






二、实习目标1. 提高学生对英语听说能力的培养,注重培养学生的学习兴趣和自信心。

2. 培养学生的基本英语词汇量和句子结构的掌握。

3. 培养学生简单的对话交流能力,能够用英语进行日常生活用语的表达。

三、主要实习内容和教学方法1. 实习内容(1)基础单词和短语的学习:通过图片、游戏和课堂练习等方式教授学生掌握基础的英语单词和短语,并通过歌曲、动画等形式进行巩固和复习。



2. 教学方法(1)游戏教学法:通过游戏将英语知识融入到学生的生活中,增加学习的趣味性和参与度。



四、实习过程总结1. 备课过程:在每节课之前,我会做详细的备课,包括课堂内容的设计、教学材料的准备以及教学方法的选择。


2. 教学过程:在教学过程中,我注重与学生的互动和沟通,启发学生的思维和表达能力。



3. 学生反馈:在实习过程中,我定期与学生进行反馈和交流,了解他们的学习情况和困惑。




快 乐教 学
教 学 方 法
教 学 是教 师 教 和学 生 学 , 共 同 完 成 教 学 任 务 的双 边 活 动 . 要 充 分 发 挥教 师 的 主导 作 用 和学 生 的 主 体 作 用 。 新 课 程 倡 导 创设情境 , 激 发 学 生 的学 习 兴 趣 , 凝 聚学生 的注意力 。 唤 起 学 生的好奇心 、 求 知 欲 和创 造 力 。 英 语 作 为世 界 性 的通 用 语 言 之 已成 为 教 育 的 一项 重 要 内容 。 在新 课 程 标 准 下 的小 学 英 语 教学中 , 教师要培养和保持学生较浓的学习兴趣 。 让 小 学 生 快 乐 学 英语 , 就 必须 通 过 创设 情 境 , 激 发 学 生 浓厚 的 学 习 兴 趣 和 强 烈 的求 知 欲 望 , 变“ 要我学 ” 为“ 我要学 ” , 培养 学 生 爱 学 的 情 感、 会学的能力 , 让 学 生 在 玩 中学 、 乐中学 、 情 中学 、 用 中学 . 达 到 培 养 和提 高 学 生 正 确 运用 语 言 能力 的 目的 采 用 游 戏教 学 法 活 跃 课 堂 气 氛 小 学 生 对 事 物 的 好 奇 心 较 强 .注 意 力 很 难 长期 集 中 于 同 事物 , 如果 课 堂 上 教 师都 在不 停 地 讲课 , 学 生 就 会 因 为 失 去 耐心而分散精力。 针对这一现象 , 教 师 可 以 采 用 能 够 引起 学生 兴 趣 的小 游 戏 、 竞赛 等 , 激 发 学 生 的求 知 欲 望 , 在达 到教学 目 的 的前 提 下 提 高 学 生 在 课 堂 上 的 参 体 地位 ,让 学 生 在 轻 松 愉 快 的 氛 围 中学 到 知 识 并 树 立 集 体 合 作 精神 。 例 如 在学 习新 单 词 的过 程 中 . 教 师 除 了要 对 教 材 附 带 的单 词 录音 进行 一 次 以 上 的 播 放 外 ,还 要 将 印有 不 同字 母 的 卡 片发 放 到 每组 学 生 手 中 。 由他 们 根 据 每 个 人 手 中 的卡 片 组成 不 同类 别 的单 词 学 习 。 这 一 方 法 可 以应 用 到 小 学 三 年 级 英 语 中对 “ C o l o  ̄, A n i ma l s . F o o d ” 等 方 面 内容 的 学 习 中 。运 用 这些 方 法 , 学 生 能 加 深 对 单 词 拼 写 的记 忆 , 提 高 动 手 动脑能力。 二、 在 英 语 教 学 中 应 用 多媒 体 随着 教 学 环 境 的不 断 改 善 , 多媒 体 教 学 为 小 学 教 师 提 供 了更 加 方 便 快 捷 的教 学 工 具 。在 小 学 英 语 课 堂 上 . 应 用 多 媒 体 可 以 摆 脱 传 统 黑 板 在 区 域 的 界 限 ,增 强 教 师 工 作 的 灵 活 性 。 内容 丰 富 多 彩 的教 学 内容 能 够 吸 引 学 生 的 注 意 力 . 同 时 也 为 教 师 提供 了进 行 情 境 教 学 的 平 台 。例 如在 训 练 学 生 的 英 语交际能力时 , 教师可先播放一 些视频 , 内容 不 要 太 难 . 可 以 是关于天气 、 日常 生 活 方 面 的 , 再 让学生进行 角色扮演 . 学 习 视 频 播 放 过 的对 话 内 容 。 教 师 也 可 以 教 学 生 一 些 简 单 的 歌



















