Amdt 1 AS-NZS 60335.2.80-2004




家用电器测试标准1、IEC60335-2-2、AS/NZS60335-2-2、BS EN60335-2-2(真空吸尘器和吸水式清洁器的特殊要求)2、IEC6033527、AS/NZS6033527、BS EN60335-2-7 (洗衣机的特殊要求)3、IEC60335-2・9、AS/NZS60335-2-9、BS EN60335-2・9(面包片烘烤器、烤架、电烤炉及类似用途器具的特殊要求)4、IEC60335214、AS/NZS60335-2-14、BS EN60335-2-14(厨房机械的特殊要求)5、IEC60335-2-16、AS/NZS60335-2-16、BS EN60335-2-16(废弃食物处理器的特殊要求)6、IEC60335-2-30. AS/NZS60335-2-30、BS EN60335・2-30(室内加热器的特殊要求)7、IEC60335215、AS/NZS60335-2.15、BS EN60335-2-15(液体加热器的特殊要求)8、IEC60335-2-2I、AS/NZS60335-2-21、BS EN60335-2-2K储水式热水器的特殊要求)9、IEC60335-2-24、AS/NZS60335-2-24. BS EN60335-2-24(电冰箱、食品冷冻箱和制冰机的特殊要求)1()、IEC60335-2-35、AS/NZS60335-2.35、BS EN60335-2-35(快热式热水器的特殊要求)11、IEC60335275、AS/NZS60335275、BS EN60335-2-75(商用售卖机的特殊要求)12、IEC60335-2-3、AS/NZS60335-2-3、BS EN60335-2-3(电熨斗的特殊要求)13、IEC6033528、AS/NZS6033528、BS EN60335-2-8(电动剃须刀、电推剪及类似器具的特殊要求)14、IEC60335-2-32、AS/NZS60335-2-32、BS EN60335・2-32(按摩电器的特殊要求)15、IEC60335-2-6、AS/NZS60335-2-6. BS EN60335-2-6(驻立式电灶、灶台、烤炉的特殊要求)16、IEC60335245、AS/NZS60335245、BS EN60335-2-45(便携式电热工具的特殊要求)17、IEC60335-2-13、AS/NZS60335-2-13、BS EN60335-2-13 (深油炸锅、油煎锅及类似器具的特殊要求)18、IEC60335250、AS/NZS60335250、BS EN60335・2.50(商用电水浴保温器的特殊要求)射的器具的特殊要20、IEC60335-2-4K AS/NZS60335-2-41. BSEN60335-2-41 (泉的特殊要21、IEC60335-2-54. 殊要求 AS/NZS60335-2-54、 BS EN60335-2-54 (使用液体的表血清洁器具的特 22、 IEC60335-2-60. AS/NZS60335・2・60、 BS EN60335-2-60 (旋涡浴器的特殊要23、 IEC60335-2-82、 AS/NZS60335-2-82、 BS EN60335282 ( |'|我服务器和娱乐器的特殊24、 IEC60335・2・85、 AS/NZS60335-2-85. BS EN60335-2-85 (织物蒸汽机的特殊要IEC60335-2-97、 25、 似器具驱动器的特殊要AS/NZS60335-2-97、 BS EN60335-2-97 (旋转百叶窗,雨蓬,窗帘及类 26、IEC60335・2-23、AS/NZS60335223、 求) BS EN60335.2.23(皮肤及毛发护理器具的特殊要 27、IEC60335・2・24、 AS/NZS60335224、 BS EN60335・2.24(电冰箱、食品冷冻箱和制冰28、IEC60335-2-AS/NZS60335・2・80、 BS EN60335280 (风扇的特殊要求) 29、IEC60335-2-17、 AS/NZS60335217、 BSEN60335217 (电热毯、电热垫和类似柔性加 30、 IEC60335-2-43、 求) 31、 IEC60335-2-AS/NZS60335・2・43、 BS EN60335-2-43 (衣物干燥机和毛巾架的特殊要 AS/NZS60335-2-1K BS EN60335-2-11 (滚筒式干衣机的32、 IEC60335-2-65. AS/NZS60335-2-BS EN60335-2-65 (空气净化器的特33、 IEC60335-2-10. AS/NZS60335-2-BS EN60335-2-10 (地板处理机和湿34、 IEC60335-2-52. AS/NZS60335-2-52. BS EN60335-2-52 (口腔卫生器具的35、IEC60335-2-98. AS/NZS60335-2-98、BS EN60335-2-98 (加湿器的特殊要36、IEC60335-2-38. AS/NZS60335-2-38、BS EN60335-2-38 (商用单双面电热铛的特殊要求)37、IEC60335-2-74、AS/NZS60335-2-74、BS EN60335-2-74 (便携浸入式加热器的特殊要求)38、IEC60335-2-44、AS/NZS60335-2-44、BS EN60335-2-44 (夹烫机的特殊要求)39、IEC60335-2-3K AS/NZS60335-2-3K BS EN60335-2-31 (吸油烟机的特殊要求)40、IEC60335-2-12、AS/NZS60335-2-12、BS EN60335-2-12 (保温板和类似器具的特殊要求)41、IEC60335-2-84、AS/NZS60335-2-84、BS EN60335-2-84 (坐便器的特殊要求)42、IEC60335-2-10K AS/NZS60335-2-101、BS EN60335-2-101 (挥发器的特殊要求)43、IEC60335-2-102、AS/NZS60335-2-102、BS EN60335-2-102(电气连接的气、油和固体燃料燃烧器具的特殊要求)44、IEC60745-2-1、AS/NZS60745-2-1、BS EN60745-2-1 (电钻和冲击电钻的专用要求)45、IEC60745-2-3、AS/NZS60745-2-3、BS EN60745-2-3 (电动砂轮机、抛光机和盘式砂光机的专用要求)46、TEC60745-2-5、AS/NZS60745-2-5、BS EN60745-2-5(圆锯的专用要求)47、IEC60745-2-14、AS/NZS60745-2T4、BS EN60745-2-14(电刨的专用要求)48、IEC60745-2-13、AS/NZS60745-2-13、BS EN60745-2-13 (电链锯的专用要求)49、IEC60745-2-16. AS/NZS60745-2-16、BS EN60745-2-16(电动钉钉机的专用要求)50、IEC60745217、AS/NZS60745217、BS EN60745-2-17(木铁与修边机的专用要求)51、IEC60745-2-6. AS/NZS60745-2-6、BS EN60745-2-6(锤类工具的专用要求)52、IEC60745-2-2. AS/NZS60745-2-2. BS EN60745-2-2(螺丝刀和冲击扳手的专用要求)54、IEC60745-2-IK AS/NZS60745-2-11 > BS EN60745-2-11 (往复锯(曲线锯、刀锯)的专用要求)55、IEC60745-2.7、AS/NZS60745-2-7. BS EN60745-2-7 (不易燃液体电喷枪的专用要求)56、IEC60745212、AS/NZS60745212、BS EN60745-2-12(混凝十•振动器的专用要求)57、IEC60745-2-20、AS/NZS60745-2-20、BS EN60745-2-20 (带据的专用要求)58、IEC61029-2-9. AS/NZS61029-2-9> BS EN61029-2-9(斜切割机的专用要求)59、IEC61029-2-1、AS/NZS61029-2-K BS EN61029-2-1 (圆锯的专用要求)60、IEC61029-2-5、AS/NZS61029-2-5 > BS EN61029-2-5(带锯的专用要求)61、IEC61029-2-10> AS/NZS61029-2-10> BS EN61029-2-10(型材切割机的专用要求)62、IEC61029-2-11、AS/NZS61029-2-1K BS EN61029-2-11 (斜切割台式组合锯的专用要求)1、真空吸尘器和吸水式清洁器CE、SAA认证2、洗衣机CE、SAA认证3、面包片烘烤器、烤架、电烤炉及类似用途器具CE、SAA认证4、厨房机械CE、SAA认证5、废弃食物处理器CE、SAA认证6、室内加热器CE、SAA认证7、液体加热器CE、SAA认证8、储水式热水器CE、SAA认证)9、电冰箱、食品冷冻箱和制冰机CE、SAA认证10、快热式热水器CE、SAA认证11、商用售卖机CE、SAA认证12、电熨斗CE、SAA认证13、电动剃须刀、电推剪及类似器具CE、SAA认证14、按摩电器CE、SAA认证15、驻立式电灶、灶台、烤炉CE、SAA认证16、便携式电热工具CE、SAA认证17、深油炸锅、油煎锅及类似器具CE、SAA认证18、商用电水浴保温器CE、SAA认证19、皮肤暴露于紫外线和红外线辐射的器具CE、SAA认证20、泵CE、SAA认证21、使用液体的表面清洁器具CE、SAA认证22、旋涡浴器CE、SAA认证23、自我服务器和娱乐器CE、SAA认证24、织物蒸汽机CE、SAA认证25、旋转百叶窗,雨蓬,窗帘及类似器具驱动器CE、SAA认证26、皮肤及毛发护理器具CE、SAA认证27、电冰箱、食品冷冻箱和制冰机CE、SAA认证28、风扇CE、SAA认证29、电热毯、电热垫和类似柔性加热器具CE、SAA认证3()、衣物干燥机和毛巾架CE、SAA认证31、滚筒式干衣机CE、SAA认证32、空气净化器CE、SAA认证33、地板处理机和湿式擦洗机CE、SAA认证34、口腔卫生器具CE、SAA认证35、加湿器CE、SAA认证36、商用单双面电热铛CE、SAA认证37、便携浸入式加热器CE、SAA认证38、夹烫机CE、SAA认证39、吸油烟机CE、SAA认证40、保温板和类似器具CE、SAA认证41、坐便器CE、SAA认证42、挥发器CE、SAA认证43、电气连接的气、油和固体燃料燃烧器具CE、SAA认证44、电钻和冲击电钻CE、SAA认证45、电动砂轮机、抛光机和盘式砂光机CE、SAA认证46、圆锯CE、SAA认证47、电刨CE、SAA认证48、电链锯CE、SAA认证49>电动钉钉机CE、SAA认证5()、木铁与修边机CE、SAA认证51、锤类工具CE、SAA认证52、螺丝刀和冲击扳手CE、SAA认证53、非盘式砂光机和抛光机CE、SAA认证54、往复锯(曲线裾、刀裾)CE、SAA认证55、不易燃液体电喷枪CE、SAA认证56、混凝土振动器CE、SAA认证57、带锯CE、SAA认证58、斜切割机CE、SAA认证59、圆锯CE、SAA认证60、带锯CE、SAA认证61、型材切割机CE、SAA认证62、斜切割台式组合锯CE、SAA认证建筑类防火门、防盗门、普通门、排水管、给水管、水龙头、简易淋浴房、胶合板、实木地板、实木地板竹地板、浸渍纸层压木质地板、细木工板、浸渍胶膜纸饰面人造板、中密度纤维板、刨花板、硬质纤维板、刨切单板、装饰石膏板、铝合金窗、空腹钢窗、实腹钢窗、PVC m 料窗、瓦片、玻璃钢、玻璃、灯柱、火灾控测器、散热器、对流器、石灰、水泥、膨胀珍珠岩绝热制品、绝热用岩棉及其制品、维维水泥板、密封件、建筑无金、胶含剂、天然大理石、卫生陶瓷、电梯、推车式干粉火火器、推车式化学泡沫灭火器、推车式二氧化碳火火器、手提式1211灭火器、手提式干粉灭火器、手提式清水灭火器、手提式二氧化碳灭火器、手提式化学泡沫灭火器、手提式酸碱灭火器、手提式贮压式干粉灭火器、手提式机械泡沫灭火器、简易式灭火器、干粉灭火剂、密封条、密封线、编织软管等。







第二阶段所有申报的物品必须根据G&E 法案进行测试、认证和标记。

第三阶段2025/2/12025/8/12026/2/1电动自行车E-BIKEProduct Standard对于最大连续额定输出不超过500瓦的电动自行车-AS15194:2016-自行车-电动助力自行车-EPAC自行车(也称为电动辅助自行车),或者-EN15194:2017+A1:2023-自行车-电动助力自行车-EPAC自行车,或者-UL2849-电动自行车的电气系统对于最大连续额定输出超过500瓦的电动自行车-UL2849-电动自行车的电气系统定义电动自行車是指具有以下特点的自行車:(a) 设计为透过⽪带、链条或齿轮由⼈力推动;(b) 配备一或多台辅助推进发动机;(c) 不能只由一个或多个⾺达驱动;(d) 包含可充电锂电池或由可充电锂电池供电;并包括(e) 任何相关的推进电池;(f) 任何相关充电器。

但不包括(g) 就《2018 年道路車辆标准法》⽽⾔被描述为道路車辆的任何車辆或需要在新南威尔斯州注册的任何車辆。

电动滑板車ELECTRIC SCOOTERStandard-AS/NZS60335.2.114:2018(截⾄2026 年11 ⽉30 日)-家庭和类似电器-安全。


第2.114部分:个人电动运输工具的特定要求,或者-EN17128-用于运输人员和货物的轻型机动车辆及相关设施,且不需要获得道路使用型式批准-个人轻型电动车(PLEC )-要求和测试方法,或者-UL2272-个人电动移动设备的电气系统定义电动滑板車是指具有以下特点的滑板車:(a) 有一个脚踏板,由一个在另一个前⾯对⿑的轮⼦⽀撑;(b) 由控制前轮的車把转向;(c) 设计供单⼈使用;(d) 由一个或多个电动⾺达驱动;(e) 也可以由以下⽅式推动:(一)重力;(二)骑手将1 英尺推向地⾯(f) 没有座位或鞍座。

