0.7 Human issues

Natural disasters and human destruction
Floods and droughts
Extreme weather events such as floods and droughts can cause widespad damage to human settlements and infrastructure
• The impact of human activities on the environment
• Environmental protection measures and policies
Thhis writing is focused on the relationship between the English writing environment and nature, exploring how the natural world influences and inspirations English writing
Analysis of current environmental issues
Global climate change
1 2
Rising global cultures
Caused by greenhouse gas emissions, leading to melting ice caps, rising sea levels, and extreme weather events
English Writing Environment and
• Introduction • Analysis of current environmental issues • The impact of natural environment on human
41 st Annual Meeting of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Sept

41st Annual Meeting of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Sept. 1997.PERCEPTUAL EFFECTS IN ALIGNING VIRTUAL AND REAL OBJECTSIN AUGMENTED REALITY DISPLAYSPaul Milgram and David DrascicDepartment of Mechanical and Industrial EngineeringUniversity of TorontoToronto, Ontario, CanadaThe concept of Augmented Reality (AR) displays is defined, in relation to the amount of real (unmodelled) and virtual (modelled) data presented in an image, as those displays in which real images, such as video, are enhanced with computer generated graphics. For the important class of stereoscopic AR displays, several factors may cause potential perceptual ambiguities, however, which manifest themselves in terms of decreased accuracy and precision whenever virtual objects must be aligned with real ones. A review is given of research conducted to assess both the magnitude of these perceptual effects and the effectiveness of a computer assisted Virtual Tape Measure (VTM), which has been developed for performing quantitative 3D measurements on real-world stereo images.BACKGROUNDThis paper deals with visual perceptual factors which influence performance when using Augmented Reality (AR) displays as a remote measurement or control tool in application domains such as telerobotics and medicine. AR displays are defined here as a subset of the class of "Mixed Reality" (MR) displays, which in turn are defined within the larger context of the Reality-Virtuality (RV) continuum (Milgram & Kishino, 1994). As depicted in Fig. 1, the RV continuum is presented as a framework for describing the spectrum of cases that define whether the primary world being experienced by an observer is real or virtual. One way to display real world objects is by scanning, transmitting and reproducing image data, as is the case with ordinary video displays1 -- without the need for the display system to "know" anything about the objects. Another way is by viewing real-world scenes either directly or via some optical lens system. Virtual images, on the other hand, can be produced only if the computer display system1 Note that, although we are limiting our discussion here to visual displays, similar classfications may be made with respect to other display modalities. For example, real sound sources may be directly transduced or replayed, whereas a virtual sound source could be produced through computer modelling and synthesis.generating the images has a model of the objects being portrayed.Fig. 1 shows that MR refers to the class of all displays in which there is some kind of combination of real and virtual environments. Within this context, the meaning of the term “Augmented Reality", depicted on the left side of the continuum, becomes quite clear: AR displays are those in which the primary image is of a real environment, which is enhanced, or augmented, with computer-generated imagery. As shown in the figure, in other words, the difference between the purely real environment on the left, depicting a video image of a person next to a robot, and the AR example to the right is the addition of the graphical robot on the table. In general, Augmented Reality enables one to make virtual images appear before the viewer in well specified locations in the real world image. Such images can display task related data, or can serve as interactive tools for measuring or controlling the environment, using either direct viewing (DV) or head-mounted video "see-through" displays or ordinary display monitors.In contrast to AR, “Augmented Virtuality" (AV) displays are those in which a primarily virtual environment is enhanced, or augmented, through some addition of real world images or sensations. Such additions can take the form of directly viewed (DV) objects, where users might see their ownlimb instead of a computer-generated simulation, as is common with surround type virtual environments (VE's) where one might reach into the scene to grasp an object with one's own hand. Another AV mode is when video images are added to otherwise completely simulated displays. This concept is shown in Fig. 1 by the completely virtual (modelled) image at the extreme right side of the RV continuum, which is augmented by adding an (unmodelled) video background in the AV example to the left.In this paper we deal with (visual) Augmented Reality displays only, and we further limit ourselves to the special, but very significant, case in which all viewing systems are stereoscopic. Our particular interest lies in situations in which the available 3D cues do not completely support each other, and may even be in conflict, thereby leading to distorted perceptions of depth, distance or shape. (Drascic & Milgram, 1996).REAL-VIRTUAL ALIGNMENT ERRORS IN AUGMENTED REALITYOne class of tasks which is particularly influenced by such distortions is that of aligning virtual objects with real ones (RV alignment). In AR environments one may require this capaibility for visualising how, as shown in the AR example of Figure 1, a virtual 3D graphic object would appear against the real 3D video (SV) background into which the model has been constructed to fit. In a conceptually similar application, we have super-imposed simulated human operator mannequins onto real SV workplaces, for the purposes of ergo-nomic workplace analysis. In such cases the important perceptual issues involve having the virtual mannequin appear to fit in properly with the background and having its limbs appear to make contact realistically with the floor, chairs, tools and other instruments.In other cases, it may be necessary to make reliable 3D measurements of the dimensions or locations of various objects within the SV image, as well as distances between those objects. This latter capability comprises the essence of our AR Virtual Tape Measure (VTM) (Milgram et al, 1997), one of the fundamental capabilities of our ARGOS (Augmented Reality through Graphic Overlays on Stereo-video) display system (Drascic et al, 1993). One important application of the VTM, presented elsewhere in this proceedingsRealitye.g. Direct View, (Stereo) Video (SV)VirtualEnvironment (VE)e.g. StereoGraphics (SG) Mixed Reality (MR)AugmentedReality (AR)e.g. DV or SVwith SGAugmentedVirtuality (AV)e.g. SG withDV or SVFigure 1: Simplified representation of the Reality-Virtuality (RV) Continuum, showing how real and virtual worlds can be combined in various proportions, according to the demands of different tasks.(Kim et al, 1997), is for intraoperative measurement of anatomical structures during minimally invasive surgery. Yet another extension of the VTM concept is the ability to simulate a complete overlaid virtual remote robot, in order to carry out off-line teleprogramming over low bandwidth communication lines (Rastogi et al, 1996).In a separate study (Drascic & Milgram, 1996), we have proposed an exhaustive classifica-tion of pertinent perceptual issues affecting virtual-real alignment performance in MR displays involving stereoscopic video (SV), stereoscopic graphics (SG), and direct view (DV), using head-mounted displays (HMD’s), desktop monitors and large screen projection systems. In summary, these issues are classified according to:•Implementation Errors: These errors comprise perceptual inaccuracies due to calibration errors, calibration mismatches, and interpupil-lary distance errors.•Technological Limitations:These errors com-prise static and dynamic registration mis-matches, restricted fields of view, limitations and mismatches of resolution and image clarity, luminance limitations and mismatches, contrast mismatches, size and distance mismatches, depth resolution limitations, vertical alignment mismatches and viewpoint dependency mis-matches.•“Hard” problems:These include object inter-position failures, expanded depth of field, absence of accommodation, accommodation-vergence conflicts, accommodation mismatches and absence of shadow cues.EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATIONS Due to the criticality of the real-virtual object alignment issue, we present the results of a set of empirical investigations of the precision and accuracy of RV alignment in an AR environment. Two classes of experiments were performed: one to compare the precision and accuracy of RV alignment using human visual perception alone, and the other to assess the effectiveness of machine aided versus unaided RV alignment.Unassisted RV Alignment PerformanceThe initial experiment addressed the pointing accuracy of a virtual SG pointer with respect to real SV images in a depleted environment -- that is, one in which all cues but binocular disparity were removed (Drascic & Milgram, 1991). The experiment was a method of adjustment task involving the aligning of two vertically oriented pointers. A 2x2 experimental design was used, comprising a combination of real and virtual pointers {RP, VP} and real and virtual targets {RT, VT}. The main conclusions reached in that experiment were, in terms of mean error, that is, pointing accuracy, that there were no significant differences among the four conditions. However, there was a small but consistent mean error, which implies that subjects are somewhat inclined towards placing the pointer in front of the target (i.e. closer to themselves). The magnitude of that bias was only approximately 20 arc-seconds, however, which, in terms of screen units in that experiment, corresponded to an error of about 1/7 of a pixel.With respect to standard deviation, that is, in terms of pointing precision, the only significant effect appeared to be not perceptual but due to the different interfaces used for controlling the virtual pointer (VP) in one set of cases and the real pointer (RP) in the other. The important overall conclusion from that first experiment was that the unaided subjects were in fact able to align virtual pointers with real targets essentially just as well as they were able to align real pointers with real targets, using visual perception alone.Assisted RV Alignment PerformanceAs promising as the original results were, two weaknesses are apparent:a) The measurements performed in the depleted visual environment of the experiment, where only binocular disparity cues and, to a lesser extent, size cues were present, are not necessarily representative of measurements in actual real-world SV scenes.b) Even if an operator is in principle capable of performing well using the Virtual Tape Measure (VTM), s/he may not do so consistently. Furthermore, as long as the computer is not provided any data about the real world, it has no way of checking on the operator's performance and thus ensuring an acceptable level of reliable performance during actual operations.It is for these reasons that we have developed a computer-assisted version of the VTM (Milgram et al, 1997). The assisted version of the VTM is based on interactive invocation of a set of computational vision tools, which allow the HO to request that the computer provide an alternative version of the actual 3D location of the virtual SG pointer relative to a designated real SV object. TheHO is then free to accept the machine version,remain with her own original perceptual estimate or, ideally, to confirm agreement of the two estimates.Precision + Accuracy Assessment ExperimentAn experiment was carried out to evaluate both assisted and unassisted modes of the VTM,using real world targets under representative (that is, not ideal) conditions of lighting, camera alignment and target contrast ratio. All subjects (N=5) were all experienced with the Virtual Tape Measure. Measured target separations ranged across small (10°) to moderate (20°) distances relative to the camera system's optical centroid. In addition, measurements were made not only near the convergence point of the stereo camera system,but also in front of it (crossed disparity) and behind it (uncrossed disparity). All measurements were repeated using both the assisted and the unassisted VTM. Segment MeasuredM e a s u r e m e n t E r r o r [c m ]Figure 2: Magnitude of Measurement Errors for the different line segments, along with standard error bars.Line segments A and C each had large depth components. Line segment B did not.As with earlier experiments, performance with the VTM was assessed in terms of both accuracy (i.e. central tendency) and precision (i.e.dispersion). The results for the former are presented in Fig. 2. The most important result of that experiment is that a significant measurement bias was again detected, for both aided and unaided VTM's (F(1,4)=28.9, p=.006). No significant differences were found between the magnitudes of this bias for unaided and aided VTM's, however. It is important to note that the mean magnitude of the bias was +0.62 cm, which translates in this case to a mean overestimation error of 8%. As expected,no significant differences were found with respectto the type and magnitude of the actual distances measured (ranging between 17 and 25 cm).In terms of precision of VTM placement, an analysis was done on the log standard deviation estimates acquired from the error measurements, as shown in Figure 3. The most important result obtained from that analysis is that there was a significant difference between the aided and unaided virtual tape measurement standard deviations (F(1,2)=47.3, p=.02). The other noteworthy result from the Fig. 3 analysis is that there was also a significant difference (F(2,4)=15.1, p=.014) due to the type of measurement made. This difference was essentially due to whether or not measurements were made in the same frontal plane (segment B in the figures) or in the depth direction (segments A and C).A (17.3cm)B (19.0cm)C (25.1cm)-3-2-1Line Segment Measuredl o g (S t d D e v o f M e a s u r e m e n t s )optical distortions in the lenses of the cameras, which have not yet been taken into account in our calibration and measurement procedures.In spite of the bias which was detected, it is important to take note of the actual error magnitude plots relative to the distances measured, which for many represent the most significant results at a practical level. In general, it appears that we are able to obtain an accuracy of about 3%-5% in our measurements, with the present system, with this particular setup. Significant improvements are to be expected, however, if major changes were to be made to the camera alignment parameters and the focal lengths used, and if optical distortions were taken into account.As the technology for implementing Augmented Reality becomes more accessible and new areas of application are demonstrated, the use of AR displays is expected to continue to accelerate (Barfield et al, 1995). In addition to the robotics applications indicated, another important practical domain is in medicine, especially computer-aided surgery. In our own lab, for example, we are currently testing the feasibility of using the AR Virtual Tape Measure for intraoperative measurements during minimally invasive micro-neurosurgery (Kim et al, 1997). In other labs, efforts are underway to provide AR overlays of preoperatively imaged brain data during neurosurgery, or computer generated planning models during cranial reconstruction surgery. In all cases, one of the critical parameters which will determine the acceptance of this technology by practitioners is whether or not it will be feasible to make computer generated virtual objects appear alongside real ones and, as required, in alignment with them. As outlined here, the various factors which influence this perception form a critical area of research.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThe authors gratefully acknowledge the generous support provided for this research by the Dr. Julius Grodski and Defence and Civil Institute of Environmental Medicine (DCIEM) , the Institute of Robotics and Intelligent Systems (IRIS) and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada.REFERENCES1.Barfield, W., Rosenberg, C., Lotens, W.A.,"Augmented-Reality Displays", Chapter 14 in W. Barfield and T.A. Furness III (ed's), Virtual Environments and Advanced Interface Design, Oxford Press: NY, 1995.2.Drascic, D., Grodski, J., Milgram, P., Ruffo,K., Wong, P. & Zhai, S. "ARGOS: A display system for augmenting reality", ACM SIGGRAPH Technical Video Review, Vol.88(7), InterCHI'93 Conf. on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Amsterdam, 1993.3.Drascic, D. & Milgram, P. "Positioningaccuracy of a virtual stereographic pointer in a real stereoscopic video world", SPIE Vol.1457: Stereoscopic Displays and Applications II, 302-312, 1991.4.Drascic, D. & Milgram, P. “Perceptual issuesin augmented reality”, SPIE Vol. 2653: Stereoscopic Displays and Applications VII and Virtual Reality Systems III, 1996.5.Kim, M., Milgram, P. & Drake, J.D."Computer assisted 3D measurements for microsurgery", Proc. 41st Annual Meeting of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Albuquerque, NM, Sept. 1997.gram, P. & Kishino, F. “A taxonomy ofmixed reality visual displays”, IEICE Transactions on Networked Reality, E77-D(12), 1321-1329, 1994.gram, P., Yin, S. & Grodski, J.J. “Anaugmented reality based teleoperation interface for unstructured environments”, Proc.American Nuclear Society 7th Topical Meeting on Robotics and Remote Systems,Augusta, Georgia, 1997.8.Rastogi, A., Milgram, P. & Drascic, D.“Telerobotic control with stereoscopic augmented reality”, SPIE Vol. 2653: Stereoscopic Displays and Applications VII and Virtual Reality Systems III, 115-122, 1996.。

