击该学习资源前的“Cram”, 如箭头所示,将出现如下界面,此时可以开始学习了:根据汉语拼音和英语的提示,您可以用鼠标开始学习汉字,窗口下面还有工具栏可以供您选择:这些图标的功能如下:“back”:返回上一个练习的字“erase”:更正写错了的字或笔画“show”:若您无法根据汉语拼音和英语解释写出该汉字,则可以点击“show”查看该字。



(2)若双击了“next”, 则进入到下一个字的学习中。

下面几幅图片将给您更形象的感受:根据汉语拼音和英语解释,可知练习的汉字是“坐”,如果不知道,可点击“show”查看,拖动鼠标开始写汉字,如下所示:继续拖动鼠标就可以写好“坐”字,这时,单击“next”,出现上面所说的声调符号,如下所示:假设选择的是二声,则会出现如下反馈:如图所示,Skritter 能告诉您正确的声调,如果您想知道这个汉字的发音,则可以点击屏幕上方的扬声器图标,如箭头所示。

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34 /arcuserThis is the story of how the manager of a small city in West Virginia came up with a big idea: convert the city council agenda from a drab document to a lively account of municipal business using an Esri Story Maps app.The agenda is a tried and true document that guides city council meetings. It lists items up for discussion or vote. Typically written in a bureaucratic style and void of visuals, the agenda is often posted as a PDF on a city government’s website.That’s no longer true in Oak Hill, West Virginia, where the city council replaced a static agenda with an animated story map to guide its monthly meetings. Using the Esri Story Map Series app, the city’s lone GIS employee Marvin Davis creates an itemized, in-teractive agenda describing each item and providing maps, photo-graphs, and links to documents such as reports, legal notices, and correspondence.Oak Hill is a city of 8,500 people that lies just west of the New River Gorge National River, a 70,000-acre national park. Earlier this year, Esri account manager Daniel Peters showed city manager Bill Hannabass an Esri story map and he immediately thought, “Gosh, I could use that for the council presentation. It’s visual.”Hannabass used maps to view assets when he served in the US Army. “I lived and died by maps,” as he remembers it. He was naturally drawn to the ability of maps to tell a story visu-ally and tell it quickly. He was also impressed that the cloud-based interactive maps from the city’s ArcG IS Online organization ac-count could be used in story maps. Esri Story Maps apps are currently available at no additional cost to ArcGIS Online account holders like the City of Oak Hill.Davis, the G IS coordinator, was given the task of turning the month-ly city council agenda into a story map. Davis selected the Story Map Series app with the side accordionlayout. Because that layout automatically builds a numbered list of items that run down the left side of the story map, Davis just writes a short header and one line of text that describes each agenda item; adds a related map or a photo; and then creates links to any other images, legal documents, notices, or correspondence.A More Informed View ofCity BusinessBy Carla Wheeler, ArcWatch EditorOne agenda item Davis worked on for the April city council meet-ing dealt with structural inspection board recommendations on several buildings around town that needed to be repaired or demol-ished. Davis mapped the buildings’ locations in the story map and added links to images of those structures and related documents such as demolition orders and bids. “It makes [the agenda] informa-tive,” Davis said. He said the story map format gives those looking at the agenda the geographic context of the issue, and all the informa-tion on it is at their fingertips.Oak Hill City Council members and local media outlets receive story map agendas in a ShareFile packet that Hannabass sends in an email prior to meetings. During the city council meetings, Hannabass also goes through each numbered item on the story map agenda, which is displayed on two screens in City Hall.Agenda items often have geographic reference points, so Hannabass said using a story map as an agenda makes it easy for him to answer questions if onecomes up. “If there are four dilapi-dated structures that I have to tear down and someone asks [about a particular building], ‘What street is that one on?’, I can pull up a map,” Hannabass said.Because photos and legal or other types of documents can be linked in the story map, those are easy to access and view, too, if necessary. No longer does Hannabass need to display the agenda as35/arcuser Special Sectiona Microsoft Word document or PowerPoint presentation. Gone are the PDFs or scanned images of maps. If anyone asks him a question, Hannabass has “a ton of information” to dig into. “You don’t have a ton of boring PDFs to flip through.”Hannabass said online story maps are an excellent medium for sharing information to a city council, board of directors, or other group—public or private. People are often overwhelmed by reams of paper they receive before a meeting. “Our council packets were three to five inches thick,” Hannabass said. “It is crazy to have that much paperwork.”He put an end to paper-based agendas in Oak Hill some time ago. According to Davis, Hannabass has been a strong advocate for a mu-nicipal GIS. He brought Davis on board as GIS coordinator and recent-ly helped negotiate an enterprise license agreement between thecity and Esri.That agreement, scheduled to begin in July 2018, will in-crease the number of city employees with access to GIS and beef up capabilities to do analysis. “Hannabass has been my biggest cham-pion here,” Davis said.The city also plans to share the city council story map agendas online with the public soon, making it easier for Oak Hill residents to stay informed about what’s happening in their community. Right now, city council members and the media can study the city coun-cil agenda plus all the related documents in one online app beforeå GIS coordinator Marvin Davis turns the monthly city council agenda into a story map. For each item, he adds a related map or a photo and creates links to any related images or documents.meetings begin.“That is transparency that is beyond what is typical,” Hannabass said. “It [will] be more transparent on the website.”Davis said that there’s often a geographic component to city business, which is why sharing information via a story map agenda makes perfect sense. If viewers want to take a closer look, for exam-ple, at zoning designations or a proposed new one-way street on a story map, they can just pan around and zoom in on the geographic locations. A PDF or a scanned image of a map restricts their view. “I am biased,” said Davis, referring to his interest in geogra-phy and his job in GIS. “But I think [the story map agenda] offers a more informed view. You are able to look at pertinent documentationand a map.”Since Esri released the first Esri Story Mapsapp in 2014, people around the world have built more than 600,000 story maps. Oak Hill’s story map designed specifically for city council agendas seems to be a first. The city’s adoption of the Story Map Series app to produce the agendas impressed Allen Carroll, who leads the Esri Story Maps team and is program manager of storytelling.“We’re always thrilled to see fresh and unexpected new uses of Esri Story Maps,” Carroll said. “Oak Hill’s use of our Story Map Series app to present its council agenda is a delightful example of the versa-tility and power of map-based storytelling.”æ Davis says the story map format gives those looking at theagenda the geographic context of the issue and all the related information.。



