Unit 2 English around the world (综合教案)


高中英语 Unit 2 English around the world Reading The road to modern English教学设计 新人教版必修1

高中英语 Unit 2 English around the world Reading The road to modern English教学设计 新人教版必修1

Unit 2 English around the world教材内容分析人教版>必修一第二单元阅读The road to modern English。





2. 语言知识目标:学完本科之后,学生将掌握以下词汇用法:because of, at present, gradually, be based on, make use of, fluent, such as, come up, voyage把握以下词汇含义:vocabulary, spelling, native, apartment, latter, identity 识得以下词汇:Singapore, Malaysia, Danish3. 学习策略目标:通过学习本课,学生将掌握以下策略交际策略:了解不同国家和地区使用不同的英语,但是以英语为母语的人基本不存在理解方面的障碍。


4. 情感态度目标:通过学习本课,学生将意识到学习并掌握英语的重要性,并树立学好英语的信心,意识到努力学习是祖国更加强大的必要性,同时把学好外语当成自我发展的一个重要过程。

5. 文化意识目标:通过对本课的学习,学生能认识到学习一门语言不仅仅要学语言本身,与其相关的文化背景、历史背景都是学习的内容。

教学过程Step 1 Warming-up and lead-in (8 mins)(1) 小测试: 对比阅读Robert Burns的诗A Red Red Rose和一首现代诗(4 mins)T: Hello, class. You have all been learning English for at least 3 years. But how good is your English? How much do you know about English? Today, let’s look here and have a test to see how good your English is. Here is a poem by Robert Burns, who was an English poet, or exactly, a Scottish poet. This poem, A Red Red Rose, is one of the most famous in the world. Read it and listen. Let’s see if you have any difficulty in understanding it.A Red Red RoseRobert BurnsO, my Luve's like a red, red roseThat's newly sprung in June;O, my Luve's like the melodie,That's sweetly play'd in tune.As fair art thou, my bonnie lass,So deep in luve am I;And I will luve thee still, my dear,Till a' the seas gang dry.Till a' the seas gang dry, my dear,And the rocks melt wi' the sun;I will luve thee still, my dear,While the sands o' life shall run.And fare thee well, my only Luve!And fare thee well, a while!And I will come again, my Luve,Tho' it were ten thousand mile!T: Did you find it easy or difficult? What about this one? This poem was written by a modern writer.I Am Not YoursI am not yours, not lost in you,Not lost, although I long to beLost as a candle lit at noon,Lost as a snowflake in the sea.You love me, and I find you stillA spirit beautiful and bright,Yet I am I, who long to beLost as a light is lost in light.Oh plunge me deep in love—put outMy senses, leave me deaf and blind,Swept by the tempest of your love,A taper in a rushing wind.T: Why is the first poem difficult to understand while the second one not? (Mainly because of some of the words used in the first poem, which are not often used now. Robert Burns lived in the 18th century while the writer of the second poem is a modern poet.) So we can see people in the past used different words from what is used today.(2) 听一段一位学生和来自澳大利亚的外教的对话(4 mins)T: Now, when one day Qiu Zhensong met our foreign teacher Zak, who is from Australia, what happened? Let’s welcome Zak and Qiu Zhensong.(After the dialogue, the foreign teacher explained.) Did you understand our dialogue? (Ss: No.) What’s the difficulty? (Different words were used in Australia which you do not know in American or British English.) T: So from the two poems and the dialogue we can see people from different countries speak different English and people in different times also use different English. How did the difference come about?[意图说明] 引入话题:不同时代、不同国家所使用的英语有所不同。

英语人教必修一Unit 2English around the world 教案

英语人教必修一Unit 2English around the world  教案

Unit 2 English around the world 教材分析第二单元的中心话题是“世界英语”,表面上从词汇使用、读音、拼写三个方面的不同,让英语学习者直观感受英式英语与美式英语的差异,而深层中则是激发高中生对于语言文化的历史起源、发展、变化及趋势等方面的学习与思考,强化英语学习的重要性和英语学习的必要性。

Warming up是一组代表英美词汇区别的对话,通过较为熟悉的一些英美常用词汇感知英语的种类,但同时不难发现,在英语的沟通过程中,哪种版本的英语形式都不会影响到用词达意的;Reading部分介绍了英语作为世界语言目前的使用状况及现代英语的发展历程。




Learning about Language以一些英式英语和美式英语的通用词汇为主,另外包含一些英语的重要性及表达过程中所需的常用词汇(动词与副词),继续要求学生熟悉词性转换的运用模式和表达文章逻辑顺序的词组,例如:such as , because of , the former, the latter…;Using Language有一篇较短的文段就标准英语和方言问题发表了一些基本认知基础,让学生们继续在语言学习中追寻适合自己的学习方式,展现英语表达过程中对于语音学习的包容性,试图从更多的角度打开对于英语学习必修发音标准的不自信;Grammar还是直接引语变间接引语,并进行操练。

不同于上个单元,本单元侧重于根据直接引语的语气---要求和命令,将祈使句类型转化为间接引语,基本规则不变;Listening &Speaking &Writing 在输出部分重要探讨英语的重要性和掌握英语的学习方法上,让学生产生有逻辑顺序的表达及分类;在本单元的Learning Tip中提到找到英语学习的趣味点。

