Performative hypothesis




英语专业八级语言学总结来源:谢萌Fighting的日志一、语言和语言学1、语言的区别性特征:Design of features of language任意性arbitrariness 指语言符号和它代表的意义没有天然的联系二重性duality 指语言由两层结构组成创造性creativity 指语言可以被创造移位性displacement 指语言可以代表时间和空间上不可及的物体、时间、观点2、语言的功能(不是很重要)信息功能informative人际功能interpersonal施为功能performative感情功能emotive function寒暄功能phatic communication娱乐功能recreational function元语言功能metalingual function3、语言学主要分支语音学phonetics 研究语音的产生、传播、接受过程,考查人类语言中的声音音位学phonology 研究语音和音节结构、分布和序列形态学morphology 研究词的内部结构和构词规则句法学syntax 研究句子结构,词、短语组合的规则语义学semantics 不仅关心字词作为词汇的意义,还有语言中词之上和之下的意义。

如语素和句子的意义语用学pragmatics 在语境中研究意义4、宏观语言学macrolingustics心理语言学psycholinguistics 社会语言学sociolinguistics 人类语言学anthropological li nguistics 计算机语言学computational linguistics5语言学中的重要区别规定式和描写式:规定式:prescriptive说明事情应该是怎么样的描写式:descriptive 说明事情本来是怎么样的共时研究和历时研究:共时:synchronic 研究某个特定时期语言历时:diachronic 研究语言发展规律语言和言语:语言:langue指语言系统的整体言语:parole指具体实际运用的语言语言能力和语言运用:乔姆斯基(chomsky提出)能力:competence用语言的人的语言知识储备运用:performance 真实的语言使用者在实际中的语言使用二、语音学1、语音学分支发音语音学articulatory phonetics研究语言的产生声学语言学acoustic phonetics 研究语音的物理属性听觉语音学auditory phonetics 研究语言怎样被感知2 IPA(国际音标)是由daniel Jones琼斯提出的三、音位学1、最小对立体minimal pairs2、音位phoneme3 音位变体allophones4 互补分布complementary distribution5 自由变体free variation6 区别特征distinctive features7 超音段特征suprasegmental feature音节syllable 重音stress 语调tone 声调intonation四形态学1 词的构成语素morpheme 自由语素free morpheme 粘着语素bound morphemeRoot 词根词缀affix 词干stem屈折词汇和派生词汇inflectional affix and derivational affix2特有的词汇变化lexical change proper新创词语invention 混拼词blending 缩写词abbreviation首字母缩写词acronym 逆构词汇back-formation例:editor—edit类推构词analogiacal creation 例:work-worked,,slay-slayed外来词borrowing五句法学1 范畴category 数number 性gender 格case 时tense 体aspect一致关系concord 支配关系govenrment2 结构主义学派the structure approach组合关系syntagmatic relation词和词组合在一起聚合关系paradigmatic 具有共同的语法作用的词聚在一起结构和成分construction and constituents :句子不仅是线性结构liner structure还是层级结构hierarchical structure (句子或短语被称为结构体,而构成句子或短语即结构体的称为成分)3直接成分分析法immediate constitutional analysis指把句子分成直接成分-短语,再把这些短语依次切分,得到下一集直接成分,这样层层切分,直到不能再分4向心结构和离心结构endocentric and exocentric constructions 向心:指一个结构中有中心词,例an old man ,中心为man离心:指结构中没有明显的中心词。



语用学术语英汉对照adaptability顺应性(1.2.2)affective mutuality情感共享(4.5.3)agreement maxim一致准则(2.2.1)anaphora前照应(6.1.1)anaphoric use前照应用法(6.1.1)approbation maxim赞誉准则(3.2.4)appropriate conditions合适条件(3.2.4)assertives断言类(以言行事)(3.2.3)behabitives表态类以言行事(3.2.1)calculability(含意的)可推导性(4.4.2)calendric time units历法时间单位(6.1.3)cancellability(含意的)可取消性(4.4.2)change-of-state verbs状态变化动词(6.2.4)code model代码(交际)模式(2.1.1)cognitive environment认知环境(5.2)cognitive mutuality认知共享(4.5.3)cognitive pragmatics认知语用学(1.5)collaborative performatives协作性施为句(3.2.1) commissives承诺类(以言行事)(3.2.1)common knowledge共知(5.2)communicative competence交际能力(7.1)communicative intention交际意图(1.3.2)communicative language ability语言交际能力(7.1)constatives表述句(3.2.1)context语境(1.1)context of situation情景语境(5)contextual assumptions语境假设(1.5.4)contextual correlates语境相关因素(5.1.1) contextual effects语境效果(1.5.4)contextual features语境特征(5.1.1)contextual implication语境暗含(1.5.4)contextual meaning语境意义(1.2.3) contrastive markers对比性标记语(6.4.1) contrastive pragmatics对比语用研究(1.5.2)conventional implicature常规含意(4.4.1)conventionalization规约化(1.3.2)conversation analysis/CA会话分析(1.2.2)conversational implicature会话含意(4.4.1)conversation structure会话结构(1.2.2)cooperative principle/CP合作原则(2.1.2)co-text上下文(5.1.1)cross-cultural communication跨文化交际(8.1)cross-cultural pragmatics跨文化语用学(1.2.2)culture-loaded words富含文化内涵词语(8.2.1)declarations宣告类(以言行事)(3.2.3)decoding解码(2.1.1)defeasibility(含意的)可废除性(6.2.5)deictic center指示中心(6.1.1)deictic expression指示语(1.1)deictic use指示用法(6.1.1)deictics指示语(1.1)deixis指示语(1.1)developmental pragmatics发展语用学(1.6)directives指令类(以言行事)(3.2.3)disambiguation消除歧义(5.4)discourse deixis话语指示(6.1.1)discourse markers话语标记语(1.2.4)discourse meaning语篇意义(1.2.4)discourse operator话语操作语(6.4)discourse particles话语小品词(6.4)dynamic pragmatics动态语用学(4.6)elaborative markers阐发性标记语(6.4.1)emphathetic deixis移情指示(6.1.4)encoding编码(2.1.1)encyclopaedic information百科信息(1.5.4)entailment蕴涵(6.2.1)equivalent effect等值效果/等效(9.4)essential condition(实施言语行为的)基本条件(3.2.3)ethnography(of communication)(交际中的)人类文化学(1.2.2)exercitives行使类(以言行事)(3.2.1)explicature明说(1.5.4)explicit performatives显性施为句(3.2.1)expositives阐述类(以言行事)(3.2.1)expressives表情类(以言行事)(3.2.3)extended speech act theory扩充的言语行为理论(3.2.4)face面子(2.2)face theory面子理论(2.2)face threatening acts/FTA威胁面子的行为(2.2.2)factive verbs叙实性动词(6.2.4)felicity conditions合适条件(3.2.1)filler填充语(3.3)gambits话语策略语(6.4)general pragmatics(1.2.2)generalized implicature一般会话含意(4.4.1)generosity maxim慷慨准则(2.2.1)gestural use手势用法(6.1.1)grammatical competence语法能力(7.1)group performatives群体性施为句(3.2.1) guiding culture主文化(8.1)hearing meaning听话人意义(1.2.4)hedge模糊限制语(6.3)illocutionary competence施为能力(7.1)illocutionary force施为用意(3.2.1)implicated conclusion暗含结论(4.5.2)implicated premise暗含前提(4.5.2)implicative verbs含蓄性动词(6.2.4)implicature暗含/含意(4.5.2)implicit performatives隐性施为句(3.2.1) indeterminacy(含意的)不确定性(4.4.2)indirect speech act间接言语行为(3.2.3)inference推理(1.3.2)inferential markers推导性标记语(6.4.1) inferential model推理模式(1.3.2)informative intention信息意图(1.2.4)ingredients of context语境成分(5.1.1)initial context初始语境(5.3)intention意向(2.1.1)interlanguage语际语言/中介语(1.5.2/8.2.2)interlanguage pragmatics语际语用学(1.5.2/8.3)intra-lingual communication语内交际(9.2)linguistic channel语言信道(5.1.1)linguistic context语言语境(5.1.1)linguistic meaning语言意义(4.2)literal meaning字面意义(2.2.1)locution以言指事(3.2.2)locutionary acts表述性言语行为(3.2.2)logical connector逻辑联系语(6.4)logical infromation逻辑信息(1.5.4)logical form逻辑(形)式(2.1.1)loose talk随意言谈(6.3.3)macropragmatics宏观语用学(1.2.2)manifestness显明(2.1.3)maxim准则(2.1.2)maxim of manner方式准则(2.1.2)maxim of quality质的准则(2.1.2)maxim of quantity量的准则(2.1.2)maxim of relation关系准则(2.1.2)meaning in context(语言在)语境中的意义(4)meaning in interaction言谈应对中的意义(4.6)meaning in use(语言在)使用中的意义(4)mental world心理世界(5.1.1)message model信息模式(2.1.1)metalinguistic performatives元语言施为句(3.2.1) micropragmatics微观语用学(1.2.2)mitigator缓和手段(6.3)modesty maxim谦逊准则(2.2.1)modal particles情态小品词(6.4.1)mutual cognitive environment相互认知环境(2.1.1 mutual knowledge互知/互知性(2.1.1)mutual knowledge hypothesis互知假设(2.1.1)mutual manifestness互明(1.5.4)natural meaning自然意义(2.1.2)negative face负面面子(2.2.2)negative politeness strategies负面礼貌策略(2.2.2)negotiability商讨性(1.2.2)negotiability of meaning意义磋商(4.6)non-anaphoric use非照应用法(6.1.1)non-calendric time units非历法时间单位(6.1.3)non-conventionality(含意的)非规约性(4.2.2)non-deictic use非指示用法(6.1.1)non-demonstrative inferene非实证性推理(2.1.3)non-detachability(含意的)不可分离性(4.2.2)non-natural meaning非自然意义(2.1.2)non-verbal communication非语言交际(8.1)optimal relevance最佳关联(2.1.3)ordinary language philosophy(3.3)orgazational competence(语言的)组织能力(7.1)ostension明示(2.1.3)ostensive-inferential model明示-推理模式(2.1.3)over-informativeness过剩信息(9.1)particularized implicature特殊会话含意(4.4.1)performative hypothesis施为假设(3.2.1)performative(s)施为句(3.2.1)performation verb施为动词(3.2.1)perlocution以言成事(3.2.2)perlocutionary acts成事性言语行为(3.2.2)person deixis人称指示(6.1.1)physical context物质语境(5.1.1)physical world物质世界(5.1.1)place deixis地点指示(6.1.1)poetic effects诗学效果(4.5.3)politeness principle礼貌原则(1.2.5)politeness strategies礼貌策略(1.2.4)positive face正面面子(2.2.2)positive politeness strategies正面礼貌策略(2.2.2)power relations权势关系(3.1)pragmalinguistic competence语用语言能力(7.1)pragmalinguisics语用语言学(1.5)pragmatic acquisition语用习得(7)pragmatic ambivalence语用含糊(5.4)pragmatic competence语用能力(7.1)pragmatic connectivs语用联系语(6.4)pragmatic development语用发展(7.3)pragmatic failure语用失误(1.5.2)pragmatic function words语用功能词语(6.4)pragmatic inferenceh语用推理(1.4)pragmatic markers语用标记语(6.4)pragmatic operators语用操作语(6.4)pragmatic strategies语用策略(1.2.4)pragmatic transfer语用迁移(1.5.2)pragmatic vaguenss语用含糊(5.4)pragmatics语用学(1.1)pre-emptive usage(指示语)先用现象preparatory condition(实施言语行为的)预备条件(3.2.3)presupposition前提(1.2.2)presupposition-triggers前提触发语(6.2.1)primary illocution act首要的以言行事行为(3.2.3)principle of relevance关联原则(2.1.3)procedural meaning程序意义(6.4.2)*projection投射/影射(6.2.5)propositional content命题内容(2.1.1)propositional content condition(实施言语行为的)命题内容条件(3.2.3)propositional form命题形式(5.4)prospective discourse markers后指性话语标记语(6.4.1)psychophysiological mechanisms心理-生理机制(7.1)*reference assignment确定指称对象(5.4)relative appropriateness相对合适性(3.2.4)relevance theory关联理论(1.2.4)representatives表述类(以言行事)(3.2.3)retrospective discourse markers前指性话语标记语(6.4.1)ritual performatives仪式性施为句(3.2.1)scalar particles等级小品词(6.4.1)*secondary illocutionary act次要的以言行事行为(3.2.3)semantic enrichment语义充实(5.4)semantic meaning语义意义(4.2)semantic representation语义表征( meaning句子意义( condition(实施言语行为的)真诚条件(3.2.3)size of imposition强加程度(2.2.1)social action社会行为(3.2.4)social context社交语境(5.1.1)social deixis社交指示(6.1.1)social distance社会距离(2.2.2)social power社会权力(2.2.2)social world社交世界(5.1.1)societal pragmatics社会语用学(1.2.2)socio-cultural pragmatics社会文化语用学/研究(1.5.2)sociolinguistic competenceshe社交语言能力(7.1)sociopragmatics社交语用学(1.5.3)solidarity平等关系(5.1.1)space deixis空间指示(6.1.4)speaker meaning说话人意义(1.2.2)speech act言语行为(1.2.2)speech act pragmatics言语行为语用学/研究(1.5.2)speech event言语事件(5.1.1)strategic competence策略能力(7.1)subordinate culture亚文化(8.1)symbolic use象征用法(6.1.1)syntactic-pragmatic句法语用(6.4.1)*sympathy maxim同情准则(2.2.1)tact maxim得体准则(2.2.1)talk-in-interaction言谈应对(3.3)textual competence篇章能力(7.1)time deixis时间指示(6.1.1)topic change markers话题变化标记语(6.4.1)truth value真值(3.2.1)utterance话语(1.2.4)variability变异性(1.2.2)verbal context语言语境(5.1.1)verbs of judging评价动词(1.2.4)verdictives裁决类(以言行事)(3.2.1)weak implicature弱暗含(4.5.3)we-exclusiv-of-addressee不包括听话人(的所指)(6.1.2)we-inclusiv-of-addressee包括听话人(的所指)(6.1.2)1. 谦虚准则Thanks for your compliment, but I know I still got a long way to go. 谢谢你的夸奖,不过我清楚我还有很长的路(还要继续努力)。


Firstly, it would require otherwise a typical and unmotivated rule of performative deletion in the majority of cases to deal with cases like(4)-(7).
8பைடு நூலகம்
论点派指出,像frankly这样的副词的作用 并不明确。在句子中存在和不存在明确的 行事动词,frankly的作用并不见得一样。
3). I tell you frankly you’re a rascal. (4). Frankly, you’re a rascal. (5). John told Bill frankly that he was a rascal.
Syntactic Problems
In addition to semantic incoherencies and inadequacies , the PH required by Antithesis is assailed by syntactic problem.
The following is a sample of the problems.
Third, perhaps the most important syntactic objections to the PH (performative hypothesis: explicit performatives directly express their illocutionary forces) are the following.
对立论(antithesis):解释言外之 力不需要一套特殊的理论;完全可 以在一般的句法理论和真实条件语 义学中得到解释。 代表人物:Ross (“行事分析”或 “行事假设”)

