A multiplex RT-PCR assay for the rapid and differential diagnosis of classical swine fever and othe




福建畜牧兽医第43卷第3期2021年27连城白鸭高产系选育研究报告吴洪梅龙岩市连城县农业农村局福建连城366200摘要为提高连城白鸭的产蛋性能,从连城白鸭原种场核心群选择具有高产性能的60羽公鸭、900羽母鸭按1:15组成60个家系基础群,采用家系闭锁群继代选育法选育遥结果表明:连城白鸭产蛋数经过5个世代选育后由255.7枚提高到275.0枚,蛋重、授精率、孵化率和料蛋比均有不同程度提高遥选育进展显著,选育技术路线正确、有效遥关键词连城白鸭选育产蛋性能文献标识码:A文章编号:1003-4331(2021)03-0027-03Research report on breeding of high yield strain of Liancheng county white duckWu Hongmei(Agricultural and Rural Bureau of Liancheng County,Longyan,Fujian366200)Abstract In order to improve the egg production performance of Liancheng white duck,60male ducks with high yield were selected from the coregroup of the original breeding field of Liancheng white duck,and900femaleducks were selected according to1:15to form60family base groups.The results showed that the egg production number of Liancheng white duck was increased from255.7to 275.0after5generations of breeding,the egg weight,insemination rate,and incubation rate were increased,the ratio of material to egg was improved to different extent.The breeding progress is remarkable,and the breeding technology is correct and effective.Key words Liancheng white duck Breeding Laying performance连城白鸭是福建省一种蛋肉兼用型地方良种,其羽色和外貌特征独特,适应山区丘陵、平原放牧饲养。



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血清肿瘤标志物; 蛋白质类标志物; D N A 类标志物; R N A 类标志物中图法分类号:R 737.33文献标志码:A 文章编号:1672-9455(2023)20-3072-04R e s e a r c h p r o gr e s s o f c e r v i c a l c a n c e r s e r u m t u m o r m a r k e r s *Z H O N G X u e ji n 1,Z E N G T a o 2ә1.D e p a r t m e n t o f C l i n i c a l L a b o r a t o r y ,T h e S e c o n d A f f i l i a t e d H o s p i t a l o f G u a n g d o n g M e d i c a l U n i v e r s i t y ,Z h a n j i a n g ,G u a n g d o n g 524003,C h i n a ;2.D e p a r t m e n t o f C l i n i c a l L a b o r a t o r y ,A f f i l i a t e d H o s pi t a l o f G u a n g d o n g M e d i c a l U n i v e r s i t y ,Z h a n j i a n g ,G u a n g d o n g 524003,C h i n a A b s t r a c t :D e s p i t e t h e i n c r e a s i n g n u m b e r o f c l i n i c a l t r e a t m e n t m e t h o d s a n d t e c h n o l o gi e s f o r c e r v i c a l c a n c -㊃2703㊃检验医学与临床2023年10月第20卷第20期 L a b M e d C l i n ,O c t o b e r 2023,V o l .20,N o .20Copyright ©博看网. All Rights Reserved.e r,t h e p r o g n o s i s of p a t i e n t s w i t h a d v a n c e d o r r e c u r r e n t c e r v i c a l c a n c e r a r e s t i l l v e r y p o o r.E a r l y d e t e c t i o n a n d t r e a t m e n t o f c e r v i c a l c a n c e r i s a m a j o r h e a l t h p r o b l e m t o p r o t e c t w o m e n's l i f e a n d h e a l t h.S e r u m t u m o r m a r k-e r s h a v e t h e a d v a n t ag e s o f c o n v e n i e n t s a m p l i n g,s i m p l e d e t e c t i o n o p e r a t i o n a n d l o w d e t e c t i o n c o s t,whi c h a r e c o mm o n r e f e r e n c e s f o r t h e d i a g n o s i s o f m a l i g n a n t t u m o r s.I n t h i s p a p e r,s e r u m t u m o r m a r k e r s o f c e r v i c a l c a n c e r w i t h d i f f e r e n t p r o p e r t i e s w e r e s u mm a r i z e d,i n c l u d i n g p r o t e i n,D N A a n d R N A,i n o r d e r t o p r o v i d e r e f e r-e n c e f o r t h e d i a g n o s i s o f c e r v i c a l c a n c e r.K e y w o r d s:c e r v i c a l c a n c e r;s e r u m t u m o r m a r k e r;p r o t e i n m a r k e r; D N A m a r k e r; R N A m a r k e r宫颈癌是女性群体中常见的恶性肿瘤,是导致女性死亡的重要病因,特别是在发展中国家㊂宫颈癌的早期治愈率可达80%~90%,但随着宫颈癌病情不断进展,患者预后也越来越差[1]㊂故宫颈癌的早诊断㊁早治疗是改善患者预后的重要前提,但宫颈癌早期临床症状不明显,多数患者首次来院就诊时已发展为中晚期㊂宫颈癌的发病机制尚不清楚,随着分子生物学技术的不断发展,临床开始关注宫颈癌发生㊁发展的分子生物学机制㊂血清分子标志物在反映宫颈癌中的灵敏度更高,且取材及检测也较为方便,已成为临床诊断宫颈癌㊁判断患者病情严重程度的常见手段㊂根据宫颈癌血清标志物的生物性质,主要分为蛋白质类标志物㊁D N A类标志物㊁R N A类标志物三大类,本文对宫颈癌常见的血清标志物综述如下㊂1蛋白质类标志物1.1 T o l l样受体(T L R)9 T L R属于病原相关分析模式识别受体,T L R s可识别病原体,同时可激活机体产生固有免疫受体,触发T L R信号,导致癌症发生,其中T L R9是天然免疫中重要识别受体家族中的一员㊂有研究表明,T L R9能识别人乳头瘤病毒(H P V),参与H P V所引起的后续病理反应㊂P A R-R O C H E等[2]研究发现,T L R9能影响细胞周期,参与宫颈癌发病㊂P A N D E Y等[3]研究发现,T L R9基因多态性与宫颈癌发病风险相关㊂C A N N E L L A等[4]研究发现,T L R9与高危型-H P V(H R-H P V)密切相关,没有清除H P V的机体内T L R9水平升高会引发炎症反应,增加宫颈癌患病风险㊂1.2 C X C趋化因子配体14(C X C L14) C X C L14是近来新发现的趋化因子家族成员,其定位于人染色体5q31㊂有研究发现,C X C L14在肾脏㊁小肠㊁肝脏等正常组织中均有表达,但在许多肿瘤细胞系及肿瘤组织中缺失㊂有学者发现,结直肠癌内C X C L14表达水平升高会增加结直肠癌S W620细胞侵袭能力[5]㊂X U 等[6]研究发现,乳腺癌阳性淋巴结中C X C L14表达水平异常增高,可能是乳腺癌淋巴结转移的调节因子㊂C X C L14是一种肿瘤抑制因子,W E S T R I C H等[7]报道称,C X C L14在宫颈癌㊁子宫内膜癌㊁结直肠癌中的表达失调㊂C I C C H I N I等[8]研究发现,C X C L14在H P V阳性宫颈癌中的表达水平明显下调,且C X-C L14表达水平下调与H P V癌蛋白E7诱导的C X-C L14启动子高甲基化相关㊂1.3缺氧诱导因子-1α(H I F-1α) H I F-1α最初在人肝癌细胞细胞株的核内容物中被发现,H I F-1α与H I F-1β以异源二聚体的形式构成H I F-1α㊂低氧是肿瘤微环境改变的重要特征,也是肿瘤恶性转化及转移的始动因素[9]㊂H I F-1α是调节氧平衡的关键因子,是组织缺氧的固定生物学标志物㊂目前,已有研究表明,H I F-1α参与恶性肿瘤增殖㊁凋亡及血管生成等生理过程,并与肿瘤放疗㊁化疗的灵敏度相关[10]㊂郑芳等[11]研究显示,沉默端粒重复结合因子2的表达,可通过抑制H I F-1α介导的血管生成,从而抑制宫颈癌细胞的增殖㊁侵袭㊁转移及上皮-间质转化㊂Y A N 等[12]还发现,H I F-1α表达水平可预测宫颈癌患者新辅助化疗的预后㊂1.4人多梳蛋白2(H P C2)细胞周期失控是恶性肿瘤发病的重要机制,多梳蛋白(P c G)是维持同源异形基因稳定性,抑制基因同源转化的重要转录因子,与肿瘤发生密切相关[13]㊂H P C2是P c G家族中的重要成员,负责执行P c G功能,H P C2与其他P c G相互作用可介导多梳蛋白抑制性复合体2(P R C2)与特异性D N A序列相互结合,对靶基因产生抑制作用㊂有研究认为,H P C2基因突变或表达水平异常与肿瘤发生密切相关[14]㊂有学者研究发现,宫颈癌细胞中H P C2表达异常,其编码的氨基酸改变[15]㊂1.5糖类抗原242(C A242) C A242是常见的肿瘤标志物,属于唾液酸化鞘糖脂类抗原㊂C A242表达于黏蛋白上,健康人外周血中C A242水平极低,但恶性肿瘤患者血清中C A242水平异常升高,并且其血清水平与肿瘤恶性程度㊁浸润深度㊁分期等病理特征均有关[16]㊂目前,C A242多用于胃肠道肿瘤的诊断,其被证实与大肠癌㊁结直肠癌㊁胃癌等密切相关,特别在胰腺癌及结直肠癌中的诊断价值较高[17-18]㊂近年来, C A242也被应用于肺腺癌㊁宫颈癌的诊断,D O U 等[19]研究发现,宫颈癌患者血清C A242中位数水平较高,可作为诊断宫颈癌的血清标志物㊂2 D N A类标志物2.1 H P V D N A H R-H P V长期感染是宫颈癌的重要致病原因,与细胞学检查比较,H P V D N A检测的灵敏度更高㊂此外,H P V D N A荧光聚合酶链反应(P C R)检测方便简单,易被大众所接受,是宫颈癌的常见筛查手段之一㊂但H P V感染的普遍性及一过性导致了H P V D N A检测的特异度较低,假阳性率较㊃3703㊃检验医学与临床2023年10月第20卷第20期 L a b M e d C l i n,O c t o b e r2023,V o l.20,N o.20Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.高[20]㊂为提高判断准确度,患者需定期进行反复H P V D N A检测,当反复检测结果均为阳性时,才可认定为H P V持续感染㊂但反复检测对患者带来的经济负担及心理压力较大,目前,临床正在寻找特异度更高的生物标志物,弥补H P V D N A检测的不足㊂2.2循环肿瘤D N A(c t D N A)循环游离D N A(c f D-N A)是一种具有D N A双螺旋结构的核苷酸片段,健康人体内的c f D N A多来源于血细胞,由于吞噬细胞的吞噬作用,其外周血水平极低,除正常血细胞会产生c f D N A外,肿瘤细胞也会释放出游离D N A片段,即c t D N A,故恶性肿瘤患者血浆中c f D N A水平明显增高[21]㊂c t D N A来自肿瘤原发灶㊁转移灶及转移灶中肿瘤细胞坏死㊁凋亡及溶解c t D N A与肿瘤细胞分泌的外泌体,其携带肿瘤组织的分子遗传学信息,并且可反映肿瘤负荷㊂在不同类型的恶性肿瘤患者中,其血浆c t D N A阳性检出率不一致,如肺癌患者血浆c t D N A阳性检出率为90%,乳腺癌血浆c t D N A阳性检出率为50%~70%,肝癌患者c t D N A阳性检出率为75%以上[22-24]㊂相对于其他恶性肿瘤,宫颈癌患者血浆c t D N A阳性检出率较低,有学者表示宫颈癌患者血浆c t D N A阳性检出率不高[24]㊂这与宫颈癌转移途径相关,不同于其他肿瘤,宫颈癌主要通过直接蔓延及淋巴转移的方式进行转移,血行转移并不多见,故其外周血中所释放的D N A水平较低㊂此外,c t D-N A水平或阳性检出率与宫颈癌的体积㊁临床分期㊁组织学分级等临床病理特征有关,其在诊断宫颈癌㊁反映其病情严重程度中具有良好价值㊂3 R N A类标志物3.1 H R-H P V E6/E7m R N A 大多数宫颈癌的发生与H R-H P V感染密切相关㊂美国阴道镜和宫颈病理协会强调H R-H P V检测的重要性,并建议根据H R-H P V检测结果进行下一步分流处理[25]㊂H P V属于小型无包膜长双链环状D N A病毒,其编码基因E6㊁E7在宿主中的表达是宫颈癌发生的关键,H P V E6/ E7D N A荧光P C R检测在诊断宫颈癌中的灵敏度优于液基薄层细胞学检查,常用于H P V感染的早期筛查及分型,与H P V D N A比较,H R-H P V m R N A检测更有助于判断宫颈病变发展的程度㊂在高级别鳞状上皮内病变中,H P V E6/E7m R N A检测方法比H P V D N A更具优势[26],其联合细胞学筛查可提高H P V感染的早期宫颈癌癌前病变筛查效果,降低因一过性感染导致的过度诊疗㊂3.2长链非编码R N A(L n c R N A s) L n c R N A s是指长度超过200个核苷酸但无蛋白质编码功能的转录物,其可参与细胞凋亡㊁周期调控,以及R N A转录㊁翻译㊁调控等多种生物功能㊂目前,与宫颈癌相关的L n-c R N A s较多㊂(1)HO X转录反义R N A(HO T A I R): HO T A I R是L n c R N A中的一种,主要功能是识别HO X D基因座中基因表达的反式调节作用,可与P R C2㊁组蛋白去甲基化酶1相互作用,参与肿瘤细胞增殖㊁凋亡㊁转移等基因调控㊂有研究发现,宫颈癌癌病灶内HO T A I R m R N A水平明显高于癌旁组织,且与宫颈癌侵袭㊁转移㊁增殖等病理行为密切相关[27]㊂(2)人肺腺癌转移相关转录本1基因(MA L A T1): MA L A T1定位于染色体11q13,转录本序列全长8078b p,其在宫颈癌细胞系中呈高表达㊂T I E等[28]研究发现,MA L A T1可能是宫颈癌H P V16阳性患者的治疗靶点㊂(3)人类母系表达基因3(M E G3): M E G3定位于染色体14q32,长度为1.6k b,M E G3启动子区域甲基化水平高于癌旁组织,M E G3启动子甲基化水平有望成为诊断宫颈癌的分子标志物[29]㊂(4)小核仁R N A宿主基因16(S N H G16):S N H G16是一种新型l n R N A,在宫颈癌组织中呈高表达, S N H G16可上调R A R P9表达,促进宫颈癌细胞增殖及侵袭[30]㊂3.3环状R N A s(c i r c R N A s) c i r c R N A s是一种无游离5'端及3'端的单链共价闭合非编码R N A,具有稳定㊁丰富及特异性结构特点,参与宫颈癌侵袭转移㊂有研究显示,c i r c R N A s可促进宫颈癌细胞增殖与侵袭,还可调节天然免疫基因,与H P V相互作用,参与宫颈癌癌前病变[31]㊂4总结与展望宫颈癌的血清肿瘤标志物种类较多,对辅助临床诊断宫颈癌㊁判断患者病情严重程度均具有一定的应用价值,可为宫颈癌的早诊断㊁早治疗提供依据,帮助临床更为准确地判断宫颈癌的临床分期㊁淋巴转移等病理情况,降低宫颈癌的病死率㊂但不同血清肿瘤标志物水平也会受多种其他因素的干扰,故目前尚无公认的针对宫颈癌的特定肿瘤标志物,可采用多种肿瘤标志物联合检测的形式,提高其临床应用价值㊂关于宫颈癌血清肿瘤标志物的研究还需要更多的科研探索及更长时间的临床验证,寻找灵敏度高及特异性强的分子标志物,是优化宫颈癌筛查策略的可靠途径㊂参考文献[1]L I N S,G A O K,G U S,e t a l.W o r l d w i d e t r e n d s i n c e r v i c a lc a n c e r i n c ide n c e a n d m o r t a l i t y,w i t h p r e d i c t i o n sf o r t h en e x t15y e a r s[J].C a n c e r,2021,127(21):4030-4039.[2]P A R R O C H E P,R O B L O T G,L E C A L V E Z-K E L M F,e ta l.T L R9r e-e x p r e s s i o n i n c a n c e r c e l l s e x t e n d s t h e S-p h a s ea n d s t ab i l i z e s p16(I N K4a)p r o t e i n e x p r e s s i o n[J].O nc o-g e n e s i s,2016,5(7):244-250.[3]P A N D E Y N O,C HA UHA N A V,R A I T HA T HA N S,e ta l.A s s o c i a t i o n o f T L R4a n d T L R9p o l y m o r p h i s m s a n dh a p l o t y p e s w i t h c e r v i c a l c a n c e r s u s c e p t i b i l i t y[J].S c i R e p,2019,9(1):729-735.[4]C A N N E L L A F,P I E R A N G E L I A,S C A G N O L A R I C,e ta l.T L R9i s e x p r e s s e d i n h u m a n p a p i l l o m a v i r u s-p o s i t i v ec e r v i c a l c e l l s a nd i s o ve r e x p r e s s e d i n p e r s i s t e n t i nf e c t i o n s㊃4703㊃检验医学与临床2023年10月第20卷第20期 L a b M e d C l i n,O c t o b e r2023,V o l.20,N o.20Copyright©博看网. 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AIV、NDV和安卡拉病毒多重PCR检测方法的建立及应用张曼;韩飞【摘要】[Objective] A multiplex reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay was developed for the detection of Avian influenza virus (AIV),Newcastle disease virus (NDV) and Angara disease virus (FAV-4).[Method] According to the M genome sequence of AIV,F genome sequence of NDV and Hexon genome sequence of FAV-4 in Genbank,three specific pairs of primers were synthetized.The DNA/RNA of these three virus were extracted.The primer concentrations and annealing temperature of multiplex PCR reaction condition were optimized and the multiplex PCR for simultaneously detecting AIV,NDV,and FAV-4 was established.The specificity,sensitivity and repeatability of the multiplex PCR were detected.The multiplex PCR method was applied to detect 67 clinical samples,and the results were compared to single PCR detection.[Result] The multiplex PCR for simultaneously detecting AIV,NDV,and FAV-4 was established successfully.The method has high sensitivity and specificity.No amplification was accepted from IBV,IBDV,FPV,and MDV.The multiplex PCR could detect 24.3 pg/μL of NDV nucleic acid,30.4 pg/μL of FAV-4 nucleic acid and 28.0 pg/μL of AIV nucleic acid.The results of multiplex PCR on testing clinical samples were consistent with the established PCR detection method.[Conclusion]The multiplex PCR for detecting AIV,NDV,and FAV-4 can be used in clinic.%[目的]建立鉴别禽流感病毒(AIV)、新城疫病毒(NDV)和安卡拉病毒(FAV-4)的多重PCR检测方法.[方法]根据GenBank已登录的AIV的M基因、NDV的F基因和FAV-4的Hexon基因序列,设计合成了3对特异性引物.提取3种病毒DNA/RNA,通过优化多重PCR反应中的引物浓度和退火温度,建立快速鉴别3种病毒的多重PCR方法,并对该方法的特异性、敏感性和重复性进行检验.应用建立的多重PCR方法对67份临床病料进行检测,并将其结果与已建立的单重PCR检测结果进行比较.[结果]成功建立了能快速鉴别3种病毒的多重PCR方法,该方法特异性良好,对传染性支气管炎病毒(IBV)、传染性法氏囊病病毒(IBDV)、鸡痘病毒(FPV)、鸡马立克病病毒(MDV)的扩增结果均为阴性;敏感性较强,能检测出的NDV、FAV-4和AIV最低核酸质量浓度分别为24.3,30.4和28.0 pg/μL.多重PCR方法临床病料的检测结果与单重PCR检测结果一致.[结论]建立的AIV、NDV 和FAV-4多重PCR检测方法方法可以用于临床上3种病原的鉴别诊断.【期刊名称】《西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2018(046)002【总页数】7页(P1-6,14)【关键词】多重PCR;禽流感病毒;新城疫病毒;安卡拉病毒【作者】张曼;韩飞【作者单位】杨凌职业技术学院动物工程学院,陕西杨凌712100;杨凌职业技术学院动物工程学院,陕西杨凌712100【正文语种】中文【中图分类】S855.3;S858.31禽流感(avian influenza,AI)和新城疫(newcastle disease,ND)作为世界动物卫生组织认定的A类疾病,是对养禽业造成严重危害的两种传染病[1-2]。



