Chapter 3 词义的选择和引申 (1)

2、将带有特征性形象的词译 成该形象所代表的属性的词。
1) Rich and powerful, he always goosesteps on the street.
1) Goosestep的原义是从名词 “鹅步、正步” 转化而来的动 词,根据上下文引申,译成: “他有钱有势,在街上总是耀 武扬威,横行霸道。”
2)He is in critical condition, see-sawing between life and death.
2) See-saw原义是“跷跷 板”,这里引申译为:他的病 况危急,时好时坏,在生死之 间徘徊。
2)He is a Shylock!
2) Shylock是莎士比亚笔下 的人物,其人刻薄歹毒,故该 句引申译为:他凶险狡诈。
Every life has its roses and thorns.
这里把玫瑰和刺引申,译为: “每个人的生活有苦有甜。”
2)他的学位成了他进入那家 公司获得高薪的敲门砖。
2. 英语中有些词在特定的上 下文中,含义是清楚的,但译 成汉语时还必须作具体化引申, 否则就不够清楚。
1) The car in front of me broke down and I missed the green.
She is a good Christian, a good parent, a good wife, a good daughter and a good teacher.
Unit 3 词语选择、引申和褒贬

1) The play is really a love story. 2) This war is becoming the most important story of this generation. 3) Some reporters who were not included in the meeting broke the story. 4) The story about him became smaller and by and by faded out from the American TV. 5) Don’t tell stories again, Tom. I don’t believe your stories. 6) It is quite another story now. 7) He storied about his age.
3) Judging from collocation
delicate skin 娇嫩的皮肤 delicate child 娇弱的小孩 易碎的花瓶 delicate vase delicate difference 细微的差别 delicate sense of smell 灵敏的嗅觉 delicate food 美味的食物
褒贬译法: 1. John was an aggressive salesman who did his job quite well. 2. Hitler pursued an aggressive policy after he seized power. 3.Hans was too obviously flattering the gentleman by saying he was the most courageous man he had ever seen. 4. Mr. Brown felt greatly flattered when he received the invitation to deliver a lecture.
chapter 3(1) 词语的翻译

As a demanding boss, he excepted total loyalty and dedication from his employees. 他是个苛刻的老板,要求手下的人对他忠心耿耿,鞠躬 尽瘁。(贬) Those who do not remember the past are condemned to relive it. 凡是忘掉过去的人注定要重蹈覆辙。(贬)
• Based on the speech of the word • Based on the context and the logical relations • Based on the commendatory term or derogatory term • collocation
第三章 词语的翻译——词义的选择
但在下面例句中,like又分属其他几个不同词类: 1) He likes mathematics more than physics. 他喜欢数学甚于喜欢物理学。(动词) 2) In the sunbeam passing through the window there are fine grains of dust shining like gold. 在射入窗内的阳光里,细微的尘埃象金子一般在闪闪发光。
3) Like knows like.
Based on the speech of the word
Your account of what happened is not quite right. 你对于发生的事情的叙述不太正确。 Go right on until you reach the church. 一直往前走,直到你到达教堂为止。 It’s my right of way, so that lorry must stop or slow down until I’ve passed it. 我有优先通行权。 She tried her best to right her husband from the charge of robbery. 她尽力为她丈夫被控抢劫一案伸冤。

9). I have butterflies in my stomach. 10). When I heard the news my heart came into my mouth.
9). I have butterflies in my stomach. 译文一:我胃痛。 译文二:我有一种想呕吐的感觉。 译文三:我好紧张。 10). When I heard the news my heart came into my mouth. 译文一:当我听到这个消息时,我心都跳 出来了。 译文二:当我听到这个消息时,我很吃惊。 译文三:当我听到这个消息时,我吓死了。
6 )Every life has its roses and thorns.
6 )Every life has its roses and thorns. 译文一:生活中既有鲜花又有芒刺(荆 棘)。 译文二:每个人的生命都其玫瑰和刺。 译文三:生活总会跌荡起伏。(有平坦和 坎坷的时候) 译文四:人生总是有两面性的。
参考译文: 1. 我父亲是那家餐馆的常客, 那里所有的服 务员都认识他. 2. 请看一下上次会议的记录. 3. 在中国我们每到一个城市, 就逛大街, 逛 商店, 逛公园, 上剧院, 下饭馆.
5). There is a mixture of the tiger and the ape in the character of the imperialists.
参考译文: 5. 帝国主义者的性格既残暴, 又狡猾. 6.每个人的生活都是有甜有苦. 7. 我们都被他那种崇高的气质所打动了. . 10. 听到这个消息我吓得要命.
二 词义的引申

