研究生英语读写 下册翻译
当代研究生英语读写教程下翻译Contemporary College English Reading and Writing TutorialContemporary College English Reading and Writing Tutorial is a comprehensive English textbook designed for graduate students in China. It aims to enhance their reading and writing skills in an academic context. The textbook covers various genres, including essays, articles, research papers, and reports, enabling students to become proficient in academic reading and writing.The textbook consists of ten units, each focusing on a specific theme. The themes encompass a wide range of topics, such as science and technology, environment, business, and culture. Each unit contains a variety of reading materials, vocabulary exercises, grammar practices, and writing tasks. The units are carefully structured to ensure a systematic and progressive approach to learning.One of the significant strengths of the textbook is its emphasis on building students' reading comprehension skills. The reading passages are thoughtfully chosen to expose students to different writing styles, authors, and perspectives. This not only enhances their reading abilities but also expands their knowledge on various subjects. The vocabulary exercises, such as word families, synonyms, and antonyms, help students to expand their lexical range, improving their overall reading comprehension.In addition to reading comprehension skills, the textbook also focuses on improving students' writing skills. Each unit contains writing tasks that guide students to develop their argumentative,descriptive, and analytical writing abilities. The tasks are designed to be relevant to students' fields of study, which enhances their ability to apply academic writing skills in their future research and coursework.The textbook also includes a comprehensive grammar section, which covers essential grammatical structures and usage. The grammar exercises are tailored to reinforce the specific grammar points presented in each unit. This ensures that students not only have a solid understanding of grammar but also can apply grammatical rules accurately in their writing.Another noteworthy feature of the textbook is the integration of critical thinking skills. The reading passages often present different perspectives on a topic, encouraging students to critically evaluate the arguments and form their own opinions. This promotes independent thinking and fosters analytical and logical reasoning abilities.Moreover, the textbook provides strategies and techniques for effective reading and writing. It offers guidance on skimming and scanning, note-taking, summarizing, and paraphrasing, helping students learn to extract information efficiently from academic texts. It also provides tips on how to organize ideas, structure paragraphs, and write cohesively and coherently.Overall, Contemporary College English Reading and Writing Tutorial is a valuable resource for graduate students to improve their English reading and writing skills. The comprehensive nature of the textbook, coupled with its diverse reading materials, writingtasks, grammar exercises, and critical thinking activities, ensures a well-rounded approach to language learning. With its practical focus and academic relevance, this textbook equips students with the necessary skills to succeed in their academic and professional endeavors.。
当代研究生英语读写教程翻译答案上、下册【上册】Unit1The possibility of a real market-style evolution of governance is at hand.In cyberspace ,we'll be ab le to test and evolve rules governing what needs to be governed--intellectual property content and access control,Rules about privacy and free speech. Some communities will allow anyone in;other s will restrict access to members who qualify on one basis or another.Those communities that prov e self-sustaining will prosper(and perhaps grow and split into subsets with ever-more-particular int erests and identities).Those that can't survive-either because people lose interest or get scared off--will simply wither away.译:一种真正的市场型管理模式很快成为可能。