• Organizational development
– Stock of knowledge, skills and abilities – Global mindset – Expatriates as agents of direct control and socialization
Reflecting the general literature on this topic, the focus of the chapter is on the traditional, expatriate assignment. However, where possible, we will draw out training and development aspects relating to short-term assignments, non-standard assignments and international business travelers.
• The role of training in supporting expatriate adjustment and on-assignment performance. • Components of effective pre-departure training programs such as cultural awareness, preliminary visits and language skills. Relocation assistance and training for trainers are also addressed. • The effectiveness of pre-departure training. • The developmental aspect of international assignments and its relation to international career paths. • Training and developing international management teams. (cont.)

CONTROL Applied Economic Perspectives
environmental issues

Environmental issues in the worldStudent name2014/11/25IntroductionThis article is showing its ideas based on pictures and photos. The order of writing is following the order of picture, which give readers logic thinking and impressing understanding. It is kind of photo essay, which is good for expressing ideas and attracting audiences.Here this article states the effects of environmental issue brings to human beings.it is a harmful activities caused by humans towards the environment. It covers many parts of issues such as changing of climate, destruction of habitat and so on.Environmental issuesThe photo on the right is what people are veryfamiliar with. It is called “oil bird”. The oil covers thebird’s body and feather. This photo taken in the year2006, where an oil recovery vessel has a problem ofoil storage and cause the oil spill in USA, makes ahuge pollution to the local habitats. Governmentcost over 6000000 million dollars to clean up thepilled oil and protect local animals. Therefore, howserious problems could be caused by humanactivities.The second picture showed on the left isfocusing on the idea of global warming. A polarbear standing on a very little piece of an iceindicated the increasing speed of warm aircause by human activities. The main problem isemission of greenhouse gas such as carbondioxide. The ice of North Pole starts meltingwill cause lots of harmful issues. For example,the sea level will go up. Some of islands willdisappear. Scientists declare, if all the ice inNorth Pole melted, the sea level in the worldwill go up 50 meters, which means some of citynear the sea will disappear. But more worse is,as humans keep emission of waste gas, thewaste of gas serious causes respiratory Diseaseto human being themselves.The problems of overpopulation are oneof the main parts on environmentalactivities. The picture on the left is howeastern Indians take on the vehicles liketrains. Because of poverty of some placein Indians, lack of enough vehicles, manyIndians family gives birth up to 10 or evenmore children. Overpopulation causesthe big requirements of resourcesconsumption.Water pollution is a serious environmental issuescaused mainly by Manufacturing industry. Thisphoto is a paper processing industry keep emissionof the wasted water into the river near theresidential areas. We can see the clear contrastsbetween the color of wasted water and river water.Because of the limit of water resource in the world,of which clean and useable water is hard to assignand regeneration, how to protect water and savewater have been written into educational system tothe next generation. Therefore, protecting water iswhat everyone can do in daily lives.(你可以在这里多加几幅图,参照以上方式,稍加描述一下,不超过一千二百字) ConclusionAll the photos show the problems and effects of environmental issues and activity. In order to develop the economy, human will build up the development in change of the pollution of environment. Any human activity sacrifices environment cost more it should be worth in the future. Thus, protecting environment is what human beings should take actions currently, to give a bright future to the next or next generations.。

