He can't see.-王芝莲




Unit 4 What’s the best movie theater? (Period 3)Section B (1a-1e)班级_________ 姓名_________学习目标学完这一课,你能够掌握:1.词汇creative、performer;2.能力:在听力音频中提取关键信息;3.交际功能:熟练使用句型(1)I couldn’t stop laughing!(2)—Wasn’t she creative?—Yeah, I’d say she was the most creative act!(3)—Who was the best performer?—Eliza was the best performer.(4)My cousin Li Jing is the funniest person I know.课前学习任务【学习任务一】单词检测1.adj. 有创造力的;创造性的__________2.n. 表演者;演员__________【学习任务二】阅读教材第28页,根据汉语提示写出英文句子。

谁是最好的演员?______________________________________________________________课堂学习任务【学习任务一】Say the superlatives of the following adjectives quickly.【学习任务二】Write these words and phrases next to their opposites in the chart.【学习任务三】Tell your partner about people you know. Use the words in la.___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________【学习任务四】Pair work_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________【学习任务五】Listen to people talking about a school talent show. Match the pictures with the performers.【学习任务六】Listen again. What do the people say about the performers? Fill in the chart with the adjectives you hear.【学习任务七】Look at the information in 1d and make a conversation.___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________【学习任务八】小组探究1.most creative 最有创造力的creative 形容词,意为“有创造力的;创造性的”。



Module7Unit1 He can’t see.
本课的教学目标是:1.通过学习,学生能够正确使用所学新单词:blind deaf hear useful firemen
2. 能够使用can can’t句型谈论自己或他人的能力。

3. 结合课文和自身的生活谈论狗对人类的帮助,培养学生奉献爱心的良好品质。

本课的重难点是:This man is blind. He can’t see. This dog helps him.
基于上述目标:我运用了以下教法和学法,1. 自由谈论法2. 情景教学法3. 任务型教学法4. 鼓励法

作与探究学习的氛围,学生在合作中相互学习,在练习中学习重点句型,例如:Look and write,学生展示Who is the best TV presenter? Look at say等。