ASNZS 4665.1-2005_Amdt_1-2009

ASNZS 4665.1-2005_Amdt_1-2009

AS/NZS 4665.1/Amdt 1/2009-02-27STANDARDS AUSTRALIA/STANDARDS NEW ZEALANDAmendment No. 1toAS/NZS 4665.1:2005Performance of external power suppliesPart 1: Test method and energy performance markREVISED TEXTThe 2005 edition of AS/NZS 4665.1 is amended as follows; the amendments should be inserted in the appropriate places.SUMMARY: This Amendment applies to the Preface, Clauses 1.1 and 1.3 and Appendices A, B and C. Published on 27 February 2009.Approved for publication in New Zealand on behalf of the Standards Council of New Zealand on 29 January 2009PrefaceIn the seventh paragraph, delete the second sentence and replace with the following: R egulatory authorities have advised that it is intended to mandate Part 2 of the Standard (AS/NZS 4665.2:2005) in regulations in Australia and New Zealand no earlier than 1 December 2008, except for marking requirements, which are intended to be mandated no earlier than 1 April 2009.Clause 1.1Add a new fourth paragraph as follows:Power supplies within the scope of AS/NZS 4879 or IEC 61347.2.13 are excluded from the scope of this Standard.Clause 1.3.3Replace ‘r.m.s.’ with ‘average’.Clause 1.3.8Add a new Clause 1.3.8 as follows:1.3.8 Family of models—Non user selectable output voltageA range of non user selectable single output models based on common technically equivalent components (typically switchmode), but each model may have a different output voltage. They may be sold under different brand names or model numbers or both. Each member of the family is included on a single test report and has the same energy performance mark, but may have a different output voltage.Clause 1.3.9Add a new Clause 1.3.9 as follows:1.3.9 Multi-switch model—User selectable output voltageA model with a single output that provides a range of user selectable output voltages. They may be sold under different brand names or model numbers or both. Test reports may AMDT No. 1 FEB2009 AMDT No. 1 FEB 2009AMDT No. 1 FEB2009AMDT No. 1 FEB 2009AMDT No. 1 FEB 2009e d t o M r J o s h u a H u a n g o n 07 M a r 2009. P e r s o n a l u s e l i c e n c e o n l y . S t o r a g e , d i s t r i b u t i o n o r u s e o n n e t w o r k p r o h i b i t e d .Clauses 1.3.8 to 1.3.15Renumber Clauses 1.3.8 to 1.3.15 as Clauses 1.3.10 to 1.3.17 respectively.Clause 1.3.18Add a new Clause 1.3.18 as follows: 1.3.18 Single model(s)One or more models using technically equivalent components with identical performance specifications having the same output voltage. They may be sold under different brand names or model numbers or both. Test reports may include one or more models having the same energy performance mark.Clauses 1.3.16 and 1.3.17Renumber Clauses 1.3.16 and 1.3.17 as Clauses 1.3.19 and 1.3.20 respectively.Paragraph A1Add new third and fourth paragraphs as follows:External power supplies, for Mark V only, with an input power greater than or equal to 100 W shall have a true power factor of 0.9 or greater at 100% of rated load when tested at 115 V, 60 Hz.Products tested for compliance with Mark V at both 115 V and 230 V shall meet the power factor requirement when tested at 115 V, but not when tested at 230 V.AMDT No. 1 FEB2009AMDT No. 1 FEB 2009 AMDT No. 1 FEB2009AMDT No. 1 FEB 2009 e d t o M r J o s h u a H u a n g o n 07 M a r 2009. P e r s o n a l u s e l i c e n c e o n l y . S t o r a g e , d i s t r i b u t i o n o r u s e o n n e t w o r k p r o h i b i t e d .Table A1Delete the Table and replace with the following:TABLE A1ENERGY PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR EACH NUMERALNo load power consumptionrequirementsActive mode efficiency requirementsNameplate output power No load powerNameplate output power Mark(P no ) WW(P no ) WOutput specificationAverage active modeefficiencyI Used if it does not meet any of the following criteria 0 to <1 All ≥0.39 × P noII0 to <10 10 to ≤250 ≤0.75 ≤1.0 1 to <49 All ≥0.107 × L n (P no ) + 0.39 0 to 1All ≥0.490 × P no>1 to 49 All ≥0.090 × L n (P no ) + 0.490 to a maximum of 0.840 III 0 to <10 10 to ≤250≤0.5 ≤0.75>49 to 250 All ≥0.840 0 to 1All ≥0.500 × P no>1 to 51 All ≥0.090 × L n (P no ) + 0.500 to a maximum of 0.850 IV0 to <10 10 to ≤250≤0.5 ≤0.5>51 to 250All≥0.850AC-AC AC-DCOutput voltage<6 V andoutput current ≥0.550 A ≥0.497 × P no + 0.067 0 to 1Other models ≥0.480 × P no + 0.140 Output voltage <6 V andoutput current ≥0.550 A ≥0.0750 × L n (P no ) + 0.561 0 to <50≤0.5 ≤0.3>1 to 49Other models ≥0.0626 × L n (P no ) + 0.622Output voltage <6 V andoutput current ≥0.550 A ≥0.860 V50 to ≤250 ≤0.5 ≤0.5 >49 to 250Other models≥0.870VI – X Reserved for future useLEGEND:P no = nameplate output power of the EUT L n = the natural logarithm (base e)AMDT No. 1 FEB 2009e d t o M r J o s h u a H u a n g o n 07 M a r 2009. P e r s o n a l u s e l i c e n c e o n l y . S t o r a g e , d i s t r i b u t i o n o r u s e o n n e t w o r k p r o h i b i t e d .Paragraph A21 Insert a new Clause heading before the first paragraph as follows:A2.1 General2 Delete the Note and replace with the following:NOTE: Numerals VI to X are reserved for future use.3 Insert the following after Figure A1:A2.2 Single performance mark when tested at 115 V a.c., 230 V a.c. and240 V a.c. or has a single input voltage If the external power supply complies with the requirements of a single performance mark at both 115 V a.c. and 230 V a.c. or has a single input voltage, then the mark can be as shown in Figure A1. If only one mark is applied, then it shall be the lowest mark attained when tested at 115 V a.c. and 230 V a.c. A2.3 Dual markingIf the external power supply meets different energy performance for different a.c. supply voltages, then the external power supply may voluntarily be marked with its performance mark qualified by voltage at which it applies, with the appropriate voltage marked immediately beside the mark. Figure A2 provides an example of dual marking, where the external power supply meets performance Mark IV at 115 V a.c.and Mark III at 230 V a.c.FIGURE A2 EXAMPLE OF DUAL MARKINGA2.4 P erformance mark for models capable of multiple input voltages whentested at 230 V a.c. only If the external power supply is capable of multiple input voltages, but is tested and complies with the above requirements at 230 V a.c. only, then the mark shall bequalified with ‘230’ as per the examples in Figure A3.FIGURE A3 EXAMPLES FOR 230 V a.c. COMPLIANCE ONLYAMDT No. 1 FEB 2009e d t o M r J o s h u a H u a n g o n 07 M a r 2009. P e r s o n a l u s e l i c e n c e o n l y . S t o r a g e , d i s t r i b u t i o n o r u s e o n n e t w o r k p r o h i b i t e d .A2.5 P erformance mark for models capable of multiple input voltages whentested at 115 V a.c. only If the external power supply is capable of multiple input voltages, but is tested and complies with the above requirements at 115 V a.c. only, then the mark shall bequalified with ‘115’ as per the examples in Figure A4.FIGURE A4 EXAMPLES FOR 115 V a.c. COMPLIANCE ONLYAMDT No. 1 FEB 2009e d t o M r J o s h u a H u a n g o n 07 M a r 2009. P e r s o n a l u s e l i c e n c e o n l y . S t o r a g e , d i s t r i b u t i o n o r u s e o n n e t w o r k p r o h i b i t e d .Figure B1Delete Figure B1 and replace with the following:Does the EPS convert mains a.c.input voltage into one ELV output of a single voltage or user selectable voltage?Is the EPS in a housing that is separate from the end-use product it is intended to power?Does the EPS charge a battery?YESYESDo the batteries or battery pack physically attach directly to the EPS independently of the end-use product they power and with no interveningdevice?NODoes the EPS have a battery chemistry or type selector switch AND indicator light or state of charge meter?Does NOT meet the definition of an EPSDoes NOT meet the definition of an EPSMeets the definition ofan EPSYESNONOYESYESStar tNONOFIGURE B1 FLOWCHART FOR DEFINITION OF SINGLE OUTPUT EXTERNALPOWER SUPPLYAMDT No. 1 FEB 2009e d t o M r J o s h u a H u a n g o n 07 M a r 2009. P e r s o n a l u s e l i c e n c e o n l y . S t o r a g e , d i s t r i b u t i o n o r u s e o n n e t w o r k p r o h i b i t e d .Appendix CDelete Appendix C and replace with the following:APPENDIX CSAMPLE TEST REPORT(Informative)SINGLE OUTPUT EXTERNAL POWER SUPPLY TEST REPORTNameplate input voltageNameplate output voltageNameplate output currentNameplate output watts/VA230 V a.c. 5.0 1.0 5.0 115 V a.c. 5.0 1.0 5.0LAB INFORMATIONTest laboratory name XYZ Test Centre Test laboratory address 1 South StS ydney, N SW 2000 Country Australia Test technician(s) Joe Bloggs Date measured 14 July 2005 Test Standard used AS/NZS 4665.1:2005TEST INSTRUMENTSMake/Model Measurement Calibration date XYZ Model 1 No Load22 April 2005 ABC Model 2 Active Output 21 April 2005CONNECTIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE INPUT AND/OR OUTPUT CORD a.c. input typeAS/NZS 3112 integrated plug Input cord length (mm) Not applicable—integrated plug Output cord length (mm) 1750Output plug typeSingle pin type Modification to connectors for testing NoneTEST SETUPTest report number 000123Manufacturer name Brand X Model ABC CountryChina Input power switchNot present Product powered (if known) Not known Output type d.c.Design typeNon user selectable output voltageNameplate input specifications 100 V – 240 V 50 Hz – 60 HzNameplate input current0.5 A – 0.3 AAMDT No. 1 FEB 2009e d t o M r J o s h u a H u a n g o n 07 M a r 2009. P e r s o n a l u s e l i c e n c e o n l y . S t o r a g e , d i s t r i b u t i o n o r u s e o n n e t w o r k p r o h i b i t e d .75%50%25%5%0%25%50%75%100%Actual fraction of output current4567832100%25%50%75%100%Input and output power vs Output current Actual fraction of output currentP o w e r (W )InputOutputInput vs Output power0. power (W)I n p u t p o w e r (W )NOTE: Repeat the following table for minimum and maximum output voltage if applicable.No loadActive power valuesPercent of nameplate current 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Average Output current (A) 0 0.248 0.498 0.747 1.001 — Output voltage (V) 5.07 5.024 5.003 4.981 4.959 — Output power (W) 0 1.244 2.492 3.721 4.966 — a.c. input current (A) 0.019 0.048 0.070 0.092 0.115 — a.c. input voltage (V) 114.9 114.9 114.9 114.9 114.9 — a.c. input power (W) 0.839 2.621 4.136 5.708 7.390 — Total harmonic distortion (THD ) 88.75% 86.91% 84.99% 83.29% 81.64% — True power factor 0.394 0.477 0.513 0.539 0.561 0.497 Power consumed by EUT (W) 0.839 1.377 1.644 1.987 2.425 — Efficiency — 47.46% 60.25% 65.19% 67.19% 60.02%FIGURE C1 MEASURED AND CALCULATED DATA AT 115 V 60 HzNo. 1 FEB 2009e d t o M r J o s h u a H u a n g o n 07 M a r 2009. P e r s o n a l u s e l i c e n c e o n l y . S t o r a g e , d i s t r i b u t i o n o r u s e o n n e t w o r k p r o h i b i t e d .75%50%25%5%0%25%50%75%100%Actual fraction of output current4567832100%25%50%75%100%Input and output power vs Output currentActual fraction of output currentP o w e r (W )InputOutputInput vs Output power0. power (W)I n p u t p o w e r (W )NOTE: Repeat the following table for minimum and maximum output voltage if applicable.No loadActive power values Percent of nameplate current 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Average Output current (A) 0 0.248 0.498 0.749 1.000 — Output voltage (V) 5.06 5.021 4.999 4.978 4.957 — Output power (W) 0 1.244 2.487 3.729 4.957 — a.c. input current (A) 0.018 0.041 0.052 0.064 0.076 — a.c. input voltage (V) 229.9 229.9 229.9 229.9 229.9 — a.c. input power (W) 1.360 3.703 4.983 6.395 7.927 — Total harmonic distortion (THD ) 86.49% 89.84% 89.48% 88.94% 88.30% — True power factor 0.324 0.396 0.417 0.435 0.451 0.405 Power consumed by EUT (W) 1.360 2.459 2.459 2.666 2.970 — Efficiency — 33.60% 49.92% 58.31% 62.53% 51.09%FIGURE C2 MEASURED AND CALCULATED DATA AT 230 V 50 HzNo. 1 FEB 2009e d t o M r J o s h u a H u a n g o n 07 M a r 2009. P e r s o n a l u s e l i c e n c e o n l y . S t o r a g e , d i s t r i b u t i o n o r u s e o n n e t w o r k p r o h i b i t e d .。



目录1、VDE欧规胶壳插脚:标准-EN50075/IEC600832、BS英规胶壳插脚:标准-BS13633、SAA澳规胶壳插脚:标准-AS/NZS31124、UL美规胶壳插脚:标准-ANSI-NEMA WD65、CCC中国规胶壳插脚:标准-GB1002-20086、Korea韩国胶壳插脚:标准-KSC83057、Brasil巴西规胶壳插脚:NBR141368、India印度胶壳插脚:标准IS12939、Argentina阿根廷胶壳插脚:IRAM206310、SASO沙特胶壳插脚:SASO-220311、JAPAN日本胶壳插脚:JISC830312、小南非规胶壳插脚:SABS164-1修订记录2013-10-15修改:1、GB1002-2008版CCC插脚(厚1.4-1.5mm)增加插头插销离边沿的距离不小于6.5mm。



4、插脚图示缩小2PIN欧洲插脚Two-pin plugs f(Up to2.5A rating)EN50075/IEC60083-C5/CEE7/DIN49464P≥4.0,Q≥18.0,I:金属下部结合部分边缘应光滑钝化,不得尖锐刺手.此插脚适应国家包括:德国,俄罗斯,以色列英国插脚UK Plug Checking Form according to Figure 4of BS1363BS-3Symbol Requirement(mm)Symbol Requirement (mm)Symbol Requirement(mm)Symbol Requirement(mm)A 25.37max.I 22.10-22.36Q 17.2-18.2Y 1.2-2.0B25.37max.J 22.23-23.23R 6.22-6.48Z R 0.1-1.0C34.6max.K 1.35-1.85S 3.90-4.05a 58︒-62︒D11.05-11.18L 7.80-8.05T 6.22-6.48b 1.35-1.85E11.05-11.18M 58︒-62︒U 6.35min.c 58︒-62︒FR 15min.N 3.90-4.05V 60︒-80︒d 1.35-1.85GR 9.5min.O 9.2max.W 1.35-1.85e 0.2max.H R 9.5min.P 9.5max.X 3.90-4.05f 1.35-1.85此插脚适应国家包括:英国、新加坡、马来西亚Grounding pin澳规插脚AS/NZS3112Standard sheet Figure 2.1(a1)or 2.1(c)Standard sheet Figure 2.1(e)and fig 2.4PositionRequired (mm)By Measurement (mm)By the gauges in Figure A1A6.35±0.15-B6.35±0.15C+±0.4-G19.94±0.81、2、3、421.9max.or 27.0min.-5、660︒--78.6min.-821.0max.-920.0±1.0-101.0max -118.7±0.5-Distance fromprojection part edge toL and N pins 9mm min.美国插脚UL插脚:According toUL1310/UL498/UL817/UL1659/ANSI-NEMA WD6-2002Figure1-15备注:关于电源插墙式插脚(UL1310)中7.16条款要求:起始于金属插脚的任意一点,与金属插脚的托台圆周边之间的距离不得小于5.1mm。