语言学(第五版) 笔记 重点

语言学(第五版) 笔记 重点

第一章1.What is language?Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication2.Design features of language①Arbitrariness(任意性)refers to the forms of linguistic signs bear no natural relationship to their meaning. (sounds and meanings)②Duality(二层性):The property of having two levels of structures, such that units of the primary level are composed of elements of the secondary level and each of the two levels has its own principles of organization.③Productivity/creativity(创造性):Language is productive in that it makes possible the construction and interpretation of new signals by its users.④Displacement(移位性):Human Languages enable their users to symbolize objects, events and concepts which are not present (in time and space) at moment of communication. (p7)3.Functions of language①Informative(信息功能): to give information about facts. (ideational)②Interpersonal(人际功能): to establish and maintain social status in a society.(age, sex, language, background, accent, status)③Performative(施为功能) : language is used to do things, to perform certain actions. (name, promise, apologize, sorry, declare)④. Emotive/Expressive(情感功能): to express feelings and attitudes of the speaker.⑤Phatic communion(寒暄交流) : to use small and meaningless expressions to establish a comfortable relationship or maintain social contact between people without any factual content. (health, weather)⑥Recreational function(娱乐): the use of language for sheer joy. (lyrics, poetry)⑦Metalingual function(元语言功能): to talk about language itself.4. What is linguistics?Linguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language.5. Important distinctions in linguisticsDescriptive & prescriptiveSynchronic & diachronicLangue & paroleCompetence & performance6.Descriptive(描写/述性)—describe and analyze linguistic facts or the language people actually use (modern linguistic)Prescriptive(规定性)—lay down rules for“correct and standard”linguistic behavior in using language (traditional grammar:“never use a double negative”)7.Synchronic study(共时)—description of a language at some point of time (modern linguistics) Diachronic study (历时)—description of a language as it changes through time (historical development of language over a period of time)第四章1.What is Syntax(句法)?Syntax is the study of the rules governing the ways different constituents are combined to formsentences.句法就是研究语言的不同成分组成句子的规则2.Four Approaches :The traditional approach传统语言观(Parts of speech、Syntactic Function 不考、Category范畴、Concord and government一致关系和支配关系)、The structural approach 结构语言观、The generative approach、The functional approach功能语言观3.The traditional grammar regards sentences as a sequence of words , so it pays great attention to the study of words, such as the classification of words in terms of parts of speech, the identification of function of words in terms of subject, predicate , etc.4. Parts of speechTraditional grammar defines 8 parts of speech: nouns, verbs, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions and interjections.5.The term Category范畴in some approaches refers to word classes and functions in its narrow sense,范畴这一术语狭义上是指词类和功能eg. Noun, Verb, Subject, Predicate. More specifically, it refers to the defining properties of these general units:the categories of the noun名词的范畴, include number, gender, case and countability(case); the categories of the verb动词的范畴: tense, aspect, voice, etc.6.Number is mostly a category of the noun and pronoun名词和不可数名词.Two terms of number in nouns: singular and plural单数和复数Number is also reflected in the inflections of pronouns and verbs7. Gender is also mostly a category of the noun and pronoun.In English, the gender distinctions are on the whole natural, determined by the biological gender of the creature.8. Case is used in the analysis of word classes to identify the syntactic relationship between words in a sentence.在词类分析中,格范畴用来辨别句子中词之间的句法关系In English, pronouns have three cases of nominative主格, accusative受格, and genitive与格. Nouns have two of general and genitive所有格In English, the case of noun is realised in three channels:(a) inflection(b) following a preposition(c) word order9. Tense时态: the absolute location of an event or action on time. It is marked by an inflection of the verb. As a result, there are only two tenses recognized now: past and present.Since the fut ure time does not involve any inflection of the verb, we do not refer to a “future tense”, even though in many different ways we can talk about the future.10. Aspect体: It has nothing with time, and it tells us whether an action is ongoing or completed. Perfective(完成体)and Imperfective(进行体)Perfective and Progressive (in English)11. Voice语态: describe the relationship between verb and subjectPassive被动语态and active主动语态12. Concord and government①Concord (一致关系)refers to agreement between words, especially between a verband the subject of a sentence.②Government (支配关系)is a type of grammatical relationship between two or more elements ina sentence.In traditional grammar, the term government has typically been used to refer to the relationship between verbs and nouns or between prepositions and nouns.13.The Structural Approach,由Ferdinand de Saussure提出14.Syntactic Relations:Positional relations位置关系、Relations of substitutability替代关系、Relations of co-occurrence同现关系15.Immediate constituent(直接成分)is any meaningful constituent at the first step in an analysis.16.An endocentric construction(向心结构)is a construction that contains:1) a head, which is the single obligatory element in the construction;2) one or more optional elements subordinate to the head.17.them e(主位) refers to the known information which is not new to the reader or listener Rheme(述位)refers to the information that is new. The new information is what is to be transmitted to the reader or listenerThe linguists of the Prague school believed that sentence may be analyzed from the functional side as well as the grammatical side.subject, predicate (grammatical side)theme, rheme (functional side)第五章1.What is Semantics?Semantics is the study of the meaning ofwords,phrases andsentences.语义学是研究单词、短语和句子的意义的学科2.Geoffrey Leech利奇Seven types of meaning7种意义类型:①Conceptual meaning概念意义②Connotative meaning内涵意义③Social meaning社会意义④Affective meaning感情意义Associative Meaning联想意义(②——⑥)⑤Reflected meaning反射意义⑥Collocative meaning搭配意义⑦Thematic meaning主位意义3.Conceptual meaning(概念意义)is also called “denotative”(外延义)and it is concerned with the relationship between a word and the thing it refers to.概念意义也叫外延义,它关注词语跟它所指称事物之间的联系Conceptual meaning is meaning given in the dictionary.4.Associative meaning (联想意义)is the total of all the meanings a person thinks of when they hear the wordAssociative meaning is the meaning which a word suggests or implies.5.Thematic meaning (主位意义)is“what is communicated by the way in which the message is organized in terms of orde r and emphasis.”它是由词序和词语重音所决定的6.The Referential Theory(指称理论):①The Referential Theory②The Semantic Triangle③Sense and Reference7.The referential theory指称理论is the theory of meaning which relates the meaning of a word to the thing it refers to.指称论是把词语意义跟它所指称的事物联系起来的理论8. The semantic triangle语意三角is the indirectrelation between a word and a thing it refers to and it is mediated by concept.语意三角指词和所指事物之间没有直接关系,它们是以概念为中介的9.Sense (涵义) is a set of properties possessed by a name.10.Reference (指称) is the symbolic relationship that a linguistic expression has with the concrete object.11. The sense of an expression is the thought it expresses, while its reference is the object it representsEvery word has a sense, but not every word has a reference.12.Sense Relations涵义关系①Synonymy(同义关系)②Antonymy(反义关系)(Gradable、Complementary、Converse)③Hyponymy(上下义关系)13.But total synonymy is rare. They may differ in style, connotations and dialect.14.Gradable antonymy (等级反义关系)、Complementary antonymy (互补反义关系)、Converse antonymy (反向反义关系)15. Componential analysis is an approach to the study of meaning which analyses a word into a set of meaning components.16. Sentence Meaning17.Sense relations between sentences①Synonymity (同义)a. He was a bachelor all his life.b. He never married all his boy.Sentences a and b are in a synonymous relationship: the truth of one sentence necessarily implies the truth of another sentence②Inconsistency(矛盾)a. Elizabeth II is Queen of England.b. Elizabeth II is a man.Sentences a and b are in a relationship of contradiction: the truth of one sentence necessarily implies the falseness of another sentence.③Entailment (蕴涵)a. He married a blonde heiress.b. He married a blonde.Entailment refers to a kind of meaning inclusion. If x entails y, the meaning of x is included in y.④Presupposition(前提预设)It is what a speaker or writer assumes that the receiver of the message already knows.⑤Contradiction(矛盾)⑥Semantic anomaly(语义反常)18. An integrated theory﹡Compositionality(组合性原则):the meaning of a sentence depends on the meaning of the constituent words and the way they are combined.﹡This semantic theory is the integration of syntax and semantics﹡Their basic idea is that a semantic theory consists of two parts: a dictionary and a set of projection rules﹡The dictionary provides the grammatical classification and semantic information of words﹡The projection rules are responsible for combining the meanings of words together.19.Logical semantics(逻辑语义学)﹡A proposition(命题) is what is to be expressed by a declarative sentence when that sentence is uttered to make a statement.﹡It is the basic meaning which a sentence express.﹡A very important property of the proposition is that it has a truth value.第七章nguage and Culture:①Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis②Evidence Given by Whorf ③Implication of SWH ④Relation between Language and Culture2.SHW can be broken down into two basic principles:Linguistic determinism (语言决定论):the language we use determines the way we view about the world around us.Language may determine our thinking patterns. (语言决定思维) P1623. Relation between Language and CultureLanguage influences thought and culture,Language varies in categories and concepts, thus reflecting the different world views of different language users, that is, culture and thought are conditioned by languageCulture influences language,Every language is a part of a culture. As such, it can not but serve and reflect cultural needs. When a culture experience radical changes, the vocabulary also undergoes corresponding alterationsnguage and SocietyRelation between Language and SocietyVarieties of language(Dialects、Registers)Bilingualism and DiglossiaPidgin and Creole5.Varieties related to the user are normally known as dialects and varieties related to use as registers.6.Dialectal Varieties:Regional dialect、Social dialect(Sociolect、Language and gender、Language and age、Idiolect、Ethnic dialect)7.Social dialect refers to a variety of language associated with a particular social group, such as a particular social class, or ethnic group, or those based on age, gender and occupation.8.An ethnic dialect is a social dialect of a language that cuts across regional differences; it is mainly spoken by a less privileged population that has experienced some form of social isolation such as racial discrimination or segregation.9.Idiolect refers to the speech variety of an individual. Every speaker has his own way of expressing his or her idea.10.Register refers to the functional variety of language that is defined according to its use in a context of situation.11.Halliday’s Register TheoryLanguage varies as its function varies; it differs in different situations.Halliday distinguishes 3 variables that determine the register:field of discourse (语场)、tenor of discourse (语旨)、mode of discourse (语式)12.Bilingualism (双语制): the use of two languages, esp with equal or nearly equal fluency.13.Diglossia (双语体现象): when two varieties of a language exist side by side; and each is used for different purposes, this is called diglossia.14.A pidgin: it is a special language variety that mixes and blends languages used for communicative purposes by groups of people who do not know each other’s language.15.A creole :when a pidgin has become the primary language of a speech community, and is acquired by the children of that speech community as their native language, it is said to have become a creole.第八章1.What is PragmaticsPragmatics is the study of language in context / use / communication.2 Semantics and PragmaticsSimilarity:Pragmatics and semantics are both linguistic study of meaningDifference:Semantic meaning: the more constant, inherent side of meaning;Pragmatic meaning: the more indeterminate, the more closely related to context;Pragmatic = meaning - semantics 3.Three Contents :Speech Act Theory、The Theory of Conversational Implicature、Post-Gricean Developments4.Speech Act Theory(言语行为理论):①Performatives and Constatives②A theory of the illocutionary act5.The utterance which performs an act is calleda performative(行事话语)。




1 语言的特点和功能特点:Creativity 可创造性Duality 两重性(声音和意义)Arbitrariness 任意性Displacement 移位性Cultural Transmission 文化传递性Interchangeabilty 可交换性Reflexivity 自反性人类的语言可以描述语言本身功能:Informative 信息功能(功能语言学中称之为ideational function)Interpersonal 人际功能通过语言来建立社会联系Performative 施为功能通过语言来完成任务,来自于语用学Emotive 感情功能可以改变听者的感情Phatic Communion 交感功能特定的表达方式来维护关系,例如打招呼Recreational 娱乐功能,例如唱歌Metalingual 元语言功能可以用语言来谈论语言本身2 语言学的主要分支内部分支:Phonetics 语音学Articulatory Phonetics 发音语音学语音产生Acoustic Phonetics 声学语音学研究物理特性Auditory Phonetics 听觉语音学发音的潜在机制Consonants / VowelsPhonology 音系学研究语音和音节结构分布和排列Phone 音素语言的一个单元或是音段Phoneme 音位在语言中具有区别意义的最小的语言单位Allophones 音位变体put spanContrastive Distribution 对立分析能够找到的最小的语音对bear pearComplementary Distribution 互补分析从不在相同环境出现的音位变体peak speakFree Variation 自由变体同一个词由于某个原因发了两个音,这种差异可能来源于方言或是习惯increaseSuprasegemental Features 超音段特征(音节、重音、音调、语调)Morphology 形态学研究英语中最小单位——语素和成词过程,即单词的内部构造Morpheme 词素最小的有意义的语言单位Free Morpheme 自由语素(有自己构成英语单词的称为此,是单词root/stem)和BoundMorpheme 粘连语素(需要和自由语素联合构成单词的称为此,是词缀,进一步分为Inflectional Affixes 屈折词缀,在现代英语中主要指单复数,时态比较级等等和Derivational Affixes 派生词缀,这是形成新词的关键)。



