VW 11 624 (en) 大众螺纹标准
1. 螺纹规格:螺纹是螺栓的重要组成部分,其规格包括螺距、螺纹角、螺纹长度等。
2. 尺寸规格:螺栓的尺寸包括直径、长度等方面的规格。
3. 材质要求:螺栓的材质直接影响着其强度和耐用性。
4. 表面处理:螺栓表面处理可以提高其耐腐蚀性、耐磨性等性能。
MAmin MAmax
10.5 14.5 10.0
15.52014.5来自23.518.5 22.5
41.5 41.5
41.5 47.5
预紧力KN和拧紧扭矩Nm 的计算值按表中的分级来进行圆整。
连接技术 螺栓装配的超弹性拧紧方法
1999 年 3 月 VW
011 26-2
01 66 6 共4页第1页
更改 与98.01 版本相比更改如下:
制动踏板与助力器之间螺栓----20பைடு நூலகம்m
增补了电解沉积铝和铝/猛合金涂层的表面保护类型(代码q600, q605, q610, q615)。
含六价铬Cr(VI)的“镀锌/铁合金处理”表面保护类型(代码r600, r605, r610, r620 和r630),限于可行的应用(不再允许用于新设计,有关替代类型请参见表A.1)。
“镀锌/镍合金处理”表面保护类型(代码r640, r650, r660, r665, r670, r675),限于可行的应用(不再允许用于新设计,有关替代类型请参见表A.1)。
增补了不含六价铬Cr(VI)的“镀锌/镍合金处理”表面保护类型(代码r642, r643, r649, r672, r673和r677)。
增补了不含六价铬Cr(VI)的“复合镀层处理”表面保护类型(代码s611, s617, s621和s627)。
含六价铬Cr(VI)的“复合镀层处理”表面保护类型(代码s610, s615, s620和s625),限于可行的应用(不再允许用于新设计,有关替代类型请参见表A.1)。
“锌片涂层”表面保护类型(代码t300, t310, t320, t345, t600, t620和t645),限于可行的应用(不再允许用于新设计,有关替代类型请参见表A.1)。
增补了不含六价铬Cr(VI)的“锌片涂层”表面保护类型(代码t602, t611, t615和t647)。
VW011 06-1大众汽车气体保护焊标准 (中文版)
2004年7月气体保护焊钢板焊接结构、规格、质量保证VW011 06-1 标准中心 704 81 7后续2至24页翻译日期校对日期打字日期关键词:焊接,气体保护焊,钢制品,电弧焊接法,磁铁焊接,钨极惰性气体焊,钢板,钢皮焊接,板材目录页1适应范围 (2)2 缩写词和定义 (2)2.1缩写词 (2)2.2 定义 (3)3 汽车保护焊工艺说明 (4)3.1钨-惰性气体焊接(WIG) (4)3.2 金属-气体保护焊(MIG/MAG) (4)4 技术要求概述 (5)4.1材料 (5)4.2 结构设计 (8)4.3 焊缝尺寸 (10)5 焊缝的技术要求和质量保证 (12)5.1焊接质量 (12)5.2 焊接熔深 (12)5.3 焊缝形态 (13)5.4 特殊焊缝形态 (18)5.5 不均匀性的评估 (23)6 图纸数据 (23)7 相关参考文献 (23)更改同VW 011 06-1:2003-05比较,做了如下更改:—参见标准有所更改—标准从编辑角度作了一些修改— 5.1条有所简化— 5.4条特殊焊缝形状(多路顶焊道,焊接角接头)有所扩充— 5.4.1条技术要求有所变动以前版本1997-01;2003-05前言后面将要涉及的基本原理,其基础就是局部或全部机械化设备运用的经验和所完成的一系列试验,以及公认的工艺原则,例如:DIN标准、DVS(德国焊协)-标记卡等提供的工艺原则.第 2 页 VW 011 06-1:2004-07 1适用范围该标准适用于钢板电弧焊的结构设计、规格和质量保证,这种焊接法在大多数情况下都会使焊件动态地产生应变。
按照DIN EN ISO 4063的规定,本标准包括了下面的方法:特征数方法缩写词131金属惰性气体焊MIG135 金属活性气焊MAG141钨惰性气体焊WIG用于:对接焊缝和填充焊缝、搭接焊缝、电铆焊接和特殊焊缝。
焊材:光洁的、无涂[镀]层和有涂[镀]层的钢板,高合金钢、优质钢等;样品见第4.1条;工件厚度为0.5 mm至6 mm。
大众汽车标准_VW 01106-1_EN_2004-07-01
Gas-Shielded Arc WeldingThe English translation is believed to be accurate. In case of discrepancies the German version shall govern.Sheet Steel Joints Design, Type, Quality AssuranceVW 011 06-1Konzernnorm Descriptors: welding, gas-shielded arc welding, steel, MIG welding, MAG welding, TIG welding, sheet steel, sheet steel joint, sheet metal ContentsPage1 2 2.1 2.2 3 3.1 3.2 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 6 7Scope .................................................................................................................................. 2 Abbreviations and definitions .............................................................................................. 2 Abbreviations ...................................................................................................................... 2 Definitions ........................................................................................................................... 3 Gas-shielded arc welding procedure................................................................................... 4 Tungsten inert-gas welding (TIG)........................................................................................ 4 Gas-shielded metal arc welding (MIG/MAG)....................................................................... 4 General requirements ......................................................................................................... 5 Materials.............................................................................................................................. 5 Design ................................................................................................................................. 8 Weld dimensions............................................................................................................... 10 Requirements for welds and quality assurance of welds .................................................. 12 Weld quality....................................................................................................................... 12 Penetration depths ............................................................................................................ 12 Weld types ........................................................................................................................ 13 Special weld types ............................................................................................................ 18 Evaluation of imperfections ............................................................................................... 23 Drawing entries ................................................................................................................. 23 Referenced standards....................................................................................................... 24Changes The following changes have been made as compared to VW 011 06-1, 2003-05: Referenced standards updated Standard edited Section 5.1 shortened Section 5.4 extended by special weld types (multiple front weld; corner joint) Section 5.4.1: requirements revised Previous issues 1997-01; 2003-05Preface The following basic regulations are based on experience gained with partially and fully mechanized equipment and implemented tests and also on accepted engineering standards such as DIN standards and DVS specifications.Form FE 41 - 01.03Page 1 of 25Fachverantwortung/Responsibility K-QS-32 Herr Dr. Witt Tel.: 7 36 23 Normung/Standards (EZTD, 1733) Fischer Tel.: +49-5361-9-2 79 95 Sobanski© VOLKSWAGEN AGConfidential. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be transmitted or reproduced without the prior written permission of a Standards Department of the Volkswagen Group. Parties to a contract can only obtain this standard via the responsible procurement department.Check standard for current issue prior to usage.Klass.-Nr./Class. No. 04 81 7July 2004Page 2 VW 011 06-1: 2004-07 1 ScopeThis standard applies to the design, layout and quality assurance of arc-welded sheet steel joints which are predominantly subject to dynamic loads. It comprises the following procedures according to DIN EN ISO 4063: Reference no. 131 135 141 for: of: Method Metal inert-gas welding Metal active-gas welding Tungsten inert-gas welding Code MIG MAG TIGbutt and fillet welds, lap welds, plug welds and special weld types bright uncoated and coated sheet steel as well as of both high-alloyed steels and premium steels; for examples see Section 4.1; Workpiece thickness 0.5 mm to 6 mm test characteristics of quality level B (high requirement) according to DIN EN ISO 5817, see also DVS specification 0705.with:All fusion-welded joints to which this scope is not applicable require the clarification of the responsible engineering departments. Special measures made necessary because of the component, e.g. change to the quality level for specific imperfections, are permissible and shall be entered in the drawing. 