高中英语 必修1 (Unit2 English around the world the 5th period) 精品教案

高中英语 必修1 (Unit2 English around the world the 5th period) 精品教案

高中英语必修1(Unit2Englisharoundtheworldthe5thperiod)精品教案TheFifthPeriod●从容说课Thisisthefifthperiodofthisunit.Inthispart,twoitemswillbedealtwith,thatis,thewordsleftinthevocabulary,thereadingintheworkbook.Thefirstitem,learningnewwordsleftinthevocabularyistoremovethebarrierinthefollowingstudy.Andhowtoletstudentslearnthewords withinterestisadifficultissue.Ithinkitisbettertogivestudentsthechancetolearnnewwordsbythemselves.Letstudentsloo kupwordsinthedictionaryand thencomm unicatewithothersinclass,whichcaninspirestudents.Andthenletthemmakeupsomesentences.Theseconditemisanotherpassageonthesubject “English”.ItgivesstudentsmuchmoreinformationonEnglish.Todealwiththispassage,7stepsaredesigned:(1)predictwhatwillbetalked(2)listentofindoutanswers(3)answerquestions(4)scanningtofillinatable(5)summary (6)discussion(7)homework●三维目标1.Knowledge:Learningtherestwordsinthevocabulary.2.Ability:Theunderstandingofthereadingpassage.3.Emotion:Guidestudentshowtoremembermorewordsassoonaspossible.●教学重点Theunderstandin gofthereadingpassage.●教学难点(1)Howtoletstudentsmasterwords.(2)Howtoletstudentsunderstandthepassagewell.●教具准备cassetterecorder;cardswithwordsonthe m●教学过程Step1GreetingsGreetthewholeclassasusual.Step2NewwordsandvocabularyT:Yesterday,Iaskedyoutolookupthewordsleftinthevocabularyinthedictionary.Haveyoubeenpreparedforit?Now,let’shaveagame.Let’sdividethewholeclassinto2groups.Eithergroupchoosesonestudentasarepresentative.I’llshowther epresentativeawordoraphrase,sheorheshouldexplainitinEnglish.Ifthegroup’smemberscanguessit,yourgroupwillwin10points.Eithergrouphas5chances.Let’sgo!Possibleexplanation:mand:(1)v.totellsb.todosth.(2)anorder2.standard:generallyusedoracceptedasnormal3.playapartin:playarolein4.dialect:awayofspeakingthatisusedonlyinaparticulararea5.request:(1)v.toasksb.todo(2)n.anactofaskingforsth.inapoliteorformalway6.polite:theoppositeofrude7.retell:totellastoryagainorinadifferentform8.accent:awayofsayingwordsthatshowswhatcountry,esfrom9.recognize:toknowwhothepersonis10.eastern:inorfromtheeast ofacountryorplaceT:Welldone!Nowlet’sdealwiththesomeofthewordsandphrasesindeal.mandv.命令,指挥commandsb.todo;commandsth.;博得,应得commandthat-clausee.g.Hecommandedhismantoretreat.ThetroopswerecommandedbyGerneralHaig.Thekingcommandedthatshe(should)beexecuted.(建议,命令,要求一类词后从句中用虚拟语气,此类动词有suggest,advise,order,request,require,command,demand...)Hecommanded thebuilding(should)betorndown.n.命令[C];指挥,控制[U]e.g.Areyourefusingtoobeymycommands?Youmustobeyhiscommandthatthebuilding(should)betorndown.Takecommandof;beincommand;underone’scommand;underthecommandofsb.e.g.Shetookcommandofthisclassaftertheformermanagerleft.Shefeltincommandofherlife.ThebattleshipisunderthecommandofCaptainBlake.2.requestv.requeststh.(fromsb.);requestsb.todo;requestthat-clausee.g.Youcanrequestafreecopyoftheleaflet(宣传单).Youarerequestednottosmokeintherestaurant.Sherequestedthatnoone(should)betoldofherdecision untilthenextmeeting.n.request(forsth.);request(that)e.g.Requestsforvisaswillbedealtwithwithin48hours.Herrequestthatmoresweetsbeservedwasrefused.3.recognize辨认出;意识到;承认recognizesb./sth.(by/fromsth.)通过……认出……;recognizesth.(assth.);把……认作是……recognizethat意识到;承认e.g.Irecognizedthehousefromyourdescription.Drugswerenotrecognizedasaproblemthen.Nobodyrecognizedhowurgentthesituationwas.Werecognizedthatthetaskwasnoteasy.4.standardn.规格,标准[C&U]raise/improve/lowerstandard提高/降低标准set(sb.)astandard给某人定一个标准e.g.Hesethimselfsuchahighstandardthatheoftendisappointshimself.ofhigh/lowstandard具高/低标准的standards行为标准,道德标准amanofhighstandards一个道德高尚的人Step3ReadingT:WehavelearntEnglishformanyyears.Theninyouropinion,whatisaveryimportanthelptoyourEnglishstudy?S:teachers,books,tapes...T:Anythingelse?IsthereanythingthatyoucanturntoforhelpwhenyouareconfusedwhilelearningEnglish?S:Ithinkadictionaryisagreathelp.T:Yeah.Whenwemeetacrossnewwordsweoftenlookthemupinadictionary.Whatisthemostwidely-useddictionaryinChin ese?S:XinhuaDictionary.T:ThenwhichonedoyouthinkisusedwidelyinEnglish?S:I’msorryIhavenoidea.T:It’s LongmanDictionary andthe OxfordEnglishDictionary.Today,we’llreadapassageonthe OxfordEnglishDictionary.Nowaccordingtothetitle,whatdoyouthinkwillbementionedinthepassage?S:Ithinkthewriter,thetimewhenwasitwritten,whyitwaswritten,howitwaswritten,thefeatureofthedictionarywillbementioned.T:Now,let’slistentoittoseewhetheryouranswerisrigh t.(afterlistening)T:Doyouthinkthatyouranswerisright?S:Ithinkthatitdoesn’tmentionthefeatureofthedictionary.T:Yes.Nowlet’sreaditaloudtoanswerthesequestionsthen.①Whywasitwritten?②Whendiditstarttobewritten?③Whoisthewriter?④Howitwaswritten?S:①Toencourageeverybodytospellthesame.②Theideawasraisedin1857.And22yearsl ater,itbegantobewritten.③Threemenworkedtogetheronthedictionary:SamuelJohnson,NoahWebster,andJamesMurray.④Ittookthethreemennearlyalloftheirlivestotrytocollectwords.T:Goodjob!Thenwhofirstbegantoworkonthedictionary?S:Murray.T:Yes.Nowlet’sreadthelastparagraph.AndthenfinishthetableaboutnotesonJamesMurray’slifewithyourpartners.(checktogether)Step4Consolidation/discussionT:Afterreadingit,canyousaysomethingaboutMurray?Let’sdoachainreaction.EachstudentjustsaysonesentenceaboutMurray.T:Doyouthinkitworthsothesepeople’sspendingsomuchtimeon?Why?Nowdiscusswithyourpartnerandlistsomereasons.(discussforabout3minutes)Now,it’sshowtime.S:Wethinkthatitworththeirjob.Iftherewerenodictionaries,peoplewouldhavenoruletoguidethemwhileusingthelanguage,whichwillleadtoamessinEnglishbecausedifferentpeople wouldusedifferentlawstouseit.Thentherewillbemoredifficul tyinunderstandingoneanother.Withthedictionary,peoplehaveasetruletojudgewhethertheirwayofusingthelanguageisright.Step5SummaryandhomeworkToday,wehavelearnedthewordsleftinthevocabularyandwe’vegotsomeinformationonthelargeEnglishdictionary.Afterclass,pleasereadthewordsagainandagaintorecitethemandtrytousethemtomakeupsentences.●板书设计Unit2EnglisharoundtheworldTheFifthPeriodWordsmand2.request3.recognize4.standardUnderstandingofthepassageGuessingQuestions●活动与探究ThisresearchistodoresearchontheconceptoftheOxfordDictionaryandsomeotherkindsofdictionaryinEnglishspok encountries.SostudentsshouldworkingroupstostudytheitemsoftheOxfordDictionaryandfindoutthenamesofothertypenames Themostpopularone ThereasonAbout theOxfordEnglishDictionaryThe OxfordEnglishDictionary istheacceptedauthorityontheevolutionoftheEnglishlanguageoverthelastmillenniu m.Itisanunsurpassedguidetothemeaning,history,andpronunciationofoverhalfamillionwords,bothpresentandpast.Ittracestheusageofwordsthrough2.5millionquotationsfromawiderangeofinternationalEnglishlan guagesources,fromclassicliteratureandspecialistperiodicalstofilmscriptsandcookerybooks.The OED coverswordsfromacrosstheEnglish-speakingworld,fromNorthAmericatoSouthAfrica,fromAustraliaandNewZealandtotheCaribbean.Italsooffersthebestinetymologicalanalysisandinlistingofvariantspelli ngs,anditshowspronunciationusingtheInternationalPhoneticAlphabet.Asthe OED isahistoricaldictionary,itsentrystructureisverydifferentfromthatofadictionaryofcurrentEnglish,inwhichonlypresent-daysensesarecovered,andinwhichthemostcommonmeaningsorsensesaredescribedfirst.Foreachwordinthe OED,thevariousgroupingsofsensesaredealtwithinch ronologicalorderaccordingtothequotationevidence,i.e.thesenseswiththeearliestquotationsappearfirst,andthesenseswhichhavedev elopedmorerecentlyappearfurtherdowntheentry.Inacomplexentrywithmanystrands,thedevelopmentovertimecanbeseeninastructurewithseveral“branches”.TheSecondEditionofthe OED iscurrentlyavailableasa20-volumeprint edition,onCD-ROM,andnowalsoonline.Updatedquarterlywithatleast1000newandrevisedentries,OED Onlineoffersunparalleledaccesstothegreatestcontinuingworkofscholarshipthatthiscenturyhasproduced’(Newsweek).Tofindoutmoreaboutthe OED Online,whynotfollowourfree tour?“Aboutthe OxfordEnglishDictionary”invitesyoutoexploretheintriguingbackgroundanddistinctivecharacterofthe OED.Here,youwillfindin-deptharticlesaboutthehistoryofthe OED,aninsidelookattheprogrammesusedtoenlargeandupdatethe OED entries,little-knownfactsaboutitscontent,andmuchmore.。



