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u-blox F9 HPS 1.30产品介绍说明书

u-blox F9 HPS 1.30产品介绍说明书

u-blox F9 HPS 1.30u-blox F9 high precision sensor fusion GNSS receiver Protocol version 33.30Interface descriptionAbstractThis document describes the interface (version 33.30) of the u-bloxF9 firmware HPS 1.30 platform.UBX-22010984 - R01C1-PublicDocument informationTitle u-blox F9 HPS 1.30Subtitle u-blox F9 high precision sensor fusion GNSS receiver Document type Interface descriptionDocument number UBX-22010984Revision and date R0116-Sep-2022 Disclosure restriction C1-Publicu-blox or third parties may hold intellectual property rights in the products, names, logos and designs included in this document. Copying, reproduction, or modification of this document or any part thereof is only permitted with the express written permission of u-blox. Disclosure to third parties is permitted for clearly public documents only.The information contained herein is provided "as is" and u-blox assumes no liability for its use. No warranty, either express or implied, is given, including but not limited to, with respect to the accuracy, correctness, reliability and fitness for a particular purpose of the information. This document may be revised by u-blox at any time without notice. For the most recent documents, visit .Copyright © 2022, u-blox AG.Contents1 General information (14)1.1 Document overview (14)1.2 Firmware and protocol versions (14)1.3 Receiver configuration (16)1.4 Message naming (17)1.5 GNSS, satellite, and signal identifiers (17)1.5.1 Overview (17)1.5.2 GNSS identifiers (18)1.5.3 Satellite identifiers (18)1.5.4 Signal identifiers (19)1.6 Message types (20)2 NMEA protocol (21)2.1 NMEA frame structure (21)2.2 NMEA protocol configuration (21)2.3 NMEA-proprietary messages (22)2.4 NMEA multi-GNSS operation (23)2.5 NMEA data fields (23)2.5.1 NMEA Talker ID (23)2.5.2 NMEA extra fields (23)2.5.3 NMEA latitude and longitude format (24)2.5.4 NMEA GNSS, satellite, and signal numbering (24)2.5.5 NMEA position fix flags (24)2.5.6 NMEA output of invalid or unknown data (25)2.6 NMEA messages overview (26)2.7 Standard messages (26)2.7.1 DTM (26) Datum reference (27)2.7.2 GAQ (27) Poll a standard message (Talker ID GA) (27)2.7.3 GBQ (28) Poll a standard message (Talker ID GB) (28)2.7.4 GBS (28) GNSS satellite fault detection (28)2.7.5 GGA (29) Global positioning system fix data (29)2.7.6 GLL (30) Latitude and longitude, with time of position fix and status (30)2.7.7 GLQ (30) Poll a standard message (Talker ID GL) (30)2.7.8 GNQ (31) Poll a standard message (Talker ID GN) (31)2.7.9 GNS (31) GNSS fix data (31)2.7.10 GPQ (32) Poll a standard message (Talker ID GP) (32)2.7.11 GQQ (32) Poll a standard message (Talker ID GQ) (33)2.7.12 GRS (33) GNSS range residuals (33)2.7.13 GSA (34) GNSS DOP and active satellites (34)2.7.14 GST (34) GNSS pseudorange error statistics (34)2.7.15 GSV (35) GNSS satellites in view (35)2.7.16 RLM (36) Return link message (RLM) (36)2.7.17 RMC (36) Recommended minimum data (36)2.7.18 THS (37) True heading and status (37)2.7.19 TXT (38) Text transmission (38)2.7.20 VTG (38) Course over ground and ground speed (38)2.7.21 ZDA (39) Time and date (39)2.8 Secondary output messages (40)2.8.1 GGA (40) Global positioning system fix data (40)2.8.2 GLL (41) Latitude and longitude, with time of position fix and status (41)2.8.3 GNS (41) GNSS fix data (42)2.8.4 GSA (43) GNSS DOP and active satellites (43)2.8.5 RMC (44) Recommended minimum data (44)2.8.6 VTG (45) Course over ground and ground speed (45)2.8.7 ZDA (45) Time and date (45)2.9 PUBX messages (46)2.9.1 CONFIG (PUBX,41) (46) Set protocols and baud rate (46)2.9.2 POSITION (PUBX,00) (47) Poll a PUBX,00 message (47) Lat/Long position data (47)2.9.3 RATE (PUBX,40) (48) Set NMEA message output rate (48)2.9.4 SVSTATUS (PUBX,03) (49) Poll a PUBX,03 message (49)2.9.5 TIME (PUBX,04) (49) Poll a PUBX,04 message (50)3 UBX protocol (51)3.1 UBX protocol key features (51)3.2 UBX frame structure (51)3.3 UBX payload definition rules (52)3.3.1 UBX structure packing (52)3.3.2 UBX reserved elements (52)3.3.3 UBX undefined values (52)3.3.4 UBX conditional values (52)3.3.5 UBX data types (52)3.3.6 UBX fields scale and unit (53)3.3.7 UBX repeated fields (53)3.3.8 UBX payload decoding (54)3.4 UBX checksum (54)3.5 UBX message flow (54)3.5.1 UBX acknowledgement (54)3.5.2 UBX polling mechanism (54)3.6 GNSS, satellite, and signal numbering (55)3.7 UBX message example (55)3.8 UBX messages overview (56)3.9 UBX-ACK (0x05) (59)3.9.1 UBX-ACK-ACK (0x05 0x01) (59) Message acknowledged (60)3.9.2 UBX-ACK-NAK (0x05 0x00) (60) Message not acknowledged (60)3.10 UBX-CFG (0x06) (60)3.10.1 UBX-CFG-CFG (0x06 0x09) (60) Clear, save and load configurations (60)3.10.2 UBX-CFG-RST (0x06 0x04) (61) Reset receiver / Clear backup data structures (61)3.10.3 UBX-CFG-SPT (0x06 0x64) (62) Configure and start a sensor production test (62)3.10.4 UBX-CFG-VALDEL (0x06 0x8c) (63) Delete configuration item values (63) Delete configuration item values (with transaction) (63)3.10.5 UBX-CFG-VALGET (0x06 0x8b) (64) Get configuration items (65) Configuration items (65)3.10.6 UBX-CFG-VALSET (0x06 0x8a) (66) Set configuration item values (66) Set configuration item values (with transaction) (67)3.11 UBX-ESF (0x10) (68)3.11.1 UBX-ESF-ALG (0x10 0x14) (68) IMU alignment information (68)3.11.2 UBX-ESF-INS (0x10 0x15) (69) Vehicle dynamics information (69)3.11.3 UBX-ESF-MEAS (0x10 0x02) (70) External sensor fusion measurements (70)3.11.4 UBX-ESF-RAW (0x10 0x03) (70) Raw sensor measurements (70)3.11.5 UBX-ESF-STATUS (0x10 0x10) (71) External sensor fusion status (71)3.12 UBX-INF (0x04) (72)3.12.1 UBX-INF-DEBUG (0x04 0x04) (72) ASCII output with debug contents (72)3.12.2 UBX-INF-ERROR (0x04 0x00) (73) ASCII output with error contents (73)3.12.3 UBX-INF-NOTICE (0x04 0x02) (73) ASCII output with informational contents (73)3.12.4 UBX-INF-TEST (0x04 0x03) (73) ASCII output with test contents (73)3.12.5 UBX-INF-WARNING (0x04 0x01) (74) ASCII output with warning contents (74)3.13 UBX-MGA (0x13) (74)3.13.1 UBX-MGA-ACK (0x13 0x60) (74) Multiple GNSS acknowledge message (74)3.13.2 UBX-MGA-BDS (0x13 0x03) (75) BeiDou ephemeris assistance (75) BeiDou almanac assistance (76) BeiDou health assistance (77) BeiDou UTC assistance (77) BeiDou ionosphere assistance (78)3.13.3 UBX-MGA-DBD (0x13 0x80) (78) Poll the navigation database (78) Navigation database dump entry (79)3.13.4 UBX-MGA-GAL (0x13 0x02) (79) Galileo ephemeris assistance (79) Galileo almanac assistance (80) Galileo GPS time offset assistance (81) Galileo UTC assistance (82)3.13.5 UBX-MGA-GLO (0x13 0x06) (82) GLONASS ephemeris assistance (82) GLONASS almanac assistance (83) GLONASS auxiliary time offset assistance (84)3.13.6 UBX-MGA-GPS (0x13 0x00) (84) GPS ephemeris assistance (84) GPS almanac assistance (86) GPS health assistance (86) GPS UTC assistance (87) GPS ionosphere assistance (87)3.13.7 UBX-MGA-INI (0x13 0x40) (88) Initial position assistance (88) Initial position assistance (88) Initial time assistance (89) Initial time assistance (90) Initial clock drift assistance (91) Initial frequency assistance (91)3.13.8 UBX-MGA-QZSS (0x13 0x05) (91) QZSS ephemeris assistance (92) QZSS almanac assistance (93) QZSS health assistance (93)3.13.9 UBX-MGA-SF (0x13 0x10) (94) Sensor fusion initialization data (94) Sensor fusion initialization data (94)3.14 UBX-MON (0x0a) (95)3.14.1 UBX-MON-COMMS (0x0a 0x36) (95) Communication port information (95)3.14.2 UBX-MON-GNSS (0x0a 0x28) (96) Information message major GNSS selection (96)3.14.3 UBX-MON-HW (0x0a 0x09) (96) Hardware status (97)3.14.4 UBX-MON-HW2 (0x0a 0x0b) (97) Extended hardware status (98)3.14.5 UBX-MON-HW3 (0x0a 0x37) (98) I/O pin status (98)3.14.6 UBX-MON-IO (0x0a 0x02) (99) I/O system status (99)3.14.7 UBX-MON-MSGPP (0x0a 0x06) (100) Message parse and process status (100)3.14.8 UBX-MON-PATCH (0x0a 0x27) (100) Installed patches (100)3.14.9 UBX-MON-RF (0x0a 0x38) (101) RF information (101)3.14.10 UBX-MON-RXBUF (0x0a 0x07) (102) Receiver buffer status (102)3.14.11 UBX-MON-RXR (0x0a 0x21) (102) Receiver status information (102)3.14.12 UBX-MON-SPAN (0x0a 0x31) (102) Signal characteristics (103)3.14.13 UBX-MON-SPT (0x0a 0x2f) (103) Sensor production test (103)3.14.14 UBX-MON-SYS (0x0a 0x39) (105) Current system performance information (105)3.14.15 UBX-MON-TXBUF (0x0a 0x08) (106) Transmitter buffer status (106)3.14.16 UBX-MON-VER (0x0a 0x04) (107) Receiver and software version (107)3.15 UBX-NAV (0x01) (107)3.15.1 UBX-NAV-ATT (0x01 0x05) (108) Attitude solution (108)3.15.2 UBX-NAV-CLOCK (0x01 0x22) (108) Clock solution (108)3.15.3 UBX-NAV-COV (0x01 0x36) (109) Covariance matrices (109)3.15.4 UBX-NAV-DOP (0x01 0x04) (109) Dilution of precision (109)3.15.5 UBX-NAV-EELL (0x01 0x3d) (110) Position error ellipse parameters (110)3.15.6 UBX-NAV-EOE (0x01 0x61) (110) End of epoch (110)3.15.7 UBX-NAV-GEOFENCE (0x01 0x39) (111) Geofencing status (111)3.15.8 UBX-NAV-HPPOSECEF (0x01 0x13) (111) High precision position solution in ECEF (111)3.15.9 UBX-NAV-HPPOSLLH (0x01 0x14) (112) High precision geodetic position solution (112)3.15.10 UBX-NAV-ORB (0x01 0x34) (113) GNSS orbit database info (113)3.15.11 UBX-NAV-PL (0x01 0x62) (114) Protection level information (114)3.15.12 UBX-NAV-POSECEF (0x01 0x01) (116) Position solution in ECEF (116)3.15.13 UBX-NAV-POSLLH (0x01 0x02) (116) Geodetic position solution (117)3.15.14 UBX-NAV-PVAT (0x01 0x17) (117) Navigation position velocity attitude time solution (117)3.15.15 UBX-NAV-PVT (0x01 0x07) (119) Navigation position velocity time solution (119)3.15.16 UBX-NAV-RELPOSNED (0x01 0x3c) (121) Relative positioning information in NED frame (122)3.15.17 UBX-NAV-SAT (0x01 0x35) (123) Satellite information (123)3.15.18 UBX-NAV-SBAS (0x01 0x32) (125) SBAS status data (125)3.15.19 UBX-NAV-SIG (0x01 0x43) (126) Signal information (126)3.15.20 UBX-NAV-SLAS (0x01 0x42) (127) QZSS L1S SLAS status data (127)3.15.21 UBX-NAV-STATUS (0x01 0x03) (128) Receiver navigation status (128)3.15.22 UBX-NAV-TIMEBDS (0x01 0x24) (130) BeiDou time solution (130)3.15.23 UBX-NAV-TIMEGAL (0x01 0x25) (130) Galileo time solution (130)3.15.24 UBX-NAV-TIMEGLO (0x01 0x23) (131) GLONASS time solution (131)3.15.25 UBX-NAV-TIMEGPS (0x01 0x20) (132) GPS time solution (132)3.15.26 UBX-NAV-TIMELS (0x01 0x26) (132) Leap second event information (132)3.15.27 UBX-NAV-TIMEQZSS (0x01 0x27) (133) QZSS time solution (134)3.15.28 UBX-NAV-TIMEUTC (0x01 0x21) (134) UTC time solution (134)3.15.29 UBX-NAV-VELECEF (0x01 0x11) (135) Velocity solution in ECEF (135)3.15.30 UBX-NAV-VELNED (0x01 0x12) (135) Velocity solution in NED frame (136)3.16 UBX-NAV2 (0x29) (136)3.16.1 UBX-NAV2-CLOCK (0x29 0x22) (136) Clock solution (136)3.16.2 UBX-NAV2-COV (0x29 0x36) (137) Covariance matrices (137)3.16.3 UBX-NAV2-DOP (0x29 0x04) (137) Dilution of precision (137)3.16.4 UBX-NAV2-EELL (0x29 0x3d) (138) Position error ellipse parameters (138)3.16.5 UBX-NAV2-EOE (0x29 0x61) (138) End of epoch (138)3.16.6 UBX-NAV2-POSECEF (0x29 0x01) (139) Position solution in ECEF (139)3.16.7 UBX-NAV2-POSLLH (0x29 0x02) (139) Geodetic position solution (139)3.16.8 UBX-NAV2-PVAT (0x29 0x17) (140) Navigation position velocity attitude time solution (140)3.16.9 UBX-NAV2-PVT (0x29 0x07) (142) Navigation position velocity time solution (142)3.16.10 UBX-NAV2-SAT (0x29 0x35) (144) Satellite information (144)3.16.11 UBX-NAV2-SBAS (0x29 0x32) (146) SBAS status data (146)3.16.12 UBX-NAV2-SIG (0x29 0x43) (147) Signal information (147)3.16.13 UBX-NAV2-SLAS (0x29 0x42) (148) QZSS L1S SLAS status data (148)3.16.14 UBX-NAV2-STATUS (0x29 0x03) (149) Receiver navigation status (149)3.16.15 UBX-NAV2-TIMEBDS (0x29 0x24) (151) BeiDou time solution (151)3.16.16 UBX-NAV2-TIMEGAL (0x29 0x25) (151) Galileo time solution (151)3.16.17 UBX-NAV2-TIMEGLO (0x29 0x23) (152) GLONASS time solution (152)3.16.18 UBX-NAV2-TIMEGPS (0x29 0x20) (153) GPS time solution (153)3.16.19 UBX-NAV2-TIMELS (0x29 0x26) (153) Leap second event information (153)3.16.20 UBX-NAV2-TIMEQZSS (0x29 0x27) (154) QZSS time solution (155)3.16.21 UBX-NAV2-TIMEUTC (0x29 0x21) (155) UTC time solution (155)3.16.22 UBX-NAV2-VELECEF (0x29 0x11) (156) Velocity solution in ECEF (156)3.16.23 UBX-NAV2-VELNED (0x29 0x12) (156) Velocity solution in NED frame (157)3.17 UBX-RXM (0x02) (157)3.17.1 UBX-RXM-COR (0x02 0x34) (157) Differential correction input status (157)3.17.2 UBX-RXM-MEASX (0x02 0x14) (158) Satellite measurements for RRLP (158)3.17.3 UBX-RXM-PMP (0x02 0x72) (160) PMP (LBAND) message (160)3.17.4 UBX-RXM-PMREQ (0x02 0x41) (160) Power management request (160) Power management request (161)3.17.5 UBX-RXM-QZSSL6 (0x02 0x73) (161) QZSS L6 message (161)3.17.6 UBX-RXM-RAWX (0x02 0x15) (162) Multi-GNSS raw measurements (162)3.17.7 UBX-RXM-RLM (0x02 0x59) (164) Galileo SAR short-RLM report (164) Galileo SAR long-RLM report (164)3.17.8 UBX-RXM-RTCM (0x02 0x32) (165) RTCM input status (165)3.17.9 UBX-RXM-SPARTN (0x02 0x33) (165) SPARTN input status (165)3.17.10 UBX-RXM-SPARTNKEY (0x02 0x36) (166) Poll installed keys (166) Transfer dynamic SPARTN keys (166)3.18 UBX-SEC (0x27) (167)3.18.1 UBX-SEC-SIG (0x27 0x09) (167) Signal security information (167)3.18.2 UBX-SEC-SIGLOG (0x27 0x10) (168) Signal security log (168)3.18.3 UBX-SEC-UNIQID (0x27 0x03) (168) Unique chip ID (169)3.19 UBX-TIM (0x0d) (169)3.19.1 UBX-TIM-TM2 (0x0d 0x03) (169) Time mark data (169)3.19.2 UBX-TIM-TP (0x0d 0x01) (170) Time pulse time data (170)3.19.3 UBX-TIM-VRFY (0x0d 0x06) (171) Sourced time verification (171)3.20 UBX-UPD (0x09) (171)3.20.1 UBX-UPD-SOS (0x09 0x14) (171) Poll backup restore status (172) Create backup in flash (172) Clear backup in flash (172) Backup creation acknowledge (172) System restored from backup (173)4 RTCM protocol (174)4.1 RTCM introduction (174)4.2 RTCM 3.x configuration (174)4.3 RTCM messages overview (174)4.4 RTCM 3.3 messages (175)4.4.1 Message type 1001 (175) L1-only GPS RTK observables (175)4.4.2 Message type 1002 (176) Extended L1-only GPS RTK observables (176)4.4.3 Message type 1003 (176) L1/L2 GPS RTK observables (176)4.4.4 Message type 1004 (177) Extended L1/L2 GPS RTK observables (177)4.4.5 Message type 1005 (177) Stationary RTK reference station ARP (177)4.4.6 Message type 1006 (178) Stationary RTK reference station ARP with antenna height (178)4.4.7 Message type 1007 (178) Antenna descriptor (179)4.4.8 Message type 1009 (179) L1-only GLONASS RTK observables (179)4.4.9 Message type 1010 (180) Extended L1-Only GLONASS RTK observables (180)4.4.10 Message type 1011 (180) L1&L2 GLONASS RTK observables (180)4.4.11 Message type 1012 (181) Extended L1&L2 GLONASS RTK observables (181)4.4.12 Message type 1033 (181) Receiver and antenna descriptors (181)4.4.13 Message type 1074 (182) GPS MSM4 (182)4.4.14 Message type 1075 (182) GPS MSM5 (182)4.4.15 Message type 1077 (183) GPS MSM7 (183)4.4.16 Message type 1084 (184) GLONASS MSM4 (184)4.4.17 Message type 1085 (184) GLONASS MSM5 (184)4.4.18 Message type 1087 (185) GLONASS MSM7 (185)4.4.19 Message type 1094 (185) Galileo MSM4 (185)4.4.20 Message type 1095 (186) Galileo MSM5 (186)4.4.21 Message type 1097 (186) Galileo MSM7 (187)4.4.22 Message type 1124 (187) BeiDou MSM4 (187)4.4.23 Message type 1125 (188) BeiDou MSM5 (188)4.4.24 Message type 1127 (188) BeiDou MSM7 (188)4.4.25 Message type 1230 (189) GLONASS L1 and L2 code-phase biases (189)5 SPARTN protocol (190)5.1 SPARTN introduction (190)5.2 SPARTN configuration (190)5.3 SPARTN messages overview (190)5.4 SPARTN messages (191)5.4.1 Message type 0, sub-type 0 (191) GPS orbit, clock, bias (OCB) (191)5.4.2 Message type 0, sub-type 1 (191) GLONASS orbit, clock, bias (OCB) (192)5.4.3 Message type 0, sub-type 2 (192) Galileo orbit, clock, bias (OCB) (192)5.4.4 Message type 0, sub-type 3 (193) BeiDou orbit, clock, bias (OCB) (193)5.4.5 Message type 0, sub-type 4 (194) QZSS orbit, clock, bias (OCB) (194)5.4.6 Message type 1, sub-type 0 (195) GPS high-precision atmosphere correction (HPAC) (195)5.4.7 Message type 1, sub-type 1 (195) GLONASS high-precision atmosphere correction (HPAC) (195)5.4.8 Message type 1, sub-type 2 (196) Galileo high-precision atmosphere correction (HPAC) (196)5.4.9 Message type 1, sub-type 3 (197) BeiDou high-precision atmosphere correction (HPAC) (197)5.4.10 Message type 1, sub-type 4 (198) QZSS high-precision atmosphere correction (HPAC) (198)5.4.11 Message type 2, sub-type 0 (199) Geographic area definition (GAD) (199)5.4.12 Message type 3, sub-type 0 (199) Basic-precision atmosphere correction (BPAC) (199)6 Configuration interface (201)6.1 Configuration database (201)6.2 Configuration items (201)6.3 Configuration layers (202)6.4 Configuration interface access (203)6.4.1 UBX protocol interface (203)6.5 Configuration data (203)6.6 Configuration transactions (204)6.7 Configuration reset behavior (205)6.8 Configuration overview (205)6.9 Configuration reference (206)6.9.1 CFG-BDS: BeiDou system configuration (206)6.9.2 CFG-GEOFENCE: Geofencing configuration (206)6.9.3 CFG-HW: Hardware configuration (207)6.9.4 CFG-I2C: Configuration of the I2C interface (209)6.9.5 CFG-I2CINPROT: Input protocol configuration of the I2C interface (209)6.9.6 CFG-I2COUTPROT: Output protocol configuration of the I2C interface (209)6.9.7 CFG-INFMSG: Information message configuration (209)6.9.8 CFG-MOT: Motion detector configuration (210)6.9.9 CFG-MSGOUT: Message output configuration (211)6.9.10 CFG-NAV2: Secondary output configuration (231)6.9.11 CFG-NAVHPG: High precision navigation configuration (231)6.9.12 CFG-NAVSPG: Standard precision navigation configuration (232)6.9.13 CFG-NMEA: NMEA protocol configuration (236)6.9.14 CFG-QZSS: QZSS system configuration (238)6.9.15 CFG-RATE: Navigation and measurement rate configuration (238)6.9.16 CFG-RINV: Remote inventory (239)6.9.17 CFG-RTCM: RTCM protocol configuration (239)6.9.18 CFG-SBAS: SBAS configuration (240)6.9.19 CFG-SEC: Security configuration (241)6.9.20 CFG-SFCORE: Sensor fusion (SF) core configuration (242)6.9.21 CFG-SFIMU: Sensor fusion (SF) inertial measurement unit (IMU) configuration (242)6.9.22 CFG-SFODO: Sensor fusion (SF) odometer configuration (243)6.9.23 CFG-SIGNAL: Satellite systems (GNSS) signal configuration (244)6.9.24 CFG-SPARTN: SPARTN configuration (245)6.9.25 CFG-SPI: Configuration of the SPI interface (245)6.9.26 CFG-SPIINPROT: Input protocol configuration of the SPI interface (246)6.9.27 CFG-SPIOUTPROT: Output protocol configuration of the SPI interface (246)6.9.28 CFG-TP: Time pulse configuration (246)6.9.29 CFG-TXREADY: TX ready configuration (248)6.9.30 CFG-UART1: Configuration of the UART1 interface (248)6.9.31 CFG-UART1INPROT: Input protocol configuration of the UART1 interface (249)6.9.32 CFG-UART1OUTPROT: Output protocol configuration of the UART1 interface (249)6.9.33 CFG-UART2: Configuration of the UART2 interface (250)6.9.34 CFG-UART2INPROT: Input protocol configuration of the UART2 interface (250)6.9.35 CFG-UART2OUTPROT: Output protocol configuration of the UART2 interface (251)6.9.36 CFG-USB: Configuration of the USB interface (251)6.9.37 CFG-USBINPROT: Input protocol configuration of the USB interface (251)6.9.38 CFG-USBOUTPROT: Output protocol configuration of the USB interface (252)6.10 Legacy UBX message fields reference (252)Configuration defaults (258)Related documents (281)Revision history (282)1 General information1.1 Document overviewThis document describes the interface of the u-blox F9 high precision sensor fusion GNSS receiver. The interface consists of the following parts:•NMEA protocol•UBX protocol•RTCM protocol•SPARTN protocol•Configuration interfaceSome of the features described here may not be available in the receiver, and some mayrequire specific configurations to be enabled. See the applicable data sheet for availability of the features and the integration manual for instructions for enabling them.Previous versions of u-blox receiver documentation combined general receiver description and interface specification. In the current documentation the receiver description isincluded in the integration manual.See also Related documents.1.2 Firmware and protocol versionsu-blox generation 9 receivers execute firmware from internal ROM or from internal code-RAM. If the firmware image is stored in a flash it is loaded into the code-RAM before execution. It is also possible to store the firmware image in the host system. The firmware is then loaded into the code-RAM from the host processor. (Loading the firmware from the host processor is not supported in all products.) If there is no external firmware image, then the firmware is executed from the ROM.The location and the version of the boot loader and the currently running firmware can be found in the boot screen and in the UBX-MON-VER message. If the firmware has been loaded from a connected flash or from the host processor, it is indicated by text "EXT". When the receiver is started, the boot screen is output automatically in UBX-INF-NOTICE or NMEA-Standard-TXT messages if configured using CFG-INFMSG. The UBX-MON-VER message can be polled using the UBX polling mechanism.The following u-center screenshots show an example of a u-blox receiver running firmware loaded from flash:The following information is available (✓) from the boot screen (B) and the UBX-MON-VER message (M):B M Example Information✓u-blox AG - Start of the boot screen.✓HW UBX 9 00190000Hardware version of the u-blox receiver.✓00190000✓✓EXT CORE 1.00 (61b2dd)Base (CORE) firmware version and revision number, loaded from externalmemory (EXT).EXT LAP 1.00 (12a3bc)Product firmware version and revision number, loaded from external memory(EXT). Available only in some firmware versions. See below for a list of productacronyms.✓✓ROM BASE 0x118B2060Revision number of the underlying boot loader firmware in ROM.✓✓FWVER=HPG 1.12Product firmware version number, where:•SPG = Standard precision GNSS product•HPG = High precision GNSS product•ADR = Automotive dead reckoning product•TIM = Time sync product•LAP = Lane accurate positioning product•HPS = High precision sensor fusion product•DBS = Dual band standard precision•MDR = Multi-mode dead reckoning product•PMP = L-Band Inmarsat point-to-multipoint receiver•QZS = QZSS L6 centimeter level augmentation service (CLAS) messagereceiver•DBD = Dual band dead reckoning product•LDR = ROM bootloader, no GNSS functionality✓✓PROTVER=34.00Supported protocol version.✓✓MOD=ZED-F9P Module name (if available).✓✓GPS;GLO;GAL;BDS List of supported major GNSS (see GNSS identifiers).✓✓SBAS;QZSS List of supported augmentation systems (see GNSS identifiers).B M Example Information✓ANTSUPERV=AC SD PDoS SR Configuration of the antenna supervisor (if available), where:•AC = Active antenna control enabled•SD = Short circuit detection enabled•OD = Open circuit detection enabled•PDoS = Short circuit power down logic enabled•SR = Automatic recovery from short state enabled✓PF=FFF79Product configuration.✓BD=E01C GNSS band configuration.The "FWVER" product firmware version indicates which firmware is currently running. This is referred to as "firmware version" in this and other documents.The revision numbers should only be used to identify a known firmware version. They arenot necessarily numeric nor are they guaranteed to increase with newer firmware versions.Similarly, firmware version numbers can have additional non-numeric informationappended, such as in "5.00B03".Not every entry is output by all u-blox receivers. The availability of some of the information depends on the product, the firmware location and the firmware version.The product firmware version and the base firmware version relate to the protocol version:Product firmware version Base firmware version Protocol versionHPS 1.00EXT CORE 1.00 (500086)33.00HPS 1.20EXT CORE 1.00 (a669b8)33.20HPS 1.21EXT CORE 1.00 (e2b374)33.21HPS 1.30EXT CORE 1.00 (a59682)33.301.3 Receiver configurationu-blox positioning receivers are fully configurable with UBX protocol messages. The configuration used by the receiver during normal operation is called the "current configuration". The current configuration can be changed during normal operation by sending UBX-CFG-VALSET messages over any I/O port. The receiver will change its current configuration immediately after receiving a configuration message. The receiver will always use the current configuration only.The current configuration is loaded from permanent configuration hard-coded in the receiver firmware (the defaults) and from non-volatile memory (user configuration) on startup of the receiver. Changes made to the current configuration at run-time will be lost when there is a power cycle, a hardware reset or a (complete) controlled software reset (see Configuration reset behavior).See Configuration interface for a detailed description of the receiver configuration system, the explanation of the configuration concept and its principles and interfaces.The configuration interface has changed from earlier u-blox positioning receivers. Thereis some backwards compatibility provided in UBX-CFG configuration messages. Users are strongly advised to only use the Configuration interface. See also Legacy UBX messagefields reference.See the integration manual for a basic receiver configuration most commonly used.。



