





























1. 引言1.1 研究背景在过去的研究中,关于目的论视角下的电影字幕翻译,学者们已经做了大量的探讨。






1.2 研究意义目的论视角下的电影字幕翻译研究,不仅能够为提升字幕翻译质量提供理论指导和实践参考,更能够促进跨文化传播和理解,增进不同文化间的交流与互动。









第一部分:电影字幕翻译的背景和意义1. 跨国电影的兴起和发展随着全球化的不断推进和国际间的文化交流增多,越来越多的电影跨越国界,进入不同国家的市场。


2. 字幕翻译对电影观影体验的影响电影字幕作为观众了解对话和剧情的关键元素,对于完整体验电影的情绪和情感表达非常重要。


3. 电影字幕翻译的目的论视角目的论视角强调翻译应以达到特定目的为最终追求,即为观众提供最佳的观影体验。


第二部分:《雷霆战海》电影字幕翻译的实例与分析1. 电影介绍和背景《雷霆战海》是一部以第二次世界大战为背景的战争电影,由美国导演执导,主演包括汤姆·汉克斯等一线明星。


2. 字幕翻译的优化与改进为了让中国观众更好地理解和接受电影内容,电影字幕翻译需要根据目的论视角进行优化和改进。


3. 结合目的论视角的翻译策略目的论视角下的电影字幕翻译,可以采用以下策略:一是词语选择,比如将文化背景相关的词汇翻译为相应的中文词语;二是语言风格和表达方式的调整,使之更贴近中国观众的口味和理解水平;三是情感和情绪的传达,通过适当的用词和语气表达,使观众能够更好地感受电影的情感共鸣。




















关键词:目的论;字幕英译;《流浪地球2》1 引言让中国文化“走出去”是如今我国发展过程中十分重要的议题,也是提高我国软实力的重要举措。









2 研究现状2.1国内研究现状使用中国知网进行搜索关键词“流浪地球2”,得到搜索结果88条,相关内容主要集中在《流浪地球2》经济效益以及片中科技内容的分析,暂无任何对《流浪地球2》字幕进行分析的相关文献。





























针对文化差异: 注重跨文化交际 能力的培养,提 高译者对不同文 化的敏感度。
针对语言差异: 注重语言对比研 究,提高译者的 语言转换能力。
针对技术挑战: 采用先进的翻译 工具和软件,提 高翻译效率和准 确性。
针对未来发展: 加强国际合作与 交流,推动电影 字幕翻译行业的 创新与发展。
人工智能技术将 进一步应用于电 影字幕翻译,提 高翻译准确性和
目的论视角下的 电影字幕翻译, 需要充分考虑观 众的文化背景和
翻译过程中,需 要灵活运用各种 翻译技巧,以达 到最佳的翻译效
目的论视角下的 电影字幕翻译, 可以提高电影的 跨文化传播效果, 促进文化交流。
重视目的论在电影字幕翻译中的应用,根据受众群体和文化背景进行有针对性的翻译。 充分考虑电影字幕的时空限制,采用适当的语言风格和表达方式,确保信息的准确传达。 注重字幕的流畅性和可读性,避免过于复杂的句式和生僻词汇,确保观众能够轻松理解。
电影字幕翻译的定义: 将原语电影中的对话、 声音等转化为目的语, 以传达原语电影中的信 息。
电影字幕翻译的重要性: 在跨文化交流中,电影 字幕翻译能够让观众更 好地理解电影内容,促 进文化交流和传播。
目的论的定义 和原则
电影字幕翻译 的特点和挑战
目的论在电影 字幕翻译中的 具体应用
句式调整:根据目标语言的语法结构和表达习惯对原文进行适当的调整,使译文更加流畅自然。 语言风格:保持与原片语言风格一致,同时考虑目标观众的语言习惯和审美需求。 语言规范:遵循目标语言的字幕翻译规范,确保译文字幕的准确性和可读性。
语言风格的保留: 在翻译过程中保 持原电影的语言 风格,以传递文 化特色。







