



THE NORTHERN F ORU M№21999(Su m№154)奥斯丁之魂——试析《爱玛》中的情境反讽李 冬 梅内容提要 作者在本文中简要介绍了反讽的时代背景,着重引出了情境反讽这一直至十九世纪才被人们普遍认知的文学现象,并以全新的视角剖析了奥斯丁的名作《爱玛》中的十个情境反讽的例子,借以说明情境反讽的普遍性及奥斯丁作品之精髓。

关键词 反讽 言语反讽 情境反讽反讽(Irony)是一种文化现象,它历史悠久并贯穿于人类文明的发展史。






反讽一词最早出现于柏拉图的《理想国》(R ep ub lic)中,它是指“使人上当受骗,圆滑、狭诈的辩论方式”②,即“言语反讽”(V erbal Irony),是一种“言不由衷”②。




人们越来越深刻地认识到反讽不仅仅再是语言上的言不由衷,而开始把人物置于情境中,看到了人物所处环境中的反讽——情境反讽(Situati onal Irony),并且普遍认为反讽不再是有限的,而是永恒的、能动的、世界性的。






第34卷第1期Vol.34N o.1开封教育学院学报Journal of Kaifeng Institute of Education2014年1月20日Jan.202014·7·doi:10.3969/j.issn.1008-9640.2014.01.004《爱玛》是简·奥斯丁艺术成就最为鼎盛时期的作品,同时也被认为是简·奥斯丁最为成功和最成熟的一部作品。







































































































一文学与言语反讽自荷兰著名语言学家van dijk开始关注依靠语用学方法来研究文学作品,到上世纪70年代末,文学和语用学进入了空前的发展阶段,从而有了一个新的交叉学科――文学语用学。























[2]Frank, Stringfellow.The Meaning of Irony: A Psychoanalytic Investigation[M],Albany,New York: StateUniversityofNew YorkPress, 1994.
[3]Guerin ,Wilfred L, Morgon ,Lee, Reesman, Jeanne C, Willingham ,John R, Labor, Earle G.AHandbook of Critical Approaches to Literature[M],Oxford University Press,1992.
2 国内对《爱玛》的反讽研究
[18] 王智华.“ 奥斯丁小说《傲慢与偏见》和《爱玛》中的反讽艺术”[J],《河北建筑科技学院学报》,2004(4).
[20] 朱虹.《奥斯丁研究》[M],北京:中国文联出版社,1985.








关键词:《爱玛》简・奥斯丁叙事视角反讽中图分类号:I106.4 文献标识码:A一引言《爱玛》是简・奥斯丁优秀的反讽小说。

















































1 引言
1.1 作者及其作品《爱玛》的介绍
1.2 文献综述
2 反讽的含义、类型及其特点
2.1 反讽的由来及其发展
3 简·奥斯丁的反讽手法概述
4 小说《爱玛》中出现的反讽类型及各种反讽类型的运用
4.1 《爱玛》中的言语反讽
研究步骤:1 收集资料
2 整理参考资料
3 组织论证
4 确定论文基本框架
5 撰写论文



CHANGSHA UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 毕业设计(论文)题目:浅析《爱玛》中的反讽艺术学生姓名:张力文学号: 200660100202班级: 2006601002专业:英语指导教师:易平2010年6月GRADUATION THESIS(Grade 2006)ANALYSIS THE ART OF IRONEY IN EMMAName:Zhang LiwenNumber: 200660100202Class: 2006601002Tutor: Yi PingDepartment: School of Foreign Languages Date of Completion: June 18, 2010浅析《爱玛》中的反讽艺术摘要简·奥斯丁是英国十九世纪杰出的小说家。








