第八章 经贸广告的翻译
• 千里之行, 始于足下, 运动鞋广告
• Spend a dime, Save you time.(电器广告)
• 化妆精品啥最好, 路霞蛇PP油T学习膏交流。(蛇油膏广告)
• 英语广告中运用两种特殊的修辞方法
• 头韵
• Read, remembered, rushed. (Panasonic办公自动 化系统广告)
pair of men’s Twills for $32? A: Nowhere that we know of.(男士斜纹衣服广 告) • 您穿那么少不冷吗? • 我都说一百遍了 • 哦, 南极人, 不怕冷。(南极人保暖内衣广告)
• 广告商为了达到做广告的最终目的, 让更多的人知道并 购买他们的产品, 在广告用语的修辞手法运用上比较下 功夫一般说来, 广告中常用以下修辞手法:
• 北极绒, 暖绒绒, 怕冷就穿北极绒。
• Flowers by Interflora speak from the heart. (鲜花广 告)
• 高科技与您一起并肩开创未来的幸福生活。(三洋医o smoke or not to smoke, that is a question. (香烟 广告)
• 让更多的人用上更好的电脑PP。T学习(交流商务通广告)
多用并列结构 • No problem too large; no business too small (IBM公司广告, 使用并列结构, 既表现了公司的实力“ 没有解决不了的
大问题” ,也表现了公司事无巨细的服务态度“ 没有不做的小生意” 。) • 让沐浴精彩, 让肌肤光彩。(力士美容浴霸广告) 多用祈使句 • Go for the sun and fun. (All-American Vacation
Unit 8 Industry--Translation of advertisement1. Press Advertising 报刊广告2. Television and radio Advertising 电视和无线电广告3. Outdoor and Transport Advertising露天广告和交通广告4. Window and Point-of-Sale Display 橱窗和销售点陈列广告5. Exhibition and Trade Fairs 展览会和商品交易会6. Direct Mail Advertising 直接邮件广告7. Cinema 电影广告广告语的特点•玩弄辞藻•使用警策句,以发人思考,从而注意广告中的商品•言简意赅,简洁易懂•使用大众化口语体玩弄辞藻•使用警策句或套用名句•No dream is too big.•(高级轿车广告)•If you think getting only one cavity a year is OK, By 1990 you’ll have 10 holes in that theory.•(牙膏广告)•To smoke or not to smoke, that is a question.•(香烟广告)•言简意赅,简洁易懂为能迅速引起注意,使人们一目了然,同时也为了节省篇幅,降低费用,广告语言大都简单,明了,便于看懂,便于记忆.例如:“春花”牌吸尘器,清洁地毯.窗帘,还可以吸净象木制和乙烯基一样坚硬的地板,甚至水泥地。
The Chun-hua Vacuum Cleaner cleans rugs and drapes. It cleans hard surfaces like wood and vinyl floors. Even cement! It is sooth and quiet. Try it and your will sparkle with new cleanliness•使用大众化口语体•现代广告多采用家喻户晓的俗语,口语,读来亲切感人。
Lecture 10 广告翻译(1)
Section 1 Text Structure
What does this tell you? That there's many good years in a Goodyear? We couldn‘t agree more.(正文) . 正文) Goodyear(口号) (口号) 这是美国固特异轮胎橡胶公司(Goodyear Tire& Rubber)所作的汽车轮胎广告。 这则广告就只有标题、正文 口号 标题、 标题 正文和口号 省略了附文部分 省略了附文部分
Section 1 Text Structure
非文字部分主要包括与视觉效果相关的 非文字部分 插图(illustrations) 插图 色彩(colour) 色彩 外缘(decorative border) 外缘 版面设计(1ayout) 版面设计 等要素
Section 1 Text Structure
Section 1 Text Structure
Good sleep is one of the fundamentals of good health. Without it we become irritable, nervous, stressed or simply exhausted. Poor quality or quantity of sleep can seriously affect your life and the lives of people around you. To help combat sleeping problems, many people are now turning to Brauer Sleep and Insomnia Relief.
在国际贸易合同的执行过程中,如果有一方违反了合同规定,另一方则 有权利根据相关合同条款向违约方投诉或索赔。提出索赔的情况通常为:货 物质量问题、延期装运、货物数量短缺或包装/标记不当。质量问题指的是样 品和交付的货物之间存在偏差;货物数量短缺通常由于包装损坏或本身货物 数量不够引起;延期交货的原因比较多,如工作疏忽或不可抗力等;包装或 发货标记出现问题的频率不高,因为卖方通常都会非常严格地执行合同中关 于包装和发货标记的规定。 在为上述任何一个原因索赔时,索赔方必须以法律和事实为依据,搜集 相关材料和证据并进行分类,包括各种商业文件、信件、报告、双方工作人 员签署的备忘录等等。除了收集信息之外,索赔人还要注意索赔的效力,即 索赔人进行索赔的时间限制。通常情况下,索赔的时效在合同中都有规定或 由检验条款决定。如果合同中没有规定的话,时效可以根据相关的法律、国 际惯例或传统决定。
Unit 8
Complaint and Claim
Reading A
Background Information Task 1
Task 2 Task 3 Task 4
Background Information
A claim is a legal action to obtain money, property, or the enforcement of a right against another party. The legal document which carries a claim is called a Statement of Claim. It can be any communication notifying the addressee of alleged faulty execution which resulted in damages, often expressed in amount of money the party should pay/ reimburse. There are several issues of concern when filing a Statement of Claim. Although to file a Statement of Claim is fairly straight forward, it is important it be done properly or you may lose your case due to a simple technicality. A claim is a legal statement made to alert the accused of the legal implications. < Back
00096自考外刊经贸知识选读英汉词组互译自考外刊经贸知识选读英汉词组互译1barrier-free market自由/无壁垒市场2test market试销市场3budget deficit预算赤字4capital-intensive investment资金密集型投资5top-of-the-line technology行业内领先技术6visible trade account有型贸易项目7punitive import tariff惩罚性进口关税8intellectual property right知识产权9most favored nation status最惠国待遇10depression销条11trade surplus贸易顺差12deflation通货紧缩13barter trade易货贸易14futures market期货市场15current account经常项目16invisible trade无形贸易17compensation trade补偿贸易18devaluation贬值19per capita income人均收入20infrastructure基础设施21market share市场分额22special economic zone经济特区23exclusive agency agreement独家代理协议24finished goods/manufactured goods制成品25agriculture and industrial production工农业生产26trade balance贸易差额27merger兼并28market force市场力量29monetary policy货币政策30world trade organization世界贸易组织31personal/individual income tax个人所得税32commodity/goods market商品市场33service trade服务贸易34primary goods初级产品35international monetary fund国际货币基金组织36per capita GDP(gross domestic product)人均国内生产总值37convertible currency可兑换货币38customs duties and taxation海关关税39good infrastructure 良好的基础设施40deinflationary policy反通货膨胀政策41trade sanction贸易制裁42at the summit meeting峰会43on a conservative estimate据保守估计44price hike价格上涨45self-sufficient自给自足46liquid assets流动资产47trade fairs and exhibitions贸易展销会48preferential tax rate优惠关税49vested interests既得利益50export