精英教育Elite Education




硕士学位论文美国精英高等教育研究论文作者:学科专业:指导教师: 培养单位:培养类别:完成时间:沈阳师范大学学位评定委员会单位代码: 10166姜凯 比较教育学 王凤玉教育科学学院 全日制 2014年05月18日美国精英高等教育研究中文摘要美国是当今世界上高等教育最发达的国家,其顶尖级大学的规模数量,引领全球的丰硕学术成果和遍布全球的精英人才塑造,使其当之无愧的成为世界精英高等教育的典范。














埃及的社会结构和支付方式,讲述了埃及社会的话题英语听力原文:Egyptian society had a strictly organized class structure. The majority of people consisted of farmers and craftsmen who were led by the land-owning elite of officials and priests.埃及社会有一套严格组织起来的社会等级结构。


Everyone belonged to a group and worked in a team, usually in huge workshops, or "Storehouses", which were controlled by the king and the temples.每个人都隶属于一个群体,在团队里面劳作,工作常常是在国王和神殿掌控下的大型的作坊里,或叫做“储藏所”。

The organization of society was based on the master-servant principle: just as the king was the servant of the gods and was himself the master of his people, so was every Egyptian the master of one and the servant of another. At the top of this social ladder were the high officials, the intellectuals or "Scribes", and on the lowest rungs were those who did the simple but heavy work, such as kitchen staff and farm laborers. The heaviest work was done by prisoners-of-war and criminals.整个社会的组织结构是建立在主仆原则上的:正如国王是诸神的仆人同时又是他的臣民的主人,每个埃及人都同时是一个人的主人又是另一个人的仆人。



