NAD 302综合扩大机


NAD C 298 立体声功率放大器中文用户手册

NAD C 298 立体声功率放大器中文用户手册

®C 298立体声功率放大器用户手册• 阅读说明书- 在使用本产品前必须阅读所有的安全和操作说明书。

• 保留说明书- 安全和使用说明书应妥善保管以备后用。

• 注意警告- 本产品和使用说明书中标识的所有警告应予遵守。

• 遵照说明- 所有的操作和使用说明应予遵守。

• 清洁- 请在清洁本产品前将电源插头从墙上的电源插座上拔下。



• 附件- 为防止发生危险,请勿使用未经本产品生产商推荐的配件。

• 水源与潮湿- 请勿在水源附近使用本产品,如浴缸、洗脸盆、厨房水池、洗衣缸、潮湿的地下室、或靠近游泳池及其它类似的场所。

• 配件- 请勿将本产品放置在不稳定的推车、支架、三脚凳、托架或桌子上,因为如本产品跌落,有严重伤害儿童或成人并严重损坏本产品之虞。



• 推车- 用推车运载本产品的时候需要小心。


• 通风- 本产品机箱上的狭槽和开口是供通风之用,为确保本产品可靠操作以及防止过热而设置的。




• 电源- 本产品使用的电源必须是标签上所示的电源类型,并连接到带有保护接地连接的电源插座。


• 电源线保护- 电源线应该合理排布,使其不易被踩踏或被物品压着或夹着,特别要注意与插头接合部位、简便插座、以及在本产品连接处的电线。

• 电源插头- 在电源插头或电器耦合器被用作断开设备的情况下,断开设备应确保易于操作。

• 室外天线接地- 如果本产品连接外部天线或有线电视系统,为了保护本产品不受电压冲击和静电积集的损坏,请确保天线或有线电视系统已接地。






1 外观:2013年,NAD推出D3020这款高设计感的产品,不仅延续了3020的所有优点,更是在外观设计上进行重大突破,不再是传统音响外形设计,改走时尚路线使得此产品更加吸引年轻人。

2 技术:(1)功能:D3020具有APTX蓝牙接收功能,可完美接驳手机、平板电脑、PC电脑、笔记本电脑等设备,蓝牙功能为用户带来更大的便利,但音质也会相对的差一些。











NAD 302综合扩大机

NAD 302综合扩大机

NAD 302综合扩大机
【摘要】<正> NAD的扩大机在台湾被视为入门级产品,但国外名气可大得很。

十几年前一部3020曾经在英美两国横扫天下,TAS的主编HP盛许3020的前级部分素质超群,足以和任何天价级的后级相匹配;英国的Hi-Fi Choice也颁给它最佳音响器材大奖,他们一致认为NAD的产品价格低廉,音色正确,推助力十足而且善于表达音乐的感情与色彩。


302综合扩大机依然使用了NAD专利的气囊功率(Power Envelope)与软性削峰(Soft
1.温文儒雅的Onix OA31——综合扩大机 [J], 朱耀明
2.Onix OA31——综合扩大机 [J],
3.音乐之旅上市多功能综合扩大机ECI 6DS [J],
4.综合工业集团是扩大机电出口的必然趋势 [J], 孙秋昌
5.德国Burmester082综合扩大机上市 [J],


















因此,在设备的安装、调试过程中就应有今后的操作[注] GB50371-2006 厅堂扩声系统设计规范JGJ/T16-92 民用建筑设计规范――扩声与同声传译人员参与,以便熟悉设备、接受培训,并不是将来找一个持有“音响师培训班”结业证的人员就能正确、熟练地操作。




【关键词】场效应晶体管;功放管;多赫蒂功率放大器;静电感应电压中图分类号:TN929 文献标识码:A DOI:10.12246/j.issn.1673-0348.2021.12.014随着高频大功率场效应晶体管研发制造技术的不断进步和广泛应用,广播电视发射机生产厂家开发研制出了各种功率等级的全固态发射机。



