



福建省厦门第一中学2017—2018学年度上期中考高二年理科数学试卷满分为150分,考试时间120分钟.一、选择题:本大题共12个小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.在答题卷上的相应题目的答题区域内作答.1.如果0a b <<,那么下列各式一定成立的是 ( )A .0>-b aB .bc ac <C .22b a >D .ba 11<2.已知命题p :“若ab =1,则a +b ≥2”,则下列说法正确的是 ( ) A .命题p 的逆命题是“若ab ≠1,则a +b <2” B .命题p 的逆命题是“若a +b <2,则ab ≠1” C .命题p 的否命题是“若ab ≠1,则a +b <2” D .命题p 的否命题是“若a +b ≥2,则ab =1”3.已知数列{}n a 满足:11112n n a a ++=+,且22a =,则4a 等于 ( )A. B. 11 C. 12 D. 234. {}n a 是公差不为0的等差数列,满足22224567a a a a +=+,则该数列的前10项和10S =( )A.-10B. -5C. 0D. 55. 如图,一艘船自西向东匀速航行,上午10时到达一座灯塔P 的南偏西75°距塔68海里的M 处,下午2时到达这座灯塔的东南方向的N 处,则这艘船航行的速度为 ( )A.1762海里/时 B .346海里/时C.1722海里/时D .342海里/时6. ABC ∆的内角A 、B 、C 的对边分别为.,,c b a 若c b a ,,成等比数列,且c=2a ,则cosB=( )A.41 B.43C.42D.327.已知命题p :x 2+2x -3>0;命题q :x >a ,且⌝q 的一个充分不必要条件是⌝p ,则a 的取值范围是( )A .[1,+∞)B .(-∞,1]C .[-1,+∞)D .(-∞,-3]8.已知函数f (x )=x 2+mx -1,若对于任意x ∈[m ,m +1],都有f (x )<0成立,则实数m 的取值 范围是 ( )A. 2(,0)2-B. 3(,0)2- C. 32(,)22-- D. 22(,)22-9. 已知()20{,|20}360x y D x y x y x y +-≤⎧⎪=-+≤⎨⎪-+≥⎩,给出下列四个命题:()1:,,0;P x y D x y ∀∈+≥ ()2,,210;P x y D x y ∀∈-+≤:()31:,,4;1y P x y D x +∃∈≤-- ()224,,2;P x y D x y ∃∈+≥: 其中真命题的是 ( )A. 12,P PB. 23,P PC. 34,P PD. 24,P P10.在△ABC 中,角A 、B 、C 所对的边分别为a 、b 、c ,且BC ,则c bb c+的最大值是 ( )D. 411.已知等差数列{}n a 满足20152017201620170,0a a a a +>+<,12323412n n n n T a a a a a a a a a ++=+++,若对任意正整数n ,恒有n k T T ≤,则正整数k 的值是 ( )A .2014B .2015C .2016D .201712.已知各项都为整数的数列{}n a 中, 12a =,且对任意的*N n ∈,满足1122n n n a a +-<+, 2n n a a +- 321n >⨯-,则2017a = ( )A. 201732⋅B. 20172+2 C. 20172+1 D. 20172二、填空题:本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.在答题卷上的相应题目的答题区域内作答.13. 命题p 的否定是“对∀x ∈(0,+∞),x >x +1”,则命题p 是 . 14. 用一根长为12的钢筋焊接一个正三棱柱形状的广告牌支架,则该三棱柱的侧面积的最大值是__________.15.在△ABC 中,B =60°,AC ,则AB +2BC 的最大值为 .16.已知数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,若11a =, 2n n a n a =-, 211n n a a +=+,则100S =__________.(用数字作答)三、解答题:本大题共6小题,共70分,解答题应写出文字说明,证明过程或演算步骤,在答题卷上相应题目的答题区域内作答.17.已知2()2f x ax bx =++,关于x 的不等式()0f x >的解集为()1,2-. (1)求函数()f x 的解析式;(2)若0m >,解关于x 的不等式23(1)2()m m x m f x -+-++<18. 已知a R ∈,命题[]2:1,2,-0p x x a ∀∈≥,命题2q :22,-0x R x ax a ∃∈++=.(1)若命题“p q ∧”为真命题,求实数a 的取值范围;(2)若命题“p q ∨”为真命题,命题“p q ∧”为假命题,求实数a 的取值范围.19. 若ABC ∆的内角,,A B C 所对的边分别为,,a b c ,且满足sin cos 0a B A =(1)求A ;(2)当2a b ==时, 求ABC ∆的面积.20. 设ABC ∆的内角,,A B C 的对边分别为,,a b c ,且满sin sin [cos cos()]sin A B A B C π+=--⋅.(1)试判断ABC ∆的形状,并说明理由;(2)若1a b c ++=ABC ∆面积的最大值.21. 已知数列{}n a 的前n 项和21n n S a =-.{}n b 是公差不为0的等差数列,其前三项和为3,且3b 是25,b b 的等比中项.(1)求,n n a b ; (2)若()112222n n a b a b a b n t +++≥-+,求实数t 的取值范围.22. 已知数列{}n a 与{}n b 的前n 项和分别为n A 和n B ,且对任意n *∈N ,112()n n n n a a b b ++-=-恒成立. (1)若21,2n A n b ==,求n B ; (2)若对任意n *∈N ,都有n n a B =及3124122334113n n n b b b b a a a a a a a a ++++++<成立,求正实数1b 的取值范围; (3)若12,a =2n n b =,是否存在两个互不相等的整数,s t (1)s t <<,使11,,s ts tA A AB B B 成等差数列?若存在,求出,s t 的值;若不存在,请说明理由.福建省厦门第一中学2017—2018学年度上期中考高二年理科数学试卷答 案 卷一、选择题:1-5.CCBCA 6-10.BAADD 11-12.CD211sin 22S bc A ===,即2sin a A =,222222cos 2cos 4sin()4,63c b b c a a a A A A A A b c bc bc ππ+-++==+=+=+≤=取等.11. 由20152017201620a a a +=>得20160a >,由201620170a a +<得20170a <,所以等差数列{}n a 的公差0d <,故2016n ≤时0n a >,2017n ≥时0n a <,所以2014n ≤时120n n n a a a ++>, 2015201620170a a a <,2016201720180a a a >,当2017n ≥时120n n n a a a ++<,又()2015201620172016201720182016201720152018a a a a a a a a a a +=+()2016201720162017a a a a =+>0,所以2016n =时n T 最大,12. 12211112232122n n n n n n n n n a a a a a a +++++--<+++=⋅=-++,即 2321321n n n n a a +⋅<-<⋅+-,又2n n Z a a +-∈,则有232n n n a a +=-⋅.则320152017201713120172015()()23(222)2a a a a a a =+-++-=++++=二、填空题13. 00(0,1x x ∃∈+∞>+ 14. 615. 16. 130615. 由正弦定理可知,sin(120),sin ,sin sin AC ACAB A BC A B B=-= 则有AB +2BC =2sin(120)4sin 5sin )A A A A A ϕ-+=+=+≤.16. 由题设可得2211n n a a n ++=+,取1,2,3,,49n =⋅⋅⋅可得23456798992,3,4,,50a a a a a a a a +=+=+=⋅⋅⋅+=,将以上49个等式两边分别相加可得23456798992504912742a a a a a a a a +++++++⋅⋅⋅++=⨯=;又3163126251250251005012,31,65,16,2519,5031a a a a a a a a a a a a =+==-==-==+==-==-=,所以10011274311306S =++=.三、解答题17. 解:(1)根据题意得220ax bx ++=的两根为2,121=-=x x ,且0a < 由根与系数的关系可求得1,1a b =-=所以2()2f x x x =-++. (2)原不等式可化为23(1)2()m m x m f x -++++<,即223()0x m m x m -++<,即2()()0x m x m --<,又0m >,所以当2m m <,即01m <<时,2m x m <<; 当2=m m ,即1m =时,原不等式的解集为∅; 当2m m >,即1m >时,2m x m <<.综上所述,当01m <<时,原不等式的解集为{}2x m x m <<,当1m =时,原不等式的解集为∅,当1m >时,原不等式的解集为{}2x m x m <<.18.解:(1)命题p 为真命题时:令()2-f x x a =,根据题意,只要[]1,2x ∈时,()min 0f x ≥即可,也就是1-01a a ≥⇒≤;命题q 为真命题时,()24420a a ∆=--≥,解得2a ≤-或1a ≥;“p q ∧”为真命题,即,p q 都为真命题,则有(,2]{1}21a a a a ≤⎧⇒∈-∞-⎨≤-≥⎩1或. (2)由(1)可知,当命题p 为真命题时,1a ≤,因为命题“p q ∨”为真命题,命题“p q ∧”为假命题,所以命题p 与q 一真一假,当命题p 为真,命题q 为假时,12121a a a ≤⎧⇒-<<⎨-<<⎩,当命题p为假,命题q 为真时,1121或a a a a >⎧⇒>⎨≤-≥⎩.综上:(2,1)(1,)a ∈-⋃+∞19.解:(1)由正弦定理可得:sin cos 0sin sin cos 0a B A A B B A =⇔=,又sin 0B >,则有sin 0A A =,即tan A =又(0,),A π∈则有3A π=.(2)由余弦定理,得2222cos a b c bc A =+-,而2a b ==, 3A π=,得2742c c =+-,即2230c c --=,因为三角形的边0c >,所以3c =,则ABC S ∆=1sin 2bc A =.20.解:(1)依题意得sin sin (cos cos )sin A B A B C +=+法一:由正余弦定理可得:222222()22b c a a c b a b c bc ac+-+-+=+.化简整理可得:222()()()a b a b a b c ++=+,又0a b +>,则22290a b c C +=⇒=︒,即为直角三角形.法二:由正弦定理知:sin()sin()cos sin cos sin B C A C A C B C +++=+,展开化简得(sin sin )cos 0A B C +=,又sin sin 0A B +>,则cos 090C C =⇒=︒,即为直角三角形.(2)1a b c a b =++=+≥,当且仅当a b =时取等,≤1124ABC S ab ∆=≤,即ABC ∆面积的最大值为14,当且仅当a b =时取等.21.解:(1)1n =时,1111211a S a a ==-⇒=,1n >时111222n n n n n n n a S S a a a a ---=-=-⇒=,所以{}n a 是以1为首项,2为公比的等比数列,即12n n a -=.设{}n b 的公差为0d ≠,依题意有1231333b b b b d ++=+=,2253,b b b ⋅=即21111()(4)(2)0b d b d b d b d +⋅+=+⇒=,解得10,1b d ==,即1n b n =-.(2)由(1),可知, 12,1n n n a b n -==-,从而()112n n n a b n -=-⨯,令1122n n n T a b a b a b =+++,即()()122112222212n n n T n n --=⨯+⨯++-⨯+-⨯,③×2,得()()231212222212n n n T n n -=⨯+⨯++-⨯+-⨯,④ -④,得()231222212n n n T n --=++++--⨯()()221222212n n n n n -=--⨯=--⨯--, 即(2)22nn T n =-+,故题设不等式可化为()22(2)nt n n -≥-,(*)当1n =时,不等式(*)可化为2t -≥-,解得2t ≥; 当2n =时,不等式(*)可化为00≥,此时t R ∈;当3n ≥时,不等式(*)可化为2n t ≤,因为数列{}2n 是递增数列,所以8t ≤, 综上, t 的取值范围是[]2,8.22.解:(1)1n =时,111a S ==,1n >时121n n n a S S n -=-=-,所以*21()n a n n N =-∈. 则有11n n b b +-=,即{}n b 是以2为首项,1为公比的等差数列,即1n b n =+,(1)(3)222n n n n n B n -+=+=. (2)依题意得112(),n n n n B B b b ++-=-即112()n n n b b b ++=-,即12n nb b +=,且111b B a == {}n b 是以1b 为首项,2为公比的等比数列,112n n b b -=, 11(12)(21)12n n n b B b -==--, 所以111111111n n n n n n n n n n n n b b B B a a B B B B B B +++++++-===-, 则31211223112231111111111111111(1)21n n n n n n n b b b a a a a a a B B B B B B B B b b ++++++++=-+-++-=-=-<-, 则111,3b ≤即13b ≥(3)由112()n n n n a a b b ++-=-得:112n n n a a ++-=,所以当2n ≥时,11232211()()()()n n n n n a a a a a a a a a a ---=-+-++-+-+132********n n n -+=+++++=-,当1n =时,上式也成立,则21242,22n n n n A n B ++=--=-,所以2124222221n n n n n A n nB ++--==---. 法一:假设存在两个互不相等的整数,s t (1)s t <<,使11,,s ts tA A AB B B 成等差数列,即 111122212121212121t t s s s t t s A A A t s s tB B B +=⇔+=⇔=+-----. 又有2112121s t s t =+>--,即2120s s --<,设*()221,2,s f s s s s N =--≥∈.则有(1)()220sf s f s +-=->,即数列{()}f s 单调递增, 又(2)10f =-<,(3)10f =>,则有()0f s <⇒ 2.s =当2s =时,21121213t s t s =-=--,即2310,3t t t --=≥.同理可证当3t ≥数列{231}tt --递增,当3t =时2312t t --=-舍去,当4t ≥时4231212130t t --≥--=>,即2310tt --=无解,综上所述,不存在两个互不相等的整数,s t (1)s t <<,使11,,s ts tA A AB B B 成等差数列.法二:11111(1)2102121(21)(21)n n n n n n n n n A A n n n B B +++++-+-=-=>----,即数列{}n n A B 单调递增. 2[1,2)21n n n A nB =-∈-,又111123()222s t s t A A A B B B +=+<=, 又123312431131,,3272A A A B B B ==<=>,则2,s =所以11523t s t s A A A B B B =-= 又3434115265,73153A AB B =<=>,34t ⇒<<,则这样的t 不存在. 综上所述,不存在两个互不相等的整数,s t (1)s t <<,使11,,s ts tA A AB B B 成等差数列.。



