Valentino Chocolates(report)


business Report of Valentino Chocolates

business Report of Valentino Chocolates

Business Report of Valentino ChocolatesContents:1.Introduction (3)2. Findings (4)3. Conclusion s (5)4. Recommendations……………………………………………6-75. Summary s (8)1. Introduction:Valentino Chocolates are made in Turin, which are recognized as luxury and provide a delicious and unique taste. Valentino Chocolates makes the most delicious chocolates, and has won many international awards. The company has expanded rapidly over the past ten years. The number of the employees and branches increases a lot.However, the company has faced with some problems, which have cause a fall in profits in the last two years.Therefore, in order to solve the problems, we do this report to find out and analyze the company’s problems. Then propose the solutions and approach which can increase the profits.2. Findings:How the Valentino chocolates want to deal with the falling profits? It is important to choose suitable opinions to change the circumstances of company.For the first, it is necessary to buy new machinery. Good machinery is the base of production, and it can improve production and increase the products. It also can solve the problem that delays caused by the old machines breaking down effectively. In addition, its cost is reasonable.Secondly, we can invest in an existing group of cafes. If we do it, not only can we use the coffee store’s brand to sell products, but also we can make our products well-known among people. But the disadvantage is that we can not reach a consensus with coffee store in the distribution of benefits, for we can not make profits properly. So shall we do it?The last but no least, we can set up online sale. We all know that more and more people tend to shopping online today, so set up online sale is benefit to widen customer base, and increase sales. However, it also has its shortcoming. It cost much money to set up online sales, and need some people to manage.3. Conclusions:According to the second part ,we know the option such as buying new machinery, investing in an existing group of cafes ,or setting up online sales are both good ideas. but I think buying new machinery and setting up online sales are much better. using the advanced machine can improve the production efficiency greatly. people often become energetically when them see the new things. so the works can product more chocolates when they use new machinery. Nowadays more and more people shop on the Internet, they think it is convenient and efficient. In some places, shopping on the Internet have probably replace shopping in the bricks-and-mortar. Setting up online sales means Valentino Chocolates are available to a much wider market.4. Recommendations:First, if we want to invest in an existing group of cafes, we should know about the cooperative partner before. How to choose the parterner and what kind of cafes can bring us more profits is that we need to think about. We should make a research for the cosumers of different kinds of cafes. Then, analyse their prefrenence. According to that, we can find the optimal one.The popularity is not the only factor we should consider about, the concept of our cooperative partner is also important.With the similar concept, the cooperation may go on more smoothly.If the group is founded, we must be aware of the meaning of win-win. Any thoughts of exclusive benefits will ruin the cooperation.Regardless of the kind of business these days, we always find a website is essential. And depending upon the business niche and objectives, it can be a major part of the company’s sales and marketing initiatives. Designing a website can be made fairly simple by working with a company that specializes in helping the businesses create their website or get Website DIY software available online.Customers expect the world and are suspicious of almost everything. When creating a website, the content must be crisp and intelligent. What the website says should grab visitors’attention, pique their interest and motivate them to action – to click the‘buy now’button.Search engine optimization and search engine advertising are two ways to get the business marketing message out on the Internet, and there is a big difference between the two in terms of cost. Banner ads are another way to do online marketing, although the opinion on their effectiveness is very subjective. If owners lack Internet knowledge, it is highly recommended to employ a company or a freelance Website designer to get the job done.Theremore, online sales is not the only convenience that the Internet bring us. Networking Marketing is a develop direction of our company. Networking is a great, super low in cost to connect with potential customers as well as strategic business associates and spread the news about the business.5. Summary:After reviewed with Valentino Chocolates company’s background, the reason for falling profits and the company’s owners future plans we set up the plan to expand the company and increase the profits. We suggest to the company as follows:At first, investing in an existing group of cafes. This investment will boost sales and raise the awareness of Valentino effectively. Furthermore,setting up online sales can widen our customer base. And all the options to solve the company’s problem will cost the company 650,000 euro.Today company’s problems are temporary but we will solve it in the future.I think our company wil be an enormous change in the next few years.We will make a real progress.The task of everyone:1. Title page and Introduction………………………2. Findings……………………………………………………3. Conclusion s………………………………………………4. Recommendations……………………………………5. Summary s…………………………………………………。



【情人节巧克力图片】Valentino,Chocolates,2(情人节巧克力)Valentinochocolates2(情人节巧克力)Valentinochocolates组长:龚婷1210141134序号:5Recommendations组员:张昊1210400836序号:9introduction汪晴1210141104序号:3Findings&conclusion:金晨晨1210131138序号:2Summary周四-五六节-第七组courseTutor:彭芸dateofSubmission:20XX.05.15catalogue Valentinochocolates (1)introduction (3)Finding (3)conclusion (4)Recommendations (4)Summary (6)introductionValentinochocolatearemadeinTurin.Theyhavewonmanyinternationalaward sbecausetheirluxuryproductswithauniquetaste.itnowhasalmost300employ ees,75company-ownedsho psandaturnoverof€90million.However,thelasttwoyears,therearesomeproblemsoccurred.Thesalesgrowth hassloweddownandcosthaverisen.Factorymachinesoftenbreakdown.Valent ino’snewproductsarenotsellingwellandsalesteamandproductionstaffarebecomi,th ecompanyownershavesetaside€1.5milliontoinvestintheircompany.S o,theyshoulddecidehowtospendthemoneyreasonableandthecompanywillco ntinuetospread.Finding inordertosolvetheseproblemsandincreasetheprofitsforthecompany,wechoo sethreeoptions,asfollows.Firstofal l,wewillinvestinmoreresearchanddevelopment.itwillcost€200,000 .innovationcapacityisveryimportantforanenterprise.Sothecompanywillbeb etterandbetterifonlyexploitnewproductscontinually.Knowingtheneedandsc rupleofthemostconsumersbyresearch,forexample,manypersonsworriedabo utbeingmorefataftereatingthechocolates,so,wecanexploitalow-fatchocolat e.However,italsohasdisadvantages.anditwillspendalotofmanpower,aswella sitneedlargesamplesizesforsuchresearch.Secondly,wewanttosetuponlinesales.itwillcost€150,000.itwillcostdown andincreasesalesandprofits.Besides,itbroadenmarketingchannel,itmeetmorep erson’sneeds.what’smore,itdoseadvertisementforValentinochocolatesvirtuallytoincreasetheco mpany’sawareness.Butsomeofconsumersdonotbelievethatonlineshopping,especia llyfood.ifdobetter,wemustspendmoretimeandenergymakingsalewebpageto grabbackagain.Finally,wethinkbuyingsomenewmachineryisverynecessary.anditwillcost€200,000.itcanendthedelayscausedbytheoldmachinesbreakingdown.itwille nhancethequalityofshapeandspeedupproduction.Butwefeelitsinvestmentis notasmallnumber,anditseffectisnotobviousinshort-term.ontheotherhand,weshouldtaketherepairwor kinthelaterstageintoaccount.conclusion wethinksettingonlinesalesandinvestinginmoreresearchanddevelopmentare themostnecessary.Followingisourrecommendation. RecommendationsTosolvethecompany’spresentsituationandcontinuetogrow,wehavemanyideas.Valentinocouldinv est€1500,000.Firstofall,weshouldinvestinmoreresearchanddevelopment.ourstaffswillpre paresomequestionnairestoknowwhatkindofproductsdocustomerslikeandwhatproductsweshouldimprove.wedivideourstaffsintodifferentgroups,andas signdifferentplacestodifferentgroups.Theexpenseaboutbothofthemisnearly €50,000.Then,wemakethebestuseoftherestmoney(€150,000)todevelopnew products.afterresearchwehavemanyusefulinformationtodevelopournewpro ducts.Eachagegrouphavedifferentlike,sowecandeveloplow-hotproductsfor youngladies,low-sugarforelders,cartoonsforchildren.Besides,wecan’tneglectthetasteandproducts’qualities.ontheotherhand,weimproveourpackaging.Themoreattractivelywe wrap,themoresaleswewillhave.afterdevelopnewproducts,wethinktheonline salesisnecessary.nowadays,moreandmorepeopleuseinternettoshopping.Fri stweneedprofessionalstaffstosetourofficialwebsite.Thosepeopleshouldhav e goodcommandofdesigningthewebpage.itwillcostnearly€40,000.Besides,a dvertisingateachfamouswebsiteisalsoveryimportant.abouttheadvertisemen tstherearesometips:a)theadvertisementsmuststandoutourproducts.b)theadv ertisementsshouldbeattractivec)theadvertisementsshouldbesuccinctthatpe oplecanknowourproductswhentheyglanceatthosesites.nextwesetupanafter-saleservicedepartmenttodealwithkindsofafter-saleservice.impeccableservi cewillbringgood()reputationandcustomerswillmoretrustourcompany.Ther earealsomanyproblemsaboutonlineshopping.Soweshouldavoidthoseproble msandgivecustomersgoodshoppingexperienceandwecancooperatewithoth ershoppingwebsitestoexpandthecustomers.Thosewillcost€110,000. ofcourse,weshouldbuynewmachinerytoslovetheoldmachinesbreakingdow。



