阿甘正传 中英双语剧本省纸打印版
Forrest Gump 阿甘正传中英双语剧本你好。
我叫福雷斯,福雷斯甘Hello. My name's Forrest - Forrest Gump.要吃巧克力吗? Do you want a chocolate?我能吃掉上百万块巧克力I could eat about a million and a half of these.我妈妈常说My mama always said人生就像一盒各式各样的巧克力Life was like a box of chocolates.你永远不知道下一块将会是哪种You never know what you're going to get.那双鞋子一定很舒适Those must be comfortable shoes.穿这样的鞋子你可以走上一整天I bet you could walk all day in shoes like that脚都不会痛and not feel a thing.我希望能有一双这样的鞋子I wish I had shoes like that.其实我的脚很痛My feet hurt .妈妈常说要想知道一个人的很多事情Mama always said there's an awful lot只要看看他穿的鞋就能知道you can tell about a person by their shoes.他会往哪里走Where they're going,他住在哪里where they've been.我穿过很多双鞋子I've worn lots of shoes.如果我仔细想的话I bet if I think about it real hard我能记得我第一双鞋子的模样I could remember my first pair of shoes.妈妈说它会带我到任何地方Mama said they'd take me anywhere .她说它是双魔鞋She said they was my magic shoes.好的,福雷斯,张开双眼All right, Forrest, Open your eyes now .你走几步看看Let's take a little walk around.感觉如何?How do those feel?他的双腿很强壮,甘太太His legs are strong, Mrs. Gump,是我见过最强壮的as strong as I've ever seen.但是他的背象政客一样弯But his back's as crooked as a politician.但我们会让他再直起来,对吧?But we're going to straighten him right up, aren't we, Forrest?福雷斯!Forrest!我刚出世时Now, when I was a baby,妈用了一位内战英雄的名字为我取名Mama named me after the great Civil War hero内森贝弗福雷斯将军General Nathan Bedford Forrest.内森贝弗福雷斯将军General Nathan Bedford Forrest.她说我们有点亲戚关系She said we was related to him in some way.他做过的事情是:What he did was,建立了一个俱乐部叫三K党he tarted up this club called the Ku Klux Klan.他们全披着长袍和床单They'd all dress up in theirrobes and their bed sheets看来像一群鬼and act like a bunch of ghosts or spooks or something.他们还在马上也披了床单四处跑They'd even put bed sheets on their horses and ride around.不管怎样,这就是我名字的由来:福雷斯甘And, anyway, that'show I got my name-- Forrest Gump.妈妈说这名字是提醒我Mama said the Forrest part was to remind me我们会经常做一些that sometimes we all do things that, well,并没有意义的事情that just don't make no sense.向这边!This way. Hold on. Ugh!好了All right.你们在看什么?What are y'all staring at?从来没有见过Haven't you ever seen小孩子戴脚撑的吗? a little boy with braces on his legs before ?不要管其它人Don't ever let anybody说他们比你强,福雷斯tell you they're better than you, Forrest.如果上帝要让人人都一样的话If God intended everybody to be the same,他会给每人一双脚撑he'd have given us all braces on our legs.妈妈总有办法让我明白她的意思Mama always had a way of explaining things so I could understand them.我们住在17号公路附近We lived about a quarter mile off Route 17,距离亚拉巴马州绿茵镇约半哩about a half mile from the town of Greenbow, Alabama.这个地方属于绿茵县That's in the county of Greenbow.我们的房子来自妈妈的家族Our house had been in Mama's family从她爷爷的爷爷的爷爷传下来的since her grandpa's grandpa's grandpa他大概在一千年前飘洋过海来这里had come across the ocean about a thousand years ago.房子只有我和妈妈住Since it was just me and Mama我们有好多空房间and we had all these empty rooms,妈妈将这些空房出租Mama decided to let those rooms out,给路过的人住mostly to people passing through,比如从莫比镇、或蒙哥马利镇来的人Like from, oh, Mobile, Montgomery, places like that.我和妈妈靠这个挣到钱That's how me and Mama got money.妈妈是个很聪明的女士Mama was a real smart lady.记住我说的话,福雷斯Remember what I told you, Forrest.你和其它任何人是一样的You're no different than anybody else is.听清楚了没有,福雷斯?Did you hear what I said, Forrest?你和其它人是一样的You're the same as everybody else.你并没有什么不一样You are no different.你的孩子有点不一样,甘太太Your boy's...different, Mrs. Gump.他的智商只有75 His I.Q is 75.我们都是不一样的Well, we're all different,汉考克先生Mr. Hancock.她希望我得到最好的教育She wanted me to have the finest education所以她带我去绿茵县中心学校so she took me to the Greenbow County Central School.我见到了校长什么的I met the principal and all.请你看看这个,甘太太I want to show you something, Mrs. Gump.这是正常水平Now, this is normal.福雷斯则是在这儿Forrest is right here .州政府要求智商起码要80 The state require s a minimum I.Q of 80才能上公立学校to attend public school.甘太太Mrs. Gump,他应该上特殊学校he's going to have to go to a special school.在那里他会很好的Now, he'll be just fine.正常水平是什么意思? What does normal mean anyway ?他可能…He might be...反应不太灵敏 a bit on the slow side,但我儿子福雷斯but my boy Forrest应该和其它人一样得到机会is going to get the same opportunities as everyone else.他不该去特殊学校He's not going to some special school学怎么翻修轮胎to learn how to retread tires.这不过是区区5分的问题We're talking about five little points here .一定会有办法解决的There must be something can be done.我们的学校是要排名次的We're a progressive school system.我们不想有人拉后腿We don't want to see anybody left behind.甘先生在哪儿,甘太太?Is there a Mr. Gump, Mrs. Gump?他去度假了He's on vacation.你妈妈真是很关心你的教育,孩子Well, your mama sure does care about your schooling, son.你不太会说话,是吗?You don't say much, do you?“最后,他必须去试一试"Finally, he had to try.“看起来容易,但是…"It looked easy, but...“发生了怪事,首先他们…oh, what happened. First they--"妈妈,度假是什么意思?Mama, what's vacation mean?度假?Vacation?爸爸去哪儿了?Where Daddy went?度假就是你去一个地方…Vacation's when you go somewhere...然后就不再回来and you don't ever come back.总之,我想你可以说Anyway, I guess you could say我和妈妈无依无靠me and Mama was on our own.但我们不介意But we didn't mind.我们的房子总住满了人Our house was never empty.经常是人来人往的There was always folks coming and going.开饭!Supper!大家来吃晚饭啦!It's supper, everyone!这看起来很特别That sure looks special.有时有这么多人和我们一起住Sometimes, we had so many people staying with us每个房间都住满了旅客that every room was filled, with travelers, you know,这些人带着行李箱子folks living out of their suitcases还有帽子箱子,还有样品箱子and hat cases and sample cases.福雷斯甘,吃晚饭了!福雷斯?Forrest Gump, it's suppertime! Forrest?有一次,又有位年青人和我们住一起One time, a young man was staying with us,他带着一个吉它箱子and he had him a guitar case.“你从来逮不到兔子”# Well, you ain't never caught a rabbit #“你也不是…”# And you ain't no #“我的朋友”# Friend of mine #福雷斯Forrest,叫你不要打扰这位叔叔I told you not to bother this nice young man.不,没关系,太太No, that's all right, ma'am.我在弹吉它给他听I was showing him a thing or two on the guitar.好吧,你可以来吃晚饭了All right. Supper's ready if y'all want to eat.行,好极了。
主演:汤姆汉克片名:阿甘正传译文:Freesand Leo你好。
我叫福雷斯,福雷斯甘 Hello. My name's Forrest - Forrest Gump.要吃巧克力吗? Do you want a chocolate? 我能吃掉上百万块巧克力I could eat about a million and a half of these.我妈妈常说 My mama always said人生就像一盒各式各样的巧克力 Life was like a box of chocolates.你永远不知道下一块将会是哪种You never know what you're going to get.那双鞋子一定很舒适Those must be comfortable shoes.穿这样的鞋子你可以走上一整天I bet you could walk all day in shoes like that脚都不会痛 and not feel a thing.我希望能有一双这样的鞋子 I wish I hadshoes like that.其实我的脚很痛 My feet hurt .妈妈常说要想知道一个人的很多事情 Mama always said there's an awful lot只要看看他穿的鞋就能知道 you can tell about a person by their shoes.他会往哪里走 Where they're going,他住在哪里 where they've been.我穿过很多双鞋子I've worn lots of shoes.如果我仔细想的话I bet if I think about it real hard我能记得我第一双鞋子的模样I could remember my first pair of shoes.妈妈说它会带我到任何地方Mama said they'd take me anywhere .她说它是双魔鞋 She said they was my magic shoes.好的,福雷斯,开双眼All right,Forrest, Open your eyes now .你走几步看看 Let's take a little walk around.感觉如何? How do those feel?他的双腿很强壮,甘太太 His legs are strong, Mrs. Gump,是我见过最强壮的as strong as I've ever seen.但是他的背象政客一样弯 But his back's as crooked as a politician.但我们会让他再直起来,对吧?But we're going to straighten him right up, aren't we, Forrest?福雷斯! Forrest!我刚出世时 Now, when I was a baby,妈用了一位战英雄的名字为我取名 Mama named me afterthe great Civil War hero森贝弗福雷斯将军General NathanBedford Forrest.森贝弗福雷斯将军General Nathan Bedford Forrest.她说我们有点亲戚关系 She said we was related to him in some way.他做过的事情是: What he did was,建立了一个俱乐部叫三K党 he tarted up this club called the Ku Klux Klan.他们全披着长袍和床单 They'd all dress up in their robes and their bed sheets看来像一群鬼 and act like a bunch of ghosts or spooks or something.他们还在马上也披了床单四处跑 They'd even put bed sheets on their horses and ride around.不管怎样,这就是我名字的由来:福雷斯甘And, anyway, that'show I got my name-- Forrest Gump.妈妈说这名字是提醒我Mama said the Forrest part was to remind me我们会经常做一些that sometimes we all do things that, well,并没有意义的事情 that just don't make no sense.向这边! This way. Hold on. Ugh!好了 All right.你们在看什么? What are y'all staring at?从来没有见过 Haven't you ever seen小孩子戴脚撑的吗? a little boy with braces on his legs before ?不要管其它人 Don't ever let anybody说他们比你强,福雷斯 tell you they're better than you, Forrest.如果上帝要让人人都一样的话If God intended everybody to be the same,他会给每人一双脚撑 he'd have given usall braces on our legs.妈妈总有办法让我明白她的意思Mama always had a way of explaining things so I could understand them.我们住在17号公路附近 We lived about a quarter mile off Route 17,距离亚拉巴马州绿茵镇约半哩about a half mile from the town of Greenbow, Alabama.这个地方属于绿茵县That's in the county of Greenbow.我们的房子来自妈妈的家族Our house had been in Mama's family从她爷爷的爷爷的爷爷传下来的since her grandpa's grandpa's grandpa他大概在一千年前飘洋过海来这里 had come across the ocean about a thousand years ago.房子只有我和妈妈住 Since it was justme and Mama我们有好多空房间 and we had all these empty rooms,妈妈将这些空房出租Mama decided to let those rooms out,给路过的人住 mostly to people passing through,比如从莫比镇、或蒙哥马利镇来的人 Like from, oh, Mobile, Montgomery, places like that.我和妈妈靠这个挣到钱That's how me and Mama got money.妈妈是个很聪明的女士 Mama was a real smart lady.记住我说的话,福雷斯 Remember what I told you, Forrest.你和其它任何人是一样的You're no different than anybody else is.听清楚了没有,福雷斯? Did you hearwhat I said, Forrest?你和其它人是一样的 You're the same as everybody else.你并没有什么不一样You are no different.你的孩子有点不一样,甘太太Your boy's...different, Mrs. Gump.他的智商只有75 His I.Q is 75.我们都是不一样的Well, we're all different,汉考克先生 Mr. Hancock.她希望我得到最好的教育 She wanted me to have the finest education所以她带我去绿茵县中心学校 so she to ok me to the Greenbow County Central School.我见到了校长什么的I met the principal and all.请你看看这个,甘太太 I want to showyou something, Mrs. Gump.这是正常水平 Now, this is normal.福雷斯则是在这儿Forrest is right here .州政府要求智商起码要80 The state require s a minimum I.Q of 80才能上公立学校to attend public school.甘太太 Mrs. Gump,他应该上特殊学校 he's going to have to go to a special school.在那里他会很好的 Now, he'll be just fine.正常水平是什么意思? What does normal mean anyway ?他可能… He might be...反应不太灵敏 a bit on the slow side, 但我儿子福雷斯 but my boy Forrest应该和其它人一样得到机会 is going toget the same opportunities as everyone else.他不该去特殊学校He's not going to some special school学怎么翻修轮胎to learn how to retread tires.这不过是区区5分的问题 We're talking about five little points here .一定会有办法解决的There must be something can be done.我们的学校是要排名次的We're a progressive school system.我们不想有人拉后腿 We don't want to see anybody left behind.甘先生在哪儿,甘太太? Is there a Mr. Gump, Mrs. Gump?他去度假了 He's on vacation.你妈妈真是很关心你的教育,孩子 Well, your mama sure does care about yourschooling, son.你不太会说话,是吗?You don't say much, do you?“最后,他必须去试一试 "Finally, he had to try.“看起来容易,但是… "It looked easy, but...“发生了怪事,首先他们…oh, what happened. First they--"妈妈,度假是什么意思? Mama, what's vacation mean?度假? Vacation?爸爸去哪儿了? Where Daddy went?度假就是你去一个地方…Vacation's when you go somewhere...然后就不再回来and you don't ever come back.总之,我想你可以说Anyway, I guess you could say我和妈妈无依无靠 me and Mama was on our own.但我们不介意 But we didn't mind.我们的房子总住满了人Our house was never empty.经常是人来人往的There was always folks coming and going.开饭! Supper!大家来吃晚饭啦!It's supper, everyone!这看起来很特别That sure looks special.有时有这么多人和我们一起住 Sometimes, we had so many people staying with us 每个房间都住满了旅客 that every room was filled, with travelers, you know, 这些人带着行箱子 folks living out of their suitcases还有帽子箱子,还有样品箱子and hatcases and sample cases.福雷斯甘,吃晚饭了!福雷斯? Forrest Gump, it's suppertime! Forrest?有一次,又有位年青人和我们住一起 One time, a young man was staying with us, 他带着一个吉它箱子 and he had him a guitar case.“你从来逮不到兔子”# Well, you ain't never caught a rabbit #“你也不是…” # And you ain't no # “我的朋友” # Friend of mine #福雷斯 Forrest,叫你不要打扰这位叔叔 I told you not to bother this nice young man.不,没关系,太太 No, that's all right, ma'am.我在弹吉它给他听 I was showing him a thing or two on theguitar.好吧,你可以来吃晚饭了All right. Supper's ready if y'all want to eat. 行,好极了。
她说它是双魔鞋 She said they was my magic shoes.
好的,福雷斯,张开双眼 All right, Forrest, Open your eyes now .
你走几步看看 Let's take a little walk around.
感觉如何? How do those feel?
Forrest Gump 阿甘正传 中英双语剧本
你好。我叫福雷斯,福雷斯甘 Hello. My name's Forrest - Forrest Gump.
要吃巧克力吗? Do you want a chocolate?
我能吃掉上百万块巧克力 I could eat about a million and a half of these.
他的双腿很强壮,甘太太 His legs are strong, Mrs. Gump,
是我见过最强壮的 as strong as I've ever seen.
但是他的背象政客一样弯 But his back's as crooked as a politician.
但我们会让他再直起来,对吧? But we're going to straighten him right up, aren't we, Forrest?
我和妈妈靠这个挣到钱 That's how me and Mama got money.
妈妈是个很聪明的女士 Mama was a real smart lady.
记住我说的话,福雷斯 Remember what I told you, Forrest.
