uint9 练习题2
Unit 9同步测试题卷I (选择题,共85分)笔试部分V.单项选择(共20小题,每小题1分,计20分)( )26. Make _______ g ood effort to remember other people's names when you meet someone new.A.aB. anC. theD. /( )27.1 hope you can adapt _______ the new environment quickly・A. toB. forC. withD. in( )28. —How was your trip in Beijing?—Not so good. I stayed there for two days. But it rained on ________ o f the days.A. noneB. neitherC. bothD. all()29. —What do you think of the traffic in our city?—It's ______ than it used to be, but there's still a long way to go.A. worseB. worstC. better D・ best()30. —I am a little hungry, Mom・—There are some cakes on the plate. You can take ________ •A. itB. oneC. thatD. this()31. Smile to the world, __________ the world will smile back to you.A. norB. butC. orD. and ()32.—I can't find David. Where is he?——He _____ f or tomorrow's competition at home・A. preparesB. is preparing C・ has prepared D・ prepared( )33. You _________ d rive your car so fast. It's very dangerous.A. wouldn'tB. shouldn'tC. couldn'tD. needn't( )34. Li Ming plans to go abroad but he needs to get a _________ first.A. newspaperB. card C・ passport D. medal()35. —Where is Mr. Zhao?—He _______ to London. He'll come back _________ a week.A. has been; inB. has gone; afterC. has gone; inD. has been; after( )36. We ________ for a picnic if it ________ rain this Sunday・A. go; doesn'tB. will go; won'tC. will go; doesn't D・ go; won't( )37. He used to _______ in a small village, but now he has been used to ________ in a big city.A. live; livingB. live; live C・ living; living D. living; live( )3& Have you noticed a man ________ by?A. passB. passingC. passed D・ past( )39. If you want to _______ the meeting, you must inform us a week before・A. holdB. cancelC. takeD. enter( )40. Many new houses _______ in the countryside next year.A. ware builtB. are builtC. will builtD. will be built( )41. _______ o ut your love. The world will become a nicer place to live in.A. Speak B・ To speak C. Spoke D. Speaking( )42. If you can _______ the problem, try to find a proper way to solve it.A. look forB. run out ofC. figure out D・ put out( )43. My pen pal said he would write to me, but I _________ any letters from him so far.A. won't receive B・ haven^t received C・ hadn9t received D. didrf t receive( )44. People will trust those ___________ a lways keep their promises.A. whoB. whenC. whichD. what( )45. My pen pal from America is coming to visit me. Fm thinking about ___________.A. what present did give her B・ how 1 will give her a surpriseC. where will we have a big mealD. whether I planned a trip for herVI.完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。
[填空题]双组分涂料混合后固化作用开始,必须在()内用完,超出()的产品不能继续使用。 [单选]根据国际惯例,若分保接受人破产,原保险人()。ABCD [多选]课程开发的基本原则()A、学科性原则B、单一性原则C、超前性原则D、灵活性原则E、技能性原则 [单选]铁路平面无线调车B型号调车长台,直接发三车信号时用()A.黄(0.5)B.黄(1.5)C."黄绿"D."黄红" [填空题]37°探头探测钢轨轨底中心的横向裂纹,是根据超声波的()原理来发现的。 [单选]带蒂的子宫浆膜下肌瘤常易误诊为()A.子宫腺肌瘤B.阔韧带肿瘤C.双子宫D.卵巢肿瘤E.残角子宫 [填空题]枣属于().无花果属于().草莓属于(). [单选]2004年修订的《传染病防治法》开始实施的时间为()A.1989年8月28日B.1995年12月1目C.2003年10月1日D.2004年8月28日E.2004年12月1日 [单选]卵泡刺激素的主要作用是()A.促进卵泡生长发育和成熟B.促进黄体形成C.促进黄体分泌雌激素和孕激素D.促进排卵E.促进卵泡分泌孕激素和雌激素 [单选,A1型题]破伤风最初的症状是()。A.角弓反张B.四肢抽搐C.张口困难D.呼吸急促E.神志不清 [名词解释]适应性免疫应答(adaptiveimmuneresponse) [单选]下列关于校对在出版工作中作用和地位的表述,错误的是()。A.校对工作是编辑工作的重要组成部分B.校对工作是出版物内在质量的把关环节之一C.校对工作是文字性、学识性的创造性劳动D.校对工作是编辑工作的重要先决条件 [单选]()是在调查组下面分设若干调查小组分头调查,适用于涉及面广、调查取证难度较大的案件。A、母子式B、联合式C、纵向联合式D、横向联合式 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]单纯性肾病常见的并发症是()A.感染B.严重循环充血C.凝血障碍D.贫血E.高血压脑病 [单选,B型题]羟苯乙酯可用作()A.促渗透剂B.防腐剂C.保湿剂D.软膏剂油脂性基质E.软膏剂水溶性基质 [单选]银汞合金充填后,与对颌牙接触时痛,如填充物检查未发现亮点,最可能的原因是()A.对颌牙有异种金属修复体B.有咬合高点C.深龋未垫底D.垫底材料选择不当E.洞底龋坏组织未去尽 [单选,A1型题]以下关于视野缺损不正确的病变定位是()。A.一侧视神经病变引起单眼全盲B.一侧视束病变引起双颞侧偏盲C.一侧枕叶视中枢病变引起双眼同向性偏盲、黄斑回避D.颞叶病变引起双眼同向性上象限盲E.顶叶病变引起双眼同向性下象限盲 [单选]煤矿职工因行使安全生产权利而影响工作时,有关单位不得扣发其工资或给予处分,由此造成的停工、停产损失,应由()负责。A.该职工B.企业法人C.责任者D.工会 [单选]保税仓库的经营者需要向()负责A.货主和海关B.货主和承运人C.承运人和海关D.海关 [填空题]纯毛料的缩水率是()%。全棉布缩水率是()%。 [判断题]阿司匹林是治疗风湿病和疼痛、发热及炎症的基本药物。A.正确B.错误 [问答题,简答题]哪些设备的抽空气管排至凝汽器? [单选]初孕妇,平时月经正常,停经43周,无产兆,NST2次无反应,OCT10min内宫缩2次持续40~50s,均出现晚期减速,1周前雌激素/肌酐(E/C)比值为15,现仅为8。应如何处理?()A.催产素引产B.人工破膜引产C.立即剖宫产D.吸氧密观1周后复查E.服雌激素3天后复查 [单选]个人注册客户使用网上银行可以激活哪种贷记卡()?A、本人新申请的贷记卡B、他人新申请的贷记卡C、本人到期换卡后的新卡D、他人到期换卡后的新卡 [单选]关于会计的职能,下列说法错误的是()。A.会计的职能是会计本质的外在表现形式B.会计的基本职能是核算和监督C.预算、检查、考核分析等手段是会计的核算职能D.会计核算具有完整性、连续性和系统性的特点 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]rt-PA溶栓入选标准不包括()A.年龄18~80岁B.确诊为缺血性脑卒中CT检查发现高密度病灶D.卒中症状持续至少30分钟E.CT检查未见特殊发现 [单选]残疾人个人提供加工、修理修配劳务的可以免征()?A.营业税B.增值税C.个人所得税D.印花税 [填空题]中国第一款万能保险是()年由()推出的。 [单选]血液循环将激素输送到()。A.静脉B.淋巴结C.淋巴管D.全身 [问答题,简答题]负责身体运动协调的是? [单选,A1型题]下列关于汤剂服用量说法错误的是()A.成人服用量一般每次约300ml,每日2~3次B.儿童服用量一般每次75ml,每日2次C.小儿服药,宜浓缩体积D.对病情危重者,应遵照医嘱服药E.小儿服药,以少量多次为好 [单选]基期加权综合指数把作为权数的各变量值固定在()。A.基期B.报告期C.基期和报告期之间D.基期和报告期都可以 [单选]是确定一个清单项目(子项)综合单价的重要依据之一,必须对项目进行准确全面的描述,满足确定综合单价的需要的是()。A.项目特征B.项目名称C.项目编码D.工程量计算规则 [单选]根据言语的描述或图样的示意,在人脑中产生相应的新形象的过程称为()A.想象B.表象C.再造想象D.创造想象 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]临床生物化学又称()A.生物化学B.临床生物学C.临床化学D.生物学E.化学生物学 [单选]关于妊娠滋养细胞肿瘤,下列哪项正确?()A.侵蚀性葡萄胎可发生在流产后B.绒毛膜癌可发生在葡萄胎之后C.前次妊娠为异位妊娠,不发生绒毛膜癌D.绒毛膜癌最早出现的是脑转移E.以上都不对 [单选]下面哪一项乳腺病变或结构不伴有后方回声增强()。A.囊肿B.脂肪小叶C.扩张的导管D.纤维腺瘤E.脓肿 [单选]促进消防工程师行业发展的动力是()。A.公平竞争B.精益求精C.团结互助D.爱岗敬业 [判断题]金融机构不得为身份不明的客户提供服务或者与其进行交易,不得为客户开立匿名账户或者假名账户。A.正确B.错误 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下列疾病需采用严密隔离的是()A.疟疾B.破伤风C.霍乱D.肺结核E.新生儿脓疱疮
U 9 quiz
![U 9 quiz](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/33051000de80d4d8d15a4f5d.png)
