

Cohesion and Coherence 衔接和连贯.ppt

Cohesion and Coherence 衔接和连贯.ppt
Some of linguistic connectors: and, moreover, or, otherwise, but, so, if, as, before…etc
Four types of Conjunction
additive adversative causal temporal
Cohesion is achieved by cohesive ties. Some may call them cohesive devices. Cohesive ties are the forces that keep the text together in the original order and what we manipulate when we try to regain a text’s meaning after a recording of its sentences.
To be able to see Nobody! And at that distance, too!
All the figures were correct; they’d been checked. Yet the total
came out wrong.Leabharlann (adversative)
1)A: Have you any knives? I need a sharp one. B: I can get you several very sharp ones, but this is the best (one) I have.
(nominal substitution)
2) Bob says he is going to join the Labour Party. It will be interesting to see whether he does (do).


He helped me in time, as a result, I passed the exam.
我们可以把要点按照时间先后,空 间顺序,逻辑关系,因果关系整理, 加以适当调整,加入过渡词来串句 成文。
开始 at first, at the beginning of, in the beginning, to begin with, first(ly), first of all
Eg. One day a dog came into the butcher’s. A__t_f_ir_s_t________ the butcher wanted to drive him away. But __l_a_t_e_r__,the dog was back again, __s_o_____ he went over to the dog._S_u__d_d_e_n_l_y__ he noticed a note and ten
dog got offand beat the door with its head,
B__e_f_o_r_e_l_o_n_g___its master opened the door for him.
说明文和描写文中,表空间方位和顺序 before, behind, below, beneath, between, here, there, where, beyond, nearby, under, above, over, on the right/left, in (the) front of, in the middle of, at the back of, at the bottom of, opposite to, next to, on one side, on the other side, at the foot/end of, west/east of

Writing Handout Lecture 18-19衔接与连贯

Writing Handout Lecture 18-19衔接与连贯

Lecture 18-19 Cohesion & Coherence1. 指称 (Reference) & 替代 (Substitution)1.1. Definition :指称主要使用代词代替文章中重复出现的词,避免单调啰嗦的问题。


1.2 Sample AnalysisThe New Englanders were better prepared to meet hardship. Not only were the New Englander's migrations longer and better organized than those of the individual travelers, the individual travelers made the individual travelers ’ way to the Chesopeake area, but the New Englanders ’ theology helped make the explicable the trails the new Englanders faced.2 省略 (Omission)省略也是一种简化行文的方式。


e.g.His task is to clean the room of the master, of the children, and even of the servants.Reading makes a full man; confidence a ready man; and writing an exact man.Exercise (Independent Work )Translate the following sentences into Chinese with substitution or/and omission.1. 细娃盼过年,大人盼开春。

英语中的衔接 ppt课件

英语中的衔接 ppt课件
They always have certain brands on sale; in addition, many items have been marked down to 75 percent , so you can get bargains . For example, I bought a pair of designer jeans for $50 .
To ensure the smooth flow of ideas within a paragraph , you can use pronouns , repeat key words or phrases , avoid pronoun shifts ,and resort to transitional signals. These are the most commonly used connecting devices.
Coherence refers to the smooth moving from one sentence to the next. If the sentence are well concerned ,the paragraph is coherent.
Coherence and Cohesion
An effective paragraph not only achieves unity , but also coherence .Both are indispensable. While unity is concerned with ideas or content , coherence is concerned with the form of expression .

高中英语写作之连接词自然化的 衔接连贯课件

高中英语写作之连接词自然化的 衔接连贯课件
as a result, finally, so, therefore, accordingly, thus, consequently, in conclusion, in short, in brief, in a word, to sum up, in general, on the whole, all in all
after a while, afterwards, and then, later, after that, next, shortly after, the next moment
同时 at the same time, in the meantime, meanwhile 过去 at that time, before by that time, earlier, formerly, in the past 现在 at present, presently, right now, nowadays, up to now
because, for, for this reason, as, since, on account of, thanks to , for the sake of, due to, owing to
for example, for instance, take...for an example, such as, that is, as follows, to illustrate, namely, in other words, and so on, believe it or not, to tell the truth, in this case, in particular, particularly, specially



Today I say to you that the challenges we face are real. They are serious and they are many. They will not be met easily or in a short span of time. But know this, America — they will be met. And for those who seek to advance their aims by inducing terror and slaughtering innocents, we say to you now that our spirit is stronger and cannot be broken; you cannot outlast us, and we will defeat you. “You” can be used to emphasize the presence of the audience and cause their attention, and it can also be used to refer to the opposition forces to state their position.
Limitations of our presentation
Our presentation only focuses on personal reference. There still exist other kinds of reference and many other cohesive devices. The cases that we choose are about political speeches and subtitle-translation of miniseries, which consist just two aspects of personal reference application. We can also analyze it in many other subjects.


