成功的面试技巧(英文版) PPT课件

Typical Interview Questions
Tell me about yourself – describe yourself professionally, not personally
Consider your answer a one-minute commercial about you State your skills and experience and how they relate to the position
• Employers will only consider resumes and cover letters that are flawless in format, grammar and spelling
• Resumes should also be tailored to the specific job for which you have applied and should emphasize relevant work experience and academic qualifications
Successful Interview Strategies
Please review the following strategies to improve your skills and increase your opportunities in successfully landing a full-time or internship position
Be friendly and professional to everyone you meet The support staff may be asked their opinion of you

Tips for a Positive Interviewing Experience!
In the beginning. . .
The Job Search
• Read the duties and the knowledge, skills and abilities required of each position CAREFULLY before applying.
• Become familiar with the organization so you can demonstrate how and why you will be an effective employee. Ask the agency or company to send you material (brochure, job description, newsletter, etc.)
• Listen to be sure you understand your interviewer’s name and the correct pronunciation.
• Even when your interviewer gives you a first and last name, address your interviewer by Mr. Or Ms. And the last name, until invited to do otherwise.
Tips for Successful Interviewing
Interview DO’s
• Dress appropriately for the industry. When in doubt, go conservative. Personal grooming and cleanliness should be impeccable. Keep cologne or perfume to a minimum. Pay particular attention to hands and fingernails.
In the beginning. . .
The Job Search
• Read the duties and the knowledge, skills and abilities required of each position CAREFULLY before applying.
• Become familiar with the organization so you can demonstrate how and why you will be an effective employee. Ask the agency or company to send you material (brochure, job description, newsletter, etc.)
• Listen to be sure you understand your interviewer’s name and the correct pronunciation.
• Even when your interviewer gives you a first and last name, address your interviewer by Mr. Or Ms. And the last name, until invited to do otherwise.
Tips for Successful Interviewing
Interview DO’s
• Dress appropriately for the industry. When in doubt, go conservative. Personal grooming and cleanliness should be impeccable. Keep cologne or perfume to a minimum. Pay particular attention to hands and fingernails.

• Assess the value of what you have to offer to each position and the organization. How does your experience apply to what is required for the job? Think deeply about yourself: How have you grown over time? How do you interact with others? What could you have done differently for better results? What motivates you?
• Don’t give the impression you are only interested in salary.
• Don’t act as though you would take any job or are desperate for employment.
• Don’t chew gum or smell like smoke.
• Maintain good eye contact during the interview.
• Sit still in your seat; avoid fidgeting and slouching.
• Respond to questions and back up your statements about yourself with specific examples whenever possible.
• to enable the interviewer to understand what you are trying to say; to determine your strengths for that particular job; and to have sufficient information to make a good decision.
• Don’t give the impression you are only interested in salary.
• Don’t act as though you would take any job or are desperate for employment.
• Don’t chew gum or smell like smoke.
• Maintain good eye contact during the interview.
• Sit still in your seat; avoid fidgeting and slouching.
• Respond to questions and back up your statements about yourself with specific examples whenever possible.
• to enable the interviewer to understand what you are trying to say; to determine your strengths for that particular job; and to have sufficient information to make a good decision.
面试应准备的问题 英语ppt课件

questions What
should be noted in the
Jim Aliao G
• the interview taboo(禁 忌) and prohibition
03. The part three
• what you should do and pay attention to do
• Do you have any actual work experience?
• What are you going to do if you are ordered to work overtime?
The part one
Keeping confident during the interview
Setting up the confidence, the candidates always maintain a high level of attention , rigorous thinking and energy during the interview.
To response illogical
Put the cart before the horse(本末倒置)
The part two
The interview taboo
二 The behaviors that should be avoided
Poor preparation Being late
The part one
Maintaining cheerful state of mind
Cheerful state of mind can fully reflect the people's spirit. So, as a candidate maintaining happy state of mind, facial expression will be harmonious and the language will be fluent .
should be noted in the
Jim Aliao G
• the interview taboo(禁 忌) and prohibition
03. The part three
• what you should do and pay attention to do
• Do you have any actual work experience?
• What are you going to do if you are ordered to work overtime?
The part one
Keeping confident during the interview
Setting up the confidence, the candidates always maintain a high level of attention , rigorous thinking and energy during the interview.
To response illogical
Put the cart before the horse(本末倒置)
The part two
The interview taboo
二 The behaviors that should be avoided
Poor preparation Being late
The part one
Maintaining cheerful state of mind
Cheerful state of mind can fully reflect the people's spirit. So, as a candidate maintaining happy state of mind, facial expression will be harmonious and the language will be fluent .

