1. 确保你对燃气管道自闭阀的位置和工作原理有所了解。
2. 在需要关闭燃气供应的情况下,找到燃气管道自闭阀。
3. 将手动操作杆调整到“关闭”位置,通常是将杆从水平位置转到垂直位置。
4. 确保燃气管道自闭阀已经完全关闭。
5. 如果需要打开燃气管道自闭阀,将手动操作杆调整到“开启”位置,通常是将杆
6. 确保燃气管道自闭阀已经完全开启。
- 在关闭燃气管道自闭阀之前,确保所有燃气器具已经关闭,并且没有明火或其
- 燃气管道自闭阀通常由专业人士操作,如燃气公司的工作人员或维修技师。
- 为了确保安全,定期检查燃气管道自闭阀的工作状态,并进行必要的维护和保养。
不同的控制结构 威索WM燃烧器有以下几种控制结 构:
燃油: 三级式(T)(或两级式带低 冲击启动和过载释放) 比例调节式(R)
燃气: 滑动两级式或比例调节式 (ZM)(依据负荷控制:在调 节范围内,可以根据热量需求 随意调节功率。)
最重要的优点 • 切换燃料十分便捷(燃油/燃
气) • 整个功率范围内采用电子联动
的数字化燃烧管理 • 结构紧凑 • 标准配置的进风消音罩使运行
更安静 • 借助特别研发的结构和控制系
统使内置风机的功能尤为强大 • 所有WM 20燃烧器的混合头
在出厂前都预调到了相应功率 • 防护等级IP54作为标准配置 • 所有的部件清晰可及,如:混
单燃料运行 双燃料运行 燃烧管理器符合间歇性运行 燃烧管理器符合不间断运行 火焰监测符合间歇性运行 火焰监测符合不间断运行 电子联动伺服机构数 (最多) 伺服机构采用步进电机 变频控制 氧量调节 燃气阀组检漏 输入信号4-20 mA 集成有自动调整的温度 或压力 PID 控制器 操作模块可取下 (最大距离) 燃料耗量计 显示燃烧效率 eBUS / MOD BUS接口 PC支持调试 其他额外功能连接,如燃气阀组,油关断装置请洽询。 1) 不能与变频控制同时实现
product 燃油、燃气及双燃料燃烧器信息
威索monarch®WM 20(150 - 2600kW)• 紧凑强劲
源于传统的进步: 新monarch®
50多年来,威索monarch®系列燃烧器被广泛运用于各种供暖 及工业设备上,成就了威索的杰出声望。 新的monarch®产品将续写该系列产品的成功篇章。最先进的 技术和紧凑的结构形式使该强力机型得以普遍应用。
Zero Switching For resistive, inductive and capacitive loadsUpon application of the control volt-age, the SSR’s output is activated at the first zero crossing of the line voltage. The response time is less than a half period, i.e. typically less than 8.33 ms. Also offered with an optional system monitoring function and current sensing function, as shown in the lower right. Due to the high surge current and blocking voltage capabilities, SSRs of this switching type will also perform successfully with most inductive and capacitive loads. They are the most commonly used SSRs in plastics mold-ing machinery, packaging machines, soldering equipment and machinery for the food processing industry.Instant-onSwitchingFor inductive loadsThe SSR output is activated imme-diately after applying control voltage. Consequently, this relay can turn on anywhere along the AC sinusoidal volt-age curve. Response times can typically be as low as 1 ms.The SSR is particularly suitable in applications where a fast response time is desired, such as solenoids or coils.Analog SwitchingFor resistive loads Since the 4-20mA or 0-10VDC controlinput of the analog relay can be varied, the output operates in accordance with the phase control principle. The relay is equipped with a built-in synchronization circuit in order to achieve phase angle control. The output is proportional to the input signal. The transfer functionis linearized and reproducible. These SSRs are highly advantageous in closed loop applications or where soft starting can limit high inrush currents. Ideal for use in switching quartz heaters or in applications which demand precise temperature control.Analog Full CycleSwitchingFor resistive loadsWith this particular switching prin-ciple, the SSR provides a number of fullcycles, evenly distributed over a fixedtime period, depending on the controlinput (either 4-20mA or 0-10VDC)— with the low value of the input cor-responding to zero and the high value ofthe input to a full output with a period of1.28 seconds.Typical applications include: Analogcontrol of heating elements with manualor automatic controllers with 4-20mAor 0-10VDC control signal. Control ofheating zones, controlled individuallyby a number of temperature controllerswith analog output. Analog control offragile heating elements which are usedfor cutting, welding etc., which canhave their lifetime extended due to thereduced thermal load stress.Zero Switching withSystem MonitoringFor resistive andinductive loadsThe system monitoring (sense) SSRprovides an alarm output in the eventof a circuit failure. Internal circuitrymonitors:• Line Voltage• Load Current• Correct Functioning of the SSR• SSR Input StatusThe relay is designed for applica-tions where immediate fault detectionis required. An alarm output signal isavailable to determine fault status.Zero Switching withCurrent SensingFor resistive andinductive loadsThe Solitron MIDI current sensing SSR isa zero switching type which also providesan alarm output when it senses variationsin the load. Typical conditions that canbe detected include: heater break, opencircuit, partial heater short circuit, blownfuse, semiconductor short circuit andfaulty power connection. Integral currentsensing eliminates the need for additionalexternal equipment. “TEACH-IN” set pointis achieved by pushbutton or remotelywhere an HMI is preferred.As shown above, the PNP alarmoutput provides a series of pulses whichidentify the specific type of fault detected.Interfacing to a PLC can provide a clearindication of fault. An NPN alarm outputis also available.Peak SwitchingFor heavyinductive loadsThe peak switching SSR isdesigned in a way that the poweroutput is activated at the first peakof the line voltage upon applicationof the control voltage. After thefirst half period, the Peak SwitchingSSR operates as an ordinary ZeroSwitching SSR. The peak of theinrush current could hereafter bereduced during the first half periodfor inductive loads. Ideally suited forinductive loads with a remnant ironcore (i.e. transformers).DC SwitchingFor resistive andinductive loadsThe