Research ReportsO. Henegariu, N.A. Heerema, S.R. Dlouhy, G.H. Vance and P.H. Vogt1Indiana University, Indianapo-lis, IN, USA and 1Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, GermanyABSTRACTBy simultaneously amplifying more than one locus in the same reaction, multiplex PCR is becoming a rapid and convenient screening assay in both the clinical and the research laboratory. While numerous pa-pers and manuals discuss in detail condi-tions influencing the quality of PCR in gen-eral, relatively little has been published about the important experimental factors and the common difficulties frequently en-countered with multiplex PCR. We have ex-amined various conditions of the multiplex PCR, using a large number of primer pairs. Especially important for a successful multi-plex PCR assay are the relative concentra-tions of the primers at the various loci, the concentration of the PCR buffer, the cycling temperatures and the balance between the magnesium chloride and deoxynucleotide concentrations. Based on our experience, we propose a protocol for developing a mul-tiplex PCR assay and suggest ways to over-come commonly encountered problems. INTRODUCTIONMultiplex polymerase chain reac-tion (PCR) is a variant of PCR in whichtwo or more loci are simultaneouslyamplified in the same reaction. Sinceits first description in 1988 (6), thismethod has been successfully appliedin many areas of DNA testing, includ-ing analyses of deletions (2,8), muta-tions (14) and polymorphisms (11), orquantitative assays (10) and reverse-transcription PCR (7).The role of various reagents in PCRhas been discussed (3,9,12,13), andprotocols for multiplex PCR have beendescribed by a number of groups. How-ever, few studies (5,15) have presentedan extensive discussion of some of thefactors (e.g., primer concentration, cy-cling profile) that can influence the re-sults of multiplex analysis. In thisstudy, over 50 loci were amplified invarious combinations in multiplexPCRs using a common, KCl-containingPCR buffer. Because of specific prob-lems associated with multiplex PCR,including uneven or lack of amplifica-tion of some loci and difficulties in re-producing some results, a study of theparameters influencing the amplifica-tion was initiated. Based on this experi-ence, a step-by-step multiplex PCRprotocol was designed (Figure 1), withpractical solutions to many of the prob-lems encountered. This protocol shouldbe useful to those using PCR technolo-gy in both the research and the clinicallaboratories.MATERIALS AND METHODSStandard Solutions and Reagents forthe PCRNucleotides (dNTP) (PharmaciaBiotech [Piscataway, NJ, USA] orBoehringer Mannheim [Indianapolis,IN, USA]) were stored as a 100 mMstock solution (25 mM each dA TP,dCTP, dGTP and dTTP). The standard10×PCR buffer was made as described(Perkin-Elmer, Norwalk, CT, USA) andcontained: 500 mM KCl, 100 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.3 (at 24°C) and 15 mMMgCl2. Taq DNA Polymerase was pur-chased from Life Technologies(Gaithersburg, MD, USA) or fromPerkin-Elmer. Dimethyl sulfoxide(DMSO), bovine serum albumin (BSA)and glycerol were purchased from Sig-ma Chemical (St. Louis, MO, USA).Primers were either commercially ob-tained (Genosys [The Woodlands, TX,USA] or Research Genetics [Hunts-ville, AL, USA]) or synthesized locallyand were used in a final concentrationof 10–25 pmol/µL each. One set ofprimer pairs (sY) was used to map dele-tions on the human Y chromosome(8,16). Another 10–15 primer pairswere for the Duchenne muscular dys-trophy (DMD) gene on human chromo-some X (4). Other primers representvarious polymorphic loci (microsatel-lites) on human chromosome 12 (Re-search Genetics). Primers were com-bined in multiplex mixtures asdescribed in Table 1 and Figures 2b, 3bMultiplex PCR: Critical Parameters and Step-by-Step ProtocolBioTechniques 23:504-511 (September 1997)and 5e. Genomic DNA was preparedusing a standard sodium dodecyl sul-fate (SDS)/proteinase K protocol(Boehringer Mannheim).Basic PCR ProtocolThe basic PCR (25 µL vol) includ-ed: autoclaved ultra-filtered water; PCR buffer (1×); dNTP mixture (200µM each); primer(s) (0.04–0.6 µM each); DMSO, glycerol or BSA (5% - if used); Taq DNA polymerase (1–2 U/25µL) and genomic DNA template (150 ng/25 µL). The components of the re-action can be added in any order, pro-vided that water is added first. Pipetting was done on ice, and the vials were placed from ice directly into the pre-heated metal block or water bath (94°C) of the thermal cycler. For ra-dioactive labeling, 1 µCi [32P]dCTP (Amersham, Arlington Heights, IL,USA) was added to a 100 µL mastermixture immediately before setting upthe reaction. Results of PCR were thesame when 100- or 25- or 6.2-µL reac-tion volumes were used. With smallervolumes, pipetting is critical, especial-ly for dNTP. Various thermal cyclerswere used during these studies and,with minor cycling adjustments, allperformed well.Gel Analysis of PCR ProductsThe PCR products of non-polymor-phic loci (chromosomes X and Y) wereseparated by electrophoresis on 3%SeaKem®LE or NuSieve®(3:1)Agarose Gels (FMC BioProducts,Rockland, ME, USA) in 1×TAE [0.04M Tris-acetate; 0.001 M EDTA (pH8.0)] or 1×TBE [0.09 M Tris-borate;0.002 M EDTA (pH 8.0)] buffer, re-spectively, at room temperature usingvoltage gradients of 7–10 V/cm. Forany given gel analysis, the same vol-ume of PCR products was loaded ineach gel slot. Results were visualizedafter staining the gels in 0.5–1 µg/mLethidium bromide. Sequencing gels(6% polyacrylamide [PAA]/7 M urea)were used for separation of the PCRproducts when the loci tested werepolymorphic or a higher resolution wasrequired. The equivalent of about 0.2µL radioactively labeled PCR productwas loaded in each gel lane, after mix-ing it in loading buffer. These gels wererun in 0.6×TBE at 1800–2000 V (60A) for about 2 h. Autoradiographs wereobtained after overnight exposure.RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONBased on many experiments, a pro-tocol for establishing a multiplex PCRhas been designed (Figure 1), includinga number of practical solutions to someof the most commonly encounteredproblems. For convenience and ease ofuse, the words in italic characters linkthe scheme with various points present-ed in Materials and Methods and thefollowing subsections.Basic Principles of the MultiplexPCRDNA primers (Steps 1 and 2).Primer selection followed simple rules:primer length of 18–24 bp or higherand a GC content of 35%–60%, thushaving an annealing temperature of55°-58°C or higher. Longer primers(DMD primers, 28-30 bp) allowed thereaction to be performed at a higher an-nealing temperature and yielded lessunspecific products. To calculate themelting point and test for possibleprimer-primer interactions, “Primers1.2” (a freeware that can be down-loaded from ) wasused. To test for possible repetitive se-quences, many of the primers usedwere aligned with the sequence data-bases at the National Center forBiotechnology Information (NCBI) us-ing the Basic Local Alignment SearchTool (BLAST) family of programs.Single locus PCR (Step 3).A PCRFigure 1. Step-by-step protocol for the multiplex PCR.Research Reports program to amplify all loci individuallywas designed. Reaction mixture includ-ed 1×PCR buffer, 0.4 µM each primer,5% DMSO and 1 U Taq DNA poly-merase/25 µL reaction volume. Resultsof PCR were compared when the reac-tions were done consecutively in thesame thermal cycler, or in parallel, inmachines of the same model and in ma-chines of different models or manufac-turers. Results were very reproduciblewhen the same machine or same ma-chine model was used but couldmarkedly differ when the same exactPCR program was used on thermal cy-clers from different manufacturers.However, with adjustments in only thecycling conditions, results became re-producible even in different types ofmachines. We have observed that forthe loci tested (100–300-bp long), yieldof some products was increased by de-creasing the extension temperature. Forindividually amplified loci, the anneal-ing time (from 30–120 s) and the exten-sion time (from 30–150 s) did not visi-bly influence the results, but thespecificity and yield of PCR productwere increased or decreased bychanges in annealing temperature. Toamplify the 22 Y-specific loci (Figure2a), PCR program A gave best results(Table 2).Multiplex PCR: equimolar primermixture (Step 4).Combining the pri-mers in various mixtures and amplify-ing many loci simultaneously (Table 1and Figure 2b), required alteration/opti-mization of some of the parameters ofthe reaction. When the multiplex reac-tion is performed for the first time, it isuseful to add the primers in equimolaramounts. The results will suggest howthe individual primer concentration andother parameters need to be changed.Examples of some useful changes areillustrated and discussed below; howev-er, these examples do not necessarilyfollow the exact order as listed in theprotocol (Figure 1) since a number of parameters (e.g., extension tempera-ture) are referred to more than once.Optimization of Multiplex PCR Cycling ConditionsExtension temperature (Step 5, A–C).Figure 2c illustrates the results obtained when four different amplifica-tion mixtures containing equal amounts(0.4 µM each) of different Y-chromo-some primers were subjected to multi-plex PCR with program A and programB (Table 2); the latter program had ahigher extension temperature (72°C)and longer annealing and extensiontimes. In general, there was a visiblyhigher yield of PCR products for mix-tures Y-1, Y-3* and Y-4 with programA. In addition, with program B, someproducts are missing (in Y-1 and Y-2)and some unspecific products appear(in Y-1 and Y-3*). The results withprogram B were considered less desir-able overall and suggested that thehigher extension temperature in pro-gram B decreased the amplification of Name Size Name Size Name Size Name Size (locus)(bp)(locus)(bp)(locus)(bp)(locus)(bp) Y-1Y-2Y-3Y-4sY84 326sY143311sY86320sY14472 DYS273DYS231DYS148SRYsY134 301sY157285sY105301sY95303 DYS224DYS240DYS201DYS280sY117262sY81209sY82264sY127274DS209DYS271DYS272DYS218sY102 218sY182125Y6HP35226sY109233 DYS198KAL Y DYS274DYF43S1sY151 183sY147100Y6PHc54166sY149132 KAL Y DYS232n.a.DYS1sY94 150sY153139DYS279DYS237sY88 123sY97104DYS276DYS281DMD exon Size DMD exon Size Name Size No.(bp)No. (bp)(locus)(bp) X-1X-312-1 No. 45547PM535AFM263zd1 317-341D12S332PM535No. 3410AFM205ve5 271-291D12S93No. 19459No. 50271AFM205xg3 243-253D12S310No. 17416No. 6202AFM211wb6 228-238D12S98No. 51388No. 60139AFM206ze5 183-201D12S94No. 8360AFM299zd5 165-181D12S349No. 12331AFM135xe3 142-168D12S87No. 44268AFM122xf6 105-125D12S85No. 4196n.a. = locus not assigned.PM = promoter regionTable 1. List of Primers Used in the Multiplex Mixturessome loci, even though we tried to compensate using a longer annealing time and slightly longer extension time.Extension time (Step 5, A, B and D).In multiplex PCR, as more loci are simultaneously amplified, the pool of enzyme and nucleotides becomes a limiting factor and more time is neces-sary for the polymerase molecules to complete synthesis of all the products.Two experiments illustrated the influ-ence of the extension time. In one ex-periment, a Y -chromosome primer pair (Y6BaH34pr, 910bp) was added to a X-chromosome primer mixture (X-3).The results (Figure 3b) showed that in-creasing the extension time in the mul-tiplex PCR (program A vs. program D)increased the amount of longer prod-ucts. In another experiment, four Y multiplex mixtures were amplified us-ing PCR programs C and A (Figure 3a and Table 2). Visibly higher yields of PCR products were obtained for all Y mixtures when a longer extension time was used.Annealing time and temperature (Step 5, A–D; Figure 1).Modification of the annealing time from 20 s to 2min did not alter the amplification effi-ciency (not shown), but the annealing temperature was one of the most im-portant parameters. Although many in-dividual loci could be specifically am-plified at 56°–60°C, our experience showed that lowering the annealing temperature by 4°–6°C was required for the same loci to be co-amplified in multiplex mixtures. This is demonstrat-ed in Figure 3, d–f, which depict an op-timal multiplex annealing temperature of 54°C for primers individually usable at 60°C. At 54°C, although unspecific amplification probably occurs (e.g.,Figure 3c), it is overcome by the con-current amplification of an increased number of specific loci in the multiplex reaction and thus remains invisible.Similarly, when many specific loci are simultaneously amplified, the more ef-ficiently amplified loci will negatively influence the yield of product from the less efficient loci. This is due to the fact that PCR has a limited supply of en-zyme and nucleotides, and all products compete for the same pool of supplies. Number of PCR cycles. Primer mixture Y -3* was used to amplify two different genomic DNA samples, stop-Figure 2.(a) Single-locus PCR. Amplification of the sY loci using 1×PCR buffer and program A. On the gel, the products are arranged in increasing order of sY number (1=sY14, 2=sY81, 3=sY82, 4=sY84,5=sY86, 6=sY88, 7=sY94, 8=sY95, 9=sY97, 10=sY102, 11=sY105, 12=sY109, 13=sY117, 14=sY127,15=sY134, 16=sY143, 17=sY147, 18=sY149, 19=sY151, 20=sY153, 21=sY157 and 22=sY182). All products had the expected length, and there was no visible unspecific amplification. In all gels, lanes without a label show the size marker (1-kb ladder; Life Technologies). (b) Optimized multiplex reactions.Multiplex PCR with primer mixtures Y-1 (sY84, sY134, sY117, sY102, sY151, sY94 and sY88), Y-2(sY143, sY157, sY81, sY182 and sY147), Y-3 (sY86, sY105, sY82, Y6HP35, Y6Phc54, sY153 and sY97) and Y-4 (sY14, sY95, sY127, sY109 and sY149) in 1.6×PCR buffer (PCR program E). Mix Y-3*is mixture Y-3 without primers Y6HP35 and Y6Phc54. Arrows indicate the expected amplification prod-ucts. (c) Extension temperature. Multiplex PCR with mixtures Y-1 to Y-4 with PCR programs A and B (Table 2). All amplification products are visible in the first four lanes (extension at 65°C). In the last four lanes (extension at 72°C), bands are missing in Y-1 and Y-2, and unspecific products appear in Y-1 and Y-3*. Length marker in all figures = 1-kb ladder. In all images, electrophoresis was conducted from top to bottom. Program AProgram B Program C First Denaturing 94°C, 4 min 94°C, 4 min 94°C, 4 min Denature 94°C, 30 s 94°C, 30 s 94°C, 30 s Anneal 54°-56°C, 30 s*54°C, 1 min54°C, 45 sExtend 65°C, 1 min72°C, 1 min, 20 s 65°C, 2 min 32 cycles 32 cycles 32 cycles Final Extension65°C, 3 min 72°C, 3 min 65°C, 3 min Program DProgram E Program F First Denaturing 94°C, 4 min 94°C, 4 min none Denature 94°C, 30 s 94°C, 30 s 94°C, 30-45 s Anneal 55°C, 30 s 54°C, 45 s 56°-58°C, 45 s Extend 65°C, 4 min 65°C, 2 min 68°C, 2 min, 30 s 32 cycles 45 cycles 35 cycles Final Extension65°C, 3 min65°C, 5 minnoneBold characters show most important modifications when programs are com-pared.*Program A was used with two different annealing temperatures, according to the type of PCR amplification (see Results and Discussion).Table 2. Cycling Conditions/PCR ProgramsResearch Reportsping the reaction after increasing num-bers of cycles (Figure 4a). One of the two genomic DNAs was a better tem-plate, possibly due to the higher quality and/or amount of DNA. Both of them,however, show a gradual increase in the yield of all bands with the number of cycles. The most obvious variation in the amount of products was around 25cycles (for ethidium bromide-stained gels). Twenty-eight to thirty cycles are usually sufficient for a reaction; little is gained by increasing cycle number up to 60.Optimization of Multiplex Reaction ComponentsInitially, there was some variation from test to test when the same PCR program was used (e.g., Figures 2c and 3a). Solving this reproducibility prob-lem required adjustments of PCR com-ponents.Amount of primer (Step 5, B and C). Initially, equimolar primer concen-trations of 0.2–0.4µM each were used in the multiplex PCR (Figure 3c), but there was uneven amplification, with some of the products barely visible even after the reaction was optimized for the cycling conditions. Overcoming this problem required changing the pro-portions of various primers in the reac-tion, with an increase in the amount of primers for the “weak” loci and a de-crease in the amount for the “strong”loci. The final concentration of theprimers (0.04–0.6µM) varied consider-ably among the loci and was estab-lished empirically.dNTP and MgCl 2concentrations (Step 5D).dNTP .The significance of the dNTP concentration was tested in a multiplex PCR test with primer mixture Y-4.Magnesium chloride concentration was kept constant (3 mM), while the dNTP concentration was increased stepwisefrom 50–1200µM each (Figure 4b).The best results were at 200 and 400µM each dNTP, values above which the amplification was rapidly inhibited.Lower dNTP concentration (50µM) al-lowed PCR amplification but with visi-bly lower amounts of products. dNTP stocks are sensitive to thawing/freezing cycles. After 3–5 such cycles, multi-plex PCRs often did not work well;products became almost completely in-visible. To avoid such problems, small aliquots (2–4 µL, 10–20 reactions) of dNTP (25 mM each) can be made and kept frozen at -20°C and centrifuged before use. This “low stability” of dNTP is not so obvious when single loci are amplified.MgCl 2. A recommended magne-sium chloride concentration in a stan-dard PCR is 1.5 mM at dNTP con-centrations of around 200µM each. To test the influence of magnesium chlo-ride, a multiplex PCR (mixture Y -3)was performed, keeping dNTP concen-tration at 200 µM and gradually in-creasing magnesium chloride from 1.8–10.8 mM (Figure 4c). Amplifica-tion became more specific (unspecific bands disappeared), and the products acquired comparable intensities (at 10.8 mM). In PCRs with up to 20 mM MgCl 2, products became barely visible,as if the reactions were inhibited (not shown).dNTP/MgCl 2balance.To work properly, Taq DNA polymerase re-quires free magnesium (besides theFigure 3.(a) Extension time. Multiplex PCR of mixtures Y-1 to Y-4, comparing PCR programs C (2-minextension time) and A (1-min extension time, 54°C annealing temperature). Comparison of equivalent lanes shows an improvement in yield when extension time is 2 min. Some faint unspecific bands appear,possibly due to the low buffer concentration (1×). (b) Extension time. Multiplex PCR with mixture X-3(primers for DMD gene exons Nos. PM, 3, 50, 6, 60) and primer pair Y6BaH34 (910-bp product, upper arrow). Primers giving shorter amplification products are preferentially amplified with short extension times (1-min, program A). (c) Equimolar primer mixture. PCR with individual primer pairs of mixture 12–1 (separate and multiplex), using program F. Products are arranged on the gel according to their de-creasing length. Individual products have comparable intensities. When equimolar amounts of primers were mixed for the multiplex reaction (first lane), some products were not efficiently amplified but un-specific products disappeared. (d–f) Annealing temperature, buffer concentration and number of primers.Multiplex amplification of mixture Y-3* (first three lanes in each gel), primer pair sY 153 (lanes 4–6)and mixture Y-3 (lanes 7–12 in 1×or 2×PCR buffer) on three different template DNAs using three PCR programs differing in annealing temperature (48°, 54°or 59°C). Lanes 1–9 on each gel show reactions in 1×PCR buffer. Lanes 10–12 on each gel show reactions in 2×PCR buffer. Lanes 7–12 on each gel (under 1×PCR and 2×PCR) were with primer set Y-3. The very last lane in Figure 3, d and f is the marker (1-kb ladder). Small horizontal arrows indicate the expected products of mixture Y-3* (five products) including the longest specific product on the gel. Oblique arrow (3e) indicates a strong unspecific product. Solid arrowheads indicate the two extra products expected in mixture Y-3 (total of seven products) compared with Y-3*. Arrowhead outlines show positions of some missing products (e.g., 3e, first lane). With mul-tiplex amplification at 48°C, many unspecific bands appear. In 1×PCR buffer, the sY153 product is stronger when amplified in mixture Y-3* (5 primer pairs) than in mixture Y-3 (7 primer pairs), which shows that at least for some products, an increased number of simultaneously amplified loci can influ-ence the yield at some specific loci. Raising the PCR buffer concentration from 1×to 2×allows a more even amplification of all specific products and helps to decrease the intensity of many longer unspecific products (compare lanes 7–9 vs. 10–12). The strong 470–480-bp unspecific band (oblique arrow) seen with 2×buffer was eliminated by varying the proportion of different primers in the reaction (compare with Y-3, Figure 2b). At 59°C the sY153 product can be seen only when 2×buffer is used or when the lo-cus is amplified alone.magnesium bound by the dNTP and theDNA) (9). This is probably why in-creases in the dNTP concentrations(Figure 4b) can rapidly inhibit the PCR,whereas increases in magnesium con-centration often have positive effects (Figure 4c). By combining various amounts of dNTP and MgCl2, it was found that 200 µM each dNTP work well in 1.5–2 mM MgCl2, whereas 800µM dNTP require at least 6–7 mM MgCl2. The threshold for the reaction was roughly 1 mM MgCl2when 200µM dNTP was used, with reduced PCR amplification below this MgCl2con-centration.PCR buffer (KCl) concentration.Comparison of PCR buffers (Step 5, B–D).KCl or PCR buffer concentration.Raising the buffer concentration to 2×(or only the KCl concentration to 100mM) improved the efficiency of the multiplex reaction (Figure 4d and alsoFigure 3, d–f), this effect being moreimportant than using any of the adju-vants tested (DMSO, glycerol or BSA). Generally, primer pairs with longer am-plification products worked better at lower salt concentrations, whereas primer pairs with short amplification products worked better at higher salt concentrations, where longer products become harder to denature (compare 0.4×with 2.8×in Figure 4d). For exam-ple, pair sY94 (melting point ca. 58°C) is favored over both sY88 (melting point ca. 58°C) and sY151 (melting point ca. 52°C) at 0.8×buffer but not at higher salt concentrations. The proper buffer concentration may help over-come other factors (product size, GCFigure 4.(a) Number of cycles. Amplification with two different DNA templates using primer mixture Y-3* in 1.4×PCR buffer, with increasing numbers of cycles by units of three. (b) dNTP concentration. PCR amplification using mixture Y-4 in 2×PCR buffer (3 mM MgCl2) and increasing concentrations of dNTP (50, 100, 200, 400, 600 and 1200 µM). Most efficient amplification is seen at concentrations of 200–400 µM dNTP. Further increase in the dNTP concentration inhibits the reaction when MgCl2 concentration is kept constant. (c) MgCl2concentration. Multiplex PCR was performed with mixture Y-3 in 1.4×PCR buffer, using PCR program E and gradually raising the concentration of MgCl2. (d) PCR buffer concentration. Amplification products of mixture X-1 (DMD gene exons Nos. 45, PM, 19, 17, 51, 8, 12, 44 and 4) using increasing concentrations of PCR buffer and program E. As the stringency in the reaction mixture decreases, shorter products are amplified more efficiently, whereas the intensity of longer products gradually decreases. For this particular primer mixture, the optimal buffer concentration was 1.2×–1.6×. (e) Comparison of PCR buffers. Comparison of multiplex PCR of mixture X-1 in the DMD buffer and the 1.6×KCl-based PCR buffer, using the same proportion of ingredients (DNA, Taq DNA polymerase, primer amount) and PCR program E. For every DNA sample tested, the amounts of products were increased when 1.6×PCR buffer was used. Only four lanes are shown, although the gel had more samples loaded, and identical results were observed. (f) Amount of template DNA. Various amounts of template DNA were amplified with primer sY153 and mixture Y-3* in 2×PCR buffer with program E. Reaction volumes were 25 µL. There were no major differences using 500 or 30 ng DNA; however, some bands became weaker as the DNA amount was further decreased to 0.5 ng/25 µL reac-tion. No major differences due to the DNA template concentration were seen when primer pair sY153 was used alone.Research Reportscontent, etc).Comparison of PCR buffers.We have compared a previously described multiplex PCR buffer (6), called “DMD” for the purpose of this paper,with the less complex, KCl-based buffer in the multiplex reaction. The 5דDMD” buffer contains 83 mM (NH 4)2SO 4, 335 mM Tris-HCl (pH8.8), 33.5 mM MgCl 2, 50 mMβ-mer-captoethanol, 850µg/mL BSA, and it is used at 1×final concentration together with 10% DMSO and 1.5 mM each dNTP (1,2,4). When tested with the DMD gene primers (mixture X-1) the regular KCl-based PCR buffer at 1.6×worked better than the “DMD” buffer (visibly higher yield of products) (Fig-ure 4e). Results were reproducible indozens of patient DNA samples tested.The KCl-based buffer is less complex and easier to adjust and optimize. Also,since the fidelity of the Taq DNA poly-merase is higher at lower dNTP con-centrations (9), using the KCl-based buffer (which requires much less dNTP) can be beneficial when the PCR products need to be further analyzed for mutations.Amount of template DNA and Taq DNA polymerase (Step 5, A and D).At DNA template quantities between 30 and 500 ng/25 µL reaction, mixture Y-3* showed no significant differences (Figure 4f); however, below 30 ng the amount of some of the products de-creased. When the amount of template DNA is very low (pg of DNA), efficientand specific amplification can be ob-tained by further lowering the anneal-ing temperature, sometimes by as much as 10°–12°C (data not shown).Different concentrations of Taq DNA Polymerase (Perkin-Elmer) were tested using primer mixture Y -3 (Figure 5a). The most efficient enzyme concen-tration seemed to be around 0.4µL or 2U/25µL reaction volume. Too much enzyme, possibly because of the high glycerol concentration in the stock so-lution, resulted in an unbalanced ampli-fication of various loci and a slight in-crease in the background. Five native Taq DNA polymerases, from five dif-ferent sources, performed similarly on mixture Y -4 in 1.6×PCR buffer using 2U/25µL (Figure 5b).Use of adjuvants: DMSO, glyc-erol, BSA (Step 5E). Various authors recommend DMSO and glycerol to im-prove amplification efficiency (higher amount of product) and specificity (no unspecific products) of PCR, when used in concentrations varying between 5%–10% (vol/vol) (9). However, in the multiplex reaction, these adjuvants gave conflicting results. For example,5% DMSO improved the amplification of some products and decreased the amount of others, whereas some loci were not influenced at all (Figure 5c).Similar results were obtained with 5%glycerol (data not shown). Therefore,the usefulness of these adjuvants needs to be tested in each case. BSA, in con-centrations up to 0.8µg/µL (higher than previously described) increased the efficiency of the PCR much more than either DMSO or glycerol. BSA did not have an inhibitory effect on any of the loci amplified (data not shown).Agarose vs. Polyacrylamide Gels Agarose.Multiplex PCR products,differing from each other by 30–40 bp in length could be conveniently sepa-rated on 3% gels of commonly used agaroses, such as SeaKem or NuSieve (FMC BioProducts). Overnight separa-tion of products at lower voltage gradi-ents notably decreased the sharpness of individual PCR bands, especially when the products were smaller than 400–500 bp.Polyacrylamide (PAA) gels.To separate PCR products differing in onlyFigure 5.(a) Amount of enzyme. Amplification products of mixture Y-3, after using 0.5, 1, 2, 4 and 8U/25µL reaction volume are shown. Arrows indicate the expected positions of the amplification prod-ucts. The most appropriate enzyme concentration was between 1–2 U/25µL. (b) Source of enzyme. Mul-tiplex PCR of mixture Y-4 in 1.6×PCR buffer usesTaq DNA polymerases from five sources. Lane 4*shows the products obtained when the enzyme from lane 4 was used in the buffer provided by the vendor.An unspecific product appeared. (c) Use of adjuvants. Comparative multiplex PCR using the Y-specific mixtures with 5% DMSO (superscript D) and without DMSO, in 1×buffer. Loci sY151 and sY88 from mixture Y-1D (oblique arrows) are stronger when no DMSO is used. However, DMSO helps amplify (vertical arrows) locus sY81 in mixture Y-2 and locus sY95 in mixture Y-4. (d) Nondenaturing PAA gel separation. Simultaneous PCR amplification of loci D12S93 and D12S349 performed on genomic DNA from two human-rodent cell lines, GM 10868 (A) and GM 12072 (B), each containing a different copy of human chromosome 12, and their combination (A+B). Although in lanes A and B each locus should have yielded only one allele (i.e., one band), on a nondenaturing polyacrylamide gel, each of the two expected products (arrows) was accompanied by another one running slower on the gel (oblique lines). A similar aspect persisted in lane A+B. Lanes labeled 1 and 2 show separation of amplification products of mixture 12-1 (including eight D12S polymorphic loci, the numbers of which are indicated to the left side of Pan-el e) on two different genomic template DNAs. (e) Denaturing PAA gels. Sequencing gel separation of the same multiplex products as in Figure 4e, after “hot” PCR. Lanes A and B show mono-allelic amplifi-cation of the respective polymorphic loci (D12S93 and D12S349). Lane A+B shows simultaneous am-plification of both alleles at each locus. Lanes 1 and 2 show results using primer mixture 12-1 on two dif-ferent human genomic DNAs, with polymorphisms detected at some loci. Lane 3 shows results after multiplex PCR with mixture 12-1 on DNA from hybridoma cell line GM 10868 yielding homozygous amplification of all loci tested. Numbers to the left of the figure indicate the D12S loci tested.。