当代研究生英语读写教程下》第八单元课文翻译身份盗贼——迈克尔·希金斯1 大约在20世纪90代初的某一天,一位名叫斯科特·克林顿·吉尔伯特的骗子来到位于拉斯维加斯的一家简历和印刷商店,他的账单总数为185.3美元。
2 吉尔伯特以“罗伯特·哈特尔”的名字进行购物。
3 吉尔伯特或许对上面那笔小交易不以为然。
4 吉尔伯特后来被判定罪名成立。
5 埃德·梅日温斯基是美国公众利益调查集团驻华盛顿地区的消费者辩护律师。
”6 如今身份盗窃依然猖獗,犯罪率呈上升趋势。
7 今年秋季,国会很有可能投票立案决定是否将身份盗窃定为重罪,其惩罚可高达15年监禁。
一种90年代的罪行8 身份盗窃案涉及的范围究竟有多广,现在还很难说,因为对此罪行还没有一个标准定义。
9 美国联邦经济情报局对金融方面的罪行可以行使审判权。
研究生英语系列教材综合教程(下)课文翻译Unit 1愉悦舒适不能指引你领略人生的全部,与逆境的艰苦搏斗常常会使人生变得丰富而有意义。
幸福隐藏的另一面凯思琳•麦克高恩1 咫风、房屋失火、癌症、激流漂筏失事、坠机、昏暗小巷遭歹徒袭击,没人想找上这些事儿。
”2 我们都爱听人们经历苦难后发生转变的故事,可能是因为这些故事证实了一条真正的心理学_L的真理,这条真理有时会湮没在无数关于灾难的报道中:在最困难的境况中,人所具有的一种内在的奋发向上的能力会进发出来。
3 诸如此类有关危机改变一生的发现有着可观的研究前景,这正是创伤后成长这一新学科的研究领域。
4 那些经受住苦难打击的人是有关幸福悖论的生动例证:为了尽可能地过上最好的生活,我们所需要的不仅仅是愉悦的感受。
5 这种对幸福的平淡定义忽略了问题的主要方面—种富有意义的生活所带来的那种丰富、完整的愉悦。
当代研究生英语读写教程课文翻译Unit One 信息空间:出入随愿美国人癿内心深处具有一种酷爱掌索新领域癿气货。
问题是他们都能呾睦相处吗?人们是否会因为宦怕孩子们躲在卧室里看网上癿淫秽图片耄将它封杀? 首兇要解决癿问题是,什举是信息空间。
其丨有亗房产为私人拥有幵工秔出, 有亗是公兯场所;有癿场所适吅儿竡出入,耄有亗地斱人们最好避开。
新视野研究生英语读说写2英语原文加翻译及课后答案1.大学课堂:还有人在听吗?Toward the middle of the semester, Fowkes fell ill and missed a class. When he returned, the professor nodded vaguely and, to Fowkes’s astonishment, began to deliver not the next lecture in the sequence but the one after. Had he, in fact, lectured to an empty hall in the absence of his solitary student? Fowkes thought it perfectly possible.在学期中间,Fowkes 因病缺了一次课。
Today American colleges and universities (originally modeled on German ones) are under strong attack from many quarters. Teachers, it is charged, are not doing a good job of teaching, and students are not doing a good job of learning. American businesses and industries suffer from unenterprising, uncreative executives educated not to think for themselves but to mouth outdated truisms the rest of the world has long discarded. College graduates lack both basic skills and generalculture. Studies are conducted and reports are issued on the status of higher education, but any changes that result either are largely cosmetic or make a bad situation worse.今天美国的大学(原本是以德国的大学为模型的)受到了各方面的严厉指责。
Unit 61.We observe today not a victory of party,but a celebration of freedom- symbolizing an end, as well as a beginning-signifying renewal,as well as change.今天,我们庆祝的不是一个政党的胜利,而是自由的胜利。
2.The world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life. And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around theglobe----the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state, but from the hand of God.世界如今与以往大不相同。
3.Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike,that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans----born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage--and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this Nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world.此时此刻,让这份讯息传向我的朋友和我的敌人:这火炬已经传递给新一代美国人,这新一代美国人出生于本世纪,受过战争的洗礼,也在艰难困苦的和平年代受过磨炼,为先辈遗产而自豪。
Unit One Techno logyvs. Terror ism参考译文应对恐怖主义的技术毒素嗅探器、导弹人为干发射机、放射性核弹探测器:‚9〃11‛事件后闪电式的保卫行动不仅影响着公共安全——还在改变着科学的进程。
史蒂芬〃汉德曼[1] 在防止未来的“9·11” 事件式攻击—或更恶劣的攻击—的竞赛中,华盛顿以前苏联发射人造地球卫星以来所未有的规模对美国的科学机构做了安排。
自2003年以来,联邦政府对国土防卫研究的投资猛增到近 40 亿美元,而这只不过是安全总开支的沧海一粟。
[2] 然而有些专家认为,这么大的开支实际上只能提供一种安全上的错觉。
《超脱恐惧:明智地考虑变幻莫测世界的安全问题》的作者布鲁斯· 施奈尔说:“这当中有许多都是做表面文章的保安技术,目的是让你感到更安全。
” 他指出,高技术防护措施大量涌入了从白宫到各地市政厅等标志性建筑内,他声称这就会将恐怖分子的注意力引向地铁与体育场等“ 较软性” 目标。
下面是 5 个风险最高的领域以及今后几年会出现的一些保卫它们的技术。
空气、水、食品[3] 这个领域里最大的难题之一是研制一系列传感器,它们能觉察出对从田地里的庄稼到公共场所的空调系统等各样事物所发动的攻击。
环保局和疾病控制预防中心及联邦调查局协作,在美国 30 个城市部署了一个微型毒素检测器的网络,作为叫做“ 生物警卫” 的 3 亿美元项目的一部分。
另一方面,英国人则不能领略吃的基本要领。 证据就是他们本能地使用刀叉来食用汉堡。 更令我惊讶的是,他们大多数都把叉子颠倒 放置,将食物搁在它的背上。
I’ve lived in England for a decade and a half and I still have to quell an impulse to go up to strangers in pubs and restaurants and say, “Excuse me, can I give you a tip that’ll help stop those peas bouncing all over the table?”