2 2.1 a f1,2 fL fSt Fi h l L s s1,2 sN t1 t2 HAZ Σt ∅ Abbreviations and definitions Abbreviations Calculated throat thickness Penetrations on sheets 1 and 2 Penetration length Penetration at the face surface Joining plane Gap size Throat length Length Throat thickness Throat thickness with respect to sheets 1 and 2 smallest common throat thickness Thickness of sheet 1 Thickness of sheet 2 Heat-affected zone Sum total of sheet thicknesses Diameter mm mm mm mm or % (of face surface) mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mmPage 3 VW 011 06-1: 2004-072.2DefinitionsFüThe following definitions are valid for the application of this standard: 2.2.1 Weld jointJoint created by fusion welding. It comprises the weld, fusion line, heat-affected zone and unaffected base material (Figure 1).1 2Legend: 1 = weld 2 = heat-affected zone 3 = fusion line, fusion zone344 = unaffected base material Figure 1 – Fusion weld jointNOTE Weld and fusion line may be identical. Weld The area where the workpiece(s) is/are joined at the weld joint. The weld comprises the base material and/or the filler metal. Fusion line Borderline between the base metal and/or filler material melted during welding and the metal that remains solid. Weld metal Material that solidified after welding, comprising either the base material or filler metal and base material. Some elements in the weld metal can come from casings and/or accessory materials (DIN ISO 857-1). Heat-affected zone HAZ Area of the base material that remained solid, but, due to the energy applied during welding, experienced microstructural changes related to temperature.Page 4 VW 011 06-1: 2004- Unaffected base material Area of the base material that experienced no evident microstructural changes as a result of the energy applied during welding. 2.2.2 Same types of materialMaterials which do not differ significantly in terms of their chemical composition and their suitability for welding (DIN 8528-1). 2.2.3 Different types of materialMaterials which differ significantly in terms of their chemical composition and their suitability for welding. 3 Gas-shielded arc welding procedureGas-shielded arc welding is a form of fusion welding. An electrical arc is used as the heat source. It burns between the electrode and the workpiece. In this process, the arc and the weld pool are protected from the atmosphere by a shield of protective gas. The classification into the following procedures depends on the electrode type: 3.1 Tungsten inert-gas welding (TIG)In this procedure, an arc is ignited between a non-consumable tungsten electrode and the workpiece. Argon, helium, mixtures of both and sometimes added active gases, are used to form the protective atmosphere. The filler metal is (as in the case of gas welding) fed from the side. 3.2 Gas-shielded metal arc welding (MIG/MAG)In this procedure, an arc is ignited between the melting end of the wire electrode (filler metal) and the workpiece. The welding current flows via sliding contacts in the electric current guide of the gun to the wire electrode. When inert gases (low-activity gases, e.g. noble gases such as argon, helium or mixtures of both) are used as protective atmosphere, this is called metal inert-gas welding (MIG). When active gases are used (e.g. CO2, or mixtures containing CO2, or, in some cases, mixtures of CO2 and oxygen), this is called metal active-gas welding (MAG). This procedure is used to weld unalloyed and low-alloy steels.Page 5 VW 011 06-1: 2004-074General requirementsWelds that are subject to mandatory documentation shall be evaluated according to the relevant type-specific and/or component-specific test specifications (PV). Deviations with respect to the specified weld geometries and weld layouts shall be detailed in the drawing and verified by testing. They shall be described in test specifications (PV). Further requirements with respect to gas-shielded arc welding are contained in the following documents: VW 011 06-2 VW 011 06-3 VW 011 42 Shielded Arc Welding - Rework on Sheet Metal Connections Gas-Shielded Arc Welding – Part 3: Al Welded Joints Welded Seam Repairs on Aluminum Structures – Product Evaluation and Notes on ProcedureWhen creating arc-welded sheet steel joints, the greatest possible design strength in accordance with the design goal must be realized while also ensuring sufficient reliability and a favorable cost/quality ratio. For this purpose, every weld joint must be suitable for welding, i.e. the dimensions of the welding equipment and the accessibility of the weld according to DVS 0929 must be taken into consideration for design. Weldability for service of a sheet steel joint is given if the component, on the basis of its design (Section 4.2) and with the material used (Section 4.1), remains functional (Section 4.3) under the intended operating stresses (Figure 2).Material Welding suitabilityWeldability of the partWelding capability ManufacturingWeldability for service DesignFigure 2 – Representation of weldability according to DIN 8528-1 4.1 MaterialsThe following list is not complete. The following products and materials have good welding properties: a) Cold-rolled flat products made from soft steels for cold forming: DIN 1623-1 (02.83)1) DIN EN 10130 Material no. St 12 DC01 1.0330 St 13 DC03 1.0347 St 14 DC04 1.0338 1) DIN 1623-1 was replaced in October 1991 by DIN EN 10130.Page 6 VW 011 06-1: 2004-07b) c) d)Cold-rolled strips DC01 to DC04 with the surface finishes BK, RP, RPG according to DIN EN 10139. Hot-rolled strips with ≤ 0.20% C content, e.g. according to TL 1111. Hot-rolled products of structural carbon steels DIN 17100 (01.80)2) DIN EN 10025 Material no. St 37-2 -1.0037 St 37-2 R St37-2 S 235 JR 1.0114 St 37-3 S 235 JO 1.0116 St 52-3 S 355 J2G3 1.0570 Conditionally weldable: St 50-2 E295 1.0050 2) DIN 17100 was replaced in March 1994 by DIN EN 10025.The following products and materials are also weldable:e) f)g)Cold-rolled strip and sheet with higher yield point for cold working made from micro-alloyed steels (SEW 093 of March 1987) Isotropic micro-alloyed cold-rolled strip (according to VW 500 17) is a further development of the traditional micro-alloyed cold-rolled strip ZStE260 to