商务英语综合教程第四册Unit 4 International Risks
![商务英语综合教程第四册Unit 4 International Risks](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/50836fac964bcf84b8d57b87.png)
entrant n. 进入者;新会员;参加竞赛者;新工作者 例:That's because only a few system calls can be safely called inside
2. Porter defines them as: threat of new entrants in the industry, threat of substitute goods and services, intensity of competition within the industry, bargaining power of suppliers, and bargaining power of consumers.
Exercise: I. Answer the following questions according to the text:
1. What is the main topic of the passage?
The topic of the passage is Risks in International Business.
2. What do you know about the international risks?
Just as there are reasons to get into global markets, and benefits from global markets, there are also risks involved in locating companies in certain countries. Each country may have its potentials; it also has its woes that are associated with doing business with major companies. Some of the rogue countries may have all the natural minerals but the risks involved in doing business in those countries exceed the benefits.
Unit 4 译文
![Unit 4 译文](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/142bce3543323968011c92e4.png)
作为秘书,你必须在最大程度上关心你公 司的成功,而且,如果可以的话,你应该做到 公私分明。 在许多公司秘书占据核心职位,因此你有 责任确保公司体制合法,经济状况良好,组织 体系合理。为此,整个商务管理和组织方面的事
务都属于你的工作职责范围,这既包括从调研到确 定财务和法律事务的企划,也涉及从帐户、电脑运 用到税收、经济状况及人事管理等方方面面的事务。
Unit Four Working in the Office
Learning Objectives Listening and Speaking 1. Listen and Practice 2. Act Out Reading 1. Text 2. Exercises Practical Writing Supplementary Reading
秘书通常是公司或一项业务的支柱,在公司管 理层中获得提升。他们保持公司顺畅运行,解决 公司每天遇到的日常问题。 许多成功的主管和大型公司董事长都承认,如 果没有秘书帮他们处理日常危机,他们不但会为 烦事所扰,而且会遭受巨大的财政损失。如果你 想为大型公司效力,或任何一家业务繁忙的公司 工作,你必须成为镇定自若的人。如果你能找到 解决问题的快捷方法,会对你的工作大为促进。 如果你能帮助经理处理日常邮件,那就更棒了。
政治、法律、政府等领域的秘书接受职位时,需 要学习特殊技能。他们通常被委托给一位有经验的能 手,在允许独自上岗之前让他教授他们工作流程。 甜美的说话声音和得体的电话礼仪必不可少。如 果你会两种以上的语言,在你应聘薪水更高的职位时, 会是一个巨大的优势。
Байду номын сангаас
人类既然已经进入了这个专业领域,便再 没有任何一成不变的事情。电脑已经在很大程 度上取代了传统的打字机,现代秘书要懂电脑。 人们仍然恪守传统的文件编排系统 ,所有 硬拷贝必须存放在文件里。这一点和以前一样, 但是备份的计算机盘可以瞬时获得信息和记录。 录音设备已经在一定程度上代替了人们曾经 很熟悉的笔记本,铅笔,和速记。但是,如 果停电的话,后者仍然是无价之宝。
商务英语4课文翻译Making a corporate marriage work
![商务英语4课文翻译Making a corporate marriage work](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d69014f3941ea76e58fa0471.png)
Making a corporate marriage work--翻译Making a corporate marriage work(By Stefan Stem)使企业联姻成功Bringing two companies together is an enormous task.将两家公司合并是一项巨大的任务。
There are grand, big picture questions that need to be resolved, such as the new group's strategy and direction.像新集团的战略和发展方向之类的重大的,大局的问题需要解决。
There are also administrative, logistical and technical challenges.也有来自行政、后勤和技术方面的挑战。
Will new contracts of employment be required?是否需要新的雇佣合同?Where should the headquarters of the combined operation be located?联合运营的总部应该设在哪里?How can the companies' information technology systems be integrated?如何将两个公司信息技术系统整合?'It takes a certain humility to make a merger work,’ says Charles Hampden-Turner, co-author of Building Cross-cultural Competence.“要使合并成功确实需要谦逊,”查尔斯·汉普登·特纳,《建设跨文化能力》的合著者,他说。
'It doesn’t follow that your company is a better one simply because it has taken another company over.“仅仅由于你的公司兼并了另一个公司,并不意味着你的公司更好。
商务英语翻译 Unit 4
![商务英语翻译 Unit 4](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ef7922fb4afe04a1b071de48.png)
对于英语中以实喻虚的形象表现手法,翻译时应想方设法维系原 文的具体性及形象性,一个常用的手段即是从“实”到“实”,将英 语的以实喻虚译成汉语的以实喻虚。 The magic spades of archaeology have given us the whole lost world of Egypt. - 考古学家变魔术似地把古埃及的整个世界都给我们发掘出来了。 - 考古学家用神奇的铁铲把古埃及的整个世界都给我们发掘出来了。
Sam knows he can depend on his family, rain or shine. - 山姆知道不论境遇如何,他都可把家庭作为靠山。
There is a mixture of the tiger and the ape in the character of the colonialists.
