箭-44166-印度人学汉语Chinese-English dictionary




/中国风Chinese Elements6Crazy EnglishCao Zhi was the son of Cao Cao, the first ruler of the State of Wei during the Three Kingdoms Period.Cao Zhi was quick-witted when he was young, and Cao Cao loved him dearly and intended to name him his successor.After the father died and the elder brother Cao Pi became the new ruler, he 1)mercilessly2)persecuted his younger brother Cao Zhi, and determined to put him to death.One day, he summoned Cao Zhi to the court and accused him of committing a capital crime, for which he would be executed. “However, since you are my brother,” Cao Pi said, “as long as you can compose a poem within seven paces, I will spare your life.” Cao Zhi replied, “OK, Your Majesty. Please name a topic.” Cao Pi said, “The topic is ‘Brothers’, however, not once can you use the word ‘brother’ in thepoem.”Before taking seven paces, Cao Zhi 3)chantedaloud a poem to the effect, “Pods burned to cookpeas, peas weep in the pot, ‘Grow from same root,please, why boil us so hot?’”Hearing this poem, nearlye v e r y o n e p r e s e n t w a smoved to tears, and even“相煎何急”出自《世说新语·文学》,后用以比喻兄Track 3(初中天地)7the elder brother felt embarrassed.Thanks to his talent, Cao Zhi escaped death that time.曹植是三国时期魏国第一位统治者曹操的儿子。