解放:liberation; before liberation= before 1949新中国:西方称为:Communist China; Red China抗美援朝:war against US aggression, aiding Korea(1959-1953) 最可爱的人:the most amiable people人民子弟兵:people’s army好好学习,天天向上:study hard and move forward every day 粮票:food coupon统一定价:uniform pricing system议价粮:food that’s outside the quota system, which has a higher price大跃进:great leap forward浮夸风:boasting, exaggerating放卫星:literally: launch a satellite, meaning extremely high production人有多大胆,地有多大产:the more we dare, the more the land will yield爱人:spouse 对象:partner 搞对象:be in a relationship; dating 男朋友:boyfriend 女朋友:girlfriend老婆、老公:honey少先队员:young pioneer小队长、中队长、大队长:small, medium and large detachment少先队辅导员:coach准备着,为共产主义事业而奋斗:Be prepared to struggle for the Communist cause!时刻准备着:Always be prepared!为人民服务:serve the people亚伯拉罕.林肯1863年著名的葛底斯堡演说中:That government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth.家庭成分和个人成分:family standing and individual standing 干部:cadre: state organization heads群众:mass: the general populace; general office workers祖国的花朵:flowers of the motherland茁壮成长:grow up healthy and strong让我们荡起双桨:Let Us Row Two Oars1960s毛主席语录:quotations from Chairman Mao学雷锋:learn from Lei Feng好撒玛利亚人:Good Samaritan以…为纲:based on…以人为本:people-oriented; putting people foremost毛主席万岁:Long live Chairman Mao向你高呼万岁:Hail to you!上纲上线:turn a minor problem into a matter of principle无事生非:making trouble out of nothing被人抓住了把柄:be caught by tripping红卫兵:red guards大字报:wall posters using large Chinese characters as a means of protest or propaganda大串联:red guards took public transportation for free across the country to exchange revolutionary ideas又红又专:both communist and professional根正苗红:someone from a revolutionary background and educated in accordance with Communist principles造反有理:rebelling is justified造反派:rebel积极分子:activist1970s知青:educated youth村官:student village officials恢复高考:reinstituted college entrance examination一考定终生:life-deciding exam高考移民:exam migrant走后门:pull strings拉关系:make social connections to gain favors四人帮:Gang of Four 由江青、张春桥、王洪文和姚文元四人组成的反革命集团轧马路:romantic stroll一颗红心,两个准备:one loyal mind, two plans做两手准备:have two strings to one’s bow; have a plan B吃了吗:Have you eaten yet?大团结:great unity: the 10-yuan note issued in 1965 and lasting until 2000中国通:an old China hand友谊第一,比赛第二:friendship first, competition second乒乓外交:ping-pong diplomacy篮球外交:hoop diplomacy1980s铁饭碗:iron rice bowl; the secure job; a safe/reliable/stable job 三好学生:all-round good student倒爷:profiteering官倒:official profiteering万元户:10,000-yuan household暴发户:fat cat大款:tycoon下海:going into business第二职业:second career开放搞活:open up and be flexible解放思想:emancipate the mind闭关自守政策:closed-door policy通俗歌曲:pop songs流行文化:popular culture通俗易懂:familiar expression学好数理化,走遍天下都不怕:master math, physics and chemistry, and you needn’t fear anything in the world文科生:liberal arts students理科生:science students偏科:an unbalanced mixture of subjects待业青年:youth waiting for jobs待业:between jobs; take a gap year独生子女:only child计划生育:family planning policy独生子女家庭:one-child family1990s扩招:increasing college enrollments精英教育:elite education大众教育:mass education愤青:angry youth文青:literary and artistic youth炒股:speculate in stocks下岗职工:laid-off workers再就业:re-employed; find a new job创业:start up their own business包二奶:keeping a mistress包二奶的男人:sugar daddy傍大款:find a sugar daddy包养:pay for a mistress被包养:financially dependent on a man who’s having an affair with her中国特色:Chinese characteristics一国两制:one country, two systems特别行政区:Special Administrative Region香港、澳门回归:Hong Kong/ Macao returned to the motherland 大腕儿:big shot; Mr. Big; top notch; VIP; A-list people北漂:Beijing drifter未扎根:not settle down缺少归属感:without a sense of belonging体制内:inside the system体制内的人的单位:work unit2000s不折腾:don’t make a fuss over nothing不懈怠:don’t relent不动摇:don’t waver山寨:copycatting非主流文化:non-mainstream culture草根阶层:grass-root level恶搞:parody创新:innovation文化剽窃:culture piracy粉丝:fans追星族:star chaser非典:SARS: the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome; a lung disease海归:overseas returnee海带:kelp 海待(海归待业)和谐社会:harmonious society 和谐:to harmonize小康:well-off入世:entry into the WTO与国际接轨:be geared to international standards;Come in line with international practices鸡肋工作:unworthy job豆腐渣工程:slack project。



精英教育英文作文英文,Elite education has been a subject of much debate in recent years. On one hand, it's argued that such education provides unparalleled opportunities for students to excel and become leaders in their fields. On the other hand, critics argue that it perpetuates inequality and creates a sense of elitism that is detrimental to society as a whole.In my view, elite education can indeed offersignificant advantages to those who have access to it. For example, attending a prestigious university opens doors to a vast network of alumni and resources that can greatly benefit one's career. This network can provide access to internships, job opportunities, and mentorship programsthat may not be available elsewhere. Moreover, the rigorous academic environment of elite institutions can challenge students to reach their full potential and develop critical thinking skills that are essential for success in the modern world.However, it's important to acknowledge the drawbacks of elite education as well. One major concern is the issue of accessibility. Elite institutions often have high tuition fees and stringent admissions criteria, making them inaccessible to many talented individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds. This perpetuates a cycle of privilege, where those who are already privileged have access to even more opportunities, while others are left behind. Additionally, the culture of elitism that canprevail in these institutions may foster a sense of entitlement among students, leading to a lack of empathyand social responsibility.中文,精英教育近年来一直备受争议。

研究生英语读写译教程 Unit 4答案, Book 2

研究生英语读写译教程 Unit 4答案, Book 2

Key to Unit 4, Book 2Text AChinese Translation精英教育的劣势威廉·德莱塞维茨1 我到了三十五岁时才突然意识到我的教育可能存在一些漏洞。