The newspaper claims to be the mirror of public opinions. -该报宣称忠实反映了公众的意见。
What is learned in the cradle is carried to the grave. - 少时所学,到老不忘。 How do we account for this split between the critics and the readers, the head and the heart? - 评论家和读者之间,也就是理智和感情之间的这种分歧如何解释呢?
2.用范畴词使抽象概念具体化。 What they wanted most was an end of uncertainties. - 那时他们最渴望的就是结束这摇摆不定的局面。 We want to learn to laugh in the face of the inevitable, to smile at the looming of the death. - 我们需要学会对不可避免的事情报以大笑,甚至以微笑面对死亡的 威胁。
今年1月,史蒂夫•乔布斯(Steve Jobs)走上旧金山芳草地艺术中心(Yerba Buena Center)的舞台发布iPad,完成了现代商业史上最引人注目的一次复出。
It wasn’t simply a matter of the illness that had sidelined him for half the year before, leaving him severely emaciated and eventually requiring a liver transplant. Little more than a decade earlier, both Mr Jobs’ career and Apple, the company he had co-founded, were widely considered washed up, their relevance to the future of technology written off both in Silicon Valley and on Wall Street.
Critics often talk disparagingly of the “reality distortion field” generated by the Apple boss: his ability to convince onlookers that technologies that would seem unformed in other hands have reached a peak of perfection at Apple. Generating this suspension of disbelief is essential to stirring up demand for gadgets most consumers had no idea they needed, and is an art form of which Mr Jobs has long been the acknowledged master.
2019-商务英语综合教程(上册)Unit 4 Multinational Corporations-文档资料
![2019-商务英语综合教程(上册)Unit 4 Multinational Corporations-文档资料](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/18addace700abb68a982fbe7.png)
Unit 4 Multinational Corporations
Wide geographical spread is also characteristic of MNEs. Such geographical spread of MNEs enables them to have a wide range of options in terms of decisions in areas such as sourcing and pricing. They are also more able to take advantage of changes in the international economic environment. Such multinationality also enables MNEs to engage in worldwide integrated production and marketing giving rise to extensive intra-MNE transactions which constitute a very significant proportion of total international trade.
Unit 4 Multinational Corporations
5 Firstly, MNEs are generally enormous in size. As
early as 1973 the United Nations Report on “Multinational Corporations in World Development” noted that: “the amount of annual sales runs into hundreds of millions of dollars”
今年 1 月,史蒂夫 ?乔布斯 (Steve Jobs)走上旧金山芳草地艺术中心(Yerba Buena Center)的舞台发布iPad,完成了现代商业史上最引人注目的一次复出。
在1 月份的发布会之前,即使是按照乔布斯自己的苛刻标准衡量,外界对苹果的期望程度也是异乎寻常的。
批评者总是用贬抑的口吻谈论乔布斯创造的“现实扭曲场” :他能让观众信服,那些在其他厂商手中似乎尚未成形的技术已经被苹果完美地应用。
对于 F?斯科特 ?菲茨杰拉德 (F. Scott Fitzgerald)广为流传的名言(美国人的生命中没有第二幕)而言,没有比这更坚决的反驳了。
乔布斯首次登上报纸头条时,甚至比现在的马克?扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)还要年轻。
早在书呆子备受追捧之前,由于在普及个人电脑(PC)中发挥的关键作用,以及苹果在华尔街的成功上市(当时乔布斯年仅 25 岁),乔布斯就成为了科技界的第一个摇滚明星。
他的老对手比尔 ?盖茨 (Bill Gates)或许更富有,而且在盖茨的事业巅峰时期,凭借其在 PC 软件领域的垄断,可以说盖茨的影响力比乔布斯更大。
商务英语4课文翻译Raising Finance
![商务英语4课文翻译Raising Finance](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/069bc3666529647d26285279.png)
Raising Finance--翻译Raising Finance融资When a company is growing rapidly, for example whencontemplating investment in capital equipment or an acquisition, its currentfinancial resources may be inadequate.当一家公司迅速成长时,例如考虑投资固定设备或进行收购时,它的资金流〔current financialresources翻译不准〕可能不够充足。
Few growing companies are ableto finance their expansion plans from cash flow alone. 很少有成长中的公司能够仅通过现金流为他们的扩张方案融资。
They will therefore need toconsider raising finance from other external sources.因此,他们需要考虑从其他外部来源进行融资。
In addition, managers who arelooking to buy-in to abusiness(‘managementbuy-in’ or ‘MBI’)or buy-out(‘management buy-out’or ‘MBO’) abusiness from its owners, may not have the resources to acquire the company.此外,正准备从公司所有者手中对公司进行外部管理层收购或企业内部管理层收购的管理者们可能没有财力收购该公司。
They will need to raise financeto achieve their objectives.他们需要筹集资金以到达他们的目标。
• Are you using a smart phone, such as the iPhone or the Samsung Galaxy?