The Dell EMC Networking S4048T-ON switch is the industry’s latest data center networking solution, empowering organizations to deploy modern workloads and applications designed for the open networking era. Businesses who have made the transition away from monolithic proprietary mainframe systems to industry standard server platforms can now enjoy even greater benefits from Dell EMC open networking platforms. By using industry-leading hardware and a choice of leading network operating systems to simplify data center fabric orchestration and automation, organizations can tailor their network to their unique requirements and accelerate innovation.These new offerings provide the needed flexibility to transform data centers. High-capacity network fabrics are cost-effective and easy to deploy, providing a clear path to the software-defined data center of the future with no vendor lock-in.The S4048T-ON supports the open source Open Network Install Environment (ONIE) for zero-touch installation of alternate network operating systems, including feature rich Dell Networking OS.High density 1/10G BASE-T switchThe Dell EMC Networking S-Series S4048T-ON is a high-density100M/1G/10G/40GbE top-of-rack (ToR) switch purpose-builtfor applications in high-performance data center and computing environments. Leveraging a non-blocking switching architecture, theS4048T-ON delivers line-rate L2 and L3 forwarding capacity within a conservative power budget. The compact S4048T-ON design provides industry-leading density of 48 dual-speed 1/10G BASE-T (RJ45) ports, as well as six 40GbE QSFP+ up-links to conserve valuable rack space and simplify the migration to 40Gbps in the data center core. Each40GbE QSFP+ up-link can also support four 10GbE (SFP+) ports with a breakout cable. In addition, the S4048T-ON incorporates multiple architectural features that optimize data center network flexibility, efficiency and availability, including I/O panel to PSU airflow or PSU to I/O panel airflow for hot/cold aisle environments, and redundant, hot-swappable power supplies and fans. S4048T-ON supports feature-rich Dell Networking OS, VLT, network virtualization features such as VRF-lite, VXLAN Gateway and support for Dell Embedded Open Automation Framework.• The S4048T-ON is the only switch in the industry that supports traditional network-centric virtualization (VRF) and hypervisorcentric virtualization (VXLAN). The switch fully supports L2 VX-• The S4048T-ON also supports Dell EMC Networking’s Embedded Open Automation Framework, which provides enhanced network automation and virtualization capabilities for virtual data centerenvironments.• The Open Automation Framework comprises a suite of interre-lated network management tools that can be used together orindependently to provide a network that is flexible, available andmanageable while helping to reduce operational expenses.Key applicationsDynamic data centers ready to make the transition to software-defined environments• High-density 10Gbase-T ToR server access in high-performance data center environments• Lossless iSCSI storage deployments that can benefit from innovative iSCSI & DCB optimizations that are unique only to Dell NetworkingswitchesWhen running the Dell Networking OS9, Active Fabric™ implementation for large deployments in conjunction with the Dell EMC Z-Series, creating a flat, two-tier, nonblocking 10/40GbE data center network design:• High-performance SDN/OpenFlow 1.3 enabled with ability to inter-operate with industry standard OpenFlow controllers• As a high speed VXLAN Layer 2 Gateway that connects thehypervisor based ovelray networks with nonvirtualized infrastructure Key features - general• 48 dual-speed 1/10GbE (SFP+) ports and six 40GbE (QSFP+)uplinks (totaling 72 10GbE ports with breakout cables) with OSsupport• 1.44Tbps (full-duplex) non-blocking switching fabric delivers line-rateperformance under full load with sub 600ns latency• I/O panel to PSU airflow or PSU to I/O panel airflow• Supports the open source ONIE for zero-touch• installation of alternate network operating systems• Redundant, hot-swappable power supplies and fansDELL EMC NETWORKING S4048T-ON SWITCHEnergy-efficient 10GBASE-T top-of-rack switch optimized for data center efficiencyKey features with Dell EMC Networking OS9Scalable L2 and L3 Ethernet switching with QoS and a full complement of standards-based IPv4 and IPv6 features, including OSPF, BGP and PBR (Policy Based Routing) support• Scalable L2 and L3 Ethernet switching with QoS and a full complement of standards-based IPv4 and IPv6 features, including OSPF, BGP andPBR (Policy Based Routing) support• VRF-lite enables sharing of networking infrastructure and provides L3traffic isolation across tenants• Increase VM Mobility region by stretching L2 VLAN within or across two DCs with unique VLT capabilities like Routed VL T, VLT Proxy Gateway • VXLAN gateway functionality support for bridging the nonvirtualizedand the virtualized overlay networks with line rate performance.• Embedded Open Automation Framework adding automatedconfiguration and provisioning capabilities to simplify the management of network environments. Supports Puppet agent for DevOps• Modular Dell Networking OS software delivers inherent stability as well as enhanced monitoring and serviceability functions.• Enhanced mirroring capabilities including 1:4 local mirroring,• Remote Port Mirroring (RPM), and Encapsulated Remote PortMirroring (ERPM). Rate shaping combined with flow based mirroringenables the user to analyze fine grained flows• Jumbo frame support for large data transfers• 128 link aggregation groups with up to 16 members per group, usingenhanced hashing• Converged network support for DCB, with priority flow control(802.1Qbb), ETS (802.1Qaz), DCBx and iSCSI TLV• S4048T-ON supports RoCE and Routable RoCE to enable convergence of compute and storage on Active FabricUser port stacking support for up to six units and unique mixed mode stacking that allows stacking of S4048-ON with S4048T-ON to providecombination of 10G SFP+ and RJ45 ports in a stack.Physical48 fixed 10GBase-T ports supporting 100M/1G/10G speeds6 fixed 40 Gigabit Ethernet QSFP+ ports1 RJ45 console/management port with RS232signaling1 USB 2.0 type A to support mass storage device1 Micro-USB 2.0 type B Serial Console Port1 8 GB SSD ModuleSize: 1RU, 1.71 x 17.09 x 18.11”(4.35 x 43.4 x 46 cm (H x W x D)Weight: 23 lbs (10.43kg)ISO 7779 A-weighted sound pressure level: 65 dB at 77°F (25°C)Power supply: 100–240V AC 50/60HzMax. thermal output: 1568 BTU/hMax. current draw per system:4.6 A at 460W/100VAC,2.3 A at 460W/200VACMax. power consumption: 460 WattsT ypical power consumption: 338 WattsMax. operating specifications:Operating temperature: 32°F to 113°F (0°C to45°C)Operating humidity: 5 to 90% (RH), non-condensing Max. non-operating specifications:Storage temperature: –40°F to 158°F (–40°C to70°C)Storage humidity: 5 to 95% (RH), non-condensingRedundancyHot swappable redundant powerHot swappable redundant fansPerformance GeneralSwitch fabric capacity:1.44Tbps (full-duplex)720Gbps (half-duplex)Forwarding Capacity: 1080 MppsLatency: 2.8 usPacket buffer memory: 16MBCPU memory: 4GBOS9 Performance:MAC addresses: 160KARP table 128KIPv4 routes: 128KIPv6 hosts: 64KIPv6 routes: 64KMulticast routes: 8KLink aggregation: 16 links per group, 128 groupsLayer 2 VLANs: 4KMSTP: 64 instancesVRF-Lite: 511 instancesLAG load balancing: Based on layer 2, IPv4 or IPv6headers Latency: Sub 3usQOS data queues: 8QOS control queues: 12Ingress ACL: 16KEgress ACL: 1KQoS: Default 3K entries scalable to 12KIEEE compliance with Dell Networking OS9802.1AB LLDP802.1D Bridging, STP802.1p L2 Prioritization802.1Q VLAN T agging, Double VLAN T agging,GVRP802.1Qbb PFC802.1Qaz ETS802.1s MSTP802.1w RSTP802.1X Network Access Control802.3ab Gigabit Ethernet (1000BASE-T)802.3ac Frame Extensions for VLAN T agging802.3ad Link Aggregation with LACP802.3ae 10 Gigabit Ethernet (10GBase-X) withQSA802.3ba 40 Gigabit Ethernet (40GBase-SR4,40GBase-CR4, 40GBase-LR4) on opticalports802.3u Fast Ethernet (100Base-TX)802.3x Flow Control802.3z Gigabit Ethernet (1000Base-X) with QSA 802.3az Energy Efficient EthernetANSI/TIA-1057 LLDP-MEDForce10 PVST+Max MTU 9216 bytesRFC and I-D compliance with Dell Networking OS9General Internet protocols768 UDP793 TCP854 T elnet959 FTPGeneral IPv4 protocols791 IPv4792 ICMP826 ARP1027 Proxy ARP1035 DNS (client)1042 Ethernet Transmission1305 NTPv31519 CIDR1542 BOOTP (relay)1812 Requirements for IPv4 Routers1918 Address Allocation for Private Internets 2474 Diffserv Field in IPv4 and Ipv6 Headers 2596 Assured Forwarding PHB Group3164 BSD Syslog3195 Reliable Delivery for Syslog3246 Expedited Assured Forwarding4364 VRF-lite (IPv4 VRF with OSPF, BGP,IS-IS and V4 multicast)5798 VRRPGeneral IPv6 protocols1981 Path MTU Discovery Features2460 Internet Protocol, Version 6 (IPv6)Specification2464 Transmission of IPv6 Packets overEthernet Networks2711 IPv6 Router Alert Option4007 IPv6 Scoped Address Architecture4213 Basic Transition Mechanisms for IPv6Hosts and Routers4291 IPv6 Addressing Architecture4443 ICMP for IPv64861 Neighbor Discovery for IPv64862 IPv6 Stateless Address Autoconfiguration 5095 Deprecation of T ype 0 Routing Headers in IPv6IPv6 Management support (telnet, FTP, TACACS, RADIUS, SSH, NTP)VRF-Lite (IPv6 VRF with OSPFv3, BGPv6, IS-IS) RIP1058 RIPv1 2453 RIPv2OSPF (v2/v3)1587 NSSA 4552 Authentication/2154 OSPF Digital Signatures Confidentiality for 2328 OSPFv2 OSPFv32370 Opaque LSA 5340 OSPF for IPv6IS-IS1142 Base IS-IS Protocol1195 IPv4 Routing5301 Dynamic hostname exchangemechanism for IS-IS5302 Domain-wide prefix distribution withtwo-level IS-IS5303 3-way handshake for IS-IS pt-to-ptadjacencies5304 IS-IS MD5 Authentication5306 Restart signaling for IS-IS5308 IS-IS for IPv65309 IS-IS point to point operation over LANdraft-isis-igp-p2p-over-lan-06draft-kaplan-isis-ext-eth-02BGP1997 Communities2385 MD52545 BGP-4 Multiprotocol Extensions for IPv6Inter-Domain Routing2439 Route Flap Damping2796 Route Reflection2842 Capabilities2858 Multiprotocol Extensions2918 Route Refresh3065 Confederations4360 Extended Communities4893 4-byte ASN5396 4-byte ASN representationsdraft-ietf-idr-bgp4-20 BGPv4draft-michaelson-4byte-as-representation-054-byte ASN Representation (partial)draft-ietf-idr-add-paths-04.txt ADD PATHMulticast1112 IGMPv12236 IGMPv23376 IGMPv3MSDP, PIM-SM, PIM-SSMSecurity2404 The Use of HMACSHA- 1-96 within ESPand AH2865 RADIUS3162 Radius and IPv63579 Radius support for EAP3580 802.1X with RADIUS3768 EAP3826 AES Cipher Algorithm in the SNMP UserBase Security Model4250, 4251, 4252, 4253, 4254 SSHv24301 Security Architecture for IPSec4302 IPSec Authentication Header4303 ESP Protocol4807 IPsecv Security Policy DB MIBdraft-ietf-pim-sm-v2-new-05 PIM-SMwData center bridging802.1Qbb Priority-Based Flow Control802.1Qaz Enhanced Transmission Selection (ETS)Data Center Bridging eXchange (DCBx)DCBx Application TLV (iSCSI, FCoE)Network management1155 SMIv11157 SNMPv11212 Concise MIB Definitions1215 SNMP Traps1493 Bridges MIB1850 OSPFv2 MIB1901 Community-Based SNMPv22011 IP MIB2096 IP Forwarding T able MIB2578 SMIv22579 T extual Conventions for SMIv22580 Conformance Statements for SMIv22618 RADIUS Authentication MIB2665 Ethernet-Like Interfaces MIB2674 Extended Bridge MIB2787 VRRP MIB2819 RMON MIB (groups 1, 2, 3, 9)2863 Interfaces MIB3273 RMON High Capacity MIB3410 SNMPv33411 SNMPv3 Management Framework3412 Message Processing and Dispatching forthe Simple Network ManagementProtocol (SNMP)3413 SNMP Applications3414 User-based Security Model (USM) forSNMPv33415 VACM for SNMP3416 SNMPv23417 Transport mappings for SNMP3418 SNMP MIB3434 RMON High Capacity Alarm MIB3584 Coexistance between SNMP v1, v2 andv34022 IP MIB4087 IP Tunnel MIB4113 UDP MIB4133 Entity MIB4292 MIB for IP4293 MIB for IPv6 T extual Conventions4502 RMONv2 (groups 1,2,3,9)5060 PIM MIBANSI/TIA-1057 LLDP-MED MIBDell_ITA.Rev_1_1 MIBdraft-grant-tacacs-02 TACACS+draft-ietf-idr-bgp4-mib-06 BGP MIBv1IEEE 802.1AB LLDP MIBIEEE 802.1AB LLDP DOT1 MIBIEEE 802.1AB LLDP DOT3 MIB sFlowv5 sFlowv5 MIB (version 1.3)DELL-NETWORKING-SMIDELL-NETWORKING-TCDELL-NETWORKING-CHASSIS-MIBDELL-NETWORKING-PRODUCTS-MIBDELL-NETWORKING-SYSTEM-COMPONENT-MIBDELL-NETWORKING-TRAP-EVENT-MIBDELL-NETWORKING-COPY-CONFIG-MIBDELL-NETWORKING-IF-EXTENSION-MIBDELL-NETWORKING-FIB-MIBIT Lifecycle Services for NetworkingExperts, insights and easeOur highly trained experts, withinnovative tools and proven processes, help you transform your IT investments into strategic advantages.Plan & Design Let us analyze yourmultivendor environment and deliver a comprehensive report and action plan to build upon the existing network and improve performance.Deploy & IntegrateGet new wired or wireless network technology installed and configured with ProDeploy. Reduce costs, save time, and get up and running cateEnsure your staff builds the right skills for long-termsuccess. Get certified on Dell EMC Networking technology and learn how to increase performance and optimize infrastructure.Manage & SupportGain access to technical experts and quickly resolve multivendor networking challenges with ProSupport. Spend less time resolving network issues and more time innovating.OptimizeMaximize performance for dynamic IT environments with Dell EMC Optimize. Benefit from in-depth predictive analysis, remote monitoring and a dedicated systems analyst for your network.RetireWe can help you resell or retire excess hardware while meeting local regulatory guidelines and acting in an environmentally responsible way.Learn more at/lifecycleservicesLearn more at /NetworkingDELL-NETWORKING-FPSTATS-MIBDELL-NETWORKING-LINK-AGGREGATION-MIB DELL-NETWORKING-MSTP-MIB DELL-NETWORKING-BGP4-V2-MIB DELL-NETWORKING-ISIS-MIBDELL-NETWORKING-FIPSNOOPING-MIBDELL-NETWORKING-VIRTUAL-LINK-TRUNK-MIB DELL-NETWORKING-DCB-MIBDELL-NETWORKING-OPENFLOW-MIB DELL-NETWORKING-BMP-MIBDELL-NETWORKING-BPSTATS-MIBRegulatory compliance SafetyCUS UL 60950-1, Second Edition CSA 60950-1-03, Second Edition EN 60950-1, Second EditionIEC 60950-1, Second Edition Including All National Deviations and Group Differences EN 60825-1, 1st EditionEN 60825-1 Safety of Laser Products Part 1:Equipment Classification Requirements and User’s GuideEN 60825-2 Safety of Laser Products Part 2: Safety of Optical Fibre Communication Systems FDA Regulation 21 CFR 1040.10 and 1040.11EmissionsInternational: CISPR 22, Class AAustralia/New Zealand: AS/NZS CISPR 22: 2009, Class ACanada: ICES-003:2016 Issue 6, Class AEurope: EN 55022: 2010+AC:2011 / CISPR 22: 2008, Class AJapan: VCCI V-3/2014.04, Class A & V4/2012.04USA: FCC CFR 47 Part 15, Subpart B:2009, Class A RoHSAll S-Series components are EU RoHS compliant.CertificationsJapan: VCCI V3/2009 Class AUSA: FCC CFR 47 Part 15, Subpart B:2009, Class A Available with US Trade Agreements Act (TAA) complianceUSGv6 Host and Router Certified on Dell Networking OS 9.5 and greater IPv6 Ready for both Host and RouterUCR DoD APL (core and distribution ALSAN switch ImmunityEN 300 386 V1.6.1 (2012-09) EMC for Network Equipment\EN 55022, Class AEN 55024: 2010 / CISPR 24: 2010EN 61000-3-2: Harmonic Current Emissions EN 61000-3-3: Voltage Fluctuations and Flicker EN 61000-4-2: ESDEN 61000-4-3: Radiated Immunity EN 61000-4-4: EFT EN 61000-4-5: SurgeEN 61000-4-6: Low Frequency Conducted Immunity。