Use with International Human Resource Management ISBN 1-84480013-X Published by Thomson Learning © Peter Dowling and Denice Welch
Expatriate failure
• Indirect costs (invisible)
– Damaged relationships with key stakeholders in the foreign location – Negative effects on local staff – Negative effects on expatriate concerned – Family relationships may be affected
Chapter 4
Recruiting and selecting staff for international assignments
Use with International Human Resource Management ISBN 1-84480013-X Published by Thomson Learning © Peter Dowling and Denice Welch
The phases of adjustment
• The U-Curve is not normative • The time period involved varies between individuals • The U-Curve does not explain how and why people move through the various phases • It may be more cyclical than a U-Curve • Needs to consider repatriation
NCBI Homologene数据库访问包说明书

Package‘homologene’October13,2022Type PackageTitle Quick Access to Homologene and Gene Annotation UpdatesVersion1. R(>=3.1.2)Imports dplyr(>=0.7.4),magrittr(>=1.5),purrr(>=0.2.5),readr(>=1.3.1),R.utils(>=2.8.0)Suggests testthat(>=1.0.2)Date2019-03-28BugReports https:///oganm/homologene/issuesURL https:///oganm/homologeneDescription A wrapper for the homologene database by the National Center for Biotechnology Information('NCBI').It allows searching for gene homologs across species.Data in this package can be found at<ftp:///pub/HomoloGene/build68/>.The package also includes an updated version of the homologene database where gene identifiers and symbols are replaced with their latest(at the time ofsubmission)version and functions to fetch latest annotation data to keep updated. License MIT+file LICENSELazyData trueRoxygenNote6.1.1NeedsCompilation noAuthor Ogan Mancarci[aut,cre],Leon French[ctb]Maintainer Ogan Mancarci<***********************>Repository CRANDate/Publication2019-03-2823:10:03UTC12autoTranslate R topics documented:autoTranslate (2)getGeneHistory (3)getGeneInfo (3)getHomologene (4)homologene (5)homologeneData (5)homologeneData2 (6)homologeneVersion (6)human2mouse (7)mouse2human (7)taxData (8)updateHomologene (8)updateIDs (9)Index10 autoTranslate Attempt to automatically translate a gene listDescriptionGiven a list of query gene list and a target gene list,the function triesfind the homology pairing that matches the query list to the target list.The query list is a short list of genes while the target list is supposed to represent a large number of genes from the target species.The default output will be the largest possible list.If returnAllPossible=TRUE then all possible pairings with any matches are returned.It is possible to limit the search by setting possibleOrigins and possibleTargets.Note that gene symbols of some species are more similar to each other than ing this with small gene lists and without providing any possibleOrigins or possibleTargets might return multiple hits,or if returnAllPossible=TRUE a wrong match can be returned.UsageautoTranslate(genes,targetGenes,possibleOrigins=NULL,possibleTargets=NULL,returnAllPossible=FALSE,db=homologene::homologeneData)Argumentsgenes A list of genes to match the target.Symbols or NCBI idstargetGenes The target list.This list is supposed to represent a large number of genes from the target species.possibleOriginsTaxonomic identifiers of possible origin speciespossibleTargetsTaxonomic identifiers of possible target speciesgetGeneHistory3 returnAllPossibleif TRUE returns all possible pairings with non zero gene matches.If FALSE(default)returns the best matchdb Homologene database to use.ValueA data frame if returnAllPossibe=FALSE and a list of data frames if TRUE getGeneHistory Download gene historyfileDescriptionDownloads and reads the gene historyfile from NCBI website.Thisfile is needed for other func-tionsUsagegetGeneHistory(destfile=NULL,justRead=FALSE)Argumentsdestfile Path of the outputfile.If NULL a tempfile will be usedjustRead If TRUE and destfile exists,it reads thefile instead of downloading the latest one from NCBIValueA data frame with latest gene history informationgetGeneInfo Download gene symbol informationDescriptionThis function downloads the gene_infofile from NCBI website and returns the gene symbols for current IDs.UsagegetGeneInfo(destfile=NULL,justRead=FALSE,chunk_size=1e+06)4getHomologene Argumentsdestfile Path of the outputfile.If NULL a tempfile will be usedjustRead If TRUE and destfile exists,it reads thefile instead of downloading the latest one from NCBIchunk_size Chunk size to be used with link[readr]{read_tsv_chunked}.The gene_info file is big enough to make its intake difficult.If you don’t have large amountsof free memory you may have to reduce this number to read thefile in smallerchunksValueA data frame with gene symbols for each current gene idgetHomologene Get the latest homologenefileDescriptionThis function downloads the latest homologenefile from NCBI.Note that Homologene has not been updated since2014so the output will be identical to homologeneData included in this package.This function is here for futureproofing purposes.UsagegetHomologene(destfile=NULL,justRead=FALSE)Argumentsdestfile Path of the outputfile.If NULL a tempfile will be usedjustRead If TRUE and destfile exists,it reads thefile instead of downloading the latest one from NCBIValueA data frame with homology groups,gene ids and gene symbolshomologene5 homologene Get homologues of given genesDescriptionGiven a list of genes and a taxid,returns a data frame inlcuding the genes and their corresponding homologuesUsagehomologene(genes,inTax,outTax,db=homologene::homologeneData)Argumentsgenes A vector of gene symbols or NCBI idsinTax taxid of the species that the input genes are coming fromoutTax taxid of the species that you are seeking homologydb Homologene database to use.Exampleshomologene(c( Eno2 , 17441 ),inTax=10090,outTax=9606)homologeneData homologeneDataDescriptionList of gene homologues used by homologene functionsUsagehomologeneDataFormatAn object of class data.frame with275237rows and4columns.6homologeneVersion homologeneData2homologeneData2DescriptionA modified copy of the homologene database.Homologene was updated at2014and many of itsgene IDs and symbols are out of date.Here the IDs and symbols are replaced with their most current version Last update:Wed Mar2716:34:112019UsagehomologeneData2FormatAn object of class data.frame with269592rows and4columns.homologeneVersion Version of homologene usedDescriptionVersion of homologene usedUsagehomologeneVersionFormatAn object of class integer of length1.human2mouse7 human2mouse Human/mouse wraper for homologeneDescriptionHuman/mouse wraper for homologeneUsagehuman2mouse(genes,db=homologene::homologeneData)Argumentsgenes A vector of gene symbols or NCBI idsdb Homologene database to use.Exampleshuman2mouse(c( ENO2 , 4340 ))mouse2human Mouse/human wraper for homologeneDescriptionMouse/human wraper for homologeneUsagemouse2human(genes,db=homologene::homologeneData)Argumentsgenes A vector of gene symbols or NCBI idsdb Homologene database to use.Examplesmouse2human(c( Eno2 , 17441 ))8updateHomologene taxData Names and ids of included speciesDescriptionNames and ids of included speciesUsagetaxDataFormatAn object of class data.frame with21rows and2columns.updateHomologene Update homologene databaseDescriptionCreates an updated version of the homologene database.This is done by downloading the lat-est gene annotation information and tracing changes in gene symbols and identifiers over history.homologeneData2was created using this function over the original homologeneData.This func-tion requires downloading large amounts of data from the NCBI ftp servers.UsageupdateHomologene(destfile=NULL,baseline=homologene::homologeneData2,gene_history=NULL,gene_info=NULL)Argumentsdestfile Optional.Path of the outputfile.baseline The baseline homologenefile to be used.By default uses the homologeneData2 that is included in this package.The more ids to update,the more time is neededfor the update which is why the default option uses an already updated versionof the original database.gene_history A gene history data frame,possibly returned by getGeneHistory e this if you want to have a static gene_historyfile to update up to a specific date.An up to date gene_history object can be set to update to a specific date bytrimming rows that have recent dates.Note that the same is not possible for thegene_info If not provided,the latestfile will be downloaded.updateIDs9gene_info A gene info data frame that contatins ID-symbol matches,possibly returned by e this if you want a static version.Should be in sync withthe gene_historyfile.Note that there is no easy way to track changes in genesymbols back in time so if you want to update it up to a specific date,make sureyou don’t lose thatfile.ValueHomologene database in a data frame with updated gene IDs and symbolsupdateIDs Update gene IDsDescriptionGiven a list of gene ids and gene history information,traces changes in the gene’s name to get the latest valid IDUsageupdateIDs(ids,gene_history)Argumentsids Gene idsgene_history Gene history information,probably returned by getGeneHistoryValueA character vector.New ids for genes that changed ids,or"-"for discontinued genes.the inputitself.Examples##Not run:gene_history=getGeneHistory()updateIDs(c("4340964","4349034","4332470","4334151","4323831"),gene_history)##End(Not run)Index∗datasetshomologeneData,5homologeneData2,6homologeneVersion,6taxData,8autoTranslate,2getGeneHistory,3,8,9getGeneInfo,3,9getHomologene,4homologene,5homologeneData,4,5,8homologeneData2,6,8 homologeneVersion,6human2mouse,7mouse2human,7taxData,8updateHomologene,8updateIDs,910。
环境问题 Environmental Issues 英语作文