《国际汉学》第一期目录文史新探汉学的生命力………………………………………………………………… 任继愈《易大传》新儒家之入门(英文) …………………………………………… 徐梵澄春秋三传尊桓论……………………………………………………… (台湾)周何周易古法与阴阳观念…………………………………………………………… 庞朴北魏研究的方法与课题…………………………………………… (日)谷川道雄李凭译孙耀校汉学家专页冯友兰先生年表……………………………………………………………… 蔡仲德德国汉学家鲍吾刚…………………………………………………… (德)汉克杰附:鲍吾刚著作要目中国文化在世界中国文化对十八世纪法国哲学家的影响…………………… (法)维吉尔·毕诺耿昇译中国儒教对英国政府的影响………………………………… (美)艾特蒙·莱特李文昌译莱布尼茨对于中国哲学的理解……………………………………………… 焦树安《金瓶梅》在法国…………………………………………………………… 王丽娜敦煌学研究敦煌学与日本人……………………………………………………… (日)池田温陈汉玉译中西文化交流史十七和十八世纪的中欧文化交流………………………… (法)谢和耐方骏译利玛窦在华文化进路之哲学反省…………………………………………… 沈清松宗教与文化《浮屠经》考………………………………………………………………… 方广錩禅镜………………………………………………………………… 薛华杨煦生译李贺诗歌中的天竺佛影……………………………………………………… 张国风考古新篇临淄封泥考………………………………………………………………(日)关野雄瀚滪译陈公柔校近年来中国考古新发现及研究概述………………………………………… 俞永炳近思录蔡元培和张元济“吸收”和“消化”西学的社会意义……………………… 陈原儒家文化与现代性——读《最后一个儒家》……………………………… 张西平汉学研究进展近年来的中国汉语研究………………………………………………………… 张平德国汉学概述………………………………………………… (德)巴巴拉·霍斯魏建平译法国的古代中国研究………………………………………………… (俄)李福清国内近年来对国外有关蒙古、西藏和西域史名著的翻译出版概况………… 岳岩汉学发达史从西方发现中国到国际汉学的缘起………………………… (法)雅克·布洛斯李东日译近代欧洲思想界心目中的中国——简介欧洲作家和哲学家的不同观点(意)葛吉达,翟灿译汉学研究机构介绍“胡天汉月方诸”:简介美国东方学会…………………………… (美)李珍华法国远东学术研究院汉学研究简介………………………………… (法)郭丽英《华裔学志》(Monumenta Serica)简介………(德)弥维礼、李然游心译附:《华裔学志》要目选译东洋文化研究所 ----日本汉学研究的根基…………………………王启元编译图书评介开拓道教研究的新领域——《中国道教史》简介………………………沐平“汉魏封建说”的扛鼎之作——评何兹全新著《中国古代社会》……………………拓晓堂评《十八世纪的中国社会》……………………………………………普·杜阿拉谢萌珍编译中国思想史研究的瞩目之作——《宋明理学史》………………………………………西梓西文人名译名对照表………………………………………………………… 李崇安编后《国际汉学》第二期目录文史新探邹平丁公陶文试探…………………………………………………………… 李学勤郑玄的易学…………………………………………………………………… 余敦康元好问述说………………………………………………………… (日)小栗英一李凭译焦、阮、凌礼学思想合论…………………………………………………… 陈居渊读《南冥集》新得…………………………………………………………… 汤一介汉学家专页学问在中西之间——记季羡林先生对中印文化的研究…………………… 王邦维法国汉学家谢和耐教授………………………………………………………耿昇中国文化在世界近代日本中国学的历史考察………………………………………………… 严绍璗道教文化研究在俄国………………………………………………………… 郑天星中国思想史研究容肇祖与明代思想史研究…………………………………………………… 姜国柱朱熹在经典文献注释中的解释思想…………………………………………王健老子思想本源论……………………………………………………(德文)杨煦生中西文化交流史《1583--1584年在华耶稣会士信简序言》………………… (美)霍· 林斯特拉万明译1583--1584年在华耶稣会士的8封信……………………… (美)霍· 林斯特拉万明译汤若望的教育基础及当时的学术思想…………………… (德)埃· 斯普林格张志文译宗教与文化汉代佛教与西域……………………………………………………… (荷)许理和吴虚领译中国道教研究的历史与现状……………………………………………………王卡台湾佛教暮课诵……………………………………………(德文)(德)弥维礼如何维持儒家对人民的统治………………………………………… (美)余蓓荷顾犇译近思录“取精用宏,含英咀华”——贺麟新儒学思想简述……………………………张西平汉学研究进展近年来国外学者对利马窦的研究评介……………………………………… 李东日近年来中国古代城市研究综述……………………………………………… 曲英杰汉学研究机构二战之后法兰西学院的汉学研究…………………………………… (法)谢和耐耿昇译图书评介基督教传教士在中国…………………………………………………………… 顾犇《成吉思汉----生平极其遗产》……………………………………………… 唐煜编后《国际汉学》第3期文史新探《坛经》版本刍议李申程颐与道学文化的兴起 {美}包弼德(周晋)译古代隐逸文化与陶渊明罗小东汉学家专页著名蒙古学家海西希教授及其著作乌云毕力格往者寥寥来者了无--记徐梵澄先生孙波中国文化在世界日本五山文学与宋明文学的关联和呼应王晓平礼仪之争与中国宗教习俗的西传中西文化交流史利玛窦著作中的科学和技术 {法}马若安耿升译利玛窦对中国宗教和哲学的介绍张西平18世纪在中国"政府"问题 {法}赫·哈尔德耿升译关于甘英西使余太山西学东渐史王徵:西方思想的传播者任大援严复《天演论》翻译中的科学精神田默迪宗教与文化中国的民间宗教及其研究方则之中国伊斯兰教说林秦惠彬中国佛教中的自我与个体{日}木村清孝辛岩译评《中国思想中的道家理论》{美}罗杰·T·艾米斯汪桂平译近思录从康有为的变法思想看儒家在"范式"转型中的第一个落点王健汉学研究进展张衡研究综述 {奥地利}雷立柏1996-1997年随唐五代史研究综述史睿哥廷根大学汉学系"近现代汉语学术用语"研究项目方维规民俗学研究中国的尚右与尚左 {法}葛兰言简涛译注汉学发达史《中国回忆录》前言郑德弟译拓荒者和引水者:莱顿大学的早期汉学家{荷兰}包罗史王筱云译汉学机构介绍匈牙利汉学简史 {匈}鲍洛尼张晓慧译德国特里尔大学汉学系介张桂贞德国马堡大学汉学系简介 {德}余佩荷书评及书目《汉学的概念及其现状》一文读后{意}廖内洛·兰乔蒂马琳译意大利近期汉学书目摘录李伟《国际汉学》第一、二辑目录第三辑英文目录辛岩北京外国语大学海外汉学研究中心简介《国际汉学》第四期文史新探要重视中学西传——《中国的两位哲学家——二程兄弟的新儒学》中译本序(张岱年)中国文化属于世界——《中国的两位哲学家——二程兄弟的新儒学》中译本序(任继愈)《中国的两位哲学家——二程兄弟的新儒学》导论([英]葛瑞汉程德祥等译)楼兰始都争论与LA城为西汉楼兰城总论证(黄盛璋)汉学家专页二十世纪的学者巨人——李约瑟博士(王国忠)何兹全教授———中国古史研究一家(宁欣)中国文化在世界百年来之英译《论语》其———读西蒙·李新译《论语》(柳存仁)儒家学说在越南的传播和影响(杨保筠)瑞典“中国宫”的形成及其风格(李明)中国:在神话与游记之间———西方人看中国三例[法」柯孟中国思想史研究张居正与王学关系之考辨(黄卓越)中国古代思想史中的“身体政治学”:特质与涵义(黄俊杰)西方早期汉学史在华耶稣会传教士杜德美神父致本会洪若翰神父的信(郑德弟译)耶稣会传教士骆保禄神父致本会苏霖神父的信(郑德弟译)中国文学诗歌次序之构建:枚举(赋)新论 [美]李德领略古法生新奇———黄庭坚、元祐诗歌高潮与江西诗派(钱志熙)苏轼与僧人、道士(马大品)唐王朝对文学创作的态度 [美]戴维·麦克马伦牛来颖译中国古典小说西播述略(周发祥)中西文化交流史前伊斯兰时代中亚粟特语和回鹘突厥语基督教文献概述[丹麦]阿斯姆森陈怀宇译)利玛窦与文艺复兴 [意]彼埃罗·科拉迪尼耿昇南怀仁生平家族新考 [比利时]瓦列尔·阿里克斯杨双杨译《穷理学》———南怀仁最重要的著作(张西平)汉学研究进展面向新世纪的瑞典中国研究 [瑞典]罗多弼高建平李明译十六一一一十八世纪耶稣会研究 [荷]许理和辛岩译明末清初天主教传华史研究的回顾与展望(黄一农)基督教在华传播史研究的新趋势 [比利时]钟鸣旦马琳译德国的满学研究(黄淑娟)英文目录(辛岩译)《国际汉学》一、二、三辑目录编后记《国际汉学》征稿启事《国际汉学》第五期目录汉学一家言研究海外汉学,促进文化交流……………………………………………… 任继愈我对国际中国学(汉学)的认识…………………………………………… 严绍璗“汉学”杂谈………………………………………………………………… 高建平十年甘苦寸心知………………………………………………………………… 刘东汉学家专页高罗佩研究………………………………………………………… (荷兰)伊维德程瑛译史华罗小传…………………………………………………………………… 吕滇雯西方早期汉学史早期西班牙人看福建………………………………………………………… 廖大珂中国(康熙)皇帝的故事(节选)…………………………………… (法)白晋杨保筠译自然之码----孔子的诗……………………………………………… (法)巴多明朱静日本当代汉学研究北魏的镇人………………………………………………………(日)直江直子李凭译西学的排斥与接受----近代技术在日中两国的位相…………… (日)山田庆儿康小青译中西文化交流史蔡元培与法国文化…………………………………………………………… 沈福伟朝鲜《国朝五礼仪》与中国古礼……………………………………………… 彭林中国礼仪之争研究概述……………………………………………… (美)孟德卫莉苇译利马窦中国遗址考察初记…………………………………………………… 余三乐利马窦及其会友在江西……………………………………………… 吴孟雪曾丽雅中国文化在世界托尔斯泰的晚年和中国古典文化思想……………………………………… 吴泽霖宋程理学在欧洲的传播………………………………………… (丹麦)K·龙伯格耿昇译汉学研究进展北欧当代中国研究述评…………………………………………… (丹麦)柏思德李明译柏林汉学的历史和现状………………………………………………………… 简涛纪念澳门回归明清之际澳门的外来文化…………………………………………………… 黄鸿钊澳门在东西方关系中的“特区”作用……………………………………… 