Ultraleap TouchFree 3Di 立体手跟踪相机说明书

Ultraleap TouchFree 3Di 立体手跟踪相机说明书

Ultraleap TouchFreeUltraleap 3Di is part of Ultraleap’s TouchFreeend-to-end solution – camera hardware, reliablehand tracking software, and developer tooling.The camera uses Ultraleap’s patented stereoinfrared technology and world-leading Geminihand tracking software. It is robust even inchallenging lighting conditions, and reliablytracks a wide variety of hand sizes and shapes.Ultraleap also provides a suite of developer toolsfor development of touchless experiences:• TouchFree Application:Detects a user’s hand in mid-air andconverts it to an on-screen cursor.Retrofit existing touchscreen interfaceswith touchless gesture control or evaluateusing your desktop monitor.• TouchFree Tooling for Web or Unity:Add touchless cursor control into kioskapplications in minutes, and have totalcontrol over how your application reactsto users’ hand movements. The Ultraleap 3Di Stereo Hand Tracking Camera isdesigned to be connected to an interactive screen.Together with Ultraleap’s world-leading software, ittransforms displays into touchless, three-dimensional,immersive surfaces.Ultraleap 3Di allows easy integration of Ultraleaphand tracking in a form factor ruggedized for use inpermanent settings – such as self-serve kiosks, digitalout-of-home installations, interactive displays in retail,museums, and theme parks, or medical/industrial uses.3DiStereo Hand Tracking CameraSimulation of Ultraleap 3Di tracking range when connected abovea 42” screen.Reverse of Ultraleap 3Di.Front of Ultraleap 3Di.SpecificationsUltraleap reserves the right to update or modify this specification without notice.Device dimensionsAll dimensions in mmw/https://e/******************o/UK: +44 117 325 9002o/US: +1 650 600 9916 UL-005619-DS - 3Di Datasheet (Issue 10)MountingUltraleap 3Di is designed to be integrated directly into permanent installations. Provided with the camera inthe product box is a Multi Mount. This mount holds the camera to the kiosk or screen and provides optimum camera placement. It can also sit on any horizontal surface to support desktop evaluation or deployments.Detailed guidelines on camera placement, mounting options, TouchFree software setup and designing for touchless experiences can be found on https:///touchfree-user-manual/.Multi Mount and Ultraleap 3Di.。

