Title:Ethical Literary Criticism:Its Fundaments and TermsAbstract:Ethical literary criticism is a research method to read,analyze and interpret literary works,to study literary authors and literary problems from perspective of ethics.The basic thought of this method is that literature is the art of ethics in nature as it is the special expressions of ethi-cal ideas and moral life in a particular historical period.Literature is not art of languages but of text consisting of characters.It is not ideology or aesthetic ideology,but material form existing by literal text.Teaching or instruction is the essential attribute and first function of literature,but aesthetic appreciation is the second which serves the first.By use of terms such as ethics,incest,ethical taboo,ethical chaos,ethical consciousness,ethical situation,ethical identity,ethical choice,etc.,the ethical literary criticism explains and comments the different life with its moral features from ethical perspective.Key words:Ethical literary criticism ethical consciousness ethical taboo ethical situation ethical identityAuthor:Nie Zhenzhao is professor at the College of Humanities and chief editor of Foreign Lit-erature Studies,Central China Normal University(Wuhan430079,China),and vice president respectively of China National Foreign Literature Association and Chinese/American Association for Poetry and Poetics.His recent research is mainly focused on English literature and compara-tive literature and the study of “Ethical Literary Criticism ”as theory and methodology.His publi-cations include A Study of Thomas Hardy ’s Novels and An Introduction to English Verse Rhythm a-mong many others.Email :niezhenzhao@改革开放以来,大量西方的文学批评方法被介绍引入中国,如强调意识形态的政治批评、以社会和历史为出发点的审美批评、在心理学基础上发展起来的精神分析批评、在人类学基础上产生的原型-神话批评、在语言学基础上产生的形式主义批评、在文体学基础上产生的叙事学批评,还有接受反应批评、后现代后殖民批评、女性主义批评、新历史主义批评、文化批评等。
一种批评理论的兴起_文学伦理学批评导论_解读_英文_尚必武The Rise of a Critical Theory: Reading Introduction to Ethical Literary CriticismShang BiwuAbstract: As an original critical theory formulated by a Chinese scholar, ethical literary criticism has received a large amount of attention from the academics. This paper, with reference to Nie Zhenzhao’s new monograph Introduction to Ethical Literary Criticism, reviews the background and significance of ethical literary criticism before illuminating its major arguments and core issues such as the origin of literature, the existential forms of text (brain text, material text, and digital text), ethical selection, and Sphinx factor. Apart from surveying the critical receptions of ethical literary criticism in China, it also offers three tentative suggestions for the future development of this new critical theory, namely, the construction of its critical principles, the examination of the interconnections between ethics and narrative forms, and the necessity of placing dialogues between ethical criticism in the West and ethical literary criticism in China.Key words: Nie Zhenzhao; ethical literary criticism; ethical turnAuthor: Shang Biwu,Ph.D. in Literature, is a Distinguished Research Fellow of English at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Shanghai 200240, China). His major areas of study include narratology, ethical literary criticism, and Anglo-American literature. Email: biwushang@/doc/0c12493750.html,. cn 标题:一种批评理论的兴起:《文学伦理学批评导论》解读内容摘要:作为中国学者提出的原创性批评理论,文学伦理学批评引发了学界的广泛关注与热切好评。
代表人物:维特根斯坦 (Ludwig Wittgenstein ) “家族相似”理论 “语词即用法”的观点
维 特 根 斯 坦
胡塞尔(Edmund Husserl)
胡 塞 尔
海德格尔 (Martin Heidegger) 理解的历史性 理解的语言性
海 德 格 尔
“论诗”:《戏为六绝句》、《解闷》、 论诗” 戏为六绝句》 解闷》 论诗
《调张籍》、《荐士》、《二十四诗品》; 调张籍》 荐士》 二十四诗品》 《论诗三十首》、《戏仿元遗山论诗绝句》 论诗三十首》 戏仿元遗山论诗绝句》
“诗话”:《六一诗话》(欧阳修) 诗话 《六一诗话》 欧阳修)
18世纪欧洲文学批评 18世纪欧洲文学批评
[英]约翰逊:《〈莎士比亚戏 约翰逊:《〈莎士比亚戏 剧集〉序言》 诗人传》 剧集〉序言》、《诗人传》 莱辛: 汉堡剧评》 [德]莱辛:《汉堡剧评》、 拉奥孔》 《拉奥孔》 [德]施莱格尔兄弟:“生产性” 施莱格尔兄弟: 生产性” 的批评观
19世纪的欧洲文学批评 19世纪的欧洲文学批评
《诗经》评论:《毛诗》与《诗 诗经》评论: 毛诗》 谱序》 谱序》 《离骚》评论:奠定了“风骚并 离骚》评论:奠定了“ 重”的文学典范,从人品与文品 的文学典范, 两个角度评论文学的整体观念。 两个角度评论文学的整体观念。 汉赋评论
曹丕: 论文》 曹丕:《典论 · 论文》 刘义庆: 世说新语》 刘义庆:《世说新语》 萧统:《文选》 萧统: 文选》 钟嵘: 诗品》 钟嵘:《诗品》 刘勰: 文心雕龙》 刘勰:《文心雕龙》
一、20世纪文学批评的哲学背景 二、20世纪文学批评的世纪特征
布鲁克斯:《精制的瓮:诗歌结构研究》 (1947)
▪ “可以转述的内容”不等于诗歌的意义。 诗歌的逻辑意义受到许多“不协调成分”
的“修饰、修正和发展”,诗歌的结构正 是众多不协调成分的统一。
▪ “一首诗的整体性通常表现为各种态度被
▪ 一首诗实际上就是“那一整套相互关系”,诗歌 研究就是对它的结构的研究。
退特:《论诗歌的张力》 (1938)
▪ 诗歌是所有意义的统一体,从最极端的外延意义 (extension) ,到最极端的内涵(intension)意义, 两者往往形成一种“张力”(tension),构成了诗 歌的内部结构。
▪ 瑞恰兹:《实用批评》(1929) ▪ 燕卜荪:《七种类型的含混》(1930) ▪ 布鲁克斯,沃伦:《理解诗歌》(1938)、
▪ 反对“将诗和诗的结果相混淆,即将诗是 什么和它所产生的效果相混淆”。
▪ 反对“感受主义”文学批评, 避免“印象 主义和相对主义”的文学批评。
▪ 但是他们走向了另一个极端,一方面斩断 了作品与作者的关系,另一方面斩断了作 品与读者的关系,从而使文学陷入了孤立 的境地。
▪ 从根本上说,它是一种以内部研究为特点的“文 本批评”。
2022年9月第38卷㊀第5期外国语文(双月刊)Foreign Languages and Literature(bimonthly)Sept.,2022Vol.38㊀No.5 非人类叙事研究 专题主持人语:进入21世纪以来,受到行动者网络理论㊁情感理论㊁动物理论㊁新物质主义理论㊁媒介理论以及思辨现实主义等多种思潮的激发和影响,人文社会科学迎来了一轮声势浩大的 非人类转向 ㊂这一转向无疑为叙事研究提供了契机㊂在现实的物理世界中,叙事作品是由人类书写的,从这种意义上来说,人是 讲故事的动物 ,但在虚构的文学世界中,叙事作品所呈现的不一定是人类的故事或人类的经验,也可能是对非人类的故事或非人类的经验的再现㊂将非人类叙事纳入讨论和考察范畴,既可以丰富和扩展现有的叙事理论,使之更加完整,也可以对文学史上大量存在的非人类叙事文本做出应有的批评和阐释,进而加深我们对人类与非人类之间关系的理解,使人类更好地介入生物圈和建构更大的有机体㊂本专栏的三篇论文从不同视角切入非人类叙事研究,值得阅读与关注㊂尚必武收稿日期:2022-03-08基金项目:国家社会科学基金重大项目 当代西方叙事学前沿理论的翻译与研究 (17ZDA281)的阶段性成果作者简介:袁欣悦,女,上海交通大学外国语学院博士研究生,主要从事叙事学㊁儿童文学研究㊂尚必武,男,上海交通大学外国语学院教授,博士生导师,主要从事叙事学㊁文学伦理学批评㊁英美文学研究㊂引用格式:袁欣悦,尚必武.石黑一雄‘克拉拉与太阳“中的技术与人类[J].外国语文,2022(5):1-8.石黑一雄‘克拉拉与太阳“中的技术与人类袁欣悦㊀尚必武(上海交通大学外国语学院,上海㊀200240)摘㊀要:技术曾被视为天赐的偶得之物,人类史在某种程度上就是技术史㊂进入后人类社会,人类与技术紧密联结似乎并未带来想象中的乌托邦,而是一个悖论式的未来㊂基于对科技时代的敏锐观察,石黑一雄在‘克拉拉与太阳“中再现人类与技术的耦合,并借此追问人类与技术的悖论:与技术的结合使人类更加虚弱,甚至使人类存在价值陷入虚无㊂技术真的能使人类变得更加强大吗?