Unit 9 单元测试卷二、单项选择,选出最佳答案,将其序号填入题前的括号内。
( )21.—Thank you for ______ me with my homework. --It’s my pleasure.A help B. helping C helps( )22. –I think we should write ______ before Tim’s mother’s name.--Yes, that’s right.A P.S.B Mrs.C Ms.( )23. –Can you help me ______ this sentence on the blackboard?-- With a pleasure.A write toB write downC write with( )24. –My name is Sally Brown. Is Brown my ______ name?-- Yes, that’s right.A givenB firstC last( )25 – David is our best friend. We often ______ him big D.A callB tellC name( )26 His family speaks only English. He goes to school in China._______, he speaks English and Chinese.A ThereforeB HoweverC Also( )27 -- ______ where are you going? –I’m going to Sanya for my holiday.A By the wayB In a wayC On the way( )28–Did you hear that Li Lei went to America to study English?--Yes. It’s ______. It’s the ______.A truth, trueB true, truthC true, true( )29– The Christmas is coming. What are you preparing for your friends?--I will send the some picture _______ card.A along withB live withC go with( )30–Did you read today’s newspaper?--Yes, I di d. I read ______about the Chang’s man-made satellite.A something newB new somethingC anything new( )31—Sometimes children want to ______ more money from their parents, because there are too many things they want to do.A askB ask toC ask for( )32 I call my grandma Grandma Sally. Sally is her ______name. Her ______name is Brown.A first, firstB last, firstC first, last( )33 I often ______ my best friend ______his first time. -- Me, too.A call, withB calls, byC call, by( )34 – How far is your school from here? –It’s about ______ ride from here.A twenty minutesB twenty-minutesC twenty minutes’( )35Which stress of the following words in different?A governmentB PositionC Mention三、完型填空Someone says,“Time is money,”but I think time is __36__ important than money. Why? Because when money is spent, we can get it back. However, when time is __37__ ,it’ll never__38__.That’s__39__we mustn’t waste(浪费) time. It’s sure that the __40__ is usually limited(有限的).Even a second is very important. We should make full use of our time to do__41__.But some people don’t know the importance of time. They spend their limited time smoking, drinking and__42__.They do not know that wasting time means wasting part of their own __43__ .In a word, we should save time, we shouldn’t __44__ today’s work for tomorrow. Remember we have no time to __45__ .( ) 36. A. less B. much less C. even more( ) 37. A. cost B. gone C. finished( ) 38. A. return B. come C. back( ) 39. A. that B. because C. why( ) 40. A. money B. time C. day( ) 41. A. useful something B. something useful C. anything useful( ) 42. A. reading B. writing C. playing( ) 43 A. time B money C. lives( ) 44. A. stop B. leave C. let( ) 45. A. lose B. save C. spend四、阅读理解(A)We are all busy talking about and using the Internet, but how many of us know the history of the Internet?Many people are surprised when they find that the Internet was set up in the 1960s. At that time, computers were large and expensive. Computer networks didn't work well. If one computer in the network broke down, then the whole network stopped. So a new network system had to be set up. It should be good enough to be used by many different computers. If part of the network was not working, information(信息)could be sent through another part. In this way computer network system would keep on working all the time.At first the Internet was only used by the government, but in the early 1970s, universities, hospitals and banks were allowed to use it too. However, computers were still very expensive and the Internet was difficult to use. By the start of the 1990s, computers became cheaper and easier to use. Scientists had also developed software (软件) that made "surfing" (浏览) the Internet more convenient (方便).Today it is easy to get on-line and it is said that millions of people use the Internet every day. Sending e-mail is more and more popular among students.The Internet has now become one of the most important parts of people's life.( )46 The Internet has a history of more than ___ years.A. tenB. thirtyC. twenty( )47 A new network system was set up to ____.A. make computers cheaperB. make itself keep on working all the timeC. make computers large and expensive( )48 At first the Internet was only used by ______.A. the governmentB. universitiesC. hospitals and banks( )49 ______ made "surfing" the Internet more convenient.A. ScientistsB. SoftwareC. Information( )50 W hich of the following is true?A. In the 1960s, computer networks worked well.B. Sending e-mail is now more popular among students than before.D. Today it's still not easy to get on-line.(B)Visit New Y ork's Top Tourist Attractions( )51 It’s free for children to go to ________A. Museum of Modern ArtB. Statue of Liberty & Ellis IslandC. Empire State Building( )52___________ opens every day all year round.A. Statue of Liberty & Ellis IslandB. Empire State BuildingC. The Metropolitan Museum of Art( )53 If two adults with a child go to Statue of Liberty & Ellis Island, they have to pay_________A. $ 29B. 40C. $ 45( )54The Metropolitan Museum of Art is ___________ .A. on 11 West 53rd StreetB. on Fifth Avenue at 82nd StreetC. near Eastern National Bookstore( )55____________ are free for children.A. Empire State Building and The Metropolitan Museum of ArtB The Metropolitan Museum of Art and Statue of Liberty &Ellis IslandC The Metropolitan Museum of Art and Museum of Modern Art(C)Last year, we had an English teacher from the United States. We called him Mr.Black. He often told us, ―English is very useful in the world.