一、目的论视角下的电影字幕翻译1.1 目的论视角的基本理念目的论是翻译学中的一个重要学派,其核心理念是翻译的最终目的是为了满足特定的翻译需求。


1.2 电影字幕翻译的挑战电影字幕翻译面临许多挑战,其中最重要的是如何平衡对原汁原味的保留和向观众传达正确信息的矛盾。


二、《被光抓走的人》的特点分析2.1 影片背景和主题《被光抓走的人》是法国导演勒玛尔丁的一部作品,讲述了一个关于爱与死亡的浪漫故事。


2.2 语言与文化特点法语是影片中主要使用的语言,法国文化和社会背景也贯穿整个影片。


三、《被光抓走的人》的字幕翻译实例分析3.1 字幕翻译的策略选择在字幕翻译中,为了准确地传达原片的内容,译者通常会选择直译或意译这两种不同的策略。


3.2 字幕翻译的平衡与权衡在字幕翻译中,平衡和权衡是关键问题。



四、电影字幕翻译的值得借鉴之处4.1 语言的美感传达电影字幕翻译不仅仅是语言的转换,还需要将电影语言的美感传达给观众。



最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作1 电影《当幸福来敲门》中蕴涵的美国文化解读2 从《推手》看中美文化差异对家庭关系的影响3 Gender Difference in Daily English Conversation4 On Translation of English Idioms5 哈里的迷惘与自我救赎——《乞力马扎罗的雪》的哲学解读6 说谎的语用顺应性分析7 动物习语在英汉文化中的异同分析8 A Southern Elegy-A Feminist Study on Fau lkner’s “A Rose for Emily”9 A Tragedy of Ambition on Macbeth10 Cultural Connotation and Translation of Animal Words in Chinese and English11 浅谈英语委婉语的作用和原则12 英汉被动结构对比研究13 试析《傲慢与偏见》中的书信14 谈新闻发布会口译中的礼貌原则15 透过七夕和情人节看中西文化差异16 农村学生英语学习情感障碍分析17 A Comparison of the English Color Terms18 文档所公布均英语专业全英原创毕业论文。