quota出口配额51government procurement政府采购52European integration欧洲一体化53bilateral pacts双边条约54countervailing duty反补贴税5524.fledgling industries新兴工业56stock market股票市场57capital transfer资本转移58trade discrimination贸易歧视59bilateral trade双边贸易60European continent欧洲大陆61carbon tax双重税62state-owned enterprises国有企业63competitive advantage竞争优势64balance of payments国际收支65high-tech高技术66portfolio investment证券投资67free market自由市场68trade barriers贸易壁垒69glut of supply供应过剩70equivalent value对等价值71economic recession经济衰退72unfair trade不平等交易73exclusive contract独家经销合同74per capita income人均收入75long-term strategy长期战略76GATT关税及贸易总协定77financial crisis金融危机78trade representative商务代表79physical market现货市场80financial deregulation撤销金融管制规定81sovereignty dispute主权争端82hard currency硬通货83merger of banks银行兼并84a hermit naiton闭关自守的国家85trade negotiation贸易谈判86at a rough estimate据粗略估计87Chinese export commodities fair中国出口商品交易会88foreign exchange reserve外汇储备89debt sevice/interest payment利息付款90sole foreign funded外商独资91technology transfer技术转让92domestic demand国内需求93export oriented出口导向94trade balance贸易差额95certificate of origin产地证书96customs duties进口税97clearing agreement清算协议98real estate房地产99business cycle商业周期100fiscal packages财政一揽子计划101debt service利息付款102 good resistance强阻力103cash crops经济作物104GNP国民生产总值105deinflationary policy反通胀政策106short supply供应短缺107the World Bank世界银行108capital goods资本货物109productive force生产力110foreign exchange earnings外汇收入111profit-remittance 利润汇款112national income国民收入113closing level收盘价。
经贸英语练习一、经贸英语术语翻译(英译汉)IPO :Initial Public Offerings 首次公开募股。
Liquidation 清算brand identity品牌标识covert advertising 隐形广告core business 核心业务marketing mix市场营销组合PNTR: (Permanent Normal Trading Relations)永久正常贸易关系Takeover收购billboards advertisement 广告牌宣传orientation to the person 以人为本confidentiality bubble 保密罩franchise 特许经营权brand loyalty 品牌忠诚度bill of exchange 汇票二、经贸英语术语汉译英品牌形象 brand image非盈利组织NPO (non-profit organization)外汇储备foreign exchange reserve知识产权intellectual property备用信用证 : Stand - by L/C(letter of credit)民主管理风格Democratic management style关系营销relationship marketing反向收购Reverse Merger衰退recession外国直接投资foreign direct investment非直接投资(证券投资)(portfolio investment)三、WORDS AND STRUCTURE.(单选)1. We should be pleased to send you a sample _A___ our own expense.A. atC. againstD. of2. Good harvest __A__ this year has made it possible for us to supply walnuts last year’s prices.A. atB. inC. againstD. on3. Any alteration in design would mean re-setting our machines, and the cost of this would be prohibitive __C__ you could place an order for more than 5,000.A. untilB. withC. unlessD. when4. After studying our prices and our liberal terms, you will understand why we are working __B__ capacity to meet the demand.B. toC. forD. of5. Thank you for your remittance of US $ 2,150.00 __D__ the 70% freight due under Invoice No.22B/96.A. of payingB. pay forC. for payment forD. in payment of6. It will be appreciated __B__ you could effect shipment in two equal lots by direct steamer ____ you receive our L/C.A. when, whenB. if, as soon asC. when, whichD. will, soon7. "Virtual shops" may lack see-and-feel sampling,(A) the phenomenal growth of catalogue shopping,TV-and-phone marketing and phone-banking in recent years is proof that see-and-feel is not the only way to sell.A. WhileB. If thatC. WhenD. Which8. The goods were examined by a public surveyor upon arrival at your port, _D___ we cannot but accept your claims as tendered.A. IfB. DespiteC. ThoughD. Since9. The discount of 5% agreed on was granted only _B___ no balance was outstanding from previous account.A. on conditionB. on condition thatC. thatD. depends on10. We can assure you that these suitings are very popular in the Far-East Markets, _C___ we have had some experience.A. whichB. thatC. of whichD. of that11. In connection with your invitation __C__ for Bid No.0082/95CH dated May 30,1996, the ____ would like to participate in the bid for the supply of Equipment Item No.0302 and the Qualifications Documents as required.A. undersign, submitB. undersigning, submittingC. undersingned, submitD. undersigned, submitted12. We are confident that the package of our products will _D___ the roughest handling in transit.A. stand upB. stand toC. suffer fromD. stand13. We regret having received your offer too late, because we _D___ our needs elsewhere.A. already coverB. already coveredC. have already coverD. had already covered14. In mass media, big advertising dollar rules. But by doing business on the Net, a small firm might _C___ just as effectively through search engines.A. get itself knowB. get himself knowC. get itself knownD. get known himself15. Please check the enclosed fax opening the credit to ensure that it _C___ your instructions.A. agreesB. agrees toC. agrees withD. agrees upon16. Your L/C calls for an insurance amount for 130% of the invoice value. __C__ We would request you to amend the insurance clause.A. The Case being itB. The case