可让小学生唱着《nice tomeet you》进行问候表演,通过《ten littleindians》歌曲学会数字。



“ G o o d ! ” “ S ma r t ! ” “ Y o u c a n d o i t ! ”或仅仅 教学 活动 ,营造一个 生动活泼 的语 言环境 , 言运用能 力 ,促进 心智发展 ,提 高综合人 文 竖起 的大拇 哥 ,都会 让孩子体会 到学 习成 功 就能提 高学生们对英语 口语 的兴趣 。有条件 素 养 。” (《 义 务教育 英语课 程标 准 ( 2 0 1 1 所带来 的喜悦 ,树立起敢说英语的信心。 的话让学 生录下活 动场面 ,运用现代 化教学 三、 给孩 子 创 造 “ S p e a k i n g E n g l i s h ” 由于受 应试教 育的影 响 ,长期 以来 ,人 的 机 会 们一 直有这样 一种 观念 :英语 的学 习主要是 1 . 对 于每周 的英 语课 ,都要 给学生 留一 书面语言 的学 习 , 重 知识 . 轻 能力 , 重 书面 . 轻 定 的f r e e t a l k时间 , 老师除了要认真备课外 , 口头。英语 口语一直 处在被忽 视的地位 ,这 让学生做 好预 习工作也是必 不可少 的。在课 必 然会影 响到学生 未来的发展 。如今 ,新 的 前 出示一个 学生感 兴趣 的话题 ,让孩子预 习 英语 口语教学 目标 不仅要培养学 生 的口头表 之后 ,把 自己的所 想所感所悟 用英语写在 一 达 能力 ,最 突出 的特 点是重视人 与人之 间的 张纸上 ,并 夹在 书里 ,甚至课 堂上让学生 亲 交往互动 。要让学生敢说英语 , 快乐说英语 , 身参与讨 论交流 ,如讲英语小 故事 ,看谁 编 我有一 些 自己的观点 : 得好 ,讲 得好 。这样 孩子 的积极性特别 高 , 让 学生不 怯师 。敢 于说 出心 里话 。 英语说得也特别好 。 营造 良好师生关系是基础。 2 . 利 用 早 读 的时 间,要 求 学 生 大声 朗





二、实习目标1. 熟悉小学英语教学教材和教学标准。

2. 观察和参与小学英语课堂教学,熟悉教学方法和技巧。

3. 锻炼自己的课堂管理能力,并提高与学生的互动能力。

4. 提升自己的教学组织能力,合理安排教学内容和时间。

三、实习内容1. 观察课堂教学:在导师的带领下,我观察了多节小学英语课堂,包括听力、口语、阅读和写作等方面的教学。


2. 参与课堂教学:在我熟悉了教材和教学内容后,我开始参与课堂教学。


3. 教学设计和备课:在实习期间,我也有机会进行教学设计和备课。


4. 课后反思和改进:在每次实习结束后,我会与导师一起进行课后反思和改进。












小学快乐学英语多媒体教学中图分类号:g633.41 文献标识码:a 文章编号:在英语课上往往出现:教师讲得激情投入,学生玩得津津有味这种情况。













歌曲如:“hello!”、“how are you?”、“if you are happy.”、“this is the way.”等。






小学英语实习报告模板1. 实习概况本次小学英语实习是在某小学三年级英语班级进行的。



2. 实习过程2.1. 教学辅导在实习过程中,我主要负责辅导学生进行口语练习。




2.2. 作业批改除了教学辅导,我还负责批改学生的作业。



2.3. 英语角组织作为实习生,我还负责组织学校的英语角活动。



3. 实习心得3.1. 学生积极性较高在实习过程中,我发现学生对英语学习的积极性较高。




3.2. 学生学习能力参差不齐在实习过程中,我发现学生的学习能力存在差异。



3.3. 教学方法要灵活多样通过实习经历,我意识到教学方法的灵活性和多样性的重要性。






















Come on! It’s so easy to learn English!(二)开心一笑In England, people under the age of eighteen can’t drink in a public bar.Mr. Smith goes to bar near his house quite often, but he never takes his son, Tom, because he is too young. After Tom’s eighteenth birthday, Mr. Smith takes him to the bar for the first time. They drink for an hour, and then Mr. Smith says to his son, “Now, Tom, I want to tell you not to drink too much.’’ The son asks, “How do I know when I have enough?”“Well, let me tell you. Doyou see those two lights at the end of the bar? When they seem(似乎) to become four, you have enough,” his father says.Tom says, “But I can only see one light there.”练一练( ) 1. A public bar is a room for people to _________.A. see a filmB. count lightsC. get something to drinkD. have a rest( ) 2. Tom’s father doesn’t take him to the bar because_________.A. Tom is youngB. he doesn’t like TomC. Tom doesn’t like to drinkD. Tom can’t drink too much( ) 3. Tom can see only one light because ______________.A. Tom’s eyes are not very goodB. there’s only one lightC. the bar is very darkD. someone takes away one light( ) 4. How many lights are there at the end of the bar?A. OneB. TwoC. ThreeD. Four( ) 5. In England, people under the age of ______ can’t drink in a public bar.A. 15B. 16C. 17D. 18(三)Story time讲故事The Tiger and the CatIn China, people believe that, at the beginning, the tiger and the cat were friends, and the cat was much smarter than the tiger .The cat learned the physical skills quickly, and the tiger was always behind. Gradually(渐渐地), the tiger had to learn from the cat, and the cat was patient (耐心的)to teach the tiger. Day after day, month after month, finally, the tiger could also run, jump, roll, grasp(扑抓), tear(撕咬), and strike(攻击)as well as(像……一样)the cat.One summer afternoon, the cat was taking a nap(打盹)as the tiger sitting nearby. Looking at the cat, the tiger suddenly thought, why should he keep befriending with such a small animal since he had already learnt all the skills from the cat? The evil(邪恶的)tiger decided to(决定)kill the sleeping cat as a before dinner snack. The tiger stood up and approached (靠近) the cat viciously (凶恶地). Just as this moment, the cat woke up. Opening up her eyes, the smart cat immediately (马上、立即)realized(领会、认识)what the tiger was trying to do and swiftly(迅速地)jumped onto a nearby tall tree and climbed to the top branch.The tiger thought he had already learned every skill from the cat .But he never knew that the cat had hidden the tree climbing from him.“I kept the last technique(技能)of the tree climbing from you just because I suspected(怀疑)you might be an ungrateful(忘恩负义的)friend.” The cat loudly told the tiger who watched under the tree helplessly(无奈的、无助的).真诚地对待朋友,做一个知恩图报的人。