Forrest Gump 阿甘正传中英双语剧本你好。
我叫福雷斯,福雷斯甘Hello. My name's Forrest - Forrest Gump.要吃巧克力吗? Do you want a chocolate?我能吃掉上百万块巧克力I could eat about a million and a half of these.我妈妈常说My mama always said人生就像一盒各式各样的巧克力Life was like a box of chocolates.你永远不知道下一块将会是哪种You never know what you're going to get.那双鞋子一定很舒适Those must be comfortable shoes.穿这样的鞋子你可以走上一整天I bet you could walk all day in shoes like that脚都不会痛and not feel a thing.我希望能有一双这样的鞋子I wish I had shoes like that.其实我的脚很痛My feet hurt .妈妈常说要想知道一个人的很多事情Mama always said there's an awful lot只要看看他穿的鞋就能知道you can tell about a person by their shoes.他会往哪里走Where they're going,他住在哪里where they've been.我穿过很多双鞋子I've worn lots of shoes.如果我仔细想的话I bet if I think about it real hard我能记得我第一双鞋子的模样I could remember my first pair of shoes.妈妈说它会带我到任何地方Mama said they'd take me anywhere .她说它是双魔鞋She said they was my magic shoes.好的,福雷斯,张开双眼All right, Forrest, Open your eyes now .你走几步看看Let's take a little walk around.感觉如何?How do those feel?他的双腿很强壮,甘太太His legs are strong, Mrs. Gump,是我见过最强壮的as strong as I've ever seen.但是他的背象政客一样弯But his back's as crooked as a politician.但我们会让他再直起来,对吧?But we're going to straighten him right up, aren't we, Forrest?福雷斯!Forrest!我刚出世时Now, when I was a baby,妈用了一位内战英雄的名字为我取名Mama named me after the great Civil War hero内森贝弗福雷斯将军General Nathan Bedford Forrest.内森贝弗福雷斯将军General Nathan Bedford Forrest.她说我们有点亲戚关系She said we was related to him in some way.他做过的事情是:What he did was,建立了一个俱乐部叫三K党he tarted up this club called the Ku Klux Klan.他们全披着长袍和床单They'd all dress up in their robes and their bed sheets看来像一群鬼and act like a bunch of ghosts or spooks or something.他们还在马上也披了床单四处跑They'd even put bed sheets on their horses and ride around.不管怎样,这就是我名字的由来:福雷斯甘And, anyway, that'show I got my name-- Forrest Gump.妈妈说这名字是提醒我Mama said the Forrest part was to remind me我们会经常做一些that sometimes we all do things that, well,并没有意义的事情that just don't make no sense.向这边!This way. Hold on. Ugh!好了All right.你们在看什么?What are y'all staring at?从来没有见过Haven't you ever seen小孩子戴脚撑的吗? a little boy with braces on his legs before ?不要管其它人Don't ever let anybody说他们比你强,福雷斯tell you they're better than you, Forrest.如果上帝要让人人都一样的话If God intended everybody to be the same,他会给每人一双脚撑he'd have given us all braces on our legs.妈妈总有办法让我明白她的意思Mama always had a way of explaining things so I could understand them. 我们住在17号公路附近We lived about a quarter mile off Route 17,距离亚拉巴马州绿茵镇约半哩about a half mile from the town of Greenbow, Alabama.这个地方属于绿茵县That's in the county of Greenbow.我们的房子来自妈妈的家族Our house had been in Mama's family从她爷爷的爷爷的爷爷传下来的since her grandpa's grandpa's grandpa他大概在一千年前飘洋过海来这里had come across the ocean about a thousand years ago.房子只有我和妈妈住Since it was just me and Mama我们有好多空房间and we had all these empty rooms,妈妈将这些空房出租Mama decided to let those rooms out,给路过的人住mostly to people passing through,比如从莫比镇、或蒙哥马利镇来的人Like from, oh, Mobile, Montgomery, places like that.我和妈妈靠这个挣到钱That's how me and Mama got money.妈妈是个很聪明的女士Mama was a real smart lady.记住我说的话,福雷斯Remember what I told you, Forrest.你和其它任何人是一样的You're no different than anybody else is.听清楚了没有,福雷斯?Did you hear what I said, Forrest?你和其它人是一样的You're the same as everybody else.你并没有什么不一样You are no different.你的孩子有点不一样,甘太太Your boy's...different, Mrs. Gump.他的智商只有75 His I.Q is 75.我们都是不一样的Well, we're all different,汉考克先生Mr. Hancock.她希望我得到最好的教育She wanted me to have the finest education所以她带我去绿茵县中心学校so she took me to the Greenbow County Central School.我见到了校长什么的I met the principal and all.请你看看这个,甘太太I want to show you something, Mrs. Gump.这是正常水平Now, this is normal.福雷斯则是在这儿Forrest is right here .州政府要求智商起码要80 The state require s a minimum I.Q of 80才能上公立学校to attend public school.甘太太Mrs. Gump,他应该上特殊学校he's going to have to go to a special school.在那里他会很好的Now, he'll be just fine.正常水平是什么意思? What does normal mean anyway ?他可能…He might be...反应不太灵敏 a bit on the slow side,但我儿子福雷斯but my boy Forrest应该和其它人一样得到机会is going to get the same opportunities as everyone else.他不该去特殊学校He's not going to some special school学怎么翻修轮胎to learn how to retread tires.这不过是区区5分的问题We're talking about five little points here .一定会有办法解决的There must be something can be done.我们的学校是要排名次的We're a progressive school system.我们不想有人拉后腿We don't want to see anybody left behind.甘先生在哪儿,甘太太?Is there a Mr. Gump, Mrs. Gump?他去度假了He's on vacation.你妈妈真是很关心你的教育,孩子Well, your mama sure does care about your schooling, son. 你不太会说话,是吗?You don't say much, do you?“最后,他必须去试一试"Finally, he had to try.“看起来容易,但是…"It looked easy, but...“发生了怪事,首先他们…oh, what happened. First they--"妈妈,度假是什么意思?Mama, what's vacation mean?度假?Vacation?爸爸去哪儿了?Where Daddy went?度假就是你去一个地方…Vacation's when you go somewhere...然后就不再回来and you don't ever come back.总之,我想你可以说Anyway, I guess you could say我和妈妈无依无靠me and Mama was on our own.但我们不介意But we didn't mind.我们的房子总住满了人Our house was never empty.经常是人来人往的There was always folks coming and going.开饭!Supper!大家来吃晚饭啦!It's supper, everyone!这看起来很特别That sure looks special.有时有这么多人和我们一起住Sometimes, we had so many people staying with us每个房间都住满了旅客that every room was filled, with travelers, you know,这些人带着行李箱子folks living out of their suitcases还有帽子箱子,还有样品箱子and hat cases and sample cases.福雷斯甘,吃晚饭了!福雷斯?Forrest Gump, it's suppertime! Forrest?有一次,又有位年青人和我们住一起One time, a young man was staying with us,他带着一个吉它箱子and he had him a guitar case.“你从来逮不到兔子”# Well, you ain't never caught a rabbit #“你也不是…”# And you ain't no #“我的朋友”# Friend of mine #福雷斯Forrest,叫你不要打扰这位叔叔I told you not to bother this nice young man.不,没关系,太太No, that's all right, ma'am.我在弹吉它给他听I was showing him a thing or two on the guitar.好吧,你可以来吃晚饭了All right. Supper's ready if y'all want to eat.行,好极了。
Forrest Gump《阿甘正传》Forrest: Hello. My name's Forrest - Forrest Gump.Forrest Gump: 人名你好。
我叫Forrest - Forrest Gump。
Do you want a chocolate? I could eat about a million and a half of these.chocolate: 巧克力a million and a half: 150万要吃巧克力吗?我能吃掉上百万块巧克力。
My mama always said Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're going to get.我妈妈常说人生就像一盒各式各样的巧克力。
Those must be comfortable shoes. I bet you could walk all day in shoes like that and notfeel a thing. I wish I had shoes like that.comfortable: 舒适的bet: 有把握说not feel a thing: 什么感觉都没有wish: 希望那双鞋子一定很舒适。
-Black Woman: My feet hurt.hurt: 感到疼痛其实我的脚很痛。
-Forrest: Mama always said there's an awful lot you can tell about a person by their shoes. awful: [口语] 非常的tell about: 讲诉(告诉关于...信息)妈妈常说要想知道一个人的很多事情,只要看看他穿的鞋就能知道。
Forrest Gump 阿甘正传中英双语剧本你好。
我叫福雷斯,福雷斯甘Hello. My name's Forrest - Forrest Gump.要吃巧克力吗? Do you want a chocolate?我能吃掉上百万块巧克力I could eat about a million and a half of these.我妈妈常说My mama always said人生就像一盒各式各样的巧克力Life was like a box of chocolates.你永远不知道下一块将会是哪种You never know what you're going to get.那双鞋子一定很舒适Those must be comfortable shoes.穿这样的鞋子你可以走上一整天I bet you could walk all day in shoes like that脚都不会痛and not feel a thing.我希望能有一双这样的鞋子I wish I had shoes like that.其实我的脚很痛My feet hurt .妈妈常说要想知道一个人的很多事情Mama always said there's an awful lot只要看看他穿的鞋就能知道you can tell about a person by their shoes.他会往哪里走Where they're going,他住在哪里where they've been.我穿过很多双鞋子I've worn lots of shoes.如果我仔细想的话I bet if I think about it real hard我能记得我第一双鞋子的模样I could remember my first pair of shoes.妈妈说它会带我到任何地方Mama said they'd take me anywhere .她说它是双魔鞋She said they was my magic shoes.好的,福雷斯,张开双眼All right, Forrest, Open your eyes now .你走几步看看Let's take a little walk around.感觉如何?How do those feel?他的双腿很强壮,甘太太His legs are strong, Mrs. Gump,是我见过最强壮的as strong as I've ever seen.但是他的背象政客一样弯But his back's as crooked as a politician.但我们会让他再直起来,对吧?But we're going to straighten him right up, aren't we, Forrest?福雷斯!Forrest!我刚出世时Now, when I was a baby,妈用了一位内战英雄的名字为我取名Mama named me after the great Civil War hero内森贝弗福雷斯将军General Nathan Bedford Forrest.内森贝弗福雷斯将军General Nathan Bedford Forrest.她说我们有点亲戚关系She said we was related to him in some way.他做过的事情是:What he did was,建立了一个俱乐部叫三K党he tarted up this club called the Ku Klux Klan.他们全披着长袍和床单They'd all dress up in theirrobes and their bed sheets看来像一群鬼and act like a bunch of ghosts or spooks or something.他们还在马上也披了床单四处跑They'd even put bed sheets on their horses and ride around.不管怎样,这就是我名字的由来:福雷斯甘And, anyway, that'show I got my name-- Forrest Gump.妈妈说这名字是提醒我Mama said the Forrest part was to remind me我们会经常做一些that sometimes we all do things that, well,并没有意义的事情that just don't make no sense.向这边!This way. Hold on. Ugh!好了All right.你们在看什么?What are y'all staring at?从来没有见过Haven't you ever seen小孩子戴脚撑的吗? a little boy with braces on his legs before ?不要管其它人Don't ever let anybody说他们比你强,福雷斯tell you they're better than you, Forrest.如果上帝要让人人都一样的话If God intended everybody to be the same,他会给每人一双脚撑he'd have given us all braces on our legs.妈妈总有办法让我明白她的意思Mama always had a way of explaining things so I could understand them.我们住在17号公路附近We lived about a quarter mile off Route 17,距离亚拉巴马州绿茵镇约半哩about a half mile from the town of Greenbow, Alabama.这个地方属于绿茵县That's in the county of Greenbow.我们的房子来自妈妈的家族Our house had been in Mama's family从她爷爷的爷爷的爷爷传下来的since her grandpa's grandpa's grandpa他大概在一千年前飘洋过海来这里had come across the ocean about a thousand years ago.房子只有我和妈妈住Since it was just me and Mama我们有好多空房间and we had all these empty rooms,妈妈将这些空房出租Mama decided to let those rooms out,给路过的人住mostly to people passing through,比如从莫比镇、或蒙哥马利镇来的人Like from, oh, Mobile, Montgomery, places like that.我和妈妈靠这个挣到钱That's how me and Mama got money.妈妈是个很聪明的女士Mama was a real smart lady.记住我说的话,福雷斯Remember what I told you, Forrest.你和其它任何人是一样的You're no different than anybody else is.听清楚了没有,福雷斯?Did you hear what I said, Forrest?你和其它人是一样的You're the same as everybody else.你并没有什么不一样You are no different.你的孩子有点不一样,甘太太Your boy's...different, Mrs. Gump.他的智商只有75 His I.Q is 75.我们都是不一样的Well, we're all different,汉考克先生Mr. Hancock.她希望我得到最好的教育She wanted me to have the finest education所以她带我去绿茵县中心学校so she took me to the Greenbow County Central School.我见到了校长什么的I met the principal and all.请你看看这个,甘太太I want to show you something, Mrs. Gump.这是正常水平Now, this is normal.福雷斯则是在这儿Forrest is right here .州政府要求智商起码要80 The state require s a minimum I.Q of 80才能上公立学校to attend public school.甘太太Mrs. Gump,他应该上特殊学校he's going to have to go to a special school.在那里他会很好的Now, he'll be just fine.正常水平是什么意思? What does normal mean anyway ?他可能…He might be...反应不太灵敏 a bit on the slow side,但我儿子福雷斯but my boy Forrest应该和其它人一样得到机会is going to get the same opportunities as everyone else.他不该去特殊学校He's not going to some special school学怎么翻修轮胎to learn how to retread tires.这不过是区区5分的问题We're talking about five little points here .一定会有办法解决的There must be something can be done.我们的学校是要排名次的We're a progressive school system.我们不想有人拉后腿We don't want to see anybody left behind.甘先生在哪儿,甘太太?Is there a Mr. Gump, Mrs. Gump?他去度假了He's on vacation.你妈妈真是很关心你的教育,孩子Well, your mama sure does care about your schooling, son.你不太会说话,是吗?You don't say much, do you?“最后,他必须去试一试"Finally, he had to try.“看起来容易,但是…"It looked easy, but...“发生了怪事,首先他们…oh, what happened. First they--"妈妈,度假是什么意思?Mama, what's vacation mean?度假?Vacation?爸爸去哪儿了?Where Daddy went?度假就是你去一个地方…Vacation's when you go somewhere...然后就不再回来and you don't ever come back.总之,我想你可以说Anyway, I guess you could say我和妈妈无依无靠me and Mama was on our own.但我们不介意But we didn't mind.我们的房子总住满了人Our house was never empty.经常是人来人往的There was always folks coming and going.开饭!Supper!大家来吃晚饭啦!It's supper, everyone!这看起来很特别That sure looks special.有时有这么多人和我们一起住Sometimes, we had so many people staying with us每个房间都住满了旅客that every room was filled, with travelers, you know,这些人带着行李箱子folks living out of their suitcases还有帽子箱子,还有样品箱子and hat cases and sample cases.福雷斯甘,吃晚饭了!福雷斯?Forrest Gump, it's suppertime! Forrest?有一次,又有位年青人和我们住一起One time, a young man was staying with us,他带着一个吉它箱子and he had him a guitar case.“你从来逮不到兔子”# Well, you ain't never caught a rabbit #“你也不是…”# And you ain't no #“我的朋友”# Friend of mine #福雷斯Forrest,叫你不要打扰这位叔叔I told you not to bother this nice young man.不,没关系,太太No, that's all right, ma'am.我在弹吉它给他听I was showing him a thing or two on the guitar.好吧,你可以来吃晚饭了All right. Supper's ready if y'all want to eat.行,好极了。
on ain oh,gotifthetheIananto forait,offof histhetheaaIthe inainasaI theshemytoI ofdid me toaI'dall mydidinfor还是我们的生命中只有偶然or if we're all just floating around accidental-like象在风中飘…on a breeze...但我想…but I--I think...也许两者都有吧maybe it's both.也许两者都在同时发生着Maybe both get happening at the same time.可是我想念你,珍妮But I miss you, Jenny.如果你想要什么…If there's anything you need...我就在你身边I won't be far away.你的车来了Here's your bus.好吧O.K.嗨…Hey...我知道I know this.我会在故事会上讲故事I'm gonna share that for show-and-tell因为奶奶曾给你读过because Grandma used to read it to you.我最喜欢的书My favorite book.好了Here we are.嘿…Hey...你该走了here you go.嘿,福雷斯…Hey, Forrest...不要…don't--我想告诉你我爱你I want to tell you I love you.我也爱你,爸爸I love you, too, Daddy.我就在这儿等你回来I'll be right here when you get back.你知道这是校车,是吧?You understand this is the bus to school, now, don't you?当然,你是多萝西哈里斯,我是福雷斯甘Of course, and you're Dorothy Harris, and I'm Forrest Gump.。