通过对技术本质的追问,小说揭示科技时代人类的两难境地,寄寓着石黑一雄对技术和人类存在的哲学思考㊂关键词:石黑一雄;‘克拉拉与太阳“;技术;人工智能;后人类中图分类号:I561.074㊀㊀㊀文献标志码:A㊀㊀㊀文章编号:1674-6414(2022)05-0001-080㊀引言人类史在某种程度上就是技术史㊂正如未来学家拜伦㊃瑞希(Byron Reese)指出: 事实上,我认为在人类历史上,真正的改变只有三次㊂每一次都源于技术,但不仅仅是一项技术,而是一组相互关联的技术,它们以根本的㊁永久的,甚至是生物的方式改变了我们㊂这就是技术㊂ (2020:VII)其中, 计算机的进步超过了所有技术㊂它们不仅仅是小玩意儿,还是具有哲学意义的装置 有些人认为世间万物都是计算,包括你的大脑㊁宇宙㊁空间㊁时间㊁意识和生命本身 (2020:27)㊂然而,技术将人类引入的似乎并非㊃1㊃㊀外国语文2022年第5期㊀理想中的乌托邦,而是未曾设想的陌生世界㊂更准确地说,科技以服务和提升人类为初衷,而现代科技的普及和发展却使得人类的价值和地位被迫面临前所未有的严峻挑战㊂ 我们成了陌生地上的陌生客㊂曾是明确㊁牢靠的现实突然变成了梦幻,不如艾丽丝漫游过的镜子仙境那么美妙㊂ (里夫金等,1987:219)或如莫里斯㊃布朗肖(Maurice Blanchot)所言: 在这个时代,我们正处于充满不确定性的转折之中 我们从来没有像今天这样不能把握自己:转折首先就是这样一种含蓄的力量㊂ (斯蒂格勒,1999:1)与 含蓄的转折 不谋而合,在新作‘克拉拉与太阳“中,石黑一雄(Kazuo Ishiguro)以其一贯静水流深的笔法,围绕人与技术这一母题,书写了一个看似琐碎平静,实则暗流涌动的未来故事㊂在石黑一雄构想的未来,人类与技术的耦合已几近水乳交融㊁密不可分㊂悖谬的是,人类一方面屈服于,甚至寄希望于科技的强悍,企图借此弥补缺失,但同时工具理性的冰冷又让人们对技术产生深刻的怀疑㊁畏惧乃至痛恨㊂在‘克拉拉与太阳“中,石黑一雄试图探讨人类追求技术的悖论:人类和技术是怎样彼此交融的?技术真的能使人类变得更加强大吗?1㊀技术的美梦,抑或技术的噩梦? 基因提升 之悖论克拉拉的机械眼为读者呈现出科幻感十足的未来城市景观㊂小说开篇多次聚焦克拉拉视野中的PRO大楼: 那是我第一次看清PRO大楼其实是由许多不同的砖块构成的;与我之前的想法不同,它也不是白色的,而是淡黄色的㊂我还能看出,它比我想象的要高 有二十二层楼高 而每一扇千篇一律的窗户下面都有一个与众不同的窗台㊂ (石黑一雄,2021:10)PRO大楼成为未来城市生活的隐喻性地标:高科技已然融入人类日常生活,机器人成为人类的左膀右臂㊂当克拉拉被展示在商店橱窗中,孩子们与她热情互动, 他们似乎也很高兴看到我们㊂孩子们会兴奋地走上前来,有时一个人,有时跟着大人,然后指指戳戳,哈哈大笑,扮鬼脸,敲玻璃,冲我们招手 (11)㊂克拉拉纯真的视角为读者描摹出几近童话般的人机伴生景象㊂ 看,那边!你看到了吗,克拉拉?那个男孩好爱他的AF呀!噢,瞧瞧他俩一起哈哈大笑的模样! (21)技术已然渗透进人类生活的方方面面,城市生活井然有序㊁智能高效,人类与机器人彼此伴生,和谐共处㊂然而,未来当真如此美妙吗?细心的读者不难发现,在这幅由克拉拉的视角展开的美妙图景中,科技带来的阴云却始终挥之不去㊂譬如, 因此我们能够看着外面 行色匆匆的办公室工人㊁出租车㊁跑步者㊁游客㊁乞丐人和他的狗㊁PRO大楼的下半截 (3);又如 这时,污染变得更严重了,哪怕从杂志桌那一侧,我也看不到天空的缝隙了,而窗玻璃本身 玻璃工人们如此骄傲地替经理将它擦亮 也满是污点 (36)㊂ 乞丐人 和遮天蔽日的 污染 就如同交响乐中的刺耳噪音,无时不提醒着人们关注这场科幻美梦的裂隙㊂在‘克拉拉与太阳“中,美梦与噩梦的相互并置突出表现在被滥用的基因编辑工程㊂小说中,基因编辑成为一项在富人阶层普及的优生技术,在文中称作 提升 (lifting)㊂女孩乔西便是接受过 提升 的儿童,被认为比普通的儿童更具天赋,更加符合社会期待,因此 提升 也被认为是技术给予孩子们的祝福㊂谈及未接受 提升 的男孩里克时,大人们扼腕叹息: 看上去还挺聪明㊂真可惜,这样一个孩子居然错过了机会㊂ (85)尽管如此,被寄予厚望的基因工程技术却带来噩梦般的后果,原因是人成为技术的实验品㊂基因生物技术的应用风险一直为学界关注㊂在‘我们后人类的未来:生物科技革命的后果“中,弗朗西斯㊃福山(Francis Fukuyama)曾勾画未来生物技术发展的四个阶段,其中最为影响深远㊁前景难料的阶段就是 悬在整个基因学之上的幽灵 (2016:84) 优生学,即利用基因技术选育后代㊂基因工程之所以令人忌惮,一个重要原因便是其后果难以预料㊂ 对某一特定的疾病敏感的基因可能有第二甚至第三㊃2㊃㊀袁欣悦㊀尚必武㊀石黑一雄‘克拉拉与太阳“中的技术与人类㊀层的影响,而这些影响在基因更改时没有被察觉,他们可能数年甚至隔代才能体现㊂ (79)文中颇具讽刺意味的情节暗示:基因工程的副作用极有可能就是乔西的病源,同时也是乔西的姐姐萨尔患病离世的主要原因㊂在请求克拉拉延续乔西时,母亲透露出两位女儿的病与基因提升技术之间的微妙联系: 萨尔出事之后,他说过我们不能再冒险了㊂就算乔西不接受提升又怎样?许多孩子都没有接受㊂但我绝对不能让乔西过上那样的日子㊂我只想给她最好的㊂我要让她过上好日子㊂ (268)在作品中,基因提升的副作用是成人之间颇为忌讳的敏感话题:噢,克西丽㊂我真抱歉㊂我有时候真蠢㊂我只是想说那是我们最大的恐惧, 边上一个比较沉着的声音说道, 我们这里的每一个人㊂我们中的有些人比较幸运,另一些则不那么幸运㊂ 一个黑皮肤的女人边说边向前一步,亲切地碰了碰母亲的肩膀㊂(85)尽管基因提升技术被父母视作科技给予下一代儿童珍贵的机会,但技术带来的副作用仍然犹如挥之不散的阴云萦绕在人们心头,是家长们 最大的恐惧 ㊂自然界高度的复杂性难以穷尽,因此难免会有乔西和萨尔这般 不那么幸运 的例外情况出现㊂尽管只是统计学里一个微不足道的小数点,背后却是两个孩子的命运,沉重的童年以及无法挽回的破碎家庭㊂在某种意义上来说,乔西和萨尔是以牺牲自己的健康和幸福为代价,成为基因技术的实验对象以及人类改造人类这一幻梦的祭品㊂除去难以预料的生理病症,基因提升的副作用还加剧了社会割裂和人际隔阂㊂小说中的女孩乔西和男孩里克曾是童年挚友,然而,里克却未曾接受过 提升 ,因此二人不得不面对截然不同的人生选择,最终分道扬镳㊂里克曾直言不愿参与乔西家的聚会,因为 我不属于这里㊂这是一场提升过的孩子们的聚会 (103)㊂谈及和乔西的未来时,里克表示: 我们只能祝福彼此,各奔前程㊂要我进大学,去跟那些接受过提升的孩子们竞争,那是根本行不通的㊂ (366)诚如福山所言: 如果富有的父母突然有机会能提升他们孩子以及后代的智力,那么我们面临的不仅是道德的困境,同时也是一场全方位的阶级斗争㊂ (2016:19)被资本裹挟的基因技术成为富人的特权与上层阶级的优生游戏,成年社会的精英政治提前渗透进孩子们的童年㊂经过 提升 的孩子与自然出生的孩子自出生起便分属于两个世界,而社会阶层由此显化为生物意义上无法弥合的鸿沟㊂此外,乔西与里克的对立也预示着 人工人 与 自然人 的对立㊂人类意志开始左右自然选择,自身也逐渐从自然状态中离席,不再因自然之子的身份引以为傲,转而热诚地推崇与信奉技术所创造的 类似 狮身人面像 的生命奇观 (斯蒂格勒,1999:101),并由此形成未来社会中一种新形式的种族隔离㊂经人工改造后的乔西被认为拥有更为高等的智识能力,是齐格蒙㊃鲍曼(Zygmunt Bauman)所说的现代性花园中被精心照料的 人工培育植物 (2002:25);而里克则被认定为 应当被刈除的杂草 (25),无法享有和乔西对等的社会认可和教育条件, 被隔离㊁控制㊁阻止蔓延㊁转移并被保持在社会的界限之外 (124)㊂对 人工超人 之生命奇观的痴迷引向第三点㊂在‘我们的后人类未来“中福山指出: 人类基因工程几乎与另一种优生学的前景直接相联系㊂优生学一词,让人产生所有的道德联想,意味着人类最终有能力改变人性㊂ (2016:73)随后福山进一步阐释人类为什么应该忌惮生物技术: 未来,我们将极有可能像育种动物一般选育人类,只是手法更加科学㊁方式更为有效,我们将通过基因遴选决定哪些传递给我们的下一代㊂选育已经不必要有 国家力挺 的内涵,更适当的表达是,它显示了基因工程不断 去人类化 的潜质㊂ (2016:87-88)基因工程之所以令人感到不适,事关人类尊严:曾一度被认为是神圣和奇迹创造下的人类,如今却成为冰冷计算下 物质性后果的总和 (2016:89)㊂人㊃3㊃㊀外国语文2022年第5期㊀类习惯性地借助技术弥补生物性缺陷,却由此将自身引向忒修斯之船的悖论 当人类的本质遭到技术的更换和篡改,人类还能被称之为 人类 吗?聂珍钊曾将伦理悖论(ethical paradox)定义为: 同一条件下相同选择出现的两种在伦理上相互矛盾的结果㊂ (2014:254)如果认为技术是祝福, 提升 下一代是符合伦理的选择,那么人类则将面对棘手的副作用,加剧的社会割裂以及去人类化的人类未来,而这无疑是不符合最初的伦理期待的㊂人类企图利用技术掌控自然选择,通过修改和筛选基因弥补天然的不足,以此制造更加强大的下一代,然而,这一初衷却使下一代更加孤独,更加脆弱,这也正是‘克拉拉与太阳“中众多角色命运的悲剧之源㊂乔西接受基因改造的失败与其说映射了石黑一雄对于现阶段生物技术的不信任,不如理解为一种广阔意义上的隐喻㊂技术带来的结果往往和最初的美好愿景背道而驰,其质变过程如同 黑箱 ,令人不得而知,而其后果却总是让人难以承受㊂2㊀人类之爱,抑或机器之爱? 人机互替 之异象如果说基因工程是人类从生物的角度弥补自身缺陷,那么陪伴型机器人AF的出现以及用机器人替代离世的乔西便是人类试图利用技术弥补情感方面的缺失㊂在‘克拉拉与太阳“中,女孩乔西在父母离婚后跟随母亲生活,而母亲工作繁忙,乔西也因患病只能过着孤独的生活㊂作为成长期的儿童,乔西本应享受来自父母和朋友的关爱,但日常陪伴在乔西身边的却是机器人克拉拉㊂拥有着敏锐观察力的克拉拉洞悉了乔西的孤独: 从那以后我就明白了,如果她没能陪伴母亲喝那杯匆忙的咖啡,她这一整天都有可能被孤独感所渗透,无论有没有什么别的事情来填充余下的时间㊂ (63)身为陪伴型机器人,克拉拉实际上代替的是乔西成长过程中缺席的父母和朋友角色㊂诸如克拉拉等AF机器人的出现和其庞大的市场规模,侧面证明了未来社会中人类巨大的情感空洞,存在着大量孤独的 乔西 和匆忙的 母亲 ㊂反观之,如果说克拉拉在乔西的视角里替代的是其缺席的父母,那么从父母的角度来说,克拉拉则被期望替代即将缺席的女儿㊂让克拉拉替代乔西,机器替代人类是小说的核心事件㊂在大女儿萨尔离世后,母亲无法再次承受女儿离世的打击,于是她向克拉拉乞求: 我在请求你让这个办法奏效㊂因为如果那件事发生了,如果那一天又来了,我是没有第二条活路的㊂萨尔那一回我挺过来了,但我没法再挺一回了㊂所以,我请求你,克拉拉㊂请你为了我尽你的全力㊂ (267)母亲寄希望于由克拉拉来填补由女儿离世带来的情感缺失,试图通过延续计划,由机器人来承担亲缘关系中女儿这一角色的情感功能㊂在这段看似完整的人类情感连结中,无论是从哪一方的角度出发,都必然出现另一方的缺席,负责填充空缺的则是技术㊂甚至,人类主动要求技术来填补情感方面的缺失㊂由此构成小说中诡异的未来景象:在曾被视为人类无可撼动的绝对领域 情感层面,为了弥补缺失,人类主动让渡自身的权力和空间,交由机器占有和入侵㊂但是,人类的主动弃权能够弥补情感的缺失吗?乔西与母亲的相处并不融洽,而是存在着种种欺瞒与隔阂㊂母亲瞒着乔西进行延续生命的计划,哄骗乔西那只是在为她画像㊂母亲无法像在克拉拉面前一样,向女儿袒露自己的脆弱和恐惧,因而乔西也无法领会母亲阴冷外表下的心情㊂无论一切是否出于母亲 善意的谎言 ,这确实加深了两代人的隔阂,导致母女间无法坦诚交心㊂同样,相比起和克拉拉相处时的轻松自在,乔西与母亲相处的画面却充满着不和谐:你为什么要玩这样一个游戏呢,乔西?一个会让这样可怕的事情发生的游戏?乔西继续耐心地回答了母亲一会儿,但很快笑意就从她的声音中消失了㊂最后她只是一遍遍地重复着这就是一个她爱玩的游戏,而母亲则追问出越来越多的问题,而且似乎动起怒来㊂(116)㊃4㊃㊀袁欣悦㊀尚必武㊀石黑一雄‘克拉拉与太阳“中的技术与人类㊀乔西本意与母亲分享她喜爱的游戏,而游戏中出现的死亡却触碰了母亲最脆弱的神经㊂她无法控制自己的情绪,神经质般地质问乔西为何进行这样危险的游戏㊂虽然由于认知能力有限,克拉拉并未对情景作出过多判断,但我们还是能从 笑意就从她的声音中消失了 ㊁ 一遍遍地重复着 等细节处推断乔西与母亲之间并不流畅的交流以及乔西从欣喜到失落的心态转变㊂正是缺乏真实的接触与坦诚的表达,让这段对话仅仅停留在 对话 的层面,无法被称作 交流 ㊂母亲不曾向乔西坦言自己的恐惧和痛苦,相比起尝试与眼前真实的乔西沟通,反而寄希望于由克拉拉复制的 乔西 ,而乔西虽不能理解母亲为何突然暴跳如雷,但也默许此般情状,不作努力向母亲探寻缘由㊂ 言 止于此, 情 无传达,因而尽管对话双方看似在场,但面对的却只是自己话语的回音㊂若跳出克拉拉的视角,不难推断,母亲和乔西之间脆弱的关系仅仅只是未来社会中人情隔阂的一处缩影㊂事实上,向机器投射情感需求,使得人类理想的亲密关系更加难以获取,而人与人之间的联结也愈加脆弱㊂雪莉㊃特克尔(Sherry Turkle)曾在‘群体性孤独“一书中就科技渗入人类情感关系表达了隐忧: 社会型机器人的功能既是一种症状,又是一种梦境㊂作为症状,他们提供了一类途径,能够回避亲密关系中的冲突;作为梦境,他们表达了一种希望,希望突破现有的人际关系局限,使得人与人之间既能亲密无间,又能回归自我㊂ (2014:12)机器提供的情感代偿使得人与人之间的距离愈加遥远,真实的亲密关系将成为永远的梦境㊂ 用技术来处理亲密关系,人际关系会被弱化成仅仅是联系而已㊂ (2014:17)在真实性失去价值的未来,向机器寻求情感慰藉,利用技术弥补情感缺失固然能够暂时逃避现实亲密关系中的痛楚,然而关闭电源㊁在太阳的暗处,人类终会发现自己依旧漂浮在无边的孤独之海㊂阿拉斯泰尔㊃雷诺兹(Alastair Reynolds)在科幻哲学短篇‘齐马蓝“中,描写了令不少读者深有同感的一类科技病症 对电子备忘录的深度依赖㊂小说中的备忘录助手作为人类主角的体外记忆贮存空间,喧宾夺主地几乎取代了人类本身的记忆和思考能力㊂ 我张了张嘴,似乎想回答他,但什么也没说出来㊂一般来说,在提问和回答之间的那一瞬,AM会默默地引导我选择两个选项中的一个㊂没有了AM的提示,我的思绪就像是陷入了心理停滞㊂ (2021:9)丧失了记忆愿望和能力的人类变得迟钝缓慢㊁寸步难行㊂无论是情感还是记忆,对机器的依赖表明人类和技术的纠缠已密不可分,技术已然构成整个人类社会以及人类自身的反馈回路中不可或缺的一部分㊂人类出于掌控欲和安全感而向技术寻求帮助,但这样的选择却恰恰使人愈加失去对真实的掌控㊂对于许多信奉科技改变人类命运的读者来说,或许‘克拉拉与太阳“为我们描绘的未来景观远非预期中那么美好:在技术的拥簇和庇护之下,一如温室花朵般孱弱的人们孤独地生活在精心打造的更加割裂㊁封闭㊁疏离的社会景观之中㊂3㊀人类利用技术,抑或技术异化人类? 