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Shaw—Dramatist of Ideas:
III.His purpose of writing these plays of “ideas” is to draw people’s attention to the social problems. Shaw—“Drama is no mere setting up of the camera to nature; it is the presentation of problem.” Shaw called his first plays “unpleasant”, because “their dramatic power is used to force the spectator to face unpleasant fact.” As a dramatic critic and a student of Ibsen, he knew how to achieve theatrical effect …. but he was careful (unlike Ibsen) not to scandalize them beyond their willingness to listen.
• 爱尔兰剧作家,文学评论家,社会主义的宣传者,1925年因作 品具有“理想主义”和“人道主义”获诺贝尔文学奖。
• The greatest critical realistic playwright since William Shakespeare. • In 1856,born in Dublin, Ireland, • ★费边社是1884年英国资产阶 识分子组成的“社会主义”团体 • In 1876, Shaw went to London, 由少数具有社会理想的青年知识 became interested in socialism, and 子所组成,重要的代表人物有: joined the Fabian Society in 1884. 伯夫妇(Sidney and Beatrice Webb,1859~1947)、萧伯纳 • In 1892, started career as a dramatist. (Bernard Shaw,1856~1950) 格雷厄姆· 华莱斯(Graham • In the 30s,visited Soviet Union and Wallas)、H· G· 威尔斯(H.G. China, and made good friends with Wells,1866~1946)与克莱门特 Gorky and Lun Xun. 德礼(Clement Attlee,1883~1967)。 • In 1925, accepted the Nobel Prize. • 尽管费边社本身并未创建一套完 • Wrote 51 plays all his life. 的社会福利理论,但是在他们的
George Bernard Shaw
• •
(1856 ~ 1950)
Shaw’s Birthplace in Dublin
The introduction of Bernard
• George Bernard Shaw : Irish comic dramatist, literary critic, and socialist propagandist, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1925.
Fra Baidu bibliotek
• .
Pygmalion [piɡ'meiljən ](1912)
窈窕淑女 (My Fair Lady) 1964年改编成电影《窈窕
淑女》,当年获奥斯卡最佳 影片、最佳导演、最佳改编 音乐等八座小金人。)
Mrs. Warren’s Profession
His works
《鳏夫的房产》 Mrs. Warren‘s Profession 《华伦夫人的职业》 《凯萨与克丽奥佩拉 》
Man and Superman (1903) Widowers' Houses (1892)
Major Barbara (1905)
Pygmalion (1912)
• Mrs. Warren’s profession is keeping brothels [‘brɔθəls]妓院 . Sir George Crofts, an old aristocrat[’æ rɪstəkræt ] 贵族, is her partner in this business.
《圣女贞德》(1923年)是萧伯纳创作的 唯一一部悲剧。贞德是英法百年战争中的 法国青年女爱国者,笃信宗教,对王子查 尔斯十分忠诚。她领导农民群众击退英军 对奥尔良的围攻。但在贡比涅战争中,被 勃艮第人所俘。她被卖给英国占领军后, 交付教会法庭审判,诬为女巫,在卢昂广 场处以火刑。贞德是法国历史上著名的女 英雄,一个被尊为圣人的传奇人物,众多 著名作家都以贞德为主人公进行过创作。 萧伯纳在阅读了所有关于描写贞德的著作 之后,塑造出了一个具有崭新意义的人物 形象。他着重突出了贞德的个人意志,赋 予这个人物以现实意义。但他在强调个人 意志时,也说明了个人能力的局限性,并 且进而认为,人类害怕他们的圣贤和英雄, 因此必欲将其置之死地而后快。《圣女贞 德》是一部内涵极为丰富的作品,它对宗 教信仰、妇女问题、社会形态乃至影响历 史发展及个人命运的政治因素等诸多问题 都进行了发人深省的讨论。贞德这个身着 男装、不谈恋爱的新女性形象也为英国舞 台增添了一个成功的现实主义人物。
*Characteristics of Bernard Shaw’s
(1)structurally and thematically, Shaw followed the great traditions of realism. (2)To portray his characters, he employed contrast and antithesis(对照,对仗). His characters are the representative of ideas that alter during the play. (3)Much of his drama is constructed by employing inversion.