• Show your qualifications and skills to impress the interviewer
If you are willing to accept challenges; If you are willing to advance with an active team, Please contact us!
Buy a small notebook
1.Responsibilities of the position pany’s background 3.Additional information
Dress smartly Not expensively!
For a male interview applicant -Clean,pressed pants in a conservative color -A shirt with a collar,pressed,tucked in,and in a color that matches pants
• 95% of jobs require an interview • Ask questions to evaluate the job applicants
Functions of interview
• Future potentials,possible advancement • Cooperation • Non-verbal communication skills
• Show your qualifications and skills to impress the interviewer
If you are willing to accept challenges; If you are willing to advance with an active team, Please contact us!
Buy a small notebook
1.Responsibilities of the position pany’s background 3.Additional information
Dress smartly Not expensively!
For a male interview applicant -Clean,pressed pants in a conservative color -A shirt with a collar,pressed,tucked in,and in a color that matches pants
• 95% of jobs require an interview • Ask questions to evaluate the job applicants
Functions of interview
• Future potentials,possible advancement • Cooperation • Non-verbal communication skills

Before the Interview
Visit the company’s web site Be able to articulate what you learned including your understanding of the mission and philosophy
Know what the organization offers including services and product lines
What to Bring
Prepare a travel folder that includes:
Name, address and phone number of the organization
Date and time of the interview Directions Copies of your resume, paper and pen List of questions to ask Professional portfolio (if applicable)
Employers expect you to know what the organization is and what it does and how that fits into your employment plans
First Things First
• Perfect Your Resume
confident Tips: Turn OFF your cell phone (Do not leave it on vibrate)
During The Interview
▪ Listen carefully to questions. It’s okay to ask for clarification ▪ Show interest in the position through your eye contact, posture and attentiveness ▪ Know the difference between being sure of yourself and being cocky ▪ Provide concrete examples of your classroom or work experience
面试应准备的问题 英语PPT

If only thinking about success during interview , you would be panicked and crushing defeat encountering unexpected things . So, candidates should downplay success or failure in the interview ,and face the problem better.
02.The part two
• the misunderstandi ng of interview
The part one
Matters needing
attention during the interview
The part one
Fading out the interview success consciousness
Being too silence Lack of goals
Use too much modal particles
Said too much nonsense
The part three
• The lack of confidence
• Lack of confidence is a
1 kind of
• During the interview ,
2文 laying and
案 forging could cause great negative impact. So, you can choose to foster strengths and circumvent
Thank you
The interview scene
02.The part two
• the misunderstandi ng of interview
The part one
Matters needing
attention during the interview
The part one
Fading out the interview success consciousness
Being too silence Lack of goals
Use too much modal particles
Said too much nonsense
The part three
• The lack of confidence
• Lack of confidence is a
1 kind of
• During the interview ,
2文 laying and
案 forging could cause great negative impact. So, you can choose to foster strengths and circumvent
Thank you
The interview scene

The part one
Keeping confident during the interview
Setting up the confidence, the candidates always maintain a high level of attention , rigorous thinking and energy during the interview.
To indicate that the company has acquaintances
To response illogical
Put the cart before the horse(本末倒置)
The part two
The interview taboo
二 The behaviors that should be avoided
the misunderstanding
• Lying to boast himself
During the interview , laying and forging could cause great negative impact. So, you can choose to foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses(扬长避短).
Poor preparation Being late
Talk too much about former work Lack of goals
Being too silence Lack of goals
Use too much modal particles Said too much nonsense