死者回归 之迷思技术不仅使人类在现实层面更加脆弱,从哲学意义上来说,技术还使得人类的形象变得支离破碎㊂这一点着重体现于小说的核心事件,即用克拉拉替代乔西㊂能否利用技术使死者得以回归,是石黑一雄在‘克拉拉与太阳“中又一重要议题㊂ 死者回归 所涉及的问题是:如果死亡是人类痛苦和恐惧的终极来源,那么当技术发展到一定阶段时,是否可以借此消除死亡?就小说设定而言,这一想象已然成为现实㊂利用克拉拉替代乔西的计划的主要执行者科学家卡帕尔迪就这样相信:我们这代人依然保留着老派的情感㊂我们的一部分自我拒绝放手㊂这一部分自我仍然执着地想要相信我们每个人的内核中都藏着某种无法触及的东西㊂某种独一无二㊁无法转移的东西㊂我们必须放手,克丽西㊂那里什么都没有㊂乔西的内核中没有什么是这个世界的克拉拉所无法延续的㊂(264)㊃5㊃㊀外国语文2022年第5期㊀于他而言,克拉拉能够完美地学习并 再现 乔西,从而延续乔西的生命,亲友挚爱也无需承受失去乔西的痛苦,而人们需要做的仅仅是放弃过时的思想,拥抱新的生命形式㊂然而,即使承诺这般美好,是否要用克拉拉取代女儿对乔西的父母来说依旧是一个无比艰难的抉择㊂那么究竟是什么使得卡帕尔迪口中所谓 老派的情感 令人如此难以割舍?一个可想的答案是,人类被技术异化的痛苦㊂死亡是哲学史中古老而严肃的话题㊂德里达(Jacques Derrida)曾言: 学会生活,这应该意味着学会死亡,为接受死亡而重视死亡的绝对性(没有拯救,没有复活,也没有救赎),对自我和他人都一样㊂ (2006:4)对于德里达而言,真正的哀悼就在于死者之于主体的不可内化㊂在‘罗兰㊃巴特之死“中,德里达说道: 罗兰㊃巴尔特注视着我们 它就在我们之中,但却不为我们所拥有;我们无法像拥有我们内在性(interiority)中的一部分一样来拥有它㊂ (2001:44)同样,在‘致保罗㊃德曼“中,德里达再次谈及哀悼中他者的绝对性: 失败的内化在另一方面就是对他者身为他者的尊重,是一种温和的婉拒,也是一种弃权行为,让他者保持独立,存在于主体之外,就在那里,在我们的另一边,同死亡为伴㊂ (1988:35)回到文本,小说中人类无力直面死亡,便转而向技术求助,使死者回归生的世界㊂这一选择看似能够巧妙地借助外力规避痛苦,消除死亡的威胁,实则却抹杀了死者作为独立个体的价值和意义㊂技术替代使人丧失哀悼的能力,因其拒绝承认死者作为主体掌控不了的绝对客体而独立存在,并企图将他者㊁与他者的死亡一同纳入 我 的意识和行动范畴㊂从这种意义上来说,通过机器替代来实现 死者回归 实际上消解和降格了他者的死亡和他者的主体性,从而抹杀了他者这一形象㊂无论出于多么深刻和不舍的爱而选择利用机器复制乔西,严峻的事实是,由机器复制的乔西只不过是承载生者感情的载体或工具,是一块投射孤独和欲望的全息屏幕,是僵死的算法和程序,而不再是具有 流动的,语境的 (海勒,2017:271)具身性的独立个体㊂同时,替代技术也使人类质疑自身是否能够被机器所复制㊁取代,而技术是否能够全面解构人类的独特性和神秘性㊂机器人克拉拉的凝视之眼在带给读者陌生化的阅读体验之余,也暗示着一个令人不安的现实,即人类被技术所审视和解构,被有意强调的叙事者非人身份强化了这一认知㊂克拉拉的叙事中充满了各式怪异措辞,譬如她将太阳的光影称作 地上太阳的图案 (4);以物品冠名人类, 咖啡杯女士 (28)和 雨衣男人 (28)㊂克拉拉的机械质感愈是凸显,她投以人类的凝视就愈加令人不安㊂当母亲流露出复杂的表情时,克拉拉形容道: 母亲朝我探过身来,身体越过桌面,眼睛眯了起来直到她的脸占满了八格空间 在一格中,譬如,她的眼睛在残酷地笑着,而在下一格中,这双眼里又满是悲伤㊂ (131)通过克拉拉的内聚焦,小说逼真而近乎残忍地呈现了人类的形象如何被机器扭曲㊁拆解㊁降格成为电子屏上一个个冷漠的单元格㊂情感可以被解构吗?人类可以被计算吗?在小说中,卡帕尔迪是技术理性的坚定信奉者㊂人类是 可以被装配和分解的系统 (海勒,2017:271),从而更加便于操控和掌握㊂人心之谜不过是原始蒙昧时期的诗学隐喻,死亡之恸也可以通过数据复制轻易消解㊂但问题在于,人类真的要接受这样的现实吗?吊诡的是,人类企图利用技术消弭脆弱,武装自身,却最终被迫面临着一场更为严重的存在主义危机,这对于人类而言无疑将是一次毁灭性的打击㊂小说中父亲的一番话真切再现了后人类时代中人类的精神分裂:我想,我之所以恨卡帕尔迪,是因为在内心深处,我怀疑他也许是对的㊂怀疑他的主张是正确的㊂怀疑如今科学已经无可置疑地证明了我女儿身上没有任何独一无二的东西,任何我们的现代工具无法发掘㊁复制㊁转移的东西㊂古往今来,一个世纪又一个世纪,人们彼此陪伴,共同生活,爱着彼此,恨着彼此,㊃6㊃。
1. 引言1.1 介绍文学的伦理学批评和道德批评的概念文学的伦理学批评和道德批评是文学批评领域中的两个重要方向。
1.2 说明伦理学批评和道德批评在文学领域的重要性伦理学批评和道德批评在文学领域具有重要性,可以帮助读者更深入地理解文学作品中的道德与伦理问题,引导他们思考人性、社会和文化的议题。
文学批评和文化理 论在演变过程中的 相互影响和借鉴
从文学批评到文化 理论演变带来的启 示和思考
文学批评与文化理论在 当代的应用与实践
文学批评在当代的应用:对文学作品进行深入解读,挖掘其内在价值,为读者提供更丰富的阅读体 验。
文学批评在当代的实践:通过学术研究、文学评论、书评等方式,对文学作品进行多角度、多层次 的解读和评价。
文学批评与文化理论的定义与内涵 当代社会对文学批评与文化理论的需求与挑战 文学批评与文化理论在当代的应用与实践案例 文学批评与文化理论在未来的机遇与发展趋势
文学批评和文化理论的联系与区别 文学批评向文化理论的发展历程 文化理论对文学批评的影响和启示 未来文学批评和文化理论的发展趋势
文化理论在媒体传 播中的应用,如媒 体内容生产、传播 效果评估等。
文化理论在政策制定 中的应用,如文化产 业发展规划、文化遗 产保护政策等。
文学批评与文化理论的交叉融合 当代文学批评的多元化与实践 文化理论在当代社会的应用与影响 文学批评与文化理论的未来发展趋势
文化主义流派:强调文化与社会的互动关系,关注文化表达和认同 结构主义流派:强调文化结构的分析,探究文化符号的意义和关系 后结构主义流派:批判结构主义,强调文本和语境的重要性,探究意义的多样性和相对性 符号学流派:研究符号的意义和功能,探究符号与文化的关系
文学伦理学批评是一种文学作品的解读方式,从伦理的角度对文学作品的内容、作者的基本情况、与文学有关的基本问题进行分析,在文学伦理批评中,文学是伦理观念与道德生活的结合,从本质上来看,就是对伦理艺术的表达。对文学伦理学批评的基本理论与术语进行深入的分析,有助于对文学作品的理解,提高人们的艺术水平,对文学伦理学批评的推广与探索有着积极的意义。 一、文学伦理学批评的定义 文学伦理学批评是我国借鉴、吸收西方文学批评理论之后,建立的一种具有我国特色的文学批评方式,是由国内外优秀的理论相结合而产生的。在进行文学伦理学批评的时候,可以从四个方面进行,分别是人与自然、人与社会、人与他人、人与自我。伦理与道德是区分人类与兽类的手段,因为具备最基本的伦理意识与道德意识才能称之为人类,能够对自己的欲望和冲动进行控制,接受别人的批评,在文学伦理学批评中,这种对文学作品进行教诲与批评的过程,就是对文学作品的解读,从本质上看,教诲才是文学的核心价值。如果没有教诲就无法将文学作品中的美感表现出来,这样的文学作品是不成功的。由此可见,文学伦理学批评在我国文学的发展中占据着重要的地位,是体现文学价值的基本途径。 二、文学伦理学批评基本理论在中国的发展 早在20世纪80年代初,西方文学领域就意识到文学伦理学批评的重要性,开始将研究方向由文学伦理学转向文学伦理学批评。在不断的研究与探索中,终于将文学伦理学批评从形式主义批评、结构主义批评、女性主义批评、文化批评等批评形式中分离出来,并且将文学伦理学批评作为一个单独的个体在文学领域进行推广,使文学伦理学批评的地位大幅度提升,我国也是在这种形势下认识到文学伦理学批评的重要性的。 我国拥有悠久的文学批评历史,不管在哪一个时代都非常注重对道德与伦理的批评,可是这种过度的重视反倒让我们忽视了重要的东西,将文学伦理学批评当成一种过时的批评形式淘汰掉了。改革开放以来,我国引进了大量的西方文学批评方式,但是却并没有放弃对我国文学批评形式的研究,一直在为研究出具有我国特色的文学批评理论,终于在2016年提出了文学伦理学批评基本理论,这一理论的提出标志着我国文学批评领域的一项重大改革,我们再也不用去参考西方批ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้理论来研究东方作品,从根本上提升了我国文学领域的发展水平。 三、文学伦理学批评基本理论在中国的传播 由于我国文学批评一直使用西方的文学批评形式,因此对文学伦理学批评基本理论的接受时间比较长,随着时间的推移,西方文学批评理论在我国的使用越来越少,在文学批评领域逐渐淡化,文学伦理学批评基本理论发挥着主要的作用。很多专家学者在进行文学作品解读的时候,会在潜移默化中使用文学伦理学批评基本理论,虽然对文学伦理学批评基本理论的使用与发展还是存在一定的问题,还没有完全摆脱西方批评理论的固有模式,但是在西方人道主义、现实主义的时候,其中都或多或少的包含着我国文学伦理学批评基本理论的内容,这种不知不觉的影响促进了文学伦理学批评基本理论在我国文学领域的发展,为其日后的发展与传播奠定了基础。 四、文学伦理学批评基本理论在中国的兴起 2016年文学伦理学批评基本理论的提出在我国文学界掀起了一股文学批评狂潮,很多专家学者开始在实际生活中使用文学伦理学批评基本理论,并且都取得了不错的成果。像是在2016年第一期《外国文学研究》中,就有关于文学伦理学批评基本理论的,从不同的角度对文学伦理学批评基本理论进行深入的剖析,聂珍钊从文学伦理学批评基本理论的起源、方法、内涵、思想基础、适用范围、实用价值、现实意义等方面进行论述,充分表现了文学伦理学批评基本理论在我国的文学批评领域的价值。 文学伦理学批评基本理论提出之后,不仅在国内文学批评领域被广泛应用,在国外文学批评领域也受到了高度的,像是挪威奥斯陆大学的克努特教授在进行易卜生戏剧研究的时候,就采用了文学伦理学批评基本理论,在他的论文中不仅从伦理道德的角度去研究易卜生的戏剧,还表达了自己对文学伦理学批评基本理论的喜爱,由此可见,文学伦理学批评基本理论对国内外的文学批评领域都有着重要的作用。 五、文学伦理学批评基本理论 从文学伦理学批评起源的角度来看,文学属于社会道德、伦理的产物,是对伦理观念、道德生活的表达,并不是简单地由文字进行堆砌而成,是伦理艺术的重要表现手法。古今中外的文学的看法各执己见,每个人从不同的角度看都会感受到文学不同的意义,这也是文学的神秘之处。在众多观点中,有一种说法对我国文学领域的影响最大,就是艺术起源于劳动,但是随着时间的推移,我们逐渐否定了这个观点,劳动只是作为一种人类的生活方式而存在,并不能将劳动莫须有的转换成艺术,也就是说,艺术起源于劳动这种观点的是不正确的。那么文学的起源到底在哪里呢?通过文学伦理学批评基本理论我们得到了更加明确的解答,人生来就懂得相互帮助、互相合作的道理,而这种意识有助于人类处理人与自然、人与社会、人与他人、人与自我之间的关系,由此可见,人类最初所具备的意识是伦理意识。后来通过伦理意识的不断完善,人们创造了文字,创造了语言,创造了这个丰富多彩的世界,他们通过文字对他们的生活状态进行记录,而这些被记录的文本就发展成了后来的文学,也就是说,文学伦理学批评基本理论是创造文学的依据。 六、文学伦理学批评的术语 文学作品中经常会描绘一些画面,其中涉及到伦理、乱伦、伦理禁忌、伦理蒙昧、伦理环境、伦理身份、伦理选择等,这些因素都属于文学伦理学批评中的核心术语。人类与兽类的本质区别就是人类严格遵守着道德与伦理的界限,人类具备兽类所没有的理性,能够对自己的欲望和情绪加以控制,是本文由论文联盟收集整理一种成熟的表现。在福克勒斯的《俄狄浦斯王》中,构建了一个杀父娶母的伦理预言,巧妙地演绎了人类理性成熟的过程,采用伦理禁忌的形式发人深省。 七、结论 综上分析可知,文学伦理学批评在文学作品的解读过程中占据着重要的地位,通过这种文学批评的方式我们能够挖掘到更多的深意,提高自己的文学作品的理解能力。
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