2017—2018学年度高二上学期期中考试第一部分:听力(共两节,满分20分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)1. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. In a restaurant.B. In a furniture store.C. I n the woman's company.2. What does the man want to do first?A. See the elephants.B. Have a cup of tea.C. Watch t he dolphin show.3. What is the woman probably going to do?A. Make a list.B. Do some shopping.C. Make a chocolate pie.4. Why does the woman look upset?A. She experienced a theft.B. She was given a parking ticket.C. She couldn't find a parking space.5. How will the woman go to the city church?A. By bike.B. By bus.C. By car.第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听第6段材料,回答第6至7。

6. What activity is the man organizing?A. A school reunionB. A birthday partyC. A farewell banquet7.Why does the woman recommend the Omni Hotel?A. The price is quite reasonable.B. She likes the party r ooms there.C. Her brother is a staff member there.听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。



2017—2018学年度第二学期期中考试高二数学(文)试题(导数、选修1-2)第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共50分)一、选择题(本大题共10个小题,每小题5分,共50分。

在每小题给出的4个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的) 1.211+)i复数(的值是( )A . 2iB .-2iC . 2D . -22.若)(,sin cos 2)('ααf x x f 则-=等于( B ) A .αsin -B .αcos - Cααcos sin 2-- Dαcos 3-3.按流程图的程序计算,若开始输入的值为3x =,则输出的x 的值是 ( )A .6B .21C .156D .2314.在独立性检验中,统计量有两个临界值:3.841和6.635;当2K >3.841时,有95%的把握说明两个事件有关,当>6.635时,有99%的把握说明两个事件有关,当 3.841时,认为两个事件无关.在一项打鼾与患心脏病的调查中,共调查了2000人,经计算的=20.87,2K 2K 2K ≤2K 输入x计算(1)2x x x +=的值 100x >输出结果x是否根据这一数据分析,认为打鼾与患心脏病之间( ) A .有95%的把握认为两者有关 B .约有95%的打鼾者患心脏病C .有99%的把握认为两者有关D .约有99%的打鼾者患心脏病5.如图是函数32()f x x bx cx d =+++的大致图象,则等于()A .169B .109C .89D .2896.有下列关系:①正方体的体积与棱长;②曲线上的点与该点的坐标之间的关系;③苹果的产量与气候之间的关系;④森林中的同一种树木,其横断面直径与高度之间的关系,其中有相关关系的是( ) A .①②③B .①②C .②③D .③④7.用反证法证明命题:“一个三角形中不能有两个直角”的过程归纳为以下三个步骤:①9090180A B C C ++=︒+︒+>︒,这与三角形内角和为180︒相矛盾,90A B ==︒不成立;②所以一个三角形中不能有两个直角;③假设三角形的三个内角A 、B 、C 中有两个直角,不妨设90A B ==︒,正确顺序的序号为( ) A .①②③B .③①②C .①③②D .②③①8.设函数322()3(1)1f x kx k x k =+--+在区间(0,4)上是减函数,则的取值2221x x +k范围是( ) A .13k <B .103k <≤C .103k ≤≤D .13k ≤9.如图所示是()y f x =的导数图象,则正确的判断是( )①()f x 在(-3,1)上是增函数;②x =-1是()f x 的极小值点;③()f x 在(2,4)上是减函数,在(-1,2)上是增函数;④x =2是()f x 的极小值点.A .①②③B .②③C .③④D .①③④10.设△ABC 的三边长分别为a ,b ,c ,△ABC 的面积为S ,内切圆半径为r ,则2Sr ab c=++,类比这个结论可知:四面体S -ABC 的四个面的面积分别为S 1,S 2,S 3,S 4,内切球半径为R ,四面体S -ABC 的体积为V ,则R =( ) A .1234VS S S S +++ B .12342VS S S S +++ C .12343VS S S S +++D .12344VS S S S +++第Ⅱ卷(非选择题,共100分)二.填空题(本大题共5个小题,每小题5分,共25分,把答案填在答题卡中横线上) 11. 求垂直于2610x y -+=且与3235y x x =+-相切的直线方程__________________12.已知,,2x y R x y ∈+<则y x ,中至多有一个大于1,在用反证法证明时,假设应为________. 13.若函数24()1xf x x =+在区间(,21)m m +上单调递增,则实数m 的取值范围是 .14.将全体正整数排成一个三角形数阵:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 … … … … … …根据以上排列规律,数阵中第n (n ≥3)行的从左至右的第3个数是__________.15.已知f (x )=(2x -x 2)e x ,给出以下几个结论:①f (x )>0的解集是{x |0<x <2};②f (-2)是极小值,f (2)是极大值;③f (x )没有最小值,也没有最大值;④f (x )有最大值,没有最小值. 其中判断正确的是________.三、解答题(本大题共6个小题,满分75分,解答应写出必要的文字说明、证明过程和演算步骤) 16.(本小题满分12分)已知复数(1)3(1)2i i z i-++=-,若21z az b i ++=-,(1)求z ;(2)求实数a , b 的值.17.(本小题满分12分)某人酷爱买彩票,一次他购买了1000注的彩票,共有50注中奖,于是他回到家对彩票的号码进行了分析,分析后又去买了1500注的彩票,有75注中奖.请分析他对号码的研究是否对中奖产生了大的影响.18.(本小题满分12分)某种产品的广告费支出x与销售额y(单位:百万元)之间有如下对应数据:x 24568y 3040605070(1)画出散点图;(2)求回归直线方程;(3)试预测广告支出为10百万元时,销售额多大?(注:b=∑i=1nx i y i-n x-y-∑i=1nx2i-n x-2,a=y--b x-).19.(本小题满分12分)已知正数a,b,c,d满足a+b=c+d,且a<c≤d<b,求证:a b c d+<+.20.(本小题满分13分)已知函数32f x x x=-+()23 3.(1)求曲线()=在点2y f xx=处的切线方程;(2)若关于x的方程()0+=有三个不同的实根,求实数m的取f x m值范围.21.(本小题满分14分) 已知函数()2a f x x x=+,()ln g x x x =+,其中0a >.(1)若1x =是函数()()()h x f x g x =+的极值点,求实数a 的值; (2)若对任意的[]12,1x x e ∈,(e 为自然对数的底数)都有()1f x ≥()2g x 成立,求实数a 的取值范围.高二数学(文)试题(A )参考答案(导数、选修1-2)1—10 BBDC A DBDBC11.063=++y x 12.y x ,均大于1 13.(]0,1-14.262+-n n 15.①②④16.解:(1)z=1+i (2)⎩⎨⎧=-=43b a17.解:根据题意可知购买1000注的彩票,中奖50注,未中奖的有950注;购买1500注彩票,中奖75注,未中奖的有1425注.列出对应的2×2列联表如下:中奖注数 未中奖注数总计 未分析 50 950 1000 分析后 75 1425 1500 总计12523752500假设H 0:对彩票号码的研究与中奖无关. 由表中数据,得K 2的观测值为 k =-21000×1500×125×2375=0.因为0<2.706,所以没有足够的证据说明对彩票号码的分析与中奖有关. 18.解:(1)根据表中所列数据可得散点图如下:(2)列出下表,并用科学计算器进行有关计算i12345x i 2 4 5 6 8 y i 30 40 60 50 70 x i y i60160300300560因此,x =255=5,y =2505=50∑i =15x 2i =145,∑i =15y 2i =13500, ∑i =15x i y i =1380, 于是可得b =∑i =15x i y i -5x y∑i =15x 2i -5x2=1380-5×5×50145-5×52=6.5; a =y -b x =50-6.5×5=17.5.因此,所求回归直线方程为y ^=6.5x +17.5.(3)据上面求得的回归直线方程,当广告费支出为10百万元时,y ^=6.5×10+17.5=82.5(百万元)即这种产品的销售收入大约为82.5百万元. 19.证明:要证明a b c d +<+,需证明2()a b c d 2+)<(+, 需证明a +b+2ab <c+d+2cd , 因为a +b =c +d ,所以只需证明ab <cd , 需证明ab -bc <cd -bc , 需证明b (a -c )<c(d -b ), 考虑a +b =c +d ,即a -c =d -b , 需证明(a -c )(b -c )<0, 考虑a -c <0,需证明b -c >0, 而b -c >0显然成立,所以a b c d +<+成立.20. 解(1)2()66,(2)12,(2)7,f x x x f f ''=-==∴曲线()y f x =在2x =处的切线方程为712(2)y x -=-,即12170x y --=; (2)记322()233,()666(1)g x x x m g x x x x x '=-++=-=- 令()0,0g x x '==或1.则,(),()x g x g x '的变化情况如下表x(,0)-∞0 (0,1) 1(1,)+∞()g x ' +0 -0 +()g x递增极大递减极小递增当0,()x g x =有极大值3;1,()m x g x +=有极小值2m +. 由()g x 的简图知,当且仅当(0)0,(1)0g g >⎧⎨<⎩即30,3220m m m +>⎧-<<-⎨+<⎩时,函数()g x 有三个不同零点,过点A 可作三条不同切线.所以若过点A 可作曲线()y f x =的三条不同切线,m 的范围是(3,2)--.21.解:(1)∵()22ln a h x x x x=++,其定义域为()0 +∞,,∴()2212a h x x x'=-+.∵1x =是函数()h x 的极值点,∴()10h '=,即230a -=.∵0a >,∴3a =. 经检验当3a =时,1x =是函数()h x 的极值点,∴3a =.(2)对任意的[]12,1x x e ∈,都有()1f x ≥()2g x 成立等价于对任意的[]12,1x x e ∈,都有()mi n f x ⎡⎤⎣⎦≥()max g x ⎡⎤⎣⎦.当x ∈[1,e ]时,()110g x x'=+>.∴函数()ln g x x x =+在[]1e ,上是增函数.∴()()max 1g x g e e ==+⎡⎤⎣⎦. ∵()()()2221x a x a a f x x x +-'=-=,且[]1,x e ∈,0a >.①当01a <<且x ∈[1,e ]时,()()()20x a x a f x x +-'=>,∴函数()2a f x x x=+在[1,e ]上是增函数,∴()()2min 11f x f a ==+⎡⎤⎣⎦.由21a +≥1e +,得a ≥e ,又01a <<,∴a 不合题意.②当1≤a ≤e 时,若1≤x <a ,则()()()2x a x a f x x +-'=<,若a <x ≤e ,则()()()2x a x a f x x +-'=>.∴函数()2a f x x x=+在[)1,a 上是减函数,在(]a e ,上是增函数.∴()()min 2f x f a a ==⎡⎤⎣⎦.由2a ≥1e +,得a ≥12e +, 又1≤a ≤e ,∴12e +≤a ≤e . ③当a e >且x ∈[1,e ]时,()()()20x a x a f x x +-'=<, ∴函数()2a f x x x=+在[]1e ,上是减函数. ∴()()2min a f x f e e e ==+⎡⎤⎣⎦. 由2a e e+≥1e +,得a ≥e , 又a e >,∴a e >.综上所述,a 的取值范围为1,2e +⎡⎫+∞⎪⎢⎣⎭.。


