The Nature of Marketing (02)


市场营销学 Marketing 第4章 消费者市场与消费者购买行为 2019

市场营销学 Marketing 第4章 消费者市场与消费者购买行为 2019
因此,研究消费者个性对于公司市场细分战略是十 分有意义的。
2.个性的本质(the nature of personality)
在个性的研究方面,有3个不同的重要问题: (1)个性反映了个体的差异性(Personality
reflects individual differences.) (2)个性难移,始终如一(personality is
业缘,文缘,等等。这是指社会群体赖以 维系的社会关系。
(3)有共同的目标和活动。群体成员之所 以结合在一起,是为了开展既满足个人需 要又有益于社会的共同活动。
(4)有群体规范。规范是群体成员互动和开展 活动所遵循的准则。它除了包括社会所通行的 一般准则之外,还有仅为本群体所特有的某种 特殊的要求。 (5)有群体意识。这是指群体成员在长期的共 同活动和彼此交往中形成的一种关心群体存在 和发展,与群体荣辱与共的思想感情。
(五) 个性(重点)
1. 其定义多种多样。但我们使用如下的定义。 个性是指决定和反映一个人对其环境反
应的内在心理特征。(Personality should be defined as those inner psychological characteristics that both determine and reflect how a person responds to his or her environment.)
(5)无形性:文化对人们行为的引导和影响, 就像一只“看不见的手”。
• 文化对消费者的购买行为具有最广泛、最深 远的影响。
二 社会因素
1.社会群体的含义: 一般是指人们通过某种社会关系联结起来进
2.社会群体的基本特征主要有: (1)一定数量的人群。 (2)有联系的纽带。例如:血缘,地缘,