by Lv Sheng , Cao Bingjie , Hu YingfeiMay 2011Table of Contents1. Introduction (3)1.1 Gives background1.2 States purpose & scope1.3 Outline main argument and structure2. Findings (4)2.1 Finding One2.2 Finding Two2.3 Discussion3. Recommendations (5)4. Conclusion (7)1.1 The Background of the Valentino Company:Valentino chocolates are made in Italy. Company based in Turin - Chocolate capital of Italy, each chocolate master have a secret of chocolate making, passed down from generation to generation. They are well known as high quality product with a delicious and indescribable taste. Some of the V alentino’s chocolate manufacturers have won many international awards. In the recent years, the Valentino Company expanded fast, it has almost 300 employees,75 company shops, and a turnover of 90 million now. But they are faced with a serious problem that their sales growth has slowed down and have caused a fall in profits.1.2 States purpose & scope:The facts which cause the falling profits ,likeThe prices :there is a widespread price cutting in the industry;The production: fa ctory’s machines often break down;The demand: the classic bar is falling. And also Valentino’s new products, biscuits and cakes, are not selling well;The staff morale: They are becoming demotivated1.3 Discussion:There some methods to increase profits like:Invest in more research and development;Set up online sales;Buy new machinery;Launch a marketing campaign and others.2.1 Finding One:The first and the most important problem at this moment is machinery. The machines are getting older, they should be changed in new ones. So we think that purchase new machines will increase work ability of the factory.It will costs to the company 200000 euro.2.2 Finding Two:Perhaps there are still many people who do not know about Valentino Chocolates products. So we should launch a marketing campaign to let them know about our chocolate. It will solve one of the most important problems – slow down of the sales growth.It will costs to the company 500000 euro2.3. Discussion:We think Valentino Chocolates must find new markets to sale its production and appropriate for international expansion, one of the most perspective markets is US market. So we suggest to the company to finance a market survey and research trips to the US.It will costs to the company 100000 euro.Of course Valentino Chocolates have many problems at this moment, we think this 3 problems are the most serious and company must solve them at first.We think that the most necessary investment option for Valentino chocolates is finance a market survey and research trips to the US. Valentino Chocolates can research the US market. To deduce potential consumers, to know their preference, to forecast it’s possible profit.As Italy is very famous for it’s chocolate, along with such famous brands as Ferrero, Kaffarel, Sterelo, in this country there are numerous of handicraft chocolate production. The most successful are based in Turin like Strata, Peyrano, Baratti & Milano and of course Guido Gobineau. So the business struggle in the Italian chocolate market is very high. Also we think it is a main reason that prevent the expansion of the company.The US market is the very appropriate for Valentino chocolates. Because US market is colossal big, so there many opportunities of growing Valentino Chocolates, and developing some directions of it’s production that are not developed enough such as chocolates drinks, biscuits and cakes and exclusive handmade chocolates. And also US market is closely related with the markets of other countries, especially with markets of Asia and South America, their markets could also promote the expansionof Valentino Chocolates.From another side launch Valentino Chocolates on US market is rather risky, because US market already have established companies. There are giants such as US chocolate the biggest manufacturer “Hershey” company(Philadelphia), and of course “Mars” company (Washington) that is well known all over the world by it chocolates like “Mars”, “Milky way”, “Twix”, “M&M’s” and “Snickers” (the last two are well known in China) and many other companies. They could compete with Valentino Chocolates on the US market.Finance a market survey and research trips to the US of course a very important option, but it will work only under the first two options. As we know factorymachines often break downs, so at first the company must buy new factory machines, it will end the delays caused by the old machines breaking. It also will accelerate the production of the factory. After the production will be established, Valentino Chocolate must launch a marketing campaign. As we know from the companies background in the last two years its sales growth has slowed down and costs have risen. So on the basis of this information Valentino Chocolate must only launch a marketing campaign that will increase sales of all products and also will increasepre-tax profits of the company. After all when the technical and financial problems of the company will be solved, Valentino Chocolates has the solid foundation for expansion and formation of the international business company, we can finally finance a market survey and research trips to the US.Also (as the minor option) we want to recommend company not only focus on chocolate production and develop in different directions. We can cite as an example the “Mars” company. At the beginning “Mars” produced only chocolate bars, but then they begin to produce animal feed such as Whiskas and Pedigree (after 1932) that are world famous products too. So we can make a conclusion: at first Valentino Chocolates must develop production of its Chocolates drinks, biscuits and cakes, and then in the future company must create and develop new sorts of products, it definitely will help to expand of the company.The future of Valentino Chocolates depends on finding new markets and new customers, and new products. Of course this option is rather risky. But if company will not risk, it couldn’t obtain the real success.Well reviewed with Valentino Chocolates companies background, reason for falling profits, company’s owners future plans and options that owners are ready to invest, we conclude:Valentino Chocolates has an excellent background for the bright future. Today companies problems are temporary and they could be solved without rather big investment options as buy out local competitor or Establish factory in US(that is also risky without special researches).We suggest to the company at first buy new machinery, then launch a marketing campaign for increase sales of all products and finance special research about US market to find potential consumer and appropriate conditions for the future expansion of the company.All this anti-crisis plan will costs to the company 800000 euro.。



