Big Ben
The first day(5)
Buckingham Palace
Buckingham Palace Guards
The second day
Royal Observatory in Greenwich
皇家格林尼治天文台(Royal Greenwich Observatory, RGO)是英国国王查理二世于1675年在伦敦格林尼 治建造的一个综合性天文台,在8月10日安放了奠基 石[1],同时国王也创建了皇家天文学家的职位(第 一位担任此职的是约翰· 弗兰斯蒂德),以担任天文 台的台长和"致力于以最忱治的关心和努力校正天体 运动的星表,和恒星的位置,以便能正确的定出经 度,使导航成为完美的艺术"。天文台座落于格林尼 志公园俯瞰著伦敦泰晤士河的一座小山上。
St Paul’s Cathedral
The frist day (3)
Westminster Abbey
Westminster Abbey
威斯敏斯特大教堂坐落在伦敦泰晤士河北岸, 原是一座本笃会隐修院,始建于公元960 年, 1045年进行了扩建,1065年建成,1220年至 1517年进行了重建。斯敏斯特教堂在1540年英 国国教与罗马教廷决裂前,它一直是天主教本 笃会即天主教的隐修院修会之一的教堂,1540 年之后,一直是伦敦的国家级圣公会教堂。
The Meridian Line Longitude 0º
The third day(1) highgate cemetery海格特公墓
Karl Marx
Monument in
Highgate Cemetery He had developed communism.
必修5 Unit 2 Sightseeing in London
Unit 2 Sightseeing in LondonⅠ. Revision 编印:屠小平 2014/12/25 218,2191. During the debate, opinions were roughly __________ two groups. One was for the suggestion that more money should be budgeted for the poor ______ the other was against.A. divided into, whileB. separated from, whileC. clarified; whenD. classified; but2. To their _____, the wrongs that had been done to them were finally ______.A. surprise; made knownB. disappointment, clarifiedC. delight, made clearD. delight, clarified3. It is _____ to make another effort and try to finish the work ______ the time set for it to ______.A. worth, ahead of, finishB. worthwhile, ahead of, be finishedC. worthy, in advance of, finishD. worthwhile, ahead of, finish4. 为努力阻止公司倒闭,他工作到极限,结果身体垮了。
In his effort to _______________ his company _________________________, he worked to his limit, thus his health ______________________.5. 不愿意放弃奴隶制,南方从联邦脱离,建立了自己的政府,导致了美国内战。
高中英语 Unit 2 Sightseeing in London说课稿 新人教版必修5
甘肃省武威第五中学高中英语必修五 Unit 2 Sightseeing inLondon说课稿“Sightseeing in London”这篇文章安排在高中英语必修五的第二单元的“语言运用”部分。
本单元的话题是“The United Kindom”,前面几堂课我们已经学习了一篇阅读文章,通过阅读,本班学生已经了解了英国的构成、历史、和地理位置,尤其是英国的首都城市伦敦以及这座城市的发展和风土人情。
一说教材“SIGHTSEEING IN LONDON”说课材料“Sightseeing in London”是一篇旅游观光记,主要介绍英国的一些名胜古迹,例如:大本钟、威斯敏斯特教堂、大不列颠博物馆、圣,保罗大教堂等。
比如她用了delight, Fancy ,splended ,interesting ,famous. Etc形容词去评价每一个旅游景点,仿佛把同学们带进其中,真可谓是其乐融融,更添了一份学习的情趣。
这一环节用时较少,因为学生之前已经预习了课文,接着让学生寻读课文,把握更多信息,并回答以下三个问题:1 What made the first day ? 2 What interested the sencond day ? 3 What thrilled the third day ?在这三个问题中我分别用了:On the first day, on the second day ,on the third day 这样的短语,一方面降低了问题的难度,另一方面也给同学们节省了时间,使他们在找答案时能够有的放矢,同时也使他们学一点阅读技巧:掌握基本事实,抓住中心,了解时空顺序。
more about Norman it? invaders The Tower was built by the _________(who)of
It has a history of 1000 years.