而魔族因为出了一位能够超越极限的人,亦是被人类所知晓。一些善良的魔族,在人间也是得到了认可与尊重。而那些本身就邪恶的,则是长时间与神族和不知名的七个人战.html 璇儿,你说我们的孩子,取什么名字好呢。 嗯是男的就叫陈武,是女的嘛,就叫伍莜吧! 恩! 【文章提问】 问题一:陈枫身上有什么任务? 问题二:文章有没有交代陈枫为什么不去完成那个任务? 问题三:伍璇的所作所为,算的上背弃神族否? 问题四:沈豹所编出来的谎言是什么?
太子山,高耸入云接蓝天,绵延百里望不见,群山逶迤风光美,景色旖旎甲陇原。 【1】五十年代一曲《高高的太子山》,唱出质寐向往的神奇乐园,一束束翘首期待的目光定格于遥远的西部,把临夏花儿的神韵拓展在高高的山涧沟壑,延伸于浓雾云层,构筑成一股时代的劲风,享誉西北,风靡全 国。 一时交织成期盼的焦点,投向远方的希翼,争先恐后解读太子山美丽的传说。 不知有多少人被歌声陶冶感动,依然抉择踏上西部的心愿,支持西部的开发建设; 一生留下了开拓明天的守望,奉献了青春年少的岁月,感化了一代人的奉献承诺。 至今山山水水还铭刻着闪光的铮铮格言,做为宝贵的精神财富依然璀璨闪烁,永远激励着我们勇往直前。 【2】太子山,一条绵延百里的山势,成为青藏高原与黄土高原的分界岭,更是链接中原文化和雪域文化的纽带,曾是历代兵家设防要塞之地。

自考外贸英语写作 课件句子的衔接PPT教学课件

自考外贸英语写作 课件句子的衔接PPT教学课件
• 从属连词
从属连词这种连词是用以引导名词性从句和状语从句的. 由从属连词所引 导的句子叫从句,而含有从句的句子叫作复合句。 从属连词连接两个 或两个以上的分句,形成复杂句中的从属分句。例如: (4) He said that he did not want to go . (5) Many things have happened since I last saw him. (6) You may come if you want to. 从属连词用来连接各种从句。until(till)直到,在用until表达时间状语 的句子中,主句中的动词是要十分小心去选择的。如动词是持续行动 词,它要用肯定句,如:I studied hard until 12 o'clock last night.如 果动词是瞬间截止性动词,则要用否定句,如:He didn't go to bed until his mother came back.由since,for,by,before, 来引导的时间状语 从句。since 引导的时间状语是动作的开始时间,如:I have studied English since 1990.而by引导的时间状语通常是动作的结束时间,如: I had learned 25 English songs by the end of last term.
He made a lot of money and bought a gift for his mother. The bank will notify you of each transfer or will send you a monthly statement. He wanted to change and he tried, but he failed. The foreign partner did not fulfill our order, nor did it intend to. He did not pass the exam, nor did I . He likes watching movies, so do I ./so does his sister.


• 例3 反义词(antonym)
• Failure is the mother of success. • 例4 上 \下义词(hyponymy)
• It has never been explained why university students seem to enjoy practical jokes more than anyone else. Students specialize in a particular type of practical joke: hoax. Inviting the fire brigade to put out a nonexistent fire is a crude form of deception. Students often create amusing situations which are funny to everyone except the victim.
and in class. As a result,(结果)when he graduates
from school he can do nothing. For (原因)everything
is different from what teachers told him. He may even be
称指代) was the candidate of the new Republic Party. This Party (指示指代)opposed the creation of new slave states. • 2. 替代substitution • This biscuits are stale. Get some fresh ones.(名词性替代) • “ if you have seen them so often, of course you know what they’re like.” • “I believe so,” Alice replied thoughtfully.(分句性替代) 3. 省略ellipsis (zero stitution) “how many hours a day did you do lessons? said Alice. ” I did that ten hours the first day,” said Tom.(分句性省略) • 4. 连接conjunction • A. 通过标点符号衔接 • I came, I saw , I conquered.( Julius Ceaser) • The sun is growing warm, frogs are waking in the marshes, planting time will be soon here. • B. 通过连接词衔接 • 5. 词汇衔接lexis • (Halliday /Hasan :Cohesion in English 1976)



✓替代Substitution 语法手段
✓词汇衔接Lexical cohesion
照应 Reference:
✓ 照应是起信号作用的词项。它们不能像大多数词项那样本身可作出语 义理解,而只能通过照应别的词项来说明信息。

