
工商管理(电子商务方向) 工商管理(电子商务方向)
公共事业管理 旅游管理 人力资源管理 物流管理
Department of Management
会计系 会计学(国际会计方向) 会计学(国际会计方向)
Department of Accounting
金融学 金融学(国际金融方向) 金融学(国际金融方向) 城市规划
Science of Advertisement
外语系日语系别 Nhomakorabea专业
序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
专业 Business Administration Business Administration(Ecommerce) Public Services Management Tourism Management Human Resource Management Logistics Management Accounting Accounting(International Accounting) Internatioanal Economics and Commerce Finance Finance(International Finance) City Planning E-Information Technology Computer Science and Technology Science of Law
Department of Economics
电子信息工程 计算机科学与技术
法学 广告学
Departmetn of Computer Science

1.The engine lathe is so named because it was originally powered by the steam ”engine” of the eighteenth and nineteenth century where the lathe is connected to pulley power from overhead line shafts or connected directly to the steam engine.卧式车床的命名是因为在18和19世纪的时候,车床是靠蒸汽机引擎提供动力,车床通过上方的轴和皮带轮连接或者直接与蒸汽机相连。
2.Material removal is normally the most expensive manufacturing process because more energy is consumed, and also a lot of waste material is generated in the process.材料除了加工通常是最为昂贵的制造工艺过程,主要是在这种生产工艺中消耗的能量多,并且还要产生许多的废材料。
3. A manufacturer of children’s tricycles would soon go out of business if the parts were made with jet-engine accuracy---no one would be willing to pay the price.如果童车制造商将童车制造成与喷汽式发动机一样的精度,这样不但没有人愿意支付昂贵的价格来购买,而且制造商还会面临着很快退出童车市场。
4. When a material under tension reaches the limit of its elastic strain and begins to flow plastically , it is said to have yielded.当材料在拉的作用下达到它的弹性应变极限而开始产生塑形流变时,这就叫屈服。

9.We know from the fossil record that our ancestors and other intelligent creatures,the australopithecines,branched off from an apelike creature 2.5 million to 3 million years ago ,and coexisted until the australopithecines died out a little less than a million years ago.Stone tools and other evidence at campsites that date form about 2,000,000 B.C.indicate that some form of australopithecine performed human activities ------ making tools,sharing food and working together.我们知道从化石记录我们的祖先和其他智能生物,猿,分枝从远古的生物2500000到3000000年前,南方古猿和共存直到死了比一百万年前少了一点。

注:电气工程及其自动化专业英语翻译 1~7面班级:1002班学号:20姓名:王定瑞PART 1 FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRIC ENGINEERINGChapter 1 Circuit Fundamentals第1部分的电气工程基础第1章电路原理Electrostatic Charges静电荷Protons and electrons are parts of atoms that make up all things in our world. The positive charge of a proton is similar to the negative charge of an electron. However, a positive charge is the opposite of a negative charge. These charges are called electrostatic charges. Each charged particle is surrounded by an electrostatic field.质子和电子部件的原子构成一切事物在我们的世界。
The effect that electrostatic charges have on each other is very important. They either repel (move away) or attract (come together) each other. It is said that like charges repel and unlike charges attract.这个效应,静电指控对方是非常重要的。

Chiguo Chapter 8 Section 1 Coal-Fired Power Plants燃煤发电站第一段:在化石燃料发电厂中,煤,石油或者天然气在燃烧室中燃烧,燃烧产生高温的水,然后转换成水蒸气,高温的水蒸气将驱动汽轮机,汽轮机与发电机机械地连接在一起。

1.1 What is Remote Sensing?So, what exactly is remote sensing? For the purposes of this tutorial, we will use thefollowing definition:"Remote sensing is the science (and to some extent, art) of acquiring information about the Earth's surface without actually being in contact with it. This is done by sensing and recording reflected or emitted energy and processing, analyzing, and applying that information."1.1什么是遥感?那么,究竟什么是遥感?这篇教程的目的,我们将使用下面的定义:“遥感科学(在某种程度上,艺术)获取地球表面信息,而不必接触它。
”In much of remote sensing, the process involves an interaction between incident radiation and the targets of interest. This is exemplified by the use of imaging systems where the following seven elements are involved. Note, however that remote sensing also involves the sensing of emitted energy and the use of non-imaging sensors.在许多遥感,过程包括入射辐射和感兴趣的目标之间的相互作用。

Historical Development of Matertials and TechnologyThe common engineering materials include metals, cementing materials, concrete building stones, clay products, insulating materials, timber. Some of them are described here from the stand-point of occurrence, manufacture, properties, methods of testing, and use.The development of materials with improved properties is a vital phase of engineering. Progress in engineering construction has been dependent on the availability of materials of suitable physical properties in large quantities; for example, the development of the modern automobile was critically dependent on availability of high quality alloy steels, and the all-metal airplane was made possible by the development of light weight high-strength alloys.◆Phase: 相;阶段。
◆a distinct period or stage in a process of change or forming part ofsomething's developmentExample:phase two of the development is in progress.◆第二阶段开发正在进行中。
专业英语 1 词缀、翻译标准及过程

Vocabulary Characteristic II
9. –ity 构成抽象名词,表示“性,度” stability 稳定性;reliability 可靠性; feasibility 可行性。 10. –ive 形容词词尾,表示“……的” conductive 导电的; active 有源的; passive 无源的;inductive 感性的。 11. –less 形容词词尾,表示“无……” wireless 无线的。 12. –meter 表,计 speedmeter 速度计;ohmmeter 电阻表。
5. –en 一般是形容词+en构成,表示“使……” soften 软化; harden 使……变硬。 6. -er/-or 表示“机器、设备、物件等” air-oil booster 气-液增压器; air compressor 空气压缩机。 7. –free 形容词词尾,表示“无……的”,“免于……的” loss-free 无损耗的; dust-free 无尘的。 8. –ics 名词词尾,表示学科名称 physics 物理学;mathematics 数学; electronics 电子学。
Vocabulary Characteristic II
13. –proof 形容词词尾,表示“防……的” fireproof 防火的;lightningproof 防雷的。 14. -tion/-sion 名词词尾 generation 发电;motion 运动; transmission 传输,发射。 15. -or/-er 名词词尾,表示“器、物或人” generator 发电机;motor 电动机; transmitter 发射机。 16. -ist/-ician 名词词尾,表示从事某方面工作的 人,……家 specialist 专家; mathematician 数学家。