关键词:《爱玛》;反讽;简·奥斯丁ANALYSIS THE ART OF IRONEY IN EMMAABSTRACTJane Austen is an outstanding novelist in the 19th century. In Emma the irony skill becomes a significant characteristic in Austin’s novel. This novel analyzes the characteristics and types of the irony and describes various kinds of irony in Emma. This figure of irony has effect on the characters and promotes the plot development. In Emma we can see the special feature of irony from the irony art. Jane Austen is indeed a good master of irony. In this paper, we can see the irony used by Jane Austen through Emma. This paper has three parts in all. The first part introduces Jane Austen and gives a brief introduction to Emma. The second part introduces the writing background of Emma, including realism and utilitarianism. The third part analyzes the irony in Emma and introduces many kinds of irony.Key words:Emma; irony; Jane AustenContentsIntroduction (1)1 Jane Austen and Her Novel Emma (3)1.1 The Author of Emma: Jane Austen (3)1.2 The Introduction of Emma (4)2 The Writing Background of Emma (6)2.1Realism (6)2.2 Utilitarianism (6)3 The Art of Irony in Emma (8)3.1 Definition of Irony (8)3.2 The Use of Irony by Austen (8)3.3 Use of Irony in Emma (9)3.3.1 Irony in the Characterization of Emma and Mr.Knightley (9)3.3.2 Irony in Plot Structure (11)Conclusion (13)Bibliography (14)Acknowledgements (15)IntroductionEmma is a mature work written by British writer Jane Austen. In Emma Austen showed us the love and marriage of the British middle class in the 18th century. In the book there are three pairs of men and women who eventually tie the knot. They are Frank Churchill and Jane Fairfax, Emma Woodhouse and Mr.Knightley, Robert Martin and Harriet Smith. It is recorded that Austen in 1814 started writing Emma and finished in 1815. It is the fourth published works of Austen. At that time Austen was 40 years old and that period was the best time of her life. Because of her life experiences, her work was relatively mature this period. Not only the performance of art but also the ideas are relatively mature. Those who read Emma can find Austen's performance art have certainly achieved at a high stage.Emma has shaped a successful character - Emma. It is different from Jane Austen's other heroines in the books because Emma is not perfect. Anthony Trollope has pointed out that the heroine Emma was easy to make mistakes. In each section of the book she was wrong, because of her stupidity, vanity and ignorance, or because of her selfishness .Even Austen also worried that she has created a heroine that nobody liked but her. Emma's shortcomings are numerous, for example, she despised others. She liked to think something strange or to introduce girlfriend or boyfriend to others, and to cause harm to others. She always thinks herself right and does not like to listen to others. And she often insists on something. She loves to make jokes of somebody, and when she succeeds she always feels triumphant.Emma is a successful work that used irony. Irony plays a decisive part in plot development. The verbal irony and the situational or dramatic irony used in the dialogues are especially important. Based on the understanding of the reader-response criticism, this paper attempts to analyze the use of irony in Emma. Through a careful examination of the different types of irony used, the authoress seeks the understanding of the reader-response criticism. Meanwhile, the authoress tries to prove that irony contributes greatly to the characterization, structure, and theme of the novel.The British literature in 18th century is a very important era in the history. In this period,the literary creation of their language has some unique features,such as: simple language, concise, intelligent and sophisticated. No matter a poet, prose writer, or scholars, all kinds of artists try to link the artistic and witty, humorous, and irony knot together. In addition, the writers also combine those performances with the humor and Irony. Irony is a method of assertion used by authors in literature and poetry. Although many writers have employed this literary technique for centuries, the meaning of the word can be difficult to understand. Irony first appeared in Plato's book. The use of irony began with Aristotle. As one of the writing skills using in traditional literature, irony is a language skill, also a skill connected with characters, plot or theme, and it is the method of linguistic organization. The definition indicated that irony could be closely related to terms such as satire or sarcasm. The use of irony in Emma is different from other books. The irony in Emma is more of education and with the way of irony we can reach the purpose to educate people.1 Jane Austen and Her Novel EmmaWe have discussed the background of this book. Then, next we should know something about the use of irony by Jane Austen.1.1 The Author of Emma:Jane AustenJane Austen (December 16, 1775-July 18, 1817), an English novelist. She was born in Steve Burton, in rural town. There were six brothers and one sister in her home. Her father, George Austen (George Austen, 1731-1805) was a local pastor. Her mother was Cassandra (1739-1827). Austen had not been to regular school, but she had received good family education. The main material books were her father’s literary books. All the Austen family members loved reading popular fiction and the books were entertainment products. When she was a girl, she used copy the popular fiction, thus forming a mocking tone in her work. She began writing around the age of 20 and 6 novels were published all her life [1].Jane Austen never married all her life. In 1796, she and the highest Irish judges Tom Lefroy had a brief romance. It was said that he was the model of Mr. Darcy in Pride and Prejudice. In 1802, a little-year-old wealthy man Harris proposed to her. Austin initially accepted, but she changed her mind and rejected the next day.1801, when Austen's father retired, the whole family moved to the health resort of Bath. As described by the heroine Anne Elliot, Austen did not like Bath, which was perhaps about her family increasingly limited of the economic situation.1805 after the death of his father, Austen with her mother and sister went to the Southampton lived with his brother Frank for a few years. In 1809 they moved to Chawton with his brother Edward. Where the house is now the Austen’s Museum, and it has become a popular tourist spot. Austin’ lately writing works were written there.1816, Austen's health deteriorated. She moved to Winchester’s infirmary in 1817 and died in the same year in July. She was buried in Winchester Cathedral.From the late 18th to early 19th century, vulgar and boring sentimental novels and Gothic novels were full