中英对照 营销 讲义2


双语市场营销Chapter 2

双语市场营销Chapter 2

1. 2. 3. 4.
Marketing Management
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Executive Summary Current Marketing Situation Threats and Opportunities (SWOT) Objectives and Issues Marketing Strategy Action Programs Budgets Controls
Chapter 2: Marketing Philosophy
Focus on:
Evolution and background of the marketing philosophy. Difference between the marketing concept and the promotion concept. Discuss the statement: the establishment of the marketing concept is a radical reform of the marketing idea. Discuss the roles of the marketing concept to the firms in China.
Production concept is supported by the marketers who think that the market needs our products, consumers like those with low price they can buy at any moment. Production concept is one of the oldest ideas to guide the seller to act.

服务营销英文版教案-第二章:FOCUS ON THE CUSTOMER(超详细83页PPT)

服务营销英文版教案-第二章:FOCUS ON THE CUSTOMER(超详细83页PPT)
▪ Self-actualization involves self-fulfillment and enriching experiences.
▪ Skydiving, jungle safaris, and bungee jumping…
自我实现的 需要:
▪ Personal and Non-personal Sources
▪ When purchasing services, consumers seek and rely to a greater extent on personal sources for several reasons.
▪ Mass and selective media can convey less information about experience qualities.
2.3 Evaluation of Service Alternatives P 53
▪ The evoked set of alternatives-that set of products that a consumer considers acceptable in a given product category- is likely to be smaller with services than with goods. ▪ Offering a single “brand” for sale in an establishment. ▪ Consumers are unlikely to find more than one or two businesses providing the same services in a given geographic area ▪ Difficult to obtain adequate pre-purchase information about service ▪ Service Alternatives : The internet; Self-service



Marketing Orientation
Customer needs Potential market opportunities
Marketing products and services
Market intelligence
Linking distinctive strategy competencies to market opportunities Competitive advantage the driving force
Market-led strategy Market-led
Marketing Mix and Customer Needs
Customer needs
Key customer requirements
Competitive advantage
Marketing mix
Matches customer needs
Creates a competitive advantage
Effective marketing mix
Well balanced
Matches corporate resources
Lecture 2: Buyer Behaviour in Consumer and Organisational Markets


information Maintains “healthy” skepticism Is ethical
Company Demand
Market Demand
Estimating Current Demand
Total Market Potential Area Market Potential Industry Sales Market Share
Associations Business Information
Good Marketing Research:
Is scientific Is creative Uses multiple methods Realizes the interdependence of
models & data Acknowledges the cost & value of
Define value & satisfaction - understand how to deliver them
The nature of high-performance businesses
How to attract & retain customers Improving customer profitability Total quality management
Are loyal longer Buy more (new products & upgrades) Spread favorable word-of-mouth Are more brand loyal (less price
sensitive) Offer feedback Reduce transaction costs



The means by which a company communicates its value proposition to customers This includes advertising, public relationships, sales promotion, and personal selling
Marketing Overview
Definition of Marketing
Marketing Definition
The process of creating, communicating, and delivering value to customers through the satisfaction of their needs and wants
Product differentiation
Market Segmentation
Developing unique features or services that differentiate a product from its competitors
Targeting specific customer groups with products that meet their unique needs
It helps businesses identify the most profitable target market and develop marketing strategies that are detailed to the specific needs and preferences of that market segment


• Customer Value – 顾客所得与所付出之比. 所得包括功能利益和情感利益;而所付出包 括金钱、时间、精力以及体力。
• Customer Satisfaction – 取决于其实际感受 到的绩效与期望的差异,是顾客的一种主 观感觉状态,是顾客对企业产品和服务满 足需要程度的体验和综合评估.
Societal Marketing Concept
社会 (人类 福利)
Societal Marketing Concept
顾客 (需求)
公司 (盈利)
营 销 管 理
为创造达到个人和机构目标的交换 ,而规划和 实施理念、产品和服务的构思、定价、分销和促销的过程。

