



DMI 规范定义 LED 驱动器和模块之间的电气接口要使LED 模块和LED 驱动器在组件级别可以完全互换,需要定义驱动器和模块(DMI) 之间的电气接口。

来自同为Zhaga 国际联盟和MD-SIG会员的OSRAM GmbH的Arnulf Rupp介绍了这两个组织在开发和实施一致的、易于使用的跨供应商 DMI 规范中所起的作用。

LED 技术的快速发展使固态照明(SSL) 在短短几年内便从开始创新阶段进入市场稳步发展阶段。

LED 照明的新阶段带来了新的挑战。

虽然配有 LED 的照明装置与基于传统光源的产品相比有很大优势,这在大多数应用中已是不争的事实,但 LED 技术本身仍在快速发展。



更新设计、为不断提高 LED 照度效率而改变 LED 驱动电流,以及重新设计 LED 布局来适应最新技术,都成为了照明行业研发部门耗时且耗力的基本活动。

这就要求在LED 照明涉及之初,就要考虑采用基于定义良好的稳定、易于使用且可靠的模块接口设计方案。

Zhaga 国际联盟成功地在以供应商和技术中立的方式提供术语和描述这些大量接口的定义。

然而,到目前为止,Zhaga 还缺少 LED 驱动器(也称为电子驱动与控制装置,或 ECG)和 LED 模块之间的接口的定义。

Zhaga 从一开始就特意将驱动器-模块接口 (DMI) 排除在其范围之外,因为在该领域的标准化会限制设计自由和技术进步。

在那个时候,人们就设想将LED 驱动器与LED 模块设计成一个系统,类似于自带驱动器的光引擎和 LED 改型灯。



LED 驱动器和 LED 模块如果不集成到一个产品中,仍保持独立的构建块,那么系统集成商必须将组件匹配和 DMI 接口一起管理。



Book 1 Edition 1.3 October 2012 OVERVIEW AND COMMON INFORMATIONZhaga Interface Specification Book 1Summary (informative)BackgroundThe Zhaga Consortium is a worldwide organization that aims to standardize LED light engines.The Zhaga Interface Specification consists of a series of books, which have been approved by the general assembly of the Zhaga Consortium. Each book defines a LED light engine by means of its mechanical, photometric, electrical, thermal, and control interfaces to a luminaire. This makes the LED light engines interchangeable in the sense that is easy to replace one LED light engine with another, even if they have been made by different manufacturers.Each LED light engine belongs to one of the following categories:Type A: socketable with integrated electronic control gear.Type B: socketable with separate electronic control gear.Type C: non-socketable with integrated electronic control gear.Type D: non-socketable with separate electronic control gear.ContentsThis book 1 of the Zhaga Interface Specification is a special book, because it does not define a LED light engine. Instead, this book gives an overview of the Zhaga terminology as well as common information that aims to explain the general aspects of the five interfaces.This book also defines a set of generic compliance tests, which are used to verify if a LED light engine (and a corresponding luminaire) meets the requirements defined in the other books of the Zhaga Interface Specification.The Zhaga Interface Specification does not define the interface between a LED light engine and a separate electronic control gear (type B and D). However, this book defines the physical dimensions of the set of housings that are permitted for such electronic control gear.Intended UseThis book should be read to become familiar with the basic principles of the Zhaga Interface Specification. In particular, the other books of the Zhaga Interface Specification rely on the information provided in this book. This information is not duplicated in those other books.ConformanceAll provisions in the Zhaga Interface Specification are mandatory, unless specifically indicated as recommended, optional or informative.Zhaga Interface SpecificationBook 1: Overview and CommonInformationEdition 1.3July 2012COPYRIGHTThe Zhaga Interface Specification is published by the Zhaga Consortium, and has been prepared by the members of the Zhaga Consortium. All rights are reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without express and prior written permission of the Zhaga Consortium. DISCLAIMERThe information contained herein is believed to be accurate as of the date of publication. However, neither the Zhaga Consortium, nor any member of the Zhaga Consortium will be liable for any damages, including indirect or consequential, from use of the Zhaga Interface Specification or reliance on the accuracy of this document.CLASSIFICATIONThe information contained in this document is for public use.NOTICEFor any further explanation of the contents of this document, or in case of any perceived inconsistency or ambiguity of interpretation, visit or contact info@.Table of Contents1 General (6)1.1 Introduction (6)1.2 Scope (6)1.3 Conformance and References (7)1.3.1 Conformance (7)1.3.2 Normative references (7)1.3.3 Informative references (7)1.4 Common definitions (7)1.5 Common acronyms (9)1.6 Common symbols (9)1.7 Common conventions (10)1.7.1 Cross references (10)1.7.2 Informative text (10)1.7.3 Terms in capitals (10)1.7.4 Units of physical quantities (10)1.7.5 Decimal separator (10)2 Overview of Zhaga (informative) (11)2.1 About Zhaga (11)2.2 Zhaga product certification (11)2.3 Zhaga building blocks and interfaces (11)2.4 Compatibility and Interchangeability (13)2.5 Product Data Set (14)2.6 Compliance testing (15)2.6.1 Initial compliance test (15)2.6.2 Market surveillance (17)2.7 Compatibility check (17)3 Mechanical interface (18)3.1 Drawing principles (18)3.2 Mechanical interface between separated ECG and Luminaire. (18)3.2.1 ECG provisions for both “existing common practice” and “new Zhaga specification” (18)3.2.2 Additional provisions for ECGs according to “existing common practice” (19)3.2.3 Additional provisions for ECGs according to “new Zhaga specification” (20)4 Photometric interface (21)4.1 Light Emitting Surface (21)4.2 Operating conditions for measuring photometric parameters (21)4.3 Luminous flux (22)4.4 Luminous intensity distribution (22)4.5 Luminance uniformity (23)4.6 Correlated color temperature (CCT) (24)Zhaga Interface SpecificationBook 1: Overview and Common InformationTable of Contents Edition 1.3 4.7 Color rendering index (CRI) (24)4.8 Luminaire Optics (informative) (24)5 Electrical interface (25)5.1 Electrical insulation (25)6 Thermal interface (26)6.1 Background information (informative) (26)6.2 Generic thermal interface model (26)6.2.1 General case (26)6.2.2 Test Fixture TPTF (28)6.2.3 Rated Operating Temperature and safety (informative) (29)6.2.4 Thermal overload protected LED Light Engine (29)6.2.5 Ambient temperature (29)6.2.6 Luminaires with multiple LLE’s or multiple LED Modules (29)6.2.7 Thermal compatibility check (30)6.2.8 Thermal uniformity (31)6.2.9 Thermal Interface Material (31)6.2.10 Surface planarity and roughness (32)6.2.11 Aging of LED Light Engine (informative) (32)6.2.12 Influence of the Electronic Control Gear on the thermal interface (informative) (32)7 Control interface (33)Annex A Compliance tests (34)A.1 LLE compliance tests (34)A.1.1 LLE mechanical interface tests (34)A.1.2 LLE photometric interface tests (34)A.1.3 LLE thermal interface tests (37)A.1.4 LLE electrical interface tests (42)A.1.5 LLE Product Data Set test (42)A.2 Luminaire compliance tests (42)A.2.1 Luminaire mechanical interface tests (42)A.2.2 Luminaire photometric interface tests (42)A.2.2 Luminaire thermal interface tests (42)A.2.3 Luminaire electrical interface tests (42)A.2.4 Luminaire Product Data Set test (43)Annex B Product data (44)B.1 Mechanical interface (44)B.1.1 LLE product data related to the mechanical interface (44)B.1.2 Luminaire product data related to the mechanical interface (44)B.2 Photometric interface (44)B.2.1 LLE product data related to photometric interface (44)B.2.2 Luminaire product data related to the photometric interface (44)B.3 Electrical interface (44)B.4 Thermal interface (44)B.4.1 LLE product data related to the thermal interface (44)B.4.2 Luminaire product data related to the thermal interface (45)Annex C Dimensions of the Electronic Control Gear (46)C.1 “Existing common practice” (46)Zhaga Interface SpecificationBook 1: Overview and Common InformationEdition 1.3 Table of ContentsC.1.1 Built-in Electronic Control Gear (46)C.1.2 Independent Electronic Control Gear (55)C.2 “New Zhaga specification” (57)C.2.1 Built-in Electronic Control Gear (57)Zhaga Interface SpecificationBook 1: Overview and Common InformationTable of Contents Edition 1.3 List of FiguresFigure 2-1: Schematic overview of a Luminaire and one or more LED Light Engines (12)Figure 2-2: Schematic overview of a LED Light Engine with integrated ECG (13)Figure 2-3: Schematic overview of a LED Light Engine with separate ECG (13)Figure 2-4: An LLE being Compatible with a Luminaire (14)Figure 2-5: LLE-A being interchangeable with LLE-B (14)Figure 2-6: Overview of test and certification of Zhaga products (16)Figure 2-7: Compatibility check (17)Figure 3-1: Definition of dimensions of ECG mechanical interface (19)Figure 4-1: Rotationally symmetric solid angle bounded by the polar angles γ1 and γ2 which is used to define the Relative Partial Luminous Flux (23)Figure 6-1: Thermal model of a LLE-Luminaire combination (27)Figure 6-2: Power conversion (28)Figure 6-3: Configuration with TIM being part of the LLE (32)Figure A-1: Heat sensor equipment with Test Fixture and LLE under test (38)Figure A-2: Calibration of the heat flux measurement setup. (39)Figure A-3: Position of measurement point for the Reference Temperature (42)Figure C-1: Reference drawing for compact built-in type 1 ECG. (47)Figure C-2: Reference drawing for compact built-in type 2 ECG. (48)Figure C-3: Reference drawing for compact built-in type 8 ECG. (49)Figure C-4: Reference drawing for compact built-in type 9 ECG. (50)Figure C-5: Reference drawing for compact built-in type 3 ECG. (51)Figure C-6: Reference drawing