Tips on the Weakness Question
▪ Everyone has a weakness; don’t be arrogant ▪ Avoid trite answers like “I work too hard” ▪ Recognize a deficient skill not a character flaw ▪ Choose something that will not affect your ability to do the job ▪ Changing a weakness to a positive makes you stand out in a crowd
Sample questions:
“What are the challenges and opportunities for the new hire in their first year?” “How did you choose your career path?’ What is the management style of the supervisor the person in the position?” “When will you make your hiring decision?”
• Employers will only consider resumes and cover letters that are flawless in format, grammar and spelling
• Resumes should also be tailored to the specific job for which you have applied and should emphasize relevant work experience and academic qualifications

2.Ask the treatment. "Your treatment?" 急问待遇。“你们的待遇怎么样?”
3.With acquaintances. "I know your unit * * *" 报有熟人。“我认识你们单位的***”
4.Have the order reversed. - do you have what problem to the company? Multiple large scale? How the future five years the scale of development?
一位多次参与公务员面试的资深人事顾问说,那些在面试过程中能给他留下 良好印象的考生未必是条件很优秀的学生,但一定是能很好地把握现场气氛 的学生。
应届生面试注· 意事项·吹嘘奉承不如“真心话”
No company may appoint a dishonest person 没有一家企业会任用不诚实的新人
4.Bogey to hang up the phone. 忌先挂断电话
小组成员:24曹志昊 30祁加成
在面试的过程中,诚实是最好的应对之策,面试 时满嘴虚话假话,即使蒙混过关,日后工作也会 被检验出来。
应届生面试注· 意事项·面试前的“面试” Through the observation of the candidates on the first impression or to determine whether the company employing standard, for example: some of the "show" let the interviewer "performing" deliberately set at the time of the interview,
3.With acquaintances. "I know your unit * * *" 报有熟人。“我认识你们单位的***”
4.Have the order reversed. - do you have what problem to the company? Multiple large scale? How the future five years the scale of development?
一位多次参与公务员面试的资深人事顾问说,那些在面试过程中能给他留下 良好印象的考生未必是条件很优秀的学生,但一定是能很好地把握现场气氛 的学生。
应届生面试注· 意事项·吹嘘奉承不如“真心话”
No company may appoint a dishonest person 没有一家企业会任用不诚实的新人
4.Bogey to hang up the phone. 忌先挂断电话
小组成员:24曹志昊 30祁加成
在面试的过程中,诚实是最好的应对之策,面试 时满嘴虚话假话,即使蒙混过关,日后工作也会 被检验出来。
应届生面试注· 意事项·面试前的“面试” Through the observation of the candidates on the first impression or to determine whether the company employing standard, for example: some of the "show" let the interviewer "performing" deliberately set at the time of the interview,

me about an experience when you failed to achieve a goal?" • "give me a specific example of a time when you managed several projects
at once?"
Job-seekers need to prepare for these interviews by remembering scenarios that fit the various types of behavioral interviewing questions.
an experience when you failed to achieve a goal?" • "give me a specific example of a time when you managed several projects at once?"
Job-seekers need to prepare for these interviews by remembering scenarios that fit the varБайду номын сангаасous types of behavioral interviewing questions.
Job-seekers should frame their answers based on a fourpart outline: • (1) describe the situation • (2) discuss the actions you took • (3) relate the outcomes • (4) specify what you learned from it.
at once?"
Job-seekers need to prepare for these interviews by remembering scenarios that fit the various types of behavioral interviewing questions.
an experience when you failed to achieve a goal?" • "give me a specific example of a time when you managed several projects at once?"
Job-seekers need to prepare for these interviews by remembering scenarios that fit the varБайду номын сангаасous types of behavioral interviewing questions.
Job-seekers should frame their answers based on a fourpart outline: • (1) describe the situation • (2) discuss the actions you took • (3) relate the outcomes • (4) specify what you learned from it.