CHAPTER FOURDiscussion Questions1.What differences in the retail environment may justify the fact that the fast-moving consumer goods supply chain in India has far more distributors than it has in the United States?India is a land of shopkeepers selling to over a billion consumers. The number of retailers has been put at between 10 and 50 million. India is becominglyincreasingly Westernized, but it will be quite a while (if not forever) beforeshopkeepers are supplanted by large retailers. The sheer volume of small store owners requires a large number of distributors to service them. Distributors play an important role by aggregating last-mile delivery to the small shops and also aggregating collection of payables. The presence of distributors makes bothactivities much more efficient than they would be if each manufacturer had to perform both activities for all small shops. Poor infrastructure, although notentirely a retail concern, is another reason why India may need far moredistributors than in the United States.The younger generation in India, particularly the IT-rich areas of Bangalore and Chennai, have far higher disposable income than the older generation and the rest of the country. These young workers have very different retail habits and arecausing changes in India’s shoppin g and supply chain needs.2. A specialty chemical company is considering expanding its operations into Brazil,where five companies dominate the consumption of specialty chemicals. What sort of distribution network should this company use?If the expansion into Brazil is merely a sales operation, then distributor storage with last-mile delivery is the best network design. If the expanded operationsinclude manufacturing capabilities, then manufacturer storage with directshipping is a strong possibility. Given the nature of the product, package carrier delivery is not an option and retail storage with customer pickup is out of thequestion since this is a B2B scenario. In-transit merge would be an option only if the manufacturer established a network of plants in Brazil, perhaps focusedfactories relatively close to each customer.The chemical company has only five customers to serve; it would not require too large an investment in logistical infrastructure to effectively serve all five without intervention by a distributor. Their short supply chain would be easier tocoordinate due to the stable demands and information sharing that is possible in a B2B scenario.3. A distributor has heard that one of the major manufacturers from which it buys isconsidering going direct to the consumer. What can the distributor do about this?What advantages can it offer the manufacturer that the manufacturer is unlikely to be able to reproduce?The two supply network designs that the distributor can propose to counter them anufacturer’s proposal are the distributor storage with package carrier delivery and the distributor storage with last-mile delivery. Both of these counter-proposals offer higher-order visibility for the customer while having simplerinformation infrastructure than with manufacturer storage. The response time for both is excellent, and the customer experience is also superior to the direct model.If the manufacturer is trying to provide excellent customer service, the increased costs in transportation and potentially higher levels of inventory may beacceptable tradeoffs.4.What types of distribution networks are typically best suited for commodity items?For B2C settings, commodity items are available from many sources, andcustomers expect them to be delivered quickly; if a supply chain can’t beresponsive, the customers will move on to the next source. A distribution network designed for retail storage with customer pickup achieves quick response forhigh-demand, low-variety products. Other commodity products can be effectively distributed using distributor storage with last-mile delivery, which is also suited for high-demand, quick-response products.For B2B customers, commodity products are typically purchased in largequantities and can often be delivered directly from the manufacturer to thecustomer.5.What type of distribution network is best suited to highly differentiated products?The networks that are best suited to highly differentiated products are themanufacturer storage with direct shipping and the manufacturer storage with in-transit merge. Both approaches have the ability to aggregate inventories andpostpone product customization, which would help support a wider variety ofproducts.6.In the future, do you see the value added by distributors decreasing, increasing, orstaying about the same?It is doubtful that value added by distributors will decrease over time (at least as long as product variety keeps growing); the nature of competition in all areaswould suggest that distributors that add less value would be winnowed out. It is more likely that distributors will be asked to do more or may volunteer to do so asa means of differentiating themselves from the competition.7.Why has the online channel been more successful in the computer hardwareindustry compared with the grocery industry? In the future, how valuable is the online channel likely to be in the computer hardware industry?The computer hardware industry is selling a constantly changing product that is purchased on a per-household basis, less routinely than the commodity products that make up groceries. Computer hardware is also more expensive than grocery.A company like Dell can leverage the Internet as a marketing and distribution toolto advertise new capabilities and options before bricks-and-mortar retailers can.Dell also removes whatever intimidation (or frustration) factor might beexperienced by conversing with in-store sales representatives. Computers have a very high value to shipping cost ratio, so the increased shipping costs whencompared to a traditional store are negligible. Groceries have a much lower ratio;although in-store shoppers are incurring costs to pick up their groceries, thosecosts are hidden in comparison to the delivery charge on an itemized bill fromPeapod.The online channel will continue to be a valuable tool in the computer hardware industry but its value is likely to diminish as hardware platforms become more standardized with most of the customization occurring with software. Whereas Dell only sold to customers online in 2000, by 2017 it sold most of its computer hardware to consumers through third-party retailers.8.Is the online channel likely to be more beneficial in the early part or the maturepart of a product’s life cycle? Why?The online channel is more likely to be more beneficial in the early part of aproduct’s life cycle. Online channel strengths include flexible pricing, promotions, and product portfolios and greater speed in disseminating product information.The online channel also allows the aggregation of inventories, which is especially beneficial in the early phase of the life cycle when demand is uncertain. Later in the life cycle, a product is likely to be a commodity, which doesn’t play to thestrengths of this channel.9.Consider the sale of home improvement products at Home Depot or a chain ofhardware stores such as True Value. Which can extract the greatest benefit from adding the online channel? Why?Both entities and other hardware companies such as Ace are already online. An article titled “Home Depot’s Self-Improvement – Company Business andMarketing” by Eric Young in The Industry Standard, September 11, 2000,indicates that Home Depot is the last major player to go online, but brings thedeepest pockets. Those of us that have stood in line with the contractors realize that many of Home Depot’s items are ill-suited to a web enterprise and theclientele is equally ill-suited. Contractor sales are such a significant portion of Home Depot’s sales in comparison with the mix at True Value, that it is likely that True Value will ultimately benefit more from an e-commerce division.The article goes on to say,“Each chain is employing a slightly different e-commerce strategy. WhereasHome Depot wants its site to replicate its merchandise mix, True Value limits the number of items it offers online. For example, at True Value, Net shoppers won't find products most people need in a hurry, such as toilet-tank fix-it kits. “You're not going to wait three days to have it shipped so you can stop the water from dripping into your neighbor's apartment,” says Neil Hastie, CIO at. Also, these products are typically available at the local hardware store where customers can pick them up quickly.Ace Hardware, meanwhile, thinks bigger is better. Its site offers almosteverything in its stores, plus about 15,000 additional products. Ace'ssupplementary online offerings are a windfall from its investment in, a Web-based home improvement site that handles Ace's online sales. The two companies split online revenues. Ace joined forces with OurHouse to get a leg up in e-commerce. "We didn't want to be left in the starting gate," says Ken Nichols, a retail operations vice president for Ace.Waiting in the wings is Lowe's, the nation's second-largest home improvement chain. Like Home Depot, Lowe's wants to expand its online presence but isapproaching e-commerce slowly. Beginning in October, the retailer will offer a wide selection in a limited number of categories, such as hand tools andappliances. Lowe's will deliver Net orders directly to buyers or to the store closest to the customer, again like Home Depot.Meanwhile, Internet-only retailers are scrambling to win over customers, vowing to compete against offline chains in price and selection. CornerHardware, forexample, says it currently has 125,000 products available—three times thenumber available at an average Home Depot store.The pure Internet players acknowledge that they don’t have the brand recognition of Home Depot. But they hope to build their brands before Home Depot and the other brick-and-mortar stores establish a strong online presence. Still, it's not clear that any are benefiting from first-mover advantage. Already two Net pure-plays— and —have gone under.” sells books, music, electronics, software, toys, and homeimprovement products online. In which product category does going online offer the greatest advantage compared with a retail store chain? In which productcategory does the online channel offer the smallest advantage (or a potential cost disadvantage) compared with a retail store chain? Why?Amazon’s greatest online channel advantage comes from the sale of products that have high variety and are slow moving; they are able to list millions of book titles that a physical store cannot possibly carry on their shelves. Cost advantages for Amazon are few and far between; the item price to shipping cost ratio for books, music, and software is not as high as most consumers would prefer. WhileAmazon has a cost advantage relative to physical stores for slow-moving books, this advantage is reduced (or disappears) for best-selling books. Amazon certainly has no cost advantage with music and software. Both are readily sold over theInternet; it would behoove Amazon to partner with another Seattle-area company to make this the norm.Over time Amazon has added many other categories including electronics and clothing. In both instances, Amazon has a significant cost advantage for nicheproducts relative to brick-and-mortar stores. For fast-moving products, however, this advantage diminishes and in many cases disappears. For example, it isimpossible for Amazon to compete with Costco on price for fast-moving, low-value products such as detergent. In these instances, Amazon can compete forconvenience-sensitive customers who are willing to pay a higher price for theconvenience of having their order delivered at home.11.Why should an online channel such as Amazon build more warehouses as its salesvolume grows?Amazon initially tried to run their entire book business with no warehousingfacilities, instead relying on other distributors to carry their entire inventory. Next, Amazon ran their business out of a single warehouse in Seattle and discovered it wasn’t feasible; the trade-off of responsiveness and cost was causing excessive delays in getting products to customers. Now Amazon uses a hybrid of these two systems, carrying items that it knows will sell in its own warehouses and letting others carry items that have greater demand uncertainty. As Amazon’s business grows, it should continue to establish warehouses to spread its facilities closer to pockets of new customers, thus achieving better levels of responsiveness while still maintaining its cost advantage. Moving closer to customers reduces thetransportation cost while being responsive.12.Amazon has opened bookstores and announced the opening of convenience stores.How can these traditional retail channels allow Amazon to complement its online channel effectively?The biggest challenge for the online channel is in being very responsive and being cost competitive for fast-moving, low-value products. The physical stores offer Amazon an opportunity to use the stores for such products. A bookstore canprovide a best seller quickly to a customer at low cost, whereas the online channel can provide the remaining wide variety of titles to customers at low cost (though with a longer delivery time).Similarly for groceries, physical locations such as convenience stores (an Whole Foods recently purchased by Amazon) complement the online channel by providing fast-moving, low-value products to customers quickly and efficiently (something the online channel has difficulty with). The online channel can continue to serve convenience-seeking customers for such products, but more price-sensitive customers and customers needing the product in a hurry can be well served by the physical stores.In the long run, Amazon also has a chance to use these physical locations as pickup locations for online orders.。