《He can't see》PPT2精品课件

《He can't see》PPT2精品课件
He can’t see.
Let’s chant
fast, fast, I can’t run fast. high, high, I can jump high. catch, catch, I can catch the ball. control, control, I can control the ball. play, play, I can’t play football.
4. Can Sam have a dog? No, he can’t.
5. What are hot dogs?
They’re bread and sausages.
1) Lingling likes dogs. True or Fause 2) Dogs are not useful. True or Fause 3) The man can’t hear. True or Fause 4) The girl can’t see. True or Fause 5) Hot dogs are dogs. True or Fause
He can’t see.
He is blind.
Who helps him
This man is _b_lin_d___. He can’t _s_e_e__. This dog helps _h_im____.
She can’t hear .
She is deaf .
Who helps her
Her mother helps _h_e_r__.
真正的教育应包含智慧的爱,它与人的灵魂密切相关,真正的教育必须触动人的灵魂深处。真正的教育就像一棵树摇动另一棵树,一朵云去推动另一朵云,一个灵魂去唤醒另 一个灵魂。知识不等于智慧,知识关乎事物,智慧关乎人生;知识意味着见山是山,见水是水,而智慧意味着于一粒沙中见大千世界,从世界万物中读出神性和人性。教育最 重要的是选择完美的教育内容和方式来滋润学生,用生命的感动和人生的温情来打动与我们朝夕相处的学生。有了这种想法,于是我们便真的就像园丁,轻轻地播下一棵有灵 魂的种子,于是种子便在学生的心田慢慢地发芽、生根、抽枝、开花、结果。真正的教育往往需要经历较长的时期,就像农民等待庄稼的生长,需要有足够的耐心。然而,我 们稍微凝神静思一下现在的中学教育,便会心痛地发现,我们每天所努力从事的教育工作,完全服从于高考指挥棒,学生每天面对和接受的是试卷,是分数,是强化训练。于 是,在人生观、价值观、世界观形成的关键时期的高中阶段,学生是在度日如年的学习环境中度过的,一旦进入大学,对以往的学习生涯还有多少留恋、多少感动呢我们每位 教师都应该追求有灵魂的教育。有灵魂的教育意味着追求无限广袤的精神生活,追求人类永恒的终极价值:智慧、真善美、公正、自由、和平与爱,让学生们在接受教育的同 时,感受到生命的可贵和生活的美好,使学生成为有信仰、有灵魂、有追求的人,成为有血、有肉、真正的人。《素质教育大参考》上王延东的这篇文章对教育很有启示作用, 也让我想到网上看到的一篇类似的文章《真正的教育》,不知道是不是一个翻版。(经典语录大全真正的教育应包含智慧之爱,它与人的灵魂有关。教育并不是知识的简单叠加, 而是文化的积淀,即人类文明的不断充实和扩大,如智慧、美、真、公正、自由、希望和爱,以及与此有关的信仰。据说,古希腊数学家欧几里德的一个学生,曾经一本正经 地问过:“我学这些东西能得到什么呢?”欧几里德沉默片刻,叫来仆人,吩咐说:“给他六个铜板,让他走吧,这是他想要得到的东西。”我不清楚这个学生当时的反应, 也许他会面红耳赤,幡然悔悟,也许会理直气壮地接过铜板,扬长而去。但这并不重要,因为欧几里德还在,他的大部分不是为铜板而学习的学生留了下来,在那个时代里, 欧几里德们占多数。他们研究算术是为了观察思考数的性质,唤起思考的能力,引导心灵超然于变幻的世界之上而把握着本质和真理;学习几何学是为了引导灵魂接近真理和 激发哲学情绪,以便了解关于永恒存在的知识,进而掌握“善”的本质,使人的智慧和能力更趋完善……对于他们来说,这与其说是一种理想,不如说是一种现实,成为他们 生存方式的一个部分。但不知什么时候这一源头不再流淌智慧,汩汩而出的只是知识。对知识的狂热追求淡化甚至吞没了对智慧的渴望,是一个令人惊奇的现象,但是由此导 致教育界出现的种种现象就不奇怪了:我们每年出版不计其数的教育书籍和文章,教学方法和技巧不断花样翻新;人们花了大量精力去从事没完没了的教学实验,做一些无关 痛痒的调查分析;教师辛辛苦苦地工作,结果只是让学生学了大量考试之后很快就被遗忘的知识;学生的学习并不是为了获取最佳发展,而是为了得到他人的看重和考试成绩; 我们的素质教育讨论得热火朝天,但如何实施真正素质教育至今没有搞清楚,结果把素质分割成各种技技巧的训练和知识的堆集,而与智慧无关。因此,现代教育已实质性地 演变为一种“训练”,它的目的在于通过特殊智能的训练而胜任某一种职业,从而使教育萎缩为职业的附庸和工具,这绝非真正的教育。真正的教育应包括智慧之爱,它与人 的灵魂有关,因为“教育是人的灵魂的教育,而非理智知识和认识的堆集”。教育本身就意味着:一棵树摇动另一棵树,一朵云推动另一朵云,一个灵魂唤醒另一个灵魂。如 果一种教育未能触及到人的灵魂,未能引起人的灵魂深处的变革,它就不成其为教育。 我上班的附近有几家早餐店, 但这些店通常做不了半年,就入不敷出,频繁更换店主。 唯有一对夫妻的早餐店在这里开了近十年,价格实惠,收入却很可观。他们的秘诀却是一些看似无关紧要的因素。首先,这家店虽小,但打理得规整有序,即使是裸露在外的 操作板也被擦得一尘不染,让人一看就卫生,吃着也放心。其次,这家店的夫妻俩非常能吃苦,每天早上5点半开门营业,到了中午12点才关门,节假日也不休息。而且,这家 店的服务态度特别好,他们一脸和气,有时哪怕顾客催得急,他们也不会表现出丁点不耐烦。其实这家店,卖的东西跟别家差不多,甚至味道还不如别家的好。但之所以能走 到今天,可以说他们是靠勤奋取胜。因为其他家经常想开就开,不想开就不开,而这家店一直都在,他们也跟顾客培养起了感情。你不得不承认,有时一个人的成功并非必须 要有多么耀眼的优势,只要你够坚持、够努力,发挥独属于自己的核心竞争力,也能拥有一席之地。朋友的公司有个行政人员,能力并不出众,但每次公司裁员她都能化险为 夷。这个员工其实比较笨拙,虽然尝试过提升自己,但效果并不明显。于是她就想,重要的事我干不好,那至少要把那些看起来不重要的事干得足够漂亮。比如她特别会做档 案管理,虽然技术含量相对不高,但最考验细心和耐心,于是她就把整个公司的档案整理得井井有条。比如她特别会接待客人,虽然看起来只是端茶递水的活儿,但如何有礼 有节,把握好尺度和分寸,让客人有宾至如归的感觉,却需要下功夫去琢磨和思考。再比如,她点外卖也相当专业。全公司哪些人喜欢吃什么,忌吃什么,她都一清二楚。她 还能兼顾营养的搭配,分量的把握,价格的选择。 她身上的这些优点大多比较微小,但每件事都做得妥妥帖帖,让人挑不出毛病。也许很多时候,我们当不了主角,做不成



