Mixed depth representations for dialog processing
Attribute-Enhanced Face Recognition with Neural Tensor Fusion Networks Guosheng Hu1Yang Hua1,2Yang Yuan1Zhihong Zhang3Zheng Lu1 Sankha S.Mukherjee1Timothy M.Hospedales4Neil M.Robertson1,2Yongxin Yang5,61AnyVision2Queen’s University Belfast3Xiamen University 4The University of Edinburgh5Queen Mary University of London6Yang’s Accounting Consultancy Ltd {guosheng.hu,yang.hua,yuany,steven,rick}@,N.Robertson@ zhihong@,t.hospedales@,yongxin@yang.acAbstractDeep learning has achieved great success in face recog-nition,however deep-learned features still have limited in-variance to strong intra-personal variations such as large pose changes.It is observed that some facial attributes (e.g.eyebrow thickness,gender)are robust to such varia-tions.We present thefirst work to systematically explore how the fusion of face recognition features(FRF)and fa-cial attribute features(FAF)can enhance face recognition performance in various challenging scenarios.Despite the promise of FAF,wefind that in practice existing fusion meth-ods fail to leverage FAF to boost face recognition perfor-mance in some challenging scenarios.Thus,we develop a powerful tensor-based framework which formulates fea-ture fusion as a tensor optimisation problem.It is non-trivial to directly optimise this tensor due to the large num-ber of parameters to optimise.To solve this problem,we establish a theoretical equivalence between low-rank ten-sor optimisation and a two-stream gated neural network. This equivalence allows tractable learning using standard neural network optimisation tools,leading to accurate and stable optimisation.Experimental results show the fused feature works better than individual features,thus proving for thefirst time that facial attributes aid face recognition. We achieve state-of-the-art performance on three popular databases:MultiPIE(cross pose,lighting and expression), CASIA NIR-VIS2.0(cross-modality environment)and LFW (uncontrolled environment).1.IntroductionFace recognition has advanced dramatically with the ad-vent of bigger datasets,and improved methodologies for generating features that are variant to identity but invari-ant to covariates such as pose,expression and illumination. Deep learning methodologies[41,40,42,32]have proven particularly effective recently,thanks to end-to-endrepre-Figure1:A sample attribute list is given(col.1)which per-tains to the images of the same individual at different poses (col.2).While the similarity scores for each dimension vary in the face recognition feature(FRF)set(col.3),the face at-tribute feature(FAF)set(col.4)remains very similar.The fused features(col.5)are more similar and a higher similar-ity score(0.89)is achieved.sentation learning with a discriminative face recognition ob-jective.Nevertheless,the resulting features still show im-perfect invariance to the strong intra-personal variations in real-world scenarios.We observe that facial attributes pro-vide a robust invariant cue in such challenging scenarios.For example gender and ethnicity are likely to be invariant to pose and expression,while eyebrow thickness may be invariant to lighting and resolution.Overall,face recogni-tion features(FRF)are very discriminative but less robust;while facial attribute features(FAF)are robust but less dis-criminative.Thus these two features are potentially com-plementary,if a suitable fusion method can be devised.To the best of our knowledge,we are thefirst to systematically explore the fusion of FAF and FRF in various face recog-nition scenarios.We empirically show that this fusion can greatly enhance face recognition performance.Though facial attributes are an important cue for face recognition,in practice,wefind the existing fusion meth-ods including early(feature)or late(score)fusion cannot reliably improve the performance[34].In particular,while 1offering some robustness,FAF is generally less discrimina-tive than FRF.Existing methods cannot synergistically fuse such asymmetric features,and usually lead to worse perfor-mance than achieved by the stronger feature(FRF)only.In this work,we propose a novel tensor-based fusion frame-work that is uniquely capable of fusing the very asymmet-ric FAF and FRF.Our framework provides a more powerful and robust fusion approach than existing strategies by learn-ing from all interactions between the two feature views.To train the tensor in a tractable way given the large number of required parameters,we formulate the optimisation with an identity-supervised objective by constraining the tensor to have a low-rank form.We establish an equivalence be-tween this low-rank tensor and a two-stream gated neural network.Given this equivalence,the proposed tensor is eas-ily optimised with standard deep neural network toolboxes. Our technical contributions are:•It is thefirst work to systematically investigate and ver-ify that facial attributes are an important cue in various face recognition scenarios.In particular,we investi-gate face recognition with extreme pose variations,i.e.±90◦from frontal,showing that attributes are impor-tant for performance enhancement.•A rich tensor-based fusion framework is proposed.We show the low-rank Tucker-decomposition of this tensor-based fusion has an equivalent Gated Two-stream Neural Network(GTNN),allowing easy yet effective optimisation by neural network learning.In addition,we bring insights from neural networks into thefield of tensor optimisation.The code is available:https:///yanghuadr/ Neural-Tensor-Fusion-Network•We achieve state-of-the-art face recognition perfor-mance using the fusion of face(newly designed‘Lean-Face’deep learning feature)and attribute-based fea-tures on three popular databases:MultiPIE(controlled environment),CASIA NIR-VIS2.0(cross-modality environment)and LFW(uncontrolled environment).2.Related WorkFace Recognition.The face representation(feature)is the most important component in contemporary face recog-nition system.There are two types:hand-crafted and deep learning features.Widely used hand-crafted face descriptors include Local Binary Pattern(LBP)[26],Gaborfilters[23],-pared to pixel values,these features are variant to identity and relatively invariant to intra-personal variations,and thus they achieve promising performance in controlled environ-ments.However,they perform less well on face recognition in uncontrolled environments(FRUE).There are two main routes to improve FRUE performance with hand-crafted features,one is to use very high dimensional features(dense sampling features)[5]and the other is to enhance the fea-tures with downstream metric learning.Unlike hand-crafted features where(in)variances are en-gineered,deep learning features learn the(in)variances from data.Recently,convolutional neural networks(CNNs) achieved impressive results on FRUE.DeepFace[44],a carefully designed8-layer CNN,is an early landmark method.Another well-known line of work is DeepID[41] and its variants DeepID2[40],DeepID2+[42].The DeepID family uses an ensemble of many small CNNs trained in-dependently using different facial patches to improve the performance.In addition,some CNNs originally designed for object recognition,such as VGGNet[38]and Incep-tion[43],were also used for face recognition[29,32].Most recently,a center loss[47]is introduced to learn more dis-criminative features.Facial Attribute Recognition.Facial attribute recog-nition(FAR)is also well studied.A notable early study[21] extracted carefully designed hand-crafted features includ-ing aggregations of colour spaces and image gradients,be-fore training an independent SVM to detect each attribute. As for face recognition,deep learning features now outper-form hand-crafted features for FAR.In[24],face detection and attribute recognition CNNs are carefully designed,and the output of the face detection network is fed into the at-tribute network.An alternative to purpose designing CNNs for FAR is tofine-tune networks intended for object recog-nition[56,57].From a representation learning perspective, the features supporting different attribute detections may be shared,leading some studies to investigate multi-task learn-ing facial attributes[55,30].Since different facial attributes have different prevalence,the multi-label/multi-task learn-ing suffers from label-imbalance,which[30]addresses us-ing a mixed objective optimization network(MOON). Face Recognition using Facial Attributes.Detected facial attributes can be applied directly to authentication. Facial attributes have been applied to enhance face verifica-tion,primarily in the case of cross-modal matching,byfil-tering[19,54](requiring potential FRF matches to have the correct gender,for example),model switching[18],or ag-gregation with conventional features[27,17].