黄晓峰书评与书介中国:第一个帝国----评《剑桥中国史》卷一:秦汉帝国(澳)雷夫·德·克雷斯皮尼胡志宏译柯蔚南《东汉音注手册》三礼资料订补…………………………………… 虞万里《数里乾坤》自序…………………………………………………………… 张德鑫汉学机构介绍慕尼黑大学汉学专业简介……………………… …………………………… 张东书英文目录编后记《国际汉学》第六期目录汉学一家言汉学和汉学研究漫议………………………………………………………… 阎纯德中国海外汉学研究现状之管见………………………………………………… 方骏汉学与人类间的文化交流…………………………………………………… 程裕祯汉学家专页20世纪的法国汉学大师戴密微汉学与人类间的文化交流………… (法)谢和耐耿昇译卫礼贤的中国魂汉学与人类间的文化交流………………………………… 张东书我所认识的山田庆儿先生…………………………………………………… 廖育群西方早期汉学史神奇的东方——皮列士《东方志》摘要…………………… (葡)多默·皮列士何高济译一个葡萄牙冒险家的传奇——平托和他的《游记》…………………………高倩平托《游记》中宁波纪事考实——兼谈《甓余杂集》中的佛郎机资料… 汤开建遥望中国——简介基歇尔的《中国图说》………………………………… 张西平中西文化交流史饶宗颐与法国汉学家戴密微………………………………………………… 王振泽英敛之和北京天主教辅仁大学的兴起…………………… (美)唐纳德·帕拉贡辛岩译海外中国文学研究变文之后的中国图画讲唱艺术及其外来影响……………………… (美)梅维恒张国刚陈海涛译《红楼梦》中的命名…………………………………………… (美)米切尔·扬杨春译中国科技史研究中国传统数学的含义………………………………………………… (澳)何丙郁本草的分类思想----从世界图象到技术………………………… (日)山田庆儿康小青译《阴阳的催眠剂》----雅基博士对华夏科学的分析……………… (奥)雷立柏略论明清之际西学东渐的特点与中西科学互动…………………………… 王扬宗宗教研究西方学者道教研究现状综述………………………………………… (法)傅飞岚徐克谦译儒家传统的宗教特征………………………………………(美)罗德尼·L·泰勒魏长宝译国际汉学研究史19世纪上半叶的俄国汉学史………………………………………………… 李明滨捷克汉学简史及现状…………………………………………………………… 姚宁汉学机构介绍捷克东方研究所………………………………………………………………… 姚宁汉语研究16至18世纪传教士与汉语研究……………………………………………… 许光华20世纪中国对外汉语教学概观……………………………………………… 缪小放书评与书介节日:社会的透镜----《中国中世纪的鬼节》评介……………………… 侯旭东一部有用的工具书----《汉学书目杂志》…………………………………杨保筠编后记《国际汉学》第七期目录汉学一家言应重视对西方早期汉学的研究……………………………………………张西平国外汉学与比较文学………………………………………………………… 周发祥汉学研究的两个隐忧………………………………………………………… 柴剑虹汉学家专页辛勤地耕耘不倦地开拓——记德籍华人、著名汉学家乔伟教授张桂贞保加利亚的第一位汉学教授——文学翻译家宝拉·白丽婉诺娃徐家荣经典的发现与重建——孙康宜教授访谈录张宏生中国文化在世界中国与欧洲早期的哲学交流……………………………… (法)戴密微耿昇译十九世纪的欧洲汉学………………………………(德)傅吾康陈燕袁媛译欧洲汉学史简评………………………………………… (德)傅海波胡志宏译中国思想史研究“道”之分疏:论早期儒道之异同…………………… (美)严守诚孙波译“宋代经济革命论”反思…………………………………………………… 包伟民法国汉学史伯希和考察团与敦煌文献的流散…………………………………………… 刘进宝王韬与法国汉学大师儒莲………………………………………………………靳剑马若瑟的生活及其索隐主义----《马若瑟:中国哲学和索隐主义》绪论(丹麦)K.龙伯格马晓东译俄罗斯汉学史瓦西里耶夫与俄罗斯汉学…………………………………………………… 阎国栋《金瓶梅》研究在俄国……………………………………………………… 杨士毅中西文化交流史……………………………………………(美)魏若望余三乐译中国家具传入西方简史……………………………………… (芬)方海唐飞译中国文学韩国学者的中国小说研究………………………………………………………刘顺利《风月梦》与烟花小说…………………………… (美)派屈克·韩南徐侠译古典小说研究的视角转换——(俄)李福清中国古典小说研究述评…………………… 罗小东中国古代白话短篇小说的类型研究——读小野四平《中国近代白话短篇小说研究》……………魏崇新赛珍珠与中国小说……………………………………………………………… 顾钧中国古代史研究为何研究契约…………………………………………………(美)韩森余欣译胡天汉月——海外中国古代契约研究史略…………………………………… 余欣元代地图的一个谱系——关于李泽民图系地图的探讨(日)高桥正朱敬译汉学书评包乐史著《巴达维亚华人与中荷贸易》评述……………………………… 聂德宁评龙彼得《宋代收藏道书考》………………………………………………王宗昱鲍则岳《剑桥中国先秦史·语言文字》章评述…………………………… 王志平清代秘密社会近年来研究的一部可喜成果----《清代早、中期会党与秘密社会》评介…………… (加)戴高禄李晟文汉学机构简介名古屋外国语大学中文系简介………………………………………………杨春蒙特利尔大学与麦吉尔大学东亚研究中心简介…………………………… 李晟文日本大东文化大学述略……………………………………………………… 卢燕丽网络上的汉学研究专业门户网站……………………………………………陈燕附录《国际汉学》第七辑英文目录《国际汉学》征稿启事汉学家工作室工作条例《国际汉学》第五辑、第六辑目录编后记国际汉学(第8辑)目录:汉学一家言汉学发展前景无限任继愈作为专门学科的国际汉学研究李学勤汉学家的文化血统陈跃红汉学家专页史华兹的学术理路程钢日本近代中国学的重要学者——内藤湖南钱婉约汉学史研究世纪初俄国汉学三杰李明滨东南亚汉学研究的历史回顾贺圣达中西文化交流史试论亚马勒政府加强葡萄牙在澳门统治的几个步骤叶志良隋朝中西交通的开展石云涛13裨治文笔下的美国形象——从《大美联邦志略》的前后两个版本说起尹文涓14蒙古高原中国古代碑铭、瓦当遗存与汉学东渐卢明辉李烨中国文化在世界遗散在俄罗斯伊尔库斯克的中国古籍段洁滨托尔斯泰对中国古典文化思想的直接接触和借鉴吴泽霖20世纪初期日本汉学家眼中的文化中国与现实中国黄俊杰文学研究末代才女的“乱离”诗 [美]孙康宜中日微型小说漫谈 [日]渡边晴夫刘静译文本、语境与意识形态——海外元杂剧研究及其启示宋耕国际汉学9汉学一家言汉学与比较文学汉学研究三题汉学家专页论费正清的中国史研究耶稣会士汉学家安文思及其《中国新志》《光明之城》的讨论《光明之城》与南宋泉州社会论《文明之城》一书的真伪西方早期汉学与北京的文学通信中外文化交流史清朝前期天主教在中国社会的发展及兴衰中国的马可·波罗新教传教士著作在中国文化史上的地位韩国诠释学与“四七”论郑子瑜与日本学术界欧洲汉学史研究欧洲的敦煌学研究欧洲的汉语音韵学研究:第一阶段俄罗斯的汉学:道教研究中国文史研究魏晋南北朝隋唐史的基本问题总论中、韩目连母故事比较研究语言类型学汉语学习史研究威妥玛《语言自迩集》与对外汉语教学一部研究琉球人汉语教育的专著应加强对西方人早期汉语学习史的研究CHINA 备考从佉卢文材料看Cina一词的本源及其成立的年代China缘起蜀身毒道新证附录China缘起蜀身毒道新证《国际汉学》第九辑英文目录《通报》第88卷要目《中国研究书评》第8卷要目国际汉学(第10辑) 本书目录汉学-家言从学术史看汉学、中国学应有的学科定位汉学家访谈录韩国的“汉学”与“中国学”捷克汉学家、藏学家高马士访谈录汉学家专页艾田蒲和他的《中国之欧洲》追思汉学家马汉茂西方早期文学广州葡囚书简中西文化交流史基督教在中亚和远东的早期传播法国对入华耶稣会士与中西文化交流的研究试论耶稣修会精神与其在华传教政策的一致性简论北京中法大学欧美汉学史研究剑桥汉学的形成与发展俄国汉学史美国传教士卢公明眼中的清末科举中国语言文学研究汉语普通话第3声的特征侯芝:女诗人兼弹词小说家“当代儒学与西方文化”专题墨子刻的儒学观史怀哲关于中国思想和儒家伦理的论述《华语官话语法》专题《华语官话语法》与17世纪的南京话《华语官话语法》中语法问题分析附录《国际汉学》第十辑英文目录《华裔学志》第50卷要目《中国研究书评》第9卷要目编后记国际汉学·第11辑目录:汉学一家言21世纪汉学展望我国俄罗斯汉学研究的历史与现状汉学家专页阿瑟·魏理年谱简编马伯乐和戴密微汉学与国学:高本汉和钱穆的《左传》研究(瑞)马悦然论桑原的中国学纪念徐梵澄先生诞辰95周年《易经》西行易大传——新儒家之入门叶飞还有叶人去更无人钱钟书先生的《17、18世纪英国文学中的中国》钱钟书的《17、18世纪英国文学中的中国》简介论17、18世纪英国对中国之接受西方早期汉字上帝创造了中国作者的话中西文化交流史汤若望和明清之际的变迁明朝士大夫与利玛窦的《畸人十篇》纪理安——维尔茨堡与中国的使者唐诗在20世纪的波希米亚与斯洛伐克中国哲学研究老子和李弘:早期道教救世论中的真君形象朱熹的“理一分殊”对21世纪人类普遍伦理的意义道家的专气致柔的赤子本性与海德格尔的最本已的能在汉学史研究训读:日本翻译古典汉籍的独特方法琉球国第四批派遣留学生北京学习生活调查清代中后期澳门汉学研究钩沉汉学机构介绍伦敦大学亚非学院及其汉学研究汉学家访谈录半个世纪的汉学历程——罗马尼亚汉学家罗明夫妇访谈录书评与书介入而能出疑而求新——简析宇文所安研究中国研讨的四篇论文略谈《书于竹帛》一书中的几个问题——向钱存训先生请益附录《国际汉学》第十一辑英文目录《通报》第89卷要目《华裔学志》第51卷要目编后记国际汉学·第12辑汉学-家言汉学研究导论汉学家专页卫礼贤-传教士、翻译家和文化诠释者法国汉学家沙畹阿列克谢耶夫院士及其汉学学派汉学家访谈录巴斯蒂教授访谈录入华传教士研究开展清史研究加强国际合作关于清代入华传教士文献收集与整理的设想关于《卫匡国全集》第三卷《中国新地图集》的几点说明中西文化交流史关于中西方文化的第一次实质性接触——访谢和耐教授普天之下:儒-耶对话中的典范转化亚洲文会与中西文化交流河北大学图书馆所藏西文珍本书基本目录何大化——一位被历史遗忘的耶稣会历史学家史景迁的中国历史研究中国宗教思想研究佛教与二程思想的发源王尔德对道家思想的心仪与认同傅圣泽对于《道德经》及其他中国古代经典的解读中国基督教史研究西方中国基督教史研究述评近代中国基督教史的研究趋向——以美国及台湾地区为例国外关于近现代新疆基督教发展历史的研究概述中国语言文学研究掌握汉语的金钥匙——论明清时期国外汉语教材的特点《薛海花》德文版译者序试论葛兰言《诗经。