例:How much is the shin?A.£19.15.B.£9.18.C.£9.15.答案是C。

1.What does the man suggest the woman do?A.Change the title.B.Take readers’advice.C.Write another article.2.How did the man get there?A.By plane.B.By bus.C.By subway.3.What are the speakers mainly talking about?A.Wildlife.B.A project.C.Task time.4.What does the man think of the movie?A.Funny.B.Serious.C.Awful.5.What is probably the relationship between the speakers?A.Doctor and patient.B.Host and guest.C.Salesperson and customer.第二节(共15小题:每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或读白。





营销策略英文参考文献以下是一些关于营销策略的英文参考文献:1. Kotler, P., & Armstrong, G. (2016). Principles of Marketing. Pearson Education.这本书是市场营销领域的经典教材,对于营销策略有较为全面的介绍。

2. Porter, M. E. (2008). Competitive strategy. Simon and Schuster.这本书是经典的竞争战略著作,提供了许多关于企业如何制定和实施营销策略的思考。

3. Ries, A., & Trout, J. (2001). Positioning: The battle for your mind. McGraw-Hill Education.这本书介绍了定位战略的重要性,并提供了一些实用的方法和案例来指导企业实施营销策略。

4. Aaker, D. A. (1996). Building strong brands. Simon and Schuster.这本书重点介绍了品牌营销策略,并提供了许多有关如何打造和管理品牌的实践方法。

5. Duncan, T., & Moriarty, S. (1998). A communication-based marketing model for managing relationships. Journal of Marketing, 62(2), 1-13.这篇文章提出了一种基于沟通的营销模型,强调了营销策略在建立和管理关系方面的重要性。





© 2007 Thomson/South-Western. All rights reserved.
The Nature of Marketing Research
• Marketing research is one of the principal tools for answering questions because it:
Part 1 Introduction
Chapter 1
The Role of Marketing Research
3rd Edition
William G. Zikmund Barry J. Babin
© 2007 Thomson/South-Western. All rights reserved.
➢ Links the consumer, customer, and public to the market through information used to identify and define marketing
➢ Generates, refines, and evaluates marketing actions ➢ Monitors marketing performance ➢ Underlines the understanding of marketing as a
• Basic Research:
➢ Do consumers experience cognitive dissonance in low-involvement situations?
© 2007 Thomson/South-Western. All rights reserved.






1. 《Nature》。



2. 《Science》。



3. 《Cell》。


4. 《The Lancet》。

《The Lancet》是一本医学期刊,发表了许多重要的医学研究成果,对于医学界的发展有着重要的影响。

5. 《New England Journal of Medicine》。

《New England Journal of Medicine》是美国医学界的一本重要期刊,发表了许多重要的医学研究成果,对于医学界的发展有着重要的影响。

6. 《Journal of the American Medical Association》。

《Journal of the American Medical Association》是美国医学界的一本重要期刊,发表了许多重要的医学研究成果,对于医学界的发展有着重要的影响。