1. 场效应晶体管结构、分类和性能场效应晶体管按其构造分为结型场效应晶体管(JFET)和绝缘栅型场效应晶体管(IGFET),按沟道材料分可分为N沟道型和P沟道型。



绝缘栅型场效应管是指金属-氧化物-半导体场效应晶体管MOSEFT,即MOS管,其从制造工艺和不同应用上又可分成普通CMOS管、UMOS管、TMOS管、VMOS管、DMOS管、LDMOS管等系列,在广播电视发射机功放中主要应用的是早期的大功率垂直扩散VMOSFET 管和新型超耐用型更适合数字发射机末级功放使用的横向扩散LDMOSFET管,都是根据实际应用由普通MOS管发展变化的改进型。


一款热门扩音机HAPY TONG(哈顿)3020、3225PE合并放大器

一款热门扩音机HAPY TONG(哈顿)3020、3225PE合并放大器
梢 进行衔 接 从 而 使 整机达 分 体机 效果 拔开 权梢 就变 成 了前 后 级各 自独 立 的放大 器 在 应 用 上 方 便 了 许多
。 , 。
一 款 热 门 扩 音 机
哈 顿

该放 大 器 的功 效输 出 部分 属 商 电 流 输 出 形式 用 于 驱 动扬 声 器
, , 。
许多 喇 叭 在 工 作 时 阻 抗并 不 是 恒 定 的 变化
放大 器虽然是 一款

将 一 些 价钱 贵几 倍 的名机 也 比 下 去
对 于预

前 后 级 合 并式 扩 音机 但 从 整 机 的 结 构 上 来 看 也 可 以 把 它 当做一款 分 体机来 对待 因 为
它 已 在 电 路 上 把 前 置 放大 部分 与 后 级功 率放
算 有限 而 品 味 又 不 俗 的发 烧 友 哈 顿
该 机 可从 容 地 推 动 低 至

这 中间选 出 一 款 能 完 美表 达 音 乐 的 真 谛 靓 声 又 耐 用 且 价钱 又 低廉 真 正 称 心 如 意 的 产 品 也并 非易 事
, 。
而 表 现 上 全无 失真 及 限 幅
超低 噪 声 低 阻 抗
的线 路 设计 使 整 机 的 信 噪 比 可 达 1 0 上 而 整 机 的失 真度 低 于 万 分 之三 该机还 为

此时 若 放 大 器 不 能快
平 心而论 哈 顿

维科特机电 AM322042H 产品说明书

维科特机电 AM322042H 产品说明书





特点Ø单电源输入,电压范围:交流AC110-240V;Ø驱动电流从有效值1.2A/相到4.2A/相分16档可调;Ø16档细分配置,最高分辨率60000步/转;细分配置小于等于2000步/转时采用微细分控制方式;Ø最高响应频率可达200KHz;Ø相位记忆功能:断电时能自动记忆电机转子位置;Ø保护功能:过热保护/过流保护、相间短路保护、断线保护、过压保护;Ø自动半流:输入脉冲脉冲停止超过100ms时,电流自动减半,减少电机发热;Ø全隔离:信号输入输出隔离;强弱电隔离(pwm控制信号及电流采样均隔离);Ø5V/24V信号输入兼容设计;Ø控制模式可选:脉冲/方向模式;或者双脉冲输入模式;Ø自测试功能:无需外界脉冲信号即可驱动电机以30转/分钟的速度转动;Ø体积为178*109*68 (mm^3),推荐安装空间至少为200*160*90 (mm^3);净重:1kg(加包装箱1.3kg);颜色:白色;Ø采用工业级芯片设计,运行环境温度:-25゜~+60゜(0゜以下不结冰);Ø采用矢量控制及微细分控制技术,在运行平稳性、噪音、震动、发热等方面较传统驱动器均有较大的提升;电流设定驱动器工作电流有效值IM(以下简称IM)由D1-D4拨码开关设定(注:工作电流为正常运行时的电流有效值给定,抱轴时的电流则为对应工作电流的50%,简称自动半流。