‖ He taught us very well. He was strict with us all. In class he always gave us more time to speak English. At first I could hardly understand a word and I could not talk inEnglish at all. But soon I found English was not so hard and I could talk to my classmates in English. So I began to like it very much.Now Mr.Black taught in another school. This year we have a new teacher, Mrs.Green. She also teaches us very carefully. She often asks us to recite(背诵)the texts and play games. With the help of the two foreign teachers, we all have made progress.Now I am enjoying studying this subject. I am sure I will learn a lot this year.根据短文内容,判断正误。
【最新】冀教版九年级英语全册Uint 9 Communication课堂练习2
![【最新】冀教版九年级英语全册Uint 9 Communication课堂练习2](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ee885257a8956bec0975e382.png)
Uint 9 Communication课堂练习2Lessons 52—54Lesson 52I. 用括号中所给词语的适当形式填空。
1. How many ______________ (different) have you found between the two pictures?2. Any _____________ (difficult) can be overcame by us.3. All the parents want their children to get good _____________ (educate) at school.4. I think this _____________ (suggest) is much better than that one.5. Computers can’t _____________ (complete) take the place of the humans.II. 根据句意用适当的介词填空。
1. Listen! Who is knocking ___________ the door?2. Your homework should be handed _____________ after class.3. We always regard him ___________ our best friend.4. Tony is busy ___________ his work all these days.5. The teacher asked me to pay attention ___________ my spelling.III. 连词成句。
1. to, before, you, Tokyo, been, have_____________________________________________________________________?2. the, can, soon, finish, work, how, you_____________________________________________________________________?3. went, dressed, party, got, to, Jenny, the, and_____________________________________________________________________.4. us, how, machine, use, they, showed, that, to_____________________________________________________________________.5. go, raining, to, after, we, it, fishing, stops, want_____________________________________________________________________. IV. 根据所给的汉语完成下面的句子,每空一词。
人教版八年级英语下册Uint 9 达标测试卷(含答案及听力材料)
![人教版八年级英语下册Uint 9 达标测试卷(含答案及听力材料)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/aab73f7af61fb7360b4c65fa.png)
Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum达标测试卷时间:100分钟满分:120分第一卷听力部分(25分)一、听下面5个句子,选出与所听内容相符的图片。
(每小题1分,共5分) ()1.()2.()3.()4.()5.二、听下面5段小对话,每段对话对应一个小题,从题后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。
(每小题1分,共5分)()6. When did Jack go to Sanya?A. In 2016.B. In 2017.C. In 2018.()7. What did the boy do last weekend?A. Visited Uncle Wang.B. Fed the animals.C. Went to the water park.()8. What does the girl want to do tonight?A. Go to the concert.B. Go to the cinema.C. Prepare for an exam.()9. What did the boy buy in Hong Kong?A. A bag.B. A watch.C. A scarf.()10. Who showed the boy around the museum?A. A robot.B. A guide.C. An astronaut.三、听下面4段长对话,每段对话后有几个小题,从题后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。
()11. Who lives in Canada?A. Sam's parents.B. Sam's grandparents.C. Emily's grandparents.()12. When did Sam go to Canada?A. This summer.B. Last summer.C. Last winter.听第2段对话,回答第13、14小题。
九年级上册新目标 课件Unit 9单元测试题Unit 9 单元测试题 2Unit 9 单元测试题 2
![九年级上册新目标 课件Unit 9单元测试题Unit 9 单元测试题 2Unit 9 单元测试题 2](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/1c29a9e92cc58bd63186bd68.png)
Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to.Written test part (共95分)Ⅴ. 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。
( )21. Linda has _______ electronic dictionary, but once in _______ while she uses it.A. a; aB. an; aC. a; theD. an; the ( )22. —Sing along _______ us if you know the lyrics.—Oh, I can also dance _______ the music.A. with; toB. with; withC. to; withD. to; to ( )23. Mrs. Green expressed her great _______ when she learned that so many people lost their lives in the earthquake.A. fairnessB. tirednessC. sadnessD. shyness ( )24. _______ is a pity that you didn’t see the movie I AM YOUR MOM. It’s interesting and meaningful.A. ItB. ThatC. OneD. What ( )25. Mary feels _______ today because she didn’t do well in the math test.A. proudB. confidentC. sleepyD. down ( )26. The book only _______ the writer’s own thoughts on the matter, so what he said may not be true.A. remindedB. reflectedC. predictedD. influenced ( )27. —What do you think of the song My Heart Will Go On?—In my opinion, it is _______ one I have ever listened to. I like it.A. less movingB. more movingC. the least movingD. the most moving( )28. Mr. Smith decided to give his daughter a treat to _______ her for her hard work.A. recallB. praiseC. supposeD. sense( )29. —Do you know the disabled student from Sichuan Province _______ used his feet to take notes as he prepared to take the gaokao?—Of course. His name is Peng Chao.A. whoB. whomC. whichD. whose( )30. It’s said that there _______ plenty of hotels around Mount Wutai, so you needn’t worry about where to stay.A. isB. wasC. areD. were( )31. On such a hot day, I prefer _______ basketball to _______ it.A. to watch; playB. watching; playingC. to watch; playingD. watching; play( )32. —Are you interested in the talk show The Reader on CCTV?—Sure. It’s a great TV program _______ brings the habit of reading b ackinto the public.A. whoB. thatC. whatD. whom( )33. The village is _______ from the world by high mountains.A. shut offB. taken downC. set upD. cut out( )34. —Waiter, may I have the bill, please?—Wait a minute please, sir. Well, that’s 150 yuan _______.A. in factB. in totalC. at firstD. at least( )35. —Hey, Susan! What are you doing?—_______. Just look through the news that students in Nepal celebrated theInternational Day of Yoga.A. Not at allB. No wayC. Not muchD. No problemⅥ. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。