我叫福尔斯,福尔斯·甘 [3:20]Hello. My name's Forrest Forrest Gump.要吃巧克力吗? [3:30] Do you want a chocolate?我能吃掉上150万块巧克力[3:35]I could eat about a million and a half of these.我妈妈常说[3:39]My mama always said人生就像一盒各式各样的巧克力====Life was like a box of chocolates.你永远不知道下一块将会是哪种[3:46]You never know what you're going to get.那双鞋子一定很舒适[3:56]Those must be comfortable shoes.穿这样的鞋子你可以走上一整天[4:01]I bet you could walk all day in shoes like that脚都不会痛====and not feel a thing.我希望能有一双这样的鞋子[4:08]I wish I had shoes like that.其实我的脚很痛[4:10]My feet hurt.妈妈常说要想知道一个人的很多事情[4:13]Mama always said there's an awful lot只要看看他穿的鞋就能知道[4:15]you can tell about a person by their shoes.他会往哪里走[4:19]Where they're going, 他住在哪里====where they've been.我穿过很多双鞋子[4:29]I've worn lots of shoes.如果我仔细想的话[4:35]I bet if I think about it real hard我能记得我第一双鞋子的模样====I could remember my first pair of shoes.妈妈说它会带我到任何地方[4:42]Mama said they'd take me anywhere.她说它是双魔鞋[4:46]She said they was my magic shoes.好的,福尔斯,张开双眼[4:48]All right,Forrest,Open your eyes now.你走几步看看[4:59]Let's take a little walk around.感觉如何?[5:08] How do those feel?他的双腿很强壮,甘太太[5:13] His legs are strong,Mrs. Gump,是我见过最强壮的[5:15]as strong as I've ever seen.但是他的背象政客一样弯[5:18]But his back's as crooked as a politician.但我们会让他再直起来,对吧?[5:22] But we're going to straighten him right up, aren't we, Forrest? 福尔斯!====Forrest! 我刚出世时[5:28]Now,when I was a baby,妈妈用了一位内战英雄的名字为我取名[5:28]Mama named me after the great Civil War hero 内森贝·弗福尔斯将军[5:33] General Nathan Bedford Forrest.她说我们有点亲戚关系[5:36] She said we was related to him in some way.他做过的事情是:[5:39] What he did was,建立了一个俱乐部叫三K党====he started up this club called the Ku Klux Klan.他们全披着长袍和床单[5:43]They'd all dress up in their robes and their bed sheets看来像一群鬼[5:46]and act like a bunch of ghosts or spooks or something.他们还在马上也披了床单四处跑[5:51]They'd even put bed sheets on their horses and ride around.不管怎样,这就是我名字的由来:福尔斯·甘[5:55]And,anyway,that'show I got my name... Forrest Gump.妈妈说这名字是提醒我[5:59]Mama said the Forrest part was to remind me我们会经常做一些[6:02]that sometimes we all do things that,well,并没有意义的事情[6:05]that just don't make no sense.向这边![6:17] This way. Hold on. Ugh! 好了[6:21]All right.你们在看什么?[6:23] What are y'all staring at?从来没有见过[6:25] Haven't you ever seen小孩子戴脚撑的吗?====a little boy with braces on his legs before? 不要让其它人[6:31] Don't ever let anybody说他们比你强,福雷斯====tell you they're better than you,Forrest.如果上帝要让人人都一样的话[6:35] If God intended everybody to be the same,他会给每人一双脚撑[6:37]he'd have given us all braces on our legs.妈妈总有办法让我明白她的意思[6:40]Mama always had a way of explaining things so I could understand them.我们住在17号公路四分之一里[6:45]We lived about a quarter mile off Route 17,距离亚拉巴马州绿茵镇约半哩[6:48]about a half mile from the town of Greenbow,Alabama. 这个地方属于绿茵县 [6:51]That's in the county of Greenbow.我们的房子来自妈妈的家族 [6:54] Our house had been in Mama's family从她爷爷的爷爷的爷爷传下来的====since her grandpa's grandpa's grandpa他大概在一千年前飘洋过海来这里[6:59]had come across the ocean about a thousand years ago. 房子只有我和妈妈住[7:03] Since it was just me and Mama我们有好多空房间====and we had all these empty rooms,妈妈将这些空房出租[7:06]Mama decided to let those rooms out,给路过的人住[7:09]mostly to people passing through,比如从莫比镇、或蒙哥马利镇来的人[7:11]Like from,oh,Mobile,Montgomery,places like that. 我和妈妈靠这个挣到钱[7:14]That's how me and Mama got money.妈妈是个很聪明的女士[7:17]Mama was a real smart lady.记住我说的话,福雷斯[7:21]Remember what I told you,Forrest.你和其它任何人是一样的====You're no different than anybody else is.听清楚了没有,福雷斯?[7:28] Did you hear what I said, Forrest?你和其它人是一样的[7:30]You're the same as everybody else.你并没有什么不一样====You are no different.你的孩子有点不一样,甘太太[7:35]Your boy's... different, Mrs. Gump.他的智商只有75[7:39] His I. Q is 75.我们都是不一样的[7:42]Well,we're all different,汉考克先生====Mr. Hancock.她希望我得到最好的教育[7:49]She wanted me to have the finest education所以她带我去绿茵县中心学校[7:52]so she to ok me to the Greenbow County Central School. 我见到了校长什么的[7:55]I met the principal and all.请你看看这个,甘太太[7:58]I want to show you something,Mrs. Gump.这是正常水平[8:01]Now,this is normal.福尔斯则是在这儿[8:04]Forrest is right here.州政府要求智商起码要80[8:10]The state require s a minimum I. Q of 80才能上公立学校====to attend public school. 甘太太====Mrs. Gump,他应该上特殊学校[8:15]he's going to have to go to a special school.在那里他会很好的[8:18]Now,he'll be just fine.正常水平是什么意思? [8:21] What does normal mean anyway?他可能…[8:23]He might be... 反应不太灵敏====a bit on the slow side,但我儿子福尔斯[8:27]but my boy Forrest应该和其它人一样得到机会[8:29]is going to get the same opportunities as everyone else. 他不该去特殊学校[8:32]He's not going to some special school学怎么翻修轮胎====to learn how to retread tires.这不过是区区5分的问题[8:36]We're talking about five little points here.一定会有办法解决的[8:41]There must be something can be done.我们的学校是要排名次的[8:45]We're a progressive school system.我们不想有人拉后腿[8:48]We don't want to see anybody left behind.甘先生在哪儿,甘太太?[8:52] Is there a Mr. Gump, Mrs. Gump?.1.他去度假了[8:59] He's on vacation.你妈妈真是很关心你的教育,孩子[9:18]Well,your mama sure does care about your schooling, son.你不太会说话,是吗?[9:27] You don't say much, do you?最后,他必须去试一试[9:41]Finally,he had to try.看起来容易,但是…[9:44]It looked easy,but...发生了怪事,首先他们…[9:46]oh,what happened. First they...妈妈,度假是什么意思?[9:49] Mama, what's vacation mean?度假?[9:52] Vacation? 爸爸去哪儿了?====Where Daddy went?度假就是你去一个地方…[9:58] Vacation's when you go somewhere...然后就不再回来[10:03]and you don't ever come back.总之,我想你可以说[10:09]Anyway,I guess you could say我和妈妈无依无靠====me and Mama was on our own.但我们不介意====But we didn't mind.我们的房子总住满了人====Our house was never empty.经常是人来人往的====There was always folks coming and going.开饭了!====Supper! 大家来吃晚饭啦!====It's supper,everyone!这看起来很特别====That sure looks special.有时有这么多人和我们一起住====Sometimes,we had so many people staying with us每个房间都住满了旅客====that every room was filled,with travelers,you know,这些人带着行李箱子====folks living out of their suitcases还有帽子箱子,还有样品箱子====and hat cases and sample cases.福尔斯·甘,吃晚饭了!福尔斯?====Forrest Gump,it's suppertime! Forrest?有一次,又有位年青人和我们住一起====One time,a young man was staying with us,他带着一个吉它箱子====and he had him a guitar case.#你从来逮不到兔子#====Well,you ain't never caught a rabbit#你也不是…#====And you ain't no#我的朋友#====Friend of mine 福尔斯====Forrest,叫你不要打扰这位叔叔====I told you not to bother this nice young man.不,没关系,太太====No,that's all right,ma'am.我在弹吉它给他听====I was showing him a thing or two on the guitar.好吧,你可以来吃晚饭了====All right. Supper's ready if y'all want to eat.行,好极了。
Forrest Gump 阿甘正传中英双语剧本你好。
我叫福雷斯,福雷斯甘Hello. My name's Forrest - Forrest Gump.要吃巧克力吗? Do you want a chocolate?我能吃掉上百万块巧克力I could eat about a million and a half of these.我妈妈常说My mama always said人生就像一盒各式各样的巧克力Life was like a box of chocolates.你永远不知道下一块将会是哪种You never know what you're going to get.那双鞋子一定很舒适Those must be comfortable shoes.穿这样的鞋子你可以走上一整天I bet you could walk all day in shoes like that脚都不会痛and not feel a thing.我希望能有一双这样的鞋子I wish I had shoes like that.其实我的脚很痛My feet hurt .妈妈常说要想知道一个人的很多事情Mama always said there's an awful lot只要看看他穿的鞋就能知道you can tell about a person by their shoes.他会往哪里走Where they're going,他住在哪里where they've been.我穿过很多双鞋子I've worn lots of shoes.如果我仔细想的话I bet if I think about it real hard我能记得我第一双鞋子的模样I could remember my first pair of shoes.妈妈说它会带我到任何地方Mama said they'd take me anywhere .她说它是双魔鞋She said they was my magic shoes.好的,福雷斯,张开双眼All right, Forrest, Open your eyes now .你走几步看看Let's take a little walk around.感觉如何?How do those feel?他的双腿很强壮,甘太太His legs are strong, Mrs. Gump,是我见过最强壮的as strong as I've ever seen.但是他的背象政客一样弯But his back's as crooked as a politician.但我们会让他再直起来,对吧?But we're going to straighten him right up, aren't we, Forrest? 福雷斯!Forrest!我刚出世时Now, when I was a baby,妈用了一位内战英雄的名字为我取名Mama named me after the great Civil War hero内森贝弗福雷斯将军General Nathan Bedford Forrest.内森贝弗福雷斯将军General Nathan Bedford Forrest.她说我们有点亲戚关系She said we was related to him in some way.他做过的事情是:What he did was,建立了一个俱乐部叫三K党he tarted up this club called the Ku Klux Klan.他们全披着长袍和床单They'd all dress up in their robes and their bed sheets看来像一群鬼and act like a bunch of ghosts or spooks or something.他们还在马上也披了床单四处跑They'd even put bed sheets on their horses and ride around.不管怎样,这就是我名字的由来:福雷斯甘And, anyway, that'show I got my name-- Forrest Gump.妈妈说这名字是提醒我Mama said the Forrest part was to remind me我们会经常做一些that sometimes we all do things that, well,并没有意义的事情that just don't make no sense.向这边!This way. Hold on. Ugh!好了All right.你们在看什么?What are y'all staring at?从来没有见过Haven't you ever seen小孩子戴脚撑的吗?a little boy with braces on his legs before ?不要管其它人Don't ever let anybody说他们比你强,福雷斯tell you they're better than you, Forrest.如果上帝要让人人都一样的话If God intended everybody to be the same,他会给每人一双脚撑he'd have given us all braces on our legs.妈妈总有办法让我明白她的意思Mama always had a way of explaining things so I could understand them. 我们住在17号公路附近We lived about a quarter mile off Route 17,距离亚拉巴马州绿茵镇约半哩about a half mile from the town of Greenbow, Alabama.这个地方属于绿茵县That's in the county of Greenbow.我们的房子来自妈妈的家族Our house had been in Mama's family从她爷爷的爷爷的爷爷传下来的since her grandpa's grandpa's grandpa他大概在一千年前飘洋过海来这里had come across the ocean about a thousand years ago.房子只有我和妈妈住Since it was just me and Mama我们有好多空房间and we had all these empty rooms,妈妈将这些空房出租Mama decided to let those rooms out,给路过的人住mostly to people passing through,比如从莫比镇、或蒙哥马利镇来的人Like from, oh, Mobile, Montgomery, places like that. 我和妈妈靠这个挣到钱That's how me and Mama got money.妈妈是个很聪明的女士Mama was a real smart lady.记住我说的话,福雷斯Remember what I told you, Forrest.你和其它任何人是一样的You're no different than anybody else is.听清楚了没有,福雷斯?Did you hear what I said, Forrest?你和其它人是一样的You're the same as everybody else.你并没有什么不一样You are no different.你的孩子有点不一样,甘太太Your boy's...different, Mrs. Gump.他的智商只有75 His I.Q is 75.我们都是不一样的Well, we're all different,汉考克先生Mr. Hancock.她希望我得到最好的教育She wanted me to have the finest education所以她带我去绿茵县中心学校so she took me to the Greenbow County Central School.我见到了校长什么的I met the principal and all.请你看看这个,甘太太I want to show you something, Mrs. Gump.这是正常水平Now, this is normal.福雷斯则是在这儿Forrest is right here .州政府要求智商起码要80 The state require s a minimum I.Q of 80才能上公立学校to attend public school.甘太太Mrs. Gump,他应该上特殊学校he's going to have to go to a special school.在那里他会很好的Now, he'll be just fine.正常水平是什么意思? What does normal mean anyway ?他可能…He might be...反应不太灵敏 a bit on the slow side,但我儿子福雷斯but my boy Forrest应该和其它人一样得到机会is going to get the same opportunities as everyone else.他不该去特殊学校He's not going to some special school学怎么翻修轮胎to learn how to retread tires.这不过是区区5分的问题We're talking about five little points here .一定会有办法解决的There must be something can be done.我们的学校是要排名次的We're a progressive school system.我们不想有人拉后腿We don't want to see anybody left behind.甘先生在哪儿,甘太太?Is there a Mr. Gump, Mrs. Gump?他去度假了He's on vacation.你妈妈真是很关心你的教育,孩子Well, your mama sure does care about your schooling, son. 你不太会说话,是吗?You don't say much, do you?“最后,他必须去试一试"Finally, he had to try.“看起来容易,但是…"It looked easy, but...“发生了怪事,首先他们…oh, what happened. First they--"妈妈,度假是什么意思?Mama, what's vacation mean?度假?Vacation?爸爸去哪儿了?Where Daddy went?度假就是你去一个地方…Vacation's when you go somewhere...然后就不再回来and you don't ever come back.总之,我想你可以说Anyway, I guess you could say我和妈妈无依无靠me and Mama was on our own.但我们不介意But we didn't mind.我们的房子总住满了人Our house was never empty.经常是人来人往的There was always folks coming and going.开饭!Supper!大家来吃晚饭啦!It's supper, everyone!这看起来很特别That sure looks special.有时有这么多人和我们一起住Sometimes, we had so many people staying with us每个房间都住满了旅客that every room was filled, with travelers, you know,这些人带着行李箱子folks living out of their suitcases还有帽子箱子,还有样品箱子and hat cases and sample cases.福雷斯甘,吃晚饭了!福雷斯?Forrest Gump, it's suppertime! Forrest?有一次,又有位年青人和我们住一起One time, a young man was staying with us,他带着一个吉它箱子and he had him a guitar case.“你从来逮不到兔子”# Well, you ain't never caught a rabbit #“你也不是…”# And you ain't no #“我的朋友”# Friend of mine #福雷斯Forrest,叫你不要打扰这位叔叔I told you not to bother this nice young man.不,没关系,太太No, that's all right, ma'am.我在弹吉它给他听I was showing him a thing or two on the guitar.好吧,你可以来吃晚饭了All right. Supper's ready if y'all want to eat.行,好极了。
Forrest Gump 阿甘正传中英双语剧本你好。
我叫福雷斯,福雷斯甘Hello. My name's Forrest - Forrest Gump.要吃巧克力吗? Do you want a chocolate?我能吃掉上百万块巧克力I could eat about a million and a half of these.我妈妈常说My mama always said人生就像一盒各式各样的巧克力Life was like a box of chocolates.你永远不知道下一块将会是哪种You never know what you're going to get.那双鞋子一定很舒适Those must be comfortable shoes.穿这样的鞋子你可以走上一整天I bet you could walk all day in shoes like that 脚都不会痛and not feel a thing.我希望能有一双这样的鞋子I wish I had shoes like that.其实我的脚很痛My feet hurt .妈妈常说要想知道一个人的很多事情Mama always said there's an awful lot 只要看看他穿的鞋就能知道you can tell about a person by their shoes.他会往哪里走Where they're going,他住在哪里where they've been.我穿过很多双鞋子I've worn lots of shoes.如果我仔细想的话I bet if I think about it real hard我能记得我第一双鞋子的模样I could remember my first pair of shoes.妈妈说它会带我到任何地方Mama said they'd take me anywhere .她说它是双魔鞋She said they was my magic shoes.好的,福雷斯,张开双眼All right, Forrest, Open your eyes now .你走几步看看Let's take a little walk around.感觉如何?How do those feel?他的双腿很强壮,甘太太His legs are strong, Mrs. Gump,是我见过最强壮的as strong as I've ever seen.但是他的背象政客一样弯But his back's as crooked as a politician.但我们会让他再直起来,对吧?But we're going to straighten him right up, aren't we, Forrest?福雷斯!Forrest!我刚出世时Now, when I was a baby,妈用了一位内战英雄的名字为我取名Mama named me after the great Civil War hero内森贝弗福雷斯将军General Nathan Bedford Forrest.内森贝弗福雷斯将军General Nathan Bedford Forrest.她说我们有点亲戚关系She said we was related to him in some way.他做过的事情是:What he did was,建立了一个俱乐部叫三K党he tarted up this club called the Ku Klux Klan.他们全披着长袍和床单They'd all dress up in their robes and their bed sheets看来像一群鬼and act like a bunch of ghosts or spooks or something.他们还在马上也披了床单四处跑They'd even put bed sheets on their horses and ride around.不管怎样,这就是我名字的由来:福雷斯甘And, anyway, that'show I got my name-- Forrest Gump.妈妈说这名字是提醒我Mama said the Forrest part was to remind me我们会经常做一些that sometimes we all do things that, well,并没有意义的事情that just don't make no sense.向这边!This way. Hold on. Ugh!好了All right.你们在看什么?What are y'all staring at?从来没有见过Haven't you ever seen小孩子戴脚撑的吗?a little boy with braces on his legs before ?不要管其它人Don't ever let anybody说他们比你强,福雷斯tell you they're better than you, Forrest.如果上帝要让人人都一样的话If God intended everybody to be the same,他会给每人一双脚撑he'd have given us all braces on our legs.妈妈总有办法让我明白她的意思Mama always had a way of explaining things so I could understand them.我们住在17号公路附近We lived about a quarter mile off Route 17,距离亚拉巴马州绿茵镇约半哩about a half mile from the town of Greenbow, Alabama.这个地方属于绿茵县That's in the county of Greenbow.我们的房子来自妈妈的家族Our house had been in Mama's family从她爷爷的爷爷的爷爷传下来的since her grandpa's grandpa's grandpa他大概在一千年前飘洋过海来这里had come across the ocean about a thousand years ago.