


-Sheldon: They call me a genius because I'm a genius.
Tell Mom that I currently weigh 165 pounds and that I'm having regular bowel movements.
-Missy: That should do it.
-Sheldon: Thank you for coming by.
-Sheldon: Hello.
-Leonard: Oh, hey, buddy...
-Sheldon: Buddy...?
-Leonard: Just classic.
-Sheldon: I need a place to fire ceramic semiconductor substrates for homemade integrated circuits.
-Missy: Oh, I don't think so.
Shelly doesn't like company. Even as a little boy, he'd send his imaginary friends home at the end of the day.


Is that why you didn't cover our escape and let us get cut down like animals?
Oh, yeah, sorry about that.
My good man, dereliction of duty in the face of the enemy is a court-martial offense.
I had to take her! It's almost bathing suit weather!
I surrender! Don't shoot! They went that way!
Howard, I'm on your team.
That's it then. We're doomed.
I think the time has come to acknowledge that we are paying the price for some of us
I'm thinking there was some actual scratching involved.
What about it, Howard?
Okay, I didn't want to say anything 'cause I know you and Leslie have a little history.



目录第1集 (2)第2集 (13)第3集 (25)第4集 (36)第1集Previously on The Big Bang Theory... E01《生活大爆炸》前情提要I was offered a summer research fellowship at Princeton. 我得到了普林斯顿大学的夏季研究奖学金A fine institution. 很不错的大学The place where Albert Einstein taught, 阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦教过书的地方and where Leonard got his PhD, 莱纳德也是在那里拿到博士学位so it may have gone downhill.所以那学校可能没落了Gentlemen, you may remember Dr. Nowitzki. 各位还记得诺维茨基博士吗She's back at Caltech for her postdoc. 她又回来加州理工读博士后啦Question. are you seeking a romantic relationship withme?问一下你是想和我发展恋爱关系吗What if I were? 如果我是呢Well, that would raise a number of problems. 这会引起一系列的问题We're colleagues, I'm currently in a relation... 我们是同事我现在有女友Amy? Amy. 艾米艾米Amy? 艾米时至今日Will you marry me? 你愿意嫁给我吗One moment, please. 稍等我一下Really, you're going to answer that right now? 不是吧你真要现在接这电话吗It's Leonard. 是莱纳德打来I don't want to be rude. 我不想失礼嘛Hello? 你好Oh, hey, where you been? 你上哪去了We've been calling you for hours. 打你电话找你好久了Oh, I'm sorry, my phone was on "Airplane" Mode.抱歉我的手机之前在飞行模式Why? 为什么Because I was on an airplane. 因为我在飞机上"飞行"啊Hey, put him on speaker. 开公放Y eah. ‭H ey, where are you? 你去哪里了I came to Princeton to see Amy. 我来普林斯顿大学找艾米It's a funny story, actually.其实还挺有意思I was having lunch with Dr. Nowitzki,我当时在跟诺维茨基博士共进午餐and she kissed me. 然后她亲吻了我- Excuse me? - ‭W hat? -什么-啥I'm sorry? 你说什么And in that moment, I realized 在那一刻我意识到that Amy was the only woman I ever wanted to kiss 艾米才是我余生for the rest of my life. 唯一想亲吻的女人So I came to New Jersey to ask her to marry me. 所以我来新泽西跟她求婚Oh, that's so sweet. ‭你真是太甜了- Sheldon... - Y eah, although -谢尔顿... -不过呢there was one man whose blessing I needed first. 我的确是先去求得了某位男士的祝福I've thought about it, and I really want to spend 我想过了也的确想要the rest of my life with Amy. 与艾米共度余生Do I have your blessing? 你会祝福我吗Well, Sheldon... 谢尔顿...I think you should make her finger like Saturn 我觉得你应该将她的手指变成土星and put a ring on it. 再往她手指上套个土星"环"Y ou asked Stephen Hawking and not her father? 你去问了霍金博士而不是艾米父亲吗Stephen Hawking's a genius. 霍金博士是个天才If he said no, I wasn't gonna waste my time on her father. 如果他不支持我才不要浪费时间去问她爹But you did ask my father? 那你有问过我父亲吧I did. He said yes. 有他同意Although, not in a robot voice, so it wasn't nearly as cool. 但不是用机械人式语音说的所以没那么酷Okay. Oh, my God, I can't believe you guys areengaged.我的天啊真不敢相信你们订婚了We're not engaged, yet. 还没订上婚呢She's taking forever to answer. 她想了半天还不回答我Because you're on the phone! 因为你在讲电话We'll call you back. 我们稍后回电She said yes. 她同意了Y ay! ‭C ongratulations! 恭喜你们Mother, I have some good news to share. 母亲我有好消息与你分享We're engaged. 我们订婚啦I am so happy for you two, but I'm not surprised. 我真为你们开心但我一点都不惊讶I've been praying for this. 我为此事祈祷多时了Well, God had nothing to do with it. 这件事上帝没半点功劳It happened because I was kissing another woman, 完全是因为我跟别的女人接了吻and it made me realize I wanted to be with Amy. 令我意识到我想跟艾米共度余生More than one woman was interested in you? 超过一名女性对你有兴趣吗I might have prayed a little too hard. 我可能祈祷太猛了Wait, oh, and I just... 等等我想先...I want to let you know right now 我想现在就跟你说清楚that we are not getting married in a church. 我们不会在教堂里成婚That's all right, Sheldon.没关系谢尔顿Anywhere Jesus is is a church. 耶稣在哪哪便是教堂Well, he won't be at our wedding. 但他不会在我们婚礼上He's in my heart, so if I'm there, 他会在我心里所以只要我人在he'll be there. 他就在Okay, well, then, he's your plus-one. 行那他就是你带的伴Y ou don't get to bring anyone else. 你带人的名额就用完了That's fine. Love you. 没关系爱你Love you, too. Bye. 我也爱你再见Lord, thank you. 主啊谢谢您Even though you can do anything, 虽然您无所不能that was mighty impressive. 但这事真显出了您的无上威能We're engaged. 我们订婚了Oh, my God, that's amazing! 天啊太棒了Wait, uh, tell me everything.慢着快告诉我整个经过Well, Dr. Nowitzki was kissing me... 是这样的诺维茨基博士亲了我Okay, you can stop leading with that part of the story. 你可以别再用这事当故事开头了Well, congratulations. 恭喜你们啊I'm so happy for you two. 太为你们俩高兴了Hold on, I have to tell Bernadette.稍等我得告诉伯纳黛特Hey, Bernie, guess what? 妮妮你猜怎么着Sheldon and Amy got engaged. Can you believe it? 谢尔顿跟艾米订婚啦你敢信吗Oh, my God. I cannot believe it.天啊我真不敢相信She's so happy... I think she's crying. 她好像高兴到... 在喜极而泣啊Do you think Sheldon's gonna want 你觉得谢尔顿会想要办一场some weird Star Trek wedding? 怪胎的《星舰迷航》风婚礼吗I don't know. 我不知道Well, Leonard could barely finish the words 莱纳德当时想说"Doctor Who wedding cake" "《神秘博士》婚礼蛋糕"before I shut that down hard. 还没说完就被我狠狠拒绝Are you listening to me? 你有在听我说话吗Y eah, you're mean to Leonard. I heard you. 有啊你对莱纳德毫无人性我听到了Is everything okay? 你还好吗Look, I'm gonna tell you something, 我要告诉你一件事but you can't freak out, 但你不许惊慌失措because I'm already freaking out. 因为我已经很手足无措了Oh, my God, what is it? 天啊什么事I'm pregnant again. 我又怀孕了Wha... 什...Interesting. 有点儿意思Howard's gonna lose his mind. 霍华德要是知道会疯的Wait, you haven't told him yet? 慢着你还没告诉他吗No. 没有Y ou told me first? Oh, Bernie! 你先告诉了我妮妮小亲亲This wasn't supposed to happen-- we were careful. 这事不应该啊我们很小心的Y eah, I didn't even think you could get pregnant 对啊我本来还以为哺乳期内while you were breastfeeding. 女人是不会怀孕的呢Well, guess what? Y ou can. 结果呢老娘就怀了Okay, look, look, this is a good thing. 好吧听着这是桩好事Halley's gonna have a little brother 这样哈雷就会有个弟弟or sister to play with. 或者妹妹陪她玩了I guess that would be pretty cute. 我想那应该是会挺有爱And, you, know, I was a surprise to my parents, 你知道吗我也是我爸妈的意外之喜and my dad said it was the best thing 我爸说我是发生在他们身上that ever happened to them. 最美好的事Okay. Maybe this baby actually is a blessing. 好吧也许这个宝宝是上天的恩赐Oh, my God, honey, of course it is. 天啊亲爱的当然了How am I pregnant again? 我怎么会又怀上了呢Y eah, what were you thinking? 对啊你搞什么鬼啊All right, I'm all checked in to my flight. 机票确认好了Well, I'm sad you're leaving.你要走了我好难过Why'd you only book a flight for one day? 为什么你订当天来回呢I came here to propose. 我来是为了求婚If you'd said no, I wouldn't want to stick around 要是你拒绝我我可不想looking at your stupid face. 留下来看着你的蠢样Now, mind you, your face is only stupid 是这样的只有你拒绝我的情况下in the "No" version of the story. 你才会是一脸蠢样But I said yes, so I get a lifetime of this. 但我答应了能享用一辈子的你这货Y es, you do, smart face. 是啊机灵鬼Why don't you stay a few extra days? 不如你多待几天吧Well, I don't have any other clothes. 我没带别的衣服We'll get you some. 我们可以去买Oh, I don't know, I'm pretty particular. 不要了吧我这个人很挑的离这儿不到1600米的地方有家漫画店Well, there's a comic book store less than a mile fromhere.Perfect, let's go shopping. 棒买买买对了我今晚要跟同事共进晚餐Oh, um, and I'm having dinner with some colleaguestonight.I'm sure they'd love to meet you. 他们会很高兴见到你的Come on, what do you say? 来嘛好不好A w, you're nagging me. 你开始跟我唠唠叨叨了It's like we're already married. 感觉我们已经结婚了似的Is that a yes or a no? 那到底好不好嘛Geez, save some for the honeymoon. 天啊留点力等蜜月了再叨逼叨吧Look at Nowitzki over there. 瞧那是诺维茨基I can't believe she tried to steal 不敢相信她想从艾米身边Sheldon from Amy. 抢走谢尔顿Y ou know what? 瞧好了I'm gonna go there and tell her that they're engaged now 我要过去告诉她他们订婚了and that her little plan didn't work. 她的小把戏落空了Because you're sticking up for Sheldon, 这是因为你想维护谢尔顿or because you're still mad she rejected you? 还是因为你还在气她拒绝了你Too far away, can't hear you. 距离太远听不到你在讲什么Hello, Ramona. 你好拉蒙娜Hello. 你好Why are you sitting by yourself? 怎么独自一人坐在这呢Oh, that's right, 我知道了Sheldon's in New Jersey being engaged to Amy. 谢尔顿在新泽西他和艾米订婚了I heard. 我听说了Now that Sheldon's out of the picture, 现在谢尔顿闪边去了I could give you one more chance to go out with me. 我可以再给你个机会跟我约会Nope, I'm good. 谢邀不用了Y ou sure? 你确定吗I will not ask again. 小爷可不会再问第二次I sincerely hope not. 我真心希望你不会再问了V ery well. 行吧I'm going to leave before this gets awkward. 那在气氛变尴尬之前我先撤了Want me to make dinner? 要我做晚饭吗Uh, sure, but first, why don't you have a seat? 好啊不过你能先坐下来吗There's something I need to show you. 我有东西给你看Ooh, if it's how to make dinner, that'd be great. 是晚饭教程的话就完美了Is this a... pregnancy test? 这是... 验孕棒吗Y es. 是的That means... positive? 这表示... 阳性吗Y es. 是的No. 不是吧Y es. 是的N-- No. 不不是Y es. 是的No! 别啊How could this even happen? 这怎么可能发生呢Uh, w-- we were careful. 我们这么小心- Well, it did. - ‭N o! -就是发生了-不可能-Y es! Y es! - ‭N o! No! -我不能接受-接受现实吧Okay! Okay! Okay! 好吧好吧行吧Well, w-what are we gonna do? 那我们该怎么办What do you mean what are we gonna do? 什么叫"我们该怎么办"We're gonna have another baby. 我们又要生一个宝宝了- No! No! ‭- Stop that! -不不-别叫了‭- Y es! - No, I'm trying! -就是怀了-我也在试着不叫啊Look, I know it's scary, but... 我知道这感觉很可怕但是we're both responsible adults, we can do this. 我们都是可靠成年人我们能行Y ou really think so? 你真这么想吗No! 不- Hey, Stuart. - ‭O h, hey, Raj. -你好斯图尔特-你好拉杰What can I help you with? 有什么能帮到你的I need to buy an engagement gift. 我要买一份订婚礼物Well, you came to the wrong place. 那你来错地方了It's for Sheldon and Amy. 是送给谢尔顿和艾米的- No way! They're engaged? - ‭Y eah. -不是吧他们订婚了-是的Well, that's exciting news. 真是个令人激动的好消息Who would've thought Sheldon and Amy would be thenext two谁能想到谢尔顿和艾米会是下一对to tie the knot? 喜结连理的呢Tell me about it. I'm the one 可不是嘛我才是那个who caught the bouquet at Leonard and Penny'swedding.在莱纳德和佩妮婚礼上接到捧花的人通常是女生抢捧花\N抢到捧花的人会延续幸福/最快下一个结婚Okay. 好吧Uh... you know, 我看看they might like this. 他们可能会喜欢这个Superman and Wonder Woman, it's kind of romantic. 超人和神奇女侠挺浪漫的Y ou know what? 其实呢Why am I buying them a gift? 我干嘛给他们买礼物They have love. 他们已经拥有爱了Screw them and their happiness. 幸福脱单的都去死吧What do you have for someone who's bitter and alone? 你有没有适合苦逼单身狗的东西Literally everything. 全部都是Sheldon, these are the heads of my research team. 谢尔顿这两位是我研究小组的领导- Oh, hello. - Dr. Zane, Dr. Harris, -你好-赞恩博士哈里斯博士this is my fiancé, Dr. Sheldon Cooper. 这是我未婚夫谢尔顿·库珀博士That's the first time I've said that 我第一次这样叫他and it kind of gave me the goose bumps. 我都荡漾得起鸡皮疙瘩了Dr. Cooper, 库珀博士we are so excited to meet you. 很高兴能见到你Well, that's very kind of you. 太客气了If you'd like, I could autograph your menus after dinner, yeah? 想要的话饭后我可以在你们的菜单上签名But I better not see those on eBay. 但最好别让我发现你们拿去网上拍卖No, no, no, we're just excited to meet the man 不不我们只是很开心能见到who landed this brilliant woman here. 赢得这位才华横溢女士的男人That wasn't hard, 那一点都不难she threw herself at me. 是她倒贴我的Now, getting the universe to show me its naughty bits, 但要让宇宙向我展露"私密"that-that took some doing. 那才需要费一番功夫Sheldon's a physicist. 谢尔顿是物理学家‭O h, that's nice. 挺不错啊Amy, I recently read your paper on lesions 艾米我最近读了你in the olfactory receptors in the brain. 关于嗅觉受体损伤的论文It was inspired. 非常富有创见Oh, well, I guess it didn't stink. 看来水平不算太臭But if it did, that rat wouldn't have known it. 但即使臭了那只老鼠也闻不到‭I'm sorry, 抱歉I'm sure you don't want to sit here 你肯定不想坐在这儿and listen to a bunch of work talk. 听我们聊工作Oh, no, I love it. 不我很喜欢No, but let's talk about work. 我们来聊工作吧Amy's work, my work. 艾米的工作我的工作Y eah, why don't we start with my work? 不如就先聊我的工作吧Actually, I do have a question for Dr. Cooper. 我还真有个问题想问库珀博士When Amy first told you about her approach to synaptic tracing, 艾米首次告诉你她对突触追踪的切入点时did you think it was gonna revolutionize the field? 你有意料到会给这个领域带来巨大变革吗Really? 不是吧That's your question? 你要问的就是这个吗What are you, Entertainment Tonight? 怎么你是综艺节目《今夜娱乐》的人吗Y ou know what? 这样吧Let me give you a better question. Here, 我来给你提供一个更好的问题听着um, "Dr. Cooper, "库珀博士I heard you were working on a top-secret project 听说你正在为美国军方for the U.S. Military. 研究一个机密项目Why don't you tell us about that?" 不如跟我们说说这个吧"See, that's a great question. 这才是个好问题Okay, what was that like? 好吧那项目怎么样Oh, I can't tell you that, it's top-secret. 我不能告诉你那可是最高机密Boy, that was exhausting. 刚才好心累Y ou know, no offense, but your colleagues were prettyrude.无意冒犯但你的同事很无礼Really, they were rude? 是吗是他们无礼吗Y es. 是啊They just kept talking about you and how great you are, 他们只会一直说你的事说你有多了不起no matter how many times I brought me up. 完全无视我多次提起我自己Y ou know, these are my colleagues他们是我的同事and they want to talk about my work. 想谈论我的工作成果Why does that bother you so much? 这有什么好让你不爽的Because I was there. 因为我也在场啊It's like having Optimus Prime over to dinner 就像请《变形金刚》的擎天柱来吃饭and not asking him to turn into a truck. 却不叫他变身卡车一样Y ou know what, Sheldon? 你知道吗谢尔顿Y ou're not always the smartest person in every room. 你并非永远都是房间里最聪明的人Y ou may not even be the smartest person in this room. 你很可能都不是这房间里最聪明的人Oh, I am sorry. 不好意思What, is Neil deGrasse Tyson hiding behind the couch? 难道尼尔·德格拉塞·泰森躲在沙发后面吗著名天体物理学家'Cause if he is, he's not that smart, 如果真是也只证明了他也没多聪明it's pretty dusty back there. 因为后面挺多灰的Hey, where are you going? 你要去哪里I'm storming off to my room. 我要气冲冲地回我的房间Well, then where am I supposed to storm off to? 那我能气冲冲地走去哪儿Well, you're so smart, why don't you figure it out? 你那么聪明怎么不自己想Is there another bedroom? 还有其他卧室吗Perhaps a-a den? 或者小房间之类的So, how are you guys doing with all the new 你们对你子宫里那个新事件events in your womb? 适应得怎么样Good, you know? 挺好的Obviously, it was a surprise. 显然这是个意外惊喜There was some crying and some yelling.发生了一些哭泣和争吵Some suggestion of make-up sex that did not go overwell,有些打和好炮的提议被拒绝了even though it's not like we can get more pregnant. 即使我们并不会怀上加怀But then we realized that it's a gift, in the sense 但我们意识到这是一份礼物that we didn't ask for it, 虽然我们没有主动要求and we may not have chosen it... 也没有主动选择And we already have one. 而且我们已经有一个了Y ou know, whenever I find a top I like, 每当我买到喜欢的衣服I always go back and get a second one in a differentcolor.就会回去再买一件同款不同色的Which I hope is not the case with your baby. 希望你们的宝宝不会是不同色I know you guys are freaked out, but you're great parents, 我知道你们吓坏了但你们是很好的父母and if you ever need help, we are here for you. 你们如果需要帮忙我们随时都在Y eah, anything at all, just ask. 是啊不管什么忙开口就是了Ooh, you know what you could do? 你知道你们能做什么吗Y ou could have a baby, too. 你们可以也生个宝宝I'm sorry, what? 不好意思你说什么No, that's a great idea, we could go through it together. 真是个好主意我们可以一起经历这个过程Wouldn't that be fun? 那一定会很好玩对吧Y ou guys were just saying 你们刚刚才在说how freaked out and miserable you are. 你们有多害怕多凄惨I say a lot of crazy things. 我经常说疯话I'm pregnant and hormonal. 毕竟我怀孕了体内激素发生变化Do it! Have a baby, do it! 快点生个宝宝干起来Come on, it'd be so cute, our kids playing together? 那画面超级萌我们的孩子在一起玩耍What do you say, why don't you two hit the old mattress 怎么样你们俩快去把床单滚起and whip up a family? 赶紧搞出个娃娃来Okay, we're not gonna have a baby 我们才不会为了让你们开心just to make you guys feel better. 就赶紧生孩子呢Y eah, if we're gonna have a baby it's gonna be when we are ready, 想让我俩生孩子除非是我们准备好了or when I'm certain Penny is gonna leave me. 或者我确定佩妮要抛弃我了Exactly. 没错They're my friends, and I should be happy for them. 他们都是我的朋友我应该为他们高兴A-And I'm trying, 我也努力过了but all I feel is this gnawing, empty sensation in my gut. 但我只感到满腹纠结和莫名的空虚I had that once. 我也曾有过这种感觉Turned out it was a tapeworm. 后来发现是我肚子长了绦虫Cool. Uh... 好吧...It's just...it's hard talking to my other friends about this, 只是... 这种事很难跟其他朋友聊but I knew you would understand. 但我想你可以理解我Why is that? 为什么Because you and I are both alone, 因为你和我都是单身狗which is actually kind of comforting, 想想还真是抚慰人心because at least we can be alone together. 至少我们单着的路上有个伴Mm. This is-this is awkward. 这真是太尴尬了I, um, I was actually gonna close up a little early tonight 我今晚本来打算提早关店'cause I have a date. 因为我要去约会Really? 真的吗Y eah. 真的Forgive me if I'm having trouble being happy for you. 请原谅我无法为你感到开心Don't be silly, I'm loving your pain. 傻瓜痛在你身乐在我心Is this how our marriage is going to be? 这会是我俩结婚以后的状态吗Sometimes people will be more interested 有时候人们会更愿意和她说话in talking to her than to me? 而不是和我说话吗Are you sitting in a bathroom? 你现在人在厕所吗Y es. 是的I needed a place to storm off to 我需要一个能让我摔门冲入的地方and it was all that was available.这里是唯一可以的地方Fine. 好吧But if I hear a flush, this conversation is over. 但如果有冲马桶的声音谈话就结束了Those people were in the presence of a world-classmind,这些人都有着世界级水准的智慧and all they wanted to talk about was their ownnonsense.而他们却只想聊那些无聊废话Can you see the irony in that statement? 你能听出其中的讽刺意味吗How about now? 听出来没How about now? 现在呢I'll wait. 我会等待的Surprise. 惊喜Oh, crap, is it our anniversary? 糟了今天是我们的纪念日吗No. Wait. 不等一下No. No. 不不是All right, so what are we celebrating? 好吧那我们到底是庆祝什么事Well, you know, Bernadette and Howard are pregnantagain,你知道博纳黛特和霍华德又怀孕了and Amy and Sheldon are getting married.艾米和谢尔顿也要结婚了I didn't want you to feel left out. 我不想让你感到受冷落Ah. Left out? 什么受冷落吗Well, Bernadette has to grow a baby inside of her, 博纳黛特肚子里要长一个小宝宝and Amy has to marry one. 艾米马上要嫁给另一个小宝宝My life is great. 我的人生非常圆满So do you not want the cake? 所以你不想吃这蛋糕了吗Try and take it away, see what happens. 你把它端走试试看你怎么死Oh, crap, it is our anniversary. 糟了今天真是我们结婚纪念日Happy anniversary! 结婚纪念日快乐Amy. 艾米There's something I need to say to you. 有些事我要告诉你I'm listening. 我听着呢I've been thinking about the A vengers. 我一直在想复仇者联盟I believe that. 我相信But I don't think that's something you needed to say tome.但我觉得这没什么好跟我说的I realized that Iron Man is great. 我意识到钢铁侠超屌And also, that Captain America is great. 但同时美国队长也很不错And sometimes, Iron Man is in a Captain America movie, 有时钢铁侠还会出现在美国队长的电影里and he's not mad it's not an Iron Man movie. 他也不会因为这不是钢铁侠电影而生气Y ou know, he can fly in, give the audience a thrill, 他只是帅气飞来让观众热血沸腾and then fly away. 然后再霸气飞走And that should've been me tonight. 我今夜就应该那么做I should've been the delightful cameo in your movie. 我应该当你电影中的讨喜配角Thank you, Sheldon. 谢谢你谢尔顿Instead, I was like the Hulk, and I... 相反的我表现得像暴怒的绿巨人一样...Okay, please stop talking about the A vengers. 够了请不要再提复仇者联盟了Anyway. 总而言之I'm proud of you. 我为你骄傲And I'm going to try to do a better job 我以后会尽量学习分享目光焦点of sharing the spotlight because we're a team. 因为我们是同一个队的Y ou know? Much like t-the Dodgers. 你懂吗我们就像是棒球道奇队的球员If they had superpowers, and fought crime. 如果他们有超能力会打击犯罪And Thor was in them. 而且雷神索尔也在里面Sheldon, I know this isn't easy, 谢尔顿我知道这很不容易but you'll have a whole lifetime to practice. 但你会有一辈子来慢慢练习I-It could take that long, I'm really bad at it. 也许真的需要这么久我对此非常不在行Y ou know, maybe, um, 也许...I should start right now, and go back to Pasadena 我该从现在开始赶紧回帕萨迪纳and let you have this experience to yourself. 让你好好享受这一切Y ou just want to go back 你就是想回到那个'cause that's where everybody makes a fuss over you. 大家都稀罕你的地方吧Y ou know, your colleagues are right, you are brilliant. 你的同事说得对你真是冰雪聪明3个月后Hello. 你们好呀‭H e y. ‭A my, welcome back. 艾米欢迎回来Oh, l-let me see the ring. 让我看看订婚戒指Ooh, nice. 美死了H-Hey, her eyes are up there. 喂喂别乱看呀I-Is that the woman who kissed Sheldon? 那就是亲了谢尔顿的女人吗- Uh... Could be. - Hard to say. Tell us about Princeton. -有可能-很难说跟我们说说普林斯顿的事Excuse me for a minute. 等我一下Not-- well, we'll catch up later. 不我们待会再聊吧This is going to be the biggest smackdown 这将是自从我的阿姨在家族聚会上since my Aunt Noopur showed up at the family reunion 和我•表姐穿了同样的沙丽之后wearing the same sari as my cousin Sruti. 最大的一次撕逼大战了Dr. Nowitzki? 诺维茨基博士Dr. Fowler. Um, hello. 福勒博士你好Thank you. Thank you so much. 谢谢我衷心谢谢你全家第2集Maybe you should offer it to the pregnant lady. E02或许你该让给怀孕的那位女士And that would be... 那位女士是...Me, Sheldon. 我啊谢尔顿I'm obviously pregnant. 我孕相多明显啊Well, you never said it to my face. 因为你还没当面跟我说过And the last time I assumed a woman was pregnant, 我上一次想当然地认为一名女士怀孕时it did not go over well.结果还挺糟糕的Y eah, I'm still mad at you. 是的我还在生你气呢Y ou were drinking water instead of wine. 你这酒鬼当时居然在喝白开水What was I supposed to think? 我这么想有错吗Sheldon's right. 谢尔顿说得对I would never ask a woman if she was pregnant, 我永远不会问一个女士是不是怀孕unless she tells me or I see a human being 除非是她告诉我或是我看到有人类wiggling out of her. 从她下面被拉出来Well, Sheldon, I'm pregnant. 谢尔顿我怀孕了Congratulations. How far along are you? 恭喜你啊怀孕多久了About three months. 大概三个月吧Only three? 才三个月吗Good gravy, how many babies are in there? 天啊你肚子里是装的是几胞胎啊Okay, let's talk about something 够啦咱们来聊一些that won't infuriate my pregnant wife. 不会让我的孕妻暴怒的话题吧I read an interesting fact about elephants. 我读了一个有关大象的有趣知识Try again. 再换一个Oh, I've got something. 我想到啦I'm being interviewed on public radio this Friday. 这周五我要接受电台访谈啦Oh, cool. How come? 厉害为什么呢Uh, the university is trying to get more funding 大学希望物理系能获得for the physics department, 更多研究资金so they want me to go out and talk it up. 所以就派我出马啊Really? Y ou? 真的吗派你啊Well, they picked the right person for the job. 那他们还真是请对人了Thank you. 真是谢谢啊I think he bought it. 我觉得他信了Hi, I'm Ira Flatow, and this is Science Friday. 欢迎收听《科学星期五》我是艾拉·菲莱知名电台主持人曾在第本剧7季第10集客串过Joining me today is my guest physicist, Dr. Leonard 今天的嘉宾是物理学家莱纳德·霍夫Hofstadter, 斯塔德to talk about all of the exciting research 他要来跟我们聊他在加州理工they're doing at Cal Tech. 所做的那些激动人心的研究Thank you for having me. Whoa... 感谢贵节目给我这个机会...Could never get used to hearing myself in headphones. 还是没办法习惯在耳机里听到自己的声音Is that really how I sound? 我的声音听起来真是这样吗It is. It is. 是的真是That is good to know. 很高兴知道这点I told him his voice was annoying. 我跟他说过他的声音很惹人厌He didn't want to listen. 他就是不听Hey. 喂Y ou're saying it's not? 难道你觉得不烦人吗Just... hey. 就... 喂...So, it has been five years 所以打从五年前since the discovery of the Higgs boson-- 希格斯玻色子被证实存在后what's the next big thing gonna be? 您觉得下一个科学界大事是什么Wow, that's hard to say. 这很难说啊There's so much going on. 有太多大事在发生了We've been collecting tons of data 我们一直在搜集大量的数据that could revolutionize the way we understand the universe. 而这数据有可能颠覆我们对宇宙的理解For instance, there's a particle called a squark, 比如说有个粒子叫超对称性夸克which could prove supersymmetry. 它能证明超对称性That is interesting. Have you found it? 有意思那你们找到了吗- What, the squark? - Y es. -什么那个夸克吗-对啊No, no. 没还没Wouldn't that be exciting? 找到了就神作了But we're also looking for the selectron, 但我们也在试着找出超电子the gluino and the neutralino.胶微子与超中微子都是理论物理学家提出的物理模型中假想的一些粒子\N基本没有切实的实验依据很可能并不存在- Well, and have you found that? - No. -那找到那些了吗-没有Another fun sidenote-- 插个有趣小故事I went to high school with a girl named Theresa Gluino,我我有个高中同学名叫特丽莎·胶微子but it didn't cost $2 billion to find her. 但要找到她并不需要花二十亿She was smoking behind the gym. 她总躲在体育馆后面抽着烟So, what have you found? 那你们发现了什么Uh, nothing, actually.其实什么都没发现Should he be saying that? 他可以说这话吗Uh, probably not. 应该不可以。