深圳市翰林学校新初一分班英语试卷含答案一、单项选择1.Su Yang and Su Hai are .A.a twin sister B.twin sister C.twin sisters 2.I’d like a book _______ animals and a cake _______ lots of grapes. ( ) A.about; with B.to; with C.about; for 3.The mouse the lion out from the net at last. ( )A.help; got B.help; get C.helped; get 4.I want _______ a teacher. ( )A.be B.to be C.am5.My brother lost his bike last Saturday. He felt ________. ( )A.happy B.excited C.sad 6.Look! There ______ a ruler and some books on the shelf. ( )A.is B.are C.am7.We go to school ______ Monday ______ Friday. ( )A.to; from B.to; to C.from; to 8.Bob can see some _____ on the farm. ( )A.horse B.a horse C.horses 9.He is _______ a king for the play tomorrow. ( )A.going to B.going C.going to be 10.—Where are your glasses? ( )—I can’t find them. They ___ here just now.A.are B.was C.were 11.She likes ______ to music. ( )A.listens B.listening C.listen 12.She is going to be a ______. She wants to fight COVID-19 (新冠肺炎). A.teacher B.doctor C.farmer 13.I ________ camping yesterday. ( )A.go B.goed C.went 14.That's funny, Mike! You're _______ a pink T-shirt. ( )A.wear B.wears C.wearing 15.A horse is usually _______ than a sheep. ( )A.heavier B.heaver C.heavyer16.Look! There is a monkey ______ the two trees. ( ) A.behind B.beside C.between 17.I’m going to watch some children’s shows on TV _______. ( )A.before B.last night C.tomorrow18.We went to Hainan _______ the winter holiday. ( )A.of B.over C.with19.—What did you do last weekend? ( )—I ______ at home.A.stay B.stays C.stayed20.This is not my bag. _____ is over there. ( )A.My B.Mine C.I二、用单词的适当形式填空21.The football magazine is great. Let’s ____ (buy) it tomorrow.22.My brother is ____ (thin) than me.23.All the people are ________ (excite) about the shows in the zoo.24.Please speak ________ (quiet) in the library.25.Look, Yang Ling is dancing ________ (beautiful).26.Liu Tao goes to bed late and he feels _________ (sleep) in the morning.27.He usually ______ (walk) fast.28.He _________ (bring) some water and poured it into the hole.29.Would you like _______ (tell) me what happened?30.They stopped the thief and _________ (take) him to the police station.三、完成句子31.Some students are watching a football match. They are very __________ (兴奋的). 32.What a m________! His books are here and there! Who can help me?33.I must study hard and read more books because I want to be a s_______ some day. 34.Helen _______ (需要) a few eggs for breakfast.35.Children have many different ________ (梦想) .36.______ ______ (认真听) in class.37.—What’s the matter with you?—I have a _________ (牙疼).38.Look! That’s the t_____ dinosaur in this hall.39.My father is c_____ dinner in the k_____.40.She r_______ a book last night.四、完形填空41.Jill is a student. He _41__ studying. _42__ father’s name is Bill. He is a doctor. He works _43__ Jill’s mother in a small hospital. His mother, Gail, likes watching _44__ after work. _45__ Bill likes cooking. Jill likes cooking, _46__. Today Jill cooks some _47__ food and eats it, so he has to _48__ a doctor. He goes to the _49__ and sees his parents. They feel worried. They say Jill _50__ go to school today.41、A.likes B.like C.liking42、A.He B.His C.He’s43、A.and B.with C.or44、A.a TV B.TV C.the TV45、A.but B.And C.But46、A.too B.two C.to47、A.bad B.good C.delicious48、A.sees B.look C.see49、A.bookstore B.hospital C.museum50、A.isn’t B.don’t C.won’t五、阅读判断42.根据短文内容判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)。

Unit 5 Famous People(单元测试)英语六年级上册

Unit 5 Famous People(单元测试)英语六年级上册

Unit 5 Famous People 单元达标卷一.选择不同类的一项( )1.A.poet B.poem C.artist( )2.A.blind B.deaf C.paint( )3.A.invent B.inventor C.teacher( )4.A.American B.French C.England( )5.A.tired B.study C.dirty二.英汉互译1. in the history of the world_____________ 6.一位发明家______________2. almost 500 years later_____________ 7.研究昆虫________________3. play jokes on her_______________ 8.最后__________________4. the cleverest person_______________ 9.建于2001年_______________5. learn how to read_______________ 10.上大学________________ 三.单项选择( )1.Xu Beihong was_______painting horses.A. goodB.well inC.good at( )2.Li Bai was________.A. ChineseB.AmericanC.French( )3.Helen Keller______born in American.A. isB.wasC.were( )4.Jean-Henri Fabre is famous for_______insects.A. studyB.studiedC.studying( )5.-_______is he famous?-Because he is good at writing stories.A. WhyB.WhatC.Where( )6.He was the______person in the world.A. cleverB.clevererC.cleverest( )7.She couldn’t hear______see.A. orB.andC.but( )8.She learned how______,write and talk.A. to readB.readC.reading( )9.He was a famous______poet.A. ChinaB.ChineseC.China’s( )10.He wrote_____beautiful poems.A. a lotB.muchC.many四.用所给词的适当形式填空1. Qi Baishi_______(be) a Chinese artist.2. I ______(paint) a flower yesterday.3. Thomas Edison_______(invent) the light bulb.4. Nie Er_______(write) national anthem in 1935.5. What did he_______(do)?五.选词填空1. He was not a good student______school.2. He was born in England______1900.3. What do you learn_____the story?4. He likes reading a book______the tree.5. He is famous ______painting beautiful pictures.六.按要求完成句子1. He is Xu Beihong.(对划线部分提问)____________________________________________________2. He was from America.(改为同义句)_____________________________________________________3. I know about Edison.(改为一般疑问句)______________________________________________________4. She could hear and see.(改为否定句)______________________________________________________5. Did he write lots of poems?(做肯定回答)______________________________________________________七.选择合适的答语( )1.Where was Li Bai from? A.He invented a lot of things. ( )2.Why is he famous ? B.It’s Jean-Henri Fabre.( )3.Who is this in the picture? C.He was from China.( )4.Do you like Isaac Newton? D.Because he is good at drawing beautiful things. ( )5.What did he do? E.Yes,I do.八.阅读短文,补全句子Come and look at these pictures.This is Li Bai.He was born in China in 701.He was a poet.This is Jean-Henri Fabre.He was born in France in 1823.He is famous for studying insects.This is Xu Beihong.He was born in China in 1895.He was goodat painting horses.This is Helen Keller.She is famous for writing many books.1. Li Bai was a________.2. Jean-Henri Fabre was born in______in 1823.3. Xu Beihong was good at_______ _______.4. Jean-Henri Fabre is famous for_______ _______.5. Helen Keller is_______ _______writing many books.。