介绍巧克力商品的英语作文The Enchanting World of Chocolate.Chocolate, a seductive and delicious treat that has captivated the hearts of people across the globe, is not just a candy; it's an experience. Its rich history, diverse varieties, and endless possibilities make it a fascinating topic to explore.Origins of Chocolate.Chocolate's journey began thousands of years ago in the tropical rainforests of Central and South America. The ancient Mayans and Aztecs prized the bean of the cacao tree for its nutritional and spiritual value. They ground the beans into a paste, mixed it with water and spices, and consumed it during religious ceremonies and festive occasions. This beverage, known as "xocolatl" in Aztec, was a symbol of luxury and power.The European Discovery.In the 16th century, when Europeans discovered this new world, they were introduced to the wonders of chocolate. The Spanish quickly embraced it, and by the 17th century, chocolate had become a popular drink among the European nobility. Chocolate houses, similar to coffeehouses, became social gathering places where people indulged in conversations and enjoyed the rich, creamy beverage.Evolution of Chocolate.As chocolate's popularity grew, so did its evolution. The processing techniques improved, leading to smoother and richer textures. Sugar was added to enhance the sweetness, and eventually, chocolate was solidified into bars and candies. The Industrial Revolution further revolutionized chocolate production, making it more accessible and affordable to the masses.Types of Chocolate.Chocolate can be categorized based on its composition and processing methods. The most common types are:1. Dark Chocolate: High in cocoa content (usually over 60%), dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants and has a strong, bittersweet flavor.2. Milk Chocolate: Contains milk powder or condensed milk, giving it a smoother and sweeter taste. Milk chocolate typically has a lower cocoa content (around 30-40%).3. White Chocolate: Made primarily of cocoa butter, sugar, and milk, white chocolate has a sweet and creamy flavor but lacks the bitter notes of dark chocolate.Chocolate's Health Benefits.In recent years, chocolate has gained a reputation for being a "healthy" treat. Studies have shown that dark chocolate, in particular, is rich in flavonols, antioxidants that may have benefits for heart health,cognitive function, and even mood. However, it's importantto note that these benefits are most pronounced when chocolate is consumed in moderation and as part of a balanced diet.The Chocolate Experience.Choosing and enjoying chocolate is an experience that involves all the senses. The sight of its rich, shiny exterior, the enticing aroma that fills the air, the snap when you break into a piece, and the smooth, melt-in-your-mouth texture all contribute to the joy of eating chocolate. Pairing chocolate with other flavors, such as fruits, nuts, or wine, can enhance this experience even further.The Chocolate Industry.The chocolate industry is a multibillion-dollar behemoth that spans from the rainforests of South Americato the shelves of supermarkets worldwide. From sustainable farming practices to innovative processing techniques and exciting new product developments, the industry isconstantly evolving to meet the demands of chocolate lovers. In Conclusion.Chocolate is not just a candy; it's a cultural phenomenon that has captivated people for centuries. Itsrich history, diverse varieties, and endless possibilities make it a fascinating topic to explore. As we indulge inthis delicious treat, it's worth remembering to enjoy it in moderation and appreciate its many layers of flavor and experience.。



巧克力发展史英文资料The History of Chocolate DevelopmentIntroduction:Chocolate, a favorite treat for many, has a rich and fascinating history that spans centuries. From its humble beginnings as a bitter beverage enjoyed by ancient civilizations to the sweet and diverse treats we know today, chocolate has undergone a remarkable transformation. This article will delve into the history of chocolate, covering its discovery, cultivation, and how it eventually became one of the world's most beloved foods.Ancient Beginnings:The story of chocolate begins in Mesoamerica, where ancient civilizations such as the Mayans and Aztecs cultivated cacao trees. The cacao beans, harvested from these trees, were used to create a bitter beverage. The Mayans believed that cacao beans possessed divine properties and used them in religious rituals. The Aztecs even used cacao beans as currency, indicating their value in ancient society.European Discovery:The first encounter between Europeans and chocolate occurred during Christopher Columbus's fourth voyage to the Americas in 1502. Although Columbus himself did not recognize the significance of the cacao beans, he observed the native population's fondness for the bitter drink. It wasn't until a decade later, when Spanish conquistador Her nán Cortés arrived in Mexico, that chocolate began to be introduced to Europe.Cortés and his men were intrigued by the cacao beverage, and Cortés brought some back to Spain as a gift for the Spanish royal court. As the drink spread throughout Europe, it underwent several modifications. Sugar was added to counteract its bitterness, and milk was eventually introduced to create a smoother and more palatable concoction.Industrial Revolution and Mass Production:The popularity of chocolate began to soar during the 18th century with the emergence of the Industrial Revolution. Innovations in manufacturing, such as steam-powered machinery,allowed for the mass production of chocolate. In 1828, Dutch chemist Coenraad Johannes van Houten invented the hydraulic press, which made it possible to extract cocoa butter from cacao beans. This invention greatly improved the texture of chocolate, making it easier to mold into different shapes and forms.Chocolate as a Confectionery:As the production of chocolate became more efficient, it transitioned from a primarily liquid beverage to a solid confectionery. In 1847, British chocolatier Joseph Fry created the first solid chocolate bar, revolutionizing the chocolate industry. His invention paved the way for other variations, such as milk chocolate, which was introduced by Swiss chocolatier Daniel Peter in 1875, using condensed milk invented by HenriNestlé.Modern-Day Chocolate:In the 20th century, chocolate continued to evolve and diversify. Companies such as Cadbury, Nestlé, and Hershey's became global chocolatepowerhouses, introducing new flavors, shapes, and packaging. With advancements in transportation and refrigeration, chocolate became more accessible and affordable to the masses.Today, chocolate is enjoyed in numerous forms, from bars and truffles to spreads and beverages. Dark chocolate, with its rich cocoa content and health benefits, has gained popularity, appealing to health-conscious consumers. Furthermore, the market for artisanal and luxury chocolates has seen significant growth, as consumers seek unique and high-quality chocolate experiences.Conclusion:The history of chocolate is a fascinating tale of cultural exchange, scientific innovation, and culinary delight. From its humble beginnings in ancient Mesoamerica, chocolate has come a long way to become a worldwide treat. Its journey from a bitter beverage to a beloved confectionery reflects the creativity and ingenuity of humankind. As we continue to enjoy chocolate in its various forms, we are reminded of the centuries of history andeffort that went into creating this exquisite indulgence.。