C-Day Project Video GuideRead this entire document before you start your project. If you wait, you may find that you missed something that would have helped had you known it earlier.Video Presentation of Your ProjectEach project team is expected to create a short video (five minutes maximum) to show off their project. Dr. Peltsverger will upload your video to YouTube and make it available to the judges. The project teams are encouraged to be creative in making your videos. This will be easiest if you collect material for the video during the course of the project.Requirements of the Short Video1.The video should have appropriate title and ending credits.2.The video should have 1280×720 or 1920×1080 resolution. The length of the video must notexceed three minutes.3.Acceptable types of videosa.Mini movie like – composed of the pictures, screen shots, or short clips. Example:ht tps:///watch?time_continue=22&v=2-wZPtfgRCw&feature=emb_logob.System demonstration – show how the developed system works. Example:https:///watch?v=3iykKVIE4-s&feature=youtu.bec.Explanation of project – use PowerPoint slides or a poster to introduce your project andexplain what you have done in this project. Example:https:///watch?v=jv0-z6Sosfw&feature=youtu.beYou may combine video types. For example, you could use PowerPoint to explain the project and a system demonstration (screencast) to show how the system works. You will need video editing software (see below) to do this. To combine video formats successfully, all parts need to have the same height and width. If you’re going to try this, experiment very early so that you have time to make adjustments. You don’t have to be finished; just do a little bit of each format, combine them, and be sure the pieces fit.About the Contents of Your VideoYou’ve worked on your project all semester; you won’t be able to explain everything in five minutes. You’ll have to focus on the important points. Tell people:•What you did•Why it’s important•Some, or maybe only one, of the problems you encountered and how you overcame them.Submitting Your VideoYour video file name must be the same as your C-Day project ID. Upload your video to th e correct SharePoint location listed on the Instructions for poster, slide, and presentation submission on the Student Information page for C-Day.Your video must be submitted not later than the date given in the C-Day Student Information web page: https:///computing-showcase/student-information.phpThe Capstone Program Coordinator will place your video in the C-Day YouTube channel, and Dr. Peltsverger will link it to the C-Day Program.Project Video Best Practices•Quality is important. A slick presentation won’t conceal poor scholarship, but a presentation with obvious faults can detract from even the best project. Be sure the video images are clear, not blurred, and not shaky. Use a good microphone and be sure you’re close enough to it. Try to record in a place that’s free from extraneous background noise.•Organize your presentation. Like a written document, your presentation should have an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. Your time is limited, so make introduction andconclusion short, but don’t leave them out.•Use a script for narration. A script will let you capture all the important points and make your presentation go more smoothly. Don’t worry if you depart from the script slightly, just be sure what you say covers the important points that you included in the script. Pro tip:PowerPoint allows you to include speaker notes with every slide. If you have two monitors, you can display the slides on one and the notes on the other. This is called “presentationmode” and is selected on the Slideshow tab.•Brighten things up with faces. Your video is about your project, but it’s also about you, the students who completed the project. People want to see you. Consider including a “talking head” narration as part of your video, or use still photographs. You might include a group picture of the team in your introduction. Take pictures throughout the semester and consider whether any of them will add to your video.•Brighten things up with pictures. If your project involved building an artifact, include pictures of it. If you have charts or graphs, include the most important of them. Don’t add irrelevant images.•Brighten things up with music. A little music at the beginning or end can brighten up a video.A lot of music will bore your audience; they want to know about your project, not hear aconcert. For an introduction, seven to ten seconds is plenty.•Copyright,a word of warning: Your video will be on the C-Day channel on YouTube.YouTube automatically scans uploads for copyright violations and may remove videos that appear to violate others’ rights. If you’re going to use a little music or a video clip fromelsewhere, be sure you have the legal right to use it. Then, make a test video with your extra content and upload the test video directly to YouTube. Do this early to be sure it’s not going tobe flagged by YouTube. One source of royalty-free music is https:/// Remember, seven to ten seconds only.•Beware of “voice over music.” It takes both special equipment and special expertise to make this work. Without both, you make the spoken part difficult to understand. Our advice: don’t.