-Leonard:Thank you.
-Howard:Well, I love birthdays.
Waking up to Mom's special French toast breakfast,
wearingthe birthday king crown, playing laser tag with all my friends...
and I could smell German chocolate cake,
whichis my favorite.
-Leonard:It turns out my grandfather had died.
-Penny:Yeah, see? That's what kids should have.
-Howard:Actually, that was last year.
-Penny:So you really never had a birthday party?
-Penny:That's thesadestthing I've ever heard.
-Howard:You think?
Goahead,tell her about your senior prom.



目录第13集 (2)第14集 (13)第15集 (23)第16集 (35)第13集Hey! Look what I got everybody. E013看看我给大家带什么来了Newspapers? 报纸吗Did you find a portal back to the 1990s? 你是找到回90年代的传送门了吗No. If he had that, he'd be trying to prevent NSYNC 不是如果他有这能耐早就回去阻止from breaking up. 超级男孩的解散了Oh, please. I'm glad they broke up. 拜托我很庆幸他们解散了Otherwise, Justin would never have brought sexy back. 不然成员贾斯丁就不会让"性感回归[作品]"了One thing you can't get on an iPad, 有一种平板电脑没有的东西the smell of ink and paper. 墨水和纸张的味道One more reason iPads are better. 又多了一个平板电脑更好的理由They reviewed my planetarium show. 他们评论了我的天文台节目Y eah. It's on page three of the Arts and Leisure section. 就在艺术与休闲版的第三页Oh, look, they still have Far Side. 看居然还有刊登知名讽刺漫画《远端》Oh, I don't get that one. 这个笑话我没懂Oh, he's pushing when he should be pulling. 他应该是要拉而不是推I don't think he belongs in that gifted school, then. 那我觉得他不应该去上那家天才学校- What are you doing? - Making a boat. -你在干嘛-折纸船When I was a kid, my dad showed me how. 我小时候我爸教我折的Boy, you'll do anything to avoid reading.天啊为了逃避阅读你真是花样百出Guys, it's under "Things to do this weekend." 各位是在"周末可做的活动"栏位里I can't find it. What does it say? 我找不到啊写了什么That it's a thing to do this weekend. 说值得周末去看一下That's great, Raj. Congratulations. 很棒啊拉杰恭喜你啊Y ou know, while we're bragging, 趁着在互相显摆The Journal of Prosthetic Medicine 《假体医学期刊》报道了我跟霍华德一起合作的项目呢just wrote up the project that Howard and I areworking on.Well, you didn't tell me that. 你没跟我说过啊Oh, it just came out. It's just a little blurb. 才刚出啦就一小段而已Oh, well, good for you. 恭喜你啊Y ou know, Bert and I have started isolating zircons 我跟伯特也开始了从陨石中from meteorites for our dark matter search. 孤立出皓石来进行暗物质的研究Oh. Well, how nice. 很棒啊Everyone's doing impressive work. 大家最近的工作都好棒棒啊What have you been working on these days? 那你最近都在做些什么研究呢Whoa, whoa. Where'd that come from? 哎哟喂这一枪是从哪打来的Where did what come from? 什么枪是哪里打来I try to be supportive, 我尽量地支持大家and you break out the hot lights and the rubber hose. 你却直接对我严刑逼供I just asked what you've been working on. 我只是问了你最近在研究什么Oh, my God, let it go. 要命了别问了好吗Do you believe this guy? 你看这人I did it! 我成功啦See? It's a... it's a boat. 看到没是一艘船It's also a hat. 还是一顶帽子呢Okay, how do you want to play this? 来吧你想怎么来Do you want to pretend like nothing's bothering you 是假装你没有任何烦心事and blow up later, or do you just want to be 然后之后突然爆发还是你干脆一点a maniac right now? 现在就开始发疯Nothing is bothering me. 我没有烦心事啊Fine. Be that way. 行那就这么着If you want to talk, I'll be flushing my sinuses. 但如果你想聊我就在旁边洗鼻子Wait. 等等I have a confession. 我有件事想坦白When I berated Leonard, 当我怒斥莱纳德时it was a clever ruse to conceal the fact 其实那是我巧妙地掩盖that I'm not working on anything. 我最近屁事儿都没干的烟幕弹Well, I think I speak for everyone 我觉得我的话能代表大家的心声when I say, "No!" 那就是"真的假的"The truth is I have nothing of interest to pursue. 其实我最近没有任何感兴趣的项目Well, maybe this is the perfect opportunity 或许现在是个很棒的机会to take some time for yourself and refocus. 来沉淀自己重新找到方向I'm sure you'll find something you're excited about. 我相信你一定能找到你感兴趣的研究方向Thank you, Amy. 谢谢你艾米I don't know what I'd do without you. 没有你我真不知道该怎么办Hey, can I stay here? Sheldon kicked me out. 我能待在这里吗谢尔顿把我踢出来了Well, is everything okay? 没事吧Y eah. He just wants some alone time to work. 没事啦他只是想独处做些工作Fine. Make yourself at home. 那好当自己家吧Y eah. We were just about to watch a little TV. 对啊我们正打算看点电视节目Y ou're welcome to join us. 欢迎你跟我们一起看啊Thanks. I'll be right with you. 谢谢我马上过来看I just have to, uh, do my neti pot. 等我先洗一下鼻子就行So what are you guys gonna watch? 你们打算看什么呢Okay. 好了你觉得我们开场应该用哪首歌Hey, uh, what do you think we should open our showwith?Uh, "Thor and Doctor Jones" "雷神索尔与博士琼斯"or "Let's Get Astrophysical"? 还是"更太空物理[亲密]点吧"I don't know. I think we should start with something 不知道了我觉得开场应该用that gets them up on their feet. 会让他们站起来的热血歌曲Maybe "Sherlock Around the Clock." 或许"马不停蹄夏洛克"吧Great, yeah. Uh, let's give it a try. 不错有道理来试试Halley's napping! Keep it down! 哈雷在午睡小声点Oh. Right. Sorry. 好对不起It's cool. We don't need volume to rock. 没事我们摇滚不靠大声Instead of blowing the roof off this place, 不用把屋顶嗨到掀飞we can gently lift it off 我们就温柔地举起屋顶and set it quietly down in the backyard. 再轻轻将它放到后院Okay. 好One, two, three, four. 一二三四♪Holmes said to Watson ♪♪福尔摩斯对华生说话♪♪On Baker Street ♪♪在他们贝克街♪♪Come on, Doctor ♪♪出发吧医生♪♪Time to move them feet ♪♪是时候该出发了♪Sing it with us. 跟我们一起唱♪Sherlock, Sherlock ♪♪夏洛克夏洛克♪♪Sherlock around the clock ♪♪马不停蹄夏洛克♪We can't hear you. 再唱大声点♪Sherlock, Sherlock ♪♪夏洛克夏洛克♪♪Sherlock around the clock ♪♪马不停蹄夏洛克♪Nice going. 干得漂亮啊Sorry. Sorry. I'll get her. 对不起抱歉我去哄她One sec. 稍等Y ou bought diapers, right? 你买尿布了对吧Be right back. 马上回来Rock and roll! 摇滚万岁Okay. Scratch paper, check. 好的草稿纸有了Whiteboard, check. 白板有了Chex Mix, check. 综合零嘴有了And here we go. 正式开始Oh, dang it. 靠Hello, Mother. 你好啊妈妈Hi there, Shelly. Y ou will never believe 你好啊谢利你绝对想不到who I ran into at the barbecue festival. 烧烤节上我遇见谁了I am right in the middle of some very important work. 我正忙着很重要的工作呢I don't have time for this right now. 我现在没空聊这些有的没的Then why did you answer the phone? 那你为什么接我电话Because you raised me to be polite.因为你教育我做人要有礼貌Now stop bothering me. 不要再干扰我了Hello again. 再次问好Who did you see at the barbecue festival? 你在烧烤节上遇到谁了Mr. Watkins. 沃特金斯先生Really? 不是吧Y ou called me and interrupted my work to tell me 你在我工作到一半的时候打电话干扰我that you ran into somebody you could plausibly run into? 就为了这个你本来就有可能遇到的人吗I'm sorry, Mother, I really need to focus here. 对不起妈我真的得专心工作了I will speak to you next week. 我下周再跟您联系Okay, sweetheart. I'll talk to you then. 好亲爱的我们下周聊I thought Mr. Watkins moved to Florida.沃特金斯先生不是搬去佛罗里达了吗He did. He was back visiting his son. 是啊他回来看他儿子Oh, gosh darn it, that is interesting. 要亲命了还真是有趣Was it Tommy or Joe? 是看汤米还是看乔I bet it was Joe, 'cause he and Tommy had a falling out 应该是看乔吧他跟汤米因为over that time-share. 分时度假的事闹了不愉快Y ou guys do anything fun after dinner? 你们昨天晚餐后有做什么好玩的事吗Well, actually Amy came back over and we hung out. 艾米后来又回我家我们一起玩了Did you know that we're both spelling bee champs? 你知道我们都曾是拼字比赛冠军吗We stayed up for hours trying to stump each other. 我们熬了好几个小时试图打败对方Who won? 谁赢了Oh, she thought she had me with "Appoggiatura," 她以为她能用花音[装饰音的一种]打败我but I shut that down expeditiously.但我以迅雷不及掩耳之势灭了她E-x-p-e-d-i-t-i-o-u-s-l-y. 卂辶雨田不及扌奄耳之执力Expeditiously. 迅雷不及掩耳之势I bet that made Penny take off all of her clothes. 我猜你"威猛"的样子让佩妮宽衣解带Put her pajamas on and then go to bed early. 再换上睡衣早早睡觉去了吧At, like, 9:00. 对啊九点就去睡了Oh, are we still on for band practice this evening? 我们今晚还练团吗Oh, shoot. 我靠I promised I would take Halley over to Bernadette'sparents.我答应了带哈雷去我岳父岳母家- Dude, the gig is, like, next weekend. - I know. -兄弟表演就在这周末呢-我知道I'm sorry. I really want to do this, 对不起我真的很想好好演出but I just don't think I have the time. 但我好像真的没有时间Okay. I-I guess I'll have to cancel. 好吧那我可能只能取消演出了Toby Greenbaum will have to become a man without us. 托比·格林鲍姆不能在我们的加持下长大了Too bad, you guys kill at bar mitzvahs. 太可惜了你们可是成年礼之王啊And other events that people can't leave. 在其他观众不能随便走的活动也是一霸I don't want to be the one who breaks up the band. 我不想成为拆散乐队的人Y ou know, maybe you should... 但或许你应该...think about replacing me. 想想找谁来代替我- Okay. - I mean, -好啊-我意思是I know it'll be hard since we... 我知道这很难因为我们...Oh, I bet Bert could do it. He plays guitar.我觉得伯特能行他会弹吉他I'm gonna go ask him. 我去问问他I guess he forgot that I play the cello.我猜他忘了我会拉大提琴I-I don't think he did. 我觉得他并没有忘Okay, I think it's ready. 好了我觉得已经准备就绪Should we put on safety goggles? 我们要戴护目镜吗Well, the funnest fun is the safest fun, so yes. 最安全的乐子就是最有趣的乐子当然戴Oh, Amy, you're here... again. 艾米你又... 返场啦Y eah, Sheldon said he needed another night to work, 谢尔顿说他需要再多一晚独处工作so I said I'd give him some space. 所以我就说那我给他空间So what's all this? 这是在干嘛Well, Amy and I were talking about old science fair projects, 我跟艾米在聊以前做过的科学展览报告and how fun it would be to recreate them. 然后就想到重新做一次会多有意思We're making hot ice. 我们要做热冰It's pretty cool. 很酷[冷]Nice one. 好哏Turns out we both did this 我们发现我们两人as our science fair projects in ninth grade. 都为九年级的科学展览报告做了这个Do you remember any of your high school projects? 你还记得你高中时期做过什么吗Uh, well, I remember telling Jenny Runyon 我还记得跟珍妮·鲁尼恩说that I would teach her how to flirt with boys 我愿意教她怎么勾引男生if she put my name on her project. 只要她在科学报告上写我名字就行I got an "A," She got pregnant. 我喜获了"A" 她喜获麟儿Girls like you are why I had to come straight homeafter school.你这样的女孩害我放学得立刻回家Check this out. 看好了Look at that. 我看看Wow, that's amazing. 这好厉害啊The crystallization is an exothermic process, 它的结晶是一种放热过程so the ice is actually hot. 所以这个冰是热的- I won first place for this. - So did I. -这作品让我得了第一-我也是I threw Jenny's baby shower. 我为珍妮举办了迎婴派对Oh, hey, in seventh grade, 七年级的时候I built a cobra wave. Y ou want to do that? 我做了眼镜蛇波你想来做这个吗Oh, we can come up with a wave speed formula, 我们可以想出波速公式and see how accurately we can predict the amplitude. 看看我们能多精准地预测它的振幅Wow, I didn't think anything could top 哇我还以为昨晚的last night's spelling bee, but here comes math. 拼字大赛已经登峰造极但数学更高一筹啊I'm sorry, we-we don't have to do more experiments. 抱歉我们可以不继续做实验Let's do something we can all enjoy. 来做点我们大家都喜欢做的事吧Hey, uh, you want to watch that show you like 你想来看你喜欢的那个节目where people want to buy a house and then they do? 就是有人想买房子然后就去买了的节目吗No, no, you guys do your experiments. 不不不你们做实验吧I'll go pick up dinner. 我去带晚饭回来Are you sure? 你确定吗Y eah, you're having science fun, 对啊你们在享受科学and I don't want to interfere, or watch you. 我不想打扰你们也不想看Did I actually do it? 我真的算出来了吗I did. I did. 真的耶真的The answer is one in 18 million.答案是1800万分之一What is? 什么东西是The odds of you running into Mr. Watkins. 你遇见沃特金斯先生的几率啊Oh, Shelly. I have bad news. 谢利我有个坏消息Mr. Watkins passed this morning. 沃特金斯先生今早去世了Oh, I'm-I'm sorry. 我很遗憾I know. What are the odds of that? 是啊得什么几率才碰到这种事啊Call you back. 晚点打给你Now let's calculate the amplitude!现在我们来计算振幅吧All right! 好哒Sheldon? Sheldon? Sheldon? 谢尔顿谢尔顿谢尔顿It's annoying when you do it. 你学我这么敲时很烦人I brought pizza. 我给你带了披萨Oh, thank you. 谢谢I have been working pretty hard. 我一直在埋头苦干I-I could use a break. 也该休息一下了What's that? 那是什么Oh, yeah, that is an experiment 那个啊是一个实验to see how many parallelograms I could draw 看看我憋着气不呼吸时while holding my breath. 能画几个平行四边形Is that where you blacked out? 你是在那个地方昏过去的吗No, actually, 不其实that's where I blacked out. 那里才是我真正昏过去的地方And this? 这个呢That is a list 这是一张清单of all the different types of natural disasters. 上面列出了全部不同类型的自然灾害"Fire-quake"? "火震"I made that one up. 那个是我瞎编的Which I shouldn't have, because now I'm scared of it. 其实我不该这么做现在我害怕它真会发生Hey, I thought you were working on actual science. 我还以为你研究的是真正的科学呢I am. 是啊I'm trying to come up with a new approach to darkmatter,我试图想出研究暗物质的新思路but people keep distracting me. 但总有人让我分心First, my mother kept answering the phone when Icalled,首先是我妈我一打电话她就接even though she knew I was busy. 即便她知道我忙得不行And now you show up with my favorite shape of food-- 而现在你又带着我最喜欢的形状食物出现a circle made of triangles served in a square box. 