The Tower of London
2. A visit to the church can not only contribute to learning about their religion but also famous poets.
Guess the meaning of the underlined word.
Karl Marx's Statue 1.
2. The British Museum
Day 3
Day 4?Βιβλιοθήκη Careful Reading
1. Interested in history, I want to know more about the Normans and the royal prison.
Let’s make a list of the places she visited.
1. __________________ Famous sites are
The second day Reading tip:
proper nouns(专有 名词), which are The first day The third day spelled with a capital 1. ______________________ 1. _______________________ letter(大写字母 ). 2. _____________________
高中英语 Unit 2 Sightseeing in London说课稿 新人教版必修5
甘肃省武威第五中学高中英语必修五 Unit 2 Sightseeing inLondon说课稿“Sightseeing in London”这篇文章安排在高中英语必修五的第二单元的“语言运用”部分。
本单元的话题是“The United Kindom”,前面几堂课我们已经学习了一篇阅读文章,通过阅读,本班学生已经了解了英国的构成、历史、和地理位置,尤其是英国的首都城市伦敦以及这座城市的发展和风土人情。
一说教材“SIGHTSEEING IN LONDON”说课材料“Sightseeing in London”是一篇旅游观光记,主要介绍英国的一些名胜古迹,例如:大本钟、威斯敏斯特教堂、大不列颠博物馆、圣,保罗大教堂等。
比如她用了delight, Fancy ,splended ,interesting ,famous. Etc 形容词去评价每一个旅游景点,仿佛把同学们带进其中,真可谓是其乐融融,更添了一份学习的情趣。
这一环节用时较少,因为学生之前已经预习了课文,接着让学生寻读课文,把握更多信息,并回答以下三个问题:1 What made her surprise on the first day ? 2 What interested her most on the sencond day ? 3 What thrilled her on the third day ?在这三个问题中我分别用了:On the first day, on the second day ,on the third day 这样的短语,一方面降低了问题的难度,另一方面也给同学们节省了时间,使他们在找答案时能够有的放矢,同时也使他们学一点阅读技巧:掌握基本事实,抓住中心,了解时空顺序。
人教必修五 unit2 sightseeing in london课文精讲(批注版)
SIGHTSEEING IN LONDON伦敦观光记Worried about the time available, Zhang Pingyu had made a list of the sites she wanted to see in London.Her first delight was going to the Tower. It was built long ago by the Norman invaders of AD 1066.Fancy! This solid stone, square tower had remain ed standing for one thousand years.Although the buildings had expanded around it, it remained part of a royal palace and prison combined.To her great surprise, Zhang Pingyu found the Queen's jewels guarded by special royal soldiers who, on special occasions, still wore the four-hundred-year-old uniform of the time of Queen Elizabeth I.There followed St Paul's Cathedral built after the terrible fire of London in 1666.It looked splendid when first built! Westminster Abbey, too, was very interesting.It contained statues in memory of dead poets and writers, such as Shakespeare.Then just as she came out of the abbey, Pingyu heard the famous sound of the clock, Big Ben, ringing out the hour.She finished the day by looking at the outside of Buckingham Palace, the Queen's house in London. Oh, she had so much to tell her friends!The second day the girl visited Greenwich and saw its old ships and famous clock that set s the world time.What interested her most was the longitude line.It is an imaginary line dividing the eastern and western halves of the world and is very useful for navigation.It passes through Greenwich, so Pingyu had a photo taken standing on either side of the line.The last day she visited Karl Marx's statue in Highgate Cemetery.It seemed strange that the man who had developed communism should have lived and died in London.Not only that, but he had worked in the famous reading room of the Library of the British Museum.Sadly the library had moved from its original place into another building and the old reading room was gone.But she was thrilled by so many wonderful treasures from different cultures displayed in the museum.When she saw many visitors enjoying looking at the beautiful old Chinese pots and other objects on show, she felt very proud of her country.The next day Pingyu was leaving London for Windsor Castle. "Perhaps I will see the Queen?" she wondered as she fell asleep.。