Classroom Activity Ideas
Body Language: Projecting a positive and confident appearance
– Ask students to suggest actions that might be inappropriate during an interview
Have students cut pictures from various magazines depicting proper and improper ways to dress for an interview and explain why each one is appropriate or inappropriate.
Ask students to look for a job ad that gives a telephone number to call and find out additional information. Then have students write a 50-word paragraph describing how their specific skills would benefit the company.
questions Select appropriate clothes ahead of time Make sure your appearance is neat and clean Take a pen and notepad or portfolio Have two copies of your resume and/or complete
why he or she should hire you. At the end, express interest in the position

Expect interviewers to have several follow-up questions and discuss all aspects of a given situation or experience.
Recent college grads with little work experience should focus on class projects and group situations that might help answer these types of questions.
me about an experience when you failed to achieve a goal?" • "give me a specific example of a time when you managed several projects
at once?"
Job-seekers need to prepare for these interviews by remembering scenarios that fit the various types of behavioral interviewing questions.
Recent college grads with little work experience should focus on class projects and group situations that might help answer these types of questions.
• The behavioral job interview
Questions like: • "tell me about a time where you confronted an unexpected problem?" "tell
Recent college grads with little work experience should focus on class projects and group situations that might help answer these types of questions.
me about an experience when you failed to achieve a goal?" • "give me a specific example of a time when you managed several projects
at once?"
Job-seekers need to prepare for these interviews by remembering scenarios that fit the various types of behavioral interviewing questions.
Recent college grads with little work experience should focus on class projects and group situations that might help answer these types of questions.
• The behavioral job interview
Questions like: • "tell me about a time where you confronted an unexpected problem?" "tell
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
在等待的时候,求职者不妨“就地取材”,参考 会客室墙上所贴的宣传海报、营运图表、桌上放 的简介等,这都是些重要的参考数据。
应届生面试注· 意事项·细节虽小小看不得
In fact, a candidate from the company into the moment, we have begun to check. 其实从应聘者走入公司那一刻起,我们就已经开始了考核。
通过观察以把握对应聘者的第一印象或判断是否与公司的用 人标准一致,例如:在面试时故意设置一些“秀”让面试者 “表演”
应届生面试注· 意事项·学校没名气自己更要争气
Everyone has his own advantages 尺有所短,寸有所长
Perhaps your school is lack of fame, but you need to have confidence, those noisy brand college graduates are not necessarily better than you, yourself is more good
Your performance, and the interviewer for the interview process greeting, transfer file behavior these subtle movements, might inadvertently have you been employers look in the eyes.
A many involved in the civil service interview senior HR consultant said, who will give him leave a good impression in the interview process candidates may not be the excellent students, but must be able to have a good grasp of the atmosphere of students
During the interview, honesty is the best strategy to deal with, the interview with empty words lies, even slip by, work in the future will also be tested.
一位多次参与公务员面试的资深人事顾问说,那些在面试过程中能给他留下 良好印象的考生未必是条件很优秀的学生,但一定是能很好地把握现场气氛 的学生。
2020ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ2/18
应届生面试注· 意事项·吹嘘奉承不如“真心话”
No company may appoint a dishonest person 没有一家企业会任用不诚实的新人