由三角形组成的圆形被装进正方形的盒子里Maybe I'll just eat this in the laundry room. 要不我还是去洗衣房吃算了No, no. Wait. 别别等等Y ou don't have to go, 你不用走as long as you sit quietly and don't say anything. 你只要乖乖坐好别出声就行Fine. 好吧Good. 好吃Are you mocking me? 你是在模仿嘲讽我吗Hey, you want to hear one of my geology songs? 你想不想听我其中一首地质学歌So it's about rocks? 是关于岩石的吗Better. It's about a boulder. 比这厉害多了是关于巨石的Isn't that the same thing? 本质不都是石头吗Far from it. 远非如此A boulder has a diameter greater than 25.6 centimeters. 巨石的直径通常大于25.6厘米Is that fact in the song? 这知识也在那歌里吗No. 没有Y es. 有啦It's sung from the viewpoint of the boulder 歌词唱的是追赶that chases Indiana Jones. 印第安纳·琼斯的那块巨石{\an8\fn微软雅黑\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}《夺宝奇兵1》中曾出现主角被巨石穷追不舍的经典桥段That's right up our alley. Let's hear it. 那正好符合我们的风格唱来听听吧♪Alone in my temple in the middle of Peru ♪♪秘鲁深处独守古庙♪♪A giant stone ball with nothing much to do ♪♪巨石如我无事可做♪♪But if you steal my idol ♪♪谁敢偷我神像♪♪I will roll right over you ♪♪直接把你压扁♪♪'Cause I'm six tons of granite and micaceous schist ♪♪因为我是六吨重的花岗岩和云母片岩♪♪Y eah, I'm six tons of granite and ♪♪没错六吨重的花岗岩♪♪Micaceous schist ♪♪和云母片岩♪♪Y eah, I'm six tons of granite and, uh, micaceous schist ♪♪因为我是六吨重的花岗岩和云母片岩♪♪Y eah, I'm six tons of granite ♪♪没错六吨重的花岗岩♪♪And, uh, micaceous schist ♪♪和云母片岩♪So, I think if we want to predict the height of the wave, 我觉得如果想预测起伏的高度we need to use elasticity theory 我们需要用到弹性理论and model the lattice 还要将格架作为as one continuous flexible piece. 一个连续柔性块的模型This is fun. 这真有意思Playing with Popsicle sticks, 一边玩冰棒棍exploring ways to store kinetic energy. 一边探索存储动能的方式It's like preschool all over again. 仿佛又回到了幼儿园Except now if I eat paste, it's because I want to, 除了现在如果我要吃浆糊是因为我想吃not because Craig Schultz is making me. 而不是因为克雷格·舒尔茨逼我Hey, can I ask you a question? 我能问你个问题吗Is it, "Where was the teacher?" 是要问"当时老师在哪儿"吗She was in the bathroom smoking, that's where. 她在洗手间抽烟呢就是那儿It wasn't, but I'm glad to see you've moved on. 不是啦不过我很高兴你走出阴霾了I was gonna ask if being married felt any different. 我本来是要问结婚不结婚有什么不一样Oh. Uh... not really. 好像...没什么不一样Sorry. That probably wasn't the answer you werelooking for.抱歉这可能不是你想听到的答案No, actually it is. 不恰恰就是I mean, Sheldon and I are in a really great place right now, 我的意思是我和谢尔顿现在的感情非常好and I just, I don't want anything to mess that up. 我不想让任何事情破坏它Y ou do remember you're here 你没忘记你之所以在这儿because he kicked you out of your apartment? 是因为他把你从你们家踢出来吧Y es. 没忘啊His work is important to him. 他的工作对他很重要It's one of the things I find 这正是我觉得他the sexiest about him. 性感的地方之一Well, that and... 这个还有......his butt. 他的小翘臀And then I was thinking about 那时我在考虑要不要inventing a new dark matter particle 创造一种新的暗物质粒子to evade the omega baryon constraints, 避开Ω粒子约束but that just seems like something anyone could come up with. 但那没难度感觉随便一个人都能想出来Agreed. 同意Y ou know what's blowing my mind? 你知道什么让我惊讶吗Somebody thought about putting cheese in this crust. 居然有人想出把芝士塞进披萨边里I just wish I could find something that excites me. 我就是希望我能找到能引起我兴趣的事物Y ou do understand that crust doesn't normally 你能理解通常披萨边里面come with cheese in it? 是不会有芝士的吧Okay, all right, look.好吧好吧听着What got you excited about dark matter in the firstplace?暗物质一开始是哪点吸引了你的兴趣Well, I left string theory, 当时我放弃了弦理论which I'd been working on for a long time, 那个方向其实我已经研究了很长时间了and everyone was talking about how cool dark matterwas,人人都在谈论暗物质有多酷and I thought, "Well, sure, I'll give that a whirl" 于是我就想"行吧我来试试"So it's your rebound science? 所以它是你的备胎科学What's that? 什么意思Well, not the science you spend the rest of your life with, 意思就是暗物质不是你想共度余生的科学but the one you use to make yourself feel pretty again. 只是能让你重新自我感觉良好Well, if I'm being honest, 如果要我老实说I never forgot about string theory. 我这辈子都忘不了弦理论It's remarkable. 它太出色了It's the closest we've come to a theory of everything, 它是目前我们最接近能解释一切的一种理论something even Einstein couldn't figure out. 甚至连爱因斯坦都想不明白Well, if he couldn't figure it out, maybe it's just wrong. 如果他都想不明白或许其本身就是错的But it's so elegant. 但它那么优雅I mean, look, string theory posits 我是说听着弦理论假定that the fundamental particles we see in threedimensions我们在三维空间看见的基本粒子are actually strings embedded in multidimensionalspace-time.其实是嵌在多维时空的弦Interesting. 有意思So that would mean... 所以那就是说...that... 那个...Can't do this by myself, buddy. 该配合我的演出你视而不见What is happening? 你在搞什么鬼I was trying not to wake you. 我试着尽量不吵醒你Did it work? 成功了吗Sorry. 抱歉I just realized, 我刚意识到now that I'm not in the band, 现在我不组乐队了I can focus on my own music. 我可以专注搞我自己的音乐了Y ou know? Go solo. 就是单飞啊Y ou said you were taking a break from the band 你说你是暂别乐队to help with me and the baby. 好照顾我和宝宝Y es, and write an astronaut musical. 对啊还有写一出宇航员音乐剧Picture this. The curtain opens. 想象一下幕布拉开There's a lone astronaut floating 一位宇航员独自飘浮在in the inky blackness of space. 漆黑的太空Maybe wires, maybe fog. 或许有各种线或许有雾I'll let the director figure that out. 这交给导演去想吧♪I really don't know when ♪♪真不知道何时♪♪I'll run out of oxy... gen. ♪♪我会缺氧而...死♪Good news! I'm back in the band! 好消息我重回乐队了So, Bernadette doesn't mind? 伯纳黛特不介意了吗It was her idea! 是她提议让我回来的So it's sort of like a guitar string, 所以这有点像吉他弦but instead of making an actual sound, 但它不会发出真正的声音each vibration is a different particle. 每一次振动是一种不同的粒子Precisely. And when you express it in 11 dimensions, 完全正确当你在11维空间弹时Einstein's relativity equations pop out. 爱因斯坦的相对论方程会出现Does that sound like a coincidence? 那听起来像是巧合吗- It does not. - Y up. -不像-对That's what I think. 我就是这么想的So, so, did we do it? Did we just solve string theory? 所以我们成功了吗我们刚是解出了弦理论吗I appreciate your enthusiasm, 我不想打击你的热情but this is not the sort of thing 但这可不是我们we can figure out in a night. 一晚上就能想明白的事情People have been stuck on this for decades. 人们研究了好几十年都没有突破呢Well, decades? Really? 几十年太扯了吧It's-it's a string. How hard can it be? 不就是一根弦吗能有多难啊It's straight, it's in a loop, 它是直的循环的it gets knotted up with other strings. Uh... 跟其他弦打结系在一起Well, actually there are no knots 其实超过四维后in anything greater than four dimensions. 任何事物不可能存在结点Ooh, unless 除非...we get around that by considering them as sheets. 我们绕过这一点把结点看成片状Y ou know, topologically speaking, 拓扑地来说that has a lot of interesting possibilities. 那就有很多有趣的可能性了See? How long did that take me, like a minute? 瞧我花了多长时间有一分钟吗Thought you were getting us dinner. 我以为你去给我们带饭了呢Sorry. I had to stop at Sheldon's 抱歉我得去谢尔顿家and help him solve string theory. 帮他解决弦理论What? 什么Y eah, turns out the answer's knots. 是啊结果发现答案是结点That's cute, but you can't have knots 想法挺可爱但超过四维后in more than four dimensions. 不可能存在结点Mm, you can if you consider them sheets. 如果你将其看成片状就存在啊Good night. 晚安啦What up, my Hebrews and She-brews?! 各位好我的希伯来弟和希伯来妹We are Footprints on the Moon. 我们是月球足迹乐队Toby, today you are a man, 托比今天你成年了and you will face many obstacles in life. 今后你会在生活中面临很多障碍有一些障碍会让你觉得犹如巨石And some of those obstacles are gonna feel likeboulders.This first song is about the greatest boulder 第一首歌是关于电影史上in the history of cinema. 最伟大的巨石One, two, three. 一二三♪Alone in my temple in the middle of Peru ♪♪秘鲁深处独守古庙♪♪A giant stone ball with nothing much to do ♪♪巨石如我无事可做♪♪But if you steal my idol ♪♪谁敢偷我神像♪♪I will roll right over you ♪♪直接把你压扁♪♪'Cause I'm six tons of granite ♪♪因为我是六吨重的花岗岩♪♪And micaceous schist ♪♪和云母片岩♪♪Y eah, I'm six tons of granite and ♪♪没错六吨重的花岗岩♪♪Micaceous schist ♪♪和云母片岩♪♪I'm gonna crush you, I'm gonna mush you ♪♪我要压碎你我要碾扁你♪♪Y ou took my idol, I'm homicidal ♪♪你偷我神像你尸体已凉♪♪Gonna roll over you till your brains come out ♪♪我要把你碾得肝脑涂地♪♪压得你骨头粉碎血肉横飞♪♪And your bones will crunch and your blood willspout! ♪I'm not just a rock, baby, 我不仅仅是块石头宝贝I'm also a boulder. 我还是块巨石♪'Cause I'm six tons of granite ♪♪因为我是六吨重的花岗岩♪♪Micaceous schist ♪♪和云母片岩♪♪Y eah, I'm six tons of granite and ♪♪没错六吨重的花岗岩♪♪Micaceous schist ♪♪和云母片岩♪第14集Space is the mirror of the soul. E014宇宙是灵魂的镜子Are we looking beyond, or are we looking within? 我们是瞭望远方还是照进内心呢I'm looking at my shoes. 我是看向鞋子This is making me a little motion sick. 我都看得有点晕乎了When we gaze out at the immensities of space, 当我们凝望着无止尽的宇宙we understand them because there are immensities 我们能了解到这是因为我们的内心within us as well. 也是无限大I'm Dr. Rajesh Koothrappali,我是拉杰什·库萨帕里博士and thank you for taking a walk with me... 感谢各位与我一起through the stars. 漫步群星之中That pause gets longer every show. 他收尾的停顿一次比一次长I believe... 我觉得...you're right. 你说得没错Hey. 你好Can I get a picture with you? 我能跟你合照一张吗Absolutely. 没问题And if you post it on social media,如果你要发到社交平台I suggest the hashtag "Koothra-poet." 我建议你加个话题#库萨诗里# Thank you. The show was great. 谢谢你节目很棒Well, I can't take all the credit. 这不全是我一个人的功劳I have pretty good co-stars. 我有一群很棒的明星配角The stars. 一群明"星"Do you say that to everyone? 你对每个人都说这套词吗Only to beautiful women. 只对美女And okay women. 还有还行的女孩说Okay. 行吧Uh, just to clarify: you're the first kind. 我澄清一下你是前一类人Okay. 行吧Thanks for coming. 谢谢你们来What did you handsome gentlemen think of the show? 两位帅哥对今晚的节目有何评价Uh, you can turn it off now. 你可以收功了It's sweet of you to say, but I don't think I can. 谢谢夸奖但我的魅力能放不能收Look at this cute picture of Halley in the bath. 看看这张哈雷在泡澡的超萌照片A w, that's great. 拍得很赞啊Want me to send it to you? 要我发给你吗No, on your phone it's cute, on my phone it's a crime. 别了在你手机是可爱在我手机上是犯罪I also have a pretty cute picture to share. 我也有一张很萌的照片分享What is that? 那是什么An equation. 一个方程式Isn't it perfect? 它是不是太完美了Sometimes I just stare at it, 有时候我就这么盯着它看and I think "I can't believe that came out of me." 心想"真想不到它是我想出来的" Well, since we're sharing pictures, 既然我们要分享照片I have one to contribute. 我也可以贡献一张Please don't let it be you and your dog in the bathtub. 拜托别是你跟你狗一起泡澡的照片It's not. 并不是But don't swipe. 但别滑去看别张照片What are we looking at here? 这是什么Well, that's me and a beautiful woman 是我跟一个美女的合照and my watch showing the time as 2:30 in the morning. 而从我的手表可以看出是半夜两点半拍的So, state's exhibit "A"? 所以... 证物"A"吗No. I met her at the planetarium a few days ago, 不是啦我前几天跟她在天文台认识的and she invited me out for a drink. 她后来邀请我出去喝一杯Oh, good for you. H-Hey, 那恭喜你啊w-what's the Hindi word for "Dog"? 印地语的"狗"怎么说- Kutta. - Y ou kutta. -库塔-你这只贱库塔Bow-bow. 咆咆That's Hindi for woof-woof. 这是印地语的汪汪I am seeing her again tonight. 我今晚跟她又有约Y ou know, I also have a date tonight. 我今晚也有约呢But don't worry, it's not another woman. 但别担心不是跟别的女人It's string theory. 是跟弦理论有约Bow-bow. 咆咆Sorry, he's a kutta, you're not. 抱歉但人家才是色库塔你不算- Hi. - ?Hello. -回来了-回来啦What you doing? 你在干嘛Oh, taking another picture with my baby. 跟我的宝宝合照Look how big he got. 你看它长多大了It's fun to see you this excited. 看到你这么兴奋挺有意思的A w, thank you, that's so... 谢谢啦你人...- Don't sit there! ?- What, what? -不许坐这里-啥怎么了I, uh-- sorry. 抱歉啦I-It's part of my organization system. 这是我组织系统的一部分That's-that's where those papers go. 那里是我放论文的地方Okay. Um, how about if I just... 好吧那不如我...slide this notebook... 把这笔记本推过去...Y ou know what, it's fine. 行吧没关系I'll just be in the bedroom. 我去卧室里待着No, no. Uh, this is your apartment, too. 不用别这里也是你的公寓。


-Leonard:Oh, right, right, right, right.
-Howard:Stealing snail mail- - very old school. I like it.
-Leonard:Penny, the mailman, did it again... he... oh, sorry.
-Sheldon:Good - bye, peasants!
-Leonard:The bastard teleported!
-Raj:He's selling the sword of Asaroth on ebay.
-Leonard:Warriors, unsheathe your weapons. Magic wielders, raise your wands.
-Sheldon:Lock and load.
-Howard:Raj, blow the gates.
-Raj:Blowing the gates.
Control, shift... b!
Oh, my god, so many goblins!
-Howard:Don't just stand there, slash and move, slash and move!