technology into elegant consuming products and the
success Apple is enjoying now.
Para. 13-16 A brief recall of Steve’s early life and his ups and
downs before returning to Apple in 1997.
Part I Questions about Part I
Q1. Why had the comeback of Steve Jobs stirred up such an excitement?
This was not the first time of comeback for him to Apple. Little more than a decade earlier, he made his first comeback and turned Apple from going bankruptcy to an enormous successful company. Therefore his recovery and comeback were highly anticipated.
Unit Four
Information Technology
Speculation had been building in the tech world for months about what was rumoured to be Apple’s latest ground-breaking product. A touch-screen computer without a keyboard, it might even rival the impact of the iPod, introduced in 2001, and the iPhone, in 2007. In the event, the iPad that Mr Jobs carried on to the stage with him that day did not disappoint.
对于F•斯科特•菲茨杰拉德(F. Scott Fitzgerald)广为流传的名言(美国人的生命中没有第二幕)而言,没有比这更坚决的反驳了。乔布斯首次登上报纸头条时,甚至比现在的马克•扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)还要年轻。早在书呆子备受追捧之前,由于在普及个人电脑(PC)中发挥的关键作用,以及苹果在华尔街的成功上市(当时乔布斯年仅25岁),乔布斯就成为了科技界的第一个摇滚明星。
Critics often talk disparagingly of the “reality distortion field” generated by the Apple boss: his ability to convince onlookers that technologies that would seem unformed in other hands have reached a peak of perfection at Apple. Generating this suspension of disbelief is essential to stirring up demand for gadgets most consumers had no idea they needed, and is an art form of which Mr Jobs has long been the acknowledged master.
Key to Translation(Page 187) 1. She seems to take little pleasure in doing such things. 2. The professor told us that the tradition of landscape painting could date from the prehistoric age. 3. After attending the lecture of the famous writer, he decided to give up medicine and take to literature. 4. Let’s dispense with the formalities and go directly into the discussion. 5. These animals run extraordinarily fast and in consequence their hunting methods are very efficient indeed. 6. The police searched every house in the district for the escaped criminal, but to no avail. 7. Parents tend to take very great pride in the achievements of their children. Key to Translation (Page 206) 1.Many developing countries, after independence, were afflicted with economic problems to begin with. 2. In order to protect domestic industries, the government decided to impose anti-dumping tariff on imported products. 3. Knowledge without practical experience counts for little. 4. Thousands of people were forced to abandon their homes to the invading enemy troops. 5. I’ve lived in Shanghai so long that I’ve looked upon the city as my second hometown. 6. The roof will have to be propped up while repairs are being carried out. 7. In (the) face of great hardship, he managed to keep his sense of humor. Key to Translation (Page 230) 1. They usually leave off work at 5 o’clock, but today they have to work overtime. 2. All the museums and art galleries in the city are open to the public for free / free of charge. 3. It’s very discouraging to be sneered at by them all the time. 4. She has been a little run down lately and the doctor has advised her to take a short holiday. 5. The whole city is bathed in a sea of joy today. 6. It’s very dark outside, and the sky is covered, as it were, with a black curtain. 7. I booked two film tickets by phone yesterday in the name of Thomas. Key to Translation (Page 309)1. The tourists cheered with excitement when they saw water cascading down the mountainside. 2. Owing to the policy of reform, the small town is thriving day by day. 3. Could you read through this for me and highlight the important points? 4. At times I wonder if rote learning is worthwhile. 5. The superstitions that used to prevail in Old China are disappearing gradually. 6. Thanks to the improvement in export sales, the company has successfully fulfilled its marketing plan. 课文翻译1. 1. Awe-inspiring Awe-inspiring peaks peaks and and and rolling rolling rolling fells fells fells tower tower tower over over over lush lush lush green green green valleys, valleys, valleys, where where where sheep sheep sheep graze graze peacefully beside moss-covered dry stone walls. 高耸的山峰和绵延起伏的山峦俯瞰着郁郁葱葱的山谷,羊群在山谷间布满青苔的石墙边安静地吃草,景象令人叹为观止。
