浅谈英汉习语的翻译On the translation of English and Chinese idioms邓慧云(长江大学外国语学院英语(师范)10901班 200900848)摘要:随着社会的不断发展和进步,英汉互译在我们的生活和工作中变得越来越平常和普通。
关键词:特点、形和意、直译、意译论文大纲1.英汉习语的特点1,1英语习语的特点1.2汉语习语的特点2.英汉习语的形和意2.1意义和形式相同2.2意义和形式部分或完全不同2.3意义相似,形式不同2.4形式,意义都不相同3.翻译方法3.1 直译法3.2 意译法3.3直译和意译结合4.结语理论背景在经过快两年的翻译学习中,我们更加透彻的了解了中西方的文化,它们的起源、发展、成熟在我们面前一一展现。
班 门弄 斧
On c e b i t e ,t wi c e s h y
一 朝被 蛇咬 , 十 年 怕 井 绳
英汉 两种语 言都有丰富的习语,习语的 出现汇聚着一个 民
族, 一 个国家的民情 、 国情 、 地理风貌 、 历 史背景 、 文学作 品、 风俗
四、 直 译 加 注
为 了保 留原文 的民族特色 和形 象比喻, 一些含有典 故的习 语也常采用直译, 但需要加注, 以免使读 者感 到难 以理解 。 当然加
注会分散 , 打断 读 者 的连 贯 理 解 , 因而 以少 用 为 好 。
司马昭之 心
ma n i n t h e s re t e t .
习惯 , 凝聚着无数语言使用 者数代 的智慧和心血, 承载着无数难
以言表 的超乎语言之外的信息与哲理。 习语来源于 日常生活 、 社 会 活动和体 力劳动, 具有结构严谨 、 形式简练 、 含义精辟 、 形象鲜
f 0 r c e c o me t o t he f or e whe n d e c e p ion t w o r e t h i n.
从六个方面对英 汉习语 的互译介绍如下, 以供参考 。
A g o o d d o g d e s e r v e s g o o d b o n e .好 狗 应 得 到 好 骨
A s n o w y e a r ,a r i c h y e a r .
情 人 眼 里 出西施 B e a u t y i l e s i n l o v e r ’ s e y e s .
B u m o n e ’ S b o a u
L i k e i t t h e r , l i k e s o n .
努 蒂提 出了驯 化和异 化 的概念 。他将 “ 译者 隐形 ” 中 的驯化 和异 化 定义 如下 :驯化 采用 国家 中心原 则 ,使源 语 言文 本 满足 目标语 言 和 文化 的价 值 ,引导源 语言读 者 进入 目标 文 化 ,而 异 化接 受 外语 文 化 和 目标语 言文 化之 间的差 异 ,以使 目标语 言读者 看到外 国现 场 。 还有 一些成 语 和成 语 翻 译 的 限制 。为 了 回顾 习语 研 究 的 产 生 , 很 容 易发 现研究 范 围和方 法是相 似 的 。大 多 数 习语研 究 是 基于 传 统
在2 0世 纪 3 0年 代 和 5 0年 代 期 间 ,这 一 时 期 的代 表 C .F . H a c k e t t 强调 了背 景在 基于 结构 主义 的习语 的识 别和解 释 中 的重要 作 用 。他解 释 了习语 的深层 结构 和语 义特 征 ,它规 范 了习语 的定义 。 在2 0世纪 6 0年代 ,习语 的研 究相 对 减慢 了。B 。F r a s e r 代 表 的
家劳伦 斯 ・ 维努 蒂提 出了鲫I 化和 异化 的概 念 。他 将 “ 译者 隐形 ” 中的驯 化 和异 化 定 义如 下 :驯 化 采 用 国家 中心原 则 ,使 源语 言 文 本 满足 目标 语 言和文化 的价 值 ,引导 源语 言读者 进入 目 标 文化 ,而异化 接 受 外语 文化 和 目标 语 言 文化 之 间 的 差异 ,以使 目标 语 言
读 者看 到外 国现 场。 关键 词 :习语 ;文化 背景 ;语 言 差异 中图分 类号 :H 3 1 5 . 9 文献标 志— 1 6 0 2( 2 0 1 6 )2 0— 0 2 9 7— 0 1 译家 M o n a B a k e r 曾经 说过 的那 样 , “ 翻译 的惯 用 和 固定表 达形 式 的 主要 问题涉 及两个 主 要领域 :正 确识 别 和解 释成 语 的 能力 ,以及 在
【 关键词 】 英语 习语 ; 特征 ; 翻译方法
21 直 译法 .