- Hey, have you ever heard of the Van Nuys Comic-Con? - Yeah. It's a dinky little convention where they sell collectiblesand get sad D-list celebrities to appear. Why?I got asked to sign autographs there.That's awesome!Is this for Serial Ape-ist?Well, it could be for the monkey movie.It could be my hemorrhoid commercial.The list does not go on.- When is it? - It doesn't matter.- I'm not doing it. - What? Why not?You just said yourself, it's sad.Yeah, but it's not pathetic.That's where I draw the line.Come on! We'll have fun.I don't know.You'll have nerds fawning all over you.If you don't love that, this marriage is in trouble.I guess it wouldn't hurt to meet some fansand make a little extra money.Yeah.Wow! An appearance by George Lucas......'s dermatologist.- Oh, I want that autograph. - Oh, yeah.You know, with us living together,maybe we could think about having people over.We have people over all the time.We have the maintenance people, the pizza delivery man... ...that UPS driver who feels the need to askhow parts of me are hanging.You know what I meant.All right, fine.Let's say that we were to entertain people.What type of gathering did you have in mind?Huh? A meal? Lunch?Brunch? Dinner?Afternoon tea? A formal tea? Hmm?Is it a party?And if so, what kind of party?A cocktail party?A Tupperware party?Ooh, yeah-- is it a surprise party?Oh, I hope it's not a West Coast party,'cause according to the man on the radio,a West Coast party don't stop.I'm sorry I mentioned it.Oh, don't be. You get your hopes up,I knock them down. That's called teamwork.That's a kick.That's an actual kick.What are you doing?I felt a kick.There's a baby in there.Oh, yeah, that's where I put it.Oh, I mean, I know you're pregnant.I just...never connected the idea of pregnancyand you actually having a baby.Which MIT did you go to?Oh, God, we are not ready to have an infant in this house! We don't have a crib, we don't have diapers.We're not baby-proofed.Anyone can just walk in off the street and lift our toilet lids! Howie, we have time to do all that stuff.Do we?Look at you.Willy Wonka would roll you to the juicing room.The next person kicking you will be me.Good night.Are we even in a good school...?I warned you, and I did it.What's all this?Oh, everything we need for your autograph session--- head shots, markers. - Okay.Leonard, it's sweet you're excited about this,but it'll be a miracle if one person asks for my autograph. Are you kidding?I once paid $20 for Theo Sassler's signature.- Who's that? Oh, I don't even know.I just liked his name. Theo Sassler!Oh, and look at this.I even got a change maker.How much change you want, little lady?Oh, there's so much I want to change.Yeah, well, if it's a dollar, you're in luck.What's going on here?You expressed an interest in having people over,and I feel I dismissed it too quickly.So, I took matters into my own hands,and I arranged a brunch.Well, that's so nice.Who's coming?Oh, uh, Stuart, Bert from the geology lab,and Mrs. Petrescu from downstairs.You mean the Romanian lady on the second floor?Yes.Oh, fun story:she grew up with ten siblings.Or possibly penguins. Her English is atrocious.That's an odd mix of people.Well, for our first time hosting,I thought it would be wise to conduct a trial run.You know, like how I practiced for that Halloween haunted house by going into the bathroom at the bus station.You never went into that haunted house.You never saw what jumped out at me at the bus station. Well, thank you, Sheldon.This is a fun surprise.Well, the real surprise ishow surprised you are that I'm great at surprises.Well, that's not a surprise at all.I mean, if I knew you were good at surprises,I would have expected the surprise,and therefore not have been surprised.But as it is, I didn't know,and therefore my surprise should be unsurprising.Don't get me all randy. Guests are on the way.Hi.Hey, where you been?Oh, we went and did a little shopping for the baby.Wait till you see the crib we found.You bought a crib without me?- You're gonna love it. - Yeah.It's the highest rated one on the market.I wouldn't even call it a crib.I'd call it a Fortress of Solitude for babies.Sounds expensive.Okay, well, I may have gone a bit overboard,but you can't put a price on safety.Though if you did, it's more zeroes than you're expecting.But it's the safest crib you can buy.And if you don't like it, we can return it.- Fine. - In our new minivan.Hey, what's for lunch?You bought a minivan?!It's for the baby, and I didn't buy it.The dealer loaned it to me for a 24-hour test drive.Though we did ding up the back pretty good with the crib,so you might have bought a minivan.I don't want to drive that. It's such a mom car.The guy at the dealership saidthey're not just for moms anymore.Then again, he did think you were my husband.They thought it at the ultrasound.Why not at the car dealership?Never been on this side of the table before.I feel powerful.Really?I feel like I'm selling candy so our team can get new uniforms. Okay, so it's $4.75 for a signed black-and-whiteand $9.95 for a color.Right. Why not five and ten bucks?Well, I brought my moneymaker. Let me shake it.Hey, that guy's looking over here.You think he's your first autograph?I don't know. Be cool. He's coming. He's coming.I love your movie.Well, thanks.It has got to be one of the worst thingsI've ever seen in my life.Your love confuses me.- Would you like an autograph? - Sure.- Okay. Who do I make it out to? - Daniel. - Okay. - I have to ask.Were you trying to be that bad,or are you just a terrible actress?That did not clear things up.That'll be $4.75.Keep the change.But I...Nothing about that was good.There's nothing to be afraid of, Sheldon. The average cork speed is 25 miles per hour. If that is too fast around a school,it is certainly too fast around a kitchen. Been 15 minutes. Just sayin'.Okay. I can do this.Just give me a moment...Mimosas coming up.I once left orange juice in my fridge so long, it tasted like a mimosa.How old was it?It's hard to say.I don't remember much after I drank it.Would you like one, Mrs. Petrescu?Yes.Drink is fun and good friends-- Applebee's.Drink is fun and good friends-- Applebee's.She's learning English from TV.TV, good. Now back to you.Hey, guys.Hi, Stuart.These are for you.Oh, they're pretty. Thank you.Stuart, this is Bert from the Caltech geology lab,and this is Mrs. Petrescu from downstairs.Nice to meet you.- Hello. - Hey.So, what did I miss?Eh, we watched Sheldon try to open a bottle for 15 minutes.15 minutes can save you 15% or more on car insurance.15 minutes can save you 15% or more on car insurance. Anybody else coming to this thing?What's your name?- Jeff. - Okay.My favorite part is your shower scene.Been hearing that a lot today.I even have a screen grab on my phone.Yep, there they are.Okay, let's keep it moving.Here you go.Should've punched that guy.Well, go ahead. He's right over there.Why do you do that? Can't you let me have my moment? - Hello. - Hi.I like your movies.- Thank you! - I saw both of them.I assume we're still talking about the movies,but after today, who knows.You think I could get a picture of us?Oh, sure.And, uh, could you be giving me a kiss?No. She cannot kiss...What is wrong with you people?!- Leonard... - No, no, no. It's not okay.- Who are you? - I'm her husband.No, you're not.I am.Yeah, he really is.No.It's got a rearview camera, there's a DVD player--oh, and check this out.It's like we're living in the future!Hey, show her the trunk! Show her the trunk!Imagine this: you've got the baby in one hand, groceries in the other, and you're thinking,"How am I gonna open this trunk?"I'm probably thinking, "Where's my husband,and why isn't he helping me?"You don't need my help when you can open the trunk with a simple kick of the foot.No, it's a gentle kick; you're doing it wrong.Here. Give me those.Uh, maybe it was more of a circle?It's weird that guy thought you were a couple.- Yes! - Yes!See?Easy.And look at all this cargo space.You know, we'll get the crib outand you can take it for a test-drive.I'm telling you, this van is gonna be...Oh, is it your back?Uh... yeah.Anyway, let's just get in and see if the GPScan take us to the nearest emergency room.So until Amy's apartment is fixed,she and I are living here together.I lived with my old girlfriend.She was a geologist, too.Things didn't work out?I came home from work one day and she had taken everything. I'm warning you,hide your good rocks.My sister's husband took all her things, too.Story at 11:00.Really, no one else is coming?Oh, this is it.You are the practice round.Practice round? For-for what?Uh, no. He-he just means thatyou were the first people we thought of.You know, exactly.We've never thrown a brunch before,and I wanted to work out all the kinks.So, I'm like a lab ratbefore your real friends come over?You see, your words sound reasonable,but your face looks angry.Help me out here. This is not where I shine.Stuart, you know you're one of our favorite people.Okay, now, see, you look sincere,but your words are completely false.I'm glad we did this test run.These brunches are wild!But how did you get her to go out with you?Well, she moved in across the hall.And he started to slowly wear me down.Like a river carves a canyon.Yeah, except the river kept showing me his Pokemon cards. Ready to go?Hang on. This guy's telling mehow he got the Serial Ape-ist girl to marry him.This guy?But he's wearing a change maker.I think it's hot.That's right.I'm her change daddy.What was I thinking?Wolowitzes are not a lifting people!We tip the lifting people!Do we really have to sit for hours in the emergency room? They're just gonna give you ice and Advil like last time. You're gonna feel terrible when I'm in a wheelchair. Which, by the way, would fit easily in the backof this award-winning minivan.Fine, we'll go to the E.R.Just stop selling me on the van.You're right. It sells itself.You have to admit, it's a pretty smooth ride.I was hoping it'd be quieter.If childbirth is half this bad,you are so screwed!- Are we there yet?! - Soon.Why is it taking so long?!H-Howard, Howard, look at the DVD screen.I put on Batman: The Animated Series. Your favorite! I'm in too much pain to watch cartoo...Oh! This is a good one.I've been babysitting him way longer than you have. Fine. I'll buy the stupid van.This is the best blintz I've ever had.Oh. Thank you.It almost makes up for the incredibly awkward turn things took earlier.You know what, I-I think I'm just gonna go.No, Stuart, don't.No, I-I consider you and Sheldon like my family, and I'm not even sure you think of me as a friend. You have any idea how that feels?We're so sorry.I'm always the last one anybody thinks of.Well, no, that's not true.I mean, sometimes it's Koothrappali.But we're not supposed to say that'cause he's a minority.Bye.Stuart, wait.I do know what it feels like to be left out.I know how it feels, too.All right, this is about me and him; you're not part of it. Stuart, perhaps we do take you for granted,and that is not acceptable.Please know that you truly are a valuable memberof our social group.Thank you.You know, in fact, I'd like to propose a toast.To Stuart.A fine man,a good friend and a wonderful guest.- Hear, hear. - Cheers.Cheers. Filmed before a live studio audience.And that is how a short asthmatic scientistlanded a stone cold fox.I didn't know you can propose to the same personso many times.The third time, I did it in skywriting,but she never looked up.You know, once, I proposed to him.Yeah. I said no.Why?I just wanted to make her work for it.Yeah, that's gonna cost you later.Hang on. Is she just with you because you're rich?She makes more money than I do!What?! Who are you?!Do you know what else I love about you?Y-Your handwriting is impeccable!Thank you for noticing!No, I mean it. I mean it.It's like you have the soul of a label maker.You know what I love about you? Hmm?You never leave the house without a paper clip!You never know when two pieces of papermight temporarily need fastening in the top left corner.I also love how you never use swear words.You know, it turns out,you can hurt people just as well without 'em.Maybe I can get a little help putting some of this stuff away. Oh, calm down.I already put away five of these!You see?No muss, no fuss, not a single cuss.。



Previously on The Big Bang Theory. 《生活大爆炸》前情提要Hello. 您好I'm looking for Howard Wolowitz. 我来找霍华德·沃罗威茨May I ask what this is about? 我能问一下你找他有什么事吗No, you may not. 不能问Very well. 是的官爷Hi, Colonel Williams, how can I help you? 威廉姆斯上校有什么需要我效劳的吗Okay, sure, I can meet with you on Thursday. 当然周四见面没问题Caltech is fine. 约加州理工学院也没问题Yeah, and may I ask what this is about? 好我能问问是什么事吗I may not? 不能啊That's what he said to me. 他也是这么对我说的That's what he said to me. 时至今日Look at this. 瞧瞧Elon Musk has a theory that we're all just characters 埃隆·马斯克有个理论我们每个人in some advanced civilization's video game. 都只是某高等文明的电玩游戏中的角色So some alien kid spent his money 所以有某个外星小孩花钱on the asthma-and-glasses upgrade for me? 来帮我升了气喘加近视眼的特性吗Well, he doesn't say it's a good game. 他没说是个好游戏啊- All right, we got a problem. - What's up? -咱们有麻烦了 -怎么了The Air Force contacted me about our quantum gyroscope. 空军对我们的量子陀螺仪有兴趣- They want to have a meeting. - Really? -他们想见面谈谈 -真的吗Yeah. This military guy showed up at Howard's door. 对啊有个军队的人来到霍华德家找他He was terrifying. 他可吓人了Oh, what did he say? 他说什么了He gave me his business card 他给了我他的名片and asked me to please pass it along to Howard. 然后请我把名片转交给霍华德That doesn't sound terrifying. 这听起来不吓人啊To a white guy born here, no. 土生土长的美国白人当然不觉得If you are a brown guy whose name has a lot of syllables in it -- 但如果你是棕色皮肤名字带很多音节的话terrifying. 胆都吓破了好吗You realize if the military declares our research classified,你知道如果军方宣称我们的研究属于机密they can take the whole thing away from us. 他们可以直接把整个研究拿走吧And if that happens, 如果真发生这种事we'll never be able to sell it commercially. 我们就永远不能卖做商用了There goes our big payday. 就跟这一大笔钱说再见了I was counting on that money-- 我还指望拿到这笔钱呢I need to make as much as my wife 我的收入得跟我老婆持平so I don't have to try so hard in bed. 这样我在床上才不用这么拼死拼活You do that, too? 你也要这样吗Oh, yeah. How do you think I stay this thin? 当然不然你觉得我怎么保持这么瘦的Gentlemen, I think we are losing sight of the real issue. 先生们我们都忽视了真正的问题We are on the precipice of becoming faceless cogs 我们离成为军工业集合体中in the military-industrial complex. 无名无姓的小齿轮只有一步之遥了Isn't that exciting? 这难道不让人激动吗You're kidding, right? 你是在开玩笑吧Not at all. In Star Wars, when the stormtroopers 才不是呢像《星球大战》中那些风暴兵would march in perfect formation, 以完美的队形行军harassing civilians, didn't you ever think, 前往骚扰民众时你难道没有想过"Hey, that could be me"? "我也能成为这伟大军团的一员"吗Sheldon, we could be contributing 谢尔顿我们可能成为to a weapons system that oppresses mankind 未来几千年迫害人类的武器系统的for the next thousand years. 幕后元凶呢Okay, Howard's on board. What do you think, Leonard? 好的霍华德同意加入你呢莱纳德I'm worried about Howard. 我好担心霍华德啊Ever since that guy from the Air Force showed up, 打从军队的人来家里找他后he's been a nervous wreck. 他就被吓到尿不停All right, we work at a giant pharmaceutical company. 我们在一个大型制药公司上班Get him some anti-anxiety meds. 给他搞几片抗忧郁药吃吃啊He won't take any pills that aren't chewable 他不愿意吃除了摩登原始人咀嚼维生素片and shaped like a Flintstone. 以外的任何药物You know, when Leonard's feeling anxious 每当莱纳德感到焦虑的时候I make him take a long walk. 我就让他散步久一点Does that help? 这招有效吗Well, for a while. Then he comes back. 有效时间就一会儿然后这烦人精就回来了- I don't believe this. - What's wrong? -真是不敢相信 -怎么了This guy from the office just congratulated me on being pregnant.有个男同事发消息来恭喜我怀孕了You did already know, right? 你本来知道自己怀了孕的对吧No one at the office did. 但是同事都不知道啊- Did you tell anyone? - No. -你有告诉任何人吗 -没有You told me not to. 你不让我跟别人说I bet it was Barbara Chen in retrovirus. 