I remember on my first trip to Europe going alone to a movie in Copenhagen. In Denmark you are given a ticket for an assigned seat. 记得我第一次去欧洲旅行的时候,我在哥本哈根 独自一人去看电影。在丹麦,电影票是对号入座 的。 I went into the cinema and a young couple locked in the sort of passionate embrace associated with dockside reunions at the end of long wars. 我走进电影院,发现在我的票对应的座位旁,只 有一对年轻情侣。这对情侣如胶似漆地拥抱在一 起,如同一场持久战争结束后码头上亲人的团聚。 Passionate 热情的,多情的
当代研究生英语译文目录当代研究生英语读写教程(上) A课文译文第一单元信息空间:出入随愿 .............................................................................................................................................. - 2 -第二单元男女交谈为何如此困难 .......................................................................................................................................... - 3 -第三单元状告人类 ................................................................................................................................................................ - 4 -第四单元英语的未来 ............................................................................................................................................................ - 5 -第五单元我们能了解宇宙吗? .......................................................................................................................................... - 6 -第六单元洛城邂逅 .............................................................................................................................................................. - 7 -第七单元熵 ............................................................................................................................................................................ - 8 -第八单元新生的亿万富翁 .................................................................................................................................................... - 9 -第九单元他们输给了可卡因 ................................................................................................................................................ - 9 -第十单元村庄 ...................................................................................................................................................................... - 11 -当代研究生英语读写教程(下) A课文译文第一单元人生旅程(节选) .................................................................................................................................................... - 12 -第二单元艾滋病与第三世界 .............................................................................................................................................. - 13 -第三单元HLV新说............................................................................................................................................................. - 14 -第四单元谁控制着全球经济? ............................................................................................................................................ - 16 -第五单元惟独不吃牛肉 ...................................................................................................................................................... - 17 -第六单元求婚,从过去到现在 .......................................................................................................................................... - 18 -第七单元美国大学中知识产权保护的兴起 ........................................................................................................................ - 19 -第八单元身份盗贼 .............................................................................................................................................................. - 20 -第九单元为“成见”一辩 .................................................................................................................................................. - 22 -.Towter当代研究生英语读写教程(上) A课文译文第一单元信息空间:出入随愿1 美国人的内心深处具有一种酷爱探索新领域的气质。