is like thisC. Such being the caseD. Such is the case17. We are not in a position to offer firm, as the goods are __A__.A. out of stockB. outside in stockC. without stockD. no stock18. We are of course _B__ the period for completion of your project has already been exceeded.A. know itB. aware thatC. to know ofD. be sure that19. We confirm __B__ accepted your counter proposal yesterday.A. haveB. havingC. to haveD. has been20. Since the premium varies with the extent of insurance, extra premium is for buyer’s account, additional risks __D__ be covered.A. ifB. asC. mustD. should答案:1.A 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.B 7.A 8.D 9.B 10.C 11.C 12.D 13.D14.C 15.C 16.C 17.A 18.B 19.B 20.D21、contracts must renewed one week __D_ __their exp iration.a.onb.againstc.the monment ofd.before22. the commodities you offered are__B __line with the business scope of our clients.a.outsideb.out ofc.outd.without23. we are arranging for an inspection tour of __C __the material was processed.a.placeb.the placec.whered.there24. we are reconsidering those trade terms_B_ _migh t be adverse to the interest of our principals.a.whatb.thatc.whend.where25. information indicates that some similar goods of indian origin have been sold here__B __about 30% lower than yours.a.with a levelb.at somethingc.at quotationd.with a figure26. as we are__B __of there goods,please expedite s hipment after receiving our l/c.a.in badlyb.badly in needc.urgent in needd.in urgently need27. we give you on the attached sheet full details regarding packing and marking, which must be strict ly__A __.a.observedb.abide byc.submittedd.seen28. we_C _to allow you a special discount if you in crease your order to 5000 pains.a.have preparedb.are preparec.are preparedd.were prepared29. the importance of delivery on time __C____overs tressed,because failure to recrive goods or services will cause serious inconvenience to the end-users.a.canb.bec.cannot bed.could be30.___C ___we would like to close the business withyou,we find your bid unacceptable.a.muchb.however muchc.much asd.despite31. we wish to stress that shipment must be made wi thin the prescribed time limit,as a further_C___will not beconsidered by our end-users.a.prolongb.protractc.extensiond.expansion32. with computer users linked to the internet grow ing_ D____every year,business is trying to cash in on theworldwide network.a.at millionb.with a millionc.with one milliond.by millions33. we regret having to remind you that 30% of the freight is still_ C___.a.owendb.owningc.outstandingd.understanding34.___A ___you fulfill the terms of the l/c, we wil l accept the drafts drawn under this credit.a.providedb.to providec.in the cased.only if35. kindly advise us of the steamers that call__A _ _your port every month.a.atb.onc.ind.for36. it should be__C __if you could immedialy____wha t quantity you can supply us at present.a.thankful, adviseb.appreciate, advisec.appreciated, advised.appreciating, inform37. we thank you for your e-mail of november 25__B ____your purchase of 10 m/t wild rice.a.confirmb.confirmingc.to confirmd.confirmed38. subject to satisfactory arrangements __ D____te rms and conditions,we should be pleased to act as y our sole agent.a.asb.as perc.as ifd.as to39. our usual terms of payment are___B ____l/c and we hope they will be satisfactory______you.a.by,forb.by,toc.for,tod.for,with40. that helps to explain__C ____businesses are set ting up net sites even though profits aren`t yet ve ry big.a.thatb.the reason forc.whyd.why that四、句子翻译(e.g.)1. They recognize that "helping people become more of who they already are," since each person has unique strengths, will best support their success.他们认识到,“要帮助人们变得更加的自我”,因为每个人都有独特的优势,这些优势将最好的支持他们成功。
经贸报道、评述、 语言贴近读者、生动 可读性 保留原文风格,
品牌、广告、推 介或促销文字
措辞精炼、生动活泼、 认同感、 不拘一格,考虑 富有美感、创新。 宣传效 受众背景。
The Continuum for Business Translation
转换成相应的目 标语通用格式。
保留原文风格, 可酌情摘译或编 译。
商务翻译 具体文本类型 语言特点 类别
译文强 翻译策略 调
法律性文 件
经济法规、条约、 严谨、正式;用词规
合同、提单、发 范、准确;多术语、
专业论著、教科 书、论文、经贸 文件
直译:当商标意象在中西文化中具有类似含义时,可根据 原商标的含义,在译入语中选择与其意义相同或相近的词 语译出。
Snow (雪花啤酒);True Color (真彩水笔);F人对其的接受):Bosideng(波司 登);QiSheng(奇声)
语言特点:构思奇巧;感召力强;简洁生动;富于 美感
Impossible made possible.使不可能变为可能。 (Cannon 佳能打印机)
A diamond is forever (De Beers Diamond 戴比尔斯钻石) Good to the last drop.滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(Maxwell
Adapted from
不同类别的文本有不同的目的和功能,在翻译中往 往需要采取不同的翻译原则和策略。
❖ Health, humor & happiness…gifts we’d love to give.(《星期六晚报》广告)
❖ 辅韵 ❖ Cleans your breath while it cleans your
❖ 广告按其体裁,风格,手法及文字表达方式 等不同,可将他们分为若干类型.熟悉并掌 握各种类型广告文体的特点对做好广告的翻 译工作十分必要.常见的广告文体特点及翻 译要求如下:
act) ❖ 影响力 (impressive --- produce an impact)
❖ 广告的创作都是一门综合性艺术。它集社会学、 美学、心理学、市场营销学、声电学、文学、语 言学等于一身。这门艺术中的文案写作比其它形 式的写作都更需要技巧。它要利用推销原理写出 雅俗共赏、生动有趣的文字,要具有特殊的感染 力,能在瞬间引起读者注意,刺激其购买欲望, 最终促成购买行为 ,因此,翻译时要有策略.
❖ A piano teacher to teach a 5-year-old girl at home. 2 hours each time, twice a week. Call 0298306814.