Environmental Issues>Essay on Environmental Issues:Environmental issues are a matter of concern these days. With the rise of pollution levels and depletion of the ozone layer, all the countries in the world are concerned about the environment. This is mainly because environmental degradation threatens the existence of humankind. Previously, no one even bothered to care about the environment. People were careless about their surroundings. But now, with rising awareness, some of them have become more cautious.The most significant environmental issues of today are global warming and climate change. Very recently, the effect of climate change was discussed at the United Nations. Greta Thunberg, a Swedish climate activist, is currently working in the field of climate change. She is making people aware of its implications on human life. We have written two sample essays here on the topic for the benefit of students in their exams.Long and Short Essays on Environmental Issues for Students and Kids in EnglishHere we have provided one brief long essay of 500 words, one short essay of 100-150 words, and ten important lines covering the topic.Long Essay on Environmental Issues 500 words in EnglishEnvironmental Issues essay is best suited for classes 7,8,9,10 for their exams.Environmental issues were not a matter of concern in the years gone by. People were not aware of the grave implications of environmental degradation. Lack of awareness leads to more damage to the environment. With the rise of theinternet, everyone is aware of environmental issues today. Not all of them understand the deeper meaning of each one of those issues. However, given the state of the earth, people realize that all is not well.There is a way in which every person cares for the environment. Some people respect it. Some try to nurture it. The crucial issues related to the situation today are mainly global warming, greenhouse effect, and climate change. Global warming is the increase in temperature of the earth due to the overconsumption of resources. It leads to other environmental issues likechanges in temperature, soil erosion, and abnormal rainfall. Global warming can be tackled through control of pollution levels, lower vehicular emissions, and a person’s carbon footprint.The green-house effect is named after the greenhouse arrangement. Such an arrangement is usually made for the growth of plants. It consists of a non-permanent structure with sturdy enclosures. The green-house effect refers to the rise in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. We all know that human beings take in oxygen and give out carbon dioxide. Similarly, plantstake in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen. Rapid deforestation leads to a reduction in the number of trees and plants in the environment. Therefore there are very few plants to take in the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. We must remember that humans are not the only source of carbon dioxide.Carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere through factories too. There are other reasons for the emission of carbon dioxide into the air. This carbon dioxide remains in the atmosphere if not taken in by the trees. Excess carbon dioxide can lead to breathing problems and othermedical problems in the future. Greenhouse gases constitute not only carbon dioxide but other harmful gasses like sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide. These gases are released into the atmosphere through the various chemical plants. The best way to minimize the effect of green-house gases is afforestation programs.Already a large number of afforestation programs have been taken up by the Governments of various countries. Social forestry programs and community forestry programs can also help in rapid afforestation. Also, to check the spread of harmful gases inthe atmosphere, environmental laws can be made more potent and effective. Climate change is a relatively new environmental issue. There is already a large number of researches going on concerning climate change.The definition of climate change makes it clear that climate change affects human lives slowly. This includes a change in climatic patterns and behavior that can affect the human settlement. Climate change is a problem that has both the elements of global warming and the greenhouse effect. It is expected to cause massive scale displacement in the coming years.Short Essay on Environmental Issues 150 words in EnglishEnvironmental Issues essay is best suited for students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 for their exams.Environmental issues are not given much importance in most countries. A few exceptions are countries like Sweden, Denmark, and Finland, which gives equal importance to environmental problems. The present state of the earth requires each one of us to take the environment and issues related to it seriously. Most of us, however, do not do so. This isbecause the results of environmental damage are often not felt by us. These results are usually small in magnitude. An >Environmental Essay is a commonly asked topic in most exams. It is meant to gauge the awareness of the candidates about the various environmental issues and their repercussions.The effects of environmental degradation can be harmful and longstanding after a point of time. The negligence of the environment can be traced through our practices. Even with rising levels of pollution, erratic rainfall, and erosion of the topsoil, none of us are bothered. Theefficacy of a country’s environmental protection law reflects that country’s attitude towards the environment.For instance, in most African countries, laws related to the environment are feeble. In comparison to that in most Scandinavian countries have robust environmental laws. The major environmental issues of the world today are global warming, green-house effect, and climate change. The reasons behind the problems are mostly related to the grave amount of neglect and intolerance of humans towards the environment.10 Lines on Environmental Issues Essay in EnglishEnvironmental issues are a matter of concern these days.With rising awareness, some of them have become more cautious about the environment.Environmental issues were not a matter of concern in the years gone by.People were not aware of the grave implications of environmental degradation.The most significant environmental issues of today are global warming, climate change, and the greenhouse effect.Global warming leads to other environmental issues like changes in temperature, soil erosion, and abnormal rainfall.Global warming can be tackled through control of the pollution level.The best way to minimize the effect of green-house gases is afforestation programs.Climate change is a relatively new environmental issue.There is already a large number of researches going on with climate change.FAQ’s on Environmental Issues EssayQuestion 1.How can climate change affect human habitat?Answer:Climate change can bring about changes in climate patterns bringing about direct change in the human habitat.Question 2.What is the best way to control the green-house effect in India?Answer:Since India is a vast country, community forestry can minimize the effect of greenhouse gases.Question 3.Why are humans nonchalant about environmental issues?Answer:Since the impact of environmental degradation has not been compelling, yet people continue to be ignorant of the matter.。
人力资源管理英文课件 (5)

LO 2
Job Analysis
ØSystematic process of determining skills, duties, and knowledge required for performing jobs in an organization
ØImpacts virtually every aspect of HRM
ØConcern of all managers at every level ØFace a multitude of challenges
LO 2 Human Resource Management Functions
LO 2
Process of ensuring the organization always has: Required number of employees
ØIndirect (Employee Benefits): Benefits employee receives such as paid vacations, sick leave, holidays, medical insurance
LO 2
Nonfinancial Compensation
Selection: Choosing individual best suited for a particular position and the organization
LO 2
Performance Management
ØGoal-oriented process to ensure organizational processes are in place to maximize productivity Ø Applies to employees, teams, and ultimately, the organization

Can be used to develop individual HR systems
Recruitment and Selection
Based on past behaviour as the most valid predictor of future behaviour
US - input oriented – what the individual brings to the job
UK - output oriented – the skills, attitudes and knowledge , expressed in behaviours for effective job performance
a job or situation
McClelland 1993
Underlying traits, motives, skills,
characteristics and knowledge related to
superior performance
Boyatsis 1982
Uk v. US definitions
Armstrong 1991
Features of HRM
Management focussed and top management driven
Line management role key Emphasises strategic fit – integration
with business strategy Commitment oriented Two perspectives – ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ Involves strong cultures and values