以快乐学英语为主题的英语教研活动方案全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Learning English Can Be Super Fun!Hi friends! My name is Emma and I'm a 4th grader. Today I want to tell you all about how we've been learning English in such a fun way at my school. I used to think English class was kind of boring, but not anymore! Our teachers have come up with the most awesome activities to make learning English an absolute blast.It all started at the beginning of this school year when my English teacher, Ms. Roberts, told us we were going to have an "English Fun Club" once a week instead of our regular English class. She said the goal was to make learning English something we actually looked forward to and enjoyed. I wasn't sure what to expect, but I was definitely excited at the idea of English being fun!The first fun activity we did were English tongue twisters. I'll be honest, at first I thought tongue twisters were kind of silly. But Ms. Roberts had us going around the room trying to say thingslike "She sells sea-shells by the sea-shore" as fast as we could without messing up. We all cracked up laughing at each other's blunders. Then we had a tongue twister contest to see who could say the hardest ones perfectly. It was hilarious but it also helped me practiced pronouncing difficult English sounds.Another time, Ms. Roberts brought in all these random objects like a rubber duck, a pinecone, a pasta strainer, and some other weird items. She put them all on a table and we had to go around naming each object in English and making up a silly sentence using the word. The sentences we came up with were so ridiculous and funny. But it really helped me practice using new vocabulary words in context. Now whenever I see a rubber duck, I think about the goofy sentence I made up and it helps me remember the English word.My favorite English Fun Club day so far was when we played English Charades. Ms. Roberts put different English words and phrases into a hat and we took turns picking one out and acting it out for the rest of the class to guess. You're not allowed to talk at all, so we really had to flex our acting muscles! I had no idea how challenging it would be to act out something like "going shopping" without using any words. My whole class was dying laughing at my over-the-top performances. I loved seeingeveryone's creativity in action as they mimed out words and scenes. It felt more like a comedy club than an English class!Sometimes we also sing crazy English songs where we make up the lyrics as we go using certain vocabulary words or grammatical concepts Ms. Roberts wants us to practice. We'll start with a simple phrase like "I am smart" and then each person has to make up another line that follows logically. Before you know it, we have an epic (and totally nonsensical) song! Singing and dancing around as we belt out the goofy lyrics helps reinforce what we're learning in such a fun, energetic way.Ms. Roberts also taught us some super engaging English games to play. One is called "Sundae Silliness" where you build an imaginary ice cream sundae by going around the circle saying different toppings in English. Whenever someone messes up or repeats a topping, they're out! The last person standing wins. It's a simple idea but gets everyone shouting out English words at a rapid pace. You really have to think fast.Another great game is called "Secretary" where one person runs out of the room and everyone else picks a random English vocabulary word for them to guess. When the Secretary comes back in, they have to fire off different questions to the group to try and guess what the word is based on our yes/no responses.It's neat because it gets you putting your English into action and thinking of creative ways to describe something.I could go on and on about all the cool English learning games and activities we've done, but I think you get the point - my English Fun Club is awesome! What makes it so effective is that we're always being challenged to actually use the English we're learning, not just memorize facts or vocabulary lists. The interactive and collaborative nature of the activities forces me to get out of my comfort zone communicating only in English.Probably the biggest benefit though is that these engaging games and activities have completely changed my attitude towards learning English. I used to see it as this boring grammar-focused subject. Now, I associate it with laughter, creativity, and flat-out fun. I find myself actively looking for opportunities to practice my English, maybe by telling silly jokes to my parents or writing wacky stories with my friends. The fun vibe of my English Fun Club has motivated me to take my English learning beyond the classroom.I really hope lots of other schools start doing an English Fun Club like ours. It's such an effective way to build vital communication skills in a low-pressure, high-energy environment. Who knew learning English could be this awesome?I may only be in 4th grade but I already feel like I'm becoming fluent thanks to all the hands-on speaking,篇2Learning English with Joy!Hi everyone! My name is Emma and I'm a 4th grader at Sunnyville Elementary School. Today I want to share with you all an amazing English lesson our teacher Miss Wilson did with our class last week. It was so much fun and helped us learn new words and practice our English in a totally joy-filled way!The lesson was called "Learning English with Joy" and it had lots of cool activities and games. I can't wait to tell you all about it!It started with Miss Wilson putting us into teams of 4 students each. She said we were going to go on a "Word Safari" to hunt for new vocabulary words. How exciting! Each team got a list of 15 words we had to find definitions and example sentences for.But here's the best part - we couldn't just look them up online or in a dictionary. No way! We had to search for clues around the classroom and playground by following a treasuremap Miss Wilson gave us. Underneath chairs, behind bookcases, under the jungle gym - the clues could be anywhere!My team found clues like "I make a crunch when you step on me" (the word was "leaf") and "I'm cold, white, and I fall from the sky in winter" (can you guess that one?). We had to use the clues to figure out what each word meant.After 30 minutes of clue hunting, we came back together as a class and each team presented the words they had found. We got to use gestures, draw pictures, act things out - whatever helped us describe the meanings in English. It was like a fun gameshow!I'll never forget words like "agile" (moving quickly and easily) because my teammate did this hilarious acrobatic move to act it out. Such a smart way to learn vocabulary!Next up was the "Story Switcheroo" game. Miss Wilson put us in new teams and gave each team the beginning line of a story. Our job? To go around in a circle and have each person add just ONE sentence to continue the tale.The stories started normal like "Once upon a time, there was a girl named Lily who lived in a treehouse." But they quickly became the wackiest tales like "...Lily's treehouse was a spaceship.One day, she was abducted by aliens and taken to their planet made of chocolate..." You can imagine how silly they got!Not only did we have a blast trying to one-up each other with our creative sentence additions, but we also practiced so many English skills. We had to listen carefully to what the previous person said to make our sentence make sense and move the story forward. Such great reading comprehension and speaking practice!After all the morning's high-energy games, we settled down for my favorite part of the lesson - the "World Voices" showcase. For this, Miss Wilson had recorded native speakers from around the world reading the same simple paragraph in their varieties of English.We heard accents from Australia, India, South Africa, Jamaica, and more. As we listened to each one, we had to identify on a map where that variety of English was from. It was so cool to hear the differences in pronunciation, word stress, and even some vocabulary between all the Englishes!Miss Wilson reminded us that there's no single "correct" English - it's a global language with lots of diversity. She said we should celebrate the variety we heard in the recordings and beopen-minded to different accents and dialects. What a valuable lesson about English being the world's lingua franca!To wrap up the amazing day, we made "Joy Journals" - little blank booklets where we wrote down our favorite new words, phrases we liked the sound of, new idioms or slang terms, and reflections on what we'd learned. A lovely keepsake to remind us of the joy we experienced learning English that day!I can't wait for more English lessons like this from the brilliant Miss Wilson. Who knew learning a language could be so amazingly fun and engaging? If you also have the chance to learn English through games, creativity, and sheer joy, you're so lucky! It's the best way to build confidence and fall in love with this global tongue.Thanks for letting me share my "Learning English with Joy" experience. Let me know if you've ever had a standout language lesson like this in the comments below. Speak to you next time!篇3快乐学英语教研活动方案活动介绍大家好!我是小明,今天我要向大家介绍一种快乐学英语的新方法。



