

Unit 5 Engine Fuel System

Unit 5 Engine Fuel System

Pulse Fuel Injection In pulse injection systems, the rate of fuel flow through the injectors remains constant. The total amount of fuel delivered is determined by the length of time the injectors are held open. Systems are classified by the type of timing sequence used and the location of the injectors.
n. 汽油 n. 汽化器;化油器 n. 喷油器, 喷嘴[头], 喷射[注]器 n. 喷嘴;管嘴 n. 隔板;障板,阻板 vt. 限制, 约束, 限定 v. 给…装铰链,用铰链接合 n. 漂流物, 浮舟, 漂浮 n. 仪表板;马车等前部的挡泥板 n. 真空, 空间, 真空吸尘器 n. 叶轮或叶轮片;【机】叶轮; 刀盘 n. 膜片;隔膜片;振动板

Pulse Fuel Injection System Components The typical pulse system can be broken into three basic parts: · induction system. Air · Fuel delivery system. · Electronic control system(including engine control computer and electronic sensors).
Fig.5-1 The fuel supply system
Fuel Flow The fuel in the fuel tank is ready to be used when the engine needs it. The fuel pump draw fuel from the tank and sends it to the carburetor. The carburetor is to keep the fuel at the right air-fuel ratio. For a fuel-injected engine, the fuel is pressurized and sent to the fuel feed pipe, through a fuel filter, and into the fuel injectors. For a diesel fuel goes to the fuel injector pump, rather than to the carburetor, then to the fuel nozzles.

新机电英语 Unit5课文讲解

新机电英语 Unit5课文讲解

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 9.设计师 designers 10.简洁线条 simple lines 11.无法广泛使用 was not widely available. 12.麻省理工学院 MIT 13.拓展 expanded 14.由于电脑普及 due to computers’ availability 15.互动 interact with 16.互动 monitor显示器
课文讲解Unit 5
In 1950, Dr. Paul J. Hanratty invented a numerically controlled program数控程序 that allowed designers设计师 to draw simple lines简洁线条 with a computer. At the time, computers were the size of a room, so this type of program was not widely available无法广泛使用.
课文讲解Unit 5
The development of CAD software for personal desk-top computers个人台式电 脑 was the impetus动力 for almost universal application in many areas 许多 领域广泛运用. Initially首先, with 2D二维软 件 in the 1970, it was typically limited to producing drawings similar to类似于 hand-drafted drawings手工绘图. Advances进步 in programming编程 and computer hardware硬件 ,