原创Q 799 75 79 3819 华盛顿•欧文与陶渊明逃遁思想对比研究20 从个人英雄主义角度解读《肖申克的救赎》21 忠实与变通策略在科技翻译中的运用22 Memory Theories and Their Applications to English V ocabulary Learning23 电影名称的翻译特点24 中英颜色词及象征意义25 从概念整合视角解读《老友记》中的言语幽默26 论《呼啸山庄》中希斯克利夫的矛盾情感27 玛莎•诺曼戏剧中的母女关系研究28 英汉谚语中“爱”的情感隐喻对比研究(开题报告+论29 浅析焦虑对英语专业学生英语口语的影响30 中西方身体语言的差异的研究31 A Comparison of the English Color Terms32 A Comparison Between the History of Development of Law in Western Countries and China33 《老人与海》的象征意义分析34 Cultural Connotation of English Proverbs and the Translation Strategies35 浅谈中西体态语的差异36 透过《格列佛游记》看斯威夫特的讽刺艺术37 浅析理发师陶德一剧中歌词的妙用38 An Analysis of the Symbolic Meanings of the Letter “A” in The Scarlet Letter39 浅论《儿子与情人》中劳伦斯的心里分析技巧40 从文化视角看部分英汉习语的异同41 文化语境对翻译的影响42 英语语义歧义分析及其语用价值43 中美体育报道的比较44 中西饮食文化的对比45 《外婆的日常家当》中女性形象象征意义46 中学英语课堂中的情感教育47 论《了不起的盖茨比》中二元主角的运用48 生存与对话—浅析《非笑之事》49 跨文化交际中的体态语50 Film Translation in the Horizon of Relevance Theory—Based on the Film Dead Poets Society51 The Features of Commercial Advertisement English52 英汉称呼语的对比研究53 An Analysis of the Characters in the Call of the Wild from the Perspective of Social Darwinism54 从违反合作原则研究《生活大爆炸》55 从《简•爱》与《藻海无边》看女性话语权的缺失56 从中国传统民居乔家大院和西方哥特式教堂看中西文化差异57 A Feministic Study of th e Theme of “The Chrysanthemums”(开题报告+论文+文献综述58 葛浩文英译《红高粱家族》的翻译策略研究5960 新兴资产阶级代表—鲁滨逊•克鲁索61 功能对等视角下记者招待会古诗词翻译策略研究62 On Elizabeth’s Rebellious Spirit in Pride and Prejudice63 语义翻译与交际翻译在英语专业八级翻译考试中的应用64 广告翻译策略初探65 《老人与海》中的孤独66 教师身势语在英语口语教学中的应用67 《美国丽人》中的伦理主题研究68 An analysis of the "never lost" qualities on Hemingway and his Sun Also Rises69 A Comparison of the English Color Terms70 论英汉习语中的动物文化71 “省力原则”在口译过程中的应用72 生存危机和渴求改变——黑色幽默小说的主体研究73 文化差异对中美商务谈判的影响和应对策略74 对比评析《了不起的盖茨比》中尼克和盖茨比的梦想75 The Strategies and Translation of Politeness in English Business Letters76 边缘人群的孤独与无奈——对《夜访吸血鬼》中路易斯的研究77 浅析“冰山理论”调动读者参与的作用78 影响高中学生英语学习兴趣因素的调查及分析—以x市高中学生为调查对象79 论《喜福会》中双重文化对母女关系的影响80 从冗余理论浅谈翻译技巧之增译法与减译法81 认知语境对文学文本翻译策略的影响82 汉英数字文化比较及其翻译83 在幻想中回归童年──评析《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》84 An Analysis of Hardy’s Optimism in Jude the Obscure85 中西民间鬼神形象中体现的宗教世俗化的研究86 《苔丝》与《呼啸山庄》中复仇主题的生态女性主义解读87 英汉颜色词在文化背景下的不对应性88 《沙漠之花》的女性主义研究89 浅析达洛卫夫人的自我追寻90 用本我,自我,超我的弗洛伊德理论来解析《红字》91 The Growth of Humphrey Weyden in The Sea Wolf92 The Postmodern Story In the Victorian Age--The French Lieutenant's Woman93 英语幽默语的语用研究94 威廉•麦克佩斯•萨克雷《名利场》的道德研究95 旅游翻译中的文化差异和处理策略96 A Comparison of the English Color Terms97 从后殖民主义看《贫民窟的百万富翁》的成功98 On the Chinese Loanwords from English99 文化差异对中美商务谈判的影响100 英语学习中的跨文化语用失误及其对策101 论《木木》中屠格涅夫的反农奴制思想102 文化语境下公示语的翻译103 从电影《当幸福来敲门》看美国梦104 英语听力理解障碍及应对策略105 浅论中文商标的翻译(开题报告+论106 论英语谚语的翻译107 浅析小组合作在小学英语教学中的应用108 浅析《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中黑奴的命运109 A Linguistic Analysis of Barack Obama’s Inauguration Speech110 中西方礼貌原则及其差异对比研究111 从关联翻译理论看《圣经》汉译过程中的关联缺失112 影响英语专业学生理解英语习语的因素调查113 由英汉委婉语的对比研究来看中西文化的差异114 The Differences of Beauty Standards Between China and America 115 从《傲慢与偏见》两个汉译本看翻译策略的选择116 从《喧哗与骚动》中凯蒂的悲剧看世纪初女性的社会地位117 从关联理论看英文电影字幕翻译中的减译118 《中文菜单英文译法》中的归化和异化分析119 论凯瑟琳﹒曼斯菲尔德作品中的彼得﹒潘情结120 诗歌《飞鸟集》的意象评析121 委婉语和礼貌原则122 A Comparison of the English Color Terms123 Satan in Paradise Lost as a Tragic Hero124 A Feminist Reading of Virginia Woolf and A Room of One’s Own 125 中国英语与中式英语的对比研究——从英汉民族思维差异的角度126 交际翻译视角下的公示语汉英翻译127128 从文化视角看《了不起的盖茨比》中黛西的无辜129 认识、寻找和实现自我价值——剖析《飘》中的人生价值130 文化差异对商务谈判的影响及策略131 文学作品的风格及其可译性132 从文化差异角度研究英文新闻标题翻译的策略133 解读《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》中麦琪的悲剧命运134 星巴克在中国取得的成功及启示135 英汉翻译中的文化空缺现象及对策136 英语商务信函的文体和语言特点137 浅析英语职业委婉语的特点及其社会功能138 An Analysis of Sexism in English Proverbs139 《游泳者》中的艺术特色140 《愤怒的葡萄》中的圣经原型141 托马斯哈代与张爱玲作品中女性悲剧命运对比研究——以苔丝和顾曼桢为例142 Everlasting Colonialism-An Interpretation of the Great Gatsby143 论东西方文化中的体态语差异144 中学生学习英语的焦虑感及对策145 文化差异对中美商务谈判的影响146 英语委婉语的语用分析147 文化差异对中美商务谈判的影响和应对策略148 浅析《道林·格雷的画像》中的享乐主义149 浅析《动物庄园》中极权主义形成的必然性150 涉外商函的特点及其翻译151 《远大前程》和《了不起的盖茨比》中悲剧英雄的伟大之处对比152 西方节日对中国传统文化的影响153 A Comparison of the English Color Terms154 Problems in the Oral Class and Solutions to Them155 论西尔维娅•普拉斯诗歌中的死亡意象156 Using Maslow’s Hierarchy Needs Theory to Analyze Sister Carrie’s Destiny 157 《愤怒的葡萄》中的圣经原型158 翻译“忠实”新解——兼评《傲慢与偏见》译本159 法律英语中的情态动词shall的翻译160 《德伯家的苔丝》中苔丝之死的必然性161 An Analysis of Gilmore’s American Existentialism in The Executioner’s Song 162 中文商标英译研究163 中国文学作品中的歇后语的英译-以红楼梦为例164 Symbolism in The Old Man and The Sea165 《名利场》的女性主义解读166 论《傲骨贤妻》字幕翻译中的归化和异化策略167 《青春》中的孤独主题分析168 《远大前程》中皮普的性格发展与外界环境的关系169 从美国梦看美国社会流动机制170 会话含义的语用初探171 中西方悲剧爱情故事折射出的文化差异—《穆斯林的葬礼》与《荆棘鸟》之比较172 从文化视角看中美家庭教育差异173 目的论指导下的导游词英译策略研究174 《麦琪的礼物》中环境语的分析175 An Interpretation of Death in Jack London's Short Stories176 On the Translation of Chinese Classical Poetry from Aesthetic Perspective—Based on the different English versions of “Tian Jing ShaQiu Si”177 《爱玛》的婚姻观分析178 On the Principle of Elegance in the Translation of Business Contracts179 传统与超越-解读成长小说《占卜者》180 How to Avoid Chinglish on English Writing of Senior High School Students 181 从三美原则看中国古诗词中酒意象的英译182 浅析英文爱情诗的特点与翻译方法183 Childhood PTSD in Anne of Green Gables184 从原型批评理论来看<<哈利波特>>系列小说中的人物原型185 战后美国对伊拉克娱乐文化的影响186 简•奥斯汀《诺桑觉寺》中人物对爱情和婚姻的不同态度187 观音与圣母之比较188 目的论视角下的公司简介汉英翻译189 目的论指导下的英语字幕翻译策略190 论《隐形人》中的象征主义191 Humor as Perceived from the Cooperative Principle192 从《简爱》看夏洛蒂•勃朗特的女性意识193 中西方餐桌礼仪文化对比194 影响英语阅读速度提高的主要障碍及其解决方法195 The Death of Willy Loman and the destruction of the American Dream 196 论《兔子归来》中黑人民权意识的觉醒197 Study on the Basic Principles of Legal English Translation198 On Translator’s Subjectivity from the Feminist Perspective199 A Preliminary Study on Racial Discrimination in America200 《紫色》的生态女性主义解读。