power semiconductor inthe DC switching relay operates inaccordance with the control input.The response time is less than 100ms. DC Switching SSRs are used withresistive and inductive loads for thecontrol of DC motors and valves.When switching inductive loads itwill be necessary to interconnect afree wheeling diode surplus voltageparallel to the load as protection.Switching Principles Designedfor Y our Application RequirementsLine Voltage Control InputLoad CurrentLine VoltageControl InputLoad CurrentLine VoltageControl InputLoad CurrentBurst Full CycleAnalog Full CyclePeriodLine VoltageControl InputLoad CurrentLine VoltageControl InputLoad CurrentLine VoltageLoad CurrentControlGreen LEDDC SupplyRed LEDAlarm Ouput = Half LED light intensityLine voltage loss or thyristor open circuitLED Visual IndicationHeater BreakLED Visual indicationOver-temperature / current over-rangeLED Visual IndicationThyristor short-circuitLED Visual IndicationAlarm Output LED IndicationThe RJ1P Modbus combines the functionality of Zero Switching, Analog Switching, Analog Full Cycle Switching, System Monitoring and Current Sensing, with the addition of voltage, current, power and frequency measurements.conductance is a guarantee!The DCB SubstrateWith the DCB substrate, the copperis bonded directly to the ceramicsubstrate. In the production process,copper conductors with a thicknessof 0.3 to 0.5 mm are bonded toceramic, at temperatures in excessof 1900°F . The temperature is cho-sen such that a joint layer is generat-ed between the ceramic surface andthe copper, the expansion coefficientof which is slightly higher than thatof the ceramic substrate. This alsoassures the material expansioncoefficient against silicon (the outputchip) is negligible. Hence, thermalstress or fatigue will not causepremature failure of power outputsemiconductors.Specifications subject to change. View complete datasheets at www.Gavazzi Online .comRM1E Series Analog Switching SSRs • Analog switching thyristor, up to 100A @ 660VAC• 4-20mA or 0-10VDC control signal• Up to 1400Vp non-repetitive peak voltage• Green LED status indicator• 58.2 x 44.8 x 28.8mm (H x W x D) chassis mount housingRD Series DC Switching SSRs• DC switching transistor, up to 5A @ 60VDC or 1A @ 350VDC• 3-32VDC control voltage• 58.2 x 45.5 x 30mm (H x W x D) chassis mount housingRA2A Series Dual Output SSRs• Dual output, zero switching alternistor, up to 40A @ 660VAC• Dual input, 4.5-32VDC control voltage• Up to 1200Vp non-repetitive peak voltage• Fast-on spade terminals• T wo green LED status indicators• 57.8 x 44.5 x 31.7mm (H x W x D) chassis mount housingRA...S Series System Monitoring (Sense) SSRs• Provides a transistor alarm output upon failure of supply, function or load• Zero switching alternistor, up to 110A @ 530VAC• 20-32VDC supply voltage with a 4.5-32VDC control voltage• Up to 1200Vp non-repetitive peak voltage• Diagnostic green and red LED status indicators• 57.8 x 44.5 x 31.7mm (H x W x D) chassis mount housingRZ3A 3-Phase Zero Switching SSRs• Three zero switching alternistors, up to 75A @ 660VAC• 5VDC, 4-32VDC or 24-50VDC / 24-275VAC control voltage• Up to 1200Vp non-repetitive peak voltage• Green LED status indicator, built-in snubber networks, IP20 pro-tective cover, captive wire clamps and• Optional over-temperature protection, transistor alarm output and red LED alarm status indicator• 73.5 x 103 x 41mm (H x W x D) chassis mount housingRSCAA 3-Phase Analog Switching SSR• Phase angle controller for inductive/resistive loads (pumps, fans, heaters, lights, etc.)• Three zero switching alternistors, up to 110A @ 625VAC• 10-32VDC supply voltage with a 0 or 4 to 20mA control signal• Up to 1600Vp non-repetitive peak voltage•Red LED status indicators for line and load energization, built-in MOV protection• Optional over-temperature protection• 66 x 103 x 73.5mm (H x W x D) chassis mount housingPCB Mount SSRs RP1A Series: Zero switching, up to 10A @ 480VAC RP1B Series: Instant-on switching, up to 10A @ 480VAC RP1D Series: DC switching, up to 8A @ 60VDC or 1A @ 350VDC RMD1 Series Hybrid Relays • Thyristors initially switch the current, and then after a short delay, they transfer to an internal electromechanical relay• Zero switching, up to 20A @ 253VAC • Over 5 million operations • 4-32VDC or 24-275VAC control voltage • Green LED status indicator • 81 x 17.5 x 67.2mm (H x W x D) DIN rail mount housingRX1A Series Fast-Connect Thyrex SSRs • Quick efficient wiring via fast-connect terminals: » Screw terminals or » Spring terminals or » Fast-on (power) terminals • Two 22.5mm wide Thyrex-specific heat sinks • M4 mounting holes are interchangeable with standard‘hockey puck’ SSRs, but half the width • Zero switching thyristor, up to 50A @ 552VAC • 4-32VDC or 36-265VAC control voltage• Up to 1200Vp non-repetitive peak voltage • Green LED status indicator and built-in snubber protection • 76 x 22.5 x 56mm (H x W x D) chassis mount housing RS1A Series Zero Switching SSRs • Economically priced triac (10A) or alternistor (25 and 40A)• Zero switching, up to 40A @ 530VAC • 3-32VDC, 