unit2_English_around_the_world教案Unit 2 English around the worldPeriod 1Warming Up& Pre-readingTeaching aims: To make Ss to get to know some differences between British English and American English.Important and difficult points: To tell and grasp the differences between British English and American English.Teaching procedures:TO arouse the students’ interest and lead in the topic, the teacher can organize some activities. Step1: T:We have learned something about friendship in unit 1. Do you know what problems they will meet if a British boy wants to make friend with an American boy?Step2. Let Ss discuss how many countries use English as their official language and which countries.(教师可通过PPT的形式,借助以英语为官⽅语⾔的国家国旗和世界地图来辅助完成) And do you know that there is more than one kind of English? Ss may list America, Britain, Canada, Australia……Teacher writes “American English, British English, Canadian English, and Australian English……T: Are the Englishes talked around the world all the same? (先让学⽣⾃由讨论,然后⽼师播放⼀段来⾃不同国家的母语为英语的外国⼈的视频)Step3. Get the Ss to discuss in groups about the differences between American English and British English, and give some examples.a. Can you understand the different kinds of English these people are using?Speaker1: Let’s go to the pictures?Speaker2: Ok. But how shall we go to the movies?Speaker1: Why not go by underground?Speaker2: Er, but the subway station is far away.When you hear two native speakers of English, they may still not speak the same kind of English. Situation discussionJack is a British boy. He went to America for a trip in this summer vacation. The first day he went to a restaurant and looked around for a toilet. When he asked the waitress, she told him it is on the second floor. Jack went up two floors only to find empty rooms.Where is the toilet?BSpeaker1: Can you tell me how to spell the word “neighbor”?Speaker2: N-E-I-G-H-B-O-U-R, neighbour.Summary: Main differencesSpelling, pronunciation and vocabularyPeriod 2Reading and ComprehendingTeaching aims:1、To get students to have a general view about the historical development of English.2、To get students to know different kinds of English around the world, especially the differences between British English and American English.3、To i mprove the students’ reading ability.Important points:1、How to improve the students’ reading ability.2、How to make students enlarge their knowledge on English through reading.Difficult points:1、To be able to get the main idea from the text.2、To be able to use the different reading strategies for different purposes.3、Expressing one’s ideas why one should learn English.Teaching procedures:Step1: Lead-in1. Why should we learn English?Step2SkimmingRead quickly to get the main idea of the text.1. The text mainly tells us ___________.A. that old English is different from the English todayB. how Middle English formedC. English and its historyD. that English will keep changing2. The text is developed mainly by ____.A. placeB. timeC. peopleStep3Scanning【答案】 1.England 2.based 3.German 4.vocabulary5.change /doc/5eed1d4e915f804d2b16c193.html cation9.learners10.identityStep4DiscussionWork in groups. Discuss the following question and then ask two groups to report their answers to the class. 1. Why do you think more people in the world now want to learn Chinese?Period 3 Language pointsTeaching aims: To make Ss to know the meanings of the important words and phrases and master their usages. Important and difficult points:To master the important words and phrases.Teaching procedures:1、the road to modern English常与to连⽤的名词:key, answer, entrance, monument……e. g: the key to the bike, the entrance exam to collegeThere stands a Monument to the People’s Heroes on the hill.2、Do you know that there is more than one kind of English?(P9)你知道英语不⽌⼀种吗?more than的⽤法(1)more than ⽤在数字前,意为“⽐…..多;超过……” 意为“不⽌⼀个”(含义为复数,但谓语动词⽤单数)。

Unit 2 English around the world Reading教案 (6)

Unit 2 English around the world Reading教案 (6)

Unit 2 English around the world教案Reading教学目标1.了解“English around the world”这一话题,感受英语发展趋势。




教学内容Warming Up, Pre-reading, comprehending,Using Language重点难点1.Get the students to learn different reading skills.2.Get the students to learn about the English language.3.Develop the students’ reading ability.教学思路本课时为单元预习和文章整体理解课,使学生在具体学习词汇,句型和语法之前打下基础。

教学过程Step 1. Leading-inTo arouse the students’ interest and lead in the topic, the teacher can organize some activities.1.Get the students to discuss how many countries use English as their native language and whether they speak the same English.2.Get the students to discuss in groups about the differences between British English and American English,and some examples.3.Ask the students ti read the dialogue in Warming Up and then guess which of the following words are British English and which are American English.apartment/flat bathroom/toilet can/tinCandy/sweet elevator/lift fall/autumnStep 2 Pre-readingGet the students first to discuss the two questions with their partners and then answer them.1.With your partner,list the countries that use English as an official language.2.Which country do you think has the most English learners?Suggested answers:1.Britain,USA,Australia,Canada,Singapore,Malaysia...2.China.Step 3.Fast reading1.Read the reading passage in 4 minutes and answer the question:What does the text mainly talk about?Suggested answer: A very brief history of the English language.2.According to the passage on page 13,what’s the main idea of it?Suggested answer:The passage is about standard English and dialects.Step 4.listeningThe teacher asks the students to finish the listening tasks on page 14 in order with the books open.After that, the teacher should ask the students to close their books and listen to the reading passage on page 10 with the following questions:1.How many people spoke English at the end of the 16th century?2.Which country may have the largest number of English learners?3.What dictionary does the passage talk about?Answers:1.About five to seven million people.2.China.3.The American Dictionary of the English language.Step prehendingRead the text of Reading carefully and do the following true or false questions.1.English has most speakers in the 17th century.2.English developed when new settlers and rules came to Britain.nguages frequently change.4.The Language of the government is alwaysthe language of the country.5.English is one of official languages used in India.6.This reading describes the development of the English language.Suggested answers:1.F2.T3.F4.F5.T6.TStep 6.Deep reading1.Which sentences in the text of Reading can replace the following sentence?People who speak English as their mother language can understand each other even though they speak different kinds of English.Suggested answer:Native English speakers can understand each ot her even if they don’t speak the same kind of English.2.Which word or phrase can replace “actually” in the text of Reading?Suggested answer: in fact3.Translate the following sentences into Chinese.(1)Today more and more people speak English as their first,second or a foreign language than ever before.(2)Believe it or not,there is no such thing as standard English.Suggested answer:(1)如今,说英语的人比以往任何时候都多了,他们有的是作为第一语言来说,有的是作为第二语言或外语。

新人教版必修一 Unit 2 English around the world全单元[教案]

新人教版必修一 Unit 2 English around the world全单元[教案]

Teaching planTeaching aims:1. Get the students to learn different reading skills.2. Get the students to learn about the English language.Teaching important points:1. Develop the students reading ability and let them learn to use some reading strategies such as skimming, scanning, and so on.2.Enable the students to learn about English language and know different kinds of English so as to communicate with people from different countries.Teaching difficult points:Develop the students’ readi ng ability.Teaching methods :Task-based teaching and learningUnit 2English around the world知识目标:本单元需要学习的重点单词为:include role international native elevator flat apartment rubber petrol gas modern culture AD actually present(adj. )rule(v. ) vocabulary usage identity government Singapore Malaysia rapidly phrase candy lorry command request retell polite boss standard Midwestern southern Spanish eastern southeastern northwestern recognize accent lightning direction ma’am subway block本单元需要学习的重点词组为:play a role in because of come up such as play a part(in) 本单元需要学习的重点句型为:1. World English comes from those countries, where English plays an important role as a first or second language, either because of foreign rule or because of its special role as an international language. (the Attributive Clause; either. . . or. . . )2. Native English speakers can understand each other even if they don’t speak the same kind of English. (even if. . . )3. It became less like German, and more like French because those who ruled England at that time spoke French. (those who. . . )4. Today the number of people learning English in China is increasing rapidly. (the number of+ n. 作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式)5. Believe it or not, there is no such a thing as standard English. (Believe it or not, . . . )6. The US is a large country in which many different dialects are spoken. (the Attributive Clause)7. In fact, an English dictionary like the kind you use today wasn’t made until the time of the Qing Dynasty. (the Attributive Clause; not. . . until. . . )8. These men spent nearly all of their lives trying to collect words for their dictionaries. (spend. . . in doing sth. )9. At the age of fourteen, he left his village school in Scotland and taught himself while working ina bank. (while doing. . . )10. We know that languages develop and change over time and that is why we have new dictionaries from time to time. (that is why. . . )本单元需要掌握的交际功能用语为:语言交际困难(Difficulties in language communication) Pardon?I beg your pardon?I don’t understand.Could you say that again please?Sorry, I can’t follow you.Could you repeat that, please?Could you speak more slowly, please?How do you spell it, please?本单元需要掌握的语法为:祈使句及其间接引语(the imperative sentence and its indirect speech)1. 要求或命令(demands or orders)“Open the door, ” told he.→He told/ordered me to open the door.2. 请求(requests)He said, “Please open the door. /Would you please open the door? ”→He asked me to open the door.能力目标:1. 能运用所学语言知识谈论有关“世界英语”方面的话题。