[21]defines 65facial attributes and proposes binary attribute classifiers to predict their presence or absence.The vector of attribute classifier scores can be used for face recognition.There has been little work on attribute-enhanced face recognition in the context of deep learning.One of the few exploits CNN-based attribute features for authentication on mobile devices [31].Local facial patches are fed into carefully designed CNNs to predict different attributes.After CNN training, SVMs are trained for attribute recognition,and the vector of SVM scores provide the new feature for face verification.Fusion Methods.Existing fusion approaches can be classified into feature-level(early fusion)and score-level (late fusion).Score-level fusion is to fuse the similarity scores after computation based on each view either by sim-ple averaging[37]or stacking another classifier[48,37]. Feature-level fusion can be achieved by either simple fea-ture aggregation or subspace learning.For aggregation ap-proaches,fusion is usually performed by simply element wise averaging or product(the dimension of features have to be the same)or concatenation[28].For subspace learn-ing approaches,the features arefirst concatenated,then the concatenated feature is projected to a subspace,in which the features should better complement each other.These sub-space approaches can be unsupervised or supervised.Un-supervised fusion does not use the identity(label)informa-tion to learn the subspace,such as Canonical Correlational Analysis(CCA)[35]and Bilinear Models(BLM)[45].In comparison,supervised fusion uses the identity information such as Linear Discriminant Analysis(LDA)[3]and Local-ity Preserving Projections(LPP)[9].Neural Tensor Methods.Learning tensor-based compu-tations within neural networks has been studied for full[39] and decomposed[16,52,51]tensors.However,aside from differing applications and objectives,the key difference is that we establish a novel equivalence between a rich Tucker [46]decomposed low-rank fusion tensor,and a gated two-stream neural network.This allows us achieve expressive fusion,while maintaining tractable computation and a small number of parameters;and crucially permits easy optimisa-tion of the fusion tensor through standard toolboxes. Motivation.Facial attribute features(FAF)and face recognition features(FRF)are complementary.However in practice,wefind that existing fusion methods often can-not effectively combine these asymmetric features so as to improve performance.This motivates us to design a more powerful fusion method,as detailed in Section3.Based on our neural tensor fusion method,in Section5we system-atically explore the fusion of FAF and FRF in various face recognition environments,showing that FAF can greatly en-hance recognition performance.3.Fusing attribute and recognition featuresIn this section we present our strategy for fusing FAF and FRF.Our goal is to input FAF and FRF and output the fused discriminative feature.The proposed fusion method we present here performs significantly better than the exist-ing ones introduced in Section2.In this section,we detail our tensor-based fusion strategy.3.1.ModellingSingle Feature.We start from a standard multi-class clas-sification problem setting:assume we have M instances, and for each we extract a D-dimensional feature vector(the FRF)as{x(i)}M i=1.The label space contains C unique classes(person identities),so each instance is associated with a corresponding C-dimensional one-hot encoding la-bel vector{y(i)}M i=1.Assuming a linear model W the pre-dictionˆy(i)is produced by the dot-product of input x(i)and the model W,ˆy(i)=x(i)T W.(1) Multiple Feature.Suppose that apart from the D-dimensional FRF vector,we can also obtain an instance-wise B-dimensional facial attribute feature z(i).Then the input for the i th instance is a pair:{x(i),z(i)}.A simple ap-proach is to redefine x(i):=[x(i),z(i)],and directly apply Eq.(1),thus modelling weights for both FRF and FAF fea-tures.Here we propose instead a non-linear fusion method via the following formulationˆy(i)=W×1x(i)×3z(i)(2) where W is the fusion model parameters in the form of a third-order tensor of size D×C×B.Notation×is the tensor dot product(also known as tensor contraction)and the left-subscript of x and z indicates at which axis the ten-sor dot product operates.With Eq.(2),the optimisation problem is formulated as:minW1MMi=1W×1x(i)×3z(i),y(i)(3)where (·,·)is a loss function.This trains tensor W to fuse FRF and FAF features so that identity is correctly predicted.3.2.OptimisationThe proposed tensor W provides a rich fusion model. However,compared with W,W is B times larger(D×C vs D×C×B)because of the introduction of B-dimensional attribute vector.It is also almost B times larger than train-ing a matrix W on the concatenation[x(i),z(i)].It is there-fore problematic to directly optimise Eq.(3)because the large number of parameters of W makes training slow and leads to overfitting.To address this we propose a tensor de-composition technique and a neural network architecture to solve an equivalent optimisation problem in the following two subsections.3.2.1Tucker Decomposition for Feature FusionTo reduce the number of parameters of W,we place a struc-tural constraint on W.Motivated by the famous Tucker de-composition[46]for tensors,we assume that W is synthe-sised fromW=S×1U(D)×2U(C)×3U(B).(4) Here S is a third order tensor of size K D×K C×K B, U(D)is a matrix of size K D×D,U(C)is a matrix of sizeK C×C,and U(B)is a matrix of size K B×B.By restricting K D D,K C C,and K B B,we can effectively reduce the number of parameters from(D×C×B)to (K D×K C×K B+K D×D+K C×C+K B×B)if we learn{S,U(D),U(C),U(B)}instead of W.When W is needed for making the predictions,we can always synthesise it from those four small factors.In the context of tensor decomposition,(K D,K C,K B)is usually called the tensor’s rank,as an analogous concept to the rank of a matrix in matrix decomposition.Note that,despite of the existence of other tensor de-composition choices,Tucker decomposition offers a greater flexibility in terms of modelling because we have three hyper-parameters K D,K C,K B corresponding to the axes of the tensor.In contrast,the other famous decomposition, CP[10]has one hyper-parameter K for all axes of tensor.By substituting Eq.(4)into Eq.(2),we haveˆy(i)=W×1x(i)×3z(i)=S×1U(D)×2U(C)×3U(B)×1x(i)×3z(i)(5) Through some re-arrangement,Eq.(5)can be simplified as ˆy(i)=S×1(U(D)x(i))×2U(C)×3(U(B)z(i))(6) Furthermore,we can rewrite Eq.(6)as,ˆy(i)=((U(D)x(i))⊗(U(B)z(i)))S T(2)fused featureU(C)(7)where⊗is Kronecker product.Since U(D)x(i)and U(B)B(i)result in K D and K B dimensional vectors re-spectively,(U(D)x(i))⊗(U(B)z(i))produces a K D K B vector.S(2)is the mode-2unfolding of S which is aK C×K D K B matrix,and its transpose S T(2)is a matrix ofsize K D K B×K C.The Fused Feature.From Eq.(7),the explicit fused representation of face recognition(x(i))and facial at-tribute(z(i))features can be achieved.The fused feature ((U(D)x(i))⊗(U(B)z(i)))S T(2),is a vector of the dimen-sionality K C.And matrix U(C)has the role of“clas-sifier”given this fused feature.Given{x(i),z(i),y(i)}, the matrices{U(D),U(B),U(C)}and tensor S are com-puted(learned)during model optimisation(training).Dur-ing testing,the predictionˆy(i)is achieved with the learned {U(D),U(B),U(C),S}and two test features{x(i),z(i)} following Eq.(7).3.2.2Gated Two-stream Neural Network(GTNN)A key advantage of reformulating Eq.(5)into Eq.(7)is that we can nowfind a neural network architecture that does ex-actly the computation of Eq.(7),which would not be obvi-ous if we stopped at Eq.(5).Before presenting thisneural Figure2:Gated two-stream neural network to implement low-rank tensor-based fusion.The architecture computes Eq.(7),with the Tucker decomposition in Eq.(4).The network is identity-supervised at train time,and feature in the fusion layer used as representation for verification. network,we need to introduce a new deterministic layer(i.e. without any learnable parameters).Kronecker Product Layer takes two arbitrary-length in-put vectors{u,v}where u=[u1,u2,···,u P]and v=[v1,v2,···,v Q],then outputs a vector of length P Q as[u1v1,u1v2,···,u1v Q,u2v1,···,u P v Q].Using the introduced Kronecker layer,Fig.2shows the neural network that computes Eq.(7).That is,the neural network that performs recognition using tensor-based fu-sion of two features(such as FAF and FRF),based on the low-rank assumption in Eq.(4).We denote this architecture as a Gated Two-stream Neural Network(GTNN),because it takes two streams of inputs,and it performs gating[36] (multiplicative)operations on them.The GTNN is trained in a supervised fashion to predict identity.In this work,we use a multitask loss:softmax loss and center loss[47]for joint training.The fused feature in the viewpoint of GTNN is the output of penultimate layer, which is of dimensionality K c.So far,the advantage of using GTNN is obvious.Direct use of Eq.(5)or Eq.(7)requires manual derivation and im-plementation of an optimiser which is non-trivial even for decomposed matrices(2d-tensors)[20].In contrast,GTNN is easily implemented with modern deep learning packages where auto-differentiation and gradient-based optimisation is handled robustly and automatically.3.3.DiscussionCompared with the fusion methods introduced in Sec-tion2,we summarise the advantages of our tensor-based fusion method as follows:Figure3:LeanFace.‘C’is a group of convolutional layers.Stage1:64@5×5(64feature maps are sliced to two groups of32ones, which are fed into maxout function.);Stage2:64@3×3,64@3×3,128@3×3,128@3×3;Stage3:196@3×3,196@3×3, 256@3×3,256@3×3,320@3×3,320@3×3;Stage4:512@3×3,512@3×3,512@3×3,512@3×3;Stage5:640@ 5×5,640@5×5.‘P’stands for2×2max pooling.The strides for the convolutional and pooling layers are1and2,respectively.‘FC’is a fully-connected layer of256D.High Order Non-Linearity.Unlike linear methods based on averaging,concatenation,linear subspace learning [8,27],or LDA[3],our fusion method is non-linear,which is more powerful to model complex problems.Further-more,comparing with otherfirst-order non-linear methods based on element-wise combinations only[28],our method is higher order:it accounts for all interactions between each pair of feature channels in both views.Thanks to the low-rank modelling,our method achieves such powerful non-linear fusion with few parameters and thus it is robust to overfitting.Scalability.Big datasets are required for state-of-the-art face representation learning.Because we establish the equivalence between tensor factorisation and gated neural network architecture,our method is scalable to big-data through efficient mini-batch SGD-based learning.In con-trast,kernel-based non-linear methods,such as Kernel LDA [34]and multi-kernel SVM[17],are restricted to small data due to their O(N2)computation cost.At runtime,our method only requires a simple feed-forward pass and hence it is also favourable compared to kernel methods. Supervised method.GTNN isflexibly supervised by any desired neural network loss function.For example,the fusion method can be trained with losses known to be ef-fective for face representation learning:identity-supervised softmax,and centre-loss[47].Alternative methods are ei-ther unsupervised[8,27],constrained in the types of super-vision they can exploit[3,17],or only stack scores rather than improving a learned representation[48,37].There-fore,they are relatively ineffective at learning how to com-bine the two-source information in a task-specific way. Extensibility.Our GTNN naturally can be extended to deeper architectures.For example,the pre-extracted fea-tures,i.e.,x and z in Fig.2,can be replaced by two full-sized CNNs without any modification.Therefore,poten-tially,our methods