山这种客观存在反映到我们的头脑中来,我们就用shān 这个声音来表示它的意义。

• People can have no further illusions about it. • 在这件事上,人们不能再有别的幻想了。 • They agreed to further the cooperation between the two cities. • 他们同意进一步增进两市间的合作。
• 正确理解词义有赖于对原文的确切理解 和借助于上下文所提供的有关信息。
• The doctors restored his power of speech. • 医生恢复了他的说话能力。 • A severe economic slump swept the country shortly after he came into power. • 他上台后不久,严重的经济不景气席卷了全国。
• They will raise the yields still further. • 他们将进一步提高产量。
• 词义引申是英汉翻译的常用手段之一。 英汉两种语言富有各自特点的行文规范 和搭配习惯。针对此种情况,译者应根 据上下文和逻辑关系,从有关词语的基 本含义出发,进行恰如其分地引申,使 原文的内容在译文中确切地再现出来。
A heavy smoker 烟瘾极大的人 A heavy demand 苛求 A heavy sleep 沉睡 Heavy traffic 拥挤的交通
• 大多数英文单词是一词多类,即多词性。 当词性不同时,其词义在一定程度上发 生变化。
• 因此在英汉翻译过程中要首先确定词性, 然后再根据词类选择适当的词义。
• 目的是在该国建立一个有效的联合国管 理机构,以取代那里的非法专制统治。
英语翻译chapter 3

• Jordan is reported to be the celebrity with whom most American children feel most comfortable, and American adults once placed him fifth on a list of all-time "most respected newsmakers".
• His athleticism and fierce competitiveness frightened his opponents, but his graciousness made him an American and international icon. He is most famous as the face of Nike, the athletics shoe and clothing company whose products he has endorsed for the past decade.
• Jordan quickly became a multi-millionaire, thanks to lucrative product endorsement deals such as his Nike promotion. As his fortune grew he put money back into the community, creating a foundation to fund athletics facilities and other projects for children form the inner city of Chicago, his adopted home.
商务英语翻译(英译汉)第二版电子教案第3单元 词义的选择

• “under”不再是“在……之下”这一常用意义,而是 “根据”、“依据”之意。
• 对词义的选择需要注意以下问题:
• (一)注意区分词语使用的是常用意义还是专业 意义
• Often an individual must supply personal accounting information in order to buy a car or home, to qualify for a college scholarship, to secure a credit card, or to obtain a bank loan. Large corporations are accountable to their stockholders, to governmental agencies, and to the public.
• A foreign business representative, neither overly sympathetic toward China nor overly disposed against it, would need to be convinced on a number of scores before he could responsibly commit his firm to taking an equity position in a Chinese enterprise.
• 译文:一名外国企业代表,如果对中国既无过分
家中国企业投资入股,就往往需要有一系列评估 数据来帮助他做出最终决定。

1.试译下列各短语,注意词的多义性和搭配能力的不同:1)• 1.soft pillow 2.soft music• 3.soft cushion 4.soft wood• 5.soft money 6.soft drink•7.soft breeze 8.soft light•9.soft voice 10.soft fire•11.soft hat 12.soft words•13.soft answer 14.soft goods15.soft heart 16.soft water•1、软枕;2、轻柔的音乐;•3、靠垫;4、软木;•5、纸币;6、不含酒精的饮料;•7、和风;8、柔光;•9、低声;10、文火;•11、呢帽;12、和蔼的话;•13、委婉的回答;14、毛织品;•15、易感动之心,慈心;16、软水(不含矿物盐类而易溶解肥皂的水)2)开门open the door 开口open mouth开火open fire 开刀operate开发develop 开工begin,start开会hold/attend/have a meeting开胃work up/promote/prepare appetite开心be/feel happy, rejoice开玩笑play a joke开花blossom开车to drive a car 开船to set sail开机器to start a machine2.试译下列句子,注意词的引申与褒贬:1)具体词语抽象化1. The character of these people is a mixture of the tiger and the ape.帝国主义者的性格即残暴,又狡猾2)抽象的词义具体化• 1. Public opinion demands that something should be done to end the strike.•众舆论要求采取措施结束罢工。
3 词义的选择和引申