高中英语 必修1 (Unit2 English around the world the 4th period) 精品教案

高中英语 必修1 (Unit2 English around the world the 4th period) 精品教案

高中英语必修1(Unit2Englisharoundtheworldthe4thperiod)精品教案TheFourthPeriod●从容说课ThisisthefourthperiodofUnit2whichfocusesonlistening.Inthislesson,therearetwoparts.Oneofitistoconsolidatethesentencestructureofindirectspeechanddirectspeech.Theotherpartconcern slisteninginwhichtwopassagesareincluded.BothofthemareaboutthetopicofEnglish.Listeningisbecomingmoreandmoreimportant.Teachingstudentstolisteninproperwayistheaimofthispart.Agoodli stenershouldbeabletopredictaccordingtosomehintssuchasthetopic,thequestionslisted,etc.,tolistenwiththepurposeoffindingusefulinformationandtosummarize.Sothispartshouldbetaughtaccordingtotheaim.Init,we’llfirsthavearevision.Itdealswiththeexercisetalkingonpage48.Thoughttheusageofthesentencepatternsindailylife,studentscanmasterthisgrammarpartmuchbetter.Theirabilityofusinglanguagewillbepracticedaswellinthispart.Andthe nwe’lllistentotwopassages.Inthispart,totrainstudents’listeningskills,Iwilldesignsomequestionsabou tthepassagesothatstudentscanlistenonpurposeoffindingusefulinformation.Besides,studentscanprac ticetheabilityofpredictingwhatwillbeheardinthispart.Atlast,adiscussionwillbeorganized.Thisistotrainstudents’abilityofusinglanguageandreadingcritically.●三维目标1.Knowledge:Reviewthesentencepatternsbyusingthem.2.Ability:GetmoreinformationonEnglishdialect.3.Emotion:Howtohelpstudentsimprovelisteningskill.●教学重点Usethesentencepatternsinlife.Understandthelisteningmaterial.●教学难点Howtoimprovestudents’listeningskills●教具准备cassetterecorder●教学过程Step1GreetingsandRevisionGreetthewholeclassasusual.T:Yesterdaywelearntthesentencepatternswhichexpresscommandsandrequests.Whocantellmesomethingaboutit?S:Toexpresscommands,wecanuse“Do...;Donotdo...”.S:Toexpressrequests,wecanuse“Do...please;Donotdo...please;Willyoudo...?Wouldyoudo...?Canyoudo...?Couldyoudo...?”T:Yes,youareright.ThenhowcanwechangethemintoIndirectSpeech?S:Ifitisacommand,wecanuse“sb.told/orderedsb.todo...;sb.told/orderednottodo...”.S:Ifitisarequest,wecanuse“sb.askedsb(not)todo”.T:Pleasetellwhichoneistherightanswer.“____________,”LiMingsaidtohisteacher.A.Canyoubuymeanewwatch?B.Givemethatbook,C.Lendmeyourbike,D.CouldyouhelpmewithmyEnglish?S:IthinkDistherightanswer.T:Couldyoutellmewhy?S:BecauseAisnotlogical.BandCarecommands.Inlastperiodwelearntthatcommandsshouldbemadebypeoplewhohaveaut hority.SoIthinkhereDisright.T:Yourexplanationisperfect.Step2Talking(WorkbookP48)T:Great.Nowlet’spractisethesentencepatternsbymakingupdialogues.SopleaseturntoP48andlookatthepartoftalking.Ple a seworkingroupsoffour.Andchooseonesituationtorole-play.(5minutesforpreparation)T:Nowlet’sbegin.Possibleversion:Group1:A.(foreigner):Excuseme,couldyougivemeahand?B:Sure.Youseemtobelookingforsomeone.A:Yes.MyChinesefriendsandIpromisedtomeetattheexitofthesubway.B:Couldyouspeakabitslowly.Ican’tquitefollowyou.IguessyouarelookingforyourChinesefriends.A:I’msorry.Iwasn’tnoticingitjustnow.Yeah,wesaidthatwewouldmeethere—theexitofthesubwayat2p.m.Anditis2:15,butIstillcannotfindthem.B:Exit1orExit2?A:Whatdoyoumean?There’re2exits?B:Yes.Herearetwoexits.Soyoushouldbesurewhichoneiswhereyoupromisedtomeet.A:Isee.Iamsurethattheymustbewaitingformeattheotherexit.Thankyouverymuch!Group2:(P:parents;W:waitress;Y:you)P:Excuseme,couldyoutellmewherethetoiletis?W:Er...therestroom?Well,gostraightahead,anditwillbeattheendofthecorridor.P:Butwedonotneedrest.Wearejustlookingforatoilet.Y:ImeanwewanttogotheWC.W:WC?Wedon’thaveone.Y:NoWC!HowcanarestauranthavenoWC?W:I’msorry!ButwhatdoyoureallymeanbysayingWC?Y:It’saplacewherewecanwashhands.W:Ah,Isee.Well,gouptothesecondfloor.Y:Thankyousomuch!(Youandyourparentsgo uptwofloorsbutonlyfindemptyroomsthere.)W:Haveyoufoundit?Y:No,wewentuptwofloors,butwedidn’tfindatoiletbutemptyrooms.Group3:A:Excuseme,couldyouhelpme?B:Sure?What’sit?A:OurEnglishteacheristellingussomethingimportant,butIcanquitefollowher.She’sspeakingsofast.B:Yeah,she’sreallyspeakingfast.ThenhowcanIhelpyou?A:Couldyouasktheteachertospeakalittlebitslowly?B:OfcourseIcan,butwhydon’tyoudoso?A:Er...B:Isee.(StudentBputsup hishand)T:Yes?B:I’msorry,butwouldyouspeakalittleslowly?Step3Listening(Ⅰ)T:Yesterday,wehavelearntsomethingaboutdialectsintheUS.Todayletuslistentothedialoguespokenwithanaccent.Pleaseturntothelis teningpartonP14.Firstlistenandfindouthowmanypeoplethereareinthedialogueandwhotheyare.S:...T:Great!Nowpleaselistentoitagain,andanswerthequestionsonthetextbook.(afterlistening)Haveyougottheanswers?Nowcomparenoteswithyourpartner.T:Areyousureaboutyouranswersnow?Let’schecktogether.T:Youdidaverygoodjob.Nowwewilllistentoitagain.Afterthat,youshouldretellthestorytoyourpartner.See?S:...T:Soyousee,thereissomedifficultyforpeopletounderstandthedialects.Right?So whatwedowhilelearningEnglish?S:WecanlearnstandardEnglish.S:Idon’tthinkso,becausewehavelearntthatthere’snostandardEnglishactually.SoIthinkwhatweshoulddoistopronouncebetter,andusethecorrectwordsandgrammar.Step4Listening(Ⅱ)T:Byreadingthepassage“theroadtomodernEnglish“,wehaveknownEnglishisaworldlanguagewhichisspokeninmanycountriesandareas.Inthisperiodwewilllistentonatives peakersfromdifferentEnglish-speakingcountries.PleasemovetoP51andlookatListeningTask.Nowseveralstudentsina ninternationalhighschoolinShanghaiaredescribingwheretheycomefrom.Whatdoyouthinkyouwillhearintheirintroduc tion?S:Iguesstheywilltalkaboutthelocation,climate,people,custom,specificthings,andsoon.T:Youareveryclever.Weareintroducing someplace,mostoftimewewillgivesom edescriptionoftheclimate,people,custom,people,history,placesofinterests,andsoon.T:Listencarefully,thentellwhichtopicsarementioned.S:...T:Good.ThenIwillplaythetapeagain.Thistimeyoushouldtrytoguessthenameofeachstudent’scountry.S:...T:Goodjob.Thistime,youshouldpaymuchattentiontoeachstudent’sdescription.Afterlisteningitagain,youshoulddescribethecountryusingyourownwords.S:...T:Welldone!NowworkingroupsoffouranddiscusswithyourpartnerswhyEnglishisspokeninsomanyplacesaroundtheworl d.Makealistofthereasonsandthenreportyourgroupworkwithothergroups.Step5SummaryThisclasswehavereviewthegrammarpartbyusingitindailylife.Wehavepractisedreadingaswell.Welearnthelangua geinordertouseit.SoIadviseyoupractiseusingwhatwelearntdailysothattheycanbepartofyourknowledge.Step6HomeworkLookupthewordsleftinthevocabularyinthedictionary.●板书设计Unit2EnglisharoundtheworldTheFourthPeriodSentencepatternsGuessingthetopicsmentionedinthetape●活动与探究Thisactivityistodosomeresearchonthelisteningskills.Studentsarerequiredtosurftheinternettosearchforsomeinfor mationonadviceonimprovinglistening.●备课资料ColorsAmericanshaveusedcolorstocreatemanyexpressionstheyuseeveryday.Wesayweare“inthepink”whenweareingoodhealth.Itiseasytounderstandhowthisexpressionwasborn.Whenmyfacehasanicefresh,pinkcolor,itisasignmyhealthisgood.IfIlookgrayandashen,Imayneedadoctor.Redisahottercolorthanpink.AndAmericansuseittoexpressheat.InEnglish,thesmallandhotpeppers(辣椒)foundinmanyMexicanfoodsarecalled“redhots”,fortheircolorandtheirfiery(火辣辣的).Wesaythatfast,fierymusic,especiallythekindcalled“DixielandJazz”is“redhot”.Blueisacoolercolor.ThetraditionalbluemusicofAmericanblacksistheoppositeoftheredhotmusic.Itisslow,sadandsoulful.DukeEllingtonandhisorchestra(管弦乐队)recordedafamoussong,MoodIndigo(《深蓝的情调》),aboutthedeepbluecolor,indigo.Inthewordsofthesong,“Youaren’tbeenbluetillyou’vehadthatMoodIndigo”.Tobe “blue”,ofcourse,istobesad.Whilethecolorgreenisnaturalfortrees,itisanunnaturalcolorforhumans.Whensomeonedoesnotfeelwell,someonewhoissickforexample,wesayhelooksgreen.Whensomeoneisangrybecausehedoesnothavewhatsomeoneelsehas,wesayheis“greenwithenvy (忌妒)”.Somepeopleare“greenwithenvy”becausesomeoneelsehasmoredollars,or “greenbacks”.Dollarsarecalledgreenbacksbecausethat’sthecolorofthebacksideofthemoney.Thecolorblackisoftenusedinexpressions.Peopledescribeadayinwhicheverythinggoeswrongasa“blackday”.A “blacksheep”isthememberofafamilyorgroupwhoalwaysseemstobeintrouble.A“bla cklist”isillegal(非法的)now,butatonetime,someemployers sharedblacklistsofpeoplewhoshouldnotbegivenwork.Notallthe“black”expressionshavebadmeanings.Abusiness“intheblack”,forexample,isonewithprofits(利润).Acompany“inthered”islosingmoney.Redinkisusedtoshowlossesinafinancialreport.Profitsarewritteninblack.Ifsomeonetellsyoutoputsomet hing“inblackandwhite”,theywantyoutowriteitdown.Insomecases,colorsjustdescribeasituation.A“blackout”,inWorldWarTwo,waswhenalllightswereturnedofftomakeitdifficultforbomberplanestofindtheirtarget(目标)atnight.A“brownout”isanAmericanexpressionforreducedelectricalpowerwhichmakeselectriclightsdim.AmericanwomenusetheFrenchwordforredasthenameofthecoloredcosmetic(化妆品)whichtheysometimesusetobrightentheircheeks.It’sjustcalled“rouge”.Theyuseitespeciallywhentheyaregoingoutfortheevening,orasAmericanssay“topaintthetownred”.Thecoloryellowissometimesusedtodescribeacoward(胆小鬼).Apersonwhois“yellow”hasnocourage.Aperson’sskinmaybecomeyellowasaresultofdiseasesthatattacktheliver(肝).Yellowfeverisone.Inthepast,shipscarryingfevervictimsraisedaflagcalled the“yellowjack”.IntheUnitedStates,anactivisto rgan izationofoldpeoplecallsitselfthe“graypanthers”(灰豹).Thenamecomesfromthegrayhairofitsmembersandfromthepanther,afierceanimalofthelionorleopard(豹)family.WordsandIdiomsToeatcrow乌鸦肉根本没法吃,因此要一个人吃乌鸦,那肯定是非常难受的。