can be integrated into an end-to-end framework.4.Integration with CNNs:architectureIn this section,we introduce the CNN architectures used for face recognition(LeanFace)designed by ourselves and facial attribute recognition(AttNet)introduced by[50,30]. LeanFace.Unlike general object recognition,face recognition has to capture very subtle difference between people.Motivated by thefine-grain object recognition in [4],we also use a large number of convolutional layers at early stage to capture the subtle low level and mid-level in-formation.Our activation function is maxout,which shows better performance than its competitors[50].Joint supervi-sion of softmax loss and center loss[47]is used for training. The architecture is summarised in Fig.3.AttNet.To detect facial attributes,our AttNet uses the ar-chitecture of Lighten CNN[50]to represent a face.Specifi-cally,AttNet consists of5conv-activation-pooling units fol-lowed by a256D fully connected layer.The number of con-volutional kernels is explained in[50].The activation func-tion is Max-Feature-Map[50]which is a variant of maxout. We use the loss function MOON[30],which is a multi-task loss for(1)attribute classification and(2)domain adaptive data balance.In[24],an ontology of40facial attributes are defined.We remove attributes which do not characterise a specific person,e.g.,‘wear glasses’and‘smiling’,leaving 17attributes in total.Once each network is trained,the features extracted from the penultimate fully-connected layers of LeanFace(256D) and AttNet(256D)are extracted as x and z,and input to GTNN for fusion and then face recognition.5.ExperimentsWefirst introduce the implementation details of our GTNN method.In Section5.1,we conduct experiments on MultiPIE[7]to show that facial attributes by means of our GTNN method can play an important role on improv-Table1:Network training detailsImage size BatchsizeLR1DF2EpochTraintimeLeanFace128x1282560.0010.15491hAttNet0.050.8993h1Learning rate(LR)2Learning rate drop factor(DF).ing face recognition performance in the presence of pose, illumination and expression,respectively.Then,we com-pare our GTNN method with other fusion methods on CA-SIA NIR-VIS2.0database[22]in Section5.2and LFW database[12]in Section5.3,respectively. Implementation Details.In this study,three networks (LeanFace,AttNet and GTNN)are discussed.LeanFace and AttNet are implemented using MXNet[6]and GTNN uses TensorFlow[1].We use around6M training face thumbnails covering62K different identities to train Lean-Face,which has no overlapping with all the test databases. AttNet is trained using CelebA[24]database.The input of GTNN is two256D features from bottleneck layers(i.e., fully connected layers before prediction layers)of LeanFace and AttNet.The setting of main parameters are shown in Table1.Note that the learning rates drop when the loss stops decreasing.Specifically,the learning rates change4 and2times for LeanFace and AttNet respectively.Dur-ing test,LeanFace and AttNet take around2.9ms and3.2ms to extract feature from one input image and GTNN takes around2.1ms to fuse one pair of LeanFace and AttNet fea-ture using a GTX1080Graphics Card.5.1.Multi-PIE DatabaseMulti-PIE database[7]contains more than750,000im-ages of337people recorded in4sessions under diverse pose,illumination and expression variations.It is an ideal testbed to investigate if facial attribute features(FAF) complement face recognition features(FRF)including tra-ditional hand-crafted(LBP)and deeply learned features (LeanFace)to improve the face recognition performance–particularly across extreme pose variation.Settings.We conduct three experiments to investigate pose-,illumination-and expression-invariant face recogni-tion.Pose:Uses images across4sessions with pose vari-ations only(i.e.,neutral lighting and expression).It covers pose with yaw ranging from left90◦to right90◦.In com-parison,most of the existing works only evaluate perfor-mance on poses with yaw range(-45◦,+45◦).Illumination: Uses images with20different illumination conditions(i.e., frontal pose and neutral expression).Expression:Uses im-ages with7different expression variations(i.e.,frontal pose and neutral illumination).The training sets of all settings consist of the images from thefirst200subjects and the re-maining137subjects for testing.Following[59,14],in the test set,frontal images with neural illumination and expres-sion from the earliest session work as gallery,and the others are probes.Pose.Table2shows the pose-robust face recognition (PRFR)performance.Clearly,the fusion of FRF and FAF, namely GTNN(LBP,AttNet)and GTNN(LeanFace,At-tNet),works much better than using FRF only,showing the complementary power of facial features to face recognition features.Not surprisingly,the performance of both LBP and LeanFace features drop greatly under extreme poses,as pose variation is a major factor challenging face recognition performance.In contrast,with GTNN-based fusion,FAF can be used to improve both classic(LBP)and deep(Lean-Face)FRF features effectively under this circumstance,for example,LBP(1.3%)vs GTNN(LBP,AttNet)(16.3%), LeanFace(72.0%)vs GTNN(LeanFace,AttNet)(78.3%) under yaw angel−90◦.It is noteworthy that despite their highly asymmetric strength,GTNN is able to effectively fuse FAF and FRF.This is elaborately studied in more detail in Sections5.2-5.3.Compared with state-of-the-art methods[14,59,11,58, 15]in terms of(-45◦,+45◦),LeanFace achieves better per-formance due to its big training data and the strong gener-alisation capacity of deep learning.In Table2,2D meth-ods[14,59,15]trained models using the MultiPIE images, therefore,they are difficult to generalise to images under poses which do not appear in MultiPIE database.3D meth-ods[11,58]highly depend on accurate2D landmarks for 3D-2D modellingfitting.However,it is hard to accurately detect such landmarks under larger poses,limiting the ap-plications of3D methods.Illumination and expression.Illumination-and expression-robust face recognition(IRFR and ERFR)are also challenging research topics.LBP is the most widely used handcrafted features for IRFR[2]and ERFR[33].To investigate the helpfulness of facial attributes,experiments of IRFR and ERFR are conducted using LBP and Lean-Face features.In Table3,GTNN(LBP,AttNet)signifi-cantly outperforms LBP,80.3%vs57.5%(IRFR),77.5% vs71.7%(ERFR),showing the great value of combining fa-cial attributes with hand-crafted features.Attributes such as the shape of eyebrows are illumination invariant and others, e.g.,gender,are expression invariant.In contrast,LeanFace feature is already very discriminative,saturating the perfor-mance on the test set.So there is little room for fusion of AttrNet to provide benefit.5.2.CASIA NIR-VIS2.0DatabaseThe CASIA NIR-VIS2.0face database[22]is the largest public face database across near-infrared(NIR)images and visible RGB(VIS)images.It is a typical cross-modality or heterogeneous face recognition problem because the gallery and probe images are from two different spectra.The。
摘 要
在竞争激烈的工业自动化生产过程中,机器视觉对产品质量的把关起着举足 轻重的作用,机器视觉在缺陷检测技术方面的应用也逐渐普遍起来。与常规的检 测技术相比,自动化的视觉检测系统更加经济、快捷、高效与 安全。纹理物体在 工业生产中广泛存在,像用于半导体装配和封装底板和发光二极管,现代 化电子 系统中的印制电路板,以及纺织行业中的布匹和织物等都可认为是含有纹理特征 的物体。本论文主要致力于纹理物体的缺陷检测技术研究,为纹理物体的自动化 检测提供高效而可靠的检测算法。 纹理是描述图像内容的重要特征,纹理分析也已经被成功的应用与纹理分割 和纹理分类当中。本研究提出了一种基于纹理分析技术和参考比较方式的缺陷检 测算法。这种算法能容忍物体变形引起的图像配准误差,对纹理的影响也具有鲁 棒性。本算法旨在为检测出的缺陷区域提供丰富而重要的物理意义,如缺陷区域 的大小、形状、亮度对比度及空间分布等。同时,在参考图像可行的情况下,本 算法可用于同质纹理物体和非同质纹理物体的检测,对非纹理物体 的检测也可取 得不错的效果。 在整个检测过程中,我们采用了可调控金字塔的纹理分析和重构技术。与传 统的小波纹理分析技术不同,我们在小波域中加入处理物体变形和纹理影响的容 忍度控制算法,来实现容忍物体变形和对纹理影响鲁棒的目的。最后可调控金字 塔的重构保证了缺陷区域物理意义恢复的准确性。实验阶段,我们检测了一系列 具有实际应用价值的图像。实验结果表明 本文提出的纹理物体缺陷检测算法具有 高效性和易于实现性。 关键字: 缺陷检测;纹理;物体变形;可调控金字塔;重构
Keywords: defect detection, texture, object distortion, steerable pyramid, reconstruction
马兰士 SR8200说明书
R Model SR8200 User GuideAV Surround ReceiverThe lightning flash with arrowhead symbolwithin an equilateral triangle is intended toalert the user to the presence of uninsulated“dangerous voltage” within the product’senclosure that may be of sufficient magnitudeto constitute a risk of electric shock to persons.The exclamation point within an equilateraltriangle is intended to alert the user to thepresence of important operating andmaintenance (servicing) instructions in theliterature accompanying the product.WARNINGTO REDUCE THE RISK OF FIRE OR ELECTRIC SHOCK,DO NOT EXPOSE THIS PRODUCT TO RAIN OR MOISTURE.CAUTION: TO PREVENT ELECTRIC SHOCK, MATCH WIDEBLADE OF PLUG TO WIDE SLOT, FULLY INSERT.ATTENTION: POUR ÉVITER LES CHOC ÉLECTRIQUES,INTRODUIRE LA LAME LA PLUS LARGE DE LA FICHE DANS LABORNE CORRESPONDANTE DE LA PRISE ET POUSSERJUSQU’AU FOND.NOTE TO CATV SYSTEM INSTALLER:This reminder is provided to call the CATV (Cable-TV) system installer’s attention to Section 820-40 of the NEC which provides guidelines for proper grounding and, in particular, specifies that the cable ground shall be connected to the grounding system of the building, as close to the point of cable entry as practical.NOTE:This equipment has been tested and found to comply withthe limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to providereasonable protection against harmful interference in aresidential installation. This equipment generates, usesand can radiate radio frequency energy and, if notinstalled and used in accordance with the instructions,may cause harmful interference to radio communica-tions. However, there is no guarantee that interferencewill not occur in a particular installation. If this equipmentdoes cause harmful interference to radio or televisionreception, which can be determined by tuning theequipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try tocorrect the interference by one or more of the followingmeasures:-Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.-Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.-Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit differentfrom that to which the receiver is connected.-Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician forhelp.NOTE:Changes or modifications not expressly approved by theparty responsible for compliance could void the user’sauthority to operate the equipment.IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSREAD BEFORE OPERATING EQUIPMENTThis product was designed and manufactured to meet strict quality and safety standards. There are, however, some installation and operation precautions which you should be particularly aware of.1.Read Instructions – All the safety and operating instructionsshould be read before the product is operated.2.Retain Instructions – The safety and operating instructions shouldbe retained for future reference.3.Heed Warnings – All warnings on the product and in the operatinginstructions should be adhered to.4.Follow Instructions – All operating and use instructions should befollowed.5.Cleaning – Unplug this product from the wall outlet beforecleaning. Do not use liquid cleaners or aerosol cleaners. Use a damp cloth for cleaning.6.Attachments – Do not use attachments not recommended by theproduct manufacturer as they may cause hazards.7.Water and Moisture – Do not use this product near water-forexample, near a bath tub, wash bowl, kitchen sink, or laundry tub, in a wet basement, or near a swimming pool, and the like.8.Accessories – Do not place this product on an unstable cart,stand, tripod, bracket, or table. The product may fall, causing serious injury to a child or adult, and serious damage to the product. Use only with a cart, stand, tripod, bracket, or table recommended by the manufacturer, or sold with the product. Any mounting of the product should follow the manufacturer’s instructions, and should use a mounting accessory recommended by the manufacturer.9. A product and cart combination should be moved with care. Quickstops, excessive force, and uneven surfaces may cause theproduct and cart combination to overturn.10.Ventilation – Slots and openings in the cabinet are provided forventilation and to ensure reliable operation of the product and to protect it from overheating, and these openings must not be blocked or covered. The openings should never be blocked by placing the product on a bed, sofa, rug, or other similar surface.This product should not be placed in a built-in installation such asa bookcase or rack unless proper ventilation is provided or themanufacturer’s instructions have been adhered to.11.Power Sources – This product should be operated only from thetype of power source indicated on the marking label. If you are not sure of the type of power supply to your home, consult your product dealer or local power company. For products intended to operate from battery power, or other sources, refer to the operating instructions.12.Grounding or Polarization – This product may be equipped with apolarized alternating-current line plug (a plug having one blade wider than the other). This plug will fit into the power outlet only one way. This is a safety feature. If you are unable to insert the plug fully into the outlet, try reversing the plug. If the plug should still fail to fit, contact your electrician to replace your obsolete outlet. Do not defeat the safety purpose of the polarized plug.AC POLARIZED PLUG13.Power-Cord Protection – Power-supply cords should be routed sothat they are not likely to be walked on or pinched by items placed upon or against them, paying particular attention to cords at plugs, convenience receptacles, and the point where they exit from the product.14.Protective Attachment Plug – The product is equipped with anattachment plug having overload protection. This is a safety feature. See Instruction Manual for replacement or resetting of protective device. If replacement of the plug is required, be sure the service technician has used a replacement plug specified by the manufacturer that has the same overload protection as the original plug.15.Outdoor Antenna Grounding – If an outside antenna or cablesystem is connected to the product, be sure the antenna or cable system is grounded so as to provide some protection against voltage surges and built-up static charges. Article 810 of the National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA 70, provides information with regard to proper grounding of the mast and supporting structure, grounding of the lead-in wire to an antenna discharge unit, size of grounding conductors, location of antenna-discharge unit, connection to grounding electrodes, and requirements for the grounding electrode. See Figure 1.16.Lightning – For added protection for this product during a lightningstorm, or when it is left unattended and unused for long periods of time, unplug it from the wall outlet and disconnect the antenna or cable system. This will prevent damage to the product due to lightning and power-line surges.17.Power Lines – An outside antenna system should not be locatedin the vicinity of overhead power lines or other electric light or power circuits, or where it can fall into such power lines or circuits.When installing an outside antenna system, extreme care should be taken to keep from touching such power lines or circuits as contact with them might be fatal.18.Overloading – Do not overload wall outlets, extension cords, orintegral convenience receptacles as this can result in a risk of fire or electric shock.19.Object and Liquid Entry – Never push objects of any kind into thisproduct through openings as they may touch dangerous voltage points or short-out parts that could result in a fire or electric shock.Never spill liquid of any kind on the product.iii20.Servicing – Do not attempt to service this product yourself as opening or removing covers may expose you to dangerous voltage or other hazards. Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel.21.Damage Requiring Service – Unplug this product from the wall outlet and refer servicing to qualified service personnel under the following conditions:a.When the power-supply cord or plug is damaged.b.If liquid has been spilled, or objects have fallen into the product.c.If the product has been exposed to rain or water.d.If the product does not operate normally by following the operating instructions. Adjust only those controls that are covered by the operating instructions as an improper adjustment of other controls may result in damage and will often require extensive work by a qualified technician to restore the product to its normal operation.e.If the product has been dropped or damaged in any way, and f.When the product exhibits a distinct change in performance – this indicates a need for service.22.Replacement Parts – When replacement parts are required, be sure the service technician has used replacement parts specified by the manufacturer or have the same characteristics as the original part. Unauthorized substitutions may result in fire, electric shock, or other hazards.23.Safety Check – Upon completion of any service or repairs to this product, ask the service technician to perform safety checks to determine that the product is in proper operating condition.24.Wall or Ceiling Mounting – The product should be mounted to a wall or ceiling only as recommended by the manufacturer.25.Heat – The product should be situated away from heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or other products (including amplifiers) that produce heat.FIGURE 1EXAMPLE OF ANTENNA GROUNDING AS PER NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE, ANSI/NFPA 70This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.Cet appareil numérique de la Classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.NEC - NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE(NEC ART 250, PART H)FEATURES (2)AMPLIFIER FEATURES (2)AUDIO/VIDEO FEATURES (2)FLEXBILITY FEATURES (2)OTHER FEATURES (2)DESCRIPTION (3)FRONT PANEL (5)FL DISPLAY (7)REAR PANEL (9)REMOTE CONTROL UNIT RC3200A (11)LOADING BATTERIES (11)ACTIVATING THE RC3200A (11)OPERATING DEVICES (12)REMOTE-CONTROLLABLE RANGE (12)OPERATING AMP & TUNER (13)SHOW THE STATUS OF SR8200 ON THE LCD OF RC3200A (15)WORKING WITH MODES (16)ADJUSTING THE SETTINGS (16)LEARNING COMMANDS (18)RECORDING MACROS (18)RC3200 EDIT (20)IMPORTANT NOTICES (21)CLEANING RC3200A (21)HOW TO RESET THE RC3200A (21)CONNECTING (22)CONNECTING THE AUDIO COMPONENTS (22)CONNECTING THE VIDEO COMPONENTS (22)CONNECTING THE VIDEO COMPONENTS WITH S-VIDEO / COMPONENT (23)CONNECTING THE MONITOR AND VIDEO CAMERA (23)CONNECTING THE DIGITAL / 7.1CH INPUT (24)CONNECTING THE SPEAKERS (24)CONNECTING THE SPEAKERS WITH EXTERNAL AMPLIFIER (25)CONNECTING THE ANTENNA AND POWER CORD (25)CONNECTING THE REMOTE CONTROL BUS (RC-5) (26)CONNECTING FOR THE MULTI ROOM (26)SETUP (27)ON SCREEN DISPLAY MENU SYSTEM (27)INPUT SETUP (ASSIGNABLE DIGITAL INPUT) (28)SPEAKER SETUP (28)PREFERENCE (30)SURROUND (31)PL2 (PRO LOGIC II) MUSIC PARAMETER (31)MULTI ROOM (32)7.1 CH INPUT LEVEL (32)DC TRIGGER SETUP.................................................................................32BASIC OPERATION (PLAY BACK) (33)SELECTING AN INPUT SOURCE (33)SELECTING THE SURROUND MODE (33)ADJUSTING THE MAIN VOLUME (33)ADJUSTING THE TONE(BASS & TREBLE) CONTROL (33)TEMPORARILY TURNING OFF THE SOUND (34)USING THE SLEEP TIMER (34)NIGHT MODE (34)DIALOGUE NORMALIZATION MESSAGE (34)SURROUND MODE (35)OTHER FUNCTION (39)TV AUTO ON/OFF FUNCTION (39)ATTENUATION TO ANALOG INPUT SIGNAL (39)LISTENING OVER HEADPHONES (39)VIDEO ON/OFF (39)DISPLAY MODE (39)SELECTING ANALOG AUDIO INPUT OR DIGITAL AUDIO INPUT (39)RECORDING AN ANALOG SOURCE (40)RECORDING A DIGITAL SOURCE (40)7.1 CH INPUT (41)AUX2 INPUT (41)BASIC OPERATION (TUNER) (42)LISTENING TO THE TUNER (42)PRESET MEMORY (42)MULTI ROOM SYSTEM (45)MULTI ROOM PLAYBACK USING THE MULTI ROOM OUT TERMINALS (45)MULTI ROOM PLAYBACK USING THE MULTI SPEAKER TERMINALS (45)OPERATION TO MULTI ROOM OUTPUTS WITH THE REMOTE CONTROLLER FROM SECOND ROOM (45)TROUBLESHOOTING (46)1AMPLIFIER FEATURES• THX Select certified6ch amplifiers have enough power for even the most difficult conditions found in large rooms.Enormous power reserves endow the system with substantial dynamic ability at high sound levels.130 watts to each of the six main channels the power amp section features an advanced, premium high- storage power supply capacitors, and fully discrete output stages housed in cast aluminum heat sinks .• Current feedback 6ch AmplifierCurrent feedback topology combines total operation stability with excellent frequency response,while requiring only minimal amounts of negative feedback.It makes excellent transient response and superb sonic transparency. AUDIO/VIDEO FEATURES•THX SURROUND EX built in to decode the additional two surround buck channels from THX Surround EX-encoded DVDs and laserdiscs.