of the British literary scene. But Austen's novel created a new stage.Her works often ridiculed people's stupidity, selfishness, snobbery and blind self-confidence and despicable ridiculous weakness by the comic scenes. Austen's novel appeared in the early 19th century and drived away the rage of the false romantic trend. It inherited and developed the 18th-century British realist tradition and prepared for 19th-century realistic novel’s climax. Although her work reflected the breadth and depth limited, her works were useful. People can see the whole social forms and ways of the world from a small window. It played a good role to change the time on the vulgar culture novels, and it had a connecting sense in the history of the British novel. She was the writer known as the status of equal position with Shakespeare.1.2 The Introduction of EmmaThe British writer Jane Austen’s novel Emma is more influential, and it is written in 1815. This book is the most mature one of Austen’s novel.Emma is the richest man’s daughter in the village Highbury. When Emma was a little girl, she was intelligent and beautiful. She received a good education from her teacher Miss Taylor. Her Father's love and carefree living environment lead her to adopt a pretentious personality. When Emma was 12 years old, Miss Taylor married a gentleman near Weston and leaves Woodhouse. Emma feels lonely and recognizes a girl of the local schools named Harriet, and she makes friends with her. Harriet is a natural daughter, looks pretty, and has gentle character, and is very cute.Emma tries to match Harriet and the young gentleman Elton, and asks Harriet to refuse Robert Martin's marriage proposal. In fact the girl whom Elton loves girl is not Harriet, but Emma. So Emma does not match successful for them. Emma arranges another marriage for Harriet and this time she chooses Weston's son for Harriet.However, six months ago he met Highbury Frank Family's niece, Jane Fairfax. They attracted each other and set the marriage privately. Emma always intervenes of others marriage. A friend of her family tells Emma that people should be allowed to independently deal with love or people will get things worse. Knightley thinks highly of Robert Martin and often helps Harriet. In this way Harriet has a feeling of reverence and love to Knightley.When Emma discovers Harriet’s loving to Knightley, she is shocked. Because she realizes that she has been quietly in love with Knightley. At the same time, Knightley often points out the shortcomings of Emma; in fact, he is also interested in her [2].After a series of setbacks, Knightley and Emma finally get together. With Knightley'shelp Robert Martin eventually gets the love of Harriet.In Emma there are two important hero and heroine, that is Emma and Mr. Knightley. In many occasions they are in their own way to help others. The way for Emma to introduce girlfriend or boyfriend for others is ridiculous and even absurd in some degree. She is trying her best to help the low status of women looking for spouses of higher social status. She always misunderstands the situation, and the result is often contrary to her desire. Also it makes many jokes. We may think the author's aim is to make the readers laugh at the bad habit of British society.Mr. Knightley uses another way to help others, for example, once in a ball, he sees the low social status of Harriet faced with cold treatment, and by that he stands up to help maintaining her self-esteem. At last he helps her through the awkward situation. He thinks highly of Harriet and Martin’ true love in low status and gives appropriate assistance to them. He enables them the opportunity to tie the knot in accordance with their wishes. Emma is friendly, and she changes herself from lonely to make friends, from not knowing love to deep in love with Mr.Knightley. These all help Emma grow and become mature.2 The Writing Background of EmmaBefore we analyze the irony of Emma, it is necessary for us to know the background of Emma first. All these will be dealt with in following.2.1 RealismRealism was a literature movement which first appeared in the 19th century in France and Britain. Later it spread to Russia, Northern Europe and the United States. It became the mainstream in European and American’s literature in 19th century, and also created the modern European and American literacy’s climax.Realism is not only a world view, but also a form that contains a variety of viewpoints and realist theory. First of all, realism is a long-standing philosophical tradition and world view. Realism as a view of the world, is based on its moral progress and understanding of human capacity. Realists think the history is cycled not progressive. They are in deep suspicion of whether people have the ability to cooperate, live peacefully with each other and overcome the human recurring conflict. The world view of the realistic could see more evil in human nature and the tragedy in the cycle of human experience. To the middle of Emma, we can no longer doubt the reality of Jane Austen’ novel. Austen's novels are the Britain's secular painting in Victorian era. Austen is good at writing marriage. Acute vision is the writers’ essential tool for dealing with writing materials no matter what kind of writing style and writing genre is. Through her unsuccessful love, Austen does not become a woman who complained everything or a normal woman. Instead, she realized the essence of marriage is money and status. Take Emma for example, why Emma did not in favor of natural daughter Harriet and the famer Martin’s marriage? First of all, Emma arbitrarily considers Harriet is a daughter of a rich man, but Martin is a farmer with rude manner and penniless. Second, Emma does not think Martin has enough money to maintain their marriage.2.2 UtilitarianismUtilitarianism was officially becoming philosophy system in the late 18th and early 19thcentury. It is mentioned by the British philosopher and economist Bentham and Mill. The basic principle is: if an act could help enhance the happiness, it is right; if it appeared something on contrary with happiness, then it is wrong. Happiness not only refers to a person but also his or her friends. Bentham's argument is: what happiness is, what the pain is, everyone has his or her own thought. Thus everybody has an understanding about what happiness is. In principle, each person is a best judge of happiness. At the same time, everyone’s seeking his own greatest happiness is a rational purpose for all people.In human social life, self-selection is very important. When people face various events, all of their greatest happiness is to have the highest contribution, no matter what result they will get. This is the inevitable tendency of human