二、字幕翻译中的语义传达1. 直译与意译的选择直译是指尽量保持原文句子结构和语义,逐字逐句进行翻译;而意译则是根据目标语言和文化的特点,适当转换句子结构和表达方式,更好地传达原文的意思。


例如,影片中主人公在监狱中与同僚互动的场景,“Make a move and the first thing they do is break your legs.I know a guy in here, two years he's been asking me toget him a gun. Can you believe it? Two years he's been asking me for a gun, doesn't trust the gua rds.” 直译后的翻译可能是“一动不动,他们做的第一件事就是把你的腿打断。






学校代码:10327学号:MG********硕士学位论文目的论视域下的影视字幕翻译:以电影《当幸福来敲门》为例院系:外国语学院专业:英语语言文学研究方向:翻译*名:**指导教师:肖辉教授完成日期:2012年10月18日答辩日期:2012年12月27日On Audio-Visual Subtitle Translation from the Perspective of Skopostheorie: a Case Study of the Film The Pursuit of HappynessA Dissertation Submitted toNanjing University of Finance and EconomicsFor the Academic Degree of Master of ArtsBYLi QiuSupervised byProfessor Xiao HuiSchool of Foreign LanguagesNanjing University of Finance and EconomicsOctober 2012学位论文独创性声明本论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。





作者签名:导师签名:日期:AcknowledgementsThe completion of the thesis comes after the support and assistance of many sides. First of all, I should express my immense gratitude to my supervisor Prof. Xiao Hui. Her timely guidance and enlightening suggestions, helpful criticism and positive encouragement have helped me a lot. Since I became her postgraduate student, I have been led to the world of translation and provided with invaluable guidance over all these years. I feel exceptionally lucky to have her as my supervisor.I also would like to express my gratefulness to all the professors during the postgraduate studies. Furthermore, I have benefited enormously from the lectures given by Prof. Wang Keming, Prof. Li Junru, and Prof. Zhang Gaoyuan for their constructive help and lectures.Last but not least, I must give my thanks to my beloved family for their love and support these years. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates for the unforgettable and precious nearly three years we spent together. Actually, I feel deeply indebted to those who have given me their advice and encouragement, which have been the driving force to finish this thesis.AbstractThe Pursuit of Happyness(purposefully misspelled by the author of the novel) firstly released in Chinese mainland in 1998 was loved by the audience. During these years, it has been shown in many different countries throughout the world. Clearly, it has been regarded as a valuable text for academic study by the scholars. However, the author found it difficult to find academic materials concerning film The Pursuit of Happyness. Thus, it‟s of creative significance to study the film under the guidance of Skopostheorie.Translation is an especially important communicative tool among different languages and cultures. As a cultural carrier, film also needs the involvement of translation. Nowadays, with the development of economics and culture, more and more foreign films, especially English and American films have flocked into China and are welcomed by the masses. As an important tool of gaining information and enjoying entertainment, film subtitle translation plays an increasingly significant role. Only good subtitle translation can make the foreign audience better appreciate the original films. Good film subtitle translation can provide the crowning touch to foreign films and can attract more audience thus enhancing the audience‟s experience of appreciating films and playing an important role in different cultural exchange. The great achievements that the film subtitle translation has received can not be ignored; however, in theory, normative film subtitle translation theories are far from being mature and perfect. In practice, there is much room to improve the quality of film subtitle translation.The thesis concentrates a study on film subtitle translation from the perspective of Skopostheorie. In order to make the audience better appreciate the original films, under the particular temporal and spacial constraints, directly and effectively conveying relative information to the audience is the main purpose of film subtitletranslation, which will attract more viewers to go to the cinema and to earn the highest box-office. To fulfill the purpose, translator should follow certain principles and strategies and besides, special attention should be paid to the cultural phenomenon in the process of translation.This thesis attempts to study Chinese translation of the subtitles of English films from the perspective of Skopostheorie. This study mainly focuses on the principles and strategies of film subtitle translation. For film subtitle translation, this thesis is a tentative study, and it is expected that this study will deepen our understanding of translation theories and finally improve the practical level of film subtitle translation.This thesis is consisted of six chapters. The first chapter briefly introduces the research background, research purpose and research methods. The second chapter mainly deals with the literature review. The third chapter concentrates on the definition, classification, characteristics and constraints of film subtitle translation. The fourth chapter focuses on the theoretical framework. The fifth chapter gives a detailed case study of The Pursuit of Happyness under the guidance of Skopostheorie, which is the main body of the thesis. The sixth chapter gives the conclusion of the thesis, presenting the findings and limitations of the thesis and some suggestions for further researches.Key words: Skopostheorie; film subtitle translation; translation principle; translation strategy摘要《当幸福来敲门》(作者故意将电影名拼写错)这部电影1998年首次在中国大陆上映,受到观众的极大喜爱。