AS-NZS 60335.2.101-2002

AS-NZS 60335.2.101-2002

AS/NZS 60335.2.101:2002(IEC 60335-2-101:2002, IDT) Household and similar electrical appliances – Safety –Part 2.101: Particular requirements for vapourizers(IEC 60335-2-101:2002, IDT)AS/NZS 60335.2.101:2002This Joint Australian/New Zealand Standard was prepared by Joint Technical Committee EL-002 - Safety of Household and Similar Electrical Appliances and Small Power Transformers. It was approved on behalf of the Council of Standards Australia on 8 October 2002 and by the Council of Standards New Zealand on 2 October 2002. It was published on 22 November 2002.The following interests are represented on Committee EL-002Association of Certification BodiesAustralian Chamber of Commerce and IndustryAustralian Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers AssociationCanterbury Manufacturers Association New ZealandConsumer Electronic Suppliers Association, AustraliaElectrical regulatory authorities, AustraliaElectrical test laboratoriesElectrical consultantsElectricity Supply Association of AustraliaInstitution of Engineers AustraliaMetal Trades Industries Association of AustraliaMinistry of Consumer Affairs, New ZealandKeeping Standards up-to-dateStandards are living documents, which reflect progress in science, technology and systems.To maintain their currency, all Standards are periodically reviewed, and new editions are published. Between editions, amendments may be issued. Standards may also be withdrawn. It is important that readers assure themselves they are using a current Standard, which should include any amendments which may have been published since the Standard was purchased.Detailed information about joint Australian/New Zealand Standards can be found by visiting the Standards Australia web site at .au or Standards New Zealand web site at and looking up the relevant Standard in the on-line catalogue. Alternatively, both organizations publish an annual printed Catalogue with full details of all current Standards. For more frequent listings or notification of revisions, amendments and withdrawals, Standards Australia and Standards New Zealand offer a number of update options. For information about these services, users should contact their respective national Standards organization.We also welcome suggestions for improvement in our Standards, and especially encourage readers to notify us immediately of any apparent inaccuracies or ambiguities. Please address your comment to the Chief Executive of either Standards Australia International or Standards New Zealand at the address shown on the back cover.AS/NZS60335.2.101:2002(IEC 60335-2-101:2002, IDT)Standard™ZealandAustralian/NewHousehold and similar electricalappliances – Safety –Part 2.101: Particular requirementsfor vaporizers(IEC 60335-2-101:2002, IDT)COPYRIGHT© Standards Australia/ Standards New ZealandAll rights are reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or copied in any formor by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, without thewritten permission of the publisherPublished jointly by Standards Australia International LtdGPO Box 5420, Sydney, NSW 2001 Australia, andStandards New ZealandPrivate Bag 2439, Wellington 6020, New ZealandISBN 0-7337-4990-9CONTENTS FOREWORD (4)INTRODUCTION (6)1Scope (7)2Normative references (7)3Definitions (7)4General requirement (8)5General conditions for the tests (8)6Classification (8)7Marking and instructions (8)8Protection against access to live parts (8)9Starting of motor-operated appliances (9)10Power input and current (9)11Heating (9)12Void (9)13Leakage current and electric strength at operating temperature (9)14Transient overvoltages (10)15Moisture resistance (10)16Leakage current and electric strength (10)17Overload protection of transformers and associated circuits (10)18Endurance (10)19Abnormal operation (10)20Stability and mechanical hazards (11)21Mechanical strength (11)22Construction (11)23Internal wiring (12)24Components (12)25Supply connection and external flexible cords (12)26Terminals for external conductors (12)27Provision for earthing (12)28Screws and connections (12)29Clearances, creepage distances and solid insulation (12)30Resistance to heat and fire (12)31Resistance to rusting (13)32Radiation, toxicity and similar hazards (13)Annexes (14)Annex ZZ (informative) Variations to IEC 60335-2-101:2002 for application in Australiaand New Zealand (15)Bibliography (14)AUSTRALIA/NEW ZEALAND STANDARD____________HOUSEHOLD AND SIMILAR ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES –SAFETY –Part 2.101: Particular requirements for vaporizersFOREWORDThis Standard was prepared by the Joint Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand Committee EL-002 - Safety of Household and Similar Electrical Appliances and Small Power Transformers.The objective of this Standard is to provide manufacturers, designers, regulatory authorities, testing laboratories and similar organizations with safety requirements designed to give the user protection against hazards that might occur during normal operation and abnormal operation of the appliance and which may be used as the basis for approval for sale or for connection to the electricity supply mains in Australia and New Zealand.This Standard is an adoption with national modifications and contains the full text of the first edition of IEC 60335-2-101:2002, Household and similar electrical appliances – Safety - Part 2-101: Particular requirements for vaporizers and has been varied as indicated to take account of Australian and New Zealand conditions. It is to be used in conjunction with the latest edition of AS/NZS 60335.1, Household and similar electrical appliances – Safety -Part 1: General requirements and its Amendments. It was established on the basis of AS/NZS 60335.1:2002.This part 2 supplements or modifies the corresponding clauses of AS/NZS 60335.1 so as to convert it into the Australian/New Zealand Standard: Safety of vaporizers.NOTE 1 When “Part 1” is mentioned in this standard, it refers to AS/NZS 60335.1.When a particular subclause of Part 1 is not mentioned in this Part 2, that subclause appliesas far as is reasonable. When this standard states "addition", "modification", or "replacement", the relevant text in Part 1 is to be adapted accordingly.NOTE 2 The following numbering system is used:– subclauses, tables and figures that are numbered starting from 101 are additional to those in Part 1;– unless notes are in a new subclause or involve notes in Part 1, they are numbered starting from 101, including those in a replaced clause or subclause;– additional annexes are lettered AA, BB, etc.NOTE 3 The following print types are used:– requirements: in roman type;– test specifications: in italic type;– notes: in small roman type.Words in bold in the text are defined in clause 3. When a definition concerns an adjective, the adjective and the associated noun are also in bold.The numbering of clauses, subclauses, notes, tables, figures and annexes follows that of IEC 60335-2-101:2002. To allow for the introduction of additional material by the IEC, the numbers 101 to 200 have been reserved. To allow for additional material to be introduced by Australia and New Zealand, the numbers 201 to 300 are used to number further clauses, subclauses, notes, tables and figures in part 1. The numbers 301 to 400 are used to number further clauses, subclauses, notes, tables and figures in this part 2. Additional annexes are lettered ZA, ZB and so on.This scheme has been introduced to reduce the likelihood of the IEC and Australia and New Zealand using the same identifier for different purposes.The use of the word VOID indicates that the IEC text is not used in Australia or New Zealand. The use of this word also avoids the need to renumber, clauses, notes, tables and figure if an earlier clause, note, table or figure is not used.The bibliography has been reformatted to indicate the Australia/New Zealand standard that is equivalent to the IEC standard or ISO standard to which reference is made.As this Standard is reproduced from an International Standard, the following applies:(a) Its number does not appear on each page of text and its identity is shown on the coverand title page only.(b) In the source text "this International Standard" should read "this Australian/New ZealandStandard".A full point substitutes for a comma when referring to a decimal marker.Variations to IEC 60335-2-101:2002 are indicated at the appropriate places throughout this standard. Strikethrough (example) identifies IEC tables, figures and passages of text which, for the purposes of this Australian/New Zealand standard are deleted. Where Australian/New Zealand tables, figures or passages of text are added, each is set in its proper place and identified by shading (example). Added figures are not themselves shaded, but are identified by a shaded border.Variations made to IEC 60335-2-101:2002 form the Australian variations for the purposes of the IECEE scheme for recognition of testing to standards for safety of electrical equipment (the CB scheme). These variations have been incorporated in the body of the standard. They are listed in Annex ZZ for easy reference.INTRODUCTIONIt has been assumed in the drafting of this standard that the execution of its provisions is entrusted to appropriately qualified and experienced persons.This standard recognizes the internationally accepted level of protection against hazards such as electrical, mechanical, thermal, fire and radiation of appliances when operated as in normal use taking into account the manufacturer's instructions. It also covers abnormal situations that can be expected in practice.This standard takes into account the requirements of AS/NZS 3000 as far as possible so that there is compatibility with the wiring rules when the appliance is connected to the supply mains.If an appliance within the scope of this standard also incorporates functions that are covered by another part 2 of AS/NZS 60335, the relevant part 2 is applied to each function separately, as far as is reasonable. If applicable, the influence of one function on the other is taken into account.This standard is a product family standard dealing with the safety of appliances and takes precedence over horizontal and generic standards covering the same subject.An appliance that complies with the text of this standard will not necessarily be considered to comply with the safety principles of the standard if, when examined and tested, it is found to have other features that impair the level of safety covered by these requirements.An appliance employing materials or having forms of construction differing from those detailed in the requirements of this standard may be examined and tested according to the intent of the requirements and, if found to be substantially equivalent, may be considered to comply with the standard.The essential safety requirements in AS/NZS 3820 that could be applicable to vaporizers are covered by this standard---------------------------------HOUSEHOLD AND SIMILAR ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES –SAFETY –Part 2.101: Particular requirements for vaporizers1 ScopeThis clause of Part 1 is replaced by the following.This International Standard deals with the safety of electric vaporizers for household and similar purposes, their rated voltage being not more than 250 V.NOTE 101 Examples of appliances that are within the scope of this standard are air fresheners and insect repellers. They may be plugged directly into a socket-outlet or connected to the supply mains by means of a flexible cord and plug.Appliances not intended for normal household use but which nevertheless may be a source of danger to the public, such as appliances intended to be used by laymen in shops, in light industry and on farms, are within the scope of this standard.As far as is practicable, this standard deals with the common hazards presented by appliances that are encountered by all persons in and around the home. However, in general, it does not take into account– the use of appliances by young children or infirm persons without supervision;– playing with the appliance by young children.NOTE 102 Attention is drawn to the fact that– for appliances to be used in vehicles or on board ships or aircraft, additional requirements may be necessary;– in many countries additional requirements are specified by the national health authorities, the national authorities responsible for the protection of labour, and similar authorities.NOTE 103 This standard does not apply to– appliances intended exclusively for industrial purposes;– appliances intended to be used in locations where special conditions prevail, such as the presence of corrosive or explosive atmosphere (dust, vapour or gas);– appliances for heating liquids (IEC 60335-2-15);– insect killers (IEC 60335-2-59);– fabric steamers (IEC 60335-2-85);– humidifiers (IEC 60335-2-98).2 Normative referencesThis clause of Part 1 is applicable.3 DefinitionsThis clause of Part 1 is applicable except as follows.3.1.9 Replacement:normal operationoperation of the appliance filled with vaporizing medium in accordance with the instructions, or unfilled, whichever is more unfavourable3.101vaporizerappliance incorporating a heater for vaporizing a medium in order to affect the air in a room4 General requirementThis clause of Part 1 is applicable.5 General conditions for the testsThis clause of Part 1 is applicable except as follows.5.2 Addition:The test of 21.101 is carried out on a new appliance.6 ClassificationThis clause of Part 1 is applicable.7 Marking and instructionsThis clause of Part 1 is applicable except as follows.7.1 Addition:NOTE 101 If the rated power input does not exceed 10 W, the appliance may be marked "10 W max".7.12 Addition:The instructions shall include the substance of the following:The appliance is only to be used with the recommended vaporizing medium. The use of other substances may give rise to a toxic or fire risk.For appliances that are directly plugged into socket-outlets, if the temperature rise of accessible surfaces during the test of Clause 11 exceeds the value specified for handles, knobs, grips and similar parts that are held for short periods only in normal use, the instructions shall include the substance of the following:The appliance has hot surfaces to evaporate the active ingredients and these surfaces should not be touched during use.8 Protection against access to live partsThis clause of Part 1 is applicable.9 Starting of motor-operated appliancesThis clause of Part 1 is not applicable.10 Power input and currentThis clause of Part 1 is applicable except as follows.10.1 Addition:For appliances marked with "10 W max", the power input shall not exceed this value.11 HeatingThis clause of Part 1 is applicable except as follows.11.4 Modification:Instead of operating the appliance at 1,15 times rated power input, it is supplied at 1,06 times rated voltage.11.7 Replacement:The appliance is operated until steady conditions are established.11.8 Modification:In Table 3, the temperature rise of parts in contact with oil is not measured.Addition:For appliances that are directly plugged into socket-outlets, the temperature rise of accessible surfaces shall not exceed the limit specified for handles, knobs, grips and similar parts that are held for short periods only in normal use. This does not apply to surfaces of outlet grilles and slots for inserting the vaporizing medium, and surfaces within 7 mm of these parts.The temperature rise of the surface of the appliance adjacent to the socket-outlet shall not exceed 40 K.12 Void13 Leakage current and electric strength at operating temperatureThis clause of Part 1 is applicable except as follows.13.1 Modification:Instead of operating the appliance at 1,15 times rated power input, it is supplied at 1,06 times rated voltage.14 Transient overvoltagesThis clause of Part 1 is applicable.15 Moisture resistanceThis clause of Part 1 is applicable.16 Leakage current and electric strengthThis clause of Part 1 is applicable.17 Overload protection of transformers and associated circuitsThis clause of Part 1 is applicable.18 EnduranceThis clause of Part 1 is not applicable.19 Abnormal operationThis clause of Part 1 is applicable except as follows.19.1 Addition:Appliances are also subjected to the test of Addition:The appliance is operated without the vaporizing medium.Modification:Instead of operating the appliance at 0,85 times rated power input, it is supplied at 0,9 times rated voltage.19.3 Modification:Instead of operating the appliance at 1,24 times rated power input, it is supplied at 1,1 times rated voltage.19.4 Modification:Instead of operating the appliance at 1,15 times rated power input, it is supplied at 1,06 times rated voltage.19.13 Addition:During the tests, the temperature rise of accessible surfaces of appliances that are directly plugged into socket-outlets shall not exceed– 55 K, if of metal;– 65 K, if of porcelain or vitreous enamel;– 75 K, if of moulded material, rubber or wood.This does not apply to surfaces of outlet grilles and slots for inserting the vaporizing medium, and surfaces within 7 mm of these parts.The temperature rise of the surface of the appliance adjacent to the socket-outlet shall not exceed 65 K.19.101 A single layer of double-hemmed pre-washed cotton sheet approximately 70 cm x 70 cm, having a specific mass between 140 g/m2 and 170 g/m2 when dry, is draped over the appliance. It is operated under normal operation at rated voltage.The cotton sheet shall not smoulder or ignite.20 Stability and mechanical hazardsThis clause of Part 1 is applicable.21 Mechanical strengthThis clause of Part 1 is applicable except as follows.Addition:NOTE 101 Appliances that are directly plugged into socket-outlets are tested with the appliance rigidly held by its contact pins.Appliances that are directly plugged into socket-outlets are also subjected to the test of 21.101 which is carried out on a new appliance.21.101 An empty appliance is subjected to the free-fall test, procedure 2, of IEC 60068-2-32. The number of falls is– 50, if the mass of the appliance is greater than 250 g;– 100, for other appliances.After the test, the appliance shall not be damaged to such an extent that compliance with Clauses 8 and 29 is impaired.22 ConstructionThis clause of Part 1 is applicable except as follows.22.4 Not applicable.23 Internal wiringThis clause of Part 1 is applicable except as follows.23.3 Addition:Appliances that are directly plugged into socket-outlets, and can be rotated in relation to the socket-outlet, are subjected to the following test.The movable part is rotated clockwise and anticlockwise through the largest angle permitted by the construction. It is rotated 100 times at a speed of approximately 10 rotations per min. NOTE 101 A rotation is one movement, either clockwise or anticlockwise.After the test, the appliance shall comply with Clauses 8 and 29 and the electrical connections shall not have loosened.24 ComponentsThis clause of Part 1 is applicable.25 Supply connection and external flexible cordsThis clause of Part 1 is applicable except as follows.25.5 Addition:Type Z attachment is allowed.26 Terminals for external conductorsThis clause of Part 1 is applicable.27 Provision for earthingThis clause of Part 1 is applicable.28 Screws and connectionsThis clause of Part 1 is applicable.29 Clearances, creepage distances and solid insulationThis clause of Part 1 is applicable.30 Resistance to heat and fireThis clause of Part 1 is applicable except as follows.30.2.2 Not applicable.31 Resistance to rustingThis clause of Part 1 is applicable.32 Radiation, toxicity and similar hazardsThis clause of Part 1 is applicable except as follows.Addition:NOTE 101 The toxicity of vaporizing materials is controlled by national legislation.AnnexesThe annexes of Part 1 are applicable.BibliographyThe bibliography of Part 1 is applicable except as follows.Addition:IEC standard Year Title AU/NZ standard Year60335.2.15 60335-2-15Household andsimilar electricalappliances –Safety – Part 2-15: Particularrequirements forappliances forheating liquids60335.2.59 60335-2-59 Household andsimilar electricalappliances –Safety – Part 2-59: Particularrequirements forinsect killers60335.2.85 60335-2-85Household andsimilar electricalappliances –Safety – Part 2-85: Particularrequirements forfabric steamers60335-2-9860335.2.98Household andsimilar electricalappliances –Safety – Part 2-98: Particularrequirements forhumidifiersAnnex ZZ(informative)Variations to IEC 60335-2-101:2002 for applicationin Australia and New ZealandThis annex sets out the variations between this standard and IEC 60335-2-101:2002. For Australia, these variations indicate national variations for purposes of the IECEE CB scheme and will be published in the IECEE CB Bulletin.No indication is given of the variations between AS/NZS 60335.1:2002 and IEC 60335-1:2001. For these variations refer to AS/NZS 60335.1.CLAUSEThere are no technical variations for this Part 2.Standards AustraliaStandards Australia is an independent company, limited by guarantee, which prepares and publishes most of the voluntary technical and commercial standards used in Australia. These standards are developed through an open process of consultation and consensus, in which all interested parties are invited to participate. Through a Memorandum of Understanding with the Commonwealth government, Standards Australia is recognised as Australia’s peak national standards body.Standards New ZealandThe first national Standards organisation was created in New Zealand in 1932. The Standards Council of New Zealand is the national authority responsible for the production of Standards. Standards New Zealand is the trading arm of the Standards Council established under the Standards Act 1988.Australian/New Zealand StandardsUnder a Memorandum of Understanding between Standards Australia and Standards New Zealand, Australian/New Zealand Standards are prepared by committees of experts from industry, governments, consumers and other sectors. The requirements or recommendations contained in published Standards are a consensus of the views of representative interests and alsotake account of comments received from other sources. They reflect the latest scientific and industry experience. Australian/New Zealand Standards are kept under continuous review after publication and are updated regularly to take account of changing technology.International InvolvementStandards Australia and Standards New Zealand are responsible for ensuringthat the Australian and New Zealand viewpoints are considered in the formulation of international Standards and that the latest international experience is incorporated in national and Joint Standards. This role is vital in assisting local industry to compete in international markets. Both organisations are the national members of ISO (the International Organizationfor Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical Commission).Visit our Web 。



在试验刚开始时,仅加上以上所标电压的一半,然后迅速增至全值 耐压试验过程中不应击穿.
防防潮,溢水测试要求 水
防潮测试: 将器具放入温度为25度,湿度为93%的潮汰箱中,放置48小 时,然后进行静态耐压与泄漏电流测试。
测试电压:1.06倍的额定电压 测量带电部件与可接触表面之间的泄漏电流
对于I类接地的产品, 测试接地金属的泄露电流时, 必须把保护地线断开
(1)试验 1 分钟. (2)电压波形为正弦波. (3) 50 Hz 或 60 Hz

1000V 1750V 3000V
基本绝缘(带电部件与接地金属之间) 附加绝缘 加强绝缘 (带电部件与塑料外壳或金属锅表面)
机械危险 Clause 20.105 a) 离心式榨汁机的盖子在使用过程中, 不应由于振动而导致自动打开. 测试通过 在工作过程中施加5N的力到盖子出, 不应把盖子打开. b) 旋转的筛网必须可靠的安装固定在产品上, 在工作中不应变得松动. 螺丝/螺帽 的紧固方向必须与筛网的旋转方向相反 c) 摩擦筛网上的齿高不能超过1.5mm, 喷嘴的高度不能突出筛网4mm d) 必须提供果实推压装置 Clause 20.116: 榨汁机在高速下, 产品不应变得松散 测试: a) 产品供给额定电压, 在空载条件下, 移开盖子并且最高速运转10次; b) 产品供给额定电压, 在空载条件下, 盖上盖子, 当运转到最高速度时打开盖 子, 重复该测试10次.
22.101 产品的结构要保证润滑剂在正常工作下不会渗透至实物 22.102 液体渗透至产品内部不应影响产品的电气连接

AS 5000.1Amdt 1-2006-12-07---ASNZS 5000.12005修订No. 1

AS 5000.1Amdt 1-2006-12-07---ASNZS 5000.12005修订No. 1

AS/NZS 5000.1/Amdt 1/2006-12-07STANDARDS AUSTRALIA/STANDARDS NEW ZEALAND澳大利亚标准局/新西兰标准局Amendment No. 1toAS/NZS 5000.1:2005Electric cables —Polymeric insulated聚合物绝缘电力电缆AS/NZS 5000.1:2005修订No. 1Part 1: For working voltages up to and including 0.6/1 (1.2) kV第一部分:工作电压不超过0.6/1 (1.2) kVR E V I S E D T E X T修订内容The 2005 edition of AS/NZS 5000.1 is amended as follows; the amendment should be inserted in the appropriate place.AS/NZS 5000.1-2005年版本的修订情况如下;修订内容应插入相应的地方。

S UMMARY : Th is Ame ndme nt app lie s t o Clau se 16.1.简要说明:本次修订系针对第16.1条的修正。

Published on 7 December 2006.2006年12月7日发布。

Approved for publication in New Zealand on behalf of the Standards Council of New Zealand on 24 November 2006. 2006年11月24日于新西兰代表新西兰标准委员会批准出版。

Page 17 Clause 16.1 第17页第16.1条 Delete the text of List Item (e) and substitute the following: 删除(e )项的内容,具体如下所示:Cables designed for specific applications shall be marked accordingly, as follows:特殊用途的电缆必须相应的做出标记,要求如下:(i) Aerial cables shall be marked with the word ‘AERIAL’.(i )架空电缆必须采用“架空”字样予以标记。