房子只有我和妈妈住Since it was just me and Mama我们有好多空房间and we had all these empty rooms,妈妈将这些空房出租Mama decided to let those rooms out,给路过的人住mostly to people passing through,比如从莫比镇、或蒙哥马利镇来的人Like from, oh, Mobile, Montgomery, places like that.我和妈妈靠这个挣到钱That's how me and Mama got money.妈妈是个很聪明的女士Mama was a real smart lady.记住我说的话,福雷斯Remember what I told you, Forrest.你和其它任何人是一样的You're no different than anybody else is.听清楚了没有,福雷斯?Did you hear what I said, Forrest?你和其它人是一样的You're the same as everybody else.你并没有什么不一样You are no different.你的孩子有点不一样,甘太太Your boy's...different, Mrs. Gump.他的智商只有75 His I.Q is 75.我们都是不一样的Well, we're all different,汉考克先生Mr. Hancock.她希望我得到最好的教育She wanted me to have the finest education所以她带我去绿茵县中心学校so she took me to the Greenbow County Central School. 我见到了校长什么的I met the principal and all.请你看看这个,甘太太I want to show you something, Mrs. Gump.这是正常水平Now, this is normal.福雷斯则是在这儿Forrest is right here .州政府要求智商起码要80 The state require s a minimum I.Q of 80才能上公立学校to attend public school.甘太太Mrs. Gump,他应该上特殊学校he's going to have to go to a special school.在那里他会很好的Now, he'll be just fine.正常水平是什么意思? What does normal mean anyway ?他可能…He might be...反应不太灵敏a bit on the slow side,但我儿子福雷斯but my boy Forrest应该和其它人一样得到机会is going to get the same opportunities as everyone else.他不该去特殊学校He's not going to some special school学怎么翻修轮胎to learn how to retread tires.这不过是区区5分的问题We're talking about five little points here .一定会有办法解决的There must be something can be done.我们的学校是要排名次的We're a progressive school system.我们不想有人拉后腿We don't want to see anybody left behind.甘先生在哪儿,甘太太?Is there a Mr. Gump, Mrs. Gump?他去度假了He's on vacation.你妈妈真是很关心你的教育,孩子Well, your mama sure does care about your schooling, son. 你不太会说话,是吗?You don't say much, do you?“最后,他必须去试一试"Finally, he had to try.“看起来容易,但是…"It looked easy, but...“发生了怪事,首先他们…oh, what happened. First they--"妈妈,度假是什么意思?Mama, what's vacation mean?度假?Vacation?爸爸去哪儿了?Where Daddy went?度假就是你去一个地方…Vacation's when you go somewhere...然后就不再回来and you don't ever come back.总之,我想你可以说Anyway, I guess you could say我和妈妈无依无靠me and Mama was on our own.但我们不介意But we didn't mind.我们的房子总住满了人Our house was never empty.经常是人来人往的There was always folks coming and going.开饭!Supper!大家来吃晚饭啦!It's supper, everyone!这看起来很特别That sure looks special.有时有这么多人和我们一起住Sometimes, we had so many people staying with us 每个房间都住满了旅客that every room was filled, with travelers, you know,这些人带着行李箱子folks living out of their suitcases还有帽子箱子,还有样品箱子and hat cases and sample cases.福雷斯甘,吃晚饭了!福雷斯?Forrest Gump, it's suppertime! Forrest?有一次,又有位年青人和我们住一起One time, a young man was staying with us, 他带着一个吉它箱子and he had him a guitar case.“你从来逮不到兔子”# Well, you ain't never caught a rabbit #“你也不是…”# And you ain't no #“我的朋友”# Friend of mine #福雷斯Forrest,叫你不要打扰这位叔叔I told you not to bother this nice young man.不,没关系,太太No, that's all right, ma'am.我在弹吉它给他听I was showing him a thing or two on the guitar.好吧,你可以来吃晚饭了All right. Supper's ready if y'all want to eat.行,好极了。
一定会有办法解决的There must be something can be done.
我们的学校是要排名次的We're a progressive school system.
我们不想有人拉后腿We don't want to see anybody left behind.
但我们会让他再直起来,对吧?But we're going to straighten him right up, aren't we, Forrest?
我刚出世时Now, when I was a baby,
妈用了一位内战英雄的名字为我取名Mama named me after the great Civil War hero
如果上帝要让人人都一样的话If God intended everybody to be the same,
他会给每人一双脚撑he'd have given us all braces on our legs.
妈妈总有办法让我明白她的意思Mama always had a way of explaining things so I could understand them.
Forrest Gump阿甘正传中英双语剧本
你好。我叫福雷斯,福雷斯甘Hello. My name's Forrest - Forrest Gump.
要吃巧克力吗? Do you want a chocolate?
我能吃掉上百万块巧克力I could eat about a million and a half of these.
阿甘正传 台词中英对照 精排可印
阿甘正传 Forrest Gump (1994)
The state require s a minimum I. Q of 80 to attend public school. Mrs. Gump, he's going to have to go to a special school. Now, he'll be just fine. What does normal mean anyway? He might be... a bit on the slow side, but my boy Forrest is going to get the same opportunities as everyone else. He's not going to some special school to learn how to retread tires. We're talking about five little points here. There must be something can be done. We're a progressive school system. We don't want to see anybody left behind. Is there a Mr. Gump, Mrs. Gump? He's on vacation. Well, your mama sure does care about your schooling, son. You don't say much, do you? Finally, he had to try. It looked easy, but... oh, what happened. First they... Mama, what's vacation mean? Vacation? Where Daddy went? Vacation's when you go somewhere... and you don't ever come back. Anyway, I guess you could say me and Mama was on our own. But we didn't mind.
主演:汤姆汉克片名:阿甘正传译文:Freesand Leo你好。
我叫福雷斯,福雷斯甘Hello. My name's Forrest - Forrest Gump.要吃巧克力吗? Do you want a chocolate?我能吃掉上百万块巧克力I could eat about a million and a half of these.我妈妈常说My mama always said人生就像一盒各式各样的巧克力Life was like a box of chocolates.你永远不知道下一块将会是哪种You never know what you're going to get.那双鞋子一定很舒适Those must be comfortable shoes.穿这样的鞋子你可以走上一整天I bet you could walk all day in shoes like that脚都不会痛and not feel a thing.我希望能有一双这样的鞋子I wish I had shoes like that.其实我的脚很痛My feet hurt .妈妈常说要想知道一个人的很多事情Mama always said there's an awful lot只要看看他穿的鞋就能知道you can tell about a person by their shoes.他会往哪里走Where they're going,他住在哪里where they've been.我穿过很多双鞋子I've worn lots of shoes.如果我仔细想的话I bet if I think about it real hard我能记得我第一双鞋子的模样I could remember my first pair of shoes.妈妈说它会带我到任何地方Mama said they'd take me anywhere .她说它是双魔鞋She said they was my magic shoes.好的,福雷斯,张开双眼All right, Forrest, Open your eyes now .你走几步看看Let's take a little walk around.感觉如何?How do those feel?他的双腿很强壮,甘太太His legs are strong, Mrs. Gump,是我见过最强壮的as strong as I've ever seen.但是他的背象政客一样弯But his back's as crooked as a politician.但我们会让他再直起来,对吧?But we're going to straighten him right up, aren't we, Forrest?福雷斯!Forrest!我刚出世时Now, when I was a baby,妈用了一位内战英雄的名字为我取名Mama named me after the great Civil War hero内森贝弗福雷斯将军General Nathan Bedford Forrest.内森贝弗福雷斯将军General Nathan Bedford Forrest.她说我们有点亲戚关系She said we was related to him in some way.他做过的事情是:What he did was,建立了一个俱乐部叫三K党he tarted up this club called the Ku Klux Klan.他们全披着长袍和床单They'd all dress up in their robes and their bed sheets看来像一群鬼and act like a bunch of ghosts or spooks or something.他们还在马上也披了床单四处跑They'd even put bed sheets on their horses and ride around.不管怎样,这就是我名字的由来:福雷斯甘And, anyway, that'show I got my name-- Forrest Gump.妈妈说这名字是提醒我Mama said the Forrest part was to remind me我们会经常做一些that sometimes we all do things that, well, 并没有意义的事情that just don't make no sense.向这边!This way. Hold on. Ugh!好了All right.你们在看什么?What are y'all staring at?从来没有见过Haven't you ever seen小孩子戴脚撑的吗? a little boy with braces on his legs before ?不要管其它人Don't ever let anybody说他们比你强,福雷斯tell you they're better than you, Forrest. 如果上帝要让人人都一样的话If God intended everybody to be the same,他会给每人一双脚撑he'd have given us all braces on our legs. 妈妈总有办法让我明白她的意思Mama always had a way of explaining things so I could understand them.我们住在17号公路附近We lived about a quarter mile off Route 17,距离亚拉巴马州绿茵镇约半哩about a half mile from the town of Greenbow, Alabama.这个地方属于绿茵县That's in the county of Greenbow.我们的房子来自妈妈的家族Our house had been in Mama's family从她爷爷的爷爷的爷爷传下来的since her grandpa's grandpa's grandpa他大概在一千年前飘洋过海来这里had come across the ocean about a thousand years ago.房子只有我和妈妈住Since it was just me and Mama我们有好多空房间and we had all these empty rooms,妈妈将这些空房出租Mama decided to let those rooms out,给路过的人住mostly to people passing through,比如从莫比镇、或蒙哥马利镇来的人Like from, oh, Mobile, Montgomery, places like that.我和妈妈靠这个挣到钱That's how me and Mama got money. 妈妈是个很聪明的女士Mama was a real smart lady.记住我说的话,福雷斯Remember what I told you, Forrest.你和其它任何人是一样的You're no different than anybody else is.听清楚了没有,福雷斯?Did you hear what I said, Forrest? 你和其它人是一样的You're the same as everybody else.你并没有什么不一样You are no different.你的孩子有点不一样,甘太太Your boy's...different, Mrs. Gump.他的智商只有75 His I.Q is 75.我们都是不一样的Well, we're all different,汉考克先生Mr. Hancock.她希望我得到最好的教育She wanted me to have the finest education所以她带我去绿茵县中心学校so she to ok me to the Greenbow County Central School.我见到了校长什么的I met the principal and all.请你看看这个,甘太太I want to show you something, Mrs. Gump.这是正常水平Now, this is normal.福雷斯则是在这儿Forrest is right here .州政府要求智商起码要80 The state require s a minimum I.Q of 80才能上公立学校to attend public school.甘太太Mrs. Gump,他应该上特殊学校he's going to have to go to a special school. 在那里他会很好的Now, he'll be just fine.正常水平是什么意思? What does normal mean anyway ?他可能…He might be...反应不太灵敏a bit on the slow side,但我儿子福雷斯but my boy Forrest应该和其它人一样得到机会is going to get the same opportunities as everyone else.他不该去特殊学校He's not going to some special school学怎么翻修轮胎to learn how to retread tires.这不过是区区5分的问题We're talking about five little points here . 一定会有办法解决的There must be something can be done.我们的学校是要排名次的We're a progressive school system. 我们不想有人拉后腿We don't want to see anybody left behind. 甘先生在哪儿,甘太太?Is there a Mr. Gump, Mrs. Gump?他去度假了He's on vacation.你妈妈真是很关心你的教育,孩子Well, your mama sure does care about your schooling, son.你不太会说话,是吗?You don't say much, do you?“最后,他必须去试一试"Finally, he had to try.“看起来容易,但是…"It looked easy, but...“发生了怪事,首先他们…oh, what happened. First they--" 妈妈,度假是什么意思?Mama, what's vacation mean?度假?Vacation?爸爸去哪儿了?Where Daddy went?度假就是你去一个地方…Vacation's when you go somewhere...然后就不再回来and you don't ever come back.总之,我想你可以说Anyway, I guess you could say我和妈妈无依无靠me and Mama was on our own.但我们不介意But we didn't mind.我们的房子总住满了人Our house was never empty.经常是人来人往的There was always folks coming and going. 开饭!Supper!大家来吃晚饭啦!It's supper, everyone!这看起来很特别That sure looks special.有时有这么多人和我们一起住Sometimes, we had so many people staying with us每个房间都住满了旅客that every room was filled, with travelers, you know,这些人带着行李箱子folks living out of their suitcases还有帽子箱子,还有样品箱子and hat cases and sample cases. 福雷斯甘,吃晚饭了!福雷斯?Forrest Gump, it's suppertime! Forrest?有一次,又有位年青人和我们住一起One time, a young man was staying with us,他带着一个吉它箱子and he had him a guitar case.“你从来逮不到兔子”# Well, you ain't never caught a rabbit # “你也不是…”# And you ain't no #“我的朋友”# Friend of mine #福雷斯Forrest,叫你不要打扰这位叔叔I told you not to bother this nice young man.不,没关系,太太No, that's all right, ma'am.我在弹吉它给他听I was showing him a thing or two on theguitar.好吧,你可以来吃晚饭了All right. Supper's ready if y'all want to eat.行,好极了。
阿甘正傳 Forrest Gump -1 ( 電影劇本將陸續譯成中文 ) (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)( 6 )(7)(8 ) EXT. A SAVANNAH STREET - DAY - 1981 (Savannah 是阿拉巴馬州的一個城市,電影《熱天午後之慾望地帶》也是以此地為背景) A feather floats through the air. The falling feather. A city, Savannah, is revealed in the background. The feather floats down toward the city below. The feather drops down toward the street below, as people walk past and cars drive by, and nearly lands on a man's shoulder. He walks across the street, causing the feather to be whisked back on its journey. The feather floats above a stopped car. The car drives off right as the feather floats down toward the street. The feather floats under a passing car, then is sent flying back up in the air. A MAN sits on a bus bench. The feather floats above the ground and finally lands on the man's mud-soaked shoe. The man reached down and picks up the feather. His name is FORREST GUMP. He looks at the feather oddly, moves aside a box of chocolates from an old suitcase, then opens the case. Inside the old suitcase are an assortment of clothes, a ping-pong paddle, toothpaste and other personal items. Forrest pulls out a book titled "Curious George," then places the feather inside the book. Forrest closes the suitcase. Something in his eyes reveals that Forrest may not be all there. Forrest looks right as the sound of an arriving bus is heard. A bus pulls up. Forrest remains on the bus bench as the bus continues on. A BLACK WOMAN in a nurse's outfit steps up and sits down at the bus bench next to Forrest. The nurse begins to read a magazine as Forrest looks at her. 阿甘 Hello. My name's Forrest Gump. He opens a box of chocolates and holds it out for the nurse. 阿甘 You want a chocolate? The nurse shakes her head, a bit apprehensive about this strange man next to her. 阿甘 I could eat about a million and a half of these. "My mama always said, "Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get."(我媽媽經常說:人生就像一盒巧克力,你永遠不知道會嘗到哪種滋味) Forrest eats a chocolate as he looks down at the nurse's shoes. 阿甘 Those must be comfortable shoes. I'll bet you could walk all day in shoes like that and not feel a thing. I wish I had shoes like that. Black Woman My feet hurt. 阿甘 Momma always says there's an awful lot you could tell about a person by their shoes. Where they're going. Where they've been. The black woman stares at Forrest as he looks down at his own shoes. 阿甘 I've worn lots of shoes. I bet if I think about it real hard I could remember my first pair of shoes. Forrest closes his eyes tightly. 阿甘 Momma said they'd take my anywhere. INT. COUNTRY DOCTOR'S OFFICE - GREENBOW, ALABAMA - DAY - 1951 A little boy closes his eyes tightly. It is young Forrest as he sits in a doctor's office. 阿甘 (voice-over) She said they was my magic shoes. Forrest has been fitted with orthopedic shoes and metal leg braces. DOCTOR All right, Forrest, you can open your eyes now. Let's take a little walk around.The doctor sets Forrest down on its feet. Forrest walks around stiffly. Forrest's mother, 甘太太, watches him as he clanks around the room awkwardly.DOCTOR How do those feel? His legs are strong, Mrs. Gump. As strong as I've ever seen. But his back is as crooked as a politician.Forrest walks foreground past the doctor and Mrs. Gump. DOCTOR But we're gonna straighten him right up now, won't we, Forrest?A loud thud is heard as, outside, Forrest falls. 甘太太 . Forest!EXT. GREENBOW, ALABAMAMrs. Gump and young Forrest walk across the street. Forrest walks stiffly next to his mother.