四、英文电影片名汉译的策略在翻译目的论的指导下,英文电影片名的汉译可采取以下策略:1. 直译:当英文片名含义明确、文化内涵相近时,可采用直译的方法。


2. 意译:对于一些抽象或富有寓意的英文片名,可采取意译的方法,使译名更符合中文表达习惯。

如“Life of Pi”可译为“少年派的奇幻漂流”,既传达了原片名的含义,又具有吸引力。

3. 音译结合:对于一些具有特殊文化背景或地名的英文片名,可采取音译结合的方法,以保留原片名的独特性。
















电影讲述了安迪·杜弗雷恩(Andy Dufresne)被冤枉入狱的故事,他与狱友艾利斯·波伊德(Ellis Boyd "Red" Redding)一起在肖申克监狱中建立起深厚的友谊,并最终通过智慧和坚韧的毅力实现自己的自由。

三、对比电影原音和字幕翻译的重要场景1. 原音:"Get busy livin' or get busy dyin'."字幕翻译:"要么活得充实,要么死得潇洒。


原音使用了俚语"Get busy livin' or get busy dyin'"来突出主题,其中的"livin'"和"dyin'"刻画了生活的对比。


2. 原音:"Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies."字幕翻译:"希望是个好东西,也许是最好的东西,没有任何好东西会消失。





















目的论指导下的英文电影片名翻译The Translation of English Movie Titles under theGuidance of Skopos Theory YANG Yongfeng,LI Hongmei(Taizhou Polytechnic College ,Taizhou ,Jiangsu 225300)With the deepening of the cross-cultural communication ,the movie ,as a cultural carrier ,is playing an increasingly important role. In recent years ,translation related to English movies is bringing more and more attention. Movie title is a trademark and advertising carrier ,the translation of which will directly affect whether the target language audience will accept it ornot ,and further determine the movie will be a success or failure in the market. Under the guidance of skopos theory,this article tries to explore the translation of English movietitles from four kinds of translation methods transliteration ,literal translation ,liberaltranslation and creativetranslation goals of conveying thetitle's information value and art recreation. ,namely,so as to realize the,commercial0 引言片名犹如电影的眼睛,是电影最好的名片。



ContentsABSTRACT (2)KEY WORDS (2)摘要 (2)关键词 (3)1. INTRODUCTION (3)1.1 Research Background (3)1.1.1 Studies Abroad (3)1.1.2 Studies at Home (4)1.2 Research Significance and Mythology (5)2. SKOPOS THEORY (5)2.1 The Development of Skopos Theory (5)2.2 Three Rules of Skopos Theory (6)2.2.1 Skopos Rule (6)2.2.2 Coherence Rule (6)2.2.3 Fidelity Rule (6)2.3 Evaluation of Skopos Theory (7)3. TRANSLATING STRATEGIESANALYSIS IN THE BIG BANG THEORY UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF THE SKOPOS THEORY (7)3.1 Literal Translation (8)3.2 Domesticating or Foreignizing (9)3.2.1 Domesticating (9)3.2.2 Foreignizing (11)3.3 Free Translation, Reduction and Addition (12)3.3.1 Free Translation (12)3.3.2 Reduction (13)3.3.3 Addition (14)4.CONCLUSION (17)ACKNOWLEDGMENTS (17)BIBLIOGRAPHY (17)The Subtitle Translation of the Big Bang Theory from thePerspective of Skopos TheoryAbstract: In recent years, quite a number of western films and TV dramas enter into China,which requires subtitle translation. Thus, the subtitle translation becomes a new field of studies. Humoris crucial to sitcoms, so the translation of the humorous lines will play a very important role in the audiences’ understanding of the whole work. Among all films and TV dramas, The Big Bang Theory is much more popular. Taking California as the background, this sitcoms describes the stories of daily life between four talented scientific nerds and a young gorgeous restaurant waitress. Although the play is inevitably filled with various kinds of scientific theories that are not well known by the ordinary people, its plots and languages are mingled with wisdom and humor, which is largely owing to the success of its subtitle translation. Even though subtitle translation does not have a formal and comprehensive theoretical system, there are a growing number of scholars who are engaged in doing related researches. By exploring the corresponding translation strategies, the author expects to draw more scholars’ attention to the subtitle translation and the use of catchwords which is increasingly awarding during the progress of translating. The author talks about the translation of The Big Bang Theory from the perspective of Skopos Theory. It states that translation actions all have specific purposes which determine the whole process of translation. The author summarizes the three principles of Skopos Theory, and the strategies used in the translation of The Big Bang Theory. The author uses some examples and tables so as to effectively analyze the translation strategies.Keywords: The Big Bang Theory; subtitle translation; Skopos Theory目的论指导下《生活大爆炸》的字幕翻译摘要:近年来大批西方影视剧作品进入中国,字幕翻译应运而生,也成为新的研究领域。