人权问题作文英语Human Rights Issues。
Human rights are fundamental rights and freedoms that every person is entitled to, regardless of theirnationality, religion, gender, or any other status. However, despite the efforts made by various international organizations and governments, human rights issues continue to persist in many parts of the world. This essay will discuss some of the most pressing human rights issues today, and explore possible solutions to address them.One of the most significant human rights issues in the world today is the violation of the right to freedom of expression. In many countries, individuals are not allowedto express their opinions freely, and those who do face severe consequences. This is a clear violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states that "everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression." Governments must take steps to ensure thattheir citizens can express themselves without fear of persecution or censorship.Another critical human rights issue is the lack of access to education. Millions of children around the world are denied the opportunity to receive a quality education, which is a fundamental human right. Without education, individuals are unable to fully participate in society, and their potential is limited. Governments must invest in education and ensure that all children have access to schooling, regardless of their background or economic status.Furthermore, gender inequality remains a significant human rights issue. Women and girls are often denied equal rights and opportunities, including access to education, employment, and healthcare. This is a violation of the principle of non-discrimination, which is enshrined in international human rights law. Governments and societies must work together to promote gender equality and empower women and girls to fully participate in all aspects of life.In addition to these issues, there are many other human rights violations that continue to occur around the world, including the use of torture, the denial of the right to a fair trial, and the persecution of minority groups. These violations undermine the dignity and worth of every person and must be addressed urgently.To address these human rights issues, governments, international organizations, and civil society must work together to promote and protect human rights. This can be achieved through various means, including the implementation of laws and policies that uphold humanrights standards, the provision of resources to support education and healthcare, and the promotion of awareness and understanding of human rights among the public.In conclusion, human rights issues continue to be a significant challenge in the world today. It is essential for governments and societies to work together to address these issues and ensure that every person is able to enjoy their fundamental rights and freedoms. By doing so, we can create a more just and equitable world for all.。
雅思英语作文 克隆人 Human Cloning

IELTS – Human CloningAs people live longer and longer, the idea of cloning human beings in order to provide spare parts is becoming a reality. The idea horrifies most people, yet it is no longer mere science fiction.To what extent do you agree with such a procedure? Have you any reservations? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge.Write at least 250 words.Model AnswerThe cloning of animals has been occurring for a number of years now, and this has now opened up the possibility of cloning humans too. Although there are clear benefits to humankind of cloning to provide spare body parts, I believe it raises a number of worrying ethical issues.Due to breakthroughs in medical science and improved diets, people are living much longer than in the past. This, though, has brought with it problems. As people age, their organs can fail so they need replacing. If humans were cloned, their organs could then be used to replace those of sick people.It is currently the case that there are often not enough organ donors around to fulfil this need, so cloning humans would overcome the issue as there would then be a ready supply.However, for good reasons, many people view this as a worrying development. Firstly, there are religious arguments against it. It would involve creating other human beings and then eventually killing them in order to use their organs, which it could be argued is murder. This is obviously a sin according to religious texts. Also, dilemmas would arise over what rights these people have, as surelythey would be humans just like the rest of us. Furthermore, if we have the ability to clone humans, it has to be questioned where this cloning will end. Is it then acceptable for people to start cloning relatives or family members who have died?To conclude, I do not agree with this procedure due to the ethical issues and dilemmas it would create. Cloning animals has been a positive development, but this is where it should end.(276 words)。
global issues 英语作文

global issues 英语作文Global IssuesThe world we live in today is facing a multitude of complex and interconnected challenges that transcend national borders. These global issues have far-reaching implications and require collective action to address effectively. From environmental degradation to social inequalities, the issues we confront are of paramount importance and demand our attention and concerted efforts.One of the most pressing global issues is the ongoing climate crisis. The scientific consensus is clear – human-induced climate change is a real and pressing threat that has the potential to disrupt ecosystems, displace populations, and jeopardize the very future of our planet. Rising temperatures, melting glaciers, and more frequent extreme weather events are just a few of the tangible manifestations of this crisis. Addressing climate change requires a comprehensive and coordinated global response, including the transition to renewable energy sources, the implementation of sustainable practices, and the development of innovative technological solutions.Another critical global issue is the widening economic inequality thatplagues many societies around the world. The concentration of wealth in the hands of a few while a significant portion of the population struggles to meet their basic needs is a stark reality that undermines social cohesion and erodes the foundations of equitable development. Tackling economic inequality necessitates a multifaceted approach, including policies that promote fair and inclusive economic growth, investments in education and social safety nets, and the empowerment of marginalized communities.The global health crisis, exemplified by the COVID-19 pandemic, has further highlighted the interconnectedness of our world and the need for robust and coordinated international cooperation. The pandemic has exposed the vulnerabilities of healthcare systems, the fragility of global supply chains, and the disproportionate impact on vulnerable populations. Addressing global health challenges requires the strengthening of public health infrastructure, the equitable distribution of medical resources, and the fostering of international collaboration in research and disease prevention.Another pressing global issue is the proliferation of armed conflicts and the erosion of peace and security. Ongoing wars, civil unrest, and the rise of extremism have devastating consequences for civilian populations, leading to displacement, humanitarian crises, and the erosion of human rights. Resolving these conflicts and promoting sustainable peace requires a comprehensive approach that addressesthe root causes of violence, fosters dialogue and reconciliation, and strengthens the capacity of international institutions to prevent and respond to such crises.The issue of migration and the rights of displaced persons is also a global concern. The increasing number of people fleeing their homes due to conflict, natural disasters, or economic hardship has put a strain on host communities and challenged the international community's ability to provide adequate protection and support. Addressing the underlying drivers of migration and developing humane and inclusive policies for the resettlement and integration of displaced persons is essential.In addition to these pressing issues, the world also faces challenges related to the protection of human rights, the preservation of cultural diversity, and the sustainable management of natural resources. The erosion of democratic values, the curtailment of civil liberties, and the exploitation of vulnerable populations are all global concerns that require concerted action.Addressing these global issues requires a comprehensive and collaborative approach that transcends national boundaries. It necessitates the active engagement of governments, international organizations, civil society, and individuals alike. Effective solutions must be grounded in the principles of multilateralism, respect forhuman rights, and a commitment to sustainable development.As we navigate these complex and interconnected challenges, it is essential that we recognize the interconnectedness of our world and the shared responsibility we have to address these global issues. By working together, we can harness the collective power of humanity to create a more just, equitable, and sustainable future for all.。

如何应对人性问题英语作文题目,How to Address Human Nature Issues。
Abstract:Human nature is a complex phenomenon that influences individual behavior and societal dynamics. In this essay, we delve into various facets of human nature and propose effective strategies to address associated issues. By understanding human nature and employing appropriate interventions, we can promote personal well-being and foster harmonious communities.Introduction:Human nature encompasses a wide spectrum of traits, including altruism, selfishness, empathy, aggression, and cooperation. These inherent characteristics shape humanbehavior and interactions, often giving rise to both positive and negative outcomes. Addressing human nature issues requires a comprehensive understanding of underlying psychological mechanisms and societal influences.Understanding Human Nature:1. Altruism vs. Selfishness: Human beings exhibit both altruistic and selfish tendencies. While altruism fosters cooperation and empathy, selfishness can lead to conflicts and exploitation. Recognizing the balance between self-interest and communal well-being is crucial for addressing this dichotomy.2. Empathy and Compassion: Empathy enables individuals to understand and share the feelings of others, fostering prosocial behavior and social cohesion. Encouraging empathy through education and promoting compassionate actions can mitigate conflicts and promote mutual understanding.3. Aggression and Conflict: Human history is marked by instances of aggression and conflict, stemming fromterritorial disputes, resource scarcity, and ideological differences. Managing aggression requires conflict resolution skills, diplomacy, and efforts to address underlying grievances and inequalities.4. Cooperation and Collaboration: Cooperation is essential for human survival and progress, facilitating collective endeavors and societal development. Promoting a culture of collaboration through teamwork, communication, and mutual support can enhance productivity and foster positive relationships.Strategies to Address Human Nature Issues:1. Education and Moral Development: Education plays a pivotal role in shaping moral values and ethical behavior. Integrating moral education into school curricula and promoting critical thinking skills can cultivate empathy, integrity, and responsible decision-making among individuals.2. Promoting Emotional Intelligence: Emotionalintelligence equips individuals with the ability to recognize and regulate their emotions, as well as empathize with others. Incorporating emotional intelligence training in educational and professional settings can enhance interpersonal relationships and conflict resolution skills.3. Creating Inclusive Communities: Inclusive communities celebrate diversity and promote equality, fostering a sense of belonging and mutual respect among members. Implementing policies that safeguard minority rights, combat discrimination, and promote social inclusion can mitigate prejudice and promote social harmony.4. Strengthening Social Support Systems: Strong social support systems provide individuals with resources and networks to cope with challenges and adversities. Investing in social welfare programs, mental health services, and community initiatives can enhance resilience and promote well-being across society.5. Fostering Civic Engagement: Civic engagement empowers individuals to participate in decision-makingprocesses and contribute to societal change. Encouraging active citizenship through volunteerism, advocacy, and community involvement can foster a sense of ownership and responsibility towards addressing societal issues.Conclusion:Addressing human nature issues necessitates a multifaceted approach that combines psychological insights with societal interventions. By promoting empathy, cooperation, and moral development, we can cultivate a more compassionate and harmonious society. Through collaborative efforts and proactive measures, we can harness thepotential of human nature to foster positive outcomes and create a better world for future generations.--。