迪文科技 DMG80480Y070_02NR显示屏数据手册说明书

迪文科技 DMG80480Y070_02NR显示屏数据手册说明书

DMG80480Y070_02NR基于T5L0ASIC的7.0英寸800×480像素点阵、16.7M色、TN屏、电阻触摸屏、标准指令集(TA)/DGUSⅡ系统Based on T5L0ASIC7.0Inches,800xRGBx480,16.7M Colors,TN mode, RTP,Standard instruction set(TA)/DGUSⅡsystem修订记录Record of Revision日期/Revise Date描述/Content2020-09-29首次发布/First Edition一、显示性能参数Display参数Item数据Parameter说明Description 颜色Color16.7M(16777216)colors24bit color8R8G8B液晶类型Panel Type TN TN工艺TFT显示屏,普通视角TN process TFT LCM,normal viewing angle angle(typical value is85/85/85/85)可视角度Viewing Angle70/70/50/70(L/R/U/D)-显示尺寸(A.A)154.00mm(W)×86.00mm(H)800x480像素点阵800x480Pixels分辨率Resolution800x480可以设置成0°/90°/180°/270°显示模式Support0°/90°/180°/270°rotated display背光模式Backlight LED 不低于10000H(以最高亮度连续工作,亮度减半时间)≥10000H(Continuous working with maximum brightness,time of brightness halves)亮度Brightness180nit TA模式:可进行64级亮度调节;DGUSⅡ模式:可进行100级亮度调节(当亮度调节至最高亮度的1%~30%时,可能出现闪烁现象,不建议在此范围使用)。



INSTALLATION AND OPERATIONUSER MANUALUM980BDS/GPS/GLONASS/Galileo/QZSS全系统全频高精度RTK定位模块修订记录权利声明本手册提供和芯星通科技(北京)有限公司(以下简称为“和芯星通”)相应型号产品信息。







UM980 User Manual前言本手册为用户提供有关和芯星通UM980模块的硬件组成信息。


目录1产品简介 (1)1.1产品主要特点 (2)1.2技术指标 (2)1.3模块概览 (4)2硬件组成 (5)2.1机械尺寸 (5)2.2引脚功能描述(图) (7)2.3电气特性 (10)2.3.1最大耐受值 (10)2.3.2工作条件 (10)2.3.3IO阈值特性 (11)2.3.4天线特性 (11)3硬件设计 (11)3.1推荐的最小系统设计 (11)3.2天线馈电设计 (12)3.3接地与散热 (13)3.4模块上电与下电 (13)4生产要求 (14)5包装 (15)5.1标签说明 (15)5.2包装说明 (15)UM980 User Manual1产品简介UM980是和芯星通自主研发的新一代BDS/GPS/GLONASS/Galileo/QZSS全系统全频高精度RTK定位模块,基于和芯星通自主研发的新一代射频基带及高精度算法一体化GNSS SoC芯片—NebulasⅣTM设计。

Schneider Electric XUSL4E14F031N 产品数据手册说明书

Schneider Electric XUSL4E14F031N 产品数据手册说明书

T h e i n f o r m a t i o n p r o v i d e d i n t h i s d o c u m e n t a t i o n c o n t a i n s g e n e r a l d e s c r i p t i o n s a n d /o r t e c h n i c a l c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f t h e p e r f o r m a n c e o f t h e p r o d u c t s c o n t a i n e d h e r e i n .T h i s d o c u m e n t a t i o n i s n o t i n t e n d e d a s a s u b s t i t u t e f o r a n d i s n o t t o b e u s e d f o r d e t e r m i n i n g s u i t a b i l i t y o r r e l i a b i l i t y o f t h e s e p r o d u c t s f o r s p e c i f i c u s e r a p p l i c a t i o n s .I t i s t h e d u t y o f a n y s u c h u s e r o r i n t e g r a t o r t o p e r f o r m t h e a p p r o p r i a t e a n d c o m p l e t e r i s k a n a l y s i s , e v a l u a t i o n a n d t e s t i n g o f t h e p r o d u c t s w i t h r e s p e c t t o t h e r e l e v a n t s p e c i f i c a p p l i c a t i o n o r u s e t h e r e o f .N e i t h e r S c h n e i d e r E l e c t r i c I n d u s t r i e s S A S n o r a n y o f i t s a f f i l i a t e s o r s u b s i d i a r i e s s h a l l b e r e s p o n s i b l e o r l i a b l e f o r m i s u s e o f t h e i n f o r m a t i o n c o n t a i n e d h e r e i n .Product data sheetCharacteristicsXUSL4E14F031NXUSL type 4 - Finger protection - Std sensingrange - Hp = 310 mm, R=14mmProduct availability: Non-Stock - Not normally stocked in distribution facilityMainRange of product Preventa Safety detection Product or component typeSafety light curtain type 4Device short name XUSL4EOutput type2 safety outputs OSSD solid-state PNP arc suppres-sion)Product specific applica-tionFor finger protection [R] Resolution 0.55 in (14 mm)[Sn] nominal sensing distance3.28…19.69 Ft (1…6 m) by cabling 0.00…9.84 ft (0…3 m) by cabling [Hp] Height protected 12.20 in (310 mm)Number of beams 30Type of start / restart Manual Automatic External Device Moni-toring (EDM)Selected by wiringComplementaryDetection system Transmitter-receiver system Response time 5.5 msKit compositionAdjustable mounting bracket(s)1 receiver(s)1 transmitter(s)1 user guide with certificate of conformity on CD-ROM [EAA] effective aperture angle 2.5 ° at 3 mEmissionIR LED 0.000037402 in (950 nm)[Us] rated supply voltage 24 V DC +/- 20 %SupplyPower supply IEC 61496-1Power supply IEC 60204-1[Ie] rated operational current 2 ACurrent consumption42 mA no-load transmitter 83 mA no-load receiver 42 mA transmitter900 mA with maximum load receiver Output current limits 0.4 A safety outputs OSSD Output voltage 24 V Output circuit type DC Maximum voltage drop <0.5 VLocal signalling 1 multi-colour LED transmitter 2 dual colour LEDs receiverElectrical connection 1 male connector M12 5 pins transmitter 1 male connector M12 8 pins receiverFunction availableTestMuting through external safety module XPSLCMUT1160LED display of operating modes and faults Marking CEMaterialAluminium casingPolycarbonate front panel Polypropylene end caps Housing colourRed RAL 3000Fixing mode By fixing bracketsNet weight 1.54 lb(US) (0.7 kg)Offer type Standard distanceEnvironmentDirectives89/336/EEC - electromagnetic compatibility2002/95/EC - RoHS directive98/37/EEC - machinery89/655/EEC - work equipment2002/96/EC - WEEE directiveProduct certifications CULusCETÜVSafety level (correctly wired)Type 4 IEC 61496-1SIL 3 IEC 61508SILCL 3 IEC 62061Category 4 EN/ISO 13849-1PL = e EN/ISO 13849-1Optical characteristic Resistance to light disturbance EN/IEC 61496-2Mission time20 year(s)Safety reliability data PFHd = 1.27E-8 1/h IEC 61508Ambient air temperature for operation-10…55 °C (14…131 °F)-4…131 °F (-20…55 °C)Ambient air temperature for storage-31…158 °F (-35…70 °C)-25…70 °C (-13…158 °F)Relative humidity0…95 % without condensationIP degree of protection IP65IP67Shock resistance10 gn 16 ms IEC 61496-1Vibration resistance0.35 +/- 0.05 mm 10…55 Hz)IEC 61496-1Ordering and shipping detailsCategory22455 - LIGHT CURTAINS - XUSLDiscount Schedule DS2GTIN00785901735632Package weight(Lbs) 1.58 kg (3.49 lb(US))Returnability YesCountry of origin ITOffer SustainabilitySustainable offer status Green Premium productREACh Regulation REACh DeclarationEU RoHS Directive Pro-active compliance (Product out of EU RoHS legal scope)EU RoHS Decla-rationToxic heavy metal free YesMercury free YesRoHS exemption information YesEnvironmental Disclosure Product Environmental ProfileCircularity Profile End Of Life InformationContractual warrantyWarranty18 monthsDimensions Drawings DimensionsBrackets DimensionsMounting and Clearance Mounting and Clearance(1)Insert(2)Bracket(3)Washer(4)Spring washer(5)NutConnections and SchemaWiring DiagramsTransmitter Connections(1)+24 Vdc(2)Configuration_0(3)0 Vdc(4)Configuration_1(5)FEReceiver Connections(1)OSSD1(2)+ 24 V(3)OSSD2(4)Configuration_A(5)K1_K2 Feeback/Restart(6)Configuration_B(7)0 Vdc(8)FEReceiver Configurations and Operating ModesAutomatic Start/RestartWithout External Device Monitoring (EDM) feedback loopWith External Device Monitoring (EDM) feedback loopManual Start/RestartWithout External Device Monitoring (EDM) feedback loop(1)RestartWith External Device Monitoring (EDM) feedback loop(1)RestartConnecting to a Safety Interface1 :Click on Download & Documents2 :Click on Application solutionsTo have all connection schematics concerning our safety module, select "download and document" and download the file "Safety lightcurtains association with safety interfaces"。



目录序号名称页码1.BS 3146 Part1-1992 精密铸钢和精密铸造合金 (2)2.BS 3146 Part21992耐蚀、耐热精密铸钢和NiCo基精密铸造合金的钢号与化学成分[再确认] (3)3.BS 3100 Part 4—1991耐蚀、耐热和高合金铸钢 (5)4.BS EN 102132—1995承压铸钢 (7)5.BS EN 102133-1995低温用承压铸钢 (7)6.BS EN 102134-1995奥氏体型和奥氏体铁素体型承压铸钢 (8)7.KS D4103—1995不锈、耐蚀铸钢韩国标准 (11)8.JB/T 6405—1992中国标准大型铸件用不锈铸钢 (12)9.GB/T 2100—1980不锈、耐蚀铸钢 (13)10.JIS G5122-1991耐热铸钢 (16)11.JIS G5131-1991高锰铸钢日本标准 (17)12.JIS G5121-1991不锈耐蚀铸钢 (18)13.ASTM A732/A732M-1998精密铸钢和精密铸造合金 (20)14.ASTM A732/A732M-1998钴基精密铸造合金 (21)15.ASTM A297/A297M—1998耐热铸钢和高温用铸钢 (22)16.ASTM A297/A297M—2000美国ASTM标准与UNS系统高温用奥氏体铸钢 (22)17.ASTM A216M-1998美国ASTM标准与UNS系统适合于熔焊的高温用碳素铸钢 (24)18.ASTM A447/A447M-1998美国ASTM标准高温用镍铬合金铸钢 (24)19.ASTM A560/A560M-1998美国ASTM标准抗高温腐蚀的镍铬铸造合金 (25)20.ASTM A27/A27M-2000工程与结构用铸钢 (25)21.ASTM A487/A487M—1998承压铸钢 (26)22.ASTM A128/A128M—1998高锰铸钢 (29)23.KS D4101—1995工程与结构用铸钢 (29)24.KS D4107-1991承压铸钢 (31)25.KS D4104—1995高锰铸钢 (32)26.KS D4105-1995耐热铸钢 (33)27.DIN SEW395—1998高锰铸钢和耐磨蚀铸钢 (34)28.DIN 17245-1987铁素体热强铸钢 (34)29.DIN 17465—1993耐热铸钢 (35)30.DIN 17445-1984不锈、耐蚀铸钢德国标准 (37)31.DIN 1681—1985工程与结构用铸钢 (40)32.JIS G5******* 工程与结构用铸钢 (44)33.JIS G5201-1991离心铸钢管 (48)34.GB/T 1503—1989轧辊用铸钢 (49)35.JB/T 6402—1992工程与结构用铸钢 (50)36.GB/T 11352—1989工程与结构用铸钢 (52)37.GB/T 7659—1987焊接结构用碳素铸钢 (53)38.GB/T 16253-1996承压铸钢 (54)39.GB/T 5680—1998高锰铸钢 (58)40.YB/T 036。