下面店铺为大家带来专业的英语意思和相关用法,欢迎大家一起学习!专业的英语意思major专业的相关英语例句1. Traditionally young Asians in Britain have gravitated towards medicine, law and engineering.英国的亚裔年轻人通常被吸引到医学、法律及工程专业。
2. Support for monogamy and marriage was strongest among the professional classes.专业人士阶层最支持一夫一妻制。
3. His papers were proof against all but the most expert of scrutinies.他的论文几乎可以经受住最专业的审查。
4. He is a model professional and an example to the younger lads.他是个模范的专业人士,是年轻人的榜样。
5. We have to develop a less amateurish approach to our organisa-tions.我们必须使我们对待自己组织的态度变得较为专业。
6. Always seek professional legal advice before entering into any agreement.在签订任何协定之前一定要先征求法律专业人士的意见。
7. Most of the staff specialise in the care of children.多数员工都掌握专业的儿童保育知识。
8. He majored in finance at Claremont Men's College in California.他在加利福尼亚州的克莱尔蒙特男子学院主修金融专业。

综英翻译UNIT71) 我爬上峭壁,以便饱览大海的景色。
(scramble)I scrambled up the cliff for a good view of the sea.2) 他向窃贼猛扑过去,为夺取武器与之争斗。
(lunge)He lunged at the burglar and wrestled with him for the weapon.3) 我认为我国国民经济将继续快速增长。
(figure)I figure that our national economy will continue to develop rapidly.4) 董事长力图让股东们放心,公司业绩不佳的情况不会再发生。
(reassure)The president (chairman) made an effort to reassure the shareholders that the company’s bad results would never occur again (would not be repeated).5) 别像个孩子似的,要控制住你自己。
(pull oneself together)Stop acting like a baby! Pull yourself together.6) 他是个非常隐秘的人,从不向任何人透露自己的秘密。
(confide in)Being very much a private man, he does not confide in anyone.7)我们憎恨恐怖分子对普通人不加区别的施暴行为。
(indiscriminate)We all hate the terrorists’ indiscriminate violence against ordinary people.8) 这个国家有许多人对暴力犯罪案件的急剧增加感到惊慌。
(alarm)Many people in this country are alarmed by the dramatic increase in violent crimes.9) 我们预料敌人可能设法过河,所以我们把桥摧毁了。

1. Electrical Measuring Instruments电子测量仪表Electrical personnel use many different types of measuring instruments. 电子技术人员使用许多不同类型的测量仪器。
Some jobs require very accurate measurements while other jobs need only rough estimates. 一些工作需要精确测量面另一些工作只需粗略估计。
Some instruments are used solely to determine whether or not a circuit is complete. 有些仪器被使用仅仅是确定线路是否完整。
The most common measuring and testing instruments are voltage testers, voltmeters, ammeters, ohmmeters, continuity testers, megohmmeters, wattmeters(功率计), and watt-hour meters(电度表,电表)。
All meters used for measuring electrical values are basically current meters. 所有测量电值的表基本上都是电流表。
They measure or compare the values of current flowing through them. 他们测量或是比较通过他们的电流值。
The meters are calibrated and the scale is designed to read the value of the desired unit. 这些仪表可以被校准并且设计了不同的量程,以便读出期望的数值。

1大多数的机加工主要是由五中基本的机床来完成Most of the mechanical operations are performed by five basic machine tools.2车床一般被成为整个机床加工设备家庭成员中之父。
The lathe is commonly called the father of the entire machine tool family.3.磨削加工是利用研磨颗粒来切学金属,磨削加工可分为精磨和非精磨。
Grinding makes use of abrasive particles to do the cutting.grinding may be classified as precisiom and nonprecision.ling can produce flat or angled surfaces,grooves,slots,gear teeth,and other profiles,depending on the shape of cutters being used.磨削可根据所用的铣刀形状分别加工平面,槽口,缝,轮齿及其他型面。
3.Nonprecision grinding involves the removal of metal where is not important.粗磨是指切除精度不高的工件多余的金属。
1A spherical mechanism is one in which each link has some point which remains stationary as the linkage moves and in which the stationary points of all links lie at a common location .在平面机构中,当连杆机构运动时,每一连杆都有某个保持静止的点,而且所有连杆的静止点都在同一位置上。