Buckingham Palace
格林尼治天文台(Royal Greenwich Observatory, RGO)是英国国王查理二世于1675年在伦敦格林尼治建造的
一个综合性天文台。当时,英国的航海事业发展很快。为了解 决在海上测定经度的需要,英国当局决定在伦敦东南郊距市中 心约20多千米,泰晤士河畔的皇家格林尼治花园中建立天文台。 1835年以后,格林尼治天文台在杰出的天文学家埃里的领导下, 得到扩充并更新了设备。他首创利用“子午环”测定格林尼治 太阳时。该台成为当时世界上测时手段较先的天文台。随着世 界航海事业的发展,许多国家先后建立天文台来测定地方时。 国际上为了协调时间的计量和确定地理经度,1884年在华盛顿 召开国际经度会议。会议决定以通过当时格林尼治天文台埃里 中星仪所在的经线,作为全球时间和经度计量的标准参考经线, 称为0°经线或本初子午线。此后,不仅各国出版的地图以这条 线作为地理经度的起点,而且也都以格林尼治天文台作为“世 界时区”的起点,用格林尼治的计时仪器来校准时间
The first day
The second day
1.The Tower of London delight / fancy
2.St. Paul’s Cathedral splendid and interesting
3.Westminster Abbey interesting
4.Big Ben
这座古堡似乎至今还弥漫着浓重的血腥气,长 久以来,一直有传闻说这里是鬼魂出没的地方。
The Tower of London
St Paul's Cathedral
St Paul’s Cathedral 圣保罗大教堂
应该用(should) + v.原形。 1. You can’t imagine that a well-behaved gentleman (should) be so rude to a lady. 2. It is strange that he ___ so much about me. A. knows B. knew C. has known D. know
How mandy days did she spend in London? How many places have been mentioned? What are they?
A tour of London
Day 1
Next day
Windsor castle 1. The Tower of London 2. St. Paul’s Cathedral 3. Westminster Abbey 4. Big Ben 5. Buckingham Palace Greenwich Day 2 1. Highgate Cemetery 2. The Library of the British Museum
1. 担心考试,她睡不着.(worried作状语)
Worried about the exam, she couldn’t fall asleep. available in the afternoon. 2. I am a_________ B correctly, is money in the bank. 3. Time,_____
人教版英语必修五Unit 2(sightseeing in London)课件(共21张PPT)
1. Read the part of your site. 2. Discuss and fill in the blanks. 3. Choose one of you to share your answers.
sites of London
1. The Tower of London 2. St Paul’s Cathedral 3. Westminster Abbey 4. Big Ben 5. Greenwich 6. Karl Marx’s statue 7. The British Museum
成立于1209年,是世 界十大学府之一,73 位诺贝尔奖得主出自此 校。
牛津产生了4位英国 国王,46位诺贝尔 奖获得者,25位英 国首相.
Ⅰ. Skimming
1.In what order is the passage organized? A. In logical order B. In flashback C. In time order D. In space order 2. How many days did Zhang Pingyu spend in London?
Finish writing a short passage , describing your feelings about one site in Nyingchi , using proper words and expressions we learnt today.
Enjoy it!
It's a famous/... site with...
Nyingchi you have
I felt proud/... to/of ...
Para.2: __________________________ 为了纪念… in memory of __________________________ 敲响整点 ring out the hour
be useful for 对……有用 Para.3: _________________ have sth. done 让别人做某事 __________________
4. It seemed strange that the man who had developed communism should have lived and died in London. a. who had developed communism 是修饰 the man 的__________ 从句。 定语 b. It is strange (necessary, natural, important, a pity) +that (should) +v. 虚拟语气(引导 主语从句)
a. find + 宾语 + 宾补
Eg: 我发现门被打开了。 I found the door broken. _________________________________ b. who, on special occasions, … Queen Elizabeth I是修饰soldiers的_____ 定语 从句。
dwacaholWIylfeTl?ilryosheeouceLwutlodgioohnryneuadosalvodu,tenetylhsaiwoketcueiahthhtiltrsaioekitntosevsc,rietsimpocitatauogrlLskoLtoesr?oneuanadmndsosduon,rnaes,rootmf e buildings.