nature. Utilitarianism does not take into account of a person's motives and means, and it only considers the maximum value of happiness. To increase the maximum value of happiness is good, otherwise it is evil [3].In Austen’s times, the upper class has always lived a life with laziness and debauchery. It is no exaggeration to say that upper class people are the parasites of society and they are idle, and never know about the pain. Through these so-called upper class people with irony and mockery, Austin let us clearly see the spiritual emptiness of landlord class and rural urban upper middle class, and the popularity of utilitarianism and egotism.Emma is the heroine of this book, and she is also the object of efforts to portray by Austin. Emma is Austen's most complex heroine of her book. She has the virtues of women and the evil of the upper class. Undeniably, Austen combines the two together perfectly and shows us a very lovely and vain Emma. Austen’s intention is not in critical of Emma. She only wants to show the upper class’s vanity and utilitarian through her.By Emm a, Austen shows the reader a true 19th century and the nature of the British upper classes. Utilitarian permeates the upper society. Hypocrisy has become a high society people’s model. Austen has more preference for Emma in her heart, while to Emma’s father, Mr. Woodhouse, Austin uses the harsh words for him.For Frank, he is to be rebuked with a spicy touch. Austin describes Mr. Woodhouse, Elton and Frank who are the real face of the upper class people with irony. At the same time, to the criticism for heroine Emma’s inherent of high society, Austin expresses the feelings of regret for Emma. Ultimately, she changes her mind for Emma and conveys to readers her hope.3The Art of Irony in EmmaIn this book Jane Austen uses much irony. And the irony becomes a prominent feature in Austen’s novel. It will be discussed in this part.3.1 Definition of IronyIrony is one of the oldest western criticism. It has the theoretical energy which makes the concept never stop developing and updating. The irony is originated in ancient Greek Eironeia. It first appeared in Plato's Utopia. And its meaning refers to luring others to be taken in and this is a glib rhetorical meaning. The prominent example is the Socratic’s dialogue. He pretends to ignore something and agree to others, which makes others in an error position in order to disprove his real view of the conversation. During this period, the definition of irony is basically maintained in telling the things on the contrary. In this axis, the irony makes the main figures of speech and with praise or blame to blame or praise. The appearance of truth and language become contrast and paradox [4].In different times, different people define irony differently in the perspective of research and interpretation. But all of these can still be set out in the following similarities: (1) In deep structure, irony implies something denial or contradictory. (2) Irony implies criticism. (3) What the speaker says and what he believes have differences or conflicts. (4) To the irony’s cognition we should share the background knowledge. In short, due to the complexity of irony, ironic form of diversity, and the development of the uncertain nature of irony, it is quite difficult to define irony. The skill and method of irony are all developed and also make it difficult to define accurately and grasp them. But so far it has expanded its concept. There must be a stable element to keep itself and that is why we can talk about irony and understand the root of irony.3.2The Use of Irony by AustenAusten is an outstanding British novelist in the nineteenth century. In Pride and Prejudice, Emma these two novels, the irony becomes a prominent feature in Austen’s novel.Austen uses a lot of irony in character creation. She is good at using irony, especially in pride and prejudice and Emma.In Jane Austen's novels there are some characters that are not very important, such as Mrs. Bennet in pride and prejudice and Mr. Woodhouse in Emma.Their disadvantages are shown in the articles. Every time their appearance can add dramatic plot in articles.Narrator only teases them, and let them enjoy the show. The author uses cartoon-like exaggeration, and irony in psychological description. In Emma the author introduces Mr. Woodhouse like this: his spirit is the need to support. He is a nervous man, and always feeled depressed [4]. This section shows a rich man with emptiness brain. When writing Miss Bates, Austen describes a lot of her long dialogue. With these tedious dialogues it directly renders her funny.And as in pride and prejudice,Collins’ proposal to Elizabeth is a good example. When Collins wants Elizabeth to marry him, his saying is like sermons pious and organized,but also quite tedious and disgusting, so it reveals his vulgarity.Austen uses irony to shape protagonist in her novel. It shows the people’s personality quirks ,thereby reveals the development process of personality quirks.Austen uses irony to describe the people, which has important significant in the history. Perhaps she is the first writer who uses irony to break the Western novels with perfect positive hero.3.3 Use of Irony in EmmaThe British literature in 18th century is a very important era in the history. In this period, the literary creation in the performance of their language has some unique features, such as: simple, concise, intelligent and sophisticated. No matter whether he or she is a poet, a prose writer, or a scholar, all kinds of artists try to link the artistic and witty, humor and irony together. In addition, these writers also combine those performances with the humor, and irony. In this period there is an important writer, who is remembered as a Jane Austen, “the master of irony". In Emma she used a lot of irony in the way of writing.3.3.1 Irony in the Characterization of Emma and Mr.KnightleyJane Austen left us with many famous novels, such as Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park, Emma, Persuasion, Northanger Abbey and so on. Jane Austen not only inherits irony of the traditional literary techniques, but also mixes her own uniqueliterary sensitivity in her works. So she creates a more mature and sophisticated ironic way, and makes it a great way during her writing characteristics.Her target is to make irony for people's marital in the social life of 18th-century. In this rise of capitalism society, socio-economy develops rapidly, but some people's spiritual life is stagnant.So, in her novels, she used irony to describe this marriage condition. Also there are more moderate irony for those more emotional than rational women. This irony is not only reflect in her characters description and shape