关键词:鼠伤寒沙门菌;聚合酶链反应;脉冲场凝胶电泳;检测方法中图分类号:TS207.4文献标识码:A文章编号:1008-021X(2021)07-0067-02Research Progress on the Detection Methods of Salmonella TyphimuriumGui Yilin,Miao Meng1*,Gu Wenchao2(1.The College of Medical Technology,Shanghai University of Medicine and Health Sciences,Shanghai201318,China;2.Department of Microorganism Test Laboratory,Shanghai Putuo District Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Shanghai200333,China)Abstract:Salmonella typhimurium is a kind of common Salmonella,which is one of the most common infections in diarrhea cases in China.People are mainly infected by food,patients,contaminated water and asymptomatic carriers,and diarrhea cases are generally confirmed by the CDC.This review introduces the detection methods of Salmonella typhimurium.By introducing the current routine identification methods and the latest detection methods,it aims to provide theoretical basis for the daily monitoring,rapid detection and confirmatory detection,and lay the foundations for the rapid detection of diarrhoeal disease emergency events.Key words:Salmonella typhimurium;PCR;PFGE;detection methods沙门氏菌属于一种常见的食源性致病菌,在我国腹泻病例中,沙门氏菌感染引起的腹泻常位于榜首,在Chiu[1]等人的研究中表明沙门氏菌感染会引起全球范围内的发病率和死亡率[2]。