7. 《The BMJ》。

《The BMJ》是英国医学界的一本重要期刊,发表了许多重要的医学研究成果,对于医学界的发展有着重要的影响。

8. 《Journal of Clinical Oncology》。

《Journal of Clinical Oncology》是肿瘤学领域的一本重要期刊,发表了许多重要的肿瘤学研究成果,对于肿瘤学领域的发展有着重要的影响。



毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译文献、资料中文题目:关系营销的本质文献、资料英文题目:NATURE OF RELATIONSHIP MARKETING 文献、资料来源:文献、资料发表(出版)日期:院(部):专业:市场营销班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:翻译日期: 2017.02.14毕业设计(论文)外文翻译资料论文题目:A.O.史密斯的营销战略研究译文题目:Role of Relationship Marketingin Competitive Marketing Strategy关系营销在竞争中的营销策略NATURE OF RELATIONSHIP MARKETINGAt the core of relationship marketing is exchange, that is profitable to parties involved in the exchange. The concept of exchanges as it applies to relationship marketing can be viewed at from either a transaction cost analysis approach or a social exchange theory approach.Transactions are distinguished into discrete transactions and relational transactions. Relational contract law governs relational transactions. In classical contract law that governs discrete transactions identity of parties is not relevant; however this is not true in relationship marketing. In relational contracting the reference point shifts from the agreement (as in classical contract law), to the relation itself as it has developed over time.There might be or might not be an original agreement and if there is, there may not be any great deference to it. In a relational transaction, the contractual gaps between parties are reduced, as the relation becomes stronger and stronger. The frequency with which transactions recur influence the terms of the transaction (discounts as in frequent flyer). The degree to which durable transaction specific investments are incurred determine the rapidity of commitment given and received, the time period of commitment and the intensity of the relation between two parties. Transaction specific investments (asset specificity in physicalcapital and human capital) leads to relational exchanges where trust is a prime moderator. As such non-specific exchanges leads to transaction marketing and for exchanges that are not non-specific the concept of Relationship marketing will hold (Williamson, 1979). The Williamsonian approach to understand relational contracting has been augmented (Anderson and Weitz, 1992), by postulating that whenever idiosyncratic investments are made by the exchanging parties in one another then there is a stronger commitment to the relationship. In a relationship the set of understandings that has grown up over time (the implicit contract) is more influential. Exclusivity to the other party is also seen as a signal of commitment. Further the relationship dyad has been examined from perspective of a strong buyer facing a large number of small suppliers ( Heide and John, 1992). It has been shown that relational norms do play a role in serving as a governance mechanism to safeguard against opportunistic behavior in the presence of transaction specific assets. It has also been shown that in case of a relationship dyad between a strong supplier and a large number of small buyers relational norms do not play a significant role (Berthon, Pierre et. Al, 2003)George Homans (George Homans, 1961) first proposed social exchange theory. He said that exchanges of goods and services take place between two parties who are rational entities acting in their own self-interest and who will perform social action based on rewards and costs.The exchange of goods and services take place not only for money but also for non-monetary benefits such as love, esteem, affection and approval. Such exchanges are social exchanges. Social exchanges almost always involve an element of power, allowing one party to do activities the way it wants to do. Social exchanges involves interaction; interaction occurs when an activity emitted by one man is rewarded (or punished) by an activity emitted by another man. Social exchanges respect sentiment; sentiments are signs of the attitudes and feelings a party takes towards another party. This social exchange theory (George Homans, 1961) draws on the disciplines of behavioral psychology and elementary economics in proposing the principles of social exchange. Behavioral psychology decides on current actions based on past history of behavior / actions. Elementary economicsdecides on current action based on future stream of profits. It is difficult to balance these two directions. Further elementary economics assume perfect markets. Relationship marketing situations are far from perfect. Also relationships are built on future promises as much as on past behavior. In studying relationship marketing, both the transaction cost analysis and social exchange theory concepts can be used to explain and conceptualize relationship-marketing paradigms.Relationship marketing refers to a wide range of ‘relationship type strategies’ that have developed over the past few decades in product as well as service markets and in consumer as well as business to business sectors. The antecedents of RM go to Industrial marketing and Services marketing. RM found ready acceptance in a marketing world where it had become obvious that strategic competitive advantage could no longer be delivered on the basis of product characteristics alone and where corporate profitability was beginning to become associated with satisfying existing customers (John Egan, 2001). Relationship marketing as contrasted to transaction marketing involves relational exchanges that trace to previous agreements. There are four types of buyer-seller relationships –bilateral relationships, seller-maintained relationships,buyer-maintained relationships,discrete exchanges(Dwyer,Schurr and Oh 1987). For a firm relational exchanges could occur with goods suppliers, services suppliers, business units, employees, functional departments, intermediate customers, ultimate customers, competitors, nonprofit organizations, government (Hunt and Morgan 1994). Though conceptualizing relationship marketing accommodates all types of above mentioned relational exchanges, an adequate definition of relationship marketing for the purpose of this paper will relate to exchanges with intermediate customers and ultimate customers. For example, it is also stated that (Berry, 1983) ‘Relationship marketing is att racting, maintaining and - in multi service organizations –enhancing customer relationships’.In industrial marketing, relationship marketing is referred to as marketing oriented towards strong, lasting relationships with individual accounts (Jackson, 1985). From a sales management perspective, the term relationship marketing is applied to a number of different marketing activities ranging from consumerfrequency marketing programs to selling activities directed towards building partnerships with key business – to – business customers (Weitz and Bradford, 1999). In developing long term relationships with channel members, it is stated (Anderson and Weitz, 1989) that such relationships combine the advantages of vertically integrated distributed systems (control and coordination), with the advantages of systems utilizing independent channel members (flexibility, scale economies, efficiency and low overhead). They also state that channel relationships are dependent on (1) continuity of relationship (2) trust and (3) communications.Many global packaged goods manufacturers regard resellers (wholesalers, retailers) as their customers. The literature cites the case of Proctor and Gamble who regard retailers as their customers and Intel which has built its business around OEM customers (Webster Jr., 2000). Consequently developing relationships with resellers is also an important part of RM effort in marketing strategy process. The relationship between manufacturer, reseller and consumer as shown below is a three-way relationship.In such a context, the manufacturer and reseller are in a partnership relationship that includes competition and conflict (Webster Jr., 2000). Both manufacturer and reseller deliver value to consumer. In this three-way relation, the quality of relationship for any single player depends on the quality and strength of relationship between the other two.Other authors have noted multiple uses of the term RM (Brodie et. Al, 1997). They suggested RM be applied at four levels. At the first level, RM is atechnology-based tool of database marketing. At a second level, RM focuses on relationships between businesses and its customers with an emphasis of customerretention. At a third level, RM is a form of ‘customer partnering’ with buyers cooperatively involved in the design of the product or service offering. At a fourth and broadest level, RM was seen as incorporating everything from databases to personalized services, loyalty programs, brand loyalty, internal marketing,personal/social relationships and strategic alliances.A number of terms have been used as substitutes for relationship marketing or to describe similar concepts (Buttle, 1996). These include direct marketing, database marketing, customer relationship management, data driven marketing, micromarketing, one-to-one marketing, loyalty based marketing, segment of one marketing, customer partnering, dialogue marketing and interactive marketing. All this suggests that RM is also an umbrella philosophy for relational approaches in marketing. To succeed in RM, a company must have both a flow of new customers and there must be a restriction on customers exiting (Leaky Bucket Theory). Though RM has a dual focus on both acquisition and retention strategies, it is retention strategies that are given more prominence. It has been proposed that dual benefits of customer retention (Buttle, 1996) are: (a) existing customers are less expensive to retain than to recruit, (b) securing a customer’s loyalty over time produces superior profits. Acquisition costs include (1) personal selling (2) commission payments (3) direct costs and indirect costs of detailed information gathering (4) supply of equipment (5) advertising and other communications expenditure.Different models are suggested in literature for different relational stages in RM. One model (Dwyer, 1987) suggests that the stages are – Awareness, Exploration, Expansion, Commitment. A second model (Payne, 1995) suggests that the stages are –Prospects, Customers, Clients, Advocates, Members, Partners. A third model (Kotler, 1997) suggests that the stages are – Suspects, Prospects, First time customers, Repeat customers, Clients, Advocates, Members, Partners.There must be two characteristics present for an exchange situation to be described as a relationship (Barnes and Howlett, 1998). These are: (1) the relationship is mutually perceived to exist and is acknowledged as such by both parties, (2) the relationship goes beyond occasional contact and is recognized as having some special status. Inclusio n of ‘status recognition in a relationship’ puts a doubt whether a relationship could be developed with for example a local supermarket. The existence of special status is less obvious in consumer markets.Three characteristics are important for customers to desire continuity with thesame provider. These are variability, complexity, involvement (Berry, 1995). The author says that relationship marketing occurs at three levels. Level one relationship marketing relies primarilyon pricing incentives to secur e customers’ loyalty. However the sustainability of competitive advantage is minimal on this level one, as pricing moves can be matched quickly. Level two relationship marketing relies primarily on social bonds, though pricing is still a vital element. This involves personalization and customization of the relationship. Level three relationship marketing relies on structural solutions to customer problems, such as Federal Express providing computer terminals in offices of high volume customers.From the above discussion, for the purpose of this paper, RM is defined as the identification, establishment, maintenance, enhancement, modification and termination of relationships with customers / consumers to create value for customers and profit for organization by a series of ongoing exchanges that have both a history and a future. Such exchanges are called relational exchanges.关系营销的本质关系营销的核心是交换,即交换所涉及的各方利润。