characters, but also reflect in scenes, plot, description and the environment of the book [5].Let’s see how the author writes about Emma. As Jane Todd’s evaluation of it, creating characters is probably the most interesting and most skilful ability to her. In the beginning of the novel, the author uses a broad range of words with praise and vague adjectives to describe the heroine of the novel, such as handsome, clever, rich, with a comfortable and happy disposition, which seemed to unite some of the best blessings of existence. The author uses some words seemed as a praise but it is actually ironic or negative to reflect the heroine's character. Emma is elegant and outstanding in appearance, but she is over arrogant. So these words, which are seemed to praise her, factually present the arrogant character of Emma. This sets a background for the reader. Superficially the author here is to praise the heroine, but it implies that the heroine must have some imperfection.These blemishes inevitably become the focus in the back section. It is true that in the subsequent chapters the writer makes other series of irony to describe and show the imperfection of Emma's character deficiency. For example, in the beginning of the novel, she has shown her attitude toward marriage, “not going to be married at present, but has very little attention of ever marrying at all.” But finally she still enters the marriage hall [6].With Emma’s going out of the world from herself, the author's irony also has finished its final mission. Up to this point, the author has described Emma and other characters successfully. Therefore we can say that with the use of irony Jane Austen is indeed a masteron the use of irony.In the sixth chapter, Emma wants to paint a portrait for Mr. Elton. Although everyone knows the height of Elton, she paints him is a little higher, and use some good facial expressions. But when she finishes her painting, Mr. Elton is interested in enjoying it, andpraises that,“I can not agree with you. It appears to me a most perfect resemblance in every feature. I never saw such a likeness in my life. We must allow for the effect of shade, you know. Oh no- certainly not too tall- not in the least too tall. I Consider, she is sitting down, which naturally presents a different which in short gives exactly the idea- and the proportions must be preserved, you know [7].” Mr. Elton knows the fact but he praises it against his will because it comes from his own fascination and misunderstanding to Emma. When we view the writer’s intention of writing this book, we can see that it is not difficult for us to find Austin’s satire on Mr. Elton. The reader will compare the comments of Mr. Elton to the facts described in this article. The reader could also know the fact clearly from the objective description. In this situation, the obvious words that are contrary to the fact make the readers understand the speaker's motives [7].In Chapter 42 of Emma, Mr. Knightley invites his friends to eat strawberries. But Mrs. Elton suggests that “Oh, leave all that to me; only give me accrete blanche. I am lady patroness, you know. It is my party. I will bring friends with me [8].” It is clear that Mrs. Elton’s words are incompatible with the custom at that time. And only Mr. Knightley is eligible to invite friends to his estate. So Mr. Knightley has to respond by saying: “I hope you will bring Elton, said he; but I will not trouble you to give any other invitation.” Mr. Knightley realizes that Mrs. Elton has not recognized her own position in society yet. But in order to maintain his privileged position and without losing the identity, Mr. Knightley makes use of a very tactfully way to support his views on Mrs.Elton’s ideological, and show the irony of Mrs. Elton ignorance. The readers can not help but smiling when they read it, but Mrs. Elton seems to be not aware of the irony. In this section she still does not take into account the manner and address him by the name of Mr. Knightley. It seems very fool. When reading this book, the readers can understand the idea of Mr. Knightley and they can feel the use of irony in his words reflects his ideas. It can identify the negative attitude in his words[9].3.3.2 The Irony Used in Plot StructureAusten’s novels always consist of various of plots. All these plots constitute the entire structure.In chapter 15 of Emma, Elton makes an offer of marriage to Emma. It is a good example of irony. Emma hopes that Elton, the minister in the local church, could fall in love with hergood friend Harriet, and she does many things for this aim. Harrite realizes that she loves Elton, and Elton also treats Harriet very well. He goes to a town to choose a picture frame for Harriet at night. Thus, all the others think that the two people love each other. However, Elton makes an offer of marriage to Emma. He says that he dose not love Harriet, and he will never love her. The one whom he dose love is Emma. Emma is very surprised. Elton is a boyfriend that she chooses for her friend Harriet, but the one whom Elton loves is Emma. It is ironic and dramatic.Emma has faced three setbacks. The first one is Emma makes a wrong decision about Elton’s intention. The second is Emma thinks Frank loves her. The third one was when Emma heard that Harriet was attracted by gypsy and saved by Frank, she was more like to match Harriet and Frank. In these there setbacks Emma faces we can see the irony is used in it.In the chapter four: “she must have a good sense, and seserve encouragement. Encouragement should be given. Those soft blue eyes, and all those natural graces, should not be wasted on the inferior society of Highbury and its connexions. ” This is Emma’s first impression to Harriet. The personal pronoun “she” all indicates Harriet. The words “must”“should”“inferior” reflect Emma is a self-centered person. In this sentence the past tense implicat the existence of the narrator.We can see that she becomes a taunt to the narrator.In the next chapter it is described “she would notice her; she would improve her; she would detach her from her bad acquaintance, and introduce her into good society; she would form her opinions and her manners [10].”Having appraised Harriet’s appearance and behaviors, Emma thinks that it is possible for Harriet to be a perfect girl if Harrite could learn to be more knowledgeable and graceful. Then Emma makes up her mind to do something to make Harriet perfect. All of these thoughts of Emma are expressed in indirect speech. All of the “shes” used here are as personal pronouns of Emma. And the parallelism used here indicates that Emma wants to control Harrite very much. Here the readers can clearly feel the narrator’s ironic attitude to Emma’s plan to change Harrite.。