物料钛(Ti)titanium钛白粉Titanium dioxide钛精矿Titanium ore concentrate钛铁矿ilmenite金红石型钛白粉Rubile Titanium dioxide锐钛型钛白粉Anatase titanium dioxide压缩空气Compressed air酸性溶液Acid solution矿粉Powdered ore矿渣Slag铁粉(Fe)iron powder石灰石limestone聚丙烯酰胺(PAM) polyacrylamide磷酸三钠(Na3PO3)trisodium phosphate六偏磷酸三钠sodium hexametaphosphate工业盐industrial salt铝粉(Al)aluminium powder氢氧化钾(KOH)Potassium Hydroxide磷酸(H3PO3)phosphoric acid浓碱concentrated alkali盐酸(HCl)hydrochloric acid硫酸铝(Al2(SO4)3)aluminium sulphate偏铝酸钠(NaAlO)Sodium Aluminate硫酸锆(Zr(SO4)2·4H2O )zirconium sulfate 硅酸钠(NaSiO)sodium silicate新鲜水fresh water循环水recirculated water脱盐水demineralized water过热蒸汽superheated steam饱和蒸汽saturated steam液化气Liquefied gas煤coalBackwater 循环水,回水;污水,废液Barrow 矿皮,弃矿装置原料进料斗Raw material feeder hopper单斗装载机Single-bucket loaders手动出口插板阀Manual export flapper valve粉矿贮仓进料插板阀Fine ore silo feed flapper valve手动单轨起重机Manual Monorail Cranes斗式提升机Bucket elevator磨矿系统Rubbing system进料链式输送机Feeding chain type conveyer出料链式输送机Leaves the material chain type conveyer 星型给料器Star feeder钢管steel tube钢制压力容器Steel pressure vessel管道pipe仪表Instrument专用机械设备Special-purpose Machinery离心泵centrifugal pump阀门valve电气Electricity压滤机press filter框式压滤机frame filter press煅烧炉calcinator 、calciner湿磨机wet grinder:['graində]磨粉机pulverizer 英音:['pʌlvəraizə]美音:['pʌlvə,raɪzɚ]过程名词氯化法chloride process :['klɔ:raid],chlorination process,英音:[klɔ:ri'neiʃn] 美音:[klorɪ'neʃn]硫酸法sulfuric acid process :[sʌl'fju:rik][ˈprəuses]原矿粉碎Ore crushing ['krʌʃiŋ]酸解Acidolysis [,æsi'dɔlisis]酸解工序Acidolysis process [,æsi'dɔlisis][ˈprəuses]沉降过滤Sedimentation filtration真空结晶vacuum crystallization [ˈvækjuəm] ['kristəlai'zeiʃən]亚铁分离Ferrous separation [ˈferəs] [ˌsepəˈreiʃən]控制过滤filtration control :[fil'treiʃən]钛液浓缩Titanium concentrated水解hydrolyzing :['haidrəlaiziŋ]一次水洗First washed漂白whiten二次水洗second washed盐处理Salt treatment窑前压滤Filter pressing Before the kiln煅烧calcining晶相煅烧calcining phase粉碎comminution :[,kɔmi'nju:ʃən]中间粉碎Middle comminution润湿砂磨wet grinding ['graindiŋ]无机包膜Inorganic coating三次水洗Third washed闪蒸干燥Flash drying有机包膜organic coating包装package散装钛铁矿来自厂外Bulk ilmenite from outside the factory Backrush 回流Backwash 喷流,尾流,倒流Bell 漏斗Bellow 风机Bend 弯头,弯管;弯曲其他名词阿克苏诺贝尔Akzo Nobel电electricity [iˌlekˈtrisiti]原矿工序Undressed ore working procedure比例Proportion [prəˈpɔ:ʃən]设计项目Design project工程project成品productBasicity 碱度,碱性。

Types of Automobiles汽车的类型The automobile industry is a fast developing industry. Form the later 18th century when the first automobile was put on road, this industry has developed tremendously. Now there are thousands of factories all over the world manufacturing numerous types of automobiles. This industry employs crores of men and women directly and indirectly in allied industries. The automobile engines are also being used in engine powered machines for agriculture, construction and manufacturing processes. Various types of small engines are also being used in lawn movers, power saws, snow removers and similar equipment. The automobile industry is a developing and demanding industry which does not find its end or saturation point. There is a great demand for varied types of automotive products, vehicles and engines. There is also a great demand for trained and experienced persons in this industry for diagnosing motor vehicle troubles, repairing and replacing engines components, transmissions, propeller shafts, differentials, axles, steering system components, brake system components, suspension components, air conditioners, heaters, body and glass work.汽车产业是一个迅速发展的行业。

Chapter 11.multi-core processor(多核处理器)------It is a single computing component with two or more independent actual processing units called “cores”, which are the units that read and execute program instructions.它是集成了两个或两个以上称为“核”的处理单元的计算部件,具有读取和执行程序指令的单元。
2.graphics processing unit(GPU)(图形处理单元)------A graphics processing unit, also occasionally called visual processing unit(VPU),is a specialized processor. It is designed to rapidly manipulate and alter memory to accelerate the creation of images in a frame buffer intended for output to a display.它是一个图形处理单元,有时也被称为视觉处理单元VPU,一个专门的处理器。
3.Wearable computer(可穿戴电脑)------A wearable computer, also known as a body-borne computer or wearable ,is a miniature electronic device that is worn by the bearer under, with or on top of clothing.穿戴式电脑,也被称为人体电脑或穿戴电脑,是一种微型电子设备,由持有者佩戴在身上或者衣服上。