ZStE420 (formerly SEW 093). NOTE VW 500 17 defines the material requirements of isotropic micro-alloyed steels, placing particular emphasis on the mechanical properties. Cold-rolled flat products with high yield point for cold working made from micro-alloyed steels: DIN EN 10268 Material no. H240LA 1.0480 H280LA 1.0489 H320LA 1.0548 H360LA 1.0550 H400LA 1.0556 DIN EN 10292 Material No. H260LAD+Z, +ZF 1.0929 H300LAD+Z, +ZF 1.0932 H340LAD+Z, +ZF 1.0933 H380LAD+Z, +ZF 1.0934 H420LAD+Z, +ZF 1.0935 Hot-rolled flat products made from steels with a high yield point for cold working: DIN EN 10149-2 Material no. S315MC 1.0972 S355MC 1.0976 S420MC 1.0980 S460MC 1.0982 S500MC 1.0984 S550MC 1.0986 S600MC 1.8969 S650MC 1.8976 S700MC 1.8974h)Page 7 VW 011 06-1: 2004-07i)Cold-rolled strip and sheet with higher yield point for cold working made from phosphorus-alloy steels SEW 094 Material no. ZStE220P 1.0397 ZStE260P 1.0417 ZStE300P 1.0448 DIN EN 10 292 Material no. H220PD+Z, +ZF 1.0358 H260PD+Z, +ZF 1.0431 H300PD+Z, +ZF 1.0443 Strip and sheet from stainless steels (DIN EN 10088-2): e.g. austenitic steels X5CrNi18-10 1.4301 or ferritic steels X2CrTi12 1.4512j)Page 8 VW 011 06-1: 2004-074.2DesignFüThe following specifications and the notes on design from the DVS 0929 Specification are used as the basis for the production-friendly design of arc-welded sheet-steel joints. 4.2.1 Joint typesThe weld joint is the area in which the parts are joined by welding. The respective type of joint is determined by the arrangement of the parts with respect to each other (extension, reinforcement, branching), see Table 1. Table 1 – Joint types (DIN EN 12345) Position of parts Description The parts lie in the same plane and touch against each other end to end The parts lie on top of one another in parallel, e.g. in explosive cladding The parts lie in parallel on top of one another and overlap. The parts meet at right angles (Tshaped) and lie on top of one another Two parts lying in the same plane meet on a third part that lies between them at right angles (forming a double T shape) One part meets the other at an angle. The edges of two parts meet at an angle of more than 30° (corner)No. 1 2 3Type of joint Butt joint Edge joint Lap joint4T-joint5Double T-joint6Bevel joint7Corner joint8Front jointThe edges of two parts meet at an angle of 0° to 30°9Multiple jointThree or more parts meet at any angle Two parts, e.g. wires, lie on top of one another in a cross shape10Cross jointPage 9 VW 011 06-1: 2004-074.2.2Weld typesThe weld type is determined by the following: Type of weld joint Type and scope of preparation, e.g. gap optimization (see DIN EN ISO 5817 and DIN EN ISO 9692-1) Material Welding method. Fillet weld The parts lie in two planes with respect to one another, form a fillet joint and are joined by welding. It is possible to differentiate between a fillet weld (Figures 3 and 5) and a double fillet weld (Figure 4) with and without edge preparationFigure 3 - Fillet weld on T-jointFigure 4 – Double fillet weld on T-jointFigure 5 - Fillet weld on bevel joint without edge preparation4.2.2.2 Square butt weld on butt joint, flanged weld The parts lie in one plane, form a gap and are joined by welding, see Figures 6 and 7.Figure 6 - Square butt weld Lap weldFigure 7 – Flanged weldThe parts lie in parallel on top of one another. The face surface of the top sheet and the bottom sheet form a fillet. Both parts are joined by welding. This is termed lap weld (see Figure 8). Variant 1 Variant 2Figure 8 – Lap weldPage 10 VW 011 06-1: 2004- Front weld See Figure 9.Figure 9 – Front weld Plug weld See Figure 10.Figure 10 – Plug weld 4.3 4.3.1 Weld dimensions Throat thicknessThe calculated throat thickness a is required for the calculation of the forces acting on a weld joint. For example, the following applies to the design of a fillet weld: a ≤ 0.7 tmin. In production, the actually measured throat thickness s must always be greater than or the same as the calculated throat thickness a. If the throat thickness s (Figure 11) cannot be determined directly, the smallest common throat thickness sN (Figure 12) can be used for an alternative criterion. The smallest common throat thickness sN is the shortest distance between the contact surfaces of component edge and weld metal and the surface of the weld (see also Figures 13 and 14).sN saaFigure 11 - Fillet weldFigure 12 - Fillet weld with deep penetrationPage 11 VW 011 06-1: 2004-07sNsNFigure 13 – Concave weldFigure 14 – Convex weldThe shortest (common) distance between both components of the weld joint shall be measured in order to determine the shortest common throat thickness sN. Excess weld metal must not be considered for convex welds (see Figure 14). 4.3.2 Weld lengthThe calculated weld length l is the weld length defined for the specific design by the designer. Both the starting and end areas (end crater) are used to determine the weld length. In order to improve the dynamic load capacity, the weld length can exceed the component length (Figure 15).l1 = Calculated weld length e.g. component length l2 = Weld seam length Figure 15 – Magnified weld length Proof of sufficient strength is provided by the component-specific strength tests.Page 12 VW 011 06-1: 2004-075Requirements for welds and quality assurance of weldsIn general, the welding quality requirements according to DIN EN 729-1 shall be taken into consideration together with the comprehensive quality requirements set out in DIN EN 729-2. The design of a weld shall be described clearly by indicating the weld’s length, thickness and quality. These requirements are part of the drawing specifications (also see Section 6). Unless other specifications are noted in the drawing, the requirements of Sections 5.1 to 5.5 shall apply. 5.1 Weld qualityIf there is no component-specific test specification, quality level B, high, specified in DIN EN ISO 5817, shall apply. The imperfections specified there are represented for square butt welds and fillet welds on a T-joint. The limit values for imperfections apply to other weld types, too (e.g., flanged weld, fillet weld on lap joint). Unequal weld leg lengths as an imperfection according to DIN EN ISO 5817 must not be evaluated for the fillet weld in joints of sheet metal in the body-in-white and in exhaust systems. 