鼓励或监督渠道成员的主要形式:强制力量〔coercive power〕是表示当中间商不合作的话,制造商就威胁停止提供某些资源或中止关系。报酬力量〔reward power〕是指在中间商执行特定活动时,制造商给予的附加利益。报酬力量通常比压力效果更好,但开支过高。法律力量〔legitimate power〕被广泛地应用于制造商依据合同所载明的规定或附属关系,要求中间商有所行动。专家力量〔expert power〕可被那些具备专门技术的制造商所用,而这些专门技术正是中间商认为有价值的。参考力量〔referent power〕产生于当制造商有很高的声誉且中间商以与制造商合作为自豪的情况下。
〔What is the nature of marketing Channels〕
定义为什么要利用营销中间机构? 渠道的功能和流程渠道级数
营销渠道是促使产品或服务顺利地被使用或消费的一整套相互依存的组织。 Marketing channels can be viewed as sets of interdependent organizations involved in the process of making a product or service available for use or consumption.〔Stern and EL-Ansary〔1992〕, Marketing Channels, 4th ed. Prentice Hall.〕



新媒体的发展英语作文Title: The Evolution of New Media: A Paradigm Shift in Communication。

In the contemporary era, the rapid evolution of new media has revolutionized the way we communicate, interact, and consume information. This transformation encompasses various digital platforms, including social media, online journalism, streaming services, and podcasts, among others. The emergence of new media has not only reshapedtraditional modes of communication but has also brought about profound societal, cultural, and economic implications.One of the most significant aspects of new media is its unparalleled ability to connect people across geographical boundaries instantaneously. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have become ubiquitous tools for communication, allowing individuals to share thoughts, ideas, and experiences in real-time. Thisinstantaneous connectivity has facilitated the formation of global communities, transcending physical barriers and fostering cultural exchange and understanding.Moreover, new media has democratized the dissemination of information, challenging the monopoly once held by traditional media outlets. The rise of citizen journalism and user-generated content has empowered individuals to participate actively in the creation and sharing of news stories. Consequently, the gatekeeping functiontraditionally performed by editors and journalists has been decentralized, providing diverse perspectives and amplifying marginalized voices.Additionally, the advent of new media has transformed the entertainment industry, providing consumers with unprecedented access to a vast array of digital content. Streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime Video have revolutionized the way we consume television shows, movies, and documentaries. The shift towards on-demand viewing has disrupted traditional broadcasting models, giving rise to a more personalized and flexibleentertainment experience.Furthermore, new media has redefined the nature of marketing and advertising, offering innovative ways for brands to engage with their target audiences. Influencer marketing, viral campaigns, and targeted advertisements have become integral components of digital marketing strategies, capitalizing on the pervasive influence of social media and online communities. This shift towards digital advertising has enabled brands to reach highly segmented audiences with tailored messages, enhancing the effectiveness of their marketing efforts.Despite its numerous benefits, the rapid proliferation of new media has also raised concerns regarding privacy, misinformation, and digital addiction. The collection and utilization of personal data by tech companies have sparked debates about the ethical implications of data privacy and surveillance. Moreover, the spread of misinformation and fake news on social media platforms has undermined public trust in traditional sources of information, posing significant challenges to media literacy and democraticdiscourse.In conclusion, the development of new media representsa paradigm shift in communication, fundamentally altering the way we connect, consume, and engage with information. While new media offers unprecedented opportunities forglobal connectivity, participatory culture, and digital innovation, it also presents pressing challenges thatrequire careful consideration and proactive solutions. Aswe navigate the complexities of the digital age, it is essential to harness the potential of new media responsibly, ensuring that it serves as a force for positive change in society.。



Demographic Environment (1 of 3)
• Demography is the study of human populations in terms of size, density, location, age, gender, race, occupation, and other statistics.
• Five types of customer markets
– Consumer markets – Business markets – Reseller markets – Government markets – International markets
Figure 3.2 - Major Forces in the Company’s Macroenvironment
steadily over the past three decades.
• Trends:
– Shortages of raw materials – Increased pollution – Increased government intervention
Technological Environment (1 of 2)
• The U.S. population contains several generational groups:
– Baby Boomers – Generation X – Millennials (or Generation Y) – Generation Z
Demographic Environment (3 of 3)
Figure 3.1 - Actors in the Microenvironment



自己喜欢的职业英文作文英文:I have always been passionate about the idea of working in the field of marketing. The fast-paced, dynamic nature of the industry and the opportunity to constantly learn and innovate really excites me. I love the idea of being able to connect with people through creative and strategic messaging, and to be able to influence their purchasing decisions. 。