学生是有情感 的 ,学生 的情感直接影响到他们的学 习兴趣 及学 习效果 , 只有积极 、 肯定 的情感才 能使学生的主体性 、 创造 性得 到发展 , 学生 的思维 才能更加活跃 。由于每个学生的生活 经验 、 学习能力 、 意志水平等均有差异 , 这就使得 评价无法采用 个统一 的模式 。所以 , 师要选择对学生 全体 或个 体发展有 教 导 向作用的学习状 况 , 进行 因人而异的评价 : 自卑型的学生应 对 大胆参与 ; 冲动型的学生应重在 帮其养成 对 讲述 时再配 以简单的手势 、 图片 的提示 , 就能在直观帮助学生理 重在鼓励其 自信心 , 对智能型 的学生应重在激励他们发展创新 。 解材料 的同时 , 利用童话 的故事情节所制造的悬念 , 使学生积极 良好 的思维习惯 ; 小 学 英 语 学 习 多 以 口语 为主 , 要学 生 大 胆 表 达 , 师 可 以 需 教 思维 , 持注意力 , 保 最终 使学生深 刻地感 知材 料 。比如在 教5 A H odV r go/ n e u G et y f/ 蕴 U i1 T ee i o/er eie e id 的 句 型 时 , 生 虽 将 富 有 感 染 力 的话 语  ̄ G o/ e odWod r l ra 含 在 课 nt “h rta… n nna/ s / hn …” s / b db 学 鼓励学生 , 使其争先恐后地投 人到学习中 , 而营造有 促 从 然 可 以记 住 几 个方 位 词 的 发 音 , 对 各 方 位 词 的 意 思 往 往 互 相 堂 中, 但 激起思维 的火花 。如我在课堂 中要求 学生做两人对 混淆 。 如 果教 师把 几 个 方 位 词 编 人 “ 来 了 ” 狼 的故 事 里 , 那 个 利 的氛 围 , 让 双手 并排合拢 , “ a ok pes.每 当Fe l突然无 说 P iw r, l e r a ” reak t 小孩在第一次欺骗大人时说 :T ee s o e ae 第二次 话 时 , “ hr w li t v. ia fn h c ” 我轻声地鼓励 :D n e f i] ee n .每当学生 回答 “ o’b r dN vr d” t aa mi 说 :T ee s o bhn ere”学 生 便 可 利 用 脑海 里 同 时 出 声时 , “ hr w l eidt e. ia f ht 现的图像来记忆这几个 方位词 , 降低遗忘率。 正 确 时 ,及 时 地 说 一 声 :V r go !“ ldn !“ ra ”Y u “ ey od” We o e G et “ o l ” ! 在 教 学 活 动 中 , 师 要 善 于 引 导 学 生 根据 生 活 经 验 , 一 反 ae c ee.以示表扬 。对后进生付出更 多些爱心 与耐心 , 教 举 r vr c vr y l " 善 三, 灵活运用 。另外 , 教师还应让学生收集一些与教学内容相关 于发现他们心灵 中的闪光点 , 并及 时表扬 、 鼓励 , 这对 于克服学 的异 国文 化 、 风俗习惯 , 如收集 和介绍 中外的节 日, 使学生对此 生 自卑 、 虚荣 、 利己等消极心理与情绪有重要作用。一些学生学 有所 了解 , 既丰富 了教学 内容 , 深了对所学语言 的理解 , 加 又调 英语过程 中, 难免方法欠佳 , 遇到一些挫折 , 再加上心理素质差 , 动了学生学习英语的好 奇心 , 培养了学生的跨 文化意识 。 信心不足 , 可能因此而掉 队。关 注到这类情况后 , 教师应关心 、 二 、 学 媒体 的 开 放— — 让 课 堂 “ ” 来 教 宽 起 帮助他们 , 课后辅导 , 教给方法 , 时对他们 的表 现给予肯定的 及 小学英语教学 的过程中 , 利用录像 、 录音等多种媒体 , 能为 评价 。在课堂上或作业 本上 , 我会毫不吝惜地表 现对学生欣赏 学生创造一种悦 目、 悦耳 、 悦心 的英语 交际情景 , 使学生能怀着 的表 情 、眼神 和话 语 ,或 留下赞 美 的语 句 ,E cl n.“ l “ xeet We l ” l o e N t a . r u s " " “ y b . 希 轻松愉快 的心情积极参 与眼看 、 耳听 、 口说 、 写过程 , 手 能较快地 dn ." ob d”Ty o r et 等等 . 望学 生感 受到教师的情 使他们卸下包袱 , 调整 出较 佳的学习心态 , 让情 感教 接受语 言信息 , 感知语言 , 领悟语 义。如此持之 以恒 , 将使学生 感与期望 ,