❖ 包括广告口号(slogans)、广告语句 (catch phrases) 等在内的广告语是一种 非常特殊的语言。它们通常都有一些共同的 特点,如语言上引人入胜、说服力强,修辞 手段的运用也别具一格,如语义双关、文字 游戏等,使人感到幽默中见智慧,平淡中显 新奇。广告语言在形式上也极具鲜明特色, 或行文工整、对仗押韵,或节奏感强、琅琅 上口,或一鸣惊人、耳目一新,可以收到耐 人寻味,经久不忘的效果。
旺旺英语Lesson 12Soft Drink Wars: the Next Battle 软饮料战:下一次战争The reformulation of Coke has given the feuding cola giants a chance to go at each other again.可口可乐的重新配方为长期不和的可乐巨头提供了一个新开战的机会。
But Coca-Cola and PepsiCo are spoiling for yet another fight, and this time they’re picking on the little guys: non-cola makers like Seven-Up and Dr Pepper.By Monci Jo Williams 但是可口可乐和百事可乐一心想进行另一场战斗,这一次它们选中了小企业:“七喜”和“佩拍博士”。
In the U.S. soft drink industry, where 1% of the market is worth $ 300 million in retail sales, Coca-Cola and PepsiCo don’t wage mere market share battles. They fight holy wars. These days the fighting is on two fronts. One is on the vast plains of the cola business, where the reformulation of Coke has Pepsi on the defensive. The other is in the back alleys of the smaller, non-cola market. Until now these have been dominated by other companies. As growth of high-calorie colas slows, however, Coca-Cola and PepsiCo are invading new territory.在美国的软饮料行业,1%的市场份额就意味着3亿美元的零售额,可口可乐公司和百事可乐公司进行的不仅仅是争夺市场份额的斗争,他们进行的是“圣战”。
外刊经贸知识选读(贸易术语翻译)1中国的对外贸易Nationai income 国民收入EEC(European Economic Association) 欧共体Most-favored nation treatment 最惠国待遇Visible trade account 有形贸易收支Minister without portfolio 不管部长Balance of payments 国际收支Invisible account 无形的贸易收支Current account 经常项目Center bank 中央银行Counter-trade 反向贸易Joint venture 合资企业OCCE(organization for economic co-operation and development) 经济合作发展组织Bank for settlements international 国际清算银行Non-bank trade related credits 买方信贷,卖方信贷等Manufactured goods工业产品Capital equipment 资本设备Industrialization programme 工业项目Heavy industry 重工业Economic imbalances 经济失衡Trade relating 贸易往来Per annum 每年Normalization of diplomatic relations 外交关系正常化Industrial country 工业国家In surplus 顺差Earnings and requirements 收入和需求Trade fairs 商品展销会Compensation trade 补偿贸易Raw materials 原材料Direct investment 直接投资The international capital markets 国际资本市场Commercial terms 商业条件Representative offices 办事处2中国的对外直接投资The China international trust investment copprporation (CITIC)中国国际信托投资公司The special economic zone 经济特区The state council 国务院Standard of living 生活水平Foreign-exchange reserves 外汇储备Capital stock 实际资本,股本Cooperative enterprise 合作企业Wholly foreign-owned operation 外商独资企业Consumer goods 消费品Capital goods 资本货物Customs duties 进口税Technical transformation技术改造Provincial capital 省会inner regions 内地,内陆readily obtainable 轻易得到economic and technicai development zone(ETDZ) 经济技术开发区uniform tax rate 统一税率profit-remittance利汇款率preferential tax rate 统一税率municipal govermment 市政府grassroots units 基层单位rules and regulations 规章制度comprehensive framework 综合准则public ownership of the means of production 生产资料公有制national people’s congress 全国人民到表大会seventh five-year plan 第七个五年计划china international economic consultants inc 中国国际经济顾问有限公司3中国开放的经济Commercial hud商业活动中心The world’ sdominant economy 世界经济强国Per capita 人均Gross national product (GNP) 国民生产总值American administration 美国政府China hands 中国通(华人)Punitive import tariffs 惩罚进口性关税Securities and real estate markets 证劵及房地产市场“G reater china” trade bloc “大中华”集团Gross domestic product(GDP) 国内生产总值Private businesses 私有企业Competitive advantage 竞争优势High wage economy 高工资经济General agreement on tariffs and trade(GA TT) 关税及贸易总协定Consumer eiectronics 电子产品Human rights 人权问题Preferred status 优惠地位,优先权State-owned conglomerate 国有跨行业公司Semiconductor chips 半导体集成电路芯片Brokerage services 经济业务Double digits 两位数4世界经济Per capita gross domestic product 人均国内生产总值Weak performance 不景气High rates of growth 高增长率The gulf crisis 海湾危机International conditions 国际坏境The group of seven 七国集团Continental Europe 欧洲大陆Disinflationary policies 反通胀政策Weakness in demand 需求疲软Cyclical deceleration in investment spending 周期性的投资下降Short-term dollar interest rates 短期美元汇率Nonoil commodity prices 非石油商品价格Foreign exchange 外汇Hard currencies 硬货币Severely indebted 负债严重The Uruguay round of GATT 关贸总协定乌拉圭回合Commodity market 商品市场Nominal(dalloar)terms 名义(美元)价Constant(dollar)terms 不变(美元)价Real terms 实际价The united nations conference on environmentand development 联合国坏境和发展会议Anti-inflationary monetary policy 反通货膨胀政策GDP(GNP)deflator 消除国内(民)生产总值通货膨胀指数The cyclical slowing of investment 周期性投资放缓Tax-cut-induced boom 由减税引发的繁荣Interest rates 利率Unemployment rates 失业率Financial stress金融压力Tightening of credit 紧缩信贷Current account deficit 经常项目赤字Yield curve收益曲线European monetary system(EMS) 欧洲货币体系Accommodative monetary policy 肯通融的货币政策Nominal short-term interest rates 名义短期汇率Real output 以不变价格计算的产品价值Structural transformation 结构转变,体制改革Trading partners 贸易伙伴The population-weightted growth rate 人均加权增长率Debt restructuring债务调整Portfolio investment 证劵投资Per capita income 人均收入Fiscal adjustment 财政调整Investment liberalization 投资自由化Trade-oriented region 贸易导向型地区Market-oriented regional integration 市场导向型区自由化Multilateral trade agreements 多边贸易协议Budget deficit预算赤字Emergency stabilization measures 紧急稳定措施Tight credit policies信贷紧缩政策Exchange-rate devaluation 汇率贬值The council mutual economic assistance( C MEA) 经互会5关于美国的贸易策略与政策Trade representative贸易代表Trade policies 贸易政策Trade sanctions 贸易制裁Trade barrier 贸易壁垒Trade surplus 贸易赤字North American free-trade agreement 北美自由贸易协定Trade priority 贸易优先权Government procurement 政府采购Free-trade agreement 自由贸易区Ttrade signals 贸易信号6欧盟的发展European community欧洲共同体The single market统一大市场The European community vast single market 欧共体的统一大市场Barrier-free market 无壁垒市场European integrationg 欧洲一体化The internal market 内部市场Marriage contract 结婚契约Political and economic integration 政治经济一体化Free-trade zone 自由贸易区Free market philosophy 自由市场论Economic benefits 经济利益Economic