阿甘 Now, when I was a baby, Momma named me after the great Civil War hero, General Nathan Bedford Forrest... EXT. RURAL ALABAMA A black and white photo of General Nathan Bedford Forrest. The photo turns into live action as the General dons a hooded sheet over his head. The General is in full Ku Klux Klan garb, including his horse. The General rides off, followed by a large group of Klan members dressed in full uniform.阿甘 (voice-over) She said we was related to him in some way.And, what he did was, he started up this club called theKu Klux Klan. They'd all dress up in their robes and theirbedsheets and act like a bunch of ghosts or spooks orsomething. They'd even put bedsheets on their horses and ride around. And anyway, that's how I got my name. Forrest Gump. EXT. GREENBOWMrs. Gump and Forrest walk across the street. 阿甘 (voice-over) Momma said that the Forrest part was to remind me that sometimes we all do things that, well, just don't make no sense. Forrest stops suddenly as hisbrace gets stuck. Forrest's brace is caught in a gutter grate. Mrs. Gump bends down and tries to free Forrest. Two old cronies sit in front of a barber shop and watch. 甘太太 Just wait, let me get it. Mrs. Gump struggles to pull the stuck brace from the grate. 甘太太 Let me get it. Wait, get it this way. Hold on. Forrest pulls his foot out of the grate. 甘太太 All right. Mrs. Gump helps Forrest up onto the sidewalk. She looks up and notices the two old man.甘太太 All right. What are you all staring at? Haven't you ever seen a little boy with braces on his legs before? Mrs. Gump and Forrest walk along the sidwalk past the two old men. Mrs. Gump holds tightly onto Forrest's hand. 甘太太 Don't ever let anybody tell you they're better than you, Forrest. If God intended everybody to be the same, he'd have given us all braces on our legs. 阿甘 (voice-over) Momma always had a way of explaining things so I could understand them. EXT. OAK ALLEY/THE GUMP BOARDING HOUSE Mrs. Gump and Forrest walk along a dirt road. A row of mailboxes stands left. 阿甘 (voice-over) We lived about a quarter mile of Route 17, about a half mile from the town of Greenbow, Alabama. That's in the county of Greenbow. Our house had been in Momma's family since her grandpa's grandpa's grandpa had come across the ocean about a thousand years ago. Something like that. Mrs. Gump and Forrest walk along the Gump Boarding House driveway. 阿甘 (voice-over) Since it was just me and Momma and we had all these empty rooms, Momma decided to let those rooms out. Mostly to people passing through. Like from, oh, Mobile, Montgomery, place like that. That's how me and Mommy got money. Mommy was a real smart lady. 甘太太 Remember what I told you, Forrest. You're no different than anybody else is. Mrs. Gump heads Forrest to the porch. She bends down to look Forrest in the eye. 甘太太 Did you hear what I said, Forrest? You're the same as everybody else. You are no different. INT. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL / PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE - DAY - 1954 PRINCIPAL Your boy's... different, Mrs. Gump. Now, his I.Q. is seventy-five. 甘太太 Well, we're all different, Mr. Hancock. The principal sighs, then stands up. INT. HALLWAY Forrest sits outside the principal's office and waits. 阿甘 (voice-over) She wanted me to have the finest education, so she took me to the Greenbow County Central School. I met the principal and all. The principal stands in front of Mrs. Gump. Forrest, sitting left, listens. PRINCIPAL I want to show you something, Mrs. Gump. Now, this is normal. The principal holds up a chart with a designations according to I.Q. and points to the center of the graph, labeled "Normal." A red line below the normal area is labeled "State Acceptance." The principal points to the section below the acceptance line labeled "Below." PRINCIPAL Forrest is right here. The state requires a minimumI.Q. of eighty to attend public school, Mrs. Gump. He's gonna have to go to a special school. Now, he'll bejust fine. 甘太太 What does normal mean, anyway? He might be a bit on the slow side, but my boy Forrest is going to get the same opportunities as everyone else. He's not going to some special school to learn to how to re-tread tires. We're talking about five little points here. There must be something can be done. INT. HALLWAY Forrest sits outside the principal's office. PRINCIPAL We're a progressive school system. We don't want to see anybody left behind. INT. PRINCIPAL'S OFFICEPRINCIPAL Is there a Mr. Gump, Mrs. Gump? 甘太太 He's on vacation. EXT. GUMP BOARDING HOUSE - NIGHT Forrest sits on a swing outside the house. Loud organic male grunts are heard coming from inside the house. Forrest sits on the swing as the grunts continue. The principal steps out of the Gump House and wipes the sweat from his face. Forrest is sitting on the porch. PRINCIPAL Well, your momma sure does care about your schooling, son. Mm-mm-mm. The principal wipes the sweat from his neck, then looks back at Forrest. PRINCIPAL You don't say much, do you? Forrest grunts, imitating him. The principal, embarrassed, turns and walks away. INT. GUMP BOARDING HOUSE/FORREST'S BEDROOM Mrs. Gump reads from the book "Curious George" as Forrest sits on the bed and listens. 甘太太 "Finally, he had to try it. It looked easy, but, oh,what happened. First there..." 阿甘 Momma, what's vacation mean? 甘太太 Vacation? 阿甘 Where Daddy went? 甘太太 Vacation's when you go somewhere, and you don't ever come back. Forrest lies down on his bed and looks up. 阿甘 (voice-over) Anyway, I guess you could say me andMomma was on our own. EXT. GUMP BOARDING HOUSE - DAY A cab driver closes the trunk of the car as two women walk toward the house. A milkman steps down from the porch.阿甘 (voice-over) But we didn't mind. Our house was neverempty. There was always folks comin' and goin'. 甘太太 (voice-over) Suppa. INT. GUMP BOARDING HOUSEMrs. Gump steps forward and speaks to all the boarders. 甘太太 It's suppa, everyone. Forrest...A MAN WITH A CANE steps left across the hall. MAN With Cane My, my. That sure looks special.Mrs. Gump looks into a sitting room and informs the boarders about dinner.甘太太Gentlemen, would you care to join us for supper?Hurry up and get it before the flies do. I prefer you don't smoke that cigar so close to mealtime.阿甘 (voice-over) Sometimes we had so many people stayin'with us that every room was filled with travelers. You know,livin' out of their suitcases, and hat cases, and sample cases.甘太太Well, you go ahead and start. I cant find Forrest.Mrs. Gump walks up the stairs.甘太太Forrest... Forrest...阿甘 (voice-over) One time a young man was staying with us,and he had him a guitar case.Mrs. Gump looks into Forrest's room. She hears singing coming from another room and walks over to a closed door. Mrs. Gump opens the door, revealing a young man with long sideburns as he plays the guitar and sings. Forrest holds onto a broom and dances oddly. The young man is ELVIS PRESLEY.ELVIS PRESLEY (sings) "Well, you ain't never caught a rabbit,and you ain't no friend of mine."Forrest's legs rock back and forth to the guitar.甘太太Forrest! I told you not to bother this nice young man.ELVIS Oh, no, that's all right, ma'am. I was just showin'him a thing or two on the guitar here.甘太太 All right, but your supper's ready if y'all want to eat.ELVIS Yeah, that sounds good. Thank you, ma'am. Mrs. Gump leaves and closes the door. Elvis sits back down. Forrest stands left, and looks himself in a mirror. ELVIS Say, man, show me that crazy little walk you just didthere. Slow it down some.Forrest begins to dance again as Elvis plays the guitar and sings.ELVIS (sings) "You ain't nothin' but a hound, hound dog..."阿甘 (voice-over) I liked that guitar.Forrest dances as he watches himself in the mirror. 阿甘 (voice-over) It sounded good.ELVIS (sings) "... cryin' all the time"Forrest rocks up and down on his braced legs, then begins to step.ELVIS (sings) "You ain't nothin' but a hound dog..."阿甘 (voice-over)I started moving around to the music, swinging my hips.This one night we and Momma...EXT. GREENBOW - NIGHTMrs. Gump and Forrest walk along a sidewalk. A television inside a store window reveals Elvis Presley as he performs "Houng Dog" on a stage. 阿甘(voice-over)...was out shoppin', and we walked right by Benson's Furniture and Appliance store, and guess what.The television reveals Elvis as he thrusts his hips and sings.ELVIS (sings) You ain't nothin' but a hound dog... Mrs. Gump and Forrest watch the television. Elvis dances around in the same manner Forrest did. A woman in the audience screaming and applauding.ELVIS (sings) You ain't nothin' but a hound dog... 甘太太This is not children's eyes.Mrs. Gump walks away, pulling Forrest with her. Forrest stops and takes one last look. Elvis continues to perform over the television.ELVIS (sings)"Well, you ain't never caught a rabbit and you ain't nofriend of mine."阿甘 (voice-over)Some years later, that handsome young man who they called "The King," well, he sung too many songs, had himself a heart attack or something.EXT. SAVANNAH/BUS BENCH - DAYForrest is still sitting on the bus bench. The black nurse looks at him.阿甘 Must be hard being a king. You know, it's funny how youremember some things, but some things you can't. EXT. COUNTRY ROAD/ALABAMA - MORNING - 1954Mrs. Gump and Forrest wait for the school bus. The bus pulls up as Mrs. Gump prepares Forrest for his first day of school.甘太太 You do your very best now, Forrest.阿甘 I sure will, Momma.阿甘 (voice-over)I remember the bus ride on the first day of school very well.The bus driver opens the door and looks down. Forrest walks to the steps of the bus and looks at the bus driver. She is smoking a cigarette.BUS DRIVER Are you comin' along?阿甘Momma said not to be taking rides from strangers. BUS DRIVER This is the bus to school.阿甘I'm Forrest Gump.BUS DRIVER I'm Dorothy Harris.阿甘Well, now we ain't strangers anymore.The bus driver smiles as Forrest steps up into the bus. INT. BUSForrest steps up onto the bus. Mrs. Gump waves to Forrest as the bus drives away. Forrest begins to walk down the aisle. TWO YOUNG BOYS look up from the seat.BOY #1 This seat's taken.BOY #2 It's taken!Forrest looks around. A larger girl slides over so Forrest can't sit next to her. She shakes her head. Forrest looks to the other side where a boy sits alone on a larger seat. They boy glares up at Forrest.BOY #3 You can't sit here.阿甘 (voice-over)You know, it's funny what a young man recollects.'Cause I don't remember being born.EXT. SAVANNAH/BUS BENCH - DAYForrest continues talking as he sits on the bus bench. 阿甘 I, I... don't recall what I got for my first Christmas andI don't know when I went on my first outdoor picnic. But,I do remember the first time I heard the sweetiest voice...INT. BUS - MORNING (1954)Young Forrest is still standing in the aisle on the bus. 阿甘 (voice-over) ...in the wide world.女孩 You can sit here if you want.Forrest looks back at 珍妮 CURRAN, a young girl about Forrest's age.阿甘(voice-over)I had never seen anything so beautiful in my life. She was like an angel.珍妮Well, are you gonna sit down, or aren't ya? Forrest sits down next to Jenny.珍妮What's wrong with your legs?阿甘Um, nothing at all, thank you. My legs are just fine anddandy.阿甘 (voice-over)I just sat next to her on that bus and had conversation all the way to school.珍妮Then why do you have those shoes on?阿甘My momma said my back's crooked like a question mark.These are going to make me as straight as an arrow. They're my magic shoes.阿甘 (voice-over)And next to Momma, no one ever talked to me or asked me questions.珍妮 Are you stupid or something.阿甘Mommy says .."Stupid is as stupid does, sir." Jenny puts her hand out toward Forrest. Forrest reaches over and shakes her hand.珍妮I'm Jenny.阿甘I'm Forrest Gump. Forrest Gump.阿甘 (voice-over)From that day on, we was always together. Jennyand me was like peas and carrots.EXT. OAK TREE - DAYYoung Jenny and Forrest run toward a large oak tree. 阿甘 (voice-over) She taught me how to climb... Jenny sits on a large branch and calls down to Forrest. 珍妮 Come on, Forrest, you can do it.Forrest dangles from the branch.阿甘 (voice-over) ... I showed her how to dangle. Jenny and Forrest sit on a tree branch and read.阿甘 ".....a good little moneky and..."阿甘 (voice-over) She helped me to learn how to read.Forrest hangs upside down from a branch and swings back and forth. Forrest's braces are wedged in the tree. 阿甘 (voice-over) And I showed her to swing. Night. The silhouete of the oak tree, Jenny and Forrest as they sit on a branch.阿甘 (voice-over)Sometimes we'd just sit out and wait for the stars. 阿甘Momma's gonna worry about me.Jenny puts her hand on Forrest's hand. 珍妮 Just stay a little longer.阿甘 (voice-over)For some reason, Jenny didn't never want to go home. 阿甘 Okay, Jenny. I'll stay.阿甘 (voice-over) She was my most special friend. INT. SAVANNAH/BUS STOP - DAYForrest nods as he remembers.阿甘My only friend.Forrest continues talking to the black woman. She doesn't seem to be listening as she reads her magazine. She looks up from her magazine.阿甘Now, my Momma always told me that miracles happen every day. Some people don't think so, but they do. EXT. OAK ALLEY - ANOTHER DAY (1954)Jenny and Forrest walk. A dirt clod hits Forrest in the back of the head. Jenny looks as Forrest rubs his head. THREE YOUNG BOYS get off their bikes and pick up more rocks.BOY #1 Hey... dummy!Forrest is hit in the eye with another dirt clod. Forrest falls backward onto the ground as the boys glare at him. BOY #2 Are you retarded, or just plain stupid? BOY #3 Look, I'm Forrest Gump.Jenny helps Forrest back up. Boy #1 and Boy #2 throw more dirt clods at Forrest.珍妮Just run away, Forrest.Another dirt clod hits Forrest in the arm.