for stretched built-in type 4 ECG (53)Figure C-7: Reference drawing for stretched built-in type 5 ECG (54)Figure C-8: Reference drawing for compact Independent type 6 ECG. (55)Figure C-9: Reference drawing for compact Independent type 7 ECG. (56)Zhaga Interface SpecificationBook 1: Overview and Common InformationEdition 1.3 Table of Contents List of TablesTable 3-1: Designation of ECG housings according to “new Zhaga specification” (20)Table 4-1: Luminous flux categories (22)Table 4-2: Beam angle categories with corresponding minimum and maximum beam angle values. (23)Table C-1: Designation and dimensions for compact Built-in ECGs (46)Table C-2: Designation and dimensions for stretched built-in ECGs (52)Table C-3: Designation and dimensions for compact Independent ECGs (55)Table C-4: Designation and dimensions for stretched Independent ECGs (56)Table C-5: Designation and dimensions for compact Built-in ECGs of “new Zhaga specification” (57)Table C-6: Designation and dimensions for stretched built-in ECGs of “new Zhaga specification” (58)Zhaga Interface SpecificationBook 1: Overview and Common Information1 General Edition 1.3 1 General1.1 IntroductionThe Zhaga Consortium is a worldwide organization that aims to define LED Light Engines, which are interchangeable in the sense that LED Light Engines designed by different manufacturers can be exchanged without complications1. A LED Light Engine (LLE) is a light source for general lighting that is based on solid state technology, and typically consists of one or more LEDs combined with stabilization and control electronics (Electronic Control Gear).Different types of LED Light Engines and corresponding Luminaires are defined in different books of the Zhaga Interface Specification. Each book defines at least the following set of interfaces between the LED Light Engine and the Luminaire:•Mechanical interface•Photometric interface•Electrical interface•Thermal interface•Control interfaceThe individual books of the Zhaga Interface Specification are approved by the general assembly of the Zhaga Consortium and published in the form of technical specifications.1.2 ScopeThis Book 1 of the Zhaga Interface Specification specifies general requirements for Zhaga compliant LED Light Engines and Luminaires.Each of the other books of the Zhaga Interface Specification details the requirements for a particular type of LED Light Engine and corresponding Luminaire. These books are published separately for ease of revision and additional books will be added as and when a need for them is recognized.The object of this Book 1 of the Zhaga Interface Specification is to provide a set of requirements and tests which are considered to be generally applicable to most types of LED Light Engines and corresponding Luminaire and which can be called up as required by the other books of Zhaga Interface Specification. This Book 1 of the Zhaga Interface Specification is thus not regarded as a specification of LED Light Engines and corresponding Luminaire in itself for any type of LED Light Engine and corresponding Luminaire, and its provisions apply only to particular LED Light Engines and corresponding Luminaire to the extent determined by the appropriate book of the Zhaga Interface Specification.The other books of the Zhaga Interface Specification, in making reference to any of the sections in this Book 1, specify the extent to which that section is applicable they also may include additional requirements as necessary.All books of the Zhaga Interface Specification are self-contained and therefore do not contain references to other books of the Zhaga Interface Specification apart from this Book 1.Where the requirements of any of the sections in this Book 1 of the Zhaga Interface Specification are referred to in another book of the Zhaga Interface Specification by the phrase “The requirements of the section … of Book 1 of the Zhaga Interface Specification apply”, this phrase is to be interpreted as meaning that all the requirements of that section of Book 1 of the Zhaga Interface Specification apply.1 Zhaga facilitates exchange of LED Light Engines. It does not facilitate exchange of LLE components like1.3.1 ConformanceAll provisions in the Zhaga Interface Specification are mandatory, unless specifically indicated as recommended or optional or informative. Verbal expressions of provisions in the Zhaga Interface Specification follow the rules provided in Annex H of ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2. For all clarity, the word “shall” indicates a requirement that is to be followed strictly in order to conform to the Zhaga Interface Specification, and from which no deviation is permitted. The word “should” indicates that among several possibilities one is recommended as particularly suitable, without mentioning or excluding others, or that a certain course of action is preferred but not necessarily required, or that (in the negative form) a certain possibility or course of action is deprecated but not prohibited. The word “may” indicates a course of action permissible within the limits of the Zhaga Interface Specification. The word “can” indicates a possibility or capability, whether material, physical or causal.1.3.2 Normative references[ANSI B1.1] ANSI/ASME B1.1-2003 (R2008) Unified Inch Screw Threads (UN andUNR Thread Form)[ANSI C78.377] American National Standard for electric lamps—Specifications for theChromaticity of Solid State Lighting Products, ANSI NEMAANSLG C78.377.[CIE 13.3] Method of measuring and specifying colour rendering properties of lightsources, CIE 13.3.[IEC61341:2010] IEC technical report 61341:2010 Method of measurement of centrebeam intensity and beam angle(s) of reflector lamps. [IES LM-79-08] IES Approved Method for the Electrical and Photometric Measurementsof Solid-State Lighting Products, IES LM-79-08.[ISO 128] ISO 128-x, Technical Drawings—General principles of presentation(allparts).[ISO 128-30] ISO 128-30, Technical Drawings—General principles of presentation—Part Informative references[DIN 16901] Plastics mouldings; Tolerances and acceptance conditions for lineardimensions (withdrawn).[ISO 2768-1] General tolerances -- Part 1: Tolerances for linear and angulardimensions without individual tolerance indications. [Zhaga LTLA] Zhaga Logo Trademark License Agreement.1.4 Common definitions2Ambient Temperature Average temperature of the air in the vicinity of the Luminaire or TestFixture.Built-in ECG An ECG generally designed to be built into a luminaire, a box, anenclosure or the like and not intended to be mounted outside aluminaire, etc. without special precautions. Compatible An LLE and a Luminaire are compatible if the combination functions asintended. This implies that LLE-Luminaire combination fitsmechanically, electrically and thermally, and that the environmental 2parameters (such as ambient temperature and mains power) areappropriate.Designation A code that characterizes a Zhaga compliant product. Electronic Control Gear A unit that is located between the external power and one or more LEDModules to provide the LED Module(s) with an appropriate voltage orcurrent. It may consist of one or more separate components, and mayinclude additional functionality, such as means for dimming, powerfactor correction, and radio interference suppression. Note: In thisdocument, the term “Electronic Control Gear” always refers to an ECG forLED Modules.External Power The source that supplies electrical power to the LED Light Engine.Typically this is the mains power but it can also be another source like abattery or an application specific power grid. Independent ECG An ECG consisting of one or more separate elements so designed that itcan be mounted separately outside the luminaire, with protectionaccording to the marking of the ECG and without any additionalenclosure. This may consist of a built-in ECG housed in a suitableenclosure which provides all the necessary protections according to itsmarking.Integrated LED Light Engine A LED Light Engine that consists of a single housing. This is the same as a“LED Light Engine with integrated ECG”. Note that a module, complyingwith a specific book that describes an LLE with non-integrated ECG butthat is directly connected to external power would be an integrated LLEand thus would be out of scope of that book. Interchangeable An LLE is interchangeable with another LLE in a specific Luminaire ifboth LLE’s are compatible with that Luminaire and both LLE-Luminairecombinations have comparable photometric and dimming properties. LED Light Engine A combination of one Electronic Control Gear and one or more LEDModules and means for interconnecting these components. A LED LightEngine may consist of multiple housings.LED Module A light source that is supplied as a single unit. In addition to one or moreLEDs, their mechanical support and their electrical connection, it maycontain components to improve its photometric, thermal, mechanicaland electrical properties, but it does not include the Electronic ControlGear.Light Emitting Surface A surface of a