5.2 Penetration depthsThe weld joint is sufficient once a continuous crystalline joint with a measurable penetration depth of f ≥ 0.2 mm is created between the sheets involved. For certain weld types – e.g. fillet weld on lap joint or flanged weld – the penetrations f cannot always be determined if 100% of the face surfaces is included in the weld. Permissible penetration depths f < 0.2 mm shall be indicated in the drawing or specified in a component-specific test specification. The weld quality and/or strength must be verified by means of a dynamic strength test and a microscopic examination. NOTE: Due to the smaller “welding window” the test intervals for f < 0.2 mm (e.g. using microsections) shall be conducted at shorter time intervals or on smaller batch sizes. The processes shall be coordinated with all the departments involved (Design, Quality Assurance, Production).Page 13 VW 011 06-1: 2004-075.3 5.3.1Weld types Square butt weld on butt jointt1sFigure 16 - Square butt weld on butt joint s = throat thickness fSt = penetration The face surfaces (fSt ) shall be 100% melted. Design as flanged weld: s ≥ tmin. (see Figure 16) fSt ≥ 100 %SNt1Figure 17 – Flanged weld sN = smallest common throat thickness The face surfaces (fSt ) shall be 100% melted. sN ≥ tmin. (see Figure 17)t2t2Page 14 VW 011 06-1: 2004-075.3.2Front weldSNf1 SN fL2sNf2t1t2 t1a) b) Figure 18 – Front weld sN fL2. f1,2 tmin. t1 0.2 mmt2t1c)t2sN = smallest common throat thickness fL2 = penetration length f1,2 = penetration 5.3.3 Fillet weld on lap joints1 sN N af2t1hs2Figure 19 - Lap weld s1,2 sN a f2 h = throat thickness = smallest common throat thickness = calculated throat thickness = side wall penetration on the component t2: = gap size s1,2 0.7 tmin. sN f2 s1,2 and sN 0.7 tmin. a ≤ 0.7 tmin. (design recommendation) 0.2mm (see Figure 19)NOTE: If the throat thicknesses s1,2 cannot be determined directly, the smallest common throat thickness sN may be chosen as an alternative criterion.t2Page 15 VW 011 06-1: 2004-075.3.4Fillet weld with deep penetrationt1 f1 s1 sNt2aTheoretical root pointFigure 20 - Fillet weld with deep penetration s1,2 sN a f1,2 = throat thickness (with deep penetration) = smallest common throat thickness = calculated throat thickness = side wall penetration on component t1,2 s1,2 0.7 tmin. sN s1,2 and sN 0,7 tmin. a ≤ 0.7 tmin. f1,2 0.2 mm (see Figure 20)NOTE: If the throat thicknesses s1,2 cannot be determined on the microsection directly, the smallest common throat thickness sN may be chosen as an alternative criterion. 5.3.5 Fillet weld on bevel jointt1sN≤ 30°Figure 21 - Fillet weld on bevel joint sN = throat thickness f2 = penetration sN f2 tmin. 0.2 mm (see Figure 21)The face surface of the upper sheet must be 100 % melted.f2t2f2 s2Page 16 VW 011 06-1: 2004-075.3.6Multiple jointf1f2lt1t3Figure 22 – Three-sheet-T-joint f1,2,3 = penetration fSt1,2 = face surface penetration of t1,2 fSt3 = face surface penetration of t3 5.3.7 Corner joint f1,2,3 > 0.2 mm fSt1,2 ≥ insertion depth l fSt3 = 100% meltedsNt1t2Figure 23 – Corner joint The face surfaces of both sheets must be 100 % melted. Smallest common throat thickness sN ≥ tmin.t2Page 17 VW 011 06-1: 2004-075.3.8Plug weldFor plug weld see Figure 24. The values in Table 2 serve as reference values for the ratio of the sheet thickness to the hole diameter. Table 2 – Hole diameter and sheet thickness Sheet thickness used t (mm) up to 1.0 > 1.00 to 1.25 > 1.25 to 1.50 > 1.50 to 2.00 > 2.0 to 3.00 > 3.00 to 3.50 Hole diameter ∅ or L (mm) ≥6 ≥7 ≥8 ≥9 ≥ 10 ≥ 14 Optionally, long holes for narrow flanges W x L (mm) 6 x 10 6 x 12 8 x 12 -When there are gaps between the sheets, the length of the penetration fL must be equivalent to the length L or to the diameter of the hole, or exceed it. ∅ or L x Bt1 t2 fLf2fSt1,2 = face surface penetration of t1,2 fL = penetration length, width and/or diameter f2 = penetration depthfSt1,2 = 100 % melted fL ≥ ∅ or L or W f2 ≥ 0.2 mm Figure 24 – Plug weldThe face surfaces of the hole must be 100 % melted.Page 18 VW 011 06-1: 2004-075.4Special weld typesAdequate evaluation criteria shall be used to evaluate any special weld types that are not listed here. 5.4.1 Fillet weld on multiple lap jointS1t1 t2 t3 f3S2Figure 25 - Three-sheet lap weld The cross-sections of the upper sheets t1 and t2 must be 100 % melted and the throat thickness a of t1 and t2 must be met. If no specifications are made in the drawing, the following applies as reference value: a = 0.7 tmin2,3 The penetration depth f3 in sheet t3 shall be minimum 0.2 mm.Page 19 VW 011 06-1: 2004-075.4.2Multiple front weld sN2 sN1 sN3 F1 F2 Fi = joining plane i F3 *1) If it is clear that one sheet arrangement in a multiple-sheet arrangement is to be considered as a single sheet, then this sheet shall not be included in the overall evaluation when determining the throat thickness sN. t1 t2 t3 t4*1)Figure 26 – Four-sheet front weld In the case of multiple-sheet joints, the smallest common throat thickness sN of the relevant joining planes is used to determine the throat thickness s, as is the case for a multiple lap joint. Here the following applies: In the relevant joining plane (in Figure 26 - four-fold front weld with the joining planes F1, F2 and F3) the throat thickness sN must be ≥ Σ of the sheet thicknesses on the right and = Σ of the sheet thicknesses on the left of the joining plane. The following applies to Figure 26 as an example: sN1 ≥ t 1 sN2 ≥ ? t(3+4) sN3 ≥ ? t4 fSt = face surfaces t1 t4 < (t2 + t3 + t4 ) < (t1 + t2 + t3 ) t3 + t4 < (t1 + t2 ) fSt 1,2,3,4 = 100% meltedPage 20 VW 011 06-1: 2004-07sN4sN3sN 2 s N1t1 t t34t2Figure 27 – Multiple front weld For multiple front welds in exhaust systems (e.g., sheet layers on the exhaust pipe, Figure 27) the factor 0.7 applies in the determination of the smallest common throat thickness sN: sN1 ≥ 0.7 t1 sN2 ≥ 0.7 (t1 + t2) sN3 ≥ 0.7 (t1 + t2 + t3) sN4 ≥ 0.7 tpipe or or sN2 ≥ 0.7 (t3 + t4) sN3 ≥ 0.7 t4Page 21 VW 011 06-1: 2004-075.4.3Fillet welds on components with round cross sectionsf1 sNtaFigure 28 - Fillet weldt f1 = = t2 f2Figure 29 - Fillet weld with deep penetrationsFigure 30 – Concave fillet weld For Figures 28 and 30 determine the throat thickness s approximately: On workpieces with different geometrical shapes, the shortest distance of the median line between the two workpieces shall be selected as the dimension s. s = throat thickness s ≥ 0.7 tminFor fillet welds on components with a round cross section it is recommended to determine the smallest common throat thickness sN as shown in Figure 29. sN = smallest common throat thickness sN ≥ a. NOTE: In the event of imperfections, e.g. undercuts, DIN EN ISO 5817 shall apply.f2Page 22 VW 011 06-1: 2004-075.4.4Square butt weld on flanged jointf1 f2 t1 sN t2Figure 31 - Fillet weld on specially shaped workpieces sN = smallest common throat thickness f1,2 = penetration depth sN ≥ tmin. (see Figure 31) f1,2 ≥ 0.2 mmPage 23 VW 011 06-1: 2004-075.5 5.5.1Evaluation of imperfections Weld spatterWeld spatter must be avoided as far as possible. Any globules or welding residues that remain stuck to the parts and which could lead to an impairment of function are not permitted. Spatter-free areas shall be defined in the drawing or in a test specification. 