Model MBS1000ADesktopPaging MicrophoneDESCRIPTIONThe Bogen Model MBS1000A is a dual-impedance,uni-directional,dynamic desktop microphone with a rubberized finish for all industri-al and commercial public address and paging applications.TheMBS1000A has a bottom-mounted slide switch for low- or high-impedance selection.The wide band frequency response is smooth andpeak free,thereby providing a natural,highly-intelligible sound.The microphone output provides a normally open switch closure pairthat can be used to operate external equipment.When the micro-phone is activated using either the push-to-talk or lift-to-talk functions,the provided contact closes.The push-to-talk actuator bar includes alocking feature to allow the mic to remain active for extended periods.The lift-to-talk feature can be enabled or disabled using a bottom-mounted selector switch.Four molded,non-skid,non-marring,and permanently resilient "feet"are located under the cast base.SPECIFICA TIONSElement:DynamicPolar Pattern:Uni-directionalFrequency Response:45 to 15,000 HzOutput:Hi-Z:-52 dB (0 dB = 1 volt/microbar)Lo-Z:-72 dB (0 dB = 1 volt/microbar)Impedance:Hi-Z:50,000 ohms,matches 50,000 ohmsor greaterLo-Z:500 ohms,matches 125 to 1000 ohmsSwitch:Push-to-talk and push-to-lockCable:7-feet of four-conductor,two-shielded cable(mic leads shielded,contacts not shielded)Dimensions:4-3/8" W x 9-3/8" H x 5-7/8" DProduct Weight:1lb.Finish:Black rubberized finish with die cast baseIMPEDANCEThe Bogen Model MBS1000A is a dual-impedance microphone.Thehigh-impedance position is 50,000 ohms unbalanced and the low-impedance is 500 ohms balanced.The low-impedance position is rec-ommended for long cable length requirements.Cable lengths of 100feet or more can be used in this position without loss of level or dete-rioration of high frequency response.Printed in Korea.0302© 2003 Bogen Communications,Inc.54-5901-02ASpecifications subject to change without notice.50 Spring Street,Ramsey,NJ 07446,U.S.A.201-934-8500;Fax:201-934-9832E-mail:**************/Web Site:SELECTORS AND SWITCHESCABLE END CONNECTIONS HI IMPEDANCE:Connect the red lead to an unbalanced mic input,the black lead and shield to ground,and the white and green to external equipment (if applicable).LO IMPEDANCE:Connect cable leads,red and black,to a balanced mic input;shield to ground;and white and green to external equipment (if applicable)PHASINGPositive pressure (movement of diaphragm inward) will generate a positive voltage on the red cable lead with respect to the black lead.CABLE CONNECTIONSFREQUENCY RESPONSE GRAPH。



A3.2综合放大器INTEGRATED AMPLIFIER2安全指示1. 不可自行开启本机进行维修或改造!本产品不设有用户自行检修的零件,本机的维修须请具备专业资格 的人员进行。