三穗职校2013/2014学度度第一学期11级基础模块2(Unit9-Unit10)英语单元测试试卷班级______ 姓名_______ 成绩__________一、单项选择(本题10小题,每小题1分,共10分)从A.B.C.D四个选项中找出划线部分读音与其余三个不同的选项填如以下格内。
1、A、inform B、work C、pork D、horse2、A、bear B、hear C、near D、dear3、A、now B、know C、window D、throw4、A、exhibit B、make C、cake D、snake5、A、tea B、great C、meat D、seat6、A. food B. foot C. choose D. room7、A、father B、these C、further D、thank8、A. white B. when C. where D. whom9. A. use B. cut C. pupil D. computer10. A. child B. like C. exit D. design二、选择单词的正确释义,把其正确的字母代号填入方框内。
(本题11. introduce A. known widely12. famous B. find out something existing but not yet known13. invent C. make persons known by name to one another14. discover D. make no use of15. waste E. create something not existing before16. customer F. money for which something is sold17. price G. how heavy something18. co-worker H. a person who buys things19. weight I. be in the latest style ;popular20. fashionable J. a person who works together三、选择填空:(本题20分,每小题1分,共20分)21.If it ______ tomorrow, I’ll stay at home.A. rainB. rainsC. is rainingD. will rains22. She hardly ever has time to relax, ____?A. does, sheB. hasn’t sheC. doesn’t sheD. has she23. He used to _____ in the sun, but now he is used to ____ at night.A. read; readB. reading; readC. read; readingD. reading ; reading24. Don’t ____ too late, or you’ll feel tired tomorrow.A. stay upB. walkC. get upD. give up25. The next morning I found everything_____ with snow.A. coverB. was coveredC. be coveredD. covering26. _____ fine weather today! Let’s go to play.A. WhatB. What aC. HowD. How a27. --- ____ I fill in the check-in form right now, sir?----No, you needn’t . You can complete it this afternoon.A. MayB. CanC. WouldD. Must28. Be quiet! I have ____ to tell you.A. something newB. anything newC. new somethingD. new anything29. She was seen ______model ships in the roomA. madeB. to makeC. makesD. making30.My sister has ____ useful English dictionary.A. aB. theC./D. an31. There is ___ rain and it’s ___ wet this autumnA. too much; much tooB. too much; too muchC. much too; much tooD. much too; too much32. _____ students can work out the math problem, it is too hard.A. FewB. A fewC. LittleD. Much33.We were angry____ him____ keeping us waiting.A. with; forB. to; forC. with; asD. to; as34. She had her car____.A. washedB. washingC. be washedD. to wash35. –Is it your pen?--No, It_____ Kate.A. is belonging toB. is belonged toC. belong toD. might belong to36. She spent three days_____ her final papers(论文)A. readingB. to readC. readD. to reading37. I am looking forward to _____ my good friend.A. seeB. sawC. seeingD. seen38.The population of the word is about six____A. billionB. billionsC. millionD. millions39. She couldn’t help____ when she heard the newsA. laughB. to laughC. laughingD. laughs40.Jack likes playing_____ soccer, but he doesn’t like playing____ piano.A. ./ ,/B. the, /C. the, theD. / , the四、完形填空(本题10小题,每小题2分,共20分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个可以填入题前的括号内。
九年级英语 Unit 9 Communication 练习
![九年级英语 Unit 9 Communication 练习](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/c93f4a99960590c69ec37632.png)
Unit9 Communication单元检测题(60分钟共100分)一、单项选择(共15小题;共15分)1. The flowers some water because they haven't been watered for many days.A. gainB. requestC. rescueD. require2. Helen was so excited at the news that she could say a word.A. everB. almostC. hardlyD. always3. Wang Ping always gets to school time. He is never late.A. atB. inC. onD. by4. , little Tom has remembered more than 200 Chinese characters.A. In the pastB. So farC. In shortD. In general5. Jack likes to others but never writes to them.A. hear aboutB. hear ofC. hear fromD. hear to6. Do you still remember the movie we saw last weekend?A. whoB. whatC. thatD. whom7. Do you see the man is wearing a pair of glasses?A. whichB. whoseC. whomD. who8. P eople in Yancheng are proud of they have achieved in the past thirty years.A. howB. whichC. whatD. when9. --- What happened to Billy?--- He because of his drink-driving.A. is caughtB. was caughtC. has caughtD. had caught10. E very parent hopes that their child will live a better life they grow up.A. untilB. whenC. sinceD. unless11. Y ou can't watch TV you finish your homework.A. beforeB. ifC. whileD. as12. --- How do you like TV shows Home with kids (家有儿女)?