LED Light Engine or LED Module with specific dimensions,position and orientation through which the light is emitted. Luminaire A lighting fixture which provides an appropriate environment for one ormore LED Light Engines.Luminaire Optics Set of one or more optical elements, which shape the light output of theLLE, not being part of the LLE itself.Mounting Hole A hole that is used for the mechanical support or for the mechanicalattachment of an ECG.Mounting Slot An oblong hole which is used for the mechanical support or for themechanical attachment of an ECG and which allows the slight adjustmentof its position, compensating for the inherent tolerances of themechanical parts.Optics Contact Area Physical surface in the LLE with a defined shape and position whichallows for a stable and functional positioning of the Luminaire Optics onthe LLE.Product Data Set The combined data in the product data sheet, product label and productDesignation.Rated <parameter> The value of the <parameter> as listed in the Product Data Set.Examples: the Rated voltage, the Rated frequency, etcetera. Rated Operating Temperature Value of the Reference Temperature (t r) at which the Rated LLE valuesare specified.Reference Temperature The temperature at a specified position on the Thermal Interface Surfaceunder steady state operating conditions. The exact coordinates of thisposition are defined for each type of LLE in the respective Zhaga book. Relative Partial Luminous Flux Percentage of the luminous flux that is emitted by a light source into therotationally symmetric solid angle bounded by two polar angles (see alsosection 4.40).Test Engine A device that is used to define and measure properties of a Luminaire. Test Fixture A device that is used to define and measure properties of a LED LightEngine.Thermal Interface Material Material at the Thermal Interface Surface which has the purpose toimprove the heat transfer from the LLE or LED Module to the heat sink ofthe Luminaire.Thermal Interface Surface The surface of the LLE, LED Module or Thermal Test Engine that makesphysical contact with the surface of the heat sink of the Luminaire.1.5 Common acronymsATC Authorized Testing CenterCCT correlated color temperatureCRI color rendering indexDUT device under testECG Electronic Control GearLED light emitting diodeLES Light Emitting SurfaceLLE LED Light EngineNA not applicableOCA Optics Contact AreaPETF Photometric & electrical Test FixturePCB printed circuit boardRMS root mean squareTIM Thermal Interface MaterialTIS Thermal Interface SurfaceTPTF thermal power Test FixtureTTE Thermal Test EngineTUTF thermal uniformity Test Fixture1.6 Common symbolsP el Electrical power consumed by the LLE (unit: W).P el,mod Electrical power consumed by the LED Module (unit: W).P vis Radiant flux of the LLE or LED module in the wavelength range from380nm up to 780nm (unit: W).P th Thermal power generated in the LLE or LED Module (unit: W).P th,rear Thermal power that is drained from the LLE or LED Module through theThermal Interface Surface (unit: W)P th,front Thermal power that is drained from the LLE or LED Module byconvection and IR radiation (unit: W)R th Thermal resistance from the Thermal Interface Surface to theenvironment (unit: K/W).R th,max Value of the thermal resistance from the Thermal Interface Surface to theenvironment for which holds: t r=t r,max (unit: K/W).R th,sp(i,j)Thermal spreading resistance between measurement points i and j (unit:K/W).R th,sp max Maximum thermal spreading resistance (unit: K/W).SPD(λ)Spectral Power Distribution (unit: W/nm)3.t a Ambient Temperature (unit: °C).t r Reference Temperature (unit: °C).t r,max Rated Operating Temperature (unit: °C).t r,top Reference Temperature that will not be exceeded in a thermal overloadprotected LED Light Engine under normal operating conditions (unit:°C).1.7 Common conventions1.7.1 Cross referencesUnless indicated otherwise, cross references to sections in either this document or documents listed in section 1.3, refer to the referenced section as well as the sub sections contained therein.1.7.2 Informative textWith the exception of sections that are marked as informative, informative text is set in italics.1.7.3 Terms in capitalsAll terms starting with a capital are defined in section Units of physical quantitiesPhysical quantities are expressed in units of the International System of Units.1.7.5 Decimal separatorThe decimal separator is a comma (“,”).3Zhaga Interface SpecificationBook 1: Overview and Common InformationEdition 1.3 2 Overview of Zhaga (informative) 2 Overview of Zhaga (informative)2.1 About ZhagaThe Zhaga Interface Specification consists of a series of Books, which define the interfaces between various types of LED Light Engines and the Luminaires in which these LED Light Engines can be applied. The Zhaga consortium aims to facilitate easy interchange of a LED Light Engines in a Luminaire. It is envisioned that LED Light Engines may be replaced in different circumstances and by different kind of persons: • A Luminaire manufacturer may choose between different LED Light Engines to be installed in theLuminaire that is in his product portfolio (second sourcing).• A professional installer may want to replace a LED Light Engine in an already existing Luminaire for professional applications (for example street lighting).• A consumer may want to replace a socketable LED Light Engine in a consumer Luminaire4. Replacement might be necessary in case the product is at end of lifetime or needs to be repaired. Replacement may also be attractive because of superior characteristics of the new LLE featuring new technology.The easy replacement of LED Light Engines is facilitated by definition of different types of Zhaga LED Light Engines and corresponding Luminaires. Different types of LED Light Engines are defined in different Zhaga specifications by:•Defining the following interfaces between LLE and Luminaireo mechanical interfaceo photometric interfaceo electrical interfaceo thermal interfaceo control interface•Defining minimum requirements for the information in the Product Data SetIn general, the Zhaga Interface Specification does not define safety requirements (electrical, thermal etcetera) of Zhaga products. There is only a recommendation to specify in the Product Data Set of the LLE the implemented electrical insulation. In addition there may be a requirement on the minimum electrical insulation of the LLE (see section 5.1).Note also that a type of LED Light Engines which is defined in a Zhaga specifications may be further categorized in that Zhaga specification, for example in categories having different dimensions, different external power or different Optics Contact Area.2.2 Zhaga product certificationThe Zhaga Consortium prohibits use of its trademark on products and on product documentation without a trademark license. Members can obtain a conditional trademark license by means of the so-called Zhaga Logo Trademark License Agreement [LTLA]. This agreement licenses the Zhaga Logo for use on products that have been tested and certified to be compliant with the Zhaga specifications.”2.3 Zhaga building blocks and interfacesIn this section, the definitions of Zhaga building blocks (section1.4) are elaborated in their context. Each Zhaga specification defines five interfaces between a LED Light Engines and a Luminaires (see section 2.1).4Zhaga Interface SpecificationBook 1: Overview and Common Information2 Overview of Zhaga (informative) Edition 1.3In the context of the Zhaga Interface Specification, a Luminaire is a lighting fixture which provides an appropriate environment for one or more LED Light Engines (see Figure 2-1). A Luminaire typically (but not necessarily) comprises a heat sink to carry away the heat generated in the LLE(s), optical features to reshape the light beam of the LLE(s), means to supply electrical power to the LLE(s), and means to attach the Luminaire to a wall, ceiling, stand, etcetera.External powerZhaga Interface SpecificationBook 1: Overview and Common InformationEdition 1.3 2 Overview of Zhaga (informative)The LED Module(s) and the Electronic Control Gear can be in one housing as depicted in Figure 2-2. Such a system is denoted as a LED Light Engine with integrated ECG.LED Light EngineThe Zhaga Consortium aims to define LED Light Engines which are Interchangeable in the sense that LED Light Engines, possibly designed by different manufacturers, can be interchanged without complications. Practically speaking this means that a customer can replace one LLE by another one while maintaining essentially the same functionality.The Zhaga Interface Specification defines two concepts: Compatibility and Interchangeability that are related to this subject.An LLE and a Luminaire are defined to be Compatible if the combination functions as intended. This implies that LLE-Luminaire combination fits mechanically, electrically and thermally, and that the environmental parameters (such as ambient temperature and mains power) are appropriate. This is schematically indicated in Figure 2-4.。