替代 Substitution:
✓ 替代指用一个词项去代替另一个或几个词项,是 词项之间的一种代替关系。英语中常用的替代词 有one(s), do, same , so等。 例:①This biscuits are stale. Get some fresh ones. (名词性替代) ②“ if you have seen them so often, of course you know what they’re like.” “I believe so,” Alice replied thoughtfully. (分句性替代) ③A: Black coffee, please. B: The same for me.
✓ 同现关系指词汇在语篇中共同出现的倾向性(co-occurrence tendency)。 ✓ 词汇的同现关系包括反义关系、互补关系、局部 —整体关系和搭配关系。 ✓ 1.反义关系(antonymy) ✓ eg: United, we stand;divided, we fall. ✓ 2. 互补关系(complementarity) ✓ eg: single—married,dead—alive ✓ 3.局部 —整体关系
✓ eg: school: primary/middle/ junior high/senior high school/college/university

高中英语读后续写公开课 共18张PPT

高中英语读后续写公开课 共18张PPT

tPoautlheantdrachkissfoartmhaht oyuosuedwoenr’e tougtetolfossitg!”ht.“ItOwKa!s”somypedaacde他fcur们lieadn叮dba嘱qcuki晚.eAt 餐fatnedr别athwehciloel,oUrns沿colef the brown rocks, the deep green pine trees, and the late afterno着on su走n 能mix不ed to create a
Paragraph 1 Suddenly a little rabbit jumped out in front of my horse. __________________________
Paragraph 2 We had no idea where we were and it got dark. ___________________________________
In the afternoon, I asked Uncle Paul if I could take a horse ride, and he said yes, as long as my dad went with me. I wasn‘t going to take a horse ride by myself anyway. So, my dad and I put on our new cowboy hats, got on our horses, and headed slowly towards the mountains. “Don’t be late for supper,” Uncle Paul cried, “and keep to the track so that you don’t get lost!” “OK!” my dad cried back. After a while Uncle Paul and his farm house were out of sight. It was so peaceful and quiet and the colors of the brown rocks, the deep green pine trees, and the late afternoon sun mixed to create a magic scene. It looked like a beautiful woven (编织的) blanket spread out upon the ground just for us.【答题时需注意】 1. 所续写短文的词数应为 l50 左右; 2. 至少使用 5 个短文中标有下划线的关键词语; 3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好; 4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。



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或许,山是有灵性的。山最善于倾听。 日月流转,历史听到了坚守,而山,不止听到了坚守,还听到了坚守的艰辛。 南山下,种的不只是温暖了南山的菊花,还有不如草盛的豆苗。诗人大清早起来,来到南山的脚下,理去荒田里的杂草,露出稀稀落落的豆苗。其实在诗人心里,也做着同样的较量!拔去心上世俗的草, 种上大朴若拙的本真。不过这是要有代价的。清冷的月色里荷锄而归的疲惫身影投在南山的怀里;箪瓢屡空时,饥肠辘辘声消散在从南山吹过的或冷或暖的风里。 在那个时代,他就是一轮孤月。在空旷的天际无所依,连心疼他的南山也无法给予抚慰,他悬的太高了,高的那个时代任何人都无法企及。所以他注定要孤独,要挣扎。这是坚守的代价中最重的,也是 最难以忍受的。欲言无余和,挥杯劝孤影。日月掷人去,有志不获骋。念此怀悲凄,终晓不能静。 没有什么比一颗孤独的魂无人应和更叫人绝望的,挥杯的是那个是追求本真的陶渊明在劝慰那个世俗 的陶渊明。孤灯下落寞的喟叹直到终晓酒尽时还未停息,恐怕只有南山听得最真切。 不过,挣扎归挣扎,到底还是南山的魅力大,采菊东篱下,悠然见南山,只这一句,就道出了陶渊明最终将灵魂安放于南山的快乐。 是南山的风把菊花的清香吹到了东山,还是把陶渊明终晓酒尽的叹息吹到了东山?那位因在东边山坡开荒就取号曰苏东坡的人也有了类似的心灵历程。当皇帝的一纸贬书念完时,这位苏学士的命运注定 要与黄州的东山纠结在一起了。东山从此有幸见证了东坡的旷达,更见证了他的孤傲。


• On one side of the road there is a new classroom building. On the other side, where the playground used to be now, stands another new building—our library.(NMET1999 范文)
as, the next moment,shortly after, for one thing, for another thing 等
• After that I went to No.6 Middle School of Dalian and graduated this summer. .(NMET1996范文)
3.表示因果关系的连接词:for, so, therefore, as a result, because of, due to, owing to,
thanks to,
• He stopped us about half an hour ago and made us catch the next offender. So come on, stand here. (NMET 1 only…but also…等
• He loved swimming when he was a small boy and at eight he became a member of the diving team in Guangdong Province. (NMET 1991范文)
• In it there are all kinds of books, newspapers and magazines.(NMET1999范文)
• I don’t know about others, but I used to have to work even at weekends doing endless homework and attending classes as well. (NMET 2001范文)