反复冻融对荧光实时定量PCR质粒标准品的影响研究来源:中国论文下载中心作者:王亨莉,陈红涛,孔梅,杨冬铭【摘要】目的评价反复冻融对不同浓度的real-time PCR质粒标准品的影响。

方法用大肠杆菌DH5α感受态细胞克隆丰量的pMD-18T重组质粒,紫外分光光度计定量后,根据重组质粒分子量计算其拷贝数,稀释成梯度浓度的荧光实时定量PCR的标准品,取1.0×106拷贝/μl、1.0×104拷贝/μl 和1.0×102拷贝/μl高中低3个浓度的标准品,反复冻融1次,6次,11次,16次和21次后,以冻融后的质粒标准品为模板同时进行real-time PCR扩增定量,比较量值变化。



【关键词】实时定量PCR;质粒DNA标准品【Abstract】Objective To evaluate freezing and thawing repeatedly influencing plasmid DNA standards for fluorescence quantification real-time PCR.Methods The recombinant PMT-18 plasmid was cloned in the Escherichia coli DH5a cells. The concentrations of plasmid stocks were determined by the Eppendorf Biophotometer, and the copy number of each plasmid was calculated based on its molecular weight. Plasmid standards were made by preparing serial 10-fold dilutions, the plasmid standards were stored at -20℃. After freezing and thawing plasmid standards 1, 6, 11, 16 and 21 times repeatedly, quantity value diversity of different concentration standards was confirmed by real-time PCR.Results Freezing and thawing less than 21 times, and there was no significant change observed in high and mid concentrations of plasmid standards, but low concentrations of plasmid standards was varied. The largest variation of high concentration plasmids was 0.06 lg, the largest variation of mid concentration plasmids was 0.18 lg, and the largest variation of low concentration plasmids was 0.34 lg.Conclusion Plasmid standards more than 1.0×104copies/μl is stable within freezing and thawing 21 times, plasmid standards less than 1.0×104copies/μl is affected after freezing and thawing repeatedly, the low concentration standard in clinical diagnosis kit should avoid freezing and thawing repeatedly.【Key words】real-time quantitative PCR; plasmid DNA standard基于TaqMan探针技术的实时荧光定量PCR快速高效,灵敏度和特异性高,无需PCR 后处理,是目前疾控系统和临床检验定量检测核酸应用最为广泛的一种方法[1~3]。



遗传Hereditas (Beijing) 2014年11月, 36(11): 1145―1151 综 述收稿日期: 2014-07-19; 修回日期: 2014-10-14作者简介: 陈晟,硕士研究生,专业方向:神经遗传病。

E-mail: chensheng0039@通讯作者:吴志英,博士,主任医师,研究方向:神经遗传和变性病。

E-mail: zhiyingwu@ DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1005.2014.1145 网络出版时间: 2014-10-16 11:39:42URL: /kcms/detail/11.1913.R.20141016.1139.003.html重复引物PCR 技术在超大片段动态突变疾病基因检测中的应用陈晟1,吴志英21. 福建医科大学附属第一医院神经内科,福州 350005;2. 复旦大学附属华山医院神经内科,上海 200040摘要: 动态突变疾病是指基因编码区或非编码区发生核苷酸重复序列异常扩增所导致的一类遗传性疾病。

发生于非翻译区的动态突变常常伴有超大片段重复序列,应用普通PCR 法无法对该片段进行扩增,而传统的Southern blot 等技术费时费力,无法应用于临床基因诊断。

在此背景下,重复引物PCR 技术应运而生,并随着应用范围的扩大而逐渐改进,适用于强直性肌营养不良症、Friedreich 共济失调、脊髓小脑性共济失调10型及C9orf72基因突变引起的额颞叶痴呆或肌萎缩侧索硬化等遗传性动态突变疾病的临床基因检测。

文章简要介绍了重复引物PCR 技术的原理,着重阐述了重复引物PCR 技术在相关超大片段动态突变疾病临床基因检测中的应用进展。

关键词: 重复引物PCR 技术;超大片段重复序列;基因诊断;动态突变疾病Advances on repeat-primed PCR assay for the genetic diagnosis of dy-namic mutation diseases with large pathogenic expansionsSheng Chen 1, Zhiying Wu 21. Department of Neurology , First Affiliated Hospital , Fujian Medical University , Fuzhou 350005, China ;2. Department of Neurology , Huashan Hospital , Fudan University , Shanghai 200040, ChinaAbstract: Dynamic mutation diseases are genetic diseases caused by unstable repeat expansions in coding ornoncoding regions. The unstable repeat expansions located in the noncoding region usually accompany large expan-sions which are difficult to amplify using the standard PCR assay. Traditional detection methods, including South-ern blot, are usually time-consuming and labor-wasting. A new method called fluorescent repeat-primed PCR assay was brought into clinical applications. With the development of genetic diagnoses for dynamic mutation diseases, such as myotonic dystrophy, Friedreich’s ataxia, SCA10, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or frontotemporal demen-tia caused by C9orf72 mutations, the clinical use of repeat-primed PCR assay has been broadened. Here, we review the principle of repeat-primed PCR assay and its advances on the genetic diagnoses of related dynamic mutation dis-eases with large pathogenic expansions.1146 遗传Hereditas (Beijing) 2014第36卷Keywords:repeat-primed PCR assay;large pathogenic expansions; genetic diagnosis; dynamic mutation disease动态突变疾病是指基因编码区或非编码区发生核苷酸重复序列异常扩增导致的一类遗传性疾病,根据其发生扩增的分子生物学机制不同,大致可分为三类:第一类是异常扩增引起转录过程受阻,如脆性X综合征(Fragile X syndrome, FXS)、Friedreich 共济失调(Friedreich ataxia, FRDA)等;第二类是异常扩增导致病理性RNA毒性蓄积,如强直性肌营养不良症症1型(Myotonic dystrophy 1, DM1)、脊髓小脑性共济失调10型(Spinocerebellar ataxia 10, SCA10)等;以上两类均为非编码区重复序列异常扩增。



中P兽医科学 2020,50(12): 1500-1508Chinese Veterinary Science网络首发时间:2020-L0-15 DOI:l0.16656/iissal673-46962020.0206 中图分类号:S852.659.6:S852£59.4 文献标志码:A文章编号:1673-4696(2020)12_ 1500-09猪传染性胃肠炎病毒猪流行性腹泻病毒猪轮状病毒 多重荧光RT-PCR检测方法的建立许梦怡U,王彦红i,2*,薛峰〇(1•扬州大学兽医学院,江苏扬州225009;2.江苏省动物重要疫病与人兽共患病防控协同创新中心,江苏扬州225009;3•江苏省淮安生物T.程高等职业学校,江苏淮安223200;4.南京农业大学动物医学院,江苏南京210095)摘要:根据T G E V的M基因、P E D V的M基因和P o R V的V P2基因序列,通过优化引物、探针浓度和退火温度,确定了最佳的反应体系和扩增程序,成功建立了这3种病毒的T a q M a n探针单重荧光定量P C R 方法。