肯定是搞逆转录病毒的芭芭拉·陈传出去的She might have heard me throwing up one morning. 她貌似某天早上有听到我在孕吐Every since she got the hearing aid, she thinks she's so great. 自从她装助听器后她就觉得自己可牛逼了Why don't you want anyone to know? 你为什么不想别人知道呢'Cause I'm up for a major immunotherapy study, 因为我有机会做一个免疫疗法研究的大项目and if they find out I'm pregnant 如果他们发现我怀孕了they might give it to someone else. 可能就会把机会给别人了Would they really do that? 他们真的会这样吗I know they would-- they did it to Barbara Chen last year 肯定会啊去年芭芭拉就是这么被换掉when I told everyone she was pregnant. 因为我爆料说她怀孕了Wait till I Snapchat that my friends might be working 我要发条朋友圈说我的好朋友们on a top secret government project. 为政府的机密项目做事Are you crazy? 你是不是疯了You can't put that on Snapchat. 你怎么能把这事写到朋友圈Fine, I'll put it on Facebook like a caveman. 好吧那我写到过时几百万年的脸书上吧You know, maybe before our meeting we should talk to a lawyer. 或许应该在会面前找个律师谈谈That's not a bad idea. 这主意不差Well, you must have someone in your family that's a lawyer. 你家族里肯定有人是律师吧Why? Because I'm Jewish? 为啥就因为我是犹太人吗That's like me saying, "Hey, you're Indian. 这就跟我说 "你是印度人Doesn't your cousin work in a call center?" 你肯定有亲戚在电话客服中心工作吧"My cousin does work in a call center. 我还真有亲戚在电话客服中心工作And my cousin's a lawyer. 我也真有亲戚是律师We don't need Howard's cousin, no. 我们不需要霍华德的亲戚帮忙We have me. 咱们有我啊You're not a lawyer, Sheldon, you're just a know-it-all. 谢尔顿你不是律师你只是爱耍聪明I am not a know-it-all. 我才不是耍聪明I'm a person who knows lots of things 我只是个上知天文下知地理and likes to correct other people when they're wrong. 还喜欢在别人犯错时热心纠正他们的人That's the definition of being a know-it-all. 这就是所谓爱耍聪明的人啊Or in German, a Besserwisser. 或是德文里的"砖家"How did you think you were gonna hide your pregnancy?你怎么能觉得你能瞒住你怀孕的事实I had a plan-- I kept leaving Dove Bar wrappers around 我有整套计划我一直有四处留下巧克力棒包装to explain any weight gain. 来解释我为什么发福了Where did you get empty Dove Bar wrappers? 那你是上哪去弄的空巧克力棒包装纸From all the Dove Bars I ate! I'm pregnant! 当然是我吃完故意留的包装啊老娘怀孕了Try to keep up! 用点脑想想好吗I'm sorry. I-I have to go find out if my boss knows. 抱歉我得去看看我老板发现没Well, whatever happens, we're here for you. 无论如何我们都会支持你Thanks. You guys are the best. 谢谢你们最好了Yeah, drive safe. We love you. And give us a call... 开车小心我们爱你到了打电话... Oh, my God, it was me, it was me! 要死了是我是我传的I'm the one who blabbed she was pregnant! 是我大嘴巴告诉别人她怀孕的- What?! - I didn't mean to. -什么 -我不是故意的It just slipped out in front of her assistant one day. 就有天不小心跟她的助手说溜嘴了I... I forgot my coat. 忘了拿外套Oh! Here's your coat, honey. 来亲爱的外套拿去That's such a cute jacket. 这外套太萌了God, I feel so bad-- I just lied to her. 天啊我好内疚我又骗了她Oh, but you did it so well. 但你演技入木三分That's amazing! 真是太厉害了It's like watching a sculptor, 感觉像在看一个雕塑大师but your clay was lies. 但你用的材料是谎言Is that really what's important right now? 现在的重点难道该是挖苦我吗I mean, seriously, you have got to let me scan your brain 我是说认真的你得让我扫描你大脑when you're being dishonest so I can see what lights up. 看看你撒谎时哪些区域会亮起That's super helpful, Amy. 你这席话我受益良多Thanks a lot. I can't wait to do that. 谢谢你全家啊真想立刻让你扫描I can see a clump of bitch cells lightin' up from here. 我从这里就能看到一团臭三八细胞亮起Give me a second to call my cousin. 等我一会我打给我律师亲戚I don't see how a tax lawyer from Fort Lauderdale 我想不出远在佛州劳德代尔堡的税务律师could be helpful regarding intellectual property. 怎么能对知识财产权方面提出有用建议First of all, he's in Boca Raton, 首先他是在佛州的博卡拉顿which is better than Fort Lauderdale. 那里比劳德代尔堡上档次多了But more importantly, 更重要的是he lasted two days on Jeopardy, 他上益智游戏节目撑了两天没被淘汰so he's clearly a smart guy. 很明显他就是个聪明人Hello. 你好Hey, Marty. Thanks for talking to us. 马蒂谢谢你愿意跟我们聊啊Hey, no problem. 小事一桩Thanks for going to outer space so no matter what I do 真是"感谢"你上了太空这下无论我干啥my mom will be disappointed in me. 我妈都会对我感到失望Well, I married a little Catholic girl, so we're even. 但我没娶信犹太教的老婆也算扯平了Anyway, this is Leonard and Sheldon. 这位是莱纳德这位是谢尔顿The three of us came up with the guidance system. 我们三个一起想出了这个导向系统- Hi. - Hello. -你好 -你好And this is my friend, Raj. 而这位是我的朋友拉杰Oh, I'm not on the patent. I'm just here 专利跟我无关我在这里because there's a bumblebee in my office. 是因为我办公室里有只大黄蜂I saw it. It's big. 我有看到真的很大只Anyway, like I said in the e-mail, 总之呢如同我电邮里所说this meeting's on Thursday. 见面定在这周四Do you have any advice for us? 你有什么建议可以给我们吗Well, I don't know much about patent law. 我对专利法了解不多But, uh, my advice is: 但我的建议是hear them out, offer as little information as possible, 听听他们怎么说有关信息尽量少说and whatever you do, don't sign anything. 无论如何绝对别签任何东西"Don't sign anything"? That's your advice? "别签任何东西" 这就是你的建议吗Okay, so, uh, if during this meeting, 好吧所以如果在会面中one of us were to, say, complete an oil painting, 我们其中一个人画了一幅油画之类的you'd recommend that we leave that unsigned? 你是在建议我们不要在上面签上名吗That's not what I meant. 我不是这个意思That's what you said. 你话就是这么说的That's not what I meant. 但我不是这个意思This must be how you practice law in Boca Raton, 你就在博卡拉顿这么当律师的吗by saying things you don't mean 说着词不达意and meaning things you don't say. 言不由衷的话Howard, why is he yelling at me? 霍华德他为啥要对我嚷嚷All right, you were on Jeopardy. 好吧你上过益智节目Allow me to Alex Trebek 让我学学主持人this and put it in the form of a question: 并把这件事用节目上的问题形式表达Who has been a complete waste of our time? 在座是哪个垃圾在浪费我们的时间呢Marty, let me call you back. 马蒂晚点打给你Someday, when I'm up on murder charges, 某天我因为谋杀"某人"被控诉时you'll be hearing from me. 我会打给你You don't need him. I'll represent you. 不用找他我来当你律师- Hi. - Hey. What brings you by? -我来啦 -你怎么来了Oh, had to go to a sales seminar on our new sleeping pill.去参加我们新款安眠药的销售研讨会了- Oh. How was it? - Great. -研讨会如何 -很棒啊- Fell asleep? - In, like, two minutes. Yeah. -睡着了吗 -开场两分钟就睡着了吧So, how is everything going around here? 一切情况还好吗Are you still upset about people finding out you're pregnant?还在为大家发现你怀孕这事不开心吗I'm furious. 我真要气炸了Sure, sure. 当然肯定的Uh, did you ever figure out who told? 你查清楚是谁说出去的吗No. I confronted Barbara Chen, but she claimed 没我去找芭芭拉·陈对质了但她说she didn't know what I was talking about. 她完全不知道我在说什么Well, I guess it's just gonna remain a mystery, 看来这事只能是未知的谜团了you know, like whatever happened in that seminar 就像研讨会把灯调暗后发生的事after they dimmed the lights. 对我也是未知的谜团It had to be Barbara. 绝对是芭芭拉I've been trying to figure out a way to get back at her. 我刚就一直在想办法报复她Do you think using her work computer to Google 你觉得用她工作用的电脑上网搜"How to be a prostitute" is over the line? "怎么下海当鸡"会太过分吗Uh, you know, when I was in high school, 其实呢在我高中的时候there was this girl who was talking about me behind my back, 有个姑娘在我背后说我坏话so me and all my friends, 所以我跟我朋友们we cornered her in the bathroom and forgave her. 把她围在厕所的角落然后原谅了她What kind of revenge is that? 这算哪门子的报仇啊This woman screwed with my job. She's got to pay. 这臭娘们破坏我工作我得整死她Okay, all right, honey, you know what? 好吧亲爱的其实呢There was something I was too scared to tell you yesterday, 我有一件昨天没胆跟你说的事a-and now... I'm just balls-out terrified to tell you, but... 而现在我还是怕得要死不敢告诉你其实...the truth is it... 真相是...wasn't Barbara Chen, it was me. 大嘴巴的不是芭芭拉是我I'm the reason everyone knows. 是我让大家都知道的Why did you do that? 你为什么要这么做Well, it was an accident. I am so sorry I lied. 不小心说漏嘴嘛很抱歉我撒谎了Get out. 出去Oh, you know, I also lied about the girl in the bathroom. 对了厕所女同学的事我也撒谎了Yeah, we actually dumped her retainer in the toilet 是的我们其实把她的牙套保持器扔进了马桶and put it back in her mouth. 然后又塞回她的嘴里I don't understand why I can't talk at this meeting. 我不懂为什么会面时我不能说话'Cause when you talk, it enrages people. 因为你一开口就会激怒别人Okay. 好吧Quick question. 快问快答Am I allowed to exchange pleasantries 我能跟这位上校upon meeting this colonel? 在会上寒暄一下吗Yes. 准了Am I allowed to inform him 那我能告诉他that Colonel Sanders was never actually in the military? 桑德斯上校并不是真正军队出身的吗that Colonel Sanders was never actually in the military? 肯德基创始人上校称号是肯塔基州给他的荣誉称号I'm getting enraged. 你正在激怒我Fine. 好吧Can I use text-to-speech software? 我能用文字转语音软件吗- No! - Don't speak. -不行 -就不要说话Aw, nuts. 啊哇靠Gentlemen! 男士们I'm Colonel Williams. 我是威廉姆斯上校Thank you for meeting with me. 感谢抽空与我见面- Hi. - Hello. -你好 -你好So, which one of you is the brains behind all this? 你们中的哪一位是这个项目的主要设计者It's a group effort, 这是大家共同努力的结果but I guess if we had to pick a main brain, it would be me. 但如果非得选一个主力那应该是我吧And because of the quantum vortices, 因为量子涡旋this can run perpetually? 这玩意就具有永动性吗Exactly. 完全正确Yeah, you have a good grasp of the physics. 看来你很懂物理嘛- Well, I'm a scientist by training. - Really? -我是被培训出来的科学家 -是吗You're a physicist? 你是物理学家吗Better. I'm an engineer. 比那强我是工程师Where did you go to school? 你是哪里毕业的MIT. 麻省理工Oh. Well, hey, me, too. 真巧我也是I should have known. 我早该知道Behind every great invention is an MIT mind.每一项伟大的发明背后都有我们校友的智慧结晶I'll cut to the chase. 我就不兜圈子了The Air Force believes there's an application for this technology,美国空军想将这项技术投入到实际应用中and we're interested in funding your research. 我们有兴趣投资你们的研究Well, thanks, but you should know 多谢赏识但你要知道we're a little concerned about this being used in weapons.我们有点担心这项技术会被用到武器上Oh, well, let me put your mind at ease. 这样啊让我来放宽你心What we use it for is none of your business. 我们拿来干什么关你们屁事I don't know how I feel about this. 我不知道该对此作何感想Look, guys, it's just a guidance system. 伙计们这只是一个导向系统It's not like you're handing us 别想得好像你们交给我们的是the Death Star from Star Trek. 《星际迷航》的终极武器死星All you need to worry about is, 你们唯一需要顾虑的是right now, it's this big, 现在它这么大and we need it to be... this big. 我们需要它变得...这么点大That's a lot less big. 那要大大减小很多啊Yes, it's... this much less big. 没错减小的程度有这么大I'm not even sure that's possible. 我都不确定可不可行Well, I ran it by some colleagues at MIT, 我问过几个麻省理工的同事and they thought they could get it done in four months. 他们认为四个月就能搞定- Four months? - Yeah, we'll do it in two! -四个月 -那我们两个月就能搞定Hi. I'm Dr. Sheldon Cooper. 你好我是谢尔顿·库珀博士I'm the actual brains behind this project. 我才是这个项目的主力设计者Also, engineers aren't real scientists, 还有工程师不是真正的科学家MIT's a trade school, 麻省理工是一所职业学院and the Death Star is from Star Wars, not Star Trek! 还有还有死星来自《星球大战》不是《星际迷航》But otherwise, 撇开那些不说thank you for your service. 感谢为国服役Howard told me you were working late, so I brought dinner. 霍华德跟我说你要加班所以我带了吃的来Oh, thanks. You know, I just wanted to get some work done 谢谢我只是想安静地工作without people congratulating me about the baby every five minutes.不用每五分钟就有人跑来恭喜我怀孕了I spent my day alone in the lab 我今天自己在实验室waiting for a rat to die of anthrax. 陪一只炭疽感染的老鼠等死Did you come here to bring me dinner or to gloat? 你是来给我送吃的还是来幸灾乐祸Well, I came to see how you were feeling, 我是来看看你心情好点没but I'm guessing still angry? 但我猜还在生气呢I'm sorry. 抱歉My boss wants to meet with me, and I'm stressing. 我老板要见我我现在压力山大You really think they're gonna start treating you differently?你真的认为他们会开始区别对待你吗Are you kidding? 开什么玩笑I've always been treated differently! 我向来都被人区别对待Look at me! Listen to me! 瞧我小体型听我的小尖嗓I mean, the first thought when you see me isn't, 你看见我脑子里永远不会首先想到"That's a scientist." "那是一位科学家"It's, "I wonder if her mommy knows where she is." 你只会想"希望她不要跟妈妈走丢"I am really regretting that I got you a Happy Meal. 我好后悔给你买了欢乐儿童餐I've worked so hard to get where I am, 我那么努力工作才坐上这个位置and I don't want to get sent back to square one 我不想因为怀孕because I'm pregnant. 就被打回原点I understand how you feel. 我懂你的感受Thank you. 谢谢I wish there were some way I could make it better. 真希望我能做些什么让你好过点Well, you brought me French fries. That's a start. 你给我买了薯条这是好的第一步Uh, actually, I got you apple slices 'cause you're pregnant. 其实我给你买了切片苹果因为你怀孕了嘛Apple slices? 切片苹果What kind of lunatic goes to McDonald's and gets fruit?! 哪个傻逼会去麦当劳买水果啊I'll be right back. 小的立马重新买And a chocolate shake! 老娘还要巧克力奶昔What are you doing? 你做什么呢Oh, Leonard's mad at me, so I'm making him lemon bars. 莱纳德生我气了我给他做柠檬方块呢Does he even like lemon bars? 他爱吃柠檬方块吗Not really. 不爱吃But I'm mad at him, too, so lemon bars it is. 但我也在生他的气所以就柠檬方块吧Something happen at the meeting? 会面时发生什么事了吗They made me promise I wouldn't talk. 他们逼我保证不说话- And you talked? - Well, now, see? -结果你说话了 -你看吧You knew what was gonna happen. 你都知道会发生什么事了Why didn't they? 他们怎么就不知道呢Anyway, now we're committed to completing this project总之现在我们承诺了要在极短的时间内in a ridiculously short time frame, 完成这个项目and everyone's upset with me. 大家都生我气了Well, if it makes you feel any better, 也许这能让你好过点Bernadette's mad at me, too. 伯纳黛特也在生我的气If it makes you feel any better, 也许这能让你好过点a parasitoid wasp known as Oobius depressus 有一种类型的寄生蜂has been rediscovered after 101 years of presumed extinction.在被认定灭绝101年后重新被发现踪迹了Why would that make me feel better? 这怎么让我好过了Why would your Bernadette thing make me feel better?那你跟伯纳黛特的事又怎么会让我好过At least mine was educational. 至少我的还有教育意义Okay. Never mind. 好吧当我没说Look, I'm sorry. 对不起Tell me why Bernadette is upset with you. 告诉我伯纳黛特为什么生你的气了Well, I told people at work that she's pregnant. 我跟公司的人说了她怀孕的事She wasn't ready for them to know. 但她没准备让他们知道Why would you do that? 你为什么要这么做Well, it just slipped out. I feel terrible. 我就是说溜嘴了我也很懊悔See, that's exactly what happened to me, 跟我简直一模一样except that I said it on purpose, and I have no regrets. 除了我是故意说的而且并不后悔Is it even possible to get this done in two months? 两个月内完成有可能吗Well, maybe. I don't know. 也许吧不知道We'll have to work 12 hours a day, seven days a week. 我们得每周不歇地一天工作12小时Which means I won't be able to make Penny breakfast every day,也就是说我不能再每天给佩妮做早餐了and she'll realize my brioche French toast 她会意识我做的法式吐司奶油卷was the only thing keeping her in the marriage. 是唯一让她不跟我离婚的原因I love your French toast. 我也爱吃你做的法式吐司Oh, thanks, man. 谢了兄弟So, why did you guys even agree to the deadline? 那你们为什么同意那个截止日期We didn't. Sheldon did. 我们没同意谢尔顿干的And you just let him? 你就让他答应了Well, the colonel said it was for the good of the country, 上校还说这是苟利国家的事and the funding is substantial. 我们就因资金而趋之了No, but mostly, there was an awkward pause, 没有主要当时有一阵尴尬的沉默and I broke it by saying, "Okay." 于是为了打破尴尬局面我就说了"好"So I guess I won't be seeing you guys for a while. 看来我要见不到你们一阵子了Oh, looks like it. Wow. 是这样的You're going off to work with the military, leaving me behind. 你们去军方工作独留我一人Now I know how all those army wives feel. 我突然理解军嫂的生活了Would you stop? 你够了啊We're just gonna be on the other side of campus. 我们就是在大学另一端而已And right here. 也在这里You are a deeply silly man. 你就是一傻姑娘He is so afraid of his feelings. 他怎么如此不敢直面内心呢Got a minute? 有空吗Yeah, come on in. 有啊进来I just wanted to apologize. 我想道歉I know what you did was an accident. 我知道你是不小心说出去的Oh, thank you, and I'm sorry I lied about it. 谢谢你对不起我跟你撒谎了For what it's worth, you're a great liar. 不过你撒谎挺在行的Oh, that's what Amy said. 艾米也这么夸我的So what's going on with the research project? 研究项目怎么样了Are they gonna let you run it? 他们还会让你负责吗Well, my boss said he hadn't decided yet, 老板说他还没定下来so I gently reminded him 于是我温柔地提醒了他that he's an old rich white guy, 他是个有钱白人老头and I'm a sweet little pregnant lady 而我是个甜美无害的小孕妇who's not afraid to cry in front of a jury. 在陪审团面前演落泪戏码没在怕的You threatened to sue? 你威胁要告他Hey, I learned a long time ago, when you're four feet eleven 我多年前就已学会当你只有一米五and eye level with every guy's crotch, 而平视只能看到每个男人裆部时that's where you punch. 你就往那里捶就对了That's funny. 有点意思I learned something totally different. 我学到的不是捶是...Do you know what? 其实呢It's just a research project. 不过是个研究项目The most important job in the world 世上最重要的工作is gonna be raising this child. 应该是抚养这个孩子It's all I need to give my life meaning. 那才赋予我生命的意义Oh, that's so beautiful. 说得太好了You believe me? Oh, good. 你信了那就好11 more chumps like you, 再多11个像你这样的笨蛋I'll have the jury eating out of my hand. 整团陪审团就随老娘摆布了I never realized this building was classified. 我之前都不知道这栋楼是机密建筑Maybe that's because it's classified. 也许正是因为它是机密Wish we weren't so far from my parking space. 希望不会离我们的车位太远The way you put away those lemon bars, 就你吃柠檬方块的那个熊样perhaps that's a good thing. 远点是好事I'd like to reinstate the you-not-talking rule. 我希望恢复"你不许说话"规则Why? It clearly doesn't work. 为什么明显没用I guess this is it. 应该就是这了不得吸烟危险不得吸烟未授权者不得进入Is that a retinal scanner? 那是视网膜扫描仪吗Let's find out. 我们试试Howard Wolowitz-- access granted. 霍华德·沃罗威茨准许入内- No way! - Impressive! -不是吧 -太棒了Oh, my turn! My turn! 该我了该我了Leonard Hofstadter-- access granted. 莱纳德·霍夫斯塔特准许入内I didn't even have to take my glasses off! 我都不需要把眼睛摘下来呢Access denied. 拒绝入内It knows! 它知道呢Oh, oh, oh, oh, guys, hold me upside down! 你们大头朝下抱着我。