Unit1: Translation exercises1. He has prepared answers to the questions that he expects to confront during the interview.2. His sad story touched us so deeply that we nearly cried.3、People from Shanghai can understand Suzhou dialect with ease, for Shanghai dialect and Suzhou dialect have much in common.4、Henry and his wife are looking into the possibility of buying a new house within three years.5. The two of them are walking hand in hand along the riverbank, chatting and laughing.6. When he heard the exciting news, tears of joy welled up in his eyes.7. He finally gave in to his daughter's repeated requests to further her education abroad.8. We locked all our valuables away before we went on holiday.9. Although we have parted from each other, I hope that we will remain good friends and that we will care for and help each other just as we did in the past.10. At that critical moment, the army commander summoned all the officers to work out new strategies and tactics which would make it possible to conquer the enemy.Unit2:Translation exercises1Yesterday a government delegation headed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs arrived in South Africa and began a three-day friendly visit to the country.2、It is awfully funny to look at these caricatures which satirize social ills.3、Computers are one of the most useful teaching aids,for all your lessons as well as all the questions asked and all the answers provided can be shown on a screen.4.、Xiao Zhang’s mother fell ill the day before yesterday; he sent for a doctor immediately.5、He failed in the college entrance examination last year,but he did not feeldisappointed.Instead,he continued to study hard,passed the examination successfully and become a student in famous university this year.6、There are many English words that this middle school student cannot pronounce correctly.7In this era of information explosion, we have to make constant efforts to renew our knowledge. Only thus can we become adjusted to the requirement s of our work.8With his shirt tucked into the top of his trousers and a leather bag under his arm, the boy looks just like a boss.9、Although she is only 8 years old,the little girl is already very good at calculating fractions.No wonder her parents feel proud of her.10、All the neighborhood have heard of the news,but you haven't.Don't you think it is strange?Unit31.I am sorry I am late,but I was at a meeting and couldn’t get away.2.At the concert, whenever a singer finished singing a beautiful song, the audience would burst into loud cheers to show their appreciation.3. She is always wearing stylish clothes, but seldom cares about what she eats or drinks.4.The nurse told me that the doctors had done wonders for your heart disease.5.When awarding the prize, the chairman comlimented the winner on his great contribution to mankind.6.This problem has bothered the experts for many years.7.The crowd demonstrators melted away when the police arrived.8.Since punctuality is such a good habbit,we should pay close attention to it and make every effort to cultivate it.9.The old man cherishes that girl,as if she were his own daughter.10.It is just a routine physical checkup, nothing to get worried about.Unit 4.1. 1.It is an attempt made to strengthen our competitive ability.2. 2.The police in this district know where the thieves hang out.3. 3.The agreement signed will break down all the barriers to free trade.4. 4.It was a very difficult situation,but he handled it very successfully.5. 5.He is my best friend.I just can’t turn my back on him now that he needs my help.6. 6.So long as you work hard,you are bound to succeed and realize your ambition sooner orlater.7.7.Although he hates the job,yet he is determined to stick it out because he needs the money tosupport the family.8.8.That cancer patient kept an optimistic attitude towards his disease,persisted in combatingit,and conquered it in the end.9.9.This university has a staff of more than 2000,including about 150 professors and over 500associate professors.10.10.The concert was held to mark the 75th anniversary of the composer’s death.Unit51. 1.That psychiatrist who had talked about his patients in public, was charged with violatingprofessional ethics.2. 2.Hanging on the walls of the classroom are some famous sayings,which inspire and urgepeople to exert themselves.3. 3.All kinds of commodities are available.Nothing is in short supply.4. 4.We all trust the president for his absolute integrity.5. 5.Before we vote for him, we want to know what he stands for.6. 6.The defendant couldn’t account for the fact that the money was found in his house.7.7.When I saw that he was right,I had to back down.8.8.She has been appointed sales manager,for she is both clever and diligent.9.9.One of the biggest challenges faced by the present government is that of creating more jobs.10.10.The enemy succumbed soon after our soldiers stormed its stronghold.Unit61. The dilemma she is facing is whether to tell her husband the truth about his fatal disease.2.Don’t you think it a sort of stigma that you,already in your thirties,still have to depend on your old parents?3. Almost all the governments in the world are very much concerned about the financialissue.4.With regard to the seminar on English teaching, I suggest that it be held on the comingweekend.5.whether to go abroad for further education or not is entirely up to you.6.Just a single spark can lead to an explosion in a room filled with gas.7.No matter what efforts the government has made,the price for housing has barely declined.8.In order to pass TOEFL,he has devoted almost every minute of his spare time to Englishstudies.9.With his acting potential, the young man is likely to be a superstar in the field of entertainment.10.It is believed that siblings jealousy exists more in a rich family than in a poor one.Unit71.I scrambled up the cliff for a good view of the sea.2.He lunged at the burglar and wrestled with him for the weapon.3.I figure that our national economy will continue to develop rapidly.4.The chairman made an effort to reassure the shareholders that the company’s bad resultswould not be repeated.5. Stop acting like a baby! Pull yourself together!6. Being very much a private man, he does not confide in anyone.7.We all hate the terrorists’ indiscriminate violence against ordinary people.8.Many people in this country are alarmed by the dramatic increase in violent crimes.9. We anticipated that the enemy would try to cross the river. That was why we destroyed thebridge.10. I am indebted to all the people who worked so hard to make the party a great success. Unit81.At Christmas people enjoy themselves very much;they visit one another and present each other with Christmas cards and presents.2.The walls of her bedroom and living room are all decorated with pictures of pop stars and film stars.3. Sophia teased Tom about his new hat mildly, but Tom teased her curly hair unmercifully.4.He had attained remarkable achievements which surpassed the goal he had set for himself.5. He kept crying bitterly, and I tried to persuade him not to give way to grief.6. I took it for granted that you would like to see the play, so I bought you a ticket.7.They have relegated these problems somewhere down on the priority list.8.I am going to address the letter to Donna in care of her lawyer.9. I don’t know why telling her the news brought a lump in my throat.10.Sailors signal with flags by day and with lights at night.Unit91.Towering above all others,this mountain peak commands a fine view.2.I have asked my friends to recommend a doctor who is good at treating children.3.Sophia teased Tom about his new hat mildly,but Tom teased her about her curly hair unmercifully.4. The government is determined to avoid at all costs a sharp rise in food price.5. He tried his best to save the drowning boy, but in vain.6. That old woman is always interfering in other people’s affairs.7.After having several influential papers published,he became quite distinguished in the academic world.8.Pollution is so serious in this area that the villagers can hardly find any water that is fit for drinking.9.I packed a suitcase with all the things that might be needed.10. We Chinese usually associate the Spring Festival with family reunion.Unit101.2. Many volunteers rendered a valuable service to the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.3. The world economy is in a desperate situation, so all governments must take desperate measures to cope with.4.Scissors,knives,matches,and medicine must be kept beyond the reach of children.5.I always keep a sum of at least 1.000yuan on hand, in case of an emergency.6.Honest people despise lies and liars.7. It was a long time before I began to feel at home in English.8. Because of the financial recession, some of small- and medium-size enterprises are, so to speak,up to their necks in debt.9.He is a man that always mouths fine words about people to their faces and speaks ill of them behind their backs.10.I was greatly scared by the zest demonstrated by those radicals.Unit111.They hoped to save their marriage by giving birth to a child.2. Secret service men escorted the President and his family everywhere they went.3. The presidentia l candidate’s speech was often punctuated now and then by outbursts ofapplause from the audience.4. As soon as the news of victory came, there was great rejoicing all over the country.5.The tertiary industry in our country has been developing by leaps and bounds since the reform and opening drive started.6.The priest preached a sermon to the congregation on the need for charity.7.In order to/To maintain his dignity the employee didn’t kneel on his knees in front of theoverbearing boss.8.When the chairman announced the election results,the meeting hall broke into a sea of great joy,with the whole assembly clapping and cheering.9.He has a very bad reputation,for he often takes other people’s names in vain.10. The building of the new road has been held up by bad weather.Unit 121. I marvel at the poet’s ability to express nuances of different feelings.2.Although you have good teachers and a favorable environment,it is your personal effort that comes into play in the success of your English studies.3.As English majors,we need to have a keen awareness of the subtle diffrences between word meaning.4. Some new policies in the educational system will be implemented next year.5. It is unfair to indentify popular culture with vulgar culture.6. He believes that a person should be noble-minded, but not money-oriented all the time.7.The Middle East is generously endowed with petroleum.8.The school authorities are holding a meeting in reference to the construction of a new gymnasium.9.But for his personal visits to the third-world countries,he would not have believed such disparity in the living standars between the rich and the poor.10.No one came to claim the welfare lottery bonus of 5 million yuan RMB,not even to the last day.Unit131. The airport authorities request that every passenger keep an eye on his/her own belongings.2.Although he was diagnosed with stomach cancer,he still took an optimistic attitude toward life.3.His teacher advised him not to eat so much junk food.4. With a high sense of responsibility, the teacher gave his life in order to save his students.5.His comrades did whatever they could for his release from the prison,and they succeeded.6.The sudden financial tsunami has stripped quite a number of people of their property.7.My secretary is looking for this or that all the time,for she is always misplacing her things.8. After drifting into the woods, he was greatly amazed at the scene in front of him.9.So far no effective remedy for the addiction to the Internet has been found.10. In view of the serious employment situation, many university graduates voluntarily go and work in the remote areas.Unit141.He possesses some fine traits:he has refined and gentle manners;he is kind and generous to others;he is always modest and prudent;and he constantly perfects his work.2.A high crime rate that doesn’t seem to drop is a reflection of an unstable society.3. It is beyond doubt that Shanghai is fast becoming another financial center.4.Such a small gym can hardly meet the needs of such a large student body,amounting to about 3000.5.A person with reason instinctively knows what should be done and what should not be done.6. Despite hardships, she persisted in her efforts to complete her university education.7.As long as you study hard and make progress constantly,your chances to succeed will multiply.8. Xiao Wang works very efficiently, because he possesses strong professional competence and, moreover, he pays particular attention to the methods he employs.9. The so-called problem teens are not born to be problems. Very likely, it is because they lack parental and school discipline.10.The President of the university displays both professional competence and excellent leadership;therefore,he is very popular among the teachers and other staff members.。