商务英语4课文翻译KeepingyourclientsrelationshipafloatKeeping your clients relationship afloat--翻译Keeping your clients relationship afloat. (By Morgan Witzel)维持客户关系The passengers of the Aurora had every right to be angry.奥罗拉号的乘客完全有理由生气。
The round-the-world cruise for which they had paid thousands of pounds was cancelled a fter persistent engine problems.他们为环球航行支付了数千英镑,但由于持续的引擎问题航行被迫取消了。
Yet there was little anger among the passengers.然而乘客们几乎没有一点儿愤怒的情绪。
While the ship was held off the south coast of England, the passengers remained calm a nd even cheerful.当船期被延迟,被迫在英格兰南部海岸停靠时,乘客们保持冷静,甚至有些高兴。
Though many expressed regret as they finally disembarked, they were not hostile toward s the ship's operators, P&O.尽管很多乘客对他们最终登岸表示遗憾,但他们对船舶运营商P&O并没有敌意。
This may have been due to the company's management of the crisis.这可能是由于公司的危机管理。
商务英语翻译 Unit 4
![商务英语翻译 Unit 4](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/72f93fea0c22590103029d26.png)
Task Presentation
• From Canton Trade Fair, Lily got some product brochures and promotional color pages from the manufacturers, please help her translate the following phrases and sentences, so the manager can have a better understanding and make a wise choice. Lighting, make life better Sense and simplify NVC, expert in lighting environment Let us light up the world A new era of green lighting Science and technology to light life, saving cast wealth After dusk, true color still Rational lighting the world, LED dedication bright 本公司一直致力于研发、生产、推广高品质的绿色节能照明产品,为客户提 供全方位的照明解决方案和专业服务,是中国极具综合竞争实力的照明品牌 之一。
• Different types of advertisement:
1. Internet advertising 网络广告 2. Press Advertising 报刊广告 3.Television and radio Advertising 电视和无线电广 告 4. Outdoor and Transport Advertising 露天广告和交通广告 5. Window and Point-of-Sale Display 橱窗和销售 点陈列广告 6. Exhibition and Trade Fairs 展览会和商品交易 会 7. Direct Mail Advertising 直接邮件广告 8. Movie ads 电影广告
商务英语4课文翻译Customers first
![商务英语4课文翻译Customers first](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/479df54ed15abe23482f4db6.png)
Customers first: the message for this or any other year-- 翻译Customers first: the message for this or any other year客户第一:永恒的主题By Michael Skapinker迈克尔•斯卡平克What, the caller from Hewlett-Packard wanted to know, did I think the big business issues would be this year来自惠普的电话调查员想知道在我看来今年的重大商业问题是什么。
Well, I replied, in thought the issues should be that my new HP printer-scanner-copier refused to scan when I bought it and it took me weeks to sort it out.嗯,我回答说,在我看来问题应该是当我购买了新的惠普打印扫描复印一体机后,它拒绝扫描,而这花费了我数个星期去解决问题。
Also the machine could not print on lightweight card, as it was supposed to, without Jamming.还有就是这台机器并不像预想的那样,可以不卡壳儿的在轻量级卡片上打印。
The man from HP laughed nervously.惠普的电话调查员尴尬(紧张)的笑了笑。
Were there any other big Business issues I would like to mention问我还有没有其他重大的商业问题想说。
No, I said.不,我说。
If HP took care of those small ones, the big ones would take care of themselves.如果惠普能处理好这些小问题,那么那些大问题可以自行解决。
Unit 1Hard Sell around the Photocopier应当高度重视复印机旁的非正式沟通Sociologists have long recognized that businesses of less than 200 individuals can operate through the free flow of information among the members. Once their size exceeds this figure, however, some kind of hierarchical structure or line management system is necessary to prevent total chaos resulting from failures of communication. Imposing structures of this kind has its costs: information can only flow along certain channels because only certain individuals contact each other regularly; moreover, the lack of personalized contacts means that individuals lack that sense of personal commitment that makes the world of small groups go round. Favours will only be done when there is a clear quid pro quo, an immediate return to the giver, rather than being a matter of communal obligation. Large organizations are less flexible.一直以来,社会学家认为一项规模小于200人的事业,可以通过成员间自由的信息沟通而正常运转。