文学伦理学作为一个有限视角来看很不错,只是书中些许观点不能认同,可能每个人都有自己心中的哈姆雷 特吧。
我们不否认市场对文学的接受程度是衡量文学价值的一个因素,但是文学的市场价值并不能等同于文学的伦 理价值,用物质欲望取代道德追求是一种危险趋向。
感觉这本书中有不少内容与主题关联不大,像是在凑字数,此外举例也总是重复,一些文学作品的例子来回 讲。
01 思维导图
03 读书笔记 05 目录分析
02 内容摘要 04 精彩摘录 06 作者介绍
理论 伦理
《文学伦理学批评导论》一书把伦理选择作为理论基础,结合对我国现有文学理论的研究提出一系列新的学 术新观点,如文学伦理表达论、文学文本论、文学物质论、文学教诲论等,力图建立文学伦理学批评的基本理论 和话语体系。
文学伦理学批评是一种从伦理视角阅读、分析和阐释文学的批评方法。它以文学文本为主要批评对象,从伦 理的视角解释文本中描写的不同生活现象,在人与自我、人与他人、人与社会以及人与自然的复杂伦理关系中, 对处于特定历史环境中不同的伦理选择范例进行解剖,分析伦理选择的不同动机,剖析伦理选择的过程,揭示不 同选择给我们带来的道德启示,发现可供效仿的道德榜样,为人类文明的进步提供经验和教诲。
第一节文学与文艺的历史之辨 第二节 20世纪初至20年代“文艺”概念的出现与使用 第三节文艺最初的定义及来源 第四节文艺含义的含混及文艺学问题
早在1972年,一位名叫威斯利·莫里斯的批评家,就出版过一部名为《走向新历史主义》(Toward a New Historicism)的文字批评著作。
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The Rise of a Critical Theory: Reading Introduction to Ethical Literary CriticismShang BiwuAbstract: As an original critical theory formulated by a Chinese scholar, ethical literary criticism has received a large amount of attention from the academics. This paper, with reference to Nie Zhenzhao’s new monograph Introduction to Ethical Literary Criticism, reviews the background and significance of ethical literary criticism before illuminating its major arguments and core issues such as the origin of literature, the existential forms of text (brain text, material text, and digital text), ethical selection, and Sphinx factor. Apart from surveying the critical receptions of ethical literary criticism in China, it also offers three tentative suggestions for the future development of this new critical theory, namely, the construction of its critical principles, the examination of the interconnections between ethics and narrative forms, and the necessity of placing dialogues between ethical criticism in the West and ethical literary criticism in China.Key words: Nie Zhenzhao; ethical literary criticism; ethical turnAuthor: Shang Biwu,Ph.D. in Literature, is a Distinguished Research Fellow of English at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Shanghai 200240, China). His major areas of study include narratology, ethical literary criticism, and Anglo-American literature. Email: biwushang@. cn标题:一种批评理论的兴起:《文学伦理学批评导论》解读内容摘要:作为中国学者提出的原创性批评理论,文学伦理学批评引发了学界的广泛关注与热切好评。
Shang Biwu: The Rise of a Critical Theory: Reading Introduction to Ethical Literary Criticism27Terry Eagleton, in his notorious After Theory, observes that “The golden age of cultural theory is long past” (Eagleton 1). The evidence lies in the fact that, in Eagleton’s opinion, the “pioneering works of Jacques Lacan, Claude Lévi-Strauss, Louis Althusser, Roland Barthes and Michel Foucault are several decades behind us”, and gone are “the path-breaking early writings of Raymond Williams, Luce Irigaray, Pierre Bourdieu, Julia Kristeva, Jacques Derrida, Hélène Cixous, Jurgen Habermas, Fredric Jameson and Edward Said” (1). With these observations in his mind, Eagleton concludes that “[t]hose to whom the title of this book suggests that ‘theory’ is now over, and that we can all relievedly return to an age of pre-theoretical innocence, are in for a disappointment” (1). Partially right is Eagleton’s hypothesis. It is true that those Western critics who are doing theory purely for the sake of theory instead of trying to uncover the deep meaning of literary text, are doomed to be disappointed, owing to the waning tide of critical theories. Equally disappointed are those non-Western scholars, including Chinese critics, who are enthusiastic for introducing and importing Western critical theories to their native countries, since the source of their academic capital is no longer suffi cient. Yet, turning our eyes to China, we fi nd a different but exciting picture that counterpoints to the fate of literary theory in the West, which, to a large extent, is due to the rise of ethical literary criticism founded by Nie Zhenzhao.In a year that followed Eagleton’s lament for the bygone golden age of literary theory, there was “Conference on Anglo-American Literature Studies in China: Retrospect and Prospect” held in Nanchang. In his key-note speech addressed to the conference, Nie proposed ethical literary criticism as a new methodology, criticizing the unnatural gulfs between critical theory and literary criticism on the one hand, and elaborating the frameworks, objectives of this critical approach as well as the ethical tradition of literature on the other hand. Nie’s address raised a profound interest of all scholars attending the conference, and led to a heated discussion thereafter. More signifi cantly, it marked an emergence of ethical literary criticism, which is defined as “a critical theory that reads, analyzes and interprets literature from the perspective of ethics so as to identify its ethical nature and moral teaching function” (Nie, Introduction 13). The previous decade witnessed an explosion of interest in exploring literature from an ethical perspective in China. Noteworthy is Nie’s continuous efforts in constructing and building up this critical theory, which culminates in his 2014 monograph Introduction to Ethical Literary Criticism.I agree with Yang Jincai when he argues that “It is not easy job to theorize ethical criticism and its methodological appropriateness, but Nie has achieved what he has proposed to do” (Yang 151), which is evidenced in Nie’s more than ten papers on ethical literary criticism and his ground-breaking Introduction to Ethical Literary Criticism. This paper, with its major reference to Nie’s new book, attempts (1) to elaborate on the ethical turn and its Chinese counterpart;(2) to illuminate the theoretical framework and the core concepts of ethical literary criticism;(3) to survey its receptions and applications; and (4) to outline a few directions for its future development.Ethical Turn and its Chinese CounterpartIn Western academics, ethical turn is a rather popular term, which is often used28 外国文学研究2014年第5期interchangeably with turn to ethics. However, in Robert Eaglestone’s opinion, “this term is misleading, since the study of literature has always had a strong involvement with ethics since its inception and vigorous arguments have taken place as to how that involvement should be understood” (Eaglestone 581-82). According to Eaglestone, there are “two wings” that “make up a sense of the ethical turn, the recent renewed interest in the relationship between literature and the question of how we should live” (586). The fi rst wing lies in the disappearance or overtaking of ethics by new critical approaches developed in the 1970s and ‘80s, such as feminism, post-colonialism, Marxism, and deconstruction; while the second wing comes from a necessary deepening and concern for ethics in a more “theorized” strand of criticism, which is accounted by three sub-factors: “a sense that the Marxist project per se had failed”; “the need for a response to the criticisms made of deconstruction and other theoretical paradigms”; and “the quite normal development to critics’ own interests” (584). Unlike Eaglestone, Liesbeth Korthals Altes examines ethical turn in a rather narrow sense. That is, ethical turn in narrative theory, which refers to several overlapping developments such as a pointed interest in narrativity and narrative literature from the side of moral philosophy, an increased refl ection on the relation between ethics and the novel, and the corresponding growth focusing on ethical issues in narrative fi ction (Altes 142).Despite the different observations made by Eaglestone and Altes, agreeable is the fact that since the 1980s, a considerable number of scholars have taken their interest in unpacking ethical elements in literature or investigating literature from the perspective of ethics. As David Parker points out, there has been “a profusion of work, especially in the US, that looks very much like the beginning of a signifi cant resurgence of ethical criticism” (Parker 14). The boom of western ethical criticism can be found in the proliferation of works contributed by such renowned scholars as Martha Nussbaum, Tobin Siebers, Wayne C. Booth, Charles Altieri, J. Hillis Miller, James Phelan, Adam Zachery Newton, and many others.Interestingly and surprisingly, contemporary Western ethical criticisms have been most recently further promoted, strengthened and enriched by their Chinese counterpart, though its ethical turn has occurred two decades later and ascended against a different background. With reference to ethical literary criticism, there are four major factors accounting for the ethical turn in China. First and foremost, it came as a response to theory aphasia in contemporary Chinese literary studies. As is known, since the opening up to the outside world after the Cultural Revolution, China has imported a huge number of Western critical theories such as comparative literature, psychoanalysis, Russian Formalism, structuralism, narratology, reception theory, post-colonialism, feminism, new historicism, cultural criticism, eco-criticism, to name a few. Admittedly, the imported Western critical theories contribute to the overall progression and fl ourishing of literary studies in China. However, compared with the large-scale importing and applying Western critical theories, there is a serious shortage of Chinese scholars’ engagement with literary criticism, that is, not even a single Chinese critical theory proposed and applied. Second, there is an inadequacy of ethical engagement in those imported critical theories, which are either concerned with the structures and forms of literature (e.g., New Criticism, Russian Formalism, Structuralism, etc.), or concerned with politics, power and ideology in literature (e.g.,Shang Biwu: The Rise of a Critical Theory: Reading Introduction to Ethical Literary Criticism29feminism, post-colonialism, Marxism, etc.). Third, scholars tend to move away from literature in the name of theory. Consequently, they are too much engrossed in the so-called theoretical complex, thematic complex, and terminology complex. Fourth, the origin of literature has been misread or misinterpreted. For a long time, literature has been conceived of deriving from labor or mimesis. That said, moral teaching or enlightenment of literature has been largely neglected or devalued (Nie, Introduction 3-5; Huang 117-118). The above-mentioned factors suggest that the belated ethical turn occurring in China in the new millennium aims at solving the practical problems existing in contemporary Chinese literary studies, which conveys much sense why Nie’s ethical Literary criticism has been warmly received and heatedly discussed by Chinese scholars.Against the background elaborated above, Nie proposes ethical literary criticism, which embraces the following five aspects: (1) in terms of writers and their writings, it attempts to investigate moral values of the writers and their historical background, and the connections of the writers’ own moral values and those ethical values projected in those writings; (2) in terms of the works produced by the writers, it tries to investigate the relations between moral phenomena existing in works and in reality, the moral inclinations of the works, and social and moral values of the works; (3) in terms of the relations between readers and works, it intends to examine the effects of the works’ moral values upon readers and the society, and readers’ evaluations of the moral thoughts of the writers and the works; (4) it also needs to evaluate the moral inclinations of the writers and their works from an ethical perspective, the infl uence of the moral inclinations of the writers and their works upon their contemporary writers and literature as well as those of the later period, (5) it not only aims at uncovering the moral features of the writers and their works but also aims at exploring various issues concerning the relations between literature and society, literature and writer, and literature and writer from an ethical perspective (Nie, “Ethical Approach” 19-20). In order to develop ethical literary criticism into a fully-fl edged discipline, Nie has put forth a set of core concepts and basic theoretical frameworks and demonstrates their working mechanisms, which are to be discussed in the next section of this paper.A Conceptual Map of Ethical Literary Criticism: Major Arguments and Core ConceptsWhen refl ecting upon the practices of Western ethical criticism, Todd F. David and Kenneth Womack admit that “What has changed over the course of the twentieth century in our discussion of ethics and literature is the simplistic, uncomplicated prescription of external ethical forces regarding so many different literatures and cultures” (David and Womack x, emphasis mine). David and Womack are astute commentators, and it is usually unwise to argue against them. With no doubt, these external forces help to quicken the development of Western ethical criticism. However, they also failed to consider ethical criticism as an independent discipline or school of critical theory. For instance, in the case of Emmanuel Lévinas, Maurice Blanchot, and Martha Nussbaum, ethical criticism has been more or less assimilated by philosophy; in the case of Wayne C. Booth, James Phelan, and Adam Zachery Newton, ethical criticism has been assimilated by narratology. Unlike its Western counterpart, ethical literary criticism has been developed into an independent or individual school of critical theory in China, which is saliently marked by its30 外国文学研究2014年第5期distinctive theoretical framework and core concepts. For the sake of clarity, I shall focus on four major arguments of ethical literary criticism, namely, the ethical origin of literature, the materialist nature of literary text, ethical selection, and Sphinx factor.About the origin of literature, there have emerged a number of hypotheses, such as Mimetic Theory, Catharsis Theory, and Labor Theory. So far, the most influential theory on the origin of literature has been Labor Theory, which argues that literature, or arts in a broad sense, has originated from human labor. Frederick Engels claims that the development of labor “necessarily helped to bring the members of society closer together by increasing cases of mutual support and joint activity, and by making clear the advantage of this joint activity to each individual. In short, men in the making arrived at the point where they had something to say to each other” (Engels 454-455, italics original). Unlike Engels, Nie forcefully argues that “labor is just one of the conditions for human beings to produce arts” (Nie, “Ethical Literary” 14). In his opinion, “literature is produced out of the need of humans to express their views on morality or the desire to share their ethical experience” (14). Nie’s reasoning goes as follows: when primitive human beings identifi ed the need for collaboration and cooperation in their working, they learned to deal with their relations with others, which gradually brought them to recognition of order. Consequently, their recognition of collaboration, cooperation, and order marks the initial form of ethical relations. In turn, human beings created scripts and written characters out of their desire to express those ethical relations and ethical values, so that they could document the incidents of their collaboration coupled with their own understandings. “In doing so, they turned abstract life stories into written texts made of letters and words, which in turn served as references or guides for them as well as for their descendants to pursue a worthy life. The texts generated in this manner can be considered as the earliest form of literature” (14).Closely related to Nie’s argument about the ethical origin of literature is his elaboration upon textual forms of literature. According to Nie, words and texts are two fundamental conditions for studying literature. Specifi cally, words are the carriers of meanings; while texts are the forms taken by literature (Nie, Introduction 16). In accordance with the existence and consequential forms (or to be better phrased as media) of words, texts fall into three broad categories: brain text, material text, and digital text. Before the creation of words, literature mainly takes on the form of brain text, which is defi ned as “memory stored in the human brain. As a peculiar biological form, brain text contains human beings’ perceptions and cognitions of the world” (270). In the history of literature, there have existed many kinds of literary genres that resort to the brain text. Typical examples are mythologies, folk tales, and legendary stories. Those genres of literature taken on the form of the brain text have been passed down from one generation to the next through oral storytelling, though they cannot be inherited biologically. Consider oral literature as an example. In contrast to the popular view that negates the existence of textual forms of oral literature, Nie sees it in a different way. He postulates that “Literature cannot exist without texts, and oral literature is no exception. Unlike written literature, oral literature is communicated not through the visible form of the material text but through the invisible form