单元一:练习一:原文:The new student is from Russia. She is a very intelligent girl. She likes math and science. 问题:What nationality is the new student? 答案:The new student is from Russia.练习二:原文:My name is John. I am a student at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). I am majoring in Business Administration. 问题:What is the name of the university where John is studying? 答案:The University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).练习三:原文:He usually gets up at 7 o'clock in the morning. He takes a shower and eats breakfast at 7:30. He leaves for work at 8:00. 问题:When does he usually leave for work? 答案:He leaves for work at 8:00.单元二:练习一:原文:He is a talented artist. He can paint and draw very well. 问题:What can he do well? 答案:He can paint and draw very well.练习二:原文:I love to play tennis. It is my favorite sport.I play it every weekend. 问题:What is the author's favorite sport? 答案:Tennis.练习三:原文:My favorite food is pizza. I like to eat it with salad and French fries. 问题:What is the author's favorite food? 答案:Pizza.单元三:练习一:原文:She is a successful businesswoman. She has her own company. She is very hardworking and determined. 问题:What are the two key qualities that made her a successful businesswoman? 答案:Hardworking and determined.研究生英语读写教程课后答案《研究生英语读写教程》课后答案解析《研究生英语读写教程》是一本为研究生编写的英语读写课程教材,旨在提高学生的英语阅读和写作能力。
当代研究生英语读写教程(下) A课文译文第一单元人生旅程(节选)盖尔·希伊1.一个人在每一特定时期内的生活都是由外部生活和内心生活这两个方面结合而成的。
例如,我们目前的生活体系是符合我们的价值观、目标和理想呢,还是与之相违背? 我们的个性能在多大程度上得到发挥,还是受到某种程度的压抑? 在每一特定时期,我们对自己的生活方式又有何种感受?2.正是在人的内心世界这个领域中,一些重大的和基本的转变开始使人失去自我平衡,这就意味着必须进行调整,以步人人生发展的下一个阶段。
然而这种痛苦可能需要好几年才能熬过去、3.在这些变化和转折中,我们对生活方式的看法要经历四个感知方面的微妙变化:第一,通过与他人比较(交往)形成的自我意识(对自己的看法);第二,在生活的各种威胁面前所具有的安全程度(的变化);第三是我们时间的认识,是感到来日方长,还是开始感到时日无多? 最后是对自己的精力和活力的直觉意识,是感到精力充沛,还是感到力不从心? 这些都是在我们内心里产生的若明若暗的感觉,它构成了我们生活的基调,影响着我们(作为)采取行动前的(依据的)种种决定。
UNIT 11. During each of these passages, how we feel about our way of living will undergo su btle changes in four areas of perception. One is the interior sense of self in relation t o others. A second is the proportion of safeness to danger we feel in our lives. A thir d is our perception of time—do we have plenty of it,or are we beginning to feel that t ime is running out? Last, there will be some shift at the gut level in our sense of alive ness or stagnation. These are the hazy sensations that compose the background tone of living and shape the decisions on which we take action.在这些变化和转折中,我们对生活方式的看法要经历四个感知方面的微妙变化:第一,在内心中对自己和他人的看法;第二,在生活的各种威胁面前所具有的安全感;第三是我们对时间的认识,是感到来日方长,还是开始感到时日无多?最后是对自己的精力和活力的直觉意识,是感到精力充沛,还是感到力不从心?这些都是在我们内心里产生的若明若暗的感觉,它们构成了我们生活的基调,影响着我们采取行动前的种种决定。
2. The tasks of this passage are to locate ourselves in a peer group role ,a sex role, an anticipated occupation,an ideology or world view. As a result, we gather the impetus to leave home physically and the identity to begin leaving home emotionally.人生这一阶段的任务是,在同龄人中,在性别角色中,在期望的职业中,以及在思想意识和世界观方面确立自己的位置。
研究生英语读写 下册翻译
Unit 1 The Hidden Side of Happiness1 Hurricanes, house fires, cancer, whitewater rafting accidents, plane crashes, vic ious attacks in dark alleyways. Nobody asks for any of it. But to their surprise, many people find that enduring such a harrowing ordeal ultimately changes them for the bet ter.Their refrain might go something like this: "I wish it hadn't happened, but I'm a bet ter person for it."1飓风、房屋失火、癌症、激流漂筏失事、坠机、昏暗小巷遭歹徒袭击,没人想找上这些事儿。
”2 We love to hear the stories of people who have been transformed by their tribul ations, perhaps because they testify to a bona fide type of psychological truth, one that sometimes gets lost amid endless reports of disaster: There seems to be a built-in hu man capacity to flourish under the most difficult circumstances. Positive responses to profoundly disturbing experiences are not limited to the toughest or the bravest.In fact , roughly half the people who struggle with adversity say that their lives subsequently in some ways improved.2我们都爱听人们经历苦难后发生转变的故事,可能是因为这些故事证实了一条真正的心理学上的真理,这条真理有时会湮没在无数关于灾难的报道中:在最困难的境况中,人所具有的一种内在的奋发向上的能力会进发出来。
