新世纪大学英语视听说1 教案

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教案1-新世纪大学英语视听说.案1 教新世纪大学英语视听说

Topic Discussion:

Introduce Yourself Vacation Unit Two 一、讲授章节名称:

Topic Discussion:

Talk about the weather



听力口语部分Unit Three视听说教程》第一册光盘《新世纪大学英语-2-

Step Three (in English).

选出代表和其它小组交流分组讨论练习, Topic Discussion:

My Favorite Pastimes


听力口语部分Unit Four视听说教程》第一册光盘《新世纪大学英语-3-

Step Three (in English).

选出代表和其它小组交流分组讨论练习, Topic Discussion:

Can I borrow $20 ?

Step Two 观看并模仿-4-

. 口语部分Unit Five听力《新世纪大学英语视听说教程》第一册光盘

Step Three (in English).

选出代表和其它小组交流分组讨论练习, Topic Discussion:

Ask for and give directions


听力口语部分Unit Six视听说教程》第一册光盘《新世纪大学英语-5-

Step Three (in English).

选出代表和其它小组交流分组讨论练习, Topic Discussion:

Talk about places



Step Two 观看并模仿. 口语部分Unit Seven听力《新世纪大学英语视听说教程》第一册光盘

Step Three (in English).


Topic Discussion:. -读写教程》第一册第八课单词和课文光盘《全新版大学英语Step Two 观看并模仿-7-

. 口语部分Unit Eight听力《新世纪大学英语视听说教程》第一册光盘

Step Three (in English).

选出代表和其它小组交流分组讨论练习, Topic Discussion:

Talk about profession


Unit 1 New Friends, New Faces

1. Teaching aims:

of exercises and three people through vocabulary link to 1) Learn meet new

listening, speaking and communication.

global courses, i.e. others through two video to 2) Learn describe yourself and

viewpoints and city living.

2. Knowledge Skill:

1) Vocabulary: online pen pals; Portuguese; art gallery; blonde; curly; heavyset;

muscular; hazel-colored; light-skinned

others; yourself and greeting people, introducing 2) Useful expressions about

everyday English; describing people and commenting on

someone's appearance. a. I major in computer sciences. / I'm a math student. / I study in bioengineering.b. What do you do for fun? / Do you like traveling? / What kind of movies do you


not I'm books. / When / I like reading comic movies. c. I enjoy going to the

time, I usually…studying I like… / In my free

no / Sure, god! / Got it. / are friends for? / Good for you! Oh! My What d.


3. Teaching important points

people meeting commonly-used expressions of the 1) Grasp language forms and

and describing people.

2) Have a certain understanding of speaking strategies. 4. Teaching difficult points

Learn to make conversations of meeting people and describing people by the use

of the important expressions in this unit.

5. Teaching Procedure:

Step 1 Vocabulary Link

by correspond new --- friends that online Introduce the idea of pen pals

e-mail. Ask if any students have online pen pals. If there are some students having

online pen pals, ask one or two to introduce their pen pals to the class. Present the

have Next information. Check answers. the fill Have vocabulary. students in

students work in pairs. If there is one student left, ask him or her to join a pair to


make a group. Have students interview each other and fill in the information.

Step 2 Listening

Familiarize students with the new words. Ask them to read the new words

aloud after you. Review the idea of online pen pals. Tell students to listen and

write their answers. Play the recording and check answers. Listen again and