哲学Philosophy马克思主义哲学Philosophy of Marxism中国哲学Chinese Philosophy外国哲学Foreign Philosophies逻辑学Logic伦理学Ethics美学Aesthetics宗教学Science of Religion科学技术哲学Philosophy of Science and Technology经济学Economics理论经济学Theoretical Economics政治经济学Political Economy经济思想史History of Economic Thought经济史History of Economic西方经济学Western Economics世界经济World Economics人口、资源与环境经济学Population, Resources and Environmental Economics应用经济学Applied Economics国民经济学National Economics区域经济学Regional Economics财政学(含税收学)Public Finance (including Taxation)金融学(含保险学)Finance (including Insurance)产业经济学Industrial Economics国际贸易学International Trade劳动经济学Labor Economics统计学Statistics数量经济学Quantitative Economics中文学科、专业名称英文学科、专业名称国防经济学National Defense Economics法学Law法学Science of Law法学理论Jurisprudence法律史Legal History宪法学与行政法学Constitutional Law and Administrative Law刑法学Criminal Jurisprudence民商法学(含劳动法学、社会保障法学) Civil Law and Commercial Law (including Science of Labour Law and Science of Social Security Law )诉讼法学Science of Procedure Laws经济法学Science of Economic Law环境与资源保护法学Science of Environment and Natural Resources Protection Law国际法学(含国际公法学、国际私法学、国际经济法学、) International law (including International Public law, International Private Law and International Economic Law)军事法学Science of Military Law政治学Political Science政治学理论Political Theory中外政治制度Chinese and Foreign Political Institution科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动Scientific Socialism and InternationalCommunist Movement中共党史(含党的学说与党的建设) History of the Communist Party of China(including the Doctrine of China Party and Party Building)马克思主义理论与思想政治教育Education of Marxist Theory and Education in Ideology and Politics国际政治学International Politics国际关系学International Relations外交学Diplomacy社会学Sociology社会学Sociology人口学Demography人类学Anthropology民俗学(含中国民间文学) Folklore (including Chinese Folk Literature)民族学Ethnology民族学Ethnology马克思主义民族理论与政策Marxist Ethnic Theory and Policy中国少数民族经济Chinese Ethnic Economics中国少数民族史Chinese Ethnic History中国少数民族艺术Chinese Ethnic Art教育学Education教育学Education Science教育学原理Educational Principle课程与教学论Curriculum and Teaching Methodology教育史History of Education比较教育学Comparative Education学前教育学Pre-school Education高等教育学Higher Education成人教育学Adult Education职业技术教育学V ocational and Technical Education特殊教育学Special Education教育技术学Education Technology心理学Psychology基础心理学Basic Psychology发展与心理学Developmental and Educational Psychology应用心理学Applied Psychology体育学Science of Physical Culture and Sports体育人文社会学Humane and Sociological Science of Sports运动人体科学Human Movement Science体育教育训练学Theory of Sports Pedagogy and Training民族传统体育学Science of Ethnic Traditional Sports文学Literature中国语言文学Chinese Literature文艺学Theory of Literature and Art语言学及应用语言学Linguistics and Applied Linguistics汉语言文字学Chinese Philology中国古典文献学Study of Chinese Classical Text中国古代文学Ancient Chinese Literature中国现当代文学Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature中国少数民族语言文学Chinese Ethnic Language and Literature比较文学与世界文学Comparative Literature and World Literature 外国语言文学Foreign Languages and Literatures英语语言文学English Language and Literature俄语语言文学Russian Language and Literature法语语言文学French Language and Literature德语语言文学German Language and Literature日语语言文学Japanese Language and Literature印度语言文学Indian Language and Literature西班牙语语言文学Spanish Language and Literature阿拉伯语语言文学Arabic Language and Literature欧洲语言文学European Language and Literature亚非语言文学Asian-African Language and Literature外国语言学及应用语言学Linguistics and Applied Linguistics in Foreign Languages新闻传播学Journalism and Communication新闻学Journalism传播学Communication艺术学Art艺术学Art Theory音乐学Music美术学Fine Arts设计艺术学Artistic Design戏剧戏曲学Theater and Chinese Traditional Opera电影学Film广播电视艺术学Radio and television Art舞蹈学Dance历史学History历史学History史学理论及史学史Historical Theories and History of Historical Science考古学及博物馆学Archaeology and Museology历史地理学Historical Geography历史文献学(含敦煌学、古文字学) Studies of Historical Literature (including Paleography and Studies of Dunhuang)专门史History of Particular Subjects中国古代史Ancient Chinese History中国近现代史Modern and Contemporary Chinese History世界史World History理学Natural Science数学Mathematics基础数学Fundamental Mathematics计算数学Computational Mathematics概率论与数理统计Probability and Mathematical Statistics应用数学Applied mathematics运筹学与控制论Operational Research and Cybernetics物理学Physics理论物理Theoretical Physics粒子物理与原子核物理Particle Physics and Nuclear Physics原子与分子物理Atomic and Molecular Physics等离子体物理Plasma Physics凝聚态物理Condensed Matter Physics声学Acoustics光学Optics无线电物理Radio Physics化学Chemistry无机化学Inorganic Chemistry分析化学Analytical Chemistry有机化学Organic Chemistry物理化学(含化学物理)Physical Chemistry (including Chemical Physics) 高分子化学与物理Chemistry and Physics of Polymers天文学Astronomy天体物理Astrophysics天体测量与天体力学Astrometry and Celestial Mechanics地理学Geography自然地理学Physical Geography人文地理学Human Geography地图学与地理信息系统Cartography and Geography Information System大气科学Atmospheric Sciences气象学Meteorology大气物理学与大气环境Atmospheric Physics and Atmospheric Environment 海洋科学Marine Sciences物理海洋学Physical Oceanography海洋化学Marine Chemistry海洋生理学Marine Biology海洋地质学Marine Geology地球物理学Geophysics固体地球物理学Solid Earth Physics空间物理学Space Physics地质学Geology矿物学、岩石学、矿床学Mineralogy, Petrology, Mineral Deposit Geology 地球化学Geochemistry古生物学与地层学(含古人类学)Paleontology and Stratigraphy (including Paleoanthropology)构造地质学Structural Geology第四纪地质学Quaternary Geology生物学Biology植物学Botany动物学Zoology生理学Physiology水生生物学Hydrobiology微生物学Microbiology神经生物学Neurobiology遗传学Genetics发育生物学Developmental Biology细胞生物学Cell Biology生物化学与分子生物学Biochemistry and Molecular Biology生物物理学Biophysics生态学Ecology系统科学Systems Science系统理论Systems Theory系统分析与集成Systems Analysis and