KODAK VISION3 500T色度电影5219 7219 SO-219商品说明书

KODAK VISION3 500T色度电影5219 7219 SO-219商品说明书

July 2015 • H-1-5219tTECHNICAL DATA / COLOR NEGATIVE FILMKODAK VISION3 500T ColorNegative Film 5219 / 7219 / SO-219KODAK VISION3 500T Color Negative Film 5219 / 7219 / SO-219 gives you control and flexibility at every phase of the filmmaking process—from capture through post, in both digital and traditional workflows.VISION3 500T Film has outstanding skin tones and color reproduction, while adding technical innovations that improve product performance and increase product versatility. The proprietary, advanced Dye Layering Technology (DLT) provides noticeably reduced grain in shadows, allowing you to pull out an amazing amount of shadow detail. The proprietary Sub-Micron Technology enables 2 stops of extended highlight latitude, so you can follow the action into bright light-in a single shot-without worrying about blown-out details.VISION3 500T Film is designed to extend thecapabilities of the DI (digital intermediate) process. The improved grain provides better to signal to noisecapabilities allowing the colorist to provide greater detail in shadows, while the extended highlight latitude enables improved digital "dodging and burning" to provide more details in highlights.BASEKODAK VISION3 500T Color Negative Films 5219 and 7219 have an acetate safety base with rem-jet backing.KODAK VISION3 500T Color Negative Film SO-219 has an ESTAR Safety Base with rem-jet backingSTORAGEStore unexposed film at 13°C (55°F) or lower. Forextended storage, store at -18°C (0°F) or lower. Process exposed film promptly.Store processed film according to the recommendations in ISO 18911:2010, Imaging Materials - Processed Safety Photographic Films - Storage Practices .This relates to optimized film handling rather than preservation; static, dust-attraction and curl-related problems are generally minimized at the higher relative humidity. After usage, the film should be returned to theShort T erm(less than 6 months)Long T erm(more than 6 months)Unexposed film in original, sealed package 13°C (55°F)RH below 60%-18 to -23°C (0 to-10°F)RH below 50%Exposed film, unprocessed -18 to -23°C (0 to-10°F)RH below 20%Not recommended.Process film promtly.Process film21°C (70°F)RH 20 to 50%2°C (36°F)RH 20 to 30%appropriate medium- or long-term storage conditions as soon as possible.Warm-upT imesT o prevent film telescoping, moisture condensation, and spotting, allow your film to warm to room temperature before use:For more information about film storage and handling, see ANSI/PIMA ISO-18911, SMPTE RP131-2002, and KODAK Publicatio No. H-845, The EssentialReference Guide for Filmmakers , available online at /go/referenceguide.DARKROOM RECOMMENDATIONSDo not use a safelight. Handle unprocessed film in total darkness.EXPOSUREExposure IndexesTungsten (3200K) - 500 Daylight - 320 (with 85 filter)Use these indexes with incident- or reflected-light exposure meters and cameras marked for ISO or ASA speeds or exposure indexes. These indexes apply for meter readings of average subjects made from the camera position or for readings made from a gray card of18-percent reflectance held close to and in front of the subject. For unusually light- or dark-colored subjects, decrease or increase the exposure indicated by the meter accordingly.Film Package Typical Warm-up Time (Hours)14°C (25°F) Rise55°C (100°F) RiseSuper 81 1 1/216 mm 1 1 1/235 mm35Color BalanceThese films are balanced for exposure with tungsten illumination (3200K). You can also expose them with tungsten lamps that have slightly higher or lower color temperatures (+/- 200K) without correction filters, since final color balancing can be done in printing.* These are approximate corrections only. Make final corrections duringprinting.† These are starting-point recommendations for trial exposures. If the kind of lamp is unknown, a KODAK Color Compensating Filter CC30R + CC20Y can be used with an exposure index (EI) of 250.Note: Consult the manufacturer of high-intensity ultraviolet lamps for safety information on ultraviolet radiation and ozone generation.Exposure Table—Tungsten LightAt 24 frames per second (fps), 180-degree shutteropening, use this table for average subjects that contain a combination of light, medium, and dark colors:Reciprocity CharacteristicsYou do not need to make any filter corrections or exposure adjustments for exposure times from 1/1000 of a second to 1 second.Light Source KODAK Filters on Camera *Exposure Index T ungsten (3000 K)None 500T ungsten (3200 K)None 500KINO FLO 29KINO FLO 32None500Daylight (5500 K)WRATTEN 2 OpticalFilter / 85320Metal Halide WRATTEN 2 OpticalFilter / 85320H.M.I.WRATTEN 2 OpticalFilter / 85320KINO FLO 55WRATTEN 2 OpticalFilter / 85320Fluorescent, Warm White †CC30R + CC05M320Fluorescent, Cool White †CC40R160Lens Aperture f /1.4f /2f /2.8f /4f /5.6f /8f /11f /16Footcandles Required510204080160320640PROCESSINGProcess in Process ECN-2.Most commercial motion-picture laboratories provide a processing service for these films. See KODAK Publication No. H-24.07, Processing KODAK Color Negative Motion Picture Films, Module 7 available online at/go/h24, for more information on the solution formulas and the procedure for machineprocessing these films. There are also pre-packaged kits available for preparing the processing solutions. For more information on the KODAK ECN-2 Kit Chemicals, check Kodak's Motion Picture Films for Professional Use price catalog, also available online at /go/motion.IDENTIFICATIONAfter processing, the product code numbers 5219 (35 mm), 7219 (16 mm), or SO-219 (16, 35, and 65 mm; edgeprint shows 0219) emulsion, roll, and strip number identification, KEYKODE Numbers, and manufacturer/film identification code (EJ) are visible along the length of the film.POST PRODUCTIONScanningThe wider exposure latitude in KODAK VISION3 Films differentiate film capture from the limited dynamic range of digital capture. Digital "dodging and burning," a very powerful tool in the colorists' toolkit, is now even more powerful—up to two stops more image information can be extracted from scene highlights in VISION3 Films.If traditional 10-bit scanner data encoding schemes are used to digitize films having this extended density range, highlight information captured on these film could be lost. Kodak has recommendations for extracting the full density range stored on high dynamic range films in a technical document titled Scanning Recommendations for Extended Dynamic Range Camera Films , available online at /go/scanning.Laboratory Aim Densities (LAD)T o maintain optimum quality and consistency in the final prints, the laboratory must carefully control the color timing, printing, and duplicating procedures. T o aid in color timing and curve placement, negative originals should be timed relative to Laboratory Aim Density (LAD) Control Film supplied by Eastman Kodak Company. The LADControl Film provides both objective sensitometric control and subjective verification of the duplicating procedures used by the laboratory.In the LAD Control Method, the electronic color analyzer used for color timing is set-up with the LAD Control Film to produce a gray video display of the LAD patch, corresponding to 1.0 neutral density (gray) on the print. The negative printing original is then scene-to-scene timed. There are specific LAD values for each type of print or duplicating film that the original can be printed on. Forprint films, the LAD patch is printed to a neutral gray of 1.0 visual density. For duplicating films, the specified aims are at the center of the usable straight-line portion of the sensitometric curve of the film.Due to normal variations in exposure and processing of color negative films, particular scenes may not print exactly at the same printer lights as the LAD Control Film. The LAD Control Film is intended as a set-up tool for electronic color analyzers and printers. It is NOT a reference that every scene must match. Normalfilm-to-film and scene-to-scene exposure variability is accommodated by the color timing (grading) process, on an electronic color analyzer set up with the LAD Control Film. Normally exposed and processed color negatives will typically print well within the range of an additive printer setup with the LAD Control Film, although SIGNIFICANT or UNEXPECTED departures from this center point balance may indicate an exposure/filtration problem with the cinematography or with the process control. Some specialized films and/or specialized negative processing techniques (push-processing, pull-processing,"skip-bleach" processing, etc.) may require more extreme adjustment from the LAD printing condition to attain desired results.More information is contained in KODAK Publication H-61, Laboratory Aim Density, available online at/go/lad.Film-to-Tape TransfersWhen you transfer the film directly to tape, you can set up the telecine using KODAK T elecine Analysis Film (TAF) supplied by Eastman Kodak Company. The TAF consists of a neutral density scale and an eight-bar color test pattern with a LAD gray surround.The TAF gray scale provides the telecine operator (colorist) with an effective way to adjust subcarrier balance and to center the telecine controls before timing and transferring a film. The TAF color bars provide the utility of electronic color bars, even though they do not precisely match the electronically generated color bars. Using the TAF will help obtain optimum quality and consistency in the film-to-tape transfer. For more information regarding TAF, see KODAK Publication No. H-606, KODAK Telecine Tool Kit and Reference Manual, available online at /go/telecine. IMAGE STRUCTUREFor more information on image-structure characteristics, see KODAK Publication No. H-845, The Essential Reference Guide for Filmmakers available online at / go/referenceguide.Note: The sensitometric curves and data in this publication represent product tested under the conditions of exposure and processing specified. They are representative of production coatings, and therefore do not apply directly to a particular box or roll of photographic material. They do not represent standards or specifications that must be met by Eastman Kodak Company. The company reserves the right to change and improve product characteristics at any time.Modulation Transfer FunctionThe "perceived" sharpness of any film depends on various components of the motion picture production system. The camera and projector lenses and film printers, among other factors, all play a role. But the specific sharpness of a film can be measured and is charted in the Modulation Transfer Function Curve.This graph shows a measure of the visual sharpness of this film. The x-axis, "Spatial Frequency," refers to the number of sine waves per millimeter that can be resolved. The y-axis, "Response," corresponds to film sharpness. The longer and flatter the line, the more sine waves per millimeter that can be resolved with a high degree of sharpness—and, the sharper the film.rms Granularity:Read with a microdensitometer, (red, green, blue) using a 48-micrometer aperture.The "perception" of the graininess of any film is highly dependent on scene content, complexity, color, and density. Other factors, such as film age, processing, exposure conditions, and telecine transfer may also have significant effects.To find the rms Granularity value for a given density, find the density on the left vertical scale and follow horizontally to the characteristic curve and then go vertically (up or down) to the granularity curve. At that point, followhorizontally to the Granularity Sigma D scale on the right. Read the number and multiply by 1000 for the rms value. Note: This curve represents granularity based on modified measuring techniques. Sensitometric and Diffuse RMS Granularity curves are produced on different equipment. Aslight variation in curve shape may be noticed.SensitometryThe curves describe this film's response to red, green, and blue light. Sensitometric curves determine the change indensity on the film for a given change in log exposure.Note: The exposure scale for VISION3 5219 / 7219 Film is longer than previous VISION and VISON2 Films. Because of the extended highlight latitude we have expanded the exposure scale from a 0-4 increment to a 0-5 scale. In addition to the longer exposure scale, we are plotting 21 steps instead of 20.Spectral SensitivityThese curves depict the sensitivity of this film to the spectrum of light. They are useful for determining,KODAK VISION3 500T Color Negative Film 5219 / 7219 / SO-219Revised 7-15Printed in U.S.A.KODAK VISION3 500T ColorNegative Film 5219 / 7219 / SO-219Spectral Dye DensityThese curves depict the spectral absorptions of the dyes formed when the film is processed. They are useful for adjusting or optimizing any device that scans or prints the film.Spectral Dye Density CurvesNote: Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow Dye Curves arepeak-normalized.MORE INFORMATIONOutside the United States and Canada, please contact your Kodak representative. You can also visit our web site at /go/motion for further information. You may want to bookmark our location so you can find us easily the next time.H-2Cinematographer’s Field GuideH-845The Essential Reference Guide for Filmmakers H-24Manual for Processing KODAK Motion Picture Films, Process ECN-2 Specifications, Module 7H-61LAD—Laboratory Aim DensityH-606KODAK Telecine Tool Kit and Reference ManualSIZES AVAILABLEStandard Products Available*for AATON A-MINIMA CamerasIdentification No.Length in Metres (Feet)Core Description Perforations 65 mm SP332305 (1000)PEmulsion InKS-4740 (KS-1866)35 mm SP41730 (100)S-83 100-ft. spoolBH-4740 (BH-1866)35 mm SP71861 (200)U BH-4740 (BH-1866)35 mm SP718122 (400)U BH-4740 (BH-1866)35 mm SP718305 (1000)U BH-4740 (BH-1866)35 mm SP239710 (2000)YBH-4740 (BH-1866)16 mm SP45530 (100)R-90 100-ft. spoolWinding B 1R-7605 (1R-2994)16 mm SP445*61 (200)A-MIN Winding A 1R-7605 (1R-2994)16 mm SP457122 (400)T Winding B 1R-7605 (1R-2994)16 mm SP458244 (800)TWinding B1R-7605 (1R-2994)16 mm SP44930 (100)R-90 100-ft. spool 2R-7605 (2R-2994)16 mm SP578122 (400)S-153 400-ft. spool2R-7605 (2R-2994)16 mm SP451122 (400)T2R-7605 (2R-2994)16 mm SP434122 (400)S-153 400-ft. spool2R-7620 (2R-3000)S8 mm SP46415 (50)Super 8 cartridgeKodak, Eastman, Keykode, Vision, and Wratten are trademarks.。

iPhone 8说明书

iPhone 8说明书

iPhone 8iPhone 8 PlusGold, Silver, Space Gray Gold, Silver, Space Gray64GB 256GB64GB 256GBWeight: 5.22 ounces (148 grams)Weight: 7.13 ounces (202 grams)FinishCapacity 1Size and Weight 25.45 inches (138.4 mm)2.65 inches (67.3 mm)0.29 inch (7.3 mm)6.24 inches (158.4 mm)3.07 inches (78.1 mm)0.30 inch (7.5 mm)iPhone 8Retina HD display4.7-inch (diagonal) widescreen LCD Multi-Touch display with IPS technology 1334-by-750-pixel resolution at 326 ppi 1400:1 contrast ratio (typical)Retina HD display5.5-inch (diagonal) widescreen LCD Multi-Touch display with IPS technology 1920-by-1080-pixel resolution at 401 ppi 1300:1 contrast ratio (typical)Both models:True Tone display Wide color display (P3)3D Touch625 cd/m2 max brightness (typical)Dual-domain pixels for wide viewing angles Fingerprint-resistant oleophobic coatingSupport for display of multiple languages and characters simultaneously Display Zoom ReachabilityRated IP67 under IEC standard 6052912MP camera 12MP wide-angle and telephoto cameras ƒ/1.8 apertureWide-angle: ƒ/1.8 apertureDisplaySplash, Water, and Dust Resistant 3ChipCameraA11 Bionic chip with 64-bit architecture Neural EngineEmbedded M11 motion coprocessorTelephoto: ƒ/2.8 apertureDigital zoom up to 5x Optical zoom; digital zoom up to 10x—Portrait mode—Portrait Lighting (beta)Both models:Optical image stabilizationSix-element lensQuad-LED True Tone flash with Slow SyncPanorama (up to 63MP)Sapphire crystal lens coverBackside illumination sensorHybrid IR filterAutofocus with Focus PixelsT ap to focus with Focus PixelsLive Photos with stabilizationWide color capture for photos and Live PhotosImproved local tone mappingBody and face detectionExposure controlNoise reductionAuto HDR for photosAuto image stabilizationBurst modeTimer modePhoto geotaggingImage formats captured: HEIF and JPEGVideo Recording4K video recording at 24 fps, 30 fps, or 60 fps1080p HD video recording at 30 fps or 60 fps720p HD video recording at 30 fpsOptical image stabilization for videoOptical zoom; 6x digital zoom (iPhone 8 Plus only)Quad-LED True Tone flashSlo-mo video support for 1080p at 120 fps or 240 fpsTime-lapse video with stabilizationCinematic video stabilization (1080p and 720p)Continuous autofocus videoBody and face detection Noise reductionT ake 8MP still photos while recording 4K video Playback zoom Video geotaggingVideo formats recorded: HEVC and H.2647MP camera1080p HD video recording Retina Flash ƒ/2.2 apertureWide color capture for photos and Live Photos Auto HDRBackside illumination sensor Body and face detection Auto image stabilization Burst mode Exposure control Timer modeFingerprint sensor built into the Home buttonPay with your iPhone using Touch ID in stores, within apps, and on the web Complete purchases made with Apple Pay on your Mac Receive and redeem rewards using rewards cards FaceTime HD CameraTouch IDApple PayLearn more about Apple Pay Carriers!Assisted GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, and QZSS Digital compass Wi-Fi CellulariBeacon microlocationFaceTime video calling over Wi-Fi or cellularFaceTime audio Voice over LTE (VoLTE)Wi-Fi calling Audio formats supported: AAC-LC, HE-AAC, HE-AAC v2, Protected AAC, MP3, Linear PCM,Apple Lossless, FLAC, Dolby Digital (AC-3), Dolby Digital Plus (E-AC-3), and Audible (formats 2,3, 4, Audible Enhanced Audio, AAX, and AAX+)Cellular and WirelessLocationVideo Calling 4Audio Calling 455Audio PlaybackModel A1863Model A1864**FDD-LTE (Bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26,28, 29, 30, 66)TD-LTE (Bands 34, 38, 39, 40, 41)TD-SCDMA 1900 (F), 2000 (A)CDMA EV-DO Rev. A (800, 1900, 2100 MHz)UMTS/HSPA+/DC-HSDPA (850, 900, 1700/2100, 1900, 2100MHz)GSM/EDGE (850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz)Model A1905Model A1897Models A1905 and A1897 do not support CDMA networks, such as those used by Verizon and Sprint.**FDD-LTE (Bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26,28, 29, 30, 66)TD-LTE (Bands 34, 38, 39, 40, 41)UMTS/HSPA+/DC-HSDPA (850, 900, 1700/2100, 1900, 2100MHz)GSM/EDGE (850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz)All models802.11ac Wi-Fi with MIMO Bluetooth 5.0 wireless technology NFC with reader modeUser-configurable maximum volume limitVideo formats supported: HEVC, H.264, MPEG-4 Part 2, and Motion JPEG Supports Dolby Vision and HDR10 contentAirPlay Mirroring, photos, and video out to Apple TV (2nd generation or later)Video mirroring and video out support: Up to 1080p through Lightning Digital AV Adapter and Lightning to VGA Adapter (adapters sold separately)Use your voice to send messages, set reminders, and more Get intelligent suggestions in Messages, Mail, QuickType, and more Activate with only your voice using “Hey Siri”Listen and identify songs Video Playback66Siri 7Learn more about Siri External Buttons and Connectors!Home/Touch ID sensor Volume up/down Ring/Silent switchSide buttonBuilt-in stereo speakerLightning connectorBuilt-in microphone Built-in stereo speaker Built-in microphoneLasts about the same as iPhone 7Talk time (wireless):Up to 14 hours Internet use:Up to 12 hoursVideo playback (wireless):Up to 13 hoursAudio playback (wireless):Up to 40 hoursFast-charge capable:Up to 50% charge 30 minutes Lasts about the same as iPhone 7 Plus Talk time (wireless):Up to 21 hours Internet use:Up to 13 hoursVideo playback (wireless):Up to 14 hoursAudio playback (wireless):Up to 60 hoursFast-charge capable:Up to 50% charge 30 minutes Both models:Built-in rechargeable lithium-ion battery Wireless charging (works with Qi chargers )Charging via USB to computer system or power adapter Fast-charge capableTouch ID fingerprint sensor Barometer Three-axis gyro Accelerometer Proximity sensorAmbient light sensoriOS 11With new features and capabilities that let you get more done quickly and easily, iOS 11 makes iPhone more powerful, personal, and intelligent than ever.Power and Battery 89910SensorsOperating SystemSee what’s new in iOS 11!Accessibility features help people with disabilities get the most out of their new iPhone 8. With built-in support for vision, hearing, physical and motor skills, and learning and literacy, you can fully enjoy the world’s most personal device. Features include:• VoiceOver • Zoom • Magnifier • Software TTY • Siri and Dictation • Type to Siri • Switch Control • Closed Captions • AssistiveTouch • Speak ScreenAccessibilityLearn more Built-in AppsBuilt-in apps are an essential part of your iPhone experience and areefficiently designed to use less than 200MB of storage.Free Apps from!CameraPhotosHealthMessagesPhoneFaceTimeMailMusicWalletSafariMapsSiriCalendariTunes StoreApp StoreNotesNewsContactsiBooksHomeWeatherRemindersClockTVStocksCalculatorVoice MemosCompassPodcastsWatchTipsiCloud DriveFind My iPhoneFind My FriendsSettingsFilesiMovie Pages Keynote Numbers iTunes U GarageBand Apple Store Trailers Apple TV Remote iTunes Remote Music Memos ClipsNonoperating temperature: −4° to 113° F (−20° to 45° C)Relative humidity: 5% to 95% noncondensing Operating altitude: tested up to 10,000 feet (3000 m)Language supportEnglish (Australia, UK, U.S.), Chinese (Simplified, Traditional, Traditional Hong Kong), French (Canada, France), German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Spanish (Latin America, Mexico, Spain),Arabic, Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian,Indonesian, Malay, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil, Portugal), Romanian, Russian, Slovak,Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, VietnameseQuickType keyboard supportEnglish (Australia, Canada, India, Singapore, UK, U.S.), Chinese - Simplified (Handwriting,Pinyin, Stroke), Chinese - Traditional (Cangjie, Handwriting, Pinyin, Stroke, Sucheng, Zhuyin),French (Belgium, Canada, France, Switzerland), German (Austria, Germany, Switzerland), Italian,Japanese (Kana, Romaji), Korean, Spanish (Latin America, Mexico, Spain), Arabic (Modern Standard, Najdi), Armenian, Azerbaijani, Belarusian, Bengali, Bulgarian, Catalan, Cherokee,Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Emoji, Estonian, Filipino, Finnish, Flemish, Georgian, Greek,Gujarati, Hawaiian, Hebrew, Hindi (Devanagari, Transliteration), Hinglish, Hungarian, Icelandic,Indonesian, Irish, Kannada, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Malay, Malayalam, Maori, Marathi,Norwegian, Odia, Persian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil, Portugal), Punjabi, Romanian, Russian,Serbian (Cyrillic, Latin), Slovak, Slovenian, Swahili, Swedish, T amil (Script, Transliteration),Telugu, Thai, Tibetan, Turkish, Ukrainian, Urdu, Vietnamese, WelshQuickType keyboard support with predictive inputEnglish (Australia, Canada, India, Singapore, UK, U.S.), Chinese (Simplified, Traditional), French (Belgium, Canada, France, Switzerland), German (Austria, Germany, Switzerland), Italian,Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish (Latin America, Mexico, Spain), Portuguese (Brazil,Portugal), Thai, TurkishSiri languagesEnglish (Australia, Canada, India, Ireland, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, UK, U.S.),Spanish (Chile, Mexico, Spain, U.S.), French (Belgium, Canada, France, Switzerland), German (Austria, Germany, Switzerland), Italian (Italy, Switzerland), Japanese, Korean, Mandarin (Mainland China, T aiwan), Cantonese (Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao), Arabic (Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates), Danish (Denmark), Dutch (Belgium, Netherlands), Finnish(Finland), Hebrew (Israel), Malay (Malaysia), Norwegian (Norway), Portuguese (Brazil), Russian (Russia), Swedish (Sweden), Thai (Thailand), Turkish (Turkey)Dictation languagesEnglish (Australia, Canada, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, United Arab Emirates, UK, U.S.), Spanish (Argentina, Chile,Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico,Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Spain, Uruguay, U.S.), French (Belgium, Canada, France, Luxembourg,Switzerland), German (Austria, Germany, Luxembourg, Switzerland), Italian (Italy, Switzerland),Japanese, Korean, Mandarin (Mainland China, T aiwan), Cantonese (Mainland China, Hong Kong,Macao), Arabic (Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates), Catalan, Croatian, Czech,Danish, Dutch (Belgium, Netherlands), Finnish, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi (India), Hungarian,Indonesian, Malaysian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil, Portugal), Romanian, Russian,Shanghainese (Mainland China), Slovakian, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese Definition dictionary supportEnglish, Chinese (Simplified, Traditional), Danish, Dutch, French, German, Hindi, Italian,RequirementsLanguagesJapanese, Korean, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, TurkishBilingual dictionary supportChinese (Simplified), Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian,SpanishSpell checkEnglish, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Korean, Norwegian, Polish,Portuguese, Russian, Swedish, TurkishiPhone with iOS 11EarPods with Lightning ConnectorLightning to 3.5 mm Headphone Jack AdapterLightning to USB CableUSB Power AdapterDocumentationIn the BoxiPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus embody Apple’s continuing environmental progress. They are designed with the following features to reduce environmental impact:Apple and the EnvironmentLearn more about Apple’s dedication to reducing the environmental impact of our products and process. Or read our Product Environmental Reports for detailed information on theiPhone and the EnvironmentApple takes a complete product life cycle approach to determining our environmental impact. Learn more!Mercury-free LED-backlit display Arsenic-free display glass Brominated flame retardant–free PVC-freeBeryllium-freeRecyclable aluminum environmental performance of every Apple product.RecyclingApple takes a holistic view of materials management and waste minimization. Learn more about how to recycle your iPhone!iPhone X Tech Specs Learn more!iPhone 7Tech SpecsLearn more!iPhone 6sTech SpecsLearn more!iPhone SETech SpecsLearn more!CompareiPhone modelsFind the best iPhone for you!* To identify your iPhone model number, see /kb/HT3939. For details on LTE support, contact your carrier and see /iphone/LTE . Cellular technology support is based on iPhone model number and configuration for either CDMA or GSM networks.1. Available space is less and varies due to many factors. A standard configuration uses approximately 8GB to 11GB of space (including iOS and preinstalled apps) depending on the model and settings. Preinstalled apps use about 4GB, and you can delete these apps and restore them.2. Size and weight vary by configuration and manufacturing process.3. iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus are splash, water, and dust resistant and were tested under controlled laboratory conditions with a rating of IP67 under IEC standard 60529. Splash,water, and dust resistance are not permanent conditions and resistance might decrease as a result of normal wear. Do not attempt to charge a wet iPhone; refer to the user guide for cleaning and drying instructions. Liquid damage not covered under warranty.4. FaceTime calling requires a FaceTime-enabled device for the caller and recipient and a Wi-Fi connection. Availability over a cellular network depends on carrier policies; datacharges may apply.5. Data plan required. LTE Advanced, LTE, VoLTE, and Wi-Fi calling are available in select markets and through select carriers. Speeds are based on theoretical throughput and vary based on site conditions and carrier. For details on LTE support, contact your carrier and see /iphone/LTE .6. Standard Dynamic Range video content only.7. Siri may not be available in all languages or in all areas, and features may vary by area. Internet access required. Cellular data charges may apply.8. All battery claims depend on network configuration and many other factors; actual results will vary. Battery has limited recharge cycles and may eventually need to be replaced byApple service provider. Battery life and charge cycles vary by use and settings. See /batteries and /iphone/battery.html for more information.9. Testing conducted by Apple in August 2017 using preproduction iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus units and software and accessory Apple USB-C Power Adapters (29W Model A1540,61W Model A1718, 87W Model A1719). Fast-charge testing conducted with drained iPhone units. Charge time varies with environmental factors; actual results will vary.10. Compatible wireless charging mats sold separately.11. iMovie, GarageBand, Pages, Numbers, and Keynote are available on the App Store. Downloading apps requires an Apple ID and a device that is compatible with the iOS versionrequired for each app.12. Wireless broadband recommended; fees may apply.Some features may not be available for all countries or all areas. 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Sony Alpha 7S III 说明书