--- I think you turn it on, you'll never be able to turn the TV off.A. ifB. becauseC. althoughD. as13. I hope to go to France some day there are many famous art museums.A. whenB. ifC. becauseD. whose14. Switzerland is very small, it is the land of watch and it is veryrich.A. Though; butB. Because; soC. Because; /D. Though; /15. M ary got good grades in school. excited she is!A. WhatB. What aC. HowD. How a二、完形填空(共10小题;共10分)A reader told us that she was feeling lonely at break because her best friend wasn't around. Here's our advice to all kids who feel 16 sometimes.It's hard when a best friend isn't 17 —maybe because she moved to a different school or a different class. You may feel lonely at break or lunchtime. You want to make new friends. But how do you 18 ? Maybe it seems like everybody else already has their friends. But remember, there's always 19 for more friends.Here are the ways for you: Start by looking around your classroom-think about which kids you'd like to 20 . Look for chances to say "hi" to them. 21 something with them. Say "Do you want to sit here?" in the lunchroom. When you're at break, walk over to kids you want to play with and say,"Hi, can I play, too?" or just 22 .If you have 23 doing this or if you're feeling shy, you can ask your teacher to help you make new friends. 24 are usually pretty good at matching up friends. The best way to make friends is to be a friend. Don't be 25 . Be kind, share, say nice things, offer to help and so on, you'll have one, or two, or even more new friends.16. A. friendly B. lonely C. excited D. surprised17. A. aside B. along C. ahead D. around18. A. clean B. make C. feel D. stand19. A. room B. money C. time D. advice20. A. write to B. stand up C. look for D. play with21. A. Cook B. Spend C. Share D. Travel22. A. leave for B. set off C. join in D. turn on23. A. confidence B. trouble C. skills D. ideas24. A. Doctors B. Teachers C. Reporters D. Parents25. A. shy B. brave C. careless D. angry三、阅读理解(共15小题;共30分)AI'm 14, a year younger than most of my classmates.A week ago one of my classmates, Nitin , asked me for help with math homework. We ended up talking about computers and file-sharing(共享文件). As we talked I found that he was more experienced and could teach me about file-sharing and networking. We went to his room and watched a movie about robots that he'd downloaded. The math homework was forgotten.The next day he came again for homework help “What do you do on weekends?” he asked. The truth is, when I have work to do, I do it. I have no special time to kill with friends. I was embarrassed about this. I expected him to think I was boring and said, “Get a life!” He said, “OK. You're having trouble getting along w ith people I can show you. I'm old than you.”Later, he checked my computer. He even connected me to an Internet chess server(服务器). He was becoming like a big brother.But when I thought about it, I didn't really want Nitin's help” His b ig-brother idea began to bore me.“I'll get you some cool computer programs(程序)”.“I'll teach you how to talk to girls.”He meant what he was saying, but I don't know why it didn't make me feel good. Since then he's hardly talked to me; we seem to have forgotten each other. I don't think he can “teach” me much, and I don't think much of him. But I could be wrong.26. What did Mitin help me do?A. He helped me with my homeworkB. He helped me with math problemsC. He taught me about file-sharing and networkingD. He introduced some fiends to me27. What does the underlined word “kill” in Paragraph 3 mean?A. 杀死B. 浪费C. 消磨(时间)D. 打猎28. Which is NOT the reason why the writer doesn't want Nitin's help?A. He has no special time to kill with friendsB. He forgot his homework because of playing with himC. He thin ks his ideas are not useful to himD. He has another big brother29. Can you use a word to describe the writer?A. UnfriendlyB. BoringC. Independent.(独立的)D. Lazy30. Choose a title for this passage.A. I Don't Want a Big Brother!B. No Time to KilllC. My Big BrotherD. My Life After SchoolBJean is a young girl who comes from a rich and famous family. She goes to a good university and has almost everything that money can buy. The problem is that Jean's family are so busy that they can hardly find time to be with her. Jean is quite lonely(孤独的). So she spends a lot of time on her QQ. She likes being anonymous(匿名的), talking to people who do not know about her famous family and her rich life. She uses the name Linda on QQ and has made a lot of friends.Last year Jean made a very special friend on QQ. His name was David and he lived in San Francisco. David was full of stories and jokes. He and Jean had the same interest in rock music and modern dance. So it always took them hours to talk happily on QQ and sometimes they even forgot their time. Of course, they wanted to know more about each other. David sent a picture of himself. He was a tall, good-looking young man with big, happy smile. As time went by, they became good friends and often sent cards and small things to each other.When Jean's father told her that he was going on a business trip to San Francisco, she asked him to let her go with him. She wanted to give David a surprise for his birthday. She would take him the latest DVD of a rock singer. But when she knocked on David's door in San Francisco, she found that her special friend was a 70–year-old man named Jim! How disappointed Jean was!31. Jean spends a lot of her time on QQ because she is .A. richB. youngC. a bad studentD. lonely32. Jean thought “David” was special because he .A. made her very happy on QQB. was from San FranciscoC. was tall and good-lookingD. was rich33. What are both Jean and “David” interested in?A. Pop music and sportsB. Music and scienceC. Rock music and modern danceD. Stories and jokes34. Which of the following is True?A. Jean has got everything in her