


针对中高危患者,推荐采 取术前优化措施,如药物 治疗、生活方式干预等, 以降低围术期心血管事件 的风险。
提供围术期心血管事件的 管理建议,包括监测、预 防和治疗措施,以确保患 者的安全。
非心脏手术术前心血管风 险评估实践
使用经过验证的风险评估量表, 如ACC/AHA指南推荐的修订心 脏风险指数(RCRI),综合考虑 患者的临床因素,以评估非心脏
定期对术前心血管风险评估工作进行评估 和改进,及时发现问题并采取措施加以改 进,不断提高评估工作的质量和效率。
01 02
通过本次讲座,我们了解到术前心血管风险评估对于非心脏手术患者具 有重要意义,它可以帮助医生识别患者潜在的心血管风险,从而制定相 应的预防措施和手术方案。
• 评估内容:包括患者的病史、体格检查、心电图、超声心动图、血液检查等多个方面,以全面了解患者的心血管状况。
评估步骤 1. 收集患者病史,包括心血管疾病史、高血压、糖尿病等;
2. 进行体格检查,包括血压、心率、心脏杂音等;
3. 进行心电图检查,了解心 脏电活动情况;
acc指南适用于所有进行非心脏手 术的患者,特别是在术前需要进 行心血管风险评估的患者。
包括外科医生、麻醉师、心血管 专科医生、护士以及其他参与患 者术前评估的医疗团队成员。
通过提供标准化的评估流程和方法,acc指南有助于提高不同医疗 团队成员之间评估结果的一致性和准确性。





130 mmHg 是新高”。















2. ACC/AHA新指南将血压≥130/80mmHg定为启动降压治疗的起点,具体是否需要药物治疗或是仅仅是生活方式干预取决于患者是否合并ASCVD以及10年ASCVD的风险是否≥10%。




该指南”取代“2013 ACC/AHA/HFSA 心力衰竭管理指南和在其基础上更新的2017 ACC/AHA/HFSA心力衰竭管理指南用于心力衰竭的管理。


下面一起来看看新指南更新要点吧!1、对于心衰的分类有了新定义,增加了射血分数改善的心力衰竭(HFimpEF)的概念新指南根据左心室射血分数值(LVEF)将心衰分为4类,如下:•射血分数降低的心力衰竭(HFrEF):患者LVEF≤40%;•射血分数保留的心力衰竭(HFpEF):LVEF≥50%并伴左室充盈压力增加;•射血分数轻度降低的心力衰竭(HFmrEF):LVEF在41%~49%,伴左室充盈压力增加;•射血分数改善的心力衰竭(HFimpEF):既往LVEF≤40%,后提升至>40%2、心衰的阶段定义和标准,以更好指导临床医生对心衰诊疗注:BNP:B型利钠肽; CKD:慢性肾病; CVD:心血管疾病;GDMT:指南指导的药物治疗。

3、对于C期心衰患者治疗策略更新1)对于有症状(NYHA II~III级)稳定的慢性HFrEF(LVEF为35%)患者,他们正在接受GDMT,包括最大耐受剂量的β受体阻滞剂,并且处于窦性心律,静息时心率为≥70 bpm,伊伐布雷定有助于减少心衰住院和心血管死亡(推荐类别为IIa)。



2022 ACC心衰管理指南

2022 ACC心衰管理指南

2022 ACC心衰管理指南心衰是指心脏结构或功能异常导致心室收缩或充盈障碍引起的症状和体征的复杂的临床综合征。












A 期预防相关推荐如表1所示:表1:A期预防的推荐2.B期的治疗心衰前期需要控制危险因素,有心肌梗死病史和心功能下降者应用ACEI和β受体阻滞剂。


解读ACCAHA 心衰指南

解读ACCAHA 心衰指南
对于合并房颤的心衰患者,可维持窦性心律 或单纯控制心室率〔Ⅱa/A〕。 左室射血分数〔LVEF〕≤35%,QRS间期 ≥0.12 s合并房颤者,根据建议接受最正确药 物治疗后,纽约心脏学会〔NYHA〕心功能 分级为Ⅲ级或非卧床的心功能Ⅳ级患者,可 给予心脏再同步〔有或无埋藏式心律转复除 颤器〕治疗〔Ⅱa/B〕
A阶段:有心衰高危因素〔如高血压、冠心病、糖尿病 等〕,但无结构性心脏病或心衰病症。治疗重点在于积极 干预危险因素。 B阶段:有结构性心脏病〔包括左室肥厚、左室重构和 心室扩张等〕,但无心衰病症或体征。治疗重点在于阻断 或延缓心肌重构。 C阶段:有结构性心脏病,当前或既往有心衰病症。治 疗重点在于改善心衰病症,提高生活质量,降低心衰住院 率和死亡率。 D阶段:终末期心衰。治疗重点为在上述3期治疗根底 上,辅以心脏移植、血液透析等特殊治疗。
患者在标准抗心衰治疗根底上,加用缬沙坦可降低 复合终点事件〔全因死亡及发病〕发生率13.2%, 且心衰住院风险也显著降低了27.5%。 总之,ARB防治心衰的证据充分,代表药物缬沙 能为心衰患者提供全面有效的保护〔图3〕,尤其 对于心衰A、B期的高血压及高危高血压患者,缬沙 坦能在高品质降压的同时,延缓心室重构进展,预 防心衰发生,是2021年版指南中唯一拥有心衰A、 B、C三期治疗指征的ARB。
新知·开展 指南建议与时俱进-3
对于接受最正确药物治疗后,LVEF≤35%、 NYHA心功能Ⅲ级或非卧床的心功能Ⅳ级且时常 依赖心室起搏的患者,可给予心脏再同步治疗 〔Ⅱa/C〕。 认识以下导致急性心衰的常见潜在诱因和〔或〕 合并症对于指导治疗很重要:急性冠脉综合征或 冠脉缺血、重度高血压、房性和室性心律失常、 感染、肺栓塞、肾功能衰竭、药物治疗或饮食控 制的依从性不良〔Ⅰ/C〕。 对于或疑似由冠脉闭塞导致急性心肌缺血的急 性心衰患者,尤其是存在体循环灌注缺乏的病症 和体征时,可给予急诊心导管术及冠脉血运重建 治疗,或能延长患者的生存时间〔Ⅱa/C〕。