2 过了这么长时间我才发现我所接受的教育的错误程度,这并不让人吃惊,因为精英教育绝不可能让你认识到它自身的不足。





3 正如我那天在厨房里所认识到的,精英教育的第一个劣势是它让你无法和与你不同的人交流。






Unit 4 Globalization 词汇介绍

Unit 4  Globalization 词汇介绍

entitled [ in'taitld ]
adj. 有资格的;给与名称的 誉(entitle的过去分词) v. 给…权利;给…定书名;授…以荣
Entitle vt. 称做…;定名为…;给…称号;使…有权利 例句:That, in turn, can sometimes entitle them to, say, a free coffee or pizza. 词根: entitle n. entitlement 权利;津贴 vt. entitle 称做…;定名为…;给…称号;使…有权利
a handful of
例句:Only a handful of Americans -- or any Westerners, for that matter -- have been allowed to go there.
辨析: fewness , the minority , a handful of Fewness n. 少数 n. the quality of being small in number 例句:However, all-around research in area of relevant methods and theory is fewness . the minority n. 少数 例句:Yes, there are some exceptions to this rule, but they are in the minority.
英 ['æ set]
美 ['æ sɛt]
n. 资产;优点;有用的东西;有利条件;财产;有价值的人或物 n. (法)阿塞(人名) 近义词:n. [经]资产;优点;有用的东西;有利条件 substance , virtue, advantage, finances 辨析: substance n. 物质;实质;资产;主旨 Virtue n. 美德;优点;贞操;功效 Advantage n. 优势;利益;有利条件 Finances n. 资产;财源

耶鲁大学教授写的:精英教育的劣势 The disadvantages of elite education (中英文齐备)(转)

耶鲁大学教授写的:精英教育的劣势 The disadvantages of elite education (中英文齐备)(转)

耶鲁大学教授写的:精英教育的劣势The disadvantages of elite education (中英文齐备)(转)我到了三十五岁时才突然认识到我的教育可能存在一些漏洞。

It didn’t dawn on me that there might be a few holes in my education until I was about 35.我刚刚买了房子,需要安装水管,请来的管子工就站在我的厨房。

I’d just bought a house, the pipes needed fixing, and the plumber was standing in my kitchen他个子矮小、结实健壮,留着山羊胡,戴一顶红色棒球帽,说话操着浓浓的波士顿口音,我突然意识到根本就不知道该如何给人家讲话。

There he was, a short, beefy guy with a goatee and a Red Sox cap and a thick Boston accent, and I suddenly learned that I didn’t have the slightest idea what to say to someone like him.在我看来,他的经历是如此陌生,他的价值观是如此难以预测,他的语言怪异难懂,在他开始干活前,连和他闲聊几句都不可能。

So alien was his experience to me, so unguessable his values, so mysterious his very language, that I couldn’t succeed in engaging him in a few minutes of small talk before he got down to work.我十四年的大学教育和在几所常春藤大学工作的经历使得我傻乎乎站在那里,笨拙不堪,尴尬不已。



CET-6作⽂六级作⽂⽬录 (18篇)1.在快节奏的现代社会⾥,认为详细的计划没有必要On The Importance of Detailed Plan2.情绪⽂盲是指没有能⼒表达和控制⾃⼰的情绪,应扫除情绪⽂盲How to Eliminate Emotional Illiteracy?3.有⼈提议终⽌⽂理分科Should Science and Arts Be Divided?4.有⼈提议对不⽂明⾏为进⾏实名曝光Should Uncivilized Behaviors Be Exposed in Real Name?5.⼤都市的精彩⽣活,⼩城市的⽣活更舒适。