1.探析《爱玛》的语言反讽效果 [J], 周红;
2.叙事学视域下《爱玛》的反讽效果探析 [J], 郇芳;
3.基于叙事学角度探析《爱玛》的反讽语境 [J], 李晓梅
4.探析《爱玛》中的反讽语言艺术 [J], 刘宁宁
5.从叙事学的角度探析《爱玛》的反讽效果 [J], 韩彦枝

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( 一) 语 言 反讽 简 ・ 奥 斯 汀 的小 说往 往都 具有 极 强 的现实 主义
式的反讽。奥斯汀在给读者传达当时英 国的道德标 准——社会地位和物质财富是评价一个人综合价值 的标准。而这种隐喻形式的反讽手法正是借助语言
来 完 成 的。
( 二) 哲 学 反讽
《 爱玛》 的哲学反讽主要是通过人物 的主观臆 想 和现实 生活 矛 盾性 实 现 的。我 们 知 道 , 爱 玛 为他 人做媒 的行 为是极好 的, 其初衷也是善 良的 , 然而由 于爱 玛具 有极 强 的个 人 主 观性 , 骄 傲 的性 格使 得她 对事情失去 了正确的判断 , 盲 目地插手别人的私生 活, 却神不知鬼不觉地慢慢地摧毁 了别人应有的幸 福 。最后 , 在爱 玛脱 离 自身 的主观臆 想 , 站在 客观 的 视角对待别人 的事情 时, 所有 的一切 终于明 朗化 。 奥 斯 汀从不 同的角 度 描 述爱 玛 的穿 着 、 打 扮 和 整体
( 三) 情境 反讽
反 讽 手段 在 叙 事文 本 中的运 用极 其 广 泛 , 其形
式很 多 , 小说 《 爱玛 》 就 是其 中一个 典 型 例 子 。反讽 手段 中充 满异 义 的各种 叙述 与评论 充实 了作 品的 内 在意 蕴 , 但 同时也对 读者 提 出了更严 格 、 更 高层 次 的 要求 。反讽需 要读者具备辩 证思维 , 不仅要 观察到作
者在话语方 面有意制造 出的种种假象 或表象 , 而且要 凭借丰 富的实践 经验 与话 语情 境来 构筑 所要 描 述 的
收稿 日期 : 2 0 l 5 —o 6 —1 5 作者简介 : 李 敏( 1 9 7 9 一) , 女, 河南焦作人 , 焦作师范高等专科学 校 , 讲师, 硕士 , 研究方 向: 英美语言文学 。