健康问题的英语作文Title: The Importance of Addressing Health Issues。
Health is a fundamental aspect of human life, affecting our well-being, productivity, and overall happiness. In recent years, the significance of addressing health issues has become increasingly evident. From physical ailments to mental health challenges, it is crucial to prioritize and address these issues effectively. In this essay, I will delve into the importance of addressing health problems and explore various strategies to promote a healthier society.Firstly, addressing health issues is vital for individual well-being. When we neglect our health, we put ourselves at risk of developing chronic illnesses, experiencing decreased quality of life, and facing premature mortality. By actively addressing health concerns through preventive measures, timely medical interventions, and lifestyle modifications, individuals can significantly improve their overall health outcomes and enjoy a higherquality of life.Furthermore, addressing health issues is essential for societal progress. A healthy population contributes to a more productive workforce, reduces the burden on healthcare systems, and fosters economic growth. Conversely, untreated health issues can lead to increased healthcare costs, decreased productivity, and socioeconomic disparities. Therefore, investing in public health initiatives, healthcare infrastructure, and education programs iscrucial for building resilient and prosperous communities.One of the most pressing health issues facing societies worldwide is the rise in non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and cancer. These diseases pose a significant threat to global health, placing a substantial burden on healthcare systems and affecting millions of lives each year. Addressing NCDs requires a multi-faceted approach, including promoting healthy lifestyles, early detection, access to affordable healthcare, and policy interventions aimed at reducing risk factors such as tobacco use, unhealthy diet, and physicalinactivity.Another critical aspect of addressing health issues is mental health awareness and support. Mental health disorders, including depression, anxiety, and substance abuse, affect millions of people globally, yet they often remain stigmatized and overlooked. By raising awareness, promoting access to mental health services, and fostering supportive environments, we can help individuals struggling with mental health issues seek the help they need andreduce the stigma surrounding mental illness.Moreover, addressing health issues requires a holistic approach that considers social, economic, and environmental determinants of health. Factors such as poverty, inequality, inadequate housing, and environmental pollution can significantly impact health outcomes and exacerbateexisting health disparities. Therefore, addressing these underlying determinants through policies that promotesocial equity, economic opportunity, and environmental sustainability is essential for improving overall healthand well-being.In conclusion, addressing health issues is paramountfor individual well-being, societal progress, and global development. By prioritizing preventive care, early intervention, and holistic approaches to health, we can create healthier communities, reduce healthcare disparities, and build a more prosperous future for all. It isimperative that individuals, communities, governments, and international organizations work together to address health issues comprehensively and ensure that everyone has the opportunity to lead a healthy and fulfilling life.。

北师大版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit 9 Human BiologyLesson 1 To Clone or Not to Clone教材分析:北师大版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit 9 Human Biology Lesson 1 To Clone or Not to Clone是介绍克隆技术的一节课。
教学目标:1. 知识与能力目标:学生了解克隆的定义、历史背景、克隆技术的原理和应用,掌握相关的生物学术语和表达方式。
2. 过程与方法目标:培养学生的科学实验观察和分析能力,培养学生的科学思维方式和逻辑推理能力,提高学生的自主学习和合作学习能力。
3. 情感目标:培养学生的科学探索精神和跨学科思维能力,培养学生的道德观念和价值观。
教学策略:1. 激发学生的学习兴趣和探究欲望,引起学生对克隆技术的好奇心。
2. 引导学生进行小组合作学习和讨论,培养学生的思辨能力。
3. 借助多媒体技术,提供生动形象的图片和视频,以促进学生的理解和记忆。
4. 通过实例和案例,引导学生从不同角度思考克隆技术的利与弊。
教学方法:1. 导入:通过问题、图片、视频等方式激发学生的兴趣并营造学习氛围。
2. 呈现新知:利用多媒体展示克隆技术的原理和应用,介绍相关的生物学概念和术语。
3. 小组合作:安排小组合作学习任务,让学生共同探讨克隆技术引发的伦理问题,促进学生的思辨能力。
4. 教师讲解与学生讨论:对学生的合作学习结果进行总结,带领学生进一步探讨克隆技术的利与弊,引导学生从不同角度进行思考。
5. 练习与巩固:设计相应的练习题目,检验学生对知识掌握情况,并进行个别指导和讲解。

人类发展与环境问题的关系英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Relationship between Human Development and Environmental IssuesIntroductionHuman development and environmental issues have always been closely intertwined. As the world population continues to grow, the demand for resources and energy consumption also increases, leading to environmental degradation, pollution, and climate change. In this essay, we will explore the relationship between human development and environmental issues and discuss possible solutions to address these challenges.Human Development and Environmental DegradationOver the past few centuries, human activities have dramatically altered the environment in significant ways. Industrialization, urbanization, deforestation, and agriculture have led to widespread environmental degradation, including soil erosion, water pollution, loss of biodiversity, and habitat destruction. The extraction and burning of fossil fuels have alsocontributed to increased levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, leading to global warming and climate change.The growing population and rising living standards have put immense pressure on natural resources, such as water, land, and energy. The consumption patterns of developed countries are particularly unsustainable, with high levels of waste production and carbon emissions. Developing countries, on the other hand, often face environmental challenges due to rapid industrialization and urbanization without adequate environmental regulations and infrastructure.Impacts of Environmental Issues on Human DevelopmentEnvironmental issues have far-reaching implications for human development and well-being. Pollution and environmental degradation can have detrimental effects on human health, leading to respiratory diseases, waterborne illnesses, and other health problems. Climate change is also exacerbating natural disasters, such as hurricanes, droughts, and floods, which have a significant impact on human populations, especially in vulnerable regions.Furthermore, environmental degradation can undermine food security and agriculture, leading to food shortages, malnutrition, and poverty. Loss of biodiversity and ecosystemservices can also affect human livelihoods and economic development, particularly in rural and indigenous communities that depend on the environment for their survival.Solutions to Address Environmental IssuesTo address the complex challenges of environmental degradation and climate change, a holistic and multi-faceted approach is needed. Governments, businesses, civil society, and individuals all have a role to play in promoting sustainable development and protecting the environment.One key solution is to transition to renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, and hydropower, to mitigate climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Investing in energy efficiency and green technologies can also help to reduce resource consumption and environmental impact.Governments can implement policies and regulations to promote sustainable practices, such as enforcing environmental laws, protecting natural habitats, and promoting sustainable agriculture and forestry. International cooperation and agreements, such as the Paris Agreement on climate change, are also essential for addressing global environmental challenges.Individuals can contribute to environmental conservation by reducing their carbon footprint, recycling and reducing waste, conserving water, and supporting sustainable products and businesses. Education and awareness-raising campaigns can also help to promote environmental stewardship and behavioral change.ConclusionIn conclusion, the relationship between human development and environmental issues is complex and interconnected. As we strive for economic growth and improved living standards, it is crucial to consider the environmental consequences of our actions and adopt sustainable practices to protect the planet for future generations. By working together towards a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future, we can address the challenges of environmental degradation and create a more resilient and equitable world for all.篇2The Relationship between Human Development and Environmental IssuesIntroductionAs the human population continues to grow and develop, the relationship between human development and environmental issues becomes increasingly important. The choices we make in terms of how we use resources, manage waste, and impact ecosystems have a direct impact on the health of the planet and the well-being of future generations. In this essay, we will explore the complex relationship between human development and environmental issues, focusing on the challenges we face and the solutions that are available.The Impact of Human Development on the EnvironmentHuman development, which includes factors such as economic growth, technological advancement, and urbanization, has had a significant impact on the environment. The depletion of natural resources, deforestation, air and water pollution, and climate change are just a few of the environmental issues that have been exacerbated by human activities. As industrialization and urbanization continue to expand, the pressure on the environment also increases, leading to habitat destruction, loss of biodiversity, and threats to ecosystems.The relationship between human development and environmental issues is complex and multifaceted. On one hand, human development is necessary for improving living standards,reducing poverty, and promoting economic growth. On the other hand, the way in which human development is pursued can have negative consequences for the environment. For example, the burning of fossil fuels for energy production has been a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions and climate change. Similarly, deforestation for agricultural expansion has led to the loss of critical habitat for wildlife and increased the risk of forest fires.Challenges and SolutionsOne of the biggest challenges in addressing the relationship between human development and environmental issues is finding a balance between economic growth and environmental protection. Many developing countries face the dilemma of needing to increase their economic output to lift people out of poverty, while also needing to protect their natural resources and reduce pollution. Finding ways to decouple economic growth from environmental degradation is critical for sustainable development.There are several solutions that can help mitigate the impact of human development on the environment. One approach is to promote sustainable development, which involves meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of futuregenerations to meet their own needs. This can be achieved through the use of renewable energy sources, sustainable agriculture practices, and conservation efforts. Investing in green technologies and infrastructure can also help reduce our carbon footprint and promote a more sustainable way of life.Another important solution is to educate the public about the importance of environmental conservation and the consequences of unsustainable development. By raising awareness and promoting environmentally friendly behaviors, we can help reduce the negative impact of human activities on the environment. Government policies and regulations can also play a key role in promoting environmental sustainability, by incentivizing green practices and penalizing those who engage in harmful activities.ConclusionIn conclusion, the relationship between human development and environmental issues is a complex and challenging one. As the global population continues to grow and demand for resources increases, it is more important than ever to find sustainable solutions that promote economic growth while also protecting the environment. By working together to address these issues, we can create a more sustainable future forourselves and for future generations. It is up to all of us to take action and make a positive impact on the environment.篇3The Relationship between Human Development and Environmental IssuesIntroductionHuman development and the environment are interconnected in many ways. The way we develop as a species has a significant impact on the environment, and in turn, the environment plays a crucial role in shaping human development. In this essay, we will explore the complex relationship between human development and environmental issues.Human Development and Environmental DegradationOne of the key ways in which human development impacts the environment is through environmental degradation. As societies develop, they often rely on unsustainable practices that deplete natural resources and pollute the environment. For example, deforestation, industrial pollution, and overfishing are all consequences of human development that have led to environmental degradation.Environmental degradation, in turn, has a negative impact on human development. Pollution can lead to health issues such as respiratory problems and cancer, while the depletion of natural resources can lead to food and water shortages. Climate change, a direct result of environmental degradation, is already having a significant impact on human societies in the form of extreme weather events and rising sea levels.Sustainable DevelopmentIn order to break the cycle of environmental degradation and its negative impact on human development, there is a growing recognition of the need for sustainable development. Sustainable development is a development approach that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.Sustainable development requires a shift in mindset from a focus on short-term economic growth to a focus on long-term environmental and social sustainability. This means implementing policies and practices that promote resource conservation, reduce pollution, and minimize the impact of human activities on the environment.Technological InnovationTechnological innovation plays a crucial role in promoting sustainable development. Advances in technology have the potential to reduce our environmental footprint by creating more efficient and environmentally friendly ways of meeting our needs. For example, renewable energy technologies such as solar and wind power can reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, while advances in agriculture can help to increase crop yields without the need for excessive deforestation or pesticide use.However, it is important to recognize that technological innovation alone is not enough to solve the complex challenges of human development and environmental issues. Sustainable development also requires changes in behavior, policy, and governance in order to create a more equitable and environmentally sustainable society.ConclusionThe relationship between human development and environmental issues is a complex one. As societies continue to develop, it is essential that we consider the impact of our actions on the environment and take steps to promote sustainable development. By working towards a more sustainable future, we can ensure that human development is not at the expense of the environment, but rather in harmony with it.。