Sony Alpha 7S III 说明书

Press ReleaseHighly Anticipated Sony Alpha 7S III Camera Combines Supreme ImagingPerformance with Classic “S” Series SensitivityNew Alpha 7S III Empowers Creators with 4K 120P1 Video, 10-bit 4:2:2 Recording, 15+ Stop Dynamic Range2, Improved AF Performance and More •Newly developed BIONZ XR™image processing engine with eight times more processing power3 and a brand new 12.1-megapixel (approx., effective) back-illuminated full-frame Exmor R™ CMOS image sensor, significantly reducedrolling shutter effect4•Ultra-high sensitivity with ISO range expandable from 40 – 409,6005, and improved image quality by approximately 1 stop noise reduction in the middle and highsensitivity ranges•Video recording capabilities include 4K 120p, 10 bit 4:2:2 color depth, All-Intra recording, XAVC HS format with H.265 codec and more•15+ stop dynamic range for movies•4K 60p 16-bi t RAW video HDMI output for the first time in the Alpha™ series•Fast Hybrid AF system with 759-point phase-detection6 AF sensors covering 92% of image sensor•Enhanced Real-time Eye AF for movie recording7 and still image recording•New heat dissipating mechanism and dual slot relay recording enables over one-hour long 4K 60p 10-bit 4:2:2 movie shooting until battery ends8•5-axis optical in-body image stabilization supports handheld movie shooting, with added Active Mode 9 to support especially difficult handheld movie shooting •World’s brightest10 and largest new 0.64-type 9.44 million-dot (approx.) OLED electronic viewfinder•Side Opening variable angle LCD screen enhances shooting flexibility•Completely redesigned menu system with touch screen interface and touch operation•High-speed continuous still image shooting at up to 10fps11 for more than 1,000 consecutive uncompressed RAW images12 with full AF / AE tracking •Dual CFexpress Type A card slots that enable high speed data processing while keeping the compact sizeHong Kong, July 29, 2020 – Sony Hong Kong today announced the long-awaited addition to its acclaimed Alpha 7S full-frame mirrorless camera series⁠— the Alpha 7S III (model ILCE-7SM3).Featuring a brand new 12.1MP (approx., effective) back-illuminated full-frame image sensor with ultra-high sensitivity and 15+ stop wide dynamic range, a host of impressive video recording capabilities including 4K 120p and 10-bit 4:2:2 color depth, a new heat dissipating mechanism, dual slot relay recording enabling over one-hour of 4K 60p movie shooting until battery ends8, a new autofocus system, and touch screen interface and side flip LCD screen, the new Alpha 7S III will become the ultimate creative tool for video professionals and all types of hybrid still/video shooters.The system architecture for the new Alpha 7S III has been completely redesigned to deliver exceptional video and still shooting performance. The new 35mm full-frame 12.1MP (approx., effective)back-illuminated Exmor R™ CMOS image sensor reduces rolling shutter by up to three times and utilizes a variety of advanced light-gathering techniques to ensure high-sensitivity with low noise, allowing users to shoot in low-light situations without needing large-scale lighting setups.In addition to improved image quality, this new image sensor includes a focal plane phase-detection AF system for the first time in an S-series camera. To compliment the new sensor, the Alpha 7S III also includes a new BIO NZ XR™ image processing engine that provides up to eight times more processing power, minimizes processing latency, and enables many of the hallmark still and imaging features of the camera. The new system also includes the world’s brightest and largest 9.44 million-dot (approx.)OLED electronic eye-level viewfinder and is the world’s first camera with dual CFexpress Type A card slots, enabling high-speed data transfer in a compact size.Professional Video Workflow SolutionsThe Alpha 7S III offers in-camera 4K recording up to 120 frames per second, 10-bit depth and 4:2:2 color sampling, producing stunning video recording. The new camera offers a more flexible and efficient post-production workflow with a variety of advanced movie recording modes such as All-Intra13 and MPEG-H HEVC/H.265 coding (XAVC HS™)14. The Alpha 7S III makes it easy to integrate video recordings with other professional camcorders by providing three color gamut settings S-Gamut, S-Gamut3, and S-Gamut3.Cine, allowing users to easily match footage shot on the Alpha 7S III with footage shot on the professional camcorderssimplifying multi-camera post-production workflow. In addition to S-Log3 gamma curves, the Alpha 7S III supports an HLG (Hybrid Log-Gamma) picture profile with minimum post-production. The Alpha 7S III also allows up to 4K 60p 16-bit RAW output15 to an external recorder via HDMI Type-A16 connector,offering additional post-production flexibility. Improved Image QualityThe new CMOS image sensor and BIONZ XR™ image processing engine in the Alpha 7S III delivers legendary S-series sensitivity with significantly enhanced color reproduction and texture renderings for improved overall image quality. The base ISO has been lowered to 80, resulting in a normal range of 80-102,400 (expandable to 80-409,600 for video and 40-409,600 for stills) to provide more flexible ISO plus wide dynamic range with low noise at all settings. It offers improved image quality by approximately 1 stop of noise reduction in the middle and high sensitivity ranges.The colors and textures of foliage, human skin, and more are ideally and consistently reproduced without dependence on light sources. Gradation rendering has also been refined for better looking skin tones and highlight roll-off in portraits. It also improves AWB (Auto White Balance) performance with a new “Visible light + IR Sensor” that helps to achieve more precise white balance under artificial lighting, including fluorescent and LED lights.Versatile OperabilityAdvanced Autofocus Performance for Hybrid useFor the first time in an Alpha 7S series camera, the Alpha 7S III offers Fast Hybrid AF by combining phase-detection and contrast-detection AF, giving it the ability to track subjects over a wide area with outstanding speed, precision and smoothness, even when using a narrow depth of field. Fine focus expression is possible with Sony’s E-mount lenses.For environments with a lot of movement, Real-time Tracking and Real-time Eye AF are available to maintain constant focus on the intended subject. Sony’s advanced Real-time Eye AF improves detection performance by 30% over the previous system, thanks to the new image processing engine. It ensures accurate, reliable detection, even when th e subject’s face looks away. Real-time Tracking is initiated simply by touching the subject on the screen. Real-time Eye AF is automatically initiated when an eye is detected.Flexible Autofocus Settings for Movie ShootingBased on customer feedback, the camera includes several AF features for professional users including AF Transition Speed in seven settings, to easily create rack-focus transitions, and five AF Subject Shift Sensitivity settings, which allows the user to customize how easily AF will switch or stay with the locked-on subject. Touch Tracking allows user to not only initiate Real-time Tracking, but also compose and shoot while using a gimbal or while shooting solo. It’s now possible to Touch Focus during manual focus mode on the LCD screen or remotely from the Imaging Edge Mobile application17.New Heat-dissipating StructureThe Alpha 7S III’s design has been updated to ensure effective heat dissipation and minimizes overheating — even during extended continuous recording sessions at 4K 60p 10-bit 4:2:2 video lasting an hour or more88. A newly developed unique heat dissipating structure keeps the image sensor and image processing engine temperatures within their normal operating ranges, preventing overheating while maintaining compact body dimensions. The new heat-dissipating structure requires no fan or cabinet vents allowing Alpha 7S III to maintain dust and moisture resistance18.Movie Assist FunctionsFor video on-the-go, the Alpha 7S III is the first Alpha series camera to include Active Mode9 with 5-axis optical in-body image stabilization to support especially difficult handheld movie shooting. It is also the first Alpha series E-mount body to feature a side-opening vari-angle rear screen, perfect for gimbal-mounted shots, complicated angles, handheld operation and more. The screen rotates sideways, up and down, and features a 3.0 type 1.44 million-dot (approx.) touch panel LCD monitor, for optimal visibility even in bright outdoor environments.In addition, the Alpha 7S III provides a selection of new Creative Look with 10 presets that can be used for both photo and video shoots, making it easy to create interesting moods right in the camera to be used as is or customized by the user.A digital audio interface has been added to the camera’s Multi Interface (MI) Shoe for clearer audio recordings from a compatible Sony external m icrophone. Used with Sony’s XLR-K3M XLR Adaptor Kit, the Alpha 7S III provides 4-channel 24-bit digital audio recording capability in an Alpha series camera for the first time. Like other MI shoe accessories, no cables or batteries are required, providing unrestrained freedom for Alpha system moviemaking.Additional movie assist functions include a redesigned monitor display with a bold, clearly visible red frame that makes it clear when recording is in progress even when mounted on a rig or gimbal, custom zoom settings, adjustable white balance while recording, display rotation, interval recording, still extraction from movies and more.Captured by A7S III with SEL2470GMOutstanding Still Image PhotographyThe Alpha 7S III includes a fast Hybrid AF system with 759 phase-detection AF points covering 92% of the image sensor. The camera can also achieve high AF precision to accurately and reliably focus in light down to EV-619, where subjects are difficult to see clearly even with the naked eye. Users can continuously shoot more than 1,000 uncompressed RAW12images at up to 10fps, or up to 8fps in live view mode, with either the mechanical or electronic shutter.The Alpha 7S III also includes the world’s first 9.44 million-dot (approx.), 0.64 type Quad-XGA electronic viewfinder with a high-definition OLED display and refined. The Alpha 7S III viewfinder offers a 0.90x viewfinder magnification20, 41° diagonal field of view, 25mm high eyepoint for clear, low-distortion corner to corner viewing. It is also dust, fog and moisture resistant, extremely responsive, and has switchable modes for different subject types. Every aspect of the Alpha 7S III viewfinder has been designed and refined for a professional workflow.For the first time in one of Sony’s digital cameras, the Alpha 7S III includes HEIF (High Efficiency Image File Format) allowing for smooth 10-bit gradations and advanced compression technology to maintain image quality while significantly reducing file size and saving storage space. HEIF stills shot in this mode can be played back on a compatible SonyHDR (HLG) TV via a direct HDMI Type-A connection from the Alpha 7S III, delivering true-to-life dynamic range21.Versatile Design Made for the ProsCFexpress Type A for High-speed Data TransferIn another world’s first, the Alpha 7S III features two CFexpress Type A compatible media slots which also support UHS-I and UHS-II SDXC/SDHC cards, enabling high write-and-read speeds while keeping the camera body compact in size. CFexpress Type A cards are ideally suited to high-speed continuous RAW still image shooting as well as 4K 120p movie recording at high bit rates22, providing next-generation write speeds that can quickly clear the buffers of cameras that generate high volumes of still image and movie data. High-speed data transfer to a PC is possible at about 1.7 times faster23 than that of SD card. The dual slots can be set to relay mode for extended continuous recording of even the highest bit rate data as well as simultaneous recording and sort by format type recording.Revised Menu System with Enhanced Touch ScreenThe Alpha 7S III also features a revised menu structure for easier navigation and touch-responsive menu operation for faster, more intuitive control. For creators who shoot both stills and movies, separate settings can now be stored for stills and movie shooting for quick transition between the two.High Reliability Gives Creators New FreedomProfessional users need more than just refined features and performance. They also need the reliability and durability demanded of any professional tool. The Alpha 7S III features a redesigned grip for greater comfort and a secure hold, an improved dust removal feature, plus dust and moisture resistance that maximizes reliability in challenging environments. It includes a durable, reliable HDMI Type-A connector, and is the first Alpha series camera to support USB PD (Power Delivery), allowing higher power to be supplied from an external source so that users can continue to record for extended periods with minimal internal battery usage.Advanced Connectivity for Professional Working EnvironmentsThe Alpha 7S III has been designed and configured to support photo and video journalists and sports shooters who need to deliver stills or movies as quickly as possible with several advanced connectivity options. The camera supports 5GHz24/2.4GHz wireless LAN (IEEE 802.11ac) and offers MIMO (multiple-input and multiple-output) to improve communication quality by using multiple antennas, doubling in speed when compared to the Alpha7R IV. It also carries new USB tethering support25. When connected to a 5G (5th generation technology standard for cellular networks) compatible device such as Sony’s "Xperia 1 II" smartphone via USB cable, it is possible to use 5G network for fast and stable FTP file transfer26. USB to high-speed wired LAN connectivity27 also offers stable and fast FTP transfer for both movies and stills. A USB Type-C™ connector that supports fast S uperSpeed USB 5Gbps (USB 3.2) data transfer is provided, enabling high-speed PC Remote (tethered) data transfer available for smooth handling of large image files.AvailabilityThe new Alpha 7S III Full-frame Interchangeable Lens Camera from Sony will be available from September 2020 at HK$26,990.For customer enquiries, please contact Sony hotline service at (852) 2833-5129.Please click to view: full product details | specificationsA product feature video and a product concept video on the new Alpha 7S III can be viewed.Exclusive stories and exciting new content shot with the new camera and Sony’s other imaging products can be found at , a site created to educate and inspire all fans and customers of Sony’s α - Alpha brand.New content will also be posted directly at the Sony Photo Gallery.About Hong Kong Marketing CompanyHong Kong Marketing Company (HKMC), a division of Sony Corporation of Hong Kong Limited, provides sales, marketing and after sales services for Sony’s consumer electronics products as well as broadcast and professional products in Hong Kong and Macau. For more information on Sony’s products and services, please visit our website at .###1 10% of view cropped2 S-Log3 movies, Sony internal tests3When compared to the BIONZ X™ image processor4 When compared to Alpha7S II5 40 to 409,600 for stills and 80 to 409,600 for movies. Sony test conditions6 When shooting full-frame still images. The number of AF points used depends on the shooting mode.7 This function does not track animal eyes8 Sony test conditions. XAVC S-I 10-bit 4:2:2, 25 deg C (ambient, camera when recording started), Auto Power Off Temperature: High. The value will vary depending on the shooting conditions.9 In active mode, the shooting angle of view is slightly narrowed. If the focal length is 200 mm or more, it is recommended to set to standard10 As of July 2020, Sony survey. Among full-frame mirrorless cameras11Up to 10fps in continuous “Hi+” mode, and up to 8fps in continuous “Hi” mode Maximum fps will depend on camera settings12 Requires CFexpress Type A memory card13 When XAVC S-I 4K or HD is selected via the file format menu14 Requires compatible memory card15 Atomos Ninja V HDR monitor-recorder support planned. As of July 202016Sony’s Premium High Speed HDMI Cable DLC-HX10 recommended17 Imaging Edge Mobile Ver. 7.4 or later required18 Not guaranteed to be 100% dust and moisture proof19 ISO 100 equivalent, F2.0 lens, AF-S mode20 50mm lens, infinity, -1m-1 diopter21 Desktop a pplication “HEIF Converter” for displaying and editing HEIF format is planned to launch in September 202022 4:2:2 10-bit All-I, when recording slow motion23 Sony test conditions.24 5 GHz communication may be restricted in some countries and regions25 Power Delivery supported smartphone is required26 Does not guarantee connection with all smartphone. FTP file transfer by USB tethering that utilizes 4G network is also possible27 A compatible USB-Ethernet adapter is required。