在此基础上,经过进一步的条件优化,建立了检测T G E V、P E D V、P o R V的三重实时荧光定量P C R方法,该方法对 T G E V、P E D V、P o R V 的检测灵敏度分别为 2.49copies/M L、4.36copies/fiL、4.96copies/n L, T G E V、P E D V、P o R V的组内重复试验的C V最大值分别为2.5%、3.8%、4.3%,组间重复性试验的C V最大 值分别为3.7%、3.4%、3.2%,均不超过5%,表明建立的方法重复性好;用此方法对?!^\?(:¥1、?1^^乂病 毒样本进行检测,均没有交叉反应,表明该方法特异性好;用建立的方法对临床4 0份病料样品进行了检测,结果显示,T G E V、P E D V、P o R V的阳性检出率分别为5%、30%、12.5%;其中T G E V与P E D V混合感染率为2.5%;P E D V与P o R V混合感染率为5%;多重荧光定量P C R方法与单一荧光R T-P C R方法的检测结果均一致,表明建立的方法具有很好的临床应用价值:关键词:猪传染性胃肠炎病毒;猪流行性腹泻病毒;猪轮状病毒;T a q M a n荧光定量P C REstablishment and application of multiplex RT-PCR procedure fordetection of three virus from swineXU Meng-yil 3,WANG Yan-hong1'2* ,XUE Feng4*(1. College of Veterinary Medicine,Yangzhou University,Yangzhou 225009, China;2.Jia/igsu Co-lnnovaiion Center f or Important Animal Infectious Diseases (uid Zoonoses,Yangzlwu 225009, China;3.Huaian Higher Vocational School of B iological Engineering, Jiangsu Province Munian 223200, China ;4.College of Veterinary Medicine ,Nanjing A griculturaJ University ,l\anjing 2\0095 ,China)Abstract:Based on the M gene sequence of TGEV and PEDV and VP2 gene sequence of PoRV,the optimal reaction system and amplification procedure were established by optimizing primer,probe concentra­tion and annealing temperature,and the Quantitative PCR method of TaqMan probes for three viruses is successfully established.On this basis,after further optimization of conditions,a triple real-time fluorescent quantitative PCR method for detecting TGEV,PEDV,and PoRV was established.The detection sensitivity of this method for TGEV,PEDV,and PoRV were 2.49 copies/ fiL,4. 36 copies/M L,and 4.96收稿日期:2020-08-05;修回日期:2020-10-09基金项目:江苏高校优势学科建设工程资助项目(PAPD);江苏高校品牌々•业建设工程资助项目(PPZY2015B158);国家重点 研发计划项目(2017YFF0208600)作者简介:许梦怡(1990-),女,江苏淮安人,硕士生,研究方向为兽眹学,E-mail :*****************通讯作者:王彦红(1974-),女,讲师,博士,研究方向为临床兽医学,E-mail :wyh7405@163. com;薛峰,教授,博士,研究方向为人兽共患病病原学、致病机制、检测诊断新技术,E-mai 1:xuefeng @njau. edu. cn :第12期许梦怡等:猪传染性胃肠炎病毒玷流行性腹泻病毒猪轮状病毒多重荧光RT-PCR检测方法的建£1501copies/respectively.The maximum value of CV in repeated trials detected by TGEV, PEDV and PoRV were 2.5%,3.8%,4. 3%,and the maximum value of CV in repeated trials between groups were 3.7%,3.4%,3.2% , which are no more than 5%. indicating that the established method has good ing this method to detect P R V,PCVl,and PRRSV virus samples,there is no cross-reaction,indicating that the me thod is specific. Using the established method to detect 40 clinical diseases,the samples were tested,and the positive rates of TGEV,PEDV,and PoRV were 5%, 30%,and 12. 5% respectively.The mixed infection rate of TGEV and PEDV was 2.5% ,the mixed infection rate of PEDV and PoRV was 5%.The results of the multiple fluorescence quantitative PCR method are consistent with those of the detection of a single fluorescent RT-PCR method,indicating that the established method has good clinical application value.Key words:T G E V;PE D V;PoRV;TaqMan quantitative RT-PCR* C orresponding authors:W A N G Y a n-hon g,E-mail:w y h**********o m;X U E F e n g,E-mail :xuefeng@ 猪传染性胃肠炎病毒(TGEV)、猪流性腹泻病毒(PEDV)以及猪轮状病毒(PoRV)是3种主要引起猪腹泻病的病毒病原13:,这3种病毒性腹泻造成猪场仔猪死亡、成年猪吃而不长,最终导致畜主财产损失,其不仅在我国广泛流行,在欧洲、美洲等地也广泛存在,是一种世界性的疾病。



2012年 第37卷 第9期· 331 ·收稿日期:2012-02-28 *通讯作者基金项目:河北省自然科学基金项目(C2008000216)。


李洋洋1,张先舟1,王 羽1,李英军1,张 伟1,马晓燕1*,吕 婷1,2(1.河北农业大学食品科技学院,保定 071001;2.保定市产品质量监督检验所,保定 071001)摘要:为了建立同时检测婴幼儿奶粉中阪崎肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、蜡样芽孢杆菌的多重PCR 方法,根据阪崎肠杆菌ompA 基因、金黄色葡萄球菌nuc 基因、蜡样芽孢杆菌hblA 基因分别设计3对引物进行多重PCR 扩增,并对反应条件进行优化。

结果多重PCR 扩增出长度为514、156、235 bp 的特异性目的条带。

不增菌的情况下,多重PCR 同时检测3种病原菌的灵敏度是103 cfu/mL ,3种病原菌在奶粉中的检出限是104 cfu/g 。

建立的多重PCR 反应准确、快速、高效,为同时检测婴幼儿奶粉中的阪崎肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、蜡样芽孢杆菌提供了新方法。

关键词:多重PCR ;奶粉;病原菌;检测中图分类号:TS 252.7 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1005-9989(2012)09-0331-05Multiplex PCR rapid detection for pathogenic bacteria in milk powderLI Yang-yang 1, ZHANG Xian-zhou 1, WANG Yu 1, LI Ying-jun 1, ZHANG Wei 1, MA Xiao-yan 1*, LV Ting 1,2(1.Department of Food Science and Technology, Agricultural University of Hebei, Baoding 071001; 2.Institute of Product Quality Supervision Inspection of Baoding, Baoding 071001)Abstract: To establish a multiplex PCR method for the simultaneous detection of pathogenic bacteria such as Enterobacter sakazakii, Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus cereus in milk powder, three pairs of oligonucleotide primers were designed according to Enterobacter sakazakii ompA gene, Staphylococcus aureus nuc gene and Bacillus cereus hblA gene. They were used to amplify the special DNA sequences by multiplex PCR and the reaction conditions were optimized. The results showed that the multiplex PCR assay amplified three specific target channels of 514 bp, 156 bp and 235 bp. Without bacterial enrichment, the sensitivities of the multiplex PCR for Enterobacter sakazakii, Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus cereus were 103 cfu/mL, and the detection limits of the multiplex PCR for Enterobacter sakazakii, Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus cereus in milk powder were 104 cfu/g. This multiplex PCR method was accurate, fast and effective and provided a new approach for detecting Enterobacter sakazakii, Staphylococcus aureus, and Bacillus cereus in milk powder.Key words: multiplex PCR; milk powder; pathogenic bacteria; detection多重PCR快速检测婴幼儿奶粉中的病原菌· 332 ·阪崎肠杆菌(Enterobacter sakazakii)、金黄色葡萄球菌(Staphylococcus aureus)、蜡样芽孢杆菌(Bacillus cereus)等病原菌引起的奶粉中毒事件时有发生。



—41பைடு நூலகம்—
2015 年第 27 卷第 4 期
The detection of sulfur dioxide in paprika by ion chromatography XU Hui,SHEN Wen-wen,WANG Ke,LIU Chang
Methods After the sample being crushed in acidic condition,sulfur dioxide in the sample was distilled and oxidized to sulfate by H2 O2 ,and determined by ion chromatography. Results The calibration curve was linear in the concentration range of 0-667. 0 mg / kg ( r = 0. 999 9) ,the recovery was in the range of 82. 79% -108. 7% ,the relative standard deviation ( RSD) was less than 5% ,and the limit of detection of sulfur dioxide was 0. 1 mg / kg. Conclusion This simple method has less interference,good specificity,accuracy and sensitivity.
[2 ] 林强,李宁求,付 小 哲,等. 牡 蛎 中 副 溶 血 性 弧 菌 荧 光 定 量 PCR 检测方法的建立及其应用[J]. 中国水产科学,2011,18 ( 1) : 96-102.










【关键词】GeXP分析平台;多重RT-PCR;儿童呼吸系统感染The application of GeXP based multiplex RT-PCR assay for the detection of pathogens in children with viral infection of the respiratory system Yu Tianxiao*,Shizhongren, Li Guixia, Guo Weiwei, Yang Shuo, Wang Le. *Pediatric Research Institute, Children’s Hospital of Hebei Province,Shijiazhuang 050031,chinaCorresponding author:Li Guixia,Email:138****************【Abstract】Objective Combined with the mR T-PCR (multiplex Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction), we used the GeXP (genomelab genetic analysis system) assay to simultaneously detect twenty kinds of virus from respiratory tract; the value of conducting this method in the children respiratory system was also discussed. Methods From 2013-3 to 2013-11, 1305 inpatient children (0-6 years olds) of Children’s Hospital of Hebei Province were recruited. The throat swab and sputum sample s were collected to extract the viral DNA or RNA, mRT-PCR amplification and GeXP capillary electrophoresis were used to test 20 viruses and evaluate the testing efficiency. Results Among 1305 children, infected by respiratory tract virus, the positive relevance rate was 58.77%. (1) Kinds of virus: the highest positive relevance rate was observed on the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV, 17.32%); the parainfluenza virus 3 (PIV-3, 16.02%), human rhinovirus (HRV, 11.95%), adenovirus (ADV, 5.06%), human bocavirus (HBOV, 3.14%) and the parainfluenza virus 1 (PIV-1, 2.07%) were figured out separately; additionally, the positive mixed infection rate was 7.05% (92 children). (2) Ages of children: the highest positive relevance rate was observed in 1-2 years old children (83.61%); the lowest rate was detected in 5-6 years old children (39.13%). Conclusion the combination assay (GeXP with mRT-PCR) we used to examine twenty respiratory tract viruses has the advantages including high throughput, sensitivity, specificity and speed, etc. Its high efficiency could satisfy the clinical examining demand, provide the prevention and curing data on acute respiratory tract infection, there by, conduct the clinical diagnosis and treatment and avoid the antibiotic abusing.【Key words】GeXP; mRT-PCR; Respiratory system infection in children作者单位:050000 石家庄,河北省儿童医院儿研所(于天晓石仲仁李贵霞郭巍巍杨硕王乐)通讯作者:李贵霞,电子邮箱:138****************.急性呼吸道感染(ARTI)是世界范围内婴幼儿发病和死亡的重要病因,ARTI的病原学十分复杂,病毒在儿童急性呼吸道感染中占绝大多数(高于90%),其中约有30%的病例虽然被认为是由病毒感染引起,但是并未阐明其确切病原[1]。




多重荧光定量PCR 检测婴幼儿腹泻病毒感染及其临床应用张蝶1,2,卢晋英2,唐雪峰2,刘树业2,李会强1(1.天津医科大学医学检验学院,天津300203;2.天津市第三中心医院检验科,天津300170)摘要目的:建立一种能同时检测婴幼儿腹泻粪便中常见病毒的多重荧光定量PCR 技术。

方法:根据GenBank 上几种病毒基因组保守序列设计引物序列,建立多重荧光定量PCR 方法,对所建立的多重荧光定量PCR 方法的特异性、灵敏性及重复性进行验证;并以所建立的方法对150例婴幼儿病毒性腹泻患者粪便标本进行检测。

结果:所建立的多重荧光定量PCR 检测方法具有很好的特异性,灵敏性检测可达102拷贝/mL ,检测不同病毒核酸浓度各自的检测Ct 值标准差均较小,变异系数均低于1.0%,具有较好的重复性;检测150份粪便标本,多重荧光定量PCR 的检出率为36%,胶体金方法检出率为38.67%,两者比较差别无统计学意义(χ2=6.91,P >0.05)。

多重荧光定量PCR 方法中轮状病毒、腺病毒、诺如病毒、星状病毒的检出率分别为12.67%、6.00%、13.33%和4.00%,测序结果与已知病毒株基因都具有高度同源性。

结论:所建立的多重荧光定量PCR 方法快速、特异、灵敏,可以作为临床病原诊断的一个重要工具且适用于流行病学调查研究。

关键词腹泻;病毒;轮状病毒;腺病毒;诺如病毒;星状病毒;多重荧光定量PCR中图分类号R446.9文献标志码AThe detection of viral infection in infants with diarrhea with multiplex fluorescent quantitative PCR and its clinical applicationZHANG Die 1,2,LU Jin-ying 2,TANG Xue-feng 2,LIU Shu-ye 2,LI Hui-qiang 1(1.School of Medical Laboratory ,Tianjin Medical University ,Tianjin 300203,China ;2.Clinical Laboratory ,Tianjin Third Central Hospital ,Tianjin 300170,China )AbstractObjective:To develop and evaluate a multiplex fluorescence quantitative PCR assay for the simultaneous detection of commonvirus of faeces in infants with diarrhea.Methods:Genbank sequences of Rotavirus ,Adenovirus ,Norovirus and Astrovirus were included as reference sequences .A multiplex fluorescence quantitative PCR assay was developed and the primers and probes were designed based onthe reference sequences ,and the specificity ,sensitivity and reproducibility of the assay were evaluated.Fecal samples from 150patientswith viral diarrhea were detected and verified by gene sequencing.Results:There were high specificity of the multiplex real-time PCR assay for detecting Rotavirus ,Adenovirus ,Norovirus and Astrovirus.The sensitivity of the method was 102copies/mL.The standarddeviations of CT values of different viral nucleic acid concentrations were small ,and the coefficient of variation was less than 1.0%,which showed good repeatability.The detection rate of multiplex quantitative PCR was 36.00%in the 150stool samples of infants with diarrhea ,and that of colloidal gold method was 38.67%.There was no significant difference between the two methods.The detection rates of Rotavirus ,Adenovirus ,Norovirus and Astrovirus were 12.67%,6.00%,13.33%and 4.00%,respectively with multiplex fluorescent quantitative PCR.The sequencing results were highly homologous with the genes of known virus strains.Conclusion:Rotavirus ,Adenovirus ,Norovirus and Astrovirus can be detected and identified rapidly by the multiplex fluorescence quantitative PCR assay with highspecificity and sensitivity.The assay developed in this study can be applied to the clinical diagnosis and epidemiological investigation.Key wordsdiarrhea ;virus ;rotavirus ;adenovirus ;norovirus ;astrovirus ;multiplex fluorescent quantitative PCR婴幼儿腹泻病是儿科常见病、多发病,是5岁以下婴幼儿死亡的第二大病因[1]。



反复冻融对荧光实时定量PCR质粒标准品的影响研究来源:中国论文下载中心作者:王亨莉,陈红涛,孔梅,杨冬铭【摘要】目的评价反复冻融对不同浓度的real-time PCR质粒标准品的影响。

方法用大肠杆菌DH5α感受态细胞克隆丰量的pMD-18T重组质粒,紫外分光光度计定量后,根据重组质粒分子量计算其拷贝数,稀释成梯度浓度的荧光实时定量PCR的标准品,取1.0×106拷贝/μl、1.0×104拷贝/μl 和1.0×102拷贝/μl高中低3个浓度的标准品,反复冻融1次,6次,11次,16次和21次后,以冻融后的质粒标准品为模板同时进行real-time PCR扩增定量,比较量值变化。