•Beware of “waving the cursor.” Unless you’re demonstrating an application, the mouse cursor should not appear in your video. At all! In particular, don’t try to use the mouse cursor as a pointer to emphasize parts of a screen. Most video software has a way of addingannotations to the video, so use an arrow, a circle, or something similar to point out a particular item. If you’re using PowerPoint, you can use animations to have shapes like circles or arrows appear and disappear. Use fade-in and fade-out for the animation effect, and use the default (fast) speed. Avoid the more complex animations.•Test early: Record some material using the setup you’re going to use for the final presentation.Set your computer’s audio to 50% volume, play back your clip, and stand ten feet away. Does it sound like the speaker is mumbling? Now set the audio to 100% and play it again. Does the audio over drive the computer’s speakers and distort what’s being said? Adjust as needed.Similarly, do a dry-run test of the video technique you intend to use and check for quality of the result.Resources for Video ProductionMS TeamsIf you want to create a “recorded presentation” style of video, one way is to use MS Teams which is part of MS Office 365 Suite; you all have free license to this software.Notes:a)Finished recordings will be uploaded under the user account that initiated the recording. All participants in the meeting will be able to access the video to view, but only owners of the video will be able to download the recording.b). Recordings will be available on Microsoft Stream for a period of 30 days after the encoding period. After this time, the video will be purged. It is strongly recommended that users download a copy of the video for archival purposes before the 30 days has expiredRecording a meeting within MS Teamshttps:///files/pr_app_uni_cdoc/doc/Microsoft_Teams_Recording_Downloading _Meetings.pdf.1.Open your presentation slides2.Start MS Teams meeting and share your slides. Click on “Share your desktop” button next tomicrophone button on the Teams menu bar. Select the presentation slides app window.3.Start recording following instructions in “Recording a meeting within MS Teams Tutorial”.4.Start your presentation. Once done, end the recording.5.The recording will be available under the Posts tab. The initiator of the meeting will receive anemail with the link to the meeting.6.Click on the recording link in email. Or go to recording under “Team/Posts” and choose“Open in Microsoft Stream” from pop up menu (see tutorial in step 3). The recording will be opened in Microsoft Stream. Download the video following the instructions in “Recording a meeting within MS Teams Tutorial”.7.Edit the recording using a video production application and upload it to OneDrive as describedabove.Using MacOS•Screen recording (embedded in MacOS Mojave or later): https:///en-us/ HT208721•Video editing and production (iMovie, embedded in MacOS):https:///video-tutorials/getting-started-imovie/•Use an existing iMovie theme: https:///2017/09/30/using-themes-in-imovie/Using MS Windows•Screen capture (built into Windows 10): https:///how-to/how-to-capture-video-clips-in-windows-10 (To exit capture mode: Windows+I → gaming →game bar off.)•Video editing and production (Movie Maker, free for Windows users):https:///en-us/p/movie-maker-10free/9mvfq4lmz6c9?activetab=pivot:overviewtab•Tutorial: https:///computing/how-to-use-windows-movie-maker/ Other Video Capture and Editing softwareThe Snagit software from Techsmith (https:///screen-capture.html) provides screen capture, webcam recording, and video editing in an inexpensive package for Windows or MacOS. There is a 30-day free trial, which might be long enough to allow you to complete your project video. The software is available to students at an education price of about $30. There’s a list of additional screen capture software here:https:///blog/10-best-screen-recording-software-for-windows-free-and-paidAbout PowerPoint and VideosThe default resolution for wide-screen PowerPoint is 1280×720. If you want 1920×1080, in the “Design” tab, select “Side size” and enter 1920px for width and 1080px for height. PowerPoint will convert pixels to inches for you. This must be the first thing you do. If you try to change the slide size after you’ve added content, you risk having your content distorted.Before recording your PowerPoint, on the “Transitions” tab, select “Fade,” then click “apply to all.” Leave the options at their default values. Don’t try to use the more complex transitions; they’ll distract from your presentation.KSU PowerPoint templates are available here: https:///downloads.php PowerPoint has a mechanism for producing video from slide shows. You show the slides, capture the narration with a microphone, then save the whole thing. Finally, you can use “save as” to save the captured presentation as a video. This is a last-resort approach because 1) there’s an icon of a speaker on every slide that contains sound and 2) the output video file is unnecessarily huge. The narrator has to pause while changing slides because sound is recorded on a per-slide basis and anything spoken during a slide transition is lost.There’s nothing wrong with using PowerPoint with your video; just avoid PPT’s video features. Instead, record your slide show using a screen recording mechanism.AcknowledgementsThanks to Dr. Lei Li, who provided the original draft of this document.Thanks to Ava Podrazhansky for example 2-c above.Drs. Bob Harbort and Bob Brown contributed to editing.。