lifeB. “David” and Jean sent cards to each otherC. “David” didn't tell Jean his r eal addressD. Jean's family members often get together35. What's the main idea of the passage?A. Don't go to meet those you get to know on QQB. People don't use their real names on QQ so oftenC. Don't believe those you get to know on QQ easilyD. Don't spend much time on QQC36. "Dolphin Intelligence" is probably a story about dolphins' .A. eating habitsB. living placesC. learning activitiesD. communication methods37. What is true about New York according to the website?A. People are now afraid to visit.B. Millions of tourists go there.C. It has some new activities.D. It offers many big apples.38. A person going to the page "The Magic of Night Markets" would expect to find .A. a long article about night marketsB. an interview with night market sellersC. many photographs of newly market foods and food shopsD. many pictures of night market foods and food shops39. From which page can a reader get some useful advice on photography?A. Video.B. Visions of Earth.C. Your Shot.D. Photo of the Day.40. What has been the most popular story on the website this week?A. Top Danger for Lions: Hunting.B. Controlling the Mekong.C. A Day in New York.D. Amazing Amazon.四、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)(共5小题;共5分)41. I can't find a p pen to write with.42. Can the students eat in the d hall?43. She is good at English, but sometimes she has t with English culture and customs.44. It's a s ! Don't tell it to others.45. What is the s to your trouble?五、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)(共5小题;共5分)46. Do you often have a (交流) with your mother?47. You must take your (护照) when you go abroad.48. I'm afraid we have to ( 取消) the meeting.49. They have (困难) achieving a balance between study and hobbies.50. He was (缺席) from school yesterday.六、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)(共5小题;共5分)51. 父母总是告诉我在和别人交往的时候要守信。
UNIT 9 小题组合练习 2020-2021学年北师大版必修第三册
![UNIT 9 小题组合练习 2020-2021学年北师大版必修第三册](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/88113d93a417866fb94a8e27.png)
北师大版UNIT 9小题组合练习Ⅰ.阅读理解This is what’s known as a ‘Buddy’ or ‘Friendship Bench’. They’re needed because playgrounds can be lonely places sometimes. And these benches can help pupils feeling lonely to find a friend. Benches like this have been around for a while now in some schools. But in Ireland, they are trying to do something a bit different with them.This school in Cork in the south of Ireland is the 47th to get one from a social enterprise called Buddy Bench Ireland that doesn’t just provide schools with benches, it also runs special workshops with trained child psychiatrists(精神病专家). They use the bench as an opportunity to start conversations about mental well-being. They talk about the importance of being aware of your feelings and those of others. The children need to understand what the bench is about, what it symbolizes — friendship, listening to each other and the most important thing is to express feelings.But do children actually use the bench? It’s something an independent academic study has been looking at. We found that 40% of the children told us that they had actually used the benches at the time of the study. And over 90% said that they would talk to a child if that child was sitting on the bench. So, certainly there doesn’t appear to be any issues around whether they are properly used. Children’s mental health at school is increasingly a concern in many countries. Buddy Bench Ireland is hoping these benches will not only handle issues like social isolation and bullying but also give a future generation the confidence to open up about their feelings. Therefore, they are attempting to make the bench gain high popularity in Ireland schools in a larger scale.1. Why the school in Cork in the south of Ireland uses the bench?A. To help children with psychological problems fully recover.B. To replace the old benches in school.C. To cut the cost of school's facility.D. To start conversations about mental well-being.2. What makes the bench work in Ireland schools?A. Teachers and parents encourage children to try it.B. All the children understand what the bench is about.C. Most children are willing to express feelings.D. The bench helps children get rid of loneliness.3. What will Buddy Bench Ireland expect of the bench?A. It will deal with social isolation and bullying completely.B. It will motivate a future generation to bravely convey their feelings.C. It will make children prefer the bench to old one.D. It will appeal to more students to sit on it.4. In your opinion, what content will be covered in the following paragraph?A. The reasons for the popularity of the bench.B. The importance of being aware of students’ mental well-being.C. The concrete approaches to promoting the use of the bench in more schools.D. The ways to make the bench function effectively.