You can use the sentences as
I know sth.
I learn… from the passage.
I find… useful/ helpful.
题目 Sightseeing In London
日期:Sep.29, 2011
Karl Marx’s Statue
2. St Paul’s
Clock (GMT) British Museum
3. Westminster Longitude line
4. Big Ben
5. Buckingham
Group work General idea: Zhang Pingyu had a three-day tour to London and introduced some famous sites she had been to.
You can use the expressions as following:
have a trip/tour/travel to
go on a trip/tour/travel to
When (you arrive) arriving, send me a telegram. 到达之后,来个电报。
• 当从句的主语是 it,谓语动词中又含有系动词be 时 ,可以把it和系动词be一起省略。此时构成连 词(if , unless ,when , whenever)+形容词的结构。
The third day
The Tower of London St. Paul’s Cathedral
Karl Marx’s statue
Westminster Abbey
Big Ben
The Library of the British Museum
Buckingham Palace
The Tower of London
4. The solid stone, square tower had remained standing for one thousand years.
remain v. 通常不用于进行时态: 1) 剩下,剩余;
What is London famous for?
Make a list of Zhang Pingyu’s tour of London and a comment on each place she visited.
The first day The second day
When (she was) very young, she began to learn to play the piano.
6. It looked splendid when first built! =when (it was) first built. 刚建起的时候,它看起来金碧辉煌。
必修五 Unit2 Using Language Sightseeing in London
alike fold delight
[fəuld] [di'lait]
adj.相同的;类似的 vt.折叠;对折 n.快乐/vt.使高兴 adj.壮丽的辉煌的
splendid ['splendid]
He is delighted at the delightful ________ _______ news, that is to say, the news ______ delights him, which we can tell delighted from his _________ look. (delight / delighted / delightful)
Westminster Abbey 威斯敏斯特大教堂
Big Ben 大本钟
2. What can we learn from the second paragraph? A. In 1666, a terrible fire broke out in London. B. Buckingham Palace is the Queen’s house the king’s in London. C. Westminster Abbey was built dead poets It contained statues in memory of by some famous poets and writers. and writers. D. Pingyu was disappointed not to have heard the famous sound of Big Ben.
5.矛盾,冲突 n.
6.全国性的 adj.
1.由……组成 2.把……分成 3.脱离,挣脱(束缚) 4.不乐意做某事 5.指代,查阅 6.为方便起见 7.值得赞扬的是……
consist of divide…into… break away (from) be unwilling to do sth. refer to for convenience to one’s credit
Task 3.Detail reading (Make a list of Pingyu’s tour of London.)
Next day
Day 1
1. The Tower of London
2. St. Paul’s Cathedral
3. Westminster Abbey 4. Big Ben
Sightseeing in London
由NordriDesign™提供 www.n一个由十个人组成的大家庭。 This is a big family , consisting of ten people.
To finish several reading tasks; To grasp the usage of key words;
Words 1.澄清,阐明 vt.
2.完成,达到,实现 vt. accomplish
3.不愿意的,不乐意的 adj. unwilling
4.吸引,引起注意 vt.
Teaching aims
必修五Unit2 Using language sightseeing in London
Buckingham Palace is the Q__u_e_e_n_’_s house in London.
Greenwich Clock sets _th_e__w_o_r_l_d_ time. The longitude line is an i_m__a_g_in_a_r_y_ line dividing the_E_a_s_te_r_n_ and _W_e_s_t_e_rn_ halves of the world.
Karl Marx’s statue is in _H__ig_h_g_a_t_e_C__e_m_e_t_e_r_y_.
Read the text again and fill in the blanks.
It was built long ago by_N_o_r_m__a_n_i_n_v_a_d_e_r_s. This _so_l_id__, _st_o_n_e_, s_q_u_a_r_e_ tower had remained standing for one thousand years.