【关键词】实时定量PCR;质粒DNA标准品【Abstract】Objective To evaluate freezing and thawing repeatedly influencing plasmid DNA standards for fluorescence quantification real-time PCR.Methods The recombinant PMT-18 plasmid was cloned in the Escherichia coli DH5a cells. The concentrations of plasmid stocks were determined by the Eppendorf Biophotometer, and the copy number of each plasmid was calculated based on its molecular weight. Plasmid standards were made by preparing serial 10-fold dilutions, the plasmid standards were stored at -20℃. After freezing and thawing plasmid standards 1, 6, 11, 16 and 21 times repeatedly, quantity value diversity of different concentration standards was confirmed by real-time PCR.Results Freezing and thawing less than 21 times, and there was no significant change observed in high and mid concentrations of plasmid standards, but low concentrations of plasmid standards was varied. The largest variation of high concentration plasmids was 0.06 lg, the largest variation of mid concentration plasmids was 0.18 lg, and the largest variation of low concentration plasmids was 0.34 lg.Conclusion Plasmid standards more than 1.0×104copies/μl is stable within freezing and thawing 21 times, plasmid standards less than 1.0×104copies/μl is affected after freezing and thawing repeatedly, the low concentration standard in clinical diagnosis kit should avoid freezing and thawing repeatedly.【Key words】real-time quantitative PCR; plasmid DNA standard基于TaqMan探针技术的实时荧光定量PCR快速高效,灵敏度和特异性高,无需PCR 后处理,是目前疾控系统和临床检验定量检测核酸应用最为广泛的一种方法[1~3]。


前期引物设计时减少最佳退火温度的差异,最佳退火温度的 差异不超过3~5°为宜。
包括引物间的二聚体以及引物自身所形成的发卡结 构,还有一类是第三方DNA介导的二聚体,这些二 聚体和非特异引物一样都会干扰引物与目标结合位 点的竞争,影响扩增效率。
针对不同对引物之间二聚体,目前可以采用Visual OMP6软件(7天试用版)进行验证。
不对称扩增对于低拷贝样本的 扩增较难,对于病原体检测需 要更详尽的PCR设计和优化。
可以获得大量SSDNA,快 速进行下游操作。比如直接 进行测序,或者下游杂交检 测无需经过变性这一步骤。
设计不对称PCR引物时,限制性引物的Tm值较非 限制性引物Tm值高4~6°,扩增效果更佳。
不对称PCR设计在于控制限制性引物(低浓度引 物)的绝对量,限制性引物过多或过少,均不利 于SSDNA的制备。限制性引物量可以考虑设置在 之间。
设置限制性引物量后,再通过实验验证限制性引 物浓度和非限制性引物浓度的比例,目前常用比 例1:3、1:5、1:10、1:15、1:20进行优化,一 般情况下,1:10、1:20比例情况下效果可能更佳。
导致不平衡的原因: 1. 引物特异性; 2、最佳退火温度不一致; 2. 引物二聚体;4、模板量不同;5、引物扩增效率
如果引物与体系中其他非目的基因片段结合能力更强,那么目的 基因结合引物的能力就会受到竞争,从而导致扩增效率下降。 严格blast验证
将多对引物放置入一个体系中扩增,由于进行PCR反应的退 火温度相同,所以要求每一对引物的最佳退火温度接近。
Mpprimer (开放、在 线)——最多 一次可以设计 6对引物、基 于PP3内核。



2021年第2期GUANGXI PLANT PROTECTION2021,Vol.34.No.2一套适合烤烟3种RNA病毒的RT-PCR检测方法祖庆学1,李宏江2,聂忠扬1,于晓飞2,张翼飞1,李昊熙2*(1.贵州省贵阳市烟草公司开阳县分公司贵阳市550300;2.贵州大学烟草学院/贵州省烟草品质研究重点实验室贵阳市550025)摘要:烤烟是贵州省的重要经济作物,但是烟草花叶病毒(TMV)、黄瓜花叶病毒(CMV)和马铃薯Y病毒(PVY)3种RNA病毒在贵州烤烟产区造成巨大损失。







烟草花叶病毒(To⁃bacco mosaic virus,TMV)、黄瓜花叶病毒(Cucum⁃ber mosaic virus,CMV)和马铃薯Y病毒(P otato vi⁃rus Y,PVY)3种正义单链核糖核酸(+ssRNA)病毒长期困扰了贵州各个主要烟区[1-4]。




TissueDirectTM Multiplex PCR System Technical Manu

TissueDirectTM Multiplex PCR System Technical Manu

GenScript TissueDirect TM Multiplex PCR System Technical Manual No. 0173Version 20040908I Description (1)II Applications (2)III Key Features (2)IV Shipping and Storage (2)V Simplified Procedures (2)VI Detailed Experimental Procedures (3)VII Examples Using the System (4)VIII Troubleshooting (6)IX Order Information (7)I. DESCRIPTIONTissueDirect TM Multiplex PCR System is a powerful reagent kit for both easy and rapid genomic DNA preparation and multiplex PCR amplification. Genomic DNA is directly released from cells (tissues, mouse tails, hair shafts, and cell culture) using proprietary reagents in 12 minutes without DNA purification. The genomic DNA can be used immediately in PCR amplification of multiple gene targets (up to >1,000) or stored at + 4 o C for future use (stable at least 6 months at + 4 o C).TissueDirect TM PCR System with Enzyme (PCR premix) (L00195) contains TD-A Buffer, TD-B Buffer, TD-C Buffer, and PCR Premix. The fresh mixture of TD-A and TD-B at a 1:9 ratio is used to lyses cells and to release genomic DNA. TD-C is used to bring the conditions close to those for PCR. PCR Premix contains PCR buffer, dNTP, Mg2+ and “HotStart” Script TM DNA polymerase for PCR amplification.L00195 Components 100 PrepsTD-A Buffer 0.50 mlTD-B Buffer 4.50 mlTD-C Buffer 5.00 ml2X PCR Premix 1.00 mlPCR-grade Water 1.00 mlTissueDirectTM PCR System without Enzyme (PCR premix) (L00194) is also available from GenScript Corporation. This kit allows our customers to use any other DNA polymerases that they prefer to use for PCR reaction. The kit contains TD-A Buffer, TD-B Buffer, TD-C Buffer, and TD-C Buffer. The fresh mixture of TD-A and TD-B at a 1:9 ratio is used to lyses cells and to release genomic DNA. TD-C is used to bring the conditions close to those for PCR. TD-D Buffer is an optimized 10X Script TM DNA polymerase buffer. Limited tests at GenScript show that this buffer is compatible with Taq DNA polymerases from other vendors and also increases PCR sensitivity.L00194 Components 100 PrepsTD-A Buffer 0.50 mlTD-B Buffer 4.50 mlTD-C Buffer 5.00 mlTD-D Buffer 0.20 mlPCR-grade Water 1.00 mlII. APPLICATIONSFor genomic DNA extraction from:• tissues (fresh, frozen or paraffin), tissue microdisssection• animal (such as mouse) tails• buccal cells• cell culture• hair shaft• saliva• spermFor blood, please use GenScript Blood-Ready TM Multiplex PCR System.And for application such as:• SNP genotyping and mutation detection• Target detection in transgenic mice• DNA sequencing and cloningIII. KEY FEATURES♣ Easy to perform: very simple and rapid procedure toextract genomic DNA in 12 min.♣ High specificity: highly specific amplification ofgenomic DNA using “HotStart” Script TM DNApolymerase (a GenScript proprietary DNA polymerase).♣ Multiplex PCR: up to >1,000 DNA sequences canbe amplified using multiplex PCR primers designedby using GenScript proprietary technology.♣ Super sensitivity: genomic DNA from a single spermhas been successfully used in multiplex PCRamplification of more than 1000 amplicons andsubsequent DNA genotyping assays. The supersensitivity of this kit will dramatically cut down thetissue usage to save your precious tissue samples.This kit will also allow you to use less invasive methodfor genomic DNA preparation needed for genotyping.IV. SHIPPING AND STORAGEThis kit is shipped on ice bag. Store the kit at –20 o C.V. SIMPLIFIED PROCEDURES1. Thaw Buffer TD-A, TD-B and TD-C at room temperatureand vortex the solutions. After thawing, keep TD-A bufferon ice, keep TD-B and TD-C on ice or at room temperature.Mix 5 µl TD-A and 45 µl TD-B (A to B ratio is 1:9) in amicrocentrifuge tube to make the lysis solution. Add thecell lysis solution to tissue samples.2. Mix and incubate the samples at 65 o C for 10 min.3. Remove the tubes from incubation and add 50 µl of TD-C toeach sample tube. Mix by tapping the tubes gently.4. Spin down in a microcentrifuge at full-speed (∼14,000 rpm) or1 minute.5. Set-up PCR reactions and perform PCR reaction in a PCRcycler.6. Analyze PCR reactions by agarose gel electrophoresis.GenScript Vector-based siRNA Protocol4 If you are using TissueDirect TM PCR System without Enzyme (PCR premix), set up 20 µl PCR reaction following your PCR kit instruction, and use 1 µl of genomic DNA prepared. As mentioned before, limited tests at GenScript show that TD-D buffer is compatible with Taq DNA polymerases from different vendors.2. The commonly used thermal profiles can be used for PCR amplification. The following two thermalprofiles are recommended for the amplification of a single amplicon and multiple amplicons,respectively.a. Thermal profiles for amplification of a single amplicon with the primer concentration of 200 nM for eachprimer.Activation of Taq DNA polymerase: 94 o C for 15 min40 PCR cycles: Denaturation: 94 o C for 40 secAnnealing: 55 o C – 60 o C for 1 minExtension: 72 o C for 30 sec to 2 min (~1 kb/min)Final extension: 72 o C for 3 min.b. Thermal profiles for amplification of multiple amplicons with the each primer at concentration of 50 nM.Activation of Taq DNA polymerase: 94 o C for 15 min.40 PCR cycles: Denaturation: 94 o C for 40 secAnnealing: 55 o C – 60 o C for 2 minExtension: ramping from 55 o C to 72 o C for 5 minFinal extension: 72o C for 3 min.VII. EXAMPLES USING THE SYSTEMA. Mouse Tail Genomic DNA Preparation and PCR Amplification.TissueDirect TM PCR System (with Enzyme) was used to extract mouse genomic DNA’s from three 3 mouse tails. 3 pieces of tissue with different sizes of about 1mm, 2 mm and 4 mm, respectively, were cut from each mouse tail. Mouse genomic DNA’s were extracted from all 9 pieces of muse tail tissues and amplified using TissueDirect TM Multiplex PCR system following the kit instructions. A pair of primers was designed to amplify mouse Ephrin A5 gene with the sequences shown below:Forward primer: 5’-TCCAGCTGTGCAGTTCTCCAAAACA-3’Reverse primer: 5’- ATTCCAGAGGGGTGACTACCACATT-3’The results were shown in Figure 1.Figure 1. PCR analysis ofgenomic DNA extracted frommouse tails. Genomic DNA’swere extracted from 9 pieces oftissue (with different sizes ofabout 1mm, 2 mm and 4 mm,respectively) cut from 3 mousetails using TissueDirect TMMultiplex PCR kit following thekit instructions. All genomicDNA samples were amplifiedusing the PCR premix in the kitfollowing the kit instructions.Last lane is a negative control.PCR products are 396 bp forthe mouse Ephrin A5 gene.Figure 1 shows that the target PCR product of 396 bp fragment of mouse Ephrin A5 gene is seen from all 9 genomic DNA samples. There is little difference between genomic DNA samples extracted from different mouse tails, or from different sizes of the same mouse tail. This demonstrates the high quality andreproducibility of TissueDirect TM PCR System.B. Human Genomic DNA Preparation and PCR Amplification.TissueDirect TM PCR System (with Enzyme) was used to extract human genomic DNA’s from HEK293 cells, breast cancer microdissection and human hair shafts. Human genomic DNA’s were then amplified using TissueDirect TM Multiplex PCR system (with Enzyme) following the kit instructions. 12 pairs of primers were designed to amplify 12 different human genes with the sequences shown below:No. DNA size (bp) Forward Primer sequence Reverse Primer sequence1 142 ATTGTAGGGAAATGTCTGTCTGAT ACACCAATCTCTACATCATAAGGAG2 133 AGTGATCATGCTGTTTTCCTC GATTTTTATCCTGTTTGTGCC3 126 TCAAAATAATTGTTCCAAAGTAGCA AAAAATGACCTTTGCAAGTACATTT4 119 TGATTATTGGGAAAAGATCTGAGAC ACAAACCCACTTTTCATCACA5 112 AAGCATACCTGTGAGAGTGCACA AGGCCAATGGGTAATGGTAAATCCC6 105 CACCTCTGACTTCTCAGGTGT GCCTCTAACATTCTGTTTAGGAGA7 100 GTAAAGAATTCAATGAGTATGCCA CTTGTTTGCAGGGTGATGCCATTT8 96 TGTCCCTCTGAATAATTGTAGAA ATGTCTGAGTTAAATACCACACAG9 90 TAAGACAGTTTTCTTGGAGAGTAAACATTG TTTTTTCAAAGTCTTCAGATATGGT10 85 CTCCAACACACAGAACAGGAGGGAGGAAT TAATGGAAGGAGTAGCCCAACT1111 80 TCATATTAAGCAACTAATATTTGTGCCATC CATCTGGTGCCCATGTGTGTC12 76 TCCCGTCACCTGAAACTGCTGTCACC GCATATTTGGTGGAAAAGTCTACAG The results were shown in Figure 2.Figure 2. Human genomic DNA wasextracted and amplified usingTissueDirect TM Multiplex PCR System(with Enzyme). PCR DNA sizes areshown on the right.Lane 1 and 2 using 30 HEK293 cells.Lane 3 and 4 using breast cancermicrodissection. Lane 5 and 6 usinghuman hair shafts.。







用这种方法,λ噬菌体的基因组区域中一个351个碱基对的序列在电泳通道中的准确性> 99%。














PCR过程一直半自动化很大程度上是由凭借其周期性,组成的DNA模板(95°C)所示,核糖核酸引物(b)杂交引物变性的模板(50°C)中,(c)模板的复制(70°C)催化Thermu.s 水生的DNA聚合酶(Taq聚合酶)。










诺如病毒原型株诺瓦克病毒(Norwalk virus)于1968年在美国诺瓦克市暴发的一次急性腹泻患者粪便中分离到,1972年Kapikian等人通过免疫电子显微镜从患者的粪便中检测到直径为27 nm的病毒颗粒,命名为诺瓦克病毒[4]。











APACHEⅡ评分反映患者疾病的严重程度,评分高的患者应激反应较强,机体免疫力下降,常需进行吸氧、吸痰、鼻饲等创伤性治疗,易发生内呼吸机相关性下呼吸道感染,APACHE Ⅱ评分可以作为预测呼吸机相关性肺炎感染的指标。