Unit One & Text B:When Goodness Isn’t Good EnoughSummarized by Xiao Gao In this article, the author first states that goodness is difficult tocapture in word . Then, the author hold the idea that when we try to identify a “good person” ,three qualities can be taken into account.First , good people care about the others when they are suffering . And what’s more,they take action to help others .The last,they have strong sense of responsibility .When good people undertake an important project,they are committed to solving a problem or achieving a goal. In the next part, the author points out that the world where we live today is very different from centuries ago. The moden word is networked,specialized, and filled with impersonal organizations whose goals are open-ended.In the specialized world, the organizations we can jion and the roles we might play in them are virtually limitless. In the last part , the author point out that “good person” will be deep affected in this situation. In the 21 century anyone who tries to fulfill some previous century’s vision of goodness experiences a constant sense of inadequacy and lives in presence of many poorly articulated and hence unmet personal needs.In my piont of view, purpose of this article is give us some suggestions which we can take to avoid the dissonance resulting from the mismatch between our vision of goodnss and the world we live in. For the author’s opinion ,we must “learn to be good”,accept the philosophy “no one can serve two masters.”So we should f ind our own special passion, makes that the center of a single open-ended commitment, and take no account of all other good causes.第二单元:In this article, the author first states that he had come to the conclusion that he knew practically nothing about anything when he was awake some minutes early than usual. Although ignorance, he said, he didn’t feel unhappy because there appeared to be good reasons why he need do nothing about it and good reasons for thinking he was better as he was. The author deems that acquisition of this inconsiderable store has cost him many years and a good deal of money, but it seems an inadequate return. Furthermore, the author points out that his ignorance does him no harm because he is aware of it. If one is aware of it, ignorance can be the greatest help to one. Last butnot the least, the author means that he is not the only one who realizes himself ignorance.From my opinion of view, a man couldn’t learn all kinds of knowledge, so he must be an “ignorance”man. However, the worst thing is one don’t realize ignorance .Only realizing ignorance, can he studies more and better.第三单元:“A sound mind in a sou nd body is a short, but a full description of a happy state in this world.” Nowadays research suggests that we should think there is deep link between body and mind health in order to achieve happy state of mind. In this way, exercise is a state of mind.In the past, we just know that excise can only make people feel better during and right after exercise. But recently, scientists have proved that regular exercise can improve your mood, decrease anxiety, and raises self-esteem through inducing biological changes. What’s more, exercise is also a pretty good antidepressant which can relieves and prevents depression through regulating mood and storing memories. Well, just knowing this won’t guarantee we excise directly, the motivation is under genetic control.Genes can influence both people’s physiological responses to exercise and people’s su bjective experience of exercise. So, we should develop the habit of exercise.The whole article shows that if we can stick with any program for at least two months, you give yourself the best chance to feel better. Which type of exercise we choice isn’t very important. The only thing we should do is motivate ourselves, and understand “whoever finds the starter motor, the genetic wellspring of motivation, he will have found a key to good health”.第四单元:Opportunity was once the symbol of America as the freedom it has claimed. People in the American society used to think that with hard work and self-determination, they are sure to succeed and realize their dreams. But in recent years, regard to the e conomic development, the traditional doctrine of “American dream” is seriously challenged. Pessimistic spirit has come to dominate the national consciousness. In spite of new immigrants, America is becoming older; the economic mobility in America is getting lower and lower as compared to any other western country. The “American Dream” is starting to fade since rich children stay rich whereas poor children still stay poorAnd the significance measures to fostering economic opportunity is to get out of poverty, and one effective and fundamental way may be to improve education, which will definitely influence economic mobility across generations. If there are abundant of opportunities the society provides, flexible economic orders will attract people to strive, if they move up, then the country and society will move up.