5.5.2 General imperfectionsImperfections such as cracks, pores, lack of fusion, gap sizes shall be evaluated, unless otherwise indicated in the drawing, according to DIN EN ISO 5817, quality level B “high”. Unequal weld leg lengths shall not be evaluated for fillet welds on lap joint. For exhaust systems the gap size must not exceed 1.0 mm. 6 Drawing entriesThe graphical representation (for example see Figure 32), dimensioning and symbols for the welding procedures named in Section 1 shall be carried out according to DIN EN 22553.s8a6n x l (e)131/ VW01106-1/h Legend: s8 = actual throat penetration) 8 mm thickness (with deepva6 = design throat thickness (without deep penetration) 6 mm n = number of welds l = minimum weld length; tolerance +5 mm, unless otherwise indicated e = distance between the welds v = initial dimensionExplanation: Weld produced by means of metal inert-gas welding (code number 131 according to DIN EN ISO 4063); evaluation according to VW 011 06-1; horizontal position h according to DIN EN ISO 6947. Figure 32 - Example of application for interrupted fillet weld with initial dimension; symbolic representationPage 24 VW 011 06-1: 2004-077Referenced standards1 Steel Flat Products; Cold Rolled Sheet and Strip; Technical Delivery Conditions; Mild Unalloyed Steels for Cold Forming Weldability; Metallic Materials, Definitions Steels for General Structural Purposes; Quality Standard Quality Requirements for Welding - Fusion Welding of Metallic Materials – Part 1: Guidelines for Selection and Use Quality Requirements for Welding - Fusion Welding of Metallic Materials – Part 2: Comprehensive Quality Requirements Hot Rolled Products of Non-Alloy Structural Steels; Technical Delivery Conditions Stainless Steels - Part 2: Technical Delivery Conditions for Sheet/Plate and Strip of Corrosion-Resisting Steels for General and Construction Purposes Cold Rolled Low Carbon Steel Flat Products for Cold Forming – Technical Delivery Conditions Cold Rolled Uncoated Mild Steel Narrow Steel Strip for Cold Forming Technical Delivery Conditions Hot Rolled Flat Products Made of High Yield Strength Steels for Cold Forming – Part 1: General Delivery Conditions Hot Rolled Flat Products Made of High Yield Strength Steels for Cold Forming – Part 2: Delivery Conditions for Thermomechanically Rolled Steels Cold-Rolled Flat Products Made of High Yield Strength Micro-Alloyed Steels for Cold Forming - General Delivery Conditions Continuously Hot-Dip Coated Strip and Sheet of Steels with Higher Yield Strength for Cold Forming – Technical Delivery Conditions Welding - Multilingual Terms for Welded Joints with Illustrations Welded, Brazed and Soldered Joints - Symbolic Representation on Drawings Welding – Fusion-Welded Joints in Steel, Nickel, Titanium and Their Alloys (Beam Welding Excluded) – Quality Levels for Imperfections Welding and Allied Processes - Nomenclature of Processes and Reference Numbers Welds - Working Positions - Definitions of Angles of Slope and Rotation Welding and Allied Processes – Recommendations for Joint Preparation Part 1: Manual Metal-Arc Welding, Gas-shielded Metal-Arc Welding, Gas Welding, TIG Welding and Beam Welding of Steels Welding and Allied Processes – Vocabulary - Part 1: Metal Welding Processes Recommendations for Selection of Acceptance Levels according to DIN EN 25 817; Butt Welds and Fillet Welds on Steel Notes on Design for MIG/MAG Welding using Industrial Robots Cold-Rolled Strip and Sheet of Micro-Alloyed Steels with Higher Yield Point for Cold Forming – Technical Supply SpecificationsThe last publication date of withdrawn standards is provided in parentheses. DIN 1623-1 (02.83) DIN 8528-1 DIN 17100 (01.80) DIN EN 729-1 DIN EN 729-2 DIN EN 10025 DIN EN 10088-2 DIN EN 10130 DIN EN 10139 DIN EN 10149-1 DIN EN 10149-2 DIN EN 10268 DIN EN 10292 DIN EN 12345 DIN EN 22553 DIN EN ISO 5817 DIN EN ISO 4063 DIN EN ISO 6947 DIN EN ISO 9692-1 DIN ISO 857-1 DVS 0705 DVS 0929 SEW 093 (03.87)1In this section terminological inconsistencies may occur as the original titles are used.。
大众模具制造基本要求1. 销钉、螺钉底孔要求表1 表2表中底孔规格为钻孔后实际尺寸,一定不能比底孔规格大2. 螺钉安装要求:螺钉孔要垂直底面,不能偏、沉头台阶要平;螺纹啮合深度是螺纹直径的两倍(图1)3. 销钉要求:销钉吃入深度底座和镶块各一半(图1) 图 1 图 2 图 34. 压板台要求:加工公差大众在4、5、6、7、11、12、13、14线上安装的模具上模夹紧台高度为70±0.5mm, 在16、17线上安装的模具上模夹紧台高度为70+0.5mm,平面尺寸按图25. 泡沫刻基准线:大型铸件要刻高度基准线;铸造镶块要刻长度、宽度基准线(图 3)6. 导板用三孔安装导板,所有的导板要打字。
308-8的编号7. 所有的垫片、键、打杆等安装件都要打字,打字内容:件号,同时在相应的安装位置上打上该件号,与装配件对应,象导板编号一样。
8. 导板、镶块等不允许使用调整垫片9. 侧插销要求:大众的侧插销孔和轴的配合是H7/e8 见图4和表3图4 表3 图510. 所有镶块无论铸造镶块还是钢块,中心位置都要打起吊螺纹M12见图3,起吊螺纹为M10 或M12,深2.5倍的螺纹直径 11. .挡键中间要按要求钻起吊螺纹,供拔出。
12. 刀块镶块打字标记要求:铸造镶块、钢块要在醒目位置打字, 打 字内容是模具号、件号。
一定要在淬火之前打字13. 所有镶块无论铸造镶块还是钢块,镶块接合面间隙最大为0.03mm14. 导板安装面、镶块底面研配要求: 镶块底面与底座的研合率达到80%、要平整,四角都要与底面接束.15. 修边刀块淬火要求:凹模刀块的淬火硬度为:HRC58±2 ; 凸模刀块的淬火硬度为:HRC56±216.废料孔要求:废料孔要按要求制作。
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normnr klass VW 010******* VW 010******* VW 010******* VW 010******* VW 010******* VW 010******* VW 010******* VW 010******* VW 01059-102211 VW 01059-202211 VW 01059-322632 VW 01059-622632 VW 010******* VW 010******* VW 010******* VW 01087-204533 VW 010******* VW 010******* VW 010******* VW 0110304815 VW 01105-104815 VW 01106-104817 VW 01106-204817 VW 0110704818 VW 01110-1VW 01110-2VW 01126-101666 VW 01126-201666 VW 0112701667 VW 0112801712 VW 0112901712 VW 0113101712 VW 0113302623 VW 01141-104825 VW 0114204846 VW 01150-104041 VW 01150-1004041 VW 01150-1204041 VW 01150-1304041 VW 01150-1404041 VW 01150-1504041 VW 01150-1604041 VW 01150-204041 VW 01150-304041 VW 01150-404041 VW 01150-504041 VW 01150-604041 VW 01150-704041 VW 01150-804041 VW 01150-904041 VW 0115104041 VW 0115401190 VW 0115501190 VW 0117801819VW 1002013731 VW 1002113731 VW 1002713214 VW 1050001150 VW 10510VW 1051301151 VW 1051401151 VW 10540-101155 VW 10540-301155 VW 10540-6VW 10540-701155 VW 1055001154 VW 1056001152 VW 1151601833 VW 1161101813 VW 1162401813 VW 1162501815 VW 1163501884 VW 1370502624 VW 1375002642 VW 18015VW 2.8.155152 VW 2201551532 VW 3001334316 VW 4404555111 VW 