Metropolis or Small Town6.⼤学⽣很少利⽤图书馆各种资源,信息检索能⼒有待提⾼On Student’s Information Retrieval Skills7.礼品回收产业⼗分兴盛 My View on Gift-recycling Business8.⽹络诈骗现象 Internet Fraud9.⼤学⽣独⾃做决定Should College Students Make Decisions Alone?10.校车事故频发How to Put an End to the School Bus Accidents?11. 我的育⼉观My View on Parenting with Sticks12.保护⾃然资源⼗分重要What Can We Do to Save Natural Resources?13.限娱令My View on Cutback on TV Entertainment?14.⼤众教育⽐精英教育重要Mass Education and Elite Education15.学⽣习惯晚上熬夜 How to Avoid Staying up Too Late?16.⽹络搜索引擎寻找答案 Dependency on Online Search Engine17.低碳⽣活⽅式成为⼈们关注的焦点 My View on Low-Carbon Lifestyle18.⼤学⽣毕业⽣就业考虑许多因素On Job-Hunting Priorities1.在快节奏的现代社会⾥,认为详细的计划没有必要On The Importance of Detailed Plan In the fast-tempo modern society, some people hold no brief for detailed plan. In the first place, to make with every single detail is a waste of time that is supposed to be spent on action. In the second place, the very detail of a plan may be of no worth if something unexpected happens, just as the old saying goes:“Plans can not keep up with changes.”In contrast to the above opinions, some other people believe that it is necessary to make detailed plan in advance. For one thing, detailed plan can help people set specific goals and thus fulfill the plan step by step. For another thing, detailed plan can significantly reduce mistakes and ensure the success in the implement of the plan.To my way of thinking, detailed plan functions as a guiding light illuminate our way to success. Nevertheless, in case of circumstance change, the plan should be changed at the same time.2.情绪⽂盲是指没有能⼒表达和控制⾃⼰的情绪,应扫除情绪⽂盲How to Eliminate Emotional Illiteracy?The phrase“emotional illiteracy”literally refers to the lack of ability to express or control one’s own emotion properly. Emotional illiterates may suffer from solitude and failure due to excess negative emotion, which makes it necessary to eliminate emotional illiteracy.To help students control their emotion, schools can take the following measures. First of all, considering that emotion is bound up with psychology, schools should lighten the burden on students in order to alleviate their psychological pressure. Moreover, schools should provide students with more opportunities to express themselves inside and outside the classroom. Last but not least, courses on emotion regulation are supposed to be introduced to students.As college students, we should make efforts not to be under the control of emotion. To begin with, we should strengthen our communication with other, having a heart-to-heart talk with our family or friends. What’s more, we should cultivate positive emotion that can not only contribute to our success, but also contribute to our wellbeing. At last, we should live a fulfilling life in the university, which can keep us in good mood.3.有⼈提议终⽌⽂理分科Should Science and Arts Be Divided?Recently, it is proposed that the division between science and arts be terminated, resulting in a hot topic as to whether science and arts should be divided or not. Some people put their feet down the division for the following reasons. First, if students learn courses in the two fields, they can soak up the essence of both, constructing a comprehensive system of knowledge. Second, it also benefits students when they are admitted to universities since there are a wide range of majors for them to choose from.On the contrary, some other people believe that it is better to divide science from arts. To begin with, the division can release the students from overloaded schoolwork, which is the theme of our educational reform. Moreover, students who go overboard about one of the two fields can keep on top of what they prefer. Personally speaking, I would like to learn both science and arts at the same time because it can broaden our minds. However, it is no doubt that the burdens on students should be alleviated.4.有⼈提议对不⽂明⾏为进⾏实名曝光Should Uncivilized Behaviors Be Exposed in Real Name?To put an end to uncivilized behaviors, some people propose that uncivilized behaviors be exposed in real name and the reasons are set forth as follows. First, afraid of being exposed, people may raise their self-consciousness and behave themselves. Furthermore, uncivilized behaviors will be placed under supervision, that is, more people will keep eyes on uncivilized behaviors and thus prevent them from happening effectively.On the contrary, some other people go against such proposal. To start with, the exposed may be vulnerable to criticism and doubt from the public and their friends, which may influence their normal life. In addition, it is infeasible to a great extent since few uncivilized behaviors can be found on the scene and the name is not easily gained.As far as I am concerned, I agree with the latter point of view. Uncivilized behaviors should be restrained with moral standards instead of laws and regulations, and people are supposed to mind their behaviors consciously. Only in this way can uncivilized behaviors be removed undamentally.5.⼤都市的精彩⽣活,⼩城市的⽣活更舒适。





