竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除硕士毕业证德语翻译模板篇一:西南交大硕士毕业证德语翻译zh..master-studiengangabschlusszeugnis(lichtbild)universittfürVerkehrswesensüdwestchinas(stempel)erstelltvonderuniversittfürVerkehrswesensüdwestchinas(prgesiegel)diemaster-studentin,weiblich,geborenam18.juli.1988, hatvonsep.20xxbisjun.20xxdasFachbiomedizinischesing enieurwesen“studiert.siehatallefür2jahrenmaster-studiumvorgeschriebenenFchererfolgre ichbeschlossenundsichdaherdiegenehmigungverschaffen ,unsereuniversittzuabsolvieren.Rektor:chen,chunyang(stempel)universittfürVerkehrswesensüdwestchinas30.06.20xxzeugnisnr.:suchnachweb:.cn篇二:德语翻译毕业证书模板德语翻译毕业证书模板由伊莱特翻译致电我们:〇二八-八五〇九五八〇九篇三:德语翻译的学士学位证书模板学士学位证书学生xxx,女,一九七一年七月生。
学位证及毕业证翻译第一篇:学位证及毕业证翻译BACHELOR’S DEGREE CERTIFICATE(英文姓名),(性别), was born on XXX XX, XXXX, majoring in(主修专业名称)in(大学名称), having finished all the courses, got standard score and graduated, according to the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Academic Degrees, He was granted the Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering.(校长姓名)Chairman of Degree Appraising Committee of(大学名称)Registration No.:Date Issued:(以上是学位证翻译模板)GENERAL HIGHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONGRADUATION CERTIFICATE(英文姓名),(性别), born on XXX XX XXXX, has studied in(主修专业)in(大学名称)from September XXXX to June XXXX.Upon completing and passing all the required courses of the 4-year undergraduate program, he is granted graduation.(校长姓名)President of(大学名称)Registration No.:Date Issued:(以上是毕业证模板)第二篇:学位证毕业证翻译普通高等学校卒業証明書学生 XXX 性別 X,19XX年X月X日生まれ,XXXX年X月からXXXX年X月まで当校のXXXX学科在学,4年制本科の教育規定科目を全部修了し、成績合格により、卒業を認める。
Translation of Certification of Bachelor’s DegreeCERTIFICATE OF BACHELOR’S DEGREEThis is to certify that xxx, female, born on April xxth xxxx, having studied the undergraduate program of xxx xxx at the School of xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx in Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, and completed all the courses, has graduated and is hereby conferred the Bachelor’s Degree of Management according to REGULATION CONCERNING ACADEMIC DEGREES OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA after examinations.(Photo)(Embossed Seal of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics) President of the Academic Degree Appraisal Committee and Shanghai University of Finance and Economics: xxxxxx Certificate No. : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Dated: July 1, xxxx Supervised by State Council of people’s Republic China Degree Committee Office(For Graduates from the Undergraduate Program of General Higher Learning)Translation of Certificate of GraduationGeneral Institution of Higher LearningCERTIFICATE OF GRADUATION(Photo)(Embossed Seal of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics)Electronic-registration No.: xxxxxxxxCertificate No.: xxxxxxxxxxxxxThis is to certify that xxx, female, Student ID:xxxxxxxx, born on April xxth xxxx, having studied the four-year undergraduate program of xxxxxxxxxxxx at this university from September xxxxx to July xxxxx, and completed all courses prescribed by the teaching syllabus with qualified academic standing, has hereby graduated.President: Tan MinUniversity: Shanghai University of Finance and Economics(Seal of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics)Dated: July 1, xxxxTranslation of Certificate of Translator’s Qualification This is to certify that xxx xxxxxx, Student of Shanghai International Studies University, attended the TEM8 (Test for English Major-Band 8), that is organised by the National Steering Committee of Foreign Language Program for Institution of Higher Learning of Ministry of Education in xxxx, xxxx, and has PASSED the TEM8 test.National Steering Committee of Foreign Language Programfor Institution of Higher Learning of Ministry of Education Certificate No.: xxxxxxxxxxxConfirmation of Translation AuthenticityI hereby certify that the five attached documents, listed below, are a complete and accurate translation of the original documents (Date of Translation: xx/xx/xxxx).1: Translation of Certificate of Translator’s Qualification2: Translation of Certificate of Deposit3: Translation of Fixed-Term Deposit Slip4: Translation of Certificate of Bachelor’s Degree5: Translation of Certificate of GraduationSigned:xxx xxxxxxTranslator’s DetailsTranslator’s Name: xxx xxxxxxxDate of Translation: xx/xx/xxxxPersonal Mobile Phone Number: + 86 xxxxxxxxxxTranslator’s Qualification:Test for English Major-Band 8 (TEM8)Qualification Serial No.:xxxxxxxxxxxxxOrganisation where the translator works:Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu CPA Ltd. (Shanghai) Organisation Address: 30/F Bund Centre222 East Yan An Road200002 ShanghaiCHINAOrganisation Telephone Number: + 86 (21) xxxxxxxxxxOrganisation Fax Number: + 86 (21) xxxxxxxxxxxx。
Degree Regulations of the People's Republic of China, he/she is awardedthe degree of Bachelor of Business.