activity经济活动Annual growth rate 年增长率Plant modennization工厂现代化Budget cuts 预算消减7关于日本的贸易地位Import targets 进口指标Guantifiable results 定量结果,量化结果White paper 白皮书Uruguay round of trade talks乌拉圭回合谈判Average tariff 平均关税Manufactured goods制成品Bilateral surplus 双边顺差Fiscal packages 财政一揽子计划Trade in goods 易货贸易International bodies 国际组织Industrial commodities 工业商品Business cycle商业周期Economic cycle经济周期Managed trade 管理贸易Consumer goods消费品Market share市场份额Households save家庭储蓄Budget deficit预算赤字Trade balance贸易差额Public opinion工众舆论Trade reprisals贸易报复8亚洲国家发展问题Corporate headguaters公司总部Silicion valley硅谷Annual sales年销售额Nation economic machine国家经济结构Industrial infrastructure工业基础设施Investment capital投资资本Antidurmping suits反倾销起诉Fledging conglomerates新兴的跨行业工资Literacy rate脱盲率,识字率Middle class中产阶级Nouveau riche暴发户Government-backed loans 政府担保贷款Human-rights restrictions 人权限制Political liberalization政治自由化Political opposition政治反对派Driving force驱动力Labor-cost advantage劳动力成本优势Industrial group工业集团Basic industries基础工业Industrial structure工业结构Industrial giants大工业企业Business setback商业挫折Tax breaks税额优惠Direct subsidies直接补贴Market forces 市场力量Financial system金融体制Official interest rates官方汇率Consumer market消费市场9贸易新星Gulf region海湾地区Sovereignty dispute主权争端GCC(gulf cooperation council)海湾合作委员会OPEC (organization of petroleum exporting)石油输出国组织Carbon tax双重税收Firm order实盘Non-oil trade非石油贸易Manufacturing capacity生产能力Government grants政府津贴Risk-weighted assets风险加权资产Import surcharge进口附加税Certificates of origin原产地证书The developing areas开发区Lucrative fees利率报酬10从关税贸易总协定到世界贸易组织Economic growth促进经济发展Common agricultural policy (CAP)共同农业政策Liberal market自由贸易Market force市场力量Monopoly purchasing boards统购部门Export subsidies生产补贴The administration’goals政府目标Technical standards技术水平Anti-dumping measures反倾销措施Countervailing duty反倾销税,抵消性关税Intellectual property right知识产权Trade in services服务贸易Farm-trade liberalization农业贸易自由化Majority vote多数选票Straight forward of vote直接否定权11易货贸易仍在使用I nternational financial institution国际金融机构Currency reserves货币储备Of equivalent value同等价值Mean of trade贸易方式Client states附属国International monetary found(IMF)国际货币基金组织Multilateral trade多边贸易Convertible currency可兑换货币Burden of debt债务负担Debt service=intrerst payment利息付款Debtor nation债务国Export earning出口收入Multinational corporations跨国公司Compensation agreements补偿贸易协定Clearing agreements清算系统Bilateral pacts双边协议Credit-starved信用危机Letter of credit信用证12市场竞争Test market试销市场Baby-boomers生育高峰期出生的人Consumer coupons消费优惠劵Price promotions价格促销Exclusive contract独家经销合同Competitive in price andguanlity价格和质量上的竞争力All-out sales campaigns大规模销售战役Hard sell硬销售Heavy discounting大幅度打折Soft drink软饮料Retail sales零售Special promotion特殊销售13市场分析Export market出口市场Fast food shop快餐The method of packing包装方式Subsidized competition补贴性竞争Grocery store杂货店Wet market鲜货市场The retial market零售市场Promote sales促销商品Export enhancement programe增加出口计划Structure of trade贸易结构Preserved duck eggs咸鸭蛋14初级商品市场Soft commodities非耐用初级产品Agricultural commodoties农产品Surplus produce剩余产品Financial futures以期货形式交易的有价证劵The money market货币市场The equity market一般的股票市场Basic raw materials基本原材料Conference on trade and development联合国贸易和发展协会Currency movements货币变动Special drawing right特别提取款Food price index食品价格指数Glut of supplies供应过剩Devastating consequences毁灭性后果Spin-offs副作用Cash-strapped现金短缺at its weakest萧条services sector服务部门official austerity programmers政府紧缩计划foreign exchange earnings外汇收入unit commodity price单位初级产品价格real interest rates实际利率stores of vaule储备价值liquid assets流动资产price volatility价格多变speculative business投机生意the patten of supply and demand供需模式export quote出口配额in short supply 供应短缺15初级商品市场行情电传报告Commodities dealers初级商品交易商Stock exchange证劵交易所Investment support投资支持Regained ground重得青睐Labour dispute劳务纠纷Export figures出口量Good resistance强烈抵制Discount rate贴现率Labour-agreement劳动协议Bleak outlook前景黯淡Futures markets期货市场Spot market现货市场Strategic stockpile战略性库存Take prices back使价格回升Terminal prices期货价格International coffe organizayion(ICO)国际咖啡组织Upward adjustment 上调Replacement costs重置成本。
(4) 招聘、招标类广告
此类广告记实性强,通常使用正式的书面语, 招标类广告多用专业词汇和术语.翻译时, 遣词造句应庄重平实,行文严谨.例如: 聘请钢琴教师 现聘请一钢琴教师教一五岁女孩弹钢琴。 每周两次,每次两小时.在家上课.有意者 请打电话0298306814.
A piano teacher to teach a 5-year-old girl at home. 2 hours each time, twice a week. Call 0298306814.
“Aviation” Artificial Leather Suitcase
Selected materials, fine workmanship, modern designs,
reasonable price, various specifications. Order welcome.
(3) 描写体
描写广告是以生动细腻的描绘刻画 达到激发人们的基本情感和欲望, 通常亲切感人,给人们一个鲜明的, 深刻的印象。翻译时,应选用富有 感情色彩的英语词句,保持原文的 风格。请看下面的广告:
这里有美丽的风景,激动人心的奇 观,一流的设施,高效的服务. 你可以 在美丽的沙滩上,金色的阳光里,恣情
My hair was dry, coarse and unmanageable. But from the time I began to use Pantene Pro-V Treatment Shampoo, it has become healthy and shiny. This is because Pantene Pro-V treatment Shampoo contains unique Pro VB5,which deeply penetrates your hair from root to tip. Its new improved formula gives your hair extra protection against damage, leaving it healthier and shiner.
大学实用翻译教程(英汉双向)第八章 广告翻译
5)动词的使用 Just try it, and you will see our sincere recommendations is rather convincing.
Come and visit the wonderful carpet world and orders are welcome.
3)大量使用省略句和并列结构 Going East, Staying Westin. Finest food, most attractive surroundings and a friendly disposition.
4)多用肯定句 There is never a better time.
5)主动语态和一般现在时 Harmony of style and performance set this new Mazda 6 apart. How nuclear energy benefits a typical family of four? Nuclear energy means cleaner air.
译文:通往古文明之路(以色列航空 公司) Quality Service for Quality Life. 译文:凝聚新动力,文康展新姿。
一.源于专有名词的商标和翻译 1.英文商标,特别是早期的英文商标多源 于公司创始人或产品发明人的姓氏或这个人 名,我们翻译的时候就基本按照英译的名字 直接翻译。
3)拟人 Your closest friend. Let the New York Times find you.
4)夸张 A million and one uses. We have hidden a garden full of vegetables where you never expect. In a pie.