请注意下列各组例句中base,power和 body等词的不同词义。 The lathe should be set on a firm base. 车床应安装在坚实的底座上。
As we all know, a base reacts with an acid to form a salt. 众所周知,碱与酸起反应生成盐。 A transistor has three electrodes, the emitter, the base and the collector. 晶体管有三个电极;即发射极、基极和集电极 Line AB is the base of the triangle ABC. AB线是三角形ABC的底边。 Mathematics is the base of all other sciences, and arithmetic, the science of numbers, is the base of mathematics. 数学是所有其他科学的基础,而算术,即数的 科学,则是数学的基础。
The earth goes round the sun. 地球环绕太阳运行。(介词) The tree measures forty inches round. 这棵树树围40英寸。(副词) Plastics was at first based on coal and wool. 最初塑料是从煤和木材中提取的。(动词) As we all know, a base reacts with an acid to form a salt. 众所周知,碱与酸起反应生成盐。(名词) Iron and brass are base metals. 铁和黄铜为非贵重金属。(形容词)
现在看下列几组例句,它们都说明确定词义时 应该做到词不离句,结合上下文进行推敲。 With a little reflection, it may be seen that light always travels in straight lines. 稍加思索,就能发现光总是沿着直线传播的。 Through reflection, it may be proved that always travels in straight lines. 通过反射作用,能够证明光总是沿着直线传播。 As we all know, alloys belong to a halfway house between mixtures and compounds. 众所周知,合金是一种介于混合物和化合物之间 的中间结构。 Uranium should be housed in safe. 铀必须封存在安全装置内。

Choice of collocative meaning
Some words have the same basic meaning, but differ in collocation. (搭配) eg. mother tongue (acceptable) mother language (unacceptable) a man of sense (acceptable) a man of meaning (unacceptable)
Comparison of translated sentences. (P77) Comparison of translated texts. (P85) Translate the sentences. (P84)
Choice of exact meaning
To weigh the meaning before choosing a suitable word for translation (斟酌、权衡词 义) Do not lap up a word or an expression without digesting it (勿囫囵吞枣) Do not extend the meaning beyond its limits (勿引申过度) Do not rigidly adhere to letter or form(勿拘 泥字面
Translate the following sentences.
1. On display was merchandise attractive in quality and price. 2. They captured fifty enemy soldiers and many weapons. 3. In order to get a large amount of waterpower, we need a large pressure and a large current.

world Economic Forum are showing surprisingly little concern over the soaring euro and the tumbling dollar.
Credit information Credit references Financial standing Bolster Capital expansion pattern Life insurer Financial institutions Make full allowance for Pursuant to Serial number Stipulate Shipment a named vessel Loading on board The bill of loading The date of issurance
(3)选择词义时,注意词义的感情色彩 例(5) A foreign business representative, neither overly sympathetic toward China nor overly disposed against it, would need to be convinced on a number of scores before he could responsibly commit his firm to taking an equity position in a Chinese enterprise. 译文:一名外国企业代表,如果对中国既无过分好感,又无 过分恶意的话,要动真格地实施向一家中国企业投资入股, 就往往需要有一系列评估数据来帮助他作出最终决定。 Sympathetic:的外延意义有“同情的”、“谅解的”、“赞 同的”“合意的”,将其中任何一个放在译文中都不妥, 因为其感情色彩不是很充分。
新英汉翻译课件教程 Chapter 词义的处理

• 例1:The capacity to use a raw material depends on various factors, such as means of access, methods of extraction, and techniques of processing.
• 【译文】使用原料的规模大小取决于各种因素,比如获取 原料的手段、开采方法和加工技术。
b) 给表示现象、动作、状态、方法或过程的名词添加范畴。 • 例1:He was described as impressed by Teng’s
• 【译文】据说他为邓灵活的态度所感动。 • 例2:At the same time, inequality has become worse,
poverty has increased absolutely.
• 【译文】同时贫富不均的现象变得更加严重,贫穷者的绝 对数增加了。
• 例3:The Chinese delegation will never accept such dictation.
• 【译文】中国代表团决不同意这种独断专行的做法。 • 例4:The gathering gloom of a November evening
• A.我们不能为了国家的安全而花太大的代价。 • B.为了国家的安全花再大的代价也值得。