18-35VAC/DC, 110, 230 or 400VAC control voltage • Up to 1200Vp non-repetitive peak voltage • Green LED status indicator • 58.2 x 44.8 x 28.8mm (H x W x D) chassis mount housing RM1A Series Zero Switching SSRs • Zero switching thyristor, up to 100A @ 660VAC • 3-32VDC, 5-24VAC/DC or 22-48VDC / 20-280VAC control voltage • Instant on switching (RM1B), 3-32VDC control voltage only• Up to 1400Vp non-repetitive peak voltage • Green LED status indicator and built-in MOV protection • 58.2 x 44.8 x 28.8mm (H x W x D) chassis mount housing RM1C Series Peak Switching SSRs • Peak switching thyristor, for inductive loads up to 30A @660VAC • 4.25-32VDC control voltage • Up to 1400Vp non-repetitive peak voltage• Green LED status indicator• 58.2 x 44.8 x 28.8mm (H x W x D) chassis mount housingPCB, Chassis and DIN Rail Mount SSRsPCB SSRs RMD1 Series RS1A and RM1. SeriesRD SeriesRA2A SeriesRA.S SeriesRZ3A SeriesRSCAAM60 SeriesRX1A SeriesPCB & Chassis Mount Solid State RelaysInnovative Fast-ConnectSeries Three Options in One DeviceVarious Solutions to Fit All Y our Needs Clip-on protection cover isremovable with a screwdriver T erminals with support surface for connection of cables with wire clamps, cable shoes or ring terminalsIP protected connection of cables with ring terminalsup to 5 AWG (16 mm 2)Quick, safe installation which can easily be tested through the protective cover’s holes Carlo Gavazzi offers an extensive range of RHS Series heat sinks and other various accessories including:fork terminals (lug connectors for larger size load wires), thermal paste, MOVs, protective covers, PCB SSR sockets, etc.Fast-on (Power) TerminalsScrew Terminals Spring Terminals For Looping For Ring Terminals Quick Troubleshooting RM1x Series Chassis Mount Solid State Relays A Wide Variety of Heat Sinks for Efficient Heat DissipationFaster, More Efficient Panel Building: The revolutionary THYREX fast-connect system allows technical staffs to pre-wire the cable harness outside of the panel. Base modules can be separately pre-mounted onto their heatsink – an operation requiring much less expertise. Result: Leaner panel building. Fast assembly: Both power and control terminals plug-on.SOLITRON Solid State Relays and Contactors CARLO GAVAZZI’s SOLITRON Series is the result of over two decades experience in designing, manufacturing and marketing solid state relays. With the SOLITRON family, customers get a product with exceptional features, which provide unparalleled benefits, resulting in a prolonged application life. It is offered in several switching types, including dual input/output types, which is unmatched in the industry. They provide a fast switching, long lasting alternative to noisy electromechanical contactors and environmentally hazardous mercury contactors.FeaturesSurface mount technologyprovides reliabilitySelf-liftingterminal clamps(Mini only)Cage-clamp terminals from 45 to 90A guaranteeing secureconnection of cables up to25mm2 — AWG 3(Midi & Power only)Direct copper bondingtechnology used throughoutSecure looping of cables up to2.5mm2 — AWG 12(Mini only)Choice of two terminallayouts making it easier to fitinto existing panel designsDIN-rail or panelmounting supportsRemoveableIP20 cover(Mini only)Identification window and LEDindication of input status andoptional over-temperaturealarm statusMounting holes forforced air cooling(Midi & Power only)Use of ring terminals for cablesup to 4mm2 — AWG 10(Mini only)Optional over-temperaturealarm signal output(Midi & Power only)Larger amperage SOLITRONS areprovided with an integral fanSpecifications subject to change. View complete datasheets at www.Gavazzi Online .comRJ3A Series 3-Phase SOLITRON (3 Pole)*• Three phase, zero switching thyristors, up to 32A @ 660VAC• Three pole switching provides switching of three phase resistive loads, i.e. heating elements, bands, etc.• Over-temperature protection on 32A version (optional on 20 and25A) versions• 5-32VDC or 24-275VAC/24-190VDC control voltage• 20A: 81.7 x 45 x 103mm (H x W x D) DIN rail mount housing• 25A: 81.7 x 90 x 103mm (H x W x D) DIN rail mount housing• 32A: 122 x 45 x 103mm (H x W x D) DIN rail mount housingwhich features an integral fan and over-temperature protectionRJCS Series Current Sensing SOLITRON*• Provides a transistor alarm output upon detecting a voltage orcurrent load or line failure• Relay ‘teaching’ can be done manually or remotely from PLC• Adjustable 2-40 second time delay for current sensing alarm output • Over-temperature protection• Zero switching thyristor, up to 50A @ 660VAC• Diagnostic green and red LED status indicators• 81.7 x 45 x 103mm (H x W x D) DIN rail mount housingRJ1P Analog Switching SOLITRON*• Single pole analog switching of resistive loads up to 50A @660VAC• Five selectable mode of operation: Phase Angle, Distributed Full Cycle, Burst Control (1, 3 or 10 seconds)• 0-10VDC or 4-20mA control input• Load and control status indication• 81.7 x 45 x 107mm(H x W x D) DIN rail mount housingRJ1P Modbus SOLITRON*• Four software selectable modes: On/Off, Phase Angle, Distributedand Burst