二、实习内容和活动1. 观摩教学:实习期间,我有机会观摩了很多有经验的英语老师的课堂教学。


2. 设计教学:我还参与了一些课程的设计和备课活动。


3. 辅导学生:在实习期间,我也参与了一些学生的辅导活动。


4. 教学实践:在实习的最后一周,我有机会担任了一次课堂教学的实践。















快乐学英语作者:陈健来源:《课程教育研究·下》2013年第01期【中图分类号】G623.31 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2013)01-0068-02英语教育就是把“快乐学英语”的理念融入英语教学中,营造氛围和意境,能够激发学生饱满的学习情绪,促进他们旺盛的精力,积极的态度,主动在快乐的课堂活动中自主学习,享受英语学习所带来的每一份快乐。
















以快乐学英语为主题的英语教研活动方案全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: Let's Have Fun Learning English!Hey friends! Are you ready to have a super fun time learning English? Today, we are going to talk about an awesome English teaching and research activity plan that will make learning English exciting and enjoyable!First, we are going to start off with some fun English games. We can play games like "Simon Says" where the teacher gives instructions in English and we have to follow along. This will help us to understand and practice our listening skills in a fun way.Next, we can do some English songs and dances. We can sing along to catchy English songs and learn some cool dance moves to go along with them. This will help us to improve our pronunciation and vocabulary while having a blast!After that, we can do some creative activities like drawing or acting out stories in English. By using our imagination, we canpractice our speaking skills and also learn new words and phrases in a fun and engaging way.To wrap up our English teaching and research activity, we can have a mini English fair where we showcase all the things we have learned. We can have booths with different activities like a storytelling corner, a karaoke station, and a vocabulary quiz game. This will not only help us to review what we have learned but also give us a chance to share our knowledge with others.So, are you excited to join in on the fun English teaching and research activities? Let's come together and make learning English a super enjoyable and happy experience! Let's go have fun while learning English!篇2Title: Let's Have Fun Learning English!Hello everyone! Are you ready to have some fun while learning English? In this English teaching and research activity plan, we will explore creative and interactive methods to make learning English an enjoyable experience for all of us. Let's get started!1. English Storytelling TimeWe will begin our activity by having an English storytelling time. Each student will be given a chance to share their favorite English story or fable with the class. This will not only improve our listening and speaking skills but also encourage creativity and imagination.2. English Sing-AlongNext, we will have an English sing-along session where we will sing popular English songs together. This will help us to improve our pronunciation, vocabulary, and listening skills in a fun and engaging way. Get ready to sing your heart out!3. English Games and ActivitiesAfter the sing-along session, we will play various English games and activities such as word puzzles, charades, and vocabulary quizzes. These games will not only help us learn new words and phrases but also enhance our teamwork and critical thinking skills.4. English Cultural ExchangeIn this activity, we will learn about different English-speaking countries and their cultures. We will explore their traditional foods, festivals, and customs. This will not only broaden ourknowledge of the world but also improve our understanding of the English language in a real-life context.5. English Movie NightTo wrap up our activity, we will watch an English movie with subtitles. This will help us improve our listening and comprehension skills while enjoying a fun movie night together. Don't forget to bring your popcorn and snacks!In conclusion, learning English can be a joyful and exciting experience if we approach it with enthusiasm and creativity. By participating in these fun and interactive activities, we will not only improve our English language skills but also build lasting friendships and memories. Let's have fun learning English together!篇3Title: Happy English Learning Research PlanHey guys! Are you ready to have some fun while learning English? We have prepared an exciting English teaching research plan for you, so get ready to join in on the fun!Objective:The main objective of this research plan is to make learning English fun and enjoyable for students. We want to create a positive and interactive environment that will help students improve their English skills while having a great time.Activities:1. English Bingo: We will create a Bingo game with English words and phrases. Students will have to listen carefully and mark off the corresponding words on their Bingo cards. The first one to get Bingo wins a prize!2. Sing-along: We will have a sing-along session where students can sing English songs together. This will help them improve their pronunciation and vocabulary in a fun and engaging way.3. Storytelling: Students will take turns telling a short story in English. This will help them improve their speaking and listening skills while also sparking their creativity.4. English Charades: We will play a game of Charades where students have to act out English words or phrases. This will help them improve their communication skills and vocabulary in a fun and interactive way.5. English Cooking Class: We will have a cooking class where students will learn to make simple English dishes while practicing their English vocabulary related to cooking and food.6. English Cinema: We will watch a short English movie or cartoon and discuss it afterwards. This will help students improve their listening and comprehension skills in a fun and relaxed environment.7. English Treasure Hunt: We will organize a treasure hunt game where students have to solve clues in English to find the hidden treasure. This will help them practice their reading and problem-solving skills.8. English Art Class: We will have an art class where students will create English-themed art projects while learning new vocabulary related to art and colors.9. English Talent Show: Students will have the opportunity to showcase their English-speaking skills through a talent show. They can perform a skit, sing a song, or recite a poem in English.10. English Pen Pal Exchange: We will organize a pen pal exchange program where students can correspond with English-speaking students from other countries. This will helpthem improve their writing skills and learn about different cultures.So guys, are you excited about this English teaching research plan? Let's have a blast while learning English together! Remember, learning should be fun and enjoyable, so let's make the most of it! Let's get started and have a great time learning English!