AS-NZS 60335.2.30-2009 A2-2014

AS-NZS 60335.2.30-2009 A2-2014

AS/NZS 60335.2.30/AMD 2/2014-06-27 STANDARDS AUSTRALIA/STANDARDS NEW ZEALANDAmendment No. 2toAS/NZS 60335.2.30:2009Household and similar electrical appliances – Safety –Part 2.30: Particular requirements for room heatersREVISED TEXTThe 2009 edition of AS/NZS 60335.2.30 is amended as follows;SUMMARY:This amendment applies to Contents, Foreword and Clauses 3, 19, 21, 22 and 30 and Annex ZZ Published on 27 June 2014Approved for publication in Australia on behalf of the Council of Standards Australia on 20 May 2014Approved for publication in New Zealand by the Standards Council of New Zealand on 16 May 2014The amendments to 3.102, 19, 21, 22, 30, and parts of Annex ZZ as indicated by the DOA, take effect two years from the date of publication.The amendment for General, Contents, Foreword and the title of clause 3, and parts of Annex ZZ not indicated with a DOA take effect from the date of publication.GENERALUnder the list of interests represented on Committee EL-002Replace Australian Retailers Association with National Retailers Association (Australia) Replace Ministry of Consumer Affairs, New Zealand with WorkSafe New ZealandAdd Testing Interests New ZealandDelete Association of Certification BodiesContentsReplace the title of Clause 3 but not the clause number, by the following:Terms and definitionsFOREWORDReplace the second paragraph by the following;This Standard incorporates Amendment No. 1 (October 2010) and Amendment No. 2 (June 2014). The changes required by the amendments are indicated in the text by a marginal bar and amendment number against the clause, note, table, figure or part thereof affected. Where an application date other than immediate is applicable to an amendment the date of application (DOA) and the date of withdrawal (DOW) if relevant, is indicated by the marginal bar against the part affected.ISBN 978-1-74342-733-03 DefinitionsReplace the title of Clause 3 but not the clause number, by the following:Terms and definitions3.102 Add a note to the term definition as follows : NOTE 301 If a heater incorporating a fan complies with the requirements of this standard with the fan rendered inoperative it is not considered to be a fan heater for the purposes of this standard.19 Abnormal operation19.107 In the 1stparagraph delete “having an enclosure substantially of non-metallic material”19.113 In the 1st paragraph delete “having an enclosure substantially of non-metallic material” 21 Mechanical strength21.301 In the 1st paragraph delete “having a substantially non-metallic enclosure” Replace “the free fall test, procedure 1, of IEC 60068-2-32” by “test free fall, procedure 1, of IEC 60068-2-31”Delete the last paragraph of the test specification. 22 Construction22.302 In the 1stparagraph delete “having an enclosure substantially of non-metallic material” 30 Resistance to heat and fire30.1 Delete the addition30.2.1 In the 1stparagraph of the addition delete “having an enclosure substantially of non-metallic material”30.101 Replace the requirement by the following:Fan heater enclosures shall be resistant to fire.Delete the last paragraph of the test specification. Annex ZZReplace the second paragraph by the following:No indication is given of the variations between AS/NZS 60335.1:2011 and IEC 60335-1 Ed 5.0. For these variations refer to AS/NZS 60335.1.Replace the text of the variations by the following:CLAUSE 3.102 Insert the following variation to the term definition:NOTE 301 If a heater incorporating a fan complies with the requirements of this standard with the fan rendered inoperative it is not considered to be a fan heater for the purposes of this standard.5.2 After Note 101 insert the following variation:NOTE 301 The test of 21.301 is carried out on a separate appliance.7.1 After the sixth paragraph insert the following variation:DOA27/6/16Portable visibly glowing radiant heaters shall be marked with the substance of the following:WARNING: FIRE RISK EXISTS IF THE HEATER IS COVERED BY OR POSITIONED CLOSE TO CURTAINS OR OTHER COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS.7.15 After the third paragraph insert the following variation:The fire risk warning for portable visibly glowing radiant heaters shall be visible during normal use.NOTE 301 This marking may be provided on a permanent durable label attached to the supply cord at a distance not exceeding 600 mm from the body of the heater.8.2 Add the following new sentence to the addition:Other basic insulation associated with the heat lamp circuits and luminaire circuits may be touched provided it complies with the requirements of this standard.11.2 As a new third paragraph insert the following variation:Fixed heaters having a supply cord fitted with a plug, are mounted in front of a socket-outlet, with the plug inserted unless• the distance between the heater and the wall does not exceed 30mm; or• the instructions state that the heater must not be located in front of a socket-outlet;NOTE 301 The socket-outlet used to supply the heater during the test with the heater mounted in front of a flush mounted type socket-outlet shall be mounted in the wall of the test corner.As a new last paragraph insert the following variation:For appliances provided with fans, means for ventilation or ducting are provided in accordance with the installation instructions.11.8 As a new paragraph to the addition insert the following variation :For fixed heaters mounted in front of a socket-outlet the temperature rise of the plug shall not exceed 45 K19.1 As a new sentence to the modification insert the following variation:If relevant, 19.301 is also applicable 19.107 In the 1stparagraph delete “having an enclosure substantially of non-metallicmaterial”19.113 In the 1st paragraph delete “having an enclosure substantially of non-metallic material”19.113 As a new paragraph insert the following variation :If compliance with 19.13 relies on the operation of a non-self-resetting protective device , the time from energising the heating elements to the time that the non-self-resetting protective device operates is recorded for the purposes of 19.301.19.301 After 19.115 insert the following variation:19.301 If during the test of 19.113, compliance with 19.13 relied on the operation of a non-self-resetting protective device the fan heater is further tested as follows.The test of 19.113 is repeated, with the non-self-resetting devices that operated during that test short circuited.The time from energising of the heater elements to the time that ignition of any non-metallic part of the appliance occurs, is recorded.DOA27/6/16The time recorded during this test shall exceed the time recorded during the test of 19.113 by not less than 10 s.For this test, 19.13 is not applicable.21.1 Replace the first paragraph of the test specification with the following variation: Compliance is also checked by the tests of 21.101, 21.102 and 21.301.21.301 After 21.103 insert the following variation:21.301 Portable fan heaters having a substantially non-metallic enclosure are subjected to the free fall test, procedure 1, of IEC 60068-2-32. The test is carried out on a new sample.The appliance is dropped vertically onto its base from a height of 500 mm.After the test, the requirements of 8.1, 16.3 and 19.113 shall be met.The test is not applicable to fan heaters that are also intended to be operated at maximum heat output, with the fan switched off.21.301 Portable fan heaters are subjected to test free fall, procedure 1, of IEC 60068-2-31. The test is carried out on a new sample.The appliance is dropped vertically onto its base from a height of 500 mm.After the test, the requirements of 8.1, 16.3 and 19.113 shall be met.22.2 Before 22.7 insert the following variation:22.2 Addition:Fixed heaters that may be installed in front of a socket-outlet shall incorporate a switch complying with 24.3 or shall contain a statement in the instructions for installation that a disconnecting switch incorporated in the fixed wiring is to be provided.After Clause 22.110 insert the following variations:22.301 Normally open switches that rely on contact with the floor to keep them in the closed position shall have a manually independent switching action.Compliance is checked by inspection and test.22.302 Portable fan heaters having an enclosure of substantially non-metallic material shall be fitted with a device that automatically disconnects heating elements from the supply whenthe heater is placed in any position other than in its position or positions of normal use. Compliance is checked by inspection and manual test.22.302 Portable fan heaters shall be fitted with a device that automatically disconnects heating elements from the supply when the heater is placed in any position other than in itsposition or positions of normal use.Compliance is checked by inspection and manual test25.7 Replace the second paragraph of the requirement with the following variation:Supply cords of heaters intended to be used on building sites shall not be lighter than heavy duty PVC-sheathed flexible cord complying with AS/NZS 3191.30.1 Replace the text in the addition with the following variation:For portable fan heaters, other than those with an enclosure of substantially non-metallic material, the temperature rises determined during the tests of Clause 19 are not taken into account. DOW27/6/16 DOW27/6/16 DOA27/6/16 DOW27/6/16 DOA27/6/1630.1 Delete the addition.30.2.1 After the text of the modification insert the following variation:Addition:In fan heaters having an enclosure of substantially non-metallic material, the non-metallic material– in the enclosure, in fan blades and in all structural elements within the enclosure;– in components such as thermostats, thermal cut-outs, switches and the like that are mounted within a distance of 25 mm from a heating element;are subjected to the following tests.Such parts shall withstand the glow-wire test of IEC 60695-2-11 without ignition, the test being carried out with a severity of 850 °C. However, the glow-wire test is not carried out on parts of material classified as having a glow-wire ignition temperature according to IEC 60695-2-13 of at least 875 °C.If the glow-wire ignition temperature is not available for a sample with a thickness within ± 0,1 mm of the relevant part, then the test sample shall have a thickness equal to the nearest preferred value specified in IEC 60695-2-13 that is no thicker than the relevant part.NOTE 301 The preferred values in IEC 60695-2-13 are 0,75 mm ± 0,1 mm, 1,5 mm ± 0,1 mm and 3,0 mm ± 0,2 mm.In fan heaters the non-metallic material– in the enclosure, in fan blades and in all structural elements within the enclosure;– in components such as thermostats, thermal cut-outs, switches and the like that are mounted within a distance of 25 mm from a heating element;are subjected to the following tests.Such parts shall withstand the glow-wire test of IEC 60695-2-11 without ignition, the test being carried out with a severity of 850 °C. However, the glow-wire test is not carried out on parts of material classified as having a glow-wire ignition temperature according to IEC 60695-2-13 of at least 875 °C.If the glow-wire ignition temperature is not available for a sample with a thickness within ± 0,1 mm of the relevant part, then the test sample shall have a thickness equal to the nearest preferred value specified in IEC 60695-2-13 that is no thicker than the relevant part.NOTE 301 The preferred values in IEC 60695-2-13 are 0,75 mm ± 0,1 mm, 1,5 mm ± 0,1 mm and 3,0 mm ± 0,2 mm.30.101 Replace the requirement by the following:Fan heater enclosures shall be resistant to fire.Delete the last paragraph of the test specification.DOA27/6/16 DOA27/6/16 DOW27/6/16 DOA27/6/16。

EPA发布新版能源之星吊扇规范 等

EPA发布新版能源之星吊扇规范 等

标法动态·STANDARD NEWS34电器2017/11certification 认证reGULationS 法规EPA发布新版能源之星吊扇规范2017年9月28日,美国环境保护署(EPA)发布了新版的能源之星吊扇规范(4.0版),用于取代现行版本(3.1版)。






南非发布EMI/C的合格评定程序2017年9月22日,南非独立通信局(ICASA)和南非标准局(SABS)通过WTO 发布公告,内容涉及电磁干扰和电磁兼容(EMI/C)的合格评定程序。



澳大利亚电炉标准更新澳大利亚电炉(Electric Ranges)的新版标准AS/NZS 60335.2.6: 2014 incl. A1:2015将于2017年11月29日生效。






SAA认证澳大利亚的标准机构为Standards Association of Australian,所以很多朋友把澳大利亚认证称为SAA认证。


SAA后来又改名为:Standards Australia Limited。










所有电器产品均要做安全认证(SAA )。

SAA 的标志主要有两种,一种是形式认可,一种是标准标志。


目前国内申请SAA 认证有两种方式,一种是通过CB 测试报告转,若没有CB 测试报告,则也可以直接申请。


被人们普遍认识的SAA (Standards Association of Australia) 其实是一个标准研究所,主管标准的制定和修订。


引SAA认证-认证/监督机构澳大利亚是联邦国家,电器安全及能耗要求的认证、控制和管理工作由各个州或地区的监控部门(Regulatory Authority)按照本州/地区的认证程序进行。