Integration科学技术史History of Science and Technology工学Engineering力学Mechanics一般力学与力学基础General and Fundamental Mechanics固体力学Solid Mechanics流体力学Fluid Mechanics工程力学Engineering Mechanics机械工程Mechanical Engineering机械制造及其自动化Mechanical Manufacture and Automation机械电子工程Mechatronic Engineering机械设计与理论Mechanical Design and Theory车辆工程Vehicle Engineering光学工程Optical Engineering仪器科学与技术Instrument Science and Technology精密仪器及机械Precision Instrument and Machinery测试计量技术及仪器Measuring and Testing Technologies and Instruments 材料科学与工程Materials Science and Engineering材料物理与化学Materials Physics and Chemistry材料学Materialogy材料加工工程Materials Processing Engineering冶金工程Metallurgical Engineering冶金物理化学Physical Chemistry of Metallurgy钢铁冶金Ferrous Metallurgy有色金属冶金Non-ferrous Metallurgy动力工程及工程热物理Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics 工程热物理Engineering Thermophysics热能工程Thermal Power Engineering动力机械及工程Power Machinery and Engineering流体机械及工程Fluid Machinery and Engineering制冷及低温工程Refrigeration and Cryogenic Engineering化工过程机械Chemical Process Equipment电气工程Electrical Engineering电机与电器Electric Machines and Electric Apparatus电力系统及其自动化Power System and its Automation高电压与绝缘技术High V oltage and Insulation Technology电力电子与电力传动Power Electronics and Power Drives电工理论与新技术Theory and New Technology of Electrical Engineering电子科学与技术Electronics Science and Technology物理电子学Physical Electronics电路与系统Circuits and Systems微电子学与固体电子学Microelectronics and Solid State Electronics电磁场与微波技术Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Technology信息与通信工程Information and Communication Engineering通信与信息系统Communication and Information Systems信号与信息处理Signal and Information Processing控制科学与工程Control Science and Engineering控制理论与控制工程Control Theory and Control Engineering检测技术与自动化装置Detection Technology and Automatic Equipment系统工程Systems Engineering模式识别与智能系统Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Systems导航、制导与控制Navigation, Guidance and Control计算机科学与技术Computer Science and Technology计算机软件与理论Computer Software and Theory计算机系统结构Computer Systems Organization计算机应用技术Computer Applied Technology建筑学Architecture建筑历史与理论Architectural History and Theory建筑设计及其理论Architectural Design and Theory城市规划与设计(含风景园林规划与设计)Urban Planning and Design (including Landscape Planning and Design)建筑技术科学Building Technology Science土木工程Civil Engineering岩土工程Geotechnical Engineering结构工程Structural Engineering市政工程Municipal Engineering供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程Heating, Gas Supply, Ventilating and Air Conditioning Engineering防灾减灾工程及防护工程Disaster Prevention and Reduction Engineering and Protective Engineering桥梁与隧道工程Bridge and Tunnel Engineering水利工程Hydraulic Engineering水文学及水资源Hydrology and Water Resources水力学及河流动力学Hydraulics and River Dynamics水工结构工程Hydraulic Structure Engineering水利水电工程Hydraulic and Hydro-Power Engineering港口、海岸及近海工程Harbor, Coastal and Offshore Engineering测绘科学与技术Surveying and Mapping大地测量学与测量工程Geodesy and Survey Engineering摄影测量与遥感Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing地图制图学与地理信息工程Cartography and Geographic Information Engineering 化学工程与技术Chemical Engineering and Technology化学工程Chemical Engineering化学工艺Chemical Technology生物化工Biochemical Engineering应用化学Applied Chemistry工业催化Industrial Catalysis地质资源与地质工程Geological Resources and Geological Engineering矿产普查与勘探Mineral Resource Prospecting and Exploration地球探测与信息技术Geodetection and Information Technology地质工程Geological Engineering矿业工程Mineral Engineering采矿工程Mining Engineering矿物加工工程Mineral Processing Engineering安全技术及工程Safety Technology and Engineering石油与天然气工程Oil and Natural Gas Engineering油气井工程Oil-Gas Well Engineering油气田开发工程Oil-Gas Field Development Engineering油气储运工程Oil-Gas Storage and Transportation Engineering纺织科学与工程Textile Science and Engineering纺织工程Textile Engineering纺织材料与纺织品设计Textile Material and Textiles Design纺织化学与染整工程Textile Chemistry and Dyeing and Finishing Engineering服装设计与工程Clothing Design and Engineering轻工技术与工程The Light Industry Technology and Engineering制浆造纸工程Pulp and Paper Engineering制糖工程Sugar Engineering发酵工程Fermentation Engineering皮革化学与工程Leather Chemistry and Engineering交通运输工程Communication and Transportation Engineering道路与铁道工程Highway and Railway Engineering交通信息工程及控制Traffic Information Engineering & Control交通运输规划与管理Transportation Planning and Management载运工具运用工程Vehicle Operation Engineering船舶与海洋工程Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering船舶与海洋结构物设计制造Design and Construction of Naval Architecture and Ocean Structure 轮机工程Marine Engine Engineering水声工程Underwater Acoustics Engineering航空宇航科学与技术Aeronautical and Astronautical Science and Technology飞行器设计Flight Vehicle Design航空宇航推进理论与工程Aerospace Propulsion Theory and Engineering航空宇航器制造工程Manufacturing Engineering of Aerospace Vehicle人机与环境工程Man-Machine and Environmental Engineering兵器科学与技术Armament Science and Technology武器系统与运用工程Weapon Systems and Utilization Engineering兵器发射理论与技术Armament Launch Theory and Technology火炮、自动武器与弹药工程Artillery, Automatic Gun and Ammunition Engineering军事化学与烟火技术Military Chemistry and Pyrotechnics核科学与技术Nuclear Science and Technology核能科学与工程Nuclear Energy Science and Engineering核燃料循环与材料Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Materials核技术及应用Nuclear Technology and Applications辐射防护及环境保护Radiation and Environmental Protection农业工程Agricultural Engineering农业机械化工程Agricultural Mechanization Engineering农业水土工程Agricultural Water-Soil Engineering农业生物环境与能源工程Agricultural Biological Environmental and Energy Engineering农业电气化与自动化Agricultural Electrification and Automation林业工程Forestry Engineering森林工程Forest Engineering木材科学与技术Wood Science and