珍妮 Run, Forrest!Forrest tries to run along the road, but his braces makes it impossible. He hobbles along as Jenny yells after him. 珍妮Run away! Hurry!Boy #1 and Boy #2 turn back toward the bikes.BOY #2 Get the bikes!BOY #3 Hurry up!The boys pick up their bikes and ride after Forrest. BOY #3 Let's get him! Come on!BOY #2 Look out, dummy, here we come!The boys ride after Forrest. Jenny stands and watches. BOY #2 We're gonna get you!珍妮Run, Forrest! Run!Forrest hobbles along the dirt road.珍妮 Run, Forrest!Forrest looks over his shoulder. The three boys race on their bikes.BOY #1 Come back here, you!Forrest begins to run faster with his braces on. Forrest continues running as the boys chase him. Blood drips down from a cut on his head. The boys on the bikes are gaining on Forrest. Forrest hobbles along. He begins to gain speed.珍妮Run, Forrest! Run!Slow motion -- Forrest runs from the chasing room. He looks over his shoulder in fear. The boys on the bikes peddle faster as they gain on Forrest, running. Forrest tries to run even faster to get away. Suddenly his braces shatter, sending steel and plastic flying into the air. Forrest runs and look down at his legs in surprise. Forrest continures to run faster as the mtal breaces and straps fly off his legs. Forrest runs free of his braces and begins to pick up speed. The chasing boys ride over the remains of Forrest's braces.阿甘 (voice-over) Now, you wouldn't believe it ifI told you.EXT. SAVANNAH/ BUS BENCH - DAY阿甘 But I can run like the wind blows.The black woman continues to read her magazine. Forrest smiles as he remembers.阿甘From that day on, if I was going somewhere, I was running!EXT. OAK ALLEY - DAY (1954)Forrest sprints away from the boys. The boys stop the chase and watch in disbelief. Forrest is already at the far end of the road, clear of the chasing boys.BOY #2 He's gettin' away! Stop him!Boy #1 throws his bike down in frustration. Forrest runs across a field.EXT. COUNTRY ROADForrest runs past a chain gang in their prison uniforms. They are cutting at the weeds on the side of the road. EXT. GREENBOWForrest runs across the street. THE TWO OLD MEN sit in front of the barber shop.OLD CRONY That boy sure is a running fool.EXT. 珍妮'S HOUSEForrest runs down a driveway toward Jenny's small house. 阿甘 (voice-over)Now remember how I told you that Jenny never seemedto want to go home? Well, she lived in a house that wasas old as Alabama. Her Momma had gone up to heavenwhen she was five and her daddy was some kind of a farmer.Forrest knocks on Jenny's door.阿甘 Jenny? Jenny?Forrest look around the field at the left. He notices Jenny and runs toward her.阿甘 (voice-over)He was a very lovin' man. He was always kissing and touchin' her and her sisters. And then this one time, Jenny wasn't on the bus to go to school.Forrest runs to Jenny.阿甘Jenny, why didn't you come to school today?珍妮Shh! Daddy's takin' a nap.Jenny grabs Forrest's hand and runs into the field. Jenny's DAD drunk, steps out onto the porch and shouts. 珍妮之父Jenny!珍妮 Come on!珍妮之父Jenny, where'd you run to? You'd better go back here, girl!Jenny's dad steps out toward the field. Jenny leads Forrest into the thick tobacco field. Jenny's dad runs through the field searching for Jenny with a liquor bottle in his hand.珍妮之父Where you at?Jenny and Forrest run into a corn field as Jenny's dad tries to chase her.珍妮之父Jenny! Jenny! Where you at? Jenny!Jenny drops to her knees and pulls Forrest down with her. 珍妮Pray with me, Forrest. Pray with me.珍妮之父 Jenny!珍妮 Dear God, make me a bird so I can fly far, far, far away from here. Dear God, make me abird so I can fly far, far, far away from here.阿甘 (voice-over) Momma always said that God is mysterious.珍妮'S DAD Jenny! Get back here!阿甘 (voice-over)He didn't turn Jenny into a bird that day. Instead... EXT. TRAILER PARK/ALABAMA - DAY (1955)A police officer escorts Jenny to her grandmother's trailer. Jenny's grandmother meets Jenny outside and leads her toward the trailer.阿甘 (voice-over)... he had the police say Jenny didn't have tostay in that house no more. She went to live with her grandma just over on Creekmore Avenue, which made me happy 'cause she was so close.EXT. GUMP HOUSE - NIGHT (1955)Jenny climbs over a second-floor railing and enters the house.阿甘 (voice-over)Some nights, Jenny'd sneak out and come over to my house, just 'cause she said she was scared. Scared ofwhat, I don't know...INT. GUMP HOUSE/FORREST'S BEDROOMJenny lies in bed next to young Forrest. She hugs him. 阿甘 (voice-over)... but I think it was her grandma's dog. He was a mean dog. Anyway, Jenny and me was best friends... EXT. GREENBOW/OAK ALLEY - DAY (1961) Forest and Jenny are teenagers now. They walk along an oak-lined road. 阿甘 (voice-over) ...all the way to high school. Suddenly Forrest is hit in the back with a rock. Forrest and Jenny turn around.OLDER BOY #1 Hey, stupid!珍妮 Quit it!A teenage boy throws another rock as a pickup truck pulls up behind him. Jenny turns and looks at Forrest.珍妮Run, Forrest, run!OLDER BOY #1 Hey. Did you hear me, stupid?珍妮Run, Forrest!Forrest drops his books and runs down the road. The teenage boy jumps into the back of the pickup truck with another boy as the truck speeds after Forrest. Jenny steps left and gets out of the way.OLDER BOY #2 Come on, he's getting away! Move it! 珍妮 Run, Forrest! Run!OLDER BOY #1 You better be runnin', stupid.Forrest runs along the road. The truck speeds after him. OLDER BOY #2 Come on, dummy!OLDER BOY #1 Haul ass, dummy!Older Boy throws rocks at Forrest.OLDER BOY #1 Yeah, you better be runnin'!INT. TRUCKBOY Ya-hoo!EXT. OAK ALLEYThe boys in the back of the truck throw rocks at Forrest as they drive up to him.OLDER BOY #1 Move it, jack rabbit!The truck follows right on Forrest's heels. A rebel flag license plate adorns the truck's grill.OLDER BOY #1 Come on!Forrest runs along the road as the truck chases him. The boys in the back of the truck pound on the roof as the truck turns right, after Forrest. The truck drives into a field. Forrest runs toward a fence.BOY Run! Faster! Yeah! Go! Go! Come on, Forrest! Yeah! 珍妮Run, Forrest!Forrest leaps over a five-foot fence as the boys try to catch him.EXT. SAVANNAH/BUS BENCH - DAY (1981)Forrest looks left as he continues telling his life story.阿甘: Now, it used to be, I ran to get where I was goin'.I never thought it would take me anywhere.EXT. HIGH SCHOOL/ROAD - DAY (1961)Forrest runs along the road in front of the high school. The truck continues to chase him as the boys pound on the roof.OLDER BOY Come on. Whoo-hoo!The truck speeds past Forrest as he turns from the road and runs onto the high school football field. Forrest runs across the field during a football scrimmage. In the stands watching the scrimmage is the legendary University of Alabama football coach BEAR BRYANT, wearing his trade mark plaid hat. A group of assistant coaches sit around him, as well as the high shool football coach. The quarterback throws the ball into the air. Forrest runs past the quarterback. The receiver catches the ball. Forrest runs past the receiver as an opposing player tackes the stunned receiver. The football coach stands, followed by the assistant coaches.FOOTBALL COACH Who in the hell is that?HIGH SCHOOL COACHThat there is Forrest Gump. Coach. Just a local idiot. Forrest runs under the field goal post and through the end zone.阿甘(voice-over)And can you believe it? I got to go to college, too. EXT. UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA STADIUM - DAY (1962)The crowd roars with excitement as a football is kicked off. The football players run around on the field. The crowd of cheering fans create a huge sign that reads "GO." Forrest is in a University of Alabama football uniform. He looks up into the cheering crowd as his teammate fields the kickoff. The teammate runs over to Forrest and hands him the ball.FOOTBALL COACH Okay! Run!The football coach, the assistants, and Alabama players cheer for Forrest.FOOTBALL COACH Run, you stupid son-of-a-bitch! Run! Forrest runs across the field. He speeds past the defending players. Forrest runs past the opposite players. The crowd cheers widly, holding up cards, making a large sign that reads "Go." They turn the cards over, creating the word "ALABAMA." The football coach runs along the sidelines as he yells.FOOTBALL COACH You stupid son-of-a-bitch! Run! Go! Run!Forrest cuts and runs toward the sidelines. Two opposing players collide. The football coach, the assistants and the players all motion for Forrest to run toward the end zone. FOOTBALL COACH Run! Turn! Go!Forrest turns up the sidelines and runs toward the end zone. Some opposing players fall down. Forrest runs along the sidelines. The opposing players try to catch him. Forrest runs into the end zone as an opposing player dives at his feet. The referee holds up his arm, singaling a touch down. The crowd cheers wildly. Forrest continues to run, smashing through the band members, then all the way toward the team tunnel. The football coach looks at an asistant coach.FOOTBALL COACHHe must be the stupidest son-of-a-bitch alive.But he sure is fast!阿甘 (voice-over)Now, maybe it was just me but college was veryconfusing times.INT. GREENBOW/BARBER SHOT - BLACK & WHITE TELEVISION (JUNE 11, 1963)An anchorman named CHET HUNTLEY appears over the television.CHET HUNTLEY (on TV)Federal troops enforcing a court order integrated the University of Alabama today.EXT. UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA - DAYForrest walks through a crowd of people.CHET HUNTLEYGovernor George Wallace had carried out his symbolic threat to stand in the schoolhouse door. GOVERNOR WALLACEWe hereby denounce and forbid this illegal andunwarranted action by the central government. INT. GREENBOW/BARBER SHOPA black & white television reveals George Wallace as he stands in the doorway of the schoolhouse. KATZENBACH (on TV)Governor Wallace, I take it from that, uh... EXT. UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMAForrest steps over to a young man as the crowd looks at the demonstration.KATZENBACH...statement that you are going to stand in that door, and that you are not going to carry out the orders ofthis court, and that you are going to resist us from doingso. I would ask you once again to responsibility step asideand if you do not, I'm going to assure you...阿甘 Earl, what's going on?EARL Coons are tryin' to get into school.阿甘 Coons? When racoons try to get on our back porch,Momma just chase 'em off with a broom.EARL Not racoons, you idiot, niggas. And they want to goto school with us.阿甘With us? They do?Forrest walks toward the schoolhouse.INT. COACHES' OFFICEA football coach looks at a black and white television as a newsman outside the schoolhouse speaks to the camera.。
主演:汤姆汉克片名:阿甘正传译文:Freesand Leo你好。
我叫福雷斯,福雷斯甘Hello. My name's Forrest - Forrest Gump.要吃巧克力吗? Do you want a chocolate?我能吃掉上百万块巧克力 I could eat about a million and a half of these.我妈妈常说 My mama always said人生就像一盒各式各样的巧克力Life was like a box of chocolates.你永远不知道下一块将会是哪种You never know what you're going to get.那双鞋子一定很舒适Those must be comfortable shoes.穿这样的鞋子你可以走上一整天I bet you could walk all day in shoes like that脚都不会痛 and not feel a thing.我希望能有一双这样的鞋子I wish I had shoes like that.其实我的脚很痛 My feet hurt .妈妈常说要想知道一个人的很多事情 Mama always said there's an awful lot只要看看他穿的鞋就能知道you can tell about a person by their shoes.他会往哪里走 Where they're going,他住在哪里 where they've been.我穿过很多双鞋子 I've worn lots of shoes.如果我仔细想的话 I bet if I think about it real hard我能记得我第一双鞋子的模样I could remember my first pair of shoes.妈妈说它会带我到任何地方Mama said they'd take me anywhere .她说它是双魔鞋 She said they was my magic shoes.好的,福雷斯,张开双眼All right, Forrest, Open your eyes now .你走几步看看 Let's take a little walk around.感觉如何? How do those feel?他的双腿很强壮,甘太太 His legs are strong, Mrs. Gump,是我见过最强壮的 as strong as I've ever seen. 但是他的背象政客一样弯But his back's as crooked as a politician.但我们会让他再直起来,对吧?But we're going to straighten him right up, aren't we, Forrest?福雷斯! Forrest!我刚出世时 Now, when I was a baby,妈用了一位内战英雄的名字为我取名 Mama named me afterthe great Civil War hero内森贝弗福雷斯将军General Nathan Bedford Forrest.内森贝弗福雷斯将军General Nathan Bedford Forrest.她说我们有点亲戚关系She said we wasrelated to him in some way.他做过的事情是: What he did was,建立了一个俱乐部叫三K党 he tarted up this club called the Ku Klux Klan.他们全披着长袍和床单 They'd all dress up in their robes and their bed sheets看来像一群鬼 and act like a bunch of ghosts or spooks or something.他们还在马上也披了床单四处跑They'd even put bed sheets on their horses and ride around.不管怎样,这就是我名字的由来:福雷斯甘And, anyway, that'show I got my name-- Forrest Gump.妈妈说这名字是提醒我Mama said the Forrest part was to remind me我们会经常做一些that sometimes we all do things that, well,并没有意义的事情that just don't make nosense.向这边! This way. Hold on. Ugh!好了 All right.你们在看什么? What are y'all staring at?从来没有见过 Haven't you ever seen小孩子戴脚撑的吗? a little boy with braces on his legs before ?不要管其它人 Don't ever let anybody说他们比你强,福雷斯 tell you they're better than you, Forrest.如果上帝要让人人都一样的话If God intended everybody to be the same,他会给每人一双脚撑he'd have given us all braces on our legs.妈妈总有办法让我明白她的意思Mama always had a way of explaining things so I could understand them.我们住在17号公路附近We lived about a quarter mile off Route 17,距离亚拉巴马州绿茵镇约半哩about a half mile from the town of Greenbow, Alabama.这个地方属于绿茵县That's in the county of Greenbow.我们的房子来自妈妈的家族Our house had been in Mama's family从她爷爷的爷爷的爷爷传下来的since her grandpa's grandpa's grandpa他大概在一千年前飘洋过海来这里had come across the ocean about a thousand years ago.房子只有我和妈妈住Since it was just me and Mama我们有好多空房间and we had all these empty rooms,妈妈将这些空房出租Mama decided to let those rooms out,给路过的人住mostly to people passing through,比如从莫比镇、或蒙哥马利镇来的人Like from, oh, Mobile, Montgomery, places like that.我和妈妈靠这个挣到钱That's how me and Mama got money.妈妈是个很聪明的女士Mama was a real smart lady.