Firing• Single phase switching of resistive loads up to 50A @ 265VAC• SSR control is done in Modbus protocol over RS485 interface• 81.7 x 45 x 122mm (H x W x D) DIN rail mount housing• Monitoring of over-temperature, SSR fault and line and load lossare standard features• Measurement of voltage, current, power and frequency is anoptional featureRJ1A Series SOLITRON MINI*• Zero switching thyristor, up to 30A @ 660VAC • 4-32VDC or 24-275VAC control voltage • 80 x 22.5 x 103mm (H x W x D) DIN rail mount housing RJ2A Series SOLITRON MINI (2 Pole)*• Two pole, zero switching thyristors, up to 18A @ 530VAC• Common control input for two single pole switching or 2-pole3-phase economy switching (leaving one pole live)• 4-32VDC control voltage • 103 x 22.5 x 125mm (H x W x D) DIN rail mount housing RJ1A Series SOLITRON MIDI*• Zero switching thyristor, up to 75A @ 660VAC• 4-32VDC or 24-275VAC control voltage• 45A/50A: 81.7 x 45 x 103mm (H x W x D) DIN rail mount housing• 75A: 122 x 45 x 103mm (H x W x D) DIN rail mount housing RJ1A Series SOLITRON POWER*• Zero switching thyristor, up to 90A @ 660VAC • 4-32VDC or 24-275VAC control voltage • 70A: 81.7 x 90 x 103mm (H x W x D) DIN rail mount housing • 90A: 122 x 90 x 103mm (H x W x D) DIN rail mount housingRJD2A Series Two Pole SOLITRON*• Two pole, zero switching thyristors, up to 45A @ 660VAC • Individually controlled by two inputs, 4-32VDC control voltage • 30A: 81.7 x 45 x 103mm (H x W x D) DIN rail mount housing • 45A: 81.7 x 90 x 103mm (H x W x D) DIN rail mount housing RJ2A Series 3-Phase SOLITRON (2-Pole)*• Three phase, zero switching thyristors, up to 32A @ 660VAC• Two pole switching (with one live pole) provides economicalswitching of three phase resistive loads, i.e. heating elements • Optional over-temperature protection • 5-32VDC or 24-275VAC/24-190VDC control voltage • 25A: 81.7 x 45 x 103mm (H x W x D) DIN rail mount housing • 32A: 122 x 90 x 103mm (H x W x D) DIN rail mount housingDIN Rail Mount Solid State Relays/ContactorsRJ2A SOLITRON MINI RJ1A SOLITRON MINI RJ1A SOLITRON MIDI RJD2A Two Pole SOLITRON RJ2A/RJ3A Three Phase SOLITRON RJ1A SOLITRON POWER RJD2A Two Pole SOLITRON RJ2A/RJ3A Three Phase SOLITRON RJ1PModbusSOLITRONRJCS Current Sensing SOLITRON RJ1PAnalog SwitchingSOLITRON*All SOLITRONS feature one or more green LED status indicator(s), a built-in protective snubber network and up to 1200Vp non-repetitive peak voltage ratings.CARLO GAVAZZI A u t o m a t i o n C o m p o n e n t s Sol idStateRela ysandCo ntactorsBrochur e1/8Argentina • Australia • Austria • Bahrain • Belgium • Bolivia • Bosnia • Brazil • Brunei • Bulgaria • Canada Chile • China • Columbia • Croatia • Cyprus • Czech • Denmark • Dominican Republic • Egypt • Estonia Finland • France • Germany • Greece • Hong Kong • Hungary • Iceland • India • Indonesia • Iran • Ireland • Italy • Japan Jordan • Kenya • Korea • Kuwait • Lebanon • Malaysia • Malta • Maroc • Mauritius • Mexico • Netherlands New Zealand • Norway • Pakistan • Papua New Guinea • Paraguay • Peru • Philippines • Poland Portugal • Qatar • Romania • Russia • Saudi Arabia • Serbia • Singapore • Slovakia • Slovenia • South Africa Spain • Sultanate of Oman • Sweden • Switzerland • Syria • Taiwan • Thailand • Tunisie • Turkey Ukraine • United Arab Emirates • United Kingdom • Uruguay • United States of America • Venezuela • Vietnam USA CARLO GAVAZZI INC.750 Hastings Lane Buffalo Grove, IL 60089Tel 847.465.6100Fax 847.465.7373**********************CANADACARLO GAVAZZI (CANADA) INC2660 Meadowvale BoulevardMississauga, Ontario L5N 6M6Tel 905.542.0979, Fax 905.542.2248CARLO GAVAZZI (CANADA) LTÉE3777 Boulevard du TricentenaireMontréal, Quebec H1B 5W3Tel 514.644.2544, Fax 514.644.2808************************Regional / Area Sales OfficeDistrict Sales OfficeCARLO GAV AZZI has a multitude of sales offices spanning North America (not to mention our hundreds of distributors). Therefore, we can be viewed as “your local automation resource” - assisting you every step of the way in finding the proper solution for your various application requirements. Naturally, our job is greatly simplified as we have such a vast range of solutions to offer you via our comprehensive product package.Our worldwide sales offices make us an ideal business partner, especially for manufacturers of exported machinery , as our products are available locally and they are CE marked.Inductive Proximity Sensors Tripleshield™ Capacitive Sensors Photoelectric Sensors Ultrasonic Sensors Level Sensors Limit Switches Magnetic Switches Solid State Relays Contactors and Overloads Manual Motor Starters Motor Controllers Electromechanical Relays Pilot Devices Cam Switches Rotary Disconnects Energy ManagementDigital Panel Meters PID Controllers Time Delay Relays Current Monitoring Relays Voltage Monitoring Relays Three Phase Monitoring Relays Signal Conditioners Current Transformers EnclosuresSafety Light Curtains Safety Control ModulesSafety Interlock Switches Safety Mat Systems Safety Magnetic SensorsDupline Field & Installation Bus Building Automation Systems Elevator Systems The Complete Product PackageA Global Force in Industrial AutomationYour Authorized Distributor:USA Phone: 847.465.6100 Fax: 800.222.2659Canada Ontario: 905.542.0979 Quebec: 514.644.2544Website www.Gavazzi Online .comEmail **********************Visit our website for downloadable data sheets, brochures & pricing: www.Gavazzi Online .com。