华伦天奴 食品

华伦天奴 食品

情人节又叫V ALENTINO’day或華倫天奴节,即每年的2月14日,是西方的传统节日之一。















情人节情侣或朋友互送礼物,都在礼物或贺卡上面签上“VALENTINO” “CREATIONS”华伦天奴克蕾思的名字。



VALENTINO.CREATIONS 这个以情人节主人公名字的品牌是华伦天奴家族最有文化内涵和积淀的品牌。



VALENTINO CREATIONS巧克力糖果饼干等休闲食品是欧美最顶级的品牌,是高品位人士情人节和节日送情人、朋友最高贵的礼物。

商务翻译(汉译英) Unit 4 “××”牌羊绒衫 (广告)

商务翻译(汉译英) Unit 4 “××”牌羊绒衫 (广告)
商标词作为一种专用符号, 是一种特殊类型的宣传广告。根据 美国广告大师E1 S1 鲁易斯( E1 S1Lewis) 的AIDI 原则, 一个成功 的广告应当具备以下四点: Attention (引人注意) , Interest (使 人感兴趣) , Desire (引发欲望) , Action (促成行动) 。由此可 见, 一个成功的商标译名应该是能吸引目的语消费者, 激发美好的 想象与购买欲望。由于不同语言存在不同的特点, 不同国家、民族 由于地理位置、自然环境、生活习俗、宗教信仰、经济发展等文化 背景的不同, 人们的思维方式、审美取向、价值观念等方面存在着 许多差异。因此, 商标词的翻译不应拘泥于原文, 而应灵活处理, 使商标译名产生和原商标词相等或接近相等的宣传效果。例如, “龙”、“凤”在汉语文化中是“权威、吉祥、力量”的象征, 因 而有不少商品以此命名。但在英语文化中“dragon”是一种凶残肆 虐怪物, 是邪恶的象征, 所以, 英语中没有用“dragon”作商标的。 这就是为什么著名药品企业沈阳飞龙, 英译名不是“Flying Dragon” 而是“Pharon”的原因。不过, 在商品词的翻译中, 也毋须谈 “dragon”色变, 避之犹恐不及。
(1) 谐音取义法 这种译法是在翻译时尽量选用与原商标词谐音而又有褒 义(或新意) 的词, 并能充分展示出商品的特色。以下几例可 谓运用此法之佳译。 Coke - cola : 可口可乐Coca 和cola 原为两种植物的 名称, 它们具有提神醒脑的功效。原名Coke - cola 给人们 提供了产品的原料以及功效方面的信息。译名“可口可乐” 在中国文化中给人带来美好的联想, “可口”一词给人一种 味道好的感觉, “可乐”则表示“可以带来快乐”。此外, 译名与原商标词在发音上很相近, 节奏也相符, 并且形式上 都具有同样的美感。Coke - cola 译为“可口可乐”, 真是 绝妙之译。

business report

business report

Valentino ChocolatesAuthors’name & Students’Number:蔡婷婷1260411101杜伟斌1260411102詹玲霞1260411103Course Tutor: 胡晓Date of Submission:Introduction:Background:Valentino chocolates are made in Turin.They are luxury products with a unique taste,and have won many international awards.The company has expanded rapidly over the past ten years.It now has almost 300 employees,75 company-owned shops,and a turnover of 90 million euro.The reasons cause the falling profits:1.Sales growth has slowed down and costs have risen.2.Pirces are more expensive than some competitors’.3.Staff morale is low.4.New products are not selling well.5.Old machinery that breaks down.1.Buy new machineryAdvantages:End the delays caused by the old machines breaking down. Disadvantages:The reasons sales growth slow down are omnifarious,This option can have less obvious in a shortly time.2.Invest in more research and development.Advantage:Develop new products such as a low-fat chocolate drink,new biscuits/cakes.Disadvantages:The trunover of the biscuits and cakes are too low in Valentino’s main products,So this option can not produce much revenue.3.Buy a new fleet of cars.Advantage:Increase motivation of the sales staff.Disadvantage:Its effect was transient.Conclusion :Firstly,we need to invest in market research.This should give us a better understanding of our target customers’changing needs and desires,which can then guide product development.Product research and development is the second area that we need to develop,as we have relied heavily on the success of our traditional products.While these will probably continue to account for more than 50 precent of our turnover in the next two or three years,we will not stay ahead of the competition if we do not vary our range.Finally,setting up online sales should widen our customer base,increase sales,and make us more competitive.Recommendation:According to the analysis of above,we find the exact ways to solve the problems on profits fallings .Firstly,we will buy new machinery.According to the case factory machines often break down .Our production and product quality will be affected by it .If we don’t have the high quality product the seller and the customer will not buy our product .If we cann’t out-put of the product in time ,we will loss some businesses .So ,buying a new machinery ensured our company in a normal operation .Basic on the ca se , in the future ,the company’s owners want Valentino to become an international business .And decide develops new products and finds new markets .It’s also stress the important about buying new machinery .But ,It’s not enough if we only buy some machinery .Then ,we decide to launch a marketing campaign .It’s not only increase sales of all products but also promote our new product. More people know our product we have more confident to produce our product.When we launch a markets campaign ,i nvest in more research and development is necessary.It’s can be a location for our marketing campaign . According to our research ,we will know what kind of product customer like .Considering consumer’s expense psychology ,many customers are fond of trying new products , especially those accord with the future health concepts.Obviously,when keepingvclassic product ,it is extremely important for Valentino to specialize in new creations .We recommend ,each month Valentino should present a new chocolate ,based on an e xclusive design or an original taste .Then determine develop what kind of product ,suc h as low-fat chocolate drink , new biscuits/cakes and chocolate-ice-cream . We have c ustomers and we have sales .Finally,we decide to invest in an existing group of cafes.When we become a partner in cafes which sell and promote Valentino Chocolates . It’s sounds everywhere have Valentino Chocolates .I think people will believe Valentino Chocolates is the best chocolate .We also can get money fromthe cafes .This is the advisable choice .Summary:The money we decide to use in this way:1.Buy a new machineryCost:200,000 euros2.Invest in more research and developmentCost:200,000 euros3.Invest in an existing group of cafesCost:500,000 euros4.Set up online saslesCost:150,000 euros5.Finance a market survery and research trips to the USCost:100,000 eurosTotally,we need to spend 1150,000 euros to implement our investment options.Our way not only solve the problems on profits fallingsbut also meet the requirements of the development of the futures.The company will have a good development whether now or in the future .So ,I think the CEO will take my advice .。