1、教育(education)2、获取知识 acquire knowledge3、高等教育 higher education4、远程教育 tele-education5、素质教育 quality-orientededucation6、知识的来源 source of knowledge7、课外活动 extracurricul8、学费 tuition9、奖学金 scholarship,grant10、教学大纲 syllabus11、学前教育 preschool education12、男女同校 co-education13、穿校服 school unifonn14、参加入学考试 take an entranceexamination15、教育工作者 teaching staff16、导师 tutor( advise)17、传授知识 impart knowledge18、提高教学效果 improveteachers perfonnance19、培养能力 foster ones capability20、塑造性格 shape(mold) childrens characters21、培养孩子的协作精神 fosterchildren22、使天生的想象力得到训练have ones innate powers of imagination trained23、有助于个性的发展facilitate the development of individuality24、在较好的环境中长大grow up under more favorable circumstances25、接受必要的教育 receive adequate education26、受过良好教育 well -educated27、适应性强 well-adapted28、取长补短 learn from each other ~ s strengths to offset their owq weaknesses29、智商IQ (intelligence quotient)30、充分发挥 bring into full play have a wide range of skills31、发挥创造潜能use ones creative potential; add to our knowledge about32、设施齐全 (kindergarten)well-equipped facilities33、上课 attend class34、学习成绩 academic performance35、平均分 average score36、从事兼职工作 take part-time job37、体罚 corporal punishment38、差生 inferiorstudents39、把孩子看扁 condemn a child40、过度宠爱 excessive permissiveness41、为负责 be held responsible for42、承担义务assumethe obligation a sense of responsibility( obligation)43、推卸责任 pass the buck(to), shirk ones obligations44、父母子女关系 parent-child relationship45、报答父母 repay ones parents46、人才 talented person47、精英 elite48、本科生 undergraduate49、毕业生 graduate50、研究生 postgraduate51、博士 doctor52、博士学位 doctorate53、博士后 postdoctoral54、证书 diploma,credential拓展阅读:背单词的四种方法一、词语搭配法词语搭配法有两个元素,collocation和context,前者是指单词的惯用搭配,后者指的是语境,通俗点讲就是上下文对于collocation,也就是常用搭配,记住它不仅可以有效记住词而且让你的英语更加地道。



第10卷第2期2013年2月Journal of Hubei University of Economics(Humanities and Social Sciences)湖北经济学院学报(人文社会科学版)Feb.2013Vol.10No.2当前我国高职教育已占据高等教育一半份额①,成为高等教育大众化的重要组成部分。






一“精英”(Elite )一词最早出现在17世纪的法国,意指“精选出来的少数”或“优秀人物”。










摘 要 在大力提倡大众教育和教育公平的进程中,精英教育逐渐被忽略。



关键词 超智儿童;精英教育;大众教育;扎根理论中图分类号:G40-013 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1671-489X(2020)16-0009-04Research on Elite Education of Super-intelligent Children //In the process of vigorously promoting mass education and educational equity, elite education is gradually ignored by us. To cul-tivate excellent talents for the country and even the world, and then promote the historical process and promote the development of hu-manity, it is necessary to provide certain elite education to the people with outstanding capabilities. Based on the defi nition of relevant con-cepts and relationships, this article analyzes the current status of elite education for super-intelligent children at home and abroad. Then, using the grounded theory, classify and encode the collected data, and then analyze the results to study the status of elite education of super-intelligent children, and put forward some suggestions for elite education of super-intelligent children.super-intelligent children; elite education; mass educa-1 研究背景回顾我国近现代课程与教学思想,我国主流的教育形式已经从精英式教育逐渐转化为大众化教育。























2003年1月第2卷第1期 湖南师范大学教育科学学报Journal of Educational Science of Hunan N ormal UniversityV ol12 N o11Jan1,2003自由教育三题Ξ石中英(北京师范大学教育科学学院,中国北京 100875)摘 要:自由教育是西方教育思想史上一种重要的教育思潮,对西方数千年教育理论与实践产生了不可忽视的影响。