SMC 电子控制气体阀门用户手册说明书
Minimum operating pressure
Single Double (double solenoid) 3 position 4 position
Ambient and fluid temperature
0.1 MPa
0.15 MPa
0.1 MPa
0.1 MPa
0.1 MPa
0.2 MPa
Danger indicates a hazard with a high level of risk which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
• Always ensure compliance with relevant safety laws and standards.
一、常用的天然气集输系统阀门类型1. 节流阀:用于控制流体的质量流量,通过改变局部流道横截面积来调节,主要包括节流阀、节流孔板和节流套管等类型。
2. 截断阀:用于切断流体的传输,包括球阀、闸阀、刀闸阀、旋塞阀等类型。
3. 定位阀:用于调整流体的压力或流量,包括调节阀、减压阀、节流阀等类型。
4. 安全阀:用于在系统压力超过设定值时自动减压,保护管道和设备的安全运行。
5. 排污阀:用于排除管道和设备中的杂质和污物,保证系统清洁。
6. 切断阀:用于在紧急情况下切断天然气供应,防止事故的发生。
二、天然气集输系统阀门特点及选择原则1. 耐高压:天然气集输系统中的阀门需要具备较高的耐压能力,能够在高压条件下安全运行,因此在选择阀门时需要考虑其耐压等级。
2. 耐腐蚀:天然气中可能含有一定的硫化物、硫醇等有机成分,对阀门材质有一定的腐蚀性,因此需要选择耐腐蚀性能好的阀门材质。
3. 密封性能:天然气是易燃易爆的气体,在输送过程中需要保持管道系统的密闭性,防止泄漏和安全事故的发生,因此阀门的密封性能非常重要。
4. 耐温性能:天然气集输系统中的阀门需要能够在较宽的温度范围内安全运行,因此需要选择耐高温、耐低温的阀门。
5. 流量特性:根据天然气的流动特性和管道系统的设计要求,选择具有合适流量特性的阀门,保证系统流体的正常流动和控制。
三、天然气集输系统阀门安装及维护方法1. 安装要求:天然气集输系统中的阀门安装需要符合相关的规范和标准,保证阀门可以正常工作。
1. 检查调节阀的外观有无损坏或者泄漏的情况,如果有需要及时更换或修理。
2. 确认氧气的压力、流量及温度要求,选择合适的调节阀进行安装。
3. 将调节阀安装到氧气管道系统中,固定好阀门和压力表,并连接好气源及气管。
4. 打开气源控制开关,逐步调节压力,观察压力表上的压力,确保压力稳定在所需的范围内。
5. 如果需要调节氧气的流量,在调节阀上逐步调节阀门开度,观察流量计上的氧气流量是否符合要求。
6. 在使用过程中,定期检查调节阀和氧气管道的密封性能,避免漏气和泄露的情况。
7. 停止使用氧气后,先关闭气源控制开关,再关闭调节阀的阀门,防止氧气残留及泄漏。
1. 氧气是易燃易爆的气体,必须遵循安全操作规范,避免火源及静电产生。
2. 氧气的压力和流量需符合实际需要,不可过高或过低,以免对人员和设备造成损害。
3. 定期检修调节阀和气管等管道设备,确保其密封性能和运行稳定性。
4. 使用氧气时需对整个操作过程进行严格控制和监管,防止出现意外情况的发生。
Doc. no.XL*****-OMJ0005-CHigh Vacuum L Type ValveXLH SeriesSafety Instructions - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 1. Product Specific Precautions 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4(Precautions on Design, Selection, Mounting, Piping, Wiring, Maintenance)2. Product Specific Precautions 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6 (Maintenance parts)3. Specifications - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 74. Construction and Outer dimensions - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - 95. Period and scope of warranty - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 106. Parts replacement procedure - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11Safety InstructionsThese safety instructions are intended to prevent hazardous situations and/or equipment damage. These instructions indicate the level of potential hazard with the labels of “Caution,” “Warning” or “Danger.”They are all important notes for safety and must be followed in addition to International Standards (ISO/IEC)*1), and other safety regulations.*1) ISO 4414: Pneumatic fluid power -- General rules relating to systems ISO 4413: Hydraulic fluid power -- General rules relating to systemsIEC 60204-1: Safety of machinery -- Electrical equipment of machines (Part 1: General requirements) ISO 10218-1992: Manipulating industrial robots -- SafetyCaution Caution indicates a hazard with a low level of risk which, if not avoided, could resultin minor or moderate injury.Warning Warnig indicates a hazard with a medium level of risk which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury. DangerDanger indicates a hazard with a high level of risk which, if not avoided, will resultin death or serious injury .Warning 1. The compatibility of the product is the responsibility of the person who designs theequipment or decides its specifications.Since the product specified here is used under various operating conditions, its compatibility with specific equipment must be decided by the person who designs the equipment or decides its specifications based on necessary analysis and test results.The expected performance and safety assurance of the equipment will be the responsibility of the person who has determined its compatibility with the product.This person should also continuously review all specifications of the product referring to its latest catalog information, with a view to giving due consideration to any possibility of equipment failure when configuring the equipment.2. Only personnel with appropriate training should operate machinery and equipment.The product specified here may become unsafe if handled incorrectly.The assembly, operation and maintenance of machines or equipment including our products must be performed by an operator who is appropriately trained and experienced.3. Do not service or attempt to remove product and machinery/equipment until safety is confirmed.1.The inspection and maintenance of machinery/equipment should only be performed after measures to prevent falling or runaway of the driven objects have been confirmed.2.When the product is to be removed, confirm that the safety measures as mentioned above are implemented and the power from any appropriate source is cut, and read and understand the