所谓直译法 是指 不违背译文 的语言规 范和不引起错误联想 的条 件下 . 在译文 中保 留英语 习语的 比喻 、 形象 和民族 、 地方特 色的方法。 用这种方法翻译 习语把西方 习语移植到汉语中来 . 可以很容易地翻译 原文 直译法主要可用于翻译 以下两类英语 习语 。 21 直译法主要用 于翻译那类平铺直叙的 、 .1 . 字面含义和内涵意义相 同的、 英汉两 种民族能够达成共识 的习语 , 这样 既能较 完整地保存原 文 的表 达方 式 ,又可 体现 我们 自己的语 言文 化特 色 。如 :l di Bo o s
. 意义 。 习语 的形式有词 、 词组 、 短语、 句子 , 但是它 的各个组成部分即词 22 意译法 许 多英汉 习语用直译法不能保留原文的表达形 式 . 又无相对应的 与词之 间是 紧密联系且不可分割的 , 能被孤立地分 开、 也不 截取使 用。 我们用直译 法根本无法传 达原 文的信息 . 这些情 况下意 如果 把组成一个习语 的各 个词拆开 .尽管你 能够理解每个单词 的意 习语可套用 , 在忠于原意的 义. 可是仍然无法理解这个习语的意义 。如 : o e h e ete 译就是很好的解决方式 。意译着眼于表达原句的意思 , t s wt i a r o h h w tf h 灵活翻译原文 的词语 、 处理原文的句子结 构。所 以 . 在翻译 这 表示 “ 表露胆怯 ”而不是字面意义的“ , 显示 白色 的羽毛” 又如 t s 前提下 , o1 e o 还要配 o es ed的字面意思 是“ n ’ha 失去 了头” 而它 的比喻意义 确实“ 知所 类习语时我们就 要仔细在汉语言文化 中寻找对应 的表达方式 . . 不 作些必要 的转化 . 进而用恰 当的汉语 意思把英 措” 因此 , 习语 的理解和记忆要注意意义的整体性 , 。 对 切忌望文生义。 合英语上下文 的含 义 . 就意义而言 , 字面意义 、 有 形象 意义和 比喻意义三个 方面 。如 T 0 n 语习语的含义表达出来 r a i T e e a v a e eer s h nh ae l i hi o . h r w r m n i d ybo e e hvda s a f e e rs w w s l h r f倘 hre的三个方面的意义如下 : os 若不 知道“ i n ’ e er s a s e ig 这个 习语 . t r s o es yb w ( m t n) oae o to h ” 采用 直译 字面意 义 : 洛伊木马 特 “ 抬起某人的眉毛” 的话 . 人们会不知所云 。它并非指抬起眉毛这一动 形象意 义 : 特洛伊木马 作. 而是“ 表示轻蔑 或惊讶 ” 比喻意义 : 暗藏的敌人或危机 Iia ogaeht a n rn.路必有弯 : ts n n ahs o u i “ l l t t n g 事情必有转机 ” 但 并不 是每一个 习语都具备这三种意义 . 的只是字面意义 . 有 没 有形象 意义和比喻意义 ( 若直译为“ 没有转弯 的小巷的确是一条很长的小巷” 正好与所要 表达 的意思相反。) 12 结构 的固定性 这类 习语 还有 t w r h n oe i “ ……狼狈为奸 ” n o o adi g v t 与 k n l wh : O 从 结构上看 . 英语 习语里的单词和词序 是固定不变 的. 不能随便 e et r n“ s e op o :vr c u a a i e l i “ yl s v n g 事情有 拆 开或更换 . 不能颠倒词序 . 也不能更换 比喻 . 这是约定俗成 的 . 无规 r p c r f es 一视同仁” E e odhs l ri n . 也有好的一面” T ee s r a n a knact 达 :h r’ moetn o ew yt si a. h o “ 律可循。 :e hr e o f h 非驴非马 : 如 ni e f s nr i “ t h s i 不伦不类 ”不能颠倒词序 坏 的一面 . . 改为 ni e s o eh 也不 能 更换 比喻 改成 ni e o kvnr 到一 同一个 目标途径可能会有很多” e hrfhn rf s t i l e hrd n e o t 等 以上我们举 例分析 了英语 习语 的主要意译方法 .但在 实际翻译 hre os。再如 : a l w y中的 a不能换成 te 因为 i afml a i afmi a n v h. n i wy a v 情况远没有我们想象 的那么简单 . 以在翻译过程 中, 了避免想 所 为 的意思是“ 不拘小 节的” 而 i efmi a 则 表示 孕 ” 。 nt a l w y h v 。又如 : 中, A 出现漏译 、 等现象 , 误译 一定要灵活处理 . 不能望文生义 . 生搬硬 st m vs i . tc i t es e n e 小洞 不补 , ih n i a n “ 大洞尺五” a 中. 不能改为 0e 即 当然 、 R 使有的习语有悖于现代英语语法 的规则 , 也不 能改变其结构 。如 : s 套 。 i n ado t 底细 ” u s n o n “ n u “ s 和 p add w s 兴衰 ” 中的两对介 词都作 名词 用 : 23 直译兼意译 .
例如,“一见钟情”在英文中常常翻译为“love at first sight”,而不是直接翻译为“one look and love forever”。
5960take courage to hold an optimistic view toward the prob-lems.2.1From the Cultural Point of ViewExperts of cross-cultural communication have said that human experience of life is actually alike throughout the world,“Language is the direct reality of thought”“No matter it is thought or language,they are only the reflec-tion of realistic life”“No matter what thought will come into produce,they can produce and exist only on the base of language materials,technical terms and words and phrases.”Language is the reflection of reality.That is to say,different languages may describe the same reality and the same phenomena.The ideas expressed in English can also be said in Chinese,and that is quite possible.What people of different cultural backgrounds in common is much greater than their differences.Although they may have differences in some superficial aspects,what separ-ates them apart is not so queer and unconquerable.Thus those research results have laid the theoretical foundations for the possibility of cross-cultural translation of idioms.2.2From the Linguistic Point of ViewThough idioms are the special material in English, they are still part of the language and are fixed,expressive language elements.So idioms have no difference from common language material for the function in the orig-inal.They are similarly translatable.All the languages with long history contain rich idioms.If denying the trans-latability of idioms,it is equal to deny the translatability of languages.When we do the translation work,we should not transmit individual elements of a composition,but to translate it as a whole.Thoughts and contents should be the prerequisite for the translatability of idioms.If transla-tors focus on every aspect and details of the source lan-guage,it is of course ideal,but if they can not,it does not matter.Because this does not influence the ideological contents and artistic quality of the original.Those who think idioms are untranslatable have made a formalistic mistake.They ignore the thoughts and contents of the sou-rce language which have distinctive national features. They attend to the individual elements which are owned in Chinese but not in English.So,they could not translate well.2.3From the Realistic Point of ViewAlong with the communication of the English and Chinese nations,the differences between the two nations are reduced greatly,this add to the possibility of idiomatic translation between the two nations.For example,in west-ern society,religious has a strong influence on people. There left a large number of idioms representing religious beliefs.Once we know about the religious background, we could translate such curse words as“Go to hell”and “damn you”.Another example is the different attitudes that Chinese people and English people hold toward dogs. The Chinese people look down upon dogs,but the wes-terners look dogs as their best and honest friends.But after learning this,we could understand that“dog-tired”means“very tired”,“sick as a dog”means“very sick”, and“love me,love my dog”means“爱屋及乌”in Chin-ese.The more we communicate,the more we know each other.Thus the translation of the English idioms is not as difficult as before.3Standards for the translation of Eng-lish Idioms3.1Standards for the idiomatic translationThe translation of English idioms as well as that of the ordinary passages are all subject to the criteria of translation proposed by Yan Fu in the late19th century. Yan Fu’s proposal could be summed up into three words :“faithfulness,expressiveness,elegance”.How this criteria is reflected in the translation of English idioms will be discussed in the following.3.2FaithfulnessFaithfulness means that translators should be loyal to the original text,distortion or preservation is not allowed .Since what a translator really does is expressing other pe-ople’s idea in a different language,so the content of his or her translation must strictly comply with that of the orig-inal.So it is very clear that“faithful”is the most import-ant among the three,and it is the first responsibility to a translator.Translating superficially is one thing needs our attention.Some idioms can not be understood by the meanings of the words that compose them,they may have more profound meanings.Translation of English Idioms into Chinese61第6卷第2期Translation of English Idioms into Chinesee.g.it rains cats and dogs.Literally it means“天上下猫和狗”in Chinese.But we all understand that actually it means“大雨滂沱”.This is just a simple example.Some idioms have rat-her complicated structures that need careful analysis.Another aspect of translating English idioms concer-ning faithfulness is the maintaining or preservation of the features of the English nation.As we have mentioned, idioms can reflect a nation’s characters.The translation of them should also reveal and convey its national features ,life and customs to another nation without mixing with that nation’s own traditions.e.g.Don’t cross the bridge until you come across it.If this English idiom is translated into“不要杞人忧天”,the Chinese translation is smooth and has almost the same meaning as the English idiom,but we all know that “杞人”(Qiren)is a literary figure in the traditional Chin-ese writing.If we translate this idiom in this way,Chin-ese people may feel very confused and think that maybe there is also a Qiren in Britain.Thus it is much better if we translate it in another way,that is“船到桥头自然直”,for the latter one has no Chinese features in it and it can be un-derstood by us Chinese as well as the first translation. 3.3ExpressivenessExpressiveness refers to the popularity of the idio-matic translation.The translation should be as popular as the daily language,clear and terse.Because many Eng-lish idioms have become part of the daily expression,they have been used in English people’s colloquial speech. For the style and manner of the target language should be in accord with the original language,the translation of the English idioms should be like the colloquial talks.No matter how learned the readers are,this translation prin-ciple should be followed.e.g.Bad workmen quarrel with their tools.If we translate it into拙工咎器,then this rendering is too literary.It is obvious that no workman in either Eng-land or China will speak in such a literary way,this trans-lation make them sound like well-educated people,but in fact this is not the case.But it is not to say that all idioms should be translated colloquially.The idioms in the Bible or some other literary works should be translated literally.e.g.Soft answer turneth away wrath.This is an idiom from the Bible.It should be trans-lated into“婉言可以息怒”.Because the Bible is a holy book which has religious background,only be translated in this way,can its formality be revealed.e.g.Enough to make the angels sweep.This is an idiom from Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure.The Chinese translation for this is“足以令天使垂泪”.Thus the style of the Chinese version should be the same as the English expression,classical versus classical ,literary versus literary and colloquial versus colloquial.3.4EleganceElegance represents the aesthetical value in transla-tion.As we have seen that idiom is a vibrant part in the language,it gives color and life to the language.How pale and weak a language is without the decoration of the ually idiom is witty,humorous,rhythmic and figurative,thus the translation of it should reflect these characters.How to translate the idiom elegantly is a hig-her request for the translators after they achieve the goal of faithfulness and expressiveness.Translators should ad-opt concisive,symmetric and rhythmic language accord-ingly.e.g.Good wine needs no bush.(酒好客自来)This is a very good example to show the rhythmic and explicit translation of the idiom.e.g.Old friends and old wine are best.If it is translated into Chinese,two versions are available.The first version is“老朋友与陈年老酒是最好的”.While the second version is“陈酒味醇,老友情深”.By comparing these two versions,I believe that most Chinese people will choose the second version. Why?Because although the first version gives a precise translation,it does not take the elegance and rhythm of the translation into consideration,which does not make the first version read like an idiom.4Skills for the Translation of English IdiomsThe criteria of translation has been discussed,we now come to the skills or principles of idiomatic transla-tion.Generally speaking,all skills of translation could be62第6卷第2期Translation of English Idioms into Chineseused in the idiomatic translation,but here I would like to introduce four mostly used principles for the translation of idioms.4.1Principle of Literal TranslationThe purpose of literal translation is to maintain the original flavour of the source language,while not to bre-ach the grammatical rules of the target language.In the translation of the English idioms,the translator should do their utmost to retain the style,image and even rhetorical methods employed in them.That is the principle of first importance.Because the translation work is not only to convey the other nation’s idiom but also its national char-acters.Many English idioms can be translated literally, here I only list a few of them.e.g.A wolf in sheep’s clothing(披着羊皮的狼)To be led by the nose(被牵着鼻子走)To pull the chestnut out of the fire(火中取栗)Numerous examples could be found in the E-C trans-lation of the idioms.Idiom is the scintilla of a language which possesses much more national features than other forms of this language does.Literal translation is the translation principle that could to the largest extent pre-sent the national features of the source language,thus the literal translation of the English idioms should be consid-ered in the first place.4.2Principle of EquivalenceAs we have discussed,people live in different coun-tries may have the similar experience in life.Human be-ings throughout the world have to labor and struggle with nature in order to exist and produce the next generation. In correspondence to these phenomena,there are must be identical expressions in both the source language and the target language.The English idiom to burn one’s boats possesses a nearly identical image and meaning as the Chinese one“破釜沉舟”.These two expressions in Eng-lish and Chinese show a equivalence of each other.4.3Principle of ReplacementWe could consider this principle as the principle of equivalence in its broad sense.Because the equivalence in this principle is not so absolute.In translation,if the trans-lator could use the correspondent idioms or proverbs of the target language to express the meaning or flavor of that of the original language,so much the better.Butusually the meanings of the idioms in both languages are identical,the images or emotional feelings for the idioms are different.When that is the case,we still treat these two idioms as the equivalence.That is the principle of re-placement.We use another image to express the meaning of the source language.For example,the Chinese equiv-alence for the English saying to get blood from stone is “糠里炸油”.Both of them mean to do something imposs-ible,thus we can use the Chinese saying to replace the English one.Here we could see a replacement.That is糠(barn)for stone and油(oil)for blood.4.4Principle of Free TranslationThis is a principle that can be used by the translators when all the above principles are not suitable.In translat-ing idioms,free translation is the most flexible one.It can express a source idiom in a totally different way in images ,rhetorical devices and even in shades of meaning.If a translator use free translation,he or she should aware of a loss of those things.Translators usually want to reduce the loss to a minimum degree,they could achieve this by adding supplementary notes to the translation.By doing this,they provide an explanation to the readers in order to help readers to better understand the source idioms.This is a paradox,because an idiomatic translation should first be read like an idiom,this translation principle seldom has this feature.5Suggestions for better translation of English idiomsIn this part,I will discuss how to improve our trans-lating of English idioms.Before we go to this part,I would like to have a look at the qualities that must be possessed by a translator.Fir-st,a good translator must be good at the two languages, that is the source language and the target language.Be-sides that he or she must also have a good command of grammar,syntax,literature and rhetorical structure of the SL and the TL.Second,he or she should have some abil-ities of writing,this ability could help him or her to con-vey the meaning and style of the source language effectiv-ely.Third,he or she must know where and how to find the information that is needed in his or her translation.A63第6卷第2期Translation of English Idioms into Chinesetranslator can not possibly know all the things in the sou-rce language or even the target language,thus this ability to find the needed information is also a basic quality a translator must have.6ConclusionEnglish idioms are difficult for us to translate,but it is translatable.Before we get to translate an English idiom ,first,we need to understand it literally and clearly.Then we should take the context that this idiom is in into con-sideration,and decide what is the meaning of the idiom in this specific environment.The next step goes to the trans-lation of the idiom itself.Yan Fu’s standards can be used to judge whether the translation is good or ually faithfulness is the most important one,that is to say,the first requirement of translation is that we should choose the correct meaning for the idiom,after that,we can go on to see whether the translation is expressive,that is whether the translation is terse and concise,the third stan-dard is elegance,this standard is a higher requirement for the translators,this one is based on the former two stan-dards,it emphasizes on rhythm and rhyme.In order to better translate the idioms,we could ap-ply to some translation methods.Those principles di-scussed above function as devices that can polish our translation.If we could use these devices flexibly,it will be easier for us to reach the translation standard.The last but not the least aspect is the qualifications and daily work a good translator has to possess and do. Those points are the ones that have been neglected by most people.On effect,those aspects are also important in the translation,they can even affect the quality of a translator’s works.Bibliography:[1]辞海编辑委员会.辞海[M].上海:上海辞书出版社,1999.[2]冯庆华.实用翻译教程[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,1997.[3]郭著章,李庆生.英汉互译实用教程[M].武汉:武汉大学出版社,1996.[4]黄龙.翻译学[M].南京:江苏教育出版社,1994.[5]张春柏.英汉汉英翻译教程[M].北京:高等教育出版社,2003.[6]张维友.英语词汇学教程[M].武汉:华中师范大学出版社,2004.浅谈英语习语的汉译卜素1,周妮2,曹晓磊1(1.中南民族大学工商学院,湖北武汉430065;2.湖北生态工程职业技术学院,湖北武汉430200)[摘要]本文从四个方面详述了英语习语的汉译问题。
浅谈英汉习语的翻译 毕业论文
目录摘要 (1)关键词 (1)引言 (2)一、英语习语的内涵及其作用 (2)二、跨文化交际语境下的英汉习语差异 (2)三、英语习语在翻译中文化差异的因素 (3)3.1. 历史发展的差异 (3)3.2.地理环境的差异 (3)3.3.宗教信仰的差异 (3)3.4. 历史典故的差异 (4)四、英语习语翻译的原则 (4)4.1. 直译法 (4)4.2. 意译法 (5)4.3. 直译加注法 (5)五、结语 (6)参考文献 (7)摘要:英语习语是英语语言的精华,是英语词汇中一个不可缺少的组成部分。
英汉 习语翻译浅析
郭 鹏 f 州涉外 经济职 业技 术学 院 广东 广
【 摘
广州 5 0 4 ) 1 5 0
要1 习语是一种承载着大量信 息和文化底蕴的特殊语言形式, 是人类智慧的结晶。如何翻译好 习语是每 个翻译工作者都 需要 面对的
问题 。 本 文试 从 几 个 方 面对 英 语 习语 的翻 译 方 法 与 手段 加 以 分析 。
【 关键 词 】 习语 ; 文化 ; 译 方 法 翻
不 习语 是 人 类 智慧 的结 晶 是 民族 文 化 的 瑰 宝 , 承 载 着一 个 民族 的 事 意义 呢 ?所 谓 意 译 就 是 指 根 据原 文 的大 意 来 翻译 , 作 逐 字 逐 句 的 它 历 史及 文 化 。 由 于其 自身 简 短却 蕴 含 着 诸 多 信息 与哲 理 得 特 点 , 于 翻译 。意译 强 调 的 是 译语 文 化 体 系 和原 语 文 化 体 系 的相 对 独立 性 。意 对 即 形 。意 译 法 的 翻译 工作 者 来 说 . 的 翻 译 可谓 是 一 大 难 题 。 并且 每 个 民族 都 有 自 译 更 能 够 体 现 出本 民族 的语 言 特 征 , “ 相远 而意 相 近 ” 习语 身 的文 化 由此 产生 的 习语 也 各 有各 的 特 点 , ,如 何把 两 种 习语 翻 译 的 适 用 可 以 使 一部 分 习语 的 翻译 更 为 准 确 恰 当 。比如 : h et s y T eb sf hae i 形 似并 且 神 似 , 翻译 过 程 中找 到一 个 平衡 点更 是 成 为 了每 一 个 翻 译 lH eb t m ( 鱼 居 水 底 。/ 价 值 的 东 西 不 能 轻 易 得 到 。 );h 在 l rt ot .好 e h o 有 Te 工作 者需 要 解 决 的 问题 。 者认 为要 对 英 语 习语 进 行 生 动且 准 确 的 翻 cb l o l s c ils. 守 本 分 。) T ebsf hs lw e 笔 obe s ud t kt hs at 各 rh i o ( : h et s l h n i me 译需 要 注 意 以 下几 个 方 面 。 te r redy l.再 好 的 鱼 三 天 也 要 变 臭 。, 住 招 人 嫌 。 ) hyaet e asod( h 久 ; B g a a ’ b h oes( 不 择 食 。 ) utr o b t ri n ei . e g r c n t ec o s r 饥 s . ;B t ut o rl h et e s s ( 篇 一 律 的 东 西令 人 生厌 。 )C r ie a.忧 虑 伤 身 。 ) lw 千 ; aekl daet l ( ;Ca
谈中英文互译中习语的翻译论文谈中英文互译中习语的翻译论文一、东西方文化差异造成的习语表达差异1、宗教方面的差异我们知道,宗教是一个民族信仰的体现,信仰与人们的日常、交流又密切相关,多以东西方宗教信仰方面的差异就造成了习语表达方式上的差异:在中国传统的宗教信仰中,有玉皇大帝、有如来佛祖,下有龙王、打雷闪电有雷公和电母、人死后要到阎王殿报到,这些事物在西方是不存在的,所以就有“平时不烧香,临时抱佛脚”、“我佛慈悲”、“借花献佛”等习语;而在西方,人们信仰基督教,他们认为世界上的一切都是上帝创造的,同时世间万物的变换、运行也是在上帝的主宰下进行的,所以他们的习语往往与上帝有关,比如“God be with you”、“God helps those who help themselves”。
比如汉语中的“叶公好龙”,其实讲的就是一个故事,而将其翻译为英文的时候,不可能再将这个故事复述出来,所以就要用一种简单、明了的方法将其翻译出来,那就是首先理解其意图,再用英文表达,professed love of what one really fears是现在比较认可的一种翻译,“声称喜欢而其实是恐惧”,这也符合典故中的含义。
同样的道理,“司马昭之心路人皆知”的翻译则为The trick is all too evident to the man in the street。
3、风俗习惯方面的差异由于宗教信仰的差异以及历史传承的差异,势必会导致风俗习惯方面的差异,比如对待“龙”这一事物的差异,在东方,龙是神圣、高贵、美好、皇家的代表,例如“卧虎藏龙”、“龙飞凤舞”、“龙凤呈祥”、“生龙活虎”等等,而在西方,龙则是一种恶魔,是邪恶、凶残的象征,所以比如“望子成龙”就不能翻译为to hope that one’s son willbecome dragon,那样就是咒人家的儿子成为像恶魔一样的人,而是应该根据原有的意思进行翻译:to ho pe that one’s son will become somebody,希望某人的儿子成为重要人物或有名气的人物。
浅论英语习语及其翻译英语习语是英语的一个重要组成部分, 具有浓厚的文化色彩和形象性, 在表达上有其特有的作用。
如:the apple of one’s eye掌上明珠,此典故出现在《申命记》第32章“He kept him as the apple of his eye.”(保护他如同保护眼中的瞳孔)。
AbstractAn idiom, which serves as a set pattern, they bear the cultural characteristics and cultural information of a nation. It mainly reflects the national features as well as the practice of figures of speech. Furthermore, the English idioms has a rich variety of forms, such as idiomatic phrase, motto, the two part allegorical saying, the proverb, slang and jargon. The culture differences reflected in idioms are mainly shown in four aspects, they are differences in environment, custom, religion and history, to solve this problem, proper methods should be used to make the translated versions both keep the national features and convey the meaning of the original..Key words: set pattern, cultural differences, possible methods摘要习语作为固定词组,它们承载着一个民族的文化特色和文化消息,是民族特色和各种修辞手法的集中表现,其形式多而广,其中包括成语、格言、歇后语、谚语、俚语及行话。
语言作为文化的一个组成部分, 同文化呈相依相存的关系, 语言不能离开文化而存在, 它反映一个民族丰富的文化现象。
由于英汉两种语言的文化背景不同, 字面意义、形象意义相同的习语可能具有完全不同的隐含意义, 隐含意义才是说话人或作者所要表达的意义。
英汉两种语言同属较为发达的语言, 是两种高度发展的语言,故都拥有大量习语。
英汉习语的基本共性有:1.结构的固定性:习语从其结构来看,有其自身的完整性,其中各个组成部分是固定的,不可任意拆开或替换,如“pull somebody’s leg”(愚弄某人)不可变单数为复数;“by twos and threes”(三三两两)不可按汉语习语改为“by threes and twos”.虽然前者和后者意思没有很大不同,但是相沿成习,习惯上人们说的是前者,不是后者。
如drink like a fish(豪饮)、as weak as water(弱不禁风)、to miss the boat(错失良机)。
而在西方国家,影响最大的是基督教,God 具有无上的法力。
相关的习语如God helps those who help themselves (上帝帮助自助的人)。
危险过后,人们也常说God bless you或Thank God.再次,习语源自神话、传说和寓言。
根据含义和表达方式的差异,英汉习语的翻译难点主要体现在以下几个方面:1. 文化差异英汉习语的本质差异,在于它们来源于不同的文化背景,文化取向和民族思维方式。
2. 语法差异英汉语言在语法结构上有很大区别,英语主谓宾定序,而汉语则是主谓宾序列。
3. 疑惑口误习语在英汉语言中都非常常见,但它们含义和表达方式的疑惑与口误也难以避免。
三、克服方法1. 调整表达方式在翻译过程中,由于语言和文化的差异,中英文习语的表达方式往往存在很大区别,因此需要根据中英文间表达内容的差异与语气上的不同,适当调整表达方式。
2. 实现中立翻译要实现中立翻译,需要翻译人员熟悉两种语言和文化的特色和表达方式,充分理解其差异和相似之处,可以采用逐字翻译、词组翻译和分步分解翻译等方法,以保证即使在意识差异处也可以实现准确的翻译。
二、英汉习语特点1. 英语习语特点•凝练性:英语习语通常由几个单词组成,语言形式简洁,但往往包含着丰富的含义。
2. 汉语习语特点•厚重性:汉语习语通常由多个汉字组成,语言形式相对复杂,但信息量较大。
英语习语汉语习语差异原因kill two birds withone stone一箭双雕形象化不同the straw that breaks the camel’s back 坚持不懈,久久为功喻意不同,英文习语比喻突出,中文习语则反映出中国文化中价值观的延续。
bite the bullet 吞声忍这两个习语表达体验感的重点略有不同。
以下是一些常用的英汉习语文化翻译方法:1. 相似情境转化法这种方法的核心是在不同的语言环境下寻找相似的表达法。
浅谈英汉习语翻译英语本科生毕业论文(设计)册学院XXX学院专业XXXX班级XXXX级英语XX班学生XXX指导教师XXXXXXX大学本科毕业论文(设计)任务书编号:论文(设计)题目:浅谈英汉习语翻译学院: XXX学院专业: XXXX 班级: XXX级XX班学生姓名: XXX 学号: XXXX指导教师XXX 职称:XXX1、论文(设计)研究目标及主要任务本论文的研究目标是比较英汉习语的对应关系,并在此基础上,针对不同的对应类型提出具体的翻译方法。
4、主要参考文献Seidl Jennifer and W McMordie.1978. English Idioms and How to Use Them.Oxford: Oxford University Press.Nida E A. 1993. Language, Culture, and Translating. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.骆世平,2006,《英语习语研究》,上海:上海外语教育出版社。
阶段起止日期1 确定初步论文题目3月16日前2 与导师见面,确定大致范围,填开题报告和任务书,导师签字3月16日-3月23日3 提交论文提纲3月23日-3月30日4 交初稿和文献综述3月30日-4月20日5 交终稿和评议书5月8日前指导教师:年月日教研室主任:年月日XXXX大学本科生毕业论文(设计)开题报告书XXX学院 XXXX 专业 XXX 届学生姓名XXX论文(设计)题目浅谈英汉习语翻译指导教师XXX专业职称XX所属教研室翻译系教研室研究方向翻译理论与实践课题论证:从英汉习语的对应关系的角度,针对不同的对应类型提出具体的翻译方法,系统地分析习语的翻译以更好地促进两种语言和文化之间的交流。
关键词:习语、文化差异、翻译AbstractIdioms usually include idioms, proverbs, mottoes, colloquialisms, slang and allusions. Large in quantity, long in history and rich in cultural information, both English and Chinese Idioms are deeply rooted in life. Idioms represent the social phenomenon and natural rules accurately with lively and plain words. As far as their underlying cultural information is concerned, some idioms are completely or partial equivalent both in Chinese and in English while some others have nothing in common at all. In order to convey their cultural information fully, faithfully and effectively, we can translate these idioms word for word, give notes or add extra words. This paper explores the cultural differences between Chinese and English Idioms, discusses the influences of cultural differences on the idioms and gives some specific approaches in translation of Chinese and English idioms.Key Words: Idioms, cultural difference, translation.在汉语和英文悠久灿烂的文化宝库中,都有习语这一语言表达形式。
英汉习语对比及其翻译【Abstract】Idioms are the essence of a language, which have strong national colors and distinctive cultural connotations. So it is difficult for both English and Chinese readers to understand the idiom translation thoroughly and exactly. This thesis first analyzes the similarity of English and Chinese idioms from the aspect of rhetorical means, such as alliteration, rhyme, repetition, antithesis and so on. Then it probes into the causes of the differences in English and Chinese idioms from the aspects of different living circumstances, different cognitions of things, different religions and beliefs, and different historical allusions and myths, etc. After that, it talks about the three typical problems in English-Chinese idiom translation, such as interpreting the English idioms too literally, copying Chinese customary sayings mechanically, and lacking in necessary explanatory notes. Finally, it summarizes five idiom translation methods, including literal translation with explanation, literal translation with association, transformation of meanings, application of Chinese couplet and equal consideration of both images and meanings. All the significance of this thesis is to convey the idioms‟ cultural information as much as possible, which is very useful for the language learning.【Key Words】idiom; comparison; translation【摘要】习语通常包括成语、俗语、格言、歇后语、谚语、俚语、行话等。
f a he t r , l i k e s o n .( 有 其父 必有 其 子 )Wa l l s h a v e e a r s .( 隔墙
三、英汉 习语文化差异
五 、结论
从来 源 来 看 , 习语 反 映 出特 定 的文 化 习 性。 从 定义 习语 是语 言的精 粹 ,反映 了 民族 文化 与生活 细节 。 导 来看 ,其真 实意义 与表 面意 义相差 甚远 。英汉 翻译 中, 因 致英 语 习语误译 的 因素众 多,其 中文 化差 异 占很 大 比重 。 文化差 异而 造成 误会 的现象 十分普 遍 。差异包 括 :1 . 价值 译者 要重视 英语 习语 的理解 和翻 译 。在翻 译过程 中,可 以 观: ( 1 )英 语 国家 推 崇个 人 主义 。个 人 的独 立性 是 极为 使用 直译 、直译加 注 、意译和 套译 法 , 具 体情况 具体 对待 。 重要 的一 部 分。 中国 则受儒 文化 浸 染 ,追求 集体 主义 。【 4 ( 2 )英语 国家崇 尚及时 享乐 。换 句 话说 ,英 语 国家 活在
教 育 出版 社 ,2 0 0 3 ,p l 1 .
[ 3 ] 李 军 & 韩 晓玲 , 《 常用 英语 习语 翻译 与应用 》 , “ 幸运 儿 ”。[ 6 在 中 国习语 中,狗 常含贬 义 ,如 “ 鸡 飞狗 青 岛市 :青 岛海 洋大 学 出版 社 ,2 0 0 2 ,p 1 .
引 言 象 ,但 需要加 注使 读 者具 备相关 背景 知识 。如 T h e h e e l o f 英语 中习 语 定义 为:A n i d i o m i s a g r o u p w o r d s w h o s e A c h i l l e s ( 阿基里斯 之踵 一一致 命 的弱 点) 3 . 意 译法 ( 1 i b e r a l
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本科生毕业论文(设计)册学院 XXX学院专业 XXXX班级 XXXX级英语XX班学生 XXX指导教师 XXXXXXX大学本科毕业论文(设计)任务书编号:论文(设计)题目:浅谈英汉习语翻译学院: XXX学院专业: XXXX 班级: XXX级XX班学生姓名: XXX 学号: XXXX指导教师XXX 职称:XXX1、论文(设计)研究目标及主要任务本论文的研究目标是比较英汉习语的对应关系,并在此基础上,针对不同的对应类型提出具体的翻译方法。
4、主要参考文献Seidl Jennifer and W McMordie.1978. English Idioms and How to Use Them. Oxford: Oxford University Press.Nida E A. 1993. Language, Culture, and Translating. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.骆世平,2006,《英语习语研究》,上海:上海外语教育出版社。
指导教师:年月日教研室主任:年月日XXXX大学本科生毕业论文(设计)开题报告书XXX大学本科生毕业论文(设计)评议书XXXX大学本科生毕业论文(设计)文献综述本科生毕业论文设计题目:浅谈英汉习语翻译作者姓名: XXX指导教师: XXX所在学院: XXX学院专业(系):英XXXX 班级(届): 2XXX届完成日期 XXXX 年 5 月 5 日On English and Chinese Idiom TranslationBYXXXXXXX, TutorA ThesisSubmitted to Department ofEnglish Language and Literature in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of B.A. in EnglishAt XXXX UniversityMay 5th,XXXX摘要习语作为一种特殊的表达方式,是语言的瑰宝。
关键词习语特征对应关系翻译方法AbstractAs a kind of special expression, idioms are the treasure of language. An idiom is a set of fixed words that cannot be deduced from the meaning of separate words. In a broad sense, idioms include set phrases, common sayings, proverbs, slang etc. It is the crystallization of people’s wisdom and it has various origins. Thus idioms are characterized by distinctive national and cultural features.This thesis is made up of three parts. The first part is mainly introduces the definition of idioms and deals with structural and semantic features of idioms. The second part deals with the relationship of English idioms and Chinese idioms. As there are many idioms in English and Chinese, both similarities and differences exist in comparison. English idioms and Chinese idioms are classified into three types in this paper, that is, complete corresponding idioms, semi-corresponding idioms and non-corresponding idioms. This classification is in the light of the degree of correspondence. On the basis of this division, part three proposes concrete translation methods under each type. To translate complete corresponding idioms, literal translation is appropriate while borrowing translation is suitable for semi-corresponding idioms. As for non-corresponding idioms, translators have more choices such as literal translation with notes, liberal translation, liberal translation with notes, as well as combination of literal translation and liberal translation. In the process of translation, translators need try to not only conserve the original color but also meet the needs of target language readers. Translators should utilize these methods flexibly according to different situation and context.Key words idioms features corresponding relationship translation methodsContents摘要 ............................................................................................................................................................... i ii Abstract ........................................................................................................................................................ i v Contents (v)Introduction (1)Chapter 1 Introduction of Idioms (5)1.1 Definition of idiom (5)1.2 Features of idiom (7)1.2.1 Structural stability (7)1.2.2 Semantic unity (8)Chapter 2 Relationship between English Idioms and Chinese Idioms (10)2.1 Complete corresponding idioms (10)2.2 Semi-corresponding idioms (11)2.3 Non-corresponding idioms (13)Chapter 3 Methods Employed in Idiom Translation (15)3.1 Idiom translation (15)3.2Translation methods for corresponding idioms (17)3.3 Translation methods for semi-corresponding idioms (19)3.4 Translation methods for non-corresponding idioms (20)3.4.1 Literal translation with notes (21)3.4.2 Liberal translation (22)3.4.3 Liberal translation with notes (23)3.4.4 Combination of literal translation and liberal translation (24)Conclusion (26)Bibliography (29)IntroductionAs the essence of language, idioms exist everywhere in language. Idioms originate from the culture of nations and from people’s day-to-day life. According to Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, an idiom is “a group of fixed words with a special and different meaning from the meaning of the separate words” (Pearson Longman, 2009, 1219). The Britain linguist, Jennifer Seidl, had said in the introduction of his book English Idioms and How to Use Them (1978) that “Idioms are not a separate part of the language which one can choose to either to use or to omit, but they form an essential part of the general vocabula ry of English”(6). That is to say, English idioms are fixed phrases or expressions that carry special meanings, which cannot be understood by adding up the meaning of their individual words. According to Chinese scholar Luo Shiping, there are three points need to be take into consideration when an idiom is defined. First, an idiom usually has two or more than two words. Second, the structure is fixed and each part of idiom cannot be replaced arbitrarily. Third, the meaning cannot be understood by adding up the meaning of each individual part (骆世平, 2006:15).Without idioms our language and daily life might become dull and boring. Idioms come from varied origins and penetrate through people’ daily life. In a broad sense idioms include set phrases, common sayings, proverbs, and slang. An idiom, having a meaning different from the literal one and sometimes not conforming to the usual patterns of the language and grammar, is a construction expression. Some idioms have quite clear-cut and definite meanings. Some are implicit and profound which could cause a good deal of imagination, while others may include several meanings, which depend on the concretecontext to define its specific