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UV:The visible region corresponds to 800 to 400 nm,and the ultraviolet region to 400nm to 200nm.
The wavelength at which absorption is a maximum is referred to as the λmax of the sample.
The absorbance A of a sample is proportional to its concentration in solution and the path length through which the beam of ultraviolet radiation passes.
To correct for concention and path length ,absorbance is convered to molar absorptivity e by dividing it by the concentration c in moles per liter and the path length l in centimeters.
红外①While NMR spectroscopy is,in general,more revealing of the structure of an unkown compound,IR still remains an important place in the chemist’s inventory of spectroscopic methods because of its usefulness in identifying the presence of certain functional groups within a molecule.
②wave numbers are reciprocal centimeters,so the region 2.5 to 16 corresponds to 4000 to 625cm .an advantang using wave numbers is that they are directly proporthus,tional to energy while wavelengths are inversely proportional to energy. Thus 4000cm is the high-energy end of the scale and 625 cm is the low-energy end.
Almost all organic compounds exhibit a peak or peaks near 3000 cm because it is in this region that absorption due to carbon-hydrogen stretching vibrations occurs.The peaks at 1460 ,1380,and725cm-1 are due to various bending vibrations.
③In using infrared spectroscopy for structure determination,peaks in the range 1600 to 4000cm-1 are usually emphasized because this is the region in which the vibrations characteristic of particular functional groups are found .the region 1300 to 625cm-1 is known as the fingerprint region.It is here that the pattern of peaks varies most from compound to compound.
质谱① It does not depend on the selective absorption of particular frequencies of electromagnetic radiation but rather examines what happens to a molecule,when it is bombarded with high-energy electrons.
②The molecular ion has the same mass(less the negligible mass of a single electron)as the molecule from which it is formed.
③Scanning all m/z values gives the distribution of positive ions ,called amass spectrum,characteristic of a particular compound.
氢谱①The orientation of the spectrum on the chart is adjusted electronically so that the TMS peak coincides with the zero grid line.
②A 60-MHZ nmr spectrometer separates the energy of nuclear spin states only 60 percent as much as does a 100-MHZ spectrometer.
③By reporting chemical shifts in parts per million,this effect fo field strength is taken into account:thus irrespective of magnetic field strength.The signal due to the proton of chloroform appears at 7.28 ppm.
总论①The number of signals in a H nmr molecule;the integrated areas tell us their relative ratios;their chemical shifts indicate the kind of environment surrounding the proton:and the splitting pattern is related to the number of protons on adjacent carbons.
②By using special technique

s for signal enhancement,high-quality C13 nmr spectra may be obtained and these provide a useful complement to proton spectra.
③In many substances a separate signal is observed for each carbon atom; and the chemical shifts are characteristic of particular structural types.Carbon signals are normally presented as singlets,but through a technique known as off-resonance decoupling they appear as multiplets in which the number of peaks is one more than the number of directly bonded hydrogens.
③It is useful for determining the presence of certain functional groups based on their characteristic absorption frequencies.
⑤By examining the fragments and by knowing how classes of molecules dissociate on electron impact,one can deduce the structure of a compound.Mass spectuometry is quite sensitive:as little as 10-9 g of compound is sufficient.

生物碱Ground,air-dired,stem bark of O.glaberrima was extracted with CH2CL2/MEOH(1:1)at room temperature. The extract was concentrated under reduced pressure and its anti-microbial activities against a range -organisms were evaluated in vitro, using the agar diffusion test .Following bioassay-directed chromotographic fractionation ,two new alkaloid, oriciacridone A(1) and oriciacridoneB(2),were isolated , together with the known lichexanthone(3)
Oriciacridone A (1) was obtained as yellow crystals and reacted positively with FeCl3, thereby indicating the presence of a phenolic hydroxyl group.
何首乌理化鉴别Boil about 0.1g of the powder in 10ml of 10% sodium hydroxide solution for 3 min,cool and filter.Acidify the filtrate with hydrochloric acid,extract with equal quantity of ether, the layershows a yellow colour .To 4ml of ether solution add 2ml ammonia TS,shake,the ammonia layer shows a red color.
Heat under reflux about 0.2g of the powder in 5ml of ethanol for 5min,filter while hot,and allow to cool.Evaporate 2 drops of the filtrate to dryness in a porcelain dish ,add a drop of saturated solution of antimony trichlodide in chloroform ,a red-brown to violet-red colour is produced.(1)取粉末约0.1g,加10%氢氧化钠溶液10ml,煮沸3分钟,冷后滤过。取滤液,加盐酸使成酸性,再加等量乙醚,振摇,乙醚层应显黄色。分取乙醚液4ml,加氨试液2ml,振摇,氨试液层显红色。(2)取粉末约0.2g,加乙醇5ml,热回流提取5分钟,趁热过滤,放冷。取滤液2滴,置蒸发皿中蒸干,趁热加三氯化锑的氯仿饱和溶液1滴,显红棕色至紫红色。
黄芪To 3g of the powder add 20ml of methanol and hcat under reflux on a water bath for 1h and filter.Apply the filtrate to a prepared neutral aluminium oxide column(100-120mesh.5g.10-15mm in internal diameter )and elute with 100ml of 40% methanol,collect the eluate.Evaporatc the eluate on a water bath to dryness.Dissolve the residue in 30ml of water and cxiract with 2 quantities of 20ml n-butanol saturated with water,combinc the n-butanol solutions and wash s