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A multiplex RT-PCR assay for the rapid and differential diagnosis of classical swine fever and other pestivirus infectionsHeidy Dı´az de Arce a ,*,Lester J.Pe ´rez a ,Maria T.Frı´as a ,Rosa Rosell b ,c ,Joan Tarradas b ,Jose´I.Nu ´n ˜ez b ,Llilianne Ganges b aCentro Nacional de Sanidad Agropecuaria (CENSA),La Habana,CubabCentre de Recerca en Sanitat Animal (CReSA),UAB Bellaterra,08193Barcelona,Spain c Departament d´Agricultura,alimentacio ´n i Accio ´Rural de la Generalitat de Catalunya (DAR),Spain 1.IntroductionClassical swine fever (CSF),a highly contagious viral infection of domestic pig and wild boar,is one of the most devastating porcine diseases worldwide (Moennig et al.,2003).The disease is endemic in Asia and prevails in many Central and South American countries,as well as in Eastern Europe (Greiser-Wilke et al.,2007).The classical swine fever virus (CSFV)together with the viruses of bovine viral diarrhea types 1and 2(BVDV-1and BVDV-2)and Border disease (BDV)belongs to the genusPestivirus within the family Flaviviridae.The pestiviruses have a positive single-strand RNA genome of approxi-mately 12.3–16kb in length that encodes one large open reading frame (ORF),flanked by highly conserved 50-and 30-untranslated regions (UTR).The 50-UTR has secondary structure and highly conserved regions (Meyers and Thiel,1996).The CSFV non-structural protein 5B (NS5B)encodes an RNA dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp),pestivirus polymerase amino acid sequences are 70–75%identical and still appears to be a conservation of tertiary structure rather than primary sequence (Zhang et al.,2005)and is a valid candidate to CSFV and non-CSFV pestiviruses differentiation.CSFV is predominantly restricted to pigs;viruses of bovine viral diarrhea and Border disease infect many different ruminant species as well as swine (van Rijn,Veterinary Microbiology 139(2009)245–252A R T I C L E I N F O Article history:Received 26December 2008Received in revised form 25May 2009Accepted 3June 2009Keywords:Classical swine fever virus PestivirusMultiplex RT-PCR Differential diagnosisA B S T R A C TClassical swine fever is a highly contagious viral disease causing severe economic losses in pig production almost worldwide.All pestivirus species can infect pigs,therefore accurate and rapid pestivirus detection and differentiation is of great importance to assure control measures in swine farming.Here we describe the development and evaluation of a novel multiplex,highly sensitive and specific RT-PCR for the simultaneous detection and rapid differentiation between CSFV and other pestivirus infections in swine.The universal and differential detection was based on primers designed to amplify a fragment of the 50non-coding genome region for the detection of pestiviruses and a fragment of the NS5B gene for the detection of classical swine fever virus.The assay proved to be specific when different pestivirus strains from swine and ruminants were evaluated.The analytical sensitivity was estimated to be as little as 0.89TCID 50.The assay analysis of 30tissue homogenate samples from naturally infected and non-CSF infected animals and 40standard serum samples evaluated as part of two European Inter-laboratory Comparison Tests conducted by the European Community Reference Laboratory,Hanover,Germany proved that the multiplex RT-PCR method provides a rapid,highly sensitive,and cost-effective laboratory diagnosis for classical swine fever and other pestivirus infections in swine.ß2009Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.*Corresponding author.Tel.:+5347863206;fax:+5347861104.E-mail addresses:heidy@.cu ,heidydal@yahoo.es (H.D.d.Arce).Contents lists available at ScienceDirectVeterinary Microbiologyj o u rn a l ho m e pa g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /v e t m i c0378-1135/$–see front matter ß2009Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.vetmic.2009.06.0042007).Infections in swine with pestiviruses other than CSFV can give rise to a clinical disease that is indistinguishable from CSF(Terpstra and Wensvoort, 1988;Paton et al.,1992;Frey et al.,1995).The rapid and accurate differentiation of CSFV from non-CSFV pesti-viruses is decisive because whereas CSFV infection of domestic pigs demands strict control measures to prevent vast economic losses for other pestivirus infections in pigs,no immediate zoo-sanitary measures are prescribed.Since different pestiviruses are closely related,both immunologically and genetically,the ruminant’s pesti-virus infections in swine can result into a false CSF diagnosis(OIE,2008a).Virus neutralization tests(VNT), monoclonal antibody assays and nucleic acid based techniques are the methods described for pestivirus discrimination(Edwards et al.,1991;Wirz et al.,1993; Sullivan and Akkina,1995;McGoldrick et al.,1998;Barlic-Maganja and Grom,2001;OIE,2008a).While procedures based on monoclonal antibodies have limitations such as moderate sensitivity(identification on cryostat sections of organs and antigen capture ELISA)or long turn-around time(identification after virus isolation or VNT),standard (gel-based)and real time RT-PCR assays provide very useful tools for rapid and highly sensitive detection (Edwards et al.,1991;Katz et al.,1993;Wirz et al., 1993;Sullivan and Akkina,1995;Gilbert et al.,1999; Barlic-Maganja and Grom,2001;Blome et al.,2006;Bela´k, 2007).Several RT-PCR assays(Katz et al.,1993;Wirz et al., 1993;Canal et al.,1996;Sandvik et al.,1997;Dı´az de Arce et al.,1998),one RT-PCR–ELISA(Barlic-Maganja and Grom,2001)and a multiplex DNA microarray method(Deregt et al.,2006)have been reported for the detection and discrimination between classical swine fever virus and other pestivirus infections in swine.Albeit some of these assays have limitations for routine diagnostic purposes.In particular,the method described by Wirz et al.(1993)has poor sensitivity for CSFV specific detection in organ extracts and the nested RT-PCR assay is not able to discriminate between CSFV and BDV(Sandvik et al.,1997).Moreover some protocols have not proved to be suitable for routine diagnosis since none have been assessed in swine clinical samples.Real-time RT-PCR assays have been reported for rapid and sensitive detection of pestiviruses and CSFV differ-entiation(Cheng et al.,2008;Hoffmann et al.,2005; Jamnikar Ciglenecki et al.,2008;Liu et al.,2007; McGoldrick et al.,1999).Despite of the many advantages of the real-time RT-PCR techniques over conventional gel-based RT-PCR assays,including rapidity,a higher sensi-tivity and a lower contamination rate,the high costs of the instruments and probes required to perform the real-time assays restricted their use to laboratories with good financial resources.Therefore,the ultimate objective of this work was the development,optimization and evaluation of a novel and highly sensitive multiplex RT-PCR assay for the simulta-neous detection and rapid differentiation between CSFV and other pestivirus infections.2.Materials and methods2.1.VirusesCSFV and non-CSFV pestiviruses strains available in ours laboratories as well as other porcine viruses used throughout this study are listed in Table1.2.2.Cell cultures and virus propagationViruses were grown and titrated in PK15cell line(CSFV strains)and MDBK cell line(BVDV and BDV strains) following standard procedures as described at the OIE Manual(OIE,2008a,b,c).The Cuban EMCV744/03strain was propagated on BHK-21cells in MEM supplemented with5%FBS.After approximately16h incubation at378C, when more than80%of the cells showed cytopathology, the cells were exposed to three freeze–thaw cycles.PK15, MDBK,and BHK-21non-infected cell cultures were also used in the specificity assays.The cell cultures and media were previously tested to be free of contaminating pestivirus(Bolin et al.,1994;Edwards,1993).2.3.Experimental standard clinical samplesA panel of40pig serum,from two International Inter-laboratory Comparison Tests2006and2007,conducted by the CRL,Hanover,Germany,aimed to evaluate the quality and diagnostic performance of RT-PCR assays in different laboratories for the detection of pestivirus infections in pigs was used.The serum samples were obtained by experimental infection of pigs with pestivirus strains from different subtypes and genotypes and comprised samples with different titers of the virus.BVDV positive fetal calve serum and negative commercial pig serum were also included.The serum samples were tested at least three times with all routine procedures at the CRL.The methods used at CRL to obtain the RT-PCR results for CSFV and panpestivirus detection were the real time RT-PCR assay described by Hoffmann et al.(2005)and one SYBR Green based real-time RT-PCR using the primer pair described by Vilcek et al.(1994),respectively.2.4.Field samplesA collection of18tissue homogenate samples(lymph nodes,spleens or tonsils)from naturally infected animals from CSFV Cuban outbreaks and12healthy non-pestivirus infectedfield animals were used for the assessment of the assays performance in organs.Samples were confirmed to be CSFV positive or negative by virus isolation and identification,as it is described in the Manual of Diagnostic Tests and Vaccines for Terrestrial Animals2008(OIE, 2008a).2.5.Primers selectionCSFV specific primer pair CSFV1/CSFV2,previously described(Dı´az de Arce et al.,1998),was employed in the multiplex RT-PCR.This primer pair was identified within the sequence region corresponding to the NS5BH.D.Arce et al./Veterinary Microbiology139(2009)245–252 246protein with the aid of a computer program that allowed selection of sequences highly conserved among CSFV strains but that were also divergent enough when compared to other pestiviruses(Dı´az de Arce et al.,1998).Panpestivirus specific primers were designed in the conserved50-UTR of viruses from different pestiviral genotypes and subgenotypes,available in GenBank. Nucleotide sequences belonging to genotypes BVDV-1 (BVDV-1a and BVDV-1b),BVDV-2,CSFV and BDV as well as hepatitis C virus were aligned using Clustal W1.8software and manually examined for oligonucleotides correspond-ing to pestivirus.Primers were designed from highly conserved nucleotide region using the Oligo6.31program (Molecular Biology Insights,Inc.,USA).A BLAST search at National Center for Biotechnology Information(NCBI)site ()was performed using blastn algorithm for calculating sequence similarity with primers selected as query sequences against nucleotide databases of different pestivirus genotypes and random nucleotide sequences.The oligonucleotide sequence of the CSFV and panpes-tivirus primer sets and their main characteristics are summarized in Table2.2.6.RNA extraction and cDNA synthesisTotal RNA was extracted from250m L amounts of samples(cell cultures,serum,tissue homogenate),with aTable1Virus used in this study.Virus Genotype/subtype Reference strain/isolate SourceCSFV Genotype1.1Alfort187CReSA,SpainAmes CENSA,CubaClinical samples from experimentallyinfected pigs with CSF0382reference strainEU Reference Laboratory for Classical Swine Fever,GermanyGenotype1.2PAV-250Centro de Investigacio´n en Sanidad Animal,SpainMargarita a CENSA,Cuba15Cubanfield isolates a CENSA,CubaClinical samples from experimentallyinfected pigs with Kozlov reference strainEU Reference Laboratory for Classical Swine Fever,Germany Genotype2.2Clinical samples from experimentallyinfected pigs with CSF0018reference strainEU Reference Laboratory for Classical Swine Fever,GermanyGenotype2.3Clinical samples from experimentallyinfected pigs with CSF0864reference strainEU Reference Laboratory for Classical Swine Fever,GermanyClinical samples from experimentallyinfected pigs with CSF0634reference strainEU Reference Laboratory for Classical Swine Fever,Germany Genotype3.4Clinical samples from experimentallyinfected pigs with CSF0309reference strainEU Reference Laboratory for Classical Swine Fever,GermanyBVDV-1Subtype1a NADL EU Reference Laboratory for Classical Swine Fever,GermanyOregon Centro de Investigacio´n en Sanidad Animal,SpainSinger Centro de Investigacio´n en Sanidad Animal,Spain Subtype1b Osloss EU Reference Laboratory for Classical Swine Fever,Germany Non-determinated7field isolates from cattle,Cuba/2002-2003CENSA,Cuba8field isolates from cattle,Spain/1990-1994b CReSA/DAR,SpainBVDV-2New York Hipra laboratory,SpainBDV Genotype1Frijters id-dlo Laboratory,Netherland.Moredun EU Reference Laboratory for Classical Swine Fever,Germany137/4Central Veterinary Laboratory of Weybridge,United Kingdom Genotype3Clinical samples from experimentally infectedpigs with Gifhorn reference strainEU Reference Laboratory for Classical Swine Fever,Germany Genotype45BDV isolates from sheep c CReSA/DAR,Spain2BDV isolates from sheep Neiker,SpainBDV isolated from pig Spain/2006d CReSA,SpainTGEV Purdue115Pathobiology laboratory,Gelph University,CanadaEMCV Field isolate CENSA,CubaDı´az de Arce et al.(2005).b Vega et al.(2000).c Vega et al.(2002).d Rosell et al.