开启机器及随意改造内部电路会令检修人员难以维修本机,而且会对机器造成性能或质量 的影响。

3. 设备不应遭受水滴或水溅,机器上不应放置诸如花瓶一类的装满液体的物品。

7. 用电源插头和器具耦合器作为断开装置,断开装置应当保持能方便地操作。

6. 设备应当连接到带保护接地连接的电网电源输出插座上。

5. 设备上不要放置裸露的火焰源,如点燃的蜡烛。

4. 通风孔不要覆盖诸如报纸、桌布和窗帘等物品而防碍通风。

8. 必须遵照电池废弃的相关地方条例来废弃旧电池。

2. 为了充分通风,设备背面和两侧应最少保留10cm,顶部应最少保留20cm的空间。

9. 仅适用于海拔2000m以下地区安全使用,标志见图1。

10. 仅适用于非热带气候条件下安全使用,标志见图2。

图1图2执行标准:GB8898-2011; GB /T13837-2012安全注意事项4. 遥控接收窗口5. 多功能显示窗6. 音量减小键1. 待机开关键2. 输入向后选择键3. 输入向前选择键7. 音量增加键8. 静音键9. 耳机输出接口一. 1. 蓝牙天线2. USB DAC 数字信号输入接口3. 光纤数字信号输入接口4. 右声道扬声器输出接口5. XLR 信号输入接口6. 模式选择开关 (置于STEREO )13. DVD 信号输入接口14. AUX 信号输入接口15. BYPASS 直通信号输入接口16. PRE 前级信号输出接口17. 左声道扬声器输出接口7. 增益选择开关8. 接地端子9. 交流电源输入插座 (带保险管)10. 总电源开关11. PHONO 唱机信号输入接口12. CD 信号输入接口部件名称3二. 1. AUX信号输入接口2. DVD信号输入接口3. CD信号输入接口4. PHONO唱机信号输入接口9. 接地端子10. 交流电源输入插座 (带保险管)11. 总电源开关12. 扬声器输出接口“ + ”极5. XLR 信号输入接口6. 扬声器输出接口“ - ”极7. 模式选择开关 (置于MONO INT )8. 增益选择开关三. 1. RCA 信号输入接口2. XLR 信号输入接口3. 扬声器输出接口“ - ”极7. 总电源开关8. 扬声器输出接口“ + ”极4. 模式选择开关 (置于MONO POWER )5. 输入源选择开关6. 交流电源输入插座 (带保险管)4注:1. 遥控器有效距离不大于10米,遥控夹角不大于30度。









二、特点1. 宽频带范围:AD8302的工作频率范围广泛,可覆盖从DC到2.7GHz的射频信号。

2. 高动态范围:AD8302具有高达92dB的动态范围,可以测量非常小的输入信号功率。

3. 高精度和稳定性:AD8302具有高精度和稳定性,能够提供可靠的测量结果。

4. 低功耗:AD8302的功耗非常低,适合电池供电和便携式设备应用。

三、应用1. 射频功率测量:AD8302可用于测量射频信号的功率,广泛应用于通信系统、雷达系统等领域。

2. 频率测量:由于AD8302能够测量频率变化率,因此可以用于频率测量,例如频率合成器的校准。

3. 相位测量:AD8302的原理是将相位差转换为电压输出,因此可以用于相位测量,例如相位比较器的校准。

4. 电压控制振荡器(VCO)控制:AD8302可以用于VCO的频率调节和控制,实现频率稳定。







转载:NAD历史概述:1972-2004发布: 2011-1-14 23:36 | 作者: 君子| 来源: 中国音响NAD历史概述:1972-2004作者BEE1972年,一群顶尖的欧洲HI Fl设备销售商在德国慕尼黑的一间酒店客房里召开了一次会议。

他们中的每一位都在各自的国内建立起了强有力的市场,销售多个主要的HI Fl品牌,并且都是AR (Acoustic Research)的全国销售商。

马丁•伯里斯(Martin Borish)当时主持AR的国际营销和关于欧洲供货厂家的业务。


会议日程安排简单明了:1.创造一个全新的HI Fl设备品牌,一套能与AR音响组合搭配完美和谐的产品。


这次会议创立了NAD(New Acoustic Dimension),并计划建立一条电子产品生产线,其最初的产品是日本福斯特(Foster)公司制造的合并式放大器,NAD model 60。