olution and evaporate the n-butanol solution to dryness on a water bath.Dissolve the residue in 0.5ml of methanol as the test solution.
Dissolve astragaloside IV CRS in methanol to produce a solution containing 1 mg per ml as the reference solution. 另取黄芪甲苷对照品,加甲醇制成每1毫升含1毫克的溶液,作为对照品溶液。Carry out the method for thin layer chromatography (TLC)(Appendix ⅥB) using silica gel G as the coating substance and the lower layer of a mixture of chloroform, methanol and water (13:7:2) as the mobile phase. Apply separately to the plate 2 μl of each of the two solutions. After developing and removal of the plate, dry it in air, spray with 10% sulfuric acid in ethanol, and heat at 105℃ to the spots distinct.
参照薄层层析色谱法(附录Ⅵ B)试验,吸取上述两种溶液各2微升,分别点于同一硅胶G薄层板上,以氯仿–甲醇–水(13:7:2)混合溶液的下层溶液为展开剂,展开,取出,晾干,喷以10%的硫酸乙醇溶液,并于105℃加热至斑点清晰。
A brown spot in the chromatogram obtained with the test solution corresponds in position and color to the spot in the chromatogram obtained with the reference solution. Examine under ultra-violet light ( 365 nm ), orange-yellow fluorescent spots are shown in both chromatograms. 供试品色谱中,在与对照品色谱相应的位置上,显相同的棕色斑点。置荧光灯365nm下检视,在供试品和对照品色谱中具有黄棕色的荧光斑点

①Assay:含量测定Operate protected from light. 避光操作。
Carry out the method for high performance liquid chromatography (Appendix VI D).
②Chromatographic system and system suitability 色谱条件及系统适用性
Use octadecylsilane bonded silica gel as the stationary phase and a mixture of acetonitrile and water(25:75) as the mobile phase.
As detector a spectrophotometer set at 320 nm. The number of theoretical plates of column is not less than 2000, calculated with the reference to the peak of 2,3,5,4'-tetrahydroxystilbene-2-O-β-D-glycoside.
③Reference solution 对照品溶液
Weigh accurately a quantity of 2,3,5,4'-tetrahydroxystilbene-2-O-β-D-glycoside CRS, dissolve in dilute ethanol to produce a solution containing 0.2 mg per ml as the reference solution.
④Test solution 供试品溶液
Weigh accurately 0.2 g of the powder (through No.4 sieve) to a conical flask, add accurately 25 ml of dilute ethanol and weigh, heat under

reflux on a water bath for 30 minutes, allow to cool, weigh again, replenish the loss of the solvent and mix well, then filter the supernatant with millipore (0.45μm).
⑤Procedures 测定法
Accurately inject 10μl of each of the reference solution and the test solution, respectively, into the column, determine and calculate the content.
It contains not less than 1.0 per cent of 2,3,5,4'-tetrahydroxystilbene-2-O-β-D-glycoside (C20H22O9).
丹参Boil 5 g of the powder in 50 ml of water for 15~20 minutes, cool and filter. Concentrate the filtrate on a water bath, dissolve the extract in 3~5 ml of ethanol, filter. Apply several drops of the filtrate to a piece of filter paper, allow it to dry and examine under ultra-violet light (365nm) , a bright bluish-grey fluorescence is produced. Expose the filter paper to ammonia vapour for 20 minutes, remove the filter paper and examine again under ultra-violet light (365 nm ), a pale bluish-green fluorescence is produced.
To 0.5 ml of the filtrate obtained from Identification (1) , add 1~2 drops of ferric chloride TS: a dull green color is produced.
Carry out the method for thin layer chromatography, using silica gel G as the coating substance and a mixture of benzene-ethyl acetate (19:1) as the mobile phase. Apply separately to the plate 5μl of each of the three solutions. After developing and removal of the plate, dry it in air.
照薄层层析色谱方法实验,吸取上述三种溶液各5μl,分别点于同一硅胶G薄层板上,以苯-乙酸乙酯(19:1)作为展开剂,展开, 取出,晾干。供试品色谱中,在与对照药材色谱相应的位置上显相同颜色的斑点;在与对照品色谱相应位置上,显相同的暗红色斑点。