目的论视角下影片《我和我的祖国》字幕英译探析【摘要】The film "Me and My Motherland" serves as a significant cultural production that showcases the essence of Chinese patriotism and national identity. Through the lens of Skopos theory, this article explores the English translation of the film's subtitles. The analysis includes an overview of the film, an examination of the translation methods utilized, a comparative analysis of the English subtitles, and a discussion on how cultural differences impact the translation process. The findings suggest that the translation of subtitles should be culturally sensitive and contextually appropriate to effectively convey the intended message to international audiences. This study contributes to a better understanding of translation practices in the context of Chinese cinema and provides insights for future research in this area.【关键词】目的论视角,影片《我和我的祖国》,字幕英译,探析,引言,背景介绍,研究意义,影片简介,目的论视角分析,字幕翻译方法探讨,英文字幕对比分析,文化差异,研究成果总结,展望未来研究方向。

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目的论指导下的电影字幕翻译南阳理工学院本科毕业设计(论文)目的论指导下的英文电影字幕翻译Translation of English Film Subtitle under the Guidance ofSkopos Theory学院(系):外国语学院专业:英语学生姓名:崔艳威学号:051109046授课教师(职称):张媛媛(讲师)评阅教师:完成日期:2013年1月12日南阳理工学院Nanyang Institute of Technology目的论指导下的英文电影字幕翻译英语专业崔艳威[摘要]随着全球化和电影产业的不断发展,电影,作为世界不同文化交流的重要媒介之一,越来越受到人们的欢迎;然而,对于不同语言、文化背景下的人来说,要看懂一部外语电影则须依赖电影字幕。