仅做参考好好学习,天天向上Unit 4International TradeMost countries realize the advantages of world trade. Countries have developed their economies, increased production of goods, and met market demands through increased world trade. The interdependence among trading nations has provided increased business opportunities.International trade develops because certain countries are able to produce some goods more efficiently than other countries. They exchange goods to satisfy their needs and wants. Efficient production may be the result of several factors. A certain climate in a particular country may allow that country to grow agricultural products in abundance. For instance, the climates in the United States and Canada are suitable for production of large amounts of wheat. Natural resources such as oil or coal are abundant in other countries. Countries with a large pool of unskilled laborers are able to produce products which are labor intensive more cheaply than countries with highly paid, skilled labor forces. Another factor is geographical location. Countries like Singapore and Panama engage in banking and trading because they are located on world trade routes.The Scottish economist, Adam Smith, theorized that free market countries produce whatever they can most efficiently grow or manufacture, or what is of the greatest advantage to them. In other words, if they can make more money growing cotton than making cloth, they grow cotton and export it. Then they importcloth from a country that makes cloth more efficiently than it grows cotton. In an uncontrolled free market trade situation, there is international specialization which results in the most efficient production of goods. Therefore, competition guarantees that countries import products which are most efficiently manufactured abroad and export products which are most efficiently produced domestically. Price is determined by the supply side of the market. Smith' s theory was a theory of absolute advantage. The English economist, David Ricardo, refined Smith's theory to one of comparative advantage . He theorized that an exporting country does not have to be the most efficient producer of the product; it only has to be more efficient than the country which imports the product. Mutually beneficial trade arises when one country has a comparative advantage.There are several reasons why governments try to control the imports and exports of a country. One reason is that a country enjoys an advantage if it exports more than it imports. Wealth accrues to the exporting country. Some countries have special programs to encourage exports. They may be programs that provide marketing information, establish trade missions, subsidize exports,and provide tax benefits or incentives. Government subsidies allow companies to sell products cheaply. Sometimes these subsidized companies export their products and sell them cheaply overseas. This practice is known as dumping. Dumping is selling on a foreign market at a price below the cost of production.On the other hand, governments impose taxes and quotas to restrict importsof certain products. For example, to protect Japanese farmers, Japan limits the amount of produce that can be imported. Sometimes governments want to protect a domestic industry because that industry provides employment for the population. Not only the industries, but also the labor unions encourage the government to enact protectionist controls.Protectionist measures are in the form of duties which eliminate the comparative advantage or quotas which restrict the import of the product altogether. There are two forms of import tariffs: specific and ad valorem. A specific tariff is a certain amount of tax for each unit of the product, for example $ 500 for each automobile. An advalorem tariff is based on the value of the product, for example 5% of its value.In order to import and export products, there needs to be a system of inter-national monetary exchange. While a few products like oil are always priced in dollars, most products must be paid for with the legal tender of the producing country. International trade involves the exchange of one currency for another. Most currencies are now exchanged on a floating rate basis. There are no official exchange rates. The rates fluctuate