第十一季第十四集宇宙是灵魂的镜子Space is the mirror of the soul.我们是瞭望远方还是照进内心呢Are we looking beyond, or are we looking within? 我是看向鞋子I'm looking at my shoes.我都看得有点晕乎了This is making me a little motion sick.当我们凝望着无止尽的宇宙When we gaze out at the immensities of space,我们能了解到这是因为我们的内心we understand them because there are immensities 也是无限大within us as well.我是拉杰什·库萨帕里博士I'm Dr. Rajesh Koothrappali,感谢各位与我一起and thank you for taking a walk with me...漫步群星之中through the stars.他收尾的停顿一次比一次长That pause gets longer every show.我觉得...I believe...你说得没错you're right.你好Hey.我能跟你合照一张吗Can I get a picture with you?没问题Absolutely.如果你要发到社交平台And if you post it on social media,我建议你加个话题#库萨诗里#I suggest the hashtag "Koothra-poet."谢谢你节目很棒Thank you. The show was great.这不全是我一个人的功劳Well, I can't take all the credit.我有一群很棒的明星配角I have pretty good co-stars.一群明"星"The stars.你对每个人都说这套词吗Do you say that to everyone?只对美女Only to beautiful women.还有还行的女孩说And okay women.行吧Okay.我澄清一下你是前一类人Uh, just to clarify: you're the first kind.行吧Okay.谢谢你们来Thanks for coming.两位帅哥对今晚的节目有何评价What did you handsome gentlemen think of the show? 你可以收功了Uh, you can turn it off now.谢谢夸奖但我的魅力能放不能收It's sweet of you to say, but I don't think I can. 看看这张哈雷在泡澡的超萌照片Look at this cute picture of Halley in the bath. 拍得很赞啊Aw, that's great.要我发给你吗Want me to send it to you?别了在你手机是可爱在我手机上是犯罪No, on your phone it's cute, on my phone it's a crime. 我也有一张很萌的照片分享I also have a pretty cute picture to share.那是什么What is that?一个方程式An equation.它是不是太完美了Isn't it perfect?有时候我就这么盯着它看Sometimes I just stare at it,心想"真想不到它是我想出来的"and I think "I can't believe that came out of me."既然我们要分享照片Well, since we're sharing pictures,我也可以贡献一张I have one to contribute.拜托别是你跟你狗一起泡澡的照片Please don't let it be you and your dog in the bathtub. 并不是It's not.但别滑去看别张照片But don't swipe.这是什么What are we looking at here?是我跟一个美女的合照Well, that's me and a beautiful woman而从我的手表可以看出是半夜两点半拍的and my watch showing the time as : in the morning.所以... 证物"A"吗So, state's exhibit "A"?不是啦我前几天跟她在天文台认识的No. I met her at the planetarium a few days ago,她后来邀请我出去喝一杯and she invited me out for a drink.那恭喜你啊Oh, good for you. H-Hey,印地语的"狗"怎么说w-what's the Hindi word for "Dog"?-库塔 -你这只贱库塔- Kutta. - You kutta.咆咆Bow-bow.这是印地语的汪汪That's Hindi for woof-woof.我今晚跟她又有约I am see ing her again tonight.我今晚也有约呢You know, I also have a date tonight.但别担心不是跟别的女人But don't worry, it's not another woman. 是跟弦理论有约It's string theory.咆咆Bow-bow.抱歉但人家才是色库塔你不算Sorry, he's a kutta, you're not.-回来了 -回来啦- Hi. - ?Hello.你在干嘛What you doing?跟我的宝宝合照Oh, taking another picture with my baby. 你看它长多大了Look how big he got.看到你这么兴奋挺有意思的It's fun to see you this excited.谢谢啦你人...Aw, thank you, that's so...-不许坐这里 -啥怎么了- Don't sit there! ?- What, what?抱歉啦I, uh-- sorry.这是我组织系统的一部分I-It's part of my organization system.那里是我放论文的地方That's-that's where those papers go.好吧那不如我...Okay. Um, how about if I just...把这笔记本推过去...slide this notebook...行吧没关系You know what, it's fine.我去卧室里待着I'll just be in the bedroom.不用别这里也是你的公寓No, no. Uh, this is your apartment, too.我今晚收工吧Uh, look, I'll-I'll stop for the night然后把这里收拾了and clean this up.你真是太贴心了谢尔顿Well, that's very considerate, Sheldon.我知道I know.其实我是在尝试一个新招式See, I'm trying this new technique就是我换位思考做到感同身受where I imagine how I would feel in someone else's position. 你是指同理心吗Y-You mean empathy?我还以为这是我发明的新方法呢Oh, I thought I came up with it.无论如何我还是谢谢你做出的努力Well, regardless, I-I appreciate the effort.谢谢Thank you.真的很难呢It's really hard.早安Morning.早安啊Good morning.你其实不用为我做早餐Aw, you didn't have to cook me breakfast.我不确定我昨晚的表现如何Well, I wasn't sure how I did last night,我想确定有个强劲的收尾and I wanted to finish strong.你不用担心啦You don't need to worry.昨晚很赞了Last night was great.虽然你现在这么说Ah, well, you say that now,但等你吃过一口之后再发表意见but wait until you taste this.我的天太好吃了吧Oh, my God, this is amazing.所以我在后车厢里都有备一个煎蛋锅Which is why I keep an omelet pan in the trunk of my car. 谢谢啦很好吃Well, thank you, it's delicious.我老公从来不做饭给我吃My husband never cooked for me.你结过婚了吗Oh, uh, y-you were married.是啊严格上来说我还已婚Yeah. Well, technically, I guess I still am.你的"严格上来说"Is that "technically,"是指离婚文件还没正式生效like, the paperwork hasn't gone through,还是"严格上来说"or "technically,"他现在正在衣柜里看着我们俩like, he's in the closet watching us right now?没有啦我们已经分居了No, no, we're separated.我们能聊一点别的吗Do you mind if we talk about something else?当然啦Of course.告诉你我的煎蛋卷能这么好吃的秘诀Uh, you know, my secret to making great omelets is that是我蛋黄跟蛋白是分开打散的I beat the egg whites separately.说到这个你们分开多久了Speaking of which, how long have you been separated?大概两周吧About two weeks.这周数不太多啊That is not a lot of weeks.其实这刚刚过了双数周数的门槛啊In fact, that's the bare minimum to get to the plural "weeks." 无所谓啊Doesn't matter.他已搬走我向前走He moved out, I moved on.很好Oh. Good.你介意我问一下他是干哪一行的吗Yeah, do you mind me asking what he does for a living?他是消防员He's a firefighter.有意思Oh. Interesting.一个有可能妒火中烧还能随手拿到斧子的男人A potentially jealous man who's handy with an ax. 不过没事的啦It's-it's okay, though.他可是有将近整整两周时间冷静呢He's almost had two weeks to cool down.好的下一款药是罗马唑Okay, the next drug is Romatrol.这款我会Oh, I know this one.我其实很努力在推销这款药呢We're actually pushing it really hard.它能治疗轻微皮肤炎It treats mild dermatitis.正确这款药能开给哪些人群呢Uh, correct. And who can it be prescribed to?成人以及百分百确定Adults and children who have absolutely, for sure, 已经停止生长的孩子stopped growing.再次正确Right again.有哪些副作用呢And what are the side effects?靠靠Oh, shoot, shoot.想一下助记词Mm, remember the mnemonic.肉汁G R A V YAh-- GRAVY, yes. G-R-A-V-Y.胃部不适红肿Okay, gastric distress, redness,肛漏血管炎还有...anal leakage, vasculitis and...黄眼yellow eyes.很接近了Oh, uh, so close.-是黄带[白带发黄] -对哦- It's actually yellow discharge. - Oh, right.所以我们用"肉汁"这个词That's why we went with "Gravy."他知道自己现在不住在这里了对吧He knows he doesn't live here anymore, right?可能他失忆了因为他吃了...Maybe he's experiencing memory loss because he took...-弗拉西崔 -正解- Flaxitrite. - Yeah.-谢啦 -谢尔顿你来干嘛- Thank you. - Uh, Sheldon, what are you doing?我就过来看一下我的旧房间Oh, I was just checking in on my old room看看你们怎么处置它to see what you've done with it.怎么了Why?我晚上需要一个地方工作而且...Well, I could use a place to work in the evenings, and... -不 -因为- No. - Well, it's just that-我们公寓没有多余的地方 -不- there's not a lot of space in our apartment... - No.我觉得艾米一直有...Well, and I feel like Amy's been having...不No.反正你们也不...And since you're not...不No.就...It's...不No.不No.现在那是我们的房间That is our room now,而且我们要把它变成健身房and we're gonna turn it into a gym.你们真的以为我会信这种鬼话吗Do you really expect me to believe that?-不 -不- No. - No.所以现在让我困扰的是So I guess what's bugging me他们天前才分手is that they only broke up days ago,现在我却在跟她交往and now I'm dating her.那我是我这部电影里的好人So, am I, like, the good guy in my movie,还是他们电影里的坏人呢or the bad guy in their movie?我能肯定的是你是我们电影里的怪友人Pretty sure you're the weird friend in our movie. 我喜欢她好吗I like her, okay?我只是...不知道该如何看待自己I just, I-I don't know how I feel about在一段感情里充当电灯泡的角色being the third wheel in a relationship.跟我老婆躺在一张床上的某人如是说Says the guy in my bed with my wife.我的意思是她老公还没走远呢Guys, I mean, he's around, okay?他很显然对分手耿耿于怀He's apparently not happy about the breakup,而且从他留在她家的运动裤可以判断出and based on the sweatpants he left at her place,这家伙至少是个中等个子或彪形大汉he's, like, a medium to large man.或许那是他的"假日发福后"专用裤Maybe those are his "after the holiday" pants,你也有啊like you have.我也不知道了I don't know.你们觉得她是不是太快开始约会了I mean, do you think it's too soon for her to be dating? 如果你和伯纳黛特分手了If you and Bernadette broke up,你会等多久才开始约会like, how long would you wait?我都不想去想这种问题Oh, well, I don't even want to think...八天Eight days.什么What?在家哭两天健身房恢复身材六天Two days to cry. Six days to hit the gym.首先你身材已经很棒了First of all, you already look amazing.嘴真甜Aw, that's sweet.那我再多为他哭一天吧I'm gonna give him an extra day of crying.不就是不The answer is still no.你可以说我们不会察觉到你在但我们能察觉You can say we wouldn't know you're here, but we'd know.因为你的确在这里啊Because you'd be here!是谁的电话呀So, who was that?真不敢相信你居然挂我电话I can't believe you hung up on me!什么鬼What the hell?你在我们家干嘛What are you doing here?我是来证明你是错的I am proving you wrong.我已经在里面工作好几个小时了I've been working back there for hours.你们根本没察觉You had no idea.帮帮忙Do something.什么鬼你在我们家干嘛What the hell? What are you doing here?我在试着尊重艾米I-I am trying to respect Amy.好吧你在学校有自己的办公室Okay, look, you have an office at work.你怎么不去那办公Why don't you go there?我不能每次一有灵感就冲去学校办公室啊I can't go to the office every time I have a brilliant thought. 那我岂不是相当于住那儿了I'd basically be living there.听起来不错去吧•Sounds good, do that.不行校园晚上不安全No. No, the campus isn't safe at night.那里不但有浣熊还有大学生到处走There's raccoons and undergrads just walk ing around好像那是他们的地盘一样like they own the place.听着Look.我需要一个可以晚上工作的地方I need somewhere to work in the evenings.而你们正好有不用的房间You have a space you aren't using.看一眼我的提议Just take a look at my proposal.这是什么What is this?租赁协议A rental agreement.这间房间我仅用于办公I will only use the room for work.我不会睡这里我不会吃你们的食物I-I won't sleep here, I won't eat your food,我甚至不会用你们的洗手间I won't even use your bathroom.你从此就能无论白天黑夜想来就来吗So you can just walk in any time of the day or night? 他现在不就这样吗Well, he does that now.至少签了协议我们还有钱拿At least this way we'll get paid.我是拉杰什·库萨帕里博士I am Dr. Rajesh Koothrappali,感谢各位与我一起and thank you for taking a walk with me... ...漫步群星之中...through the stars.我觉得刚才那停顿太长了I-I think that one was too long.你说得对我也感觉到了Yeah, you're right. I totally felt it.我们要不再来一遍Should we, uh, run it again?天啊不要了吧Please, God, no.需要帮忙吗Can I help you?你们俩谁是拉杰什·库萨帕里Which one of you is Rajesh Koothrappali? 不是吧你看不出来Really? You're not sure我们俩谁是拉杰什·库萨帕里吗which one of us is Rajesh Koothrappali?看出来了我只是不想弄得像种族歧视I am. I was just trying not to be racist. 我是妮尔的老公I'm Nell's husband.是这样的我真不知道h-here's the thing-- I didn't know她已经结婚了是事后...that she was married until after...什么事之后After what?我I'm...真的非常对不起I'm really sorry.道歉并不会让我好过点Well, that doesn't make me feel better.那做什么能让你好过点Wh-What would make you feel better?我要你不再和我老婆来往I want you to stop seeing my wife.没问题很高兴认识你再见Done. Nice to meet you. Bye.我该怎么办What am I gonna do?大兄弟你想聊聊吗Hey, buddy, do-do you want to talk?我本以为我们会结婚生子I thought we were gonna start a family.没想到措不及防感情玩完Next thing I know, it's over.一切都会好的It's gonna be okay.怎么可能会好How is it gonna be okay?你睡了我老婆You're sleeping with my wife.我是说除了这事之外I mean, besides that.你需要点什么吗Can I get you anything?来杯水A glass of water?还是来场镭射秀A laser show?-不必谢了 -太好了No, thank you. ?Oh, good.因为我根本不知道开关在哪'Cause I don't, I don't even know how to turn it on. 抱歉I'm sorry.我不该来这里I shouldn't have come here.可能我只是想看看取代我的人是谁I guess I just wanted to see who she replaced me with. 别这么说Don't say that.你们俩的感情很特别What you two had was special.谁也取代不了你No one can replace you.这话是她说的吗Did she say that?不是No.我该走了对吧I should go, right?别走Stay.好的晚点联系Okay, I'll call you later.听着如果这么说能让你好过点Look, if it makes you feel any better,我跟她一点都不熟I barely know her.不熟她还跟你睡吗And she had sex with you?妮尔说你是名消防员Nell tells me you're a fireman.都做些什么呀What's that like?好吧知道他在里面房间Okay, I-I-I'm really uncomfortable我真的很不舒服with him back in that room.为什么他一天都没出来了Why? He hasn't made a peep all day.你不懂Y-Y-You don't get it.我跟谢尔顿住了那么多年All the years that we lived together,他总是能把我弄疯he drove me crazy the whole time.而现在却乖乖的And now he's not.对啊Exactly.别用那种眼神看着我D-Don't look at me like that.这代表他以前是故意的It-it-it means he did it on purpose.那是他的选择It was a choice.就像发现哥斯拉本来可以攻击阿比三明治店That-That's like finding out Godzilla could've had Arby's 却去了东京一样instead of Tokyo.我想日本应该没有阿比三明治店I don't think they have Arby's in Japan.这不是重点Not my point.谢尔顿Sheldon.谢尔顿Sheldon!抱歉我是不是太大声了I'm sorry. Am I being too loud?不是你表现得很完美你心知肚明No, you're being perfect and you know it.你希望我当一个不那么贴心的租客吗Would you like me to be a less considerate tenant?不是是的什...No. Yes. What...?别再扰乱我了Stop messing with me!我错了Hey, I was wrong.冲绳真的有一家阿比三明治店There's an Arby's in Okinawa.他以前跟她哥哥是死党He was best friends with her older brother,但他当时根本没注意到她but he didn't even notice her.几年后And then years afterward,他们在车管所偶遇了对方they randomly bumped into each other at the DMV.两小时后他们就坠入爱河了Two hours later, they were in love.你都能从他驾驶证照片中看到眼里爱的火花You can really see the sparkle in his license photo. 这些都是他在天文馆跟你说的吗He told you all this at the planetarium?不不我们去馅饼屋了No, no, we went to House of Pies.他点了香蕉奶油我点了椰子口味He got banana cream. I got coconut.我们分着吃We did halfsies.你跟另一个男人分吃一块馅饼吗You did pie halfsies with another man?你是指除你以外的男人吗You mean other than you?是啊Yeah.我很同情他妮妮I feel bad for him, Bernie.他是个好人He's a, he's a good guy.如果你觉得不舒服Well, if you're uncomfortable with it,也许就别再跟他老婆上床了maybe stop sleeping with his wife.我觉得性不是问题所在I don't think the sex is the problem.我很肯定相比起来我表现一般I know for a fact I was just okay.声明一下是我先带你去吃馅饼屋的For the record, I'm the one who introduced you to House of Pies. 谢尔顿Sheldon?是莱纳德啊Oh, Leonard.抱歉我必须离开那里Sorry, I just, I had to get out of there.他又做了什么What did he do now?啥都没做他简直是天使Nothing. He's being a dream.别那样看着我Don't give me that look.佩妮就是用那种眼神看我我没疯That's how Penny looked at me. I'm not crazy.佩妮和我都露出"你疯了"的眼神吗Penny and I have the same "You're crazy" look?心有灵犀呀That's kind of sweet.我懂得如何对付真实的谢尔顿I know how to deal with Sheldon being Sheldon,但表现得理智又体贴的谢尔顿but Sheldon being a-a rational, thoughtful person?我都懵了I'm clueless. I-It's like就像去年我妈打给我唱生日歌给我听when my mom called last year to sing happy birthday我直接吐了and I-I just threw up.如果太难以忍受Well, if it gets to be too much,你随时可以把他赶回来这里you can always send him back over here.我和他说好了I made a deal with him,再说那样对你不公平and besides, that wouldn't be fair to you.实际上我挺想他的Well, actually, I miss him.他最近都泡在那边He's been over there a lot.太好了那告诉他他可以回来了Well, great. Tell him he can come back.不行他在为我和我的感受着想I can't. He's thinking of me and my feelings他想尊重我and trying to be respectful.他也是那样对我的那混蛋That's what he's doing to me, too, the jerk!别再露出那眼神了Stop that.你生气的表情和谢尔顿便秘的表情是一样的Hey, your mad look and Sheldon's constipated look are the same. 这感觉真好This is nice.是的It is.她以前也是这样吻我的She used to kiss me like that.你还好吧You okay?没事抱歉Yeah. Yeah, I'm sorry.没事Yeah.老天我好孤单啊Oh, God, I'm so alone.抱歉我没办法Sorry, I can't do this.怎么了What's going on?我前几天遇到奥利弗了I met Oliver the other day.等等你去找我老公了吗Wait, you tracked down my husband?不是那多奇怪啊No, that would be weird.是他来找我然后我们共度了一晚He tracked me down, then we spent the evening together.真难以置信I don't believe this.他那样做都是因为他在乎你He-he only did it because he cares about you.不是因为他占有欲强又爱吃醋No, he did it because he's possessive and jealous.真的吗我完全没看出来Really? I didn't get that at all.他让我感到很舒服自在He made me feel very comfortable.你俩"基"出火花我倍感欣慰啊Well, I'm glad you two hit it off.其实我觉得你对他不公平You know, I don't think that you're being very fair to him.你站他那边吗You're taking his side?没有但我要指出No, but I should point out that他提议过做婚姻咨询所以至少他在努力挽回he did offer to go to counseling, so at least one of you is trying. 你比他还神经病You're crazier than he is.这样吧你再给他一次机会I'll tell you what, just give him one more chance如果还是不成功and if it doesn't work out,我很乐意继续和你打炮I'll be happy to keep sleeping with you.你很乐意是吧You would?不管哪种结果你都会有男人Either way, you've got yourself a fella.这多棒啊Like, how nice is that?谢尔顿Hey, Sheldon.你好Hello.你的合同规定有三天试用期So, your contract provides for a three-day trial period,我觉得这还是行不通and I don't think this is working out.所以用法律术语来说So, to put it in legal terms,就是合同甲方the party of the first part would like希望合同乙方滚蛋the party of the second part to get out.试用期几点结束What time does the trial period end?中午点:, noon.那后面还写了啥Yeah-- what does it say after that?东部标准时间Eastern Standard Time.{\an}剧中主角所在的西部比东部慢三小时那是小时前的事了That was three hours ago.既然你没有行使废除合约的权利And, uh, since you didn't exercise your right to revoke, 我就行使我的权利来延长合约I exercised my right to extend,这份超详细的租赁合同现在生效triggering this long-form rental agreement...而你已经违反了上面的条约...of which you're already in violation.这不过是一堆纸张This is just a-a bunch of paper.你无法强制执行You can't enforce this.请个律师我们见分晓Hire a lawyer. Let's find out.这不是真的This is not happening.即便是这样Be that as it may,第九页写着你得为我提供page nine says that you have to provide me柠檬味的气泡水所以赶紧的with lemon-flavored sparkling waters, so... chop-chop. 进行得如何Hey, how'd it go?显然他不会走了Well, apparently he's not leaving而我得给他弄气泡水来and I have to go get him sparkling water.你为什么在笑Why are you smiling?我也不知道感觉对了I don't know. It just feels right.漫步群星之中...through the stars.你好啊兄弟Hey, buddy.我和妮尔谈过了I talked to Nell.你走了之后她不开心She was pretty upset after you left.-我很抱歉 -不不不- Yeah, I'm sorry. - No. No, no, no.她说你说了一些很诡异变态的话She told me that you said something so creepy相比之下我显得很棒that I seemed great in comparison.我知道是哪句话I know exactly what it was.不其实I... no, actually,有几句都有可能there was a couple of things it could've been.无论是哪句都很诡异变态Whichever one it was, it was creepy.总之我去安慰了她Anyway, uh, I went over to comfort her,我们谈了一下貌似我们会再给彼此一次机会and we talked, and I think we're gonna give it another chance. 我真为你高兴I'm so happy for you!我们应该庆祝一下We should celebrate. 去馅饼屋吗House of Pies?那还用说吗You know it.要叫上妮尔吗Should we invite Nell? 有必要吗Do we have to?算了吧Nah.。