高级值班机工业务目录第一篇机工业务第一章轮机工程第一节轮机安全值班第二节主推进动力装置的操作及运行管理第三节辅助机械的操作及运行管理第四节燃油的管理第五节其他设备的安全操作与管理第二章船舶电气第一节电气设备的安全使用和操作第二节触电的原因和预防触电应采取的措施第三章维护与修理第一节轮机日常维护修理工作程序和注意事项第二节油漆、润滑和清洁材料与设备的使用第三节表面清理技术第四节废料安全处置第五节液压工具、测量仪器的应用与维护第四章船舶作业管理与人员管理第一节船用物料管理第二节船舶防污染第三节船舶防污染技术与设备第四节轮机部安全作业注意事项第二篇动力设备操作与金工工艺第五章动力设备操作第一节轮机工程实操项目一机舱监视与报警系统的使用操作实操项目二发电柴油机故障应急操作实操项目三失电应急操作实操项目四船舶主柴油机备车、机动操纵与完车管理实操项目五船舶主柴油机定速后的运行管理实操项目六燃油加装时的操作与管理实操项目七燃油驳运时的操作与管理实操项目八舱底水系统的操作与运行管理实操项目九压载水系统的操作与运行管理实操项目十液压甲板机械的启动与停用实操项目十一液压系统的日常管理第二节电气、电子和控制工程实操项目十二发电机手动准同步并车、并联运行发电机组的负荷转移及分配、发电机组的解列第三节维护与修理实操项目十三通用工具实操项目十四专用工具实操项目十五量具第四节防污染设备实操项目十六油水分离器的操作与管理实操项目十七生活污水处理装置的操作和运行管理实操项目十八焚烧炉的操作和运行管理第六章金工工艺第一节车工工艺实操项目一卡盘、量具、刻度盘的使用以及刀具的磨制、车刀安装实操项目二车削台阶轴实操项目三车削锥体实操项目四车削螺纹柱第二节钳工工艺实操项目五钳工夹具、量具的使用实操项目六方块铁画线、钻孔、攻丝实操项目七方块铁錾切、锯割、锉削实操项目八螺栓拆卸与紧固实操项目九轴承的装卸实操项目十螺纹表面修复与断节螺栓的拆卸实操项目十一螺帽加工第三节电气焊工艺实操项目十二钢板平对接焊实操项目十三管子对接焊实操项目十四管板垂直角焊实操项目十五补焊实操项目十六钢板平对接焊实操项目十七管子对接焊实操项目十八气割附录1 MARPOL 73/78六个附则附录2 防污染法规参考文献高级值班机工英语目录Unit 1 Ship's Main Propulsion PlantLesson 1 A Brief Introduction to the Marine Diesel EnginesLesson 2 Diesel Engine ConstructionLesson 3 Main Diesel Engine Fuel Oil SystemLesson 4 Main Diesel Engine Lubricating SystemLesson 5 Main Diesel Engine Cooling Water SystemLesson 6 Main Diesel Engine Starting SystemUnit 2 Marine Auxiliary MachineryLesson 7 Marine BoilersLesson 8 Marine Pumps (A)Lesson 9 Marine Pollution Prevention EquipmentLesson 10 Oil SeparatorLesson 11 Deck Machinery (A)Unit 3 Marine Engineering ManagementLesson 12 Stand by Engine and Finished with EngineLesson 13 Safety Precaution on Working in Machinery SpaceLesson 14 Basic Knowledge of Fire and ExplosionLesson 15 Marine Emergency Arrangement and EquipmentLesson 16 BunkeringLesson 17 Lube Oil, Stores and Spare PartsUnit 4 International Conventions and RegulationsLesson 18 STCW Convention (A)Lesson 19 MARPOL Convention (A)Lesson 20 SOLAS Convention (A)Lesson 21 ISM Code (A)Lesson 22 ISPS Code (A)Lesson 23 ILO ConventionLesson 24 PSC Inspection (A)Unit 5 Watchkeeping and Engine Room LogbookLesson 25 Engine Room WatchkeepingLesson 26 Engine Room LogbookKey to ExercisesReferences高级值班机工英语听力与会话目录Unit 1 Daily EnglishLesson 1 Daily EnglishPart I Warm-up ActivitiesPart II Listening SkillsPart III Speaking SkillsLesson 2 Common terms on boardPart I Warm-up ActivitiesPart II Listening SkillsPart III Speaking SkillsUnit 2 Daily Engine Room BusinessLesson 3 Main Engine System OperationPart I Warm-up ActivitiesPart II Listening SkillsPart III Speaking SkillsLesson 4 Auxiliary Machinery Operation(I)Part I Warm-up ActivitiesPart II Listening SkillsPart III Speaking SkillsLesson 5 Auxiliary Machinery Operation(II)Part I Warm-up ActivitiesPart II Listening SkillsPart III Speaking SkillsLesson 6 Auxiliary Machinery Operation(III)Part I Warm-up ActivitiesPart II Listening SkillsPart III Speaking SkillsUnit 3 Communication with BridgeLesson 7 Stand by EnginePart I Warm-up ActivitiesPart II Listening SkillsPart III Speaking SkillsUnit 4 EmergenciesLesson 8 Emergency Situation(I)Part I Warm-up ActivitiesPart II Listening SkillsPart III Speaking SkillsLesson 9 Emergency Situation(II)Part I Warm-up ActivitiesPart II Listening SkillsPart III Speaking SkillsUnit 5 BunkeringLesson 10 BunkeringPart I Warm-up ActivitiesPart II Listening SkillsPart III Speaking SkillsUnit 6 PSC InspectionLesson 11 Port State Control InspectionPart I Warm-up ActivitiesPart II Listening SkillsPart III Speaking SkillsUnit 7 ISM/ISPS InspectionLesson 12 ISM/ISPS InspectionPart I Warm-up ActivitiesPart II Listening SkillsPart III Speaking SkillsUnit 8 Engine Room MaintenanceLesson 13 Engine Room MaintenancePart I Warm-up ActivitiesPart II Listening SkillsPart III Speaking SkillsKey to ExercisesAppendixReferences(注:可编辑下载,若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!)。