5001851112 VW 5001950337 VW 50094A6102 VW 50096A6102 VW 50097VW 5009951602 VW 5010157221 VW 5010555536 VW 50120A6450 VW 5012355154 VW 5012555112 VW 5012755112 VW 5013155312 VW 5014055326 VW 515572VW 5018055104 VW 5018550321 VW 5019050202 VW 5020057221 VW 5030157221 VW 5040057221 VW 5050157221 VW 5060057221 VW 5060157221 VW 5070057221 VW 6000467625 VW 6001161187 VW 6012261263 VW 6018467558VW 6021261131 VW 60219VW 60249VW 6025061100 VW 6028267571 VW 6030769302 VW 6033069606 VW 60360VW 6036161000 VW 6036261179 VW 6043261253 VW 6043561277 VW 6044061256 VW 6044261253 VW 6044961253 VW 6055961105 VW 6056061104 VW 6056461104 VW 6064366236 VW 7402066732 VW 7507369110 VW 75113-269203 VW 75173-169606 VW 75173-269606 VW 7801067611 VW 7801167612 VW 801018MA00 VW 801028MC10 VW 801068ME20 VW 806228BC60 VW 806608CD20 VW 809728FL40 VW 80972-18FL40 VW 9110097000 VW 9110197210 VW 91102VW 91101 BEIBLATT 197410 VW 91103benn_c1螺纹说明一览表用于自攻螺钉的螺纹拉削内密齿廓螺纹工件的传动形式带螺纹的翻边孔板金螺钉用的戳穿孔眼内六角倒圆轮廓螺纹类零件的驱动方式机械制图基准点系统-RPS-图示法CAD/CAM数据要求专业技术描述对CAD/CAM数据的要求数据特征CAD/CAM系统要求汽车零件的原则CAD/CAM数据要求 CAD系统CATIA V5汽车零件上的条码非切削成形金属件工艺偏差凹槽加工方法冲压TOX连接(压嵌铆接) 钢材料零件边角概念图中标注说明零件编号系统工厂合营公司和企业的代号工作方法焊接焊接凸点接触点焊连接未涂覆薄板的结构和工艺保证气体保护焊接钢板连接设计制造质量保证气体保护焊钢板连接返工销钉焊接连接要求和检验螺栓连接设计和装配预给参数螺栓连接装配和作业安全连接技术螺栓连接的拧紧扭矩连接技术螺栓装配超弹性拧紧方法连接自攻螺钉应用、底孔直径的标准值、拧紧力矩的固定塑料用连接螺钉设计注意事项摩擦系数极限值米制ISO螺纹的机械连接元件摩擦系数的测定实际定向试验金属表面无缺陷钢板激光束焊接第1部分结构规格质量保证铝焊缝的维修汽车用油封概念极限偏差图纸说明汽车用径向轴密封环功能试验试验台和试验条件汽车用径向轴密封环显微硬度检验弹性体(IRHD)布氏硬度的确定汽车用径向轴密封环弹性体硫化状态的检验汽车用径向轴密封环弹性体红外线光谱分析汽车用径向轴密封环差热分析弹性体冷特性的确定汽车用径向轴密封环应用说明汽车用径向轴密封环材料要求和试验汽车用径向轴密封环明显的不均匀性汽车用径向轴密封环试验测量条件和测量工具汽车用径向轴密封环试验外径测量仪汽车用径向轴密封环试验锥形测量芯棒汽车用径向轴密封环试验轴线剖面的结构汽车用径向轴密封环试验径向力-数字测量仪径向测量仪活塞密封杆研究开发条件一般技术要求汽车零部件首次供货及更改的认可米制ISO-螺纹模制螺纹的极限尺寸圆筒件米制内螺纹极限塞规特殊螺纹按VW01044标准公制圆柱内螺纹界限螺纹塞规特种螺纹公制圆柱形内螺纹止端螺纹塞规公制ISO螺纹螺纹工艺型圆柱形量规用于塑料公司标志, 零件标记使用规程奥迪商标用于汽车零件商标汽车零部件的标记制造厂代码用于汽车零件汽车零件制造厂代码用于国外厂及其承制厂气门弹簧的标记制造国标记法汽车零件日期标记法汽车零件过渡啮合的紧配合外螺纹和内螺纹关于VW紧配合的极限尺寸公制 ISO 螺纹包括防护层在内的极限尺寸用于一般公差米制ISO螺纹公差带6G/6f的极限尺寸 6f 螺母 6米制ISO螺纹;公差带7G/8F的极限尺寸制作螺丝用的型芯孔穿孔钻头公差范围H的钻头和极限尺寸表面粗糙度金属表面防护防护方式缩写符号橡胶性能成品件的试验和要求精密钢管测量供货技术条件米制圆筒内螺纹丝锥用于特种螺纹的丝锥按VW010 44聚丙烯(PP)成品部件材料技术要求轴向弹簧质量规范表面淬火的变速箱零件材料和零件性能的图纸注释缸盖罩盖-EA111 4V 验收条件验收条件缸盖铸造质量一般要求金属铸件多孔性技术要求铸造和铸造技术术语保养用汽油发动机油要求实验软垫面料要求、质量特征检验铝锻件表面特性热塑性弹性体质量技术要求尼龙6,汽车内饰成品件材料要求尼龙66,汽车内饰成品件材料要求自粘附消音材料吸附性能纤维素纤维密封制品, 一般要求和检验汽车内部空间的结构件辐射性状汽车零件耐暴晒性汽车内饰件色度测量评价保养用汽油发动机油要求,实验节省燃油型长寿命保养用增压汽油发动机油适用于所有汽油发动机的保养用低灰分长寿命发动机油SAE 5W-30-要保养用柴油发动机油要求,实验节省燃油型长寿命保养用柴油发动机油要求实验节省燃油型长寿命保养用柴油发动机油要求实验适用于所有柴油发动机包括装有微粒捕集器的柴油发动机的低灰分长燃料化合物三层式软管由带有强力支撑层的弹性体构成焊接螺栓全金属六角法兰面锁紧螺母软管夹子弹簧夹子六角头螺栓带大法兰面和便于自动进给的导向锥端内六圆边形埋头螺栓冲压螺栓不漏气且防水的弹簧螺母用于米制螺纹、卡嵌式、孔洞安全性高强度螺钉及类似螺纹件供货技术条件软管和万向节轴固定有耳软管夹头无机变速规格电线超声波焊接无焊接的电气连接卷曲连接机械连接元件零件压缩品种一般原则旋入热塑性塑料的螺纹和螺纹末端方头焊接螺母低规格冲压螺母薄板螺母方头焊接螺母高规格四角形焊接螺母高规格螺丝用的Powerlok螺纹焊接螺母/螺栓的焊接接合强度检验凸焊盲铆螺杆、压入螺杆和压入螺帽以及冲压螺杆,冲压螺帽和冲压螺栓用于自攻螺钉的板簧螺母堵塞起动型蓄电池用于起动照明和点火系统汽车-白炽灯缺陷类型目录扁形插头连接技术要求试验扁形插头(带有插接时用的止动舌) 技术要求试验无织物层, 弹性体软管软管带有织物层的橡胶管汽车上电气和电子部件一般试验条件开关和按钮一般要求汽车上电气和电子元件中的插接件技术要求发动机标识发动机号图形标志用于操作件,显示器和指示灯英福泰门特-系统一般功能要求汽车收音机欧洲,中国和农村配电线无线电广播技术要求汽车环境标准汽车零件, 材料, 燃料, 目标的确定规定汽车环境标准汽车零件, 材料, 燃料汽车环境标准回收利用技术要求回收利用部件回收利用能力的样benn_d1Gewindebezeichnungen; ÜbersichtGewindedurchzug; für BlechschraubenInnenvielzahnprofil; Antriebsform für GewindeteileBlechdurchzüge mit Gewinde; Hohe AusführungReißlöcher für BlechschraubenInnensechsrundprofil; Antriebsform für GewindeteileZeichnungen; DarstellungenReferenz-Punkt-Systematik, RPS; ZeichnungenAnforderungen an CAD/CAM-Daten; Darstellung Technischer SachAnforderungen an CAD/CAM-Daten; Geometrische und mathematiscAnforderungen an CAD/CAM-Daten; CAD-System CATIA V4 für Anforderungen an CAD/CAM-Daten; CAD-System CATIA Version 5 Baugruppenkennzeichnung; Codierung an FahrzeugteilenVerfahrensbedingte Abweichungen; Für spanlos geformte T Arbeitsverfahren, Stanzen; SickenDurchsetzfuegeverbindungen; StahlwerkstoffeWerkstückkanten; Begriffe, ZeichnungsangabenTEILENUMMERNSYSTEMKennung von Werken, Beteiligungsgesellschaften und Firmen Widerstandsbuckelschweissen; Konstruktion, Berechnung, Proze Widerstandspunktschweißen; Konstruktion, Berechnung; USchutzgasschweißen, Stahlblechverbindungen; KonstruktiSchutzgasschweißen; Nacharbeit an StahlblechverbindungLichtbogenschweißen von Bolzen und Blechsegmenten Schraubenverbindungen; Konstruktion und Montagevorgaben Schraubenverbindungen; Montage und ProzesssicherungFügetechnik; Anziehdrehmomente für SchraubenverbinFügetechnik; Anziehdrehmomente für überelasti BLECHSCHRAUBENVERBINDUNGEN; ANWENDUNG; RICHTWERTE FUER KERNL VERSCHRAUBUNGEN IN KUNSTSTOFF; KONSTRUKTIONSHINWEISE Grenzwerte der Reibungszahlen; Mechanische VerbindungselemenERMITTLUNG VON REIBUNGSZAHLENFehlerfreiheit an metallischen OberflächenLaserstrahlschweißen; StahlblechverbindungenSchweißnahtreparaturen an Aluminiumstrukturen; ProduktRadial-Wellendichtringe für Kraftfahrzeuge; Begriffe, GRadial-Wellendichtringe für Kraftfahrzeuge; PrüfstRadial-Wellendichtringe für Kraftfahrzeuge; BestimmungRadial-Wellendichtringe für Kraftfahrzeuge; VulkanisatiRadial-Wellendichtringe für Kraftfahrzeuge; InfrarotspeDifferential-Thermoanalyse; Radial-Wellendichtringe fürRadial-Wellendichtringe für Kraftfahrzeuge; BestimmungRadial-Wellendichtringe für Kraftfahrzeuge; AnwendungshRadial-Wellendichtringe für Kraftfahrzeuge; WerkstoffanRadial-Wellendichtringe für Kraftfahrzeuge; Sichtbare URadial-Wellendichtringe für Kraftfahrzeuge; MessbedinguRadial-Wellendichtringe für Kraftfahrzeuge; AußenRadial-Wellendichtringe für Kraftfahrzeuge; KegelmessdoRadial-Wellendichtringe für Kraftfahrzeuge; AusfühRadial-Wellendichtringe für Kraftfahrzeuge; Radialkraft STANGENDICHTRINGEEntwicklungsbedingungen; Allgemeine AnforderungenFahrzeug-Zulieferteile; Genehmigung von Erstlieferung und &AMetrisches ISO-Gewinde; Grenzmaße für geformte GeMetrisches zylindrisches Innengewinde; Grenzlehrdorn; Sonder Metrisches zylindrisches Innengewinde; Gewinde-Grenzlehrdorn Metrisches zylindrisches Innengewinde; Gewinde-Ausschuß Metrisches ISO-Gewinde; Gewinde-Funktionslehrdorn; Muttergew Firmenbezeichnung, Teilekennzeichnung; Richtlinien für AUDI-Markenzeichen für FahrzeugteileMarkenzeichen; Kennzeichnung von FahrzeugteilenHersteller-Code für FahrzeugteileHersteller-Code; Vergabebereiche für Herstellercode-ver Kennzeichnung von VentilfedernHerstellland-Kennzeichnung; Fahrzeugteile Datumskennzeichnung; FahrzeugteileAußen- und Innenfestsitzgewinde mit Übermaß Metrisches ISO-Gewinde; Grenzmaße mit Schutzschicht f& Metrisches ISO-Gewinde; Grenzmaße für Toleranzkla Metrisches ISO Gewinde; Grenzmaße für Toleranzkla Kernlöcher für Gewinde; Bohrer und Grenzmaße Geometrische Produktspezifikation; Technische