第五单元:The article firstly questioned how to define the “evil”, and what’s the humanistunderstand about “evil”. Then, the author hold the idea that neither good nor evil exist outside the human personality, he distinguishes creative and destructive potential . In the next part, he finds social forces may activate destructive potentials. And he gives some examples in the reality. In the last part , with such what’s about evil , the author concludes the text by showing some measures to teach our children and parents how to deal with evil .What really is good, and what really is evil? The answer may vary from people to people, and culture to culture. Actually, the evil and good are relative, they could not exist without each other, there is no absolutely bad man, and also no saint. As boys and girls, we were taught to do good, not evil. To prevent evil, we cannot only attend to our self, but also think about others’feelings, always put yourself into other’s shoes, if it hurt you, it may hurt other person too. So we should turn our destructive impulse into creativity, to help others in need.安徽大学《研究生英语读写译教程》(下册)Vocabulary and StructureSummarized by Xiao Gao Unit OneI. Vocabulary1.Clearing 空地2. Sprinkles 溅落;撒3. Reel 卷;卷于轴上4.Hoist 升高,举起5. Glint 闪烁6. Prop支撑,维持7.Slack 松散的8. Swampy 沼泽的,湿地的9. Ventral 腹部的10. Rake 挖掉;擦去II. Phrases1.went as far as 一直到...,达到2. are … intent on 打算;专注于3.reel in 收线,卷起4. drop off 落差5.cut … off 切掉,割掉6. cut across 抄近路7. go away 走开,离开 8. cut … Out 停止,打住Unit TwoI. Vocabulary1.Expedient 妥当的,明智的2.Sane 心智健全的,神智正常的3. Impart 通知,传授,把(某性质)赋予4. Verify 证明,核实5. Discourteous 粗鲁的,不顾及他人的6.Tentative 不确定的,暂定的7. Dubious 怀疑的,无把握的 8. Premium 保险费;加付款;额外补贴,津贴,奖金 9.Tossing (使)摇摆,挥动,颠簸10. Devoured 吞食II. Phrases1.give rein to 对不加约束;放任自由2.bet on 下赌注3.at a discount 打折4. put a premium on 高度评价;高度重视5. in possession of 拥有,成为主人6. gave an account of 叙述,描述7. come down to 归结为 8. a burst of 爆发Unit ThreeI. Vocabulary1.Vulnerable 易受伤的,脆弱的2. Antidote 解药;起抵消作用的事物3. Adverse 反对的,不利的4. Identical (完全)相同的5.Integrity 完整6. has been sluggish 行动缓慢的7. Induced 引诱,导致8. Prerequisite 先决条件,前提9. Robust 强健的 10. Spurring 促进,激励,鼓舞II. Phrases1.equal to 胜任的,合适的,相当的2.nded up 结束,告终3.keeps me on my toes 忙碌的4. is in charge 负责5.has given rise to 导致,引起6. was assigned to 任命,指派7. in response to 反应 8. were invovled in 使卷入,使参与Unit FourI. Vocabulary1.Immigrant 移民,侨民2. Hazard 以意外,危险;受伤或受损的可能性3. Tentative 试验性的;临时的4. Impotent 无力的,无效的5.Weary 疲倦的6. Succeeding 接连的7.Rigid 呆板的,僵硬的,苛严的 8. Relieve 减缓;导致......的减轻或缓和9. Persist 继续存在;持续 10. Diminish 减少,使变少II. Phrases1.hold back 阻止...的发展2. as long as 以...为条件3.borne out 证实;验证4. aside from 不包括;除...以外5.prop up 支持;撑住6. point to 强调;重点指出7. in general 普遍地 8. has root in 扎根于;源于Unit FiveI. Vocabulary1.Assuage 缓和,减轻2. Reminiscent 引起联想的,让人想到3.Articulate 清楚明白地说/表达4. Impoverished 使...穷5.Preliminary 初步的,开始的,预备的;初步行动/措施6.Prerequisite 先决条件;首要必备的7. preconceptions 先入之见,偏见8. Malicious 恶意的,蓄意的 9. Inculcated 反复灌输,谆谆教诲10. Foster 鼓励,促进II. Phrases1.giving rise to 引起,导致,使...发生2.infested with ...成灾/大量出没,饱受...的困扰3.a battery of 一系列的,一连串的4.are (deeply) embedded in (观点、感情)深植于5.arose out of 起因于(由... 引起的)6.in the light of 根据7.spied on 侦查,暗中监视 8. is (powerfully)committed to 献身于,致力于。
1 大学课堂:还有人在听吗?A former teacher of mine, Robert A.Fowkes of New York University, likes to tell the story of a class he took in Old Welsh while studying in Germany during the 1930s.On the first day the professor strode up to the podium, shuffled his notes, coughed, and began, ―Guten Tag, Meine Damen und Herren‖(―Good day, ladies and gentlemen‖).Fowkes glanced around uneasily. He was the only student in the course.1.纽约大学的Robert A.Fowkes 是我过去的一位老师。
”Fowkes 不安地扫视一番。