•absolute universals 绝对共性[廖328] absolute case 通格[廖204]abstract construct 抽象结构[廖235]accessibility hierachy 辨认度[廖27]acceptability 可接受性[廖373]accommodation 让步,适应[陶]accompaniment adverb 交与副词[吕239]accomplishment 结束[陈147 159]accusative 受事格[廖346]accusative object 受事宾语[吕240]achievement 成就[陈147]act 行为[廖236]act sequence 信息内容与形式[陶]actional predicate 动作谓语[吕240]activated 被激发的[廖396 402]active 主动格[陈108]activity 活动[陈147 157]actual 实际[廖375]adequacy 切应性[陈51]adjacency 邻接关系[吕240]adjacency pairs 语对[陶]adjective 形容词[吕240]adjunct string 附加语符列[陈45]adjuncts 修饰语[廖27]adjusment model 调整模式[陈41]adposition 介词[吕240]advanced 高等[陶]adverb 副词[吕240]adverb-fronting 副词前移[吕240]adverb-lowering 副词下降[吕240]affective 表情<作用>[陈9]affix 词缀[吕240]Afrikanns 阿富堪斯[陶]age grading 年龄级差[陶]agent 施事[吕240]agglutinating 粘着型[廖331]agglutinative 粘着型[陈107]agreement 一致[吕240]agreement maxim 同意的准则[廖369]AI<artificial intelligence> 人工智能[廖235]allocation of function 功能的分配[陶]allocation of use 用途的分配[陶]ambiguity 歧义[吕240]ambiguity maxim 歧义准则[廖370]American Council on Teaching Foreign Languages <ACTFL> 美国外语教学委员会[陶] American Institutes of Research 美国研究所[陶]analogues 模拟词[廖408]analytic 分析型[陈107]analytic causative 分析式使成式[廖345]anaphor 回指对象[陈182]anaphora 指称替代[廖236] 回指形式[陈182]anaphoric reference 回指[陈121 181][吕240]animacy 生命度[廖326 332 347 352]antecedent 先行词[陈182] 被代词[吕240]anterior 先事时[陈173]anterior future 先事将来时[陈174]anterior past 先事过去时[陈174]anterior present 先事现在时[陈174]anthropological 人类学的[廖235]anthropology 人类学[陶]Antigua 西印度群岛上的安梯瓜[陶]antipodals 对跖词[廖413]antonym 两极词[廖412]antonymy 两极关系[廖417]apparent time 显象时间[陶]appositive clause 同位小句[吕240]approbation maxim 表扬的准则[廖369]appropriateness 合适性[廖374]得体性[陶]arbitrary 任意的[陶]archiphoneme 原音位[陈10]argument 论元[陈84 196] 参与者[吕240]argument position 论元位[陈104]argumentation 论辩体[廖124]argumentative 论证[廖236]argumentative structure 论证结构[廖237] Aroucanians 智利的阿劳卡尼人[陶]article 冠词[吕240]aspect 时态[陈143] 态[吕240] 体[陶]assert 肯定[吕240]assertion 肯定[吕240]assertive 断言的[廖425]assign 分配[吕240]associated typology 关联类型学[廖331]atomic structure of sentences 句子的原始结构[吕240] attach to 系附于[吕240]attenuated 较单薄的[廖61]attributes 属性[廖435 449]attributive relative clause 修饰性关系小句[吕240] audience design 听众设计[陶]augmented transition network 扩展的转移网络[廖379] authentic 真实材料[陶]automatic translation 自动翻译[陈96] autonomous syntax 自主的句法[廖236] Autosegmental Phonology 自分音系理论[陶] auxiliary verb 助动词[吕240]BBaby Talk娃娃腔 [陶]back-channel 衬托型反馈形式[陶]backgrounding 抑退[吕240]Bahasa Indonesia 巴萨印度尼西亚话[陶]ballooning<of rules> <规则>膨胀[吕240]banter principle 逗乐原则[廖369]bare noun 光杆名词[陈129]basic level 基本层次[廖417]basic level terms 典型层次词[廖436]Basque 巴斯克语[陶]Bazaar Malay 集市马来话[陶]begging 乞求[陶]behavioral norm 行为规范[陈106]Berber 柏柏尔语[陶]beyond sentence grammar 超句语法[廖234]bi-cultural 双文化[陶]bidialectalism 双方言[陶]bilingual 说双语的人[陶]bilingualism 双语[陶]biunique 一一对应[陈11]bounded 有界的[陈168]boundedness 封闭性[廖438]bracketing 加括[吕241]brand new 全新的[廖399]bundle of features 特征束[陈10]Ccamaraderie 同志式的[陶]cardinal reference-point 主要元音参考点[廖318] case-marker 格标记[吕241]case marking 格标记[廖340]Catalan 加泰窿语[陶]cataphoric reference 反指[陈206] catastrophic change 剧变,灾变[陶] catastrophism 剧变说,灾变说[陶]categorize 类化[陈103]categorization 范畴化[廖449]category 范畴[廖449][吕241]causal 因果性[陈117]causative construction 使成结构[廖326 344] cause adverb 原因副词[吕241]causee 使成者[廖345]causer 肇事者[廖345]center string 中心语符列[陈45]change in progress 进行中的变化[陶]chunk 信息块[陈89]circumstantial role 附带成分[陈183] circumstantials 随遇成分[廖27]citation 引用[廖359]clarity principle 清楚原则[廖370]class 类[陈128]classical 古语[陶]class-inclusion 类包括[吕241]classes of words 词类[吕241]classification 分类体[廖124]clause 小句[廖236][吕241]clause-internal rules 小句内部规则[吕241]cleft sentence 分裂句[陈240]clefting 分裂[吕241]closed network 封闭网络[陶]cluster 词群[廖408]code 代码[吕241]code norm 代码规范[陈105]code-switching 语码转换[陶]codification 标准的健全[陶]coding 表现[陈163]coding device 编码手段[吕241]cognitive content 认识内容[吕241]cognitive correspondence 认知对应原则[陈104] cognitive function 认识功能[吕241]cognitive information 认知信息[陶]cognitive representation theory 认知表现理论[陈104] cognitive science 认知科学[廖380]cognitive synonymy 认知同义关系[廖406] coherence 意义连贯[廖373]cohesion 形式连贯[廖373]cohesive relationship 连贯关系[廖399] collaborative finish 合作完成式[陶]collocational restrictions 习惯性搭配限制[廖408] command 统御[陈68]comment 论述,陈述[廖333 396][陈187] 说明[吕241]commissives 承诺[廖423]common focus 共喻圈[吕242]common knowledge 共同知识[吕242]communication 传信[廖379]communication accommodation theory, CAT 交际适应理论[陶] communicative competence 交际能力[廖278] communicative force 实际用义[廖357]communicative language teaching 交际语言教学[陶] compactness 简洁[吕242]comparative 比较[吕242]compatibility 并存关系[廖407]competence 语言能力[陈18] 能耐[吕242] complementaries 互补词[廖411]complements 补足成分[廖27] 补语[吕242] complementizer 成形剂[吕242]complex change 复变[陈160]complex-NP-shift 复杂NP移位[吕242]complex sentence 复杂句[吕242]componentialist 要素分析者[廖438]compound interdependent 合成型[陶]compression rules 压缩规则[吕242]conative function 使动功能[廖313]conceptual dependency 概念从属<语法>[陈101]concord 一致[吕242]conditional adverb 条件副词[吕242]conditional coherence 条件连贯[陈83]configuration 构型[廖438]configurationality 组合性[陈108]congruence relations 一致关系[廖406]congruent 一致性[陶]congruent meronym 一致部件[廖407]conjoinability 可连接性[廖27]conjunction 连词/联合[吕242]conjunction-reduction 省并[吕242]connectivers 连接成分[廖451]constituency rules 组成成分规则[廖314]constituent class 成分类别[陈41]constituent ellipsis 成分省略[廖14]constituent insertion 成分插入[陶]constituent order 结构成分顺序[廖334]constitutive principles 构成原则[廖373]constant 常量[吕242]constraints 限制[廖328] 约束[吕242]construction grammar 结构语法[廖281]containment 包含[廖483]contemporary 当代[陶]content form 内容形式[陈9]content mode 内容表达式[廖359]content substance 内容实体[陈9]context 语境,上文[廖236 395]context of situation 言语情景;情景的上下文[陶]context-dependent structure/system 依靠语境的结构/系统[廖236] context-free rule 不受上下文约束的规则[吕242]context of situation 语境[廖319]context-sensitive rule 受上下文约束的规则[吕242]contextual relations 语境关系[廖404]contextual style 场合语体[陶]contextualization cues 语境线索[陶]continuity 连续性[陈187]continuous variable 连续变量[陶]continuum 连续体[陈64 162]contraction 语音省缩[吕242]contrary 指反[陈217]contrastive prominence 对比重音[吕242]control 自控力[廖332]convergence 靠近[陶]conversation 会话[廖236]conversational analysis,CA 对话分析[廖235] 会话分析[陶] conversational implicatures 话语蕴含[陶]conversational postulates 对话原则[廖361]converse 逆反词[廖413]co-occurrence constraint 共现约束[吕242]cooperative principle 合作原则[廖179 357]co-ordinate independent 并存型[陶] coordinate structure 并列结构[吕242]copula verb 系词[吕242]coreference 同一性关系[陈182]corpus planning 语型规划[陶]corrected mean 修正均值[陶] correspondence 对应[廖365]co-taxonyms 同类分类词[廖409] counteractive 反动关系[廖412]counterparts 对应词[廖413]covert prestige 隐威信[陶]creole 克里奥语,混合语[陶]criterial 判别性的[廖404]cross-cultural communication 跨文化的交际[陶] crossover 超越[陶]cultivation 培养[陶]current 邻接的[廖399]cycle 轮转[吕243]cyclic application 循环使用[廖317]contrastive features 区别特征[陶]Ddata 数据[廖236]dative 与格[廖346]Davidian 达罗毗荼[陶]declaratives 宣告句[廖420]declarative sentence 陈述句[吕243]de-creolization 克里奥尔脱化[陶]de-creolization continuum 克里奥尔脱化连续体[陶] deep structure 深层结构[吕243]default 常规选择[廖373]deferent 敬重[陶]Deficit Hypothesis 语言缺陷论[陶]definite 有定[廖40]definiteness 定指度[廖342]definiteness of subject and object 主语和宾语的限定[廖237] degree-terms 程度词[廖411]deictic 指示词[吕243]deixis 指示词[廖195]deletion rules 消除规则[吕243]delicacy 精细度[廖319]demonstrative structure 论证结构[廖451]deontic modality 义务情态[廖419]dependency relation 依赖关系[吕243]derivational morphology 衍生构词[廖316] 构词形态[吕243] derived sentence 派生句[吕243]derived structure 派生结构[吕243]description 描写体[廖124]descriptive structuer 描写结构[廖237]descriptivists 描写学派[廖308 322][陈11 35]design features 图案成分[廖309]destressing 轻音化[吕243]determiner 区别词[吕243]deviation 偏离[陶]diachronic derivability 历时可导性[陈116]diagram 图解[吕243]dialect 方言[陶]dialect geography 方言地理学[廖264]dialectology 方言学[廖262]dialogic 对话性[陶]dialogue 对话[廖234 236]differentiable 可区分的[廖408]diglossia 双言制[陶]dimension 标度[廖211]dimensional model 层面模式[陈109]direct illocutions 直接表达式[廖361]direct object 直接宾语[吕243]directional adverb 趋向副词[吕243]directives 指令[廖423]direct speech 直接句[廖360]discourse 对话[廖379] 言谈[吕243]discourse analysis 篇章分析[廖181 234 310][陈25 55] discourse connectedness 篇章连贯[廖236]discourse connectives 篇章连接[廖236 237] discourse for special occasions 特别场合的篇章[廖236] discourse-functional syntax 篇章-功能句法[廖236] discourse-functionally motivated structure/system有篇章-功能理据的结构/系统[廖237]discourse genres 篇章类型[廖236]discourse intonation 篇章语调[廖236]discourse organization 篇章结构[廖236]discourse particles 篇章词[廖236]discourse perspective on syntax 篇章观点看句法[廖237] discourse predicate 篇章谓词[廖236 237]discourse scope 篇章管界[廖236 237]discourse units 篇章单位[廖236]discovery procedure 发现过程[廖309] 发现程序[陈11 43] discrete 离散的[廖332]displaced 间隔的[廖399]dissonance 不和谐[廖416]distant 距离,保持距离[陶]distinctive features 区别成分[廖317]distinctive feature theory 区别成分理论[廖313] distributionalists 分布学派[陈11]distribution universals 分布共性[廖338]divergence 分离[陶]Document Design Project, DDP 文献设计计划[陶]doing 做事[陶]domain 认知领域[廖438]domain of predication 表述界域[吕243]domain of transformations 转换界域[吕243]domain theory 语域理论[陶]dominances 处理中心[廖373]dominant 显性[陈115]double articulation 双重分节[陈113]doublet 词对[廖408]dummy filler 傀儡成分[吕244]durative 持续[陈152]dynamic process 动态过程[陈64]Eearly modern 现代早期[陶]ease of processing 循索的便利[吕244]eclectic 折中调和[陈70]economy principle 简练原则[廖370]effectiveness 有效性[廖374]efficiency 简易性[廖373]efficient 高效性[陈40]elaborated code 复杂语码[陶]elaboration 标准的扩建[陶]elementary sentence 初级句[陈45]ellipsis 省略[廖14 236]ellipsis of arguments and frams 主目和框架的省略[廖237] embed sentence 嵌入句[吕244]embedded construction 嵌套结构[陶]empirical evidence 立论依据[陈16]empty category 空语类[陈17]encode 表现[陈22]end-focus maxim 焦点在尾准则[廖359 370] endocentric 内中心[吕244]endoglossic 本土的[陶]endonym 被包含词[廖408]ends 目标与效果[陶]end-scope maxim 辖域在尾准则[廖370]end-weight maxim 重心在尾准则[廖359 370]entail 包含[廖194]entailment 包含关系[廖404]entity 实体[廖435][陈120]episodic memory 情节记忆[廖376]epistemic modality 知识情态[廖419]equi-NP-deletion 等名消除[吕244]equipollent antonyms 均等词[廖412]ergative-absolutive system 施-受格系统[廖333] ergative case 作格[廖204][陈108]ergativity 作格格局[廖196]ethnicity 民族[陶]ethno- 民族,民俗[陶]ethnographical 人群学的[廖235]ethnography of communication 交际民族志学[陶] ethnography of speaking 言语民族志学;交际人种志学[陶] ethnomethodological 民族学的[廖235] ethnomethodology 民俗方法论[陶]European Community 欧洲共同体[陶]evaluated participation, EP 参与估价[陶]evaluation 评价体[廖124] 评价[陶]evaluatives 评价[廖423]event 事件[廖236]evidence 验证[吕244]evoked 激发的[廖399 402]exchange 交换[廖236]excluded 排斥的[廖404]exemplar 样本[廖435]existential sentence 存在句,呈现句[吕244]exocentric 外中心[吕244]exoglossic 外来的[陶]exonym 包含词[廖408]expansion rule 扩展规则[吕244]expected 预期的[廖404]experiencer 感受者[廖332]expert category 专业范畴[廖437]explicit 明确[陈37]expository 说明,说明体[124 236]exposition 说明体[廖124]expression form 表达形式[陈9]expression substance 表达实体[陈9]expressive discourse 抒情体[廖124]expressive function 表情功能[廖313]expressity principle 表达力原则[廖370]extended performative hypothesis 扩展表述句式假说[廖361] extraposition 外位[吕244]Ffactive 叙实[吕244]factivity 实事性[吕244]falsification 证伪[陈26]family resemblance 家庭成员相似性[廖434]family resemblance category 家庭成员相似范畴[廖439] family tree theory 家族树理论[陈5]feature 特征[廖449]feature norm 特征规范[陈106]feedback 反馈[陶]field 场域[陈79] 范围[陶]figure 人物[廖161]finished product 成品[陈86]finite-state grammar 有限状态语法[陈49]first pair part 上联[陶]flagged 插旗式,标记性[陶]flectional 融合性[廖331]Flemish 荷兰语的佛来米语[陶]focus 焦点[廖332][陈65]focus of information 信息焦点[陈235]focusing rules 聚焦规则[吕244]folk category 通俗范畴[廖437]folk taxonomy 民俗分类结构[廖409]force 动力,用意[廖332 357 360]foregrounding 突出[吕244]Foreign Service Institute美国外交学院[陶]foreigner talk 外国人腔[陶]formalism 形式主义[廖452]formalist 形式主义学派[陈14]formalist functionalism 形式功能主义[廖357]formal universals 形式共性[廖327]formation rules 成形规则[吕244]formulaic 套语性[陈112]forms of communication 交际形式[陶]forms of speech 言语形式[陶]fossilize 僵化[陶]frame 框架[廖400 438 451][陈82] 交际框架[陶]framing 框架[陶]frequency adverb 频次副词[吕245]fronting 前化[陈6]fronting rules 移前规则[吕245]full turn 正式的话轮[陶]function assignment 功能分配[陈96]function of communication 交际功能[陶]functional coherence 功能连贯[廖236][陈83]functional communicative activities 功能性交流活动[陶] functionalism 功能主义[廖452]functionalist 功能主义学派[陈14]functional sentence perspective 功能的句子透视[廖374][陈56] function yield 功能值[廖313]functor-content hierarchy 虚-实词等级[廖338]future 将来时[陈173]Ggapping 缺略[吕245]gender 性[吕245]general 普遍性[陈40]general linguistics 普通语言学[廖274 320]general linguistic theory 普通/遍语言理论[廖275]general pragmatis 普通语用法[廖365]Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar 普遍短语结构语法[陈14] generate 概括,定义,规范[廖314 322] 生成[吕245] generation difference 代差[陶]generative grammar 生成语法[廖322]generative phonology 生成音系学[廖318]generative sementics 生成语义学[廖345][陈19 59]generative syntax 生成句法学[廖318]genres 言语体裁[陶]generic 通指[陈119 167]generic level 属层[廖409]generosity maxim 宽宏的准则[廖369]genetic 起源性[陈116]genetic linguistics 谱系语言学[陈109]gerund formation 动名词形成[吕245] gerundivization 动名词化[吕245]given information 已知信息[陈78 187 234] global