One of the things I enjoy the most about marketing is the ability to think outside the box and come up with unique and creative solutions to problems. For example, in a previous internship, I was tasked with coming up with a social media campaign for a new product launch. I had to think about how to engage our target audience in a way that was fresh and exciting. It was a challenge, but I loved the process of brainstorming and collaborating with my team to come up with a campaign that really resonated with ouraudience.In addition to the creative aspect, I also appreciate the analytical side of marketing. I enjoy digging into data and using it to inform my decisions and strategies. For instance, in a recent project, I used customer data to identify key trends and insights that helped us refine our messaging and targeting. It was incredibly rewarding to see the impact of our efforts reflected in the data.Overall, I am drawn to the fast-paced, creative, and analytical nature of marketing. I love the idea of being able to make a tangible impact on a brand's success, and I am excited about the prospect of constantly learning and growing in this field.中文:我一直对从事市场营销领域的工作充满热情。



小学上册英语第6单元期末试卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.His favorite game is ________.2. A reaction that absorbs energy requires a ______ input.3.What do we call a story that is not true?A. Non-fictionB. BiographyC. FictionD. History答案:C4.What is 3 x 3?A. 6B. 7C. 9D. 12答案:C5.My mom is a ______. She enjoys baking.6.We eat ________ for breakfast.7. A __________ is a small, winged insect known for its beauty.8.I found a _______ (小蟋蟀) chirping in the grass.9. A chemical reaction can produce new ________.10.My favorite way to celebrate holidays is ______.11.He is reading a ______ (story).12. A _______ (小猴子) swings from branch to branch.13.In autumn, the nights become __________. (凉爽的)14.Astrobiology studies the possibility of ______ life in the universe.15.How many days are in a week?A. 5B. 6C. 7D. 816.My mom loves __________ (参与社区活动).17. A ________ (鸟) can fly high in the sky and sings beautifully.18. A _______ is a chemical process that results in the formation of gas.19.All living things need ______ to survive.20.His favorite hobby is ________.21.The car is ___ fast. (going)22.Some _______ are known for their unique characteristics.23.The __________ can provide important insights into Earth's history.24.What do we call a person who plays the guitar?A. PianistB. GuitaristC. DrummerD. Violinist25.Did you know that a _______ (小海马) changes color?26.What do you call a young female horse?A. ColtB. FillyC. FoalD. Mare答案:B27.What is the capital of Madagascar?A. AntananarivoB. ToamasinaC. AntsirananaD. Mahajanga答案:A28.On weekends, I visit my friend and we play with ________ (桌游). It’s always a ________ (好玩) time.29. A _______ reaction occurs when a single compound breaks down into simpler substances.30.ssance artist Michelangelo is famous for painting the _____. The Rena31.What is the main ingredient in a salad?A. BreadB. LettuceC. RiceD. Meat答案:B32.Where do penguins live?A. JungleB. DesertC. ArcticD. Antarctica答案:D33.Which fruit is known for its high vitamin C content?A. BananaB. OrangeC. GrapeD. Pear答案:B34.Solar _______ can affect technology on Earth.35.What is the name of the famous scientist known for his work on the nature of light?A. Isaac NewtonB. Albert EinsteinC. James Clerk MaxwellD. Thomas Young答案:A36.The __________ is a famous city known for its fashion. (米兰)37.The __________ is the capital city of Russia. (莫斯科)38.My favorite snack is _______ and crunchy.39.Every morning, I water the ________ (植物) in my room. They make me feel very ________ (开心).40.Saturn's rings are made of ice and small ______.41.What is the smallest continent?A. AfricaB. AsiaC. AustraliaD. Europe答案:C42.Which insect is known for making honey?A. AntB. ButterflyC. BeeD. Mosquito答案:C43.What do we call the study of ancient cultures?A. ArchaeologyB. AnthropologyC. HistoryD. Sociology答案:A44.The chemical formula for erucic acid is ______.45.The process of breaking down food in our bodies is called ______.46. A solute is a substance that is ______ in a solution.47.My favorite thing about summer is ______.48.Rabbits are known for their strong ______ (后腿).49.The colors of substances can be due to the presence of _____.50.I love to ______ (与家人一起) travel.51.My favorite movie star is _______ (名字). 她的表演很 _______ (形容词).52.The __________ (气候变化) is an important issue today.53.My teacher is very __________ (聪慧的).54.The _______ (小蓝鸟) sings sweetly in spring.55.The chemical formula for iodine monochloride is _______.56.I have a _______ (mystery) to solve.57.The eagle's eyesight allows it to see ______ (远).58.The wind can be very ______ (强烈) sometimes.59.What is the sound a dog makes?A. MeowB. BarkC. QuackD. Moo答案:B60.What is the capital of Estonia?A. TallinnB. RigaC. VilniusD. Helsinki答案:A61.My cousin loves to attend __________ (音乐会).62.What do you call the time when the sun goes down?A. MorningB. AfternoonC. EveningD. Night答案:C63.The _______ of a balloon can change when it is heated.64.The __________ (气候带) affects the types of crops grown.65.What do you call the act of letting someone know how you feel?A. CommunicatingB. ExpressingC. SharingD. Talking答案:B66.I enjoy going to the __________ with my family. (博物馆)67.I like to eat ______ after school.68.What do we call the part of the plant that grows above ground?A. RootB. StemC. LeafD. Flower答案:B69.My dad drives a _____ (truck/car).70.ic sank on its maiden voyage in ______ (1912年). The Tita71.In a combustion reaction, the products are usually carbon dioxide and _____.72.The ______ teaches us about digital marketing.73.Certain plants can ______ (促进) health and well-being.74.The narwhal has a long ______ (牙).75.What is the name of the famous waterfall located on the border of the U.S. and Canada?A. Victoria FallsB. Angel FallsC. Niagara FallsD. Iguazu Falls答案:C76.They are playing ______ (棋) together.77.I love ________ with my family.78.The ________ (养分) in the soil is important for growth.79.My favorite restaurant is ______.80.Every year, I participate in __________. It’s an event where we get to __________.I enjoy meeting new people and sharing experiences with them.81.I like to eat _____ for breakfast. (cereal)82.The first person to propose the heliocentric theory was ______ (哥白尼).83.The fall of the Roman Empire was caused by ________ (许多因素).84.Where does the president live?A. White HouseB. Buckingham PalaceC. KremlinD. Eiffel Tower85.What is the capital of India?A. MumbaiB. DelhiC. KolkataD. Bangalore答案:B86.The ________ (气候研究) reveals patterns.87.I believe that every child should have access to __________.88.What is the largest breed of dog?A. ChihuahuaB. BeagleC. Great DaneD. Poodle答案:C89.My cousin is very ____.90. A seahorse is a type of ______ (鱼).91.My _____ (亲戚) are having a reunion.92.The ______ (植物的生长条件) must be carefully monitored.93.The __________ (历史的镜子) reflects society.94.My ______ enjoys hiking in the mountains.95. A strong base can cause severe ______.96.The soup is _____ (hot/cold) today.97. A ____(partnership) collaborates for mutual benefit.98.The porcupine has sharp ________________ (刺).99. A pendulum swings back and ______.100.What do we call a young female sheep?A. EweB. LambC. KidD. Calf。