of the brain text” (271). Nie goes further to argue that “Fundamentally, all literary works result from the writers’ retrieving,Shang Biwu: The Rise of a Critical Theory: Reading Introduction to Ethical Literary Criticism31assembling, processing, rewriting, storing and representing of the brain text. To put it another way, without the brain text, there wouldn’t be writings produced by writers, and thus there wouldn’t exist material text and digital text” (271). Unlike the brain text, the material text usually takes those lifeless materials as its carriers such as paper, rock, pottery, metal, etc. Nie considers the creation of the material text as a revolutionary event in the fi eld of communications and literature, which in turn helps the brain text to be liberated from its abstractness and to take on the concrete material form. Thus, it wins “the independence of literature” (278). Compared with the brain text and the material text, digital text or electronic text can be easily identifi ed as those textual forms “stored as documents or fi les in hard drives, disks, or other electronic devices” (278). In my opinion, though the digital text is derived from the brain text and the material text, it does not mean that the digital text can replace the other two textual forms. That is to say, all three textual forms are expected to be in coexistence instead of replacing one with another, and they enjoy complementary relations instead of exclusive ones.Equally significant is Nie’s contribution to the understanding of human nature, which is aptly illuminated through the concept ethical selection. I agree with Nie when he sees the fact that “In the history of human civilization, the biggest problem for mankind to solve is to make a choice between the identities of animals and the identities of human beings” (32). It is true that why and how human beings have come into existence are always central to scholars’ interest. As is known, Charles Darwin developed his evolutionary theory to account for the physical forms of human beings, who have evolved from apes through a long process of biological selection. Later on, Friedrich Engels, relying on Darwin’s theory, goes a step further to argue that it is labor that differentiates human beings from animals. However, in Nie’s view, labor is merely one of the conditions that enable human beings to evolve and to develop from apes. In other words, both Darwin and Engels succeed in accounting for where human beings have come from but fail to draw a fundamental distinction between man and animals (31-34). “Biological selection,” Nie argues, “is the fi rst step taken by human beings, which helps them to be who they are in a biological sense. What truly differentiates human beings from animals is the second step—ethical selection” (267). It is ethical selection that helps to endow human being with reason and ethical consciousness, which eventually turn them into an ethical being. To illustrate the differences between biological selection and ethical selection, Nie deliberately uses the story of Adam and Eve, who are physically different from other living creatures in the Garden of Eden. However, so far as knowledge is concerned, they remain basically the same as other animals, being naked with no sense of shame, taking fruit from trees when hungry, and drinking water from streams when thirsty. The act of eating the fruits from the Tree of Knowledge is rather signifi cant in the sense that Adam and Eve have thus acquired knowledge and ability to tell good from evil, which accounts for their consequential actions of feeling ashamed of their nakedness and looking for leaves to cover their secret places. With reference to this biblical tale, Nie argues that “Eating the forbidden fruit and the consequential ability acquired to tell good from evil helps Adam and Eve to complete their ethical selection and become human beings not only in a biological sense, but also in an ethical sense. In other words, the ability to tell good and evil sets up a criterion32 外国文学研究2014年第5期for distinguishing human beings from animals. The notion of good and evil emerges along with ethical consciousness and is used to evaluate human beings only. In this sense, good and evil constitute the basis of ethics” (35-36).In connection with ethical selection, Nie coined another helpful concept Sphinx factor, which is derived from his new reading of the Sphinx Riddle in Sophocles’s Oedipus Rex. From the perspective of ethical literary criticism, the Sphinx Riddle can be seen not as “an expression of issue concerning humanity’s doomed failure to fight against fate, but as an exploration of the mystery why humans are such beings” (36). In Nie’s opinion, the feature of the Sphinx’s combination of a human head and an animal body implies that “the most important feature of a human image lies in its head, which stands for reason of human beings emerged in the evolutionary process, and that human beings evolve from animals and thus still contain some features belonging to animals” (38). With this point in his mind, Nie names this feature the “Sphinx factor”, which is composed of two parts: the human factor and the animal factor. Specifically, the human factor equals “ethical consciousness embodied by the human head, which results from human being’s biological selection in their evolution from savagery to civilization”; while the animal factor refers to “human beings’ animal instinct, which is mainly controlled by their primitive desires” (38-39). Viewed in this light, the Sphinx Riddle can be interpreted as an ethical proposition for human beings to meditate after their going through biological selection—being human or being animal, which in turn