AS NZS 3000-2007 Amdt 1-2009 布线规则

AS NZS 3000-2007 Amdt 1-2009 布线规则

AS/NZS 3000/Amdt 1/2009-07-30STANDARDS AUSTRALIA/STANDARDS NEW ZEALANDAmendment No. 1toAS/NZS 3000:2007Electrical installations (known as the Australian/New Zealand Wiring Rules)REVISED TEXTT he 2007 edition of AS/NZS 3000 is amended as follows; the amendments should be inserted in the appropriate places.SUMMARY : This Amendment applies to the Preface, Contents, List of Tables, List of Figures, Clauses 1.4.53,1.4.63, 1.4.65,, 1.7.2, 1.7.4,, 2.2.2,, 2.4.4,,,,,,, 2.7.2, 2.9.1,,,,,,,, 3, 3.5.2,, 3.7.3, 3.8.2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5.4.3,,,, 6.3.1,,, 6.7.1,,,,,, 7.6.3,,, 8.1.2,,,, Paragraphs A1, A2, B3.2.2.1, B3.2.2.3, B4.1, B4.3, B4, B4.3, B4.6, B5.2.2, B5.2.3, C2.3.2.3, C2.4.2.1, C2.4.2.2, C3.1, C5.1, D2.2, D4.2.1, D4.2.2, E2.2, E2.3, E3.3, and Appendix K, Tables 3.5,3.7, 5.1, 5.2, 6.2, 8.2, B1, C1, C9, C10, C11, D2, D13(a), H2 and Figures 2.19, 3.1, 3.2, 3.10, 3.11, 3.13, 3.14,3.16,4.7,5.3, 5.5,6.5, 6.7, 6.9, 6.10, 6.11,7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5, 7.6, B1, B4 and D1.Published on 30 July 2009.Approved for publication in New Zealand on behalf of the Standards Council of New Zealand on 10 July 2009.Page 2 Preface Delete the first paragraph and replace with the following: This Standard was prepared by the Joint Standards Australia/Standards NewZealand Committee EL-001, Wiring Rules, to supersede, in Australia/New Zealand, AS/NZS 3000:2000, Electrical installations (known as the Australian/New Zealand Wiring Rules).Page 5 Preface (xviii) Delete the text and replace with the following: (xviii) The location of underground cables must be marked at entry to orexit from a structure or recorded on a map.Page 5 Preface (xxiii) Delete the text and replace with the following: (xxiii) Illustrations of the multiple earthed neutral (MEN) system have beenimproved and clarification of the relationship of the MEN system tothe IEC systems has been added.Page 6 Preface (xliii) Delete the text and replace with the following: (xliii) Verification of earth fault-loop impedance for socket-outlet circuitsnot protected by an RCD is now a mandatory test for both Australiaand New Zealand.AMDT No. 1 JUL 2009 AMDT No. 1 JUL2009 AMDT No. 1 JUL 2009 AMDT No. 1 JUL 2009Page 11 ContentsMark Appendix K as ‘deleted’. Page 14 List of Tables Mark Figures K1 and K2 as ‘deleted’. Page 16 List of Figures 1 For Figure 3.1, change the title to ‘SINGLE-PHASE CABLES ’. 2For Figure 3.2, change the title to ‘MULTIPHASE CABLES ’. 3 Mark Figure K1 as ‘deleted’ (page 18).Page 31 Clause 1.4.53 Exception (v) In the first line, add the words ‘or hinged ’ after ‘removable ’. Page 33 Clause 1.4.63 Insert the following as Item (c) and renumber Items (c) and (d) as (d) and (e): ‘(c) The neutral bar or link in a switchboard without an MEN connection where the active supply to the switchboard has been isolated .’Page 33 Clause 1.4.65 Add at the end of the clause ‘or to the earthing system of the source of supply .’Page 46 Clause In the first line, replace the word ‘protection ’ with ‘limitation ’.Page 52 Clause 1.7.2(g) Delete the words ‘and in accordance with the product specification ’.Page 53 Clause 1.7.4(b) 1 In the first line, replace the word ‘enhanced ’ with ‘additional ’. 2Alter ‘present ’ to ‘presents ’ in the 2nd line of the sentence. AMDT No. 1 JUL2009AMDT No. 1 JUL 2009 AMDT No. 1 JUL2009 AMDT No. 1 JUL 2009 AMDT No. 1 JUL2009 AMDT No. 1 JUL 2009 AMDT No. 1 JUL2009 AMDT No. 1 JUL 2009AMDT No. 1 JUL 2009Delete the text and replace with the following: Common neutralEach single-ph ase circuit, and each multiph ase circuit th at requires a neutral conductor for th e operation of connected equipment, sh all incorporate a neutral conductor.A common neutral conductor may be used for two or more circuits subject to the following conditions:(a) The continuity of the common neutral conductor shall not depend onconnections at the terminals of electrical equipment, including control switches.(b) Final subcircuits shall be controlled and protected by linked circuit-breakers or linked switches.(c) The neutral conductor shall be marked at switchboards to identify theassociated active conductors in accordance with Clause Alternative sources of supply to a single appliance (such as a waterheater, space heater or air conditioner) shall have a common isolating switch.NOTES:1 Typical applications for common neutrals include groups of single-phase lightsarranged across multiphase supply, and separate components of a single-phase appliance, such as a cooking unit2 L ooping of a common neutral conductor at terminals of equipment suppliedfrom different circuits may cause the load side neutral conductor potential to rise to full line voltage and create a dangerous live situation when disconnected for repair or replacement of the equipment.3 This Clause does not preclude connection of a common neutral in a junctionboxThe current-carrying capacity of a common neutral shall be determined from the current-carrying capacity of the associated active conductors in accordance with Clause 3.5.2.Page 59 Clause 2.2.2 Delete the NOTE and replace with the following: NOTE: Guidance on the determination of maximum demand is provided for basicelectrical installations in Appendix C.Page 71 Clause Delete the last paragraph and replace with the following: ‘A device located remotely from the electrical equipment it controls, which is used for shutting down for mechanical maintenance, shall be provided with facilities for securing it in the open position.’Page 73 Clause 2.4.4 (a) Replace the words ‘Clauses 2.4.2, 2.6, or 6.2.4’ with the words ‘Clause 1.5.6’.AMDT No. 1 JUL2009 AMDT No. 1 JUL 2009 AMDT No. 1 JUL2009 AMDT No. 1 JUL 2009In NOTE 2 replace ‘Clause’ with ‘Clause’.Page 77 Clause In NOTE 3, replace ‘Clause B3.2.1’ with ‘Paragraph B3.2.1’.Page 98 Clause Delete the entire clause and replace with the following: ArrangementWhere additional protection of final subcircuits is required, in accordance with Clause 2.6.3, the final subcircuits shall be arranged as follows:(a) In all electrical installations where—(i) the number of RCDs installed exceeds one; and(ii) more than one lighting circuit is installedlighting circuits shall be distributed between RCDs(b) In residential installations—(i) not more than three final subcircuits shall be protected by any oneRCD; and(ii) where there is more than one final subcircuit, a minimum of twoRCDs shall be installed.NOTE: These arrangements are intended to minimize the impact of the operation of a single RCD.Page 98 Clause Delete the NOTE following (b) and replace with the following: NOTE: For the purpose of this Clause, combination fan, light and heater units,exhaust fans and ceiling sweep fans are all regarded as lighting points.Page 99 Clause Add the following new exception: 3 This requirement need not apply to a socket-outlet or a connectingdevice specifically for the connection of a fixed or stationary electric cooking appliance, such as a range, oven or hotplate unit provided that—(a) the socket-outlet is located in a position that is not likely to beaccessed for general purposes; and(b) the socket-outlet is clearly marked to indicate the restrictedpurpose of the socket-outlet and that RCD protection is notprovided.AMDT No. 1 JUL2009AMDT No. 1 JUL 2009 AMDT No. 1 JUL2009 AMDT No. 1 JUL 2009 AMDT No. 1 JUL 2009Delete the entire clause and replace with the following: ‘ Other electrical installations2. AustraliaAdditional protection by RCDs with a maximum rated residual current of 30 mA shall be provided for—(a) final subcircuits supplying socket-outlets where the rated current of anyindividual socket-outlet does not exceed 20 A; and(b) final subcircuits supplying lighting where any portion of the circuit has arated current not exceeding 20 A; and(c) final subcircuits supplying directly connected hand-held electricalequipment, e.g. hair dryers or tools.NOTE: The final subcircuits referred to in Item (b) include, without limitation, those supplying the following equipment:(a) External lighting installations, such as bollard-type luminaires.(b) Illuminated signs.(c) In-ground lighting.(d) Ground-mounted lighting for the illumination of public features. Exception: This requirement need not apply:1Where other methods of protection are applied, e.g. a separated supply in accordance with Clause 7.4. 2Where socket-outlets on the final subcircuit are protected by a socket-outlet RCD. 3 Where specific provisions for electrical installations exist through theapplication of other S tandards, e.g. AS /NZS 3001, AS /NZS 3002, AS/NZS 3003, AS/NZS 3004 and AS/NZS 3012.4 To special situations referred to in S ections 6 and 7 of this S tandard that require RCD protection which shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of the relevant Clause.5Where the disconnection of a circuit by an RCD could cause a danger greater than earth leakage current. 6 Where all socket-outlets on a final subcircuit are installed for theconnection of specific items of equipment, provided that—(a) the connected equipment is required by the owner or operator toperform a function that is essential to the performance of theinstallation and that function would be adversely affected by aloss of supply caused by the RCD operation; and(b) the connected equipment is designed, constructed and used insuch a manner that is not likely to present a significant risk ofelectric shock; and(c)the socket-outlet is located in a position that is not likely to beaccessed for general purposes; and (d) the socket-outlet is clearly marked to indicate the restrictedpurpose of the socket-outlet and that RCD protection is not provided.AMDT No. 1 JUL20097 To a socket-outlet or a connecting device specifically for the connectionof a fixed or stationary cooking appliance, such as a range, oven or hotplate unit.In these applications the socket-outlet shall be clearly marked to indicate the restricted purpose of the socket-outlet and that RCD protection is not provided. The socket-outlet shall be located in a position that is not likely to be accessed for general purposes. Additional protection by RCDs with a maximum rated residual current of 30 mA shall also be provided in accordance with the requirements and regulations of legislation, such as Occupational Health & Safety legislation. NOTE: In areas where excessive earth leakage current could present a significant risk in the event of failure of other measures of protection or carelessness by users, RCDs are designed to provide additional protection against the effects of electric shock by automatically disconnecting supply before serious physical injury can occur. New ZealandAdditional protection by RCDs with a maximum rated residual current of 10 mA shall be provided for final subcircuits supplying socket-outlets in areas normally accessible by children in(a) kindergartens; and(b) day care centres for pre-school children; and(c) primary schools.Exception: This requirement need not apply:1 Where other methods of protection are applied, e.g. a separated supplyin accordance with Clause 7.4.2 Where socket-outlets on the final subcircuit are protected by a socket-outlet RCD.3 Where specific provisions for electrical installations exist through theapplication of other S tandards, e.g. AS /NZS 3001, AS /NZS 3002, AS/NZS 3003, AS/NZS 3004 and AS/NZS 3012.4 To special situations referred to in S ections 6 and 7 of this S tandardthat require RCD protection which shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of the relevant Clause.Page 100 Clause the following words at the start of the clause:‘Where the circuit protection on a switchboard is completely replaced,additional protection by RCDs as required in Clause 2.6 shall be provided for the final subcircuits supplied from that switchboard.’Page 101 Clause 2.7.2(a)Delete the words ‘Clause’ and replace with ‘Clause’.Page 103 Clause 2.9.1Remove the italic font and replace with normal font in the third paragraph beginning ‘A main switchboard...’.AMDT No. 1 JUL2009 AMDT No. 1 JUL 2009 AMDT No. 1 JUL2009Page 104 Clause (c)(i) Replace the words ‘the open ’ with ‘any ’. Page 104 Clause (c)(ii)1Delete the words ‘egress paths ’ and replace with ‘emergency exit paths ’. 2 Delete the paragraph beginning ‘Doors of a switchroom.....’ and replace with thefollowing:‘Doors of switchrooms, or other rooms dedicated to switchboards, shall open in the direction of egress without the use, on the switchboard side of the door, of a key or tool.’ Page 107 Figure 2.19 Delete the figure and title and replace with the following:FIGURE 2.19 ACCESS TO SWITCHBOARDS—FACING SWITCHBOARDSPage 107 Clause Delete the words ‘Clause’ and replace with ‘Clause’. Page 108 Clause Exception 4.AMDT No. 1 JUL 2009AMDT No. 1 JUL 2009 AMDT No. 1 JUL 2009AMDT No. 1 JUL 2009 AMDT No. 1 JUL 2009Page 109 Clause the exception and replace with the following: ‘Exception: A switchboard may be installed in the vicinity of an automatic fire sprinkler system if at least one of the following conditions is satisfied:(A) The switchboard is provided with degree of protection IPX4, inaccordance with AS 60529.(B) The switchboard is provided with a shield to prevent water spraying onit.(C) S prinkler heads that could project water on the switchboard areprovided with suitable deflectors.(D) Sprinkler heads are of the dry type.’Page 110 Clause the entire NOTE and replace with the following:NOTES:1 The following situations may give rise to a hazardous area:(a) Bottled gas cylinders with an aggregate gas capacity exceeding 30 m 3. (b) Gas-tank filling or discharge connections.(c) Pressure relief device discharge points fitted to gas installations.2 Refer to AS/NZS 2430.3 for information regarding hazardous areas.3 An example of a hazardous area presented by a bottled gas cylinder is shownat Figure 2.20. For an insitu filled gas cylinder larger distances are required. Page 111 Clause Add the words ‘or where each device is clearly marked to indicate the off position ’ at the end of the exception.Page 113 Clause Delete the text of the clause and replace with the following: ‘All equipment installed on a switchboard shall be identified in accordance with the requirements of Clauses to See Clauses 2.3.3 and 2.3.4 for the marking requirements of main switches and additional isolating switches.’Page 114 Clause In the first line of the first paragraph, replace the word ‘that ’ with the word ‘the ’.AMDT No. 1 JUL2009 AMDT No. 1 JUL 2009AMDT No. 1 JUL2009 AMDT No. 1 JUL 2009 AMDT No. 1 JUL 2009Delete Exception 2, Exception 3 and sub-clause (c) and replace with the following:‘2 The neutral conductor of a multiphase circuit may have a current-carrying capacity lower than that determined by this Clause, provided that a detection device is fitted and arranged so that theneutral current cannot exceed the current-carrying capacity of theneutral conductor.3The neutral conductor of a multiphase circuit may have a current-carrying capacity less than that of the largest associated active conductor, provided that the predominant load consists of multiphase equipment and the current-carrying capacity is not lessthan the maximum out of balance current, including any harmoniccomponent. (c) PEN conductors The minimum size of a combined protective earth andneutral (PEN) conductor of consumers mains, or of a submain to an outbuilding of an electrical installation forming a separate MEN installation in accordance with Clause, shall—(i)comply with the requirements of Item (a) or Item (b), as appropriate; and (ii)be not less than that of an earthing conductor as required by Clause 5.3.3.’Page 131 Clause In the NOTE, delete the words ‘(see Clause’ and replace with ‘(see Clause’.Page 132 Clause 3.7.3 In Exception (d), delete the words ‘Clause’ and replace with ‘Clause’Page 133 Clause 3.8.2In the third paragraph, beginning ‘Single-core cables...’ add the word ‘continuously ’ after the word ‘identified’.Page 134 Clause Item (a), add the word ‘flexible ’ before the word ‘cables ’. 2 Add the following Item (c):‘(c) insulated aerial conductors are identified by a number of smalllongitudinal ribs around the circumference, the neutral conductorshall be identified by multiple longitudinal ribs evenly spacedaround the entire circumference and length of the conductor thatclearly distinguish it from the other conductors .’ Page 134 Clause In the first and second paragraphs delete the words ‘flexible cords and ’.AMDT No. 1 JUL2009 AMDT No. 1 JUL 2009 AMDT No. 1 JUL2009 AMDT No. 1 JUL 2009 AMDT No. 1 JUL2009 AMDT No. 1 JUL 2009Change Figure caption to ‘SINGLE-PHASE CABLES ’:Page 135 Figure 3.21In the left heading delete ‘AND FLEXIBLE CORDS ’. 2Replace the right heading with ‘EUROPEAN CABLES ’. 3Remove the dividing line under the heading. 4 Delete the figure and caption and replace with the following: Red White Phase /Line 1..................................................Phase /Line 2BrownBlackBlack Green /Yellow .................................................Neutral Ear thBlueBlue .............................Phase /Line 3GreyGreen /yellowFIGURE 3.2 MULTI-PHASE CABLESPage 140 Clause 1Add the following sub-heading directly under the main heading: ‘ Prohibited locations ’. 2Add the following words at the end of the NOTE:‘are shown in Figures 3.6 and 3.7.’ 3 Add the following sub-heading to the paragraph commencing ‘Wiring systemsshall be protected ’ under Figure 3.6:‘ Protection required ’.Page 141 Clause 1 Change the second clause reference from ‘’ to ‘’. 2In Item (c), delete the words ‘in lieu of mechanical protection ’. Page 144 Clause In the first paragraph, replace the words ‘Clauses to’ with the words ‘Clauses to’. Page 146 Clause In Item (b), second paragraph, replace the words ‘Clause 3.11.4’ with ‘Clause 3.11.5’.AMDT No. 1 JUL2009 AMDT No. 1 JUL 2009 AMDT No. 1 JUL2009AMDT No. 1 JUL 2009 AMDT No. 1 JUL2009 AMDT No. 1 JUL 20091.In Item (c), second paragraph, delete the word ‘underground ’ before the word ‘telecommunications ’.2. In Item (c),NOTE (c), delete the words ‘in Figures 3.8 and 3.9’, and replace with the words ‘in Figure 3.9’.Page 149 Clause the end of Item (a) delete the words ‘, in accordance with Clause 3.3’Page 155 Clause the NOTE, delete the words ‘Clause’ and replace with ‘Clause’.Page 156 Clause Item (c), add the word ‘sheathed ’ before the word ‘cables ’.Page 157 Table 3.5Delete the heading of Column 5 and replace with the following:‘Fibre cement conduit encased in concrete ’Page 158 Clause the following words to the end of the line under Item (b):.... ‘or below any poured concrete laid on that surface (see Figures 3.10 to 3.16).’Page 160 Figure 3.10Delete the figure and replace with the following:75 mm (minimum ) continuous poured concreteover underground cable positionCable bedding,see NoteCategor y A wiring system from Table 3.5AMDT No. 1 JUL 2009AMDT No. 1 JUL 2009AMDT No. 1 JUL 2009AMDT No. 1 JUL 2009AMDT No. 1 JUL 2009AMDT No. 1 JUL 2009AMDT No. 1 JUL 2009Delete the figure and replace with the following:Ground level no covering on sur face of the ground or less than 75 mm continuous poured concreteCategor y A wiring system from Table 3.5Cable bedding,see NotePage 161 Figure 3.13Delete the figure and replace with the following:75 mm (minimum ) continuous poured concreteover underground cable positionMechanicalprotection system (e.g. polymeric cable cover strip as shown )Cable bedding,see Note Categor y B wiring system from Table 3.5AMDT No. 1 JUL 2009AMDT No. 1 JUL 2009Delete the figure and replace with the following:Ground level no covering on sur face of the ground or less than 75 mm continuous poured concreteMechanicalprotection systemCable bedding,see Note Categor y B wiring systemfrom Table 3.5Page 163 Figure 3.16As the scaling of this figure was too large, it is reproduced here in the correct size—system from Table 3.5Page 163 Clause the text of this clause and replace with the following:To minimize damage to wiring systems installed underground during manual or mechanical excavation works, the location of underground wiring shall be marked or recorded as follows:(a) Permanent cable marker signs shall be provided to indicate the pointwhere a cable enters or leaves a structure; orException: Cable entry signs need not be provided where the position of underground cable entry into the ground is obvious .(b) The route of any underground cable shall be recorded on a plan toenable the location of the cable to be determined in the future. This plan shall be located at the switchboard from which the circuit originates. The plan locating the consumers mains shall be kept at the main switchboard of the installation to which it is connected.AMDT No. 1 JUL 2009AMDT No. 1 JUL 2009AMDT No. 1 JUL 2009Exception: Marking of underground wiring is not required within the confines of a building.Page 164 Table 3.7Delete the heading of Column 3 and replace with the following:‘Minimum separation of conductive enclosures to low voltage electrical earthingelectrode 1’Page 165 Clause the text of the clause and replace with the following:‘Aerial conductors shall be insulated in the following situations:(a) For any conductor span that is attached to a building or structure.Exception: This requirement need not apply to aerial conductors between and supported by two independent poles or similar independent supports.(b) For any conductor span within arms reach of any building, buildingopening or structure. (c) Above areas where sailing craft or irrigation pipes are used (see Table 3.8).(d) In areas declared by the responsible Fire Authority as being subject tobushfires, where required by the regulatory authority or the electricity distributor.’Page 181 Clause the last paragraph commencing ‘Where socket-outlets are installed ’ last line, replace the word ‘not ’ with the word ‘that ’.Page 184 Clause the ‘exception’, correct the spelling of the word ‘permitted ’. Page 186 Clause 1Add new NOTE 3 as follows:‘3 In New Zealand, additional information is provided in NZECP 54:2001 entitled ‘New Zealand Code of Practice for the installation of recessed luminaries and auxiliary equipment. Published by Energy Safety Service,2AddAMDT No. 1 JUL 2009AMDTNo. 1 JUL 2009AMDT No. 1 JUL 2009AMDT No. 1 JUL 2009 AMDT No. 1 JUL 2009Delete the figure and replace with the following:Thermal insulationCombustible building element above fittingRecessed luminaireC50 mm ABTransformer Barrier required for loose fill insulation or loose combustiblematerialsCombustible buildingstructural memberPage 196 Clause the end of Item (a)(ii), remove the words ‘; or ’.Page 211 Clause the last paragraph on the page beginning ‘Where the summation of cross-sectional areas exceeds ............’Page 213 Table 5.1Add a new row at the end of the table to read:>630≥25% of active size†≥25% of active size †Page 213 Clause 1Delete the first two paragraphs and replace with the following:‘Where the main earthing conductor connects the main earth terminal toan electrode (arrangement depicted in Figure 5.1), the conductor shall be determined from Table 5.1 in relation to the cross-sectional area of the largest active conductor of the consumers mains.The cross-sectional area of such a copper main earthing conductor shall be not less than 4 mm 2 and need not be greater than 120 mm 2.’2Add the following paragraph and NOTE, after the exceptions:‘Where the conductor connects the main earth bar to an earth bar or linkwithin a substation (arrangement depicted in Figure 5.2), the conductor shall be determined from Table 5.1 or by calculation.NOTE: In this application the main earthing conductor forms part of the earth fault current path and its size needs to be determined based on the prospective fault current level and duration.’Page 214 Clause the end of the Exception to Item (a), change ‘1 mm2’ to ‘1 mm 2’.AMDT No. 1 JUL 2009AMDT No. 1 JUL 2009AMDT No. 1 JUL 2009AMDT No. 1 JUL 2009AMDT No. 1 JUL 2009AMDT No. 1 JUL 2009In the row ‘Copper cable ’, column 3, change entry under ‘Minimum dimensions ’ to ‘25 mm 2’.(ii).Page 220 Clause 5.4.3In Item 1 of the ‘exceptions’ add the following words to the end of the sentence: ... ‘andZone 0 of fountains and water features installed in accordance withClause’.Page 225 Figure 5.3Delete the figure and replace with the following:Any oneSubcircuits supplied from DB2MainSwitchboard ear th bar or terminal /connection =AMDT No. 1 JUL 2009AMDT No. 1 JUL 2009AMDT No. 1 JUL 2009AMDT No. 1 JUL 2009At the end of Item (b), change the measurement to ‘25 mm2’.Page 233 Figure 5.5Delete the figure and replace with the following:LEGEND:= Conductive water piping= Non-conductive water piping**NOTE: Bonding recommended ifconductive path exists from tap to groundthrough building materialsPage 234 Clause Delete the text of the clause and replace with the following:‘Any conductive reinforcing within a concrete floor or wall of a roomcontaining a shower or bath shall be bonded to the earthing system ofthe electrical installation.An equipotential bonding conductor, in accordance with Clause 5.6.3,shall be connected between the reinforcing material and any part of theearthing system.NOTES:1. This requirement is intended to avoid any potential differences that mayoccur between conductive material connected to, or in contact with, theelectrical installation earthing system or earthed electrical appliances andthe concrete floor or wall.’2. Renumber existing notes 2,3,4.AMDTNo. 1JUL2009AMDTNo. 1JUL2009AMDTNo. 1JUL2009。





关键词:智能坐便器认证规则标准要求引言世界上第一台智能坐便器诞生于1964年的美国,美国人Arnold Cohen为了自己患病的父亲,花费两年时间研制出一个由脚踏板控制的集冲洗和烘干为一体的智能坐便器,并获得专利。




尤其是强制性国家标准GB 4706.53-2008《家用和类似用途电器的安全坐便器的特殊要求》和GB 38448-2019《智能坐便器能效水效限定值等级》的发布实施,对规范产品生产制造、引导市场健康有序发展、推动智能坐便器产品安全和性能大幅提升起到十分重要的作用。