S CIENTIFIC PHYSICS Drillachse 产品说明书

S CIENTIFIC PHYSICS Drillachse 产品说明书

3B SCIENTIFIC ® PHYSICSBedienungsanleitung11/15 Alf1 Kreisscheibe2 Querstab3 Aufnahme für Probekörper4 Libelle5 Gabel mit Schneckenfeder6 Haltestab7 MassenBei Überdrehen der Feder besteht die Gefahr, dass die Probekörper wegen der hohen Flieh-kraft weggeschleudert werden.Probekörper nicht mehr als 360° maximalauslenken (180° ist empfehlenswert). Die Drillachse mit den zugehörigen Zubehörtei-len dient zur Untersuchung von Drehschwin-gungen und zur Bestimmung von Trägheitsmo-menten verschiedener Probekörper aus der Schwingungsdauer.Die Drillachse besteht aus einer zweifach kugel-gelagerten Welle, die durch eine Schneckenfe-der an eine Gabel angekoppelt ist. Ein Haltestab ermöglicht Aufbau in einem Stativfuß oder einer Tischklemme. Eine an der Gabel angebrachte Libelle dient zur waagrechten Ausrichtung der Drillachse. Als Probekörper dienen ein Querstab mit verschiebbaren Massestücken und eine Kreisscheibe mit einer zentrischen und acht exzentrischen Bohrungen für Experimente zur Bestimmung von Trägheitsmomenten bei ex-zentrischen Drehachsen und zurBestätigung des Stei ner’schen Satzes.1 Welle mit Gabel, Schneckenfeder, Haltestab und Aufnahme für Probekörper 1 Querstab2 Massen1 Kreisscheibe Richtmoment der Feder: 0,028 Nm/rad Höhe der Drillachse: ca. 200 mm Querstab: Stablänge: 620 mm Masse:ca. 135 g Massestücke: je 260 g Kreisscheibe: Durchmesser: 320 mm Masse: 495 g Bohrungen:9Abstand der Bohrungen: 20 mmSatz Probekörper zur Drillachse 1008663Fig. 1 Satz Probekörper zur Drillachse1 Holzkugel,2 Aufnahmeteller,3 Vollzylin-der, 4 Holzscheibe, 5 HohlzylinderDas Zubehör zur Drillachse besteht aus zwei Zylindern mit nahezu identischer Masse, jedoch unterschiedlicher Masseverteilung, einem Auf-nahmeteller für die Zylinder, einer Holzscheibe sowie einer Holzkugel.Hohlzylinder (Metall):Außendurchmesser: 90 mmHöhe: 90 mmMasse: ca. 425 g Vollzylinder (Holz):Durchmesser: 90 mmHöhe: 90 mmMasse: ca. 425 g Aufnahmeteller:Durchmesser: 100 mmMasse: ca. 122 g Holzscheibe:Durchmesser: 220 mmHöhe: 15 mmMasse: ca. 425 gTrägheitsmoment: 0,51 kgm2 Holzkugel:Durchmesser: 146 mmMasse: ca. 1190 gTrägheitsmoment: 0,51 kgm2Zur Bestimmung der Trägheitsmomente verschie-dener Probekörper werden diese auf eine kugel-gelagerte Achse gesetzt, an der eine Schnecken-feder mit dem Richtmoment D angreift. Aus der Schwingungsdauer T des Drehpendels ergibt sich das Trägheitsmoment J.T2=224DJ T=⋅πDie experimentell ermittelten Werte bestätigen die Ergebnisse, die die Theorie für einen Körper der Masse m liefert, dessen Masseelemente Δm im Abstand r z um eine feste Achse rotieren:n22zz1dmzJ m r r==∆⋅=∑⎰∙Drillachse im Stativfuß aufbauen und mit Hilfe der Libelle horizontal ausrichten.∙Schrauben an den Massestücken, die die Kugelrasten gegen den Stab drücken nicht betätigen. (Schrauben sind so justiert, dass sich die Massestücke verschieben lassen und dass sie gegen die Zentrifugalkraft geh-altert werden.)∙Versuchsanordnung immer so auslenken, dass die Feder zusammengedrückt und nicht aufgebo-gen wird.∙Zu Beginn des Schwingungsvorgangs ist eine Auslenkung von 180° (max. 360°) empfeh-lenswert.