篇4Title: Let's Have Fun Learning English!Hey everyone! Are you ready for some super fun English learning activities? In this English teaching research plan, we will explore different ways to make learning English exciting and enjoyable for all of us little students.1. Song and Dance PartyLet's start with a song and dance party! We can learn English through catchy songs and fun dance moves. We can sing along to the lyrics and practice our pronunciation while grooving to the beat. It's a great way to make learning English feel like a party!2. Storytelling TimeNext, we can have storytelling time where we listen to interesting stories in English. We can imagine ourselves in the magical world of the stories and learn new vocabulary and expressions along the way. We can even act out the stories with our friends to make it even more fun!3. English Outdoor GamesLet's take our English learning outside with some fun outdoor games. We can play games like Simon Says or English Treasure Hunt where we have to find hidden objects with English words on them. It's a great way to practice speaking and listening while having a blast outside.4. English Cooking ClassWho loves food? We can have an English cooking class where we learn how to make simple dishes while practicing English vocabulary related to cooking and ingredients. We can follow along with the recipe in English and enjoy tasting our delicious creations afterwards.5. English Art and CraftsLet's get creative with some English art and crafts activities. We can make English flashcards, posters, and drawings to help us remember new words and phrases. We can also decorate ourclassroom with our English masterpieces to show off our hard work.6. English Talent ShowFinally, we can end our English teaching research plan with an English talent show. We can showcase our English skills through singing, dancing, storytelling, and more. It's a great way to boost our confidence and have a fun time with our friends.In conclusion, learning English can be a joyful and exciting experience for us little students. With the right activities and approach, we can make learning English a fun and memorable journey. So let's all get ready to have a blast while improving our English skills together! Let's have fun learning English!篇5Hello everyone! Today I'm going to share with you a fun and exciting English teaching and research activity plan called "Happy Learning English". I hope you will enjoy learning English through this plan and have a great time!1. Theme: Happy Learning English2. Objective: To create a joyful and stimulating learning environment for students to improve their English proficiency and have fun at the same time.3. Activities:- English Songs: We will start the day with some lively English songs to get everyone energized and excited about learning English. We can sing and dance along to the music to make the learning experience more enjoyable.- English Games: We will play fun English learning games such as word puzzles, charades, and memory games. These games will help students practice their English vocabulary and grammar in a playful and interactive way.- Storytelling: We will read and discuss interesting English stories together. Students can take turns reading aloud and sharing their thoughts and feelings about the stories. This will help improve their reading comprehension and listening skills.- Role Playing: We will also do some role-playing activities where students can act out different scenarios in English. This will help improve their speaking and conversation skills in a fun and creative way.- English Crafts: To end the day on a creative note, we will do some English-themed crafts such as making English flashcards, bookmarks, or even creating our own English storybooks. This will help reinforce the English vocabulary and concepts learned throughout the day.4. Benefits:- By using a variety of creative and interactive activities, students will be more engaged and motivated to learn English.- Students will have the opportunity to practice and improve their English language skills in a fun and enjoyable way.- Students will develop a love for learning English and become more confident in using the language.- Students will also learn the importance of teamwork and collaboration through group activities.In conclusion, the "Happy Learning English" activity plan is designed to make learning English a joyful and engaging experience for students. I believe that by incorporating fun and interactive activities into the English teaching and research process, we can help students improve their English proficiency and develop a lifelong love for the English language. I hope you all have a fantastic time learning English together!篇6Title: Let's Have Fun Learning English!Hello everyone! I'm excited to share with you our plan for a super fun English teaching and research activity! Are you ready? Let's get started!Introduction:Learning English can be so much fun if we approach it with a positive attitude and creativity. In this activity, we will explore different ways to make learning English enjoyable and engaging for everyone involved. Through games, songs, and fun activities, we will not only improve our English skills but also have a great time doing it!Activity Plan:1. English Games- Let's start with some fun English games to get our brains thinking in English. We can play games like Pictionary, charades, and word puzzles to practice vocabulary and communication skills. The key is to have fun and not worry about making mistakes.2. Sing-along Songs- Music is a great way to learn English, so let's sing along to some popular English songs! We can learn new words and phrases, improve our pronunciation, and have a blast dancing and singing together. Remember, it's all about having fun!3. Role Play Scenarios- Let's get creative and act out different role play scenarios in English. We can pretend to be at a restaurant ordering food, at the doctor's office describing symptoms, or even in a superhero rescue mission. This will help us practice speaking in English while having a great time pretending to be someone else.4. Storytelling Circle- Let's sit in a circle and take turns telling stories in English. We can invent our own stories or retell our favorite tales in English. This will help us improve our storytelling skills, build vocabulary, and practice listening to others speak English.5. English Art and Crafts- Let's get crafty and create art projects related to English language and culture. We can make English flashcards, English-themed posters, or even design our own English comic strips. This will help us visually connect with the English language and have fun expressing ourselves creatively.Conclusion:Learning English can be a joyful and entertaining experience if we approach it with a sense of fun and adventure. By engaging in activities that spark our creativity, curiosity, and imagination, we can make great strides in our English language skills while having a blast along the way. Let's embrace the joy of learning English together and make every lesson a memorable and enjoyable experience!So, are you all ready to have fun learning English? Let's dive in and make some unforgettable memories along the way! Let's spread the love for English and have a fantastic time together!