【答案】1-4 DCBCⅡ完形填空A man asked why an old lady was all alone on a cruise ship. He 41 that although she was alone, all the staff, ship’s officers, waiters and busboys, were very 42 with her. So he asked the waiters who the lady was, 43 to be told that she owned the shipping line, but all the waiters knew was that she had been on the last 44 cruises. One after the other.As he left the dining room one evening the man 45 her eye and stopped to say hello. They chatted for a while and he asked 46 , “I heard that you’ve been on this ship for the last four cruises.” She replied, “Yes, that’s 47 .”He said, “I don’t understand.” And she replied, without a pause, “It’s 48 than living in a nursing home. So there will be no nursing home in my future, I’m 49 on this cruise; the average 50 for a nursing home is $200 per day. Here, I can get a 51 discount and senior discount price of $135 per day. That 52 $65 a day for tips and extra cash. It works very well for me here.I can have as many as ten meals a day of fantastic food or room 53 which means I can have breakfast in bed every day of the week. I get a free swimming pool, a workout room. Free washers and dryers, and showers every night. I get free toothpaste and free soap and shampoo.They will even 54 you like a customer, not a 55 . An extra $5 worth of tips will have the entire staff hurrying to help you, I get to 56 new people every seven or 14 days! TV broken? Light bulb needs changing? Need to have the flowers 57 ? No problem! They will fix everything and 58 for the inconvenience. Clean sheets and towels every day, and you don’t ever have to 59 them to do so. There is always a doctor on board. This is 60 I want to live the end of my life.41. A. wondered B. noticed C. searched D. guessed42. A. familiar B. serious C. isolated D. cautious43. A. whispering B. continuing C. pretending D. expecting44. A. two B. three C. four D. five45. A. caught B. avoided C. missed D. scared46. A. excitedly B. anxiously C. seriously D. curiously47. A. wrong B. strange C. true D. funny48. A. easier B. nearer C. fresher D. cheaper49. A. staying B. hanging C. playing D. working50. A. discount B. salary C. bargain D. cost51. A. full-time B. long-term C. large-scale D. first-rate52. A. leaves B. remains C. spends D. loses53. A. service B. cleaning C. inspection D. charge54. A. cure B. treat C. please D. admire55. A. passenger B. visitor C. guest D. patient56. A. serve B. save C. meet D. help57. A. completed B. located C. replaced D. cut58. A. trouble B. answer C. prepare D. apologize59. A. ask B. recommend C. encourage D. forbid60. A. what B. why C. how D. when【答案】41-45 BADCA 46-50 DCDAD 51-55 BAABD 56-60 CCDACⅢ.读后续写阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
unit 91.发明2.计算器3.被用来做25.传说27.灌木28.落入4.用勺舀_________5.可调整的_________6.电池_________7.操作_________ - 29.留下30.注意到31.生产32.合意的8.电池供电的33.混合9.拖鞋34.这样10.加热__________11.电灯泡12.电灯泡__________13.微波__________14.微波炉__________15.脆的__________16.咸的__________17.酸的__________18.错误地__________19.厨师__________20.撒__________21.偶然地 _________22.饮料__________23.根据__________24.古代的 _________V.发明_____________ n. 安全___________ 流行的_ 户外的__________ 户内的_ 短语:35.陷阱______36.飞碟______37.而包店40.15;掷41.味道_____42.柠檬_____43小甜饼干44.算盘_____45.筒望远镜一46.世纪47.顺序_____48.活动的_49.在户内_50.创造51.木制的_发明家普及—加热____52.敲;击___________5与……相撞54.分开__________ -55.目标 _________56.篮;筐__________57.金属__________58.环__________59.投篮__________60.在的下面61.蓝板 _________62.指导__________63.向着 _________64.球场__________65.柏林__________ -66.(使)发展67.普及__________68.上升__________70.世界范围的71.协会 _________72.装备 _________发明物 ________ 安全的___________盐巴__________ 含盐的 ___________加热的__________1在黑暗中看路2给某人动手术3意外地,偶然地4错误地_________________ 在某事上犯错 _____________ 5最后,终于(2) _________ 在。
[多选]三水铝石的分子式为()。A、Al(OH)3B、Al2O3•3H2OC、γ—AlOOHD、γ—Al2O3•H2O [问答题,简答题]主变型号? [单选]—条路的交通信号监控系统是由监控分中心和控制节点的计算机系统、外场设备以及()等组成。A.局域网B.交换机C.可变信息标志D.传输通道 [问答题,简答题]什么是凝汽器冷却水温升? [填空题]《水质色度的测定》(GB/T11903—1989)中规定,色度测定的是水样经()mim澄清后样品的颜色。 [判断题]元认知调节策略与监控策略无关。()A.正确B.错误 [名词解释]致死中浓度(LC50) [填空题]通风机和鼓风机是化工厂常用的气体输送机机械,大体可分为()和()两类。 [单选]某患者进食后发生恶心、呕吐、腹泻。如果在患者粪便标本中分离到一种菌,革兰染色阴性;其生化反应结果是:氧化酶(+),蔗糖(-),动力(+),吲哚(+),脲酶(-)。则该菌可能是()A.福氏志贺菌B.霍乱弧菌C.大肠埃希菌0157:H7D.副溶血弧菌E.蜡样芽胞杆菌 [单选]芒硝入煎剂的用法是()A.包煎B.先煎C.冲服D.后下E.煎汤代水 [单选]车辆应当按照超限检测指示标志或者公路管理机构监督检查人员的指挥接受超限检测,不得故意堵塞固定超限检测站点通行车道、强行通过固定超限检测站点或者以其他方式扰乱()秩序,不得采取短途驳载等方式逃避超限检测。A、超限检测B、治超执法C、治超工作 [问答题,案例分析题]病例摘要:苏某,男,35岁,已婚,农民,于2013年8月8日就诊。患者于2天前因赴宴饮食过量,之后感觉胃脘胀满不适、嗳气、呕吐,呕出物为酸腐食物,得食愈甚,吐后反快,大便溏薄,酸腐臭秽。现症见:呕吐酸腐
一般车辆的最小回转直径在干公尺以下A.8B.10C.12D.14 国际贸易中对等贸易有四种基本形式即易货贸易、回购、互购和。A.货货贸易B.返销C.抵销D.交换货物 职业素质医德医风考试复习指导? 海上货物运输保险 反映港口机械化作业程序的机械化作业比重是()的百分比。A.机械作业操作吨之和/总操作吨B.机械作业工序吨之和/工艺过程总工序吨C.机械作业吞吐量之和/总吞吐量D.机械作业装卸自然吨之和/总装卸自然吨 哪项不能体现医疗机构从业人员“优质服务、医患和谐”的行为规范:A.自觉遵守国家法律法规,遵守医疗卫生行业规章和纪律B.加强与患者的交流与沟通C.积极带头控烟,自觉维护行业形象D.言语文明,举止端庄E.以上都是 检测钩体病病原体应采取发病1周内的标本是A.局部分泌液B.小便C.脑脊液D.血液E.粪便 干松土壤与紧湿土壤相比:C干松土<C紧湿土;λ干松土<λ紧湿土土壤的春季增温和秋季的降温比较:沙土春季升温比粘土,秋季降温,沙土比粘土,沙土温度日较差比粘土要。 佛教建筑兴起在阶段。A.夏商到秦汉时期(公元前2000年至公元200年,约2200年)B.从三国两晋南北朝到隋唐五代(公元200年至公元1000年,约800年)C.丛宋辽到金元时期(公元960年至1400年,约400年)D.明清时期(1400公元年至公元1911年,约500年)。 封面有两大基本功能,一是功能,一是功能。A.装饰B.保护C.宣传D.护水 完全预期理论认为,下降的收益率曲线意味着市场预期短期利率水平会在未来。A.上升B.下降C.无关D.保持不变 阻塞性肺气肿病人肺功能测定出现的改变是A.残气容积增加B.残气容积减少C.潮气量增加D.最大通气量增加E.时间肺活量增加 男,5个月,因2天来咳嗽,喘憋来诊。查体:体温38℃,营养可,气促,口周发青,咽红,呼吸60次/分,两肺可闻及喘鸣音,心率180次/分,律齐有力,无杂音,腹部胀气,肝肋下2cm,剑下1.5cm,质软。入院后为明确病原体诊断,拟做什么检查A.血常规B.红细胞沉降率C.C反应蛋白D.胸片E.鼻 患者,男性,20岁,左眼视力渐进性下降。查远视力:右眼为0.8,左眼为0.2。检查无斜视,裂隙灯、眼底镜检查未见有明显器质性病变。如该患者查近视力,右眼为Jr1,左眼为Jr5。验光显示右眼:-1.0DCⅹ20°,视力达1.0;左眼:-2.00DS=-6.00DCⅹ160°,视力达0.4。为帮助进一步诊断 发电机定子水路中最易发生漏水的部位是和。 女,32岁,鼻梁双颊部出现红斑伴发热咳嗽2周,肘腕关节游走性疼痛,结合CT图像,选择最可能的诊断为()A.肺部感染B.结节病C.肺类风湿病D.SLE肺部浸润E.韦格肉芽肿 弹簧管压力表的校验内容? 正常情况下,脑代谢首选何种物质。A.葡萄糖B.脂肪酸C.蛋白质D.乳酸E.氨基酸 婴儿开始会爬的正常月龄一般是()</br>婴儿开始会独坐的正常月龄一般是()A.4个月B.5个月C.6~7个月D.10个月E.8个月 是我国国际货运代理行业的主管部门。A.交通部B.国务院C.商务部D.全国人民代表大会 因抢救急危患者,未能及时书写病历,有关医务人员应当在抢救结束后据实补记时限的法定要求为。A.2小时以内B.4小时以内C.6小时以内D.8小时以内E.10小时以内 茶皂素对动物毒性较大,但对动物口服无毒。 关于集体"四荒"土地的说法,不正确的是。A.包括荒山、荒沟、荒丘、荒滩B.其使用权最长不得超过30年C.