(2008).Table2Selected CSFV and panpestivirus primer sets.Primer Nucleotide sequence(50–30)Genome position(50–30)Amplicon length(bp) CSFV1CCTGAGGACCAAACACATGTTG nt10.240–10.261aCSFV2TGGTGGAAGTTGGTTGTGTCTG nt10.413–10.392a174Panpest1CGAGATGCCACGTGGACGAG nt226–245bPanpest2CCTCTGCAGCACCCTATCAGG nt344–324b119c Genome position according to CSFV Alfort/187(Accession no.X87939.1).b Genome position according to BVDV strain NADL(Accession no.AF039181.1).c The length vary from114bp of some CSFV to119of some BVDV strains.H.D.Arce et al./Veterinary Microbiology139(2009)245–252247commercial reagent(TRI Reagent LS,SIGMA,San Louis, Missouri,USA),as recommended by the supplier.RNA was resuspended in10m L of nuclease free water(Promega, Madison,WI,USA)and used in the assay.First strand complementary DNA(cDNA)was synthe-sized using Moloney-Murine leukemia virus reverse tran-scriptase(M-MLV RT)(Promega,Madison,WI,USA)in20m L final reaction volume.Briefly,5m L of RNA was incubated with1m L of random primers(50ng/m L)(Promega,Madison, WI,USA)and4m L of nuclease free water(Promega, Madison,WI,USA)in10m Lfinal reaction volume at708C for10min and then cooled on ice to accomplish nucleic acid denaturing.After incubation on ice3.5m L of nuclease free water,4m L of5Âreaction buffer[250mM Tris–HCl(pH8.3 at258C),375mM KCl,15mM MgCl2,50mM DTT],1m L 10mM of each deoxynucleoside triphosphate,0.5m L of 40U/m L RNAs in ribonuclease inhibitor(Promega)and1m L of200U/m L M-MLV RT was added and the reaction mixture was further incubated at378C for60min.2.7.Optimization of the CSFV/panpestivirus multiplex RT-PCR assayA number of experiments were performed to optimize the CSFV/panpestivirus multiplex RT-PCR protocol,includ-ing reagent concentration and PCR cycling parameters.The primers,as well as magnesium chloride,were titrated in chequerboard assays to determine the reagents concentra-tions that yielded the best results.Different annealing/ elongation temperatures and times were evaluated.The assays werefinally optimized as follows:for PCR amplifica-tion,the reaction mixture was prepared in a volume of50m L comprised of2m L of cDNA,1ÂGoTaq Green Master Mix (Promega)[200m M of each dNTP,1.5mM MgCl2(pH8.5)] and1m M of each primer.The PCR reaction was done under the following conditions in a thermal cycler(Eppendorf Mastercycler):1cycle of2min at958C;35cycles of denaturation at948C for30s,annealing at508C for30s,and elongation at728C for30s;and1cycle of5min at728C.The amplified products were analyzed by electrophoresis in a2% agarose gel,stained with ethidium bromide0.5g/mL)in TBE buffer pH8.4(89mM Tris;89mM boric acid;2mM EDTA) and visualized under UV light.As control,at least one negative serum for each batch of RNA extracted samples tested and one water control were included in the PCR. 2.8.Sequences determination and analysisAmplicons of Margarita strain obtained from CSFV/ panpestivirus multiplex RT-PCR assays were purified from the agarose gel using Wizard1PCR Preps DNA Purification System(Promega),and sequenced by BigDye Terminator v3.1Cycle Sequencing Kit(Applied Biosystems)in an ABIPRISM3730.Quality of each sequence obtained was analyzed manually and the sequence similarity was checked against sequences deposited in the EMBL/Gen-Bank using a BLAST search at NCBI site(http:// ).Both sequences,CSFV and panpestivirus multiplex RT-PCR fragments,have been submitted to the EMBL/GenBank database with the accession numbers FM954979and FM954980,respectively.2.9.Analytical specificityThe analytical specificity of the multiplex RT-PCR assays was evaluated by analysis of viral RNA genomes from representatives of BVDV-1,BVDV-2,BDV,and the major subgroups(1.1,1.2,2.1,2.2,2.3and3.4)of CSFV strains(Table1).2.10.Analytical sensitivityRT-PCR assays were evaluated by testing viral RNAs purified from sequential tenfold dilutions in negative serum of a viral suspension of Alfort/187strain with a titre of107.86TCID50/mL.The analytical sensitivity of the assays was determined by considering the volumes of specimen used for each RNA extraction(250m L),RNA dissolution (10m L nuclease free water),the RNA added to each cDNA reaction(5m L)and the cDNA added(2m L)to each PCR reaction(represented by TCID50per reaction).2.11.CSFV and panpestivirus simultaneous detection by multiplex RT-PCRIn order to assess the possible preferential amplification of one target sequence over another,different known amounts of BVDV(NADL)and CSFV(Alfort/187)strains were diluted in serum from a non-infected donor pig and virus sample mixtures were evaluated.All possible sample mixtures of each virus included within sensitivity rate of the test were analyzed.2.12.Application of multiplex RT-PCR to standard clinical samplesTo determine the ability of the multiplex RT-PCR method to detect different pestivirus genotypes and virus concentrations as well as the competence of the RT-PCR test in clinical samples,40standard pig sera samples(20 each)from two European Inter-laboratory Comparison Tests2006and2007for Classical Swine Fever conducted by the European Community Reference Laboratory,Hann-over,Germany were evaluated.The serum samples were obtained from experimentally infected animals at different post-inoculation days with different CSFV strains that included a wide range of genotypes(Table3).Besides,BVDV positive fetal calve serum and negative pig serum were included.The samples contained a full representation of the virus concentration to test sensitivity and were sent in duplicates in order to test reproducibility.3.Results3.1.Primer selection and optimization of the RT-PCRTwo primer pairs,each one specific for CSFV and panpestivirus,were collectively selected in a multiplex RT-PCR.Well-conserved CSFV genome but divergent from other pestivirus and highly Pestivirus conserved regions were chosen as the best candidates for specific primers setting.Primer design parameters such as annealingH.D.Arce et al./Veterinary Microbiology139(2009)245–252 248temperatures,homologies either internally or to one another and target sizes were also considered.The optimization of the multiplex RT-PCR reaction components and cycling parameters was performed.Most suitable combination of the two primer sets concentration was meticulously selected.Finally,the optimized concen-trations of reaction components and the thermal profile were established and used in further experiments(as described in Section2).3.2.Specificity of the multiplex RT-PCR assayWith the panpestivirus specific primers,designed in a highly conserved region from the50-UTR RNA genome from different pestivirus strains,PCR products of the expected sizes(114or119bp)were amplified from all of the examined pestivirus strains and isolates in multiplex RT-PCR assay.A PCR product from the expected size (174bp)was obtained when RNA from all CSFV strains and isolates were used as templates for amplification reactions in the multiplex RT-PCR test.Moreover,all ruminant pestivirus(non-CSFV)strains and isolates tested in the multiplex RT-PCR were negative for CSFV primers ampli-fication.Some representative results are shown in Fig.1.No amplification signals were obtained from hetero-logous RNA porcine viruses(TGEV and EMCV)tested in both RT-PCR assays.Finally,nucleic acids from PK15, MDBK,and BHK-21non-infected cell cultures were also tested showing no positive products(data not shown).The BLAST analysis of the amplicon sequences corre-sponding to174bp,amplified from CSFV strains,and114 or119bp(amplicon length depending of the strain) amplified from pestivirus strains by multiplex RT-PCR assay,confirmed that the PCR products were,respectively, CSFV and panpestivirus specifics.3.3.Sensitivity of multiplex RT-PCR assayThe detection limit using negative serum spiked with serially diluted virus suspensions was consistently observed to be0.89TCID50per amplification reaction for the multi-plex RT-PCR as well as for the two single PCR assays(Fig.2).Table3Multiplex RT-PCR results obtained from the samples evaluated in the2006and2007Inter-laboratory Comparison Tests.Samples Code Virus strain/group Virus titer(TCID50/mL)Multiplex(panpest/CSFV)CRL(non-CSFV/CSFV)PCR-1/2006CSFV Kozlov/1.2101.6+/++/+PCR-2/2006CSFV Kozlov/1.2103.6+/++/+PCR-3/2006CSFV Kozlov/1.2103.6+/++/+PCR-4/2006CSFV Kozlov/1.2103.8+/++/+PCR-5/2006BDV Gifhorn/3n.d*+/À+/ÀPCR-6/2006BVDV Osloss/1b n.d*+/À+/ÀPCR-7/2006CSFV Kozlov/1.2101.8+/++/+PCR-8/2006CSFV Kozlov/1.2103.8+/++/+PCR-9/2006CSFV Kozlov/1.2103.6+/++/+PCR-10/2006CSFV Kozlov/1.2102.8+/++/+PCR-11/2006CSFV Kozlov/1.2102.6+/++/+PCR-12/2006CSFV Kozlov/1.2101.8+/++/+PCR-13/2006CSFV Kozlov/1.2104.8+/++/+PCR-14/2006CSFV Kozlov/1.2102.6+/++/+PCR-15/2006CSFV Kozlov/1.2101.8+/++/+PCR-16/2006CSFV Kozlov/1.2102.8+/++/+PCR-17/2006CSFV Kozlov/1.2102.6+/++/+PCR-18/2006CSFV Kozlov/1.2101.6+/++/+PCR-19/2006CSFV Kozlov/1.2101.6+/++/+PCR-20/2006CSFV Kozlov/1.2102.8+/++/+PCR-1/2007CSF0864/2.3103.75+/++/+PCR-2/2007Non-virus(pig serum)–À/ÀÀ/ÀPCR-3/2007CSF0864/2.3101.75+/++/+PCR-4/2007CSF0864/2.3101.75+/++/+PCR-5/2007CSF0018/2.2104.50+/++/+PCR-6/2007CSF0382/1.1103.75+/++/+PCR-7/2007Non-virus(pig serum)–À/ÀÀ/ÀPCR-8/2007Non-virus(pig serum)–À/ÀÀ/ÀPCR-9/2007Pestivirus non-CSFV(Fetalcalf serum diluted1:2)–+/À+/ÀPCR-10/2007Pestivirus non-CSFV(Fetalcalf serum diluted1:2)–+/À+/ÀPCR-11/2007CSF0864/2.3103.75+/++/+PCR-12/2007Non-virus(pig serum)–À/ÀÀ/ÀPCR-13/2007CSF0018/2.2104.5+/++/+PCR-14/2007CSF0018/2.2n.d*(sample code PCR-5/2007diluted1:103)+/++/+PCR-15/2007CSF0018/2.2n.d*(sample code PCR-5/2007diluted1:104)+/++/+PCR-16/2007CSF0018/2.2n.d*(sample code PCR-5/2007diluted1:105)À/À+/+PCR-17/2007CSF0018/2.2104.50+/++/+PCR-18/2007CSF0018/2.2n.d*(sample code PCR-5/2007diluted1:103)+/++/+PCR-19/2007CSF0018/2.2n.d*(sample code PCR-5/2007diluted1:104)+/++/+PCR-20/2007CSF0018/2.2n.d*(sample code PCR-5/2007diluted1:105)À/À+/+ non-determined.H.D.Arce et al./Veterinary Microbiology139(2009)245–2522493.4.CSFV and panpestivirus simultaneous detection by multiplex RT-PCRThe multiplex assay detected all variable numbers of viruses spiked onto pig serum according to their propor-tions.The lowest detection limit of the multiplex assay for CSFV and for other pestiviruses was the same when only CSFV or CSFV plus other pestivirus was evaluated in the same reaction (data not shown).Hence,each target inthe mixture reaction had the same amplification efficiency when both targets were evaluated simultaneously.3.5.Application of multiplex RT-PCR assay to standard samplesAmplification from two samples (code numbers PCR-16/2007and PCR-20/2007),failed for both CSFV and non-CSFV detection since they were duplicates from a CSFV low-titer serum (Table 3).Therefore,the sensitivity of the assay was 94%for both CSFV (30/32)and non-CSFV virus (34/36)detection (Table 3).The specificity of the assay was 100%with no false positives for both CSFV (8/8)and non-CSFV (4/4)detection (Table 3).3.6.Application of multiplex RT-PCR to field samples Multiplex RT-PCR assay was performed on a collection of 18CSFV tissue field samples (lymph nodes,spleen or tonsil)and 12tissue samples from healthy animals.Specific CSFV was detected in all clinical samples from natural infected pigs and no positive results were obtained from non-infected animals (data not shown).4.DiscussionThe multiplex PCR methods use multiple primers to allow amplification of multiple templates within a single reaction at the same time providing the possibility to detect more than one infectious agent(s)in a single assay.Multiplex PCR has the potential to produce considerable savings of time and effort within the laboratory without compromising the robustness and sensitivity of the virusdetection assays (Bela´k,2007).Additional advantage is a reduced sample requirement,which is particularly impor-tant when sample material is limited (Persson et al.,2005).Multiplex gel-based RT-PCR tests for simultaneous detec-tion of multiple porcine viruses have been documented(Agu¨ero et al.,2004;Cheng et al.,2008;Ferna ´ndez et al.,2008;Giammarioli et al.,2008;Zhao et al.,2008).The development of a multiplex PCR method is a complex task mainly due to the fact that the presence of more than one primer pair in the same reaction mix can limit the sensitivity or specificity and/or cause preferential amplification of specific targets (Elnifro et al.,2000;Markoulatos et al.,2002).In this study,a gel-based multiplex RT-PCR assay was developed for the simultaneous detection and rapid discrimination between CSFV and other pestiviruses infections in swine.Primer selection and protocol optimi-zation were considered to be the key factors and were carefully addressed.The CSFV specific primers used in thisassay,as described previously (Dı´az de Arce et al.,1998),were designed in the NS5B gene of CSFV genome from a region highly conserved between the genome of CSFV strains,but which was highly divergent from the corresponding sequences in the genome of other pestivirus strains.Panpestivirus specific primers were designed in the conserved 50-UTR of viruses from different pestiviral genotypes sequences and from hepatitis C virus,a related genome belonging to the Flaviviridae family,in ordertoFig.1.Specificity of multiplex RT-PCR for CSFV (1–4)and panpestivirus (5–8).(1)CSFV strain Alfort/187;(2)CSFV strain Ames;(3)CSFV strain Margarita;(4)CSFV strain PAV-250;(5)BVDV strain NADL;(6)BVDV strain Oregon;(7)BVDV strain Singer;(8)BDV strain Moredun;M:molecular weight marker 100bp (Promega,Madison,WI,USA).Fig. 2.Multiplex RT-PCR and single RT-PCR sensitivity assays.RNAs extracted from serial,tenfold dilutions of CSFV strain Alfort/187with an initial titer of 107.86TCID 50/mL in negative pig serum were employed under reaction conditions described in Section 2;M:molecular weight marker 100bp (Promega,Madison,WI,USA.(A)Multiplex RT-PCR sensitivity assay for CSFV and panpestivirus detection.(B)RT-PCR sensitivity assay for panpestivirus detection.(C)RT-PCR sensitivity assay for CSFV detection.H.D.Arce et al./Veterinary Microbiology 139(2009)245–252250obtain a pair of primers with broad pestivirus specificity and that does not cross-react with related viruses.To ensure specificity,genus-primers were designed to detect as many viral sequences as necessary to encompass genetic diversity. The pestivirus50-UTR contains stretches of highly conserved nucleotides and has frequently been targeted for pestivirus specific PCR primers(Hamel et al.,1995;Canal et al.,1996; Sandvik et al.,1997;Barlic-Maganja and Grom,2001).The RT-PCR test proved to detect the major genotypes of CSFV and demonstrated to be very sensitive because the experimental data showed a limit of detection of less than 1TCID50/PCR reaction.In addition,positive amplifications were obtained in all the tissue samples,from CSFV naturally infected pigs,evaluated.The detection from clinical samples from infected animals demonstrates the potential usefulness of the method for a rapid disease diagnosis fromfield cases.Nevertheless an adequate number of samples from the suspected herd should be tested to prevent a positive result in the pestivirus PCR reaction with a false negative result for CSFV detection which could cause a misleading diagnosis.The assessment of the multiplex RT-PCR assay in two proficiency testing,conducted by the European Commu-nity Reference Laboratory for CSF and which included differential diagnosis with other pestiviruses,demon-strated the ability of the assay to detect different CSF genotypes as well as a full representation of virus concentration from standard samples.Only a duplicated sample was not detected.This is explained because of the low-titer of these samples that was below the detection limit of the assay.However,the detection limit of the multiplex RT-PCR should be able to detect pigs infected not only with highly virulent but also with moderately and low virulent strains at an early stage(Weesendorp et al.,2009).This assay was designed to include two systems,a ‘‘general’’to detect genus Pestivirus and a specific to detect CSF infections in a single reaction.The parallel use of ‘‘general’’and specific PCR assays provides a rapid and effective diagnosis of pestivirus infections in pigs(Bela´k, 2007).The multiplex RT-PCR assay described here provides a sensitive tool for simultaneous detection and rapid differentiation between CSFV and other pestiviruses infections in swine.The reaction can be performed in a rapid and cost-effective manner.This method could be a good alternative for diagnostic laboratories with limited economic resources probably located in developing nations where CSF outbreaks occur frequently. 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