4,zhaga扎噶 -接口标准 Book 3
4,zhaga扎噶 -接口标准 Book 4
Zhaga 接口规范 规格书 4 Flat Emitter LED Light Engine for Street Lighting with Separate Electronic Control Gear
4,zhaga扎噶 -接口标准 Book 8
பைடு நூலகம்
zhaga扎噶 -LED 照明接口标准介绍
Zhaga 国际联盟是致力于实现 LED 光引擎标准化的国际组织。 Zhaga 接口规范由 Zhaga 国际联盟全体会员大会批准的一系列规格书组成。每本 规格书均通过定义与灯具的光学、机械、电气、散热和控制接口来定义一种 LED 光 引擎。以便实现 LED 光引擎的可互换性,即易于用一个 LED 光引擎来替换另一个 LED 光引擎,即使它们由不同的制造商制造。
4,zhaga扎噶 -接口标准 Book4
4,zhaga扎噶 -接口标准 Book 5
Zhaga 接口规范Book 5: Spot LED Light Engine with Separate Electronic Control Gear
4,zhaga扎噶 -接口标准 Book 6
Zhaga 接口规范规格书 6: LED Light Engine Type A Compact Socketable LED Light Engine with Integrated Electronic Control Gear 90 mm ×42 mm Nominal
4,zhaga扎噶 -接口标准 Book 2
Zhaga 接口规范 规格书 2 :A 类LED 光引擎 :自带电子驱动与控制装置的 插座式,70 mm × 45 mm