coherence 总体连贯[陈83]globally 总的[廖359]glossematics 语符学[廖316 322]glosseme 语符[陈9]goal 对象[吕245]Government and Binding 支配与约束理论[陈14] grade-terms 渐变词/成分[廖411][陈162] gradualism 均变说[陶]grammar 语法[廖357 371]grammaticality 合乎语法[廖314] grammaticality judgement 语法判别能力[陶] grammaticalization 语法化[陈23] grammaticalness 合语法性[吕245]Great Vowel Shift 元音大换位[陶]HHausa 豪萨语[陶]head 中心语[陈45]hearsay 听说[廖421]heavier element principle 大块头原则[吕245] hedge 模棱话[陶]hedges 边界词[廖437]heterogeneity 复杂性或异质性[陶] heterogeneous 异质的[陈152]hierarchical structure 层次构造/结构[陈28 39]hierarchy 等级结构[廖328 408]hierarchy of accessibility to relativization关系子句化的可即度等级[廖343]hierarchy of individuation 个体化等级[廖348] hierarchy of saliency 显著性等级[廖348]high key 高音[廖441]high variety 高变体[陶]higher mental function 高级智力功能[陶] higher-order predicate 高次位词[陈196] Hindi 印地语[陶]historical linguistics 历史语言学[廖349] holistic typology 整体类型[廖331] homogeneous 均质的[陈152] 同质的[陶] hortatory 规劝/诱导体[廖124 236] hypercorrection 矫枉过正[陶] hypoconverse 下逆反词[廖407]hyponymy 下义关系[廖406]IICAO 国际民航组织[陶]idea unit 思想单位[陈102]ideal speaker 理想的说话人[廖308] ideational 表义部分[廖358] 意念成分[陈78] ideational function 表义功能[廖364] identical deletion 承前删除[廖14] identifiable 定指[陈119]identifying function 鉴别功能[吕246] idiolect 个人语言[陈26]idiomaticity 惯用性质[陈111]ill-formed 非完美形式[陈48] 不协调[吕246] illocutions 行事作用[陈96]immediate constituents 直接成分[陈36] imperative sentence 命令句[吕246] imperfective 不完全态[陈177] 未完成态[吕246] Implementation 标准的实施[陶]implicate 蕴含[陶]implicational hierarchy 蕴含层级[廖433] implicational universals 蕴含共性[廖327 328][陈108] implicature 会话蕴含,含义,蕴含义[廖195 365 395][陈65] improbability 不可能[廖416]inappropriateness 不合适[廖408]inceptive 始事态[吕246]inclusive 包容性[陈40]incompatibility 排斥关系[廖407]incongruence 不调合[廖408]incongruent非一致性[陶]incoroporating 聚合型[廖331]incrementation 增长[吕246]indefinite-agent-deletion 无定施事消除[吕246] indefinite article 无定冠词[吕246]indefinite-NP-deletion 无定名词短语消除[吕246]in-depth 深探式[陈27]index 指标[陶]index of fusion 融合度[廖331]index of status characteristics, ISC地位特征指数[陶] index of synthesis 合成度[廖331]indexical information 特征信息[陶]indexical meaning 检索意义[陶]indexicality of sign 符号的引得属性[陶]indicative 直陈语气[吕246]indicator 指示项[陶]indirect converse 间接逆反词[廖413]indirect illocutions 间接表达式[廖361]indirect speech 间接句[廖360]indirect speech act 间接讲话行为[廖361]individual 单指[陈119] 个体[陈128]inference 推论[廖395]inferrable 可推导的[廖399]inflected 曲折型[陈107]inflection 构形变化[吕246]inflectional morphology 构形形态[吕246]information structure 信息结构[陈66] information theory 信息论[陶] information unit 信息单位[陈66 78] informativity 信息度[廖373]inherent 固有的[陶]inner city 内城[陶]innateness 天赋论[廖328]insertion rules 插入规则[吕246] instantiate 例示[廖435]instrumental adverb 工具副词[吕246] instrumentalities 交际工具[陶] instantiation 体现[陈77]intellectual revolution 知识革命[陶] intelligibility 可懂度[陶]intensifier 强度副词[吕246]intensional verb 愿望副词[吕246] intention 意图[吕246]intentionality 有目的性[廖373] interaction 相互影响[廖236] 交流,互动[陶] interactional 相互作用的[廖394] 交流大纲[陶] interactive 互动关系[廖412]interest principle 有趣原则[廖369] interjection 叹词[吕246]interlanguage 中介语[陶]interlinguistics 语际语言学[陈96] intermediate 中等[陶]interpersonal 人际成分[陈78] interpersonal rhetoric 人际修辞[廖358 363] inter-personal variation 个人之间的变异[陶] interpretive semanticists 解释语义学派[陈19] interrogatives 询问句[廖420] intertextuality 章际性[廖373]intonation contour 调形[陈78]intonation unit 语调单位[陈102] intransitive 不及物[吕246]intra-personal variation 个人内部的变异[陶]intra-sentential code-switching 句内语码转换[陶] introspection 内省[陈24]introspective judgement 内省的判断[廖314]inversion 倒转[吕246]in-width 博采式[陈27]irony maxim 讽刺准则[廖357]irony principle 讽刺原则[廖369]irreversible 不可逆的[廖209]isogloss 等言线,等语线[陶]isolating 孤立型[廖331]item and arrangement 单元和排列[廖316][陈41]item and process 单元和过程[廖316][陈41]iterative 多次态[陈171]Jjourney 历程[廖438]jussives 命令句[廖420]Kkernel sentence 核心句[吕247]key 传递信息的方式、风格[陶]knowing 获取知识[陶]knowledge schema 知识框架,知识脚本[陶]Llandmark 参照点[廖440]language 语言[陶]language contact 语言的接触[陶]language death 语言死亡[陶]language faculty 语言官能[廖277]language imposition 语言上加,语言强加[陶]language of wider communication, LWC 交际面广泛的语言[陶] language policy 语言政策[陶]language politics 语言政治[陶]language shift 语言转移[廖389] 语言替换[陶] language socialization 语言社会化过程[陶]language spread 语言扩散[陶]language typology 语言类型[廖330 331]language universal 语言共性成份[廖313 326 329] [陈13] langue 语言[陶]leakage of rules 规则的遗漏[吕247]lexeme 词目[廖405]lexical causative 词汇使成式[廖345]lexical diffusion 词汇扩散[陶]lexical form 词形[廖405]lexical functional grammar 词汇-功能语法[陈14 100] lexical interpretivists 词汇解释学派[陈59]lexical mophemes 实词素[廖353]lexical phonology 词汇音系学[陈101]lexical semantics 词汇语义学[陈101]lexical siblings 兄弟词[廖408]lexical substitution 词语替代[廖236 237]lexical unit 词义单元[廖403]lexicalgrammar 词汇语法[陈77]lexicalist hypothesis 词汇假说[陈100]lexicalization 词汇化[吕247]lexicon 词库[吕247]linear order 线性顺序[陈28]lingua franca 交际语[陶]linguistic context 语言环境[陈23 124]linguistic competence 语言能力[廖308]linguistic description 语言描写[廖274]linguistic insecurity 语言不安全感[陶]linguistic performance 语言表现[廖308]linguistic polarity 语言极化[廖414]linguistic proper 纯语言学[陈55]linguistic relativity 语言相对论[廖322]linguistic typology 语言类型[廖332]linguistic universal<s> 语言共性[廖329]linguistics theories 语言理论[廖274]linguistic theory 语言理论[廖274]literary discourse 文学体[廖124]live conversation 正在使用的交谈[廖234]loanwords 借词[陶]local coherence 局部连贯[陈83]locative adverb 处所副词[吕247]locutive verbs 表达动词[廖360]logic polarity 逻辑极化[廖414]logic-pragmatic mapping 逻辑-语用映像[廖361]logical sense 字义[廖361]loop 闭合循环[陈50]low variety 低变体[陶]lowering rules 下降规则[吕247]Mmacro continuity 宏观连续性[陈187]macro-sociolinguistics宏观社会语言学[陶]macrostructure 宏观结构[陈83]macrosyntactic conjunctions 超句子的连词[廖85]macrosyntactic use of conjunctions 连词的超句子用法[廖90] maintenance 维持,保持[陶]major language 主要语言[陶]manner adverb 状态副词[吕248]map 地图式,静止定位式[廖161]mapping 映射[廖365]marked 有标记的,不自然的[廖317]markedness 不自然性[317]marker 标志项[陶]market segmentation 市场分割[陶]Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts〔美国马萨诸塞州马萨葡萄园岛,马岛[陶] matched guise technique 配对变语法[陶]maxim 准则[廖357 363]maximization 最广泛的解释[廖417]means adverb 手段副词[吕248]means-end analysis 手段-目的分析[廖366]mental model 内心模型[廖400]mental representation 心灵表象[廖436]merger rules 融合规则[吕248]meronymy 部件结构,部件关系[廖410]message 信息[吕248] 内容[陶]metalanguage 高一层次的语言[廖359]metaphor 隐喻[廖432 439]metaphorical extension 比喻引申[吕248] metaphorical switching 喻义性转换[陶] metareference 自指[廖359]mrtareferential constituent 自指成分[廖359]method 方法[廖236]metonymy 转喻[廖432 439]micro continuity 微观连续性[陈187]micro-sociolinguistics 微观社会语言学, 小社会语言学[陶] microanalysis 微观分析[陶]minor language 次要语言[陶]missing link 欠缺的环节[廖401]modality 情态[廖430]mode 方式[陈79]modal-lowering 语气下降[吕248]modality 语气[吕248]model-theoretic 模型论[廖359]mode 方式[陶]mode of action 行为方式[廖319]mode of mention 表达方式[廖359]modesty maxim 谦虚的准则[廖369]modern 现代[陶]modifier 修饰语[吕248]modularity 模块性[陈96]modumonogenesis 单一祖语论[廖328]monologue 独白[廖234 236]mood 语气[廖420 430]morphological case 词形格[廖332]morphological causative 形态使成式[廖345] morphophonemic rule 语素音位规则[陈42]motherese 母亲式语型[陶]motivating 制导[陈75]move 语步[陈76]movement rules 移动规则[吕248]multi-dimensional 多向/多维[吕248]multilingualism 多语[陶]multiple-clause rules 多小句规则[吕248]Nnarrative 记叙体[廖124 236]national language 国语[陶]national official language 本国官方语言[陶]native speaker 讲本族语人[陈24]Natural Communicative Concentration 自然交际聚合体[陶] natural phonology 自然语音系统学[廖318]natural taxonomy 自然分类结构[廖409]near universals 近似共性[廖352]Nederlands 荷兰语的奈德兰兹语[陶]negation operator 否定因子[吕248]negative face 消极面子[陶]negative-fronting 否定移前[吕248]negative-lowering 否定下降[吕249]negligibility 可忽略性[廖27]Neogrammarian principle 规则性原理[陶] neogrammarians 新语法学派[陈6]neo-linguistics 新语言学派[廖305]Network Analysis 网络分析[陶]neutralization 消失[廖315]new 新的[廖399]new information 新的信息[陈78 187 234]node 结[吕249]nominal anaphora 名词性回指[陈181]nominal kind 名义上的类[廖409] nominalization 名词化[吕249]nomination theory 命名理论[陈95]nominative 主格[陈108]nominative-accussative system 主-宾格系统[廖333] nonce borrowing 一次借词[陶]non-assertive 非断言的[廖425]non-existence 述无[陈217]non-factive 非事实[廖425]non-factuality 非事实性[廖419]non-finite 非定[廖424]non-focus 非焦点[廖332]nonidentifiable 不定指[陈119]non-implicational universals 非蕴含共性[廖328] non-linguistic context 非语言环境[陈23 125]non-referential 无所指[廖42][陈119 167] nonspecific 虚指[陈119]norm 规范[陈105]norms 交流中的行为规范[陶]norm selection 标准的选择[陶]notation system 符号系统[廖314]novice 初等[陶]NP accessbility hierarchy 名词的优先级[廖197] nucleus 调核[陈235]number agreement 数的一致Nynorsk 新挪威语[陶]Oobject-fronting 宾语移前[吕249]oblique clauses 修饰小句[廖426]oblique object 其它间接宾语[廖346]official language 官方,正式语言[陶]officially absent 出入意外[陶]onomasiology 专名学[陈95]onomatopoetic 拟声词[陈96]open-endedness 敞开性[吕249]open network 开放网络[陶]operand 操作数[廖336]operator 操作符[廖336] 因子[吕249]operation 操作[陈45]operational definition 操作定义[陶]ordered heterogeneity 有序异质性[陶] orthography 正字法[吕249]overlap 同时发话[陶]overlapping antonyms 重迭两极词[廖412]Ppair 话对[廖188 236]pairwise 语对式的[陶]pane 棂[廖451]paradigm<atic> 范式[陈112] 聚合/门法,模式[吕249] paradingmatic system 平行系统[廖307]paradox 自相矛盾[廖408]paragraph 段落[廖236]parameter 参量/参项[陈13 108]paraphrase 换说[吕250]para-relation 伴随关系[廖407]parataxis 意合并列结构[廖427]parole 言语[陶]parsing 语法分析[陈88]participant continuity 主题连续性[陈22]participant role 参与成分[陈183]participants 参与者[廖27][吕250]particle 助词[吕250]partitial relation 局部关系[廖407]past 过去时[陈173]patient 受事[吕250]perceptual strategy 辨认策略[吕250]perfective 完全态[陈177] 完成态[吕250] performance 语言应用/语言行为[陈18 63] 表演[吕250]performance errors 表现错误[陶]performative hypothesis 言行句假设[廖360 426] performative 言行句[廖426 363 360] performative verbs 表述动词[廖360] 实践动词[吕250] peripherals 外围成分[廖27]permutation 交换[吕250]personal interaction 个人间交际[陶]persuasive dicourse 劝说体,诱导体[廖124] pervasiveness 广泛性[陶]phase 时相[陈143]phatic maxim 套话的准则[廖369]philosophical 哲学的[廖235]phonetic change 语音变化[陶]phonological feature 音系特征[陈10]phrase structure grammar 短语结构语法[陈49] phrase-structure rules 语句结构规则[吕250] phrasing 分段[吕250]Pidgin 洋泾语,皮钦语[陶]pleonasm 冗余[廖416]plesionyms 近义词[廖415]plot 情节结构,情结[廖130 189]point time adverb 时点副词[吕250]polar antonyms 极化两极词[廖412]polarity 极化[414]politeness 文雅[廖362]polite principle 礼貌原则[廖368]Pollyanism 波利安现象[廖231]pollyanna principle 乐观原则[廖369 371] polysynthetic 聚合型[廖331]polysystemic 多系统论[廖319]pop back 弹回[陈203]population 全域[陶]positive face 积极面子[陶]possible 可能的[廖404]post-Bloomfieldians 布龙菲尔德之后学派[陈12 36] post-diglossia 后双言制[陶]post-imperial states 后帝制时代国家[陶]posterior 后事时[陈173]posterior future 后事将来时[陈174]posterior past 后事过去时[陈174]posterior present 后事现在时[陈174] postposition 后介词[吕250]postulate 假设[廖365]power 权势,权势量[陶]powerless language 无势力的语言[陶]pragma-linguistics 语用语言学[廖366]pragmatic force 用意[廖361]pragmatic role 语用角色[廖332]pragmatics 语用法,语用学[廖363]pragmatic space 语用空间[廖361 362] precategorize 类化前[陈103]precedence 先后关系[吕250]predicate-lowering 谓语下降[吕251]predication 述谓[陈42] 表述[吕251] predictability 可预测性[廖27]preferred argument structure 偏爱的论元结构[廖196] pre-literate 没有书面传统的[陶]prepatterned 预制性[陈112]prescribed 规定的[陶]present 现在时[陈173]presentative sentence 呈现句[吕251] presupposition 预设[廖395][陈65] presupposition pool 共有的预设[廖396] preteritization 过去时构成[陈42]previous mention 前文提及[吕251]primary tense 初级时制[陈173]primitive 原始[陶]principle 原则[廖363]principle-controlled 原则控制的[廖365]principle governed 原则制约的[廖356]principle of analogy 类推的原则[廖395]principle of local interpretation 局部理解原则[廖395]probability 盖然性[廖19] 可能性,概率[陶] problem-solving 解题[廖366]procedural 过程体[廖124 236] procedural semantics 程序语义学[陈64] process 过程[廖379][陈78 86] processibility principle 可处理原则[廖370] productive 活的<手段>[廖345] 能产性[陈40] proficiency 能力,熟练程度[陶]profile 突出[廖438]prominent syllable 强读音节[陈80] promoted 提倡的[陶]pronominal anaphora 代词性回指[陈181] pronominalization 代名化[吕251] pronouns substitution 代词替代[廖237] proper noun 固有名词/专名[吕251] proportional series 比例系列[廖408] propositional content 命题内容[吕251] prosodic 音律[陶]prosodic intonation节律语音[陶]prosody 超音段成分[廖319]prototype 典型/原型[廖449][陈193] prototypicality 典型性[廖218 435]pseudo-linguistic 假语言[陶]pseudo-opposite 表面对立词[廖413] pseudo-problem 假问题[陈107] psychographics 心理风貌[陶] psycholinguistics 心理语言学[陈96] psychological reality 心理现实性[陈100] public texts 公共文书[陶]purpose adverb 目的副词[吕251]push down 压进[陈204]Qquantification 数量化[吕251]quantifier 数量词[吕251]quantum 语义量[廖405]quasi-negative 准否定词[陈219]quasi-relation 准关系[廖407]quasi-superordinate 准上义词[廖407]Quecha 哥查语[陶]questionnaire 问卷[陶]quotation 引话[廖359]quotative 引用[廖421]Rrace 种族[陶]raising rule 提升规则[吕251]raising-to-object 提升为宾语[吕252]raising-to-subject 提升为主语[吕252]rank 级别[廖319]rank-shifting 调级[吕252]rank-terms 等级词[廖411]reactive expression 起应对作用的惯用表达式[陶] reactive token 反馈形式,反应词语[陶]real 真[廖427]real time 真实时间[陶]Received Pronunciation <RP> 〔英语的标准发音[陶] recessive 隐性[陈115]reciprocal construction 相互结构[吕252] recover 找回[廖 ]recursive 递归[陈196]recycle 话题重提[陶]reduced main clauses 弱化了的主句[廖85] reductionist 简化式[陈112]reference 指称[廖395]reference discourse 事实体[廖124]referent 所指对象[陈22 120 182]referential 有所指[廖40][陈119 168]referential identity 指同[廖451]referential opacity 所指不明确性[廖359]。