Always stand on the right when using the escalators (电动扶梯) at Tube stations. It can get hot and busy on the Tube during peak (高峰) travel times, so you may prefer to travel outside these hours.
C. Introducing a company.
2. What are the speakers mainly talking about?
A. A university. B. A lab. C. A physicist.
3. What does the woman want to do?
A. Ask the man for advice.
7. How long will the woman stay in Shanghai this time?
A. Three weeks. B. Two weeks.C. One week.
8. What does the woman want the man to do for the party?
13. What’s the relationship between the speakers?
A. Husband and wife. B. Brother and sister. C. Mother and son.
14. Where is the man most probably?
Dawn rushed home to get her husband to help and called 911. Thetwo then returned with some blankets to cover Ms. St. Onge, while they waited for the ambulance (救护车) to arrive. Though still in hospital, the elderly woman is recovering well and forever grateful to Danny, for following up on his hunch!



2017-2018学年度第二学期期中考试高二学年英语试卷分值:120分时间100分钟第I卷第一部分阅读理解(共20题;每小题2分,满分40分)第一节:(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)AMrs. White lived in a town of England. Her husband died three years ago and one of her children wor ked in the capital and the other three lived in another town. Her husband didn’t leave her much money and she had to live a simple life. Sometimes her children went to see her during their holidays, but they stayed with her for only two or three days.One winter morning the old woman got up early. She was going to buy some food in a shop. And when she came out, she found there was much snow in the street. She had to sweep it away. And suddenly she found a dying dog at the corner of the house. She picked it up and took it into the house quickly. She put it near the fire and gave it some milk and bread. At first the poor dog ate nothing and that afternoon it drank some milk and three days later it was all right. Now the old woman found it was a beautiful dog. And she liked it very much and took it everywhere she went. A week later she went shopping with her dog. At a bus stop a young man was eating fish and chips. The little dog became very excited at the smell of the man’s lunch and began jumping up at him.“Do you mind if I throw it a bit ?” asked the young man.“Not at all,” answered Mrs. White.Having heard this, he picked up the dog and threw it over the wall.1. One of the old woman’s children worked in ______.A. MoscowB. ParisC. LondonD. New York2. Mrs. White lived a simple life because ______.A. she wasn’t rich enoughB. she hoped to save money for her childrenC. she had four childrenD. her children hated her3. It was _______ that morning when Mrs. White went to buy something.A. rainyB. snowyC. windyD. cloudy4. The dog hoped ______, so it became excited.A. to be given some foodB. to leave the bus stop soonC. to bite the young manD. to go as soon as possibleBA woman in blue jeans stood at the window of an expensive shop. Though she hesitated for a moment, she finally went in and asked to see a dress that was in the window. The assistant who served her did not like the way she was dressed. Glancing at her scornfully, he told her the dress was sold. The woman walked out of the shop angrily and decided to punish the assistant the next day.She returned to the shop the following morning dressed in a fur coat, with a handbag in one hand and a long umbrella in the other. After searching out the rude assistant she asked for the same dress. Not realizing who she was, the assistant was eager to serve her this time. With great difficulty, he climbed into the shop window to get the dress. As soon as she saw it, the woman said she did not like it. She enjoyed herself making the assistant bring almost everything in the window before finally buying the dress she had first asked for.5. Why was the shop assistant not willing to sell the woman the dress at first?A. He did not think the woman could afford it.B. He hated to see women dressed in blue jeans.C. The woman didn’t really want to buy the dress.D. The dress had been sold out.6. The woman went to the shop again the next day in order to _____.A. get the dress she lovedB. teach the assistant a lessonC. ask for the same dressD. search for the rude assistant7. In what way did the woman punish the assistant?A. She was dressed in a fur coat with a handbag and a long umbrella.B. She said she didn’t like anything in his shop.C. She told him to climb into the shop window to get the dress she wanted.D. She made him fetch nearly all the goods out of the shop window.CChina is a land of bicycles. At least it was back in 1992 when I traveled the country. Back then everyone seemed to be riding a bicycle. Millions of them, all black. Cars wererare. Yet since my arrival in Beijing last year, I've found the opposite is true. There are millions of cars. However, people still use their bicycles to get around. For many, it's the easiest and cheapest way to travel today. Bicycles also come in different colors---silver, green, red, blue, yellow, whatever you want.It's fun watching people biking. They rush quickly through crossroads, move skillfully through traffic, and ride even on sidewalks(人行道). Bicycles allow people the freedom to move about that cars just can't provide.Eager to be part of this aspect of Chinese culture, I decided to buy a bicycle. Great weather accompanied my great buy. I immediately jumped up on my bicycle seat and started home.My first ride home was orderly (守秩序的). To be safe, I stayed with a “pack”of bikers while cars on the streets came running swiftly out of nowhere at times. I didn't want to get hit. So I took the ride carefully.Crossing the streets was the biggest problem. It was a lot like crossing a major highway back in the United States. The streets here were wide, so crossing took time, skill and a little bit of luck.I finally made it home. The feeling on the bicycle was amazing. The air hitting my face and going through my hair was wonderful. I was sitting on top of the world as I passed by places and people. Biking made me feel alive.8. According to the author, why are bicycles still popular in China today?A. Because they are traditional and safe.B. Because they are convenient and inexpensive.C. Because they are colorful and available.D. Because they are fast and environment friendly.9. The author decided to buy a bicycle because he intended__________.A. to ride it for funB. to use it for transportC. to experience local cultureD. to improve his riding skills10. How did the author feel about his street crossing?A. It was boring.B. It was difficult.C. It was lively.D. It was wonderful.11. Which of the following best describes the author's biking experience?A. The author enjoyed showing off his biking skills.B. The author was annoyed by the air while riding.C. The author was praised by the other bikers.D. The author took great pleasure in biking.DDo you like to eat out? Do you like to eat quickly? Do you like inexpensive food? Some people like to go fast-food restaurants for these reasons . In the past, people usually went to diners for these reasons. In fact, many people in the States still go to diners today for the same reason.A man named Walter Scott had the first “diner” in 1872. it wasn’t really a diner. It was only a food cart. People on the street walked up to the cart to buy food. These carts served late-night workers who wanted a cup of coffee and a late-night meal. The meal was a sandwich or boiled eggs. In 1887, Samuel Jones built the first diner big enough to allow the customers to come inside. However, they did not sit down. Later, people built diners with counters and stools, and people sat down while they ate.Before long, many diners stayed open around the clock. In other words, people were able to eat in a diner at any time. Diners changed in other ways, too. The original menu of sandwiches and coffee became bigger. It included soup, favorite dishes, and a breakfast menu. In addition, diners soon became permanent buildings. They were no longer carts on wheels.Diners today look similar to the diners of the early 1900s. They are usually buildings with large windows. Inside, the diners have shining counters with stools, booths, and tables and chairs. People can eat all three meals in a modern diner.Today, many people eat in fast-food restaurants such as McDonald’s and Burger King. However, the diner remains an American tradition, and thousands of people still enjoy eating there. It was popular a century ago, and it is still popular today.12. What meals did the first diners serve?A. Only breakfast.B. Only lunch.C. Only night-meals.D. All of the above.13. According to paragraph 3, diners changed in _____.A. two waysB. three waysC. four waysD. five ways14. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A. Diners existed before fast-food restaurants.B. The menu included more food than sandwiches and coffee.C. Burger King is a fast-food restaurant.D. Sandwiches became bigger.15. The main idea of the passage is _____.A. the diner is a traditional, popular place to eat in the United StatesB. Samuel Jones built the first diner big enough to allow the customers to come insideC. American diners serve many types of food 24 hours a day to their customersD. diners are different from fast-food restaurants in many ways.第二节(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。