日本人のかわいい文化について 日本人的可爱文化

日本人のかわいい文化について   日本人的可爱文化
















Beijing Opera
Beijing Opera represents the finest
combination of literature, music, dance, martial arts, fine arts, acrobatics and many other arts available.
indispensable delicacy on this occasion. Mooncakes are
offered between friends or on family gatherings while celebrating the festival, one of the three most important Chinese festivals.
Calligraphy is a kind of chinese traditional arts, which express personal affection through four treasure in the study , writing brush ,ink strick ,ink slab ,and paper .
Qin Shi Huang: his name endures today not just in every "Made in China" label on the imports flooding western markets, but more significantly in China''s strong political and economic presence on the world stage.



序号国际音标Phone‎ti c 汉语Chine‎se Meani‎n g1 gate n. 大门2 the same to... 与...相同3 by prep. 被,经由,在...之前4 subwa‎y n. 地铁5 alway‎s ad. 总是6 come on 来;过来7 on foot 步行8 go to schoo‎l上学9 plane‎ a. 平的; n. 飞机,平面,刨子; v. 刨10 by plane‎乘飞机11 train‎ n. 火车,行列;长裙拖地部‎分; v. 训练,教养12 ship n. 船,舰; v. 以船运送,乘船,运送13 boat n. 船; v. 划船14 Ms. n. 女士, 小姐15 grand‎m othe‎r n. (外)祖母16 group‎n. 团体,组,团; v. 聚合,成群; [计算机] 成组17 weekd‎a y n. 工作日18 hmm 嗯(语气词)19 early‎ad.&a. 早20 bird n. 鸟21 catch‎n. 捕捉,陷阱,捕获物; v. 抓住;赶上,了解,感染22 worm n. 虫,蠕虫23 seldo‎m ad. 很少24 walk n. 散步,步行; v. 走路25 never‎ad. 从不26 somet‎i mes ad. 有时27 ride n. 乘坐,乘车,搭便车; v. 骑,乘坐,克服28 park n. 公园,停车处; v. 停车,置于,停车29 watch‎n. 手表; v. 看,注视,照顾30 TV n. 电视,电视机31 watch‎TV看电视32 homew‎o rk n. 家庭作业33 do homew‎o rk做作业34 life n. 生活,生命35 Ameri‎c an a. 美国的; n. 美国人36 few a. 很少的,不多的,少数的; int. 少数的; a. 少数的37 have lunch‎吃午餐38 at schoo‎l在学校39 day n. 白天40 rest a. 其余的; v.&n. 休息; vi. 搁(在),休息; vt. 使休息41 have a rest 休息42 play n. 游戏,游玩,剧本,比赛; v. 玩,进行比赛,演奏,播放43 baske‎t ball‎n. 篮球44 socce‎r n. 英式足球45 swim 游泳46 go swimm‎i ng 去游泳47 ball n. 球,舞会; vt. 把...捏成球状48 game n. 游戏; vi. 赌博49 read 读,阅读,看懂,理解50 liste‎n v. 听51 liste‎n to 听52 music‎n. 音乐53 libra‎ry n. 图书馆54 once ad. 一次,曾经; conj. 一旦; n. 一次55 week n. 星期,周56 twice‎ad. 两倍,两次; n. 两次57 every‎ a. 每,每个,每隔...的58 must n. 必须,未发酵葡萄‎汁,绝对必要的‎事物; conj. 必须59 first‎ ad. 首先,第一,优先; a. 第一的60 begin‎开始61 have class‎e s上课62 while‎conj. 当...的时候; n.&a. 一会儿; v. 消磨63 bed n. 床; v. 安置,把...栽入苗床64 go to bed 睡觉65 wall n. 墙壁,垣66 be diffe‎rent from 和…不同67 playg‎round‎n.&a. 操场68 lab n. 实验室69 compu‎t er n. 计算机70 room 房间,空间71 hall n. 大厅,礼堂72 dinin‎g hall n.餐厅73 gym n. 健身房,体育馆74 class‎room n. 教室75 build‎i ng n. 建筑物76 pool n. 池,水塘,撞球77 dormi‎t ory n. (集体)宿舍78 sleep‎n. 睡眠,静止,睡意; v. 睡觉,睡眠,静止79 clean‎ a. 干净的; ad. 完全地; n. 清洁; v. 打扫; vi. 打扫,清扫; vt. 把...弄干净80 make v. 做,制造,使; n. 牌子,型号81 card n. 卡片82 soon ad. 不久,很快83 dance‎n. 舞蹈,舞会; v. 跳舞84 physi‎c s n. 物理学85 borro‎w v. 借,借入,借用86 a few (表示肯定)有些,几个87 proje‎ct n. 工程,项目,计划,事业; v. 计划,设计,表达; v. 投射,放映,凸出88 workb‎o ok n. 练习本(工作记事薄‎)89 cours‎e n. 课程,讲座,过程,路线,一道(菜)90 of cours‎e当然91 use n. 利用,使用,用途; v. 使用; vt. 使用,用92 bette‎r a. 较好的,更好的; ad. 更好地93 shelf‎n. 架子94 keep n. 生计,维持; v. 保持,保存,维持95 retur‎n n. 返回,归还,报答; v. 返回,归还,回来96 on time 按时;准时97 pleas‎u re n. 高兴,愉快98 post n. 邮件,标竿,职位; v. 邮递,公布,布置99 bye-bye 再见100 talk n. 谈话,会谈,讲话; v. 说话,谈话,讨论101 ost and found‎失物招领处‎102 look for 寻找,寻求103 purse‎n. 钱包, 资金,金钱,财富; v. 皱起,使缩拢104 money‎n. 钱105 else a. 别的; ad. 其他,另外106 pictu‎re n. 图画,照片,景色; v. 画,描写,想像107 a pair of 一对;一双108 aroun‎d ad. 大约,到处,在周围; prep. 在...周围109 show sb aroun‎d领某人参观‎110 plan n. 计划,策略,方法; v. 计划,设计,意欲111 cente‎r n. 中心,中央; v. 集中; vi. 居中; vt. 使集中112 in the cente‎r of... 在...的中央位置‎113 left a. 左边的; ad. 向左; n. 左边; vt. 将...留在... 114 next to 紧靠,接近,最贴近115 at the back of 在…后面116 near a. 近的,近亲的,近似的; ad. 接近,亲近,节俭; prep. 靠近,近乎117 atten‎ti on n. 注意,(口令)立正!118 news n. 新闻,消息119 betwe‎e n ad. 在中间; prep. 在...之间120 night‎n. 夜晚121 sound‎n. 声音,吵闹,海峡; a. 健全的,可靠的,合理的; v. 听,发出声音,测量122 stamp‎n. 印,邮票,打印器; v. 捺印,顿足,贴上邮票123 world‎n. 世界124 Satur‎d ay n. 星期六125 run n. 奔跑,路程,趋向; v. 跑,运转,进行,运转,经营,褪色; vbl. 跑,进行,延续126 becau‎se conj. 因为127 Japan‎e se a. 日本的; n. 日本人,日语128 wonde‎rful a. 极好的,精彩的129 also ad. 也130 today‎n.&ad. 今天131 Wedne‎sday n. 星期三132 Monda‎y n. 星期一133 biolo‎g y n. 生物学134 Tuesd‎a y n. 星期二135 geogr‎a phy n. 地理136 Thurs‎d ay n. 星期四137 P.E. (缩)=physi‎c al educa‎ti on n.体育138 Frida‎y n. 星期五139 art a. 美术(品)的,艺术(品)的; n. 艺术140 mathn. 数学141 scien‎ce n. 科学142 histo‎ry n. 历史143 polit‎i c s n. 政治144 meeti‎n g n. 会议145 outdo‎o r a. 户外的,屋外的146 activ‎i ty n. 活动147 outdo‎o r (indoo‎r) activ‎i ties‎户外(室内)活动148 lesso‎n n. 课149 drawv. (drew,drawn‎) 拉,拖,挨近,提取,画,绘制150 learn‎v. 学习,获悉,记住; 了解151 easy a. 容易的,安逸的,不费力的152 inter‎e stin‎g a. 有趣的153 diffi‎c ult a. 困难的154 borin‎g a. 令人厌烦的‎; n. 钻孔155 subje‎ct n. 科目,主题; a. 服从的,易患的156 best a. 最好的; ad. 最好地157 frien‎dl y a. 友好的158 other‎ a. 别的,其他的; pron. 另一个人(或事) 159 Febru‎a ry n. 二月160 newsp‎a per n. 报纸161 hard a. 硬的; ad. 努力地162 wish n. 希望,愿望,祝颂; v. 愿,想要,希望163 story‎n. 故事164 bedro‎o m n. 卧室; adj.性感的165 secon‎d n. 秒; a. 第二的,其次的,多余的; a. 第二166 floor‎n. 地板,楼层,底部; v. 铺地板,击倒167 upsta‎i r s a. 楼上的; ad. 在楼上,往楼上; n. 楼上168 come in 进来;进入169 kitch‎e n n. 厨房170 dinin‎g room 饭厅171 livin‎g room 起居室,客厅172 garde‎n n. 花园,果园,菜园; v. 栽培花木,造园173 grand‎fathe‎r n. (外)祖父174 front‎n. 前面,开头,前线; v. 面对,朝向,对付175 in front‎ o f 在...前面176 house‎n. 房子,住宅177 behin‎d ad. 在后地; prep. 在...之后178 door n. 门179 talk about‎谈论,讨论,议论180 lampn. 灯181 clock‎n. 时钟,计时器182 table‎n. 桌子, 餐桌, 工作台, 平地层, 石板, 表格; adj.; 桌子的, 台子的; vt.; 搁置, 嵌合, 制表183 key a. 主要的,关键的; n. 钥匙; vt. 键入184 put v. (put, put) 放,安置185 away ad. 远离,离开186 put away 把…收起来(放好)187 thing‎n. 东西,事情188 dad n. 爸爸189 windo‎w n. 窗户190 model‎n. 模型,模范,模特儿; a. 模范的,作模型用的‎; v. 做模型,塑造,模仿191 under‎prep. 在...之下,低于192 river‎ n. 江,河193 beaut‎i ful a.美丽的,漂亮的194 flowe‎r n. 花; v. 开花195 large‎a. 大的,大量的,宽大的196 bathr‎o om n. 浴室197 drawe‎r n. 抽屉198 chair‎n. 椅子,席位,讲座; v. 担任(某事务)的主席199 keybo‎a rd n. 键盘; vt. 用键盘输入‎(信息)200 penci‎l-box 5pens‎l bCks‎201 apart‎m ent n. 一套公寓房‎间202 town n. 城镇203 town house‎市内住宅,市政厅204 farmh‎o use n. 农舍,农家205 count‎ry a. 国家(的),农村(的); n. 国家206 rent n. 租金; v. 租; vi. 出租; vt. 出租,租用207 month‎n. 月208 mrs. n. 夫人209 furni‎t ure n. 家具210 quiet‎n. 安静,闲适,平静; a. 安静的,静止的,宁静的; v. 静止,使...减少,使...安心211 per prep. 每,每一212 neigh‎b or n. 邻居; v. 邻接,毗邻而居,友好213 store‎n. 商店,贮藏,仓库; v. 储存,贮藏,供给214 bank n. 银行,堤,岸215 stree‎t n. 街道216 corne‎r n. 角落,转角,窘境; v. 将…逼入困境,使...陷入绝境,垄断; [计算机] 角点217 post offic‎e邮局218 books‎t ore n. 书店219 museu‎m n. 博物馆220 parki‎n g lot 停车场221 super‎m arke‎t n. 超级市场222 stati‎o n n. 车站,站,位置; v. 安置,配置223 mail n. 邮件; v. 邮寄224 resta‎u rant‎n. 餐馆,饭店225 matte‎r n. 事件,物质,原因; v. 有关系226 hear v. 听到,听说,听取227 piano‎n. 钢琴228 loud a. 大声的; ad. 响亮地,大声地229 reall‎y ad. 真正地,实在230 end n. 结束,终点,目标; v. 结束,终结,终止231 at the end of... 在…末尾232 road n. 路233 commu‎ni ty n. 社区,团体; 群落(生)234 peopl‎e n. 民族,人,人们,人民; vt. 居住于235 child‎n. 小孩236 a lot of 许多;很多237 close‎n. 结束,完结; a. 靠近的,亲近的; v. 关,结束,靠近238 close‎to靠近,接近239 far ad.&a. 远的(地); n. 远处240 far from 一点都不241 servi‎ce n. 服务,公务部门,服役; vt. 维护,保养242 area n. 地区,区域,面积,方面243 stop n. 停止,车站,滞留; v. 停止,停止,制止244 fan n. 风扇,迷,狂热者; v. 煽,煽动,刺激245 line n. 行,线,航线; v. 排成一行,顺...排列,划线于246 bad a. 坏的247 someo‎n e pron. 某人,有人248 check‎n. 检查,支票,阻止物; v. 检查,阻止,核对249 right‎now 立刻;马上250 move n. 移动,迁居,步骤,动作; v. 移动,搬家,使...感动,(有时也意译‎为"跳槽"); [计算机] 移动251 city n. 城市252 subur‎b n. 郊区253 noisy‎ a. 喧闹的,嘈杂的; n. 嘈杂声,响声254 traff‎i c a. 交通的; n. 交通; vi. 交易,买卖255 cost n. 代价,价值,费用; v. 花费,值,需要; [计算机] 费用256 yard n. 庭院,码257 londo‎n n. 伦敦258 bridg‎e n. 桥; v. 渡过,架桥259 along‎ad. 向前; prep. 沿着260 turn n. 转弯; v. 旋转; n. 行为,举止,(依次轮流的‎)顺序261 acros‎s ad. 横过; prep. 穿过,横过262 meter‎n. 公尺,韵律,计量器; v. 以计量器计‎量263 acros‎s from 在...对面264 Pekin‎g Unive‎rsity‎北京大学265 Tsing‎h ua Unive‎rsity‎清华大学266 Ren'ai Educa‎ti on Insti‎t ute 仁爱教育学‎院267 Haidi‎a n Theat‎e r海淀剧院268 until‎ prep.&conj. 直到...为止269 miss n. 小姐; vt. 想念; vt. 漏掉,错过270 kilom‎e ter n. =kilom‎e tre 公里271 shoul‎d conj. 应该,将要272 chang‎e n. 变化,零钱; v. 改变273 sidew‎al k n. 人行道274 publi‎c a. 公共的,公众的; n. 公众,民众275 light‎ n. 光,光亮,灯; a. 轻的,光亮的,容易的; v. 点燃,著火,变亮276 cross‎w alk277 strai‎g ht a. 直的,正直的,坦率的; ad. 直接278 U-turn n. U形转弯(调头,方向的改变‎)279 dange‎r n. 危险280 safe a. 安全的; n. 保险箱281 hurt 伤害,(使)疼痛282 lose v. 遗失,损失,失败; [计算机] 失去283 accid‎e nt n. 事故,意外的事284 obey v. 服从,听从285 rule n. 惯例,规则,统治; v. 裁定,统治,支配; vi. 裁决,统治; vt. 统治286 most n. 最多,最大; a. 大多数的,几乎全部的‎,最多的; ad. 最,最多,极其287 part n. 部份,零件,角色; v. 分开,分离,分配; ad. 部份地,有几分288 befor‎e a. 以前,在...以前; ad. 以前; prep.&conj. 在...以前289 cross‎n. 十字架,十字架形物‎件,交叉路; a. 生气的,交叉的,相反的; v. 交叉,横过,越过290 third‎a. 第三(的); n. 三分之一; num. 第三291 last a. 最后的,末尾的,最近的,晚了,迟到了; ; v. 持续,支持,维持; ad. 最后,后来292 ticke‎t n. 票,券293 speed‎n. 速度,迅速,超速; v. 加速,超速,推进294 place‎n. 地方,处境,职务; v. 放置,任命,安排295 fast a. 快速的,耐久的,紧的; ad. 很快地,紧紧地,彻底地; n. vi. 禁食, 绝食, 斋戒296 wait for 等待,等候297 when conj. 当...时; pron.&ad. 什么时候298 caref‎u l a. 小心的,仔细的299 late a. 迟的,晚的,已故的; ad. 很晚,很迟,晚300 be late for迟到‎302 birth‎d ay n. 生日303 May n. 五月; aux.可能,可以,祝愿304 thirt‎e enth‎ a. 第十三305 celeb‎rate v. 庆祝,祝贺,颂扬306 party‎n. 政党,聚会,开派对307 fourt‎h n. 四分之一; num. 第四308 fifth‎ a. 第五的309 sixth‎n. 六分之一; num.&a. 第六310 seven‎t h n. 七分之一; num.&a. 第七311 eight‎h n. 八分之一; num. 第八312 ninth‎ a. 第九,九分之一313 tenth‎ a. 第十314 eleve‎n th num.&n. 第十一315 twelf‎t h a. 第十二的,十二分之一‎的;n. 第十二,十二日,第十二音316 twent‎i eth n. 二十分之一‎; num.&a. 第二十317 Satur‎d ay n. 星期六318 date n. 日期,约会,枣椰子; v. 约会,定日期; n.[计算机] DOS命令‎ :显示或设置‎系统日期319 Janua‎ry n. 一月320 March‎n. 三月; vi. 行军,进军321 April‎n. 四月322 June n. 六月; 琼(女名)323 July n. 七月324 Augus‎t n. 八月; a. 威严的,尊严的325 Septe‎m ber n. 九月326 Octob‎e r n. 十月327 Novem‎ber n. 十一月328 Decem‎b er n. 十二月329 alone‎ a. 单独的,仅仅; ad. 单独地330 were v. (are的过‎去式)是,在; vi. be动词的‎复数过去式‎331 born a. 天生的; vbl. 出生332 be born 出生于333 was prep. (is,am的过去‎式) 是334 thous‎a nd a. 千,成千335 Spain‎n. 西班牙336 prese‎n t n. 礼物,现在; a. 现在的,出席的,当面的; v. 赠送,提出,呈现337 shape‎n. 形状,定形,身材; v. 定形,使...成形,塑造338 hill n. 小山339 just now 刚才;不久以前340 squar‎e n. 正方形,街区,平方; a. 正方形的,正直的,公正的; v. 一致,符合,使...成方形; n. 广场341 circl‎e n. 圆周,社交圈,循环; v. 包围,盘旋,环绕342 trian‎gl e n. 三角(形)343 recta‎n gle n. 长方形,矩形344 oval n. 椭圆形; a. 卵形的,椭圆形的345 ago ad. 以前346 centi‎m eter‎n. 厘米。



《南亚东南亚研究》2022年第4期,第35- 51页。 Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.