商业广告用语翻译精选产品远销英国、美国、日本、意大利和东南亚,深受消费者欢迎和好评Our products are sold in Britain, America, Japan, Italy and South East Asia and well appreciated by their purchasers.畅销全球selling well all over the world典雅大方elegant and graceful定型耐久durable modeling方便顾客making things convenient for customers方便群众making things convenient for the people。
to suit the people's convenience方便商品convenience goods方便生活bringing more convenience to the people in their daily life。
providing amenities for the people。
making life easier for the population各式俱全wide selection。
large assortment顾客第一Customers first顾客是我们的皇帝We take customers as our Gods.规格齐全a complete range of specifications。
complete in specifications 花样繁多a wide selection of colours and designs货色齐全goods of every description are available.客商第一,信誉第一clients first, reputation first款式多样a great variety of models款式活泼端庄vivid and great in style款式齐全various styles款式新颖attractive designs。
广告信息范本目录1. 广告信息范本1. 一、公司广告2. 二、产品供应信息3. 三、产品需求信息一、公司广告范例一:标题:Competitive Backpack China Manufacturer内容:We are a professional manufacturer and exporter of all kinds of bags, wallet and gloves. We have our own factories located in Xiaoshan, which are employing over 500 workers. Our huge and prompt output make sure that all your orders would be delivered on time. Experienced staffs & sample makers sure can turn all your all your idea come true. Hangzhou Tengyu Bags Co., Ltd. [Province:Zhejiang, China]范例二:标题:Jiahui(Fujian)Electric Co., Ltd. (Former Name: Fujian Wanhui Electric Co., Ltd. )内容:Fujian Wanhui Electric Co., Ltd. located in Fuan, Fujian, China, is a professional manufacturer of electric motors, alternators, generating sets and water pumps etc, since 2000. Our products are very hot in the domestic and overseas market, for always in high quality control, competitive price, and latest designs. To cater for the competitive market, we have introduced advanced production equipments, excellent manufacturing processes, all kinds of measuring equipments, instruments and gauges, etc. Besides, we have passed ISO9001, and gotten CE certifications.范例三:标题:Motorcycle, Motor Bike, Motorcycle Spare Parts manufacturers内容:ZengchengBenma Industrial Co., Ltd established in 1998, ZengchengBenma Industrial Co., Ltd. was located in Xinganwan Industrial Developing Zone, Xintang Town, Zengcheng, GuangZhou, China, situated at a building of plot 40, 000 sq. Meters and provided with over 1500 employees who were 60% gradated from junior college of technical secondary school. Holding two brand 'SANLG'and'GUANRI', it's the professional enterprisers with the notice to be issued by the government for manufacturing motorcycle, engine and other parts.范例四:标题:protective film, pp strap, double side tape manufacturers内容:DongGuanBomei Packing Products Co., Ltd. is a professional enterprise producing all kinds of packing materials such as plastic bag, bubble bag, adhesive tape, kraft tape, stretch film, packaging straps and packaging machinery. Established in 1994, we own and operate three subsidiaries, Dongguan Bomei Packing Product Co., Ltd., Bomei Adhesive Process Plant, and Bomei Packing Material Shop. the company actively explores the overseas market. the products are mainly exported to North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Australia, Middle East, Asia and so on.Our main factory workshop covers more than 16, 000 square meters and our branch factory also over 10, 000 square meters. We have well-equipped facilities with imported machinery from Japan and top machinery from domestic manufacturers. To ensure high quality products, we continuously update our facilities with the latest equipment.范例五:标题:Artificial Flower, home decoration, basketball manufacturers内容:Sundry-Wholesale acted as one of the leading merchandising company in the country for many years. Now, we are not only provide you sourcing service but also act as a wholesaler and distributor, we are also focus on your logistic process and supply chain management.Since our inception, we have come a long way and emerged as one of the leading buying house, engaged in sourcing of home furnishing, Christmas ornament, arts&crafts, glassware, plastic packaging, artificial plants, silk flower, candle, candle holder, ceramic ware. Planter, vase, jewelry and fashion accessories, mop...With our professional and true approach towards our vendors andbuyer, we have been able to create niche for ourselves in both, domestic & international market place.二、产品供应信息范例一:标题:Offer Details :Pets Clothing+Paypal, Dog Clothing in Home or Garden内容:Offer Type: sellOffer Group: pet clothesOffer Post Time: Apr 08, 2011Expiration Date: Mar 04, 2012Details:FOB Price: US $18 - 22 / PairFeature: Eco-Friendly, StockedApplication: Small AnimalsSize: YDA-XLDelivery terms: EMS, TNT, DHLPacking: Inner packing, oringinal packing/as per requirementMin. Quantity: 3000PCSDelivery time: Within 15-30 days after receiving your 30%T/T payment, paid against before delivery范例二:标题:suppliers, offering Motorcycle (SL125-2A), Motorcycle (SL125-3) -01, Motorcycle (SL125-7A) and so on.