2017-2018学年第二学期期末考试卷高 二 地 理第Ⅰ卷(选择题)(本大题共25小题,每小题2分,共50分。



1.图示区域( )A .河流流向大致向北流B .河流以冰雪融水补给为主C .最大高差可能为920米D .以热带草原带为主2.如果要从甲村修一条公路到乙村,最佳线路是( )A .①B .②C .③D .④读沿50度纬线气温年较差变化示意图,回答3~4题。

3.甲、丙所在大洲分别为( )A .非洲 大洋洲B .非洲 南美洲C .欧洲 亚洲D .北美洲 亚洲4.图示纬线穿越乙所在的著名海峡是( ) A .马六甲海峡B .直布罗陀海峡C .英吉利海峡D .白令海峡读右图,回答5-6题。

5. P 区域位于( )A .南半球、西半球B .南半球、东半球C .北半球、东半球D .北半球、西半球6. P 区域所在的大洲是( )A . 欧洲B .非洲C .南美洲D .北美洲读右图,判断 :7.从A 到B 再到C ,方向是( )A .先向西南,再向东南B .先向正南,再向东南C .先向东南,再向西南D .一直向正南读下图,完成8~9题。

8.关于图示区域地理特征的叙述,不正确的是( )A .全年盛行西风,属于温带海洋性气候B .位于板块消亡边界,多火山、地震C .地形以山地为主,海岸线曲折D .年降水量岛屿东岸比西岸多9.图中寒暖流交汇处是世界著名的渔场,其成因是( ) A .千岛寒流与日本暖流交汇 B .千岛寒流与北太平洋暖流交汇 C .北大西洋暖流与千岛寒流交汇D .墨西哥湾暖流与拉布拉多寒流交汇读四国轮廓图,回答10~11题。

10.四个国家都有回归线穿过,其中没有沙漠分布的是( ) A .甲 B .乙 C .丙D .丁11.有关四个国家经济特征的叙述,正确的是( )此卷只装订不密封班级 姓名 准考证号 考场号 座位号A.甲国是世界最大的咖啡和天然橡胶生产国B.乙国工业集中分布在东南沿海地区C.丙国是工矿业和农牧业发达的国家D.丁国最主要的经济支柱是长绒棉的生产和出口下图为某大洲地形剖面示意图。



2017-2018学年第二学期期中考试高二物理试题考试内容:电磁感应、交流电、热学 (满分110分)第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共51分)(难度高适合重点中学)一、选择题(本大题包括15个小题,共51分,1-9每小题3分,共27分;10-15每小题4分,给出的四个选项中,至少有一个选项是正确的,全选对得4分,对而不全得2分,有选错或不选均得0分.共24分)1、 根据分子动理论和热力学定律,下列说法正确的是:( ) A. 布朗运动就是液体分子的运动B. 布朗运动是由颗粒内分子的无规则运动引起的C. 可以利用高科技手段,将散失到环境中的内能重新收集起来加以利用而不引起其它变化D. 自然界中与热现象有关的宏观过程都具有方向性 2、下列说法正确的是( )A .密闭容器内液体上方气体的饱和气压与温度无关B .晶体熔化过程中要吸收热量,但分子的平均动能不变C .用手捏面包,面包体积会缩小,说明分子之间有间隙D .冰箱可以自发地使热量由温度较低的冰箱内向温度较高的冰箱外转移 3、关于理想气体,下列说法正确的是:( ) A .气体的温度升高,所有分子的运动速率都增大B .气体对容器的压强是由大量气体分子对启闭的频繁碰撞产生的C .一定质量的气体,分子的平均动能越大,气体压强也越大D .压缩理想气体是要用力,是因为分子间有斥力4、如图所示,用均匀导线做成边长为1m 的正方形线框,线框的一半处于垂直线框向里的有界匀强磁场中.当磁场以0.2T /s 的变化率增强时,a 、b 两点的电势分别为a ϕ 、b ϕ,回路中电动势为E ,则( ) A .a ϕ<b ϕ,E=0.2V B .a ϕ>b ϕ,E=0.2V C .a ϕ<b ϕ,E=0.1V D .a ϕ>b ϕ,E=0.1V5、如图所示,Al 和A2是两个电阻为R的灯泡,A l与自感线圈L (直流电阻为零)串联后接到电路中,A2与电阻R串联后接到电路中.先闭合开关S,调节电阻R1,使Al灯泡正常发光,然后断开开关S,则( )A.Al 、A2立即熄灭B.A2立刻熄灭,A1过一会儿熄灭C.Al闪亮后过一会儿才熄灭D.A2闪亮后过一会儿才熄灭6、如图甲所示,理想变压器原、副线圈的匝数比n1∶n2=4∶1,原线圈接图乙所示的正弦交流电,副线圈与理想交流电压表、理想交流电流表、热敏电阻R T(阻值随温度的升高而减小)及报警器P(有内阻)组成闭合电路,回路中电流增加到一定值时报警器P将发出警报声,则以下判断正确的是( )A.电压表示数为9VB.R T处温度升高时,电流表示数变小C.R T处温度升高时,电压表示数变大D.R T处温度升高到一定值时,报警器P将会发出警报声7、将一段导线绕成图甲所示的闭合电路,并固定在水平面(纸面)内,回路的ab 边置于垂直纸面向里的匀强磁场Ⅰ中。







例:How much is the shirt?A.£19.15.B.£9.15.C.£9.18.1.What will the speakers do on Saturday?A.Go to work.B.Eat brunch. C.Go to the gym.2.When did the man hurt himself?A.A few weeks ago.B.A few months ago.C.A few years ago.3.Where does this conversation take place?A.In a bookstore.B.In a library.C.In a classroom.4.How does the woman sound?A.Nervous.B.Sad.C.Angry.5.Why did they stay up late for the last two nights?A.They studied for the physics exam.B.They didn’t want to go to bed early.C.They had to prepare their breakfast.第二节(共15小题;每小题0.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。






How old is the woman?10. B. 18. C. 28.What does the man do now?A journalist. B. A teacher. C. An editor.When will the man go home?At noon. B. In the afternoon. C. In the evening. What will the speakers do for their mother’s birthday?Buy a gift. B. Make a dress. C. Throw a party. What are the speakers mainly talking about?Their CDs. B. Their hobbies. C. Their stamps.第二节(共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)请听下面5段对话或独白,选出最佳选项。


What will be the woman do on Tuesday?Visit a farm. B. Have a picnic. C. Go to a village. When will the woman go to the island?On Monday. B. On Thursday. C. On Wednesday. 请听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。

When will the lecture end?At 3:30 pm. B. At 4:00 pm. C. At 4:30 pm.What does the man want the woman to do?Help with his homework.Study with him in the library.Take him to the lecture.请听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。



2017-2018学年度第二学期期中质量检测高二物理试卷满分:100分 时间:90分钟注意事项:1.答题前请在答题卡上填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息 2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上一、选择题(共12题,每小题3分, 1-8题是单项选择题, 9-12是双项选择题选对但不全得2分,选错n 不得分,共36分)1、如果闭合电路中的感应电动势很大,那一定是因为( )A .穿过闭合电路的磁通量很大B .穿过闭合电路的磁通量变化很大C .穿过闭合电路的磁通量的变化很快D .闭合电路的电阻很小2、如图为理想变压器原线圈所接电源电压波形,原副线圈匝数之比n 1∶n 2 = 10∶1,串联在原线圈电路中电流表的示数为1A ,下则说法正确的是( )A .变压器输出两端所接电压表的示数为222VB .变压器输出的交流电的频率为50HZC .变压器输出功率为2200WD .该交流电每秒方向改变50次3、由楞次定律可得,感应电流的磁场一定是: ( )A .阻碍引起感应电流的磁通量的变化;B .与引起感应电流的磁场方向相反;C .阻碍引起感应电流的磁通量;D .与引起感应电流的磁场方向相同。