Unit 2 English around the world一.学习目标和要求1. 掌握以下单词和习惯用语1)单词Nancy; bathroom; towel; landlady; closet; Karen;pronounce; Thompson; broad; repeat; Dave; ketchup;majority; native; total; tongue; equal; government;situation; Pakistan; Nigeria; the Philippines;international; organization; trade; tourism ;global;communicate; communication; exchange; service; signal;movement; peg; commander; tidy; stand independent;fall; expression; tornado; Spanish; southern;statement; president; European; Florida; howl;cookbook2)习惯用语make yourself at home; forget to do sth; in total2. 功能意念项目了解并掌握美式英语和英式英语的区别。

3. 语法1) 学习直接引语和间接引语(2)。

2) 学习ask/tell sb. to do sth结构。

4.语言运用运用所学语言,围绕英语学习这一话题,完成教材和练习册中的听、说、写的各项任务;阅读课文“English around theworld”并联系生活中的实际进行书写练习。

二.学习指导1.单词和习惯用语的用法1)flight n.[C]飞行;航班Did you have a good flight?你乘飞机一路愉快吗?They made a successful flight across the ocean.他们成功地飞越了这个大洋。

人教高中英语 必修一unit2教案

人教高中英语 必修一unit2教案

人教高中英语必修一unit2教案Module 1 Unit 2 English around the world●单元规划本单元主要围绕English around the world这一主题介绍了英语的使用情况、发展情况及各地不同的方言。

第二单元English around the world的设计可分为五部分。

第一部分learn something about words and expressions;第二部分warming up and reading;第三部分the structure which expresses commands and requests;第四部分using language;第五部分writing and speaking;●课时安排本单元教学可分为6个课时。

第一课时vocabulary;第二课时为reading;第三课时为language points;第四课时为grammar;第五课时为using language;第六课时为writing and speaking;第七课时为revisionThe First Period Words and expressionsTeaching aims :1. Know the key words and expressions in the whole unit:elevator, petrol, official, voyage, actually, base, identity, command, request, recognize, straight, because of, come up, at present, such as, play a part (in)……2. Enable the students to get familiar with the pronunciation of the important words.3. Prepare for the learning process of the whole unit.Teaching important points :1.Get familiar with the words in the text part.2.Master the important expressions such as:bec ause of, come up, at present, such as, play a part (in)……Teaching methods: Task-based teaching and learning; cooperative-learning; group discussionTeaching procedures :Step 1、Self-directed learning学习方法指导:第一步:写出所给单词的音标;第二步:大声朗读三遍,注意画线字母的发音;第三步:依次写出画线字母的音标。

高中英语必修知识点1《Unit 2 English around the world》人教版教案

高中英语必修知识点1《Unit 2 English around the world》人教版教案

高中英语必修知识点1《Unit 2 English around theworld》人教版教案高中英语必修知识点1《Unit 2 English around the world》人教版教案学生对英语课堂知识的掌握不实在、理解不全面,课外花的冤枉时间多;而大部分学生对书本知识不够重视,找不到英语学科复习的有效载体,不能有效的利用课本,适时地回归课本,英语复习缺乏系统性,英语学习缺乏主动性。

下面和xx小编一起看看有关高中英语必修知识点1《Unit 2 English around the world》人教版教案。

《Unit 2 English around the world》教案1教学准备教学目标Teaching aims:1) Get the students to master some important words, phrases and sentence patterns.2) Enable the students to use the language points by themselves.教学重难点Teaching important points:Master the usages of more than , come up, over, be based on,present, a/ the number ofTeaching difficult points:present: v adj教学工具课件教学过程1 Do you know that there is more than one kind of English?more than one 不止一个eg:More than one girl in this school holds such a view.more than one 后跟___________,作主语时,谓语动词要用______。

more than1). more than +num(数词) :overShe showed the visitors around the museum,__________________________________________________________________________(其建造花了3年多时间)2)more than +n: not onlyMusic is more than just a sound--- it s a way of thinking.3) more than +adj/v : very听到这个消息我很高兴。