商务英语综合教程2 writting作文

商务英语综合教程2  writting作文

Case Study1.Choose one case and write a paper according to the requirements.2.Submit your paper in hard copy.3.At least 500 words.4.Deadline: Week 145.NO PLAGIARISMCase 1 - Valentino ChocolatesBackgroundValentino Chocolates are made in Turin. They are luxury products with a unique taste, and have won many international awards.ExpansionThe company has expanded rapidly over the past ten years. It now has almost 300 employees, 75 company-owned shops, and a turnover of €90 million. However, in the last two years, sales growth has slowed down and costs have risen. This has caused a fall in profits.Reasons for falling profitsPricesProductionDemandStaff moraleListen to a excerpt from a board meeting. Make notes under the four headings above. Valentino's main products (as a % of turnover)1.Valentino Classic Bars 25%2.Raw chocolate 8%3.Packaged chocolates 55%4.Exclusive handmade chocolates 5%5.Chocolate drinks 6%6.Biscuits and cakes 1%The futureValentino's owners have set aside €1.5 million to invest in their company so that it continues to expand and becomes an international business. Here is an excerpt from acompany profile that a business journal did recently:" Valentino can continue to grow, but only if it develops new products and finds new markets."So, the problem is: how should Valentino invest the €1.5 million? Chart 1 lists the ways in which it could do that.Chart 1 Investment optionsOption Cost Benefit1. Buy new machinery €200,000 End the delays caused by the old machinesbreaking down2. Invest in more research and development €200,000 Develop new products such as a low-fat chocolate drink, new biscuits / cakes3. Buy out a localcompetitor€1.5 million Reduce local competition4. Set up a factory in the US €1.3 million Manufacture chocolates in a major new market5. Finance a market survey and research trips to the US €100,000 Assess the market potential for Valentino products Contact agents6. Invest in an existing group of cafés €500,000 Become a partner in cafés which sell and promote Valentino chocolates7. Set up online sales €150,000 Increase sales and profits8. Buy a new fleet of cars €500,000 Increase motivation of the sales staff TaskYou are directors of Valentino. In order to solve the current problems of the company and enable Valentino to become a competitive international business, please write an investment plan to your CEO to analyze how to invest €1.5 million. You have to:list the investment options you have chosenGive arguments for each option, as well as cost and anticipated benefit.Case 2 - CaferomaBackgroundCaferoma, a well-known brand of coffee, is owned by PEFD, a company based in Turin, Italy. It is promoted as an exclusive product for people who love ground coffee. Its image is of an Italian-style coffee. It has a strong and slightly bitter taste, and costs more than almost every other ground coffee product on the market.ProblemsIn the last two years, Caferoma's share of the quality ground coffee market has declined by almost 30%. There are several reasons for this:A) Brand loyalty: Consumers have become less loyal to brands and more price conscious. They are willing to buy lower-priced coffee products.B) Price: Supermarkets are selling, under their own label, similar products to Caferoma at much lower prices.C) "Copycat" products: Competing products of Italian-style ground coffee are selling at prices 30 to 40% lower than Caferoma.D) Brand image: the Caferoma brand no longer seems to be exciting and up-to-date.Market share European quality ground coffee Top fiveEuropean coffeebrandsOther brands Supermarket ownlabel brandsCaferomaTop fiveEuropean coffeebrandsOther brands Supermarket ownlabel brandsCaferomaSales outlets as a (%) percentage of Caferoma sales 0102030405060H o t e l sR e s t a u r a n t s S u p e r m a r k e t s S p e c i a l i s t s h o p s 2 years ago last year2 years agoLast yearFocus group resultsDo you think Caferoma is ... % of people answering "yes" Expensive? 60Value for money? 43Good quality? 70Old-fashioned? 80Exciting? 23Exclusive? 55Possible solutions1.Repositioning the productChange Caferoma's image to appeal to a different market segment. (Which segment? What changes to taste, quality, packaging, logo, labeling, distribution?)2.PricingReduce the price by, say, 20% to 30% so that it is in the medium range of prices.3.AdvertisingDevelop a new advertising campaign to relaunch the brand.4.Multiple brandsSell Caferoma, which small changes to product, under different brand names at lower prices.5.Own brand label productsAllow supermarkets and hypermarkets to sell Caferoma under the supermarkets' own brand labels. Continue to market the Caferoma brand at the same time.6.A new productBring out an instant coffee or decaffeinated product under the Caferoma brand as soon as possible.7.Stretching the brandAllow some makers of coffee equipment ( cafetieres, percolators, coffee machines, etc.) to use the Caferoma brand on their goods, for a licensing fee.Listen to the latest newsClaudia, Caferoma's Marketing Manager, has some recent news from one of Caferoma's biggest customers, Majestic Hotels, a major European hotel chain. She discusses the news with Caferoma's Sales Director, Pietro. Listen to their conversation. How does this new information affect your decisions?TaskYou are a member of PEFD's marketing team. Please write a report to Caferoma's Managing Director, Mario Cumino. You may analyze the advantages and disadvantages of each solution. Then decide what to do to stop the decline in the product's market share and to increase profits.。



---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------ 歌帝梵巧克力行业消费者行为分析目录一、巧克力的起源3二、巧克力市场的现状及需求分析3(一)中国巧克力市场的现状3(二)巧克力市场的需求分析41、口味偏好52、影响购买因素53、顾虑因素64、最能吸引消费者的关键点61/ 10三、歌帝梵巧克力品牌及店铺简介7(一)歌帝梵巧克力的品牌简介及发展现状71、歌帝梵品牌简介72、歌帝梵品牌的发展现状7(二)歌帝梵上海门店介绍8四、歌帝梵巧克力消费分析8(一)店铺消费者性别年龄构成:8(二)购买歌帝梵的理由9(三)客单价9(四)主要购买的产品10(五)各时段人员配备11---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------ 五、消费者购买行为分析11(一)5W1H 理论的应用分析11(二)消费者的购买心理121、消费者的心理特征的发展趋势12(1)传统的消费观念根植深厚12(2)个性化需求凸显122、消费者的购买动机133、消费者购买心理的七阶段说13六、营销策略分析13(一)营销中4P、4C、4R理论的发展趋势133/ 10(二)人们为什么会喜欢巧克力141、巧克力是能量补充剂142、巧克力是甜品中的“开心果”14中国的糖果市场已经存在多年,但是巧克力的消费量却远远小于日本和韩国人均1.4公斤的消费量,就更不能与瑞士年人均消费的巧克力达到10公斤之多相比了。



宝石、 情人及世界之粹7大系列。
比利时的DucD’o(迪克多)巧克力:产品种类有:雅致综合巧克力、12 星座心
法国德菲丝巧克力:又称“黑蘑菇”,23.80元/100g迷你装,大盒价格 大约是
英国梅费尔的本狄克斯(BendicksofMayfair)公司:特色产品:薄荷型巧 克
in 1847 chocolate in its solid form
瑞士Broc-Gruyère的Maison Cailler
瑞士日内瓦的Stettler Chocolate Factory
瑞士苏黎世的Confiserie Sprüngli
纽约布鲁克林的Mast Brothers Chocolate
and a single
complete hazelnuts.
Each chocolate choose gold foil independent packing, displayed within the transparent (透明的)gift box. The lid with a sign, must be clearly printed on FERRERO ROCHER.
每颗ROCHER选用金箔纸 独立包装,陈列在透明礼盒内。 盒盖上烫金标贴须清楚 印有的FERREROROCHER字样。
最著名的. 是费列罗榛果
威化巧克力,开创多层 式用
料,外面铺满巧克力碎 果仁,里面有威化、软 巧克 力和一粒完整的榛子。
• MM’s是在西班牙内战