使用权可以继承、转让、抵押或参股联营D.同等条件下,本集体组织成员有对其的优先承包权 ()是衡量一个测验正确性的重要指标,即一个测验能够测量出所要测量的东西的程度。A.信度B.效度C.难度D.区分度 补体活化的旁路途径激活过程中,与下列哪项作用无关A.过敏毒素产生B.膜攻击复合物形成C3裂解为C3a和C3bD.C4裂解为C4a和C4bE.C5裂解为C5a和C5b 对于67Ga,下列哪项叙述是不正确的。A.67Ga静脉注射后大部分与血浆蛋白结合,特别是与转铁蛋白结合B.67Ga是广谱亲肿瘤显像剂C.静脉注射67Ga后,需在24h内完成显像D.67Ga在炎症病灶可表现阳性E.67Ga在肿瘤病灶可表现阳性 在同一风险水平下能够令期望投资收益率的资产组合,或者是在同一期望投资收益率下风险的资产组合形成了有效市场前沿线。A.最大,最大B.最小,最大C.最大,最小D.最小,最小 人体发育学属于A.儿童精神医学的分支领域B.儿童行为医学的分支领域C.发育科学的分支领域D.儿童心理学的分支领域E.儿童保健医学的分支领域 口腔医疗保健中由接触传染的主要疾病是A.水痘B.麻疹C.流行性腮腺炎D.结核病E.病毒性肝炎 智能建筑系统结构的下层由三个智能子系统构成,这三个智能子系统是。A.BAS、CAS、SASBAS、CAS、OASC.BAS、CAS、FASD.CAS、PDS、FAS 什么是路政管理手段?如何运用路政管理手段进行管理? 下列关于肺癌的描述不正确的是A.鳞癌是最常见的肺癌,生长缓慢B.小细胞肺癌常伴合并伴癌综合征C.腺癌多见于女性,多为周围型肺癌D.Pancoast癌易引起Homner综合征E.肺性肥大性骨关节病是类癌综合征的表现 6[单项选择题]用历史流量法计算河口生态需水量时,以干流______保证率水文条件下的年人海水量的______作为河口生态需水量。A.60%,50%~80%B.50%,50%~80%C.60%,60%~80%D.50%,60%~80% 正常腋温A.37.5℃B.36.5~37.5℃C.36~37.5℃D.36~37℃E.35~36℃ 某办公楼项目实行旋工总承包,装饰部分施工实行专业分包,在装饰施工中发生重大安全生产事故,则应由()将事故情况上报安全监督部门。A.建设单位B.施工总承包单位C.分包单位D.现场监理单位
深圳市初中英语九年级全册Unit 9经典测试
![深圳市初中英语九年级全册Unit 9经典测试](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d4c27365ae1ffc4ffe4733687e21af45b207fe59.png)
一、选择题1.Mr. White owns ________ books in his personal library.A.plenty of B.a plenty of C.a great deal of D.the number of A解析:A【详解】句意:怀特先生在他的私人图书馆里拥有大量的书籍。
plenty of许多,大量,修饰可数名词或者不可数名词;a great deal of大量,许多,修饰不可数名词;the number of……的总数。
2.-Linda, can you tell me something about Mo Yan?-Sure. He is the writer _____________won the Nobel Literature Prize.A.which B.whose C.who D.whom C解析:C【详解】句意:-琳达,你能告诉我一些关于莫言的事情吗?-当然。
考查定语从句,先行词为the writer(人),关系代词在定语从句中作主语。
who可以指代人,可作主语;whom 只能作宾语;whose 作定语;which 只能指代物。
3.I like the cartoon _____________ has a happy ending and makes me .A.which; to laugh B.that; to laugh C.who; laughing D.which; laugh D解析:D【详解】句意:我喜欢有快乐的结局,让我开怀大笑的动画片。
make sb do sth:使某人做某事,laugh:大笑,故选:D。
4.He prefers _____________ books rather than _____________ the piano.A.reading; playing B.to read; to play C.read; play D.to read; play D解析:D【详解】句意:他喜欢读书而不喜欢弹钢琴。
2018-2019学年九年级英语下册Unit 9 Communication测试题(新版)冀教版编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(2018-2019学年九年级英语下册Unit 9 Communication测试题(新版)冀教版)的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。
本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快业绩进步,以下为2018-2019学年九年级英语下册Unit 9 Communication测试题(新版)冀教版的全部内容。
Unit 9 同步验收练习题卷I(选择题,共85分)笔试部分V。
单项选择(共20小题,每小题1分,计20分)() 26。
Make ______ good effort to remember other people’s names when you meet someone new。
a B。
an C。
the D. /( ) 27. I hope you can adapt ______ the new environment quickly.A。
to B. for C. with D. in() 28。
-How was your trip in Beijing?-Not so good. I stayed there for two days。
But it rained on ______of the days。
A. none B. neither C。
both D. all() 29。
—What do you think of the traffic in our city?—It’s ______ than it used to be,but there’s still a long way to go。
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UNIT 12 My favorite subject is science.
1 Unscramble the sentences and questions.
A:your what's subject favorite?
B:subject my favorite math is.
A:math why like you do?
B:exciting it is because.
A:science you like do?
B:do yes I.
2 Read the sentences and use the cues in parentheses to fill in the blanks.
Use the words from the box.
1.What's (you)your favorite subject?
2.Who is (Mary and Alice)_____________________math teacher?
3.What are (John)___________________favorite subjects?
4.why does (Mary)____________________like Spanish?
5.Because (Physical Education)_______________________is fun.
3 Answer the questions.
1.What is your favorite food? My favorite food is_________________
2.What is your favorite color? ________________________________
3.What is your favorite movie? ________________________________
4.Who is your favorite singer? ________________________________
5.What is your favorite TV program? ________________________________
6.Who is your favorite actor? ________________________________
7.What is your favorite sport? ________________________________
8.What is your favorite book? ________________________________ 4 Underline the correct word in each sentence.
1.Who (is / are)your music teacher?
2.Why does she (like / likes)Spanish?
3.Because they (is / are)boring.
4.Why (do / does)they like math?
5.What's (you / your)favorite subject?
5 Fill in the blanks.
1.The first day of the week is Sunday .
2.The second day of the week is_________________________.
3.The third day of the week is________________________.
4.The fourth day of the week is_______________________.
5.The fifth day of the week is_________________________.
6.The sixth day of the week is________________________.
7.The seventh day of the week is__________________________.
8.My favorite day of the week is__________________________.
6 Read the newspaper article, then fill in the chart.
Favorite subject
There are differences between boys' and girls' favorite subjects in school. Many young girls like math, music, and languages. Most young boys like physical education. But many sixteen-year-old boys like science and math. Many sixteen year-old girls like foreign languages, but science and math are not their favorite subjects. Why do girls and boys have different favorite subjects? We don't know.
Their favorite subjects are:
7 Write about five school subjects. Tell why you like or do not like them.
Art is my favorite subject. It's fun._________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________。