发现 和 创造需求, 或者 改变 或 降低需求
盈利性 客户关系
吸引新的客户并 保留现有的客户
Marketing Management Philosophies
Production Concept Product Concept Selling Concept
Who Purchases Products and Services?
现实 购买者
Market –是指
某种产品的现实 购买者与潜在购 买者需求的总和.
潜在 购买者
Modern Marketing System
供应商 公司 (市场营销者)


营销 中介

Marketing Management
市场营销学双语课 件
商务策划学院同你一起 营销人生 策划成功
What is Marketing?
• 营销是个人和集体通过创造产品和服务,以销售方 式与别人交换产品和服务,提供对个人和社会具有 特定效用的内在价值的一种社会竞争和管理过程。


• Customer Satisfaction – 取决于其实际感受 到的绩效与期望的差异,是顾客的一种主 观感觉状态,是顾客对企业产品和服务满 足需要程度的体验和综合评估.
How do Consumers Obtain Products and Services?
• Exchanges -通过提供某种东西作为回报,从别人 那里取得所需物的行为 .
• Transactions -买卖双方价值的交换,它是以货币 为媒介的,而交换不一定以货币为媒介,它可以 是物物交换.
• Relationships -与其顾客、分销商、经销商、供应 商等建立起长期的互信互利关系.
Who Purchases Products and Services?
Market –是指 某种产品的现实 购买者与潜在购 买者需求的总和.
营销人生 策划成功
What品和服务,以销售方 式与别人交换产品和服务,提供对个人和社会具有 特定效用的内在价值的一种社会竞争和管理过程。
• More simply: Marketing is the delivery of customer satisfaction at a profit.
Core Marketing Concepts
需要、欲望 与需求
产品 和 服务
Core Marketing Concepts
价值, 满意度, 和质量
交换, 交易, 和关系
What Motivates a Consumer to Take Action?
• Needs -通常是指对人类基本生存条件的满足期望 . i.e.比如人们需要食物、衣着、蔽护所、安全等。

9、一个人即使已登上顶峰,也仍要自 强不息 。上午 6时24 分59秒 上午6时 24分06 :24:592 0.8.17



Energy Costs
Technological environment
Fast pace of technological change High R&D budget Concentration on minor improvements Increased regulation
Direct (Micro-)Environments:
internal structure suppliers competitors marketing intermediaries customers and general publics
The Microenvironment
Internal Environment
Top Management
Customer Markets
International Markets
Consumer Markets
Government Markets
Concerns for
Changes in Consumer Spending Patterns
Natural environment
Shortages of raw materials Increased cost of energy Increased pollution Government intervention in natural
Growing Ethnic Diversity



一、市场营销学双语资料1、企业跨国营销进展五个时期?the five stages of International MarketingDevelopment?国内营销〔domestic marketing〕、出口营销〔exporting marketing〕、国际营销〔international marketing〕、多国营销〔multinational markrting〕、全球营销〔global marketing〕2、企业哪几种形式进入外国市场?What kinds of forms to enter foreignmarkets?出口进入模式、投资进入模式、契约进入模式、互联网进入模式3、经营哲学演变五个时期?the five stages of the evolution of managementphilosophy?以生产为导向的传统营销观念〔traditional marketing concept〕以国外顾客为导向的营销新观念〔new marketing concept〕以外部环境为导向的营销战略观念〔stategic marketing concept〕以全球市场为导向的全球营销观念〔global marketing concept〕4、中间商按是否拥有所有权可分为哪两种?whether by ownership ofintermediaries which can be divided into two?经销中间商、代理中间商5、产品整体观念五个层次?the five levels of product?核心产品〔core product〕、一样产品〔actual product〕、期望产品〔expected product〕、附加产品〔augmented product〕、潜在产品〔potential product〕6、战略联盟分为哪三种类型?which is divided into three types of strategicalliances?水平战略联盟、垂直战略联盟、混合战略联盟7、波特提出哪三种竞争战略?Porter proposed three types of competitivestrategies ?总成本领先战略〔overall cost leadership〕差异化战略〔differentiation〕重点集中战略〔the narrow focus advantage〕8、出口方式进入国际市场,典型的间接分销渠道?371制造商—出口中间商—进口中间商—经销商—最终消费者9、定价的方法?pricing methods/techniques成本导向定价法〔cost-based pricing〕需求导向定价法〔demand-based pricing〕竞争导向定价法〔competition-based pricing〕10、重点竞争战略的概念?the concept of key competitive strategy ?重点集中战略是指企业或事业部将经营重点集中在市场或产品的某一部分。