的眼光 看世 界 。如果 盲 目地 依靠 自己 的主 观 想 法 , 那 么势 必就会 脱 离现实 , 更难 以看 清真 实 的 自己。
2 0 1 5年第 1 O期 第3 l 卷 ( 总4 0 6期 )
No . 1 O. 2 O1 5 V0 1 . 3 l
色彩 , 处处体现道德和经济利益的矛盾冲突, 而作 品 中的这种冲突正是借助反讽艺术完成的。奥斯汀心
里 十分 清楚 , 在 1 9世 纪 的英 国 , 婚 姻具 有 重 要 的经
济作用 , 她认为贫穷 是女人愿 意结婚 的重要理 由。 道德 和物 质二 者 在 价 值标 准 上 的 区别 和 相 通 是 《 爱
值观 。
关键词 : 《 爱玛》 ; 简・ 奥斯汀 ; 反讽 艺术
D O I : 1 0 . 1 6 0 8 3 / j . c n k i . j e i j p . 2 0 1 5 . 1 0 . 0 0 1
中图分 类号 : I 5 6 1
文献标识码 : A
文章 编号 : 1 6 7 1 -1 5 8 0 ( 2 0 1 5 ) l O —O o o 1 —o 2
年轻 、 漂亮 、 经 济宽 裕 的她 , 从 来 都 不 担 心 自己 的婚 姻大事 , 还 一 度热 衷 于 为 他 人 做媒 。她 按 照 自己 内
域才应该出现的名词 , 而奥斯汀却用在了对人们道德
标 准 的评价 和判断方面 , 在很 大程度 上是一 种隐喻 形
心 的想法 , 为哈莉艾特安排无数次恋爱 , 却不断招来 嘲笑与讽刺。故事 的最后 , 哈莉艾特认 为 自己爱上 奈特莉 时, 爱玛才从梦 中惊醒, 发觉奈特莉是 自己所 爱 的人 。因此 , 爱玛开始放弃 自己不结婚的天真想 法, 与奈特 莉先 生喜 结 连理 。 简・ 奥斯汀是一个反讽创作大师, 《 爱玛》 是奥 斯 汀 在艺术 领 域达 到 鼎 盛 时 期 的小 说 , 得 到 了诸 多 批评家较高的评价 。简 ・ 奥斯汀高超反讽手段与结 构消除的时候 , 正是爱玛的再教育结束之时, 也是爱 玛 拥有 幸福 的时刻 。在 《 爱玛》 这部小说中, 女 主人 公爱玛 的众多错误是 由多种形式的反讽手段展现出 来 的, 包括 语 言反讽 、 哲 学反讽 以及情 境反 讽 。 二、 基 于 言语行 为 理论视 角 的《 爱 玛》 反 讽 艺术
小说《 爱玛》 简述 《 爱玛》 描 述 的是女 主人公 爱玛 的爱 情故 事。