对于有房颤(包括阵发性房颤)史的缺血性卒中或短暂性脑 缺血发作患者,若不适宜口服抗凝治疗(非大出血的原因), 我们推荐阿司匹林联合氯吡格雷治疗优于阿司匹林(1B)。
Chest 2019;141;7S-47S.
ACCP9简介 冠心病一级预防的抗栓建议 冠心病患者的抗栓建议 卒中患者的抗栓建议 行手术治疗患者的抗栓建议 房颤患者的抗栓建议 PAD患者的抗栓建议 特殊人群的抗栓治疗
急性缺血性卒中或短暂性脑缺血发作 患者抗栓建议
对于年龄大于或等于50岁的无心血管疾病人群, 我们建议使用小剂量阿司匹林75-100mg/d(2B)。
Chest 2019;141;7S-47S. Nhomakorabea目录
ACCP9简介 冠心病一级预防的抗栓建议 冠心病患者的抗栓建议 卒中患者的抗栓建议 行手术治疗患者的抗栓建议 房颤患者的抗栓建议 PAD患者的抗栓建议 特殊人群的抗栓治疗
Chest 2019;141;7S-47S.
前壁心梗或者左室血栓或者左室 血栓高危患者抗栓建议
对于前壁心梗或者左室血栓的患者或者左室血栓高危患者(射血分数<40%, 室壁运动异常)若未置入支架: 我们推荐华法林(国际标准化比率2.0-3.0)+小剂量阿司匹林75-100mg/d优 于单一抗血小板治疗;或者给予双联抗血小板治疗3个月(1B)。 随后终止华法林并继续双联抗血小板治疗直至满12个月。12个月后,依据 冠状动脉疾病推荐意见予以单一抗血小板治疗。
Chest 2019;141;7S-47S.
前壁心梗或者左室血栓或者左室 血栓高危患者抗栓建议
对于前壁心梗或者左室血栓的患者或者左室血栓高危患者 (射血分数<40%,室壁运动异常),若置入裸金属支架: 我们建议予以三联疗法(华法林[国际标准化比率2.0-3.0]+小 剂量阿司匹林+氯吡格雷75mg/d)一个月,且优于双联抗血 小板治疗(2C)。



Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC)*1Helps maintain a constant vehicle speed and a set following-interval behind a vehicle detected ahead of yours, without you having to keep your foot on the brake or the accelerator.Improper use of ACC can lead to a crash.Use ACC only when traveling on open highways in good weather.ACC has limited braking capability.When your vehicle speed drops below 25 mph (40 km/h), ACC will automatically cancel and no longer will apply your vehicle’s brakes.*1 - If equippedn Activating and Setting the Vehicle Speed1.Press the MAIN button. The ACC(green) indicator appears.2.Take your foot off the pedal andpress down the SET/– button whenyou reach the desired speed. Themoment you release the button, theset speed is fixed, and ACC begins.Note: When you completely disableVSA®, you cannot use ACC.n Adjusting the Vehicle SpeedIncrease or decrease the vehicle speed using the RES/+ or SET/– button on the steering wheel.1.Each time you press the RES/+ or–/SET button, the vehicle speed isincreased or decreased by about 1mph or 1 km/h accordingly.2.If you keep pressing the RES/+ or–/SET button, the vehicle speedincreases or decreases by about 5mph or 5 km/h accordingly.n Adjusting the Vehicle DistancePress the Interval button to change theACC following-interval. Each time youpress the button, the following-intervalsetting cycles through extra long, long,middle, and short following-intervals.n During OperationACC monitors if a vehicle ahead of youenters the ACC range. If a vehicle isdetected doing so, the ACC systemmaintains or decelerates your vehicle’sset speed in order to keep the vehicle’sset following-interval from the vehicleahead.When a vehicle whose speed is slowerthan your set speed is detected in frontof you, your vehicle starts to slowdown.If a vehicle detected ahead of you slows down abruptly or if another vehicle cuts in front of you, the beeper sounds and a message appears on the driver information interface.n Canceling ACCTo cancel ACC, do any of the following:•Press the CANCEL button.•Press the MAIN button.The ACC indicator (green) goes off.•Depress the brake pedal.•Depress the clutch pedal*1 for fiveseconds or more.Note: When you completely disableVSA® while ACC is activated, ACC willautomatically be canceled.*1 - If equippedn Switching to Standard Cruise ControlPress and hold the Interval button forone second.Cruise Mode Selected appears in thedriver information interface for twoseconds, and then the mode switchesto Cruise.To switch back to ACC, press and holdthe interval button again for onesecond.n Important Safety ReminderAs with any system, there are limits to ACC. Use the brake pedal whenever necessary, and always keep a safe interval between your vehicle and other vehicles.LimitationsYou may need to use the brake to maintain a safe interval when using ACC.Additionally, ACC may not work properly under certain conditions.Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) with Low Speed Follow*1Helps maintain a constant vehicle speed and a set following interval behind a vehicle detected ahead of yours and, if the detected vehicle comes to a stop, can decelerate and stop your vehicle, without you having to keep your foot on the brake or the accelerator. When ACC with Low Speed Follow slows your vehicle by applying the brakes, your vehicle's brake lights will illuminate.n Activating and Setting the Vehicle Speed1.Press the MAIN button. The ACC(green) indicator appears.*1 - If equipped2.Accelerate to the desired speed.When driving at about 25 mph (40km/h) or above: Take your foot offthe pedal and press the SET/–button when you reach the desiredspeed. The moment you release thebutton, the set speed is fixed, andACC with Low Speed Follow begins.When driving slower than about 25mph (40 km/h): If the vehicle ismoving and the brake pedal is notdepressed, pressing the button fixesthe set speed to about 25 mph (40 km/h) regardless of current vehicle speed. If the vehicle is stationary, you can set the vehicle speed even with the brake pedal depressed.n Adjusting the Vehicle SpeedPress the RES button to increase speed or the SET button to decrease speed.Each time you press the switch up ordown, the vehicle speed is increased ordecreased by about 1 mph (1 km/h). Ifyou keep the switch pressed up ordown, the vehicle speed increases ordecreases by 5 mph or 5 km/h until yourelease it.n Adjusting the Vehicle DistancePress the Interval button to change theACC with Low Speed Follow following-interval. Each time you press thebutton, the following-interval settingcycles through extra long, long, middle,and short following-intervals.n During OperationACC with Low Speed Follow monitors ifa vehicle ahead of you enters the ACCwith Low Speed Follow range. If avehicle is detected doing so, the ACCwith Low Speed Follow systemmaintains or decelerates your vehicle’sset speed in order to keep the vehicle’sset following-interval from the vehicleahead. When a vehicle whose speed isslower than your set speed is detectedin front of you, your vehicle starts to slow down.You can temporarily increase the vehicle speed when you press theaccelerator pedal. ACC stays on unless you cancel it. When you release the accelerator pedal, the system resumes the set speed or a sufficient speed to maintain the following interval.If a vehicle detected ahead of you slows down abruptly or if another vehicle cuts in front of you, the beeper sounds and BRAKE appears on the driver information interface, and the head-up warning lights*1flash.You may need to use the brake to maintain a safe interval when using ACC with Low Speed Follow.Additionally, ACC with Low Speed Follow may not work properly undercertain conditions.n Canceling ACC with Low Speed FollowTo cancel ACC with Low Speed Follow, do any of the following:•Press the CANCEL button.•Press the MAIN button.The ACC with Low Speed Follow indicator (green) goes off.•Depress the brake pedal.When the Low Speed Follow function has stopped the vehicle, you cannot cancel ACC with Low Speed Follow by depressing the brake pedal.*1 - If equippedAfter you have canceled ACC with LowSpeed Follow, you can resume the priorset speed while it is still displayed.Press the RES/+ button. The set speedcannot be set or resumed when ACCwith Low Speed Follow has been turnedoff using the MAIN button. Press theMAIN button to activate the system,then set the desired speed.Exiting a vehicle that has been stopped while the ACC with Low Speed Follow system is operating can result in the vehicle moving withoutImproper use of ACC with Low Speed Follow can lead to a crash.Use ACC only when driving on expressways or freeways and in goodACC with Low Speed Follow has limited braking capability and may not stop your vehicle in time to avoid a collision with a vehicle that quicklyn Switching to Standard Cruise ControlPress and hold the Interval button for one second.Cruise Mode Selected appears on theDriver Information Interface for twoseconds, and then the mode switchesto Cruise.To switch back to ACC with Low SpeedFollow, press and hold the intervalbutton again for one second.Always be aware which mode you are in. When you are driving in Cruise mode, the system will not assist you to maintain a following interval from a vehicle ahead of you.n Important Safety ReminderAs with any system, there are limits to ACC with Low Speed Follow. Use the brake pedal whenever necessary, and always keep a safe interval between your vehicle and other vehicles.LimitationsYou may need to use the brake to maintain a safe interval when using ACC with Low Speed Follow. Additionally, ACC with Low Speed Follow may not work properly under certain conditions.。




