The personnel system of the World Bank(世行的人事制度)The regulations on the personnel system of the world bank are rather complicated, including both the characteristics of international multilateral institutions and the western management concepts. Limited by space and capacity, several aspects are briefly described as follows:Global human resources"The globalization and diversification of human resources is one of the prominent characteristics of the human resources of the world bank. The world bank believes that a diverse workforce will help attract talent broadly, reflect the representation of global members and absorb ideas about poverty reduction and development. According to the statistics published in 2009, around the world bank has approximately 14 thousand employees from 165 countries, which accounted for 63% in the Washington headquarters staff, accounting for 37% of worldwide office staff; staff from developing countries accounted for 62% of the staff of the world bank, for senior management and technical positions in the proportion of 47%; 28 senior management personnel, 13 people from developing countries, 9 were female and 3 from sub Saharan africa.The world bank emphasized the importance of human resource globalization and diversification, on the one hand it reflects your internal demand for international multilateral organizations, on the other hand also from members of the employment requirements of external pressure own staff. Judging from the effect of actual operation, the globalization of human resources policy has indeed attracted a large numberof talents from the world bank, and the overall staff quality is higher. But at the same time, we must see is the world bank staff who come from all over the world, but generally studying in Europe and other developed countries, education background, and to work at the world bank years later possible as the management and senior professional and technical positions. Similar educational background and long-term working environment, even employees from different countries, have great similarity in basic values, thinking logic, development and other issues. In other words, the globalization of human resources policies of the world bank does play a role in recruiting talent, but the representative of the global membership is only reflected in the statistics, the world bank's internal culture and the mainstream view on development is still in the western developed countries, cultural theory and experience based.Simplified employee hierarchyLike many commercial banks in the world, the world bank also implements an employee hierarchy. The current system of staff level of World Bank in July 1999 to amend the implementation, from the grassroots to the executive vice president is divided into 11 levels, respectively, using GA to GK, which GA to GD (Administrative and ClientSupportNetwork, assistant to GG GE, referred to as ACS) for non management professional and technical personnel, GH and GI for middle and the grass-roots management personnel and senior professional and technical personnel, GJ and GK for senior management. The governor is not governed by the system.From all levels of staff ratio, staff structure of the World Bank show "pit shaped two small, the middle", which is the largest proportion of professional and technical personnel for the middle position of the GF and GG level, accounting for 49.2% of the total number of employees, auxiliary personnel accounted for about 21% of the grass-roots Management (offices and senior manager) professional and technical staff accounted for 17.1%, middle managers (secretary) ratio of 2.9%.The world bank's current staff rating system, from the bottom of the secondary posts to senior management positions, a total of only 11 levels, the structure is relatively simple. The world bank believes that the differences in the content of different jobs are actually very difficult to classify very well. Simplifying the hierarchical structure will help reduce the level of organization and flatten the organizational structure. In addition, the hierarchical structure is relatively simple, by the business offices manager decides the specific job level, help to improve the level of employee system use effect.A distinct remuneration packageAccording to the average income level and the cost of living in the workplace, the world bank's staff salaries vary greatly from country to country,Local and non local employees of the same country office also differ slightly. The salary and benefits of employees are linked with their seniority, but they can fluctuate within a certain range according to their qualifications and performance. After the end of each fiscal year, the officemanager is responsible for the performance evaluation of staff. According to the results of the assessment, employees can receive no more than 5% of the salary increase, but the total amount is not higher than the floating ceiling. In addition, according to inflation, human resources, market prices and other factors, the world bank will also adjust the overall remuneration standards each year. For example, the world bank Washington headquarters staff at all levels of fiscal year 2010 salary standards than in fiscal year 2009 increased by 0.7% to 4.5% range.The table reflects the salaries and benefits of World Bank headquarters staff in fiscal year 2009. In the table of benefits including pension plans to pay the amount of years, annual leave (minimum annual world bank employees enjoy 208 hours of paid holidays, according to each working day of 8 hours, the equivalent of 26 working days), medical, life and disability insurance, free skills training etc..From the table we can see several characteristics of World Bank salary: non wage benefits accounted for a higher proportion of salary and welfare, close to 32%; between all levels of employee salary differences, between two adjacent level at least is 16%, the maximum difference of 38%, senior management (GK) and (GA) the most grass-roots staff the income gap is up to 10 times; GE to GI levels between the differential (28%-38%) was significantly higher than that of GA to GD levels between the differential (16%-26%) etc..The world bank pay and welfare levels vary greatly, reflecting the respect for employees' differences of ability, can play arole in motivating employees to progress, a higher proportion of non wage benefits is conducive to stabilizing the workforce. Objectively speaking, compared to the general income level with the local wage income, directly to the headquarters of the world bank staff schedule is not high, but the world bank work is relatively stable, respected, daily work pressure is small, there is little risk of layoffs, non US citizens do not need to pay individual income tax in accordance with the laws of the United States, enjoy non wage benefits and other factors considerable, world bank staff salary is quite good, this is also the world bank has been able to attract a large number of outstanding talents of the important reasons.Reflect the difference between hiring and hiring proceduresThe world bank has different hiring and hiring procedures for support personnel (GA to GD), non management professionals (GE to GG) and management personnel (GH to GI).The procedures employed auxiliary personnel for the employer (business offices) is proposed for human needs and requirements, decided to take in the recruitment or open recruitment; the personnel department approved qualifications, recruitment information disclosure; interview personnel determine the long list of the personnel department; the employer determines the interview short list, organize interviews, selected recruitment personnel, negotiate the contract (offer) etc..Non management professional and technical personnel hiring procedures and assistant personnel employment procedures are basically the same, the difference is that the selectedpersonnel employed the employer, by the personnel department is responsible for the contract negotiation, the formalities of employment and wage negotiations.The management personnel employed in two ways: competitive recruitment (CompetitiveProcess) and(Non-competitiveStrategicReassignment) program, appointed directly employ professional and technical personnel of the former program and non management almost, the latter is by the president or vice president and executive vice president in charge of the relevant departments of the regional network or directly appointed after consultation.In terms of personnel selection and employment standards, the world bank has a clear and clear standard of employment. The world bank has divided its internal jobs into 18 series (jobfamily), and for each of the different levels of the series, the world bank has developed specific targeted post standards. In the aspect of system design,The selection and hiring procedures of the world bank embody the principles of setting up posts, selecting jobs and treating people differently, focusing on selecting and employing procedures and matching the ability of employing personnel to match the responsibilities and features of the posts. For example, GA to GD for supporting jobs, mainly responsible for the relatively simple Secretarial Assistant and operational work, educational background of this kind of men is relatively low, the principle of high school graduation can, salary is relatively low; GE to GH for professional and technical personnel, and promote the completion of the project is theWorld Bank the subject, therefore higher requirements for their educational and professional backgrounds, pay to be relatively high.Flexible employment systemIn the world bank, employees have various identities, which reflect the flexible and diverse employment system of the world bank.From the term of engagement contract, there are generally three cases of employees of the World Bank: long term contracts (Open-endedTerm), contracts for extension (ExtendedTerm or RenewableTerm) and short-term contracts (ShortTerm). In recent years, the long-term contracts of the world bank have been reduced in order to motivate employees, and more and more contracts have been postponed.In addition, there is the primary occupation plan (JuniorProfessionalAssociate, referred to as YPA), the purpose is to provide occupation training, under the age of 28 college graduates in a period of two years after the expiration of two years to the world bank to leave again by the world bank appointment; trainee training program (SecondmentProgram), mainly for members of the government to offer training opportunities for interns; (InternshipProgram), the main research oriented undergraduate and students offers a summer internship opportunities.The "identity" of the staff, holding long-term contracts and deferred contract employees for professional and technicalpersonnel and management personnel, is relatively stable, the world bank staff constitute the backbone; other personnel is mainly engaged in the support, technical advice and short-term research work, a large number of however, greater mobility, salary is relatively low. Through this arrangement, the world bank has maintained a relatively stable body of staff, but also have a certain flow and exchange, which can provide human resources training and output of knowledge and influence, but also can use relatively cheap labor.Young professionals programIntroducing the personnel system of the world bank can not be mentioned without reference to the youth professional programme. This is a unique form of talent recruitment and training for the world bank, targeting young people under the age of 32 who are prominent in their educational backgrounds, career achievements, and leadership skills. These people after graduating from school, after a special screening program into the world bank, and then entered into a two-year training period, during which the world bank will take them assigned to different departments to exercise, and assign special personnel to their work and occupation development guidance. After successful completion of the two-year training period, they usually receive long-term contracts or 5 year extension contracts. The program faces 30-40 people worldwide each year. In order to reflect the globalization and diversity of employees, the allocation of admission places will take into account the balance of the country. However, from the practical point of view, students from developing countries often have to study in Europe and America, it is possible to be admitted. As a kindof planned mechanism for personnel training, youth occupation plan for the world bank to cultivate the backbone of a considerable amount of reserve and management team, including deputy governor, and a large number of senior management are first through the youth occupation plan to enter the world bank.Performance (Performance)What is performance?The word "performance" comes from management, and different people have different understanding of performance. Some people believe that performance means the efficiency and effectiveness of a job. Some people believe that performance is the kind of work, behavior, method, and outcome that is evaluated;More people think that performance is the result of employees' work, and it is an effective and contributive part of enterprise's goals. It is often used in the research and evaluation of human resources in the management of enterprises.Performance is the effective output of organizations at different levels in order to achieve their goals.To sum up: performance is the combination of achievement and effectiveness, and is the objective behavior of work behavior, mode, result and the objective effect in a certain period. In an enterprise, employees' performance is embodied in quantity, quality, cost, and other contribution to the enterprise.Characteristics of performanceIt has many factors, such as multi dimension, multi dimension and dynamic.1, multifactorialBecause of the impact of that is a person's performance depends on many factors, including the external environment, opportunities, personal IQ, EQ and it has the skills and knowledge structure, and enterprise incentive factors.2, multidimensionalMultidimensional is to say that a person's performance should be analyzed from several aspects and perspectives. In order to obtain more reasonable, objective and easy to accept results.3, dynamicDynamic, that is, the performance of a person varies with time and position.。