能够听说认读单词special(2)能够听说读写句子This dog can help him.Can Fifi help the blind people? No, he can’tHe only wants to play.2.情感态度目标教育学生要关心残疾人,帮助残疾人。


三、课前准备多媒体课件、单词卡片、图片四、教学过程Step 1 Warm up1.师生问好。


T: What can you do ?Ss: I can…T: Can you …?Ss: Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.Step 2 Presentation and practice1. T: I can draw pictures.教师在黑板上画一只小狗。

What can the dog do?/ What can’t the dog do?Ss: This dog can…This dog can’t…老师将这两个句型结构写在黑板上。


T: What can you see on the TV?Ss: I can see a man and a dog.T: Look at the man. He is special. He can’t see. He is blind.This dog can help him. It’s a special dog.学习单词blind, special3.学习课文第二段。



成都市盐道街中学新初一分班英语试卷一、单项选择1.In China, people drive on the _______ side. You must look _______ before you cross the road. ( )A.right; left B.left; right C.right; right2.I’m my camera now. It was in my bag yesterday. ( )A.looking for B.finding C.looking at3.—Would you like _______ bread? ( )—Yes, please.A.a B.any C.some4.From then on, Sam and Bobby ______ good friends. ( )A.become B.became C.is become D.are became5.I felt ill yesterday, so I only ate ________ rice. ( )A.a little B.a few C.a lot of6.The twins are _____ about their plans _____ the winter holiday. ( )A.taking; to B.talking; about C.talking; for7.—_________ it often _________ here? ( )—Yes, people usually take an umbrella with them.A.Is; rain B.Does; rainy C.Is; rainy8.My teacher likes _______ bikes. ()A.riding B.rides C.ride9.We ________ many pictures yesterday. ( )A.learned B.went C.took10.She likes ______ to music. ( )A.listens B.listening C.listen11.—What did you do last night? ( )—_____A.He saw a film. B.I see a film. C.I saw a film.12.I ______ a cold. I stayed at home all weekend and slept. ( )A.have B.was C.had13.当你上学迟到时,你可以这样对老师说:( )A.It doesn’t matter.B.I’m sorry. I’m late.C.That’s all right.14.He did very well in the Chinese test. He was very ______. ( )A.sad B.excited C.afraid15.Ten years ago, I ______ play football. ( )A.am B.couldn’t C.will16.—What did you do? ( )—I stayed at home ________ your grandma.A.in B.to C.with17.They went to th e park _______ eight o’clock in the morning. ( )A.of B.on C.at18.My mother climbed the mountain yesterday, so she looked ________. ( )A.tired B.worried C.sad19.The dinosaur is bigger ______ the elephant. ( )A.to B.than C.of20.—Does Tom learn English _____? ( )—Yes, he likes _____ English _____.A.well; reading; loudly B.good; reading; loudly C.well; to read; loud 二、用单词的适当形式填空21.The boy fell off the bike and ______ (hurt) his foot.22.Last weekend I _______ (do) a lot of homework.23.—Did you go to the nature park?—Yes, I ________ (take) many pictures there.24.Did you _____ (play) football with Zhang Peng last weekend?25.Chen Jie is _______ (thin) than you.26.We are very happy on _________ (children) Day.27.In the garden, there are many ____ (tomato).28.This good basketball _______ _______ very well. (play)29.Nancy _______ (have) a _______ (dance) lesson next Tuesday afternoon.30._______ (eat) a lot of food before bedtime is not good for our _______ (healthy).三、完成句子31.He wants to be an _______ (画家).32.My brother Mike often f________ his homework before dinner every day. 33.There are lots of _________ (糖果) in the bag.34.The birds have two legs and two w_____.35.It’s a yellow light. You should s_____ down and s_____.36.He s______ very little English two years ago.37.“Open your m____________ and say ‘ah’”, said the doctor.38.A: _________________ pictures are these?B: They are ours.39.—Did you h_____ a cold yesterday?—Yes, I did.40.My father d_______ tea last night.四、完形填空41.Today is a special day. It is the second __41___ of May. It’s __42___ Day. Su Hai wants to dosomething for her mother. She wants to give her mother a present. In the morning, Su Hai goes to the __43___ and __44___ some beautiful flowers. In the afternoon, she helps her mother__45___ the house. She wants her mother to have a __46___. In the __47___, Su Hai gives a card and beautiful flowers __48___ her mother. Su Hai’s mother is very __49___. She gives Su Hai a__50___ kiss.41、A.Saturday B.Friday C.Sunday42、A.Women’s B.Mother’s C.Father’s43、A.park B.shop C.school44、A.grow B.buy C.buys45、A.do B.clean C.want46、A.rest B.time C.present47、A.morning B.afternoon C.evening48、A.to B.at C.with49、A.sad B.tired C.happy50、A.sweet B.small C.bad五、阅读判断42.阅读短文,判断正误。

人教版pep五年级下英语书全 本翻译

人教版pep五年级下英语书全 本翻译

Shopkeeper: Why are you shopping
Crusoe.Here is a letter from him.
罗宾在演戏 . 他扮演鲁滨逊 ?克鲁索 . 这是一
Sarah: My mum worked last night.So I' m My name is Robinson.I live on an island.I
星期五擅长体育运动 . 他经常获胜.
Unit 1 B-Let's check
B: 冬天 ! 我能整天睡觉 . 你呢?
Amy: Mike, let's go swimming on the
A:I like spring best.There are beautiful
flowers every where.
我的名字是鲁滨逊 . 我住在一个岛上 . 我每B:Autumn.
天总是很早起床 . 我洗脸,然后吃早饭 . B有: 时秋天.
I often go swimming in the water.In the
A: 为什么?
afternoon, I play sports with my friend.His B:Because the colours are pretty!
name is Friday.
B: 因为颜色很漂亮!
我经常去水里游泳 . 下午,我和我的朋友进 A:Which season do you like best?
行体育运动 . 他的名字是星期五.