关键词:自由教育;普通教育;理性教育中图分类号:G40 文献标识码:A 文章编号:167126124(2003)0120003205 自古以来,自由与教育之间就存在着非常密切的关系。

自由与教育之间的联姻就构成了人类教育思想史上一种非常重要并且影响深远的教育思潮———“自由教育”(liberal education)。





自由教育是指“‘自由人’的教育”,即适合于“自由人”兴趣、需要和职责的教育,因此是“精英教育”(education for the elite),而非“大众教育”(education for the w orking class),是一般“博雅教育”(general education),而非“职业教育”(v ocational education)。




精英教育的六个方法Elite education is a hot topic in today's society, and there are six main methods that are commonly used to achieve it. Firstly, the use of advanced technology in education has become increasingly popular, as it allows for personalized learning experiences that cater to individual needs. This can include the use of online platforms, virtual reality, and AI-powered learning tools. 精英教育是当今社会的热门话题,有六种常用的方法来实现它。

首先,在教育中使用先进技术变得越来越流行,因为它允许个性化的学习体验, 这可以包括使用在线平台、虚拟现实和人工智能学习工具。

Secondly, a focus on extracurricular activities and enrichment programs is another method used in elite education. This includes offering a wide range of options for students to explore their interests outside of the traditional classroom setting, such as sports, arts, and community service. 其次,专注于课外活动和丰富的项目是精英教育中使用的另一种方法。




精英教育的优点英文作文Title: The Enigma of Elite Education:的优点剖析。

1. Unleashing Potential: In the realm of "The Elite Education Race," the first advantage lies in the unyielding drive to unleash potential. It's not about ticking boxes, but fostering a relentless pursuit of excellence. Here, every child is a catalyst for boundless growth, their curiosity ignited by the fire of competitive learning.2. Personalized Attention: Elite institutions often offer a personalized approach, tailoring education to each student's unique needs. This individualized attention ensures not just academic success, but also the development of well-rounded personalities, ready to navigate the complex world.3. Networking: The elite network is a valuable asset. These schools often open doors to internships, internships, and future opportunities. It's a stepping stone toprofessional success, where connections can make a significant difference.4. Global Perspective: Exposure to diverse cultures and international students broadens horizons. Elite education equips students with a global view, preparing them for a globalized workforce and understanding the complexities of our interconnected world.5. Challenge and Resilience: The rigorous curriculum and high expectations in elite schools instill resilience. Students learn to thrive under pressure, a skill that translates into real-world problem-solving abilities.6. Innovation and Creativity: These institutions often foster innovation, nurturing minds that think outside the box. The environment encourages risk-taking and encourages the next generation of innovators.7. Legacy: The legacy of elite education is a testament to the power of hard work and dedication. It's a legacy of success, not just in academics, but in life's journey.In conclusion, the allure of elite education lies inits ability to nurture, challenge, and empower individuals, shaping them into future leaders and thinkers. It's aunique blend of personal growth, professional opportunities, and cultural exposure that sets it apart. 。

精英教育Elite Education

精英教育Elite Education

The elite consciousness is not equal to the sense of privilege(特权意识)
In traditional Chinese society ,elite education is confined by Confucian culture(儒家文化) and imperial rules(皇权统治). Only by passing the Imperial Examination(科举考试) can Civil elites enter into the upper society. Looking forward to subsequent being successful in his official career(飞黄腾达), Would-be elites(准精英们)can‘t avoid looking at themselves with new eyes(刮mselves that they have to be prepared in all aspects, have to enjoy so much more ,eat much more, see much wider than ordinary people, that's because they are afraid that they will expose their authentic identity for not knowing the rules . At the same time ,they will draw the line between the ordinary people(in their eyes) and them. Little by little , the elites can’t communicate with different people.