国际市场营销学培训讲义(英文版) International Marketing Training HandbookSession 1: Introduction to International Marketing1.1 Definition of International Marketing- Explanation of international marketing and its importance in today's globalized world.- Overview of key concepts, such as globalization, market segmentation, and cultural diversity.1.2 Benefits and Challenges of International Marketing- Discussion on the advantages of expanding into international markets, such as increased sales and new business opportunities. - Identification of common challenges, such as cultural differences, legal and regulatory complexities, and competitive pressures.1.3 International Marketing Strategies- Introduction to different strategies for entering international markets, including exporting, licensing, joint ventures, and direct investment.- Examination of factors influencing strategy selection, such as market potential, risk assessment, and resource allocation. Session 2: Market Research and Analysis2.1 Understanding Global Consumers- Analysis of cultural differences and their impact on consumer behavior.- Identification of global consumer segments and trends to targeteffectively.2.2 Market Research Methods- Overview of primary and secondary research methods for gathering market intelligence.- Explanation of techniques for analyzing market data, such as surveys, focus groups, and data mining.2.3 Assessing Market Potential- Examination of key factors to consider when evaluating market potential, including market size, growth rate, and competition.- Introduction to tools and frameworks for assessing market attractiveness and competitiveness.Session 3: Market Entry Strategies3.1 Exporting and Importing- Discussion on the advantages and disadvantages of exporting and importing.- Explanation of export and import processes, including logistics, documentation, and international trade regulations.3.2 Licensing and Franchising- Overview of licensing and franchising as market entry strategies. - Examination of the benefits, risks, and considerations involved in entering into licensing and franchising agreements.3.3 Joint Ventures and Strategic Alliances- Introduction to joint ventures and strategic alliances as collaborative market entry strategies.- Analysis of the advantages, challenges, and factors for successful partnerships.Session 4: Product and Brand Management4.1 Adaptation vs. Standardization- Examination of product and brand adaptation strategies to suit local market preferences.- Discussion on the benefits and risks of standardizing products and brands across international markets.4.2 Product Development and Innovation- Overview of product development processes for international markets.- Introduction to strategies for fostering innovation and staying competitive in global markets.4.3 Branding and Positioning- Explanation of brand building and positioning strategies for global brands.- Examination of the role of culture, communication, and customer perception in successful international branding.Session 5: Communication and Promotion5.1 Integrated Marketing Communications- Introduction to integrated marketing communications (IMC) and its role in international marketing.- Explanation of different promotional tools and channels, such as advertising, public relations, and digital marketing.5.2 Cultural Sensitivity in Communication- Discussion on the importance of cultural sensitivity and adaptation in international communication.- Analysis of successful cross-cultural marketing campaigns and the lessons learned.5.3 Digital Marketing in International Markets- Overview of digital marketing strategies and tactics for reaching global audiences.- Examination of the challenges and opportunities in leveraging digital platforms for international marketing.Note: This training handbook provides an overview of key topicsin international marketing and can be customized to suit specific training objectives and participant needs.Session 6: Pricing and Distribution6.1 Pricing Strategies in International Markets- Explanation of factors affecting pricing decisions in international markets, such as currency fluctuations, local market conditions, and competition.- Introduction to pricing strategies, such as cost-based pricing, market-based pricing, and value-based pricing.6.2 Distribution Channels and Logistics- Overview of distribution channel options in international markets, including direct sales, distributors, agents, and e-commerce.- Examination of logistics considerations, such as transportation, warehousing, and customs regulations.6.3 Channel Management and Relationship Building- Discussion on the importance of effective channel management and relationship building with international partners.- Introduction to strategies for selecting, managing, and incentivizing channel partners.Session 7: Legal and Ethical Considerations7.1 International Legal Framework- Overview of international trade laws and regulations, such as tariff and non-tariff barriers, intellectual property protection, and contract laws.- Explanation of the role of international organizations, such as the World Trade Organization (WTO), in promoting fair trade practices.7.2 Ethical Issues in International Marketing- Analysis of ethical dilemmas and challenges in international marketing, such as cultural sensitivity, advertising standards, and environmental sustainability.- Discussion on the importance of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in international business practices.7.3 Risk Management and Compliance- Introduction to risk management strategies for mitigating legal and ethical risks in international marketing.- Explanation of compliance standards, such as anti-corruption laws and data privacy regulations, that businesses need to adhere to in global markets.Session 8: Market Expansion and Growth8.1 Emerging Markets and Opportunities- Analysis of emerging markets and their potential for business expansion and growth.- Discussion on strategies for entering and succeeding in emerging markets, such as adaptation to local conditions and collaboration with local partners.8.2 International Business Development- Overview of strategies and considerations for expanding and growing international business operations.- Discussion on factors such as market diversification, innovation, and strategic partnerships.8.3 Sustainable International Marketing- Examination of sustainability and responsible business practices in international marketing.- Introduction to concepts such as green marketing, social entrepreneurship, and inclusive business models.Session 9: Cross-Cultural Communication and Negotiation9.1 The Importance of Cross-Cultural Communication- Explanation of the challenges and opportunities presented by cross-cultural communication in international business.- Analysis of cultural dimensions and their impact on communication styles and business practices.9.2 Cross-Cultural Negotiation- Overview of negotiation strategies and techniques in cross-cultural settings.- Examination of cultural norms and practices that influence negotiation processes and outcomes.9.3 Managing Cultural Differences- Discussion on strategies for managing and leveraging cultural differences in international business.- Introduction to intercultural competence skills, such as empathy, adaptability, and cultural intelligence.Session 10: International Marketing Plan10.1 Developing an International Marketing Plan- Step-by-step guide to developing an international marketing plan. - Explanation of key components, such as market analysis, target market selection, marketing objectives, and implementation strategies.10.2 Evaluating and Monitoring International Marketing Performance- Introduction to metrics and tools for evaluating the performance of international marketing activities.- Discussion on the importance of monitoring and adjusting strategies based on market feedback and changing conditions. 10.3 Case Studies and Best Practices in International Marketing- Analysis of real-world case studies and best practices in international marketing.- Examination of successful international marketing campaigns and their underlying strategies and tactics.Note: This training handbook provides an overview of key topics in international marketing and can be customized to suit specific training objectives and participant needs. The content can be expanded upon by incorporating additional case studies, interactive exercises, and group discussions to enhance participant engagement and learning.。