[关键词]目的论;英文电影字幕翻译;翻译Translation of English Film Subtitle under the Guidance ofSkopos TheoryEnglish Major CUI Yan-weiAbstract:With the continuous development of film industry, film, acting as one of the important communication medias of world culture, is getting more and more prevalent. However, as for the audiences with different language and background of culture, understanding a foreign film depends on the film subtitle. Film subtitles with higher level can enable audiences be clear about the plots and contents of a film, maintains the specialty of local culture in a film, and adapts to the audients’ culture background.Compared with other mainstream areas of translation, translation of film subtitle gets to start a little later. Though there have been some impressive achievements with great efforts of relevant scholars and practitioners in the west, systemic and guiding theories in this area are still lacked. In china, the translation of film subtitle is late developed with low quality of translation and standardized norms. Due to all questions above, the development and progress of film translation in China is deeply blocked.The intention of this thesis is, based on the Skopos Theory, to try to turn the main principles of the Skopos Theory into the translation strategies which suit for the characteristics of film subtitle through expounding the main principles of kopos Theory and the analysis of the characteristics of film subtitle. The thesis also quotes many film examples to illustrate the practical effectiveness under the guidance of kopos Theory during the translation, which hopes to be helpful to the translation of film subtitle.Key words:Skopos Theory; film subtitle; translationContentsChapter 1 Characteristics and Functions of English Film Subtitle (6)1.1 Definition of film subtitle (6)1.2 Characteristics of English film subtitle (6)1.2.1 Instantaneousness (6)1.2.2 Popularization (7)1.2.3 Brevity (7)1.2.4 Sense of character (8)1.3 Functions of film subtitle (8)1.3.1Identification function (8)1.3.2 Narrative function (9)1.3.3 Aesthetics function (9)Chapter 2 General Principles of Translation of Film Subtitle (10)2.1 Immediate comprehensibility (10)2.2 Conciseness. (10)2.3 Conformance of culture specificity (11)2.4 Characteristics of roles (11)Chapter 3 Skopos Theory and Strategies of Film Subtitle Translation Under the Theory (13)3.1 Overview of Skopos Theory (13)3.2 Rules of Skopos theory (14)3.2.1 Skopos rule (14)3.2.2 Coherence rule (14)3.2.3 Fidelity rule (14)3.3 Strategies of translation of film subtitle (14)3.3.1 Reduction (14)3.3.2 Expansion (15)3.3.3 Use of Simple grammar and four-character phrases (15)3.3.4 Domestication and Foreignization (16)3.3.5 Free translation (17)Conclusion (18)References (19)Acknowledgements (20)IntroductionThe earliest film was in vented by the Lumie’re brothers.(韩丹,2010:1)[1]December 28th 1895, they for the first time publicly displayed their films Exiting the Factory, Arrival of A Train etc. at a cafe shop in pairs.it declared the birth of the film to the world. At the early stage, films were short (duration lasted from 4 to 40 minutes) and silent and had some language texts inserted between the film images to help audience to understand the plot, which could be regarded as the early film subtitle. From then on, the translation of film subtitle has been started. That kind of translation is obviously simple and primary; however, it was the earliest practice of translation of film subtitle.Film industry has showed its vigorous life since the first film was displayed. As the engine of the film industry in the world, Hollywood’s outstanding achievements are the best example of the whole industry. According to statistics, Hollywood films took nearly 75% of the film market share in china, in the 1930s and 1940s. Under the effect of foreign film industry, in 1905, Ren jingtai and Liu zhonglun produced the film dingjunshan (定军山)and displayed it publicly and freely, which marked the birth of the first film of chin. From then on, the development of China’s film industry found its way gradually.After the establishment of the People’s Republic of China, especially after the reform and opening-up policy, China began to introduce foreign film into domestic market with large scale. Watching foreign films became an important way for Chinese to understand foreign country’s local conditions, acquire information, and entertain themselves. Due to the increasing demand and large quantity of annual foreign film production, there were vast foreign films need to be translated. Under this circumstance, compared with the previous way of dubbing, as a comparatively inexpensive and efficient way of language transfer, film subtitle translation became more and more popular in China, because the audience did not have to wait long time for dubbed film versions. At the same time, among viewers there was a growing demand for authenticity that went hand in hand with a better knowledge of foreign languages and cultures in programs. Furthermore, translation of film subtitle met such a tendency that more and more Chinese begin to learn English. The film with subtitle in both English and Chinese became their learning materials. Last but not the least, with the development and wide spreading of internet, the audience could get their films from the internet besides theater. There also came out some organizations engaged in translation of film subtitle, such as UU bird, RenRen etc. All above have make contributions to the development of translation of film subtitle.This thesis focuses on the aspect of Skopos Theory to study the translation of English film subtitle. The characteristics of film subtitle have natively associative property with the content and principles of Skopos Theory. Hence, this theory has practical guiding function in the process of translation of film subtitle. By analyzing the content of Skopos Theory, translator could find theoretical foundation and practical guidance, which can be used in translation process. It may be helpful to improve the present situation of translation of the English film subtitle and make the translation industry more systemic. Another advantage of Skopos Theory is that it can maintain and show the local culture of films clearly as well as be understood easily by the audience after translation, by which Chinese people could get to know more foreign culture through English film. This thesis will quote many film lines, which would be analyzed based on Skopos Theory. Therefore readers may understand the major idea more comfortably.The thesis consists of five chapters: Chapter 1 provides an introduction to the background in which the present study is carried. Chapter 2 analyzes the characteristics and functions of film subtitle. Chapter 3 reviews the contents and development of Skopos Theory and then puts forward the strategies of subtitle translation under such theory. Chapter 5 is a conclusion which summarizes the whole thesis and brings forward suggestion on the field of translation of film subtitle.Chapter 1 Characteristics and Functions of English Film SubtitleThough we are quite familiar with film subtitle, few people can give out specific answer when asked the detailed characteristics and functions of film subtitle. It is of importance to have a clear understanding about the characteristics and functions of film subtitle when we studying the translation of film subtitle. Hence, this part will discuss these issues.1.1 Definition of film subtitleFilm subtitle is a printed statement or fragment of dialogue appearing on the screen between the senses of a silent motion or appearing as translation at the bottom of the screen during scenes of a motion picture or television show in a foreign language. According to Dictionary of Film Art, (电影艺术词典(修订版)2005:220)[2]film subtitle is the general term of Chinese and foreign words appearing on the screen as the form of all kinds of chirography, print hand, embossment, cartoon etc, such as film title, cast, libretto, translation, dialogue, explanation, introduction of roles, place name, date and so on. Deign of the chirography, writing, words size, layout, compositional sketch are all the factors that affect the whole model of a filmAccording to target language, film subtitle could be divided into parallel type and crossed type. The former is used within a same language; the latter is used between different languages.1.2 Characteristics of English film subtitleFilm subtitle has its own characteristics, it will be impossible for a translator to finish translating successfully if he does not notice this point. Film subtitle has the following features which give rise to the special requirements for film subtitle translation1.2.1 InstantaneousnessUnlike books or newspapers which the readers can