•DTS-ES decoder built in to decode the impeccable 6.1-channel discrete digital audio from DTS-ES encoded DVD-Video discs, DVD-Audio discs, CDs and laserdiscs.•DOLBY DIGITAL decoder built in to decode the 5.1-channel digital audio of DVDs, Digital TV, HDTV, satellite broadcasts and other sources.•DOLBY PRO LOGIC II decoder provides better spatiality and directionality on Dolby Surround program material; provides a convincing three-dimensional sound field on conventional stereo music recordings.•CIRCLE SURROUND decoder built in to decode surround sound from any stereo or passive matrix-encoded material.•Multi-channel (7.1ch)direct inputs accommodate future multi-channel sound formats or an external digital decoder.•192kHz/24-bit D/A CONVERTERS for all channels.•ADDC (Advanced Double Differential Converter) output for STEREO playback.•Source Direct mode bypasses, tone controls and bass management for purest audio quality.•Two sets of Y/Cr/Cb component video inputs and component video outputs provide unsurpassed video quality and switching flexibility from component video sources.•Easy to use on-screen menu system in all video monitor output.FLEXBILITY FEATURESFUTURE-PROOF INTERFACE ARCHITECTUREa versatile RS232 port allows the SR8200’s internal Flash Memory to be directly computer accessed for installing such future upgrades as new DSP algorithms, new surround formats/parameters, and other types of processing updates.MULTIROOM CAPABILITYa full set of line outs for audio, composite video, allows for set-up of an additional system in another room, and complete second-room control can be achieved with such A/V distribution control systems as Xantech, Niles, to name but a few.Digital I/OAssignable six Digital inputs, for connection to other sources, such as DVD,DSS or CD.A optical Digital input on front AUX1 terminals, for connection to portable player or game.Two Digital outputs for connection to digital recorder as CD-R or MD. OTHER FEATURES• High-quality AM/FM tuner with 50 station presets.• 2way programmable learning remote control RC3200A.23E N G L ITHX ® is an exclusive set of standards and technologies established by the world-renowned film production company, Lucasfilm Ltd. THX resulted from George Lucas’ desire to reproduce the movie soundtrack as faithfully as possible both in the movie theater and in the home theater.THX engineers developed patented technologies to accurately translate the sound from a movie theater environment into the home,correcting the tonal and spatial errors that occur.When the THX mode of the SR8200 is on, three distinct THX technologies are automatically added:Re-Equalization-restores the correct tonal balance for watching a movie in a home environment.These sounds are otherwise mixed to be brighter for a large movie theater. Re-EQ compensates for this and prevents the soundtracks from being overly bright and harsh when played in a home theater.Timbre Matching-filters the information going to the surround speakers so they more closely match the tonal characteristics of the sound coming from the front speakers.This ensures seamless panning between the front and surround speakers.Adaptive Decorrelation-slightly changes one surround channel’s time and phase relationship with respect to the other surround channel.This expands the listening position and creates with only two surround speakers the same spacious surround experience as in a movie theater with multiple surround speakers.The Marantz SR8200 was required to pass a rigorous series of quality and performance tests, in addition to incorporating the technologies explained above, in order to be THX Ultra certified by Lucasfilm Ltd.THX Ultra requirements cover every aspect of performance including pre-amplifier and power amplifier performance and operation, and hundreds of other parameters in both the digital and analog domain.Movies which have been encoded in Dolby Digital, DTS, Dolby Pro Logic,stereo and Mono will all benefit from the THX mode when being viewed.The THX mode should only be activated when watching movies which were originally produced for a movie theater environment.THX need not be activated for music, movies made especially for TV,or shows such as sports programming, talk shows, etc.This is because they were originally mixed for a small room environment.“Lucasfilm ®” and “THX ®” are registered trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd.Lucasfilm and THX are trademarks or registered trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd. ©Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. Surround EX is a jointly developed technology of THX and Dolby Laboratories, Inc. and is a trademark of Dolby Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved. Used under authorization.THX Surround EX - Dolby Digital Surround EX is a joint development of Dolby Laboratories and the THX division of Lucasfilm Ltd.In a movie theater, film soundtracks that have been encoded with Dolby Digital Surround EX technology are able to reproduce an extra channel which has been added during the mixing of the program.This channel, called Surround Back, places sounds behind the listener in addition to the currently available front left, front center,front right, surround right, surround left and subwoofer channels.This additional channel provides the opportunity for more detailed imaging behind the listener and brings more depth, spacious ambience and sound localization than ever before.Movies that were created using the Dolby Digital Surround EX technology when released into the home consumer market may exhibit a Dolby Digital Surround EX logo on the packaging.A list of movies created using this technology can be found on the Dolby web site athttp ://.“SURROUND EX ™” is a trademark of Dolby Laboratories. Used under authorization.DTS was introduced in 1994 to provide 5.1 channels of discrete digital audio into home theater systems.DTS brings you premium quality discrete multi-channel digital sound to both movies and music.DTS is a multi-channel sound system designed to create full range digital sound reproduction.The no compromise DTS digital process sets the standard of quality for cinema sound by delivering an exact copyof the studio master recordings to neighborhood and home theaters.Now, every moviegoer can hear the sound exactly as the moviemaker intended.DTS can be enjoyed in the home for either movies or music on of DVD’s, LD’s, and CD’s.“DTS” and “DTS Digital Surround” are trademarks of Digital Theater Systems, Inc.DTS-ES Extended Surround is a new multi-channel digital signal format developed by Digital Theater Systems Inc. While offering high compatibility with the conventional DTS Digital Surround format, DTS-ES Extended Surround greatly improves the 360-degree surround impression and space expression thanks to further expanded surround signals. This format has been used professionally in movie theaters since 1999.In addition to the 5.1 surround channels (FL, FR, C, SL, SR and LFE),DTS-ES Extended Surround also offers the SB (Surround Back)channel for surround playback with a total of 6.1 channels. DTS-ES Extended Surround includes two signal formats with different surround signal recording methods, as DTS-ES Discrete 6.1 and DTS-ES Matrix 6.1.]Dolby Digital identifies the use of Dolby Digital (AC-3) audio coding for such consumer formats as DVD and DTV. As with film sound, Dolby Digital can provide up to five full-range channels for left, center, and right screen channels, independent left and right surround channels,and a sixth ( ".1") channel for low-frequency effects.Dolby Surround Pro Logic II is an improved matrix decoding technology that provides better spatiality and directionality on Dolby Surround program material; provides a convincing three-dimensional soundfield on conventional stereo music recordings; and is ideally suited to bring the surround experience to automotive sound. While conventional surround programming is fully compatible with Dolby Surround Pro Logic II decoders, soundtracks will be able to be encoded specifically to take full advantage of Pro Logic II playback,including separate left and right surround channels. (Such material is also compatible with conventional Pro Logic decoders.)Circle Surround is backward compatible, such that surround playback is possible from any stereo or passive matrix-encoded material.Five full-bandwidth, discrete channels of information can be extracted from an enormous library of material not multi-channel encoded.These sources include many of today’s DVDs and laser discs, as well as most all video tape, VCD, Compact Disc, radio and television broadcast material.Circle Surround and the symbol are trademarks of SRS Labs, Inc.Circle Surround technology is incorporated under license from SRS Labs, Inc.45E N u MEMO (memory) buttonPress this button to enter the tuner preset memory numbers or station names.i TUNING UP / DOWN buttonsPress thses buttons to change the frequency or the preset number.o F/P (FREQUENCY / PRESET) buttonDuring reception of AM (MW/LW) or FM, you can change the function of the UP/DOWN buttons for scanning frequencies or selecting preset stations by pressing these buttons.!0T-MODE buttonPress this button to select the auto stereo mode or mono mode when the FM band is selected.The “AUTO ” indicator lights in the auto stereo mode.!1P.SCAN (preset scan) buttonThis button is used to scan preset stations automatically.When pressed, the tuner starts scanning the all preset stations. Press again to cancel the P-SCAN.!2VOLUME control knobAdjusts the overall sound level. Turning the control clockwise increases the sound level.!3ATT (Attenuate) buttonIf the selected analog audio input signal is greater than the capable level of internal processing, PEAK indicator will light. If this happens,you should press the ATT button. “ATT ” is displayed when this function is activated.The signal-input level is reduced by about the half. Attenuation will not work with the output signal of “REC OUT” (TAPE, CD-R/MD, VCR1and VCR2 output). This function is memorized for each input function.q POWER switch and STANDBY