玛》 反讽 的主题 。“ 很乐意 回收爱 过别人 的屈 辱 ” “ 对 身心两方 面 都 没有 增 添什 么实 质 上 的损 害 ” 这 两 句 中, 分别 出现了“ 回收 ” 和“ 增 添” 这 些 只 有 在经 济 领
To t a l No . 4 0 6
《 爱玛》 中 的反讽艺术 : 基于言语行为理 论的视 角
李 敏 Biblioteka ( 焦作 师 范 高等 专科 学校 , 河南 焦作 4 5 4 0 0 0 )
摘要 : 简・ 奥斯 汀是英 国杰 出女性 小说 家 , 被世人 赞誉 为反 讽 大师。其代表作 《 爱玛》中对反讽 艺术有 高超的运 用 , 其中 包括语 言反讽 、 哲 学反讽 和戏剧 性反 讽 。通过 运 用 多种反 讽 , 奥 斯 汀不 露 声 色地批 判 了当时英 国人 的婚 姻 状 况和社 会 价
形象 , 意在 向读 者传 递爱玛 的人 生观 、 世界 观 和价值 观 。在时代 发 展 的潮 流 中 , 我 们 必 须具 体 情 况 具体 分析 , 深入 社会 才能 真正 了解社 会 的需求 , 要 明 白事 物 是不 以人 的意志 为 转 移 的 , 我们 不 能 简 单地 依靠 自己的主观 性来 判断 问题 , 更应 该用 一种 客观 、 全 面