第一部分语言知识与能力第一章英语语言知识二、语音(Speech Sounds)P781、语音分类发音方式发音部位VL - 清浊音(voiceless consonant) VD - 浊辅音(voiced consonant)2、音系学(phonology)P79(1)同化规则(assimilation Rule)progressive assimilation 顺同化(前面带偏后面)workedregressive assimilation 逆同化(后面带偏前面)newspaperreciprocal/double assimilation 互相同化 did you(2)音节(syllable) tea chi-na im-pos-si-ble重音(stress)声调(tone)(3)语音变化(vocal variety)liaison 连读 pick it upplosion 爆破音plosion loss 失去爆破 sit down ;incomplete plosion 不完全爆破 ask ed nasal plosion 鼻腔爆破 button ;lateral plosion 舌边爆破 little三、形态学(Morphology)1、morpheme 词素重点! P87(1)free morpheme 自由词素 dog ;bound morpheme 黏着词素 moonwalk(2)root 词根; affix 词缀(prefix 前缀、suffix 后缀); stem 词干friend-ships(3)inflectional affix 屈折词缀 -s,-ing,-ed不同形式(4)derivational affix 派生词缀改变词性和意义2、(1)inflection 屈折变化 -s,-ing,-ed不同形式(2)word-formation 词的形成:compounding 复合法 through-outderivation 派生法(prefixation 前缀化 suffixation 后缀化)il-logical-ly3、常见构词法P89invention 新创词 nylon ;blending 混成法 smoke+fog=smogclipping 截断法 advertisement=ad ;initialism 首字母连写词 WTOacronym 首字母拼音词 AIDS ;back-formation 逆构词法 editor--editanalogical creation 类似构词 work--wrought/workedtypes of borrowing 借词法:loanword/borrowing 借词 feast(法语中借来)loanblend 混合借词 Chinatown (本国加外来)loanshift 转移借词 bridge (借用意义)loan translation 翻译借词(从别种语言翻译而来)4、词义变化broadening 词义扩大 bird 小鸟--鸟类;narrowing 词义缩小 girl 年轻人--女孩meaning shift 词义转移;class shift 词性转换;folk etymology 俗词源(错多了成了对的)四、句法学(Syntax) P911、句法关系syntagmatic relation 组合关系(horizontal relation/chain relation)构成同一形式、序列或结构paradigmatic relation 聚合关系(vertical relation/choice relation)各要素可相互替换relation of co-occurrence 共现关系(不同集合的词语一起组成句子)2、句子结构和成分immediate constituent analysis 直接成分分析法(IC分析法)The boy ate the apple. 用树形图(tree diagram)一般句子,主谓宾之类的endocentric construction 向心结构一个词或词组可以确定为中心(center)或中心词(head)two stone bridge 一般名词/动词/形容词短语exocentric construction 离心结构没有确定的中心或中心词 The boy smiled. 一般动宾/系表结构deep structure 深层结构(含义相同,说法不同)surface structure 表层结构(句子表述方式)五、语义学(Semantics) P931、涵义关系(Sense Relations)lexical relation 词汇关系(1)同义关系(Synonymy)synonyms 同义词stylistic 文体差别(formality) buy--perchase ;dialectal 地域差别underground--subwaycollocational 搭配差别 accuse(of)--charge(with) ;emotive 情感差别 thrifty--stingy ;semantic 语义差别 enough--ample(2)反义关系(Antonymy)antonyms 反义词 relational opposites 意义相反词gradable antonymy 等级反义 warm--coolcomplementary antonymy 互补反义 boy--girlconverse antonymy 反向反义关系 buy--sell(3)上下义关系(Hyponymy)种类和成员包括上坐标词(superordinate)和下义词(hyponymy) flower--rose/tulip(4)一词多义(Polysemy)(5)同音/同形异义现象(Homonymy)homophone 同音异义 sun--sonhomograph 同形异义 liecomplete homonym 完全同音同形异义 bank 岸边;银行2、句子逻辑关系 iff--充分必要条件“S is true iff P”P就是S的真值条件(truth condition)P(1)synonymy 同义关系“X is synonymous with Y.”同真同假 P95(2)contradiction 矛盾关系“X is inconsistent with Y.”一真一假(3)entailment 蕴含关系“X entails Y.” X小,Y大 X:old man Y:man(4)presupposition 预设关系“X presupposes Y.” Y是前提 X:repair the car Y:have a car六、语用学(Pragmatics) P961、言语行为理论(Speech Act Theory)(1)locutionary act 发话行为(说话人表达字面意思)is the act of saying something which is meaningful an can be understood.(2)illocutionary act 行事行为(说话人表达意图)is the act in saying something to perform a function.(3)perlocutionary act 取效行为(作用于听话人的效果)is the results or effects that are produced by means of saying something.言外之意(illocutionary point):representatives 阐述类; directives 指令类; commissives 承诺类;expressives 表达类; declarations 宣告类2、会话含义理论(Conversational Principle/Maxim) violate 违反 P97cooperative principle,CP 合作原则(会话有共同目标)“Make your conversational contribution such as is required, at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged.”(1)the maxim of quantity数量准则(信息充分)(2)the maxim of quality质量准则(说实话)(3)the maxim of relation相关准则(说相关的事)(4)the maxim of manner方式准则(清楚简洁避免歧义)conversational implicature 会话含义(用会话准则暗示意义)(1)calculability 可推导性(含义能理解)(2)cancellability 可取消性(defeasibility)(因素变化,含义变化)(3)non-detachability 不可分离性(含义依附于内容)(4)non-conventionality非规约性(含义不确定)七、修辞学(Rhetoric)问法:rhetoric/rhetorical device 修辞策略 P981、simile明喻 like,,as if,as though,similar to,such as2、metaphor隐喻(暗含比较) elephant pause3、personification拟人(把事物或概念当做人)4、metonymy借代(用事物的名称代替亲密相关的另一事物)5、synecdoche提喻(部分代替整体或整体代替部分) hand/mouth--man6、euphemism婉言 die--pass away7、irony反语(意思相反)8、allegory讽喻9、exaggeration夸张(夸大或缩小使表达生动有趣)10、transferred epithet移位修辞 nervous exam11、oxymoron矛盾修辞 bitter-sweet memory12、pun双关语(homophonic puns 谐音双关;homographic puns 语义双关)八、语言教学 P1001、中介语(interlanguage)2、对比分析(contrastive analysis)3、错误分析(error analysis)(1)error错误(因为知识不足)mistake失误(不注意犯错)(2)interlingual errors语际错误(迁移错误)因为母语 Cnglishintralingual errors语内错误(发展性错误)因为过度概括语言规则 eat-eated(错)4、错误性质:omissions 省略(少成分);additions 添加(多成分);misformations 形式错误(eated);double markings 双重标记(didn’t went);misorderings 顺序错误(how you are)5、我国外语学习者错误类型(1)negative transfer 负迁移/干扰因为母语(2)over-generalization过度类推/过度概括因为过度概括语言规则(3)pragmatic failure语用错误违反对方的文化习俗6、第二外语习得理论(Second Language Acquisition,SLA)(1)Acquisition-Learning Hypothesis语言习得和学得假说(习得和学得两条不同的途径)(2)Monitor Hypothesis语言监察假说(学习者自己监督控制语言输出质量)(3)Input Hypothesis语言输入假说(接触理解可理解性语言输入comprehensible input)(4)Affective Filter Hypothesis情感过滤假说(输入input和吸收intake受到动力motivation、性格personality、情感状态affective state)(5)Natural Order Hypothesis自然顺序假说(可以不按任何语法顺序来教学)第二章英语语言运用能力一、教学中的非语言交际1、非语言手段 P118environment language环境语(座位安排、时间信息、室内标示装饰、声音灯光等)object language客体语(个人,衣着化妆、个人用品等)2、非语言行为body language体态语(身姿、手势、表情、目光)paralanguage 副语言(声音音质、音量、语调、语速)第三章英语国家的语言、历史和文学三、语言、文化和社会1、局部结构 P131毗邻对(adjacency pairs)一轮对话(1)毗邻对的条件相关性(conditional relevance)preferred second part/preference structure 优选结构 Hidispreferred second part/dispreference structure 非优选结构relevant absence 相关缺失(2)毗邻对的扩展base pairs 根毗邻对(被其他会话扩展之前的毗邻对)前扩展,指前序列(pre-sequences),包括邀请、请求、结束、宣告中扩展,包括插入序列(insertion sequences)和旁侧序列(side sequences)后扩展,指后序列(post sequences),包括会话修正和主体化2、会话修正会话修正机制三个部分:修正源(trouble source)、修正的发起(repair initiation)、修正(repair)lexical 词汇启动(no,sorry,let me see,you know)non-lexical 非词汇启动(um..,uh..)四、语言与文字1、小说语言 P134(1)小说与视角first-person narrator 第一人称叙述者(I)third-person narrator第三人称叙述者(he,she,it,they)(2)语言表达与思想表达direct speech 直接言语(“F**k you”)indirect speech间接言语(he said/asked)free indirect speech 自由间接言语第二部分语言教学知识与能力第一章初中英语课程标准一、初中英语课程基础知识1、英语课程的性质 P149The nature of English Curriculum is instrumentality/tool and humanity.(工具性和人文性)Students’ overall development is the motivation and goal of the English curriculum.2、英语课程的设计思路The design of the new National English Curriculum unifies both primary and secondary school English into one continuum of development and divides English language teaching and learning into nine competence-based levels by adopting the international general classification method.Level 5 is the required standard for the end of junior middle school. Level 2--primary school二、英语课程的分级标准 P1541、语言技能(Language Skills)Overall performance objectives for each level are given in addition to detailed descriptions of abilities regarding language knowledge, language skills, affect, learning strategies as well as cultural awareness for relevant levels.2、语言知识(Language Knowledge)(语音、词汇、语法、功能和话题)Students are required to learn consists of phonetics, vocabulary, grammar, function and theme.3、情感态度(Affect)(兴趣、动机、自信、意志和合作精神;祖国意识和国际视野)interest, motivation, confidence, will and cooperation; National consciousness and international vision.4、学习策略(Learning Strategies)(认知、调控、交际、资源)Learning strategies can be classified into four groups: cognitive strategy, regulative strategy, communicative strategy and resourcing strategy.5、文化意识(Cultural Awareness/Understanding)(历史地理、风土人情、传统习俗、生活方式、行为规范、文学艺术、价值观念)Historical geography, local customs, traditional customs, lifestyle, norms of behavior, literature and art, values.三、英语课程的实施建议 P1611、教学建议(1)面向全体学生,为每个学生学习英语奠定基础(2)注意语言实践,培养学生的语言运用能力(3)加强学习策略指导,培养学生自主学习能力(4)培养学生的跨文化交际意识,发展跨文化交际能力(5)结合实际教学需要,创造性地使用教材(6)合理利用各种教学资源,提高学生的学习效率(7)组织生动活泼的课外活动,拓展学生的学习渠道(8)不断提高专业水平,努力适应课程要求第二章初中英语教学基本理论一、语言观(Views of Language) P1731、语言的概念Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.2、语言的本质特征/设计特性(design features)(1)arbitrariness 任意性(体现了convention规约性)(2)duality 二重性(basic level, higher level基层和高层)(3)creativity 创造性/productivity能产性(4)displacement 移位性(赋予generalizations, abstractions概括和抽象)(5)cultural transmission 文化传习性3、语言的功能(Functions of Language)(1)informative function信息功能(2)interpersonal function人际功能(3)performative function施为功能(4)emotive function情绪功能(5)phatic function寒暄功能(6)recreational function娱乐功能(7)metalingual function元语言功能4、语言学角度的语言观(1)The Structural View of Language 结构语言观the structural view sees language as a linguistic system made up of various subsystems: phonology, morphology, lexicology and syntax.(2)The Function View of Language 功能语言观the function view sees language not only as a linguistic system but also as a means for doing things.(3)The Interactional View of Language 交互语言观(interaction, dynamics交互性和动态)the interactional view of language considers language as a communicative tool, whose main use is to build up and maintain social relations between people.二、语言学习观(Views of Language Learning) P1761、语言学习理论(1)Behaviorist Learning Theory 行为主义学习理论Behaviorism is an approach to psychology that arouses out of the ideas that attempted to explain all learning in terms of some form of conditioning (stimulus, response, and reinforcement)(2)Cognitive Learning Theory认知主义学习理论Cognitive theory thinks that “language is a intricate rule-based system and with a knowledge of the finite rules (language competence), infinite sentences can be produced”.(3)Constructivist Learning Theory构建主义学习理论The constructivist theory believes that learning is a process in which the learner constructs meaning based on his own experiences and what he already knows.最近发展区理论 Zone of Proximal Development三、语言教学观(Views of Language Teaching) P1781、语言教学理论(结构主义教学理论、认知主义教学理论、社会语言学理论)四、外语教学法的主要流派1、grammar-translation method 语法翻译法2、audio-lingual method 听说法(pattern drill 句型操练、contrastive analysis对比分析法)3、total physical response 全身反应教学法 P1814、cognitive approach 认知教学法(提高accuracy, appropriateness得体性)5、communicate approach 交际法(包含function,notion功能和意念) P183(1)交际能力(communicative competence)grammatical competence 语法能力、sociolinguistic 社会语言能力、discourse 语篇能力、strategic 策略能力、linguistic 语言能力、pragmatic语用能力、fluency流利性(2)3P教学模式:presentation--practice--production6、task-based approach任务型教学 P184(1)real-world tasks /target tasks 目标任务; pedagogical tasks 教学任务(2)任务的四个构成元素:objective、context、process、outcome(3)information gap 信息差/信息沟activities must have clear and attainable objectives./should be confined to the classroom context./should help develop students’ language ability.(4)constructivism learning theory建构主义学习理论(强调scene, writing, conversation, and meaning construction情景、写作、会话和意义建构)(5)任务型教学的三个环节:pre-task前任务、task-cycle任务环(task、planning、report)、language focus语言聚焦(analysis、practice)第三章初中英语语言知识教学一、语音教学 P1921、语音教学的内容The realistic goal of teaching pronunciation should be①consistency: the pronunciation should be smooth and natural.②intelligibility: the pronunciation should be understandable to the listeners.③communicative efficiency: the pronunciation should help convey the meaning that is intended by the speaker.2、Pronunciation knowledge teaching发音知识教学(monophonic, alphabet, phonetic symbols单音、字母、音标)3、Flow of language teaching语流教学(sounds, stress, rhythm, and intonation重音、节奏、语调)4、The principle of phonetic teaching语音教学的原则(accuracy, long-term, integrity, communication, pertinence, interest准确性、长期性、整体性、交际性、针对性、趣味性原则)5、The teaching method of phonetics语音的教学方法 P195(1)Sound perception听音感知练习方法:using minimal pairs 最小对立体(live--leave)、which order 排序、same or different 辨别异同、odd one out 同中选异、completion 填空(2)Imitation and explanation 模仿讲解personally demonstration、imitate、 practice亲自示范,反复模仿、练习(3)Pronunciation practice发音练习练习方法:listen and repeat 听音模仿、fill in the blanks 填空、using pictures 借助图片、using meaningful context 借助情景make up sentences 造句、using togue twisters运用绕口令(4)语流教学(见上)慢动作(slow motion speaking)二、词汇教学 P197 language teaching theories 理论构成:receptive/passive vocabulary 接受性/消极词汇和productive/产出性/积极词汇1、Learning content教学内容(1)word meaning 词汇的意义 include learning form,meaning and use.Knowing a word means: knowing its pronunciation and stress/ its spelling and grammatical properties/ its meaning/ how and when to use it to express the intended meaning.