4、远距离输送一定功率的交变电流,若输电电压提高k 倍,则:( ) A .输电导线的电功率损失不变; B .输电导线的电压损失不变; C .输电导线的电功率损失是原来的1/k 2; D .输电导线的电压损失是原来的1/k 2; 5、线圈在匀强磁场中绕垂直于磁场方向的轴匀速转动而产生交变电流的过程中,当线圈平面转到与中性面重合时:( )A .穿过线圈的磁通量最大,线圈中的感应电动势最大;B .穿过线圈的磁通量为零,线圈中的感应电动势为零;C .穿过线圈的磁通量为零,线圈中的感应电动势最大;D .穿过线圈的磁通量最大,线圈中的感应动势为零。

6、某交流发电机正常工作时,电动势e=E m sin ωt ,若将线框转速提高一倍,其他条件不变,则电动势的变化规律是( )A . e ’=E m sin ωtB .e ’=E m sin2ωtC .e ’=2E m sin ωt D .e ’=2E m sin2ωt7、对于图所示的电流i 随时间t 做周期性变化的图象,下列描述正确的是( ) A.电流的大小变化,方向也变化,是交变电流 B.电流的大小变化,方向不变,不是交变电流 C.电流的大小不变,方向不变,是直流电 D.电流的大小不变,方向变化,是交变电流8、理想变压器原副线圈两侧一定不同的物理量是( ) A .交变电流的频率 B .交变电流的功率 C .磁通量的变化率 D .交变电流的峰值9、伟大的物理学家法拉第是电磁学的奠基人,在化学、电化学、电磁学等领域都做出过杰出贡献,下列陈述中不符合历史事实的是( ) A.法拉第首先引入“场”的概念来研究电和磁的现象 B.法拉第首先引入电场线和磁感线来描述电场和磁场C.法拉第首先发现了电流的磁效应现象D.法拉第首先发现电磁感应现象并给出了电磁感应定律10、如图所示电路中,A 、B 是两个完全相同的灯泡,L 是一个理想电感线圈,当S 闭合与断开时,A 、B 的亮度情况是:( ) A.S 闭合时,A 立即亮,然后逐渐熄灭 B.S 闭合时,B 立即亮,然后逐渐熄灭 C.S 闭合足够长时间后,B 发光,而A 不发光 D.S 闭合足够长时间后,B 发光,而A 逐渐熄灭11、有两个完全相同的电阻,一个通以10A 的直流电流,热功率为P ,另一个通以正弦式交变电流,热功率为2P ,那么 ( ) A .交流的有效值为10AB .交流的最大值为102AC .交流的有效值为102 AD .交流的最大值为20A12、理想变压器的原线圈接正弦式电流,副线圈接负载电阻R,若输入电压不变,要增大变压器的输出功率,可行的措施有( ) A.只增大负载电阻R的阻值 B.只减小负载电阻R的阻值 C.只增大原线圈的匝数D.只增大副线圈的匝数二、填空题(共3小题,每空2分,共20分)13、在线圈平面 于磁感线时,线圈中没有电流,这样的位置叫 。



2017-2018学年度第一学期高二年级期中考试试卷总分120分时间;90分钟第一部分; 单词与词组(按要求和逻辑意义使下列的句子正确)(每题1分;共计20分)1.Webster wrote a dictionary in order to _______(简化)the spelling of English words.His _____ (努力)at comforting her just made matters even worse.The teacher c______ me for being late again.The road ______ (延伸)from the east to the west.Her unexpected arrival threw us into total _______(混乱)。

The sun was _____(隐藏)by the clouds.Her _____(优雅)manners impressed all the people.This method has an ______(优势)over that one.He gave us very _______(具体的)instructions.To our surprise, the game ended ______ (戏剧性地)。

Thanks ____their timely help, we overcame the difficulties at l ast.We are very much in favor ___ the government’s new plans. In order to remove her doubt, you’d better explain it to her ___ detail.There is a new problem involved ___ the popularity of private car.You’d better _______(照看keep 短语)your pet with care. The temple _____(追溯到)the18th century.The public protested___ the mayor against the high taxes. That the majority voted ____ the ugly man surprised many pe ople.The villagers here have no access ____ clean water or medic al care.The injured man was ___danger of losing his life.第二部分;阅读理解(共2节,共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)第一小节;阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。



2017—2018学年第一学期高二年级期中试题第Ⅰ卷(笔试)第一部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15 小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在卡上涂黑。

AMy favorite book is Caddie Woodlawn by Carol Ryrie Brink. It’s about a 10-year-old girl in the 1860s. Her mom wants her to be a perfect little l ad,but Caddie has different ideas.Unlike many other girls,she likes to catch snakes,go swimming,and work in the fields. She makes friends with the neighboring Indians. You should read the book.Lenaya,Age 15SenegalMy favorite book is Who Was Abraham Lincoln?by Janet Pascal. It is about Abraham Lincoln. He grew up poo r, told funny jokes,and then became President. He led the North during the CivilWar, and the North won. After the war, slavery was ended. I li ked learning about the war and Abraham Lincoln.Sam,Age 16New JerseyMy favorite books are The Hardy Boys books by Franklin W.Dixon. My mom and dad had some when they were kids. I lov e them because they’re filled with mystery, action, and fun. Th ey are about two boys, Frank and Joe. The two boys unlock more than 50 mysteries.George,Age 16ArkansasMy favorite book is Judy Moody and the Bad Luck Charm by Megan McDonald. It’s about a third grader who has a good-luck penny, but she loses it. She is lucky enough to find it, but the luck is gone!Annie,Age 15Ohio1.In the book Caddie Woodlawn, Caddie_______.A. hopes to grow into a perfect ladyB. acts quite differently from other girlsC. has to work long hours in the fieldsD. has a bad relation with her neighbors2. One reason why George likes The Hardy Boys books is tha t_______.A. they were written by a famous authorB. they are what his parents chose for himC. they include things that are hard to explainD. they are about two boys of the same age as him3. Who is probably interested in history?A.Sam.B. Annie.C. George.D. Lenaya.BI was born in the city of York, in England, in the year 1623. My father was a man of some wealth, able to give me a good ho me and send me to school. It was his wish that I should be a l awyer but my head began to be filled very early with thoughts of travel, and I would be satisfied with nothing but going to se a. One day, being at Hull, I met a school-fellow who was about to sail for London in his father’s ship, an d he invited me to go with him, and without telling my father, I went on board.On the way to London, our ship was destroyed by a storm, an d we almost lost our lives. I went on foot to London, where I m et with the master of a large ship which did business with countries on the coast of Africa. He offered me a chance to go wit h him , which I gladly accepted.A great storm came up, and the ship was tossed (被颠簸) about for many days, until we did not know where we wer e. Suddenly we struck at bank of sand, and the sea broke ove r the ship in such a way that we could not hope to have her ho ld many moments without breaking into pieces. So we used a boat instead. After we had been driven four or five miles, a m ountainous wave (波浪) hit us so hard that it overturned the boat at once. I swam well but the waves were so strong that I was pushed against a rock with such force that it left me unconscious. But I recover ed a little before the waves returned, and, running forward, go t to the mainland safely. I never regretted my decisions.4. What did the author want to do most when he was young?A. to visit AfricaB. to sail the seasC. to practice lawD.to make a tour of London5. The underlined word “unconscious” in the last paragraph m eans “____”.A. aloneB. hungryC. sleepyD. senseless6. In the last paragraph, the author mainly shows _____.A. what he did on the shipB. what he went through at seaC. how he became a man of wealthD. How he got to kn ow a ship owner7. What can we learn about the author?A. He could not swim at all.B. He made his father ve ry proud.C. He was not afraid of taking risks.D. He did business with African countries.CInstagram(照片共享应用程序), is a social networking app made for sharing photos and vi deos from a smartphone. However, some people argue that I nstagrm is harmful to teens.Essena O’Neill seemed to have a perfect life---- at least online. The Australian teen had 500,000 Instagram f ollowers. He Internet fame led to a modeling contract. Compa nies paid her to show their clothing in her photos.But in November 2015, Essena, then 18, shut down her Inst agram account. She deleted(删除) more than 2,000 photos. “I’ve spent the majority of my tee nage life being addicted to social media, ”she wrote. “I’m leaving Instagram.”Essena left a few photos online, and told the truth behind the photos she created. For example, she didn’t eat all day befor e taking a picture in a bikini(比基尼泳装). She took that photo 100 times to make sure her stomach looked perfect. “Social media is not real life!” she says now. Seeing perfect-looking Instagram photos can make teens feel like they don’t measure up. And if your photos don’t get many “likes,”you mig ht take it personally. Even Essena worried all the time about what others thought of her. Trying to appear perfect online ma de her feel alone. One day, she wrote, “I had never been mor e miserable(痛苦的).”Not everyone thinks that Instagram is harmful, though. Some people say it might even be good for teens. Why? Unlike man y ads and magazines, Instagram includes photos of all differe nt kinds of people. That means you’re more likely to see a ph oto of someone who looks like you.Plus, studies show that many people who use social media f eel more connected to friends. And social media users are mo re likely to know about big events in the lives of friends and fa mily. So maybe it’s OK to love Instagram... as long as you lov e yourself too.8. According to the text, Instagram brought Essena________.A. a healthy lifestyleB. fame and moneyC. many true friendsD. a perfect teenage li fe9. Why did Essena shut down her Instagram account at age 1 8?A.Because she was too busy.B. Because her shape cha nged.C. Because she faced great pressure.D. Because her photos were deleted.10. What’s the author’s attitude towards Instagram?A. WorriedB. Curious.C. SurprisedD. Supportive.11. What does the text mainly discuss?A. Should you be on a diet to look perfect?B. Should you make friends on social media?C. Should you give others “likes” on Instagram?D. Should you shut down your Instagram account?DReach for the stars at the Euro Space Center. Find out everyt hing you need to know about space — from the origins (起源) of the universe to the future space exploration plans. Light , sound and special effects help to bring your space journey to life. Throughout your tour, our specially trained guides will an swer your questions and provide you with any information you require.Begin your tour with our exhibition about the planets, then mo ve on to the Space Laboratory and see some of the experime nts carried out in space. Visit our international space station, where you can climb into our full-scale Space Shuttle model and experience life on board as an astronaut.You will know all about space by now and to help you further, our Space Center astronaut will tell you about how young peo ple train as astronauts in our own training school. Finally, you can watch our amazing Space Show in our IMAX cinema, whi ch will help you understand everything you have learned durin g your visit better.Outside we have an outdoor exhibition including a giant solar system, full-size rocket models and outdoor games. Don’t worry if it rains — much of this is under cover.After that, why not visit our restaurant Resto Space for food a nd drink on a space theme? And don’t forget our Space Shop,offering you a lot of gifts to take home.The Euro Space Center is open every day during school holid ays, and also during other times except Mondays. Opening ti mes are 10:00-5:00. For entrance fees, call our booking service on + 32-61-650133. Or you can email us for up-to-date entry information at info@eurospacecenter.be.12. Anyone who goes to the Euro Space Center will ________.A. visit there for freeB. become a true astronautC. feel as if he was in spaceD. do any space exp eriments he wants13. In the Space Shuttle, visitors can ________.A. enjoy food and drinkB. watch an amazing space showC. learn about space experimentsD. know how astronau ts live in space14. On school day Mondays, the Euro Space Center ________ .A. will be open all day longB. will be open only for 5 hoursC. will be closed for the whole dayD. will have a space show in the IMAX cinema15. What’s the best title for the text?A. Learn to be an astronautB. Welcome to Space ShopC. Come and take a space walkD. Show your talent for science第二节(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。