一、词义的选择(the choice of word meanings)英语与世界上任何一种语言一样,都存在着一词多义的现象。
但是,上下文不一样,home的翻译就完全不一样,如:I’ll see her home tonightIndia is the home of elephants.He’s at home with the classics.New homes are for sale.She’s at home where she is.Maternity home costs in America have gone up sharply.Much is produced here for home market.He looks on London as his home.由此可见,一词多义的现象在英语中十分普遍。

a word is its use in the language and
each word, when used in a new
context, is a new word.
外延意义(概念意义)(denotative meaning ) 内涵意义(connotative meaning) 风格意义(stylistic meaning) 情感意义(affective meaning) 联想意义(reflective meaning) 搭配意义(collocative meaning) 主题意义(thematic meaning)
No context, no translation.
There are three kinds of context • Linguistic context • Situational context • Cultural context
• Linguistic context
• walk, saunter 闲逛, stride, trudge 步履维艰, amble慢
(4)words without equivalents • 阴 / 阳 : the soft inactive female
principle or force in the world • clock-watcher: 老是看钟等下班的人 • alibi: 不在犯罪现场的证据 • Yellow publications: 品位较低的出版物 • pornography春画,色情文学
– Linguistic context refers to cohesion结 合and coherence相干性within a text

英国语言学家弗思(J. R. Firth)说:Each word when used in a new context is a new word(每个词用于新的上下文中,就成为一个新词)。
一般说来,选择和确定词类可以从以下三方面着手:1.1 根据词类确定词义选择词义,首先要判明一个词在句中属于哪一种词类,起什么作用,然后再根据词类选择适当的词义。
例如:up在下列例句中所属词类不同,词义也就不同:例1. What are you doing up there? 你在那边做什么?He is (well) up in mathematics. 他精通数学。
例2. They went up wind. 他们迎风而行。
The ship is sailing up the river. 这船正向河的上游航行。
例3. The new museum is up and opens to the public. 新博物馆已落成开放。
When will the up train start? 上行车何时开行?【评析】以上两例中up为形容词。
例4. The landlord promised his tenants there would be no further ups this year. 房东向房客们保证今年不再提高房租。
英语词汇学 3

Lions roar. Magpies chatter.
Owls hoot鸣叫.
Pigeons coo.
Wolves howls.
Snakes hiss.
Pigs squeal /grunt.
1. 通过模仿人类的声音构成的词。 如ha ha(哈哈),hi, ouch, oh
1.1 基本拟声(primary onomatopoeia)
基本拟声指音与义的相似, 引起音与音的联想,如buzz, crack, growl咆哮声, rumble隆隆 声, bang等。鸟兽之类动物的叫 声都属于这一类。例如:
Apes gibber.
Asses bray.
Bears growl.
Her reply was smooth.
They heard a piercing刺穿的 cry. He spoke with a bitter irony (讽刺).
现代英语中不少新词是通过隐喻 形成的,旧词新义就是一种体现, 如用rabbit ears(兔子耳朵)来比喻V 字形电视天线,用horsetail(马尾巴) 来比喻一种发型等。
2.4.5 近似类比
类比词之间有一个近似点,根据这个 近似点,推此及彼。试以gap为例,这个词 最早与missile搭配,形成missile gap导弹 差距,产生于美国1960年大选期间,指美 国与苏联在导弹发展上的差距。这一词语 一经产生,引起连锁反应:production gap (生产上的差距),development gap(经 济发展方面的差距),credibility gap(信 用差距),generation gap(两代人之间的 差距)等一连串的新词。
功能相同:如hand 的本意为“手”,它的 引申为“a helper (帮手)”,tongue的本意 为“舌头”,引申为“language(语言)”。