记住我说的话,福雷斯 Remember what I told you, Forrest.你和其它任何人是一样的 You're no different than anybody else is.听清楚了没有,福雷斯? Did you hear what I said, Forrest?你和其它人是一样的You're the same as everybody else.你并没有什么不一样 You are no different.你的孩子有点不一样,甘太太Your boy's...different, Mrs. Gump.他的智商只有75 His I.Q is 75.我们都是不一样的 Well, we're all different, 汉考克先生 Mr. Hancock.她希望我得到最好的教育She wanted me to have the finest education所以她带我去绿茵县中心学校so she to ok me to the Greenbow County Central School. 我见到了校长什么的 I met the principal and all.请你看看这个,甘太太I want to show you something, Mrs. Gump.这是正常水平 Now, this is normal.福雷斯则是在这儿 Forrest is right here .州政府要求智商起码要80 The state require s a minimum I.Q of 80才能上公立学校 to attend public school.甘太太 Mrs. Gump,他应该上特殊学校 he's going to have to go to a special school.在那里他会很好的 Now, he'll be just fine.正常水平是什么意思? What does normal mean anyway ?他可能… He might be...反应不太灵敏 a bit on the slow side,但我儿子福雷斯 but my boy Forrest应该和其它人一样得到机会is going to get the same opportunities as everyone else.他不该去特殊学校He's not going to some special school学怎么翻修轮胎 to learn how to retread tires. 这不过是区区5分的问题We're talking about five little points here .一定会有办法解决的There must be something can be done.我们的学校是要排名次的We're a progressive school system.我们不想有人拉后腿We don't want to see anybody left behind.甘先生在哪儿,甘太太?Is there a Mr.Gump, Mrs. Gump?他去度假了 He's on vacation.你妈妈真是很关心你的教育,孩子Well, your mama sure does care about your schooling, son.你不太会说话,是吗?You don't say much, do you?“最后,他必须去试一试 "Finally, he had to try.“看起来容易,但是… "It looked easy, but... “发生了怪事,首先他们…oh, what happened. First they--"妈妈,度假是什么意思?Mama, what's vacation mean?度假? Vacation?爸爸去哪儿了? Where Daddy went?度假就是你去一个地方…Vacation's when you go somewhere...然后就不再回来and you don't ever comeback.总之,我想你可以说Anyway, I guess you could say我和妈妈无依无靠 me and Mama was on our own.但我们不介意 But we didn't mind.我们的房子总住满了人 Our house was never empty.经常是人来人往的There was always folks coming and going.开饭! Supper!大家来吃晚饭啦! It's supper, everyone!这看起来很特别 That sure looks special.有时有这么多人和我们一起住Sometimes, we had so many people staying with us每个房间都住满了旅客that every room was filled, with travelers, you know,这些人带着行李箱子 folks living out of their suitcases还有帽子箱子,还有样品箱子and hat cases and sample cases.福雷斯甘,吃晚饭了!福雷斯?Forrest Gump, it's suppertime! Forrest?有一次,又有位年青人和我们住一起One time, a young man was staying with us,他带着一个吉它箱子 and he had him a guitar case.“你从来逮不到兔子”# Well, you ain't never caught a rabbit #“你也不是…” # And you ain't no #“我的朋友” # Friend of mine #福雷斯 Forrest,叫你不要打扰这位叔叔I told you not to bother this nice young man.不,没关系,太太 No, that's all right, ma'am. 我在弹吉它给他听 I was showing him a thing or two on theguitar.好吧,你可以来吃晚饭了 All right. Supper's ready if y'all want to eat.行,好极了。
剧名:阿甘正传(Forrest Gump)片段演员:Forrest Gump(阿甘)Mrs. Gump(阿甘妈妈)Doctor (医生)Man (路人)Lt. Dan (中尉)Louise (路易斯)Elderly Woman (老人)The man sitting on the bench listens to Forrest. An ELDERLY WOMAN sits next to the man.Forrest : ... and we were the only boat left ,standing "Bubba-Gump" shrimp's what they got. We got a whole bunch of boats. Twelve Jenny's, a big ol' warehouse, we even have hats that says "Bubba-Gump" on 'em. "Bubba-Gump Shrimp." It's a household name.而我们的船是唯一剩下的了,他们只能来布巴甘这里买虾,我们购置了一大堆船,有12条珍妮号,还有一个大仓库,我们还订做了帽子上面写着“布巴甘”,布巴甘捕虾公司,这名字家喻户晓。
Man: Hold on there, boy. Are you telling me you're the owner of the Bubba-Gum p Shrimp Corporation?等等,小兄弟,你是说你就是…,布巴捕虾公司的老板?Forrest : Yes, sir. We've got more money than Davy Crocket.对,我们挣了一大堆钱Man : Boy, I've heard some whoppers in my time, but that tops them all. We was sitting next to a millionaire!孩子,我听过很多牛皮,这是最大的一个,我们身边正坐着一个百万富翁。
Forrest Gump TranscriptEXT. A SAVANNAH STREET - DAY - 1981A feather floats through the air.The falling feather. A city, Savannah, is revealed in the background.The feather floats down toward the city below.The feather drops down toward the street below, as people walk past and cars drive by, and nearly lands on a man's shoulder. He walks across the street, causing the feather to be whisked back on its journey.The feather floats above a stopped car. The car drives off right as the feather floats down toward the street.、The feather floats under a passing car, then is sent flying back up inthe air.A MAN sits on a bus bench. The feather floats above the ground andfinally lands on the man's mud-soaked shoe. The man reached down and picks up the feather.His name is FORREST GUMP. He looks at the feather oddly, moves aside a box of chocolates from an old suitcase, then opens the case. Inside theold suitcase are an assortment of clothes, a ping-pong paddle, toothpaste and other personal items. Forrest pulls out a book titled "Curious George," then places the feather inside the book. Forrest closes the;suitcase. Something in his eyes reveals that Forrest may not be allthere. Forrest looks right as the sound of an arriving bus is heard.A bus pulls up. Forrest remains on the bus bench as the bus continues on.A BLACK WOMAN in a nurse's outfit steps up and sits down at the bus bench next to Forrest. The nurse begins to read a magazine as Forrest looks at her.Forrest: Hello. My name's Forrest Gump.He opens a box of chocolates and holds it out for the nurse.Forrest: You want a chocolateThe nurse shakes her head, a bit apprehensive about this strange man next ·to her.Forrest: I could eat about a million and a half of these. My mommaalways said, "Life was like a box of chocolates. You neverknow what you're gonna get."Forrest eats a chocolate as he looks down at the nurse's shoes.Forrest: Those must be comfortable shoes. I'll bet you could walkall day in shoes like that and not feel a thing. I wish Ihad shoes like that.Black Woman: My feet hurt.Forrest: Momma always says there's an awful lot you could tell"about a person by their shoes. Where they're going. Wherethey've been.The black woman stares at Forrest as he looks down at his own shoes.Forrest: I've worn lots of shoes. I bet if I think about it realhard I could remember my first pair of shoes.Forrest closes his eyes tightly.Forrest: Momma said they'd take my anywhere.INT. COUNTRY DOCTOR'S OFFICE - GREENBOW, ALABAMA - DAY - 1951A little boy closes his eyes tightly. It is young Forrest as he sits in adoctor's office.…Forrest: (voice-over) She said they was my magic shoes.Forrest has been fitted with orthopedic shoes and metal leg braces.Doctor: All right, Forrest, you can open your eyes now. Let's takea little walk around.The doctor sets Forrest down on its feet. Forrest walks around stiffly.Forrest's mother, MRS. GUMP, watches him as he clanks around the room awkwardly.Doctor: How do those feel His legs are strong, Mrs. Gump. As】strong as I've ever seen. But his back is as crooked as apolitician.Forrest walks foreground past the doctor and Mrs. Gump.Doctor: But we're gonna straighten him rihgt up now, won't we,ForrestA loud thud is heard as, outside, Forrest falls.Mrs. Gump: Forest!EXT. GREENBOW, ALABAMAMrs. Gump and young Forrest walk across the street. Forrest walks stiffly next to his mother.(Forrest: Now, when I was a baby, Momma named me after the greatCivil War hero, General Nathan Bedford Forrest...EXT. RURAL ALABAMAA black and white photo of General Nathan Bedford Forrest. The phototurns into live action as the General dons a hooded sheet over his head.The General is in full Ku Klux Klan garb, including his horse. TheGeneral rides off, followed by a large group of Klan members dressed infull uniform.Forrest: (voice-over) She said we was related to him in some way.And, what he did was, he started up this club called the%Ku Klux Klan. They'd all dress up in their robes and theirbedsheets and act like a bunch of ghosts or spooks orsomething. They'd even put bedsheets on their horses andride around. And anyway, that's how I got my name. ForrestGump.EXT. GREENBOWMrs. Gump and Forrest walk across the street.Forrest: (voice-over) Momma said that the Forrest part was toremind me that sometimes we all do things that, well, justdon't make no sense.:Forrest stops suddenly as his brace gets stuck.Forrest's brace is caught in a gutter grate. Mrs. Gump bends down andtries to free Forrest. Two old cronies sit in front of a barber shop and watch.Mrs. Gump: Just wait, let me get it.Mrs. Gump struggles to pull the stuck brace from the grate.Mrs. Gump: Let me get it. Wait, get it this way. Hold on.Forrest pulls his foot out of the grate.Mrs. Gump: All right.Mrs. Gump helps Forrest up onto the sidewalk. She looks up and notices]the two old man.Mrs. Gump: Oooh. All right. What are you all staring at Haven't youever seen a little boy with braces on his legs beforeMrs. Gump and Forrest walk along the sidwalk past the two old men. Mrs. Gump holds tightly onto Forrest's hand.Mrs. Gump: Don't ever let anybody tell you they're better than you,Forrest. If God intended everybody to be the same, he'dhave given us all braces on our legs.Forrest: (voice-over) Momma always had a way of explaining thingsso I could understand them.|EXT. OAK ALLEY/THE GUMP BOARDING HOUSEMrs. Gump and Forrest walk along a dirt road. A row of mailboxes stands left.Forrest: (voice-over) We lived about a quarter mile of Route 17,about a half mile from the town of Greenbow, Alabama.That's in the county of Greenbow. Our house had been inMomma's family since her grandpa's grandpa's grandpa hadcome across the ocean about a thousand years ago.Something like that.Mrs. Gump and Forrest walk along the Gump Boarding House driveway.*Forrest: (voice-over) Since it was just me and Momma and we had allthese empty rooms, Momma decided to let those rooms out.Mostly to people passing through. Like from, oh, Mobile,Montgomery, place like that. That's how me and Mommy gotmoney. Mommy was a real smart lady.Mrs. Gump: Remember what I told you, Forrest. You're no differentthan anybody else is.Mrs. Gump heads Forrest to the porch. She bends down to look Forrest inthe eye.Mrs. Gump: Did you hear what I said, Forrest You're the same as#everybody else. You are no different.INT. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL / PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE - DAY - 1954Principal: Your boy's... different, Mrs. Gump. Now, his . isseventy-five.Mrs. Gump: Well, we're all different, Mr. Hancock.The principal sighs, then stands up.INT. HALLWAYForrest sits outside the principal's office and waits.Forrest: (voice-over) She wanted me to have the finest education,so she took me to the Greenbow County Central School. I-met the principal and all.The principal stands in front of Mrs. Gump. Forrest, sitting left,listens.Principal: I want to show you something, Mrs. Gump. Now, this isnormal.The principal holds up a chart with a designations according to . andpoints to the center of the graph, labeled "Normal." A red line below the normal area is labeled "State Acceptance." The principal points to thesection below the acceptance line labeled "Below."Principal: Forrest is right here. The state requires a minimum .'of eighty to attend public school, Mrs. Gump. He's gonnahave to go to a special school. Now, he'll be just fine.Mrs. Gump: What does normal mean, anyway He might be a bit on theslow side, but my boy Forrest is going to get the sameopportunities as everyone else. He's not going to somespecial school to learn to how to re-tread tires. We'retalking about five little points here. There must besomething can be done.INT. HALLWAYForrest sits outside the principal's office.[Principal: We're a progressive school system. We don't want to seeanybody left behind.INT. PRINCIPAL'S OFFICEPrincipal: Is there a Mr. Gump, Mrs. GumpMrs. Gump: He's on vacation.EXT. GUMP BOARDING HOUSE - NIGHTForrest sits on a swing outside the house. Loud organic male grunts areheard coming from inside the house.Forrest sits on the swing as the grunts continue.The principal steps out of the Gump House and wipes the sweat from his<face. Forrest is sitting on the porch.Principal: Well, your momma sure does care about your schooling, son.Mm-mm-mm.The principal wipes the sweat from his neck, then looks back at Forrest.Principal: You don't say much, do youForrest grunts, imitating him. The principal, embarrassed, turns andwalks away.INT. GUMP BOARDING HOUSE/FORREST'S BEDROOMMrs. Gump reads from the book "Curious George" as Forrest sits on the bed and listens..Mrs. Gump: "Finally, he had to try it. It looked easy, but, oh, whathappened. First there..."Forrest: Momma, what's vacation meanMrs. Gump: VacationForrest: Where Daddy wentMrs. Gump: Vacation's when you go somewhere, and you don't ever comeback.Forrest lies down on his bed and looks up.Forrest: (voice-over) Anyway, I guess you could say me and Mommawas on our own.(EXT. GUMP BOARDING HOUSE - DAYA cab driver closes the trunk of the car as two women walk toward the house. A milkman steps down from the porch.Forrest: (voice-over) But we didn't mind. Our house was neverempty. There was always folks comin' and goin'.Mrs. Gump: (voice-over) Suppa.INT. GUMP BOARDING HOUSEMrs. Gump steps forward and speaks to all the boarders.Mrs. Gump: It's suppa, everyone. Forrest...A MAN WITH A CANE steps left across the hall.—Man With Cane: My, my. That sure looks special.Mrs. Gump looks into a sitting room and informs the boarders about dinner.Mrs. Gump: Gentlemen, would you care to join us for supper Hurry upand get it before the flies do. I prefer you don't smokethat cigar so close to mealtime.Forrest: (voice-over) Sometimes we had so many people stayin' withus that every room was filled with travelers. You know,folks livin' out of their suitcases, and hat cases, andsample cases.