Toward the middle of the semester, Fowkes fell ill and missed a class. When he returned, the professor nodded vaguely and, to Fowkes's astonishment, began to deliver not the next lecture in the sequence but the one after. Had he, in fact, lectured to an empty hall in the absence of his solitary student? Fowkes thought it perfectly possible2.在学期中间,Fowkes 因病缺了一次课。
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研究生英语读写下册翻译Unit 1 The Hidden Side of Happiness1 Hurricanes, house fires, cancer, whitewater rafting accidents, plane crashes, vicious attacks in dark alleyways. Nobody asks for any of it. But to their surprise, many people find that enduring such a harrowing ordeal ultimately changes them for the better.Their refrain might go something like this: \ter person for it.\1飓风、房屋失火、癌症、激流漂筏失事、坠机、昏暗小巷遭歹徒袭击,没人想找上这些事儿。
”2 We love to hear the stories of people who have been transformed by their tribulations, perhaps because they testify to a bona fide type of psychological truth, one that sometimes gets lost amid endless reports of disaster: There seems to be a built-in human capacity to flourish under the most difficult circumstances. Positive responses to profoundly disturbing experiences are not limited to the toughest or the bravest.In fact, roughly half the people who struggle with adversity say that their lives subsequently in some ways improved.2我们都爱听人们经历苦难后发生转变的故事,可能是因为这些故事证实了一条真正的心理学上的真理,这条真理有时会湮没在无数关于灾难的报道中:在最困难的境况中,人所具有的一种内在的奋发向上的能力会进发出来。
3 This and other promising findings about the life*changing effects of crises are the province of the new science of post*traumatic growth. This fledgling field has already proved the truth of what once passed as bromide: What doesn't kill you can actually make you stronger. Post*traumatic stress is far from the only possible outcome. In the wake of even the most terrifying experiences, only a small proportion of adults become chronically troubled. More commonly, people rebound*or even eventually thrive.3诸如此类有关危机改变一生的发现有着可观的研究前景,这正是创伤后成长这一新学科的研究领域。
4 Those who weather adversity well are living proof of the paradoxes of happiness.We need more than pleasure to live the best possible life. Our contemporary quest for happiness has shriveled to a hunt for bliss-a life protected from bad feelings,free from pain and confusion.4那些经受住苦难打击的人是有关幸福悖论的生动例证:为了尽可能地过上最好的生活,我们所需要的不仅仅是愉悦的感受。
5 This anodyne definition of well-being leaves out the better half of the story, the rich, full joy that comes from a meaningful life. It is the dark matter of happiness,the ineffable quality we admire in wise men and women and aspire to cultivate in our own lives. It turns out that some of the people who have suffered the most, who have been forced to contend with shocks they never anticipated and to rethink the meaning of their lives, may have the most to tell us about that profound and intensely fulfilling journey that philosophers used to call the search for \5这种对幸福的平淡定义忽略了问题的主要方面―种富有意义的生活所带来的那种丰富、完整的愉悦。
6 This broader definition of good living blends deep satisfaction and a profound connection to others through empathy. It is dominated by happyfeelings but seasoned also with nostalgia and regret. \fe,\ompassion, wisdom, altruism, insight, creativity-sometimes only the trials of adversity canfoster these qualities, because sometimes only drastic situations can force us to take on the painful process of change. To live a full human life, atranquil, carefree existence is not enough. We also need to grow-and sometimes growing hurts.6这种对美好生活的更为广泛的定义把深深的满足感和一种通过移情与他人建立的深切联系融合在一起。
7 In a dark room in Queens, New York, 31-year-old fashion designer Tracy Cyr believed she was dying. A few months before, she had stopped taking the powerful Immune*suppressing drugs that kept her arthritis in check. She never anticipated what would happen: a withdrawal reactions that eventually left her in total body agony and neurological meltdown. The slightest movement-tryingto swallow, fqr example-was excruciating. Even the pressure of her cheek onthe pillow was almost unbearable.7在纽约市皇后区一间漆黑的房间里,31岁的时装设计师特蕾西?塞尔感到自己奄奄一息。