技术背景与早期影响:1972年的HI Fl世界1972年,世界上仅有的高品质音乐源信号是开盘式磁带录音、FM广播和密纹唱片录音。





大多数60年代录制的最好的录音作品都是Ampex 3轨道1/2英寸的磁带录音机,用15或30ips录制的,甚至可以媲美CD的表现,并且还未使用减少噪音的处理。






MIC输入灵敏度: 15mv
最大输出功率 : 300W + 300W(4欧姆) 200W+200W(8欧姆)
<0.1% @1KHz/40v
线路输入频率响应: 20Hz-20Kz 不均匀度≤3dB
主声道低音调节范围: ±12dB(100Hz)
▪ 极低的本底噪声
卡拉OK数码前级 DE-501A
信噪比(SNR): >95dB(直通,变调关闭)
频率响应: 20Hz-20KHz ± 0.5dB
失真(THD): 0.01% 20Hz-20KHz
输入灵敏度/阻抗: 150mv/4.7K欧姆
20Hz-20KHz ± 0.5dB
失真(THD)<0.05%, 20Hz-20KHz
额定输入电平: 0dB
▪ 主要特点: ▪ 专为KTV演唱设计,音质甜美柔和 ▪ 夹板箱体,结实轻巧,吊挂方便
▪ 超高灵敏度单元,让歌者轻松自如 ▪ 大磁钢喇叭低音结实有力,让舞者激情澎湃 ▪ 高保真H高保真Hi-Fi效果,让听者久听不累
主要指标: 结构:两分频低音反射式结构 频率响应:50Hz-20Kz(-

NAD功放评测和NAD 304合并式功放评测合集

NAD功放评测和NAD 304合并式功放评测合集

出一个9.9新的NAD304功放得过欧洲大奖和无数好评的NAD304,9.9成新机,连新机的清香味道都还在,所有原厂包装和说明书(全洋文)都在`使用时间不超过三小时,现在包装好放着,1650元包华宇,图梢后上~~QQ:511317238NAD发明专利柔性剪峰SoftClipping电路革命性令纯电晶体制作扩音机散溢出叫发烧友如痴如醉的甜美而柔媚之天文数字价位胆机才有的风韵!当年what hi-fi 250英镑级别的5星功放。

“柔性剪峰”(Soft Clipping)是一个相当有用的功能,您可以选择开启或关闭此功能。


而NAD的Soft Clipping电路正是通过适当减小输出功率等办法来保持波形的完整,减少失真。


“气囊功率”(Power Drive)也是NAD的特色线路,这是NAD于上世纪80年代和90年代著名的Power Envelope电路技术的进一步发展和改进,它能在瞬间高输出的情况下提供更强大的电源供给,使功放的大功率输出更稳定,驱动力更强,低频更出色。