2017-2018学年度第一学期高二期中考试本试卷满分150分考试时间100分钟第一部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分60 分)第一节:(共15小题;每小题3分,满分45分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项A、B、C和D中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

ALiquid Paper (修正液) was invented by Bette Nesmith Graham. She was 17 whe n she got a job at a Texas bank as a secretary, even though s he didn’t know how to type. The company she worked for sent her to a secretary school, and she was typing in no time at all .The 1950s had seen the widespread use of the electric typew riter, which typed faster but also meant more mistakes. Also, mistakes made by early electric typewriters were very hard to erase, which caused problems for Bette.In order to make extra money she used her talent to paint holi day windows at the bank. Then one day, it suddenly occurred to her that she could create a paint to cover up type-writing mistakes.It worked! In 1956, Bette sold her first bottles of the new prod uct, which she called “Mistake Out”. She made it in her kitche n, and her son Michael and his friends bottled it in the family g arage.By 1957, she was selling 100 bottles a month and had gotten a patent (专利) for her product, which she now called “Liquid Paper.” Sale s continued to grow, as more and more people heard about Li quid Paper, through word-of-mouth and by reading about it in magazines.In the 1960s, Bette bought a machine to help her produce Liq uid Paper in large quantities. In 1971, she sold 2 million bottle s. In 1979, she sold the company for 47.5 million dollars. She didn’t live to see the end of the contract (合同), dying in 1980, at the age of 56, in Texas.Bette’s invention continues to be used every day by secretarie s and other people in the office and wherever typewriters are used.1. When Bette began to work in a bank, she ______.A.was too young to typeB. had graduated from secret ary schoolC.had no experience in typingD. taught herself about typin g2. It can be inferred that the first Liquid Paper ______.A. was produced by handB. was made by machineC. was bottled in the kitchenD. was tested in the factory3. What is the passage mainly about?A. A rock group.B. A secretary.C. Liquid Paper.D. Mista ke Out.4. The passage is organized mainly in order of ______.A. importanceB. timeC. spaceD. popularityBHappy birthday! Do birthday really make people happy? Of co urse they do. Birthdays celebrate the day when we were born. Besides, that extra candle on the cake suggests another year of growth and maturity(成熟)—or so we hope.We all like to imagine that we are getting wis er and not just older.Most of us enjoy seeing the wonder of growth in others, as well.For instance, seeing our children d evelop and learn new things makes us feel proud.For Ameri cans, like people in most cultures, growing up is a wonderful p rocess.But growing old? That is a different story.Growing old is not exactly for people in youth-oriented (以年轻人为中心)American culture.Most Americans like to look young, act young and feel young. As the old saying goes, “You’re young as you feel.”Older people joke about how many years young they are, rather than how many years old.People in some c ountries value the aged as a source of experience and wisdo m.But Americans seem to favor those who are young, or at l east “young at heart”.Many older Americans find the “golden years” to be anything but golden.Economically, “senior citizens” often try just to ge t by.Retirement at the age of 65 brings a sharp decrease in personal income.Social security benefits usually cannot mak e up the difference.Older people may suffer from poor nutriti on (营养), medical care, and housing. Some even have the experien ce of age discrimination(歧视). American sociologist(社会学家) Pat Moore once dressed up like an older person and wan dered city streets.She was often treated rudely--even cheated and robbed.However, dressed as a young per son, she received much more respect.Unfortunately, the elderly population in America is increasing f ast.Why? People are living longer.Fewer babies are being born.And middle-aged “baby boomers”(婴儿潮) are rapidly entering the group of the elderly.America ma y soon be a place where wrinkles(皱纹)are “in”.Marketing experts are already noticing this growing group of consumers.5. Growing up is a wonderful thing because ________.A. people can celebrate their birthdays.B. people can become more and mature and wiser.C. people can receive many presents.D. people will feel younger at heart.6. We can infer from the second paragraph that _________.A. young people lack experience and wisdom.B. American older people often joke about their old age.C. American culture is very young.D. different countries have different opinions on the old age.7. The underlined sentence (in Paragraph 3) means “_______ __.”A. the golden years can make the old earn lots of money and receive good medical careB. the old people in are probably leading a hard life without g ood nutrition, medical care or housing.C. the old in have to retire at the age of 65.D. American social security benefits are not good.8. From the last paragraph we know that the underlined word “in” can be replaced by _______.A. seriousB. badC. disappearing slowlyD. growing fa stCThe human brain remembers negative experiences more easi ly than positive ones. Our brains have developed in this way b ecause threats, like dangerous animals, have a more immedi ate effect on people’s survival compared to positive things like food or shelter. As a result, you clearly know what makes you unhappy, but do you know what makes you happy? Research suggests that our level of happiness is partly shape d by the choices we make. If you’ve been chasing wealth, fam e, power and some material things, you may be looking for ha ppiness in the wrong places. Psychologists suggest that the f ollowing habits can make people happier.People who own close relationships tend to be happier than t hose who do not. The number of our friends is not important. What matters is the quality of our relationships. Relationships that bring happiness usually consist of the sharing of feelings, acceptance, mutual (双方的) respect and trust.People who exercise regularly can improve both their physical and mental well-being. Some research has shown that exercise can be as effe ctive as some medicine in treating depression.If we are so interested in an activity, we may lose track of time , and we can be in a state of flow. The activity could be playin g the piano, surfing the Internet or playing a game… People w ho experience flow in their work or life tend to be happier. People are more likely to be happy if they know what their str engths are and can use them regularly. People are especially happy when they can set goals and use their strengths to achi eve them.People, who think positively by being grateful, mindful and opt imistic, are more likely to be happy. Being grateful means bei ng thankful. Being mindful means considering, focusing on, a nd enjoying the experiences of the present moment. Being op timistic means being hopeful about the future.9. Human brains remember negative things more easily beca use negative things _______.A. tend to affect human survival immediatelyB. are easy to rememberC. are much more important than other thingsD. can make people live much happier10. According to this passage, people may find happiness in _ _______.A. being famousB. chasing powerC. setting life goalsD. earning money11. In the last paragraph, the author tries to tell us to ________ _.A. think more about our futureB. be positive in our life a nd workC. focus on everything in our lifeD. only enjoy the presen t moment12. What does the passage mainly want to tell us?A. Why people remember positive things easily.B. Why people remember negative things easily.C. What makes people happy.D. What makes people sad.DEmail has brought the art of letter writing back to life, but som e experts think the resulting spread of bad English does more harm than good.Email is a form of communication that is changing, for theworse, the way we write and use language, say some commu nication researchers. It is also changing the way we communi cate and build relationship. These are a few of the recently re cognized features of email, say experts, which should cause i ndividuals and organizations to rethink the way they use email .“Email has increased the spread of careless writing habits,” says Naomi Baron, a professor of linguistics at an American university. She says the poor spelling, grammar, punctuation and sentence structure of emails reflect a growing unconcern about the way we write.Baron argues that we shouldn’t forgive and forget the poor writing often shown in email. “The more we use email and its t asteless writing, the more it becomes the normal way of writin g,” the professor says.Others say that despite its poor writing, email has finished what several generations of English teachers couldn’t: it has made writing fashionable again.“Email is a critical new communication technology.” says Ia n Lancashire, a professor of English at . “It fills the gap betwe en spoken language and the formal methods of writing that ex isted before email. It is the purest form of written speech.”Lancashire says email has the mysterious ability to get peo ple who are usually scared by writing to get their thoughts flowing easily onto a blank screen. He says this is because of e mail’s close similarity to speech. “It’s like a circle of four or five people around a campfire,” he says.Still, he accepts that this new-found freedom to express themselves often gets people into tr ouble. Emails sent in a day almost exceed(超过) the number of letters mailed in a year. But more people ar e recognizing the content of a typical email message is not oft en exact.13. From what Baron says in the third paragraph we can see t hat ________.A. careless people use email more than careful peopleB. email requires people to change their native languageC. professors in universities don’t need to use emailD. people communicate by email full of mistakes14. In Lancashire’s opinion, email is a wonderful technology b ecause _______.A. it can be useful all over the worldB. it is the fastest way to communicateC. we can express ourselves in a free wayD. we can save a lot of paper15. This passage mainly shows us that ______.A. people should stop using email to communicateB. experts hold different opinions about email writingC. Americans only use email to communicateD. email makes people lose interest in English第二节:(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。






每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、 B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。