小学六年级小升初英语复习培优试题测试题(答案)一、单项选择1.Look! There ______ a ruler and some books on the shelf. ( )A.is B.are C.am2.We’re going to _______ a party this Sunday. ( )A.having B.has C.have3.We should _______ your homework first. ( )A.finish B.finishing C.finishes D.finished 4.Sam is ______ about Bobby’s plans. ( )A.excite B.exciting C.excited5.The child _______ eating ice cream. ( )A.are B.like C.likes6.Can you ______ your bike ______ me? ( )A.show; for B.show; to C.showing; with 7.—_________ will you stay in Baoding? ( )—For three weeks.A.How many B.How long C.When8.The man _________ big eyes is Su Hai’s father. ( )A.with B.in C.on9.I had ______ cold and stayed at home all weekend. ( )A.the B.an C.a10.—How heavy are you? ( )—I’m 48 ________.A.kg B.cm C.tons11.There is going to be a good film at the ____. ( )A.stadium B.cinema C.office D.school 12.Tom lost his book. He's so sad. We can say he is feeling . ( )A.black B.red C.blue13.He has _____ orange T-shirt. It is on _____ chair in his bedroom. ( )A.an; / B.an; the C.a; a D.the; the 14.What are you going to do _________? ( )A.tomorrow B.yesterday C.last night15.It's ________ than both of us together. ( )A.tall B.taller C.tallest16.He usually ______ camping on the weekend. But last weekend he ______ at home. ( ) A.go; stay B.goes; stays C.goes; stayed17.—What’s your pen pal’s hobby? ( )—She likes ______.A.drawing cartoons B.cooking food C.doing word puzzles 18.There _____ no computers in my home before. But now there _____ two computers. ( ) A.are; are B.were; are C.are; were19.There isn’t _________ coffee in the cup. ( )A.some B.much C.many20.Eric fell off his bike. So he didn’t _____ to school. ( )A.came B.coming C.come二、用单词的适当形式填空21.He ______ (buy) a gift for his grandma the day before yesterday.22.I ________ to a forest park last Saturday (go)23.There ________ (be) an apple and two oranges on the table last night.24.The ______ (drive) are talking about the traffic rules.25.Children’s Day is on the _____ (one) of June.26.You must not _________ (play) on the road because there are many cars and bikes.27.Mr Brown is our new _______. He _______ us English next term. (teach)28.What about ___________ (drink) some coffee?29.They _____ (sing) next Children’s Day.30.He is my new _______ (teach). He _______ (teach) us English.三、完成句子31.She always f________ her homework before dinner.32.Australia is a beautiful c________. You can find many interesting things there.33.David took many _______ (照片) in the holiday.34.My cousin Sandy dances _____ (美丽地).35.Mike likes ________ (滑冰) in winter.36.My art teacher is _________ (更滑稽的) than my maths teacher.37.“Open your m____________ and say ‘ah’”, said the doctor.38.There are many robots in the science .39.—What do you often do on the weekend?—I often read books and _________ _________ (画漫画).40.I'm 12 years old, Lily is 10 years old. I'm Lily.四、完形填空41.完形填空。

第五册Module7Unit1He can’t see

第五册Module7Unit1He can’t see

难)in their life. Some are
, they
. SomLeabharlann are, theycan’t
. Please help them.
★Ask and answer in pairs:
★Write the new words.
• These firemen can’t find the people.
Who can help them
Dogs are very useful(有用的)
He is blind. He can’t see. This dog helps him.
She is deaf. She can’t hear. This dog helps her.
Look and say
The little girl can’t walk. Her father helps her.
_______ can’t _____. _______ helps _____.
What colour do you like?
____ can’t _____. ____ helps _____.
TV presenter: This man is blind. He can’t see.
This dog helps him. TV presenter: This girl is deaf.
She can’t hear. This dog helps her. TV presenter: These firemen can’t find people. These dogs help them.
Module 7 Community



《He can′t see.》教学设计及反思刘永波1000字教学设计一、教材分析:本课程为小学英语二年级上册第三单元第三课,名为《He can′t see.》主要教授“eye、ear、mouth、nose”四个词汇以及“can/can't”这个语法点。