10HZ~150Hz~10Hz 0.15mm,IEC60068-2-6
关键参数 o 红外分辨率:120x90 o 可见光:200万像素o 测温范围:20℃~50℃ o 测温精度:≤±0.3℃o 建议距离:1米~1.5米 o 预估测量人数:150人/分钟
2.8 mm
DC 12V
2.8 mm



第 32 卷第 3 期2024 年 2 月Vol.32 No.3Feb. 2024光学精密工程Optics and Precision Engineering应用于运动平台光电跟瞄系统的惯性参考单元研究综述李醒飞1,2,何梦洁1,拓卫晓1,2*,王天宇1,韩佳欣1,王信用1(1.天津大学精密测试技术及仪器国家重点实验室,天津 300072;2.深海技术科学太湖实验室,江苏无锡 214000)摘要:目标的变化和任务的拓展对光电跟瞄系统提出了快速机动的要求,从地基平台到车载、船载、机载、星载等运动平台是光电跟瞄系统的重要发展趋势。

基于惯性参考单元(Inertial Reference Unit,IRU)的视轴稳定方式是克服运动平台高频扰动,实现光电跟瞄系统微弧度甚至亚微弧度级跟瞄的主要技术手段。





关键词:惯性参考单元;运动平台;光电跟瞄系统;视轴稳定;扰动抑制中图分类号:V19 文献标识码:A doi:10.37188/OPE.20243203.0401Review on inertial reference unit applied to photoelectric tracking and pointing system of moving platform LI Xingfei1,2,HE Mengjie1,TUO Weixiao1,2*,WANG Tianyu1,HAN Jiaxin1,WANG Xinyong1(1.State Key Laboratory of Precision Measurement Technology and Instruments, Tianjin University,Tianjin 300072, China;2.Taihu Laboratory of Deepsea Technological Science, Wuxi 214000, China)* Corresponding author, E-mail: tuoweixiao@Abstract: The evolution of objectives and the broadening of tasks have heightened the need for swift ma⁃neuverability in the photoelectric tracking and pointing system. Shifting from ground⁃based to diverse mo⁃bile platforms such as vehicles, ships, aircraft, and spacecraft marks a significant trend in the development of photoelectric tracking and pointing systems. The stabilization of the line of sight using an inertial refer⁃ence unit (IRU) is essential to counteract the high⁃frequency disturbances encountered on these mobile plat⁃forms, enabling the system to achieve tracking accuracy at the micro⁃radian or even sub⁃micro⁃radian level. 文章编号1004-924X(2024)03-0401-21收稿日期:2023-06-30;修订日期:2020-08-10.基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(No.62203322);中国博士后科学基金资助项目(No.2022M712372);深海技术科学太湖实验室“揭榜挂帅”项目资助项目(No.2022JBGS03001)第 32 卷光学精密工程This paper delves into various IRU implementation strategies to mitigate disturbances from the carriers, ensuring precise aiming of the photoelectric tracking and pointing system on moving platforms. It highlights a system design that employs low noise and wideband inertial sensors for angle disturbance detection and achieves line of sight stabilization via feedback control. The document details the system's operational modes, functional features, constructs its mathematical model, and reviews both domestic and internation⁃al research advancements and future directions in IRU technology. It emphasizes that inertial sensing, sup⁃port structures, and control systems are critical to IRU's stabilization performance, and it organizes the lat⁃est research trends in these three vital areas. Conclusively, the paper outlines the spaceborne applications of IRU and explores potential future application domains, considering current demands.Key words: inertial reference unit;moving platform;photoelectric tracking and targeting system;line-of-sight stabilization; disturbance suppression1 引言在天文观测[1]、激光通信[2]和量子通信[3]等领域,目标的变化和任务拓展对光电跟瞄系统提出了快速机动的要求,从地基平台到车载、船载、机载、星载等运动平台拓展是光电跟瞄系统的重要发展趋势。

RFD90 Ultra-韧性UHF RFID滑板快速入门指南 MN-004376-02EN Rev

RFD90 Ultra-韧性UHF RFID滑板快速入门指南 MN-004376-02EN Rev

RFD90 Ultra-Rugged UHF RFID SledQuick Start GuideZEBRA and the stylized Zebra head are trademarks of Zebra Technologies Corporation, registered in manyjurisdictions worldwide. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. ©2022 ZebraTechnologies Corporation and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Information in this document is subject to change without notice. The software described in this documentis furnished under a license agreement or nondisclosure agreement. The software may be used or copiedonly in accordance with the terms of those agreements.For further information regarding legal and proprietary statements, please go to:SOFTWARE: /linkoslegal.COPYRIGHTS: /copyright.WARRANTY: /warranty.END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT: /eula.Terms of UseProprietary StatementThis manual contains proprietary information of Zebra Technologies Corporation and its subsidiaries(“Zebra Technologies”). It is intended solely for the information and use of parties operating andmaintaining the equipment described herein. Such proprietary information may not be used, reproduced,or disclosed to any other parties for any other purpose without the express, written permission of ZebraTechnologies.Product ImprovementsContinuous improvement of products is a policy of Zebra Technologies. All specifications and designs aresubject to change without notice.Liability DisclaimerZebra Technologies takes steps to ensure that its published Engineering specifications and manuals arecorrect; however, errors do occur. Zebra Technologies reserves the right to correct any such errors anddisclaims liability resulting therefrom.Limitation of LiabilityIn no event shall Zebra Technologies or anyone else involved in the creation, production, or delivery of theaccompanying product (including hardware and software) be liable for any damages whatsoever (including,without limitation, consequential damages including loss of business profits, business interruption, or lossof business information) arising out of the use of, the results of use of, or inability to use such product, evenif Zebra Technologies has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Some jurisdictions do not allowthe exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion maynot apply to you.About this Document (4)Notational Conventions (4)Service Information (4)Getting Started (6)Unpacking (6)Adaptor Installation (7)RFD9030 Standard-Range Ultra-Rugged UHF RFID Sled Features (7)RFD9090 Long-Range Ultra-Rugged UHF RFID Sled (9)Device Installation (9)Device Removal (10)Battery Replacement (11)Battery Installation (12)Pairing the Sled with a Mobile Computer (12)Charging (14)UI Indicators (14)LED Definitions (14)Beeper Indications (15)This document provides information on using the RFD9030 Ultra-Rugged Standard-Range UHF RFID sledand the RFD9090 Long-Range Ultra-Rugged UHF RFID sled.Notational ConventionsThe following conventions are used in this document:Bold text is used to highlight the following:•Dialog box, window, and screen names.•Drop-down list and list box names.•Checkbox and radio button names.•Checkbox and radio button names.•Icons on a screen.•Key names on a keypad.•Button names on a screen.Bullets (•) indicate:•Action items.•List of alternatives.•Lists of required steps that are not necessarily sequential.Sequential lists (for example, those that describe step-by-step procedures) appear as numbered lists. Service InformationIf you have a problem with your equipment, contact Zebra Global Customer Support for your region.Contact information is available at: /support.When contacting support, please have the following information available:•Serial number of the unit•Model number or product name•Software type and version numberZebra responds to calls by email, telephone, or fax within the time limits outlined in support agreements.If your problem cannot be solved by Zebra Customer Support, you may need to return your equipmentfor servicing and will be given specific directions. Zebra is not responsible for any damages incurred during shipment if the approved shipping container is not used. Shipping the units improperly can void the warranty.If you purchased your Zebra business product from a Zebra business partner, contact that business partner for support.The RFD90 Ultra-Rugged UHF RFID sled provides RAIN Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tagreading, writing, and locating capability to support Zebra mobile computers and other host devices. Thissection provides information on sled features, adaptor installation, mobile computer attachment, batteryreplacement, UI indications, and charging.To use the RFD90 sled for the first time with a mobile computer:1.Insert the battery into the device.2.Charge the RFD90 sled using the charging cradle or charging cup.3.Replace the cover with the adaptor that is specific to the mobile computer to be used with the sled.4.Place the mobile computer into the adaptor bottom first.5.Secure the mobile computer into the adaptor by pressing down on the center of the top of the mobilecomputer.6.Set the region using 123RFID Desktop or 123RFID Mobile applications.For the latest versions of guides and software, go to: /support.For detailed information, refer to the Product Reference Guide at: /support. UnpackingThis section provides information on Zebra RFD90 Ultra-Rugged UHF RFID Sled sled parts, batteryinstallation, mobile device attachment, LED indications, and charging. Carefully remove all protectivematerial from the RFD90 Ultra-Rugged sled and save the shipping container for later storage and shipping.Verify the following items are in the box:•RFD90 Ultra-Rugged UHF RFID Sled•Battery•Quick Start GuideInspect the equipment for damage. If any equipment is missing or damaged, contact the Zebra SupportCenter immediately.For a full list of accessories that can be used with the RFD90 Ultra-Rugged UHF RFID sled, refer to theproduct-specific Technical Accessory Guide available at: /support.Adaptor InstallationRFD90 Ultra-Rugged UHF RFID Sleds can be used with various mobile devices by using an adaptor tomount the device onto the sled.To install an adaptor:1.Remove the cover by pulling up on the lip.2.Secure the adaptor onto the RFD90 by fastening the four screws into the sled. Recommended Torque:2.5 kgf-cm (14 ibf/in.)RFD9030 Standard-Range Ultra-Rugged UHF RFID Sled Features Figure 1 RFD9030 Standard-Range Ultra-Rugged UHF RFID FeaturesTable 1 RFD9030 Standard-Range Ultra-Rugged UHF RFID Sled FeaturesRFD9090 Long-Range Ultra-Rugged UHF RFID SledThe RFD9090 RFID Long Range Ultra-Rugged UHF RFID sled has the capacity to decode symbologiesfrom an extended distance.Figure 2 RFD9090 Long Range Ultra-Rugged UHF RFID SledDevice InstallationTo secure the mobile computer to the RFD90 sled, place the bottom of the device fully forward into theRFD90 sled adaptor and push on the top center of the mobile computer to secure it.NOTE: While installing the mobile computer into the adaptor, use caution and do not collide withthe pogo pins on the RFD90.Figure 3 Device InstallationDevice RemovalTo remove the mobile computer from the sled, firmly hold the sled handle, and lift the device off the sledadaptor.NOTE: If using a TC7 mobile computer (shown on the right in the figure below) with the RFD90sled, press the button on the adaptor to release the mobile computer and lift the device off of thesled adaptor.Figure 4 Device RemovalBattery ReplacementThe battery that comes standard with the sled can be replaced by following the instructions outlined in thissection.To remove the battery from the sled:Figure 5 Battery Removal1.Slide the locking latch to the left to unlock the battery door.2.Open the battery door.3.Pull the battery downward to remove it.Battery InstallationOpen the battery locking door and slide the battery into the handle to install the battery into the sled. Slidethe lock on the battery locking door into the locked position to lock the door and secure the battery.Pairing the Sled with a Mobile ComputerPair the sled with a mobile computer by connecting directly with the communication port, scanning the 2Dbarcode on the device, or using the Tap-to-Pair feature on the RFD90 to activate NFC Bluetooth pairingand facilitate Bluetooth communication between the sled and the mobile computer.•To connect via scan, scan the code on the sled using the mobile computer to obtain the Bluetooth MAC address to pair the device to the sled.Figure 6 Scan 2D Barcode to Obtain MAC Address12D Barcode on Bluetooth Connection Manufacturing Label•To connect via NFC, align the NFC area behind the sled handle with the NFC area on the back of the mobile computer to pair.Figure 7 Tap-to-Pair1NFC AreaOnce the mobile computer has paired with the sled, it recognizes the device going forward andautomatically connects using the 123RFID Mobile.ChargingBefore using the RFD90 RFID Ultra-Rugged UHF RFID for the first time, fully charge the battery by placing itin the charging cradle until the LED Power/Charging Indicator turns solid green.The sled and mobile computer may be charged in the charging cradle individually or attached. The sledautomatically powers on when removed from the charging cradle. The sled enters Off mode if it is idle forthirty minutes.NOTE: The cradle does not charge the device if the battery is completely depleted.NOTE: A 12V power supply must be connected to the power jack when charging the sled usingthe cable cup accessory.UI IndicatorsThe sled presents multiple forms of feedback to inform the user of various device states. The sled providesLED definitions for decode and battery status as well as beeper indications to indicate battery chargeprogress. The trigger on the device is capable of initiating a bootloader recovery and carrying out variousprogrammable tasks.LED DefinitionsThe sled provides user feedback in the form of LED indications for decode, battery, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fistates.Decode LED DefinitionsThe following table outlines the context in which decode LED feedback is provided and the indication thatis presented for a given device state.NOTE: The LED indicators on the sled differ from the LED indicators on the mobile computerbeing used with the sled.Table 2 Decode LED IndicatorsBattery LED DefinitionsThe following table outlines the context in which battery LED feedback is provided and the indication thatis presented for a given device state.Table 3 Battery LED Definitions While ChargingBluetooth LED DefinitionsThe following table outlines the context in which Bluetooth LED feedback is provided and the indicationthat is presented for a given device state.Table 4 Bluetooth LED DefinitionsWi-Fi LED DefinitionsThe following table outlines the context in which Wi-Fi LED feedback is provided and the indication that ispresented for a given device state.Table 5 Wi-Fi LED DefinitionsBeeper IndicationsThe sled provides user feedback in the form of beeper tones for decode, battery, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fistates.Decode Beeper IndicationsThe following table outlines the context in which beeper feedback is provided and the indication that ispresented for a specific decode eventTable 6 Decode Beeper IndicationsTable 6 Decode Beeper Indications (Continued)Battery Beeper IndicationsThe following table outlines the context in which decode LED feedback is provided and the indication that is presented for a given device state.Table 7 Battery Beeper IndicationsBluetooth Beeper IndicationsThe following table outlines the context in which beeper feedback is provided and the indication that is presented for a specific Bluetooth state.Table 8 Bluetooth Beeper IndicationsWi-Fi Beeper IndicationsThe following table outlines the context in which beeper feedback is provided and the indication that is presented for specific Wi-Fi states.Table 9 Wi-Fi Beeper Indications。

885 热成像仪说明书

885 热成像仪说明书
885-2 Thermal Imager Kit: 0563 0885 72 Includes thermal imager with site recognition feature, surface moisture display, voice recording Bluetooth headset, hard shell case, SD memory card, USB cable, software and power supply.
.bmt; export in .bmp, .jpg, .png, .csv,
.xls SD card 2GB
Power supply Battery type
Fast-charging, Li-ion battery can be changed on-site
Operating time Charging options
Image display
Digital zoom
FPA 320 x 240 pixels, a.Si <30 mK at 86ºF
30º x 23º / 4in. (standard lens) 11º x 9º / 19.68 in. (telephoto lens)
1.7 mrad (standard lens), 0.6 (telephoto lens)
standard up to 3 measurement points, Hot/Cold Spot Recognition, Area measurement (Min/Max & average), Isotherm and alarm values.