1. nema照明接口标准nema照明接口标准由美国国家电器制造商协会(NEMA)制定,旨在规范照明产品的电气连接和机械安装。





2. zhaga照明接口标准与nema标准不同,zhaga照明接口标准是由国际照明工程师协会(Zhaga Consortium)制定的。









产品特色大幅简化离线式LED驱动器设计●单级功率因数校正(PFC)与精确恒流(CC)输出相结合●输入/输出电容和变压器体积小●一次侧反馈控制,无需光耦电路,简化了电路设计●简化初级侧PWM调光接口●符合IEC61000-3-2标准高效节能和高兼容性●大幅提升效率,可达到85%以上●减少元件数量●总谐波失真<15%且PF>0.95●前沿、后沿和数字调光器●传感器和定时器精确稳定的性能●LED负载恒流精度不低于±5%●支持LED负载热插拔●1%-100%宽范围调光,调光无闪烁先进的保护及安全特性●通过自动重启动提供短路保护●开路故障检测模式●自动热关断重启动无论在PCB板上还是在封装上,都保证高压漏极引脚与其他所有信号引脚之间满足高压爬电要求应用●LED离线固态照明说明G7617 是一款的适用于LED调光控制的离线式两级交流/直流电源控制器,是适用于25W 输出功率的可调光LED 灯具的最优之选。

G7617符合电磁兼容性(EMC) IEC61000-3-2 标准,在120V AC或230V AC输入电压下其功率因数(PF) 可达到0.95 以上。


G7617工作于准谐振工作模式,工作效率高,可工作于前沿后沿调光模式,也可工作于R 型、R-C型或R-L型调光控制模式。

G7617 符合热插拔LED 模块的固态照明行业标准Zhaga,同时还集成了调光功能的映射选项(位于白炽灯替代灯的NEMA SSL6 调光曲线内)。

G7617 系列有两个版本:针对120V AC输入应用进行优化的G7617-00 和针对230V AC 应用进行优化的G7617-01。

订购信息应用框图图1典型应用内部框图Vcc VinVcbVT CFGASU BisenseBdrvFdrvFisensePGNDAGND C O R E图2 内部框图引脚功能描述BV SENSE V IN BI SENSE B DRV CFG ASU V CCV CBV TFV SENSEFI SENSEF DRVAGNDPGND 图3. 引脚布局BV SENSE引脚:PFC电感电压反馈点,用于感知Boost电感的磁通状态。