作为一个重要的词汇,elite的用法多种多样,下面我们来分步骤了解一下:1. Elite作为名词:Elite可指称一个集体,即“精英阶层”,它可以代表由一些成功的、权力强大的人组成的特殊群体。

例如:【例1】 The elite of the society command huge influence on the national policies.(社会的精英阶层在国家政策中拥有巨大的影响力。

)【例2】 The school is renown for its tradition of producing academic elites.(这所学校因其成功培养了不少学术精英而闻名。

)2. Elite作为形容词:Elite还可以作为形容词独立使用,意为“精英的”,指的是高质量、高档次、高地位等方面的东西。

例如:【例3】 The event will be an elite club's grand celebration of its centenary.(这个活动将会是一家精英俱乐部庆祝成立百年的盛大庆典。

)【例4】 They are both wearing elite sports gear, showing off their fashion sense.(他们都穿着高档的运动装备,展示着时尚的品味。

)3. Elite的搭配词:Elite在使用时还有一些常见的搭配词,下面我们来看几个例子:【例5】 Business elites.(商业精英)【例6】 Elite education.(优质教育)【例7】 Elite culture.(高雅文化)4. Elite的用法扩展:除了以上常见的用法外,elite在某些场合下也有特殊用法,例如:【例8】elite troops(精锐部队)【例9】elite athlete(顶尖运动员)【例10】elite organization(精英组织)总之,elite是一个非常常用的词汇,它在英语中拥有着灵活多变的用法。



Education相关英语单词kindergarten n.幼儿园junior middle school n.初中senior school; high school n.高中university; college n.大学 branch school n.分校campus n.校园 scholarship n.奖学金seminar n.研讨班;研讨会elite n.精英 undergraduate n.大学生repeater n.留级生abroad student n.留学生freshman n.大学一年级学生sophomore n.大学二年级学生junior n.大学三年级学生graduate student n.研究生 postgraduate n.研究生 master n.硕士MBA (Master of BusinessAdministration) 工商管理学硕士 doctor n.博士 tutor n.导师English--Educationkindergarten n.幼儿园junior middle school n.初中senior school; high school n.高中university; college n.大学branch school n.分校campus n.校园scholarship n.奖学金seminar n.研讨班;研讨会elite n.精英undergraduate n.大学生repeater n.留级生abroad student n.留学生freshman n.大学一年级学生sophomore n.大学二年级学生junior n.大学三年级学生graduate student n.研究生postgraduate n.研究生master n.硕士MBA (Master of Business Administration) 工商管理学硕士doctor n.博士tutor n.导师diploma n.毕业证书,学位证书bachelor degree n.本科学位master degree n.硕士学位doctorate n.博士学位graduation thesis n.毕业论文core journals n.核心期刊Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index (CSSCI )中文社会科学引文索引Management World 《管理世界》The Economist《经济学家》contribute v.投稿abstract n.摘要keyword n.关键词Introduction n.引言literature review n.文献综述theory n.理论model n.模型references n.参考文献appendix n.附录acknowledgment n.致谢president; headmaster n.校长dean n.院长;系主任faculty n.系;学科;学院professor n.教授associate professor n.副教授lecturer n.讲师assistant n.助教pre-school education n.学前教育higher education n.高等教育special education n.特殊教育compulsory education n.义务教育continuing education n.继续教育adult education n.成人教育general education n.普遍教育Subject n.学科Economics n.经济学Finance n.金融学Accounting n.会计学Financial Management 财务管理Business Management n.企业管理Marketing n.市场营销Electronic Commerce n.电子商务Theoretical Economics n.理论经济学Political Economics n.政治经济学History of Economic Thought n.经济思想史Western Economics n.西方经济学Population, Resources and Environmental Economics n.人口,资源与环境经济Applied Economics n.应用经济学National Economics 国民经济学Regional Economics 区域经济学Public Finance n.财政学Industrial Economics 产业经济学International Trade n.国际贸易学Labor Economics n.劳动经济学Statistics n.统计学Quantitative Economics n.数量经济学Education Science n.教育学Psychology n.心理学Literature n.文学Mathematics n.数学Operational Research n.运筹学Physics n.物理学Chemistry n.化学Inorganic Chemistry n.无机化学Organic Chemistry n.有机化学Biology n.生物学Botany n.植物学Zoology n.动物学Physiology n.生理学Genetics n.遗传学Ecology n.生态学Engineering n.工学Mechanics n.力学Architecture n.建筑学Neurology n.神经病学Nursing n.护理学presentation n.陈述;报告projector n.投影仪reference book n.参考书textbook n.教材alumnus n.男校友alumna n.女校友boarder n.寄宿生day student n.走读生auditor n.旁听生correspondence school 函授学校IELTS ( International English Lan guage T estingSystem ) 雅思TOEFL (The Test of English as a Foreign Language 托福GRE美国研究生入学考试(Graduate Record Examination)管理研究生入学考试(Graduate Management Admission Test) College English T est Brand 4大学英语四级考试(CET-4)transcript n.成绩单required course n.必修课optional course n.选修课credit n.学分summer course n.暑期班summer school n.暑期学校certificate n.证书semester n.学期school uniform n.校服internship n. 实习生;实习期major n.主修科目minor n.副修科目laboratory n.实验室office n.办公室library n.图书馆teaching building n.教学楼mandarin n.普通话tuition n.学费commencement n.毕业典礼opening ceremony n.开学典礼teaching secretary n.教学秘书counselor n.辅导员members of the Communist Party of China n.中国共产党党员League member n.共青团员admission notice n.录取通知书campus card n.校园卡make-up examination n.补考final clear examination 大学清考sports meeting n.运动会。