内容:Model NO.: HT50QT-29AProductivity: 50, 000 PCS/YearTrademark: LintexOrigin: Zhejiang, ChinaFuel Tank Capacity: <5LMaximum Loading Capacity: 75-120KGEngine: 4 StrokeDisplacement: 51-125ccCertification: EECMax Speed: 21-50km/hExport Markets: North America, South America, Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia, Africa, Oceania, Mid East, Eastern Asia, Western EuropeProduct Description :1) Body dimensions (L x W x H): 1, 990 x 670x 1, 170mm2) Wheelbase: 1, 340mm3) Gross weight: 89kg4) Max. load: 85kg5) Engine style: single cylinder, air-cooled, 4-stroke6) Brake type: front disc / rear drum7) Brake operation type: front hand control / rear hand control8) Tire size: F 120/70-12 / R 120/70-129) Starting type: electric / kick10) Displacement / power: 50.0ml / 2.20kW11) Max. speed: 45km/h范例三:标题:Product Details :BOPP Adhesive Tape (BM010)内容:Adhesive tape is made with water-based acrylic adhesive on BOPP film, various thickness tapes for different wight requirements. Available in variety of width, length and colors to meet your special needs.Product Description:Packing: 6 Rolls/Shrink, 36rolls/Carton,Customized by ClienModel NO.: BM010Productivity: 6000 Cubic Meter/Cubic Meters Per Month 80 ContainTrademark: BOMEIOrigin: ChinaMin. Order: 1*20ft ContainerTransportation: by SeaExport Markets: North America, South America, Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia, Africa, Oceania, Mid East, Eastern Asia, Western Europe.To meet your spcial requests, we are offering OEM and ODM service, what you need to do is just to provide your artowrk to us, we will provide high quality products to you timely三、产品需求信息范例一:标题:250cc Sports ATV in Top Quality内容:Offer Type: buyOffer Post Time: Mar 03, 2011Expiration Date: Apr 28, 2012Details:We are looking to buy volume of high quality ATVs from 50CC to 750CC, ECC 50CC Scooters with max. Speed 25 km/h as well as all other EEC Scooters from 50CC to 500CC, Mobility Scooters and other electric Scooters, Dirt Bikes from 110CC to 250CC (Hummer style), Motorcycles from 100CC up to 500CC, Pocket Bikes, 39CC and 49CC, Go Carts - all kinds, Speed Boats, Inflatable (speed) Boats, Outboard Motor, Jet Ski, Ocean Kayak, Inflatable Kayak, Snow Scooter, Lawn Movers, all Gas Garden Tools, Bicycles (All kinds), MTB and accessories, Auto parts, wheels, Tires, Rims, audio, speakers, GPS navigation, All kinds of protection like Helmets, Cloves, MC Jacket, Boots, Gloves, etc. As well as all kinds of accessories like Tires, Lawn Movers, all Gas Garden Tools, Bicycles (All kinds), MTB and accessories, Auto parts, wheels, Tires, Alloy Rims, audio, Car DVD, Car LCD TV, Car PC, speakers, BT headset, BT Hand free set, GPS car navigation, GPS Tracker for Cars and MCs, AND MUCH, MUCH MORE.We look very much forward to hear from you.Mr. Jens JfFournaisBluecom A/S范例二:标题:Large Width Polyester Fabrics 300-340cm内容:Offer Type: buyOffer Post Time: Mar 01, 2011Expiration Date: Sep 01, 2012Details:We are a manufacturer for hotel & event textiles looking for manufacturers of large width polyester fabrics only!We need fabrics for large round table cloth diameter 330-340cm. Plain, printed and jaquard. Soft touch and elegant.Only large widht 330-340cm. Do not offer anything else! Plain, jaquard and prited fabrics. Black out Polyester spun And any other kind of decorative fabrics for hotel & event.I am now in ChinaIf you are a manufacturer of these fabricIf you can really do these fabricsIf you are ready to meet me in ShanghaiThere will be a vendor meeting on 4th of March in my hotel.Contact me if you are interested.Mr. Van Der HeijdenMeno Ltd范例三:标题:LED Light on Battery, Remote Controlled内容:Offer Type: buyOffer Post Time: Dec 03, 2011Expiration Date: Jun 03, 2012Details:This unit has to be placed under table tops like in the picture.The units have to come with a charger on which we can connect 10 units.It has to last minimum 8-10 hours.It has to bright .It has to have a remote controle .It has to have a dimmer On 12 volt battery Changing colors or just white position choice.Mr. Van Der HeijdenMeno Ltd范例四:标题:Lamellar Abrasive Wheel内容:Offer Type: buyOffer Post Time: Sep 19, 2011Expiration Date: Sep 19, 2012Details:We are an Italian company marketing diamond tools, discs, wheels and any products for ceramic. We import Chinese first-class products from 2003 and our business is on increase year after year; Actually we are looking for those kind of abrasive wheels for ceramic (for porcelain stoneware tiles): Lamellar abrasive wheels (like ones you can see in attached photos).Perfect supply would be 1000/1500 PCS per week, but, our business is increasing more and more, so try to make to us a very competitive offer.Mr. Luigi BocchiCCA ConsorzioCeramicheArtistiche范例五:标题:Phosphoric Acid 85% - Food Grade内容:Offer Type: buyOffer Post Time: Mar 24, 2011Expiration Date: Sep 24, 2012Details:This is Rania Mahmoud from Egypt. I need initially 100 MT of Phosphoric Acid (85%) - Food Grade (35kg/drum) to be enlarged to regular quantities. I am looking for manufacturers to meet during my visit to Beijing, China on Mach 27-April1. Only if all below requirements are met:(1) Payment through 100% LC at sight (HSBC is the issuing bank) Manufacturers for this specific product. In another word, producing it by their own factory (not through partner factory), whereI am allowed to visit and inspect the product during my visit to China.(2) Send competitive CIF price - Alexandria Port, Egypt.(3) Testing report is passed through SGS certificates if required.(4) Price should include CIQ, COA & health certificates authenticated by Egyptian Embassy.(5) Price should include CIQ certificate as an obligatory requirement by Egyptian competent authority when exporting goods to Egypt.(6) Product is thermal(7) Drums are net wet(8) Send me your factory's full contacts and address (not the trading office). How KMs far is the factory from Beijing? How much time it takes by car/train/flight?Please send me ONLY if you can meet the above requirements.Mrs.。
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2. 使用新创词汇 在广告中,广告商总是不断挖空心思,故意把人们熟知的词拼错或加上前 缀、后缀,以创造新词或杜撰怪词,从而给产品及广告以极大的魅力。虽然 新造词与原词形不同,但意义仍存,这既可以达到生动、有趣和引人注意的 目的,又可以有效地传播商品信息。例如:
(1)The Un-cola. — Seven-up a. 非可乐——七喜 b. 何必非可乐?来瓶七喜吧。(七喜) 这是一条宣传七喜饮料的广告,在 cola 前加上前缀un-,创造了一个引人注目的新 词,既借用了“可口可乐”的名气,又突出了与“可口可乐”的不同,有一箭双雕之 妙。译 文a和原文一一对应,形式简洁,内容忠实,但没有译文b 效果好,译文b 采用设问的 句式很有诱惑力,同时句中“非”与“un-”相对应,更使译文锦上添花。 (2)You’re not fully clean until you’re Zestfully clean. 干净?用激爽。(沐浴产品) 将产品的牌名“zest”当普通名词用,等于创造了一个新词。Zestfully 是按照普通名词 的 后缀法加 -ful,传达了“赋予zest 特色”的意思。Zestfully 是先按照形容词变副词的 法 则,为Zestful 加后缀 -ly 而使之成为副词。此广告的意思是,“只有用了Zest,才能 真 正洁净”。 译文采用创造性的译法,求得与原文广告形似现在时和主动语态的使用 例 1:Harmony of style and performance set this new Mazda 6 apart.