教教义中最神圣的颜色,象征纯洁与宗教禁欲。这种颜色被近代印度教民族主义势 fgSK! ðÄ%2Tdeñþy]}ÁU2ò3$ Ñ,yz " é{b|
力广泛运用,逐渐成为其标志颜色。“藏红花化”则指代印度教民族主义者将印度 }# } & *V̱P& GÁW%X[YZV! [\=Y¢ò#8[ô' UG 想象为印度教国家,通过重塑“想象的过去”、重构政治制度以推进多数主义理想 E! |%X[]^±! =_`[ô$ ]^±E! aÁP_`ôlþ' bUG! = 的过程。该术语最初由印度世俗主义者创造,带有贬义色彩。本文对“藏红花化” þ7=cd[ô! lHef$ ØHefE! þþ' UWÌZgV! =Z[ô$ 一词的使用无关价值判定,只用于泛指印度教民族主义意识形态影响扩大的一般过 b²hiò! bÌjkV! ØÌÁPj`Hjòi! UkÕ=TV$, 程。“藏红花化”是指以藏红花色为标志的印度教民族主义势力扩大其意识形态影
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Õ»Y«% Ú¶¡¢6456<2*4% ±²% <<2>?³'¶xtKL$ 教育“藏红花化”进程的整体图景。在这一进程中,“印度教特性”国民认同观是 ´SK2fg¶x°Ñ}645b«2b<_Ó! ìÎ}Z[645ÕÖ5F 指导思想,国民志愿服务团(Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, RSS)是领导者和主力军, 6Ì2µb2«¶xaµ¶¶$ ñ·ÌÏ^µÅ]}¸mL2ɹ! 印人党的教育改革则在其中发挥着扫除政治障碍的重要作用。实际上,在印人党前 Ü! -¸mL5º[C-2ABC! Ì2oæaùD% @)$ ./«¶x 身即人民同盟(Bharatiya Jana Sangh, BJS)参政期间,印度中央政府层面就已经出现 aµ¶¶#! ÌÏ»4¼½& GÁϾfg¿ÁÂÃ6À]Áá! ý #-0 f了Â以'印G度教Ï民¾族f主g义»思Y想Â改ä造Ã教育(( 7尤53其8是95历2:史52)教»育6)]的"早Ä期尝试( ;,65这2<为'之<2后3)印! 人 ý党的教#"育" 改f革Â奠$ 定¾了Â基ä础Ã。 o Ì Á Ï ) Å » ¼! » Æ c! a » ù D 2 Ç È



中国的民族体育英语作文Chinese Ethnic Sports。

As a country with a long history and diverse cultures, China has a rich heritage of ethnic sports. Ethnic sports refer to traditional sports and games that are unique to specific ethnic groups in China. These sports not only reflect the cultural identity of different ethnic groups but also serve as a way to promote physical fitness and social cohesion.There are many different types of ethnic sports in China, ranging from archery and horse racing to dragon boat racing and tug-of-war. Each ethnic group has its own unique sports and games that have been passed down from generation to generation. For example, the Mongolian people are known for their horse racing and wrestling, while the Yi people have a traditional game called "bullfighting" where two bulls fight each other until one of them retreats.One of the most popular ethnic sports in China is dragon boat racing. This sport originated from the southern province of Guangdong and is now enjoyed by people all over the country. Dragon boat racing involves teams of paddlers racing in long narrow boats decorated with dragon heads and tails. The sport is not only physically demanding but also requires teamwork and coordination.Another popular ethnic sport is Tai Chi, a form of martial arts that originated in China. Tai Chi is known for its slow and graceful movements, which promote flexibility, balance, and relaxation. Tai Chi is also considered a form of meditation and is often practiced for its healthbenefits as well as its cultural significance.Ethnic sports are an important part of Chinese culture and are celebrated throughout the country. The Chinese government has recognized the importance of these sports and has established programs to promote and preserve them. In 2009, China hosted the first World Traditional Wushu Championships, which showcased traditional Chinese martial arts and other ethnic sports to the world.In conclusion, ethnic sports are an integral part of China's cultural heritage and serve as a way to promote physical fitness, social cohesion, and cultural identity. These sports are not only enjoyed by people in China but also by people all over the world who are interested in learning about different cultures and traditions.。



中华传统文化英文灯谜大全100个1. What traditional Chinese symbol represents happiness and good fortune?Answer: The Chinese character "福" (fú)2. What is the traditional Chinese art of paper cutting called?Answer: Jianzhi3. What animal represents strength and power in Chinese culture? Answer: The dragon4. What is the traditional Chinese art of calligraphy called?Answer: Shufa5. What traditional Chinese instrument has strings and is played with a bow?Answer: The erhu6. What traditional Chinese festival celebrates the lunar New Year? Answer: Spring Festival7. What is the traditional Chinese cooking technique that involves deep frying in hot oil?Answer: Stir frying8. What is the traditional Chinese board game played with rectangular tiles called?Answer: Mahjong9. What is the traditional Chinese martial art that focuses on slow,controlled movements?Answer: Tai Chi10. What traditional Chinese painting technique uses black ink and water?Answer: Sumi-e11. What traditional Chinese festival involves lanterns and dragon boat races?Answer: The Dragon Boat Festival12. What traditional Chinese theatrical art involves colorful masks and acrobatics?Answer: Peking Opera13. What traditional Chinese belief system emphasizes the balance of yin and yang?Answer: Taoism14. What is the traditional Chinese folk art of using colored grains to create intricate designs?Answer: Grain painting15. What traditional Chinese dish is made from rice, vegetables, and meat or seafood?Answer: Fried rice16. What traditional Chinese art form involves weaving silk threads into intricate patterns?Answer: Silk embroidery17. What is the traditional Chinese tea ceremony called?Answer: Cha Dao18. What is the traditional Chinese belief that everything in the universe is connected called?Answer: The concept of qi19. What traditional Chinese musical instrument is made from bamboo and has holes to create different tones?Answer: The dizi20. What traditional Chinese philosophy emphasizes the importance of education and self-improvement?Answer: Confucianism21. What traditional Chinese dance style involves flowing, graceful movements and colorful costumes?Answer: The classical dance style22. What traditional Chinese board game is played with black and white stones on a grid?Answer: Go23. What is the traditional Chinese belief that ancestors have the power to influence the living called?Answer: Ancestor worship24. What traditional Chinese dish is made from minced meat and vegetables wrapped in a thin dough and steamed?Answer: Dumplings25. What traditional Chinese martial art involves a series of fluid, continuous movements?Answer: Wing Chun26. What traditional Chinese art form involves folding paper into decorative shapes or figures?Answer: Origami27. What traditional Chinese belief system focuses on the flow of energy through the body?Answer: Traditional Chinese Medicine28. What traditional Chinese musical instrument is shaped like a long, curved tube and is played by blowing into it?Answer: The bamboo flute29. What is the traditional Chinese philosophy that emphasizes living in harmony with nature called?Answer: Daoism30. What traditional Chinese festival celebrates the harvest and involves mooncakes?Answer: The Mid-Autumn Festival31. What traditional Chinese dish is made from egg noodles, various meats, and vegetables?Answer: Chow mein32. What traditional Chinese art form involves painting on silk or rice paper with watercolors?Answer: Traditional brush painting33. What traditional Chinese belief system involves the practice of feng shui to create balance and harmony in one's environment?Answer: Feng shui34. What traditional Chinese instrument is made from a gourd and has strings that are plucked?Answer: The guzheng35. What is the traditional Chinese belief system that involves the worship of multiple gods and spirits called?Answer: Chinese folk religion36. What traditional Chinese dish is made by stir frying different ingredients in a wok?Answer: Lo mein37. What traditional Chinese festival involves the lighting of lanterns to honor the dead?Answer: The Lantern Festival38. What traditional Chinese art form involves knitting or crocheting with multiple colored threads?Answer: Macramé39. What is the traditional Chinese belief that everything in the universe has a life force called?Answer: The concept of qi40. What traditional Chinese musical instrument is made from a gourd and has holes for different pitches?Answer: The sheng41. What traditional Chinese dance style focuses on intricate footwork and acrobatic movements?Answer: The lion dance42. What traditional Chinese board game is played with round tiles and involves matching pairs?Answer: Mahjong solitaire43. What is the traditional Chinese belief that certain colors bring good luck and fortune called?Answer: Color symbolism44. What traditional Chinese dish is made by steaming rice in a bamboo basket?Answer: Bamboo rice45. What traditional Chinese martial art involves both unarmed combat and the use of weapons?Answer: Kung fu46. What traditional Chinese art form involves carving intricate designs into jade or other stones?Answer: Jade carving47. What is the traditional Chinese belief that the alignment of furniture and objects in a space can affect one's energy called?Answer: The concept of feng shui48. What traditional Chinese musical instrument is made from a bamboo tube and has finger holes to create different notes?Answer: The xiao49. What traditional Chinese dance style is characterized by graceful movements and flowing silk costumes?Answer: The fan dance50. What traditional Chinese festival involves the lighting of bonfires to ward off evil spirits?Answer: The Ghost Festival51. What traditional Chinese dish is made by boiling dumplings ina flavored broth?Answer: Wonton soup52. What traditional Chinese art form involves the creation of intricate sculptures made from folded paper?Answer: Kirigami53. What is the traditional Chinese belief that certain numbers bring good luck and fortune called?Answer: Number symbolism54. What traditional Chinese musical instrument is made from a wooden frame with metal strings that are plucked?Answer: The yangqin55. What traditional Chinese dance style involves precise footwork and hand movements?Answer: The ribbon dance56. What traditional Chinese board game involves strategically placing tiles to create a pattern?Answer: Mahjong solitaire57. What is the traditional Chinese belief that balance and harmony in one's environment can bring good fortune called?Answer: Yin and yang58. What traditional Chinese dish is made by boiling dumplings and then pan-frying them?Answer: Pot stickers59. What traditional Chinese martial art involves practicing slow, controlled movements for physical and mental health?Answer: Qigong60. What traditional Chinese art form involves creating intricate designs by arranging small pieces of colored glass or stone?Answer: Mosaic61. What is the traditional Chinese belief that certain animals symbolize certain qualities and characteristics called?Answer: Animal symbolism62. What traditional Chinese musical instrument is made from a long, curved bamboo tube and is played by blowing into it?Answer: The shakuhachi63. What color is traditionally associated with happiness and good fortune in Chinese culture?Answer: Red64. What traditional Chinese dish is made from thin wheat noodles, various meats, and vegetables?Answer: Chow mein65. What traditional Chinese art form involves the creation of intricate designs made from small pieces of colored paper?Answer: Paper mosaic66. What is the traditional Chinese belief that certain symbols bring good luck and fortune called?Answer: Symbolism67. What traditional Chinese musical instrument is made from a wooden box with metal keys that are struck with hammers?Answer: The dulcimer68. What traditional Chinese dance style involves spinning and twirling long silk ribbons?Answer: The ribbon dance69. What traditional Chinese board game involves strategically moving pieces across a grid to capture opponents' pieces?Answer: Xiangqi (Chinese chess)70. What is the traditional Chinese belief that certain foods bring good luck and fortune called?Answer: Food symbolism71. What traditional Chinese dish is made by stir frying noodles with various ingredients and a soy-based sauce?Answer: Chow ho fun72. What traditional Chinese art form involves painting intricate designs onto porcelain or ceramic objects?Answer: Porcelain painting73. What is the traditional Chinese belief that certain days and times are more auspicious for certain activities called?Answer: Astrology74. What traditional Chinese musical instrument is made from a wooden frame with metal strings that are plucked with picks?Answer: The guqin75. What traditional Chinese dance style involves martial arts movements and acrobatic jumps?Answer: The acrobatic dance76. What is the traditional Chinese belief that certain plants bring good luck and fortune called?Answer: Plant symbolism77. What traditional Chinese dish is made by frying rice with various ingredients and sauces?Answer: Yangzhou fried rice78. What traditional Chinese art form involves creating intricate designs by arranging small pieces of colored tile or stone?Answer: Tile mosaic79. What traditional Chinese belief system involves the practice of acupuncture and herbal medicine to balance the body's energy?Answer: Traditional Chinese Medicine80. What traditional Chinese musical instrument is made from a circular wooden frame with metal bars that are struck with mallets? Answer: The chime stone81. What color is traditionally associated with purity and mourning in Chinese culture?Answer: White82. What traditional Chinese dish is made from rice noodles, various meats, and vegetables in a spicy broth?Answer: Hot and sour soup83. What traditional Chinese art form involves carving intricate designs onto bone or ivory?Answer: Bone carving84. What is the traditional Chinese belief system that involves the worship of ancestors and spirits called?Answer: Ancestral worship85. What traditional Chinese musical instrument is made from a long, curved bamboo tube with finger holes to create different pitches?Answer: The bansuri86. What traditional Chinese dance style involves fluid, flowing movements and silk scarves or ribbons?Answer: The silk dance87. What traditional Chinese board game involves strategically placing stones on a grid to capture opponents' stones?Answer: Wei Qi (Go)88. What is the traditional Chinese belief system that involves the study of the relationship between humans and their environment called?Answer: Ecology89. What traditional Chinese dish is made from small, delicate steamed buns filled with various ingredients?Answer: Baozi90. What traditional Chinese art form involves creating intricate designs on metal objects by etching or engraving?Answer: Metal engraving91. What is the traditional Chinese belief that certain shapes and patterns bring good luck and fortune called?Answer: Geometric symbolism92. What traditional Chinese musical instrument is made from a long, curved wooden pipe with finger holes to create different notes?Answer: The shakuhachi93. What is the traditional Chinese belief system that involves the worship of deities and spirits called?Answer: Chinese folk religion94. What traditional Chinese dance style involves precise, intricate footwork and rapid, dynamic movements?Answer: The martial arts dance95. What traditional Chinese board game involves rolling dice and moving pieces across a board to reach a goal?Answer: Ludo96. What is the traditional Chinese belief that certain objects bring good luck and fortune called?Answer: Object symbolism97. What traditional Chinese dish is made from steamed buns filled with various ingredients, often served as dim sum?Answer: Xiaolongbao98. What traditional Chinese art form involves the creation of intricate designs by carving or sculpting wood?Answer: Wood carving99. What is the traditional Chinese belief system that involves the practice of tai chi and meditation to cultivate energy called?Answer: Taoism100. What traditional Chinese musical instrument is made from a set of small metal bars that are struck with mallets?Answer: The xylophone。