Technology林产化学加工工程Chemical Processing Engineering of Forest Products环境科学与工程Environmental Science and Engineering环境科学Environmental Science环境工程Environmental Engineering生物医学工程Biomedical Engineering食品科学与工程Food Science and Engineering食品科学Food Science粮食、油脂及植物蛋白工程Cereals, Oils and Vegetable Protein Engineering农产品加工及贮藏工程Processing and Storage of Agriculture Products水产品加工及贮藏工程Processing and Storage of Aquatic Products农学Agriculture作物学Crop Science作物栽培学与耕作学Crop Cultivation and Farming System作物遗传育种学Crop Genetics and Breeding园艺学Horticulture果树学Pomology蔬菜学Olericulture茶学Tea Science农业资源利用学Utilization Science of Agricultural Resources土壤学Soil Science植物营养学Plant Nutrition植物保护学Plant Protection植物病理学Plant Pathology农业昆虫与害虫防治Agricultural Entomology and Pest Control农药学Pesticide Science畜牧学Animal Science动物遗传育种与繁殖Animal Genetics, Breeding and ReproductionScience动物营养与饲料科学Animal Nutrition and Feed Science草业科学Practaculture Science特种经济动物饲养学(含蚕、蜂等)The Rearing of Special-type Economic Animals (including Silkworm, Honeybees, etc.)兽医学Veterinary Medicine基础兽医学Basic Veterinary Medicine预防兽医学Preventive Veterinary Medicine临床兽医学Clinical Veterinary Medicine林学Forestry林木遗传育种学Forest Tree Genetics and Breeding森林培育学Silviculture森林保护学Forest Protection森林经理学Forest Management野生动植物保护与利用Wildlife Conservation and Utilization园林植物与观赏园艺Ornamental Plants and Horticulture水土保持与荒漠化防治Soil and Water Conservation and Desertification Combating 水产学Fisheries Science水产养殖学Aquaculture Science捕捞学Fishing Science渔业资源学Science of Fisheries Resources医学Medicine基础医学Basic Medicine人体解剖与组织胚胎学Human Anatomy, Histology and Embryology免疫学Immunology病原生物学Pathogenic Organisms病理学与病理生理学Pathology and Pathophysiology法医学Forensic Medicine放射医学Radiation Medicine航空航天与航海医学Aerospace and Nautical medicine临床医学Clinical Medicine内科学(含心血管病学、血液病学、呼吸系病学、消化系病学、内分泌与代谢病学、肾脏病学、风湿病学、传染病学)Internal medicine (including Cardiology, Hematology, Respiratory, Gastroenterology, Endocrinology and Metabolism, Nephrology, Rheuma-tology, Infectious Diseases)儿科学Pediatrics老年医学Geriatrics神经病学Neurology精神病与精神卫生学Psychiatry and Mental Health皮肤病与性病学Dermatology and Venereology影像医学与核医学Imaging and Nuclear Medicine临床检验诊断学Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics护理学Nursing外科学(含普通外科学、骨外科学、泌尿外科学、胸心血管外科学、神经外科学、整形外科学、烧伤外科学、野战外科学)Surgery (General Surgery, Orthopedics, Urology, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Neurosurgery, Plastic Surgery, Burn Surgery, Field Surgery)妇产科学Obstetrics and Gynecology眼科学Ophthalmic Specialty耳鼻咽喉科学Otolaryngology肿瘤学Oncology康复医学与理疗学Rehabilitation Medicine & Physical Therapy运动医学Sports Medicine麻醉学Anesthesiology急诊医学Emergency Medicine口腔医学Stomatology口腔基础医学Basic Science of Stomatology口腔临床医学Clinical Science of Stomatology公共卫生与预防医学Public Health and Preventive Medicine流行病与卫生统计学Epidemiology and Health Statistics劳动卫生与环境卫生学Occupational and Environmental Health营养与食品卫生学Nutrition and Food Hygiene儿少卫生与妇幼保健学Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health卫生毒理学Hygiene Toxicology军事预防医学Military Preventive Medicine中医学Chinese Medicine中医基础理论Basic Theories of Chinese Medicine中医临床基础Clinical Foundation of Chinese Medicine中医医史文献History and Literature of Chinese Medicine方剂学Formulas of Chinese Medicine中医诊断学Diagnostics of Chinese Medicine中医内科学Chinese Internal Medicine中医外科学Surgery of Chinese Medicine中医骨伤科学Orthopedics of Chinese Medicine中医妇科学Gynecology of Chinese Medicine中医儿科学Pediatrics of Chinese Medicine中医五官科学Ophthalmology and Otolaryngoloy of Chinese Medicine针灸推拿学Acupuncture and Moxibustion and Tuina of Chinese medicine民族医学Ethnomedicine中西医结合医学Chinese and Western Integrative Medicine中西医结合基础医学Basic Discipline of Chinese and Western Integrative中西医结合临床医学Clinical Discipline of Chinese and Western Integrative Medicine 药学Pharmaceutical Science药物化学Medicinal Chemistry药剂学Pharmaceutics生药学Pharmacognosy药物分析学Pharmaceutical Analysis微生物与生化药学Microbial and Biochemical Pharmacy药理学Pharmacology中药学Science of Chinese Pharmacology军事学Military Science军事思想学及军事历史学Military Thought and Military History军事思想学Military Thought军事历史学Military History战略学Science of Strategy军事战略学Military Strategy战争动员学War Mobilization战役学Science of Operations联合战役学Joint Operation军种战役学(含第二炮兵战役学)Armed Service Operation (including Operation of Strategic Missile Force)战术学Science of Tactics合同战术学Combined-Arms Tactics兵种战术学Branch Tactics军队指挥学Science of Command作战指挥学Combat Command军事运筹学Military Operation Research军事通信学Military Communication军事情报学Military Intelligence密码学Cryptography军事教育训练学(含军事体育学)Military Education and Training (including Military Physical Training)军制学Science of Military System军事组织编制学Military Organizational System军队管理学Military Management军队政治工作学Science of Military Political Work军事后勤学与军事装备学Science of Military Logistics and Military Equipment军事后勤学Military Logistics后方专业勤务Rear Special Service军事装备学Military Equipment管理学Management Science管理科学与工程Management Science and Engineering工商管理学Science of Business Administration会计学Accounting企业管理学(含财务管理、市场营销学、人力资源管理学)Corporate Management (including Financial Management, Marketing, and Human Resources Management)旅游管理学Tourist Management技术经济及管理学Technology Economy and Management农林经济管理学Agricultural and Forestry Economics & Management农业经济管理学Agricultural Economics & Management林业经济管理学Forestry Economics & Management公共管理学Science of Public Management行政管理学Administration Management社会医学与卫生事业管理学Social Medicine and Health Management教育经济与管理学Educational Economy and Management社会保障学Social Security土地资源管理学Land Resource Management图书馆、情报与档案学Science of Library, Information and Archival 图书馆学Library Science情报学Information Science档案学Archival Science。