∙Die Schwingungsdauer aus mehreren Mes-sungen für z.B. 5 Schwingungen durch Mit-telwertbildung bestimmen.∙Den genauen Wert des zur Bestimmung des Trägheitsmoments J aus der Schwingungs-dauer T erforderlichen Richtmoments D auf der Drillachse oder in der Bedienungsanlei-tung vermerken.Zur Durchführung der Experimente sind folgen-de Geräte zusätzlich erforderlich bzw. empfeh-lenswert:1 Satz Probekörper zur Drillachse 10086631 Stativfuß, 3-Bein, 185 mm 10028361 Digitale Stoppuhr 10028111 Präzisionskraftmesser 1 N 1003104 8.1 Bestimmung des Richtmoments D∙Stab ohne Massen auf die Drillachse ste-cken.∙1 N Kraftmesser so am Stab anbringen, dass er senkrecht daran angreift.∙ In Abständen r von 10 cm, 15 cm und 20 cmvon der Stabmitte die Kräfte F messen, die erforderlich sind, um den Stab um α = 180° aus der Gleichgewichtslage zu drehen.Drehmoment: r F M ⋅=Richtmoment: MD =αFig. 2Bestimmung des Richtmoments8.2 Abhängigkeit des Trägheitsmomentes Jvom Abstand r , in dem eine Masse m um eine feste Achse rotiert∙ Stab ohne Massen auf die Drillachse ste-cken.∙ Trägheitsmoment J (Stab) ermitteln.∙ Massen symmetrisch in Abständen von r = 5cm, 10 cm, 15 cm, 20 cm und 25 cm von der Stabmitte anordnen.∙ Trägheitsmoment J (Stab + Massen) be-stimmen.∙ J (Massen) = J (Stab + Massen) - J (Stab) er-rechnen.Fig. 3Abhängigkeit des Trägheitsmomentes J vom Abstand r8.3 Vergleich der Trägheitsmomente vonZylin- dern gleicher Masse jedoch unterschiedlicher Massenverteilung 8.3.1 Holzscheibe (HS)∙ Holzscheibe (HS) auf die Drillachse stecken. ∙ Trägheitsmoment J (HS) ermitteln.Fig. 4Bestimmung des Trägheitsmomentes einer Holz- scheibe8.3.2 Vollzylinder (VZ) und Hohlzylinder (HZ) ∙ Aufnahmeteller (T) auf die Drillachse ste-cken.∙ Trägheitsmoment J (T) bestimmen.∙ Zylinder auf den Aufnahmeteller (T) setzen. ∙ Trägheitsmomente J (VZ + T) und J (HZ + T)ermitteln.∙ Durch Differenzbildung Trägheitsmomentefür Voll- und Hohlzylinder errechnen. J (VZ) = J (VZ + T) – J (T) J (HZ) = J (HZ + T) – J (T)Fig. 5Vergleich der Trägheitsmomente von Zylin-dern8.4 Trägheitsmoment einer Kugel (K) ∙ Kugel (K) auf die Drillachse stecken. ∙ Trägheitsmoment J (K) ermitteln.Ein Vergleich der Kugel mit der Holzscheibe (siehe 8.3.1.) ergibt, dass sie gleiche Träg-heitsmomente besitzen.Kugeln (K) und Holzscheiben (HS) haben glei-che Trägheitsmomente, wenn für ihre Massen m und Radien R gilt:224()()()()5m HS R HS m K R K ⋅=⋅3B Scientific GmbH ∙ Rudorffweg 8 ∙ 21031 Hamburg ∙ Deutschland ∙ Fig. 6Bestimmung des Trägheitsmomentes einer Kugel8.5 Abhängigkeit des Trägheitsmoments Jvom Abstand a zwischen Rotations- und Schwer-punktachse, Bestätigung des Steiner ’schen Satzes∙ Kreisscheibe auf die Drillachse stecken undhorizontal justieren.∙ Kreisscheibe um ihre Schwerpunktachse (a= 0) rotieren lassen.∙ Trägheitsmoment J 0 ermitteln.∙ Trägheitsmomente J a für die Abstände a = 2cm, 4 cm, 6 cm......16 cm zwischen Rotati-ons- und Schwerpunktachse bestimmen. ∙ Nach jeder Änderung von a Kreisscheibehorizontal justieren.∙ Quotienten a 02konstant J Ja -= bilden.Damit ist der Steiner ’sche Satz 2a 0J J ma =+be-stätigt.Fig. 7Bestätigung des Steiner’schen Satzes。