词汇意义包括conceptual meaning 、 associated meaning 概念意义和关联意义概念意义:词典中意思,即literal meaning/ denotation 字面意思/词汇的外延、关联意义:文化含义与语境意义,又称connotation 词汇的内涵( learn in the context )(2)word use 词汇的用法包括:collocation/ phrases/ idiom/ style/ register 搭配、词组、习语、风格、语域(3)word information 词汇信息包括:part of speech/ prefixes/ suffixes/ spelling/ pronunciation/ grammar features 词类、前缀、后缀、拼写、发音、语法特征(4)word memory strategies 词汇记忆策略avoid rote-learning 避免死记硬背 word-building构词法猜测词义2、Learning principle教学原则(1)音形义结合 pronounce、spelling、meaning(2)词块整体教学 lexical chunks ( knowledge of collocation 搭配)(3)具体语境中教 learn in the context(4)循序渐进 step by step(5)反复练习巩固记忆 review(6)培养自学词汇能力 deduce the meaning of words猜测词义3、Teaching method教学方法 P200(1)呈现词汇:visual/physical demonstration 直观呈现Word-building 构词法、synonym/antonym(opposites)同义反义词、翻译、举例、问答 verbal context/ situation 结合语境/创设情境运用词汇学习策略,如chunks/ reasoning/ analog/ using dictionary归类/推理/类比/查字典(2)巩固词汇:labelling/ spot the difference/ describe the draw/ play a game/ word bingo/word association贴标签/找茬/描述绘画/玩游戏(宾果)/词汇联想三、语法教学 P2011、Content 教学内容grammar语法具有Three dimensions三维性:form, meaning and usage形式、意义和用法semantic语义包括grammatical form/the grammatical meaning of thestructure/contents of meaning语法形式、结构的语法意义和内容意义task 教学任务:语法rules规则的cognition/ drill/ application认知/操练/应用、the generation of grammar consciousness语法意识的生成2、Principle 教学原则(交际性/实践性、集中分散相结合、趣味性/通俗性)grammar teaching should be:(1)collocational:the grammar should be built on collocational relations between individual lexical items and their subcategories.(2)Constructive:one's knowledge of grammar is built bit by bit,which closely model the way language is learned and used.(3)Contextual:syntactic and lexical choices are explicitly related to pragmatic ones,and to social and cultural contexts.(4)Contrastive:grammar involves drawing the learner's attention to contrast the differences between the target language and other languages,and between sets of similar features and items of the target language.3、Method教学方法 P202(1)deductive method 演绎法(讲解规则,结合实例分析用法,句型练习)features: It saves time/pays more attention to form/teaches grammar in a decontextualized situation脱离上下文(2)inductive method 归纳法(学生自行归纳语法规则)start with examples and guides ss to work out the rules(3)guided discovery method 引导发现法(学生归纳总结语法规则,老师强化其形式意义)四、语篇教学 P2041、概念和结构(1)Conception 概念discourse pattern语篇可以是dialogue、monologue对话、独白,包括written/spoken language 书面语、口语,form形式上是cohesion衔接的,semantic语义上是coherence 连贯的(2)Tactic pattern结构模式语段/句群、句际关系(并列、顺序、层递、转折)(3)Cohesive device 衔接手段logical connectors逻辑纽带(firstly, thus, on the other hand, if not)grammatical connectors语法纽带(时态什么的)Lexical connectors词汇纽带(repetition重复、synonym/antonym(opposites)同义/反义词)Develop ss’ skill of recognizing discourse patterns训练方式:checking the logic of the author’s arguments.getting the scrambled sentences into a paragraph.(focus on textual coherence) marking out common openers to stories and jokes.2、教学内涵Aims at developing ss’ discourse awareness.(teacher asks ss to concentrate on such features as structure, coherence and cohesion of a text)3、教学方法 P207overall effectiveness整体性效能(用knowledge transfer知识迁移实现,重在cultivate application ability应用能力培养)、overall grasp of the discourse语篇的整体把握Teaching language at the discourse level :utterance function / expected response/ congratulation/ apology/ acceptance/ inform.第四章初中英语语言技能教学 P212一、听力教学1、影响听力的主要因素(1)objective factor客观因素:types of language used 语言特征(语速/tone音调/pause停顿/liaison连读)、task or purpose in listening 听力任务、context in which the listening occurs文化背景知识(2)subjective factor主观因素:psychological心理因素、knowledge skills知识技能因素、methods and tactics方法与策略因素2、听力教学的要领(1)合理选择听力material材料(authenticity真实性、intelligibility可理解性、diversity/variety多样性)(2)建立专门的听力training system训练体系(3)优化心理氛围,降低焦虑感(arouse interest调动兴趣、放松)(4)重视听的过程中的skill training技巧训练prediction 预测、guess 猜测、coherent memory 连贯记忆(note-taking)、identifying the discourse markers辨认语段标记(5)科学设计听力练习3、听力训练的type类型 P216(1)Focus listening精听(tonal discrimination辨音、gap filling填空、dictation 听写)听写形式:dictogloss听释、fast-speech dictation快速听写、pause and paraphrase听写大意、listening cloze 完形听写、error identification纠错听写、jigsaw identification线索听写(2)Gist listening泛听( decide on the best title )(3)Free listening随意听4、听力教学model模式(1)Bottom-up model“自下而上”(强调language knowledge语言知识)(2)Top-down model“自上而下”(侧重background information背景知识)5、听力教学的过程 P218(1)Pre-listening tasks 听前环节(brainstorming/discuss a relevantpicture/writing question about the topic/associating vocabularies with the topic)(2)While-listening tasks听中环节(辨音、获取主要信息、预测、猜词悟义)(3)Post-listening tasks 听后环节(writing a similar text作文、discussion讨论)二、口语教学 P2191、Spoken language口语的特点(fragmentation结构不完整性、involvement人和场合紧密依存性)(1)语法特征:There are four common features of spoken language:Using less complex syntax.语法Taking short cuts, sentences.(and, or,but)Using fixed conventional phrases/chunks.俗语(fashionable word, two-part allegorical saying,colloquialism,slang,phrasal verbs 歇后语/口语词/俚语/短语动词)Using devices such as fillers,hesitation device to give time to think before speaking.结构特征:往往借助filler补白词(you know, let me see, um)形象特征:说话人的表情、语气及态度等body language身体语言;音质/声调/重音/停顿(2)口语的交际特点“说”受语言rule规则支配/时间factor因素制约/对方response反应影响2、口语教学的要领(1)在听的基础上培养说的能力(使输入的信息量大于输出的信息量)(2)组织多样化的口语活动形式口语活动类型:pre-communicative activities 前交际活动(操练/模仿/重复)和communicative activities 交际活动(信息差活动/解决问题活动/讨论/辩论/采访/游戏)(3)正确处理准确与流利的关系Accuracy( identify particular phonemes on tape )Fluency( shouldn’t interrupt )(4)创造浓厚外语氛围,鼓励学生敢说乐说The characteristics of a successful speaking task:maximum foreign talk/even participation/high motivation/right language level (5)合理选择口语组织形式,增加学生开口的机会(小组形式/单双人活动)3、口语训练的方法imitativeness模仿性、monologue独白性、performing表演性的口语表达三、阅读教学 P2231、外语阅读的type/form类型(1)根据阅读方式和技巧的不同划分Adaptive reading适应性阅读recognition--read--silent-reading认读--朗读--默读Learning reading学习型阅读plain substance主旨浅显information信息量大,强调阅读速度comprehension理解性阅读real material材料真实、wide theme题材广泛、various types体裁多样,higher difficulty 难度较高(2)根据阅读方式和技巧的不同划分Skinning 面式读法/略读(掌握全文大意或中心思想;报刊、新书)quickly get the gistScanning 点式读法/寻读/跳读(查找具体信息;时间、人名、地点、数字)specific informationIntensive reading 线式读法/精读(详细地阅读,深入分析、理解和记忆)read in detailExtensive reading 纵式读法/泛读(广泛地阅读,阅读速度、快速理解能力、拓宽视野) facilitate process of accumulating vocabulary / increasing target language expose/ broadening scope of vision(3)根据阅读理解的层次划分Literal comprehension 字面理解(依靠语言知识/能力辨认词义和语法结构)language knowledge/competence identify meaning and grammatical structure Inferential/interpretive comprehension 推断性理解(经历、直觉、逻辑判断理解未明示信息)experience/ intuition/ logic judge and understand unexpressed information Evaluative comprehension 评价性理解/应用性理解(理解文章信息的价值)valueAppreciative comprehension 欣赏性理解(情感熏陶和思想启迪)Emotional influence and thought enlightenment2、阅读教学的要领 P226(1)合理选择阅读材料Language difficulties 难度(难于略高于学习者现有水平)higher than present levelInterest 趣味性(充满可读性,激发求知欲和好奇心)readability、thirst for knowledge and curiosityAuthenticity 真实性(英语本族语者撰写)written by native English speakersComprehensiveness 宽泛性(内容反映历史、人物、风土人情、文化习俗以及时尚流行,体裁和题材丰富多样)content various type or forms of literature and theme(2)建立分析性(精读)与综合性(泛读)相结合的阅读教学体系分析性阅读与综合性阅读教学的分工改进现行分析性阅读教学模式,落实阅读训练综合性阅读教学应正规化、课程化(3)重视阅读three elements三要素的培养vocabulary词汇、comprehend理解(topic sentence主题句)、speed速度(4)重视阅读过程中的技巧训练prediction预测、reading for specific抓中心思想、reading for specific information 获取特殊信息、inferring推理(reading between the lines)、identifying the discourse types确认语篇3、阅读教学的approach模式 P229(1)The top-down model 自上而下模式为主(pre-reading activities读前环节活动的开展)(2)The bottom-up model 自下而上模式为辅(小到大的语言文字单位,重视词汇教学) teaching a text by introducing new vocabularies or structuresfollow the sequence of teaching new words, sentences and then the whole passage (3)The interactive-compensatory approach交互补偿模式4、阅读教学的过程(1)Pre-reading tasks 读前环节(背景知识、写作风格、西方风俗)predicting what a passage is about/ creating a word web related to a topic/ sharing what is already known about a topic(2)While-reading tasks读中环节(保障充足阅读时间、阅读技能训练)(3)Post-reading tasks 读后环节(思维和实践活动)四、写作教学 P2311、写的教学要领(1)Motivate writing motivation 激发写作动机communicative purpose; audience awareness 交际目的读者意识(2)指导写作技巧:写的单项训练(结合语音教学)语篇写作技巧(design skills构思技巧;过程构思、文本构思;model essay范文是有力工具)skill of planning: finding ideas and put them in order(3)根据不同文体风格指导相应的写作策略Formal writing 正式文体(第三人称)typical feature: the precision of language is a priority 语言精确优先well-organized structure 有序的结构wide range of vocabulary and structural patterns 有结构的模式technical terms and definitions 专用名词和定义Informal writing 非正式文体(一、二人称)typical feature: short and incomplete sentences are common 多为短句、简单句(4)分阶段设计教学活动,训练写作技能Controlled writing 控制性写作(gap filling/ transcribe/ sentence pattern transformation填空/抄写/句型转换)Guided writing 指导性写作(completion/ reproduction/ compression/ transformation 续写/复写/缩写/转写)Free writing 自由写作(5)写、correct/ amend改、evaluate评相结合2、写作教学的模式(1)Product-oriented approach注重结果(给题目--写--改,注重语篇整体)(2)Content-oriented approach注重内容(收集材料--组织文章--修改,写前准备)(3)Process-oriented approach注重过程(准备--写作--修改--再改,写作能力)what/how to write peer-editing3、写作教学的process过程(1)Pre-writing tasks写前环节的任务和活动(gather and organize ideas激发写作动机)The main procedures of process writing include creating a motivation to write, brainstorming,mapping,freewriting,outlining,drafting,editing,revising,proofreading and conferencing.(2)While-writing tasks写中环节的任务和活动(organize written组织成文)drafting, peer-editing, revising(3)Post-writing tasks写后环节的任务和活动(comments and feedback 点评和反馈) conferencing第三部分教学设计第一章教学设计skill技能一、教学设计概述 P2411、概念:传统的instructional design 教学设计即lesson planning 备课考虑“如何学”最核心的部分是lesson plan 教案It’s a teaching guide/ It takes into account syllabus教学大纲 and ss./It describes in advance提前 what about how to teach.2、教学设计principle原则aims目标性原则 variety 多样性原则 flexibility 灵活性原则learnability可学性原则 linkage 衔接性选择 feasibility 可行性原则3、教学设计的basic requirements基本要求A language lesson plan usually has the following components:background information,teaching aims, language contents and skills, stages and procedures, teaching aids, assignments, and teacher's after-lesson reflection.4、教学设计新concept理念(1)学生参与课堂设计的自主性(2)教学设计贯穿课堂教学的全过程(3)教学设计的确定性与不确定性相统一5、教学设计的pattern模式Analysis----design----evaluation 分析----设计----评价分析:学习需求(学习objectives目标分析是关键)、学习者、学习content内容设计:教学strategy策略、教学course过程(task appearance--preparation--accomplishment--consolidation 任务呈现--任务准备--任务完成--语言巩固)、教学technique技术评价:教学target目标是否达成是评价教学设计有效性的关键反馈修正(feedback correction):教学评价能够提供大量的教学反馈信息6、英语教学设计的concrete form 具体形式(1)表格式 table form分别陈述学生/教师活动,说明活动目的/意图,突出教学design 设计的理念(2)流程图式 flow chart form 展示教学process过程(format格式不同)(3)叙述式 narrative form二、学情分析 P2481、学习者分析(1)认知特征(2)学习风格 authority-oriented learners崇尚权威型;analytical learners分析型; concrete learners具体型;communicative learners交际型(3)学习方式 accepted 接受性;experience 体验性;independent 自主性;Cooperation 合作性;exploration 探究性2、学习需求分析(1)learning needs的内涵学习目前状态与期望状态之间的差距(2)学习需求分析的内容和方法data collection 数据采集;analyze 分析三、教学内容分析 P2511、教学内容的选择把握fundamentality基础性(vocabulary/ syntactic structure/ language competence/ learning strategy/ cultural knowledge词汇/句法结构/语言能力/学习策略/文化知识)adaptation 适应性(age/ cognitive characteristic 年龄/认知特点)high frequency高频性(frequently used经常使用的)enjoyment 趣味性(激发学习兴趣,保证学习effectiveness 有效性)2、正确理解textbook教材(1)分析教材 textbook evaluation provides authentic language/ matches the needs of learners/ can help realize the objectives of a language program(2)处理教材的方法(LARA法:leave-adapt-replace-add)(3)教材的使用:活化教材、挖掘资源、选准话题(探究性、开放性、生成性)When a teacher using an ELT course book, he should:select appropriate supporting materials and resources.interpret curriculum goals and its expectations for the course.plan lessons in relation to specific goals, topics, texts, and tasks.3、Auxiliary teaching materials辅助教学材料的screening筛选(1)教学材料筛选的原则:启发式、因材施教、动态生成、适时适度(2)教学材料筛选的策略:遵循理念、吃透教材、研究学生(3)辅助教学材料的分类:知识类、技能类、课外活动类、教学辅助类、自主学习类四、教学目标 P2551、教学目标的陈述内容三个维度:knowledge objective/ ability objective/ emotion objective知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观2、教学目标的陈述要素以行为目标来陈述教学目标,包括四个要素:ABCD模式A-audience 主体或听众(程度副词/百分比/范围副词)+主语(ss/learners)B-behavior 行为listen,sing,imitate,recite,depict,recognize,apply,understand,know,master,enjoyC-conditions 条件after this class, under the guidance of the teacher, after attending alecture,with the help of substances, through imitation/repeatD-degree 程度/标准clearly, fluently, correctly, efficiently, basically, preliminarily, smoothly, appropriately3、教学目标的陈述方式按照层级划分有三种goals,aims,objectives(course goals, teaching aims)(1)结果性目标(知识与技能)4、教学目标的陈述原则comprehensive、suitable、specific、 accurate全面、恰当(目标层次性/内容和已有知识一致性/教学活动连贯性)、具体、准确五、教学重难点 P2591、教学重难点的meaning涵义(1)Teaching key/ Important point教学重点。