1. What does the man want?A. Juice.B. Milk.C. Beer.2. What happened to the man’s computer?A. It got a virus.B. The screen broke.C. The hard drive crashed.3. What does the woman like most at the restaurant?A. The bread.B. The pasta.C. The salads.4. What did the woman lose yesterday?A. A button.B. A new skirt.C. A new shirt.5. How does the woman feel in hot weather?A. Sad.B. Calm.C. Angry.第二节(共15小题:每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。





6. Why was the actress in court?A. She drove too fast.B. She drove without a license.C. She stole something from a supermarket.7. What is the third story about?A. A bull.B. An actor.C. An actress’ daughter.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。










AFamous Places in France That Everyone Will Want to VisitWhen visiting a new destination, it is always a good idea to know about the places on the must-see list. France is one of those countries that everyone would like to visit. Here is a list of some of the most famous places i n France that one should not miss going to.La Vallee de ChamonixSituated near Mt.Blanc, the Chamonix Valley is a paradise f or nature lovers and explorers. U has beautiful scenery all yea r round. The place is also famous for winter sports, being one of the oldest ski resorts. Lifts transport the visitors to the heart ot the massif (山丘),which offers breathtaking view of the valley. Perfect for advent urous explorers.Place Massena (Nice)This one is known globally as one of the most beautiful pub lic squares. The atmosphere here, is enhanced by fountains, statues and gardens. It is famous for street performances and concerts, specially the carnival parade in February. Another h ighlight nearby, is Vieux Nice. But the main attraction is at nig ht, when the atmosphere is magical due to the illuminations. Lascaux II (Montignac)Lascaux II is a reproduction of the set of caves that were di scovered in 1940. These caves were estimated to be more than 17,000 years old. The caves have some 1,500 paintings of wild animals.It is believed to have been a sanctuary(圣所)for the performance of sacred scaux II is open fo art lo vers who wish to see the early cave paintings and learn more about the history of European art.Luxembourg Gardens (Paris)This place acts as a perfect place to relax after a tiring day of sightseeing. These formal gardens, which were open to onl y the royalty before the French Revolution, now serve as one of Paris niost popular destinations. Families can spend time h ere,relaxing and enjoying the beauty of the nature. Before visiting these gardens, you can visit Fontaine de robservatoire, which is situated just south of the site.21. If you love to explore, which place may be your favorite?A.Place Massena. Vallee de Chamonix.C. Luxembourg Gardens.scaux II (Montignac).22. What can you probably see in Place Massena?A. Royal gardens.B.Natural scenery.C. Cave paintings.D.A street performance.23. Who is more likely to visit Lascaux II?A. A person who enjoys attending concerts.B. A person who likes adventurous explorations.C. A person interested in the history of European art,D. A person who needs a good rest after sightseeing.24. What is special about Luxembourg Gardens?A.It is located in Paris.B. It is suitable for families together.C. It has beautiful gardens.D. It is the most famous place in France. B“This is your last chance,” warned Mrs Gillfeather. I broke o ut in a sweat and my hands started to shake. We both wanted to get to sleep, but before we could, I had to put a cannuta(针管)in her arm.Before becoming a doctor I'd only a vague idea what a can nula was, coming from an hour spent with a plastic arm while at medical school. Once I became a doctor, however, I couldn 't seem to get away from them.For those of you who are lucky enough to have never com e into contact with one, they're tmy Mtle rubes that are put int o a vein(静脉)so that fluid or medicines can go directly into the blood. That's the theory. Unfortunately, the problem is that for them to work, you have to get them into the vein in the first place This tend s to be trickier than you'd imagine- and it's a job that tends to f all on the junior doctors.Mrs GiJifeather's veins were particularly elusive that evenin g. I'd been jabbing the needle in for least 20 minutes.“Isn't there someone else who could do this?” she asked, for the fourth time. “Someone who knows what they're doing, p erhaps,- she said under her breath, just loud enough for me to hear.Finally, I got it in. Mrs. Gillfeather and I both breathed a sig h of relief.Just as I was about to leave the ward, the nurse called me over, "Max, there’s another cannula to d0 on bed 16. ”25. What does the underlined word “elusive” in Paragraph Fo ur probably mean?A. Hard to find.B.Hard to understand,C. Easy to describe.D.Easy to reach.26. From Paragraph Three, we can learn that the author .A. was a younger doctor.B.didn’t like to be a doctor.C. felt himself unlucky.D.thought it easy to do the job.27. How did the author learn to put the needle into the vein at medical school?A. By imitating other doctors.B.By doing it on his own arms.C. By learning from parents,D.By practicing with a plastic ami.28. What is the best title of the passage?A.Practice was in vain.B.An unfortunate doctor.C.All my efforts paid off.D.A medical accident.COn 20th July 1969, millions of people saw Neil Armstrong t ake his first steps in space on television. Armstrong got out of the spacecraft Apollo 11,touched the ground of the moon and said, “That’s one small st ep for man,one giant leap for mankind.”A conspiracy(阴谋)theory has existed since the night of his lunar landing. Armstr ong's achievements were considered amazing,but people wondered if it really happened. Many people believ e that the scene on the moon wasn’t real. Rumours spread thr oughout coffee shops, street comers, and newspapers, but it soon died down.But theories resurfaced in 2001. Suspicion began when an American television network aired a program called Conspiracy Theory: Did We Land on the Moon7 The show argued that NASA did not have the money for such a voyage, and that the whole scene was probably filmed in a movie studio. Many crit ics say that there were no stars in the background during the l unar landing,so it must have been a fake. They also point out that the Ame rican flag that was posted was waving. How could that be if th ere is no wind on the moon?NASA(NationaI Aeronautics and Space Administration) has d enied these rumours many times. They explained that now ph otographers can capture the brightness of the astronauts with the dimness of the stars behind them. Also, they said that the flag was waving because the astronauts were pulling it back a nd forth trying to get it deeper into the rock. NASA also points out that the television program fails to mention that Armstrong and his team brought back 800 pounds of rock from the moo n.Neil Armstrong is seen as a national icon in the US and his lunar landing is one of the most historic events in the country' s history. But either way, this conspiracy theory still exists tod ay,29. What didn't the TV program Did We Land on the Moon? m ention?A.moneyB. starsC.the flagD.rocks30. How did NASA react to the rumo?A. siunvcd great angerB.It had to accept the rumor.C. It turned a deaf ear to the rumor.D. It gave explanations gainst the rumor.31.According to NASA ,the American flag was waving because of .A.the windB.the astronauts' pullingC.the gravityD.tte camera's movingDThe American state of Colorado is considering a ban on sm artphones for children younger than 13.A Denver-based doctor father -is leading the effort. Tim Famum is the founder of a group cal led 'Parents Against Underage Smartphones His propesal would ban sales of smartphones to children under the age of13. It would also ban sales to anyone who wishes to buy sucha device for anyone younger than 13.The measure would als o require sellers of smartphones to provide proof to the state government that they have asked buyers if the phone is for an ypne under 13.The measure now needs about 300,000 signatures in toap pear on Colorado's statewide ballot (投票权)next year. If it makes the ballot and is approved by voters, Col orado's would become the first state to have such a ban.Tim Farnum said he decided to push for the measure after watchinghis own children struggle with the mental effects of always ha ving a smartphone around .They would get the phone and loc k themselves in the room and change who they were,”he told The Coloradoan newspaper.State Senator John Kefalas, a Democrat, said he understan ds the reasoning behind the proposed law. However, he told The Coloradoan that a child’s smartphone usage is a "family matter and not something the government should decide. “Ulti mately, this comes down to parenting,” he said,“making sure t heir kids are not putting themselves at risk.”Last year,the AAP (the American Academy of Pediatrics) released guid elines for media use by children. The group advised parents t o limit time spent watching videos to no more than one hour a day of high-quality programming until age 6. After that, it said, parents sh ould set reasonable time limits for their children and make sure electronic devices do not take time away from sleep or exer cise.32. What’s NOT right about Tim Famum’s proposal ?A.It will be passed by the state of Colorado next year.B. It needs 300,000 signatures to gain the ballotC. It bans buying smartphones for children under 13.D. It bans selling smartphones to children under 13,33. What’s the driving force of Tim Famum’s proposal?A. Other parents’ request,B. His own children’s addiction to Smartphones.C. Smartphone harm to children's health.D. The guidelines released by the APP.34. What's the attitude of John Kefalas toward Tim Famum's propral?A. PositiveB.DoubtfulC.DisapprovingD. Unconcern ed35. From the last paragraph, we can infer that .A. children under 6 shouldnft watch videosB. parents are to blame for children's media use.C.parents should control children's media use.D.electronic devices won’t affect children's sleep第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分))根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。









1.What does the woman enjiy doing in her free time?A. SwimmingB.PaintingC.Singing2.What will the man do this saturday?A.Go to the exhibitionB.Visit his friendC.Go shopping3.Where are the speakers most probably?A.In a libraryB.At a bookstoreC.In a post office4.How did the woman learn to cook?A. She learnt from a cookbookB. She learnt from her frienndC. She learnt from a cooking show5.What did the man think they could do this weekend?A.Go to art galleryB.Stay at homeC. Go hiking第二节听下面5段对话, 选出最佳选项请听第六段材料,回答第6、7题。

6.What musical instrument can the man play?A. The violinB.GuitarC.Piano7.How many members are there in the band at present?A. TwoB.ThereC.Four请听第七段材料,回答第8、9题。



2017-2018学年度第一学期期中考试高二年级考试时间:120分钟分值:150分第I卷第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面 5 段对话。

每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 [A]、[B]、[C] 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。

听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。


1 What do the speakers think of the film?[A] Touching. [B] Exciting.[C] Boring.2 What will the man do at about 3:00 p.m.?[A] Take care of his work. [B] Give the woman a call.[C] Prepare for a package tour.3 What do we know about the man?[A] He is very forgetful. [B] He lost his passport.[C] He is late for the plane.4 How did the man get to know Dave?[A] They went to the same university.[B] They worked for the same company.[C] They lived in the same neighborhood.5 What are the speakers talking about?[A] A repairman. [B] The stairs.[C] An elevator.第二节(共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。

每段对话或独白后有 2 至 4 个小题,从题中所给的[A]、[B]、[C] 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。