Fuel excess to requirements is spilled back into the system via the buffer tank.
The viscosity regulator controls
the fuel oil temperature in
order to provide oil at the
Lesson Five
Text Fuel oil system
Fuel oil is thought to be one of the main factors having much to do with the operation and
maintenance of an engine.
When selecting a fuel oil, there
The whole fuel system will then embody two almost entirely separate systems, one for diesel fuel and one for high viscosity fuel.
The latter will embody heating arrangements and means to control the temperature of the fuel to ensure that it is adequately fluid when stored, transferred, cleaned and injected.
has a lot to do with its flash and setting points(闪点和凝点), specific gravity(密度), viscosity, water content( 水 分 ) and the mechanical impurities(机械杂 质) in it.

Unit Two Lesson 5

Unit Two Lesson 5


Warming-up 柴油机燃油系统---柴油机的组成---润滑示意图


Warming-up 电子控制柴油机喷射系统

要点问题 Questions & Answers问答
4. How can water be separated from the fuel? Water can be separated from the fuel by continuous heating up fuel to allow separation or settlement. 5. Why may water sometimes be carried over into the fuel oil system? Prolong period of time has passed without draining, accumulated water level might rise to such a level that water is carried over into the fuel oil system. 6. What safety precautions can be taken to ensure the safe operation of fuel oil system? Always ensure that quick closing shut-off valves are kept in operational conditions by testing or lubrication.

评估模拟练习 Questions 问答
1. Please introduce fuel injection process of electronically controlled main engine. In a electronically controlled main engine, the fuel is injected into all the cylinder via a “ common rail”. The fuel is first stored in the fuel line and then , when a signal is given by the engine controls to the magnetics valves, injected into the cylinders.


DWT gauge
Retaining ring
Distant survey gauge
Level switch
The angle of rudder
Air compressor
Emergency air compressor
Main engine fuel oil supply pump
The automatic back-flash lubricating oil filter
Main engine fuel oil booster pump
Fuel oil unit
Air foam tank
Cast iron stop valve
Middle shaft
Cast iron check and stop valve
Propeller shaft
Adjustable valve
Trick wheel plant
Lubricate oil purifier
Oil cylinder
Sludge discharge
Feedback device
Fresh water generator

新版轮机英语unit4_fuel oil system

新版轮机英语unit4_fuel oil system

Impurities [impjuəritis] (杂质)in the fuel can cause damage to fuel pumps and fuel valves, and can result in increased cylinder liner wear and deterioration[ditiəriə'reiʃən] (变坏,退化) of the exhaust valve seats.
Lesson 4
Fuel Oil System
The ‘Unifuel’ System
(单燃料系统) The common(普通) system covers the entire [intaiə]整个的 fuel oil flow from storage [stɔ:ridʒ] tank to injection into the engine cylinders.
some improvements [impru:vmənts] (提高) in the centrifuging treatment have been introduced(采用) to enable the treatment of fuels with higher density.
With such equipment,adequate [æ dikwit] (使……能够)separation of water and fuel can be carried out in the centrifuge,for fules up to a density of 1010 kg/m at 15℃. Therefore, this has been selected as the density limit for new high density fuel grades [greids] (密度等级).