requests them to complete their evolutionary process by undertaking the ethical selection. In terms of the Sphinx factor, Nie argues that “the various combinations and alternations of the human factor and the animal factor generate a variety of ethical events and ethical conflicts in literature, thus conveying different moral implications”(38). There are an uncountable number of literary works demonstrating the interplay between the human factor and the animal factor. Typical examples are Oedipus Rex, The Picture of Dorian Gray, The Cloven Viscount, and The Journey to the West.David and Womack observe that at present, “the ethical consideration of a given work of literature ranges from the close reading of the text itself—particularly in terms of the dilemmas and conundrums presented in the lives of the characters that we encounter there—to the ethical questions that the story raises in the readers own life beyond the margins of the text” (David and Womack x, emphasis mine). Apparently, David and Womack place much stress upon the moral implications of literature for readers. To some extent, ethical literary criticism shares the similar position. As Nie says, “In specifi c literary works, central to ethics are those about the recognized and accepted ethical relations between human beings, between human beings and society, and between human beings and nature, as well as about the ethical norms and orders established upon those relations” (Nie, Introduction 13). “The mission of literature,” Nie claims, “is to write about changes of those ethical relations and their consequences, so as to offer enlightening power for the progression of human civilization” (13). In order to uncover the ethical nature of literature and the moral implications of given literary works, Nie also proposes some other insightful concepts, including ethical taboo, ethical environment, ethical identity, ethical confusion, rational will, irrational will, natural will, free will, etc., which are amply illuminated in his Introduction toShang Biwu: The Rise of a Critical Theory: Reading Introduction to Ethical Literary Criticism33 Ethical Literary Criticism and other relevant publications.Ethical Literary Criticism in China: Receptions and Applications There are countless books and over 1,700 essays concerning ethical literary criticism published in Chinese journals in the years between January 2005 and August 2014 (as indexed in CNKI). More surprisingly, Nie’s ground-breaking essay “Ethical Approach to Literary Studies: A New Perspective” (2004) has been cited over 200 times (as indexed in CNKI). The above mentioned hard facts reveal Chinese scholars’ enthusiasm for embracing ethical literary criticism, as well as the warm receptions and wide applications of this new critical theory in China. A brief survey shows that the publications related to ethical literary criticism fall mainly into two encompassing categories: (1) those concerned with theoretical explorations of ethical literary criticism; and (2) those concerned with the applications of ethical literary criticism to specifi c literary works.For those scholars working in the fi rst category, we can identify such names as Liu Jianjun, Zhang Jie, Lu Yaodong, Li Dinqing, Long Yun, and many others. For instance, Zhang Jie and Liu Zengmei examine the methodological basis of literary ethical criticism from a perspective of pluralism, claiming that moral standards based on value judgment are pluralistic, that ethical literary criticism ought to be open and dialogical accordingly, and it is not to preach morally at readers, but rather to pose questions, to be thought-provoking, and to hold dialogues with readers (Zhang and Liu 137-143). Similarly, in their co-authored paper “Current Situation and Future Trend of Ethical Literary Criticism”, Xiu Shuxin and Liu Jianjun identify three major problems existing in ethical literary criticism: undifferentiated use of the terms of ethics and morality; confusion over ethical literary criticism and moral criticism; and a lack of classifi cation of related terms. With these three problems in their minds, Xiu and Liu suggest redefi ning ethics, combining ethical literary criticism with other critical approaches, and proposing the key terms of ethical literary criticism and moral criticism (Xiu and Liu 165-170).For those scholars working in the second category, we can name quite a few scholars such as Liu Maosheng, Yang Gexin, Liu Hongwei, Wang Songlin, Tian Junwu, Shang Biwu, and others. For instance, employing a set of toolkits like ethical identity, Sphinx factor, and ethical context from ethical literary criticism, Liu Hongwei reads Harold Pinter’s Betrayal in a new light. She argues that the “extramarital love” between Jerry and Emma demonstrates that Man is an existence of Sphinx factor, fully embodying the ethical confl icts among rational will, free will and irrational will. Their extramarital relationship results from the uncontrolled free will as well as the irrational will controlling their sense of moral obligation. Jerry’s choice of going back home shows the return of his ethical consciousness, and the power of the rational will (Liu 26-33). With reference to ethical literary criticism, Shang Biwu re-reads the “daughter-selling” event of Toni Morrison’s A Mercy and decodes a set of ethical complexes in the novel, such as ethical choice, ethical identity and ethical consciousness, and thus arrives at a new interpretation of this fi ctional work (Shang, “Ethical Choice” 14-23).It also needs to be noted that, there have been several symposiums held in China to explore ethical literary criticism as a new methodology for literary studies. Namely, there was “China’s。