也许你的学校是缺少名气,但你要有自信,那些牌子响的 高校毕业生不见得就比你强,自己要更争气才是。
应届生面试注· 意事项·抓住最初三分钟
Don't think I will have a good mood Can the static under heart to come and hear you chatter without stop talking not yet. 别以为考官会有好心情能静下心来听你喋喋不休地讲个没完了
职场资深人士指出,实际上从你一踏入大门的3分钟内,主考官就决定了是否要 录用你,余下的几分钟完全是安慰性质的敷衍。
在面试的过程中,诚实是最好的应对之策,面试 时满嘴虚话假话,即使蒙混过关,日后工作也会 被检验出来。
应届生面试注· 意事项·面试前的“面试”
Through the observation of the candidates on the first impression or to determine whether the company employing standard, for example: some of the "show" let the interviewer "performing" deliberately set at the time of the interview,
等待面试过程中你的表现、与面试人员打招呼、接送文件的举 止等这些细微的动作,也许就在你不经意间已经被用人单位看 在眼里。
应届生面试注· 意事项·亲疏有度勿“套近乎”
In fact, you are thinking as it may be, the other side has been rejected 其实你在盘算的时候也许就已被对方否定掉了
The interview notice 面试注意事项
应届生面试注· 意事项·按准时现身耐心等候
Punctuality is the first principle 准时是第一原则
During the waiting time, job seekers may "obtain raw material locally," reference room wall sticking posters, operating tables, table profile and so on, these are important reference data.
Career senior personage points out, from the fact that you walk in the door 3 minutes, the examiner determines whether to hire you, the remaining few minutes is completely comfort properties of perfunctory.
应届生面试注· 意事项·细节虽小小看不得
In fact, a candidate from the company into the moment, we have begun to check. 其实从应聘者走入公司那一刻起,我们就已经开始了考核。
通过观察以把握对应聘者的第一印象或判断是否与公司的用 人标准一致,例如:在面试时故意设置一些“秀”让面试者 “表演”
应届生面试注· 意事项·学校没名气自己更要争气
Everyone has his own advantages 尺有所短,寸有所长
Perhaps your school is lack of fame, but you need to have confidence, those noisy brand college graduates are not necessarily better than you, yourself is more good
Your performance, and the interviewer for the interview process greeting, transfer file behavior these subtle movements, might inadvertently have you been employers look in the eyes.
A many involved in the civil service interview senior HR consultant said, who will give him leave a good impression in the interview process candidates may not be the excellent students, but must be able to have a good grasp of the atmosphere of students
During the interview, honesty is the best strategy to deal with, the interview with empty words lies, even slip by, work in the future will also be tested.
一位多次参与公务员面试的资深人事顾问说,那些在面试过程中能给他留下 良好印象的考生未必是条件很优秀的学生,但一定是能很好地把握现场气氛 的学生。
2020ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ2/18
应届生面试注· 意事项·吹嘘奉承不如“真心话”
No company may appoint a dishonest person 没有一家企业会任用不诚实的新人
也许你的学校是缺少名气,但你要有自信,那些牌子响的 高校毕业生不见得就比你强,自己要更争气才是。
应届生面试注· 意事项·抓住最初三分钟
Don't think I will have a good mood Can the static under heart to come and hear you chatter without stop talking not yet. 别以为考官会有好心情能静下心来听你喋喋不休地讲个没完了
职场资深人士指出,实际上从你一踏入大门的3分钟内,主考官就决定了是否要 录用你,余下的几分钟完全是安慰性质的敷衍。
在面试的过程中,诚实是最好的应对之策,面试 时满嘴虚话假话,即使蒙混过关,日后工作也会 被检验出来。
应届生面试注· 意事项·面试前的“面试”
Through the observation of the candidates on the first impression or to determine whether the company employing standard, for example: some of the "show" let the interviewer "performing" deliberately set at the time of the interview,
等待面试过程中你的表现、与面试人员打招呼、接送文件的举 止等这些细微的动作,也许就在你不经意间已经被用人单位看 在眼里。
应届生面试注· 意事项·亲疏有度勿“套近乎”
In fact, you are thinking as it may be, the other side has been rejected 其实你在盘算的时候也许就已被对方否定掉了
The interview notice 面试注意事项
应届生面试注· 意事项·按准时现身耐心等候
Punctuality is the first principle 准时是第一原则
During the waiting time, job seekers may "obtain raw material locally," reference room wall sticking posters, operating tables, table profile and so on, these are important reference data.
Career senior personage points out, from the fact that you walk in the door 3 minutes, the examiner determines whether to hire you, the remaining few minutes is completely comfort properties of perfunctory.