业绩报表 不良贷款 变动专利权税 权益情况
scores underwriter a competitive price on a regular basis
place substantial orders
评估数据 核保人 具有竞争力的报价 定期地 大量订货 二次探底 专家组裁决
情态动词中,一些语气肯定的词语在商务英语中会经常使 用,充分体现了商务活动的严肃、严谨性特点,如 “should”、“must”等词语的出现频率往往较高,明确表 明了商务活动的指向性,避免出现拖泥带水现象。
为保证商务文书等的严密性,在商务活动中,代词的使用 一般比较谨慎,通常情况下使用比率较低,即使出现,也 一般都是一种泛指意义,对商务活动的整体内容表达基本 无影响。
As we have quoted you our rock-bottom price, we can’t give you any more discount.
1. He gets a 10% commission on everything he sells.
2. The company is one of our major accounts, so we should do our best to satisfy their needs. 那家公司是我们的主要客户之一,因此我们得尽可能满足 他们的需求。
3. The CFO was accused of falsifying the company accounts.

一 词义的选择
1. 据词类定词义 2. 据专业定词义 3. 据搭配确定词义
二 词义的引申
1.词义转译 2.词义体化
By 116
一词多类现象在英语中普遍存在,往往一个词其所表达的各个意义, 一词多类现象在英语中普遍存在,往往一个词其所表达的各个意义,分 别与汉语中几个不同的词对应。 别与汉语中几个不同的词对应。很多词汇所表达的意义并不是都可以在 一词多类现象在英语中普遍存在,往往一个词其所表达 一词多类现象在英语中普遍存在, 汉语里找到完全对应的词来表达,有些词只有语义上的部分对应。 汉语里找到完全对应的词来表达,有些词只有语义上的部分对应。这就 的各个意义,分别与汉语中几个不同的词对应。 的各个意义,分别与汉语中几个不同的词对应。很多词 要求同学们在翻译句子时,有意识地根据上下文去选择词义, 要求同学们在翻译句子时,有意识地根据上下文去选择词义,否则就会 汇所表达的意义并不是都可以在汉语里找到完全对应的 造成翻译错误或表达困难。 造成翻译错误或表达困难。
2. 据专业定词义。 据专业定词义。 一个名词有多种意义时,往往是分别适用于不同的学科 专业, 学科和 一个名词有多种意义时,往往是分别适用于不同的学科和专业,这是各行各业都尽 一词, 量利用常用词汇去表达各自的专业概念造成的。例如: 量利用常用词汇去表达各自的专业概念造成的。例如:body一词,在以下领域分别 一词 译为: 译为: 太阳是太阳系的中心天 [天文学 the sun is the central body of the solar system太阳是太阳系的中心天 天文学] 天文学 太阳是太阳系的 体。 [航空 the speed of a plane is associated with the shape of its body and 航空] 航空 飞机的速度与机身及机翼的形状有关。 机身及机翼的形状有关 wings 【译】飞机的速度与机身及机翼的形状有关。 [航天 the body needs special exercise in a spaceship to suit the weightless 航天] 航天 conditions【译】人体需要在宇宙飞船中进行专门训练才能适应失重状态。 人体需要在宇宙飞船中进行专门训练才能适应失重状态 需要在宇宙飞船中进行专门训练才能适应失重状态。 【 因此,要注意辨认多义词的一般意义和专业意义, 因此,要注意辨认多义词的一般意义和专业意义,以及在各种不同学科中的不同译 使译文语言更为符合汉语表达习惯。 法, 使译文语言更为符合汉语表达习惯。
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英、汉两种语言隶属于不同语系,在句子 结构和表达形式上有各自的特点。翻译时 应注意考虑汉语的语言结构特点,力求用 规范的汉语表达原文意义。
英汉两种语言都有一词多类和一词多义的 现象。翻译时首先应该根据句法结构判明 一个词在原句中属于哪一词类,然后进一 步确定词义。
It is the atoms that make up iron, water, oxygen and the like. 正是原子构成了铁、水、氧等类物质。
In the sunbeam passing through the window there are fine grains of dust shining like gold. 在射入窗内的阳光里,细微的尘埃像金子一般闪闪发光。
Then, those sequences of genetic letters were fed into a computer model that looks for hints of mutations where the letters differ. The particular mutations that separate each sample gave hints as to how closely related each was and, because mutations happen naturally at a predictable rate, how long ago they diverged from a common ancestor virus. The networks of transmission from one person to another were laid bare in a laboratory half a world away.
以large为例: large current Large pressure A large amount of electric power Large-screen receiver Large growing Large loads Large capacity
翻译练习 Low a)下半轴瓦 b)弱阻尼 c)下限 d)低强度电流 e)仰视拍摄f)低音调键 g)慢速存取 h)低位 i)低速制动器 1)low damping 2)low brake 3) Low limit 4)low shot 5)low current 6)low order 7)low access 8)low key 9)low brass Keys: 1-5:b i c e d 6-9:h g f a