对外汉语标准教程5上 课件 L6

对外汉语标准教程5上 课件 L6

1. 他一定要替百姓 掉这个害人的东西。 2. 听说,那个男人 了自己的女朋友,然后 走了。 3. 孩子被 得哇哇大哭。 4. 我从小怕后,因为被狗 过。 5. 李广一下子就 中了一只正在飞的鸟。 6. 快看,那两只小狗互相 着玩儿,真可爱。
说不定 熬夜 赶紧 果然 纷纷 整个 似的
选词填空 ✓ ✕
打听 询问
1.A:打扰一下,向您 件事。你知道王老板有什么兴趣爱
看看书、看看电影什么的。 2. 她 到北京有位医生能治这个病,就带着孩子来了。
3. 我 了一下,附近像这样的房子,差不多都得一百万。 √ ✕
1、这事儿经理已经同意了,只是出发的时间还说不定。 2、咱俩到底谁赢谁输还真说不定呢。
1、周末他起得晚,这会儿说不定还在睡觉呢。 2、别随随便便就说放弃,说不定下次就成功了。
shuōbudìng áo yè gǎnjǐn guǒrán fēnfēn zhěnggè shìde
adv. perhaps, possibly, it’s likely that… v. to stay up late adv. immediately, at once adv. as expected, really adj. girl adj. whole, entire part. (indicating similarity) like, as



儒家六艺英语儒家六艺英语单词:1.礼(Lǐ) - Ritual2.乐(Yuè) - Music3.射(Shè) - Archery4.御(Yù) - Charioteering5.书(Shū) - Calligraphy6.数(Shù) - Mathematics1.儒家注重礼仪的规范和仪式的重要性。

Confucianism emphasizes the significance of proper etiquette and the importance of rituals.2.儒家认为音乐有助于培养美德和情感的表达。

Confucianism believes that music helps to cultivate virtues and express emotions.3.射箭在儒家文化中被视为一项重要的技能和体育活动。

Archery is regarded as an important skill and sport in Confucian culture.4.御驾驶乘车是儒家士人应掌握的一种技能。

Charioteering is a skill that Confucian scholars were expected to possess.5.书法是儒家学者必修的一门艺术课程。

Calligraphy is a compulsory art course for Confucian scholars.6.儒家非常重视数学的学习与运用。

Confucianism attaches great importance to the study and application of mathematics.7.学习儒家六艺需要耐心和恒心。

Learning the six arts of Confucianism requires patience and perseverance.8.他掌握了儒家六艺的精髓。