ScienceDirect使用指南 PPT课件

ScienceDirect使用指南 PPT课件
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修订历史一、Xcelsius介绍 (5)1.1 Xcelsius工具说明 (5)1.2 Xcelsius版本介绍 (5)1。

3 Xcelsius的向后兼容性 (5)1。

4 Xcelsius系统介绍 (6)1.5 Xcelsius工作原理的说明 (6)二,Xcelsius的使用 (7)三、Xcelsius开发的一般性步骤 (9)3.1 添加电子表格数据 (9)3.2 选择链接到部件的数据源。


3 预览和发布可视化文件 (10)四、Xcelsius开发中主要部件功能的介绍 (10)4。

1 统计图部件 (10)4.1。

1 折线图 (11)4.1.2 饼图 (12)4.1。

3 OHLC 统计图和阴阳烛图 (12)4。

1.4条形图和柱形图 (12)4.1。

5 堆积柱形图和堆积条形图 (13)4。


6 组合图 (13)4。

1.7 气泡图 (14)4.1。

8 XY 散点图 (14)4.1.9 面积图 (14)4。

1.10 堆积面积图与面积堆积图 (15)4.1.11雷达图和填充式雷达图 (15)4。


12树图 (16)4.2 容器部件 (16)4。


1面板容器 (16)4.2.2选项卡集 (17)4.3 选择器部件 (17)4。

3.1 折叠式菜单 (18)4。


2 复选框 (18)4.3.3 组合框 (18)4.3。

4过滤器 (18)4.3.5 鱼眼图片菜单 (19)4。


6 滑动图片菜单 (19)4.3.7 图标 (19)4.3。

8 标签式菜单 (19)4。


9 列表框 (20)4。


10 列表视图 (20)4。



CourseGrading使用指南一、登录1. 输入http://服务器地址/admin进入系统管理员或教师登录页面,见下。



2. 输入http://服务器地址进入学生登录页面,见下。










三、作为授课教师创建学生名单1. 创建学生分类登录后的界面如下,注意左上角的课程名称是课程管理的入口。


依次点击进入“学生 学生分类”,在分类列表中点击“新建子类”下的图标,即进入如下页面。








四、作为教师建题库和布置作业1. 建题库布置作业的前提是系统内有作业题目。

依次点击进入“作业 录入作业题目”,选择作业题目类别,下面以“编程题”作为示例。



Rocsicence Slide中文教程

Rocsicence Slide中文教程
•后处理文件中均保存每一滑裂面的安全系数值 •记录已知滑裂面详细数据 •上述规定对任意稳定系数计算方法有效(如Bishop,Janbu等等)
•Ordinary / Fellenius •Bishop Simplified •Janbu Simplified •Janbu Corrected •Spencer •Corps of Engineers #1 •Corps of Engineers #2 •Lowe-Karafiath •GLE (General Limit Equilibrium) / Morgenstern-Price (the implementation of the GLE method in Slide is essentially equivalent to the Morgenstern-Price method)
修正Janbu法: 修正Janbu法结果是在Janbu法的基础上乘与一个修正系数f0, 以考虑条件力的影响(Janbu法认为条件力为0):