篇7Title: Let's Have Fun Learning English!Hi everyone! Are you ready to have a blast learning English? I'm so excited to share with you our plan for a fun and interactive English teaching and research activity. This activity will not only help us improve our English skills but also make learning enjoyable and exciting!First, let's start with some fun games and activities to help us learn new words and phrases. We can play games like charades,Pictionary, and word puzzles to practice our vocabulary and spelling. We can also sing English songs and learn new phrases through music. By making learning English fun, we can remember more words and phrases easily!Next, let's try some role-playing activities to practice speaking English. We can pretend to be superheroes, doctors, teachers, or even animals and have conversations in English. By using our imagination and creativity, we can practice our speaking skills and gain confidence in using English in daily conversations.In addition, we can watch English cartoons and movies to improve our listening skills. We can also read English stories and books to enhance our reading comprehension. By exposing ourselves to different forms of English media, we can improve our language skills and develop a love for learning English.To make our English learning experience even more exciting, we can plan a mini English theater performance. We can write our own scripts, create props and costumes, and prepare a show for our friends and family. By working together as a team, we can showcase our English skills and have a memorable experience performing on stage.Lastly, let's share our favorite English learning tips and resources with each other. We can recommend English apps, websites, books, and videos that have helped us improve our language skills. By sharing our knowledge and experiences, we can support each other in our English learning journey.I hope you're as excited as I am about our fun and interactive English teaching and research activity! Let's work together to make learning English an enjoyable experience. Remember, learning English can be fun and rewarding, so let's have a great time learning together! Let's have fun learning English!That's all for now. See you soon for our exciting English learning activity! Bye-bye!篇8Title: Let's Have Fun Learning English!Hey everyone! Are you ready to have a blast while learning English? We have some exciting activities planned for you in our English teaching and research project. Let's dive in and explore the world of English together!Activity 1: English Magic ShowWe will kick off our project with an English magic show! Our talented teachers will perform magic tricks while speaking only in English. You will be amazed by their skills and will learn new English words and phrases in a fun and interactive way.Activity 2: Sing Along English SongsNext, we will have a sing-along session where we will sing popular English songs together. You will not only enjoy the music but will also improve your pronunciation and vocabulary. Get ready to dance and sing your heart out!Activity 3: English Storytelling CompetitionIn this activity, you will have the chance to showcase your storytelling skills in English. Prepare a short story and present it to the audience. The best storyteller will win a special prize! This activity will boost your confidence and improve your English speaking abilities.Activity 4: English Movie MarathonWho doesn't love watching movies? We will end our project with an English movie marathon. Grab some popcorn and watch English movies with subtitles. This will help you improve your listening skills and learn new expressions.Don't forget to participate in our language games and quizzes throughout the project. You will have the opportunity to win exciting prizes and certificates.Remember, learning English can be fun and exciting! Let's make the most of this project and become English language experts together. See you at the next activity! Stay curious and keep smiling!篇9Title: Let's Have Fun Learning English!Hey everyone! Are you ready to have a blast learning English? We have an exciting English teaching research activity planned just for you!Aim:Our main goal for this activity is to make learning English fun and enjoyable for all students. We want to create a lively and interactive learning environment where everyone can improve their English skills while having a great time.Activities:1. English Sing-along: We will have a fun sing-along session where we sing English songs together. This will help us improve our pronunciation and vocabulary while having fun.2. English Storytelling: Let's use our imagination and creativity to tell stories in English. This will help us practice our speaking and listening skills in a fun way.3. English Games: We will play interactive games that involve using English words and phrases. This will help us improve our vocabulary and grammar in a playful manner.4. English Drama: Let's put on a mini English drama performance. This will help us practice our speaking and acting skills in English.5. English Art: We will do some English-themed art and craft activities. This will help us learn English words related to colors, shapes, and objects while being creative.Outcome:By participating in this English teaching research activity, we hope that all students will develop a love for learning English. We want everyone to feel confident and comfortable using English in various situations.So, are you excited to join us in this fun-filled English learning adventure? Let's spread the joy of learning English together! Let's have fun learning English!篇10Title: Let's Have Fun Learning English!Hello everyone! Are you ready to have a blast while learning English? We have planned out some super fun activities for our English teaching research project that will make learning English enjoyable and easy for all of us. Let's dive in and see what we have in store!Activity 1: English Song Sing-alongWe will start off our English learning journey with a bang by singing along to some popular English songs. Music is a great way to improve our pronunciation and vocabulary, so let's pick some catchy tunes and sing our hearts out!Activity 2: English Story TimeNext, we will get cozy and gather around for some English story time. We will read fun and exciting stories in English and discuss them together. This will help us improve our reading comprehension and make English storytelling more interesting.Activity 3: English Flashcard GamesWho said learning English has to be boring? We will spice things up with some flashcard games that will make learning new words and phrases so much fun. Get ready to race against each other and see who can match the most cards correctly!Activity 4: English Role-Playing SkitsLet's put on our acting hats and prepare for some English role-playing skits. We will split into groups and act out different scenarios in English. This will help us practice our conversational skills and boost our confidence in speaking English.Activity 5: English Movie MarathonTo end our English teaching research project on a high note, we will have an English movie marathon. We will watch some of our favorite English movies with subtitles and discuss them afterwards. This will not only improve our listening skills but also motivate us to continue learning English.Are you excited to join us on this fun-filled English learning adventure? Let's come together and make learning English a joyous and rewarding experience. Let's have fun learning English together!。




