在这个课程中,学生需要掌握四个身体部位的英文单词,并能够正确使用 can/can't 表达人的能力。


二、教学目标:知识目标:掌握四个身体部位的英文单词和 can/can't 这个语法点。



三、教学重点、难点:重点:掌握四个身体部位的英文单词和 can/can't 这个语法点。

难点:能够正确使用 can/can't 表达人的能力。

四、教学过程设计:1. Warming-up(1) Greetings(2) Sing a song: Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes(3) Review the words of body parts in the last lesson by touching and saying.2. Presentation(1) Show some pictures of a person who has some problemswith his eyes, ears, mouth and nose.(2) Teach the words “eye、ear、mouth、nose” one by oneand practice them.(3) Explain the usage of can/can't by using some pictures and encourage students to express their understanding.3. Practice(1) Ask students to guess what the person in the picturecan/can't do according to his/her physical situation.(2) Ask some students to stand up and act out.(3) Play a game: Four in a Row. (Students need to use the words they've learned to make sentences about the person, and try to get four in a row.)4. Production(1) Ask some students to describe their family or friends’appearance and health condition with the help of can/can’t.(2) Review the key points of this lesson and encourage students to practice more at home.5. Homework(1) Review the words of body parts and the usage ofcan/can't.(2) Ask students to describe their family or friends’appearance and health condition with can/can't in written form.反思通过本堂课的教学,我发现了以下几个问题:一、教学内容过于简单,难度不够,导致有些学生缺乏学习动力。



五年级上册《He can't see》教案范文第一章:教学目标1.1 知识目标学生能够理解故事内容,掌握单词"he", "can", "see", "he can't see" 的含义及用法。

1.2 能力目标学生能够用所学的单词进行简单的句子表达,如:介绍自己和他人的眼睛状况。

1.3 情感目标培养学生关爱他人,尊重他人的品质。

第二章:教学重难点2.1 教学重点学生能够准确地朗读和背诵故事,掌握单词"he", "can", "see", "he can't see" 的用法。

2.2 教学难点学生能够运用所学的单词和句子进行实际情景表达。

第三章:教学准备3.1 教具准备课件、故事书、眼睛图片等。

3.2 教学环境教室里摆放一些与眼睛相关的装饰,如:眼镜、眼睛图片等,营造轻松愉快的学习氛围。

第四章:教学过程4.1 导入教师出示眼睛图片,引导学生说出与眼睛相关的单词,如:eye, see, can't see 等。

4.2 呈现故事教师播放故事课件,引导学生跟读并理解故事内容。

4.3 角色扮演学生分组进行角色扮演,模仿故事中的对话,加深对故事内容的理解。

4.4 情景交际教师创设实际情景,让学生运用所学的单词和句子进行表达,如:介绍自己和他人的眼睛状况。

第五章:作业布置5.1 家庭作业学生回家后,向家长介绍故事内容,并模仿故事中的对话。

5.2 课堂作业完成练习册的相关练习,巩固所学知识。


第七章:评价与反馈7.1 学生自评学生对自己在课堂上的表现进行自我评价,反思自己的学习情况。

7.2 同伴评价学生互相评价,互相学习,提高自己的表达能力。



94 | China Book InternationalAppreciation of Chinese LiteratureBecause I lived in the school where my father worked, I could hear the sound of reading when I woke up every morning. During breaks, children would come to play with me. They took me to catch ants and dragonfl ies. Once, I played in the street with friends and went back with a stray cat. I could also hear children singing with the piano. I can’t remember what songs I learned, but I can clearly remember that I loved music from then on. I would hum the melody while groping around for things with my hands. Besides my ears, my hands are another key to the world.I loved touching soft things like carpets, covers, toy bears, etc. Holding them could make me feel at ease. I held them in my arms and stuck them to my face, and I would feel warm. Mum took my hands and helped me to fi nd the bear’s eyes, nose, mouth, and ears. After some time, Mum brought me plush toys of puppies and kittens and taught me the differences between animals and Wu Jing Wu Jing, a young fl ute player, is currently a member of Music and Art Working Committee, and China Association of Persons with Visual Disabilities, an international youth-friendly ambassador of Jiangsu Province, and the Chairman of the Asia-Pacifi c Human Rights Committee of the World Blind Union. She used to be a youth speech representative of UNESCO, a fl ute player specially invited by Goldener Saal Wiener Musikvereins, and the world’s fi rst blind person to participate in the performance of a professional symphony orchestra with visual scientifi c and technological achievements.their characteristics. I often couldn’t tell the difference between a puppy and a kitten. I didn’t know what yellow and white meant when Mum said them. For a long time, I didn’t know what colors were. Sometimes, I thought red was a sweater, black was shoes, and white was a hat.When I had dinner at my grandparents’ home, I happily touched my clothes and said to Grandma, “A red sweater.” Grandma softly said, “My dear, Jingjing, you have known a sweater. But remember, this is a white sweater.” I took my mother’s hand and asked, “Mum, didn’t you say I had a red sweater?” Later, I knew everything has colors, and the same thing can have different colors. Slowly, I understood colors must be seen with eyes. But I can’t see. I can only know the colors of everything around me from others’ descriptions. After I grew up, I came to learn that many colors can be felt. For example, the warm sun is red; the fragrant grass is green; and the sad I Hear This Colorful World Wu Jing Jiangsu People’s Publishing House May 202248.00 (CNY)This is an autobiography of Wu Jing, a contemporary blind musician. It tells the story of how Wu Jing has grown from an ordinary child in a village in Jiangsu, who was blind since childhood, to a world-famous music performer and a cultural exchange activist.I Can See with My Ears Copyright ©博看网. All Rights Reserved.music is gray. The brother and sister in the house opposite were my best friends in childhood. I used to have nightmares when I slept at home. Although I couldn’t see the world, I would get frightened and worried that I couldn’t find my parents and friends. After waking up, I would wave my hands and feet and cry.At this time, Xiaobing would come to me like an angel. He would stay with me whatever I wanted to do. He took my hands and taught me how to turn a hula hoop, and how to stand on my hands. When I accidentally fell down, he would pick me up and comfort me. Then he would take me to buy my favorite snacks.At home, I like to turn on the TV set and listen to TV programs. At that time, Big Pinwheel was a famous children’s program. Xiaohui usedto stay with me. She took my hands to touch my eyes, nose, and ears, following the children on TV. She taught me to jump to the rhythm and dance to the music. Xiaohui described the owl and frog charactersin the program. Sometimes, she tookme to the toy store and helped metouch all kinds of toy animals. ThenI would find my toys. I rememberthe hit TV series The New Legendof White Snake at that time. When Ienjoyed the TV series with Xiaohui,she explained to me with hands andwords how Madame White Snakeused magic. I can clearly rememberit now. When we had steamed stuffedbuns together, Xiaohui used to peeloff the skin and give me the bestmeat inside. Xiaobing and Xiaohuibrought me to this world with voices,love, and companionship. In thisway, my childhood was not lonely, asI had partners.At the age of five, I was sent to anursery by my parents. I knew manykids there, and Granny Ma, thenurse. They played games with me.I often made jokes, but I never feltashamed.One afternoon, Mum sent meto the nursery as usual. I toldGranny Ma that I wanted to watchcartoons. Granny Ma seemed to beembarrassed, “My dear, but you can’tsee.” I replied without hesitation,“Granny, Dad and Mum said ears cansee. I can see with my ears.” All thechildren laughed. Only Granny Matouched my head and sighed softly.Perhaps with that belief, I beganto “see” this world with my ears. Imiss the days in the nursery whenchildren sang and danced withoutany worries and sorrows. I followedthem, singing and dancing. What Imiss most are Granny Ma’s songsand laughter. Though she has beendeceased for years, she played notesnobody can compare to in my life.That day, in front of Granny Ma’smemorial tablet, I sang her favoritenursery rhyme for her. She haspassed away, but she taught methose songs that I will never forget. Ibelieve Granny Ma can still hear mysongs for her today.Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.SEPTEMBER 2023 | 95。