《英语语用学》课程教学大纲课程编码:30615002 学分:2 总学时:36说明【课程性质】《英语语用学》是英语专业的专业任意选修课。








【教材与主要参考书】教材:Yule, George 《语用学》上海外语教育出版社, 2000年。


Verschueren,Jef 《语用学新解》语教学与研究出版社,2003年。

Jaszczolt,K.M. 《语义学与语用学》北京大学出版社,2006年。




最新电大国家开放大学《应用语言学》《广告调查与预测》教学考一体化合集答案《应用语言学》教学考一体化答案一、单选题1.The morpheme "vision" in the common word "television" is a(n) ___.(5.00分)A. bound formB. inflectional morphemeC. free morphemeD. bound morpheme2.Grammatical changes may be explained, in part, as analogic changes, which are ___ or generalization。

(5.00分)A. elaborationB. simplificationC. internal borrowingD. external borrowing3.___ refers to a marginal language of few lexical items and straightforward grammatical rules, used as a medium of communication.(5.00分)A. PidginB. CreoleC. Standard languageD. Lingua franca4."Can I borrow your bike?" ___ "You have a bike."(5.00分)A. presupposesB. entailsC. is inconsistent withD. is synonymous with5.The function of the sentence “A nice day, isn't it?”is __.(5.00分)A. directiveB. performativeC. informativeD. phatic6.The semantic components of the word “gentleman” can be expressed as __.(5.00分)A. +animate,+male,+human,+adultB. +animate,+male,+human,-adultC. +animate,-male,+human,-adultD. +animate,-male,+human,+adult7.__deals with the way in which a language varies through geographical space.(5.00分)A. SociolinguisticsB. LexicologyC. LexicographyD. Linguistic geography8.A linguist regards the changes in language and language use as __.(5.00分)A. abnormalB. unusualC. something to be fearedD. natural9.The way in which people address each other depends on their age, sex, social group, and personal relationship. The English system of address forms frequently used includes first name, last name, title+last name, _______,and kin term.(5.00分)A. title aloneB. title+first nameC. first name+last name+titleD. title+title10.It is the _______ on Case assignment that states that a Case assignor and a Case recipient should stay adjacent to each other.(5.00分)A. Adjacent ConditionB. Case ConditionC. Adjacent ParameterD. parameter11.The term _______ linguistics may be defined as a way of referring to the approach which studies language change over various periods of time and at various historical stages.(5.00分)A. historical comparativeB. diachronicC. synchronicD. comparative12.According to Searle,those illocutionary acts whose point is to commit the speaker to some future course of action are called _______.(5.00分)A. declarativesB. expressivesC. commisivesD. directives二、判断正误1.Syntactic categories refer to sentences (S) and clauses (C) only.(10.00分)错误正确2.Dialectal synonyms can often be found in different regional dialects such as British English and American English but cannot be found within the variety itself, for example, within British English or American English.(10.00分)错误正确3.According to the strong version of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, speakers' perceptions determine language and pattern their way of life.(10.00分)错误正确4.The compound word "bookstore" is the place where books are sold. This indicates that the meaning of a compound is the sum total of the meanings of its components.(10.00分)错误正确5.All normal children have equal ability to acquire their first language.(10.00分)错误正确6.Voicing is a phonological feature that distinguishes meaning in both Chinese and English.(10.00分)错误7.In most bilingual communities, two languages have the same in speech situations known as domains.(10.00分)错误正确8.In modern linguistic studies, the written form of language is given more emphasis than the spoken form for a number of reasons.(10.00分)错误正确9.Tense and reference are two terms often encountered in the study of meaning.(10.00分)错误正确10.The part of a sentence which compriese comprises an infinite verb or a verb phrase is grammatically called predicate.(10.00分)错误正确11.The word “photographically” is made up of 4 morphemes.(10.00分)错误正确12.All words may be said to contain a root morpheme.(10.00分)错误正确13.The smallest meaningful unit of language is allomorph.(10.00分)错误正确14.Semantics is the main part of linguistics.(10.00分)错误正确15.The term dialect,as a technical term in linguistics,carries value judgement and not simply refers to a distinct form of language.(10.00分)错误16.Linguistics is the course of language.(10.00分)错误正确17.In first language acquisition children's grammar models exactly after the grammar of adult language.(10.00分)错误正确18.“The student” in the sentence “The student liked the linguistic lecture.”,and “The linguistic lecture” in the sentence “The linguistic lecture liked the student.”belong to the same syntactic category.(10.00分)错误正确19.Phrase structure rules can generate an infinite number of sentences and sentences with infinite length, due to their recursive properites.(10.00分)错误正确20.Instruction and correction are key factors in child language development.(10.00分)错误正确21.Speakers of different languages are capable of distinguishing and recognizing experiences of the same objective world according to their respective different linguistic coding system.(10.00分)错误正确22.If a child is deprived of linguistic environment, he or she is unlikely to learn a language successfully later on.(10.00分)错误正确23.The division of English into Old English, Middle English, and Modern English is nonconventional and not arbitrary.(10.00分)正确24.When children learn to distinguish between the sounds of their language and the sounds that are not part of the language, they can acquire any sounds in their native language once their parents teach them.(10.00分)错误正确《广告调查与预测》教学考一体化答案一、单选题。



(8)May I tell you that the square root of a quarter is a half? 这种语句可以在间接陈述分句中添加施为 副词(performative adverbs)或插入分句 (parenthetical clauses),比如obviously,I believe等,从而使疑问句更具体陈述的“言外 之力”。 比如“May I tell you that, obviously/I believe, the square root if a quarter is a half?”
可能由于礼貌或其他原因,说话人表达这些语言行为 时都不会尽情表露自己的看法,而是持一定的克制态 度。例如: (26)A:John Smith is disgusting. B:Well, he is your teacher. B中的话语指示词well表明说话人对自己的意见有所克 制,从而使整个话语隐含了这样的信息“John Smith 确实讨厌,可是他是你的老师,恐怕还得忍耐一点”, 从而表达了劝告的用意。 (27)A:Your son's really taken to Annette. B:He used to like playing with snails when he was a child.

D. 缩略句型结构间接表示“请求”、“提供信 息”、“反对”或表示“不赞成”。例如:
(19) a. Seen John lately? b. Any idea how much that vase was worth? (20) Why paint your house purple? 如果这些语句不加缩略,可能兼有字面用意和间接用意。例 如:(21) a. Have you seen John lately? b. Do you have any idea how much that vase was worth? (22) Why do you paint your house purple? 例(21)可能有字面用意——询问,或者有间接用意——请 求提供信息,或者是一个修辞疑问句,表示断言,即“You have seen john lately! 以及“You have the idea how much that vase was worth!”。至于例(22),除了可以间接表达 “不赞同”这样的含意之外,当然还可以从字面上理解为 “询问”。



一、语言学总论1. design feature of language(语言的定义特征)defining properties of human language that distinguish it from any animal system of communication1)Arbitrariness(任意性): 象似性iconicity定义:the forms of linguistic signs bear no natural relationship to their meaning.举例:书, book, livre喜欢,like,aimer2)Duality(二层性):定义:the property of having two levels of structures, such that units of the primary level are composed of elements of the secondary level.举例:Sounds > syllables > words > phrases > clauses > sentences> texts/discourses3)Creativity/Productivity(创造性):定义:Language can be used to create new meanings because of its duality.举例1:/k/ ,/a:/, /p/---- carp or park举例2:England, defeated, FranceEngland defeated France.France defeated England.4)Displacement(替代性、移位性):定义:Human languages enable their users to symbolize something which are not present at the moment of communication.5)Cultural Transmission(文化传递性):定义:language is passed on from generation to generation through teaching and learning rather than instinct.反例:印度狼孩2. Important Distinctions in Linguistics(语言学研究中几对重要的概念)1) Descriptive (描述性)vs. Prescriptive (规定性)Descriptive: describing how things are.prescriptive: prescribing how things ought to beImportant Distinctions in Linguistics举例:Don't say X.People don't say X.The first is a prescriptive command, while the second is a descriptive statement.2). Synchronic(共时性)vs. Diachronic (历时性)synchronic: takes a fixed instant as its point of observation.diachronic: the study of a language through the course of its history.举例:研究1800年的英语发音Synchronic studies (共时性研究)研究1800-1900的法语语法变化Diachronic studies (历时研究)3). langue(语言)& parole (言语)Theorist:Saussure(索绪尔), father of modern linguisticslangue: abstract linguistic systemparole: actual realization of langueImportant Distinctions in Linguistics4) Competence(语言能力)and performance (语言运用)theorist: Chomsky(乔姆斯基)competence: user's knowledge of rules about the linguistic system.performance: the actual realization of this knowledge in concrete situations.二、语音学和音系学1.语音学(phonetics)和音系学(phonology)的定义和区别2.语音学重要概念: 清音和浊音3.音系学重要概念: 音子,音位, 超音段特征Phonetics studies all speech sounds in human languages: how they are produced, transmitted and how they are received.Phonology: aims to discover how speech sounds in a language form patternsand how these sounds are used to convey meaning in linguistic communication.区别: meaning(是否研究和表达意义有关的语音)举例:too 和tea 中的/t/发too中的/t/时, 舌位更靠近口腔前部发tea中的/t/时,舌位更靠近口腔后部语音学要研究这种/t/发音的不同之处, 音系学不研究语音学分类articulatory phonetics(发音语音学): speakers productionacoustic phonetics(声学语音学): transmission’s mediumauditory phonetics(听觉语音学): receiver’s receptionHow speech sounds are madeSpeech organsPosition of the vocal folds(声带): voicing(浊音) and voiceless (清音)Voiceless(清音):vocal cords are drawn wide apart, letting the air stream go through without causing obstruction清音举例:[p,s,t]Voicing/Voiced(浊音):vocal cords held together, letting the air stream vibrates浊音: [b,z,d]The distinction between vowels and consonants lies in the obstruction of air stream.As there is no obstruction of air in the production of vowels, the description of the consonants and vowels cannot be done along the same lines.音系学重要概念:Phone(音子):a phonetic unit; the speech sounds we hear and produce during communication are all phones举例:too 和tea 中的/t/发too中的/t/时, 舌位更靠近口腔前部发tea中的/t/时,舌位更靠近口腔后部所以too 和tea 中的/t/两个不同的音子Phoneme(音位): phonological and abstract unit, a unit of distinctive value;the smallest unit of sound in a language which can distinguish two words.举例:tea 和sea, /t/和/s/是两个不同的音位morphemeSuprasegmental features (超音段特征)Suprasegmental features: phonemic features that occur above the level of the segments .The principal suprasegmentals are:stress (重音)举例: perfect (adj) 和perfect (v)tone (声调)/pitch (音高):定义: sound feature which are caused by the differing rate of vibration of the vocal folds.举例: mā妈, má麻, mă马,mà骂比较:英语单词,如meintonation (语调):pitch, stress, and sound length are tied to the sentence rather than the word in isolation.三、Morphology 形态学1. 学科定义2. 语素的定义和分类3. 词的分类(classification of words)形态学研究的基本单位1. morpheme(语素). The most basic element of meaning in language,an element that cannot be further divided into smaller units without altering its meaning.举例:ballfootballballsTypes of MorphemesFree morphemes vs. Bound morphemes(自由语素和黏着语素):Free morphemes: those that may constitute words by themselves, eg boy, girl, table, nation. Bound morphemes: those that cannot occur alone, eg -s, -ed, dis-, un-.Types of Bound MorphemeInflectional morpheme (屈折语素)=inflectional affix(屈折词缀):change the grammatical meaning (number, aspect, case, tense)Derivational morpheme(派生语素)=derivational affix (派生词缀): change the lexical meaningDerivational morpheme(改变词义):改变词义:dis-, un-, multi-, micro-改变词性:en-, -full, -mentInflectional morpheme(改变语法含义):改变名称的性,数,格:-ess, -s,改变动词的时, 态,体: -ing, -ed,改变形容词的级:-er, -est如何区分派生词(derivational word)和合成词(compound word) : 拆开后看各个组成的语素能否都单独成词,如果可以,就是合成词,如果不能就是派生词。



第33卷第7期湖南科技学院学报V ol.33 No.7 2012年7月Journal of Hunan University of Science and Engineering Jul.2012言语行为理论再探讨刘立国(山东体育学院 基础理论系,山东 济南 250063)摘 要:言语行为理论的产生和发展在很大程度上受日常语言学派的哲学影响。

目前, 人们的注意力从对语言的研究转向了对言语的研究,转向了对话语句的研究,具有明显的语用学研究特点。


关键词:言语行为理论;哲学渊源;会话分析中图分类号:H021文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-2219(2012)07-0182-03语用学(Pragmatics)是由美国哲学家Chales William Morris在1937年首先使用的。


语用学作为语言学的一个相对独立的分 支可以说有三个标志:一是1977年《语用学杂志》(Journal of Pragmatics)创刊,二是1983年莱文逊(Lvinson S. C.)专著《语用学》(Pragmatics)的发表,三是1986年“国际语用学会”正式成立。

[1]“言语行为”(speech act)理论是当今语用学理论中的核心理论之一,言语行为理论的发展极大地推动了用语学科的进步。



一言语行为理论的研究现状言语行为(speech act)理论研究的是通过讲出某一语言而完成的行为。









austin首先提出了“施为假设(performativehypothesis y’,区分了表述句和施为句,并把施为句分为显性施为句和隐性施为句。

后来,他又提出言语行为三分说,认为言语行为由以言指事行为(10cutionary act)、以言行事行为(iuoeutionaryact)和以言成事行为(perlocutionary act)三个层面组成。










第 一 种 看 法 称 为 “ 不 可 归 纳 论 点”(irreducibility thesis)或简称“论 点”(thesis). 持这一观点的人认为人们所说的 话语不但表达了一定的命题内容,而且也实施 了一定的言外行为,实施某一言外行为可能有 多种方式,但至少有一种方式是直接的、明确 的,也就是通过使用一个明确的行事动词的方 式,它在英语中可用I+(hereby)VP you that) S’这个公式表示,但不论言外行为通过什么方 式得到实施,必须通过一套恰当条件才能对它 作 出 描 述 和 解 释 。
因此,可以说言内行为必须遵循一 定的语言规则,它的结果是产生符 合某种语言的句法、语义规则的句 子,而言外行为则必须满足一定的 恰当条件,它的结果是产生符合某 种语言的使用规则的具有一定交际 功能的话语,可见,言内行为和言 外行为是各自具有一套制约规则的 两种不同的语言行为,因此应该予 以分别对待考虑。
从广义上说,这种研究属于对行为的研 究,因而无法归人到狭义的对真实条件 的语义学研究中去。Searle是持这一种 观点的人之一,他们完全从语用的角度 来研究、解释言外之力。
另一种观点恰恰与之对立,故称为“对 立论”(antithesis). 持这种观点的人认为, 解释言外之力不需要一套特殊的理论; 话语实施言外行为,完全可以在一般的 句法理论和真实条件语义学中得到解释。 这种观点反映了传统的语言学研究的影 响。
(23)中的herself则不论在表层结构还是深 层结构中都找不到它的先行词,因而这是 不能接受的英语句子。 对立论者常常引用的第二种现象是句子中 一些看起来其修饰对象似乎不甚明确的副 词或状语从句,如下面两例中的frankly和 because从句:
(25)Frankly,I prefer the white meat. (26)What’s the time,because I’ve got to go out at 8? (25)中的frankly似乎很难说是修饰句子 中的哪一个部分,(26)中的 because从句 也不能说是修饰 what’s the time这个从句 的。但是在实际使用中,它们都是可以接 受的句子。





常用的动词形式有以下几种: 1. To suggest(建议):用于表达一个初步的假设,暗示可能存在某种关系或规律。


2. To propose(提出):用于表达一个较为完整的假设,提出某种结论或解释。


3. To postulate(假定):用于表达一个基于逻辑推理或已有证据的假设。


4. To hypothesize(假设):用于表达一个具有实验性质的假设,需要进行实验验证。



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奥斯汀 2021
Austin defined speech acts as: the actions performed in saying something.
To understand speech act theory, we should bear in mind the basic assumption underlying it—language is used to do things.
Wittgenstein (1958) was actively attacking the logical positivist view by putting forward the idea “Meaning is use”.
Austin by observing the use of ordinary language, wished to challenge the prevailing view that the only philosophically interesting function of language was that of make true or false statements. He observed that there were certain classes of sentences for which true conditions seem to be irrelevant. They did not describe or report anything and it made no sense to speak of them as true or false. The property of such sentences is “the uttering of the sentence is, or part of, the doing of an action, which again would not normally be described as saying202s1omething”



B. 陈述句型结构间接表示“请求”、“命 令”、“劝告”、“提醒”或“允诺”等
a. I would like you to go now. b. You ought to be more polite to your mother. c. You should do it at once. d. It would be better for you if you would leave the room. e. You„re standing in my way.
广告中人们常用强调的方式,通过陈述、 询问等隐含的各种“言外之力”,给顾客 施加影响,从而达到以言成事的目的,比 如说服顾客购买所介绍的商品。例如:
A“Roc”(卷笔刀商标)will sharpen your pencil down to the last stub without harming the lead core. Get the point? Get the “Roc”! If it's not Schlitz(啤酒商标),it's not beer.
言语行为理论可以解释句法学、真实条件 语义学等无能为力的很多语言现象。可见,言 语行为理论的贡献是不可否认的,但任何理论 又都存在不完备性。 在一定程度上,奥斯汀与塞尔都坚持言 语行为的规约性或惯用性,但塞尔同时强调了 意向性(intentionality)。他认为,礼貌是使用 间接言语行为(比如“请求”)最重要的动因, 不过他忽略了影响言语行为礼貌程度的社

通过“否定强调”的方式做出字面上的 否定陈述,从而向对方实施“劝告”、 “请求”、“建议”、“命令”等间接 言语行为。
It's is absolutely impossible to finish the work within a week. We must not do so on any account. It is awfully oppressive today;there is not a breath of air.