新版轮机英语unit4 Fuel oil system

新版轮机英语unit4 Fuel oil system

Some improvements in the centrifuging treatment have been introduced to enable the treatment of fuels with higher density.
With such equipment, adequate separation of water and fuel can be carried out in the centrifuge, for fuels up to a density of 10010 kg/m3 at 15℃。
Impurities in the fuel can cause damage to fuel pumps, and fuel valves, and can result in increased cylinder liner wear and deteriorations(磨损损耗,变坏) of the exhaust valve seats.
They should be operated in parallel or in series according to the centrifuge maker’s instructions.
Design features and working principle
The fuel oil system is a common, pressurized (加压的) system in which heavy fuel oil and diesel oil can be used.
A separate booster pump(增压泵) supplies diesel oil from the diesel oil service tank to the auxiliary engines and return any excess oil to the tank.


• 在这些因素中影响燃烧的因素有燃油黏度 ,十六烷值,和发热量。含硫量,残炭以 及灰分是决定燃烧产物形成的决定因素 。
• and the engine’s maintenance(保养) has a lot to do with its flash and setting points(凝 点), specific gravity(比重), viscosity(黏 度), water content(水分) and the mechanical impurities(机械杂质) in it.
• 并且,主机的保养工作和燃油的闪点、凝 点、比重、黏度、含水量以及机械杂质都 有很大关系
The fuel oil system(燃油系统) for a diesel engine can be considered in two parts- the fuel supply(供油) and the fuel injection (燃油喷射) systems. Fuel supply deals with the provision of the fuel oil suitable for use by the injection system。 主机的燃油系统可分为两部分—供油系统和 燃油喷射系统.燃油供应提供适合于喷射系统 的燃油。
3、Density(密度) of the oil must be given (usually measured at 15.c ), since the consignment(交付,运送) will be measured by weight. It will be necessary to know this to adjust(调节) centrifuges to give efficient purification. 由于交货时是用重量来度量的,因此必须给出 油的密度(通常为摄氏15度下测量的)。这 也是必须知道的参数当调节分油机分油效率 时。



《轮机英语听力与会话(轮机长)》课程标准【课程名称】轮机英语听力与会话【英文名称】Marine Engineering English Listening and Speaking【课程类型】必修课、职业能力素质课【适用专业】轮机工程技术【总学时】70 学时(理论学时:66 机动学时:4)【前导课程】《大学英语阅读》、《大学英语听力》、《大学英语口语》1.课程性质轮机英语听力与会话是轮机工程技术专业学生的重要专业课之一。








3.课程目标3.1 知识目标通过学习,使学生了解和掌握以下内容的专业英语:I。





Emergency procedures
Familiarity with emergency procedures such as firefighting, conflict avoidance, and man overboard recovery
Ship emergency response
Safe operation
Explain the working principle of ship pipeline systems, including fluid flow, pressure transfer, etc.
Working principle
Introduce the daily maintenance and upkeep methods of ship pipeline systems, as well as the diagnosis and troubleshooting of common faults.
Working principle: Explain the working principle of ship electrical equipment, including electromagnetic induction, circuit analysis, etc.
Ship electrical equipment
Category Introduction: Introduce the types of ship pipeline systems, such as fuel pipelines, lubricating oil pipelines, cooling water pipelines, etc., as well as their characteristics and usage scenarios.