Janbu Corrected Safety Factor = * Janbu Simplified Safety Factor
3. 水位线:任意形状多义线,为孔压计算定义自由液面 • 水位线位于外部边界之外的部分可模拟积水 • 一个模型中只能定义一条水位线
注意情况: • 如果定义了Ru系数或者孔压网格,则水位线仅仅定义 了浸润面,但不参与孔压计算 • 当地下水方法采用有限单元法,水位线失效
4. 压力线:任意多义线,用于孔压计算 • 一个模型中最多可有20条压力线,不同的材料区域可 使用不同的压力线 水位线与压力线: • 水位线与压力线两种方法计算孔压方案相同 • 压力线不能形成积水荷载 • 水位线允许用户定义干湿密度,但压力线不能 • 水位线与孔压网格联合使用,则水位线以上孔压网格 孔压为零



§4 工艺及器件仿真工具SILVACO-TCAD本章将向读者介绍如何使用SILV ACO公司的TCAD工具ATHENA来进行工艺仿真以及A TLAS来进行器件仿真。

假定读者已经熟悉了硅器件及电路的制造工艺以及MOSFET 和BJT的基本概念。

4.1 使用ATHENA的NMOS工艺仿真4.1.1 概述本节介绍用A THENA创建一个典型的MOSFET输入文件所需的基本操作。

包括:a. 创建一个好的仿真网格b. 演示淀积操作c. 演示几何刻蚀操作d. 氧化、扩散、退火以及离子注入e. 结构操作f. 保存和加载结构信息4.1.2 创建一个初始结构1定义初始直角网格a. 输入UNIX命令:deckbuild-an&,以便在deckbuild交互模式下调用A THENA。


如图 4.1所示,点击File目录下的Empty Document,清空DECKBUILD文本窗口;图4.1 清空文本窗口b. 在如图4.2所示的文本窗口中键入语句go Athena ;图4.2 以“go athena”开始接下来要明确网格。



c. 为了定义网格,选择Mesh Define菜单项,如图4.3所示。

下面将以在0.6μm×0.8μm 的方形区域内创建非均匀网格为例介绍网格定义的方法。

图4.3 调用ATHENA网格定义菜单2 在0.6μm×0.8μm的方形区域内创建非均匀网格a. 在网格定义菜单中,Direction(方向)栏缺省为X;点击Location(位置)栏并输入值0;点击Spacing(间隔)栏并输入值0.1;b. 在Comment(注释)栏,键入“Non-Uniform Grid(0.6um x 0.8um)”,如图4.4所示;c. 点击insert键,参数将会出现在滚动条菜单中;图4.4 定义网格参数图 4.5 点击Insert键后d. 继续插入X方向的网格线,将第二和第三条X方向的网格线分别设为0.2和0.6,间距均为0.01。

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sicily course使用指南一、普通使用二、管理界面附录附录一Problem实例一、普通使用1.使用浏览器访问sicily系统( 使用管理帐号(例如《数据结构与算法》课程组管理账号dsa)登陆。


图1 sicily主界面2.点击主界面的Courses菜单,进入如下Courses主界面(图2):图2 Course界面选择course,如:Course ID = 12,Course Name = "数据结构与算法实验(教师专用)"或者直接通过以下url访问:“数据结构与算法实验(教师专用)”course界面如下(图3):图3 “数据结构与算法实验(教师专用)”course界面Course Detail列出课程基本信息。