Power Drive电路与Power Envelope电路相比,效果更为显著,同时整体失真更小。

NAD 304 - Best SS amp ever?I'm being silly, of course, but my experience with this integrated amp has been really baffling. I'll give a brief historical outlineI. Bought one in 1994 on the strength of Corey Greenberg's utterly excited "this is real high end audio for $300!" review in Stereophile (btw, this review isn't anywhere online that I can find). After owing it for a few days, the skeptical retailer asked me if it sounded as "glorious" touted? Well, powering my lil' Dahlquist DQ-16s, the answer was YES!II. In 1995, something went wrong and I needed a repair. That was the old "green circuit board" version. Borrowed a Quad Amp and Preamp...maybe a 405 with matching preamp? Sounded big and warm.III. Got the NAD 304 back with new Blue circuit board. Sounded way bigger, more dynamic, and clearer than the Quad set-up. Loved it! had to sell it off later that year to help with some debt.IV. Bought one in 2008 for $175. I'm using it to power Triangle Zerius 202s.I know, not the first combo you'd imagine, right? Sounds very clean and not lacking tonally, but now I'm looking for more dimensionality and palpable presence. I have tried using more powerful NAD amps, a high-powered Adcom, and I'm currently trying a Parasound HCA-750A. Everything sounds...ordinary. To be fair, the Parasound has warmed up and is starting to sound pretty good, but it doesn't exactly blow the 304 away.Am I going to going to have to look at much more expensive gear? Tubes, maybe? Some of the amps I've tried have been very affordable, but the Quad and theAdcom were kind of ridiculously high-priced IMO, and the 304 was hands-down the winner in those shootouts.Has anyone else had a similar experience - and if so, what did you finally choose upgrade with?Joelv(System | Threads | Answers | This Thread)08-28-08Responses (1-13 of 13)Click title to read one, or click date to read all below it.08-31-08To rephrase the question, have you ever upgraded from an n ...Joelv09-03-08I am using one with a video system in the livingroom-tryed ... Dred09-03-08Right on, dred, thanks for sharing your experience! the304 ...Joelv10-10-08Nad amps are pretty good deal for the money and i agreewith ... Hieule510-10-08I owned a 304 for quite a few years, then passed it downto ... Kbarkamian10-13-08: JoelvYou know, I'm using the 304 as a pre-amp now. After a few months with my Triangles, I am hearing the 304's limitations... namely rolled off extreme highs and lows. Shortly after writing this, I spent some serious listening time with the Parasound amp and realized that it was pretty great, if a little "hard" sounding in my system.I'm curious about the 315Bee and the 325Bee as well. I assumed they wouldbe only marginal improvements, but a remote control would be awesome.I'm curious about the B&K ST-140 (the older, 70WPC one), the ST-120, and the newest Parasound Zamp. I've also heard some great things about the OnkyoA9555 Class D integrated.Finally, I take no offense at anyone's opinions about the 304 (or any of my gear) for that matter. Taste is taste, and good is good. Cheers!Joelv(System | Threads | Answers | This Thread)10-13-08: KijankiJoelv - my brother has NAD (I don't remember model #) and he replaced stock jumpers (thick U shaped bars) between pre and power amp with Audioquest Python jumpers (6" $25). It opened rolled off top end.Kijanki(System | Threads | Answers | This Thread)10-13-08: MapmanWhat do you use for source units? Cd/digital or phono or both?Mapman(System | Reviews | Threads | Answers | This Thread)10-13-08: KbarkamianI'm not sure if the source question was directed to me, but I'll chime in...Original source I used was a Playstation1 while I saved money. Upgraded that to an NAD 523 changer. Huge improvement. From the 523 to a Rega Apollo. Even bigger improvement. The 304 was good enough to show definite differences each time. Even non-hifi guys heard big differences.Original turntable was a Technics SL-BD2 with Grado Blue. Upgraded that to a Pro-Ject 1Xpression. Added a Dynavector 10x5 and Speed Box. The only piece I didn't hear through the 304 at one point or another was the 10x5.Regarding the 304 to 320BEE...Everything is improved. Lows, mids, highs, noise. etc. Not a night and day difference IMO, but an overall improvement. You lose a phono stage. Gain a remote and 15 solid watts. Those 15 watts may seem insignificant on paper, but they become very obvious when driving speakers louder, in a larger room, more difficult speakers, etc.I thought the price was well worth it for the 320BEE. I haven't heard the 315BEE. I heard very little difference between the 320BEE and 325BEE. Personally, I'd save a few bucks and get the right 320BEE over a 325BEE.If no good ones were available for the right price, then get a 325BEE.JRKbarkamian(Answers | This Thread)10-18-08: JoelvMy sources are: SONY DVP-NS715P as a CD / DVD player, Technics SL1200 with KAB Fluid damper and Cardas arm rewire w/several cartridges :)I replaced the jumpers with 20" of Kimber PBJ which is different, though not an obvious improvement.I can also say that the phono stage on the 304 is not quite as robust sounding as the one on the 7100 (at twice the retail cost)... which, while I'm at it, has anyone here used the Bellari phono stage? $250 and Stereophile Class B rating from Michael Fremer... is it really that good? I'm skeptical.I miss Lonnie Brownell's reviews. I found that his and, previously, Corey Greenberg's reviews were aligned with my own tastes more than anyone. I also have a soft spot for Sam Tellig.. but I'm way off topic here. :)I'm unemployed, so no new gear for me for awhile. Anyone need a recording engineer?