specific product precautions of all relevant products carefully.3.Before machinery/equipment is restarted, take measures to prevent unexpected operation and malfunction.4. Contact SMC beforehand and take special consideration of safety measures if the product is to be used in any of the following conditions.1. Conditions and environments outside of the given specifications, or use outdoors or in a place exposed to direct sunlight.2. Installation on equipment in conjunction with atomic energy, railways, air navigation, space, shipping, vehicles, military, medical treatment, combustion and recreation, or equipment in contact with food and beverages, emergency stop circuits, clutch and brake circuits in press applications, safety equipment or other applications unsuitable for the standard specifications described in the product catalog.3. An application which could have negative effects on people, property, or animals requiring special safety analysis.4. Use in an interlock circuit, which requires the provision of double interlock for possible failure by using a mechanical protective function, and periodical checks to confirm proper operation.Safety InstructionsCaution1.The product is provided for use in manufacturing industries.The product herein described is basically provided for peaceful use in manufacturing industries.If considering using the product in other industries, consult SMC beforehand and exchange specifications or a contract if necessary.If anything is unclear, contact your nearest sales branch.Limited warranty and Disclaimer/Compliance RequirementsThe product used is subject to the following “Limited warranty and Disclaimer” and “Compliance Requirements”.Read and accept them before using the product.Limited warranty and Disclaimer1. The warranty period of the product is 1 year in service or 1.5 years after the product isdelivered,whichever is first.*2)Also, the product may have specified durability, running distance or replacement parts. Please consult your nearest sales branch.2.For any failure or damage reported within the warranty period which is clearly our responsibility, a replacement product or necessary parts will be provided.This limited warranty applies only to our product independently, and not to any other damage incurred due to the failure of the product.3.Prior to using SMC products, please read and understand the warranty terms and disclaimers noted in the specified catalog for the particular products.*2) Vacuum pads are excluded from this 1 year warranty.A vacuum pad is a consumable part, so it is warranted for a year after it is delivered.Also, even within the warranty period, the wear of a product due to the use of the vacuum pad orfailure due to the deterioration of rubber material are not covered by the limited warranty.Compliance Requirements1.The use of SMC products with production equipment for the manufacture of weapons of mass destruction(WMD) or any other weapon is strictly prohibited.2.The exports of SMC products or technology from one country to another are govemed by the relevant security laws and regulation of the countries involved in the transaction. Prior to the shipment of a SMC product to another country, assure that all local rules goveming that export are known and followed.Common Precautions 1Be sure to read before handling.DesignWarning●All models1.The body material is A6063,the bellows is SUS316L, and other metal seal material is SUS304. The sealing material of the vacuum part is FKM as standard, but this can be changed to other materials (refer to “How to Order”). Confirm whether the fluid to be used is compatible with the materials before use. ●With heater (thermister)1.When using a model with a heater, a mechanism to prevent overheating should be installed.Selection●High temperature type1. If using gases that cause a large amount of deposits, heat the valve body to prevent deposits in the valve.Mounting● All models1. In high humidity environments, keep the valve packed until the time of installation.2. Perform piping so that excessive force is not applied to the flange sections. When there is vibration from heavy objects or attachments, etc., fix piping so that vibration will not apply torque directly to the flange section.3. Vibration resistance allows for normal operation of up to 30m/s 2 (45 to 250Hz). Be advised that continuous vibration may cause a decline in durability. Arrange piping to avoid excessive vibration or impacts.