(3) Modern cases . The effect of turning away from international trade during the 1930s saw the importance of the international trade.
Besides, international marketing and international trade have also long been seen as valuable tools for foreign policy purposes. (4) Global division. After 1945, the world was sharply split ideologically into West and East, a division that had major implications for trade relations.
2. The Historical Dimension
(1) Roman Empire. Even while expanding their territories through armed conflicts, the Romans placed primary emphasis on encouraging international business activities. The principal approaches were the Pax Romana and the common coinage. (2) Feudalism. Although the feudal system encouraged the development of a closed-state economy that was inwardly focused and ultimately conceived for self-sufficiency and security, medieval commerce still thrived and developed through export trade.


▪ Best bet is to wed traditional branding efforts with the interactivity and service capabilities of online communications
▪ Web efforts can enhance relationships
a company carefully integrates and coordinates its many communications
合和搭配其众 多的沟通渠道 以传递一个关
channels to deliver a
clear, consistent, and
compelling message
▪ Message Structure: Key decisions 息
are required with respect to three message structure issues:
▪ 信息结构:关键的决策被 要求尊重三个信息结构问
❖ Whether or not to draw a conclusion
▪ 从不同渠道和 促销方法所传 达的信息的冲 突可以使公司 或品牌形象变 得混乱
▪ 当专业人员独 立地解决个人 营销沟通问题 时这一现象尤 为普遍
15 - 7
• The Need for Integrated Marketing Communications
▪ The Web alone cannot be used to build brands; brand awareness potential is limited
Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy

unit 2营销英语课件

unit 2营销英语课件

1. Understand the definition of marketing environment. 2. Describe the characteristics of marketing environment .
Copyright 2010 Qinghua University Press PPTs t/a English for Marketing by Li Dongmei, Tan Ying, Jiang Xia, Wei Aiyun
2. Economic Environment
1) The consumer purchasing power
Copyright 2010 Qinghua University Press PPTs t/a English for Marketing by Li Dongmei, Tan Ying, Jiang Xia, Wei Aiyun
Copyright 2010 Qinghua University Press PPTs t/a English for Marketing by Li Dongmei, Tan Ying, Jiang Xia, Wei Aiyun
(I) The Elements in the company’s Microenvironment
3. Understand how can a company react to the marketing environment.


kotler的市场营销教程精要(中英文对照) Occupation 职业 Change of demographic environment 人口环境的变化 Changing age structures 年龄结构变化 Types of age structure 年龄结构的类型 Gl generation Depression War babies The baby boomers (1946-1964) 生育高峰一代 Generation X (1965-1976) X 一代 Generation Y (1977-1994) Y 一代 Millennials Influence of age structure on marketing 年龄结构对营销的影响 Generation marketing 世代营销 Changing family structures 家庭结构变化 Graphic population shifts 地理人口变迁 Educational characteristics 教育特征 Better-educated population 教育程度更高的人口 More white-collar population 白领更多的人口 Population diversity 人口多元化


No of people involved in buying centre
Reverse marketing
Supplier sells by taking initiative
Traditional marketing
.... .
Reverse marketing
information is required. Example: re-ordering photocopying
Time taken for decision
Buying Situation Implications
Modified Rebuy
New Task
Straight Rebuy
Limited evaluation media search
Extensive search
Many alternatives evaluated on many choice criteria Extensive evaluation including media search
The importance of emotion and the relationship between feelings and rationalisations is highlighted in this Sony ad.
problem. Often this involves
.... .
development of specifications for products and suppliers as well as procedures for future purchases. High information requirement from many