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1. What do we know about the woman?A. She is richB. She is looking for a jobC. She is out of condition2. What will the woman do?A. Buy a carB. Take a testC. Have a driving lesson3. Where will the speakers go?A. A restaurantB. A libraryC. A park4. What does the man want to do?A. Book a room for a partyB. Hold a birthday party for his childC. Have a meeting with two adults5. Why is the man worried?A. He did poorly in the final examB. He’s not prepared for the coming examC. He has to hand in his homework in three days第二节(每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。





6. What does the woman like about the first skirt?A Its material B. Its color C. Its design7. What does the woman buy at last?A. A pale yellow skirt and a red coat.B. A pale yellow coat and a white skirt.C. A white shirt and a pale yellow coat. 听下面一段对话,回答第8和第9两个小题。

8. When did the woman learn a lesson?A. When she attended a concertB. When she went to an openingC. When she had a test9. What does the man want to drink?A. A large Coke.B. A medium CokeC. A small Coke听下面一段对话,回答第10至12三个小题。

10. What was the weather like on Monday?A. SunnyB. WindyC. Rainy.11. What did the man do on Thursday?A. He went boatingB. He went swimmingC. He went shopping12. How did the man feel on Friday?A. TiredB. Excited.C. Disappointed听下面一段对话,回答第13至16四个小题。

13. When should the man leave the dorm?A. On MondayB. On TuesdayC. On Thursday14. Why is the man calling?A. To make a complaint.B. To cancel the courseC. To find a place to live in15. How will the woman help the man?A. Look for a private house for himB. Give him a list of private housesC. Find another dorm for him16. What can we learn from the conversation?A. The man has been in the dorm for 10 weeksB. The man began the course at the end of JulyC. The woman will call the man several days later听下面一段独白,回答第17至20四个小题。

17. Wh ere will this year’s Motor Show be held?A.On the Park School FieldB. On the Three Tree Show GroundC. On the Park School Show Ground18. What troubled visitors in the Motor Show last year?A. Parking carsB. Buying ticketsC. Finding the place19. How much is it for two adults and two children?A. £.18B. £ 24C. £ 3020. What does the speaker advise people to do?A. Take cameras with themB. Buy a family ticketC. Get tickets in advance第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。

AEvery year, TIME selects the best inventions that are making the world better, smarter and—in some cases—a little more fun. Here are the ones on last year’s list.The Hello SenseIt’s hard to believe that an alarm clock, called Hello Sense, can not only be beautiful but also improve your sleep. It can control the temperature, light and even air quality in your bedroom to help you have a perfect sleep environment. It can wa ke you up when you’re in the lightest part of your sleep cycle and ready to wake. You can also speak to Sense to find out how well you slept.The Folding Bike Helmet (头盔)People refuse to wear a helmet because it’s thick and heavy. The Morpher, a bike helmet made from interweaved plastics is just as strong as its traditional ones, but flexible enough to fold almost totally flat, making it easier to carry.Shoes That Tie ThemselvesAlmost everyone who sees the movie Back to the Future wants a pair of shoes that tie themselves. Now, thanks to Nike, the shoe dream is a reality. When you press a button near the tongue, the sneakers themselves tighten and loosen around your feet. Simplified shoe fastening could be helpful for the athletes during the competition, and it’s especially useful for people with the impaired (损坏的)motor nerve.Sweet Potatoes That Could Save LivesIn sub-Saharan Africa, the lack of vitamin (维他命) A puts children at risk of blindness, and other diseases. Plant scientists are helping some countries grow their own solutions in the form of sweet potatoes. And they fight against droughts. Last year, the orange-colored sweet potatoes won the World Food Prize and have been seen as a healthy crop for all.21.What do we know about Hello Sense?A.It shows you ways of sleeping wellB.It can serve as a light in your bedroom.C.It tries its best to improve your quality of sleep.D.It can wake you up at any time every day.22.Who are more suitable to wear shoes that tie themselves?A.Ones who enjoy seeing Back to the Future.B.Ones who practice running.C.Ones who are fans of Nike.D.Ones who have trouble with the motor nerve23.Which column is the passage probably taken from?A. historyB. travelC. scienceD. cultureBLast week, I went to Montpellier in the south of France for an exam. So this trip was for business, not for pleasure. However, I was looking forward to seeing some of my friends, who studied in Paul Valery University in Montpellier.I was quite happy to go to Montpellier because it was a part of France that I hadn’tseen before. Upon arriving there, I was greeted at the train station by one of my friends. We decided to go for a walk to Place de la Comedie before heading to our exam. Then, we received a text message from our lecturer, saying that the exam had been cancelled. I was angry because I had travelled three hours from Toulouse for no purpose.After venting our anger, my friend and I decided to go to the nearest shopping centre--- the Odysseum. I enjoyed my time there, especially since my friends took me to the aquarium (水族馆) there, and I picked up even more French words for sea creatures like asea lion. So my journey to Montpellier wasn’t totally without purpose. After this, we went to Pizza Pino for lunch in the Odysseum where food and good service made me impressed.I asked my friends to show me some of the sites, like Place de la Comedie. My favoritesite of the whole trip must have been the Arc de Triomphe, because behind the Arc de Triomphe is a park area with an area to stand. From here, my friends and I watched the sunset before I had to go back to Toulouse.In a word, my trip wasn’t a total w aste. I had a great day in Montpellier with my friends and learnt some new words in French.24. The author went to Montpellier to __________.A. take part in an examB. get together with his friendsC. enjoy places of French interestD. study further in Paul Valery University25. What did the author like best in Montpellier?A. Having a walk to Place de la ComedieB. Going shopping in the OdysseumC. Delicious food offered by Pizza PinoD. Enjoying the sunset from the Arc de Triomphe26. Why did the author think the journey to Montpellier wasn’t totally withoutpurpose?A. The author found real pleasure in MontpellierB. The author learned French from his friendsC. The author could avoid stress from the examD. The author didn’t expect t he good service he received27. What can we infer from the author’s trip to Montpellier?A. The trip to Montpellier is worthwhileB. We should make good preparations in advanceC. Trips are sometimes a waste of time and moneyD. Trips and culture are hand in handC.Anyone who has had a long-term illness knows that recovering at home can be lonely. This is especially true of children, who may feel cut from their friends and classmates.Now, these children may have a high-tech friend to help feel less lonely. A robot called A V1 goes to school for a child who is homebound while he is recovering from a long-term illness. And the child’s school friends help carry the robot between classes and place the robot on the child’s desk.A company called No Isolation created the robot. The founder Dolva explains how the robot A V1 works. She says from home, the child uses a tablet or a phone to start the robot. Then they use the same device to control the robot’s movements.At school, the robot sits on the child’s desk in the classroom and the child uses a tablet or a phone to start it, control its movements with touch, and talk through it. So it’s the eyes and the ears and the voice at school. The student can take part in classroom activities from wherever they are recovering. The robot is equipped with speakers, microphones and cameras that make communicating easy.A V1 is large and looks like a human for a reason. Dolva says this is important because the robot is supposed to be a friend to the children. It can’t be just a tiny camera because the other kids can pick it up and take it with them. And robots are, quite simply, cool. The robot just became available to the public. Hopefully A V1 will help some children feel less lonely while they are absent from classes.28. When can the robot A V1 be brought to the classroom?A. When a child feels lonely and cut off at school.B When the teacher is ill and can’t attend classesC. When a child is sick at home or in hospitalD. When a child wants to help with his lessons29. What will the robot A V1 do in class?A. Join in class activities through the control of the childB. Record the lessons for the child to learn back at home.C. Present recorded information about the child’s illnessD. Record daily activities of the classmates for the child30. Why is the robot A V1 designed to be large and look like a human?A. To make the child less lonely at home or in hospitalB. To make sure that it won’t break down easily in classC. To make it store more school information for the childD. To let the child’s classmates feel it’s their friend.31. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word “homebound”?A. Cut away from the worldB. Forced to stay indoorsC. Having the family responsibilityD. Losing control of everythingDYoga is a way to bring strength and calm to a person’s mind and body. People use breathing to try to calm and control their minds. Laughter Yoga comes from these same ideas. It uses breathing exercise and laughter to strengthen the mind and body. For example, people doing Laughter Yoga perform simple laughter exercises together in a group. While they are laughing, they concentrate on breathing in a particular way. They also move and stretch their bodies.Doctor Madan Kataria in Mumbai, India invented Laughter Yoga. Through his research of laughter he found people did not know the difference between forced or false laughter and real laughter. Forced laughter can lead to a feeling of happiness. And then Kataria had the idea for a group of people who would laugh together.Kataria gathered a few of his friends in a public park in 1995 in Mumbai. His friends formed the first Laughter Club. That small group grew and grew! And today there are thousands of laughter yoga clubs all over the world.Laughter Club meetings are similar all around the world. People in a club usually perform a series of exercises, including body movement, correct breathing, and of course, laughter! At the beginning of the meeting, people may have to force themselves to laugh. But in the end, everyone is usually laughing in a real way.Kataria claims that laughter is actually a very good form of exercise. It helps to improve the immune system(免疫系统),lower blood pressure and help lift depression.Laughter Yoga is good for everyone because everyone can laugh. Experts explain that laughter crosses all barriers. It does not matter how old you are, where you are from, what language you speak, or what abilities you have. Everyone likes to laugh.32. What do Yoga and Laughter Yoga have in common?A. They use physical exercise to make the mind and body strong.B. They focus on the importance of laughing in our daily lifeC. They require people to form groups to do exercise.D. They make people feel what a happy life they live33. What made Madan Kataria come up with Laughter Club?A. His friends’ requirementsB. His research about laughterC. His feeling of happinessD. His wonder of real laughter34. According to the experts, we can infer that _________.A. they approve of Laughter Yoga very muchB. they advise everyone to laugh as much as possibleC. they think everyone should be treated equallyD. they deal with their problems through laughing35. What’s the main idea of the passage?A. Tell the meaning of Laughter in our lifeB. Compare Yoga with Laughter YogaC. Show the exercise ---- Laughter YogaD. How to keep us happy all the time第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。