english around the world 教案

english  around  the world 教案

Teaching Plan授课人:童菲Period OneWarming UP、Pre-reading、Reading & Comprehending Time: 45minsOverall objectives:1. Enable students to talk about the world Englishes2. Enable students to talk about the differences between Am. English and Br. English3. To read about the history of English language4. To train reading skills:Skimming and scanningTeaching aids: PPTPossible problems expected:Timing: it may not be possible to finish all the tasks within 45minutes, depending on how quickly the students react and work through the tasks.Unknown factors: some students may be unable to concentrate on the lesson for various reasons.Period twoLearning about languageTime: 45minsOverall objectives: To discover useful words and expressionsTo discover useful structuresTeaching aids: Blackboard and PPTTeaching importance: Requests & commandsChang direct speech into indirect speech Teaching difficult:Requests & commandsChang direct speech into indirect speechTiming: It may not be possible to finish all the tasks within 45minutes, depending on how quickly the students react and work through the tasks.Unknown factors:1. Some students may be unable to concentrate on the lesson for various reasons.2. Some students may not finish their homework, and it may cause that teacher cannot go on with the exercise.3. Some students may not remember what is direct speech and indirect speech, and itmay cause many time wasting.Period threeUsing language----ReadingTime:45minsOverall objectives: To distinguish American English and British EnglishRead the text and understand it.Teaching aids: PPTTeaching importance: Distinguish American English and British English Teaching difficult:Distinguish American English and British EnglishTiming: It may not be possible to finish all the tasks within 45minutes, depending on how quickly the students react and work through the tasks.Unknown factors:1. Some students may be unable to concentrate on the lesson for various reasons.2. Talking about dialects, students may become very excited, and it is hard to controlthe whole class.Period fourListening、Reading and speakingTime:45minsTeaching aids: TapeOverall objectives: distinguish the dialectsTeaching importance: distinguish Br. English and Am. English Teaching difficult: distinguish Br. English and Am. EnglishTiming: It may not be possible to finish all the tasks within 45minutes, depending on how quickly the students react and work through the tasks.Unknown factors:1. Some students may be unable to concentrate on the lesson for various reasons.2. Talking about dialects, students may become very excited, and it is hard to controlthe whole class.3. It would be hard for students to distinguish Br. English and Am. English.Period fiveWritingTime:45minsTeaching aids: TapeOverall objectives: to write about learning English by brainstorming。

Unit 2 English around the world(教案)

Unit 2   English around the world(教案)

Unit 2 English around the world本单元的中心话题是“世界上的英语”,通过对这一话题的探讨加强学生对英语语言的了解,对当代语言特别是英语发展趋势的了解。


Period One: W arming up and listeningI Warming upTeaching aims: make students know more about the differences betweenBritish English and American EnglishTeaching method: by expressing the same meaning in different ways.Teaching step 1. At first, ask students some questions about English.Questions: A. how much do you know about the English language?1. It is an international language and widely used.2. It is the official language of many countries and the UN3. It plays an important role as a first or second language4.It is learned by people in many non-English speaking countriesQuestion B. in what situations is English used?In an international meeting/talk in schools on the air(on TV/on the radio) When we sing English songs when we listen to EnglishQuestion C. What is native language?It is the language that one or both your parents speak. Y ou learn it as your first language/your native language/mother tongue.Question D. What is English as a second language ?It is the language used by governments, schools, newspapers and TV, but people speak the language of their country at home.Question E. Do you know the difference between B.E and A.E?Teaching step 2. 让学生做第9页的热身部分,来体现同一事物在英国英语和美国英语的不同表达。

人教版高中英语必修一 教案: Unit2 England around the world Reading

人教版高中英语必修一 教案: Unit2 England around the world Reading

必修一Unit2 English around the worldReadingTeaching goals 教学目标1. Target language目标语言a. 重点词汇和短语include, play a role, because of, international, native, come up, culture, actually, present, vocabulary, usage, identity, such as, rapidlyb. 重点句子World Englishes come from those countries... P9Native English speakers can understand each other... P9It became less like German, and more like French... P102. Ability goals能力目标Enable the Ss to describe the history of English and know of the differences between American English and Britain English.3. Learning ability goals学能目标Help the students learn how to analyze the way the author describes the history of English.Teaching important points 教学重点Retell the history of English according to the chart.Teaching difficult point 教学难点Work together with partners and express one’s opinion on which kind of English one should learn.Teaching methods 教学方法Discussion.Reading.Listening.Cooperative learning.Teaching aids 教具准备A recorder, a projector and some slides.Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式Step I Greeting and revisionT: Good morning / afternoon, boys and girls! First I will check the words and expressions you have previewed. (P11-12 Discovering useful words and phrases part 1, 2, 3, and 4)Teacher shows answers on the screen.T: Please look at the screen and check your answer. Do you have any question?S:Are “such as” and “for example” the same?T: OK, I’ll give you two examples:1. He knows five languages, such as Russian, French and Spanish.2. The differences in the spoken language are greater.S: Oh, I see. “Such a s” is used to list similar things, while “for example” is used to prove the speakers words.Ss ask any questions and Teacher explains to them in class.Step II Warming upArouse the Ss’ interests in reading. Let the students know of world English.T: So much for the words. Can you name some countries in which English is spoken?Ss: Of course. America, Britain, Canada, Australia...Teacher writes American, British, Canadian, and Australian on the Bb. Then add English to these words.T: Are these Englishes the same?S: I think they are the same. They are all called English.S: I don’t think so. As I know BE and AE are different in spelling, pronunciation and so on.T: Well, turn to page 9. Read the warming up. Please answer the questions below.Ss: (scanning) There is more than one kind of English.T: Please go on reading and try to tell AE words from BE words below.After reading the students give their answers.T: Who will show your answer?S: I think “m um, in a team, rubber, petrol” are BE words. And“mom, on a team, eraser, gas” are AE words.T: Can you give them a name?Ss: World English.T: Very good.Step III Pre-readingActivate the Ss’ background knowledge of English.T: From Warming up we know many people speak English in the world. How many people speak English and why do so many people speak English? Please discuss with your partners and answer the questions.A few minutes later.S: Maybe 1000 million people speak English today. Because many countries were colonies of England so English is spoken as a first or second language in many countries.S: We can’t get the exact number. More and more people begin to learn English because English is the working language in the United Nations. Everywhere children go to school to learn English.T: Excellent! About 1500 million people speak English as their first, second or foreign language. But they don’t speak the same kind of English.Step IV ReadingGet the students to know the history of English and help the Ss to form a good habit of reading.Point to the Bb.T: How did different kinds of English come about? Please read the text “The Road to Modern English” quickly and pick out the answer.Ss read quickly to find the answer.T: Any volunteer to answer the question?S: I will. English has changed over time. All languages change when cultures communicated with one another. T: Any different ideas? Well, you all have the same answer.Task1 Reading and choose correct answers.T: Turn to page 10. Please read the questions and multiple answers first to know what information we should get, and then read the passage to find the answer.T: Now who would like to tell us your answer? Any volunteer? The first one?S: I will. English has the most speakers now.T: Good. What’s the answer to the second?S: Languages change when cultures change.T: Right. How do you know?S: I judge it, according to the second sentence in the third paragraph.T: Good. Can you choose the right answer to question 3?S: Yes. From AD 450 to1150 English sounds more like German.T: Excellent. What about question 4?S: Around 1600’s.T: Very good. The last one? Let’s answer it together.Ss: China.T: You are quite right.Task2 Read and summarize the main idea of each paragraph. Work in groups of four.T: Read the text and tell the main idea of each paragraph. After reading, discuss your answer in groups of four. After a few minutes.T: What’s the main idea of the first paragraph?S1: The first paragraph tells us that more and more people speak English.S2: I don’t t hink so. It describes the extension of English in the world.T: Right. The first paragraph describes the extensive of English in the world. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?S: It tells us native speakers can understand each other but not everything.Let the Ss give an example to prove this point.T: Can you tell me what the third paragraph is about?S: All languages change when cultures communicate with one another. It’s the key sentence of the last two paragraphs. This paragraph tells the development of English as native language.T: Quite right. What about the last paragraph?S: English is spoken as a foreign or second language in many countries.T: How many parts can we divide the text into?S: Two parts. The first paragraph is the first part, and paragraph 2, 3 and 4 can be part 2.Task3 Analyze the text.T: Please read the text again to tell the main idea of each part and the function of each paragraph. After reading please fill in the chart below.DiscussionS1: The first part describes the history of English in chronological order: 16th century-the next century —today. S2: It describes the development of English from the angle of its extension in region. Look, England — many other countries — more people than before (China).S3: I agree with S2.S4: In part two, the author first raises the fact: English has changed over time. Then analyze how English has changed into world English.T: Are you ready? Which group would like to fill the chart? Group 1 please writes down the main idea of each part. Group 2 please write the function of paragraph 1and2. Group3, the last two paragraphs. The other students check their answers.Sample chart (slide)Suggested answersStep V Post-readingCheck the Ss’ understanding of the text, help the Ss deal with new language points.Task Express one’s own opinion. Work in groups of four.T: There are many kinds of English. Which kind of English are we learning?Ss: Both AE and BE.Show questions on the screen and ask a student to read them.T: Please discuss these questions and tell us your answers.1. Do you think it matters what kind of English you learn? Why?2. Why do you think people all over the world want to learn English?3. Will Chinese English become one of the world English?After a few minutes.T: OK, I’ll as k some groups to report their opinions. Group 1, can you tell us your opinion?S: Yes. I think we should learn BE because other kinds of English came from it.T: Any different ideas?S: In my opinion, we can learn any kind of English because people can understand each other even if they don’t speak the same kind of English.T: Wonderful! What about the second question?S: With the development of economy, it is necessary for people from different countries to communicate with each other. So we need a language to be work language, while English is the most widely used language. So people all over the world want to learn English.T: Very good! What’s your opinion?S: I think because of the wide use of computer, people have to learn English. Computer plays an important part in the popularity of English.T: OK. Question 3.Yes or no?S: My answer is “yes”. A large number of Chinese especially young people are learning English. English is communicating with Chinese culture. There will be Chinese English.T: Only time will tell. Now we know English is spoken in so many countries and it plays an important part in the world. If we learn English well, we can listen to English song, read English novels, travel in English speaking countries comfortably and communicate with foreigners easily. Also, it is of great help not only to our own development but also to the development of our country. The Olympic Games will be held in Beijing. Let’s work hard and welcome its coming.Question timeT: It’s tim e for you to ask any questions or let me explain the sentences that hinder your understanding of the text. Ss ask questions freely.T: Now let’s deal with some language points. Turn to page 9. Let’s look at the sentence: However, they may not understand everything. This sentence means that sometimes they can understand each other, but sometimes theyhave difficulty understanding each other. The English spoken between about AD 450 and 1150 was very different from the English spoken today. In this sentence, “spoken between about AD 450 and 1150” and “spoken today” are used to describe the English.HomeworkRetell the text according to the chart.Finish exercises1, 2, 3 (Using words and expressions) P49-50.。