(Milton Kotler) )
I was lucky to be an American in the 20th century. That was the century before the whole world has gained up on the dollar. you (can) have the confidence that this is the china's century. The fastest growing sector in china is the growth of the domestic market, not the exported market. I recommend studying marketing, majoring in marketing. Marketing is a very good discipline, today I think better than finance.
Irregular demand
Declining demand
Marketing management orientations (philosophies) (Evolution of marketing as a business philosophy, SG3-4)
Production orientation Traditional marketing orientations Product orientation Sales orientation Market orientation Societal Market orientation Modern marketing orientations
1.3 Marketing management



1. 学术期刊:学术期刊是学术界传播研究成果最常用的渠道之一。


常见的学术期刊有Science、Nature、Journal of Marketing等。

2. 学术会议:学术会议是学术界交流研究成果的重要场合,也是研究人员发表论文的常用途径。


常见的学术会议有ACM SIGGRAPH、IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision等。

3. 学术书籍:学术书籍是学者深入研究和论述某一领域的重要形式之一。



4. 学术报告与工作论文:学术报告与工作论文是研究人员在研究初期或者研究成果尚未完全成熟时发布的论文形式。



此外,研究人员也可以从网络上的学术搜索引擎(如Google Scholar、Web of Science)、数据库(如PubMed、IEEE



第一章1.The core of marketing is:答案:Transaction2.The benefits that products offer relative to the cost of the products is called:答案:Value3.The three main elements of market inlcude:答案:Intention or desire topurchase;People with unmet needs;Ability to purcahse4. A product can satisfy functioanl needs or symbolic needs, but not both.答案:错5. A fundamental task of marketing is to discover and satisfy customer needs.答案:对第二章1.The first step in annual planning and control is ( ).答案:Set the goals2.( ) is the most common way of organizing marketing function.答案:Organziation by funcition3.The ways of organizing the markeitng department include ( ).答案:Organizatipon by product;Organization by geographicregion;Organization by brand;Organziation by funcition;Organization bymarket management4.The essence of marketing organization is about how to allocate humanresources.答案:错5.Generally speaking, span of control and chain of command are positivelycorrelated.答案:错第三章1.All of the following are macro-environment factors EXCEPT:答案:Competition2.The largest generation cohort in the west is:答案:Baby boomers3.When analyzing competition, what factors should we look at?答案:Indirectcompetitors;Nature of competition;Dierect competitors;Strengths andweakenesses of competitors;Number of competitors4.When analyzing competition, one should put more emphasis on directcompetition than on indirect competition.答案:错5.In a orligarplistic market, competitors are generally sensitive to each other'sprice change.答案:对第四章1.Marketing research provides _____ that aids decision making.答案:information2.All the following are qualitative research methods EXCEPT:答案:Experiment3.Source of information for marketing decision making inlcude _____.答案:Internal secondary data;Marketing Research System;Marketingintelligence4.Before conducting primary research, one should first explore the option ofsecondary data.答案:对5.Because focus group provides rich insights, one can use focus group findingsto make predictions.答案:错第五章1. A consumer's unit of purchase is an individual or().答案:family2.The purchasing process of consumers is the transformation of consumers'purchasing motivation into().答案:purchasing behavior3.Factors influencing consumer buying behavior include().答案:individualfactors;social factors;cultural factors;situational factors4.Different social classes have different preferences for the same kind ofconsumer goods.答案:对5.Male customers are more decisive and quick when buying goods, whilefemale customers tend to choose carefully.答案:对第六章1.Market segmentation refers to the process in which enterprises divide themarket according to the ( ) of consumers in certain aspects.答案:heterogeneity2.The most attractive market segment should have characteristics of()答案:High barriers to entry and low barriers to exit3.When choosing target market strategy, consideration should be given to().答案:Enterprise resource;Product life cycle;Product attribute;Strategic competitor;Market characteristicsrge users usually make up only a small percentage of total consumption, sotheir share is low.答案:错5.The key to winning and maintaining long-term consumer spending is tounderstand consumers' needs and buying processes more accurately thancompetitors, and to provide them with more value.答案:对第七章1.The so-called bidirectional extension of product line means that theenterprise originally located in the mid-range product market will extend to the two ( ) directions of product line after mastering the market advantage.答案:up and down2.People do not buy cosmetics to obtain some of its chemical components, butto obtain beauty, from this point of view, the beautification function thatcosmetics product provide is a case of().答案:Core product layer3.According to consumers' buying habits,products can be classified into().答案:shopping goods;specialty goods;convenience goods4.Product is an important factor in the marketing mix, and other factors suchas price, distribution and promotion must be decided on the basis of product.答案:对5.Once the new product is successfully tested in the market, it means that thenew product can be quickly accepted by consumers, and the enterprise canobtain rich profits.答案:错第八章1.In the case of overproduction, facing fierce competition or trying to changeconsumer demand, enterprises' main objective of pricing is ().答案:Make the company survive2.Average fixed cost is the share of total fixed cost divided by ().答案:production volume3.The advantages of cost-plus pricing include ().答案:Price competition maybe minimized;Feeling fair ;Greatly simplifies the pricing process4.The higher the unit price is, the more profit maximization can be realized.答案:错5.If the demand for a good is elastic, a moderate reduction in price at this timecan increase sales and may also increase profits.答案:对第九章1.Manufacturers of low unit cost products usually select ( ) to distribute theirproducts.答案:wholesalers2. A marekting channle where there are only a limited number ofintermediaries at the same dsitribution stage is called ( ).答案:narrowchannel3.The major types of retail stores include ( ).答案:Conveniencestore;Supermarket;Discount store;Specialty store4.Intenstive distribution is suitable for shopping goods and specialty goods.答案:错5.Direct channle is the major type of distribution for consumer goods.答案:错第十章1.Which of the following is true about the relationship between promotion andmarketing?( )答案:Promotion is an integral part of marketing strategy2.The core of the promotion work is().答案:Communication3.Regarding the classification of advertising targets, which of the followingstatement is correct? ( )答案:Notification advertising is mainly used topromote new products;Persuasive advertising is very important in thecompetitive period of products;Reminder advertising is very important inthe maturity of a product4.All the promotion means of enterprises can be divided into two categories,one is personal marketing, the other is the mass marketing.答案:对5.During the input period, more advertisements should be made to promotethe functions of the products.答案:对第十一章1.The key to digitally integrated marketing is ( ).答案:consumer share2.Digital marketing is the activity, set of insitutions, and processes for creating,communicating, and transacting value for customers and other stakeholders through ( ).答案:digital technology3.The major platforms for digital marketing inlcude ( ).答案:mobiledevice;Search engines;Social media;Websites;Emails4.Digital marketing is the most important marketing instrument in today'sworld.答案:错5.Consumer interactivity refers to the phenomenon that people want to stayconnected with their device, friends, work, and study at all times.答案:对第十二章1.The part of the brand that can be addressed in language that makes a soundis called().答案:brand name2.The basic meaning of a brand is that it represents a specific ( ).答案:commodity attribute3. A brand reflects the relationship between an enterprise and its customers,and the depth and breadth of this relationship usually requires perspective in many aspects, such as ( ).答案:brand loyalty;brand perceived value;brandassociation;brand awareness4.Brand equity embodies its value by providing services to consumers andbusinesses.答案:错5.The appreciation of brand equity often happens during usage.答案:对。