Current Exercises下列出了该course的所有exercises。


4.在course界面下,点击某一exercise,即可进入如下exercise界面(图四):图4 exercise界面本界面列出某个exercise下的所有Problem。

5.在exercise界面下,点击某一problem,即可进入如下problem界面(图5):图5 Problem界面6.在Problem界面下,看清题意和输入输出要求,完成代码编写、测试后,点击”Submit”按钮,进入problem submit界面如下(图6):图6 problem submit界面在Language下拉菜单选择代码语言(默认为GNU C++ 4.4.3),将代码粘贴到Source文本框,按"Submit"按钮提交。

7.系统接受提交后返回处理结果,如下图(图7):图7 Problem提交结果处理结果含义如下:Waiting: Your program is being judged or waiting to be judged.Accepted (AC): Congratulations! Your program has produced the correct output!Presentation Error (PE): Your program's output format is not exactly the same as required by theproblem, although the output is correct. This usually means the existence of omitted or extra blank characters (white spaces, tab characters and/or new line characters) between any two non-blank characters, and/or blank lines (a line consisting of only blank characters) between any two non-blank lines. Trailing blank characters at the end of each line and trailing blank lines at the of output are not considered format errors. Check the output for spaces, blank lines, etc. against the problem's output specification.Wrong Answer (WA): Your program does not produce the correct output. Special judge programs will possibly return Wrong Answer in place of Presentation Error for simplicity and robustness.Runtime Error (RE): Your program has failed during the execution. Possible causes include illegal file access, stack overflow, out of range in pointer reference, floating point exception, division by zero and many others. Programs that stay not responding for a long time (not consuming CPU cycles) may also be considered to have encountered runtime errors.Time Limit Exceed (TLE): The total time your program has run for has exceeded the limit.Memory Limit Exceed (MLE): The maximum amount of memory that your program has used has exceeded the limit.Output Limit Exceed (OLE): Your program has produced too much output. Currently the limit is twice the size of the file containing the expected output. The most common cause of this result is that your programs falls into an infinite loop containing some output operations.Compile Error (CE): The compiler fails to compile your program. Warning messages are not considered errors. Click on the judge's reply to see the warning and error messages produced by the compiler.No such problem: Either you have submitted with a non-existent problem id or the problem is currently unavailable (probably reserved for upcoming contests).Restricted Function: Your program has used some restricted function, e.g., freopen() or fopen().二、管理界面1. 使用浏览器访问sicily系统( 使用数据结构与算法课程组管理账号dsa登陆。


2. 点击主界面的Management菜单,进入如下Management主界面(图8):图8 Mangement主界面3. Mangement主界面(图8)中,选择View Courses,进入View Courses(图9),可见到用当前登录账号dsa创建的所有Course。

图9 View Course界面选择”Delete”,可以删除对应的course。


4. View Course界面(图9)中,点击某个具体course名称,可进入该course的Course Management界面(图10)。

图10 Course Management界面本界面最下方的Current Registrantions部分列出已注册本课程的用户列表,对不希望存在于本course的用户,管理者可以将其Kick out。

Current Exercises部分列出本course中所有exercise。

对某个Exercise,点击”Delete”可以删除该exercise;点击“View Standing”可以查看该课程用户做题的情况; 点击”Edit”可以编辑exercise信息,其中包括权限设置(图11)。

5. Course Management界面(图10)中,点击某个Exercise的”Edit” Operation,可以进入Edit Exercise界面(图11)。

图11 Edit Exercise界面6. Course Management界面(图10)中,点击某个Exercise的名称,可以进入Edit Exercise 界面(图12)。

图12 Exercise Problems Management界面本界面Current Problems部分列出本Exercise中所有problem。

7. Edit Problem界面图12 Edit Problem界面附录附录一Problem实例此附录通过实例解释如何添加一个Problem。

Probl em 1 一般Probl emProblem Title A-B完整题目至少需要包含以下3个文件。

/* Source file: source.cpp标程*/#include <iostream>using namespace std;int main()int A, B;cin >> A >> B;return A-B;}/* Input file: in.txt测试数据(输入)*/100 9/* Output file: out.txt测试数据(对应输入)*/91实例2 需要Special Judge的Probl emProblem Title A+B完整题目至少需要包含以下4个文件。

/* Source file: source.cpp标程*/int add(int a, int b){return a+b;}/* Framework file: framework.cpp测试时framework中的代码会与用户提交的实现代码(如source.cpp)结合在一起编译,然后进行测试。