repeat when they find something difficult to understand, or something interesting, film subtitle just last for very seconds on the screen and then next picture will come out. If audience does not understand the title, what he can do is to continue this process but return them back. It is other case that you watch film at home on CD player or through internet, you can repeat it whenever and wherever you would like. But obviously, it is boring to watch a film in that way. Hence, here comes a requirement that translators must ensure that audiences could understand the translated film subtitleimmediately when they see the film picture or listen to the dialogues without thinking too much of the meaning of the dialogue.1.2.2 PopularizationAs we all know, film is consumed by the public, its audiences are the common people. Therefore, the language used in film must target at common people, in other word, if one film want to be understood by the mass audience, it must use popular words and expression. Sometimes, a film may involves in a specialized or academic topic as well as something local which are unfamiliar for the common people without professional knowledge, in this case, translator should use simple and understandable subtitle to make the audience accept the film. Just as professor Zhang Chunbai said:Most cases,the translator must see to it that the translated dialogue are comprehensible tomost Chinese viewers with a minimum level of education or even those without any schooling such as some illiterate elderly people and preschool children.(张春柏, 1998:26)[3]1.2.3 BrevityDue to time limitation and instantaneousness, film subtitle must be short and concise; it requires that film subtitle should follow the characteristic of brevity to make the audience understand it immediately when film is processing. The audiences have no enough time to follow the plots of film if subtitle is too long. For instance:Rick: It’ll be interesting to see how he manages…Renault: Manage what?Rick: His escape.Renault: Oh, but I just told you…Rick: Stop it…Rick: Twenty thousand Fr says that it isn’t.Renault: Is that a serious wager?Renault: Make it 10,000. I’m only a poor corrupt official.Rick: OK.Renault: Done. (黄琛琪,2007:12)[4]——Casablanca (1942) It is easy to find the sentences with underscore are very short and concise, So that the audiences will not have obstruction when they watch film.1.2.4 Sense of characterLanguage is the reflection of one’s feeling, opinion, values and attitude. Especially in the film, different roles have their unique characteristics, so their language will be marked by their person characteristics. Director is just in this way to shape the character image. Hence, film subtitle should keep balance with the social standing, experience of life, age, education background of a role. For instance: jack sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean, he is always give us a image with humor and wisdom, so his language is fulfilled with his owe person characteristics.Barbossa: What are you doing?Jack sparrow: What are you doing?Barbossa: No, What are you doing?Jack sparrow: What are you doing?Barbossa: No, What are you doing?Jack sparrow: What are you doing? Hmm. Caption gives the orders on the ship.Barbossa: The caption of this ship is giving orders!Jack sparrow: my ship makes me the caption!Barbossa: They be my charts!Jack sparrow: that makes you chart man! (蔡玲,2010:131)[5]——Pirates of the Caribbean: at World’s End (2007) During the process of fighting for caption, Jack Sparrow repeats Barbossa’s words purposely. In addition to his performance and intonation, we can find that he is so funny. He beat Barbossa by the last sentence. His wisdom is obviously showed by his words.1.3 Functions of film subtitleFilm subtitle has the indispensable function of identification, which has nothing to do with the plot of film. And the narrative function that intervenes in film text to tell audiences the story of one film. As well as the modeling function which is closely related to the style of visual beauty of the whole film and the style of the author.1.3.1Identification functionAlmost all of the films have head leader, tail leader and studios’ logo. Subtitle of studios’ logo is one kind of subtitle which was printed with studio’s name or logo. A studio logo with visual impact and representativeness could win identification from the audiences for long time. Such as 20th Century Fox, Universal and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Inc. Head leader is alwaysthe first serious of images on the screen at the beginning of one film. Generally speaking, it contains film name, film cast, time, place, and brief introduction of the background. Sometimes, tail leader also contains film cast and the words indicating the end of a film, for instance: “END”, “剧终”,“完”etc.1.3.2 Narrative functionFirstly, film subtitle play a significant role in organizing structure of the film. When subtitle runs through the text of a film, it will divide the whole film into several parts. It is very common in many films. For example, in film Inglourious Basterds(2009), director Quentin Tarantino use the structure that all the chapters are interlacing each other to narrate the story. Through this method, the space time and plots which are so far away from each other are connected together.Secondly, film subtitle has the essential influence in the expression of film theme. During the period of silence film, film subtitle is responsible for not only telling the actor’s lines but also responsible for indicating the theme. In Tom Tykwer’s film Run Lola Run, the header subtitle quotes T.S. Eliot’s saying”We shall not cease from exploration and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started, and know the place for the first time”and S. Herberger’s saying “After the game is before the game” The subtitle skillfully unscrambles the plots to the audiences that the character has to restart again and again.Thirdly, film subtitle could exist as the tie of a film to process the film. Danny Boyle’s film Slumdog Millionaire,adopts the way of television giveaway show to link a boy’s growing experience in a slum with a series of questions. At the beginning of the film, subtitle gives out a question as suspense: Jamal Malik is one question away from winning 20million rupees. How did he do it? Then it gives out 4 questions: A: he cheated. B: he’s lucky. C: he’s a genius. D: it is written. At the end of the film, the answer appears on the screen: D: it is written.1.3.3 Aesthetics functionPeople always pay attention to the effect of subtitle style from the view of arts because the model of subtitle has an important influence on the whole aesthetic feeling of a film. Sharp, color, position, typeface, as well as static and dynamic characteristics are all the factors that should be considered into the film design. They are the indispensable parts of an integral film and components of a director’s artistic conception.Chapter 2 General Principles of Translation of Film SubtitleDue to the specialties of film subtitle, the translation of film subtitle has to obey some principles. This part will explain the principles of translation of film subtitle.2.1 Immediate comprehensibilityAccording to the characteristics of instantaneousness, after translation, the version should be understood by the audiences immediately. Film could not be repeated as a book or magazine by audiences whenever and wherever they like. If the film subtitles are too difficult or too complicated to understand, audiences can not finish reading them quickly. As a result, the audiences may miss some dialogues or scenes and cannot return the subtitle back. Therefore, it is the task of translators of subtitle both to ensure the fluency and smoothness of the film subtitles and to let the audiences understand the subtitle without pay too much attention when they watch film. The principle of immediate comprehensibility is the guiding principle of translation of film subtitle. For instance:Trapp: Mm, Fraulein, it is to be…at every meal…or merely…eh…dinner time…that you…int end leading us all through this rare and wonderful new world of indigestion ?——The Sound of Music (1965)(29) [4]Translation 1. 特拉普:小姐,你,你是打算在吃每顿饭的时候,还是只在吃晚饭的时候,把我们带到这种奇妙的消化不良的新世界?Translation 2. 特拉普:小姐,难道每一餐饭,你都非得让我们这样倒胃口吗?In translation1, “把我们带到这种奇妙的消化不良的新世界”will obviously puzzle audience and it is too long. While translation 2 is much better, this expression suits for Chinese convention and could be accepted by Chinese audiences immediately.2.2 Conciseness.In order to provide enough information to the audience within the limited space and time, translation of subtitle must be brief and concise. For example:Sam: Oh. I don’t know, I am stupid. You tell me. You know better than I would.山姆:我很笨,你是专家。