●High temperature type (temperature specification /H4 H5)1. In models with a heater (thermistor), take care not to damage the insulation components of the lead wires and connector section.2. The set temperature for models with a heater should be established without any drafts or heat insulation. It will change depending on conditions such as heat insulation measures and the heating of other piping. Fine adjustment is not possible.3. When installing heater accessories or mounting a heater, check insulation resistance at the actual operating temperature. A current leakage breaker or fuse should be installed.4. When a valve is to be heated, only the body section should be heated, excluding the handle section.5. In models with a heater, when the heater is in operation, the entire valve becomes hot. Be careful not to touch it with bare hands, as burns will result.6. The heater temperature will initially decrease several % after the heating starts and then gradually becomes stable. (The heater temperature may decrease approximately 5 to 10% due to individual differences.)CautionCaution1. Before mounting, clean the surface of the flange seal and the O-ring with ethanol, etc.2. There is an indentation of 0.1 to 0.2mm in order to protect the flange seal surface, and it should be handled so that the seal surface is not damaged in any way.If the fluid or reaction product (deposit) may cause the valve to become unsafe, the valve should be disassembled, cleaned and re-assembled by an operator who has sufficient knowledge and experience (e.g. a specialist).1. When removing deposits from the valve, take care not to damage any part of it.2. Replace the handle assembly when the valve is approaching the end of its service life. *For the endurance cycles, refer to Chapter 5, “Period and Scope of Warranty” (P . 9).3. If damage is suspected prior to the end of the service life, perform early maintenance.4. SMC specified parts should be used for service. Refer to the Construction / Maintenance parts table.5. When removing the valve seal and external seal, take care not to damage the sealing surfaces. When installing the valve seal and external seal, be sure that the O-ring is not twisted. (Refer to Chapter 6, “Parts Replacement Procedure” (P. 10 to 11) for details.)CautionWarningCautionCommon Precautions 2 Be sure to read before handling Maintenance PartsSMC specified parts should be used for service.Refer to Chapter 5, “Construction and Dimensions" (P. 9) for the part indication numbers.1.Replace the handle assembly when changing the sealant material. Due to the different materialsused, changing only the seal may prove inadequate.Handle assembly/construction part number (1)Temperature specificationsValve size16 25 40 50Standard(5~150 o C) XLH16-30-1 XLH25-30-1 XLH40-30-1 XLH50-30-1 Note1) List the optional seal material symbol after the model number, except for the standard seal material (FKM: compound No. 1349-80). e.g.) XLH16-30-1-XN1Exterior seal, valve sealDescription Constructions No. MaterialValve size16 25 40 50Exterior seal (3) Standard AS568-025V AS568-030V AS568-035V AS568-039V Specific AS568-025 ** AS568-030 ** AS568-035 ** AS568-039 **Valve seal (2) Standard B2401-V15V B2401-V24V B2401-P42V AS568-227V Specific B2401-V15 ** B2401-V24 ** B2401-P42 ** AS568-227 **Note1) List the optional seal material symbol after the model number, except for the standard sealant material (FKM: compound no. 1349-80). e.g.) AS568-025-XN1Note2) Refer to the Construction of each series for the construction numbers.Note3) Due to the different materials used, changing only the seal may prove inadequate.Note1) Due to the different materials used, changing only the seal may prove inadequate.Barrel Perfluoro R is a registered trademark of Matsumura Oil Co.,Ltd.Kalrez R is a registered trademark of E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company orits affiliates.Chemraz R is a registered trademark of Greene, Tweed Technologies,Inc.ULTIC ARMOR R is a registered trademark of Nippon Valqia Industries, Ltd. Caution3-1. Valve specifications3-2. Heater specificationsItemXLH-25XLH-40 XLH-50Rated voltage of the heater90 to 240 ACV S y m b ol H4 Heater assembly number - XLA25-60S-1XLA25-60S-1No. of heater assemblies- 1 pc. 1 pc. Initial power /Powerconsumption (W)100 VAC - 200/40 200/50 200 VAC- 800/40 800/50 H5Heater assembly number XLA25-60S-1XLA25-60S-2XLA25-60S-2No. of heater assemblies 1 pc. 1 pc. 1 pc. Initial power /Powerconsumption (W)100 VAC 200/40 400/70 400/80 200 VAC800/40 1600/801600/80 Note 1) Initial power and power consumption are nominal values. Note 2) Heaters are not available for size 16.The heaters are PTC thermistor type design. These thermistors self regulate their temperature by switching the resistance at certain critical temperatures, so a separate temperature controller is unnecessary.If the temperature of the PTC heaters fitted exceeds 200o C, then it may fail. The maximum operating temperature for the valve is 150o C. If the heater temperature is over 200o C or valve temperature is over 150o C, please use thermostat to control theModel XLH-16 XLH-25 XLH-40 XLH-50 Flange (valve) size 16 25 40 50 Valve type Manual type Fluid Vacuum of inert gasOperating temperature oC 5 to 150 Operating pressure Pa Atmospheric pressure to 1 x 10-6 Conductance l/s Note 1) 5 14 45 80 Leakage Pa ・m 3/s Internal 1.3 x 10-10for the standard material (FKM) at ambient temperatures , excluding gas permeation External 1.3 x 10-11 for the standard material (FKM)at ambient temperatures , excluding gas permeationFlange type KF (NW) Main material Body: aluminum alloy, Bellows: SUS316L, Main part: SUS304 and FKM (standard sealing material) Surface treatment forbody Outside: hard anodized Inside: basis materialPilot torque N ・m 0.1 < 0.15 < 0.35 < 0.5 < Handle revolutions 5 7 10 13 Weight kg 0.23 0.41 1.05 1.62 Note1) The conductance is “molecular flow” measured with an elbow pipe which has the samedimension with each flange.heaters to prevent overheating.With PTC type heaters, there is an initial surge of current (inrush current) after the power is supplied. These inrush current will reduce overtime. If multiple heater assemblies are used, the inrush current to the heaters will be magnified and care should be taken. When multiple heater assemblies or valves are used, do not apply power to the heater assemblies simultaneously. Keep approximately 30 seconds between applications of power to each heater assembly. This will allow for incremental spacing to prevent harmful large initial surge.4.holderSUS304)BellowsSUS316L)SUS304)BodyA6063)Handle (Including ②,Exterior seal(Maintenance part)Valve seal(Maintenance part)A ABφGφH C CD E EφFModel A B C D E F G H XLH-16 40 100.5 38 1 - 30 17 35 XLH-25 50 114 48 1 12 40 26 41 XLH-40 65 162.5 66 2 11 55 41 57 XLH-5070 179.5 79211755270Unit: mmThe warrantyd period covers the period which finishes the earliest among 0.1 million operating cycles [with our durability test conditions], 18 months after shipping from us, and 12 months after starting the use of the product at your place or your customer’s place.If the valve has been used outside of the specifications, or if a failure occurs as a result of mounting onto a machine or replacement of an assembly, O-ring etc. by the user, the warranty cannot be applied.Notes )The endurance will depend on the operating conditions (such as if the flow rate is large).For any failure reported within the warranty period which is clearly our responsibility, the whole valve will be replaced. This warranty does not apply to any damage incurred due to the failure of the valve.Result of endurance test (Using the circuit shown on the right) The valve was opened and closed in an internal vacuum state at nominal (room) temperature andoperation.We confirmed that the product satisfies theproduct specifications of 0.1 million cycles.sealant material.<Reference>The pumping direction is not limited, but if the pumping creates a flow stream, the durability of the product could be impaired.Therefore, the pumping direction shown on the right figure (bellows side pumping) is recommended. Also, the operating conditions should be checked prior to use, as this affects the life of the product.Vacuum pumpBellows side Valve sideChamberRecommended direction of exhaust6-1. PrecautionsBe sure to follow [1. Precautions 1] when disassembling the product for maintenance. Along with the precautions above, comply with the following precautions too.Warning•If it is expected that product materials may get stuck to the product, ensure safety isassured before handling. It is recommended to wear gloves and a mask.•Pay attention to the handling of components according to the procedure in the next itemonwards. Do not apply excessive force or impact. This will not only damage the productbut also decrease its performance and life expectancy.•It is not possible to disassemble the handle assembly of this product. If the componentsand assembly are damaged, or damage is expected, exchange the handle assemblyitself.•Do not disassemble the parts that are not explained in this operation manual. Theperformance and life may decrease. Also, it may cause danger.The heater is removed by loosening Bolt a. Bolt a is behind the Cover. Remove the Cover using a watchmaker's screwdriver.Loosen the Bolt b gradually with the valve opened a little in numerical order.Remove the outer seal O-ring from the Body(Take care to prevent the mounting surface of O-ring from being damaged )Handle assemblyBolt bBolt aHeaterCover1234EthanolAssemble parts eliminating any dust or debris. Wipe off dust with a Clean cloth soaked with Ethanol. Blow parts with clean air if necessary. (Ensure there is no fibers or dust. )Step 3314C Renewal 2018.9 4-14-1, Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0021 JAPANTel: + 81 3 5207 8249 Fax: +81 3 5298 5362URL Note: Specifications are subject to change without prior notice and any obligation on the part of the manufacturer.© 2011 SMC Corporation All Rights Reserved。
液化气泄漏应急措施:1) 切断气源。
2) 严禁打开或关闭任何电器开关。
3) 打开门窗。
4) 疏散人员。
5) 电话报警。
4.2、如提钮自动吸回时,应注意检在以下情况a 、软管是否有破裂现象。
2.如果供气部分或完全停止,或者呼吸器不能自动打开。迅速打开强制通气调节阀( 红色旋钮)并立即离开受污染区域。 3.如果非吸气情况下,气体仍不停的进入面罩。迅速打开强制通气调节阀(红色旋钮 )并根据个人需求部分关闭钢瓶阀门,之后立即撤离受污染现场。 C:低温操作 1.SCBA应保存在冰点温度以上的环境中。 2.如果SCBA不可避免的要在冰点以下的环境中存放,必须确保保存前所有的部件都必 须清洁并完全干燥。 3.如果SCBA不可避免的被保存在冰点以下且使用前不可能将其置于室温环境中,在面 罩完全戴好且鼻罩完全适合脸型前,不要向面罩内通气。 4.在冰点或以下的温度中使用完SCBA后,摘下的面罩和调剂器应一起置于外套下保暖 ,以便再次使用。 5.冰点或以下温度环境中保存SCBA,面罩和调节器一定要注意防水了。
-:使用范围及目的. 二:器材介绍 . 三:使用说明 . 四:注意事项 .
使用范围:主要应用于火灾、毒气泄漏、挥 发性液体泄漏、密闭空间等产生有害气体或 氧气含量低的区域。目的:提供正常呼吸所 需要的空气。
二:器材介绍 .
背架 气瓶压力表
3.1:检查气瓶压力表查看指针是否在绿色范围內,我公司目前用的是最大压力为 4500psig的气瓶,充满气能用30分钟左右(1MPa =145 psig磅/平方英寸)。
3.2 抓住背板架高举过头 (两臂于肩带內)双手抓住肩带呼吸器自然落于背部。 3.3 双手抓住肩部调整带身体稍微往前倾同时将调整带往下拉。