1)大写“V”:瓦伦蒂诺·加拉瓦尼名字的开头 字母。无论在哪,只要看到“V”字商标, 就意味精致与华美。
2008—2009年Alessandra Facchinetti亚历山德拉·法 斯海聂特
,JW2B0671BOL F30
19 .
Men swear
蝴蝶扎染衬衫外套 ¥16500
27 .
他们从这位伊丽莎伯时代的剧作大文豪汲取灵感,重点并没有放在故事桥段、情节或主角上,而是关注作品如何展露 人性,传神描绘出它的各个方面,带出弦外之音。 新系列采用庄重恬静的色调,配以浓艳、尊贵的夜色,还有华贵深沉的黑色。 Couture高定时装的浮夸及舞台效果被刻意淡化,焦点转至设计的神态与能量,以及莎士比亚笔下男性的高雅气派, 带出隐晦但浓烈的阳刚气息。
四、Catwalk 展示图片
23 .
Valentino2015秋冬 拜占庭少女极简宫廷风
24 .
Valentino2015秋冬 拜占庭少女极简宫廷风
25 .
26 .
致敬莎士比亚经典 世界是一个舞台,每个人都可以自我表述,展示交织人生色彩的热情、感受和情绪。今年正值莎士比亚逝世 400周年纪念,Maria Grazia Chiuri与Pierpaolo Piccioli以「世界剧场」的意念构思Valentino Haute Couture 2016-17秋冬高定系列



宣传德芙巧克力英文作文英文:Deavas Chocolate is a delicious and popular brand of chocolate that has been around for many years. The company was founded in Switzerland in 1845 and has since become one of the most well-known chocolate brands in the world.One of the reasons why Deavas Chocolate is so popular is because of its high quality. The chocolate is made from the finest ingredients, including cocoa beans sourced from around the world. The company also uses a special process to ensure that the chocolate is smooth and creamy, withjust the right amount of sweetness.Another reason why Deavas Chocolate is so popular is because of its wide variety of flavors. Whether you prefer dark chocolate, milk chocolate, or white chocolate, Deavas has something for everyone. Some of the most popularflavors include hazelnut, caramel, and raspberry.In addition to its delicious taste, Deavas Chocolate is also known for its beautiful packaging. The company's signature gold wrapper is instantly recognizable and adds a touch of elegance to any gift or treat.Overall, Deavas Chocolate is a wonderful choice for anyone who loves chocolate. With its high quality, wide variety of flavors, and beautiful packaging, it's no wonder why this brand has remained so popular for so many years.中文:德芙巧克力是一种美味而受欢迎的巧克力品牌,已经存在多年。


16世纪,西班牙探险家将可可豆 带回欧洲,并开始制作固体巧克 力。随着时间的推移,巧克力逐 渐在欧洲流行开来,并成为一种
19世纪,瑞士和比利时的巧克力 制造商开始工业化生产巧克力, 使得巧克力的制作更加高效和普
瑞士莲(Lindt) 瑞士三角( Tobler…
法国马卡龙是著名的甜点 品牌,其巧克力制品也非 常受欢迎。
意大利费列罗是全球知名 的巧克力品牌,以其丰富 的口感和独特的制作工艺 而备受喜爱。
Noka Vintages Collection
Noka Vintages Collection起源于比利时,拥有超过100年的历
汇报人: 2023-12-18
• 巧克力品牌概述 • Noka Vintages Collection • Teuscher • 法芙娜 • porcelana • 松露巧克力 • Godiva
巧克力的起源可以追溯到古代中 美洲的阿兹特克和玛雅文明。当 时,人们已经开始使用可可豆制 作饮料,这种饮料被称为“巧克
Noka选用优质可可豆和 天然原料,确保产品的