Unit,2,English,around,the,world,(综合教案)篇一:人教版高中英语必修1 Unit2English around the world单元整体教案BookⅠUnit2 English around the world单元整体教案Material analysis:本单元的中心话题是“世界各地的英语”,主要向英语学习者介绍英语这门语言的起源、变化及发展,英语在世界各地作为母语、第二语言和外语的区别及不同功能,特别是英式英语和美式英语在拼写以及用法方面的差异。


Warming up图片和问题英式英语和美式英语的区别,帮助学生复习英式英语和美式英语在词汇和表达方面的差异,为阅读本单元材料做好铺垫。




Learning about language学生学会使用本单元的重点词汇、句型和语言知识:带有请求和命令口气的直接引语转变为间接引语。

Using language阅读材料向学生介绍了不同地方的英语方言,从而使学生了解英语的多面性,没有唯一的标准英语。

教学目标:知识目标:通过本单元的教学,帮助学生:1. 掌握与英语语言发展变化相关话题的语言表达。

2. 掌握相关的词汇、句型和表达法。

3. 了解英式英语与美式英语的差别。

4. 掌握祈使句及其间接引语的表达和应用。

能力目标:1. 通过本单元的听说训练,培养学生获取有用信息和处理信息的能力。

2. 通过对本单元阅读材料中信息的加工处理,培养和训练学生skimming, scanning, predicting和summarizing等阅读技能。

教案:Unit 2 English around the World-listening

教案:Unit 2 English around the World-listening

Unit 2 English around the World ---Listening1.Listen for the first timeT: Next, let’s enjoy one of the most representative dialects in America--- Southern dialect. (Just listen to the boy’s talking in Listening part on P14)T: Can you understand what the boy is talking about? What do you think of its pronunciation and intonation?S: It’s difficult. /The way of speaking sounds strange------T: It doesn’t matter. It’s really difficult for non-native speakers to understand the English dialects. Luckily, we have another speaker who interprets the dialect into simple and standard English. So please listen to it and grasp the general idea. And answer one question: Who is the second speaker?S: She is the boy’s teacher Jane.T: Very good.2.Listen again and answer the six questionsT: Ok, now please listen to what the boy is talking about and try to find the answers to the following questions.(Students may be allowed to look at the script of dialect on P14; they should lay more emphasis on the Jane’s talking)T: Could you find the answers to the six questions?Ss: Yes.T: Good. What does Buford think of Texas? How do you know it?_________________________________________________________________T: How large was the catfish?_________________________________________________________________T: Why did Lester get out of the water fast as lightning?_________________________________________________________________T: Why did Buford and Big Billy Bob laugh?_________________________________________________________________T: Can you answer Question 5?_________________________________________________________________T: Well done! Buford says “Hey, y’all” to greet you. What does the second speaker say to greet you?_________________________________________________________________3. Listen for the third time, identify the words in dialect and find out their standard English equivalents.T: You’ve done a good job. I’m sure you have understood the main idea of the story. It contains a lot of words in dialect. Please turn to page 14, listen again and please try to identify them and find out their standard English equivalents according to the third listening and your understanding. Then finish the table.(Play the tape for the third time with the help of the scrip of the boy’ talking on p14)LISTENING TEXTHello, everyone, I am Buford’s teacher, Jane, from Britain. Perhaps you didn’t quite understand everything Buford said. He said that he lives in Houston, a city in Texas. He wants everyone to know that he doesn’t believe Texas is a state in the USA but a different country. Buford says that he would like to tell you a story about him when was a small child . One hot summer’s day he was swimming with Big Billy Bob and Lester. They were jumping into the water, which felt good. Then he says that they saw a catfish almost the size of a house but, he adds, that the catfish was really smaller. Buford says that Lester thought he was going to be eaten by the catfish. He says, goodness, you should have seen Lester! He says that Lester got out of the water faster than lighting and climbed up a tree. Buford and Big Billy Bob just laughed a lot. To this day, he says, Lester won’t visit that place.。