《He can't see》PPT课件

《He can't see》PPT课件
These firemen can’t fi_n_d_p_eo_p_le .
These dogs help _th_e_m___.
Dogs are very useful. 33
1. What’s the programme about? It’s about dogs.
2. Does Lingling like dogs? Yes, she does.
Introduce yourself
I can…/I can’t… He(She) can…/He(She) can’t…
He can’t see.
PPT模板:素材: PPT背景:图表: PPT下载:教程: 资料下载:范文下载: 试卷下载:教案下载: PPT论坛:课件: 语文课件:数学课件: 英语课件:美术课件: 科学课件:物理课件: 化学课件:生物课件: 地理课件:历史课件:
Fill in the blanks.
blind hear can’t him her
1. She can’t see. She is _b_l_in_d__. 2. This man can’t __h_e_a_r.
He is deaf. This dog helps h__im_. 3. This girl _c_a_n_’t_ walk.
Step7 作业布置 课后延伸
Let’s choose our homework. A. 听录音,把课文中狗的故事讲给父母听; B. 制作保护动物的海报; 依据本课内容自由合作制作一个关于其它动物的节 目
This man is blind. He can’t see. This dog helps him
hear/see. This dog helps him/ her. These



镇江市新初一分班英语试卷含答案一、单项选择1.He _____ play football before, now he _____ play football well. ( )A.was; is B.did; does C.couldn’t; can2.My e-friend will ________ me some photos ________ Sydney. ( )A.sends; about B.send; about C.send; to D.sends; to 3.The mouse the lion out from the net at last. ( )A.help; got B.help; get C.helped; get4.The boys are _____ about the _____ running race. ( )A.exciting; excited B.exciting; exciting C.excited; exciting 5.Don’t talk ________. You should be ________ here. ( )A.loudly; loud B.loudly; quietly C.loudly; quiet 6.Peter had ________ meat and ________ mangoes for breakfast yesterday morning. ( ) A.a little; a few B.a few; a little C.any; some 7.Playing on the road is not _________. ( )A.safe B.safety C.Safely8.My pencil is 15 __________. I often write English with it. ( )A.kg B.cm C.mm9.We went to Hainan _______ the winter holiday. ( )A.of B.over C.with10.Bob can see some _____ on the farm. ( )A.horse B.a horse C.horses11.—_____ are these apples? ( )—Twelve yuan.A.How many B.Which C.How much12.We will _____ on the Internet. ( )A.look them up B.look up them C.look them up at 13.—How many _____ are there on the desk? ( )—Ten.A.tomato B.tomatos C.tomatoes14.Ten years ago, I ______ play football. ( )A.am B.couldn’t C.will15.This is _________. Students all read books in it. ( )A.gym B.library C.shop16.We eat mooncakes on _________. ( )A.Mid-Autumn Day B.National Day C.Women's Day 17.She got up late and _________ to school. ( )A.run B.runs C.ran18.We can see ________ in the UK and ________ in Canada. ( )A.Stonehenge; Great Barrier ReefB.Grand Canyon; UluruC.Buckingham Palace; Niagara Falls19.There isn’t _________ coffee in the cup. ( )A.some B.much C.many20.The twins are talking ______ their hobbies ______ their classmates. ( )A.about; with B./; with C.with; about二、用单词的适当形式填空21.The monkey's tail is _____ (long) than the rabbit's tail.22.He _____ (have) an interesting dream last night.23.The football magazine is great. Let’s ____ (buy) it tomorrow.24.My brown dog is _______ (big) than the black one.25.We are very happy on _________ (children) Day.26.The ______ (drive) are talking about the traffic rules.27.Daniel and Tommy _______ (be) in Class One.28.You must not _________ (play) on the road because there are many cars and bikes. 29.The girl likes reading. Now she is reading ______ (loud).30.The boy often helps her mother at home. He is very ____ (help).三、完成句子31.There was no computer room in my school thirty years a______.32.My little brother often laughs h________.33.The little girl runs slowly, but the little boy runs f________.34.He only ______ ______ ______ ______ (喝一点儿水) every day. It’s not healthy.35.This pet cat is not beautiful, it is very __________.36.John fell off his bike and _________ (受伤) his foot last Saturday.37.Zoom: What did John do yesterday?Zip: He __________________ (睡觉) all day.38.Did Lucy w_______ TV last Sunday?39.I didn't p_______ ping-pong last night.40.Jim: Your maths teacher is so strong. ______________Joe: He is 80 kilograms. He's stronger than my PE teacher.四、完形填空41.完形填空。