Zeichnungen; A Oberflächenschutz für Metallteile; Schutzarten, Ku Elastomere; Werkstoffanforderungen und -prüfungenPräzisionsstahlrohre; Abmessungen, Lieferbedingungen Metrisches zylindrisches Innengewinde; Gewindebohrer fü Polypropylen, Fertigteile; WerkstoffanforderungenAchsfedern; GüteanforderungenEinsatzgehärtete Getriebebauteile; Zeichnungseintragung Zylinderkopfhaube 4V für EA 111; Abnahmebedingungen Abnahmebedingungen; Gussqualitäten für Zylinderk&o Porosität von Metallgussteilen; AnforderungenGießerei und Gießtechnik; BegriffeServicemotorenöl für Ottomotoren; Anforderung, Pr& Polsterbezugsstoffe, Anforderungen, Qualitätsmerkmale, Leichtmetall-Umformteile für Sicherheitsbauteile; Abnah Thermoplastische Elastomere; Qualitätsanforderungen Polyamid 6, Fertigteile des Fahrzeuginnenraums; Werkstoffanf Polyamid 66, Fertigteile des Fahrzeuginnenraums; WerkstoffanDämpfungen, selbstklebend; Haftungseigenschaften Zellulosefaser; Dichtungen; Anforderungen, Prüfungen Bauteile des Fahrzeuginnenraumes; Emissionsverhalten Fahrzeugbauteile; FreibewitterungsbeständigkeitBauteile der Fahrzeuginnenausstattung; Messtechnische Beurte Servicemotorenöl für Ottomotoren; Anforderung, Pr& Servicemotorenöl für Turbo-Ottomotoren mit kraftst Servicemotorenöl SAE 5W-30 mit abgesenktem Aschegehalt Servicemotorenöl für Dieselmotoren; Anforderung, P Servicemotorenöl für Dieselmotoren mit kraftstoffs Servicemotorenöl für Dieselmotoren mit kraftstoffs Servicemotorenöl SAE 5W-30 mit abgesenktem Aschegehalt Kraftstoffverbindung; 3-Lagen-Schläuche; drucklosSchweißschrauben; Schweißwarzen auf dem Kopf Sechskantflanschmuttern mit Klemmteil und Einsenkung; Ganzme Schlauchschellen; Federbandschellen; für diverse AnwendSechskantflanschschrauben; mit großem Flansch Senkschrauben mit InnensechsrundStanzschrauben, wasserdicht und mit Einschränkungen auc Schnappmuttern; für metrisches Gewinde, klemmend, mit L Hochfeste Schrauben und ähnliche Gewindeteile; Technisc Schlauch- und Gelenkwellenbefestigung; Ohrschlauchklemme; st Ultraschallverschweißte elektrische Leitungen Crimpverbindungen; Lötfreie elektrische Verbindungen Mechanische Verbindungselemente; Teilereduzierung; Allgemein Gewinde und Schraubenende zum Einschrauben in thermoplastisc Vierkant-Schweißmuttern; Niedrige Ausführung StanzmutternBlechmutternVierkant-Schweißmutter; Hohe Ausführung, gro&szli Vierkant-Schweissmutter; Hohe AusführungGewinde für gewindefurchende und selbsthemmende Schraub Festigkeitsprüfung der Schweissverbindung von Schweissm Prüfparameter für Blindniet-, Einpressschrauben un Schnappmuttern; mit Blechschraubengewinde und Lochsicherung PfropfenStarterbatterien für 12 V-Bordnetze; Allgemeine Prü Kraftfahrzeug-Glühlampen; Fehlerkatalog Flachsteckverbindung; Anforderungen; Prüfungen Flachsteckverbindungen; mit Rastzunge zum Einrasten in Geh&a Schläuche; aus Elastomer, gewebelos Schlauchverbindung; 2-Lagen-Schläuche; aus Elastomer mi Elektrische und elektronische Baugruppen in Kraftfahrzeugen; Elektrische Bedienelemente (Schalter, Taster); Allgemeine An Steckanschluss an und in Elektrik- und Elektronik-Komponente Kennzeichnung der Motoren; Motor-NummerBildzeichen für Bedienteile, Anzeigegeräte und Kon Infotainmentsysteme; Allgemeine Funktionsanforderungen Autoradio; Rundfunkanforderungen Europa, China und RdW Umweltnorm Fahrzeug; Fahrzeugteile, Werkstoffe, Betriebsstof Umweltnorm Fahrzeug; Fahrzeugteile, Werkstoffe, Betriebsstof Umweltnorm Fahrzeug, Recyclinganforderungen, Rezyklateinsatzbenn_e1Pierced Holes for Tapping ScrewsTechnical Drawings; RepresentationsRequirements for CAD/CAM Data; Representation of Technical C Requirements for CAD/CAM Data; Geometric and Mathematic Data Requirements for CAD/CAM Data; CAD System CATIA V4 for VehicProcess-Related Deviations for Metal Parts Formed by Non-MacWorkpiece Edges; Definitions, Drawing SpecificationsPart Number SystemCodes for Plants, Affiliated Companies and CompaniesResistance Projection Welding; Design, Calculation, ProcessResistance Spot Welding; Design, Calculation, Process AssuraGas-Shielded Arc Welding; Sheet Steel Joints; Design, Type,SHIELDED ARC WELDING; REWORK ON SHEET METAL CONNECTIONS Tapping Screw Connections; Application, Standard Values forFlawless Condition of Metallic SurfacesLASER WELDING SHEET-STEEL JOINTS; DESIGN, PROCEDURE, QUALITY Radial Shaft Seals for Motor Vehicles; Visible ImperfectionsDevelopment Conditions; General RequirementsVehicle Supply Parts; Approval of First Supply and ChangesLogos; Identification of Vehicle PartsManufacturer's Code for Vehicle PartsManufacturer Code; Foreign Plants and Their SuppliersCountry-of-Origin Identification; Vehicle PartsDate Marking; Vehicle PartsMetric ISO Threads; Limit Dimensions for Tolerance Class 8f/ Geometrical Product Specifications; Technical Drawings; Spec Surface Protection of Metal Parts; Surface Protection Types,Case-Hardened Transmission Components; Drawing Notes on Mate Foundry and Casting Technology; TermsService Engine OilUpholstery Fabrics; Requirements, Quality Specifications, Te Forged Aluminium Parts; Surface FinishThermoplastic Elastomers; Quality RequirementsPolyamide 66, Finished Parts in the Passenger Compartment; MService-Fill Engine Oil for High-Performance Spark Ignition Service Engine Oil SAE 5W-30 with Reduced Ash Content for al Service engine oilService Engine Oil SAE 5W-30 with Reduced Ash Content for al Fuel Lines; 3-Layer Hoses of Elastomer with ReinforcementHigh-Strength Screws and Similar Threaded Parts; Technical S Ultrasonically Welded Electric WiringMechanical Joining Elements; Parts Reduction; General Guidel Square Weld Nuts; Thin TypeSquare Weld Nut; High Type, Large Wrench SizeSquare Weld Nut; High TypeStrength Test for Welded Joints of Weld Nuts/Welded Bolts; PHoses; Elastomer, Without Textile CoverElectrical and Electronic Assemblies in Motor Vehicles; Gene Engine identificationEnvironmental Standard for Vehicles; Vehicle Parts, Material Environmental Standard for Vehicles; Vehicle Parts, Material Environmental Standard for Vehicles, Vehicle Parts, Material。
VW s ndard list 大众标准目录
2003.11 2002.10
2009.12.0 2009.12.0
2009.01.0 2009.01.0
中文作废作参 考
42 VW 450 01 43 VW 501 15
低压导线传输(包装)尺寸及要求 环境保护(镉及镉化合物准则)
1992.05 1985.03
Nachfolger: VW 60306
59 VW 601 97 60 VW 602 58
组合胶夹 密封件的密封性检验
2007.07.0 1
61 VW 603 06
自动车低压电压电缆 单线,裸线,密封
CN/EN/DE 2000.11 2005.11 2005.11
2003.12 1974.11 1975.06
1976.02 1991.11
2003.12 1999.09 1974.11
1999.09.0 1
1982.11 1975.06 1975.06 1974.04 1976.02
2009.06.0 3
2006.12.0 1
2007.06.0 1