Lesson 5 Fuel Oil System第5 课燃油系统1. Marine engines must operate successfully on heavy residual fuel oils which may vary in quality and analysis depending upon the source of their crude and the refinery processes.1.船用发动机必须能良好地燃用重油运转,这些重油根据原油来源和炼油过程在质量和成分上是不同的。

2. Accurate and complete analysis are difficult to obtain but specifications should confirm that certain parameters are not exceeded. Samples of the oil delivered should be kept for reference.2.准确和完整的分析难以获取,但应确认规格中某些参数不超出限定。


3. Density of the oil must be given (usually measured at 15℃), since the consignment will be measured by weight. It will also be necessary to know this to adjust centrifuges to give efficient purification.3.由于交货(油)时是用重量来度量的,因此必须给出油的密度(通常为15℃下测得的)。


4. Viscosity is required, to calculate temperatures at which the fuel is treated and injected into the engine.4.要求明确豁度,用以计算燃料在处理和喷人发动机时的温度。



轮机英语考证学习指南轮机英语考证第一篇轮机英语考证指南Unit l Main Propulsion Plant(主推进装置) (1)Lesson l Ships and Machinery ships(船舶和机械) (1)Lesson 2 How Does a Marine Diesel Engine Work(船用柴油机是如何工作的) (6)Lesson 3 Diesel Engine Construction(柴油机结构) (34)Lesson 4 Fuel Oil System(燃油系统) (65)Lesson 5 Central Cooling Water System(中央冷却系统) (88)Lesson 6 Starting System(起动系统) (102)Lesson 7 Lubricating System(润滑系统) (119)Lesson 8 Gas Exchange Process(换气过程) (138)Lesson 9 Operation and Maintenance of Main Engine(主机的运行与养护) (152)Lesson 10 Transmission System(传动系统) (192)Lesson 11 A Leap in Technology for Marine Engines(船用柴油机技术的一次飞跃) (199)Lesson 12 ME Engines( ME柴油机) (201)Unit 2 Auxiliary Machinery(辅助机械) (203)Lesson 13 Marine Boilers and Their Construction(船用锅炉及其结构) (203)Lesson 14 Boiler Mountings,Management and Maintenance(锅炉附件、管理及其结构) (207)Lesson 15 Marine Pumps(船用泵) (220)Lesson 16 Marine Refrigeration(船舶制冷) (241)Lesson 17 Marine Refrigeration Management and Fault Diagnosis(船舶制冷装置的管理和故障诊断) (254)Lesson 18 Air Conditioning System(空调系统) (271)Lesson 19 Bilge Water Treatment System(机舱污水处理系统) (279)Lesson 20 Garbage Management and Biological Sewage Treatment(垃圾处理及生活污水处理) (287)Lesson 21 Oil Treatment(油的处理) (292)Lesson 22 Marine Desalination Plants(船用海水淡化装置)(301)Lesson 23 The Hydraulic System and Equipment(液压系统和液压设备) (311)Lesson 24 Cargo Handling Equipment(货物装卸设备) (327)Lesson 25 Anchor Windlass and Mooring Winch(锚机和绞缆机) (330)Lesson 26 Steering Gear(舵机) (334)Unit 3 Marine Electrization and Automatization(船舶电气及自动化) (343)Lesson 27 Marine Generator(船舶发电机) (343)Lesson 28 Paralleling Operation of Alternators(发电机并车) (355)Lesson 29 Electricity Distribution System(电力分配系统)(359)Lesson 30 Marine Electric Equipment(船用电气系统) (363)Lesson 31 Basic Theory of Automatic Control(自动控制系统) (378)Lesson 32 Typical Examples of Automatic Control System(典型的自动控制系统) (380)Lesson 33 Basic Meaning of UMS and Its Function(无人值班机舱基本理论及其功能) (382)Unit 4 Marine Engineering Management(轮机管理) (383) Lesson 34 Stand-by Engine(备车) (383)Lesson 35 Watch keeping(值班) (387)Lesson 36 General Rules on Working in Machinery Space(机舱工作基本规程) (393)Lesson 37 Regulations of Fire Fighting(消防规则) (399)Lesson 38 Marine Emergency Arrangement and Equipment (船用应急装置及设备) (418)Lesson 39 Bunkering and Lube Oil Management(加油及润滑油管理) (421)Lesson 40 Stores and Spare Parts(物料和备件) (437)Lesson 41 Shiprepair and Docking(修船及进坞) (439)Lesson 42 Sea Trials(试航) (444)Lesson 43 Port State Control(港口国监督) (446)Unit 5 International Conventions and Regulations(国际公约及法则) (453)Lesson 44 Basic Principles to be Observed in Keeping an Engineering Watch(值班应遵守的基本规则) (453)Lesson 45 MARPOL 73/78(73/78防污染公约) (458)Lesson 46 SOIAS Convention(国际海上人命安全公约) (465)Lesson 47 ISPS Code(国际船舶和港口设施保安规则) (468)Lesson 48 ISM Code(国际安全管理规则) (472)Lesson 49 Maritime'Labour Convention,2006(2006海事劳工公约) (477)Lesson 51 Oil Record Book(油类记录簿) (478)Unit 6 Others其它 (482)The Governor of the Diesel Engine(荣油机调速器) (482)Trouble Shooting and Remedy of the Diesel Engine(柴油机故障分析和排除) (485)Marine Propulsion Plant(船舶推进装置) (516) Others(其它) (524)Unit 7关联题 (542)Passage 1 (542)Passage 2 (542)Passage 3 (543)Passage 4 (544)Passage 5 (545)Passage 6 (546)Passage 7 (547)Passage 8 (548)Passage 9 (549)Passage 10 (550)Passage 11 (551)Passage 12 (552)Passage 13 (553)Passage 14 (555)Passage 15 (556)Passage 16 (557)Passage 17 (558)Passage 18 (559)Passage 19 (560)Passage 20 (561)第二篇轮机英语评估指南第一章公共用语 (563)第二章机舱日常业务 (566)第三章驾机联系 (576)第四章应急用语 (580)第五章对外业务联系 (587)第六章PSC/ISM检查 (592)口述练习题参考答案 (601)问答题练习参考答案 (611)参考文献 (623)《轮机英语》考试大纲 (624)第一篇轮机英语考证指南Unit l Main Propulsion Plant(主推进装置)Lesson l Ships and Machinery slups(船舶和机械)0001. The auxiliary engine and a.c.generator can be connected withA. camB.crossheadC.bulgeD.coupling注:副机和发电机用联轴节连接,故选Do0002. The term medium speed diesel engine is currently taken to mean an engine with an operat- ing rotational speed of_ rpm.A. below 300 C. between 300 t0 1200B. above 1200 D. below 1200注:术语“中速机”是指运行速度介于300 -1200 rpm之间的发动机。