-JoelJoelv(System | Threads | Answers | This Thread)10-19-08: PhasecorrectThe Nad 3155 intergrated is very highly regarded...and more difficult to find(maybe ebay but thats a whole other post) any rate...NAD amps are phenominal value for the money...they sound big, bold, and very in control...much more like a high powered hi-end amp...I also have heard nightmere stories regarding QC issues concerning their CDPs...justmy .o2....Phasecorrect(Reviews | Threads | Answers | This Thread)04-06-09: JoelvAn update: My stalwart 304 has developed some problems -flakiness/fuzzyness/intermittent cutting out in the right channel. I understand capacitors and solder joints are usually to blame, so I'm going to have it repaired.In its stead, I'm using my new Trends TA-10.1, touted as 6 Watts ofgiant-killing, audiophile magic.So far, I'm disappointed, but I am waiting for the batteries to discharge and recharge so I can try that option.Joelv(System | Threads | Answers | This Thread)04-13-09: JoelvOK I just have to update this.I now feel that the Trends TA10.1 is the best amplifier that I've ever owned. It's in another league, completely, from the NAD. Big sound stage, stable, big images, gobs of detail.I'm out of town but will likely post a review of this when I'm back. If anyone wants to discuss how awesome the Trends TA 10.1 is, feel free to e-mail. I'm thrilled!Anubis,I've read a review somewhere on the net, but can't remember where. It was by one of the major magazines, maybe Stereophile?I used to own the 304. It's currently anchoring my 14 year old brother's Xbox/iPod/Insignia speaker system (the Insignias that everyone was raving about).I replaced the 304 with a 320BEE. My only reason was kind of stupid - I wanted a remote control. If this helps, tonally they sound very similar. The 320BEE is a little more refined, but the 304 seems to have a flatter frequency response to my ears.The phono input is very good. To be honest, I thought it was somewhat better than the NAD PP2 phono stage.I've hooked up a lot of different speakers - from totaly garbage 'White Van' speakers to some power hungry NHT towers. While I was in college and a few years afterward, a lot of friends used my 304 as a reference amp, hence the multitude of speakers tried. It never had a problem with any speaker attached as long as I didn't try to make it do impossible things.Depending on your room size and speaker efficiency, it may or may not have enough power. In an average sized room, I had no problems driving my PSB Image T55 towers or PSB Century 500i to loud levels.Keep in mind that any 304 amp probably 15 or so years old. Depending on use or lack thereof, care taken for it, etc., your results may vary quite a bit. Mine (now mybrother's) is very well taken care of.The only fault that I've ever encountered was the solder joints for the inputs. My father being the master mechanic that he is says that they weren't soldered very well. He resoldered the phono and cd inputs for me. Never had any other problems.What else can I tell you... I'm not too sure. Feel free to ask any questions.AnubisBronze MemberUsername: AnubisBirmingham, West Midlands EnglandPost Number: 60Registered: May-06 Posted on Thursday, February 22, 2007 - 11:13 pm:Thankyou, Stu. I found that very helpful, as a matter of fact.I'm still weighing one 304 against many others, including a C357, which I simply can't afford now.There is also a 716 surround amp. I'm used to very simple, 2 channel sound. It will probably bid up to more than the deposit for a new one anyhow.Then my 'sensible voice' starts up with "get the 3155 - its got to be better than your old 3225PE..!" Not necessarily, though... Hard choice, without being able to listen.Then perhaps I could always make-do with that old 3130, I could have: �49 +postage on a 'Buy It Now'.Ah... I dunno. I've had to go away and cool off from it all. I can't decide which will be best for me. Oh for the buying power, to just walk into a showroom...The thing that turns me on, is when you find a gem; Like with my old 3020... But I've simply outgrown it's limitations.Cheers,VStu PittGold Member Username: Stu_pittIrvington, New York USAPost Number: 1584 Registered: May-05 Posted on Friday, February 23, 2007 - 01:33 pm:What do you have right now? The 3225PE I presume?If you own that and it's