indicatorWhen this switch is pressed once, the unit turns ON and display appears on the display panel. When pressed again, the unit turns OFF and the STANDBY indicator lights.When the STANDBY indicator is turned on, the unit is NOT disconnected from the AC power.w SELECT (MULTI FUNCTION MODESELECT) buttonPress this button to change the mode for MULTI FUNCTION control dial.e SURROUND MODE Selector & MULTIFUNCTION control dialThis dial changes surround mode sequentially or select contents of OSD menu system.r ENTER (MULTI FUNCTION ENTER)buttonPress this button to enter the setup by MULTI FUNCTION dial.t DISPLAY mode buttonWhen this button is pressed, the FL display mode is changed as NORMAL → Auto Off → Off and the display off indicator(DISP ) lights up in condition of DISPLAY OFF.y CLEAR buttonPress this button to cancel the station-memory setting mode or preset scan tuning.!4MUTE buttonPress this button to mute the output to the speakers. Press it again to return to the previous volume level.!5INPUT FUNCTION SELECTOR buttons (AUDIO/ VIDEO)These buttons are used to select the input sources.The video function selector, such as TV, DVD, DSS, VCR1 and VCR2, selects video and audio simultaneously.Audio function sources such as CD, TAPE, CDR/MD, TUNER, and 7.1CH-IN may be selected in conjunction with a Video source.This feature (Sound Injection) combines a sound from one source with a picture from another.Choose the video source first, and then choose a different audio source to activate this function.Press TUNER button to switch the between FM or AM.!6AUX1 input jacksThese auxiliary video/audio and optical digital input jacks accept the connection of a camcorder, portable DVD, game etc.!7AUX1 buttonThis button is used to select the AUX1 input source.!8AUX2 buttonThis button is used to select the AUX2 (L/R input of 7.1 CH. IN).!9S. (Source) DIRECT buttonWhen this button is pressed, the tone control circuitry is bypassed as well as Bass Management.Notes:•The surround mode is automatically switched to AUTO when the source direct function is turned on.•Additionally, Speaker Configurations are fixed automatically as follow.•Front SPKR = Large, Center SPKR = Large, Surround SPKR = Large, Sub woofer = On@0NIGHT buttonThis button is used to set night mode. This feature reduces the input level of dolby digital sources by 1/3 to 1/4 at their loudest thresholds, preventing the dynamic range or loud sounds without restricting the dynamic range or volume of other sounds or at less than maximum levels.@1SLEEP buttonSet the sleep timer function with this button.@2A/D (Analog/Digital) SELECTOR button This is used to select between the analog and digital inputs.Note:•This button is not used for an input source that is not set to a digital input in the system setup menu.@3M-SPKR (Multi Room Speaker) button Press this button to activate the Multiroom Speaker system . “M-SPKR” indicator will light in the display.@4MULTI (Multi Room) buttonPress this button to activate the Multiroom system . “MULTI ” indicator will light in the display.@5PHONES jack for stereo headphones This jack may be used to listen to the SR8200’s output through a pair of headphones. Be certain that the headphones have a standard 1 / 4" stereo phone plug. Note that the main room speakers will automatically be turned off when the headphone jack is in use. Notes:•When using headphones, the surround mode will automatically change to STEREO.• The surround mode returns to the previous setting as soon as the plug is removed from the jack.@6INFRARED transmitting sensor window This window transmits infrared signals for the remote control unit.@7INFRARED receiving sensor windowThis window receives infrared signals for the remote control unit.6。
深度作为泛型参数 .................................................................................................................. 6 矩阵深度 .................................................................................................................................. 6 XML 序列化 .............................................................................................................................. 7
错误异常处理 ............................................................................................................................. 7 代码文档 .................................................................................................................................... 7 XML 文档 ....................................................................................................................................... 7 类函数文档 .................................................................................................................................. 7 VISUAL STUDIO 中的自动补全 ......................................................................................................... 7 例程 ............................................................................................................................................ 7 C# ............................................................................................................................................. 7 C++ .......................................................................................................................................... 8 IronPython ............................................................................................................................... 8 .................................................................................................................................... 8
【 y w r s C ;caat sct e o erd c o n We ae Ke od 】L S hrc r t r ;ni e ut n i e i e i s i b pgs
0 引言
标注并通过神经网络和支持 向量机来对网页块特性到块
重 要性 的映射 函数 进行 学 习 , 最后 得 到通 用 的映射 方 法[ 5 1 。也有基 于规则的 , 通过定义一 些映射规则 , 网页 将 的一些特征转化为权值 , 通过权值 比较来 实现 内容块和 噪声块 的区分 。其 中文献f】 6中提出 了一种利用 文本 块 大小和位置得 到一个 阈值 , 再利用链 接数 和非链 接文 字长度的 比值来 和该 阈值 进行 比较 , 出内容块。文献 得
树 映射 为一个特 征节 点序列 , 用 L S算法 能获 得最长 子序 列全局最 优解 的特 点, 出两棵 特征树 之 间的不 同节点作为候 选 利 C 找 集, 并对候选集进行 聚集评分找 出网页重要 内容块 。给 出 了算法的原 型系统 , 并对每 一个模 块 的实现做 了详尽 的描述 。
2 上海交通 大学 上海市数 字媒体处理与传输重点实验 室, . 上海 2 04 ;.上海文广互动电视有限公司, 0203 上海 2 0 7 ) 00 2
【 摘
要】提 出了一种基 于L S C 的特征 树最大相似 性匹配 网页去噪算法。通过 将 目 网页和相似 网页转化为特征树 , 标 并将特 征
文章编号 :0 2 89 (0 1— 0 4 0 10 — 6 2 2 1) 3 04 — 5 1
基于 L S C 的特征树最大相似性匹配网页去噪算法
宋 鳌 , 支 睁 , 周 军 , 罗传 飞 , 安 然
(.上 海 交通 大 学 电子 工程 系图像 通信 与信 息处 理研 究所 , 海 2 0 4 ; 1 上 0 2 0
视觉问答特征融合的方法视觉问答(Visual Question Answering,VQA)是计算机视觉与自然语言处理交叉领域的一个重要研究方向。
三、基于图神经网络的方法图神经网络(Graph Neural Networks,GNNs)可以有效地对结构化数据进行建模。
《基于多模态注意力机制的视觉问答研究》篇一一、引言随着人工智能技术的不断发展,视觉问答(Visual Question Answering,简称VQA)逐渐成为计算机视觉和自然语言处理领域的热门研究课题。
本文基于多模态注意力机制展开视觉问答研究,旨在解决VQA 领域中的挑战性问题和提升准确率。
具体而言:1. 图像特征提取模块:采用卷积神经网络(CNN)对图像进行特征提取,得到图像的多种特征表示。
2. 文本特征提取模块:采用循环神经网络(RNN)或BERT 等预训练模型对问题文本进行特征提取,得到文本的特征表示。
3. 多模态注意力机制模块:该模块利用自注意力机制和交互注意力机制将图像和文本的特征表示相互关联,使得模型能够准确理解图像上下文信息和回答多层次的问题。
一、L1正则化(L1 Regularization)L1正则化是一种常用的特征选择方法,它通过在损失函数中引入参数的绝对值之和来限制模型的复杂度。
二、L2正则化(L2 Regularization)与L1正则化不同,L2正则化通过在损失函数中引入参数的平方和来平衡模型的复杂度。
L2正则化也常被称为权重衰减(Weight Decay),通过减小权重的大小来控制模型的复杂度。
四、Batch NormalizationBatch Normalization是一种通过对每一层的输入进行归一化处理来加速训练和提高模型的泛化能力的方法。
opennsfw2 用法 -回复
opennsfw2 用法-回复OpenNSFW2 是一个用于图像分类任务的深度学习模型,其用途是在应用程序中进行图像内容的自动分析和过滤。
OpenNSFW2 旨在识别图像中的不雅内容,以帮助保护用户免受色情或暴力图像的侵害。
本文将一步一步回答关于OpenNSFW2 的用法以及如何集成到应用程序中的问题。
第一步:理解OpenNSFW2 原理和背景OpenNSFW2 是一个基于TensorFlow 的深度学习模型,它是根据现有的色情图像数据集进行训练而来。
OpenNSFW2 可以根据图像中的一系列特征,如色调、纹理和形状等,对图像进行分类,并给出一个置信度分数。
可以通过TensorFlow 的官方网站或使用包管理器(如pip)来进行安装。
安装过程可能会因操作系统和计算机配置而有所不同,建议按照TensorFlow 官方文档提供的步骤进行安装。
安装TensorFlow 后,可以从GitHub 上的OpenNSFW2 托管库中下载模型文件。
将下载的模型文件放置在项目的合适位置,并将其配置为OpenNSFW2 的默认模型。
下面以Python 为例,演示如何使用OpenNSFW2 进行图像分类。
1. 导入所需的库和模块:import tensorflow as tfimport numpy as npimport cv22. 加载并配置OpenNSFW2 模型:model_path = 'path/to/open_nsfw-2.0.pb' # 指定下载的模型文件路径graph = tf.Graph()sess = tf.Session(graph=graph)with tf.gfile.GFile(model_path, "rb") as f:graph_def = tf.GraphDef()graph_def.ParseFromString(f.read())with graph.as_default():tf.import_graph_def(graph_def, name='')3. 定义函数以预处理图像:def preprocess_image(image_path):image = cv2.imread(image_path)image = (image - [123.68, 116.779, 103.939]) * 0.017image = cv2.resize(image, (224, 224))image = image.reshape((1, 224, 224, 3))return image4. 定义函数以分类图像:def classify_image(image_path):image = preprocess_image(image_path)input_tensor = graph.get_tensor_by_name('input:0')output_tensor = graph.get_tensor_by_name('predictions:0')predictions = sess.run(output_tensor, {input_tensor: image})nsfw_score = predictions[0][1]return nsfw_score5. 调用分类函数并输出结果:image_path = 'path/to/image.jpg' # 指定待分类的图像路径score = classify_image(image_path)print("NSFW Score:", score)通过以上步骤,就可以在应用程序中使用OpenNSFW2 模型进行图像分类,并获取图像的不雅程度分数。
大规模向量相似度计算(二)——hnswlib的参数含义摘要:1.引言2.hnswlib库简介3.hnswlib参数详解3.1 相似度计算指标3.2 索引参数3.3 查询参数3.4 其他实用参数4.结论与展望正文:【引言】在本文中,我们将探讨大规模向量相似度计算的一种高效方法——hnswlib库。
【hnswlib库简介】hnswlib库基于霍夫曼树(Huffman Tree)构建,利用KD树(k-Dimensional Tree)进行近似最近邻搜索。
【3.1 相似度计算指标】hnswlib支持两种相似度计算指标:余弦相似度和欧氏距离。
【3.2 索引参数】索引参数主要包括索引构建方法、索引层级数等。
hnswlib支持LSH (Locality Sensitive Hashing)和HSH(Hashed Simplex)两种索引构建方法。
【3.3 查询参数】查询参数主要包括查询类型、查询结果数量等。
vision master 算法例题
Vision Master 算法例题:假设你正在开发一个计算机视觉系统,该系统需要识别图像中的物体。
以下是一个简单的CNN 模型结构:1. 输入层:接收图像数据,通常使用RGB 格式的彩色图像。
2. 卷积层:对输入图像进行卷积操作,提取图像的特征。
3. 激活函数层:如ReLU,用于增加非线性。
4. 池化层:如最大池化,用于降低特征图的空间尺寸。
5. 全连接层:将提取到的特征映射到一个向量空间,用于分类任务。
6. 输出层:输出预测结果,如物体类别的概率分布。
以下是一个使用Python 和TensorFlow 实现的简单CNN 模型:```pythonimport tensorflow as tffrom tensorflow.keras import layers, models# 构建CNN 模型model = models.Sequential()model.add(layers.Conv2D(32, (3, 3), activation='relu', input_shape=(32, 32, 3)))model.add(layers.MaxPooling2D((2, 2)))model.add(layers.Conv2D(64, (3, 3), activation='relu'))model.add(layers.MaxPooling2D((2, 2)))model.add(layers.Conv2D(64, (3, 3), activation='relu'))model.add(layers.Flatten())model.add(layers.Dense(64, activation='relu'))model.add(layers.Dense(10, activation='softmax'))# 编译模型pile(optimizer='adam', loss='categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy'])# 训练模型(此处省略数据集加载和预处理部分)# model.fit(x_train, y_train, batch_size=32, epochs=10, validation_data=(x_test, y_test)) ```在这个例子中,我们创建了一个简单的CNN 模型,用于识别具有32x32 像素的彩色图像中的10 个不同类别的物体。
以下是一些常见深度学习中正则化的方法:1. L1 正则化:L1 正则化是通过在损失函数上添加L1 正则项来约束模型中参数的数量。
当模型参数较多时,L1 正则化会增加模型的复杂度,使得模型更加鲁棒,不易受到噪声数据的影响。
2. L2 正则化:L2 正则化与L1 正则化类似,也是在损失函数上添加L2 正则项来约束模型中参数的范数。