然而,他已经永远听不见了。她只是对自己的灵魂哭泣。永利游戏平台网址 要是他听到,他迷人的眼睛也许会鲜活起来,抱歉地笑笑,好像在说: “噢,我不是故意的。” 他们的关系像什么呢?有没有曾经像爱情的时候?抑或,终究只是她一个人的爱情。 他从来不认得她。 明知她爱他,他聪明又善良地避开了,只留下那个“我不是故意的”的眼神。人生就像他爱喝的白兰地,有一种调调,充满了无望的梦想,苦涩而甜蜜。 他从来不赌钱,却是个赌徒。他比舅舅赌得高明,赌得潇洒,却也赌得更凶。 他赌的是命。他好像命运的游子,爱上了枪口下的生活。 百折千回,她爱上了的依然是一个赌徒吗?她始终逃不出她的宿命。 韩哲喜欢她,喜欢逗她。他比她大了十四年,一直把她当做他钟爱的一头小狗,却从来没有把她看作一个女人。 有时候,她不禁想,在特别罪案组的头一年,会不会已经是她们这段关系最像爱情的时候?以后再也没法超越了。 共2页: 上一页12下一页
他的名字没有出现在教官的名单上。直到他那天进入课室之前,她想都没想过他会来警校授课。 他就像提早降临的一场初雪。经过一夜的酣睡,破晓时分,她蒙蒙从房间的床上醒转过来,猝然发现窗外白茫茫一片。她卷着被子裸脚走下床,推开窗,探出身子去接住漫天的飞雪。雪吻在她的脸 颊,轻抚她的眉睫,飘摇掉落在她手心里又溶化了。她畅饮了那
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and in class. As a result,(结果)when he graduates
from school he can do nothing. For (原因)everything
is different from what teachers told him. He mayalter’s goal in life was to become a successful surgeon. First, though, he had to get through high school, so he concentrated all his efforts on his studies ---in particular, biology, chemistry and math. Because he worked constantly on these subjects, Walter became proficient in them; however, Walter forgot that he needed to master other subjects besides those he had chosen, as a result, during his junior year of high school, Walter failed both English and Latin. Consequently, he had to repeat these subjects and he was almost unable to graduate on schedule. Finally, on June 6, Walter achieved the first step toward realizing his goal.
disappointed and (并列)frustrated. In the end,(总结)
he may be afraid to face the real world. •
• 例2 同义词(synonym)
• The farm was owned by two brothers. They employed a few farm hands, but no one was willing to work long. Every time a worker gave up his job, he told the same story. Farm laborers said that …
• 例3 反义词(antonym)
• Failure is the mother of success. • 例4 上 \下义词(hyponymy)
• It has never been explained why university students seem to enjoy practical jokes more than anyone else. Students specialize in a particular type of practical joke: hoax. Inviting the fire brigade to put out a nonexistent fire is a crude form of deception. Students often create amusing situations which are funny to everyone except the victim.
称指代) was the candidate of the new Republic Party. This Party (指示指代)opposed the creation of new slave states. • 2. 替代substitution • This biscuits are stale. Get some fresh ones.(名词性替代) • “ if you have seen them so often, of course you know what they’re like.” • “I believe so,” Alice replied thoughtfully.(分句性替代) 3. 省略ellipsis (zero substitution) “how many hours a day did you do lessons? said Alice. ” I did that ten hours the first day,” said Tom.(分句性省略) • 4. 连接conjunction • A. 通过标点符号衔接 • I came, I saw , I conquered.( Julius Ceaser) • The sun is growing warm, frogs are waking in the marshes, planting time will be soon here. • B. 通过连接词衔接 • 5. 词汇衔接lexis • (Halliday /Hasan :Cohesion in English 1976)
• 例5 同一语义场(semantic field)
• Small boats loaded with wares sped to the great liner as she was entering the harbor. Before she had anchored, the men from the boats had climbed on board and the decks were soon covered with colorful …but I decided not to buy anything until I had disembarked.
• 连贯(coherence):是整个语篇一致性的抽 象特征。
• 词汇衔接 • 句子衔接 • 段落衔接
1、词汇衔接:连接词、同义词、反义词、上、 下义词、同一语义场等
• 例1:连接词(conjunction) • A student acquires knowledge mainly from the textbook
Cohesion and Coherence in English Writing
• 衔接:语篇中的一个成分和对解释它起重要作用的其他成分之间的语义关系 • 1. 指代reference • In 1860, Lincoln was elected President of the United States. He(人