大众常用标准汇总LG GROUP system office room 【LGA16H-LGYY-LGUA8Q8-LGA162】一、焊接标准VW 01101类似国标中描述焊接类型并用图例表示的标准。
eg:VW 01103凸点焊标准(weld projection),图示表示了不同的凸点焊情况,规定了不同厚度的板件进行凸点焊时凸点的直径、高度等。
eg:VW 01105点焊标准(spot weld),详细介绍了点焊的设计思想、焊点排布、强度计算和校合,以及焊接头的布置和形状参考,有图示、查表表格和例题,教科书般的详尽标准。
使用此标准焊接的熔深、劈凿(或者母材撕裂)都以VW01105为认可标准(Acceptance criteria)。
实验方法也定义为VW01105,实际上此标准内第3 章有具体的实验标准比如PV6702等。
VW 01105-2 针对铝制金属的特殊焊接要求,包括特殊的熔深、劈凿要求。
eg:VW 01105-3 镀锌合金的特殊焊接要求,对焊板、焊接头有比较详细的描述,对校合计算过程有详细介绍,熔深和劈凿依然参考VW01105-1。
VW 01105-4 针对大厚度钢和高强度钢的焊接标准,介绍了特殊的技术要求和过程控制。
eg:VW 01106弧焊、二氧化碳保护焊、熔焊标准。
认可标准和实验方法均为VW 01106。
vw标记标准 -回复
该标准由德国大众汽车集团(Volkswagen Group)制定,并在其旗下的各个品牌中使用。
VW标记标准的实施细节包括以下几个方面:1. 材料和零件的选择:VW标记标准要求使用符合特定标准的原材料和零部件,以确保其质量和可靠性。
2. 工艺和制造过程的验证:VW标记标准要求对产品的工艺和制造过程进行严格的验证,以确保其质量控制和准确性。
模具设计和结构上海大众汽车有限公司冲压规划科2004年12月8日0/30上海大众冲压件模具标准.xls上海大众汽车有限公司冲压规划科序号页码1前言 22生产方式3模具设计制造技术要求-1-1拉深模4~8-1-2切边冲孔模 9~13-1-3翻边整形模 14 ~17-1-4斜楔 18 ~20-2模具一般技术要求21 ~ 30目录描述31/30上海大众冲压件模具标准.xls前言本文件对冲压模具的一般结构进行了描述。
冲压规划科2/28上海大众冲压件模具标准.xls2007-5-2模具设计和结构1. 生产方式1-1压机机械压力机开式曲柄压力机闭式曲柄压力机液压机油压机1-2操作手工生产安全双按纽开关光电保护装置机械化生产机械手1-3废料处理3/30上海大众冲压件模具标准.xls上海大众汽车有限公司冲压规划科3. 模具设计制造技术要求3 - 1模具类型拉深模(1) 模具结构类型A 型名称备注如果需要如果需要B 型和C 型名称备注凸模垫板8氮气弹簧标准件GG-25FC30GGG-60GGG-70/70L FCD60GGG-60GGG-70/70L FCD60GGG-60GGG-70/70L FCD 60MoCr MoCr2383-1-1序号1(A) 双动模具序号145672345凸模压边圈垫板凸模垫板提升器调整块凸模座压边圈凹模压边圈凸模HT250HT300HT250HT300材料MoCr 材料MoCr MoCr GGG-60GGG-70/70L GGG-60GGG-70/70L GG-25FCD 60FCD 60FC30FCD 60MoCrHT250HT30067凸模座底板碰硬块(B)单动模具模具设计和结构(C )单动模具带气缸45#45#调整块凹模45#钢标准件GGG-60GGG-70/70L上海大众汽车有限公司冲压规划科D型名称备注备注:锻钢小型模具的凸模、凹模、压边圈均可用钢坯制造,但要保证淬火后的硬度(见热处理区域说明)。
1. 材料选择:VW大众汽车钢标准要求使用高强度、高韧性、耐腐蚀性好的钢材。
2. 材料处理:VW大众汽车钢标准要求对钢材进行严格的热处理和表面处理,以提高其强度和耐蚀性。
3. 零件设计:VW大众汽车钢标准要求在设计零件时考虑到其受力情况和工作环境,采用合适的形状和尺寸,以最大限度地提高其承载能力和使用寿命。
4. 质量控制:VW大众汽车钢标准要求对生产过程进行全面监控和检测,确保每个零件都符合质量要求。
大众汽车集团标准 TL 244 2010年12月版分类号:50223关键字:锌,镍,钝化处理,密封,无Cr(VI),防腐蚀,表面保护锌/镍-合金涂覆层表面保护要求旧版本TL 244: 1987-10, 1992-05, 1993-11, 1995-12, 2002-05, 2004-12, 2006-08, 2007-02变更相对于 TL244: 2007-02 版本,作了如下更改:--补充了热处理后零件的抗拉强度≦ 1200Mpa 部分;--添加了 Ofl-r647 和 Ofl-r648 两种涂覆方法;--原表 2 中关于含铬的表面保护类型已删除;--添加了图 1 和图 2;--添加了 PV 1209,PV 1200 和 PV1210 三种测试依据;--镀层表面形态的要求有所增加;--镍的上限值有所改变;--原第 4 条关于镀层厚度的测量的内容加入到部分;--原部分的要求有所改变;--参考标准有更新;--标准重组。
1 范围本标准规定了抗拉强度为 Rm≦ 1000Mpa(按 VW 137 50 的特征字母 r)的铁材料和钢制件上的电解离析和无Cr( VI)后处理的锌/镍合金涂覆层的要求。
此外还定义了抗拉强度值大于 1000Mpa时的应用极限。
本标准定义了合金涂覆不适用于抗拉强度 Rm>1200Mpa 和表面硬度>370HV 的钢制件。
而且适用于抗拉强度值在 1000Mpa 和 1200Mpa之间的钢制件时,必须按 DIN EN ISO4042 作热处理。
这些当作坚固防腐层(稳定等级为 6)的涂覆层,亦特别适用于除了腐蚀负荷增加和温度负荷增加至150°C(例如:发动机室和刹车系统)之外的部件以及螺栓拧紧系统。
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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3.444 3.264 180
5.024 4.629 4.504 125
4.358 4.158 200
6.026 5.526 5.376 150
5.179 4.943 236
7.026 6.526 6.376 150
6.179 5.943 236
*) Illustrations, graphics, photographs and flow charts were adopted from the Original German standard, and the numerical notation may therefore differ from the English practice. A comma corresponds to a decimal point, and a period or blank is used as the thousands separator.
M10 x 1 - 6f (external thread)
M10 x 1 - 6G (internal thread).
Form FE 41 - 01.03
Fachverantwortung/Responsibility EZTD Kühn
Normung/Standards (EZTD, 1733) Kühn Tel: +49-5361-9-23370
Klass.-Nr. 01 81 3
September 2003
Metric ISO Threads
Limit Dimensions for 6G/6f Tolerance Zone, Male 6f Female 6G
VW 116 24
Descriptors: limit dimensions, thread, tolerance class, internal thread, external thread, surface protection, electrolytic, female thread, male thread
M12 1.75 34 12.034 11.097 10.897 200 10.475 10.140 335
M8 x 1 M9 x 1 M10 x 1 M10 x 1.25 M12 x 1 M12 x 1.25 M12 x 1.5 M14 x 1 M14 x 1.5 M16 x 1 M16 x 1.5 M18 x 1 M18 x 1.5 M20 x 1 M20 x 1.5 M22 x1.5 M24 x1.5 M24 x 2 M27 x 1.5 M28 x 1.5 M30 x 1.5 M30 x 2 M32 x 1.5 M35 x 1.5 M36 x 1.5 M36 x 3 M38 x 1.5 M39 x 3 M40 x 1 M40 x 1.5
Page 2 VW 116 24: 2003-09
Nominal dimensions and limit dimensions
Nominal dimensions
Figure 1*)
Table 1 – ISO coarse thread, external thread
M 10 1.5 0.920 0.217 45 9.955 9.719 236
M12 1,75 1,073 0,253 48 11,952 11,687 265
External thread
Flank Æ
Maximum value
Minimum value
Tol. mm
1.706 1.639 67
5.733 5.582 151
6.424 6.258 166
7.424 7.258 166
8.115 7.925 190
9,805 9,588 217
Thread Flank lead
M 2 0.4
M 2.5 0.45
M 3 0.5
M 3.5 0.6
M 4 0.7
M 5 0.8
Table 2 – ISO coarse thread, internal thread
Tol. mm
M 8 1.25 28
8.028 7.376 7.216 160
6.940 6.675 265
M 9 1.25 28
9.028 8.376 8.216 160
7.940 7.675 265
M 10 1.5
32 10.032 9.238 9.058 180
8.708 8.408 300
Norm vor Anwendung auf Aktualität prüfen / Check standard for current issue prior to usage.
The English translation is believed to be accurate. In case of discrepancies the German version shall govern.
Page 3 VW 116 24: 2003-09
Internal thread
Thread Flank EI
nal Æ D
Flank Æ D2
Minor Æ D1
Minimum Maximum Minimum
Tol. mm
Maximum Minimum
M 3 0.5 0.307 0.072 36 2.964 2.858 106
M 3.5 0.6 0.368 0.087 36 3.464 3.339 125
M 4 0.7 0.429 0.101 38 3.962 3.822 140
M 5 0.8 0.491 0.115 38 4.962 4.812 150
Previous issues 1967-02; 1985-10
The nominal and limit dimensions in Tables 1 to 4 and Figure 1 apply to bright threads in tolerance classes 6f (external thread) and 6G (internal thread) before electrolytic treatment. For limit dimensions after application of surface protection, see VW 116 11. In addition, the limit dimensions of tolerance class 6G apply to internal threads in final condition bright that will be formed by a subsequent welding or stamping process (prevention of difficulties when screwing in weld and stamping nuts).
Dimensions in mm
Internal thread
nal Æ D
Flank Æ D2
Minor Æ D1
Minimum Maximum Minimum
Tol. mm
Maximum Minimum
Tol. mm
19 2.019 1.849 1.759 90
Page1 of 6
Confidential. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be transmitted or reproduced without the prior written permission of a Standards Department of the Volkswagen Group. Parties to a contract can only obtain this standard via the responsible procurement department.
Designation of a metric ISO coarse thread with nominal diameter d = 10 mm and flank lead P = 1.5 mm, tolerance class 6f for the external thread and tolerance class 6G for the internal thread:
Changes The following changes have been made as compared to VW 116 24, 1985-10:
─ Standard was completely revised and formatted ─ Designation "male thread" changed to "external thread" ─ Designation "female thread" changed to "internal thread" ─ Drawing was modified according to the new drawing rules ─ Table was divided into external and internal thread tables ─ Tables 1 and 2: M12 x 1.75 added ─ Tables 3 and 4: M24 x 2, M30 x 2, M36 x 3 and M39 x 3 added