⽽DALI-2在IEC 62386-103标准中定义的控制设备(Control Device)类产品除了⽹关主机中集成的应⽤控制器(Application Controller)已陆续由⼚商推出新品或对⽼产品升级⽀持外,其他输⼊设备(Input Device)类产品如⽀持DALI-2的⾯板开关、⼈体感应和光照传感器等产品在市场上还没有⼤量推出。







LED驱动电源参数配置相关的Zhaga Books如下:Book 22:LEDset power interfaceBook 23:LEDset information interfaceBook 24:NFC programming of drivers made easyBook 25:NFC Readers with Bluetooth interface for in-field programming of driversZhaga Book 22,23,24,25定义了驱动电源的参数调整标准通常经销商环节并不需要对DALI电源中⾯向应⽤的⼤部分参数进⾏配置,⽽且通过DALI接⼝对输出电流进⾏设置的功能特性也属于电源⼚商的⾃定义⾏为,并⾮DALI标准定义。



Zhaga联盟:实现LED光源的可互换性1. 简介a. Zhaga联盟的背景和介绍b. 本论文的目的和意义2. 可互换性的定义和意义a. 可互换性的概念和定义b. 可互换性对于LED照明应用的意义3. Zhaga联盟推动LED光源可互换性的措施a. 推出标准接口规范b. 定义标准机械尺寸c. 确定性能规范要求4. Zhaga标准接口规范的应用和优势a. 实现LED光源的可互换性b. 提高产品开发效率c. 提高消费者满意度5. 结论a. 评估Zhaga标准接口规范对LED照明产业和市场的影响b. 展望未来LED可互换性的发展趋势。

第1章:简介1.1 Zhaga联盟的背景和介绍Zhaga联盟,成立于2010年,是由全球LED照明领域的知名企业所组成的联盟。



1.2 本论文的目的和意义本文旨在介绍Zhaga联盟推动LED光源可互换性的措施、应用和优势等方面内容,以及对于LED照明产业和市场的影响,并展望未来LED可互换性的发展趋势。



第2章:可互换性的定义和意义2.1 可互换性的概念和定义可互换性是指生产的不同产品,具有相同的功能、性能、规格和尺寸,可以在不同设备间互换使用,而不会出现任何不兼容或不适用的情况。





产品特色大幅简化离线式LED驱动器设计●单级功率因数校正(PFC)与精确恒流(CC)输出相结合●输入/输出电容和变压器体积小●一次侧反馈控制,无需光耦电路,简化了电路设计●简化初级侧PWM调光接口●符合IEC61000-3-2标准高效节能和高兼容性●大幅提升效率,可达到85%以上●减少元件数量●总谐波失真<15%且PF>0.95●前沿、后沿和数字调光器●传感器和定时器精确稳定的性能●LED负载恒流精度不低于±5%●支持LED负载热插拔●1%-100%宽范围调光,调光无闪烁先进的保护及安全特性●通过自动重启动提供短路保护●开路故障检测模式●自动热关断重启动无论在PCB板上还是在封装上,都保证高压漏极引脚与其他所有信号引脚之间满足高压爬电要求应用●LED离线固态照明说明G7617 是一款的适用于LED调光控制的离线式两级交流/直流电源控制器,是适用于25W 输出功率的可调光LED 灯具的最优之选。

G7617符合电磁兼容性(EMC) IEC61000-3-2 标准,在120V AC或230V AC输入电压下其功率因数(PF) 可达到0.95 以上。


G7617工作于准谐振工作模式,工作效率高,可工作于前沿后沿调光模式,也可工作于R 型、R-C型或R-L型调光控制模式。

G7617 符合热插拔LED 模块的固态照明行业标准Zhaga,同时还集成了调光功能的映射选项(位于白炽灯替代灯的NEMA SSL6 调光曲线内)。

G7617 系列有两个版本:针对120V AC输入应用进行优化的G7617-00 和针对230V AC 应用进行优化的G7617-01。

订购信息应用框图图1典型应用内部框图Vcc VinVcbVT CFGASU BisenseBdrvFdrvFisensePGNDAGND C O R E图2 内部框图引脚功能描述BV SENSE V IN BI SENSE B DRV CFG ASU V CCV CBV TFV SENSEFI SENSEF DRVAGNDPGND 图3. 引脚布局BV SENSE引脚:PFC电感电压反馈点,用于感知Boost电感的磁通状态。