奔驰 Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) 用户指南说明书

奔驰 Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) 用户指南说明书

Driving Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC)*Helps maintain a constant vehicle speed and a set following-interval behind a vehicledetected ahead of yours, without you having to keep your foot on the brake or theaccelerator.1Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC)*Important ReminderAs with any system, there are limits to ACC. Use thebrake pedal whenever necessary, and always keep asafe interval between your vehicle and other vehicles.Be careful not to severely impact the radar sensorcover.Shift up when the engine revolutions is increasing.Shift down when the engine revolutions is decreasing.You can keep the set speed if you change the shiftposition within five second after depressing theclutch pedal.3WARNINGImproper use of ACC can lead to a crash.Use ACC only when driving on expressways orfreeways in good weather conditions.3WARNINGACC has limited braking capability.When your vehicle speed drops below22 mph (35 km/h), ACC will automaticallycancel and no longer will apply yourvehicle’s brakes.Always be prepared to apply the brakepedal when conditions require.Manual transmission models■Vehicle speed for ACC: Desired speed in a range above roughly 25 mph(40 km/h) ~■Shift position for ACC: In D or S■Shift position for ACC: In 2 or higher positionThe radar sensor isinside the front grille.The camera islocated behindthe rearviewmirror.Driving■How to activate the system1Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC)*You can read about handling information for the camera equipped with this system.The radar sensor for ACC is shared with the collision mitigation braking system TM (CMBS TM )When not using ACC: Turn off adaptive cruise by pressing the MAIN button. This also will turn off the Lane Keeping Assist System (LKAS).When the MAIN button is pressed both ACC and the Lane Keeping Assist System (LKAS) are either turned on or off.ACC may not work properly under certain conditions.Do not use ACC under the following conditions:•On roads with heavy traffic or while driving incontinuous stop and go traffic.•On roads with sharp turns.•On roads with steep downhill sections, as the set vehicle speed can be exceeded by coasting. In such cases, ACC will not apply the brakes to maintain the set speed.•On roads with toll collection facilities or other objects between lanes of traffic, or in parking areas, or facilities with drive through access.■Press the MAIN button onthe steering wheel.ACC is on in the multi-information display.ACC is ready to use.Driving Take your foot off the pedal and press down the –/SET button when you reach thedesired speed. The moment you release the button, the set speed is fixed, and ACCbegins.When ACC starts operating, the vehicle icon,interval bars and set speed appear on themulti-information display.■To Set the Vehicle Speed1To Set the Vehicle SpeedYou can switch the displayed set speedmeasurements on the multi-information displaybetween mph and km/h.On when ACC beginsPress and release−/SET ButtonSet Vehicle SpeedDriving■There is a vehicle aheadACC monitors if a vehicle ahead of you enters the ACC range. If a vehicle is detected doing so, the ACC system maintains or decelerates your vehicle’s set speed in order to keep the vehicle’s set following-interval from the vehicle ahead.When a vehicle whose speed is slower than your set speed comes in or cuts in front of you, your vehicle starts to slow down.■When in Operation1When in OperationIf the vehicle detected ahead of you slows down abruptly, or if another vehicle is detected cutting in front of you, the beeper sounds and a message appears on the multi-information display.Depress the brake pedal, and keep an appropriate interval from the vehicle ahead.Even if the interval between your vehicle and thevehicle detected ahead is short, ACC may start accelerating your vehicle under the following circumstances:•The vehicle ahead of you is going at almost the same speed as, or faster than, your vehicle.•A vehicle that cuts in front of you is going faster than your vehicle, gradually increasing the interval between the vehicles.You can also set the system to beep when a vehicle in front of you comes in and goes out of the ACCdetecting range. Change the ACC Forward Vehicle Detect Beep setting.BeepACC Range: 394 ft. (120 m)A vehicle icon appears on the multi-information display.Driving■There is no vehicle aheadYour vehicle maintains the set speed withouthaving to keep your foot on the brake oraccelerator pedal.If there previously was a vehicle detected ahead that kept your vehicle from traveling at the set speed, ACC accelerates your vehicle to the set speed, and then maintains it.■When you depress the accelerator pedalYou can temporarily increase the vehicle speed. In this case, there is no audible or visual alert even if a vehicle is in the ACC range.ACC stays on unless you cancel it. Once you release the accelerator pedal, the system resumes an appropriate speed for keeping the following-interval while a vehicle ahead is within the ACC range.1When in OperationLimitationsYou may need to use the brake to maintain a safe interval when using ACC. Additionally, ACC may not work properly under certain conditions.A vehicle icon with dotted-line contour appears on the multi-information display.DrivingThe system may automatically shut off and the ACC indicator will come on under certain conditions. Some examples of these conditions are listed below. Other conditions may reduce some of the ACC functions.■Environmental conditions•Driving in bad weather (rain, fog, snow, etc.).■Roadway conditions•Driving on a snowy or wet roadway (obscured lane marking, vehicle tracks,reflected lights, road spray, high contrast).■Vehicle conditions•The outside of the windshield is blocked by dirt, mud, leaves, wet snow, etc.•An abnormal tire or wheel condition (Wrong sized, varied size or construction,improperly inflated, compact spare tire, etc.).•The camera temperature gets too high.•The parking brake is applied.•When the radar sensor cover is dirty.•The vehicle is tilted due to a heavy load or suspension modifications.•When tire chains are installed.■ACC Conditions and Limitations1ACC Conditions and LimitationsThe radar sensor for ACC is shared with the collision mitigation braking system (CMBS ).TM TM You can read about handling information for the camera equipped with this system.Always keep the radar sensor cover clean.Never use chemical solvents or polishing powder for cleaning the sensor cover. Clean it with water or a mild detergent.Do not put a sticker on the radar sensor cover or replace the radar sensor cover.If you need the radar sensor to be repaired, or removed, or the radar sensor cover is stronglyimpacted, turn off the system by pressing the MAIN button and take your vehicle to a dealer.Have your vehicle checked by a dealer if you find any unusual behavior of the system (e.g., the warning message appears too frequently).If the front of the vehicle is impacted in any of the following situations, the radar sensor may not work properly. Have your vehicle checked by a dealer:•The vehicle mounted onto a bump, curb, chock,embankment, etc.•You drive the vehicle where the water is deep.•Your vehicle has a frontal collision.■Detection limitations• A vehicle suddenly crosses in front of you.•The interval between your vehicle and the vehicle ahead of you is too short.• A vehicle cuts in front of you at a slow speed, and it brakes suddenly.•When you accelerate rapidly and approach the vehicle ahead of you at highspeed.•The vehicle ahead of you is a motorcycle, bicycle, mobility scooter, or other smallvehicle.•When there are animals in front of your vehicle.•When you drive on a curved or winding or undulating road that makes it difficultfor the sensor to properly detect a vehicle in front of you.•The speed difference between your vehicle and a vehicle in front of you issignificantly large.•An oncoming vehicle suddenly comes in front of you.•Your vehicle abruptly crosses over in front of an oncoming vehicle.•When driving through a narrow iron bridge.Driving•When the vehicle ahead of you brakes suddenly.•When the vehicle ahead of you has a unique shape.•When your vehicle or the vehicle ahead of you is driving on one edge of the lane.DrivingIncrease or decrease the vehicle speed using the RES/+ or –/SET buttons on the steering wheel.•Each time you press the RES/+ or –/SET button, the vehicle speed is increased or decreased by about 1 mph or 1 km/h accordingly.•If you press and hold the RES/+ or –/SET button, the vehicle speed increases or decreases by about 5 mph or 5 km/h accordingly.■To Adjust the Vehicle Speed1To Adjust the Vehicle SpeedIf a vehicle detected ahead is going at a speed slower than your increased set speed, ACC may notaccelerate your vehicle. This is to maintain the setinterval between your vehicle and the vehicle ahead.To increase speedTo decrease speedDrivingPress the (interval) button to change the ACC following-interval.Each time you press the button, the following-interval (the interval behind a vehicle detected ahead of you) setting cycles through short, middle, long, and extra long following-intervals.Determine the most appropriate following-interval setting based on your specific driving conditions. Be sure to adhere to anyfollowing-interval requirements set by local regulation.■To Set or Change Following-intervalInterval ButtonDrivingThe higher your vehicle’s following-speed is, the longer the short, middle, long or extra long following-interval becomes. See the following examples for your reference.Vehicle IntervalWhen the Set Speed is:50 mph (80 km/h)65 mph (104 km/h)Short84 feet 26 meters 1.1 sec 102 feet 31 meters 1.1 sec Middle111 feet 34 meters 1.5 sec 139 feet 43 meters 1.5 sec Long155 feet 48 meters 2.1 sec 202 feet 62 meters 2.1 sec Extra Long204 feet 62 meters 2.8 sec265 feet 81 meters 2.8 secDrivingTo cancel ACC, do any of the following:•Press the CANCEL button.•Press the MAIN button.u The ACC indicator (green) goes off.•Depress the brake pedal.•Depress the clutch pedal for five seconds or more.■To Cancel1To CancelResuming the prior set speed: After you havecanceled ACC, you can resume the prior set speed while it is still displayed. Press the RES/+ button when driving at a speed of at least 25 mph (40 km/h) or more.The set speed cannot be set or resumed when ACC has been turned off using the MAIN button. Press the MAIN button to activate the system, then set the desired speed.CANCEL ButtonMAIN ButtonManual transmission modelsDriving■Automatic cancellationThe beeper sounds and a message appears on the multi-information display when ACC is automatically canceled. Any of these conditions may cause the ACC to automatically cancel:•Bad weather (rain, fog, snow, etc.)•When the radar sensor inside the front grille gets dirty.•The vehicle ahead of you cannot be detected.•An abnormal tire condition is detected, or the tires are skidding.•Driving on a mountainous road, or driving off road for extended periods.•Abrupt steering wheel movement.•When the ABS, VSA ® or CMBS is activated.TM •When the ABS or VSA ® system indicator comes on.•When you manually apply the parking brake.•When the detected vehicle within the ACC range is too close to your vehicle.•The camera behind the rearview mirror, or the area around the camera, including the windshield, gets dirty.•When you do not shift down about for ten seconds after the shift down indicator coming on•When the engine speed reaches the tachometer’s red zonen •When the engine speed reaches 1,000 rpm or less •When you keep N while driving•When you put the transmission into N without depressing the clutch pedal1Automatic cancellationEven though ACC has been automatically canceled, you can still resume the prior set speed.Wait until the condition that caused ACC to cancel improves, then press the RES/+ button.DrivingPress and hold the (interval) button for onesecond. Cruise Mode Selected appears onthe multi-information display for two seconds,and then the mode switches to Cruise and theCruise Mode indicator is displayed.To switch back to ACC, press and hold thebutton again for one second. ACC ModeSelected appears on the multi-informationdisplay for two seconds.■When to useDesired speed in a range above roughly 25 mph (40 km/h) ~.Take your foot off the pedal and press the –/SET button when you reach the desiredspeed.The moment you release the –/SET button, the set speed is fixed, and cruise controlbegins. The CRUISE CONTROL indicator comes on.Each time you press the RES/+ or –/SET button, the vehicle speed is increased ordecreased by about 1 mph (1 km/h).If you keep the RES/+ or –/SET button pressed, the vehicle speed increases ordecreases by about 5 mph or 5 km/h accordingly.■To Switch ACC to Cruise Control1To Switch ACC to Cruise ControlAlways be aware which mode you are in. When youare driving in Cruise mode, the system will not assistyou to maintain a following-interval from a vehicleahead of you.■To Set the Vehicle Speed■To Adjust the Vehicle SpeedDrivingTo cancel cruise control, do any of the following:•Press the CANCEL button.•Press the MAIN button.•Depress the brake pedal.•Depress the clutch pedal for five seconds or more.The CRUISE CONTROL indicator goes off.■To Cancel1To CancelResuming the prior set speed:After cruise control has been canceled, you can still resume the prior set speed by pressing the RES/+ button while driving at a speed of at least 25 mph (40 km/h) or more.You cannot set or resume in the following situations:•When vehicle speed is less than 25 mph (40 km/h)•When the MAIN button is turned off.At vehicle speeds of 22 mph (35 km/h) or less, cruise control canceled automatically.。





ACC(American College of Cardiology)是国际公认的心脏病学权威组织之一,最近更新了冠心病的双抗指南,本文将对其进行介绍。

抗血小板治疗1.选药根据指南,对于患有冠心病的患者,建议使用阿司匹林(Acetylsalicylic Acid,ASA)作为抗血小板治疗的首选药物。









3.药物治疗选择在药物治疗选择方面,指南中对多种药物进行了介绍,如异质甾醇类(Different types of statins can be used for lipid lowering in secondary prevention of patients with coronary artery disease.)ACC针对冠心病的双抗治疗进行了更新,这对临床医生和患者都具有重要意义。



准确评估有助于制定更合 理的治疗方案,提高患者 术后恢复效果和生活质量 。
02 ACC指南概述
为非心脏手术术前心血管风险评估提供指导和建议,降低手术风险,提高患者 安全
ACC指南为医生提供了具体的评 估指标和标准,使医生能够根据 评估结果制定个性化的治疗方案
通过准确的术前心血管风险评估, 医生可以提前采取措施降低手术风 险,提高手术的安全性和成功率。
医生可以根据评估结果合理安排手 术时间和资源,提高医疗资源的利 用效率。
05 非心脏手术术前 心血管风险评估 实践
患者心血管疾病风险较高 ,手术风险较大,需进行 严格的术前评估和准备。
根据患者的具体情况,制定个性化的 风险控制方案。
进行必要的术前检查,如心电图、心 脏超声等,确保患者心功能良好。
加强术中监测,合理使用药物,预防 和处理心血管并发症。
定期随访患者,监测心血管状况,及 时发现和处理问题。

ACC11 乙醛酯封封闭剂(液体)用户指南说明书

ACC11 乙醛酯封封闭剂(液体)用户指南说明书

SAFETY DATA SHEETACC11 ACRYLIC CONFORMAL COATING ( AEROSOL)ACC SILICONES LIMITEDSUPPLIERAmber House, Showground RdBridgwater, Somerset TA6 6AJTEL: +44 (0)1278 411400FAX: +44 (0)1278 411444**************************EMERGENCY TELEPHONE DEUTSCHLAND +49 613 3162 91880 (24hrs)ITALIA +39 029880913 (24hrs)UK +44 (0)1278 411400 (24hrs)Highly flammable. Irritating to eyes. Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness or cracking. Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness.The Full Text for all R-Phrases are Displayed in Section 16COMPOSITION COMMENTSINHALATIONRemove victim immediately from source of exposure. Get medical attention if any discomfort continues.INGESTIONDO NOT induce vomiting. Get medical attention immediately.SKIN CONTACTWash skin thoroughly with soap and water. Get medical attention promptly if symptoms occur after washing.EYE CONTACTImmediately flush with plenty of water for up to 15 minutes. Remove any contact lenses and open eyes wide apart. Get medical attention ifEXTINGUISHING MEDIAExtinguish with foam, carbon dioxide or dry powder. Do not use water jet as an extinguisher, as this will spread the fire.SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURESNo specific fire fighting procedure given.UNUSUAL FIRE & EXPLOSION HAZARDSAerosol cans may explode in a fire.SPECIFIC HAZARDSENVIRONMENTAL PRECAUTIONSDo not discharge into drains, water courses or onto the ground.SPILL CLEAN UP METHODSExtinguish all ignition sources. Avoid sparks, flames, heat and smoking. Ventilate. Absorb spillage with non-combustible, absorbentUSAGE PRECAUTIONSAvoid contact with skin and eyes. Avoid inhalation of vapours. Eliminate all sources of ignition.STORAGE PRECAUTIONSAerosol cans: Must not be exposed to direct sunlight or temperatures above 50°C.STORAGE CLASSINGREDIENT COMMENTSWEL = Workplace Exposure LimitsPROTECTIVE EQUIPMENTHAND PROTECTIONFor prolonged or repeated skin contact use suitable protective gloves.EYE PROTECTIONAPPEARANCE Colourless liquidODOUR Fruity.STABILITYStable under normal temperature conditions and recommended use.CONDITIONS TO AVOIDAvoid contact with acids and oxidising substances.HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTSINHALATIONMay cause irritation to the respiratory system.INGESTIONHarmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed.SKIN CONTACTProduct has a defatting effect on skin. Prolonged and frequent contact may cause redness and irritation.EYE CONTACTIrritating to eyes.ECOTOXICITYNo data on possible environmental effects have been found.MOBILITYThe product contains volatile organic compounds (VOC) which will evaporate easily from all surfaces. The product hardens to a solidimmobile substance.DEGRADABILITYThe product is expected to be biodegradable.DISPOSAL METHODSUK ROAD CLASS 2.1PROPER SHIPPING NAME AEROSOLSUK ROAD PACK GR.1950UN NO. ROAD Not ApplicableADR CLASSADR CLASS NO.Class 2: Gases2ADR LABEL NO.ADR PACK GROUP 2.1Not ApplicableRID CLASS NO.CEFIC TEC(R) NO.220G5FRID PACK GROUP1950UN NO. SEANot ApplicableIMDG CLASS 2.1IMDG PAGE NO.2.1EMSIMDG PACK GR.F-D, S-UNot ApplicableMARINE POLLUTANTSee GuideMFAG No.AIR CLASSUN NO. AIR 2.11950LABELLINGIrritant Highly FlammableRISK PHRASESR11Highly flammable.R36Irritating to eyes.R66Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness or cracking.R67Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness.SAFETY PHRASESS9Keep container in a well-ventilated place.S16Keep away from sources of ignition - No smoking.S23Do not breathe vapour/spray.S25Avoid contact with eyes.S26In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medicaladvice.S37Wear suitable gloves.S38In case of insufficient ventilation, wear suitable respiratory equipment.S60This material and its container must be disposed of as hazardous waste.UK REGULATORY REFERENCESChemicals (Hazard Information & Packaging) Regulations.EU DIRECTIVESDangerous Preparations Directive 1999/45/EEC. System of specific information relating to Dangerous Preparations. 2001/58/EEC.STATUTORY INSTRUMENTSChemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging) Regulations.NATIONAL REGULATIONSThe Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging for Supply) Regulations 2002. No. 1689. Workplace Exposure Limits 2005 (EH40) TheREVISION COMMENTSThis is first issue.ISSUED BYHS&E Manager.REVISION DATE21/08/2007REV. NO./REPL. SDS GENERATED2SDS NO.10307SAFETY DATA SHEET STATUSApproved.DATE6/8/2004RISK PHRASES IN FULLR10 Flammable. , R11 Highly flammable. , R12 Extremely flammable. , R36 Irritating to eyes. , R37Irritating to respiratory system. , R51/53 Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverseeffects in the aquatic environment. , R65 Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed. , R66 Repeatedexposure may cause skin dryness or cracking. , R67 Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness.DISCLAIMERThis information relates only to the specific material designated and may not be valid for such material used in combinationwith any other materials or in any process. Such information is, to the best of the company's knowledge and belief, accurateand reliable as of the date indicated. However, no warranty guarantee or representation is made to its accuracy, reliability orcompleteness. It is the user's responsibility to satisfy himself as to the suitability of such information for his own particular use.。


证据水平 A 级:数据来自多项随机临床试验或荟萃分析。 B 级:数据来自单项随机临床试验或多项非随机临床试验。 C 级:仅有专家共识意见、病例研究或治疗规范。
AHA/ACC 实据支持和/或一致同意某种操作或治疗有益、有用、有效。 II 类:某种操作或治疗有益、有用、有效,但存在相互矛盾的证据和/
或分歧意见。 Ⅱa:证据和/或意见支持有益、有用、有效。 Ⅱb:证据和/或意见不能充分支持有益、有用、有效。
Ⅲ类:有证据表明和/或一致同意某种操作或治疗无用、无效,在某些 情况下可能有害。



2022￿AHA￿/￿ACC￿/￿HFSA￿心衰管理指南解读2022 ACC年会期间AHA/ACC/HFSA三大学会联合重磅发布心衰指南新版指南•重新定义了心力衰竭的分期和分类•全面更新了管理策略及治疗方案•更加强调心衰预防以及心衰专业团队的管理协调2022版指南在2013年和2017年版心衰指南的基础上进行了更新和整合•Circulation.￿2022￿Apr￿1:101161CIR0000000000001063.•J￿Am￿Coll￿Cardiol.￿2022￿May￿3;79(17):e263-e421.￿doi:￿10.1016/j.jacc.2021.12.012.￿Epub￿2022￿Apr￿1.N E W目录1心力衰竭的分期、A、B期的建议2心衰C、D期基于射血分数的分类及建议3急性失代偿心衰住院患者的建议4合并症的管理2022版ACC 心衰指南修订了心衰的分期,强调A 、B 期患者的一级预防Ø对于有心衰风险(A期)或心衰前期(B期)的人来说,一级预防很重要。


N E WA 期有心衰风险B 期心衰前期C 期有症状的心衰D 期晚期心衰有心衰风险但当前或既往无心衰症状/体征且无结构性/功能性心脏疾病或异常生物标志物的患者患有高血压、CVD 、糖尿病、肥胖、服用心脏毒性药物、有心肌病基因变异或心肌病家族史的患者目前或既往无心衰症状/体征但存在以下任意1种证据支持的患者:有结构性心脏病有充盈增加的证据尚未存在明确诊断但有危险因素且存在•利钠肽水平升高或•心肌肌钙蛋白持续升高目前或既往有心衰症状/体征的患者尽管尝试了最优GDMT,但仍存在明显影响日常生活且反复住院的症状•Circulation.￿2022￿Apr￿1:101161CIR0000000000001063.•J￿Am￿Coll￿Cardiol.￿2022￿May￿3;79(17):e263-e421.￿doi:￿10.1016/j.jacc.2021.12.012.￿Epub￿2022￿Apr￿1.心衰风险期(Stage￿A)和心衰前期(￿Stage￿B)的推荐高血压T2D 合并CVD 或CVD 高危CVD心毒性物质暴露患者一级亲属相关的基因和遗传性心肌病患者有心衰风险的患者有心衰风险的患者血压优化控制(1)SGLT2i (1)CVD 的优化管理(1)多学科评估管理(1)基因筛查和就诊(1)利钠肽筛查(2a )经验证的多变量风险评分(2a )LVEF ≤40%近期心梗和LVEF ≤40%LVEF ≤40%LVEF ≤30%;>1年生存期;心梗后>40天非缺血性心肌病ACEi (1)ARB 如ACEi 不耐受(1)β受体阻滞剂(1)ICD (1)遗传咨询和检测(2a )持续生活方式调整和管理策略执行颜色表示推荐级别*在心衰风险期(A 期)患者中实施的管理策略应持续至 B 期。