Unit 2 English Around the World教案1

Unit 2 English Around the World教案1

Unit 2 English Around the WorldPart One: Teaching Design (第一部分:教学设计)Period 1: A sample lesson plan for reading(THE ROAD TO MODERN ENGLISH)AimsTo talk about varieties of EnglishTo read about the history of English languageProceduresI. Warming up1. Warming up by answering a questionnaire1). Tell the students they are going to answer a questionnaire about why they arelearning English.2). Write the words: Reasons for learning a foreign language on the center of theboard:3). Ask the students to suggest as many reasons as they can think of, for example, forwork, as a hobby, to learn about other people, to travel, to read literature in the original, to read research papers, to meet foreigners, to surf the Internet, to pass exams, etc. Write their suggestions on the board as they make them.4). Divide the class into pairs.5). Give out each student one questionnaire paper.6). Explain the task. The students must question each other about their languagelearning needs (or motivations). Tell them that you are going to take in thequestionnaires at the end, and that you’d like them to make clear notes. It works better if the two partners swap tasks (questions and answers) after each section of the questionnaire. If they wait till the end to swap, one student may use up all the time available.7). When the task is finished, ask a couple of students to summarize their partners’answers. (This may develop into a class discussion about language needs).8). The students write five sentences on their feeling about learning English.9). Collect the questionnaires.2. Further applyingTo get the students thinking about the topic of the reading passage.1). Have a student list on the board all the English-speaking countries in the worldthat they can think of.2). Give the students hints about the places they haven’t mentioned.3). Provide the students with an opportunity to think about the reasons for the spreadof English around the world.★English is one of the official languages of the Olympic Games and the United Nations.★English dominates international websites and provides nearly all of the new computer terminology.★Tourism and trade from Western Europe and North America has contributed to the spread of English.★Satellite TV, radio programs like Joy FM, CDs and, of course, Hollywood films all broadcast English into China. Also, a number of Chinese films include English subtitles.II. Reading1. SkimmingRead quickly to get the main idea of the text.Let the students find out key sentence of each paragraph or ask them to summarize the main point for each paragraph in their own words.2. ScanningRead to locate particular information and complete the comprehending Exercise One.3. Following upWork in groups. Discuss the two questions and then ask two groups to report their answers to the class.1). Do you think it matters what kind of English you learn? Why?1)Why do you think people all over the world want to learn English?4. Language focus:1)even if=even though: in spite of the fact; no matter whether: He likes to helpus even if he is very busy.2)communicate with: exchange information or conversation with other people:He learnt to use body language to communicate with deaf customers.3)actually=in fact: used when you are adding new information to what you havejust said: We’ve known for years. Actually, since we were babies.4)be based on…:5)make use of: use sth. available6)Only time will tell: to say that something can only be known in the future:Will China’s national football team enter for the next finals of the World Cup?Only time will tell.Period 2: A sample lesson plan for Learning about Language (Indirect Speech (II) requests & commands)AimsTo discover useful words and expressionsTo discover useful structuresProceduresI. Direct and Indirect SpeechII. Discovering useful words and expressions1.Work in pairs. Do exercises 1, 2, 3 and 4. Then check the answer you’re yourclassmates. The teacher helps the students discover the difference in prepositions.2.Play the tape for the students to listen and ask them to mark the sentence stressand intonation. Then practice reading in pairs.(The teacher brings the students’ attention to the British and American words that are different but have the same meaning.)III. Discovering useful structures(Making commands and requests using indirect speech)1. In groups of four, think of at least three commands your teachers and parents usually give.You may follow these steps.1)Choose one who is to give the first command.2)Ask another person in your group to tell somebody what you said.3)The third person will change the request or command from direct into indirectspeech.4)Change role so that each person gets the chance to give commands and turn theminto indirect speech.2. Get the students thinking about the difference between the request and command.Then read the replies and decide whether they are in answer to a request or a command. Write the sentence down.★A: _______________________________________B: I’ll go and collect some wood right now, master.★ A: _______________________________________B: O f course I’ll be happy to collect your shopping for you.★A:__________________________________________B: Yes. I’ll shut the door at once, Mr. Zhang.★A:_________________________________________B: No, I won’t get your coat if you talk to me like that.★A:_________________________________________B: Sorry. I’ll get that book for you right now.Period 3: A sample lesson plan for Using Language (STANDARD ENGLISH AND DIALECTS)AimsTo read out and talk about STANDARD ENGLISH AND DIALECTSTo write about learning English by brainstormingProceduresI. Warming up1. Introduction:In China there’re so many dialects that the government encourages the whole nation to speak Putonghua, which is regarded as standard Chinese.2. Role-play:Get students to work in pairs. Let one student be a Chinese and the other a foreigner. Role-play a conversation about the Chinese language to have them discuss why Putonghua has to be used in China.II. Reading1. Get the students thinking about the topic of the text to predict what it says.2. Skimming:Read quickly to find the topic sentence for each paragraph.3. Scanning: Work in pairs. Read the text to locate particular information.1). Do you know what Standard English is from the text?2). What is a dialect? Why does American English have so many dialects?4. Language focus:1)believe it or not:used when you are going to say something that is true butsurprising: Believe it or not, John cheated in the exam.2). there is no such a …as: used to say that a particular person or thing does notexist: These days there is no such a thing as a job for life.3). standard English: the form of English that most people in Britain use, and thatis not limited to one area or group of people4). dialect:a variety of a language spoken only in one area, in which words, orgrammar are slightly different from other forms of the same language5). play a part/role in: be one of the causes that make something happen: Besidesdieting, exercising plays an important part in losing weight.III. ListeningTo introduce the students to a dialect and a form of standard “English”.You may follow these steps:1). Set the context for the students by describing the situation;2). Tell the class: you are going to listen to a boy named Buford. He speaks aSouthern dialect of AmE with an East, Texas accent. Remember: pronunciation is determined by accent. On the other hand, Buford’s teacher, Jane, speaks standard BrE. (i.e. what is heard on the BBC.)3). Play the tape for the students to listen.4). Encourage the students to give the standard equivalents for the dialectic wordsfrom Buford’s story, using the context.6). Play the tape again and let the students answer the questions in pairs afterlistening.7). Check the answers. (Variant: you may also ask the students to retell Buford’sstory in Standard English in pairs.)IV. Speaking1. Make sure the students know that the word used for directions often vary depending on what kind of English the speaker uses. Present the list to the students:2. Prepare their role-play in pairs: Be sure that one plays a speaker of British English and the other a speaker of American English. Ask students to select actual streets and location in their hometown for giving directions.3.Performance: Ask two pairs to perform their dialogue in class.V. Writing1. Making a posterFirst ask the students to make educated guesses about how English can help some aspect of Chinese life, in particular its economy.Then, in pairs students work on their poster.Finally, ask several pairs to present their poster in class for assessment.2.Writing Assessment1)Can you give persuasive reasons for the topic on your poster?2)Can you verbalize your ideas fluently?3)Can you put your own English learning experiences into a broader perspective?4)Can you organize your ideas in a logical way?5)Have you made a brainstorming map before you set out to design your poster? Doyou think it helps your writing?6)What kind of mistakes have you made in your writing? What can you do to avoidsuch mistakes?Further ApplyingThe teacher may also guide the students to do the writhing task in the Workbook on page 53. You may take the following steps:Step 1: Students divided into groups of four share their own learning experiences and ideas about English learning.Step 2: Students make a list as follows:Step 3: Make notes about the paragraphs for the writing.Step 4: The teacher helps develop ideas in a positive and encouraging way. Step 5: Students write about the topic after class as homework.。

《Unit 2 English around the world》教学设计

《Unit 2 English around the world》教学设计

《Unit2English around the world》教学设计


















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Unit 2 English Around the World
Period Two Reading
教学目标(Teaching aims)
Get the students to know English language and its development and different kinds of English through this passage.
教学内容( Teaching contents)
Get the knowledge of English language and its development and different kinds of English.
能力目标(Ability aim)
Get some knowledge of different kinds of English
a. Students learn about the world Englishes and the differences bet
b. Students can understand the jokes caused by the misunderstanding of different Englishes.
1、能力目标(ability aim)
a. Enable students to talk about the world Englishes
b. Enable students to talk about the differences between Am. English and Br. English
Make dialogues using request or command:
Pardon? Could you repeat that, please?
I beg your pardon? Can you speak more slowly, please?
I don’t understand. Sorry. I can’t follow you.
2.6练习课workbook exercises & other exx.
1st period Warming Up
2nd period Reading &Language Study
3rd period Learning About Language r& grammar
4th period Writing
Could you say that again, please? How do you spell it, please?
include role international native elevator flat apartment rubber petrol gas modern culture AD actually present(adj.) rule(v.) vocabulary usage identity government Singapore Malaysia rapidly phrase candy lorry command request retell polite boss standard midwestern southern Spanish eastern northern recognize accent lightning direction ma’am subway block
Unit 2 English around the world (综合教案)
Unit 2;English Around the World
Talk about English and its development, Different kinds ofEnglish
五、教学步骤(Teaching procedure)
Step I. Leading-in
Fun time: warm the students up by asking them to greet each other with their dialects. At the same time, lead the students to think about the topic of this unit--- “language”.
Learn to make a poster showing your ideas clearly
Talk about English and its development
Refer to Introduction in the teachers’ book
Talk about difficulties in language communication
本单元的中心话题是“English language and its development, different kinds of English”.通过对世界英语这一话题的探讨,加强学生对英语语言的
2.3语言学习把Learning About Language和Workbook中的Using Words, Using Structures结合在一起。
Shakespeare Noah Webster Lori dialect Houston Texas Buford Lester catfish
play a role (in) because of come up such as play a part (in)
Comma Command & request
1.1 Warming Up简要介绍了世界英语的分支以及英语语言在不同国家产生的差异,使学生感受英语语言的多文化、多层次、多元性,对英国英语和美国英语的不同有一个粗浅的了解。
1.2 Pre-reading通过两个问题引发学生对课文主题的思考,以便参与课堂活动。
1.3 Reading简要地说明英语语言的起源、发展变化、形成原因,以及它的发展趋势。
Step IV. Speaking Task.
Student make up a dialogue with a misunderstanding caused by the differences between “American English” and “British English” like the dialogue they listened to.
Step II. Warming up.
1) A quiz about the national flag of countries speaking English as their first or second language .Lead the students to the topic “ English Around the world”.
1.4 Comprehending主要是检测学生对课文基本内容的理解程度。
1.5 Learning About the Language主要通过各种练习帮助学生重温本单元前几个部分所学的新单词和短语,同时也通过新的例子展现了美国英语、英国英语的差异,并着重介绍了本单元的语法项目(Request & Command and Indirect Speech)。
1) Listen to a dialogue between an American and an Englishman. And try to find out the cause of the misunderstanding between them.
2) Talk about the differences between American English and British English.( mainly about vocabulary and spelling)
Different speaker may come from different place, so they may use different words and dialect, such as subway-underground、left-left-hand-side、two blocks two streets.
2) Ask the students to think about the question about the “world Englishes”.
Step III. Talking about “world Englishes”, especially the differences between “American English” and “British English”
5th period Listening & Speaking
6th period Exercises
Unit 2 English around the world
Period One Warming up