Certificate of Master Degree University of Nanjing
We the undersigned hereby certify that Mr. Wen Huang havingfulfilled the requirements of the Ordinances and Regulations of theUniversity was by the University authority admitted to the Degree ofMaster of Business Administration at a Congregation held in theUniversity on July 14,
1/ 1。
西南交大硕士毕业证德语翻译zh..(写写帮推荐)第一篇:西南交大硕士毕业证德语翻译zh..(写写帮推荐)Master-Studiengang Abschlusszeugnis(Lichtbild)Universität für Verkehrswesen Südwestchinas(Stempel)Erstellt von derUniversität für Verkehrswesen Südwestchinas(Prägesiegel)Die Master-Studentin, weiblich, geboren am 18.Juli.1988, hat von Sep.2010 bis Jun.2012 das Fach …Biomedizinisches Ingenieurwesen“ studiert.Sie hat alle für 2 Jahren Master-Studium vorgeschriebenen Fächer erfolg reich beschlossen und sich daher die Genehmigung verschaffen, unsere Universitätzu absolvieren.Rektor:Chen, Chunyang(Stempel)Universität für Verkehrswesen Südwestchinas30.06.2012Zeugnis Nr.:第二篇:西南交大自我鉴定西南交大自我鉴定大学生活很快就走到了尽头,时间真的过的太快了,让我对这四年做一下评价的话,我想说:我不后悔在交大走过的这段日子,我觉得我过的还算充实,我很感激西南交大,西南交大自我鉴定。
学位证书公证件翻译件第一篇:学位证书公证件翻译件公证书(2010)鄂洪兴证字第5159号兹证明前面的影印件与XX大学于二00九年六月三十日发给XX 的证书编号为123456789的《学士学位证书》原件相符。
中华人民共和国湖北省武汉市洪兴公证处公证员:李建军二0一0年十月十九日NOTARIELLE URKUNDE(ÜBERSETZUNG)(2010)E Hongxing Zheng Zi Nr.5159Hiermit beglaubigt das Notariat die Übereinstimmung der vorstehenden Kopie mit dem Original der Urkunde für den akademischen Grad Bachelor, die mit Urkunde-Reg.-Nr: 123456789 zum XX von XX Universität XX im 30.Juni.2009 vergeben wurde.Die Sicherheit des Prägestempels, des Siegels und der Unterschrift des Rektors & Präsidents der Bewertungskommission für akademische Grade XXX im Original ist bestätigt worden.Die deutsche Üb ersetzung der vorstehenden Kopie übereinstimmt auch mit chinesichem Original.Notariat Wuhan Hongxing Im Hubei Provinz Der VR ChinaNotar: LI JianjunDen 19.Oct.2010第二篇:高中毕业证书公证件翻译件公证书(2010)鄂洪兴证字第5162号兹证明前面的影印件与XX中学于二00五年六月八日发给XX的毕业证编号为123456789的《毕业证书》原件相符。
建议大家最好找专业的留学材料翻译公司,下面为大家提供以下翻译模板作为参考:Graduation CertificateLiu Xiang, male, born on March 1, 1988, studied a four-year program in Information Management and Information System at our school from September 2007 to June 2011. Having completed all courses specified in the teaching plan and passed the examinations, he is allowed to graduate.School: Wuhan University (Seal) President/Rector: (Seal)Certificate No.: XX June 29th, 2011Bachelor’s Degree CertificateThis is to certify that Liu Xiang, male, born on October 1, 1988, has completed an undergraduate program in Information Management and Information System at Wuhan University and gr aduated. According to Regulations of the People’s Republic of China onAcademic Degrees, he is awarded the degree of Bachelor of Management.Wuhan University President:(Chairman of the Academic EvaluationCommittee)Certificate No.: XX June 29th, 2011翻译质量是企业的生存之本,威琳如译始终以确保品质作为公司的目标,确保人工翻译,强调译员个人素质,一译两审,依靠庞大的专业术语库,引导译员学习不同专业领域的基础知识。