Chinese Zodiac SignsChinese zodiac signs represent twelve different types of personalities. The zodiac traditionally begins with the sign of the Rat, and there are many stories about the origins of the Chinese Zodiac which explain why this is so (see below). The following are the twelve zodiac signs in order and their characteristics.[1]The Chinese animal zodiac, or sheng xiao in pinyin (literally translated as "born resembling"), is a rotating cycle of 12 years, with each year being represented by an animal and its reputed attributes.Traditionally these recurring animals were used to date the years, a different animal for each year, with each animal year repeated every 12 years. There are altogether 12 animals, which are, in order: rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, ram, monkey, rooster, dog and pig.Actually the Chinese animal zodiac has certain similarities with the Western zodiac. Both have rotating cycles divided in to 12 parts, and both imply the influence of each sign on a person’s personality. However, the differences are major. The Chinese animal zodiac is divided into years, while the Western zodiac is divided into months, and the animals are not associated with constellations.There is no correlation between the twelve animals of the Chinese Zodiac and the twelve signs of the Western Zodiac.Western astrology is based upon a system which uses the path of the sun (and the moon and planets) through the heavens and look to the constellations (e.g. Aries, Taurus, Gemini etc) which lie along this path.The Chinese system, on the other hand, focuses on Zi Wei or the Pole Star and the constellations which relate to it.The Chinese system of time keeping is based on the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches forming a 60 year cycle. There are 10 sets of Heavenly Stems and 12 sets of Earthly Branches. The 10 Heavenly Stems have to be repeated 6 six times in order to match the 12 Earthly Branches which are repeated 5 times to give you sixty pairs of stems and branches.The names of the year are taken from the pairs of Stems and Branch in the sixty year cycle. For example 1924 marks the start of the sixty year cycle and has the name of Jia Zi (Jia is the Stem and Zi the Branch). This cycle is repeated every sixty year.Most of you are familiar with the 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac. They are the rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog and pig.The Legend of the Order of the Zodiac AnimalsThere is an interesting folktale about how the order of the 12 animals was determined. Once upon a time, the 12 animals quarreled about the order of the cycle. Because every one wanted to take the lead, no decision was made. Finally the animals agreed to ask the Jade Emperor, the ruler of all gods in Chinese mythology, to decide the order. The Jade Emperor decreed to hold a competition. The animals would run across a river, and each animal’s position in the cycle would be set by its place in the race.At that time the cat and the rat were very close friends. The cat wanted to take up a position in the cycle, but he was a sleepy head. So the cat told the rat to wake him up the next morning. The rat promised to do so, but the next morning he was so excited about the competition that he forgot to wake up the cat.All the other animals gathered at the bank of a river, and the race began. The rat jumped into the ox's ear without being noticed. Just as the ox was about to reach the opposite side of the river, the rat jumped out of his ear, won the race and became the lead sign of the cycle. The ox became the second, and the others also reached the bank one after another. The pig, lazy and slow, ended up last. The cat didn't wake up until the race was over, but it was too late, and he was not able to make it into the cycle.From then on, the cat and the rat became enemies. The cat hates the rat so much that every time they meet the cat chases and tries to kill the rat.Chinese Zodiac Years of Birth / Animal Year / Ben Ming Nian Because the Chinese animal zodiac is a rotating cycle of 12 years, every 12 years a certain animal year recurs. For example, if a person was born in the year 1990, which was the year of the horse, then this person's animal sign is the horse. Every 12 years, when this person is 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72 etc., the year of the horse recurs, which is this person's year of birth, or ben ming nian (roughly translated as 'origin of life year')According to ancient Chinese superstition, in one’s year of birth, he will offend Tai Sui, the god of age in Chinese mythology, and will have bad luck during that year. The best way to avoid bad luck during this year is by wearing something red given by someone else, such as socks, a ribbon, clothes, underwear, a waistband or a bracelet.The twelve animal signs each represent different types of personalities. The following are the twelve signs in order and their characteristics. Find the year you were born to determine your own sign.Rat - CharmingRat–鼠 (子) (Yang, 1st Trine, Fixed Element Water):Year of Birth: 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020Personality:Quick-witted, clever, clairvoyant, short-tempered, ambitious and manipulative. They are charming and attractive to the opposite sex, loyal and generous to people that they considers part of their pack. They are resourceful and eager to seek knowledge.Forthright, tenacious, intense, meticulous, charismatic, sensitive, intellectual, industrious, charming, eloquent, sociable, artistic, shrewd. Can be manipulative, vindictive, self-destructive, envious, mendacious, venal, obstinate, critical, over-ambitious, ruthless, intolerant, scheming.1.Ox–牛 (丑) (Water buffalo in Vietnam) (Yin, 2nd Trine, Fixed Element Water):Dependable, ambitious, calm, methodical, born leader, patient, hardworking,conventional, steady, modest, logical, resolute, tenacious. Can be stubborn,dogmatic, hot-tempered, narrow-minded, materialistic, rigid, demanding.2.Tiger–虎 (寅) (Yang, 3rd Trine, Fixed Element Wood): Unpredictable,rebellious, colorful, powerful, passionate, daring, impulsive, vigorous, stimulating, sincere, affectionate, humanitarian, generous. Can be restless, reckless, impatient, quick-tempered, obstinate, selfish, aggressive, moody.3.Hare–兔 or 兎 (卯) (Cat in Vietnam) (Yin, 4th Trine, Fixed Element Wood):Gracious, good friend, kind, sensitive, soft-spoken, amiable, elegant, reserved,cautious, artistic, thorough, tender, self-assured, shy, astute, compassionate, lucky, flexible. Can be moody, detached, superficial, self-indulgent, opportunistic,stubborn.4.Dragon–龍 / 龙 (辰) (Yang, 1st Trine, Fixed Element Wood): Magnanimous,stately, vigorous, strong, self-assured, proud, noble, direct, dignified, eccentric,intellectual, fiery, passionate, decisive, pioneering, artistic, generous, loyal. Canbe tactless, arrogant, imperious, tyrannical, demanding, intolerant, dogmatic,violent, impetuous, brash.5.Snake–蛇 (巳) (Yin, 2nd Trine, Fixed Element Fire): Deep thinker, wise, mystic,graceful, soft-spoken, sensual, creative, prudent, shrewd, elegant, cautious,responsible, calm, strong, constant, purposeful. Can be loner, bad communicator,possessive, hedonistic, self-doubting, distrustful, mendacious, suffocating, cold.6.Horse–馬 / 马 (午) (Yang, 3rd Trine, Fixed Element Fire): Cheerful, popular,quick-witted, changeable, earthy, perceptive, talkative, agile—mentally andphysically, magnetic, intelligent, astute, flexible, open-minded. Can be fickle,arrogant, childish, anxious, rude, gullible, stubborn.7.Ram–羊 (未) (Yin, 4th Trine, Fixed Element Fire): Righteous, sincere,sympathetic, mild-mannered, shy, artistic, creative, gentle, compassionate,understanding, mothering, peaceful, generous, seeks security. Can be moody,indecisive, over-passive, worrier, pessimistic, over-sensitive, complainer, weak-willed.8.Monkey–猴 (申) (Yang, 1st Trine, Fixed Element Metal): Inventor, motivator,improviser, quick-witted, inquisitive, flexible, innovative, problem solver, self-assured, sociable, artistic, polite, dignified, competitive, objective, factual,intellectual. Can be egotistical, vain, arrogant, selfish, reckless, snobbish,deceptive, manipulative, cunning, jealous, suspicious.9.Rooster–雞 / 鸡 (酉) (Yin, 2nd Trine, Fixed Element Metal): Acute, neat,meticulous, organized, self-assured, decisive, conservative, critical, perfectionist,alert, zealous, practical, scientific, responsible. Can be over zealous and critical,puritanical, egotistical, abrasive, proud, opinionated, given to empty bravado.10.Dog–狗 / 犬 (戌) (Yang, 3rd Trine, Fixed Element Metal): Honest, intelligent,straightforward, loyal, sense of justice and fair play, attractive, amicable,unpretentious, sociable, open-minded, idealistic, moralistic, practical, affectionate, sensitive, easy going. Can be cynical, lazy, cold, judgmental, pessimistic, worrier, stubborn, quarrelsome.11.Pig–豬 / 猪 (亥) (Boar in Japan and Elephant in Northern Thailand) (Yin, 4thTrine, Fixed Element Water): Honest, gallant, sturdy, sociable, peace-loving,patient, loyal, hard-working, trusting, sincere, calm, understanding, thoughtful,scrupulous, passionate, intelligent. Can be naïve, over-reliant, self-indulgent,gullible, fatalistic, materialistic.Ox - PatientYear of Birth: 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021Personality:Calm, diligent, modest, honest, straight-forward, easy-going but sometimes can be stubborn. A born leader, the ox has a tendency to inspire confidence in others. They hate failure and don't like to be challenged.Tiger - SensitiveYear of Birth: 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022Personality:Thoughtful, rebellious, sensitive, success-oriented, humanitarian, impatient and aggressive. Tigers are embodiment of lordliness and power. They are respected by other people, though they sometimes act antiauthoritarian and get into conflict with authority or elder people. Rabbit - ArticulateYear of Birth: 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023Personality:Popular, amiable, affectionate, sincere, and opportunistic. Rabbits enjoy being surrounded by family and friends. Sometimes they tend to get sentimental, but rarely lose temper. Being cautious and conservative, they are said to be financially lucky and will be successful in business.Dragon - HealthyYear of Birth: 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024Personality:Energetic, intelligent, gifted, healthy, charismatic, noble and brave. The dragon is a popular and respected individual. A natural born leader, the dragon tends to inspire trust and confidence, and is good at giving orders, though sometimes they can be tactless and brash.Snake - IsolatedYear of Birth: 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025Personality:Smart, intuitive, sympathetic, analytical, cautious, introverted and insecure. Snakes prefer to be loners, relying strongly on their own intuition and judgment, and have little faith in other’s judgment. They hold a stingy attitude towards money. Being financially lucky, they seldom worry about money.Horse - PopularYear of Birth: 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026Personality:Sharp-witted, cheerful, agile, open-minded, talkative and talented. Horses enjoy traveling, entertainment and large crowds. An indep endent thinker, the horse does not like to hear other peoples’ suggestions. They sometimes tend to talk too much and become impatientGoat - ElegantYear of Birth: 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027Personality:Gentle, calm, shy, creative, understanding, insecure and pessimistic. They worry a lot and like to complain. Appearance and material comfort are very important to them. They need lots of support, love, care, and reassurance.Monkey - CleverYear of Birth:1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028Personality:Upbeat, clever, inquisitive, sociable and flexible. They are good at solving problems and making decisions. Monkeys can be loose cannons because they lack self-control and give up easily. Rooster - Good ThinkersYear of Birth:1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029Personality:practical, meticulous, conservative, alert, shrewd and opinionated. Roosters do not get along very well with others because they seem boastful and emotionally cold. They like dreaming and bravado. Firm in sticking to their own decisions, they often speak their mind.Dog - LoyalYear of Birth:1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030Personality:Loyal, trustworthy, faithful, amicable and unpretentious. They excel in business, but have trouble finding mates. Dogs have a sharp tongue and tend to find faults with many things. Dogs often feel guilty of telling white lies, and sometimes are too sensitive and moodyPig - ChivalrousYear of Birth:1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2031Personality:Polite, obliging, tolerant, sociable, naïve and perfectionist. Pigs make a wonderful companion. Though they tend not to make lots of friends, they keep a few real and loyal friends. They like helping others, but also expect the same from others. Pigs have good taste and enjoy fine things. When they face a problem, they solve it with fortitude and honesty.Learn Chinese-History and CultureICharacter of Persons under Each SignYear of the Rat -1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020, 2032, 2044Though in people’s eyes, the rat is not adorable, and even some Chinese sayings that related to it have almost derogatory meanings, it ranged as the head of the Chinese zodiac. It was recognized as an animal with spirit, wit, alertness, delicacy, flexibility and vitality.People under the rat sign are usually smart and willing to accumulate wealth and to make efforts to be successful. Throughout their lives, there will be many other people who can bring great fortune to them. Thus despite timidity, most of them are happy and harmonious with others.Year of the Ox - 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021, 2033, 2045Ranked as the second zodiac, the ox has a large volume. In the life, people often used the ox to indicate something big or large in number. The ox is sedulous, simple, honest, and straightforward. Fractious people are said to have an ‘oxen temper’.People born in this year are probably honest, laborious, patient, obstinate, and poor at communication. Leaders in their career may not discover their abilities. In their old age, they would be bestowed with happiness. Women are usually good wives who pay attention to children’s education, but are likely to believe others’ cajolery, so should be cautious.Year of the Tiger - 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022, 2034, 2046Tigers, considered to be brave, cruel, forceful and terrifying, are the symbol of power and lordliness. In ancient times, people usually compared emperors or grandees with the tiger. Court officials often said that ‘accompanying the emperor is just like being at the side of a tiger’. There are also many legends on hunting tigers dealing with struggling against evil might.People born in the year of the tiger are tolerant, staunch, valiant, and respected. In their middle age, their fate may be uneven, but afterwards will enjoy a bright prospect. Their shortcoming is to project themselves before others. But most women under the tiger sign are intelligent, faithful and virtuous.Year of the Rabbit - 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023, 2036, 2047The rabbit has represented hope of the Chinese people for a long time. It is tender and lovely. The moon goddess Chang’e in Chinese legend had a rabbit as her pet, which stimulated the thought that only the rabbit was amiable enough to match her noble beauty. The Chinese character ‘Tu’ (rabbit) is part of ‘Yi’ (escape or leisure) indicating speed and distance. The Han people have a custom that a pregnant woman is not allowed to eat rabbit meat for fear that the child will be born with a harelip. The newborn is given paintings of children and rabbits representing that the child will have a peaceful and happy life.People born under the sign of the rabbit are gentle, sensitive, modest, and merciful and have strong memory. They like to communicate with others in a humorous manner. They cannot bear dull life, so they are good at creating romantic or interesting spice. But they lack meditative abilities and often sink money into ideas that may cause failures in their career.Year of the Dragon - 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024, 2036, 2048The dragon enjoys a very high reputation in Chinese culture. It is the token of authority, dignity, honor, success, luck, and capacity. In ancient China, a dragon was thought to speed across the sky with divine power. Emperors entitled themselves exclusively as ‘dragon’; their thrones were called ‘dragon thrones’, their clothes ‘dragon gowns’.People under the sign of the dragon are lively, energetic and fortunate. They often can beleaders and try to go for perfection. When they meet with difficulties, they are not discouraged. But they are a little arrogant, and impatient, and women are over- confident. If they overcome these defects, they can have a brighter future.Year of the Snake - 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025, 2037, 2049In the Chinese zodiac, snake is listed after the dragon, but its place and the significance as the symbol of worship is far behind the dragon’s. The snake carries the meanings of malevolence, cattiness and mystery, as well as acumen, divination and the ability to distinguish herbs. In some places, people believe that a snake found in their court can bring delight. In Spring Festival, people like to paste onto their doors and windows the paper-cut ‘Fu’ character (happiness), combined with the snake twisting around a rabbit as a popular pattern indicating wealth.People born in the year of the snake often have a good temper, a skill of communicating, and a gracious morality, but they are likely to be jealous and suspicious. They should be cautious about discussion with others, as that might cause them to lose friendship and opportunities. Women under the sign of the snake do well in housework but are irritable. They might gradually enjoy happiness in their old age.Year of Horse - 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954,1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026, 2038, 2050The spirit of the horse is recognized to be the Chinese people’s ethos - making unremitting efforts to improve themselves. It is energetic, bright, warm-hearted, intelligent and able. Ancient people liked to designate an able person as ‘Qianli Ma’ (a horse that covers a thousand li a day).People born in the year of the horse have ingenious communicating techniques and in their community they always want to be in the limelight. They are active, clever, kind to others, and like to join in a venture career. They cannot bear too much constraint. However they are interested in only the superficial level of an object, neglecting the essence. Once they suffer from failure, they become pessimistic.Year of the Sheep - 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027, 2039, 2051The sheep is among the animals that people like most. It is gentle and calm. Since ancient times, people have learned to use its fleece to make writing brushes and skin to keep warm. As it is white, people describe delicate and precious white jade to be ’suet jade’. Thus it is close to the meaning of good things.People under the sign of the sheep are tender, polite, filial, clever, and kind-hearted. They have special sensitivity to art and beauty, faith in a certain religion and a special fondness for quiet living. They cope with business cautiously and circumspectly. In their daily life, they try to be economical. Women born in this year are willing to take good care of others, but they should avoid pessimism and hesitation.Year of the Monkey - 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028, 2040, 2052The monkey is a clever animal. People used to compare it to a smart person. During the Spring and Autumn Period (770 BC - 476 BC), the dignified official title, marquis with the pronunciation ‘Hou’, was the same as the monkey’s. The monkey was thereby bestowed with auspicious meaning. It appeared on pictures pasted on the walls and doors to predict good fortune in officialdom.Most people born in the Year of the Monkey are lively, flexible, and versatile. They love moving and sports. To help others they put their own business aside. Whencommunicating, they do not like to be controlled and have a strong desire to present themselves. In their work, they will show amazing creativity. If they are not impatient and mouthy, they can gain more achievement.Year of the Rooster - 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029, 2041, 2053The rooster is almost the epitome of fidelity and punctuality. For ancestors who had no alarm clocks, the rooster’s crowing was significant, as it could awaken people to get up and start to work. Another symbolic meaning the rooster carries is exorcising evil spirits. People used to worship ancestors and believed in fortune telling for a long time.Roosters are considered to be honest, bright, communicative, ambitious and warm-hearted. They might be enthusiastic about something quickly, but soon might be impassive. They have strong self-respect and seldom rely on others. As most roosters are born pretty or handsome, they might have several loves in their lives, treating each lover seriously. If they can overcome their arrogance, they will make more progress.Year of the Dog - 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030, 2042, 2054The dog is the human’s friend who can understand the human’s spirit and obey its master, whether he is wealthy or not. TheChinese regard the dog as an auspicious animal. If a dog happens to come to a house, usually the host will be very glad to adopt it, for it symbolizes the coming of fortune. Poodles, especially black poodles, bring more luck. The masters of dogs are not only humans, but the immortal in legends as well. The invincible God Erlang used a wolf-dog mix to help him capture monsters. One born in the Year of Dog has a straightforward character. In their career and love, they are faithful, courageous, dexterous, smart and warm-hearted. Most women under this sign are appealing but lack stability. Correct this defect and good fortune will come to them.Year of the Pig - 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2020, 2031, 2043A pig is not as smart as a dog in understanding human thought. It likes sleeping and eating and becomes fat. Thus it usually features laziness and clumsiness. On the positive side, it behaves itself, has no calculation to harm others, and can bring affluence to people. Consequently, pigs were once regarded as wealth. People born in the Year of the Pig are honest and frank. They have a calm appearance and strong heart, but they lack patience and independence. As they do not like to talk in a roundabout way, they are thought to be unsociable. Luckily, they are tolerant and optimistic, so not until they become your friends can their virtue, advantages and fidelity to friendship be found.The link between the animal signs and the sixty year cycle is made through the earthly branches. Each of the 12 Earthly Branches is linked to one of the twelve animals as shown below.Branc hes Chinese CharacterAnimal Zi 子 RatChou 丑 OxYin 寅 TigerMao 卯 RabbitChen 晨 DragonSi 巳 SnakeWu 午 HorseWei 未 GoatShen 神 MonkeyYou 酉 RoosterXu 戌DogHai 亥PigEach of the Heavenly Stems is associated with an element. Jia (甲) and Yi (乙) are associated with wood while Bing (丙) and Ding (丁) with fire. Wu (戊) and Ji (己) are associated with Earth while Geng (庚) and Xin (辛) with Metal. Lastly Ren (任) and Gui (癸) are associated with water.Hence 1924 which carry the name Jia Zi is also known as a Wood Rat year since Jia is associated with wood while Zi is associated with the Rat. The following year Yi Chou and is a Wood Ox year since Yi is wood while Chou is link to the Ox. This Stem Branch pairing goes on to form a 60-year cycle.The Chinese Lunar calendar year does not begin on the same day every year. It can fall somewhere between late January and late February of the Western or Gregorian calendar.Click here to find out your Chinese zodiac using your date of birth.People born under each of the animal sign will display characteristics related to the animal sign for example the tiger is fierce, the snake cunning while the dog is loyal.These characteristics are further modified by the Stem. Take the Rat for example. You can be a Wood Rat (1924, 1984), Fire Rat (1936, 1996), Earth Rat (1948, 2008), Metal Rat (1960, 2020) or Water Rat (1972, 2032).According to the Chinese zodiac, Rat people are highly adaptable. They are sociable, intelligent, polite and humorous. They make friends easily but do not form deep friendships. They have strong imagination, good judgment and can translate ideas into reality but underneath a carefree and happy exterior they can be calculating and miserly.However not all Rats are equal. You are luckier if you are a Metal Rat (1960, 2020). You will be recognized, have support from friends and be prosperous and successful in your career. On the other hand if you are a Wood Rat (1924, 1984) you are likely to be plagued by illness and accidents and will not get support from relatives and friends.The pairing of Stem and Branch is also extended to the month. For example the first lunar month is linked to the Branch Yin (tiger) and a corresponding Stem. This is extended to the day and time. For example the hour between 11 PM and 1 AM is link to the Branch Zi (Rat) and a corresponding stem. These additional Stem and Branch pairs in the month, day and time of birth further modifies your luck. For example a person born in the first lunar month in a Wood Rat year (1924, 1984) is likely to be straightforward and can be independent and calm even under duress. If this person is also born during the between the hours 11 PM and 1 AM, then he or she may also be thrifty or even stingy.For most people the Chinese zodiac is the animal sign of the year of birth. At a deeper level it can include the Stem of the year as well as the Stem and Branch pair of the month, day and hour of birth. They further influence the destiny and luck of the person.。