The Use of English8.1 Pragmatic Approach to Language8.1.1Pragmatics(语用学)It is the study of meaning in use. meaning in context. speaker meaning. contextual meaning.Pragmatics studies communication (utterance production and comprehension) from a functional (i.e. social,cultural,cognitive) perspective.8.1.2 Semantics(语义学) V.S PragmaticsSemanticism:semantics includes pragmaticsPragmaticism:pragmatics includes semanticsComplementarism:semantics studies meaning in the abstract;pragmatics studies meaning in the context/use.8.2 Deictic Expressions (批示语)8.2.1DeixisDeixis:(from Greek) anchoring,pointing (toward the context) phenomenon.The linguistic means used in this function are known as deictics,indexicals ( or indexical / deictic expressions).Examples:pronouns,demonstratives,time and place adverbs,and some grammatical categories such as tense.8.2.2 Characteristics in useThe egocentricity of deixisDeictic expressions are anchored to specific points in the communicative event. The unmarked points,called the deictic center,are typically assumed to be asfollows (S. Levinson:Pragmatics):I love this game!1) the central person is the speaker2) the central time is the time at which the speaker produces the utterance3) the central place is the spe aker’s location at utterance time4) the discourse center is the point which the speaker is currently at in the production of his utterance5) the social center is the speaker’s social status and rank,to which the status or rank of addressees or referents is relative.8.2.3 Deictic VS. Non-deicticDeictic:gestural/symbolicYou,you,but not you,are dismissed. (gestural)What did you say?(Symbolic)Non-deictic:anaphoric /non-anaphoricJack is a student. He comes from Britain.You can never tell what sex they are nowadays.There you go again./There we go.I did this and that.8.2.4 Classification of deicticPerson deixisPlace deixisTime deixisSocial deixisDiscourse deixis8.3 Speech Act TheorySaying is acting. (John Austin,How to Do Things with Words,1962)“Speech acts” refer to actions performed via utterances.Speech acts are “the basic or minimal units of linguistic communication”.8.3.1 Constatives (表述句) and performatives (施为句)a. There is a book on the desk.b. I promise I’ll be there ten sharp tomo rrow.hereby-test:first person singular subject,simple present tense,indicative mood,active voice,performative verbs (with exceptions,though)8.3.3 Collapse of Performative Hypothesisa. Not all performative utterances require a performative verb;b. An utterance with a performative verb may not be the type of act suggested by the verb;8.3.4 felicity conditions (适切条件)a. Essential condition (基本条件)b. Preparatory condition (预备条件)c. Propositional content condition (命题内容条件)d. Sincerity condition (真诚条件)Felicity conditions for a promise:1) The speaker can do what is promised;(基本)2)The promised act has not taken place yet;(预备)3)The utterance is about a future act;The promised act is to the benefit of the hearer;The promised act will be fulfilled by the speaker;(命题内容)4) The speaker means what he says. (真诚)etc.Searle’s classification of illocutionary actsRepresentatives/assertives(阐述类)describe,inform,deny,state,claim,assert,remind,etc.Directives (指令类):request,ask,urge,tell,demand,order,advise,command,beseech,etc.Commissives (承诺类):commit,promise,threaten,pledge,consent,refuse,offer,guarantee,etc.Expressives (表达类):apologize,boast,thank,deplore,welcome,congratulate,greet,etc.Declarations (宣布类):declare,resign,appoint,nominate,bless,christen,name,etc.8.4 Presupposition8.4.1Presupposition and entailment8.4.2Presupposition triggers:linguistics device that make inference possible.9.1 Cooperation in using English9.1.1Cooperative PrincipleMake your conversational contribution such as is required,at the stage at which it occurs,by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged.H. P. Grice,Logic and Conversation,19759.1.2Maxims of the principleQuality:Be truthful.a. Do not say what you believe to be false.b. Do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence.Quantity:Be informative.a. Make your contribution as informative as required (for the current purposes of the exchange)b. Do not make your contribution more informative than is required.Relation:Be relevant.Make sure that whatever you say is relevant to the conversation at hand.Manner:Be perspicuous (明晰).a. Avoid obscurity of expression.b. Avoid ambiguity.c. Be brief(avoid unnecessary prolixity)d. Be orderly.9.1.3 ImplicatureIt is a kind of extra meaning that is not contained in the utterance. When any of the maxims is blatantly(公然地) violated and the hearer knows that it is being violated,a particular conversational implicature arises.9.1.4 Some properties of conversational implicatureA. It can be cancelled,either by an explicit declaration that the speaker is opting out or,implicitly,by the co-text and context.(cancellability可取消性)B. It can be inferred (calculability可推导性)Ways to calculate an implicature:a.The conventional meaning of the words used,and the references of referring expressions;b.the cooperative principle and its maxims;c.the co-text and context;d.background knowledge;e.the supposition that all participants suppose that all relevant items falling under(1)-(4) are available to them all.1 Since I have good reason to believe that she has information about X’s writing skills,the speaker has deliberately failed to observe (flouted) the maxim “Be informative”2 But I have no reason to believe that she has really opted out of the cooperative principle. So,she is only being apparently uninformative.3 If I draw the inference that X hasn’t got very good writing skills,then the speaker is being cooperative. She knows that I am capable of working this out.4 Therefore,she has implied (or “implicated”to use Grice’s term) that the student’s writing skills are not very good.C.It may be indeterminate:in many cases,the list of possible implicatures of an utterance is open.(indeterminacy不拟定性)D.Non-detachability [given the same proposition]9.2 Politeness in using English9.2.1Leech’s Politeness PrincipleMinimize (other things being equal) the expression of impolite beliefs andMaximize (other things being equal) the expression of polite beliefs.9.2.2The 6 maxims of Leech’s PPTact MaximMinimize cost to otherMaximize benefit to otherGenerosity MaximMinimize benefit to selfMaximize cost to selfApprobation MaximMinimize dispraise of otherMaximize praise of otherMaxim of modestyMinimize praise of selfMaximize dispraise of selfAgreement Maxim Minimize disagreement between self and otherMaximize agreement between self and otherSympathy Maxim Minimize antipathy between self and otherMaximize sympathy between self and other9.2.3Politeness scale:DirectnessCost - benefit9.3 Face considerations in using EnglishFace,the public self-image that every member wants to claim for himself,consisting in two related aspects:Negative face and positive faceAccording to Brown and Levinson (1978/1987)Negative face:the basic claim to territories,personal preserves,rights to non-distractioni.e. to the freedom of action and freedom from imposition.Positive face:the positive consistent self-image or ‘personality’(crucially including the desire that this self-image be appreciated and approved of) claimed by interactants.9.4 Developing pragmatic competenceThe Varieties of English10.1 Interrelation between language and societyIndications of interralation/relatedness between language and societyAn obvious indication of the inter-relationship between language and society is the fact that language is not always used to exchange information as is generally assumed,but rather it is sometimes used to fulfil an important social function--- to maintain social relationship between people.Another indication is that users of the same language in a sense all speak differently. The kind of language each of them chooses to use is in partdetermined by his social background. When we speak we cannot avoid giving our listeners clues about our origin and our background.Chomsky (cognitive approach,ideal speaker) vs. Saussure (social semiotic approach)Any use of language is socially marked/stamped.As society changes,language will change. Language reflects society,as shown by the lexicon of "snow","camel".Whereas English,for example,has only one word for snow ( or two if we include sleet),Eskimo has several. The reasons for this are obvious. It is essential for Eskimos to be able to distinguish efficiently between different types of snow.English,of course,is quite able to make the same distinctions:fine snow,dry snow,soft snow,and so on,but in Eskimos this sort of distinction is lexicalized---made by means of individual words.10.1.2 Approaches to the study of the interrelationMacro-sociolinguistics:a bird's-eye view:how language functions in society and how language reflects the social differentiations. [sociology of language]Micro-sociolinguistics:a worm's-eye view:how language functions in the communication between members of the society. [sociolinguistics]It is an obvious fact that people who claim to be users of the same language do not speak the language in the same manner. For example all the English –speaking people do not speak the same type of English. And the language used by the same individual varies as circumstances vary.10.2 Regional dialects of English10.2.1 Language and dialectLanguage:writing system;may include several dialects;often politically definedDialect:[traditionally only variation with space,but now with the space,the temporal factor and social factors] usu. spoken;often part of a language;not distinct enough from other dialects of the same language to be treated as an independent language;often marked by geographical or social barriers;restricted purposesChinese vs. CantoneseRegional dialect often coincides with geographical barriers,like mountains,rivers,etc. [accent]Transition from one dialect to another is gradual rather than abrupt. Two neighboring dialects are often intelligible.10.2.2 Temporal dialectLanguage is also determined by the time we live in. [temporal distance] Old English;Middle English;Modern English [diachronic/historical linguistics vs.synchronic linguistics]10.3 Social dialects of English10.3.1Social dialect (also social-class dialect,sociolect,class dialect) [social distance] arises from the separation brought about different social conditions. It refers to the linguistic variety characteristic of a particular social class.10.3.2 Social factorsSocial factors that are believed to influence our language behavior:class,gender,age,ethnic identity,education background,occupation,and religious belief. 10.4 Register theory10.4.1Field of discourse:related to what is going on,the purpose and the subject matter of communication;answers the questions of why and about what communication takes place.Technical:linguistic lectures,specialist communication [vocabulary]Non-technical:shopping,chatting10.4.2Tenor of discourse:answers the question of to whom the speaker iscommunicating,determines the level of formality of language use.10.4.3Mode of discourse:answers the question of how communication takes place ;spoken or written;spontaneous or non-spontaneous.11.1 Speech communitySpeech Community is a concept in sociolinguistics,it is a group of speakers who share the same regularities of language use,and have the same language attitude toward communitiy language variation.Virtual SC,migrant worker SC,urban SC,rural SC,international student SC,etc.Five elements of a SC:population,region,public facilities,interaction,identity.11.2 Pidgin and CreolePidgins(洋泾浜) are mixed or blended languages used by people who speak different languages for restricted purposes such as trading.Chinese-English pidgin:limited vocabulary and reduced grammar.1)Phonetics:[l]→[r] room-loom right-light2) the word side was widely used to signify space,top-side=above,bottom-side=below,farside=beyond,allo-side=around,what-tim=when nother tim=again3) basic words origin from English:chin-chindie-lo,buy-lo,pay-lo,wailo,numpa one,plopa=proper,you belong to plopa?= Are you well?When a pidgin has become the primary language of a speech community and is acquired by the children of that speech community as their mother tongue,it is said to be a Creole(混合语).The original pidgin is expanded in terms of its grammar and vocabulary. English-based Creole of Jamaica and the French-based Creole of Haiti.11.3 Bilingualism and DiglossiaBilingualism(双语):two languages are used side by side with each having a different role to play;language switching/code switching occurs when the situation changes. It is often a result of immigration.Diglossia(双言):two varieties of a language exist side by side throughout the community,with each having a definite role to play. [Ferguson in 1959]11.4 Code Mixing and Code SwitchingCode switching: Weinreich (1953)Intersentence code-switchingIntrasentential code-switchingTag code-switchingCS has its social values and communicative aims.。

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Rheme (述位): The constituent of a sentence that adds most new information, in addition to what has already been said in the discourse. The rheme is usually, but not always, associated with the subject.
What is literary discourse?
The framework of literary discourse of Keen (2003: 109), who argues ‘All narrative fiction has a discourse or textual level and a story world’, would be illustrated as in Figure 3:
Problem 2
• Ross proposed that the highest clause of the deepest phrase marker underlying a sentence is performative, no matter whether the surface sentence contained a lexical performative.
• I say (that) I promise to be home by eight. • The performative component I say is the highest clause, but the embedded performative I promise indicates the illocutionary point.
Problem 1
The practical problem with any analysis based on identifying explicit performatives is that, in principle, we simply do not know how many performative verbs there are in any language.
Example on literary discourse
• Ross’s approach sheds light on the fact that literary discourse is after all a communicative event between author (addresser) and reader (addressee). • The functionalist view clarifies the fact that a whole literary text is like one propositional clause in Ross’s framework in which the ‘sequence of elements in the clause tends to represent thematic ordering’ (Halliday 1967: 205), which could be represented as in Figure 2:
• According to Allan (1998:935), Ross was proved wrong for his hypothesis and also for his claim that a sentential phrase marker can contain not more than one performative. • Allan substantiates this rebuttal by means of the following example which dispels both of Ross’s claims:
End of the example
formative hypothesis
Advantages Disadvantages • It makes clear just what • Uttering the explicit elements are involved in performative version the production and sometimes has a much interpretation of more serious impact than utterances. uttering the implicit performative version. • Some adverbs such as ‘frankly’ in , or adverbial • It’s often difficult to know clauses ‘’naturally attach to exactly what the the explicit performative performative verb might be clause rather than the for some utterances. implicit version.
By supplying this structure with Ross’s framework (Figure 1) for the declarative sentence, it is possible to obtain Figure 4:
Does Figure 4 then sufficiently represent the literary discourse framework? The answer is negative. In actuality, literary communication is more like that in Figure 5.
Instead of trying to list all the possible explicit performatives, and then distinguish among all of them, some more general classifications of types of speech acts are usually used.
Performative hypothesis
Han Jiachen 201008005
• The performative hypothesis, brought forward by John Robert Ross (Ross 1970), is the hypothesis that every sentence is associated with an explicit illocutionary act, i.e. is derived from a deep structure containing a performative verb.
• In that sense, performative hypothesis is seldom used to make analysis at present.
• Yule, George. "Pragmatics." (1996): 201. • Kikuchi, Shigeo. "Performative Hypothesis of Literary Discourse.“ • Sassen, Claudia. Linguistic Dimensions of Crisis Talk: Formalizing Structures in a Controlled Language. Vol. 136. John Benjamins, 2005. • Vanderveken, Daniel, and Susumu Kubo, eds. Essays in speech act theory. Vol. 77. John Benjamins, 2002. • /index.php/Performative _hypothesis
Implicit performatives • A. Clean up this mess! • B. I order you that you clean up this mess! Explicit performatives
Ross’s performative analysis can be outlined as Figure 1: