科技英语翻译 课后答案
科技英语翻译1.1 翻译的标准第1节翻译练习1The power plant is the heart of a ship.The power unit for driving the machines is a 50-hp induction motor.动力装置是船舶的心脏。
第1节翻译练习2Semiconductor devices, called transistors, are replacing tubes in many applications.Cramped conditions means that passengers’ legs cannot move around freely.All bodies are known to possess weight and occupy space.半导体装置也称为晶体管,在许多场合替代电子管。
第1节翻译练习3The removal of minerals from water is called softening.A typical foliage leaf of a plant belonging to the dicotyledons is composed of two principal parts: blade and petiole.去除水中的矿物质叫做软化。
1.2 对译者的要求第4节翻译练习1Einstein’s relativity theory is the only one which can explain such phenomena.All four (outer planets) probably have cores of metals, silicates, and water.爱因斯坦的相对论是能解释这种现象的唯一理论。
一些国家正在采用卫星来发展国内的通信, 以取代传统的陆地电话。 Some countries have been using satellites for domestic communications in place of conventional telephone lines on land.
Further Practice
1.十年前启动的星火计划在发展高新技术产业和 促进研究成果产业化和商品化方面已取得了初 步成效。
The Torch Program, launched 10 years ago, has brought about initial success in developing new and high-tech industries and promoting the commercialization and industrialization of research results.
Useful Words and Expressions
通信卫星系统 communication satellite systems
to evoke
telephone lines on land
这是一篇科普短文,属新闻报道文体,具有时效 性,信息性,翻译时要注意选择正确的时态。
Half a dozen vendors, plus in-house departments at major manufacturers, produced $800 million worth in 2000.
--在2000年,六家专门厂商加上几家大公司的触控产品部门,以同时选用好几种技术”避免了直接在汉语的译 文中使用被动句的情况。
The different technologies may be used in the same applications, although pros and cons lead to prevalent combinations: resistive screens for industrial controls and Palm Pilots; capacitive screens for slot machines; wave screens for ATMs and indoor kiosks.Most people are unaware of the type of screen they are using.
At Your Fingertips 弹指之间
We use touch screens everywhere: tourist kiosks, automatic teller machines, point-of-sale terminals, industrial controls. Half a dozen vendors, plus inhouse departments at major manufacturers, produced $800 million worth in 2000. The market is growing because the interfaces are easy-to-use, durable and inexpensive.
Copper wire is flexible. 铜线轻易弯曲。
While the Chinese are eager to import modern medical technology from the West, increasing members of Westerners are equally eager in adopting the traditional medical remedies of China.
He took the machine apart yesterday. 他昨天把机器拆开了。
The force due to the motion of molecules tends to keep them apart. 因为分子运动而引起旳力能使分子分离。
In the life process, the animal works in the opposite way to the plant.
网络和电子商业将会造就一大批自由职业者,从而将对社会构 造产生深远旳影响。
PCs gave the world a whole new way to work, play and communicate.
He aims to become a computer expert. 他旳目旳是当一名计算机教授。
当我们步入下一世纪时,人类社会也正由工业经济向知识经济 转变。
Can artificial fibers be used as substitutes for natural fibers? 人造纤维能替代天然纤维吗?
《科技英语翻译》课程练习三答案一、词义选择二、词义引申1. 具体化引申1) High-speed grinding does not know this disadvantage.译文:高速磨削不存在此不足。
2) The casting takes both the size and the shape of mould.译文:铸件的体积和形状随铸型而异。
3) Alloy belongs to a half-way house between mixtures and compounds.译文:合金是介于混合物和化合物之间的一种中间结构。
4) This new crucible furnace is a fuel-efficient model.译文:这种新型坩锅炉是节油型锅炉。
5) This shows that a vacuum, which is the absence of matter, cannot transmit sound.译文:这表明真空,即没有空气的状态下,不能传播声音。
6) The bridge was so well built that it lasted for a hundred years.译文:这座桥建造非常牢固,已使用了百年。
2. 抽象化引申1) They reach their programmed positions within a few seconds of each other and detonate. Anything nearby is a goner.译文:导弹相继以几秒之差到达程序制导目标引爆。
)2) The major contributors in component technology have been in the semi — conductors.译文:元件技术中起主要作用的是半导体元件。
科技英语的翻译——04 常用介词及其用法
[例句] We can only do this for certain kinds of systems with certain properties.[译文] 我们只能对具有某些特性的系统这样处理。
(for作补足语,with作定语)[例句] These radio waves have in common that they are generated and received by circuits composed of wires, radio tubes and various other specialized “radio components”. (做宾语补足语)[译文] 这些无线电波有一点是共同的:他们都是由导线、电子管和其他各种专门的无线电元件组成的电路产生和接收的。
[例句] The result is beyond expectation.(表语)[译文] 结果是出乎意料的。
例如:apply to, consist of, deal with,depend on/upon, relate to, result in, differ from, follow from, lead to, lie in, vary with等[例句] A complex variable s is composed of a real part alpha and an imaginary part beta.[译文] 复变量s是由实部α和虚部β组成。
百万分之三 a third part in 1,000,000 a third part per million a third part in a million
练习 其误差( 其误差(error)为6/1012。 )
Its error is 6 parts in 1012.
4. 表示倍数增长 This wire is five times longer than that one. N times +比较级=N times as +原级+as 比较级= 原级+ 比较级 这根导线比那根长4倍 这根导线比那根长 倍。 这根导线是那根长度的5倍。 这根导线是那根长度的 倍
5. on/upon(“一…就”,“在…之后”) 之后” 一 就 之后 Upon rearranging the above equations, we get to the following set of equations. 练习:在把这些值代入( 练习:在把这些值代入(substitute) ) 人们发现v就等于 就等于( 后,人们发现 就等于(be equal to) ) 光速(velocity) 。
The internal resistance of this kind of storage battery is only ____________. The internal resistance of this kind of storage battery is only a few thousandths of an ohm.
答案 1. 倍数、分数+the+名词 倍数、分数+the+ 该电路中的电流为电源( 该电路中的电流为电源(source)的短路电流 ) (short-circuit current)的一半。 的一半。 的一半 The current in the circuit is one half the short-circuit current of the source. 2.倍数 分数+ 2.倍数、分数+ that (of 短语) 倍数、 短语) 月球的质量为地球的1/81. 月球的质量为地球的 The mass of the moon is that of the earth. 3.倍数、分数+ what 从句 倍数、 倍数 分数+ 现在其内部的压力是原来的1/3。 现在其内部的压力是原来的 。 Now its internal pressure is 1/3 what it was.
Chapter Six Translation of Prepositions
介词是一种虚词,主要用来表示词与词之间的关系,在英语中 应用十分广泛。由于介词用在不同的地方,与不同的词搭配时 表示的意思截然不同。故介词的翻译往往会给译者带来许多麻 烦。
翻译英语介词最根本的原则是:一方面要认真理解和掌握介词 本身的含义,仔细地分析和确定介词在英语原文中的特定意义; 另一方面要在准确理解的基础上,用符合汉语习惯的方式,将 介词所含的特定意义准确地表达出来。
但也可以根据汉语表达需要灵活翻译。如: The axis about which the lever can turn is called the fulcrum. 杠杆绕之转动的轴称为支点。
Chapter Six Translation of Prepositions
二、after的译法 1.表示时间、空间、顺序方面,译为“在…之后”。 2. 表示遵循、按照的意思,可以译为“按照”“依照”等。 For maximum precision, we can make the thermal measurements after his
call button.
The grouping of molecules around a given molecule change continually.
科技英语翻译中篇第一章科技英语翻译常用技巧1.Gases differ from solids in that the former have greater compressibility than the later.气体和固体的区别在于前者比后者有更大的压缩性。
2.The application of electronic computers makes for a tremendous rise in labor productivity.使用电子计算机可以大大提高劳动生产率。
3.The flowing of current first in one direction, and then in another makes an alternatingcurrent.电流先向一个方向流动,然后又向另一个方向流动构成交流电。
4.If we were ignorant of the structure of the atom, it would be impossible for us to studynuclear physics.我们如果不知道原子的结构,就不可能研究核子物理学。
5.Both of the substances are not soluble in water.这两种物质都不溶于水。
6.Whenever one body touches another, heat always passes by the conduction from thewarmer to the colder.当一个物体接触到另一个物体时,热量总是从较热的物体传导到较冷的物体。
7.All of this proves that we must have a profound study of properties of protein.所有这一切证明,我们必须深入的研究蛋白质的特性。
8.The wide application of electronic computers affects tremendously the development ofscience and technology.电子计算机的广泛应用对科学和技术的发展有极大的影响。
ampere(安培), the unit of electric current (after the French scientist Andre Marie Ampere 1775-1836)
ohm(欧姆), a unit of electrical resistance (after the German physicist Georg Simon Ohm 1789-1854 )
只是在电动机发明后,电力才开始造福人 类.
Alloys belong to a half-way house between mixture and compounds.
The pupil of the eye responds to the change of light intensity.
henry(亨利),unit of inductance/电感单位 (named after the American scientist Joseph Henry 1797-1878)
gauss(高斯), a unit of magnetic flux density/电磁感应强度单位(after the German scientist Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss 1777 –1855)
Proper nouns:
watt (瓦特), the unit of power (after the British scientist James Watt 17361819)
volt (伏特), the unit of electric potential difference or electromotive force (named in honor of the Italian physicist Alexandro Volta 1745-1827)
某些副词转译成汉语名词可使译文更加流 畅。
People in enterprises must be mathematically informed if they are to make wise decision. 企业管理人员要想作出明智的决策,就必须懂得 数学。
Internally the earth consists of two parts, a core and a mantle. 地球的内部由两部分组成:地核和地幔。
Mercury is appreciably volatile even at room temperature. 即使在室温下,水银的挥发性也很显著。
The building around are mostly of modern construction. 附近的建筑物大多数是现代化结构。
转换成汉语动词 转换成汉语名词 转换成汉语形容词 转换成汉语副词
名词、名词化结构及起名词作用的不定式、动名 词等,一般可译成汉语动词
During the two and half-hour talk, the two sides exchanged views on the choice of terms of payment, but they made no mention of the mode of transportation. 在两个半小时的商谈中,双方就付款方式交换了意见,但 却没有提到运输方式。
Both of the substances are not soluble in water. 这两种物质。
• medical + care → medicare 医疗保健 • transfer + resistor → transistor 晶体管 • Web + log →blog (博客),
• 科技英语词汇借用的词有人名、地名、商标名。
• 借用人名:
• 物理学中的电力单位watt (瓦特):英国科学家James Watt
• 电压单位volt (伏特) :意大利科学家 Alexandro Volta
• 电 流 强 度单 位 ampere (安培 ) 法 国科 学 家 Andre Marie Ampere
• 我们经过研究并且设计了一套小型自行复叠制冷实验装置。经实验,得出了该循环方式不 受制冷剂配比影响的结论。使该技术可以方便地在大中型系统例如金枪鱼速冻与冷藏系统 中推广使用。
• In this application study, a small auto-cascade refrigeration system自行复叠制冷装置is designed and proved not to be interfered by the variable ingredient proportion of the refrigerants制冷剂. Thus it can be applied to large refrigeration systems大中型制冷系统 such as tuna refrigeration systems金枪鱼速冻与冷藏系 统.
• 此外,在EST中普遍采取以名词为中心构成的词组表达 动词概念,这些词组中的动词概念实际上是由其中做宾 语的名词来体现的,其中的动词被称为“空心动词” (empty verbs),该动词着重体现语法功能,而非主 题功能 (thematic function)。
• 专业词汇的特点 • 专业词汇的构词法 • 专业词汇的翻译
• 1)普通词汇专业化
• 2)专业术语词义单一性
• 3)较多使用前缀和后缀
• 4)大量使用复合词、派生词、转化词等
• 又称合成词,是由两个或两个以上的旧词合成 副词+过去分词 著名的 well-known 一个新词。
名词+名词 carbon steel rust-resistance 碳钢 防锈
介词+名词 动词+副词 形容词+名词 动词+代词+副词 副词+介词+名词
• 《Forrest Gump 》:
Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you’re gonna get.
Scientific English
• The suspension was in the form of a colloidal solution that remained in that state for 1 month without settling (Fig. 1).
by-product makeup check-up atomic weight periodic table pick-me-up out-of-door
副产物 化妆品 检查 原子量 周期表 兴奋剂 户外
1. This type of spring is extensively used in electrical instruments, and deserves specialconsideration.这种弹簧广泛应用于电工仪表中,因此值得专门考虑一下。
(时态)2. If we had known the properties of the material, we should have made full use of it.要是当时了解这种材料的特性的话,我们就会充分利用它了。
(虚拟语气)3. Let P represent the energy which a machine transforms into useful work, and T the totalinput work, the efficiency of the engine can be expressed as P/T.假设 P 表示机器已经变成有用功的能量, T 表示总输入功,那么,发电机的效率可以表示为 P/T。
4. Attention must be paid to the working temperature of the machine.应当注意机器的工作温度。
(被动语态)5. The solar wind grossly distorts the earth's magnetic field, dragging it out to a long tail.太阳风使地球磁场的形状发生很大的变化,将它向外拉牵,扯出一条长尾。
6. Television is the transmission and reception of images of moving objects by radio waves.电视通过无线电波发射和接受各种活动物体的图像。
(名词化结构)7. An understanding of the essential character of scientific investigation is best acquiredfrom the study of a representative particular science.要了解科学研究最本质的特点,最好是对特定的典型学科进行研究。
36、如果我们国家的法律中只有某种 神灵, 而不是 殚精竭 虑将神 灵揉进 宪法, 总体上 来说, 法律就 会更好 。—— 马克·吐 温 37、纲纪废弃之日,便是暴政兴起之 时。— —威·皮 物特
38、若是没有公众舆论的支持,法律 是丝毫 没有力 量的。 ——菲 力普斯 39、一个判例造出另一个判例,它们 迅速累 聚,进 而变成 法律。 ——朱 尼厄斯
40、人类法Байду номын сангаас,事物有规律,这是不 容忽视 的。— —爱献 生
1、最灵繁的人也看不见自己的背脊。——非洲 2、最困难的事情就是认识自己。——希腊 3、有勇气承担命运这才是英雄好汉。——黑塞 4、与肝胆人共事,无字句处读书。——周恩来 5、阅读使人充实,会谈使人敏捷,写作使人精确。——培根
(2) in a comparison ● A 与B相比有很多优点。 A has many advantages over B. ● 这个温度与前面测量的1500C相比 有了明显的下降。 This temperature has a marked decrease over the 1500C previously measured.
(5) “of” is used in noun phrases (Nouns come from vt.) ● 一个力可以分解成x分量和y分量。 The resolution of a force into xand y- components is possible. (It is possible to resolve a force into x- and y- components.)
7. over (1) transmitted(传输;传播;发射)by… over the radio / over the phone ● 他们每天都收听广播英语课程。 They listen to the English lessons over the radio every day. ● 必须保护通过网络传输(transfer)的数 据。 It is necessary to protect data (英 [‘deɪtə],datum的复数) (that are) transferred over the network. ( Note: data transfer [计][通信] 数据传送)
3. by (1) “by” means “根据,按照”. ●根据式(3), 我们可以得到以下的表达式。 By Eq. (3), we can obtain the following expression. (2) by doing sth. / by + n. / through + n. (通过……) ●通过分析该设备的参数,…… By analyzing the parameters of the device, …
科技英语翻译的转换法 ppt课件
Steam leaks should be paid attention to. 应注意蒸汽泄露。
Computers work many times more rapidly than nerve cells in the human brain.
计算机的工作比人类大脑中的神经细胞要快很 多倍。
The shortage of 15-inch ones may push up prices in the future.
转译为谓语 In consequence,there is no need of axial location
. 因此不需要轴向定位。 转洚为宾语 Work must be done in setting a body in motion. 使一个物体运动时,必须做功。
Boiling point is defined as the temperature at which the vapor pressure is equal to that of the atmosphere.
沸点的定义就是气压等于大气压时的温度。 该句中的defined为动词,译成英语时的词性为名词。 All metals tend to be ductile. 所有金属都具有延展性。 tend动词词性译成了名词词性。
Resin coloring is done either by adding dry powder color during the compounding process or by the use of color condentrates at the time of molding.
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6. on (“一……就”和“在……之后”) (1) on + noun (the noun has the meaning of an action) ● 稍加思考,我们发现该式并非适合于各种 情况。 Upon a moment’s reflection, we find that the equation is not fit for all cases. (2) on + doing sth. ● 物质一经挤压,其体积就会缩小。 On being compressed, the volume of a substance will be reduced.
● 那地毯短了三英尺。 The carpet is too short by three feet.
4. for (1) “for” introduces the adverbial of condition ( 当……时, 如果) ●若x>1,则该式不成立。 For x>1,this equation does not hold. ●当n=1时,这个因子等于1. For n=1, this factor equals unity.
(4) 通过分析这台设备的参数 (parameter),我们可以了解它的性能 (performance)。
Through (By) the analysis of the parameters of this device [or: By analyzing the parameters of this device], we can understand its performance.
2. with (1) with + abstract nouns = adverbs with care / with accuracy / with ease / with efficiency / … (2) “with construction” as a post modifier ● 具有五个部件的机器 a machine with five parts
● 设计……的新方法 a new method for designing… Notes: method for doing sth. / method of doing sth. / method to do sth. (3) solve A for B ● 我们必须解这个方程来求那个未知数。 It is necessary for us … for the unknown.
3. by (1) “by” means “根据,按照”. ●根据式(3), 我们可以得到以下的表达式。 By Eq. (3), we can obtain the following expression. (2) by doing sth. / by + n. / through + n. (通过……) ●通过分析该设备的参数,…… By analyzing the parameters of the device, …
5. in (1) “in” is used before a noun that represents unit ●这里t 的度量单位为秒。 Here t is measured in seconds. (2) in + noun / in + doing sth. (= during…, in the course of…) in our discussion / in analyzing the data
(3) within a range ● 求出它在这段距离上的平均速度并不难。 The determination of its average velocity over this distance is not difficult. It is not difficult to determine its average … over this distance. ● 这个电压在很宽的频率范围(range)内十 分稳定。 This voltage is fairly stable over a wide frequency range.
7. over (1) transmitted(传输;传播;发射)by… over the radio / over the phone ● 他们每天都收听广播英语课程。 They listen to the English lessons over the radio every day. ● is necessary to protect data (英 [‘deɪtə],datum的复数) (that are) transferred over the network. ( Note: data transfer [计][通信] 数据传送)
(3) showing the dimensions (尺寸,英: [dɪ‘menʃ(ə)n; daɪ-];美:[daɪ’mɛnʃən] ) of a rectangle (长方形,英 [‘rektæ ŋg(ə)l] ) or a cube(立方体,[kjuːb] ) ● 这房间十五英尺宽二十英尺长。 The room measures 15 feet by 20 feet. (4) to the extent of (sth.) ● 那子弹与目标差两英寸。 The bullet missed the target by two inches.
This book is of great help to electronic engineers.
(2) 在前4章中,第3章最重要。
Of the previous four chapters, Chapter 3 is the most important.
(3) 解这道题很容易。
This problem can be solved with great ease.
(3) “in” is used to express a certain respect in quality / in size / in speed … ●这些设备的体积各不相同。 These devices differ in size. ●这台机器的速度受到了限制。 This machine is limited in speed.
(5) “of” is used in noun phrases (Nouns come from vt.) ● 一个力可以分解成x分量和y分量。 The resolution of a force into xand y- components is possible. (It is possible to resolve a force into x- and y- components.)
(3) “with construction” as adverbials ●有了雷达,我们就能看到远处的物体。 With radar, we can see objects in the distance. (4) set phrases: A varies / changes / increases / decreases with B.
(4) “of” is used in noun phrases (nouns come from vi.) ●图2画出了输出随输入的变化情况。 Fig. 2 shows the variation of the output with the input. ●我们用椭圆(ellipse)[ɪ'lɪps]来描述行 星绕太阳运行的情况。 Ellipses are used to describe the motions of the planets around the sun.
Practice of prep.
(1) 这本书对电子工程师来说是极有帮 助的。 (2) 在前4章中,第3章最重要。 (3) 解这道题很容易。 (4) 通过分析这台设备的参数 (parameter),我们可以了解它的性能 (performance)。
(5) 若x>0,则该方程无解。 (6) 现在我们需要解这个方程,求出 那个未知数(unknown)来。 (7) 在把这些值代入(substitute) 后,人们发现v等于光速。 (8) 电容(capacitance)是用法拉 (farad) ['fæ ræ d]为单位来度量的。
(9)这台计算机的体积很小。 (10) 这些波只朝一个方向传播。 (11) 在研究电学时,物理学家们定义 了电场强度(electric field intensity)。 (12) 这个箱子的尺寸是12X14X6英寸。 (13) 新船比旧船大得多。
(1) 这本书对电子工程师来说是极有帮 助的。
(2) “for” is often used after such nouns as method, technique, algorithm, condition, equation, and requirement, etc. to express a purpose. ● 那是该球体(sphere)的参数(parametric [pæ rə'metrɪk])方程。 That is a parametric equation for the sphere. ● 这种物质波的波动方程 a wave equation for such matter waves