与L1 正则化相比,L2 正则化对模型参数的约束更加宽松,因此更适合于处理大规模数据集。
3. Dropout:Dropout 是一种特殊的正则化技术,它通过在训练过程中有放回地随机丢弃一部分神经元或神经网络层,来防止过拟合。
4. Batch Normalization(批量标准化):Batch Normalization 是另一种正则化技术,它通过对输入数据进行归一化和标准化处理,来增强模型的稳定性。
5. Weight decay(权重衰减):权重衰减是一种简单有效的正则化方法,它通过在训练过程中添加权重衰减项来惩罚模型中某些权重较大的参数。
例如,可以使用L1 和L2 正则化相结合的方法来约束模型中参数的数量和范数;也可以使用Dropout 和Batch Normalization 相结合的方法来增强模型的鲁棒性和稳定性。
深度强化学习(Deep Reinforcement Learning,DRL)是一种结合了深度学习和强化学习的新兴技术,近年来在多个领域取得了显著的成果。
问答对数据集1. 介绍问答对数据集是指一个包含大量问题和答案对的数据集。
2. 问答对数据集的来源问答对数据集可以通过多种途径获取。
以下是一些常见的数据集来源方式:2.1 人工标注人工标注是获得高质量问答对数据集的一种常见方式。
2.2 在线社区在线社区是另一个常见的问答对数据集来源。
2.3 历史记录一些应用程序或平台可能会记录用户之间的对话历史。
2.4 知识图谱知识图谱是一个结构化的知识库,包含了大量的实体、属性和关系。
3. 问答对数据集的标注方式问答对数据集的标注一般包括问题和答案的对应关系。
以下是一些常见的问答对数据集标注方式:3.1 手工标注手工标注是最常见的问答对数据集标注方式。
3.2 自动标注自动标注是一种通过模型或算法自动生成问答对的方式。
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- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Mixed Depth Representations for Dialog ProcessingSusan W.McRoy(mcroy@) Department of EECSUniversity of Wisconsin–Milwaukee Milwaukee,WI53201Syed S.Ali(syali@)Department of Mathematical SciencesUniversity of Wisconsin–MilwaukeeMilwaukee,WI53201Susan M.Haller(haller@)CS&E DepartmentUniversity of Wisconsin–ParksideKenosha,WI53141AbstractWe describe our work on developing a general purpose tutoring system that will allow students to practice their decision-making skills in a number of domains.The tutoring system,B2,supports mixed-initiative natural language interaction.The natural language processing and knowledge representation components are also gen-eral purpose—which leads to a tradeoffbetween the limitations of superficial processing and syntactic rep-resentations and the difficulty of deeper methods and conceptual representations.Our solution is to use a mixed-depth representation,one that encodes syntactic and conceptual information in the same structure.Asa result,we can use the same representation framework to produce a detailed representation of requests(which tend to be well-specified)and to produce a partial repre-sentation of questions(which tend to require more infer-ence about the context).Moreover,the representations use the same knowledge representation framework thatis used to reason about discourse processing and domain information—so that the system can reason with(and about)the utterances,if necessary.IntroductionBuilding decision support systems involves the collection and representation of a large amount of knowledge.It also involves providing mechanisms for reasoning over this knowledge efficiently.To make the best use of these efforts,our project group,which involves researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee,the University of Wisconsin-Parkside,and the Medical College of Wiscon-sin,is working on a system to redeploy our decision sup-port tools to build new systems for educating students. Our aim is to give students an opportunity to practice their decision making skills by considering a number of scenarios that differ from each other in a controlled man-ner.We also wish to give students the opportunity to ask the system to explain what factors most influenced the system.Another important goal of this work is to develop tools that will cover a number of different domains,includ-ing medical diagnosis,life skills such as good nutrition and budgeting,and student success in their degree pro-gram.Thus,the graphical parts of the system interface are fairly generic.Most interaction between the student and the system uses natural language.This approach allows the system to explain fairly sophisticated topics (such as why a positive computed tomography,CT,scan supports the diagnosis of gallstones)and to tailor the interaction to the user’s concerns and apparent level of understanding.This approach also gives the student a great deal offlexibility in how she phrases her questions or requests.Students’utterances may be short and am-biguous,requiring extensive reasoning about the domain or the discourse model to fully resolve.However,full dis-ambiguation is rarely necessary.Our solution is to use a mixed-depth representation.A mixed-depth representation is one that may be shal-low or deep in different places,depending on what was known or needed at the time the representation was cre-ated(Hirst and Ryan,1992).Moreover,“shallow”and “deep”are a matter of degree.Shallow representations can be a surface syntactic structure,or it can be the text itself(as a string of characters).Deep represen-tations might be a conventionalfirst-order(or higher-order)AI knowledge representation,taking into account such aspects of language understanding as lexical disam-biguation,marking case relations,attachment of modi-fiers of uncertain placement,reference resolution,quanti-fier scoping,and distinguishing extensional,intensional, generic,and descriptive noun phrases.Unlike quasi-logical form,which is used primarily for storage of in-formation,mixed-depth representations are well-formed propositions,subject to logical inference.Disambigua-tion,when it occurs,is done by reasoning.Other systems that represent sentence meaning at multiple levels(e.g.,syntactic,semantic,and pragmatic) build separate complete structures for each level.So,for example,when processing an utterance,a parser must either defer all semantic processing or resolve semantic ambiguities without the full knowledge necessary to do so correctly.The mixed-depth approach opportunisti-cally builds semantic constituent structures as soon as enough information is available.(Minimally,this will be information about the syntax of the utterance but it may include some semantic information about proper-ties of discourse objects introduced by the utterance). This allows us to do as much semantic interpretation as possible,as soon as possible.In our work,we use a parser with a linguisticallybased grammar to process the student’s typed inputs and produce a structure that captures syntactic mark-ing and bracketing,along with some conceptual informa-tion.Encoding decisions that require reasoning about the domain or about the discourse context are left to the knowledge representation and discourse processing components,respectively.The primary benefits of this approach are:Generality The representation language and concep-tual structures that are built during the initial parsing phase are not specific to any one domain. Expressiveness The representation language is very expressive;our grammar covers a wide variety of syn-tactic constructions including fragments and sentences with embedded sentences(e.g.relative clauses and clause complements).For example,students can re-quest a diagnostic exercise using a variety of forms including Give me a story problem,I want you to de-scribe a case for me.,Tell me a story.,A story please. or Another case.Uniformity The structures that are built by the parser are all subject to inference;they use the same con-ceptual framework that is used by the other compo-nents,including discourse processing,planning,and plan recognition.For example,students can request a diagnostic exercise by mentioning any step of the tutoring plan including Tell me a story.or Quiz me. or by mentioning the overall tutoring plan with Tutor me.This paper gives an overview of our tutoring system, B2.It describes the natural language and knowledge rep-resentation components of B2,and our approach to the representation of questions and requests.The domain that we have developed most thoroughly helps medical students learn a statistical model for medical diagnosis. Many of the examples will be taken from this domain.The Need for A Discourse ModelThefirst prototype of our current system is Banter(Had-dawy et al.,1996).Banter is a tutoring shell that presents predefined story problems and short-answer questions on the basis of stored information about a par-ticular medical situation,such as a patient who sees her doctor complaining of abdominal pains.This informa-tion comprises statistical relations among known aspects of a patient’s medical history,findings from physical ex-aminations of the patient,results of previous diagnostic tests,and the different candidate diseases.The infor-mation is represented as a Bayesian belief network.The system also includes a facility for explaining the system’s reasoning to the student,The Banter shell has been de-signed to be general enough to be used with any network having nodes of hypotheses,observations,and diagnostic procedures.A preliminary(and informal)user study of the Banter system with students at the Medical College of Wiscon-sin revealed two important facts:First,students like the idea of being able to set up hypothetical cases and witness how different actions might(or might not!)af-fect the statistical likelihood of a candidate diagnosis. Second,students do not like,and will not use,a sys-tem that overwhelms them with irrelevant information or that risks misleading them because it answers questions more narrowly than a teacher would.Students want to ask brief,context-dependent questions,such as“Why CT?”or“What about ultrasound?”and they prefer to give brief,context-dependent responses.Moreover,stu-dents like explanations that are tailored to their needs—sometimes only a single word answer,sometimes the an-swer along with its justification.A discourse model is necessary to deal with this.The B2ArchitectureThe B2system performs three distinct,but interrelated, tasks that rely on a variety of information sources.The tasks are:•Managing the interaction between the user and B2, including the interpretation of context-dependent ut-terances.•Reasoning about the domain,for example,the relation between components of a medical case history and dis-eases that might occur.