菁英 英文单词

菁英 英文单词

"菁英"英文单词可以写作 "elite",它是指少数人组成的精英群体,具有高知名度、高影响力和高社会地位的群体。


1. 菁英一词源于古希腊语 "ελικουργα",意为"精英


2. 在现代,"菁英"英文单词通常用来形容某个领域中表现突出的人物。


3. "菁英"英文单词的使用已经扩展到了各个领域,例如政治、商业、文化和体育等。


4. "菁英"英文单词也常常用于形容一些组织、社团和俱乐部等。


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They warn themselves that they have to be prepared in all aspects, have to enjoy so much more ,eat much more, see much wider than ordinary people, that's because they are afraid that they will expose their authentic identity for not knowing the rules . At the same time ,they will draw the line between the ordinary people(in their eyes) and them. Little by little , the elites can’t communicate with different people.

Now, there are disadvantages as to elite education(以下简称EE).
In my opinion ,the reason why it has
disadvantages is that there are two errors
education ,while elite education emphasize the ability of research. It is impossible for most people to receive this kind of education , it can only be
Disadvantages of Elite Education
1 2 3 4
The definition of elite education Two errors of understanding EE Not the pursuit of materials
Not equal to the sense of privilege

Elite educaton is not the pursuit of materials
Elite consciousness firstly concludes social responsibility, humanities, scientific quality ,


The definition of elite education
Elite education ,recognized standards of higher education: school-age population enrollment rate(适龄人口入学率) which is less than 15% is called elite education , while the enrollment rate between 15% and
The elite consciousness is not equal to the sense of privilege(特权意识)
In traditional Chinese society ,elite education is confined by Confucian culture(儒家文化) and imperial rules(皇权统治). Only by passing the Imperial Examination(科举考试) can Civil elites enter into the upper society. Looking forward to subsequent being successful in his official career(飞黄腾达), Would-be elites(准精英们)can‘t avoid looking at themselves with new eyes(刮目相 看).
selected again and again, and finally only a
small part of the persons can be admitted.Also ,a lot of unfair factors will be
throughout the whole process.
45% is called public education (大众教育).
wwHale Waihona Puke
Public education& elite education
Public education ,or called universal
education(普及教育), emphasize liberal
and then is followed by the cultivation of
personality and temperament(气质). However, our universities is putting the cart before the horse(本末倒置) .

in the understanding of elite education.

Elite educaton is not the pursuit of materials
If only from the surfical demeanor and life style ,EE will be regarded as the pursuit of material fashion and trendency .In fact, the elite cultivation is not a matter of elite skills development.