in operable condition, most of the ones listed will probably be a lateral move IMO.If you don't have anything right now and need a temporary band-aid, pretty much any of them will suffice, as long as they can drive your speakers. They all have the a similar house sound.The C352 would hands down be the best of the bunch IMO.If you're looking for a short term replacement and loved your 3020, the 304 will probably run closest. It'll most likely have the limitations the 3020 did. Its 35 wpc. If you need specs on any NAD gear, search around the NAD website. I believe they have old brochures with specs on PDF format in the Support section.I'll be out of town and away from the computer for a few days. If you need more help, let me know.AnubisBronze MemberUsername: AnubisBirmingham, West Midlands EnglandPost Number: 65Registered: May-06 Posted on Friday, February 23, 2007 - 03:26 pm:Yes, I have the 3225PE, which is broken. I have a 3020 standing in in the living room, but when the 3225 was operational, the 3020 was on computer/art studio duty.To be honest, Stu, your comments speak volumes to me, compared with a mere list of specs. Because most tech talk is chinese to me, I find that by reading (honest) reviews, where a tester has listened critically and mentioned both low and high points, gives me the best idea about a piece of gear.Of course, silly as it sounds, I've avoided the BEE models and I think this is down to the fact they've all too often been laid against the C357, whose general reputation is of the best NAD can provide in this price bracket.I still sometimes wonder about what a new C320 BEE would do for me, in reality. I can get this, possibly the entry level, new, for around �200.VNuckGold Member Username: NuckPost Number: 5986 Registered: Dec-04 Posted on Friday, February 23, 2007 - 07:07 pm: V, does that 320BEE come with a phono?Anubis Posted on Friday, February 23, 2007 - 10:01 pm:I'm not sure, although noticing after a certain point, NAD simply stopped putting internal phono stages into their amps, I would not beBronze MemberUsername: AnubisBirmingham, West Midlands EnglandPost Number: 66Registered: May-06 surprised to find it doesn't.Which is a shame, because the big selling factor for NAD is VFM. As the amps have become more powerful and ISC came in, they've dropped the stages.Still, I trust that they'll be worth it in many ways.VAnubisBronze Member Username: AnubisBirmingham, West Midlands EnglandPost Number: 67Registered: May-06 Posted on Friday, February 23, 2007 - 10:03 pm:Actually, damn it... I seem to recall now that it does... I'd have to check.VStu PittGold Member Username: Stu_pittIrvington, New York USAPost Number: 1585 Registered: May-05 Posted on Saturday, February 24, 2007 - 11:13 pm:None of the current NAD integrateds have an internal phono stage. They have an input called "disc," but its not a true phono input. They label it that way so you can connect an external phono stage to it. I run mine with a PP-2. It suffecient for me for now. When I re-do the system, it'll definitely be replaced.If your budget is tight, the 320BEE could be the way to go. If your budget can stretch it, the 352 is easily worth the added price. It sounds much more natural and doesn't have the frequency response bumps the 320BEE has. The 372 may be better than the 352, but if you don't need the extra power it may not be worth your time.Just some food for thought.AnubisBronze MemberUsername: AnubisBirmingham, West Midlands England Post Number: 75 Posted on Thursday, March 01, 2007 - 02:28 am:I wouldn't look at either of the BEE models, since my review sources tell me these are the entry level amps in the NAD range and therefore may be coloured slightly, to accept a cheaper range of speakers.I wouldn't consider buying a C357 new, because at it's current RRP, it's way above budget. The C352 is something of an improvement over the older C350 (more on this in a moment!) and would seem to more than adequately fulfill my requirements for neutrality, soundstaging andRegistered: May-06 bass control. Only problem is that a new one is more than I can affordright now and second hand, well - they are shooting up above mycurrent budget... So...I'm about to become the proud owner of a once award winning...C350!In very nearly mint condition, too!. Box, manual, fully workingremote.Considering I was looking for a rough patch for a broken 3225PE,along the lines of 3030 and 3130, as you might imagine, I'm veryexcited, awaiting it's arrival!VAnubisBronze MemberUsername: AnubisBirmingham, West Midlands EnglandPost Number: 76Registered: May-06 Posted on Thursday, March 01, 2007 - 02:34 am:Oh - and what I've saved, I shall put towards an outboard phono stage in future. I can wait for now, to hear my vinyl - while I use CD and all those other useful inputs. I think it's better to be patient and build the system back up, slowly, than to try and cram everything into a small budget at once.V。





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