indication. And idioms have many rich and varied origins. They are closely related to every aspect of people’s life such as living environment, religion belief, history, habits and customs. Thus, idioms are full of unique local color. In general, idioms are colorful language, carrying strong local color and national features. They are also stable in form and expressive in meaning. As Zhang Peiji says, many idioms are characterized with symmetry in form, beauty in syllable and harmony in meter. They are crystals of wisdom and essence of English language and culture (张培基, 1980).Therefore, because of these distinguishing features of English idioms, idiom translation is never an easy job. The idiom translation plays a significant role in the whole text translation and the quality of translation largely relies on the translation of idioms. Idioms are typically localized in a culture. As a vital part of culture, language is unavoidable under the influence of the social customs and traditional culture, not to mention idioms. One big challenge for all language learners and translators is the cultural aspect of the language. If translators are unaware of the cultural origin of the idioms, they will find themselves and their target language readers in a condition of confusion. To be a good translator, he or she should not only convey the meaning of one idiom in the target language, but also try to keep the full flavor of it, such as figures of speech, national or features, local color, and associations.English idioms and Chinese idioms are gems of the two languages as well as the treasure of the two national cultures. A large number of idioms exist both in Chinese language and in English language. There exist not only the differences of internal characteristics but also the similarities of idioms in the two languages. Most of idioms are ofvivid images which are suitably used to compare to other things in one specific culture, as a result, idioms often contain distinctive national features and local colors. Based on the considerable and representative examples, this thesis provides more insight into the corresponding relationship between English idioms and Chinese idioms. As there are wide differences in structure and semantics between oriental and occidental languages, most of English idioms and Chinese idioms cannot correspond with each other in structure and connotation. But some of them are quite similar in form, some in meaning or using similar metaphor. Thus, on the basis of the similarities and differences, this thesis will discuss the relationship between English idioms and Chinese idioms. In this thesis, the relationship is divided into three types. They are complete corresponding idioms, semi-corresponding idioms and non-corresponding idioms.In order to keep the features of original source language idioms and meet the needs of the target language readers, translating skills should be properly employed in the process of translation. On the basis of the division of the relationship of English idioms and Chinese idioms, some concrete translation methods are put forward to match with each type of idioms. For example, when a translator translates complete corresponding idioms, for their similarity in form and connotation, they can find corresponding expression in target language. In this process, methods like literal translation and borrowing translation are usually employed. However, when non-corresponding idioms are translated, translators usually use liberal translation method and liberal translation with notes method.As it should be, these methods under each relation are not defined. In the process of translation, many problems may appear. Specific conditions need to be dealt with specificmethods. Translators should try their best to apply translation methods to practice flexibly.Chapter 1 Introduction of Idioms1.1 Definition of idiomIdiom is the essence of language, which is originated from the process of people’s working and the recognizing of the world. It is a kind of fixed and special expressions of language accepted and obtained by people. It is the carrier of culture. By idioms, people can get a quick glimpse of the culture forms of a particular nation such as region, history, religion, literature and so on. They are brief and fixed in form, concise and expressive in meaning.According to Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, an idiom is “a group of fixed words with a special and different meaning or connotation from the meaning of the separate words”. And according to the Chinese scholar Luo Shiping, an idiom is a set phrase particular to a language or people, whose meaning is often different from the meaning of the words that it is made up of and must be learnt as a whole. There are three points need to be taken into consideration when define an idiom. First, an idiom usually has two or more than two words. Second, it has fixed structure and its constituents cannot be replaced arbitrarily. Third, the meaning cannot be understood by adding up the meaning of each individual part (骆世平,2006).Idioms in a broad sense include set phrases, common sayings, proverbs, and slang. This is without doubt just a rough classification, for the reason that there must be some overlaps among them, for instance, some proverbs are used so widely in people’s life that they have become common sayings. It may be of great significance in translation practice to classify idioms in the light of their substance or of the ways they are formed. Thisclassification is intended to catch the attention to certain kinds of idiomatic expressions.Set phrases means “a group of words that together have a particular meaning, especially when they express the meaning well in a few words”(Longman,1231).in twos and threes 三三两两be in two minds 犹豫不决不遗余力spare no efforts洗耳恭听lend a willing earCommon saying refers to “a well known short statement that expresses an idea most people believe is true and wise” (Longman,1461).No mill, no meal. 不磨面,没面包。