ZhagaConsortiumfor thestandardization ofLED light enginesLED light enginesThe visionThe visionMissionLED lighting serves the lighting market by better and more •LED lighting serves the lighting market by better and more efficient lighting solutions•Zhaga promotes the growth of the application of LEDs in the market of general illumination by–defining stable design platforms for luminaire makers bystandardization of interfaces for these light engines–preventing fragmentation into a large number of incompatible light enginesli ht i–enabling second source supply of LED light engines–stimulating market growth by fostering competitionstimulating market growth by fostering competition• Reducing development cost of lighting applicationsCreating confidence in the market•Creating confidence in the marketWhat is an LED light engine?•An LED light engine is the combination of an LED module and its associated electronic control gear (‘driver’).•An LED light engine can have integrated control gear, or control gear in a separate housingcontrol gear in a separate housing Control LED moduleLED Light Engine Control LED Modulecable LED Light EngineGear integrated control gear Gearcontrol gear in separate housingStable interfaces –Rapid innovationTh i ill if l h i bl •The consortium will specify only what is necessary to enable the interchangeability of light engines from differentmanufacturersmanufacturers.•As a result the design freedom inside the light engines and in the luminaires is maximized.•The consortium promotes the continued rapid innovation in LED lighting technology inside the light enginemechanical thermal electricalLED light engine mechanical interface thermal interface electrical interfaceZhaga treats the inside of alight engine as a ‘black box’photometric interfaceWhat is an interface? –Mechanical interfaceThe fit betweenThe fit betweenLED LightEngine andHolderHolderor heat sinkor luminairel i ihousing.What is an interface? –Electrical interfaceThe part of theThe part of thesystem wherethe electricalconnection isconnection ismadeZhagag y p y•Zhaga is a consortium of industry players that creates–Standardised interfaces for LED Light engines to secure a stabledesign platform for luminaire designers and manufacturers •Zhaga is an industry-wide co-operation:–LED light engine manufacturers–LED luminaire manufacturers–Components additionally necessary (heat sinks, optics….)•Zhaga is an open co-operation–open to any company that subscribes to the vision/mission and iswilling to contribute to the successwilling to contribute to the success•Zhaga is a global co-operation–Zhaga is a co-operation of companies from all regionsZhaga is a co operation of companies from all regions–Zhaga will set global standardsSpeed•Zhaga will move fast.Zh ill f–The industry needs light engine standards now.g y •Zhaga will establish its standards first as an industry standard Zhaga will offer the finished standards to an SDO*such as •Zhaga will offer the finished standards to an SDO, such as IEC, for formal standardization.* Standard Development OrganizationA family of standards•The consortium will standardize interfaces of many different Th ti ill t d di i t f f diff t light enginespp g g–Different applications need different light engines–Advancement in LED technology expected to gradually enablesmaller light engines with the same lumen output and smallerheat sinksheat sinks•Connectors, control interfaces, photometric interfaces, and other interfaces will be reused across light engine standards.–Arbitrary variations will be avoided.A bit i ti ill b id d–Existing standards will be used whenever possible (DALI, forexample, or the 0-10V dimming control)•Where practically possible, the choice of interface variants will be based on light engines that are already on the marketf f f Zhaga defines a family of interchangeable light engines with many variantsPossible Light Enginevariants withinthe Zhaga familyCatalogueCompany C CatalogueCompany CCatalogue Company ACatalogueCompany DCompany BZh ill f i t bilit th h i t fZhaga will focus on interoperability through interface standardization, not on performance specificationGovernments Int’l Standardization organizationsQuality label organizations Voluntary industry agreements Consortium: Zhaga•Companiesinterchangeability-aspects•interface standards•measurements methods •product specificationsdata sheet•Minimum •PerformanceZhaga Interface standards •data sheet •Criteria Interface standards Actual product performance Actual product performanceThe 5 interfaces1Di i l /M h i l1.Dimensional / Mechanical(incl. “socket”)2.Power, insulation, earth for example3.Controls for example4.Photometric(lumen output, colour, light distribution)5.ThermalMaximum design freedom inside and outside theflight engineThe interfaces respect complementary value propositions of lightTh i t f t l t l iti f li ht engines and luminaire to open design opportunities and to maximizegthe economic advantages–The control interface can specify the required dimming level, not the dimming methoddimming method.–The control interface can specify the required color, not the methodfor achieving the color.f hi i th l–The photometric interface specifies surface area and the lightoutput, not the use of diffuser plates, remote phosphors etc. insidethe light engine and not the use of lenses or reflectors in theluminaire.Enable alternative implementations•Whenever practically possible, the Zhaga consortium will set Wh i ll ibl h Zh i ill interface standards that allow more than one implementation of the light engineof the light engine–margins and tolerances should be broad–interface specifications should not imply a single technicalsolutionThis should prevent that only a single company can•This should prevent that only a single company can manufacture a Zhaga-compliant light engineI f b LED l i l d LED Interface between LED electronic control gear and LED ModuleZh ill t t d di th i t f b t LED l t i •Zhaga will not standardize the interface between LED electronic control gear and the LED Module–This interface is rapidly evolving. It is not stable.•Case 1: LED electronic control gear integrated–Typical for low power light engines LED Light Engine -Zhaga InterfaceLED Light Engine yp p g g–Interface between driver and engine is hidden •Case 2:LED electronic control gear separatedElectronic Control Gear Case 2: LED electronic control gear separated –Typical for high power light engines –Separate boxes with non-standard interface between the boxes –Other interfaces of driver may be standardized Other interfaces of driver may be standardized –Other interfaces of light enginemay be standardizedElectronicLED d lproprietary interface LED Light Engine -Zhaga Interface Electronic Control Gear LED module proprietary interfaceCertification, Compliance, Logo and Fees •Zhaga will establish methods for certifying that:Zhaga ill establish methods for certif ing that–LED light engines comply with the standard,–complementary components comply with the standard.•Only certified products are allowed to carry the Zhaga logo and name of the standard•Certification will be done by independent test labs•Zhaga members pay an annual membership feeZhaga members pay an annual membership fee–Membership fees are used for the organization of meetings,publicity, promotion of the standard and to monitor certification•Members participating in standardization activities carry their own costs (travel, salary cost, prototyping, measurements etc.)Patents and royalties•Royalty-free licenses for all patents that are necessary to R l f li f ll himplement the interface standards developed by theconsortium.consortiumScope•The Zhaga consortium will focus first on:–standards relevant to all regions worldwide,standards for professional applications–standards for professional applications•shops, hospitality, outdoor•followed by offices and industryf ll d b ffi d i d t–applications that are out of reach for retrofit LED products •with strong need for new interfaces•with lumen output of at least 1000 lm–note that family extensions to lower lumen are allowedOrganization•Steering Group–Elected by the General Assembly–Determines the rules, regulations–Takes the initiative to start, or stop, work on new light engine standards –Defines the assignment (charter) of work groups–Appoints chair, and vice-chair persons of work groupsAppoints chair and vice chair persons of work groups–Approves standards created by work groupsWork Groups•Work Groups–Technical Coordination Work Group•responsible for consistency between deliverables of all technical work groups –Promotion Work Group•takes care of Zhaga web site, press contacts, newsletters, etc.General AssemblySecretary GeneralSteering CommitteePromotion Work Logo Licensing WorkTechnicalC di ti W kWG1socketable downlightWG2WG3Flat emitter streetWG4Socketable spot light Group GroupCoordination WorkGroup socketable downlightwith integrated controlgearSpot light engine withseparate control gearFlat emitter streetlighting engine withseparate control gearSocketable spot lightLLE with separatecontrol gearTaskforces 1 (9)21。