高性能建筑用窗之——窗户选择和设计中的技术因素:结构与密封刘正权【摘要】@@ 1 结构问题(STRUCTURAL ISSUES)rn商业建筑中门窗系统的主要结构要求是能够抵抗风荷载和其他荷载的能力.窗户结构的失效可能会导致财产损失、人身伤害以及能耗增高.结构问题比任何节能问题都要重要.次要的结构失效(玻璃破裂、气密性和水密性的丧失、过度变形造成的密封失效等)会降低建筑围护结构的热工完整性,并导致长期的能耗上升.【期刊名称】《门窗》【年(卷),期】2011(000)006【总页数】5页(P24-28)【作者】刘正权【作者单位】中国建筑材料检验认证中心【正文语种】中文1 前言一般来说,美学和成本是影响商业建筑用窗设计的主要因素。
最近,商业建筑用窗的设计和选择中又出现了一些新的因素:人的因素(human factors)和环境影响(environmental impact)等。
图1 明尼阿波利斯社区与技术学院(Minneapolis Community and Technical College)Wheelock Whitney图书馆2 门窗传热机理大部分窗户和幕墙都是由玻璃和框架结构组成。
玻璃可以是单层玻璃或中空玻璃(insulating glazing units,IGU),中空玻璃包含置于玻璃边部的间隔条以及填充于玻璃之间空腔内的低导热惰性气体。
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International Relations: The major issues in world politics
To: All students enrolled on the 2nd semester of the international relations course
From: Peter
Re: Learning objectives and reading material for the lesson Human issues
The presentation for the lesson on Human issues has been posted onto moodle. I am now sending you a list of the learning objectives of this lesson together with the reading material
Human issues: Learning objectives
Describe the impact of population growth and migration on the developing and industrialized nations.
Define the key concepts of demographic transition, replacement-level fertility, remittance income, refugees, and internally displaced people.
Human issues: Thomas Malthus and population growth
Is the human r ace expanding and exploiting the planet’s resources so fast that it is heading for inevitable self-annihilation? Two centuries ago the English Economist Thomas Malthus (1766-1834) was convinced this was the case. Humans were growing much faster than they were their resources of food, he calculated. More specifically, he came up with the idea that the human population was rising geometrically (i.e. by multiples –2,4,8,16,32…) while the food, available to them was growing arithmetically (i.e. by addition – 2,4,6,8 …)
Malthus believed that the human race was heading for an inevitable collapse. Unless it voluntarily cut its birth rate (which he thought was inconceivable), the human population would suffer one of three checks imposed by nature to keep it at certain sustainable limits: famine, disease or war.
Since Malthus first put forward his ideas, the global population which he thought was reaching a natural peak, has grown from 980 million to 6.5 billion. It is projected to increase to more than 9 billion by 2050. Yet the majority of people on the planet are better fed, more healthy and longer-lived than ever before. Malthus was wrong in two areas:
First, humans have a long history of devising technologies to solve problems. Producers have devised more efficient means of generating food and the world has seen a series of agricultural revolutions, each dramatically increasing the available resources
Second, population does not always grow exponentially. Humans tend, once they reach a certain level of affluence, to reproduce less. In fact, human fertility has been dropping significantly recently, with birth rates in Japan, Canada and all of Europe insufficient to prevent depopulation. However, many economists and political scientist argue that although Malt hus’s arguments revolved around food, they could just as easily insert oil and other non-renewable energy sources as being the chief ‘means of human support’. Whether the technological advances or population restraint that prevented Malthus from being proved right before will apply now remains to be seen.。