商务英语—Bussiness Report

商务英语—Bussiness Report

The investment project on Valentino ChocolatesDate of Submission: May 16,2014Contents Introduction (2)Discussion& Findings (2)Conclusio n (3)Recommendations (4)Summary (5)IntroductionBackground:V alentino chocolates are made in T urin, Italy. The V alentino Company’s products won a delicious and unique taste .V alentino has won many international awards. The company expanded fast. It has large-scale coproduction and sales.Why profits falling:However, in the last two years, the company has emerged some problems.Firstly, there is a widespread price cutting in the industry;Secondly, factory machines often break down;Thirdly, demand for its Classic Bar is falling;Fourthly, V alentino's new products, biscuits and cakes, are not selling well;Finally, the staff’s morale is low.Discussion& FindingsBefore our discussion, we have 10 choices about the investment, but we have only€1.5 million. So we have to choice some more necessary items from them. Follows are what we have thought about these 10 items.1. Extend the factory. €500,000Increase the factory’s capacity by 30%But it is not the most important, it cost too much.2. Buy new machinery. €200,000End the delays caused by the old machines breaking downMost of the machine is need to repair.3. Invest in more research and development. €200,000Develop new products such as a low-fat chocolate drink, new biscuits/cakes.Many girls like these things.It isn’t the company most need to do.4. Buy out a local competitor. €1.5 millionReduce local competition.But i t cost to much money, we can’t do anything else.5. Establish a factory in the US. €1.3 millionManufacture chocolates in a major new marketBut it cost too much money, we can’t do anything else.6. Launch a marketing campaign. €500,000Increase sales of all products.We can know what we need to do first.7. Finance a market survey and research trips to the US. €100,000Assess the marker potential for V alentino products.We can know what people like, then we can do in the true way.8. Invest in an existing group of cafes. €500,000Become a partner in cafes which sell and promote V alentino chocolates.9. Set up online sales. €150,000Increase sales and profits.Online sales are the new way to sell things, there are more and more people like shopping online.10. Buy a new fleet of cars. €500,000Increase motivation of the sales staff.I t isn’t the most use ful way to inspire the sales staff, and it also cost to much.ConclusionAfter our discussion, we have made our final choices:1.Buy new machinery;unching a marketing campaign;3.Finance a market survey and research trip to the US;4.Invest in an existing group of cafes;5.Set up online sales.We believe that in order to improve company sales levels, to buy new machinery and launch a marketing campaign is the most necessary. Firstly, we all know that our factory machine is always break down, not only slows down the production speed, and this poses a threat to the health of employees. Secondly, launching a marketing campaign can increase our competitiveness and strength the innovation ability. However , all of them can help our company sell more products. RecommendationWe are going to make them in 2 stage: The preparing stage and the implementation stage, both of them are important and absolutely necessary.In the preparing, we will focus on the physical facilities and our market. Details are as follows:First of all, we should buy new machinery, especially the core machines, for the making procedure is the most important. We must have the advanced facilities. And the assembly lines’ machinery should be purchased as soon as possible to improve the staff’s working efficiency.Then, about the market, we will finance a market survey and research trips to the US. This is very important for us to know what our customers are favor in. We will finish this part though different ways such as questionnaire survey, interview etc. and the survey items will be widen and targeted. As the United States is a big market for us, we will send groups of career men to the US to make the local survey, and our requirement is that they can deep-going to the public and get some data from the trips and analysis the data to get some information which we need. No matter the market survey or the research trips, they need to give us the survey reports, which reflect what information they get though the survey. We will produce our products according to the current situation, which they written in the survey report.After the preparation above, we will turn into the implementation stage. In this part we will divide into three producers. Details are as follows:Step 1: We will launch a marketing campaign.This step is the most important in our investment, for it can rebuild the reputation and own more customers on our strong brand. But on the opposite, if we fail on the campaign, not only it will reduce our confidence, but people will keep on ignoring our products.So we should make the full preparation for it. We will make the market campaign project first, the adverting plan, price plan, target customers plan, after service plan, on sales plan and the later plan will be included in the project. Of course the project should be made on the base of the survey reports which we got in the preparation stage. And then, we will put the project into practice. For some sales promotion, we will establish a special work group to be responsible for it to e nsure it’s gonging with a swing. And for other plans, we will also invite some professionals to make and carry them out, or do some guidance.Step 2: Invest in an existing group of cafes.It’s a good choice for more people to know it and needn’t cost muc h relatively. Butwe must define the right position for it. We need choose the cafes before, for some top ones can improve our grade. And the places are also important, good sales will be in the busy streets, but the expenses will be high, so we have to balance the two key elements. In addition, we can design some new styles or tastes of the chocolates according to the different cafes to hold different people.Step 3: Set up online sales.This movement can be in progress at the same time of the step 2, for they are different areas for the sales. Online sale is a new and a strange manner for us. But it’s one of the main sales ways in current, we cannot neglect it. This may spend us a long time to be ripe for it. We should employ some technological people to make the web pages. And we have to arrange the delivery and transportation. Also we have to adapt to the on-line payment.Ps:This recommendation is a general plan now and will be changed whenever the investment project is carried out.For every item’s more details, please look at the subproject of the business report.SummaryAfter a series of discussion from the Board of Directors, we agreed the following investment plan:1. Buy new machinery, it will cost 500,000 Euros. Because our factory machine is always break down, not only slows down the production speed, and this poses a threat to the health of employees.2. Launching a marketing campaign, we need cost 500,000 Euros, we can increase our competitiveness and strength the innovation ability .What’s more, it can help our company sell more products.3. Finance a market survey and research trip to the US, it will cost 100,000 Euros. In this way, we can assess the market potential for chocolates products and make more people know our products.4. Invest in an existing group of cafes, we need cost 500,000 Euros. we become a partner in cafes which sell and promote chocolates, it can strength our sales ability.5. Set up online sales, it will cost 150,000 Euros. Online sales could increase our chocolate sales and profits.All above will cost 1.45million Euros. We will set side 50 thousand Euros to be our circulating fund for a rainy day.。



We reviewed with Valentino Chocolates companies background, reason for falling profits, company’s owners future plans and options that owners are ready to invest, we conclude:2. we need to invest in more research and development. We can develop new products such as a low-fat chocolate drink, new biscuits or cakes about chocolate. They can attract many women who love dessert. In addition, the low-fat chocolate drink not only can make them enjoy delicious but also not easy to get fat. They don’t need to worry to be fat. And the dessert can let us forget the annoyed things. But a lot of customer maybe don’t dare taste our new products. Because they are accustomed to our classic products, so sometimes they can not accept the new products.6. Invest in an existing group of cafes is the second step we need to do. An existing group of café has had a certain position in the market, so it can become a good partner to sell and promote Valentino chocolates. We can earn a lot of money from another places, at the same time we can save money of opening a branch store and we don’t need to spend a lot of thoughts in that store. But we are easily to cause some money problem with café. The aspect of the price we are difficult to have identical ideas.7. Finally, we decide to set up online sales. Because there are the increasing number of people prefer to shop online. If we set up online sales, many people must want to buy our products, because it is convenient to them. People should also be more inclined to this way. They don't need to go out to taste our products through the internet. But a lot of people could worry about the speed of delivering products or some the problem of product health.4. we need finance a market survey and research trips to the US. We can assess the market potential for Valentino products Contact agents. This is a good market resource.All this anti-crisis plan will costs to the company enro。



巧克力资料来历作文英语Chocolate, a sweet treat loved by people all over the world, has a long and fascinating history dating back thousands of years. Its origins can be traced back to the ancient civilizations of Mesoamerica, where the cacao tree, from which chocolate is derived, was first cultivated.The Mayans and Aztecs were among the first to discover the delights of chocolate. They believed that cacao beans were a gift from the gods and used them to create a bitter, spicy drink called xocolatl. This drink was often mixedwith chili peppers, vanilla, and other spices to enhanceits flavor. It was considered a luxury reserved for theelite and was used in religious ceremonies and royal feasts.When the Spanish conquistadors arrived in the Americasin the 16th century, they were introduced to chocolate bythe Aztecs. They brought cacao beans back to Europe, where chocolate quickly became popular among the nobility. The bitter drink was sweetened with sugar and flavored withcinnamon, vanilla, and other ingredients to create a more palatable treat.In the 19th century, the invention of the cocoa press revolutionized the chocolate-making process, making it easier and more affordable to produce. This led to the creation of solid chocolate bars, which were first made by the Swiss company Nestle in 1875. These bars were a huge success and paved the way for the mass production of chocolate that we know today.Today, chocolate is enjoyed in many forms, from bars and truffles to hot cocoa and chocolate cakes. It is a popular gift for holidays and special occasions, and is often associated with love and indulgence. Chocolate is also used in cooking and baking, adding richness and depth to a variety of dishes.In recent years, there has been a growing interest in dark chocolate, which is known for its health benefits. Dark chocolate contains antioxidants and flavonoids that have been linked to lower blood pressure, improved hearthealth, and even a reduced risk of certain diseases. This has led to a surge in the popularity of dark chocolate and an increase in demand for high-quality, artisanal chocolates.In conclusion, chocolate has a rich and storied history that spans centuries and continents. From its humble beginnings as a bitter drink enjoyed by ancientcivilizations to its current status as a beloved treat enjoyed by people of all ages, chocolate has truly stood the test of time. So the next time you indulge in a piece of chocolate, take a moment to savor its rich history and enjoy the sweet taste of this timeless treat.。

laderach 的广告语 -回复

laderach 的广告语 -回复

laderach 的广告语-回复Läderach的广告语,“让巧克力溢满幸福”,将带领我们解析这款迷人的瑞士巧克力品牌,揭示它是如何通过传统工艺和高质量原材料为消费者带来无尽的享受和幸福感的。




