生活大爆炸第一季(THE BIG BANG THEROY S01E16)字幕中英文对照打印版

生活大爆炸第一季(THE BIG BANG THEROY S01E16)字幕中英文对照打印版
When they see me coming, they go, "Ah, no-peanut boy!"
-Sheldon:Hello,Penny.Leonardjust left.
-Penny:I know. I want to talk to you.
Waking up to Mom's special French toast breakfast,
wearingthe birthday king crown, playing laser tag with all my friends...
-Howard:Did someone say..."party"?
有人提到... "派对"?
-Penny:He just doesn't know he wants one 'cause he's never had one.
Perhaps if she'd also denied him Christmas,
he'dbe a little better at it.
-Leonard:Thank you.
-Howard:Well, I love birthdays.



Howie, slow down. 华仔吃慢点I can't. 不行I'm not allowed to eat for 12 hours before my surgery, 手术之前12小时都不能吃东西and I only got two more minutes. 我只剩两分钟了What surgery are you having? 你也要动什么手术吗I'm stress eating. 我是压力型暴饮暴食My best friend's getting a vasectomy tomorrow. 我最好的朋友明天要去结扎了And you're sad you won't be able to bear his child? 你是难过自己再也没机会怀他宝宝吗Oh, my goodness. 我的天If it's "Vasectomy gone wrong" videos, 如果是"结扎手术失误"视频集锦he's seen them all. 他已经全部看过了Including the one of the guy who's sitting 包括看起来像一个男人坐在哈密瓜上on what appears to be a cantaloupe but is not. 但其实是他自己血肿蛋蛋的那个视频And I'm done. 我不吃了They're going to start making Professor Proton's science show again.他们要重新开拍《质子教授科学秀》节目了I thought he passed away. 我还以为他已经过世了He did. 没错He was cremated, and his remains were put in a baking soda volcano. 他火化后骨灰都投进了小苏打火山里了水中加入几勺苏打粉再加一点白醋能像火山爆发儿童科学节目常有的科学小实验Don't make jokes. He meant a lot to Sheldon. 别乱开玩笑他对谢尔顿意义重大Oh, me, too. I grew up watching his show. 我也一样我是看着他节目长大的He's one of the reasons I became a scientist. 他是我成为科学家的原因之一Thought you did it just to get girls. 我还以为你是为了把妹呢Joke's on you. It worked. 哈哈我不是把到你了吗Have they found anyone to replace him? 他们找到接班人了吗No, not yet, and it won't be easy. 不还没有这可不简单Arthur Jeffries was an accomplished scientist. 亚瑟·杰弗里斯是一个成就颇丰的科学家You know who'd make a great Professor Proton? 你知道谁可以演好质子教授吗Meryl Streep. 影后梅丽尔·斯特里普She's not a scientist. 她不是科学家Uh, then explain to me why 那你告诉我she has chemistry with literally everyone. 为什么她和每个人都能产生化学反应It would be nice if they cast a woman. 如果他们能让女演员来演也不错It would be nice if they cast a woman. 新版《神秘博士》和《捉鬼特工队》的主角都是女性Oh, you've already got Doctor Who and the Ghostbusters.你们已经有了《神秘博士》和《捉鬼特工队》Leave us something. 给我们男人剩点吧Who do you think it should be? 你觉得应该让谁演Well, it should be a scientist I respect. 应该选一个我敬重的科学家You know, someone with a pleasing voice 一个声线悦耳动听and symmetrical facial features. 五官均匀对称的人Is he talking about himself? 他是在说他自己吗If he's talking, he's talking about himself. 他说话时都是在说自己I just know how much Professor Proton touched me as a child,我只知道质子教授在我小时候触碰了我心and I feel that I owe it to him 我觉得我应该还他这份情to try and touch as many children as possible. 也该像他那样去"触碰"更多孩子You should put that on your audition tape. 你该把这句话放进试镜视频里You doing okay? 你还好吗No, I'm very nervous. 不人家紧张死了Where are you going? 你要去哪里Gift shop. 礼品店There is no gift shop. Sit down. 这里没有礼品店给我坐下This was your idea. 这也是你自己的主意啊So was having sex, and look where that got us. 滚床单也是我的主意你看看后果多严重This isn't a big deal. Stop whining. 这没什么大不了的别唧歪了When you were in labor and I said that, you kicked me. 你生娃时我也说过同样的话结果你踹了我Howard Wolowitz? 霍沃德·沃洛维茨- Want me to go with you? - No. -要我跟你一起吗 -不用- I'll be fine. - Yeah, we got this. -我没事 -对我俩可以的Sit down! 给我坐下Wish me luck. 祝我好运吧Other way, buster. 走错方向了小子Okay, you ready? 你准备好了吗Yeah, almost. 差不多了I'm working on my facial expressions. 我正在练习我的面部表情See, uh, I've got interested. 看这是我感兴趣的表情I've got very interested. 这是非常感兴趣的表情Enraged. 暴怒的表情Why would you be enraged? 你怎么会暴怒呢Hmm. Better to have it and not need it 平日多烧香than to need it and not have it. 好过临时抱佛脚Okay. 好吧And... 准备...rolling. 开拍Hello. I am theoretical physicist, Dr. Sheldon Cooper, 大家好我是一名理论物理学家谢尔顿·库珀博士auditioning for the role of Professor Proton. 为质子博士一角试镜Now, excuse me while I get into character. 现在请允许我进入角色之Hello. I am Professor Proton. 大家好我是质子教授And today, boys and girls, 今天孩子们we're going to have fun with science. 我们要一起进入有趣的科学世界Did you know you could calculate the mass of an electron 你知道可以用手边的家庭用品using household items? It's true. 计算出电子的质量吗这是真的哦All you'll need is a pencil, some paper, 你只需要一支铅笔一些纸dry ice, rubbing alcohol, 干冰外用酒精and a spool of 50-micron-thick cobalt-60 wire. 和一卷50微米细的钴60线轴And, remember, don't put it in your mouth, 要记得别把线轴放进嘴里or instead of becoming a scientist, 不然你没变成科学家you'll become wildly radioactive. 就先变成放射狂人了Hang on. I have a question. 等一下我有个问题Do you have any experiments that aren't life-threatening? 你有其他没有致命危险的实验吗Come on! That was a perfect take, and you ruined it. 拜托人家拍得好好的全被你毁了Oh, look! Hey, I did need enraged. 你看我暴怒的表情用上了- Really hurts, huh? - No. -看来真的很痛啊 -不痛He's just saying, "Ow can these prices be so low"" 他只是在说"哎哟这价格真划算呀"It's gonna be okay. A day or two of rest, 别担心只需休息一两天就好and you'll be fine. 你会好起来的You know nothing about Jewish people. 那你真是不懂犹太人了Um, let me go check on her. 我去看看她Okay, uh, this is a bit awkward. 好了现在有一点小尴尬了It says here that I need to check the area 手册上写我需要检查一下手术部位的for redness and swelling. 发红和肿胀情况You know what? It hurts so much, go ahead. 我已经痛到麻木了随便你吧So you see, boys and girls, 所以孩子们H, or helicity, is the natural variable to use relativistically H 也就是螺旋性是使用相对论的自然变量is defined as S dot P, divided by the magnitude of P. S·P 再除以P的量So the next time someone on the playground tells you 所以下次如果操场上有人告诉你you can only use integral values for the matrix 你只能用整数值来that determines the spin of the antiproton, 决定反质子的自旋you stop being friends with that kid, 别和那孩子做朋友'cause he's going nowhere. 因为他肯定成不了材Until next week, this is Professor Proton saying, 我们下周再会质子教授跟大家说That's "Bye" in ASCII binary, 是美国信息交换标准代码二进制数的"拜"or good-binary. "二"个拜拜拜So, what do you think? 你们觉得如何呢Well, I already told him that I loved it, 我已经跟他说我觉得超赞了but if you found it confusing or dangerous or-- 但如果你们有人觉得说得太绕太危险...I don't know-- three to four times too long, 或我随便举例比如超长了几倍时间now is the time to share. 现在就可以提出你们的意见I... I don't know what to say. 我不知道说什么Leonard, do you know what to say? 莱纳德你有什么想说的吗Sheldon, uh, I thought it, uh... 谢尔顿我觉得呢...It-it looked like you were having so much fun. 感觉视频中的你玩得很开心That's what you used to tell me to say to Penny 你以前也教过我用这话应付佩妮after one of her terrible plays. 就在看完她难看的表演后Well, what was wrong with it? 所以问题出在哪呢You know, did you find it... 你们会觉得...borderline psychotic? 快接近神经病了吗I mean, 我个人觉得呢I liked that about it, but... 我挺喜欢这一点但...you guys discuss. 请畅所欲言Do you remember when you were a kid 你还记得你小时候and you'd watch Professor Proton? 看质子教授的节目吗Of course. 当然啊Well, did he ever make you-- I don't know-- 那他有过让你觉得... 比方说... hate science and the people who do it? 痛恨科学与搞科学的人吗What are you saying? 你什么意思I-I just think it would be... better 我觉得你要想改进if your contempt for children 那你对儿童的不屑wasn't so much in the foreground. 就不能够这么堂而皇之Well, you want me to lie? 你是要我说谎吗Well, it's not lying-- it's acting. 这不是说谎是演戏啊Sheldon Cooper may not like kids, 虽然谢尔顿·库珀不爱小孩子but Professor Proton loves them. 但质子教授很喜欢孩子啊Interesting. 有意思You know, I hadn't really thought of it that way. 我还没用这角度想过呢It-It's similar to how I'm afraid of dogs, 这就像是我本人很怕狗but my D&D character likes dogs, you know? 但我桌游里的角色很喜欢狗一样But he's allergic, so he can't be around them. 但他对狗过敏所以不能接近狗狗Why don't we have a dog? 我们为什么不养狗Hey, you can always reshoot it. 你可以重拍一个啊Mm, I suppose. 也是啦And, you know, maybe I could even get some tips 或许这次我还能去请教from someone who's acted professionally. 有过专业演员经历的人Sheldon, obviously, I'd be happy to help you out. 谢尔顿我当然很乐意帮助你啦I don't know what to say. 我无言以对Hey, Sheldon. What's up? 谢尔顿怎么了I need an acting coach. 我需要一个演戏教练Would you give me Patrick Stewart's number? 你能给我帕特里克·斯图尔特的电话吗Would you give me Patrick Stewart's number? 知名杰出英国演员也曾出演过《星际旅行: 初代》No. 不能Fine. I guess you can do it. 好吧你来教也行Bernie? 妮妮Where did you get a bell? 你从哪弄来的铃App store. 应用商店Fun. Let me see. 真好玩让我看看When you catch me, you can have it back. 等你能抓到我了再还你手机You want to lie down, watch a movie? 你想躺下一起看个电影吗I can't. I got my 16-week checkup to get to, 不行我得去做第16周的产检and then I'll pick up some Chinese for dinner. 完事后我会买中餐外卖回来当晚饭I'll take Halley with me. 我会把哈雷带上You-you sure you're not overdoing it? 你确定你这样不会太累吗- No, it's fine. - Great. -没事不会的 -那太好了Then maybe, instead of Chinese, 那不如别买中餐fire up the grill and throw on a couple of steaks? 去把烤架热了弄几块牛排如何Kung pao chicken, please. 宫保鸡丁谢谢老婆大人- Oh, boy. - What? -惨了 -怎么了They cast the new Professor Proton. 他们选出新的质子教授演员了Is it Sheldon? 是谢尔顿吗Not exactly. 不是Wheaton! 惠顿It's Wil Wheaton. 是威尔·惠顿How was the doctor? 医生怎么说Good, but I have some news. 一切良好但我有个事情要说Don't say twins. Don't say twins. Don't say twins. 别说是双胞胎别是双胞胎Don't say twins. 别说是双胞胎啊It's not twins. 不是双胞胎Oh. I mean, because I would have loved them both. 我是说我一定会超爱他们啦The doctor said I was overdoing it, 医生说我操劳过度so she put me on bed rest just to be safe. 让我在床上歇着保胎Oh, no. 太心疼了It may not look like it, but I'm running to you! 虽然看起来不像但我正在朝你飞奔而去Hello, Arthur. 亚瑟你好啊What-what part of "Rest in peace" "安息"这两个字don't you understand? 你是有哪个字不懂I suppose you're here because you heard the news? 我猜你会来是因为你听到消息了吧Sheldon, I'm a figment of your imagination. 谢尔顿我是你的想象虚构出来的I don't hear news. 老子不会听到消息You're a grumpy figment. 真是个暴躁的虚构体Look, they're remaking your show, 是这样的他们要重启你的节目and they cast Wil Wheaton as Professor Proton. 他们选了威尔·惠顿来当质子教授And the worst part is, he's not even a scientist. 而最糟的地方就是他甚至不是科学家No, the-the worst part is, 不最糟的地方是I'm sitting on a moist log. 我坐在湿哒哒的木头上We have to stop this and protect your legacy. 我们得阻止这一切保护你名声What legacy? 有个毛名声啊My-my last two seasons, 我节目最后两季I was on Sunday morningn at 5:30. 档期是在周日早上五点半播出We-we were beat by Davey and Goliath. 收视率还被陶土儿童节目给打败I can't believe you don't care. 我真不敢相信你都不在乎Believe it. 相信吧Well, I care, a lot, 但我在乎非常在乎and Wil Wheaton will rue the day he ever met me. 威尔·惠顿绝对会后悔认识我I think that's true of most people. 我觉得大多数人都这么觉得Hi, guys. 你们好啊Wanted to check in and see how you two were doing. 就想过来看看你们俩怎么样了We're okay. 我们挺好Yeah, hanging out in bed with my wife, 对啊跟我老婆赖在床上thawing out some frozen peas in my pants-- 用裤裆内的体温给冻豆子化冻living the dream. 宛如梦中啊Oh, I'll get her. 我去哄她吧I thought Raj was helping you out. 我以为拉杰会来帮手呢No, he had to work. 没来他得上班Plus, he has a quota for the amount of 再说了关于印度仆人的玩笑Indian servant jokes he can tolerate, 他的容忍是有限的and, apparently, I filled it. 而我貌似已经把额度用完了Well, you're... I can get the baby. 你歇着吧我可以去哄她No, Howie's got it. He's fine. 不用了华仔可以的他能行Right, Howie? 对吧华仔Never better. 比什么时候都行Don't be silly. 别傻了I'll take the rest of the day off and watch Halley for you. 我可以请假帮你们照看哈雷Or we can call Stuart. 或者我们可以打给斯图尔特I'm sure he could close up the store, 我敢说他肯定会马上关店hop on a bus, and be here in no time. 跳上公交车飞奔来这里He does love the bus. 他的确很爱公交车Okay, hang on. 等下Do you guys not trust me to take care of your baby? 你俩是不相信我可以照看好你们的娃吗- No. - No! -当然不是 -不是不是- No. - No. -不是 -真不是So I-I guess... 我觉得还是...no. 不行It's not that we don't trust you-- it's just... 不是我们不信任你只是...you don't seem like much of a baby person. 你看起来不太像是喜欢小娃娃的人I can watch your stupid baby, okay? 我能照看好你们的傻逼娃娃好吗If she cries, I will pick her up. 如果她哭了我会抱她起来If she's hungry, I'll give her a bottle. 如果她饿了我会给她热奶And if she poops, I'll light some incense. 如果她拉粑粑了我会点上熏香It would be a big help. 那可真是帮了大忙了Okay. Thank you. 好吧谢谢你Trust me, you guys have nothing to worry about. 相信我你们俩绝对可以放一百个心You know, back in Nebraska, 当年在我们老家I raised all our baby pigs 我们家的小猪仔right until the day they were slaughtered. 都是我一手养大到可以送去宰了So, unless your baby's made of breakfast meat, 所以除非你们娃是早餐肉做的she's fine. 否则她好着呢Would you ever get a vasectomy? 你会去做结扎手术吗Uh, in case you haven't noticed, 或许你没有注意到Indians aren't too big on birth control. 印度人不是很喜欢计划生育There's probably, like, a million more of us 很可能从我们开始这话题到现在since we started this conversation. 印度又多了一百万人口You okay? 你还好吧No. 不好No, all these comments online about Wil, 网上所有关于威尔的评论they're nothing but supportive and kind. 一水儿全是支持和好话Where's the mean, snarky Internet 那个毒舌刻薄的互联网哪去了that shows up every time I get a haircut? 怎么每次我剪完头发它就出现呢You know that's us, right? 你知道毒舌刻薄的是我们对吧Well, luckily, I got the number of the company 幸运的是我搞到了那家who's trying to reboot the show, 试图重启这节目公司的电话so I need you all to call and register your displeasure. 所以我需要你们都打去表达你们的不满Sheldon, no one's gonna do that. 谢尔顿没人会这么做Not true. 有哦I know of three calls they've received already: 我知道已经有三个人打去表达不满了a-a Southern gentleman, 一位是南方绅士um, a Cockney chimney sweep, 一位是伦敦烟囱清扫工and, uh, 还有一位是Mr. T, hmm? T先生Who-- spoiler alert-- 这位先生剧透一下pities the fool who tries to reboot that show. 可怜那位试图重启这节目的傻瓜What about tiresome lunatic with a bad haircut? 那个发型糟糕的无聊疯子呢Has he called yet? 他怎么没打去Come on. 拜托How many times have we banded together 多少次我们团结起来to try to save a show that we loved? 一起去拯救我们热爱的节目L-Let's shake things up and try to kill one. 这次我们改变套路把这节目扼杀在摇篮中Isn't the important thing that there's a show 有个能让孩子喜欢科学的节目to get kids excited about science? 难道不重要吗Who cares about kids and what they like? 谁在乎小孩和他们喜欢什么啊This is about me 这事关我and something I liked when-when I was a kid. 和我还是个孩子时喜欢的节目What if the reboot is great? 万一节目重启很成功呢That's even worse. 那就更糟了If-if I like it, 如果我喜欢它I'll feel like I'm being disloyal to Arthur. 感觉就像背叛了亚瑟He was a mentor and a friend, 他是我的导师和朋友and I won't toss him aside for some Hollywood pretty boy 我不会为了好莱坞某个帅哥比如威尔·惠顿like Wil Wheaton. 而抛弃他It's hard to argue with him. 他的话很难反驳啊Because he makes no sense? Yeah. 因为他根本不讲理吗的确是This is actually kind of nice, 这感觉其实挺好的you and me getting to spend a couple days in bed together. 你我有机会一起在床上赖几天Yeah. Pretty soon, we're gonna have 是啊很快我们家two crying babies in the house. 就会有两个哇哇叫的宝宝了I'm glad my balls hurt. It's all their fault. 我很高兴我蛋疼因为全是它们的错Well, let's just enjoy this quiet time 让我们一起享受这宁静的时光while we still got it. 趁现在还有机会Yeah. 是啊Yeah, it is really quiet. 但这也太安静了吧You think Penny's doing okay? 你觉得佩妮能应付得来吗Penny, everything all right?! 佩妮一切还好吗Hey. All good. 一切都好Dipped her pacifier in a little bourbon, she conked right out. 往她奶嘴上沾了点酒她立马昏睡过去了I hope you're joking. 希望你是在开玩笑Of course I'm joking. I don't share my bourbon. 当然是开玩笑啊我才不会分享我的酒呢She's joking. 她在开玩笑Definitely. 肯定是Probably. 应该吧Wil Wheaton. Wil Wheaton. 威尔·惠顿威尔·惠顿This is Sheldon, by the way. 对了我是谢尔顿Hi, Sheldon. 谢尔顿Here, I found this pizza flyer in your fence. 给我在你的栅栏发现这张披萨传单Thank you. 谢谢Okay, now you owe me a favor. 现在你欠我个人情Turn down the role of Professor Proton. 你去拒演质子教授I don't think so. 我不同意You can't be Professor Proton. You're not a scientist. 你不能当质子教授你又不是科学家Well, I was never on a starship, 我也从没上过太空星舰but pretending I was bought me this house. 但假装自己上过让我买下了这栋房子And if I'd pretended a little longer, 要是我假装的时间更久it would have a swimming pool. 还能买下带泳池的房子呢Some things shouldn't be rebooted. 有些东西就不该被重启Some things were perfect the way they were. 有些东西本来就很完美了Like the walled city of York-- it was a delight. 比如有城墙的约克非常美好But New York? Blech. 但新约克[纽约] 算了吧Did you ever consider that maybe Arthur would be happy to know 你有没想过如果亚瑟得知他的节目比他还长寿that his show has outlived him? 会很高兴呢I doubt it. 我深表怀疑He was kind of a mean old crank. 他是个刻薄暴躁的臭老头Sheldon, I promise that I will work my hardest to make this show great 谢尔顿我保证我会努力把节目做好so that a whole new generation of kids 好让新一代的孩子们will grow up and they will be able to say 长大后会说that Professor Proton was the reason they got into science. 是质子教授让他们投身科学领域That was very persuasive. 这番话很有说服力Thanks. 谢谢But I won't be seduced by your acting skills 但我不会被你的演技nor your movie star charisma. 或电影明星魅力所诱惑There's only one Professor Proton, 质子教授只有一个and he had neither of those things. 而他绝没有上述两种特质I'll give you one more chance to bow out. 我再给你一次机会退出Or what? 不然怎样When we first met, we were enemies, 我们初次见面时你我是敌人but we worked through that and we became friends. 但我们解决了矛盾成为了朋友Do you really want to go back? 你真想回到当初吗Honestly, it doesn't feel very different. 老实说感觉没什么不同I'm not leaving! 我不会走的All right, I'm gonna sic my dog on you. 好吧那我就放狗出来咬你You don't have a dog. 你又没有养狗Yes, I do. 有的Ugh, I can't tell if you're lying-- 我分辨不出你是否在说谎you're such a good actor! 你演技太高超了Hey, how you doing? 你好吗What are you doing here? 你怎么来了Oh, I just came by, you know, 我就顺路过来看看to see if you need any help. 看你是否需要帮忙Howard and Bernadette asked you to check up on me. 霍华德和伯纳黛特派你来监督我That is not entirely true. 这话不全对So did Leonard and... everybody. 还有莱纳德和所有人How irresponsible do you all think I am? 你们是觉得我有多不负责任啊We don't think you're irresponsible. 我们不觉得你不负责任啊We think you're... 我们只是觉得你...fun-loving. 喜爱玩耍That is just a nice word for "Irresponsible." 这只是"不负责任"好听一点的说法You might be more on the ball than we thought. 看来你比我们想的要机智I'm getting a little hungry. 我有点饿了Want me to get it this time? 这次我来吧That'd be great. 那就太好了This is fun. 真好玩And now you also get to see an annoyed blonde walk into the room.你也能看到一个气鼓鼓的金发妞走进来What? 干嘛Can you get us a little snack? 能给我们拿点零食吗You sure you don't want your spy to do it? 你们不让你们的间谍去拿吗What are you talking about? 你在说什么呢You really don't trust me? You had to have Amy stop by? 你们真的很不信任我还让艾米过来看看- We trust you. - Yeah. -我们信任你 -是啊You were a terrible waitress, 你是个糟糕的服务员and we still asked you to get us a snack. 我们还是叫你给我们拿零食了啊Excuse me while I go take care of your baby. 失陪一下我要去照顾你们的宝宝Then I'll bring you your snack, 然后我会拿零食给你们and you can insult me some more. 到时你们就可以继续羞辱我了I don't know about you, 不知道你怎么想but I am not eating whatever she brings us. 但我绝对不会吃她送来的食物Hey, Halley. Aw, it's okay. 哈雷没事的Auntie Penny's here. Shh. Let's get you changed. 佩妮阿姨来了我帮你换尿布Your mommy and daddy say they trust me, 你爸妈说他们相信我but they're full of the same stuff your diaper is. 但他们满嘴都是你尿布里现在包着的东西Now I feel bad. 这下我内疚了Well, she never really liked me. 反正她从没喜欢过我It's kind of nice she hates you now, too. 现在她也讨厌你感觉还不赖Aw, but I'm here for you, 但你有我呢and I would never let anything happen to you, 我不会让你受到任何伤害because your Auntie Penny loves you so much. 因为佩妮阿姨真的好爱好爱你Mama. 妈妈Was that her first word? 那是她第一个词吗Mama. 妈妈Uh, no. No, baby. I'm not your mama. 不不宝宝我不是你妈妈Your mama's the nice lady we're gonna go see right now你妈妈是我们现在要去见的那位善良女士so I can rub this in her face. 这样我就能在她面前嘚瑟啦Do you hear that, suckers? 听见了吗你俩贱人She called me Mama! 她叫我妈妈Hello, Arthur. 你好亚瑟You-you know, 你知道吗we could... we could also meet in-in a deli. 我们我们也可以在熟食店见面的I'm sorry to say that I failed you. 很抱歉告诉你我辜负了你I tried to stop Wil Wheaton being Professor Proton, 我试过阻止威尔·惠顿出演质子教授but I couldn't. 但我没能做到See, now, that's-that's the kind of thing 知道吗这种话题you could tell a fella over a... 你可以边吃熏牛肉三明治pastrami sandwich. 边告诉对方的Well, don't worry. 别担心He's now on my enemies list forever. 现在他会永远在我的敌人名单里He's totally cut off. 我跟他永世绝交Interesting. 有意思Can-can anyone sign-sign up for that list? 其他人能去哪登记上那份名单呢。

生活大爆炸第一季(THE BIG BANG THEROY S01E13)字幕中英文对照打印版

生活大爆炸第一季(THE BIG BANG THEROY S01E13)字幕中英文对照打印版
-Leonard:What'd you spill on it
Diet Coke.
And yogurt.
And a little nail polish.
-Leonard:I'll take a look at it.
-Penny:Good afternoon, and welcome to today's Physics Bowl practice round.
I'mPenny, and I'll be your host.
Because apparently I didn't have anything else to do on a Saturday afternoon,
-Howard:New more detailsabout the new Star Trek film.
There's going to be a scene depicting Spock's birth.