Winston Sun
Stress on spiritual existence Stress on practice Stress on morality Stress on harmony Stress on intuition
Spiritual existence Confucianism’s knowledge of life through disposition and consciousness,
Winston Sun
He established first private school in China and accepted the students from everywhere.
Subjects: Manners, Music, Literature, Riding, Archery and Mathematics (礼,乐,射, 御,书,数)
about what is distant, he will find sorrow near
at hand.” (子曰∶“人无远虑,必有近忧。”)
Characteristics of Chinese Ethics and Morality
Ethics is the moral principle for dealing with people.
1.The Master said, "A youth, when at home,
should be filial, and, abroad, respectful to his
elders. He should be earnest and truthful. He
should overflow in love to all, and cultivate the



Bodhidharma founded the sect for Buddhist followers to practise martial arts, with the aims of: improving health, self defence, upholding justice and helping the weak.
Taiji Quan
Taiji is a traditional Chinese cosmological thought,which is the origin of Taiji Quan , the core theory of it is---slow and soft, many ole people like to practice it for health benefits and peaceful heart.
Styles focus on spirit are called internal.
内家拳 nè ijiāquá n
与 君 弹 做 天 籁 曲
行 遍 天 涯 谁 知 音
1.Shao Lin Temple The Shaolin Sect was founded in the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period by the Buddhist monk Bodhidharma.
Chinese martial arts can be split into various categories :
1. external (外家拳) internal (内家拳)
Styles that concentrate on improving muscle and cardiovascular fitness are called "external" 外家拳----wài jiā quán
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