生产巧克力过程英语作文英文回答:The production of chocolate is a complex andfascinating process, involving numerous stages that transform raw cocoa beans into the delectable treat we all love. Let's delve into the journey of chocolate making:1. Harvesting Cocoa Beans:The adventure begins with cocoa trees, which thrive in tropical regions with ample rainfall and warm temperatures. The ripe pods are picked and opened to reveal cocoa beans, the foundation of chocolate.2. Fermentation and Drying:After harvesting, the cocoa beans undergo fermentation, a crucial step that develops the distinctive flavors and aromas of chocolate. The beans are left covered in bananaleaves or in wooden boxes for several days, allowing microorganisms to break down the sugars and create complex flavors. The fermented beans are then dried to reduce moisture content.3. Roasting and Grinding:The dried beans are roasted to enhance their flavor and aroma. Different roasting techniques can result in distinct flavor profiles. The roasted beans are then cracked and winnowed to separate the cocoa nibs from the shell. The cocoa nibs are then ground into a fine powder called cocoa liquor.4. Conching:The cocoa liquor is agitated and heated in a process called conching. This mechanical beating helps to further develop the chocolate's flavor and texture. The duration of conching can range from several hours to several days, greatly influencing the final quality of the chocolate.5. Tempering:Before molding, the chocolate is tempered. Tempering involves carefully heating and cooling the chocolate to align the fat crystals, resulting in a glossy and stable finished product that resists melting quickly.6. Molding and Packaging:The tempered chocolate is poured into molds, where it solidifies into the familiar chocolate shapes we know and love. The molded chocolate is then wrapped or packaged to preserve its freshness and quality.中文回答:巧克力生产过程。



巧克力起源的英语文章One of the few foods which appeals to people all over the world is chocolate. Developed by the Aztecs in South America, chocolate was brought to Europe by Spanish explorers around 1500 and soon became a fashionable drink. By the 19th century the Swiss had learned how to make it into a solid form which could be eaten rather than drunk. Chocolate bars rapidly became a popular snack for Europeans and people in most parts of the world. The word chocolate is the name for the Aztec goddess of love. It has always been one of the most popular gifts between lovers, especially on Valentine's Day. In fact, chocolate contains a chemical that can produce a feeling of pleasure and contentment. pared with other sweet-tasting snacks, chocolate is probably healthier. It contains good levels of many nutritious elements. It is stimulating and energy-giving. Although its fat content is high, it is no higher than ice-cream and French fries. And recent research has shown that much of the fat content in it cannot be absorbed by the body and 75% of the saturated fat in chocolate contains a substance which actually helps digestion. However, if you eat too much chocolate, it will make you fat, as is true of many other foods.Clinging to the window, my nose easily *** ells out the familiar flavor pervading in the *** all chocolate store. I gulp down the saliva after a piece of chocolate melts in my mouth, and even could not help closing my eyes to enjoy the marvelous feeling. Oh, Chocolate, my favorite!------------------------------------------------------------------ 下面是些资料你可以自己按喜好删减或者添加希望能帮到你楼主加油~~好运~~!The chocolate origins from Mexico, there is growing deep-rooted andflourishing, the laden with fruit cacao. Before this, the peoplediscovered the earliest chocolate expends the archaeology evidencebelongs to the A.D. 400 years. The US researcher publishes in 18thEngland Nature in the magazine reports said that, they use the new *** ysis technology, has discovered the manufacture chocolate rawmaterial -- cocoa beans unique chemical position characteristic inTao Pingli. The ancient times Indian ground to the cocoa fruit the powder, withthe maize meal, the chili powder mixed in the same place, madeslightly brings the bitter astringency to make daily food. To14 centuries, the Mexican advances seasoning and so on sugar, vanillain the cocoa, delightfully pounds one kind to be delicious ,this is the chocolate embryonic form. Until 17th century, thechocolate only then spreads to Europe. How did the European not onlylearn to manufacture the chocolate, and the bold innovation, enabledthe chocolate the taste to have the very big enhancement, from thishas established the European chocolate outstanding prestige, became inthe world the most important chocolate output place. In the Europeanmultitudinous chocolate production country, the German chocolatewithout doubt extremely has the petitive ability. The German relieson the advanced technical equipment, the abundant fund, produces the chocolate, and best-selling world each place. Butbeautiful may the chocolate be most important representative, justlike Germany's another masterpiece - populace automobile is same, i *** eautiful may the chocolate to it make the happy quality and thesolid price position which one trusts, bees in the world the salesvolume to be situated the sixth famous chocolate. Chocolate GermanGermany is in the world one of biggest chocolate outputcountries,must every year more than 100 countries and the area sells 400,000 tonabout to the world in the chocolate. Germany also mays be called thechocolate the expense great nation. Statistics have indicated, an eachGerman year must expend the chocolate 10-15 kilogram. In Germany'ssupermarket, frequently may see domestic market rare even no 500G,1000G to install a chocolate row of block. America may thechocolate fully manifest the date you the graceful nationality'scharacteristic: Tradition, rigorous, tenacious pursue perfect as wellas born that way to technical unremitting pursue. America might chocolate founder gentleman study invents in the world thefirst water power grinder, greatly enhanced the production efficiency,this pioneering work announced the chocolate "the mechanizedproduction" the time start, also established Germany to advance intothe chocolate kingdom the foundation. As a result of its advancedproduction technology, thus causes the beautiful satisfying chocolatenot only the nature to be superior, moreover moderate price. Althoughthe body for the German original installation import chocolate, itsprice position actually and the domestic joint capital factoryproduction chocolate is equally matched. The chocolate eats the lawchocolate originally is only has the luxury goods which the nobilitycan enjoy, the present chocolate although already everywhereobviously, no longer is any cherishes the thing, but if does notunderstand it to eat the law, to swallow whole, that only can regretsaying was the careless and wasteful use of nature's products. Tastesthe chocolate, also is fastidious "the color, the fragrance, thetaste". Color. The chocolate raw material is the cocoa beans, natureits color is one kind of brown. If cocoa fat content high, color deepsomewhat, just like is beautiful may the bitter taste chocolate;If the dairyproducts content relatively high speech, color pale,resemble beautifully may the milk chocolate. But, surely rememberspoint: The good chocolate has the gloss, that high quality chocolate,it can together in yours control the flash! Does not believe,beautifully opens a box to be possible the chocolate to try.Fragrant. Just like very good frozen goes against the Ukraine dragonbefore, drinks must first *** ell that fragrance, that kind of fragrancecan drill into your nose cavity all of a sudden, lingers, continuesthoroughly, until gladdens the heart. The chocolate is also same.Understands the chocolate the person, certainly cannot give up thisfragrance, because enters in front of the mouth in the chocolate, thisalready was one kind enjoys everyone.。

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