1990年钢筋抗拉强度标准解释说明以及概述1. 引言:1.1 概述:引言部分将介绍本文的主题和内容,即对1990年钢筋抗拉强度标准进行解释说明以及概述。




1.2 文章结构:本文分为五个部分,即引言、钢筋抗拉强度标准解释说明、钢筋抗拉强度标准的概述、结论和结束语。


1.3 目的:本文旨在对读者详细解释1990年钢筋抗拉强度标准,并概述该标准在工程实践中的应用情况。




2. 钢筋抗拉强度标准解释说明:2.1 1990年钢筋抗拉强度标准背景在1990年之前,我国的钢筋抗拉强度标准并不统一,各地使用的标准存在差异。

为了提高工程质量和施工安全性,1990年中国出台了《GB13013-91 钢筋劈裂试验方法》,该标准规定了钢筋抗拉强度的测试方法。


2.2 标准的定义与要求《GB13013-91 钢筋劈裂试验方法》是对钢筋抗拉性能进行评定和测试所采用的标准。

该标准主要包括以下方面:- 钢筋劈裂试验的设备、材料和环境要求;- 劈裂试验中的操作步骤和技术要求;- 劈裂试验结果的计算和评定方法。


2.3 标准在工程实践中的应用1990年钢筋抗拉强度标准的发布对于提高我国的工程质量起到了重要推动作用。



十孔夹条标准号-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述十孔夹条是一种常用的标准号,用于固定、夹紧和连接各种材料和构件。












1.2 文章结构文章结构文章的结构是指文章的整体框架和组织方式,在一篇长文中,一个清晰的结构可以帮助读者更好地理解和记忆文章的内容。




正文部分(Main Body)2.1 背景介绍在背景介绍部分,我们将对十孔夹条标准号的背景进行详细阐述。



2.2 十孔夹条的定义和特点在这一部分,我们将对十孔夹条的定义进行详细解释,并介绍它的特点和主要构成要素。





























- 1 -。



3)如产品标准或技术条件中有规定,其特性值应符合下列条件:硫或磷含量最高值: 0.045%;抗拉强度最低值:≤ 690MPa;屈服点或屈服强度最低值:≤ 360MPa;伸长率最低值:≤ 26%;弯心直径最低值:≥2*试样厚度;冲击功最低值(20℃,V型纵向标准试样):≤27J。




普通质量低合金钢主要包括:①一般用途低合金结构钢,规定的屈服强度不大于360MPa,如GB/T 1591规定的Q295A、QQ345A;②低合金钢筋钢,如GB1449规定的20MnSi、20MnTi、20MnSiV、25MnSi、20MnNbb;③铁道用一般低合金钢,如GB 11264规定的低合金轻轨钢45SiMnP、50SiMnP;④矿用一般低合金钢,如GB/T 3414规定的M510、M540、M565热轧钢。


优质低合金钢主要包括:①可焊接的高强度结构钢,规定的屈服强度大于360MPa而小于420MPa的一般用途低合金结构钢,如GB/T 1591规定的Q295B、Q345B、Q345C、Q345D、Q345E、Q390A、Q390B、Q390C、Q390D、Q390E;②锅炉的压力容器用低合金钢。

如GB 713规定的16Mng、12Mng、15MnVg;YB/T 5139规定的HP295、HP325、HP345、HP365、;GB 6654规定的16MnR、15MnVR、15MnVNR;GB 6479规定的16Mn、15MnV;③造船用低合金钢,如GB 712规定的AH36、DH36、EH36;④汽车用低合金钢,如GB/T 3273规定的09MnREL、06TiL、08 TiL、09SiVL、16MnL、16MnREL;⑤桥梁用低合金钢,如YB168规定的12Mnq、12MnVq、16Mnq、15MnVq、15MnVNq、YB(T)10规定的16Mnq、16MnCuq、15MnVq、15MnVNq;⑥自行车用低合金钢。

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规格书1(Book 1): 一般定义和介面
规格书2(Book 2): 自带电子驱动与控制装置的插座式筒灯光引擎2011年2月,Zhaga联盟通过了第一个光引擎规范。



Book2 PHILIPS Fortimo Twistable
规格书3(Book 3): 采用独立电子驱动与控制装置的射灯光引擎2011年6月,Zhaga联盟通过了第二个光引擎规范。

Book 3
PHILIPS Fortimo SLM Lexel LED SLM Lexel LED SLM 800 25W / RGB
规格书4(Book4): 采用独立电子驱动与控制装置的路灯光引擎2012年3月,Zhaga联盟通过了关于采用独立电子驱动与控制装置的平面出光路灯光引擎规范。

Book 4 PHILIPS Fortimo LED HBMt
规格书5(Book 5): 采用独立电子驱动与控制装置的插座式LED光引擎


规格书6(Book6): 自带电子驱动与控制装置的紧凑型插座式LED 光引擎

规格书7: 采用独立电子驱动与控制装置的室内照明光引擎