在英汉互译时,有时会遇到某些词在词典 里难以找到符合上下文的贴切词义,如生 搬硬套,译文就不能确切表达原文的意思, 甚至导致误解。在这种情况下,需要根据 上下文和逻辑关系,根据英汉不同的表达 习惯,从该词固有的基本含义出发,进一 步加以引申。
This suggests that matter can be converted into energy, and vice versa.
正像不同的固体和液体的密度不同一样,不同的气体 和蒸汽的密度也不同。(具体化引申)
2. Obviously, there is much room for the improvement in the structure.
3. The facts have been set down in black and white. 这些事实已经清清楚楚记录下来了。 (抽象化引申)
Like charges repel, unlike charges attract. 同性电荷相斥,异性电荷相吸。
一词多义现象不仅包括了同一个词在不同 专业领域具有不同的意思,而且同一个词 在同一个专业领域中意思也不尽相同。
邮政业:邮递员 军事:航空母舰 运输业:搬运工 化学:载体 医药学:带菌者,媒介物 车辆制造:底盘 无线电:载波 机械行业:托架,传导管
Many health-conscious women increase their risk by rejecting red meat, which contains the most easily absorbed form of iron.
很多保健意识太强的女性会由于她们拒绝食用牛肉或羊 肉而增加其(缺铁的)风险,因为这些肉中所含的铁质 最义的引申
词是最小的、能够单独运用的语言单位。 英语和汉语词类 一词多类、一词多义 警惕“陷阱”:一般用语和专业用语中不同释
义 e.g. pupil, cell, crown, solution, pig
根据词类 根据词的专业领域 根据词的联立关系(上下文) 根据词的汉语习惯搭配
The combining power of one element in the compound must equal the combining power of the other element. 化合物中一种元素的化合价必须等于另一种元素的化合 价。
fighters of the PLA 中国人民解放军战士
Noise may develop in a worn engine. 产生
Women who drink and smoke heavily are likely to develop cancers of the oral cavity and tongue at a younger age. 患病、染病
Quantum chemistry is still in its infancy. 量子化学仍处于发展初期。
Chemical control will do most of things in pest control.
1. Just as different solids and liquids vary in density, so do gases and vapors.
On June 4th, Stephen Gire, a public health researcher at the Broad Institute in Cambridge, Massachusetts, took delivery of a polystyrene box from Kenema, Sierra Leone. Inside were vials of deactivated biological samples from 78 patients suspected to have Ebola.MrGire and a colleague began to tease out the letters of each virus sample's genetic code with some of the most advanced technology yet devised for the task; before long, half of MrGire's 30-strong laboratory had volunteered to help.
That others may live
Aug 29th 2014, 17:00 by C.B. | BAMAKO
IT IS a solemn custom in science to mark the names of collaborators who pass away during the course of an article's publication with a superscript no different than that indicating their academic affiliation. Very rare indeed is the case that five names on a single report should share that mark. Such a report was published in Science this week. It demonstrates the astonishing speed at which genetic sequencing can now be carried out. At the same time, the fact that Ebola claimed five of its authors is testament to the deadliness of the paper's subject.
科技翻译中词义的选择与确定,要慎之又慎,一字失 万金之事并不鲜见。翻译时要勤查词典,还要强化综 合思维能力。翻译要精确,在必要时应合理升华。此 外,科学技术发展至今,各学科各行业领域互相渗透, 互相补充。所以译者除了要具备扎实的中外文功底 外,还要了解多学科知识,要尽量作到“通百业而专 一行”,只有这样,才能胜任翻译工作 。
fighter escort wing 护航战斗机联队
词与词是相互关联的,我们不能从单个的 词来判断每个词的词义,应把它放在句、 段乃至篇章的语言环境中加以考虑,也就 是强调语境(语言语境以及文化语境)对 词义的限定和选择问题。
In 1943 the British developed a new type of radar set which used a much shorter wavelength. 研发。研制、发明