•Meta-reasoning about the Bayesian reasoner and its conclusions,including an ability to explain the con-clusions by identifying the factors that were most sig-nificant.The B2system consists of seven components(see Fig-ure1).In the diagram,solid,directed arrows indicate the direction of informationflow between components. The system gets the user’s input using a graphical user interface that supports both natural language interac-tion and mouse inputs.The Parser component of the Parser/Generator performs thefirst level of processing on the user input using its grammar and the domain information from the Knowledge Representation Com-ponent.The Parser interprets the user’s inputs to form propositional representations of surface-level utterances for the Discourse Analyzer.The Generator produces natural language outputs from the text messages(propo-sitional descriptions of text)that it receives from the Discourse Planner.The system as a whole is controlled by a module called the Discourse Analyzer.The Discourse Analyzer deter-mines an appropriate response to the user’s actions on the basis of a model of the discourse and a model of theGUICharacter StreamGui ActionsParser/GeneratorDiscourse PlannerDiscourse AnalyzerText Plan ActsDiscourse KR AccessCharacter StreamDiscourse Action KR Updates Text Plan OperatorsDomain Knowledge AccessKnowledge Representation ComponentBayesian NetworkMediatorKR UpdatesBayesian Net ProbabilitiesQueries to Bayesian NetDomain KnowledgeAccessStreamCharacter Information RequestsBayesian NetText MessagesKnowledge Representation (KR)of User Surface ActsFigure 1:The B2architecturedomain,stored in the knowledge representation compo-nent.The Analyzer invokes the Discourse Planner to se-lect the content of the response and to structure it.The Analyzer relies on a component called the Mediator to interact with the Bayesian network processor.This Me-diator processes domain level information,such as rank-ing the effectiveness of alternative diagnostic tests.All phases of this process are recorded in the knowledge rep-resentation component,resulting in a complete history of the discourse.Thus,the knowledge representation component serves as a central “blackboard”for all other components.Together these seven components handle the three tasks mentioned above.They interact by addressing and handling queries to each other.However,the knowledge underlying these queries and the knowledge needed to generate a response can come from a variety of knowl-edge sources.Translating between knowledge sources is not an effective solution.The information sources that B2uses include:•Linguistic knowledge —knowledge about the mean-ings of utterances and plans for expressing meanings as text.•Discourse knowledge —knowledge about the inten-tional,social,and rhetorical relationships that link utterances.•Domain knowledge —factual knowledge of the medi-cal domain and the medical case that is under consid-eration.•Pedagogy —knowledge about the tutoring task.•Decision-support —knowledge about the statistical model and how to interpret the information that is derivable from the model.In B2,the interaction between the tasks is possible be-cause the information for all knowledge sources is rep-resented in a uniform framework.The knowledge rep-resentation component serves as a central “blackboard”for all other components.The Knowledge RepresentationBlackboardB2represents both domain knowledge and discourse knowledge in a uniform framework as a propositional se-mantic network.This allows the system to reason with (and about)utterances if necessary.A propositional semantic network is a framework for representing the concepts of a cognitive agent who is ca-pable of using language (hence the term semantic ).The information is represented as a graph composed of nodes and labeled directed arcs.In a propositional semantic network,the propositions are represented by the nodes,rather than the arcs;arcs represent only non-conceptual binary relations between nodes.The particular sys-tems that are being used for B2are SNePS and ANA-LOG (Ali,1994a;Ali,1994b;Shapiro and Group,1992)which provide facilities for building and finding nodes as well as for reasoning and truth-maintenance.These systems satisfy the following additional constraints:•Each node represents a unique concept;•Each concept represented in the network is represented by a unique node;•The knowledge represented about each concept is rep-resented by the structure of the entire network con-nected to the node that represents that concept.These constraints allow efficient inference when process-ing natural language.For example,such networks can represent complex descriptions (common in the medical domain),and can support the resolution of ellipsis and anaphora,as well as general reasoning tasks such as sub-sumption (Ali,1994a;Ali,1994b;Maida and Shapiro,1982;Shapiro and Rapaport,1987;Shapiro and Rapa-port,1992).! ANTCLASS caseMEMBERv1CASE-NUMBERCASE-INFOCASE-INFOv2v3CQACTOBJECT1ACTIONLEX describePLANOBJECT1OBJECT2ACTIONconjoin LEX LEXM6M8M9M10M12M13FORALLFORALLFORALLP1P2P3Figure2:A rule stating that if V1is the case number ofa case,and V2and V3are two pieces of case information,then a plan for generating a description of the case willpresent the two pieces of information in a coordinatingconjunction.We characterize a knowledge representation as uni-form when it allows the representation of different kindsof knowledge in the same knowledge base using the sameinference processes.The knowledge representation com-ponent of B2is uniform because it provides a representa-tion of the discourse knowledge,domain knowledge,andprobabilistic knowledge(from the Bayesian net).Thissupports intertask communication and cooperation forinteractive processing of tutorial dialogs.The rule in Figure2is a good example of how theuniform representation of information in the semanticnetwork allows us to relate domain information(a med-ical case)to discourse planning information(a plan todescribe it).This network represents a text plan for de-scribing a medical case to the user.Text plans are rep-resented as rules in the knowledge representation.Rulesare general statements about objects in the domain;theyare represented by using case frames1that have FORALLor EXISTS arcs to nodes that represent variables that arebound by these quantifier arcs.In Figure2,node M13is a rule with three universally quantified variables(atthe end of the FORALL arcs),an antecedent(at the endof the ANT arc),and a consequent(at the end of the CQarc).This means that if an instance of the antecedentis believed,then a suitably instantiated instance of theconsequent is believed.Node P1represents the conceptthat something is a member of the class case and P2represents the concept that the case concept has a casenumber and case information.For more details aboutthe knowledge representation,see(McRoy et al.,1997).2HIDA stands for radio-nuclide hepatobilary imaging,adiagonistic test.ATTITUDEFORMUTTERANCEB3M5IMPERactionCONTENTM4AGENTACTB1OBJECTLEX PRONOUN"hearer"ACTION M6M7M8B4MEMBERCLASSM11LEX "tell"M1B2DOBJECT NP DETLEX "a"M2M3MEMBERIOBJECTB5OBJECTPRONOUN"story"LEXCLASSM9M10LEX "me"M12M13Figure 4:Node B3represents an utterance whose formis imperative,and whose content (M4)is the proposition that the hearer (B1)will tell a story (B2)to the speaker (B5).In the semantic network,we represent the sequencing of utterances explicitly,with asserted propositions that use the BEFORE-AFTER case frame.The order in which utterances occurred (system and user)can be de-termined by traversing these structures.This represen-tation is discussed in detail in (McRoy et al.,1997).The Interpretation LevelIn the third level,we represent the system’s inter-pretation of each utterance.Each utterance event (from level 1)will have an associated system interpre-tation,which is represented using the INTERPRETA-TIONLEXM7askACTION!M115exchangeLEXM114MEMBER!M97systemuserOBJECT1LEXOBJECT1LEXM19best-test(HIDA,gallstones,jones-case)LEXanswert . best-test(t, gallstones, jones-case)M106M99EVENT2EVENT1CLASS!M116M113!AGENTACTM112LEXacceptM111OBJECT1ACTION!M14ACTIONM108ACTAGENTACTAGENTM110M107INTERPRETATION-OFINTERPRETATIONFigure 6:Node M115represents the proposition that node M113is an exchange comprised of the events M99and M108.M108is the proposition that The user an-swered “HIDA is the best test to rule in Gallstones”.Additionally,node M116represents the proposition that the interpretation of M113is event M112.M112is the proposition that the user has accepted M96.(M96is the question that the system asked in event M99.)and underlying knowledge representations of domain and discourse information(Shapiro and Group,1992;Shapiro and Rapaport,1992;Ali,1994a;Ali,1994b).An Internet-accessible,graphical front-end to B2has been developed using the JAVA 1.1programming lan-guage.It can be run using a network browser,such as Netscape.The interface that the user sees communicates with a server-side program that initiates a LISP process.SummaryThe goal of the B2project is to give students an oppor-tunity to practice their decision making skills where the primary modality of interaction is English.We give stu-dents the opportunity to ask the system to explain what factors were most influential to its decision and why.The natural language processing and knowledge rep-resentation components of B2are general purpose.It builds a five-level model of the discourse,that repre-sents what was literally said,what was meant,and how each utterance and its interpretation relates to previ-ous ones.This is necessary because students’utterances may be short and ambiguous,requiring extensive rea-soning about the domain or the discourse model to fully resolve.We have shown how our mixed-depth repre-sentations encode syntactic and conceptual information in the same structure.This allows us to defer any ex-tensive reasoning until needed,rather than when pars-ing.We use the same representation framework to pro-duce a detailed representation of requests and to pro-duce a representation of questions.The representations use the same knowledge representation framework that is used to reason about discourse processing and domain information—so that the system can reason with (and about)the utterances.AcknowledgementsThis work was supported by the National Science Foun-dation,under grants IRI-9701617and IRI-9523666and by a gift from the University of Wisconsin Medical School,Department of Medicine.ReferencesAli,S.S.(1994a).A Logical Language for Natural LanguageProcessing.In Proceedings of the 10th Biennial Cana-dian Artificial Intelligence Conference ,pages 187–196,Banff,Alberta,Canada.Ali,S.S.(1994b).A “Natural Logic”for Natural LanguageProcessing and Knowledge Representation .PhD thesis,State University of New York at Buffalo,Computer Sci-ence.Grosz,B.J.and 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