液体加热设备 SAA 认证 电气设备 家用式 便携式 容积不超过 10 升 加热液体用于 湿润室内空气 作为热饮料 烹饪
规格类型:加湿器:AS3350.2.98*(17Jun2012)或 AS/NZS60335.2.98 其它:AS3350.2.15*(22Nov2009)或 AS/NZS60335.2.15
电熨斗 SAA 认证 电气设备 家用型 用电或蒸汽设备使织物平整 手握式除了任何单独的蒸汽发电机 包括:任何相关的设备 规格类型:织物蒸汽型:AS3350.2.85*(17Jun2012)或 AS/NZS60335.2.85 其它类型:AS3350.2.3*(22Nov2009)或 AS/NZS60335.2.3
日光灯镇流器 SAA 认证(SAA 认证联系朱工 18028705568 QQ376951714) 电气设备 控制电流通过日光灯放电路径的大小 是独立或内置的灯具使用的类型 是额定功率少于或等于 60 瓦,组成日光灯或镇流器部件不可或缺的类型 是允许使用者把日光灯插入镇流器的适配器类型 包括:任何电容器与镇流器相容 但是不包括:照明的镇流器证实符合在危险场所以提高安全保障型的电器设备的要求 规格类型:磁型:AS/NZS 61347.2.; 电子型:AS/NZS 61347.2.3; 整体型:AS/NZS 60698 日光灯启动器 SAA 认证 电气设备 启动预热型日光灯 表示预热指示灯开始运作 有绝缘外壳 规格类型:AS/NZS 60155(第一部分)
延长线插座 SAA 认证 电气设备— 用于软电线的附件 通过低电压的最小电流 20A 通过相应的插头引脚或入口与可拆卸的连接器连接
但是不包括:在 AS/NZS3131 上指定的连接器或电器接插件; 在 AS/NZS3131 上指定的插座 规格 类型:AS/NZS3131


国际IEC标准 IEC 60065 5rd ed.(85) +Amd.1(87) + Amd.2(92) + Amd.3(93) IEC 60127-1 1st ed (88) IEC 60127-3 2nd ed (88) 60227-1 , 2nded (1993) Amd 1(1995) 60227-2, 2nded (1997)
IEC60730-2-11-1993 (1st edition)
IEC60730-2-12-1993 (1st edition)
IEC 60745-1, 1982
IEC 60745-1, 1997
IEC 60745-1, 1997
IEC 60745-2-1, 1989 Amendment No. 1(1992) IEC 60745-2-2, 1982 Amendment No. 1(1991) IEC 60745-2-3, 1984 Amendment No. 1(1995) IEC 60745-2-4, 1983
IEC60598-2-2 1st ed. (1979)
IEC60598-2-2 1st ed. (1979) Amd1(87)+Amd2(1991) IEC60598-2-2 2.1ed. (1997)
IEC60598-2-4 1st ed.(1979) Amd3 (incl. 1+2 1990) IEC60598-2-4 2nd ed(1997) IEC60598-2-20 1st ed(1982) Amd1(1987) Amd2(1992) IEC60598-2-20 2nd ed.(1996) IEC60669-1:1993 2nd +A1:1994 IEC60669-2-1:1996 3rd+A1:1997 EC60669-2-2:1996 2nd+A1:97 IEC60691 (2nd edition: 93 ) IEC60730-1 (2nd edition 93 + amendment 1 94)



IEC是国际电工委员会的检测标准,为国际通用的测试,IEC检测是只有测试报告,没有证书的,IEC60335是家电产品的安规检测,详情欢迎来电咨询IEC60335-2-98认证多少钱?IECIEC60335-2-98检测范围,IEC60335-2-98测试流程,安规IEC60335-2-98认证机构?IEC60065:2001+A1:2005 EN 60065:2002+A1:2006+A11:2008GB 8898-2001 AS/NZS 60065:2003+A1:20082. 家用和类似用途设备家用和类似用途设备的安全第一部分:通用要求 IEC60335-1:2010 EN60335-1:2002+A1:2004+A11:2004+A12:2006+A2:2006+A13:2008+A14:2010GB4706.1:2005 AS/NZS60335.1:2002+A1:2003+A1:2004+A2:2007+A3:20073. 真空吸尘器家用和类似用途电器的安全第2-2部分:真空吸尘器和吸水式清洁器具的特殊要求 IEC 60335-2-2:2009 EN 60335-2-2:2010 GB 4706.7-2004 AS/NZS 3350.2.2 :20104. 风扇 "家用和类似用途电器的安全.:风扇的特殊要求 IEC 60335-2-80:2002+A1:2004+A2:2008 EN 60335-2-80:2003+A1:2004+ A2:2009 GB 4706.27-2008 AS/NZS 60335.2.80: 2004+A1:2009 "5. 烤架、焙烤装置和类似的便携式烹饪设施 "家用和类似用途电器的安全.:烤架、焙烤装置和类似的便携式烹饪设施的特殊要求 IEC 60335-2-9:2008 EN 60335-2-9:2003+A1:2004+A2:2006+ A12:2007+A13:2010 GB 4706.14-2008 AS/NZS60335.2.9: 20096. 家用和类似用途设备:厨房器具家用和类似用途电器设备的安全.第2-14部分:厨房器具的特殊要求 IEC 60335-2-14:2006+A1: 2008 EN 60335-2-14:2006+A1: 2008 GB 4706.30-2008AS/NZS 60335.2.14:2007+A1:20097. 房间加热器:家用和类似用途电器设备的安全:房间加热器的特殊要求 IEC 60335-2-30:2009 EN 60335-2-30:2009 GB 4706.23-2007 AS/NZS 60335.2.30: 2009+A1:20108. 家用和类似用途设备:皮肤或毛发护理器具"家用和类似用途电器的安全.:皮肤或毛发护理器具的特殊要求 IEC60335-2-23:2003+A1:2008 EN 60335-2-23:2003 +A1: 2008+A11:2010 GB 4706.15-2008 AS/NZS 60335.2.23:2004+A1:20089. 家用和类似用途设备:按摩电器"家用和类似用途电器的安全.:按摩电器的特殊要求IEC60335-2-32:2002+A1:2008 EN 60335-2-32:2003+A1: 2008 GB 4706.10-2008 AS/NZS60335.2.32: 2004+A1:2008"10.加热液体装置家用和类似用途电器的安全:加热液体装置的特殊要求 IEC 60335-2-15:2002+ A1:2005+A2: 2008 EN 60335-2-15: 2002+A1:2005+A2:2008 GB 4706.19-2008 AS/NZS 60335.2.15: 2002+A1:2003+A2: 2003+A3:2006+A4: 200911. 家用和类似用途设备: 电池充电器 "家用和类似用途电器的安全: 电池充电器的特殊要求IEC 60335-2-29:2002+A1:2004+A2:2009 EN 60335-2-29:2004 +A2:2010 GB 4706.18:2005AS/NZS 60335.2.29: 2004+A1:2004+A2:201012. 家用和类似用途设备: 电熨斗家用和类似用途电器的安全: 电熨斗的特殊要求 IEC60335-2-3:2002+A1:2004+A2:2008 EN 60335-2-3:2002+A1:2005+A2:2008+A11: 2010 GB 4706.2:2007 AS/NZS 60335.2.3:2002+A1:2005+A2:200913. 剃须刀、电推剪 "家用和类似用途电器的安全:剃须刀、电推剪及类似器具的特殊要求 IEC 60335-2-8:2002+ A1:2005+A2:2008 EN 60335-2-8:2003+A1:2005+A2: 2008 GB 4706.9-2008AS/NZS 60335.2.8:2004+A1: 2006+A2: 200914. 口腔卫生器具"家用和类似用途电器的安全:口腔卫生器具的特殊要求IEC 60335-2-52:2002+A1:2008 EN 60335-2-52: 2003+A1:2008+ A12:2010 GB 4706.59:2008 AS/NZS 60335.2.52:2006+A1:200915. 灭虫器家用和类似用途电器的安全:灭虫器的特殊要求 IEC60335-2-59:2002+A1:2006+A2:2009 EN60335-2-59:2003+A1:2006+A2:2009 GB 4706.76-2008 AS/NZS 60335.2.59:2005+ A1:2005+A2:2006+A3:201016. 空气净化器家用和类似用途电器的安全:空气净化器的特殊要求 IEC 60335-2-65:2002+A1:2008 EN 60335-2-65:2003+A1:2008 GB 4706.45-2008 AS/NZS 60335.2.65:2006+A1:200917. 固定的浸没式加热器 "家用和类似用途电器的安全:固定浸入式加热器的特殊要求 IEC 60335-2-73:2002+A1:2006+A2: 2009 EN 60335-2-73:2003+A1:2006+A2: 2009 GB 4706.75-2008 AS/NZS 60335.2.73:2005+A1:2006+A2:201018. 便携的浸没式加热器"家用和类似用途电器的安全:便携浸入式加热器的特殊要求 IEC 60335-2-74:2002+A1:2006+A2: 2009 EN 60335-2-74:2003+A1:2006+A2: 2009 GB 4706.77-2008 AS/NZS 60335.2.74:2005+ A1:2007+A2:201019. 加湿器 "家用和类似用途电器的安全:加湿器的特殊要求 IEC 60335-2-98:2002+A1:2004+A2:2008 EN 60335-2-98:2003+A1:2005+A2:2008 GB 4706.48-2009 AS/NZS 60335.2.98:2005+A1:2009如需了解更多认证,关于测试详情,可随时与我联系哦!优耐检测谭晨军。

IEC 60335 最新标准对应表

IEC 60335 最新标准对应表


行的标准分别是:国际标准 IEC 60335; 中国标准GB 4706; 欧洲标准 EN 60335;澳洲标准AS/NZS 60335(家用和类似用途电器的安全第一部分:通
用要求)+ 60335.2.X(X代表数字,不同的数字对应的家电产品不一样),那
所有的产品都是参照IEC/EN 60335-1 通用标准的测试要求,但是不同类型的产品又在IEC/EN 60335-1 的基础上加了属于自己产品内专属的测试要求。