according to market forces. If large amounts of a country's currency are being exchanged, the exchange rate may vary greatly because of demand, and therefore, the price of a currency is either rising or falling. Sometimes these great fluctuations in value threaten economic stability: then central banks change market forces by purchasing a foreign currency to support its price and maintain stability.The amount of money that goes in and out of a country is referred to as the balance of payments. If a country is exporting more than it imports, it is receiving foreign currency and has a balance of trade surplus. If it is importing more than it exports, it is sending money out of the country and has a balance of trade deficit. Continued surpluses or deficits change the demand for the currency of a country and cause its value to float either upward or downward.The comparative advantage which exporting countries enjoy sometimes changes. If transportation costs increase or currency exchange rates change, it may become cheaper to produce the product in the market country, especially if large amounts are involved. Exporting companies sometimes set up subsidiaries in the market countries.The larger company is referred to as the parent company. Some countries have laws restricting the foreign ownership of factories or other production facilities, while others encourage foreign investment. A large company that sets up production facilities in several different countries is referred to as a multinational. Multinational corporations develop a global philosophy ofmanagement, marketing and production, they choose to operate in those countries that afford them comparative advantages.国际贸易很多国家都意识到国际贸易的益处。
商务英语4课文翻译The Big Three Management Styles
![商务英语4课文翻译The Big Three Management Styles](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/1d4ebd29192e45361066f570.png)
The Big Three Management Styles--翻译The Big Three Management Styles三大管理风格(或者管理模式——文中对应部分注意更改)by Paul B. Thornton保罗·b·桑顿Management literature describes numerous management styles, including assertive, auto cratic, coaching, country club, directing, delegating, laissez-faire, participatory, supportiv e, task-oriented and team-based.管理文献中描述了众多的管理风格,包括自信型(有过分自信之意)、独裁型、指导型、乡村俱乐部型、指挥型、授权型、自由放任型、参与型、支持型、任务导向型和团队型。
Are there really that many styles?真的有这么多的风格么?I believe there are three basic styles - directing, discussing and delegating, the 3-Ds of M anagement Style.我认为有三个基本的风格——指挥型、研讨型和授权型,可称之为3D管理风格。
DIRECTING STYLE指挥型风格Managers using this style tell people what to do, how to do it and when to have it compl eted.具有这种风格的经理告诉人们要做什么,怎么做,什么时候完成。
They assign roles and responsibilities, set standards and define expectations.他们分配任务和职责,制定标准和定义期望。
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今年1月,史蒂夫•乔布斯(Steve Jobs)走上旧金山芳草地艺术中心(Yerba Buena Center)的舞台发布iPad,完成了现代商业史上最引人注目的一次复出。
对于F•斯科特•菲茨杰拉德(F. Scott Fitzgerald)广为流传的名言(美国人的生命中没有第二幕)而言,没有比这更坚决的反驳了。
乔布斯首次登上报纸头条时,甚至比现在的马克•扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)还要年轻。
他的老对手比尔•盖茨(Bill Gates)或许更富有,而且在盖茨的事业巅峰时期,凭借其在PC软件领域的垄断,可以说盖茨的影响力比乔布斯更大。
硅谷金融家罗杰•麦克纳米(Roger McNamee)表示:“史蒂夫是最后一个伟大的创造者。
当时乔布斯在其位于加州北部郊区的养父母家中,与史蒂夫•沃兹尼亚克(Steve Wozniak)用电路板组装出第一台个人电脑。
风险投资家迈克尔•莫里茨(Michael Moritz)在《重返小王国》(Return to the Little Kingdom)一书中写道,乔布斯对性灵的追求导致在很长一段时间里,鞋子或者肥皂对他来说都毫无用处——这令与他共事的人十分痛苦。
fledgling business. As told by journalist-turned-venture capitalist Michael Moritz in Return to the Little Kingdom, Mr Jobs‟spiritual aspirations left him with little use for either shoes or soap for long periods –to the distress of co-workers. A spirituality guided by his training in Zen Buddhism has played a central part in his life, even prompting him to eschew formal medical treatment for a period during his battle with pancreatic cancer. 风险投资家迈克尔•莫里茨(Michael Moritz)在《重返小王国》(Return to the Little Kingdom)一书中写道,乔布斯对性灵的追求导致在很长一段时间里,鞋子或者肥皂对他来说都毫无用处——这令与他共事的人十分痛苦。
软件设计商欧特克(Autodesk)首席执行官卡尔•巴斯(Carl Bass)说:“其他公司可能会试图延长iPod产品线的寿命,但苹果会说,…不,还有更好的技术。
今年发布的iPhone 4由于环形天线存在缺陷,更容易掉线。
例如,在意识到Facebook的威胁后,苹果面向iTunes 用户推出了类似的社交平台Ping。
”曾担任苹果首席执行官的前百事可乐(PepsiCo) CEO约翰•斯卡利(JohnSculley)在自传中如此评价曾被他赶走的乔布斯的野心:“乔布斯认为,苹果的目标是成为一家极为出色的消费品公司。