—Mrs. Gump: Well, you go ahead and start. I cant find Forrest.Mrs. Gump walks up the stairs.Mrs. Gump: Forrest... Forrest...Forrest: (voice-over) One time a young man was staying with us, andhe had him a guitar case.Mrs. Gump looks into Forrest's room. She hears singing coming from another room and walks over to a closed door. Mrs. Gump opens the door, revealing a young man with long sideburns as he plays the guitar and sings. Forrest holds onto a broom and dances oddly. The young man is ELVIS PRESLEY."Elvis Presley: (sings) "Well, you ain't never caught a rabbit, and youain't no friend of mine."Forrest's legs rock back and forth to the guitar.Mrs. Gump: Forrest! I told you not to bother this nice young man.Elvis: Oh, no, that's all right, ma'am. I was just showin' him athing or two on the guitar here.Mrs. Gump: All right, but your supper's ready if y'all want to eat.Elvis: Yeah, that sounds good. Thank you, ma'am.Mrs. Gump leaves and closes the door. Elvis sits back down. Forrest stands left, and looks himself in a mirror.】Elvis: Say, man, show me that crazy little walk you just didthere. Slow it down some.Forrest begins to dance again as Elvis plays the guitar and sings.Elvis: (sings) "You ain't nothin' but a hound, hound dog..."Forrest: (voice-over) I liked that guitar.Forrest dances as he watches himself in the mirror.Forrest: (voice-over) It sounded good.Elvis: (sings) "... cryin' all the time"Forrest rocks up and down on his braced legs, then begins to step.Elvis: (sings) "You ain't nothin' but a hound dog..."?Forrest: (voice-over) I started moving around to the music,swinging my hips. This one night we and Momma... EXT. GREENBOW - NIGHTMrs. Gump and Forrest walk along a sidewalk. A television inside a store window reveals Elvis Presley as he performs "Houng Dog" on a stage.Forrest: (voice-over) ...was out shoppin', and we walked right byBenson's Furniture and Appliance store, and guess what. The television reveals Elvis as he thrusts his hips and sings.Elvis: (sings) You ain't nothin' but a hound dog...Mrs. Gump and Forrest watch the television.>Elvis dances around in the same manner Forrest did. A woman in the audience screaming and applauding.Elvis: (sings) You ain't nothin' but a hound dog...Mrs. Gump: This is not children's eyes.Mrs. Gump walks away, pulling Forrest with her. Forrest stops and takesone last look.Elvis continues to perform over the television.Elvis: (sings)"Well, you ain't never caught a rabbit and youain't no friend of mine."Forrest: (voice-over) Some years later, that handsome young man who 。
主演:汤姆汉克片名:阿甘正传译文:Freesand Leo你好。
我叫福雷斯,福雷斯甘 Hello. My name's Forrest - Forrest Gump.要吃巧克力吗? Do you want a chocolate? 我能吃掉上百万块巧克力I could eat about a million and a half of these.我妈妈常说 My mama always said人生就像一盒各式各样的巧克力 Life was like a box of chocolates.你永远不知道下一块将会是哪种You never know what you're going to get.那双鞋子一定很舒适Those must be comfortable shoes.穿这样的鞋子你可以走上一整天I bet you could walk all day in shoes like that脚都不会痛 and not feel a thing.我希望能有一双这样的鞋子 I wish I hadshoes like that.其实我的脚很痛 My feet hurt .妈妈常说要想知道一个人的很多事情 Mama always said there's an awful lot只要看看他穿的鞋就能知道 you can tell about a person by their shoes.他会往哪里走 Where they're going,他住在哪里 where they've been.我穿过很多双鞋子I've worn lots of shoes.如果我仔细想的话I bet if I think about it real hard我能记得我第一双鞋子的模样I could remember my first pair of shoes.妈妈说它会带我到任何地方Mama said they'd take me anywhere .她说它是双魔鞋 She said they was my magic shoes.好的,福雷斯,开双眼All right,Forrest, Open your eyes now .你走几步看看 Let's take a little walk around.感觉如何? How do those feel?他的双腿很强壮,甘太太 His legs are strong, Mrs. Gump,是我见过最强壮的as strong as I've ever seen.但是他的背象政客一样弯 But his back's as crooked as a politician.但我们会让他再直起来,对吧?But we're going to straighten him right up, aren't we, Forrest?福雷斯! Forrest!我刚出世时 Now, when I was a baby,妈用了一位战英雄的名字为我取名 Mama named me afterthe great Civil War hero森贝弗福雷斯将军General NathanBedford Forrest.森贝弗福雷斯将军General Nathan Bedford Forrest.她说我们有点亲戚关系 She said we was related to him in some way.他做过的事情是: What he did was,建立了一个俱乐部叫三K党 he tarted up this club called the Ku Klux Klan.他们全披着长袍和床单 They'd all dress up in their robes and their bed sheets看来像一群鬼 and act like a bunch of ghosts or spooks or something.他们还在马上也披了床单四处跑 They'd even put bed sheets on their horses and ride around.不管怎样,这就是我名字的由来:福雷斯甘And, anyway, that'show I got my name-- Forrest Gump.妈妈说这名字是提醒我Mama said the Forrest part was to remind me我们会经常做一些that sometimes we all do things that, well,并没有意义的事情 that just don't make no sense.向这边! This way. Hold on. Ugh!好了 All right.你们在看什么? What are y'all staring at?从来没有见过 Haven't you ever seen小孩子戴脚撑的吗? a little boy with braces on his legs before ?不要管其它人 Don't ever let anybody说他们比你强,福雷斯 tell you they're better than you, Forrest.如果上帝要让人人都一样的话If God intended everybody to be the same,他会给每人一双脚撑 he'd have given usall braces on our legs.妈妈总有办法让我明白她的意思Mama always had a way of explaining things so I could understand them.我们住在17号公路附近 We lived about a quarter mile off Route 17,距离亚拉巴马州绿茵镇约半哩about a half mile from the town of Greenbow, Alabama.这个地方属于绿茵县That's in the county of Greenbow.我们的房子来自妈妈的家族Our house had been in Mama's family从她爷爷的爷爷的爷爷传下来的since her grandpa's grandpa's grandpa他大概在一千年前飘洋过海来这里 had come across the ocean about a thousand years ago.房子只有我和妈妈住 Since it was justme and Mama我们有好多空房间 and we had all these empty rooms,妈妈将这些空房出租Mama decided to let those rooms out,给路过的人住 mostly to people passing through,比如从莫比镇、或蒙哥马利镇来的人 Like from, oh, Mobile, Montgomery, places like that.我和妈妈靠这个挣到钱That's how me and Mama got money.妈妈是个很聪明的女士 Mama was a real smart lady.记住我说的话,福雷斯 Remember what I told you, Forrest.你和其它任何人是一样的You're no different than anybody else is.听清楚了没有,福雷斯? Did you hearwhat I said, Forrest?你和其它人是一样的 You're the same as everybody else.你并没有什么不一样You are no different.你的孩子有点不一样,甘太太Your boy's...different, Mrs. Gump.他的智商只有75 His I.Q is 75.我们都是不一样的Well, we're all different,汉考克先生 Mr. Hancock.她希望我得到最好的教育 She wanted me to have the finest education所以她带我去绿茵县中心学校 so she to ok me to the Greenbow County Central School.我见到了校长什么的I met the principal and all.请你看看这个,甘太太 I want to showyou something, Mrs. Gump.这是正常水平 Now, this is normal.福雷斯则是在这儿Forrest is right here .州政府要求智商起码要80 The state require s a minimum I.Q of 80才能上公立学校to attend public school.甘太太 Mrs. Gump,他应该上特殊学校 he's going to have to go to a special school.在那里他会很好的 Now, he'll be just fine.正常水平是什么意思? What does normal mean anyway ?他可能… He might be...反应不太灵敏 a bit on the slow side, 但我儿子福雷斯 but my boy Forrest应该和其它人一样得到机会 is going toget the same opportunities as everyone else.他不该去特殊学校He's not going to some special school学怎么翻修轮胎to learn how to retread tires.这不过是区区5分的问题 We're talking about five little points here .一定会有办法解决的There must be something can be done.我们的学校是要排名次的We're a progressive school system.我们不想有人拉后腿 We don't want to see anybody left behind.甘先生在哪儿,甘太太? Is there a Mr. Gump, Mrs. Gump?他去度假了 He's on vacation.你妈妈真是很关心你的教育,孩子 Well, your mama sure does care about yourschooling, son.你不太会说话,是吗?You don't say much, do you?“最后,他必须去试一试 "Finally, he had to try.“看起来容易,但是… "It looked easy, but...“发生了怪事,首先他们…oh, what happened. First they--"妈妈,度假是什么意思? Mama, what's vacation mean?度假? Vacation?爸爸去哪儿了? Where Daddy went?度假就是你去一个地方…Vacation's when you go somewhere...然后就不再回来and you don't ever come back.总之,我想你可以说Anyway, I guess you could say我和妈妈无依无靠 me and Mama was on our own.但我们不介意 But we didn't mind.我们的房子总住满了人Our house was never empty.经常是人来人往的There was always folks coming and going.开饭! Supper!大家来吃晚饭啦!It's supper, everyone!这看起来很特别That sure looks special.有时有这么多人和我们一起住 Sometimes, we had so many people staying with us 每个房间都住满了旅客 that every room was filled, with travelers, you know, 这些人带着行箱子 folks living out of their suitcases还有帽子箱子,还有样品箱子and hatcases and sample cases.福雷斯甘,吃晚饭了!福雷斯? Forrest Gump, it's suppertime! Forrest?有一次,又有位年青人和我们住一起 One time, a young man was staying with us, 他带着一个吉它箱子 and he had him a guitar case.“你从来逮不到兔子”# Well, you ain't never caught a rabbit #“你也不是…” # And you ain't no # “我的朋友” # Friend of mine #福雷斯 Forrest,叫你不要打扰这位叔叔 I told you not to bother this nice young man.不,没关系,太太 No, that's all right, ma'am.我在弹吉它给他听 I was showing him a thing or two on theguitar.好吧,你可以来吃晚饭了All right. Supper's ready if y'all want to eat. 行,好极了。
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Forrest Gump 阿甘正传中英双语剧本你好。
我叫福雷斯,福雷斯甘Hello. My name's Forrest - Forrest Gump.要吃巧克力吗? Do you want a chocolate?我能吃掉上百万块巧克力I could eat about a million and a half of these.我妈妈常说My mama always said人生就像一盒各式各样的巧克力Life was like a box of chocolates.你永远不知道下一块将会是哪种You never know what you're going to get.那双鞋子一定很舒适Those must be comfortable shoes. 穿这样的鞋子你可以走上一整天I bet you could walk all day in shoes like that脚都不会痛and not feel a thing.我希望能有一双这样的鞋子I wish I had shoes like that.其实我的脚很痛My feet hurt .妈妈常说要想知道一个人的很多事情Mama always said there's an awful lot只要看看他穿的鞋就能知道you can tell about a person by their shoes.他会往哪里走Where they're going,他住在哪里where they've been.我穿过很多双鞋子I've worn lots of shoes.如果我仔细想的话I bet if I think about it real hard我能记得我第一双鞋子的模样I could remember my first pair of shoes.妈妈说它会带我到任何地方Mama said they'd take me anywhere .她说它是双魔鞋She said they was my magic shoes.好的,福雷斯,张开双眼All right, Forrest, Open your eyes now .你走几步看看Let's take a little walk around.感觉如何?How do those feel?他的双腿很强壮,甘太太His legs are strong, Mrs. Gump,是我见过最强壮的as strong as I've ever seen.但是他的背象政客一样弯But his back's as crooked as a politician.但我们会让他再直起来,对吧?But we're going to straighten him right up, aren't we, Forrest?福雷斯!Forrest!我刚出世时Now, when I was a baby,妈用了一位内战英雄的名字为我取名Mama named me after the great Civil War hero 内森贝弗福雷斯将军General Nathan Bedford Forrest. 内森贝弗福雷斯将军General Nathan Bedford Forrest. 她说我们有点亲戚关系She said we was related to him in some way.他做过的事情是:What he did was,建立了一个俱乐部叫三K党he tarted up this club called the Ku Klux Klan.他们全披着长袍和床单They'd all dress up in their robes and their bed sheets看来像一群鬼and act like a bunch of ghosts or spooks or something.他们还在马上也披了床单四处跑They'd even put bed sheets on their horses and ride around.不管怎样,这就是我名字的由来:福雷斯甘And, anyway, that'show I got my name-- Forrest Gump.妈妈说这名字是提醒我Mama said the Forrest part was to remind me我们会经常做一些that sometimes we all do things that, well,并没有意义的事情that just don't make no sense.向这边!This way. Hold on. Ugh!好了All right.你们在看什么?What are y'all staring at?从来没有见过Haven't you ever seen小孩子戴脚撑的吗?a little boy with braces on his legs before ?不要管其它人Don't ever let anybody说他们比你强,福雷斯tell you they're better than you, Forrest.如果上帝要让人人都一样的话If God intended everybody to be the same,他会给每人一双脚撑he'd have given us all braces on our legs.妈妈总有办法让我明白她的意思Mama always had a way of explaining things so I could understand them.我们住在17号公路附近We lived about a quarter mile off Route 17,距离亚拉巴马州绿茵镇约半哩about a half mile from the town of Greenbow, Alabama.这个地方属于绿茵县That's in the county of Greenbow. 我们的房子来自妈妈的家族Our house had been in Mama's family从她爷爷的爷爷的爷爷传下来的since her grandpa's grandpa's grandpa他大概在一千年前飘洋过海来这里had come across the ocean about a thousand years ago.房子只有我和妈妈住Since it was just me and Mama我们有好多空房间and we had all these empty rooms, 妈妈将这些空房出租Mama decided to let those rooms out,给路过的人住mostly to people passing through,比如从莫比镇、或蒙哥马利镇来的人Like from, oh, Mobile, Montgomery, places like that.我和妈妈靠这个挣到钱That's how me and Mama got money.妈妈是个很聪明的女士Mama was a real smart lady.记住我说的话,福雷斯Remember what I told you, Forrest.你和其它任何人是一样的You're no different than anybody else is.听清楚了没有,福雷斯?Did you hear what I said, Forrest?你和其它人是一样的You're the same as everybody else.你并没有什么不一样You are no different.你的孩子有点不一样,甘太太Your boy's...different, Mrs. Gump.他的智商只有75 His I.Q is 75.我们都是不一样的Well, we're all different,汉考克先生Mr. Hancock.她希望我得到最好的教育She wanted me to have the finest education所以她带我去绿茵县中心学校so she took me to the Greenbow County Central School.我见到了校长什么的I met the principal and all.请你看看这个,甘太太I want to show you something, Mrs. Gump.这是正常水平Now, this is normal.福雷斯则是在这儿Forrest is right here .州政府要求智商起码要80 The state require s a minimum I.Q of 80才能上公立学校to attend public school.甘太太Mrs. Gump,他应该上特殊学校he's going to have to go to a special school.在那里他会很好的Now, he'll be just fine.正常水平是什么意思? What does normal mean anyway ?他可能…He might be...反应不太灵敏 a bit on the slow side,但我儿子福雷斯but my boy Forrest应该和其它人一样得到机会is going to get the same opportunities as everyone else.他不该去特殊学校He's not going to some special school学怎么翻修轮胎to learn how to retread tires.这不过是区区5分的问题We're talking about five little points here .一定会有办法解决的There must be something can be done.我们的学校是要排名次的We're a progressive school system.我们不想有人拉后腿We don't want to see anybody left behind.甘先生在哪儿,甘太太?Is there a Mr. Gump, Mrs. Gump?他去度假了He's on vacation.你妈妈真是很关心你的教育,孩子Well, your mama sure does care about your schooling, son.你不太会说话,是吗?You don't say much, do you? “最后,他必须去试一试"Finally, he had to try.“看起来容易,但是…"It looked easy, but...“发生了怪事,首先他们…oh, what happened. First they--"妈妈,度假是什么意思?Mama, what's vacation mean? 度假?Vacation?爸爸去哪儿了?Where Daddy went?度假就是你去一个地方…Vacation's when you go somewhere...然后就不再回来and you don't ever come back.总之,我想你可以说Anyway, I guess you could say我和妈妈无依无靠me and Mama was on our own.但我们不介意But we didn't mind.我们的房子总住满了人Our house was never empty.经常是人来人往的There was always folks coming and going.开饭!Supper!大家来吃晚饭啦!It's supper, everyone!这看起来很特别That sure looks special.有时有这么多人和我们一起住Sometimes, we had so many people staying with us每个房间都住满了旅客that every room was filled, with travelers, you know,这些人带着行李箱子folks living out of their suitcases 还有帽子箱子,还有样品箱子and hat cases and sample cases.福雷斯甘,吃晚饭了!福雷斯?Forrest Gump, it's suppertime! Forrest?有一次,又有位年青人和我们住一起One time, a young man was staying with us,他带着一个吉它箱子and he had him a guitar case.“你从来逮不到兔子”# Well, you ain't never caught a rabbit #“你也不是…”# And you ain't no #“我的朋友”# Friend of mine #福雷斯Forrest,叫你不要打扰这位叔叔I told you not to bother this nice young man.不,没关系,太太No, that's all right, ma'am.我在弹吉它给他听I was showing him a thing or two on the guitar.好吧,你可以来吃晚饭了All right. Supper's ready if y'all want to eat.行,好极了。