式样与性能协调使新型马自达6 与众不同。(马自达车广告语)
例 2:How nuclear energy benefits a typical family of four? Nuclear energy
第八章 经贸广告的 翻译
Page 1
第一节 广告英语的构成
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标题(Headline) 正文(Body)
商标(Trademark) 附文(Supplementary Items)
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好的广告口号通常是简短的,并且朗朗上口,易于记忆, 一般不超过10个字 1)Good to the last drop. 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(麦斯 威尔咖啡) 2)Obey your thirst. 服从你的渴望。(雪碧) 3)The new digital era. 数码新时代。(索尼影碟机) 4)We lead. Others copy. 我们领先,他人仿效。(理 光复印机) 5)Impossible made possible. 使不可能变为可能。 (佳能打印机) 6)Take time to indulge. 尽情享受吧!(雀巢冰激凌) 7)Just do it. 只管去做。(耐克运动鞋) 8)Ask for more. 渴望无限。(百事流行鞋) 9)The taste is great. 味道好极了。(雀巢咖啡) 10)Feel the new space. 感受新境界。(三星电子)
例1 的语言极为简单,口语感极强,其中“Good morning”是我们日常生活 礼
貌用语,富有真实感。例2 具有极强的音韵感,读起来琅琅上口,不失口语 典型佳句。其中“Goodness”和“Guiness”两词语头韵和尾韵相同,声音和 谐,且幽默巧妙,刻画出人们在饮用啤酒时赞口不绝的情景。
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在广告如林的时代,为了使自己的广告独树一帜、惹人注目,广告语撰稿 人往往运用现代英语中的一些修辞手法来增强广告语言的生动性、艺术性和感 染力。修辞手法是修辞学研究内容之一,修辞用得好能得到事半功倍的效果。 1. 明喻 明喻(simile)是把两种具有共同特征的事物或现象进行对比,表明本体 和喻体的相类关系。两者都在对比中出现。
例 1:What’s on your arm should be as beautiful as who’s on it. (a)戴在您手臂上的东西应该和您手臂上的人儿一样美丽。 (b)好马配好鞍,靓表配俊男。(西铁城表广告语) 例 2:Like a good neighbor, State Farm is here. 州农场保险公司,您的好邻居。(州农场保险公司) 例3:Cool as mountain stream, cool as fresh Consulate.(Consulate 牌香烟 广告) 该广告将香烟比作山涧溪流,言下之意是该产品犹如山涧溪流那样清新、 提神、醒脑。
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2. 隐喻 隐喻(metaphor)也叫暗喻。有时只出现喻体和本体,在形式上为相合关 系而不是类似关系;有时不出现本体事物和比喻词,只出现喻体事物,并用它 来借代本体事物。在广告英语中,广告设计者常发挥想象力,用一个美好事物 代替被宣传的商品,增强了语言美感。例如:
(1)You’re better off under the umbrella. 有伞的保护,你就不怕风雨。(保险公司广告语) (2)Kodak is Olympic Color. 柯达,奥林匹克的色彩。(柯达彩色相纸广告语) (3)Here comes the Sun. 金色太阳,金色奔驰! (4)Pick an Ace from Toshiba. 卓越源自东芝。(这是东芝公司为自己的微机所做的广告标题。Ace 是扑克牌 中最大的,以之隐喻东芝公司产品的高质量。) (5)The most sensational place to wear satin on your lips.(化妆品广告) 此种口红最适宜的地方是你的嘴唇。(把口红比作satin(缎子),意指这种 口红擦在唇上像穿上光亮柔软的绸缎一般。)
means cleaner air.
这个典型的四口之家如何得益于核能?核能让空气更洁静。(核能广告 语)这两则广告给人一种直接的现实感,并暗示商品的持久和永恒特性,无
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3. 拟人 拟人(personification)是把人类的特性,特点加于外界事物上,使之人 格化的修辞格。广告中运用拟人手法,能给商品以生命,使消费者倍感亲 切,从而激发其购买欲望。例如:
(1)Wherever it hurts, we’ll heal it. 哪儿有疼痛,我们就会在哪儿把它愈合。(皮包修理服务广告语) (2)Your car knows. 你的车知道。(艾摩克汽油广告语) (3)Your closest friend. 您最贴身的朋友。(内衣) (4)She has her own spirit and it graces everyone she comes near. (Lauren) 她有她自己的精神,能使她所到之处,人人因此更加美丽。(爱伦香水) (5)The world smiles with Reader’s Digest. 《读者文摘》为世人带来欢笑。 (6)Every time we race, you win. 每次我们竞赛,你总赢。(雅马哈电子 琴广告标题) (7)Let the New York Times find you. 让《纽约时报》去发现你。(寥寥 数语,将该报的 真谛写得活灵活现,愿以朋友的身份去发现你、寻找你、陪伴你。)
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从形式上看,广告英语大量使用简单句、平行句、省略句等;从功能上 看,常使用祈使句、疑问句等。广告要达到宣传的目的,其语言就要力避冗 长,简单句,尤其是口语化的句子更易为大众所接受。 在时态方面,广告英语一般使用现在时,给消费者一种“现实感”和“紧 迫感”。 在人称方面,多用第一和第二人称,制造出与广告受众直接对话的感觉,增 加广告的亲和力。广告中偶尔也使用第三人称代词来指代消费者熟悉或喜欢 的人或物,以增加感情色彩即人情味。(郝丽萍,2007) 1. 省略句的使用 使用省略句可以使文字简洁,缩短广告的篇幅,便于消费者快速阅读、抓 住主要信息。疑问句的使用能唤起受众的购买欲望,加强广告的“鼓动性”, 劝 告或怂恿消费者购买所宣传的商品。例如: (1)Going East, Staying Westin. 这是一则设计极为巧妙的宾馆广告。两个单句并列,无主谓结构,选词对称、 紧凑明快。Westin 既是宾馆名称,又使人联想到与East 对应的West。 (2)Our finest time. 一对情侣共饮世界名酒,该是多么浪漫的情调。以短语作句子为酒作广告, 精练通达,引人入胜。 Page 8 (3)Born to run. (Benz) 天生奔驰。
2. 祈使句的使用 使用祈使句有着劝诱的功能,能很好地达到广告宣传的效果。多种句式的搭配使用 能使广告形式更加活泼生动。 例 1:Obey your thirst. 随时满足你的渴望。(雪碧广告语) 例 2:Go well, use shell. 行万里路,用壳牌。(壳牌石油公司广告语) 例 3:Come to where the flavour is, Come to Marlboro Country! 一支万宝路,尽享乡 间情。 3. 疑问句的使用 使用疑问句容易激起人们的反应,特别是用在广告标题或正文的开头,能激发读者 的好奇心,增加他们的阅读兴趣。例如: What’s so special about Lurpark Danish butter? Well, can you remember what butter used to taste like-real fresh from house butter? Do you remember how you used to enjoy it when you were young? Today, the taste of Lurpark bring it all back to you — that’s why it’s so special. 这则广告多次使用疑问句。从第一句“黄油的特点是什么?”入手,一环扣一环, 抓 住读者的心理,突出了这种黄油的特点。如用陈述句则平淡无奇。疑问句的特点在此 类广告中凸显出来。 美国克莱斯勒汽车公司为其生产的客货两用车做的广告是一幅精致的彩色照片配上 两句广告词: Q:Who can tell that builds the best family wagon? A:Put them to test.