He-cant-see-教学设计与反思He can’t see.谷旦小学杨超一. Teaching contents:新标准英语第五册第七模块第一单元“He can’t see.” 二. Teaching aims: 1. Language knowledge:学习单词blind、hear、deaf、useful、firemen和重点句型“ He/She/Theycan/can’t…2. Language skill:学会用can和can't讲述自己或他人能做或不能做的事。

3. Sentiment:结合课文和自身的生活谈论狗对人类的帮助,培养他人奉献爱心的良好品质。

三. Teaching key and difficult points:用can和can’t谈论自己和他人能力。


四. Teaching procedure: 1.Warming up:① Greetings:T:Hello, boys and girls. S: Hello, Miss Wang.T: Now, let’s begin our class. Stand up, please! Hello, boys and girls. S: Hello, Miss Wang. T: Sit down, please.② Free talk(课件呈现老师的图片)T: Next, I will talk about myself. Look! This is me. I can take pictures.I can do taijiquan. I can draw pictures. But I can’t play the flute. Can you play the flute?S: Yes, I can. /No, I can’t. T: Can you swim? S: No, I can’t.T: Can you speak English? S: Yes, I can.T: Can your father speak English? S: No, he can’t.T: Who helps your father? S: I help my father. 2. Presentation: ①课件出现盲人的图片T: Look at this picture. How about this man? What can’t he do? S: Hecan’t see. 板书标题“He can’t see.” T: Why?S: Because he is blind. T: 再板书“He can’t see. He is blind.” (学单词“blind”)② 课件出现千手观音的图片。

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blind This man is____ . He can’t see. This dog helps him.
ea This girl is d___f. she can’t ear h____.
This dog helps her.
men These fire___ can’t find people. These dogs help them.
• • • • • • • •
Look! My good friend is___ . I can’t ____. She /He helps me. She/He can’t ___. I help her/him. We help each other. We love each other.
Read and discuss “Yes” or “No”. 1) Amy, Lingling and Sam are watching TV programme about cats.( No ) 2) Dogs can help the blind people.( Yes) 3) Dogs can help the firemen.( Yes) 4) Sam can have a dog.( No ) 5)Hot dogs are sausages.( )
Can we have a dog, please,Mum?
No, we can’t.
Read and discuss “Yes” or “No”. 1) Amy, Lingling and Sam are watching TV programme about cats.( No ) 2) Dogs can help the blind people.( Yes) 3) Dogs can help the firemen.( Yes) 4) Sam can have a dog.( No ) 5)Hot dogs are sausages.(Yes )
Let’s chant:
This man is blind. He can’t see. This dog helps him. This girl is deaf. she can’t hear. This dog helps her. These firemen can’t find people. These dogs help them.
This girl is poor(贫穷的). She can't go to school. We can help her .
She is blind. She can't see. This dog help her.
He can’t walk. This dog helps him.
Because you and me, from one world, we are family. Let the world be full of love.
热狗(Hot dog)是香肠(
sausage)的一种吃 法。夹有热狗的整个面包三明 治也可以直接称作热狗。吃热 狗的时候可以配上很多种类的 配料,比如番茄酱、芥末、生 菜屑、番茄(切片,切屑或切 块)和辣椒等等。
Read and discuss “Yes” or “No”. 1) Amy, Lingling and Sam are watching TV programme about cats.( No ) 2) Dogs can help the blind people.( Yes) 3) Dogs can help the firemen.( Yes) 4) Sam can have a dog.( No ) 5)Hot dogs are sausages.( )
Module 7
Unit1 He ca primary school
Listen and answer:
Can dogs help people?
Dogs are very useful(有用的)
Listen and fill in the blanks.
This man is bl____. He can’t see. This dog helps him. This girl is d___f. she can’t h____. This dog helps her. These fire_____ can’t find people. These dogs help them.
Homework :
• 1.Read the dialogue. • 2.Find something about man and animals helping each other and make a poster. • (收集动物和人类互助的图片,以英文海报 的形式展示出来。)