Shaw—Dramatist of Ideas: I. The social context of the Theatre of Ideas is that the end of the 19th century was a period in which ideas of reform flourished—socialists, feminists—and others were excited by ideas, analyzed them, and used them as weapons against the established traditions. II. Shaw and Ibsen (Norwegian playwright, A Doll's House ) : originated in England but borrowed from Ibsen. Ibsen However, Shaw and Ibsen are different﹤ Shaw
《伤心之家》 Saint Joan (1923)
Caesar and Cleopatra (1898) Heartbreak House (1917)
The Apple Cart (1929) 《苹果车》
War I is a turning point for Shaw. His anti-war speeches and his pamphlet ['pæmflət] Common Sense about the War made him the target of much criticism. Heartbreak House (1919), 《伤心之家》 Saint [seint] Joan [dʒəun] (1924) 《圣女贞德》
• 在艺术上,萧伯纳接受易卜生影响,主张写社会问题,反对奥斯卡· 王尔 德的“为艺术而艺术”的唯美主义主张。萧伯纳将自己划归于易卜生流 派。他主张摈弃以罗曼蒂克、尖锐情景和血淋淋的结局来构筑情节的旧 式悲剧,坚决反对以巧合、误会和离奇的情节耗尽观众注意力的所谓 “佳构剧”,提倡剧本的任务是引起观众的思考,情景必须是生活化的。 他曾明确提出,戏剧是“思想的工厂,良心的提示者,社会行为的说明 人,驱逐绝望和沉闷的武器,歌颂人类上进的庙堂”。 • 可悲的是,萧伯纳曾在媒体上公开支持希特勒。他是一个赞同大规 模屠杀的人,但是是按类别,而不是种族他在伦敦的报纸上发表文章, 要求化学家发明一种“人道气体”。“我呼吁化学家去发明一种‘人道 气体’。这种气体将迅速地、无痛苦地杀死人。这样死亡将变得人道而 非残忍。”二战时,这种气体不幸被发明出来,人们称之为“旋风B”。 从此,纳粹有了更有效的杀人方法,这就是臭名昭著的毒气室。 • 应该说,萧伯纳有一点左倾,他本质上是反对纳粹主义的。因为希 特勒歪曲马克思主义,使其面目全非,使萧伯纳对其产生了错觉。这是 他一生最大的污点。 • 萧伯纳的一生,是和社会主义运动发生密切关系的一生,他认真研读过 《资本论》,公开声言他“是一个普通的无产者”,“一个社会主义 者”。然而,由于世界观上的局限性,他没能成为无产阶级战士,而终 生是一个资产阶级改良主义者。
会实践中,明显地贯穿着期望通 社会各阶层的平等,包括平等的 产、社会地位和政治权利的分配 至自由,由实践平等和自由的理 达至社会合作和互爱的人际关系 理念。这是英国工人群众对福利 家制度最早、最直接的要求。
His death
• On 2ed,November,1950,Shaw was died of illness. On his tombstone there inscribed“ I knew if I stayed around long enough, something like this would happen”(我早就知道无论我活多久,这 种事情迟早总会发生的.),which truly reveals his humorous style
*Literature contributions
• Occupation : critic, novelist, pamphleteer, essayist, private correspondent, photographer, playwright • Genres :Realism(英国现代杰出的现实主义戏剧作家) • Focus : nearly all his writings deal with prevailing social problems (education, marriage, religion, government, healthcare and class privilege)
• Different from the other traditional females, Vivie acts as a representative of New Women whose independence, bravery and self-consciousness have led her to travel against the traditional direction.
• Vivie, Mrs. Warren’s daughter ,is educated in a very moral atmosphere at a boarding school. On graduating, she returns home and by accident discovers the source of her mother’s income. Out of anger, Vivie leaves her mother and, living independently, tries to do honest work.