186课堂内外简谈农村小学英语课堂教学的有效方法陈尚松(江西省永修县虬津镇中心小学,江西 永修 330309)摘要:农村小学也是研究有效教学方法的隶属之地。







比如,在指导学生进行单词记忆和背诵的过程中,我们就可以结合英语歌曲进行启发,《26英文字母歌》、《Head Shoulders Knees and Toe》以及《God is a girl》等都可以让儿童在聆听美妙的音律同时,享受到英语学习高效和成功的乐趣。

又如,在教学《Food》一课时,我们还可以利用课下的时间制作多媒体动画片“朋友来我家”,如在“have breakfast”、“have lunch”的情景让学生学会简单的英语对话,激发他们练习英语口语的兴趣,进而提升农村小学英语课堂教学的有效性。





广东版快乐学英语四年级下册全册教案第一单元:How Big Is It?课时1:Unit 1 Good Morning!教学目标- 听懂、会说和认读以下生活用品单词:backpack, pencil, pencil box, toy, book, notebook, ruler, eraser, glue, crayon, sharpener, pen - 能够用正确的语音和语调朗读以上单词,并正确使用它们- 能够用英语表达简单的问候和回应- 能够听懂简单的日常用语和指令- 能够用英语表达简单的数量比较教学内容1. 生活用品单词的研究和认读2. 小组活动:邻桌合作练问候和回应3. 听力练:听音辨词,听指令完成动作4. 数量比较练:用单词和图片进行比较教学过程1. 导入新课:通过展示生活用品图片引起学生兴趣,引出新单词backpack,通过指认研究、重复朗读巩固。

2. 听录音,研究并模仿正确的语音和语调,认读新单词。

3. 小组活动:找一个邻桌的伙伴,互相问候并回答“Good morning!”。

4. 听力练:播放录音,学生听录音,辨认并说出听到的单词,然后按老师的指令拿出相应的物品。

5. 数量比较练:通过比较物品的大小,引导学生用英语表达简单的数量比较。

6. 教师总结本节课内容,并布置听写作业。

教学资源- 生活用品图片卡片- 录音机或音频播放设备- 小组活动练卡片- 数量比较图片课时2:Unit 2 My Family教学目标- 听懂、会说和认读以下家庭成员单词:father, mother, sister, brother, grandfather, grandmother- 能够用正确的语音和语调朗读以上单词,并正确使用它们- 能够用英语介绍自己的家庭成员- 能够听懂简单的对话和句子- 能够用英语表达喜欢或不喜欢的情感教学内容1. 家庭成员单词的研究和认读2. 小组活动:学生用英语介绍自己的家庭成员3. 听力练:听对话,回答相关问题4. 情感表达练:学生用英语表达自己的喜欢或不喜欢教学过程1. 导入新课:通过展示家庭成员的图片引起学生兴趣,引出新单词father,通过指认研究、重复朗读巩固。






教学策略1. 创造英语语言环境为了帮助学生更好地研究英语,我在课堂上创造了一个英语语言环境。



2. 有效运用教具在教学中,我积极运用各种教具来帮助学生理解和掌握英语知识。



3. 引导学生主动参与为了培养学生的研究能力和自主研究意识,我注重引导学生主动参与教学。












我 们教 师要创 设适 合学生 学 习的 高效 率 的教 学课 堂 。 要 想学 好 英语 ,必 须做 到 “ 听 ,说 ,读 ,写 ,译 ”全 面 发
快 乐学英 语之 小 学英 语教 学 实践
广 西 北流 市 隆 盛镇 中心小 学 肖添耀
摘要 : “ 兴 趣 是最好 的老 师 ” ,学 生只有 有 了兴趣 ,他才 会 乐于学 、主 动学 ,所 以教 师应努 力创造 一种 轻松 、愉・ 陕、和 谐、平 等 的课 堂学 习氛 围 。课堂 活动 教学在 吸收了 传统教 学 的优 点的同 时 ,还应融 入任 务 型教学 活动 ,来 进一步 完善 英语 学科教 学体 系 , 使 英语 学科课 堂教 学更能 体现 学 生学 习的主体 性和 创造 性 .并 且也 自然 而然 地 融入 了新课 程的理念 。 关键词 :快 乐 学习 兴趣 英语 课堂 活动教 学 【 A b s t r a c t 】“ I n t e r e s t i s t h e b e s t t e a c h e r ,”O n l y w h e n w e
h a p p y,
ha r mo n i o u s ,
e q u a l c l a s s r o o m l e a r ni n g a t mo s ph e r e .
Cl a s s r o o m t e a c hi ng a ct i v i t i e s s h ou l d a bs o r b t h e mer i t s o f t r a di t i on a l t e a c hi ng , a n d a t t he s a me t i me i n t r o d uc e t h e t a s k -















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3应用情感英语教学策略, 使学生亲其师而信其道现代师生之间具备的不应仅仅只是师生关系,同时应具有朋友的双重关系.教师通过言传身教,给学生树立人格榜样,学生就会崇拜他,会乐于与之交往。