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性能飙升!盘点2020年那些摄像头新技术作者:***来源:《微型计算机》2020年第06期从年初令人大跌眼镜的三星S20 Ultra百倍变焦开始,到小米10 Pro和OPPO Find X2Pro 双雄称霸DXOmark排行榜,我们发现今年发售的新手机在影像方面提升相当大。


但相应的,S5KHM1、IMX 689、全像素全向对焦等专业名词也浮出水面,让人看得一头雾水。


一亿像素代表机型:小米10 Pro说到1亿像素,大家最先想到的或许是活跃在影楼或是广告工作室的中画幅相机,体积巨大的它们虽然成像素质极佳,但动辑叶_万元的售价和复杂的操作让其难以进入寻常百姓家中。


直到去年11月小米CC9 Pro的出现,迅速拉近了普通用户与1亿像素的距离,让用户第一次感受到千万级像素无法呈现的照片细节。

而当小米10和小米10 Pro发布后,标配一亿像素摄像头的机型将涌入越来越多的家庭,带给用户革命性的拍摄体验。

当然,这一切都要从三星发布的ISOGELL Bright HMX(后用HMX代替)传感器说起。







纸张尺寸及照片尺寸(Paper size and photo size)Paper; dimensions; dimensions; general size; paper; printing; paper sizeFully open and generous: 889 x 1194mm positive: 787 * 1092mm Folio generosity: 570 x 840mm positive: 530 * 740mm4 open generous: 420 x 570mm positive: 370 x 530mm8 open generous: 285 x 420mm positive: 260 x 370mm16 open generous: 210 x 285mm positive: 185 x 260mm32 open generous: 140 x 210mm positive: 130 x 185mm Standard printing sizeDimension 16, finished product size: 185X260mm size: 191X266mmGenerous 16 open, that is, A4 finished size: 210X285mm cast repair size: 216X291mmDimension 8, finished product size: 260X376mm size: 266X382mmGenerous 8 open, that is, A3 finished size: 285X426mm cast repair size: 291X432mmGenerous 4 open product size: 376X526mm cast repair size: 382X532mmDimension of finished product: 526X770mm size: 532X776mmSize of product: 576X870mm size: 582X876mmDimension 32, finished product size: 127X185mm size: 133X191mmGenerous 32 open product size: 139X210mm cast repair size: 145X216mmAbout newsprint material, newsprint sizes are: 547mm * 392mm, 545mm * 370mmCommon newsprint also has the following specifications: flat sheet specifications: 787 * 1092 mm, 850x ll68 mm, 880x l230 mm.Reel specifications: width 787 mm, 1092 mm, 1575 mm, length about 6000~8000 meters.CD general design size 1, inner pages: 123*126 2,Bottom seal: 157*124 3,Disc: outer ring _118,The inner ring is _36 or 25 to achieve a satisfactory digital enlarging effect: Photo specifications (inches) (CM) (Xiang Su) digital camera type1 inch 2.5*3.5cm 413*295 ID card big head 3.3*2.2 390*2602 inches 3.5*5.3cm 626*413Small 2 inches (passport) 4.8*3.3cm 567*3905 inches 5x3.5, 12.7*8.9, 1200x840 more than 1 million pixels6 inches 6x4, 15.2*10.2, 1440x960 more than 1 million 300 thousand pixels7 inches 7x5, 17.8*12.7, 1680x1200 more than 2 million pixels8 inches 8x6, 20.3*15.2, 1920x1440 more than 3 million pixels10 inches 10x8, 25.4*20.3, 2400x1920 more than 4 million pixels12 inches 12x10, 30.5*20.3, 2500x2000 more than 5 million pixels15 inch 15x10 38.1*25.4 3000x2000 6 million pixels, in addition, digital video regardless of pixels is millions of, just look at the long side of the number of pixels, 1200 out of 5 inches, 1400 out of 6 inches, 1700 out of 7 inches, and so on (1)寸(是指英寸)=2.54cm 我们说的x寸是指照片的长边,如5寸就是照片长2.54x5=12.7cm 12寸就是2.54x12=30.5cm , 8x12就是长边2.54x12=30.5cm ,短边2.54x8=20.3cm 3R指纸,3R为89MM,5R为127MM 通常3R指3*5 就是5寸 5R指5*7 就是7寸 R的意思是长方型(英文是Rectangle),都以最短边耒算. 像135机拍的相片大都洗成3R,4R或5R以上,如果120机的6X7底洗成 3R相片,那它就没"3寸 X 5寸"了,它按照比例出片是"3寸 x 3.5寸"了,这也算是3R相片,还有3寸一定要足够. 又像120哈苏6X6底出的相片,因它的底片是正四方型,如果要出正四方的相片,如"3寸 X 3寸", "5寸 X 5寸",在这种情行我们不叫3R,而是3S或5S,S代表正四方型(英文是Square).Digital camera is generally the ratio of 4:3 (with our display, and enlarging the proportion of the same) photo is generally the ratio of about 3:2 (and film negative aspect ratio, so to speak, consistent) digital camera photos to the photo enlarged ratio cut to about 3:2. This print out of the picture is just full of the whole piece of photographic paper. If your photos do not want to cut, or to capture the content is full, no cutting room, but in the time of printing on both sides of a white edge.For example: your photos of 1600*1200 is that the ratio is 4:3 and the 6 inch photos of 15.2*10.2 is that the ratio is 3:2 if your photos are not trimmed, on both sides of the proportion of 4:3 photos in a 3:2 photo paper above can only leave a white edge, like the white box (on both sides and not and if you do not want to leave the white side), can put the photos above or below the cut, make the photos of 1600*1074(1600/15.2*10.2=1074), that is 3:2, just put the whole piece of 6 inch photo paper. The 8 inch photo specification is 6*8 (15.2*20.3cm) ratio is 4:3, the majority of printing digital photos is just not cut.。

iMaster NCE-FabricInsight 数据表说明书

iMaster NCE-FabricInsight 数据表说明书

DatasheetProduct DescriptionAs technologies such as cloud computing, big data, and artificial intelligence continue to develop and grow in popularity, enterprises are deepening their digital transformation, covering aspects such as office, production, and testing. Traditional data centers can no longer keep pace with development, and cloud-based transformation has become an inevitable trend. However, the current data center cloudification solutions currently available in the industry focus on virtualizing resources, improving resource utilization, automating deployment, and implementing cloud-based strategies, but overlook network management and service operation challenges brought by the growing scale and traffic of data centers. Traditional manual O&M cannot effectively deal with complex application migration policies, unstable service experience quality, difficult fault locating, and large-scale security policy management.Huawei iMaster NCE-FabricInsight — a data center network analyzer — eschews the traditional resource status-based monitoring mode. Instead, it detects network health status in real time and monitors networks from the perspective of applications, helping customers detect exceptions in a timely manner while also ensuring continuous and stable application running.Key ComponentsiMaster NCE-FabricInsight (FabricInsight for short) uses Telemetry to collect network-wide traffic and metrics within seconds, analyzes and displays network data through intelligent big data algorithms, and provides northbound APIs to interconnect with upper-layer application systems.HighlightsNetwork-wide health evaluation●Establishes a network health evaluation system based on the five-layer model, implementing 24/7 real-time networkmonitoring.●Intelligently predicts potential risks such as network reliability deterioration and capacity risks, detecting and resolvingproblems in advance.Minute-level fault locating●Builds the network knowledge graph to proactively identify typical faults within 1 minute, automatically locate them within 3minutes, and rectify them within 5 minutes.●Performs network path analysis based on real service flows and demarcates and locates faults in minutes after they arereported.Full network service openness●Provides full network data service openness, drag-and-drop orchestration, and generation of scenario-specific APIs in one-click mode, ensuring integration with third-party systems in days.●Supports integration with service analysis systems, implementing integrated O&M of applications and networks.Key FeaturesTelemetry-Powered Network Visibility in All ScenariosFabricInsight collects statistics on metrics such as devices, boards, queues, interfaces, and entries through Google Remote Procedure Call (gRPC) and displays the dynamic baseline range of each metric using machine learning algorithms. This enables FabricInsight to quickly detect the time point when a baseline exception occurs and proactively identify issues before they interrupt services. In addition, it automatically associates each abnormal time point with the affected service flows, allowing users to view the flow behavior data that passes through the device at the time point when an exception, such as a connection setup failure, occurs.iMaster NCE-FabricInsight Data SheetComprehensive Network Health EvaluationNetwork health check in traditional O&M is inefficient and cannot accurately reflect the network status in real time because it must be performed manually on devices one by one during off-peak hours. FabricInsight takes a different approach. It performs network-wide modeling based on the knowledge graph, constructs a five-layer evaluation system (device, network, protocol, overlay, and service), and intuitively displays the 24/7 network quality. In addition, it dynamically detects key metrics and proactively identifies potential risks such as reliability deterioration and capacity risks.By providing network health evaluation reports in real time or periodically, FabricInsight helps network administrators gain insights into networks and improve O&M efficiency and service experience quality."1-3-5" TroubleshootingData centers are not only service support centers, but also value creation centers. For 98% of enterprises, they will lose more than US$100,000 per hour if their services are interrupted, which is why customers have zero tolerance for network interruptions. Traditional network O&M is mainly performed manually, making it difficult and time-consuming to locate network faults, and severely affecting service continuity.Leveraging Telemetry, FabricInsight collects data on the management, forwarding, and data planes of the entire network in all scenarios, and detects exceptions within 1 minute. In addition, FabricInsight uses the knowledge graph to automatically identify the root causes of faults and potential risks within 3 minutes and provide effective rectification suggestions. Furthermore, FabricInsight collaborates with Huawei iMaster NCE-Fabric to recommend fault handling plans, enabling typical faults to be quickly rectified within 5 minutes.Network Intent VerificationAs the network infrastructure becomes more complex and the network scale becomes larger, checking whether service changes achieve the desired result is critically important. According to a survey conducted by Dimensional Research, 69% of O&M teams manually check network connectivity, resulting in inefficient and incomplete verification.FabricInsight provides service intent verification on the data plane. In key service assurance scenarios such as service changes, FabricInsight delivers 24/7 automatic verification of whether the network intent meets expectations and identifies full-path connectivity. It also detects service and underlay interconnection exceptions within seconds, automatically analyzes root causes for abnormal paths, and notifies users of promptly handling the exceptions.iMaster NCE-FabricInsight Data SheetNetwork Change VisibilityAs data center networks are subject to frequent network changes, traditional manual O&M faces pressing challenges in terms of detecting thousands of device configuration changes and learning tens of thousands of entries per device.With network snapshot management, FabricInsight supports automatic and manual synchronization of network snapshots from dimensions of device configuration, entry, topology, capacity, and performance. In addition, it automatically analyzes differences before and after changes, and clearly displays the detection results.IP 360 ManagementWhen production systems are migrated to the cloud, the VMM automatically completes VM deployment and migration. However, information such as VM node location, VM migration or offline time, and VM distribution cannot be quickly found, meaning that only passive O&M can be performed on the network side.FabricInsight provides IP 360 analysis to quickly learn the number of online VMs and the distribution of top N switches connected to VMs, helping network administrators effectively plan resources in advance. FabricInsight supports full lifecycle management of VMs on the entire network, displays VM logout, migration, and login records in real time, and provides network-wide IP snapshot analysis. It also compares all IP address changes before and after network changes, and checks whether exceptions such as VM logout occur.Intelligent Analysis of Network-Wide LogsAfter a network fault occurs, a large number of logs are generated and 95% of them are invalid logs. In traditional O&M, the manual check of logs one by one is time-consuming and inefficient.FabricInsight visualizes network-wide log events, including the multi-dimensional trends, distribution statistics, and details from Layer 0 to Layer 4. In addition, more than 200 default rules are preset in the system or user-defined rules can be customized to aggregate and clear abnormal logs, improving log analysis efficiency.Network Path AnalysisOnce a service fault is reported, the network department needs to collaborate with the service department to demarcate and locate the fault. Traditional O&M relies on manual analysis of nodes one by one and cannot identify network forwarding paths.FabricInsight can search for the forwarding path of real TCP service flows on the network in one-click mode based on source and destination IP addresses and identify the status of devices, interfaces, and links along the path to quickly demarcate faults. In addition, it automatically recommends key information for fault locating, performs one-click intelligent diagnosis of possible root causes, and locates root causes of service connectivity and poor-QoE issues in minutes.iMaster NCE-FabricInsight Data SheetIntegrated O&M of Applications and NetworksWith the development of digital transformation, as well as the explosive growth of data, application and network systems are separated. Once a service fault occurs, multiple departments need to collaborate and communicate with each other to locate the fault, which is inefficient and cannot meet the requirements of service innovation and development.To address this problem, networks need to quickly provide data services to applications. In traditional mode, APIs are developed one by one based on hard coding and it takes several months to develop a scenario-specific API.FabricInsight provides full network data service openness and quickly rolls out scenario-specific APIs through drag-and-drop operations, implementing interconnection with upper-layer application systems in days. In addition, FabricInsight can collaborate with Netis Business Performance Center (BPC) to achieve integrated O&M of applications and networks. It also detects service quality deterioration in real time and visualizes application and network paths in an E2E mode to quickly locate faults, implementing collaboration between applications and networks and ensuring stable running of services in a timely manner.Unified Multi-DC and Multi-Cloud Network AnalysisAs the digital transformation accelerates, data centers are evolving from single DC mode to multi-DC multi-cloud mode. Traditionally, multiple tools are used for segment-by-segment O&M, lacking unified inter-DC visualized analysis.FabricInsight provides unified O&M analysis for multi-DC networks from an overall perspective.●Analyzes inter-DC/fabric application access traffic and evaluates network health based on north-south, east-west, andintra-DC traffic.●Performs knowledge graph modeling and analysis on inter-DC networks and identifies inter-DC network issues,demarcating and locating faults within minutes.●Automatically verifies whether inter-DC service access meets expectations before and after changes based on DPV.CompositionThe following table describes the basic and value-added packages of FabricInsight.iMaster NCE-FabricInsight Data SheetiMaster NCE-FabricInsight Data Sheet NetworkingFabricInsight supports the following networks:− Hardware-centralized gateway networking − Hardware-distributed gateway networking − Pure IP (IP fabric) networking − Software SDN network (HCS) −Note: 1. The underlay network is deployed based on IP forwarding.2. IP address overlapping scenarios (for example, multi-tenant and VPC scenarios) are not supported.3. VXLAN mapping is not supported.4. The SVF network is not supported.5.HCS supports only Region Type I-Layer 3 networking.Ordering InformationiMaster NCE-FabricInsight provides a 180-day trial license. T o apply for the trial license, visit the ESDP at /isdp/.iMaster NCE-FabricInsight Data Sheet More InformationFor more information about Huawei iMaster NCE-FabricInsight, visit the following link: Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2022. All rights reserved.No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior writtenconsent of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.Trademarks and Permissionsand other Huawei trademarks are trademarks of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.All other trademarks and trade names mentioned in this document are the property of their respective holders.NoticeThe purchased products, services and features are stipulated by the contract made between Huawei and thecustomer. All or part of the products, services and features described in this document may not be within thepurchase scope or the usage scope. Unless otherwise specified in the contract, all statements, information, andrecommendations in this document are provided "AS IS" without warranties, guarantees or representations of anykind, either express or implied.The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made in thepreparation of this document to ensure accuracy of the contents, but all statements, information, andrecommendations in this document do not constitute a warranty of any kind, express or implied. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Address: Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of China Website:。

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