STANDARDS USED BY ELECTRICAL REGULATORY AUTHORITIES FOR TYPE TESTING OF PRODUCTSTYPE OF PRODUCT STANDARDAerial amplifier AS/NZS 60065Air cleaner AS/NZS 3350.2.65 or AS/NZS 60335.2.65 Air conditioner AS/NZS 3350.2.40 or AS/NZS 60335.2.40 Air curtain AS/NZS 3350.1 or AS/NZS 60335.1 Appliance connector AS/NZS 60320.1Appliance inlet socket AS/NZS 60320.1Aquarium heater AS/NZS 3350.2.55 or AS/NZS 60335.2.55 Aquarium pump AS/NZS 3350.2.41 or AS/NZS 60335.2.41 Arc welding machine AS/NZS 3195Audio appliances AS/NZS 60065Autoclave AS/NZS 3350.1 or AS/NZS 60335.1 Ballast (electronic) AS/NZS 61347.2.3Ballast (conventional) AS/NZS 61347.2.8Barbecue (outdoor) AS/NZS 3350.2.78 or AS/NZS 60335.2.78 Battery charger (automotive) AS/NZS 3350.2.29 or AS/NZS 60335.2.29 Battery charger (general) AS/NZS 3350.2.29 or AS/NZS 60335.2.29 orAS/NZS 60950Battery charger (industrial, transformer type) AS/NZS 61558Bayonet lampholder adaptor AS 3119Bayonet lampholder—15 or 22 mm AS 3117Beauty therapy equipment AS/NZS 60335.1Bell (alarm) AS/NZS 3100Beverage dispenser AS/NZS 3350.2.75 or AS/NZS 60335.2.75 Blanket AS/NZS 3350.2.17 or AS/NZS 60335.2.17 Blower (garden use) AS/NZS 60335.2.100Bread toaster/Breadmaker AS/NZS 3350.2.9 or AS/NZS 60335.2.9 Business equipment AS/NZS 60950Bustrack system AS/NZS 3100Cable thermoplastic (for fixed wiring) AS/NZS 5000.1 and AS/NZS 5000.2 Capacitor for discharge lamps AS 2644Cash register AS/NZS 60950Ceiling rose AS 3113Chair (motorized) AS/NZS 3350.1 or AS/NZS 60335.1Chair (massage) AS/NZS 3350.2.32 or AS/NZS 60335.2.32Circuit-breaker (not miniature) AS 3947.2 or AS 2184Circuit-breaker (miniature) AS 3111 or AS/NZS 60898.1 or AS/NZS 61009.1 Circular saw (portable) AS/NZS 60745-2-5Clock AS/NZS 3350.2.26 or AS/NZS 60335.2.26Clipper (animal) AS/NZS 3350.2.8 or AS/NZS 60335.2.8Clothes dryer (rotary) AS/NZS 3350.2.11 or AS/NZS 60335.2.11Clothes dryer (cabinet) AS/NZS 3350.2.43 or AS/NZS 60335.2.43Coffee percolator AS/NZS 3350.2.15 or AS/NZS 60335.2.15Compact fluorescent lamp ballast (electronic) AS 61347.2.3Compact fluorescent lamp ballast (conventional) AS 61347.2.8Compressor (refrigerant) AS/NZS 3350.2.34 or AS/NZS 60335.2.3460950 Computer AS/NZS Condenser (air cooled) AS/NZS 3350.1 or AS/NZS 60335.1Conditioning device (portable) AS/NZS 3197Conduits and fittings AS/NZS 2053Connector (appliance) AS/NZS 60320.1Connector (fixed wiring) AS/NZS 3131Connector (industrial) AS/NZS 3123Control device (portable) AS/NZS 3197Controls (automatic) AS/NZS 3161 (for thermostats)Cooking appliance (portable) AS/NZS 3350.2.9 or AS/NZS 60335.2.9Cooking appliance (portable, liquid) AS/NZS 3350.2.15 or AS/NZS 60335.2.15Copying machines AS/NZS 60950Cord extension socket AS/NZS 3120Cord (supply flexible) AS/NZS 3191Cord-line switch AS 3127Cord-line trimmer AS/NZS 60745Data handling equipment AS/NZS 60950Decorative lighting outfit AS/NZS 60598.2.20Deep fryer AS/NZS 3350.2.13 or AS/NZS 60335.2.13 Dehumidifier AS/NZS 3350.2.40 or AS/NZS 60335.2.40 Dishwasher (commercial) AS/NZS 3350.1 or AS/NZS 60335.1Dishwasher (domestic) AS/NZS 3350.2.5 or AS/NZS 60335.2.5Dispensing machine AS/NZS 3350.2.75 or AS/NZS 60335.2.75Display cabinet (illuminated) AS/NZS 60598.1Door opener AS/NZS 3350.2.95 or AS/NZS 60335.2.95Drill (handheld) AS/NZS 60745.2.1Duct heaters AS 3102Ducted skirting AS/NZS 42964296 Ducting AS/NZS Edge trimmer AS/NZS 3350.2.91 or AS/NZS 60335.2.91Edison screw lampholder AS 3140Enclosure for Switchgear or controlgear AS/NZS 3439.3Fabric steamer AS/NZS 3350.2.85 or AS/NZS 60335.2.85Facsimile machine AS/NZS 60950Fan AS/NZS 3350.2.80 or AS/NZS 60335.2.80Fence energizer AS/NZS 3350.2.76 or AS/NZS 60335.2.76Fixed wiring connector AS/NZS 3131Flexible heating pad AS/NZS 3350.2.17 or AS/NZS 60335.2.17Flexible cord (for supply) AS/NZS 3191Floodlight (fixed) AS/NZS 60598.2.1Floor sander (commercial) AS/NZS 3350.1 or AS/NZS 60335.1Floor polisher/scrubber AS/NZS 3350.2.10 or AS/NZS 60335.2.10Floor lamp AS/NZS 3128* or AS/NZS 60598.2.4Fluorescent lamp ballast (electronic) AS/NZS61347.2.361347.2.8Fluorescent lamp ballast (conventional) AS/NZSFluorescent lamp starter (glow) AS/NZS 60155Food mixer/processor (commercial) AS/NZS 3350.1 or AS/NZS 60335.1Food preparation appliance (household) AS/NZS 3350.2.14 or AS/NZS 60335.2.1460335.2.89Food refrigeration cabinets (commercial) AS/NZSFood waste disposers AS/NZS 3350.2.16 or AS/NZS 60335.2.16 Freezer AS/NZS 3350.2.24 or AS/NZS 60335.2.24 Frypan AS/NZS 3350.2.13 or AS/NZS 60335.2.13 Gaming machine (electronic) AS/NZS 60950Garment/fabric steamers AS/NZS 3350.2.85 or AS/NZS 60335.2.85 General purpose outlet AS/NZS 3112Glasswasher (commercial) AS/NZS 3350.1 or AS/NZS 60335.1 Glue gun AS/NZS 3350.2.45 or AS/NZS 60335.2.45 Griller (commercial) AS/NZS 3350.1 or AS/NZS 60335.1 Griller (portable) AS/NZS 3350.2.9 or AS/NZS 60335.2.9 Grinder (portable) AS/NZS 60745.2.3Hair dryer (helmet type) AS/NZS 3350.2.23 or AS/NZS 60335.2.23 Hair dryer (portable) AS/NZS 3350.2.23 or AS/NZS 60335.2.23 Hair care appliances AS/NZS 3350.2.23 or AS/NZS 60335.2.23 Hair clipper AS/NZS 3350.2.8 or AS/NZS 60335.2.8 Hand dryer AS/NZS 3350.2.23 or AS/NZS 60335.2.23 Handlamp (inspection) AS/NZS 60598.2.8Heat pump AS/NZS 3350.2.40 or AS/NZS 60335.2.40 Heater (duct type) AS 3102Heater (room) AS/NZS 3350.2.30 or AS/NZS 60335.2.30 Heater (sauna) AS/NZS 3350.2.53 or AS/NZS 60335.2.53 Heater (thermal storage) AS/NZS 3350.2.61 or AS/NZS 60335.2.61 Heating pad (flexible) AS/NZS 3350.2.17 or AS/NZS 60335.2.17 Heating tool AS/NZS 3350.2.45 or AS/NZS 60335.2.45 Hedge clipper AS/NZS 60745.2.15Hi-Fi equipment AS/NZS 60065High pressure water cleanerAS/NZS 3350.2.79 or AS/NZS 60335.2.79 (commercial/industrial)Hob AS/NZS 3350.2.6 or AS/NZS 60335.2.6 Hot dog steamer AS/NZS 3350.2.15 or AS/NZS 60335.2.15 Hotplate (portable) AS/NZS 3350.2.9 or AS/NZS 60335.2.9 Hotplate unit (hob) AS/NZS 3350.2.6 or AS/NZS 60335.2.6 Humidifier AS/NZS 3350.2.98 or AS/NZS 60335.2.98Immersion heater (fixed) AS/NZS 3350.2.73 or AS/NZS 60335.2.73 Immersion heater (portable) AS/NZS 3350.2.74 or AS/NZS 60335.2.74 Industrial plugs and sockets AS/NZS 3123Information technology equipment AS/NZS 60950Infra-red motion sensor luminaire AS/NZS 60598.2.1Infra-red therapeutic lamp AS/NZS 3350.2.27 or AS/NZS 60335.2.27 Insect repellent device (vaporiser) AS/NZS 3350.1 or AS/NZS 60335.1 Insect electrocutor AS/NZS 3350.2.59 or AS/NZS 60335.2.59 Inspection handlamp AS/NZS 60598.2.8Ironing press AS/NZS 3350.2.44 or AS/NZS 60335.2.44 Iron AS/NZS 3350.2.3 or AS/NZS 60335.2.3 Jigsaw AS/NZS 60745.2.11Jug AS/NZS 3350.2.15 or AS/NZS 60335.2.15 Kettle AS/NZS 3350.2.15 or AS/NZS 60335.2.15 Kitchen machine AS/NZS 3350.2.14 or AS/NZS 60335.2.14 Laboratory equipment AS/NZS 3350.1 or AS/NZS 60335.1 Lampholder (BC 15 or 22 mm) AS/NZS 3117Lampholder adaptor (BC to any) AS/NZS 3119Lampholder (ES 14 or 27 mm) AS/NZS 3140Lawn care appliance AS/NZS 3350.2.91 or 3350.2.92 or AS/NZS60335.2.91 or 60335.2.92Lawnmower AS/NZS 3350.2.77 or AS/NZS 60335.2.77 Light fitting (fixed) AS/NZS 60598.2.1Light fitting (portable) AS/NZS 3128* or AS/NZS 60598.2.4 Lighting transformer AS/NZS 61046Lights (Christmas tree) AS/NZS 60598.2.20Lights (decorative) AS/NZS 60598.2.20Line or flexible blade trimmer AS/NZS 3350.2.91 or AS/NZS 60335.2.91 Liquid heating appliance AS/NZS 3350.2.15 or AS/NZS 60335.2.15 Luminaire (fixed) AS/NZS 60598.2.1Luminaire (motion sensing) AS/NZS 60598.2.1Luminaire (portable) AS/NZS 3128* or AS/NZS 60598.2.4 Massage appliance AS/NZS 3350.2.32 or AS/NZS 60335.2.32Microfilm reader AS/NZS 60950Microwave oven AS/NZS 3350.2.25 or AS/NZS 60335.2.25 Miniature overcurrent circuit-breaker AS 3111 or AS/NZS 60898.1 or AS/NZS 61009.1 Monitor (computer) AS/NZS 60950Motion sensing luminaire AS/NZS 60598.2.1Motor operated appliance (not otherwise listed) AS/NZS 3350.1 or AS/NZS 60335.1Moulded case circuit-breaker (non-domestic) AS 2184 or AS 3947.2Office equipment AS/NZS 60950Office partition/work station AS 3100Oral hygiene appliance AS/NZS 3350.2.52 or AS/NZS 60335.2.52Outlet device (portable) AS/NZS 3105Outlet device (integral pins) AS/NZS 3122Oven (portable) AS/NZS 3350.2.9 or AS/NZS 60335.2.9Oven AS/NZS 3350.2.6 or AS/NZS 60335.2.6Pest controller (electronic) AS/NZS 3350.1 or AS/NZS 60335.160950 Photocopier AS/NZS Planer (portable) AS/NZS 60745.2.14Plug (domestic) AS/NZS 3112Plug (industrial) AS/NZS 3123Plug (appliance) AS/NZS 60320.1Plug pack (electronic) AS/NZS 60950 or AS/NZS 61558.2.17 (& AS/NZS3112 App J)Plug pack (transformer)—general use AS/NZS 61558.2.8 (& AS/NZS 3112 AppJ)Plugs and sockets for installations AS/NZS 3131Point of sale terminal AS/NZS 60950Pool equipment AS/NZS 3136Power supply (electronic) AS/NZS 61558.2.17 or AS/NZS 60950Power supply (transformer)—general use AS/NZS 61558.2.6Pressure cleaner AS/NZS 3350.2.79 or AS/NZS 60335.2.79Printer (computer) AS/NZS 60950Projector (video type) AS/NZS 60065Projector (data type) AS/NZS 60950Projector (overhead, film or slide type) AS/NZS 3350.2.56 or AS/NZS 60335.2.56Pump (aerosol type) AS/NZS 3350.1 or AS/NZS 60335.1Pump (aquarium) AS/NZS 3350.2.41 or AS/NZS 60335.2.41Pump AS/NZS 3350.2.41 or AS/NZS 60335.2.41Pump (swimming pool or spa) AS/NZS 3350.2.41 or AS/NZS 60335.2.41Range AS/NZS 3350.2.6 or AS/NZS 60335.2.6Range hood AS/NZS 3350.2.31 or AS/NZS 60335.2.31Razor AS/NZS 3350.2.8 or AS/NZS 60335.2.8Refrigerant recovery unit AS/NZS 3350.1 or AS/NZS 60335.1Refrigerated food cabinets (commercial) AS/NZS 60335.2.89Refrigerator AS/NZS 3350.2.24 or AS/NZS 60335.2.24Residual current devices (portable) AS 3190Residual current devices (fixed) AS 3190 or AS/NZS 61009.1Rice cooker AS/NZS 3350.2.15 or AS/NZS 60335.2.15Roaster AS/NZS 3350.2.9 or AS/NZS 60335.2.9Room heater AS/NZS 3350.2.30 or AS/NZS 60335.2.30Room heater (storage type) AS/NZS 3350.2.61 or AS/NZS 60335.2.61Router (portable) AS/NZS 60745.2.17Sander (portable) AS/NZS 60745.2.4Saucepan (portable) AS/NZS 3350.2.15 or AS/NZS 60335.2.15Sauna heating appliance AS/NZS 3350.2.53 or AS/NZS 60335.2.53Saw (portable/sabre) AS/NZS 60745.25Scales (electronic) AS/NZS 6095060745.2.2 Screwdriver AS/NZSSewing machine AS/NZS 3350.2.28 or AS/NZS 60335.2.28Shaver AS/NZS 3350.2.8 or AS/NZS 60335.2.8Shaver supply unit AS/NZS 3194Skin care appliance AS/NZS 3350.2.23 or AS/NZS 60335.2.23Smoke detector AS/NZS 3100Socket (cord extension) AS/NZS 3120Socket-outlet adaptor AS/NZS 31223112 Socket-outlet AS/NZSSocket-outlet (industrial) AS/NZS 3123Soldering iron AS/NZS 3350.2.45 or AS/NZS 60335.2.45 Spa pool equipment AS/NZS 3136Spin extractor AS/NZS 3350.2.4 or AS/NZS 60335.2.4 Starter (glow) AS/NZS 60155Starter (electronic) AS/NZS 61347-2-1Supply flexible cord AS/NZS 3191Surface cleaners using liquids AS/NZS 3350.2.54 or AS/NZS 60335.2.54 Swimming pool equipment AS/NZS 3136Switch (component) AS/NZS 61058.1Switch (cord line) AS 3127Switch (for lights or GPO) AS 3133Switch (appliance) AS/NZS 61058.1Switch (wall) AS 3133Switch (non-domestic) AS 3947.3Switchboard (non-domestic) AS 3439Switchgear enclosure AS 3439.3Table lamp AS/NZS 3128* or AS/NZS 60598.2.4 Television receiver AS/NZS 60065Therapeutic lamp AS/NZS 3350.2.27 or AS/NZS 60335.2.27 Thermostat (component) AS/NZS 3161Tile cutter (fixed) AS/NZS 3350.1 or AS/NZS 60335.1 Time switch AS/NZS 3100Toaster (bread) AS/NZS 3350.2.9 or AS/NZS 60335.2.9 Toaster oven (benchtop) AS/NZS 3350.2.9 or AS/NZS 60335.2.9 Tool—Portable type AS/NZS 60745.1Toothbrush AS/NZS 3350.2.52 or AS/NZS 60335.2.52 Touch dimmer AS/NZS 3100 or IEC 60669-2-1Towel rail AS/NZS 3350.2.43 or AS/NZS 60335.2.43 Traffic lantern AS/NZS 3100Traffic controller AS/NZS 3100Transformer (component) AS/NZS 61558Transformer (isolating) AS/NZS 61558.2.6Typewriter (electronic) AS/NZS 60950Ultraviolet therapeutic lamp AS/NZS 3350.2.27 or AS/NZS 60335.2.27 Urn AS/NZS 3350.2.15 or AS/NZS 60335.2.15 Vacuum cleaner AS/NZS 3350.2.2 or AS/NZS 60335.2.2 Vending machine AS/NZS 3350.2.75 or AS/NZS 60335.2.75 Video cassette recorder AS/NZS 60065Video equipment AS/NZS 60065Wall switch AS 3133Warming plate AS/NZS 3350.2.12 or AS/NZS 60335.2.12 Washing machine AS/NZS 3350.2.7 or AS/NZS 60335.2.7 Water bed heater AS/NZS 3350.2.66 or AS/NZS 60335.2.66 Water cooler AS/NZS 3350.2.75 or AS/NZS 60335.2.75 Water heater (instantaneous) AS/NZS 3350.2.35 or AS/NZS 60335.2.35 Water heater (storage) AS/NZS 3350.2.21 or AS/NZS 60335.2.21 Water suction cleaner AS/NZS 3350.2.2 or AS/NZS 60335.2.2 Welding machine (gas shielded) AS/NZS 3195Welding machine (arc) AS/NZS 3195Wok AS/NZS 3350.2.13 or AS/NZS 60335.2.13。