Activity3: when?
1. 例文中 …….was constructed + time It was constructed+ time
2.It was built /set up + in/ when/ since/ before/ after……
3. 课文例句 For historical architecture, you uilt by…
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be/feel delighted at/with/by
6. It looked splendid when first built! = It looked splendid when (it was) first built. 刚建起的时候,它看起来金碧辉煌。 在 when, while, if 等引导的状语从句中,如果从句的主 语与主句的主语一致,且从句中的谓语含有be动词时, 从句的主语和系动词be常可省略。
12.fold v.& n.
folder foldaway unfold
折叠, 弯曲, 合起来
n. 纸夹 a. 可折叠的 v. 打开(反义词)
The little child folded her hands in prayer.
She folded the handkerchief and put it in her pocket.
When she was very young, she began to learn to play the piano. 她很小时,就开始学习弹钢琴。 When you are arriving, send me a telegram是 it,谓语动词中又含有系动词be 时 ,可以把it和系动词be一起省略。此时构成连 词(if , unless ,when , whenever)+形容词的结构。
14、钟声 15、敲响整点
ring out the hour
1. sightseeing n.& a.观光的 sightsee v. 观光
go sightseeing
n.观光客, 游客
观光, 游览
2. Worried about the time available, Zhang Pingyu had made a list of the cities she wanted to see in London. 由于担心时间不够,张萍玉在早就把要在伦敦参观的景点 列出了一个单子。
2). available adj.
1) (指物)可用的; 可得的
This was the only available room. Tickets are available at the box office. 2) (指人)有空的,可会见的 I am available in the afternoon. He was not available for the interview. be available for 有空做…;可供…利用 3). Make a list of 给……列清单
Fill in the blanks with the phrases in the box.
in memory of; on show; be thrilled at
were thrilled at the good news that our 1. We _______________ team won the first. in memory of the 2. We set up a monument ____________ heroes. 3. We are very excited to see so many products on show from China __________.
1). 句中Worried about the time available, 为过去分词作状语,表示原因。 = Because she was worried about the time available, Because she was lost in the forest,the little girl burst into tears. = Lost in the forest , the little girl burst into tears. Because he was born in a poor family, he is cautious about spending money. = Born in a poor family , he is cautious about spending money.
If (it is) necessary, ring me at home. 如果有可能,朝我家里打电话。
Unless it is necessary ,you'd better not refer to the dictionary. 如果没有必要,你最好不要查字典。
8. It seemed strange that the man who had developed communism should have lived and died in London.
M5U2P5 Using Language
Sightseeing in London
2、给……列清单 3、令人高兴地是 4、高兴地 5、对……感到满意/高兴
be worried about
make a list of to one’s delight with delight be delighted with a royal palace on special occassions in memory of
她叠好手绢, 放进了口袋里。
Thanks for your attention!
3. Her first delight was going to the Tower.
delight delightful delighted n. 快乐;高兴;喜悦 vt. 使高兴,使欣喜 adj. 令人喜悦的,令人快乐的 adj. 高兴的,快乐的 令某人高兴的是 很高兴做某事
to one’s delight be delighted to do
7、在特殊的场合 8、为了纪念
9、从……搬迁到…… 10、对……感到激动 11、展览 12、以……为自豪
move from… to… be thrilled at on show be/feel proud of leave (…) for the sound of the clock
这似乎是一件怪事:这位发展了共产主义的人竟然在伦敦生 活过,而且在伦敦去世。 It is strange (necessary, natural, important, a pity) +that…
应该用(should) + v.原形。 1. It is strange that he ___ so much about me. A. knows B. knew C. has known D. know
Para.1: be worried about make a list of remain doing sth. to one’s surprise on special occasions Para.2: in memory of ring out Para.3: pass through Para.4: It seemed strange that… not only…but (also)… see sb. doing sth. enjoy doing sth. on show feel proud of Para.5: leave for fall asleep