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The Nature of Marketing
Market Oriented
The business reacts to what customers want.

To compete, businesses need to be more sensitive to their customers needs otherwise they will lose sales to their rivals.
Market Oriented
– Respond quickly to changes in the market. – Less risk when launching a new product – Can fend off new competition entering the market.
Mass and niche marketing
The Nature of Marketing
• Mass marketing occurs when a business offers almost the same products to all consumers and promotes them in almost the same way. • Coca-Cola and Microsoft computer software. • Niche marketing involves a business aiming or targeting a product at a particular, often small, segment of a market. • Can you think of any products that are niche marketed?
Marketing Mix
The Nature of Marketing
The business must produce the right product at the right price and in the right place, and it must let the consumer know that it’s available. This is known as the Marketing Mix.
Reading: Chapter 14, pages 243-247
The Nature of Marketing Approaches to arketing
• Product Oriented
– This is where the business concentrates on the product.
The Nature of Marketing
Product Oriented
• Focus on Manufacturing • Make quality products • Produce all that is possible
“Make the best product you
can and people will buy it.”
The Nature of Marketing
Sales Oriented
Aim: To maximize sales. Customers must be pushed to purchase the product. The company’s sales force is seen as the most valuable asset of the company. Focus: Selling existing products. Aggressive Sales & promotion. E.g. Insurance and Real Estate Sales Disadvantages No guarantee of customer satisfaction. People do not like being pushed.
because of an increase in sales.
– Sales department may have to re-train staff or increase
sales staff for the new marketing promotions.
The Nature of Marketing
However is it possible for some companies to create a need or want in the customer? E.G. Mobile phone companies, with their additional gadgets etc.

The Nature of Marketing
• Sales Oriented
– This is where businesses concentrate on maximising product sales.
• Market Oriented
– This is where businesses continually review and analyze consumer wants and modifies its products to meet their needs.
“You can have any colour you want as long as it’s black.”
Product Oriented
The Nature of Marketing
Product oriented businesses were successful in the 1900’s because of the following: • • Most people had basic requirements and low purchasing power; Most countries were underdeveloped or developing countries.
– People want status.
• Branded products: Rolex.
The Nature of Marketing
Product Oriented
Disadvantages Products might have features that customers don’t want. Advantages Are free to concentrate on pure research, and making a technically sound product.
Difficult to keep up with changing customer needs Problems with finding the right focus – one that matches the businesses objectives and resources to market opportunities.
The Nature of Marketing
The Nature of Marketing (02) Business Studies – Week 01 L2
Learning outcomes • Discuss reasons for the market orientation of a company • Outline the integrative function of marketing within an organisation. • Compare and contrast market oriented with sales and product oriented businesses.
Modern day changes have resulted in: – Rising Standards of Living
• Rising income, affluence of consumers and better quality of life.
– Individualism
• E.g. Successful career people want different goods which identify them as being different from others. E.g. BMW.
More detail in later lectures.
Integrative function of marketing
The Nature of Marketing
The marketing department must work with other departments within an organization. • If a new marketing campaign is about to start the: – Production department may have to increase production
• Please bring your Business Studies textbook to tutorial 2.
The Nature of Marketing
Lecture 2 End