AS-NZS 60335.2.106-2007

AS-NZS 60335.2.106-2007

AS/NZS 60335.2.106:2007(IEC 60335-2-106 Ed 1, IDT)Household and similar electrical appliances – Safety –Part 2.106: Particular requirements for heated carpets and for heating units for room heating installed under removable floor coverings(IEC 60335-2-106 Ed 1, IDT)AS/NZS 60335.2.106:2007This Joint Australian/New Zealand Standard was prepared by Joint Technical Committee EL/2 - Safety of household and similar electrical appliances and small power transformers. It was approved on behalf of the Council of Standards Australia on 2 November 2007 and by the Council of Standards New Zealand on 19 October 2007. It was published on 30 November 2007.The following interests are represented on Committee EL/2Australian Industry GroupAustralian Retailers AssociationAustralian Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers AssociationBusiness New ZealandConsumer Electronic Suppliers Association, AustraliaConsumers' Federation of AustraliaElectrical regulatory authorities, AustraliaElectrical Compliance Testing AssociationElectrical consultantsElectricity Supply Association of AustraliaMinistry of Economic Development, New ZealandNew Zealand Electric Fence Energizer Manufacturers’ Standards GroupKeeping Standards up-to-dateStandards are living documents, which reflect progress in science, technology and systems.To maintain their currency, all Standards are periodically reviewed, and new editions are published. Between editions, amendments may be issued. Standards may also be withdrawn. It is important that readers assure themselves they are using a current Standard, which should include any amendments which may have been published since the Standard was purchased.Detailed information about joint Australian/New Zealand Standards can be found by visiting the Standards Australia web site at .au or Standards New Zealand web site at and looking up the relevant Standard in the on-line catalogue. Alternatively, both organizations publish an annual printed Catalogue with full details of all current Standards. For more frequent listings or notification of revisions, amendments and withdrawals, Standards Australia and Standards New Zealand offer a number of update options. For information about these services, users should contact their respective national Standards organization. We also welcome suggestions for improvement in our Standards, and especially encourage readers to notify us immediately of any apparent inaccuracies or ambiguities. Please address your comment to the Chief Executive of either Standards Australia International or Standards New Zealand at the address shown on the back cover.This standard was issued in draft form for comment as DR 07916AS/NZS 60335.2.106:2007(IEC 60335-2-106 Ed 1, IDT) Australian/New Zealand Standard™Household and similar electrical appliances – Safety –Part 2.106: Particular requirements for heated carpets and for heating units for room heating installed under removable floor coverings Originated as AS/NZS 60335.2.106:2007COPYRIGHT© Standards Australia International/ Standards New ZealandAll rights are reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, without the written permission of the publisherPublished jointly by Standards Australia Ltd, GPO Box 476, Sydney, NSW 2001, Australia, andStandards New Zealand, Private Bag 2439, Wellington 6020, New ZealandISBN 0-7337-8443-7CONTENTS FOREWORD (4)INTRODUCTION (6)1Scope (7)2Normative references (7)3Definitions (8)4General requirement (8)5General conditions for the tests (8)6Classification (9)7Marking and instructions (9)8Protection against access to live parts (11)9Starting of motor-operated appliances (12)10Power input and current (12)11Heating (12)12Void (14)13Leakage current and electric strength at operating temperature (14)14Transient overvoltages (14)15Moisture resistance (14)16Leakage current and electric strength (15)17Overload protection of transformers and associated circuits (15)18Endurance (15)19Abnormal operation (18)20Stability and mechanical hazards (20)21Mechanical strength (20)22Construction (22)23Internal wiring (24)24Components (24)25Supply connection and external flexible cords (25)26Terminals for external conductors (25)27Provision for earthing (25)28Screws and connections (26)29Clearances, creepage distances and solid insulation (26)30Resistance to heat and fire (26)31Resistance to rusting (28)32Radiation, toxicity and similar hazards (28)Figure 101 – Arrangement for testing heating units (29)Figure 102 – Arrangement for testing heating units to be used only above concrete orsimilar floors (30)Figure 103 – Arrangement for measuring leakage current and electric strength of theflexible part (31)Figure 104 – Jig for locating the contact needle (32)Figure 105 – Arrangement for the three-thickness fold test (33)Figure 106 – Equipment for flexing heating elements and internal wiring (34)Figure 107 – Equipment for the spark ignition test (35)Figure 108 – Details of the mask (36)Table 101 – Maximum temperature rises (14)Annexes (37)Annex ZZ (informative) Variations to IEC 60335-2-106 Ed 1 for application in Australiaand New Zealand (38)Bibliography (39)AUSTRALIA/NEW ZEALAND STANDARD___________HOUSEHOLD AND SIMILAR ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES –SAFETY –Part 2.106: Particular requirements for heated carpets and for heating units for room heating installed under removable floor coveringsFOREWORDThis standard was prepared by the Joint Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand Committee EL-002- Safety of Household and Similar Electrical Appliances and Small Power Transformers.The objective of this Standard is to provide manufacturers, designers, regulatory authorities, testing laboratories and similar organizations with safety requirements designed to give the user protection against hazards that might occur during normal operation and abnormal operation of the appliance and which may be used as the basis for approval for sale or for connection to the electricity supply mains in Australia and New ZealandThis Standard is an adoption with national modifications and contains the full text of the first edition of IEC 60335-2-106, Household and similar electrical appliances – Safety -Part 2-106: Particular requirements for heated carpets and for heating units for room heating installed under removable floor coverings and has been varied as indicated to take account of Australian and New Zealand conditions. It is to be used in conjunction with the latest edition of AS/NZS 60335.1, Household and similar electrical appliances – Safety - Part 1: General requirements and its Amendments. It was established on the basis of AS/NZS 60335.1:2002. This part 2 supplements or modifies the corresponding clauses of AS/NZS 60335.1 (referred to as part 1 in this part 2) so as to convert it into the Australian/New Zealand Standard: Safety of heated carpets and heating units for room heating installed under removable floor coverings.NOTE 1 When “Part 1” is mentioned in this standard, it refers to AS/NZS 60335.1.When a particular subclause of Part 1 is not mentioned in this Part 2, that subclause appliesas far as is reasonable. When this standard states "addition", "modification", or "replacement", the relevant text in Part 1 is to be adapted accordingly.NOTE 2 The following numbering system is used:– subclauses, tables and figures that are numbered starting from 101 are additional to those in Part 1;– unless notes are in a new subclause or involve notes in Part 1, they are numbered starting from 101, including those in a replaced clause or subclause;– additional annexes are lettered AA, BB, etc.NOTE 3 The following print types are used:– requirements: in roman type;– test specifications: in italic type;– notes: in small roman type.Words in bold in the text are defined in clause 3. When a definition concerns an adjective, the adjective and the associated noun are also in bold.The numbering of clauses, subclauses, notes, tables, figures and annexes follows that of IEC 60335-2-106 Ed 1. To allow for the introduction of additional material by the IEC, the numbers 101 to 200 have been reserved. To allow for additional material to be introduced by Australia and New Zealand, the numbers 201 to 300 are used to number further clauses, subclauses, notes, tables and figures in part 1. The numbers 301 to 400 are used to number further clauses, subclauses, notes, tables and figures in this part 2. Additional annexes are lettered ZA, ZB and so on.This scheme has been introduced to reduce the likelihood of the IEC and Australia and New Zealand using the same identifier for different purposes.The use of the word VOID indicates that the IEC text is not used in Australia or New Zealand. The use of this word also avoids the need to renumber, clauses, notes, tables and figure if an earlier clause, note, table or figure is not used.Where relevant the normative references and the bibliography are reformatted to indicate the Australia/New Zealand standard that is equivalent to the IEC standard or ISO standard to which reference is made.As this Standard is reproduced from an International Standard, the following applies:(a) Its number does not appear on each page of text and its identity is shown on the coverand title page only.(b) In the source text "this International Standard" should read "this Australian/New ZealandStandard".A full point substitutes for a comma when referring to a decimal marker.Variations to IEC 60335-2-106 Ed 1are indicated at the appropriate places throughout this standard. Strikethrough (example) identifies IEC tables, figures and passages of text which, for the purposes of this Australian/New Zealand standard are deleted. Where Australian/New Zealand tables, figures or passages of text are added, each is set in its proper place and identified by shading (example). Added figures are not themselves shaded, but are identified by a shaded border.Variations made to IEC 60335-2-106 Ed 1 form the Australian variations for the purposes of the IECEE scheme for recognition of testing to standards for safety of electrical equipment (the CB scheme). These variations have been incorporated in the body of the standard. They are listed in Annex ZZ for easy reference.INTRODUCTIONIt has been assumed in the drafting of this International Standard that the execution of its provisions is entrusted to appropriately qualified and experienced persons.This Standard recognizes the internationally accepted level of protection against hazards such as electrical, mechanical, thermal, fire and radiation of appliances when operated as in normal use taking into account the manufacturer's instructions. It also covers abnormal situations that can be expected in practice and takes into account the way in which electromagnetic phenomena can affect the safe operation of appliances.This Standard takes into account the requirements of AS/NZS 3000 as far as possible so that there is compatibility with the wiring rules when the appliance is connected to the supply mains. However, national wiring rules may differ.If an appliance within the scope of this Standard also incorporates functions that are covered by another part 2 of AS/NZS 60335, the relevant part 2 is applied to each function separately, as far as is reasonable. If applicable, the influence of one function on the other is taken into account.When a part 2 standard does not include additional requirements to cover hazards dealt with in Part 1, Part 1 applies.NOTE 1 This means that the technical committees responsible for the part 2 standards have determined that it is not necessary to specify particular requirements for the appliance in question over and above the general requirements.This standard is a product family standard dealing with the safety of appliances and takes precedence over horizontal and generic standards covering the same subject.NOTE 2 Horizontal and generic standards covering a hazard are not applicable since they have been taken into consideration when developing the general and particular requirements for the IEC 60335 series of standards. For example, in the case of temperature requirements for surfaces on many appliances, generic standards, such as ISO 13732-1 for hot surfaces, are not applicable in addition to Part 1 or part 2 standards.An appliance that complies with the text of this standard will not necessarily be considered to comply with the safety principles of the standard if, when examined and tested, it is found to have other features which impair the level of safety covered by these requirements.An appliance employing materials or having forms of construction differing from those detailed in the requirements of this standard may be examined and tested according to the intent of the requirements and, if found to be substantially equivalent, may be considered to comply with the Standard.The essential safety requirements in AS/NZS 3820 that could be applicable to heated carpets and for heating units for room heating installed under removable floor coverings are covered by this Standard.HOUSEHOLD AND SIMILAR ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES –SAFETY –Part 2.106: Particular requirements for heated carpets and for heating units for room heating installed under removable floor coverings1 ScopeThis clause of Part 1 is replaced by the following.This International Standard deals with the safety of– heated carpets and similar appliances;– heating units to heat the room in which they are located and that are intended to be installed directly under a floor covering that is itself intended to be removable;their rated voltage being not more than 250 V for single-phase installations and 480 V for other installations.NOTE 101 Examples of materials used as removable floor coverings are carpet, cushion vinyl, or loose laid laminate.NOTE 102 Attention is drawn to the fact that– in many countries different wiring rules apply;– for appliances intended to be used in vehicles or on board ships or aircraft, additional requirements may be necessary;– in many countries additional requirements are specified by the national authorities for fire protection, the national authorities for building regulations, the national health authorities, the national authorities responsible for the protection of labour and similar authorities.NOTE 103 This standard does not apply to– appliances intended exclusively for industrial purposes;– appliances intended to be used in locations where special conditions prevail, such as the presence of a corrosive or explosive atmosphere (dust, vapour or gas);– blankets, pads and similar flexible heating appliances (IEC 60335-2-17);– heated mats and foot warmers (IEC 60335-2-81);– flexible sheet heating systems permanently incorporated in the floor of the building structure (IEC 60335-2-96);– flexible heating elements incorporated in other appliances.2 Normative referencesThis clause of Part 1 is applicable except as follows.Addition:IEC 60884-1:2002 Plugs and socket-outlets forhousehold and similarpurposes – Part 1: Generalrequirements3 DefinitionsThis clause of Part 1 is applicable except as follows.3.1.9Addition:Heating units are installed under a layer of material having a thermal resistance of approximately 0,1 m²·K/W. Heating units, the current of which can vary depending on the length of the heating element, and those that can supply other heating units are loaded so that the current marked on the heating element flows through the heating unit.3.101heating unitheating element equipped with means for connection to the supply3.102modular heating unita prefabricated assembly consisting of a heating unit and other materials3.103electrodeconductive part incorporated in a flexible sheet heating element for supplying the heating material3.104flexible partall layers of material forming the permanent enclosure of the appliance together with the heating element, thermostats and all other current-carrying parts contained within it, which are intended to be under or part of the floor coveringNOTE The flexible part may be provided with a detachable cover.3.105controlled applianceappliance incorporating means in the flexible part for sensing the changes in temperature when the appliance is operated under normal operation, thus automatically controlling the average power input4 General requirementThis clause of Part 1 is applicable.5 General conditions for the testsThis clause of Part 1 is applicable except as follows.5.2Addition:For laminated heated carpets, an additional appliance is required for the tests of 22.103.For heating units, two additional appliances are required for the test of 18.102. For heating units with deposited film or printed circuit heating elements, two additional appliances are required for the test of 21.102.For heated carpets that incorporate a wear indicator, such as a colour change, special samples with the textile layer worn or removed to expose the indicator are required for the tests of Clauses 11, 13, 18 and Subclauses 19.2, 19.101, 21.101, 21.102, 21.103 and 21.104. NOTE 101 The tests of 21.101 and 21.104 may be carried out on separate appliances.5.3Addition:NOTE 101 The test of 21.101 may be carried out in conjunction with the conditioning in sensitive to room air temperature or outdoor air temperature are short circuited. However, the thermostat is not short circuited if it can be set so that it does not cycle.NOTE 101 For electronic controls, it may be necessary to render the sensing elements inoperative instead of short circuiting the thermostat.5.10Addition:For heating units that are cut to measure, the tests are carried out after connecting the supply leads and protecting the edges in accordance with the instructions.6 ClassificationThis clause of Part 1 is applicable except as follows.6.1Addition:If a heating unit is classified, the relevant requirements apply.6.2Addition:Heating units and other floor mounted parts shall be at least IPX7.Heated carpets and similar appliances shall be IPX7.NOTE 101 This does not apply to the plug for appliances connected via a supply cord fitted with a plug or to wall mounted controls.7 Marking and instructionsThis clause of Part 1 is applicable except as follows.7.1Modification:Instead of the marking of rated power input or rated current, the following applies:Heating units shall be marked with their rated power input and the maximum rated current at 20 ºC. Heating units that can be cut to measure shall be marked with their rated power input per metre length.Heating units shall be marked with their maximum current if– the current can vary depending on the length of the heating unit;– other heating units can be supplied through them.Appliances with detachable controls shall be marked with the reference number or by other means of identification of the control.Addition:Heating units shall be marked with the indication of orientation, unless they are symmetrical. The marking shall be repeated at least once every 0,5 m of the heating element or on each section that can be cut to form a heating unit.Heating units that can be cut to measure and have to be cut at specified places shall be marked appropriately.Heating units intended to be installed only above a floor of concrete or similar material shall be permanently marked with the substance of the following:In order to avoid a fire hazard, this heating unit is to be installed only above a floor of concrete or similar material.7.12 Addition:The instructions shall contain the substance of the following:This appliance is for indoor use only.For heated carpets that incorporate a wear indicator such as a colour change, the instructions shall clearly explain the purpose of the indicator and the action to be taken when it becomes visible.Modification:The instructions concerning persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge and children playing with the appliance are not required.7.12.1 Addition:Instructions for installation shall include the substance of the following:a) explanation of the marking, if necessary;b) information for installing the heating units, in particular• precautions to be taken to avoid damage during installation;• dimensions and distances to be taken into account;• a statement that heating units have to be separated from other heat sources;• description of the fixing areas of the heating unit;• guidance on how to avoid damage to a heating unit and its terminations due to relative movement after installation;• the lowest ambient temperature at which heating units may be installed;• the minimum radius for bending the heating element, if applicable;• precautions to be taken to avoid creasing the heating element;• a statement that the heating unit is not to be installed on irregular surfaces;• a statement that the heating unit is to be installed with the correct orientation if applicable;• a statement that the installation is to be in accordance with the national wiring rules;• a recommendation that the heating units are to be supplied through a residual current device (RCD) having a rated residual operating current not exceeding 30 mA;• how to interconnect heating units, giving the cross-sectional area of the leads and type of leads, if applicable;c) the maximum current allowed to flow through one heating unit when other heating unitsare supplied through it or when the current can vary depending on its length;d) list of controls including the statement that the appliance must only be used in conjunctionwith these controls as they form part of the overheating protection system, unless they are incorporated into the heating unit;NOTE 101 Only those controls that are necessary to ensure compliance with the standard need be listed.e) specification of any adhesive to be used;f) a label as detailed in 7.101 is to be fixed adjacent to the distribution board.7.12.101 The instructions for heating units that can be cut to measure shall state that the installation work is only to be carried out by the manufacturer or its service agent in order to avoid a hazard.7.14Addition:The height of the lettering of the marking for heating units intended to be installed only above a floor of concrete or similar material shall be at least 20 mm.7.15Addition:The marking for heating units intended to be installed only above a floor of concrete or similar material shall be visible during installation.7.101 A label that contains sufficient space for the locations of the heating units to be listed shall be provided for each installation (see 7.12.1 f) giving– the name, trade mark or identification mark of the manufacturer or responsible vendor;– the model or type reference;– ratedinput.powerIt shall state the substance of the following:heating units are installed;– wherethe– not to restrict the thermal emission of the heated floor;NOTE The specific application is to be stated on the label.– not to use fixing materials other than those recommended;– not to insert nails or screws.Compliance is checked by inspection.8 Protection against access to live partsThis clause of Part 1 is applicable.9 Starting of motor-operated appliancesThis clause of Part 1 is not applicable.10 Power input and currentThis clause of Part 1 is applicable except as follows.10.1 Addition:NOTE 101 The requirement also applies to the rated power input per metre length of heating elements.10.101The power input of appliances having heating units incorporating PTC heating elements shall significantly decrease with an increase in temperature.Compliance is checked by the following test.The appliance is supplied at rated voltage and operated under normal operation. The power input shall have decreased by at least 50 % from the initial value when steady conditions are established, any control operating during this period being short-circuited.11 HeatingThis clause of Part 1 is applicable except as follows.11.1 Addition:The tests are carried out in a room that is maintained at an ambient temperature of 20 °C ± 2 °C.11.2 Replacement:Heating units intended to be installed only above a floor of concrete or similar material are positioned in accordance with 11.2.103. Other heating units and heated carpets are installed on top of the floor and are positioned in accordance with 11.2.102.If a modular heating unit is provided with a thermostat having a separate floor sensor, the sensor is located on one of the adjacent heating units– on the centreline, or– as per manufacturer's instructions,but 300 mm ± 50 mm outside the area of the thermal insulation and at least 300 mm from the edges of the test floor.For other heating units provided with a thermostat having a separate floor sensor, the sensor is located on– the centreline of the heating unit, or– as per manufacturer's instructionsbut 300 mm ± 50 mm outside the area of the thermal insulation and at least 300 mm from the edges of the test floor.11.2.101 Multiple heating units are installed in accordance with the instructions for installation. They are arranged in a matrix, the heating unit under test being located in the centre.11.2.102The appliance is placed on the test floor as shown in Figure 101 and a layer of thermal insulation having a thermal resistance of approximately 5 m2·K/W is placed beneath the surface of the test floor.The test floor has a free space of at least 1,5 m above its upper surface.A piece of thermal blocking insulation having a thermal resistance of approximately 1,25 m2·K/W is placed on the floor centrally across the heating units, as shown in Figure 101. The insulation has a length of 0,8 m and a width– of 0,8 m, for heated carpets;– equal to that of the heating unit, for heating units.NOTE In order to measure the highest temperature rise of the floor, it may be necessary to repeat the test with the covering material having the minimum thickness specified in the instructions.11.2.103 Heating units intended to be installed only above a floor of concrete or similar material are placed on a test floor as shown in Figure 102. Thermal insulation having a thermal resistance of approximately 2,5 m2·K/W is located under the heating units. A layer of concrete at least 40 mm thick supports the thermal insulation. Instead of pouring concrete, the concrete layer may consist of concrete slabs 40 mm thick and having dimensions at least 500 mm x 500 mm, the gaps between the slabs being filled with dry sand.The test floor has a free space of at least 1,5 m above its upper surface.A piece of thermal blocking insulation having a thermal resistance of approximately 1,25 m2·K/W is placed on the floor centrally across the heating units, as shown in Figure 102. The insulation has a length of 0,8 m and a width equal to that of the heating unit.11.3Addition:The temperature on top of the simulated carpet is measured by thermocouples attached to the back of a blackened plate of copper or brass, 65 mm x 65 mm x 0,5 mm.11.4Addition:Controlled appliances are operated under normal operation and supplied with the most unfavourable voltage between 0,94 times and 1,06 times the rated voltage.11.7Replacement:Appliances are operated until steady conditions are established.11.8Addition:Temperature rises are also measured at the points indicated in Table 101 and shall not exceed the values specified. The temperature rises at points away from the thermal blocking insulation shall be measured at least 100 mm from the edges of the thermal blocking insulation.。

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AS/NZS 60335.2.80/AMD 1/2009-05-29
Amendment No. 1
AS/NZS 60335.2.80:2004
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety –
Part 2.80: Particular requirements for fans
The 2004 edition of AS/NZS 60335.2.80 is amended as follows; the amendments should be inserted in the appropriate places.
SUMMARY: This amendment applies to Cover Page, Foreword, Introduction and Clauses 1, 21, Annex ZZ and the Bibliography.
Published on 29 May 2009 Approved for publication in Australia on behalf of the Council of Standards Australia on 17 March 2009 Approved for publication in New Zealand by the Standards Council of New Zealand on 13 March 2009 This amendment takes effect from the date of publication. COVER PAGE Replace Ed 2.1 by Ed two places. FOREWORD Replace the third paragraph by the following: This Standard is an adoption with national modifications and contains the full text of the second edition of IEC 60335-2-80, Household and similar electrical appliances – Safety - Part 2-80: Particular requirements for fans including its amendment 1 (2004) and amendment 2 (2008) and has been varied as indicated to take account of Australian and New Zealand conditions. It is to be used in conjunction with the latest edition of AS/NZS 60335.1, Household and similar electrical appliances – Safety - Part 1: General requirements and its Amendments. It was established on the basis of AS/NZS 60335.1:2002. In the sixth paragraph replace -80 by -80 Ed 2.2. In the last two paragraphs replace Ed 2.1 by Ed 2.2. In the last paragraph replace “Australian” by “Australian and New Zealand” ISBN 0-7337-9095-X e d t o M r D a r i t h D u o n g o n 18 J u n 2009. P e r s o n a l u s e l i c e n c e o n l y . S t o r a g e , d i s t r i b u t i o n o r u s e o n n e t w o r k p r o h i b i t e d .
Replace the fifth paragraph by the following:
When a part 2 standard does not include additional requirements to cover hazards dealt with in Part 1, Part 1 applies.
NOTE 1 This means that the technical committees responsible for the part 2 standards have determined that it is not necessary to specify particular requirements for the appliance in question over and above the general requirements.
This standard is a product family standard dealing with the safety of appliances and takes precedence over horizontal and generic standards covering the same subject.
NOTE 2 Horizontal and generic standards covering a hazard are not applicable since they have been taken into consideration when developing the general and particular requirements for the IEC 60335 series of standards. For example, in the case of temperature requirements for surfaces on many appliances, generic standards, such as ISO 13732-1 for hot surfaces, are not applicable in addition to Part 1 or part 2 standards.
1 Scope
Replace the two dashed items in the fifth paragraph by the following: – persons (including children) whose • physical, sensory or mental capabilities; or • lack of experience and knowledge prevents them from using the appliance safely without supervision or instruction; – children playing with the appliance. 21 Mechanical strength 21.101 Add the following sentence: The test probe is applied with a force not exceeding 5 N. Annex ZZ In the title replace “Ed 2.1” by “Ed 2.2” In the first paragraph replace “Ed 2.1” by “Ed 2.2” and “Australia” by “Australia and New Zealand”
e d t o M r D a r i t h D u o n g o n 18 J u n 2009. P e r s o n a l u s e l i c e n c e o n l y . S t o r a g e , d i s t r i b u t i o n o r u s e o n n e t w o r k p r o h i b i t e d .
Replace the text by the following:
The bibliography of Part 1 is applicable except as follows. Addition:
ISO 13732-1
Ergonomics of the thermal environment – Methods for the assessment of human responses to contact with surfaces – Part 1:Hot surfaces
___________ e d t o M r D a r i t h D u o n g o n 18 J u n 2009. P e r s o n a l u s e l i c e n c e o n l y . S t o r a g e , d i s t r i b u t i o n o r u s e o n n e t w o r k p r o h i b i t e d .。