第二课1)An atom's nucleus can be split apart。
When this is done, a tremendous amount of energy is released。
The energy is both heat and light energy。
Einstein said that a very small amount of matter contains a very large amount of energy。
This energy, when let out slowly, can be harnessed to generate electricity。
When it is let out all at once, it can make a tremendous explosion in an atomic bomb. 原子核能够分裂。
2)A nuclear power plant (As shown in Fig.3.6 ) uses uranium as a "fuel。
" Uranium is an element that is dug out of the ground many places around the world.。
It is processed into tiny pellets that are loaded into very long rods that are put into the power plant's reactor.核电站使用铀作燃料。

Unit one :Environmental Engineering环境工程What is this book about?这本书是关于什么的?The objective of this book is to introduce engineering and science students to the interdisciplinary study of environment problems;their cause,why they are of concern,and how we can control them. The book includes:这本书的目的是使理工科的学生了解跨学科间的研究环境问题;它们的起因,为什么它们受到关注,以及我们怎样控制它们。
这本书包括:●Description of what is meant by environment and environmental systems描述环境和环境系统意味着什么●Information on the basic causes of environmental disturbances关于引起环境干扰基础原因的基本信息●Basic scientific knowledge necessary to understand the nature of environmentalproblems and to be able to quantify them理解环境问题本质,并能够定量计算它们所必要的基本科学知识●Current state of the technology of environmental control in its application towater,air and pollution problems目前适用于水,空气和环境污染问题的环境控制技术的现状●Considerable gaps in our current scientific knowledge of understanding andcontrolling many of the complex interactions between human activities and nature我们目前的科学知识在理解和控制人类活动和自然之间复杂的相互作用的科学知识上存在相当大的缺陷●Many environmental problems which could be eliminated or reduced by theapplication of current technology,but which are not dealt with because of society’s lack of will to do so,or in many instance because of a lack of resources to do so.许多环境问题可以应用现有技术消除或减少,但没有得到处理是因为社会缺乏这样做的意愿,或者像许多例子那样因为缺乏资源。
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而在某些情况下,例如用于否定句中,如在句子“there is not any reason not to study hard.”(没有任何不努力学习的理由)中,any的含义却是清楚的。
例题5. 用全称量词化表达一个句子“对于班上的每一个学生都学习了微积分。
方法:设P(x)为语句“x 学习了微积分。
定义2.P(x)的存在量词化是这样一个命题:在论域中存在一个元素x 使得P(x)都是真的,把P(x)的存在量词化记作∃xP(x)。