1990年,日本首次报道,急性期左室收缩末期形状 像日本捕章鱼的“篓”
由应激诱发,表现为急性可逆性左室功能障碍,而 无冠心病史
女性多见,约占82-100%,尤其是绝经后 中老年妇女
大多数病人有明显诱因(应激),如脑血管 病
胸痛、胸闷约占2/3,可有剧烈胸痛,气促 晕厥,类似急性心肌梗死
拮抗剂的患者,加用ARB(Ⅱb,A) 不推荐常规联用“ACEI+ARB+醛固酮受体拮抗剂”
卡托普利 依那普利 福辛普利 雷米普利 培哚普利 缬沙坦 氯沙坦
6.25mg tid
50mg tid
2.5mg bid
10-20mg bid
慢性心衰合并房颤,且有脑卒中危险因素(高血压, 糖尿病,既往脑栓塞或TIA病史,或年龄>75岁) 应给予抗凝治疗;采用个体化治疗,并监测INR
※ Class Ⅱa,Level B
慢性心衰合并房颤,无脑卒中危险因素的患者,给 以抗凝治疗
所有HFrEF的患者,如有液体潴留,均须应 用利尿剂改善症状,除非有禁忌症
利尿剂包括:噻嗪类、袢利尿剂、潴钾利尿 剂
利尿剂应与ACEI、β-B、醛固酮受体拮抗剂 合用
所有HFrEF的患者,均须应用ACEI/ARB降低发病率和 死亡率,除非有禁忌
扩张性心肌病 家族性心肌病 内分泌及代谢因素导致的心肌病:肥胖、糖
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I级 1. 对于近期或远期发生过心肌梗塞的患者,无论射血分数如 何,均要抑制其血管紧张素转换酶(ACE)。(证据水平:A) 2. 对于射血分数降低的患者,无论是否发生过心肌梗塞,均 要抑制其血管紧张素转换酶(ACE)。(证据水平:B) 3. 对于近期发生过心肌梗塞的患者,无论射血分数如何,均 要阻断其(-受体。(证据水平:A) 4. 对于射血分数降低的患者,无论是否发生过心肌梗塞,均 要阻断其(-受体。(证据水平:B) 5. 对于血流动力学明显异常的瓣膜狭窄或返流患者,要施行 瓣膜置换或修补术。(证据水平:B) 6. 定期评价心衰的症状和体征。(证据水平:C) 7. 采取A期患者I级建议中的各项措施。(证据水平:A、B、 C都行)
C. 当前或既往有过症状的左室功能障碍患者(C 期)
1.一般措施. A期和B期患者I级建议中的各项措施同样适 用于当前或既往有过心衰症状的患者(参阅 第V部分)。 在对心衰患者采取的一般措施中,最有效然 而使用最少的是密切观察与随访。
2. 常规使用的推荐药物. 大多数有症状的左室功能障碍患者应常规联合使用 4类药物:利尿剂、ACE抑制剂、β-肾上腺素能受体 阻滞剂和(经常使用的)洋地黄 对于液体潴留的患者应给予利尿剂,直至达到理想 的体液容量,此后还要继续使用利尿剂,以免再次 出现液体潴留。 为了减轻症状,增强运动耐量,可在任何时间给予 地高辛治疗。
ACC/AHA成年人慢性心力 衰竭评价、控制指南
I. 引言 II. 心衰临床综合征的特点 III. 患者评价 IV. 治疗 V. 特殊人群与伴随疾病的治疗 VI. 舒张功能障碍 VII. 临终关怀 VIII. 行医指南的执行
I. 引言
心力衰竭(HF)是美国的一项重大公共卫生问题,现 患病人近乎500万,每年新增病例接近50万,年门诊量 为1200~1500万人次,住院日数多达650万天。 过去10年中,因主要诊断是心衰而住院的人数从每年 大约55万增至90万;因主要诊断或次要诊断是心衰而 住院者从170万增至260万。每年死于心衰的病人近乎 30万 . 心衰主要发生在老年人。大约6%~10%的65岁以上人群 患有心力衰竭;而80%左右的心衰住院病人年龄高于 65岁。
1991年,心衰住院病人和门诊病人的医疗费用总和约为381亿美元, 几乎占了当年卫生预算的5.4%。在美国,每年治疗心衰药物的开 支均在5亿美元左右。 1995年,美国心脏病学学院(ACC)和美国心脏学会(AHA) 首次发布了心力衰竭评价、控制指南.针对这种费用高、致残并通 常致死的常见病,人们开发了药物性和非药物性治疗方法,取得 了诸多进展。鉴于此,上述两个组织认为现在有必要对1995年的 治疗指南进行复审和修订 执笔委员会由ACC和AHA的7名代表组成,并且邀请了美国胸科 医师学会、美国心衰协会、国际心肺移植协会、美国家庭医师学 会以及美国医师学会,美国内科医师学会的部分成员
C 患者现在或既往有过心衰症状,并且存在潜在的结 构性心脏病。 因左室收缩功能下降导致的呼吸困难或 乏力;既往因出现心衰症状而治疗过,但现在已无症 状。 D患者处于结构性心脏病晚期,即使尽了最大努力进行 治疗,但静息状态下仍存在明显的心衰症状;或者需 要特殊治疗。 因心衰经常住院或不能安全出院的患者; 准备接受心脏移植的住院患者;在家接受持续静脉滴 注正性肌力药物治疗以期缓解心衰症状或使用机械性 循环辅助装置的患者;在临终关怀医院接受心衰治疗 的患者。
IV. 治疗
A. 左室功能障碍高危患者(A期) B. 未出现症状的左室功能障碍患者(B期) C. 当前或既往有过ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้状的左室功能障碍患者(C期) D. 顽固性终末期心衰患者(D期)
A. 左室功能障碍高危患者(A期)
I级 1. 按照指南建议控制收缩压和舒张压。(证据水平:A) 2. 按照指南建议治疗血脂异常。(证据水平:B) 3. 避免那些增加心衰危险性的行为(如:吸烟、饮酒、吸 毒)。(证据水平:C) 4. 对于有血管粥样硬化、糖尿病、高血压病史以及相关心血 管病危险因素的患者,要抑制其血管紧张素转换酶(ACE)。 (证据水平:B) 5. 控制室上性快速心律失常患者的心室率。(证据水平:B) 6. 治疗甲状腺疾病。(证据水平:C)