中英对照 营销 讲义2

中英对照 营销 讲义2
Product/Market Expansion Grid
Existing Products Existing Markets New Markets Market Penetration Market Development New Products Product Development Diversification
2- 8
Analyze the current business portfolio 分析当前业务组合
• Identify strategic business units (SBUs) • Assess each SBU:
The BCG growthgrowthshare matrix classifies SBUs into one of four categories using the:
• Determine the future role of each SBU and choose the appropriate resource allocation strategy:
Build Hold Harvest Divest
• 决定每一个SBU在未 决定每一个SBU在未 来的角色,并选择相 应的资源配置策略:
2- 3
Discussion: How Can Disney Recover?
Strategic Planning 战略计划
• Strategic planning is defined as:
“The process of developing and maintaining a strategic fit between the organization’s goals and capabilities and its changing marketing opportunities.”
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2- 1
Objectives 目标
• Be able to describe • 描述营销过程和 the marketing process 影响因素。 and the forces that influence it. • Learn the marketing management functions, including the elements of the marketing plan.
Company and Marketing Strategy: Partnering to Build Customer Relationships
公司和营销策略: 合作与建立顾客关系
Objectives 目标
• Understand company- • companywide strategic planning and its four steps. • Learn how to design • business portfolios and develop strategies for growth and downsizing. • • Understand marketing’s role in strategic planning and how marketers partner with others. 解释公司范围的 战略计划及其四 个步骤。 讨论如何规划业 务组合,如何制 定成长战略。 解释职能计划战 略,并评价营销 在战略计划中的 地位、作用。
定义公司使命 设定公司目标 规划业务组合 发展详细的营销 和部门计划
2- 5
Strategic Planning 战略计划
• Mission statements should . . .
serve as a guide for what the organization wants to accomplish. be “market-oriented” “marketrather than “product“productoriented”. be neither too narrow, nor too broad. fit with the market environment. be motivating.
Product/Market Expansion Grid
Existing Products Existing Markets New Markets Market Penetration Market Development New Products Product Development D公司想要完 成的任务。 是“市场导向”, 不是“产品导 向”。 宽窄适度 适应市场环境。 有激发性。
2- 6
Strategic Planning 战略计划
• 使命陈述引导目 • Mission statements guide the development 的和目标的发展。 of objectives and goals. 目标存在于组 Objectives are 织层次的每一 developed at each level 水平。 in the organization 策略是为了实 hierarchy. 现这些目标的。 Strategies are
市场增长率 相对市场份额
2- 9
Strategic Planning
BCG Growth-Share Matrix GrowthHigh Market Growth
Question Marks Dogs
Low Market Growth
Cash Cows
High Relative Market Share
2- 3
Discussion: How Can Disney Recover?
Strategic Planning 战略计划
• Strategic planning is defined as:
“The process of developing and maintaining a strategic fit between the organization’s goals and capabilities and its changing marketing opportunities.”
2- 15
产品— 产品—市场扩展方格
现有产品 现在市场 新产品
2- 16
Planning Marketing 营销计划
• 在策略开发过程中 • Marketing plays a key 营销占重要角色。 role in the strategic planning process. • 营销者必须进行顾 客关系管理和合作 • Marketers must practice 关系管理。 CRM and Partner Relationship Management. 在营销系统中,与 公司内部部门的合 Partnering with other 作和与外部公司的 departments in the 合作可以帮助建立 company as well as other 等于高级价值传统 等于高级价值传统 firms in the marketing 网。 system helps to build a
Market growth rate SBU’s relative market share within the market.
• 识别战略业务单元 (SBU) SBU) • 接近很一个SBU: 接近很一个SBU:
波士顿咨询集团成 长—份额矩阵将SBU 份额矩阵将SBU 分为四类中的一种, 依据为:
• 战略计划和业务组合 分析过程可以帮助识 别和评价营销机会。 • 营销过程的目的是帮 助公司在这些机会中 进行资本化。
2- 8
Analyze the current business portfolio 分析当前业务组合
• Identify strategic business units (SBUs) • Assess each SBU:
The BCG growthgrowthshare matrix classifies SBUs into one of four categories using the:
Product/market expansion grid
产品/市场扩展 方格
Developing strategies for downsizing the business portfolio.
开发缩小业务 组合的策略。
2- 14
Strategic Planning
developed to accomplish these objectives.
2- 7
Strategic Planning 战略计划
• Business portfolio: • 业务` 组合: 业务` “the collection of “选择组成企 businesses 业的商业和产 and products that 品。” make up the company.” 商业组合设计 是战略计划进 • Designing the business portfolio 程的关键因素。 is a key element of the strategic planning process.
• Determine the future role of each SBU and choose the appropriate resource allocation strategy:
Build Hold Harvest Divest
• 决定每一个SBU在未 决定每一个SBU在未 来的角色,并选择相 应的资源配置策略:
Defining the purpose and mission Setting objectives and goals Designing the business portfolio Developing detailed marketing and departmental plans
• 计划行为要在业 务单位、产品、 和市场三个不同 级别上制定。包 括:
Difficult, time-consuming, timeand costly to implement. Focus only on current businesses. Too strongly emphasize market share growth or growth via diversification.
Low Relative Market Share
2- 10
波士顿咨询集团成长— 波士顿咨询集团成长—份额矩阵
明星业务 现金牛业务
2- 11
Shape the future business portfolio 构造未来的业务组合
• 用矩阵方法作计划 有许多问题:
困难、费时、实施 起来成本高昂。 集中在当前业务上。 过于强调市场份额 的扩大或是通过进 入有吸引力的新市 场来获得增长。
2- 13
Strategic Planning 战略计划
• Designing the business • 设计业务组合还 portfolio also involves: 涉及: Developing strategies 通过识别、评 for growth by 价和选择市场 identifying, evaluating, 机会,并为成 and selecting 长发展策略。 promising new market
建立 持有 收获 剥夺