轮机英语 lesson .ppt

轮机英语 lesson .ppt

3. Start up jacket water pumps and check pressures. Bring into operation the heating system of the cooling water.
The temperature of the cooling water returns from the jackets, liners and pistons should be raised gradually to 60℃(140℉).
An additional generator engine should be started to provide a spinning( 自 转 , 绕 转 , 空 转 ) power reserve during the arrival period, and the starting air system should be drained.
21. Inform bridge that engine room would like to turn engine over slowly on air. On engine with bridge control the control selector must be turned to the desired position.
1. Check that the fuel, lubricating oil and cooling water are at working level and drain any water or sludge from all lubricating oil and fuel tanks.
13. Pump up the starting air reservoirs to their maximum pressure and drain the air reservoirs and air system.


• 通常使用的冷却剂是淡水。滑油有时用于 活塞冷却,因为漏入曲轴箱不会产生问题。
• The heat picked up by these cooling fluids is transferred to sea water in heat exchangers and thus rejected to the sea, the cooling fluids becoming cooled and ready to circulate the engine again.
• This may incorporate cooling of the turbine or turbines in a turbocharged engine and exhaust valve cooling. • 这可能包括涡轮或者涡轮增压发动机的涡 轮的冷却和排气阀的冷却。
• Fuel valve cooling: this would be a separate system using fresh water or a fine mineral oil.
• 通常,滑油,缸套和活塞冷却系统使用独 立的冷却器,各冷却器通过海水循环冷却。
• A head tank allows for expansion and water makeup in the water cooling system as well as air vent and chemicals addition. • 高置水箱用于冷却水系统的膨胀和补水, 以及放气和投药处理。
Cooling System 冷却系统
• As a “heat engine”, heat energy is a source of power by which the diesel engine can be operated. • 作为热力发动机,热能是一种柴油机运转 时产生的能量。



船舶轮机英语集成第 1 页船舶英语27.压缩环(气环) Compression ring目录28.刮油环(油环) Oil scraper ring一.职位及工种一.职位及工种(Titles and type of work) 29.减磨令Wear ring (copper ring)(Titles and type of work) ·····1 1.船长Captain 30.伸缩管(水拉管) Telescopic pipe二、柴油机类2.大副Chief officer 31.活塞冷却空间Piston cooling space(Words about diesel engine) ·····3 3.二副Second officer 32.填料箱(函) Stuffing box三、船舶机械类4.三副Third officer 33.填料箱密封环Sealing ring for Stuffing(Words about marine machinery) ··11 5.四副Fourth officer box四、阀门(Words about valve) ····14 6.水手长Boatswain 34.填料箱压缩环Pressure ring for Stuffing五、泵类(Words about pump) ··········16 7.水手Sailor & Seaman box六、甲板机械类(Deck machinery)······18 8.木匠Carpenter 35.填料箱刮油环Scraper ring for Stuffing七、工具类(Word about tools) ········20 9.轮机长Chief engineer box八、常用物料(Material in common use) 26 10.大管轮Second engineer 36.扫气箱Scavenging receiver九、常用紧固件11.二管轮Third engineer 37.扫气口Scavenging port(Part of fixation in common use) ···28 12.三管轮Fourth engineer 38.排气口Exhaust port十、常用油类(Oil in common use) ·····28 13.机匠长Chief motorman 39.十字头Cross head十一、常用量词15.机匠Fitter 40.十字头销Crosshead pin(Quantifier in common use) ·········29 16.加油工Oil man 41.十字头轴承Crosshead bearing十二、国家名称(Name of country) 。



第一部分柴油机DIESEL ENGINE1、二冲程柴油机two stroke marine diesel engine2、四冲程柴油机four stroke marine diesel engine3、高(中、低)速柴油high(medium,lower)speed engine4、汽缸cylinder5、汽缸盖cylinder cover(cylinder head)6、汽缸体cylinder body(block、jacket)7、汽缸套cylinder liner8、示功阀indicator cock9、示功阀indicator valve10、汽缸启动阀cylinder air starting valve11、缸套顶圈head ring for cylinder liner12、排气阀exhaust valve13、进气阀air inlet valve(suction valve)14、气阀传动机构valve driving mechanism15、顶杆tappet rod16、推杆push rod18、摇臂rocker rod(rocker lever)19、活塞piston20、十字头式活塞crosshead type piston21、筒型活塞trunk piston22、活塞头piston crown(head)23、活塞裙piston skirt24、活塞体piston body25、活塞销piston pin(gudgeon pin)26、活塞环piston ring27、气环(压缩环)compression ring28、刮油环oil scraper ring(oil ring、scraper ring)29、布油环oil distributing ring30、耐磨环wear ring31、活塞环槽piston ring groove32、活塞冷却水管piston cooling pipe33、往复管reciprocating pipe34、伸缩管telescope pipe35、铰链管articulate pipe36、活塞杆piston rod37、活塞杆凸缘piston rod flange38、活塞杆填料函stuffing box for piston rod39、活塞杆填料箱gland box for piston rod (Packing gland for piston rod)40、填料函壳体stuffing box casing41、填料函张力弹簧tension spring for stuffing box42、填料函密封环sealing ring for stuffing box43。

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