A期指有心衰形成高危因素但无结构性心脏病 的患者; B期指有结构性心脏病但未出现心衰症状的患 者; C期指有结构性心脏病,并因此造成既往或现 在出现心衰症状的患者; D期指需要机械辅助循环、持续滴注正性肌力 药物、心脏移植或临终关怀等特殊治疗的疾病 终末期患者.
A患者存在与心衰密切相关的高危状况,但其心包、心 肌或心瓣膜没有明显的结构性或功能性异常,且从未 出现过心衰症状或体征。 高血压、冠心病、糖尿病、 使用过具有心脏毒性的药物、酗酒史、风湿热病史、 心肌病家族史。 B患者存在与心衰密切相关的结构性心脏病,但从未出 现过心衰症状或体征。 左室肥厚或纤维病变、左室扩 张或收缩力降低、无症状性瓣膜性心脏病、既往发生 过心肌梗塞。
3. 确定心室功能障碍的原因
确定心衰病因十分重要,因为某些左室功能障碍的原 因是可逆的或可治疗的。 然而,对于许多具有心衰症状的患者来说,有时候可 能找不到病因,而对于另一些患者来说,有时候基础 性病因不可治愈。 因此,医生们应将诊断重点放在那些治疗后有望改善 的基础性病因。评价病因因素应当调查患者病史及其 家族史,进行常规实验室检查,考察冠心病和原发性 心肌病存在的可能性。
I级:有证据表明和/或一般意见支持该措施或治疗实用、有效。 II级:关于该措施或治疗的实用性/有效性存在着证据冲突和/或意 见分歧。 IIa级:大多数证据或意见支持该措施 IIb级:证据或意见未能充分证实该措施或治疗的实用性/有效性。 III级:有证据表明和/或一般意见认为该措施或治疗无用/无效, 而且某些情况下甚至有害。
5. 对血清电解质和肾功能进行系列监测。(证据水平:C) 6. 初始评价时要做12导联心电图和胸部X线检查。(证据水平:C) 7.初始评价左室收缩功能时,要做二维超声和多普勒检查或放射 性核素心室造影。(证据水平:C) 8.对于准备血管重建的心绞痛患者进行心脏导管冠脉造影。(证 据水平:B)
1.详细询问病史并进行体格检查,找出导致心衰或促进心衰发展 的心脏性原因和非心脏性原因。(证据水平:C)
2.对患者的日常活动能力进行初始评价和动态观察。(证据水平: C)
3. 对血容量状况进行初始评价和动态观察。(证据水平:C) 4.初始评价指标包括:血常规、尿常规、血清电解质(包括钙和 镁)、血尿素氮、血肌酐、血糖、肝功能、甲状腺刺激激素。 (证据水平:C)
委员会成员在本文告中重点强调了心衰预防以及左室舒缩功能障 碍成年患者慢性心力衰竭的评价与治疗,没有特别考虑急性心衰。 或许人们应当为急性心衰另设一套指南,这在ACC/AHA急性心肌 梗塞控制指南中有部分表述. 我们在此也排除了儿童心衰,一方面因为儿童心衰的病因基础不 同于成年人,另一方面因为许多心衰治疗对照试验没有包括儿童 患者。 另外,我们未将瓣膜性心脏病(参阅ACC/AHA瓣膜性心脏病控制 指南)(8)或先天性心脏病引起的心衰的考虑在治疗指南内,也未 包括特种心脏病(例如:血色病、结节病或淀粉样变性)的治疗 建议
IIb级 重度主动脉返流患者需长期采用扩血管药物 治疗。(证据水平:B)
III级 1. 对于窦性节律的左室功能障碍患者给予地高辛治 疗。(证据水平:C) 2. 除外没有高血压或液体潴留的病人,其他患者要 减少食盐摄入,而健康者则应慎从之。(证据水平: C) 3. 进行运动锻炼,防止心衰发展。(证据水平:C) 4. 常规使用营养添加剂,治疗结构性心脏病或防止 出现心衰症状。(证据水平:C)
5.对于欲行心脏移植或其它先进治疗的患者,测量最大运动量时 的肺通气功能,以筛选出其中的高危病人。(证据水平:B)
6.对于原发性扩张型心肌病患者一级亲属中的无症状者进行心脏 超声检查。(证据水平:C) 7.对于临床状况发生改变的患者,经历过一次临床事件或从临床 事件中恢复过来的患者,或者接受的治疗措施可能显著影响心功 能的患者,要再次测定射血分数。(证据水平:C) 8. 筛查血色病。(证据水平:C) 9.在经选择的病人中测定血清抗核抗体、类风湿因子、尿中香草 杏仁酸(一种儿茶酚胺代谢产物)和甲氧基肾上腺素。(证据水 平:C)
II. 心衰临床综合征的特点
心衰是一个复杂的临床综合征,凡是影 响心室充盈或射血的任何结构性或功能 性心脏病变均可导致心衰。 心衰的临床表现有:呼吸困难与乏力, 这可能会限制活动耐力;液体潴留,可 能引起肺水肿或外周性水肿。
静息时具有心衰症状(IV级); 低于日常的体力活动引起心衰症状(III 级); 日常体力活动引起心衰症状(II级); 引起正常人出现症状的活动强度(I级)。
1.对于左室功能障碍的患者进行非侵入性影像学检查,以确定冠 心病存在的可能性。(证据水平:C) 2.测量最大运动量时的肺通气功能有助于制定一份合理的体力活 动方案。(证据水平:C) 3.对于疑诊心脏炎性或浸润性病变的患者进行心内膜活检。(证 据水平:C) 4. 检测人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)。(证据水平:C)
1.对于尚未检测冠脉解剖结构和没有冠脉血管重建禁忌征的胸痛 患者进行心脏导管冠脉造影。(证据水平:C)
2.对于准备血管重建的已确诊或疑诊冠心病但无心绞痛的患者进 行心脏导管冠脉造影。 (证据水平:C)
3.对于准备血管重建的已确诊冠心病但无心绞痛的患者进行非侵 入性影像学检查,检测心肌缺血状况和存活力。(证据水平:C) 4.如未能明确心衰是否是活动限制的原因,则需测量最大运动量 时的肺通气功能和/或血氧饱和度以明确之。 (证据水平:C)