目录第6集 (2)第7集 (14)第6集Leonard... E06 莱纳德...I've got terrible news. 我有个坏消息What's going on? 怎么了?Before I tell you, 在告诉你之前perhaps I should soften the blow. 或许我应该先做点铺垫以减轻打击Y ou're face is pleasingly symmetrical. 你的脸真是匀称得令人愉悦呀Just tell me. 直说吧A Swedish team of physicists 一个瑞典物理小组is trying to scoop our super-fluid vortex experiment. 打算抢在我们之前进行超流体涡流实验{\an8}超流现象即液氦降到超低温时出现的特殊物理现象Oh, well, that kind of stinks. 噢好吧那真是有点讨厌啊That kind of stinks? 有点讨厌?Why aren't you more upset? 你怎么没有更生气?Did I soften the blow too much? 是我铺垫做太多了吗?Because this here is more like a Picasso painting.你脸这部分其实更像是毕加索的画作{\an8}毕加索笔下的人物五官通常都是扭曲且不对称的What are we going to do? 那我们要怎么办呢?Perform the experiment immediately. 现在立马进行实验I'd love to, but we need liquid helium 我倒是想但我们需要液氦and our shipment's on back order for a month. 而我们订的货要一个月后才到A month? What? Are you kidding me? 一个月? 你在逗我吗?That would have been a good time for you to soften theblow.刚才你就该先来点铺垫的That shirt brings out the blue in your eyes. 这件衬衫简直突显了你眼睛的蓝邃Thank you. Aren't you sweet. 谢谢你太可爱了Let's go check to see if the university 我们去看看大学has any helium in reserve. 还有没有备用的液氦吧Did you know that I almost didn't wear this shirt today? 你知道吗? 我今天差点就没穿这件T恤Hey, Barry, we're in trouble. 嗨巴瑞我们遇到点麻烦We need liquid helium. Does the department have any we can use? 我们需要液氦系里有我们能用的液氦吗?Sorry, there's a shortage. 抱歉液氦短缺中And what we do have I need for my quantum excitation study. 现有的这些我需要用在我的量子激发研究上{\an8}另一个液氦超流体的研究方向But you won't need much for that. 但你不需要用很多True, but if it's successful, 没错但如果它成功了I'm having a party with balloons. 我打算开个派对要用到气球{\an8}氦气密度很小常用于给飞艇热气球充气Come on, Barry, there's a Swedish team 拜托巴瑞有个瑞典团队trying to run our experiment before us. 想要抢在我们前面进行实验Can't you spare any? 你就不能匀一点出来吗?Be honest... if the shoe was on the other foot, 实话说... 易地而处would you do this for me? 你们会借给我吗?- Y es. - No chance. - 会的- 没门What are you doing? 你这是干什么?He said be honest, so I was honest. 他说了要照实说我就照实说了Didn't your mother tell you? It's the best policy. 你妈妈没这么教你吗? 坦白从宽So, what do you say? 那么你的意思呢?Hell no. 门儿都没有He could've softened the blow. 他本来该来点铺垫的生活大爆炸第九季第06集Why do you need Kripke? 你们为什么要找克里普克?{\an8}第三季第九集中出现Why don't you just go to Party City for helium? 干嘛不直接去派对城市买氦气?{\an8}派对城市派对用品店We'd have to go to every Party City in California.那我们就需要跑遍加州的每一家派对城市Sounds like you on Cinco de Mayo. 听起来好像你们过五月五日节似的{\an8}墨西哥的传统节日Hey, people were still talking about that party 喂大家现在都还在讨论着on siete de Mayo. 五月七日那场派对呢{\an8}五月七日是纳粹无条件投降日Leonard, if that Swedish team beats us, 莱纳德如果那个瑞典团队打败了我们I will never be able to enjoy 我就再也无法享受anything from their country again. 任何来自那个国家的东西了Which is a shame, because Swedish meatballs那很可惜的因为我最喜欢用牙签戳着吃are my favorite toothpick-delivered meatball. 它们的瑞典肉丸了If you need liquid helium so bad, I know a guy 如果你们特别需要液氦我认识一个人who can get you some, 能给你们弄点if you don't ask too many questions. 如果你们能不要问他太多问题的话- Who is he? - Where does he work? - 他是谁? - 他在哪儿工作?How does he get the helium? 他怎么弄到的液氦?How many questions are too many questions? 问几个问题算问太多问题?Maybe he's not for you. 也许他不适合你们Four questions. There answer's four. 四个问题答案是四个Hey, you know who went out 嗨你知道那天谁出去on a date the other night? Stuart. 约会了吗? 斯图尔特Oh, good for him. 噢挺好的I thought so, too. 我也是这么想的So is she, like, homeless, or framing him for a crime? 那么她是无家可归呢还是打算嫁祸于他?He's using some kind of dating app on his phone. 他最近在用一个手机约会软件Oh, which one? 噢什么软件?Maybe we can get Amy to try it. 或许我们该让艾米试试看I don't know. 我不知道Stuart, can you come in here? 斯图尔特你能出来一下吗?He tried to explain it to me. 他给我解释过It shows you pictures of people nearby, 你可以看到附近的人的照片you swipe them around, it looks kind of like a game. 我看他把照片刷来刷去就好像某种游戏一样Oh, and if you lose the game, you have to go out with Stuart. 噢如果你输了就不得不跟斯图尔特约会了What's up? 怎么了?Can you show us that dating app? 你能给我们演示一下那个约会软件吗?Oh, yeah, sure. 好的当然This thing has changed my life.这个东西简直改变了我的人生Wow. So how many girls have you met? 哇哦那你现在约过多少个女孩了? Two. 两个I probably don't need to mention 或许不用我提醒你们there's an entire number between that and zero. 零和二之间是量的飞跃呢Well, so how does it work? 好吧那怎么用?Uh, well, it-it shows me all 嗯它... 它为我显示the single women in a five-mile radius 半径五英里范围内的who are using the app. 使用这个软件的单身女性If I like the way they look, I hit thumbs up. 如果我喜欢她们的样子就点"赞"If I don't, thumbs down. 如果不喜欢就点"烂"Oh, what would make you give a girl a thumbs down? 那么你会为了什么给一个女孩点"烂"呢?First time it happens I will let you know. 如果有这种情况我会告诉你的Oh, hey. I just heard back from the liquid helium guy. 嗨我收到那个弄液氦的人的回复了What's he say? 他怎么说?He's got what we need and can meet us tonight. 他弄来了我们需要的约我们今晚见面Oh, really? 真的吗?Y ou know I don't like buying things at night. 你知道我不喜欢晚上出门买东西的January 7, 2009. 2009年一月七日晚上十一点半I went to the Ralph's at 11:30pm to pick up 我去拉尔夫商店买早上要吃的桂格燕麦麸Cracklin' Oat Bran for the morning and what did I see? 你猜我看到了什么?The man restocking the cereal shelves. 有人在为燕麦货架补货That's right. And what did he do? 没错然后他做了什么?He handed you the box directly and called you Stretch. 他直接拿给你一盒燕麦还叫你细高个It's like it was yesterday. 简直犹在昨天Do you want liquid helium or not? 你到底想不想要液氦?Of course I do. 当然想要I don't want that Swedish team scooping us. 我不想让瑞典团队抢发了我们的实验Then I'm going to tell him we're in. 那我就告诉他这笔生意成交了Leonard, wait. This is highly unethical.莱纳德等等这是严重违反实验规定的We're just bending the rules a little.我们只是稍微变通了某些规定We have grant money to do the experiment, 我们有做实验的经费so we're going to spend it on the helium we need. 所以就把钱用在我们需要的氦气上It's not like when Dr. Goldfarb 这又不是戈德法布博士claimed he bought an electron microscope 声称买了个电子显微镜and he was really just keeping 实际上却是在范奈斯的公寓里a Russian girl in an apartment in V an Nuys. 养了个俄罗斯女孩Was she helping him with his research? 那女孩对他的研究有帮助吗? Sure. 当然So, are we doing this? 那就这么定了?Okay, but where does he get the helium? 好但他从哪儿弄来的氦气呢? Remember? Don't ask too many questions? 记得吗? 别问个不停Uh, but this is violating university code. 但这违背了大学的规章制度A little, but... 一点点但是...if I may quote Einstein,引用爱因斯坦的话说The pursuit of science calls us 对科学的追求使我们to ignore the rules set by man? 可以无视人为的规则All right, do it. 好吧就这么定吧Tell him we're in. 告诉他我们同意了Done. 好了I can't find that quote on the Internet. 我在网上找不到那条名言Did you make that up? 是你编的吗?Before I answer, 在我回答之前may I just say your skin has never looked better. 我不得不说你的皮肤真是前所未有的光滑Aren't you just made of sugar. 你嘴真甜I'm not sure how I feel about this. 我不知道这样对不对Oh, come on, just let him put the app on your phone. 拜托让他把那个应用下到你手机上吧Y eah, Stuart got two dates with it. 对啊斯图尔特用它争取到两次约会呢One of which would've ended in sex had she not said no. 其中一次要是她不拒绝的话我们就上床了Okay, all set. 好吧弄完了Okay, let me see. 来让我看看Nope, nope, 不行不行nope... 不行Oh, he's cute! 噢他真可爱!Doesn't a teardrop tattoo 泪珠状的纹身难道不是mean he murdered someone? 代表他杀过人吗?And he's sad about it. 他为此感到愧疚Hey. Hello. 嗨大家好啊- Hey. - Hey, I thought you were gonna be out late? - 嗨- 我以为你们会晚回来呢If you wanted me to stay out later, 要是你想让我在外面待得晚点you should've given me more spending money. 就该多给我些零用钱What are you guys up to? 你们干什么呢?We put Amy on a dating app, 我们让艾米玩一个约会应用程序and we're seeing what's out there. 看看有什么合适的对象Oh, fun! Let me see. 有意思! 让我看看Uh, no... 不行...no, uh, definitely not. 不肯定不行What was wrong with that guy? 这人哪儿不好了?Uh, he's Indian. 他是印度人We've already got one of those. 我们已经有一个印度人了Ooh, we should find a nice Latino. 我们应该找个拉丁美洲人It really round us out. 那样就凑齐了Hey, I want to try. 我也想试试Uh, excuse me, c-can I have my phone back? 打扰一下我能不能拿回我的电话? Hang on, I'm trying to find you 等等我正试着给你找the next great love of your life. 人生下一个真爱呢The man who will father your children.找你孩子们的父亲呢Okay, yes or no on white guy with dreadlocks? 看梳细发辫的白人行不行?That must be him. 那个肯定就是他Oh, of course. 噢当然了An nondescript, white panel van. 一辆毫无特色的白色厢式货车Y ou may be familiar with it from the sentence: 你可能从这句话里听说过Their bodies were found in a nondescript, 在一辆毫无特色的白色厢式货车里white panel van? 他们的尸体被发现了Hey. 嗨What's up? 你们好吗?Uh, I'm Leonard. 我是莱纳德- This is my friend - I'm Skippy. - 这是我的朋友- 我叫史杰比{\an8}Skippy 也指日本女人尤其指妓女Skippy Cavanaugh. 史杰比·卡瓦诺Great. 很好Y ou got the cash? 带现金来了吗?Uh, yeah, uh, right here. 有在这Wait, hold on, hold on. 等等等等How do we know that you're not gonna 我们怎么知道你不会take the money and drive away? 拿了钱开车就走呢?What ya doing, Skippy? 你干嘛呢史杰比?Exactly what 1970s television crime dramas have taughtus.正是七十年代犯罪电视剧教我们的Y ou give us the helium first. 你先给我们氦气Oh, how do I know you're not gonna 那我怎么知道你们会不会drive away without paying me? 不付钱就开车走人呢?Guess I'm not the only one 看来我不是唯一一个who watches '70s television crime dramas. 看过七十年代犯罪电视剧的人Look, you can trust us. 你可以信任我们We're respected scientists. 我们是广受尊敬的科学家Well, he is. 只有他是I'm a wedding planner,我是个婚礼策划人who can't find love himself. 自己却一直单身It's ironic, but the point is 这很讽刺但重点是we can't trust you. 我们没法信任你Y ou're a sketchy character in a parking garage. 你就是个停车场里的路人甲Y eah, well, from my perspective, 好吧站在我的角度that's how you two appear to me. 我看你们俩也是一样的Well, I never thought of it like that. 我还从没想过这点Boy, frame of reference will just sneak up on you, won't it? 天啊参照理论就这么打你个措手不及了吗?My friend does make a decent point about the money. 关于钱的事我朋友说的有道理I don't feel comfortable just handing it over up front. 我感觉就这么把钱给你不是很放心Ah-ah-ah, no money, no helium.不给钱就拿不到氦气Seems we're at a, uh, stalemate.看来我们僵持住了Not technically. 严格上来说不是啊In chess, a stalemate refers to a situation 在国际象棋里"僵持"是指in which there are no remaining moves. 无路可走的情况Uh, you have plenty of moves available. 你还有好多路可走呢Y ou could beat us up and steal the money. 你可以暴打我们一顿把钱偷走Y ou could kill us, you know. 你还可以杀了我们的知道吧Really, you're only limited by your imagination. 真的你只是被自己的想象力限制住了Huh. 这样All these years, I've been using stalemate, 这么多年来我一直都把"僵持" when I really mean impasse. 当成"僵局"来用的I feel foolish. 感觉好蠢啊I don't think it matters if this is a stalemate 我觉得不管是说"僵持""僵局"or an impasse or a Mexican standoff. 还是"墨西哥僵局" 都不重要What are we gonna do here? 我们要在这儿干嘛?Oh, whoa, whoa, how can it be a Mexican standoff? 哦哇哦哇哦这怎么是墨西哥僵局呢?{\an8}表示对峙的三方或多方互相牵制的平衡状态.Everybody knows you need three sides for that. 大家都知道得要有三边对峙Not necessarily. 不一定的Uh, many argue the essence of a Mexican standoff 呃很多人说墨西哥僵局的本质就是is that no one can walk away from the conflict 就是没有人能毫发无伤的without incurring harm. 远离冲突Hmm, I don't follow. 嗯我不懂你的意思Let me give you an example.我给你举个栗子吧Earlier today, 来这儿之前I decoded the headers on your e-mail, 我破解了你邮箱的源文件and I know that your name is Kenneth Fitzgerald. 然后我知道了你的名字是肯尼斯·菲茨杰拉德From that, I figured out where you live and where you work. 从而我搞清楚你的住址及上班的地方Now, to make this a Mexican standoff, 现在为了实现墨西哥僵局I would say something like, uh, 我会说诸如此类的话呃Y ou give us the helium or I'll turn you in to the authorities? 你给我们氦气否则我就向当局告发你Is that a threat? 那是威胁的意思吗?Y eah, exactly. See, you're getting it. 嗯没错看你明白我的意思了Y eah, well, I know where you work, all right? 好吧我知道你的工作地点好吧? And if you mess with me, I'll report you, 如果你敢耍我我就举报你then I'll pound your asses into the ground. 然后我就把你摔个屁股墩儿Perfect! Now we really are in a Mexican standoff. 完美现在我们真的实现墨西哥僵局了Is this one of those times 我又再一次的where I've won the battle but lost the war? 赢了嘴仗输了斗争吗?Afraid so, Skippy. 恐怕是的史杰比I told you we shouldn't go shopping at night. 我告诉过你我们不应该晚上去购物All right, let's all just calm down. 好了我们都冷静一点Nobody wants to report anybody. 没人想要举报任何人No, I don't like this. I'm out. 不我不喜欢这样我要走了No, no, no. Wait, don't go. 不不不等等别走Just let me explain. 让我解释一下We're physicists, and we're trying to prove 我们是物理学家而我们试图证明a hypothesis that we've been working on for over a year. 我们努力了一整年的一个假设Really? What's the hypothesis? 真的吗? 什么假设?Space-time can be interpreted as 时空可以被看作是the surface of an n-dimensional superfluid. N维堆超流体的表层Hmm. Could be, could be. 嗯有可能有可能Go on. 继续Okay, but now there's this Swedish team that read our paper 好吧但现在有个瑞士团队读了我们的论文and they're trying to beat us to our own discovery. 而他们想要用我们的理论来打败我们We really need this helium. 我们真的很需要氦气And I'm sorry I lied about 我很抱歉谎称我是being a wedding planner who can't find love. 找不到真爱的婚礼策划人Although I am currently single, if you know anybody. 尽管我最近单身了如果你认识那个谁的话Here's the money. Can we do this? 给你钱我们继续交易好吗? Okay. 好的It's a shame about those scientists ripping you off. 那些剽窃你们的科学家应该感到羞愧I expected a higher ethical standard 我本来以为我们的瑞典朋友from our friends in Sweden. 会有节操一点儿呢It's actually pretty common in our field. 事实上在我们的领域是很司空见惯的Not much you can do about it. 你也不能把他们怎么样Well, for the right amount of money, 嗯为了你们给的这些钱if you know where they live, 如果你知道他们住哪儿there's, uh, plenty we could do about it. 我们呃可以大有所为的Did you hear that, Leonard? 你听到了吗莱纳德?There's plenty we could do about it. 我们可以大有所为Do you have a card? 你们有卡吗?Okay, here we go. 好了搞定了Now everyone can see. 现在大家都可以看了All right. (clears throat) 好了(清喉咙)Where do we stand on cross-eyed Mike? 我们为什么会觉得斗鸡眼麦克不错? Y ou know he won't be looking at other girls. 那样他看不到别的女孩了Unless they're sitting on the end of his nose. 除非她们坐在他的鼻子底下Okay, okay, okay. Thumbs down. 好的好的好的往下按Next. 下一个Ew, check out his tiny teeth. 呃快看他的小尖牙He looks like a man-dolphin. 他看起来像个海豚人儿Wait, if he's good in bed, 等等如果他床上功夫好she can throw him a fish. 她还可以扔条鱼奖励他(high-pitched): I love you, Amy. (高音): 我爱你艾米(squeaking) (海豚叫)Okay, I'm starting to feel guilty.好吧我开始有罪恶感了Aren't we being a little mean? 我们是不是有点太刻薄了?That's a fair point. 你的想法是对的We wouldn't make fun of someone like this to their face. 我们不应该取笑别人的长相Look, it's Stuart! 看是斯图尔特!Y ou may want to leave the room. 你可能会不想呆在这儿Right this way, Uncle Harvey.这边走哈维舅舅Will you stop with that already? 你能不能消停会儿?I'm trying not to attract attention. 我正试图消除别人的注意And tipping his hat to the cleaning lady didn't do that? 向清洁工脱帽行礼还不够引人注目吗?She said,buenas noches. What was he supposed to do? 她说"晚上好晚安"他能怎么办? Let's just start the experiment. 我们开始做实验吧Leonard, we should probably have our story straight 莱纳德我们也许应该把我们的故事理顺in case we get caught. 以免我们被抓We're not getting caught. 我们不会被抓到的Well, you can't be sure of that. 嗯你也不能保证What if the helium dealer rats us out? 假如卖家出卖我们怎么办?What if Kripke asks where we got it? 假如克里普克问我们是怎么弄到的怎么办?What if the university checks my family tree 假如学校调查我的家族成员and finds out I don't have an Uncle Harvey? 发现我根本没有舅舅叫哈维呢?The dealer doesn't care, Kripke has no authority over us, 卖家根本不在意克里普克不能越级上报and you being related to a metal container 而你和一个金属容器是亲戚would explain a lot. 这很合情合理Help me hook this up. 帮我把这个扣住Uh-oh. What? 啊哦什么?- Well, did you see this sticker? - What is it? - 嗯看到这个贴纸了吗? - 是什么? It's partially torn off, but the segment that remains reads: 一部分被撕掉了剩下的部分写着property of and the letter U ? 上面写着"所属机构为字母U"It's probably USC 可能是南加利福尼亚大学or UCLA. 或是加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校Y eah, but what if it's roperty of U.S. Government? 嗯但是如果它是联邦政府登记在册的呢?There's a national helium reserve in Amarillo, Texas. 在德克萨斯州的阿马里洛有国家贮存的氦气If this was stolen from there, 如果这是从那儿偷的we're accessories to a federal crime. 我们就犯国家罪了Let's not jump to conclusions. 我们别太快下结论- A lot of things start with U. - That's true. - 很多机构都是字母U开头的- 那倒是There's the U.S. Air Force, 美国空军U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Navy, 美国国防部美国海军Y ou and I are going to jail.你和我会坐牢Listen, we can do the experiment as planned 听着我们可以按计划进行试验and beat the Swedish team to the punch, 然后打败瑞士团队or we can kiss our dreams good-bye because we were 或者我们可以和梦想挥手告别因为我们to afraid to break a few rules. 太害怕而不敢打破常规Ma'am. 您好Okay, does everyone remember the rules? 好大家都知道游戏规则了吧?If he's shirtless, one sip. 如果照片是半裸的喝一口Posing with a pet, two sips. 如果是跟宠物的合照喝两口Pet and shirtless, chug like it's your job. 如果是跟宠物拍的半裸照就一口气干了And pull! 现在开始!I have that same underwear! 我有同款的内裤哎!Chug! 干了!Mm, Amy, you're getting a text. 艾米你有短信Oh, um, give me that. 哦把手机给我I had a great time last night 我昨晚过的很开心No, no, st-stop reading that. 拜托别读了- Who's Dave? - I... - 谁是戴夫? - 我...Y ou went on a date last night? 你昨晚出去约会了吗?Are you seeing someone? 你在跟别人交往吗?No, it-it's not like that. 不不是这样的And I'd love to take you out again 真希望能再跟你出去坐坐Amy! What? 艾米! 不会吧?Can't believe it. Oh, my God. 真是不敢相信天哪Okay, it's like that. 好吧就是这样Thank you for coming back. 谢谢你能再回来Y eah, well, normally I wouldn't, 一般我不会这么做but my daughter's having a sleepover, and there's only 不过我女儿去朋友家过夜了so much screaming and Katy Perry a man can take. 我一个大男人也顶多只能看着水果姐尖叫了{\an8}Katy Perry 人称水果姐美国当红歌手Anyway, if you could just give us our money back, 好吧如果你把钱退给我们you can have your helium and we'll be on our way. 我们就把氦还给你然后各不相欠了Y eah, well, is there something wrong with it? 怎么那氦有什么问题吗?No, nothing. We just changed our mind. 没有是我们改主意了He has glasses and I'm a know-it-all; 从他戴着眼镜我又这么无所不知来看we are not built for prison. 我们绝对不是进监狱的人物Y eah, I hear you. 嗯好吧Well, you're good guys, so I'll, uh... 既然你们都是好人那我...I'll take the helium off your hands. 那我只能把它拿走了Thank you. 太感谢了But you ain't getting your money back. 不过钱我是不会给你们了Y ou're taking advantage of us? 你这是要占我们便宜吗?We clarified nomenclature together. 我们不是以命名法把这个问题说清楚了吗Look, I enjoy semantic digressions 我相信你们下一个合作伙伴肯定跟我一样as much as the next guy, but, uh, this is business. 享受跟你讨论语义学不过没这就是生意之道Y ou know what? 好了好了It's fine. Keep the money. 行吧我们不要钱了We just want to be done with this. 现在我们只想把这件事了结掉No problem, but I am gonna have to charge you 没问题不过我还得收一点点a small helium restocking fee. 补货的钱I don't understand. 我不太懂你的意思He wants more money. 他想再要点钱Well, it better not be more than a thousand dollars; 好吧不过千万别超过一千块that's all I've got on me. 我身上可只有这么多That's exactly how much it is. 我就要这么多Finally, 这下好了something breaks our way. 咱还是得破财免灾I can't believe you're seeing someone 我真不敢相信你跟别人交往and we don't even know about it. 竟然都不告诉我们Y eah, why wouldn't you tell us? 对啊你为什么不告诉我们呢? Because it's new and weird 因为这只是刚开始and I'm just trying to figure it all out. 我想自己先理清楚And I knew 而且如果我告诉你们if I told you guys I had been out 我跟几个人出去约会了with a few people that you'd get way too excited about it. 你们肯定会特别激动A few people? 几个人?- What?! Amy! - Amy! - 啥?! 艾米! - 艾米!So, are we allowed to ask how it's going? 所以我们能问问进展怎么样吗?It's going fine. 还不错It's mostly just been meeting people for coffee. 只是出去喝杯咖啡而已Wha...?! 啥...?!I thought we were all... 我以为我们都会这样...Never mind. 算了I-I thought you weren't ready 我还以为to start seeing people. 你还没有准备好跟其他人交往Well, I don't have much experience dating, 我没什么约会的经验so I decided it would be good for me 所以我觉得出去约几次会to, you know, get out there a little. 对我也是件好事Well, good for you. 对当然是件好事Thank you. 谢谢And how many guys have you gone out with? 你在跟几个人约会?Please be less than two. 老天保佑两个以下- Three. - Damn it. - 三个- 我去Well, the Swedes might beat us, 虽然瑞典人可能赢了我们but at least we won't get gang-noogied in prison. 不过至少我们没被扔进监狱{\an8}这句话是电影《监狱宝贝蛋》的台词Is Ernest Goes to Jail the only prison movie you've seen? 监狱电影你是不是只看过《监狱宝贝蛋》?It scared me straight, Leonard. 你是不知道它有多吓人莱纳德Hey, I've been thinking. 嗨我回去想了想I was being petty. 之前是我太小气了Y ou can have my helium. 我那儿的氦可以给你们Thank you, Barry. 谢谢你巴瑞But you have to add my name to your paper. 不过你们报告里得把我的名字加进去That's preposterous. 这太荒谬了I don't know, seems fair. 这很公平啊Y ou can't do it without me. 反正没有我你们也成不了事Can you give us a minute? 能给我们点时间讨论一下吗?Take your time. 没事慢慢讨论I'll walk out backwards for dramatic effect. 为了营造戏剧效果我要倒着走出去I don't like being extorted like this. 这有点像被敲诈的感觉我不想这样Especially by him of all people. 尤其是被他敲诈Me neither, but what other choice do we have? 我也不想啊但是我们能怎么办?I promise this is the last time. 我保证这是最后一次It says right here on Wikipedia. 维基百科上是这么说的"A Mexican standoff is a confrontation between "墨西哥僵局是指at least three parties." 至少三方双间的对峙"How can you trust Wikipedia 维基百科竟然用"在两者之间"来指三方事物if they use "between" to refer to three parties? 你怎么可以相信啊?They should've used "among," right? 应该用"什么之中"这个词对吧?Or "amongst," if they were feeling whimsically archaic. 想听起来复古一些也可以用"当中"这个词All right, enough with the chitchat. 好了先别闲聊了Are we gonna watch Ernest Goes to Jail or not? 我们到底还要不要看《监狱宝贝蛋》啊?Absolutely. 当然看了But don't be surprised if this movie sets you 不过看完这部电影你可能就再也不敢违法了- on the straight and narrow. - I am open to change. - 我先提醒你一下- 我很乐于改变的第7集Did you hear about this study that found people E07 你们有没有听说一项研究that were cool and popular at 13 十三岁时比较酷比较受欢迎的人have problems succeeding later in life? 长大后却很难成功Hmm. I'm doing okay,and I was very popular at 13. 我现在混的不错十三岁时也很受欢迎n school? 在学校吗Oh, no. At home. 那倒不是是在家里The servants would sing to me, 仆人们会给我唱歌laugh at my jokes... 喜欢我讲的笑话wish I knew their names. 可惜我不知道他们的名字Does the study say 这项研究有没有说what happens to the unpopular kids? 不受欢迎的孩子们会怎么样啊Y ou tell me... you 你说呢刚刚跟你一块儿起床的人woke up in bed with one. 就是个活生生的例子Listen to this. 跟你们说件事just received an e-mail from Wil Wheaton. 刚刚威尔·惠顿给我发了封邮件Leonard Nimoy's son is working on a documentary 说伦纳德·尼莫伊的儿子正在制作一部纪录片that he started with his father before he passed away. 这部纪录片是他父亲生前跟他合作的t's about Mr. Spock and his impact on our culture. 是关于史波克先生及其对美国文化的影响Why is he writing to you? 他为什么给你发邮件Well, they're looking for fans to interview, 他们想采访一位粉丝and Wil thought I'd be good for it. 威尔觉得我很合适Oh. Hey, high five. 哇不错嘛来击个掌Absolutely not. 才不要Y eah, Penny, 对了佩妮you spent some time in front of the camera. 关于拍摄你有些经验。



Big Bang Theory 学英语第一季10集-Leonard:The liquid metal Terminator were created in the future by Skynet, and Skynet was developed by Miles Dyson, but that future no longer exists due to Dyson's death in Terminator 2. liquid:液态metal:金属Terminator:终结者Skynet:天网no longer:不再exist:存在due to:由于液态金属终结者是在未来由天网系统创造的(见"终结者2")而天网系统是由Miles Dyson设计的,可是在"终结者2"中Dyson死了所以未来不存在了。

-Sheldon:Okay, then riddle me this:riddle:谜;解谜好的,这样跟你解释吧。

Assuming all the good Terminators were originally evil Terminators created by Skynet but then reprogrammed by the future John Connor.assuming:如果,假设originally:起初evil:邪恶的reprogram:改编假设所有好的终结者一开始都是坏的,他们都是由天网系统制造的但被未来的Jone Conner 重新编程。

Why would Skynet, an artificial computer intelligence, bother to create a petite, hot, 17-year-old killer robot?artificial intelligence:人工智能bother:麻烦petite:娇小的killer:杀手robot:机器人那为什么天网系统这个人工智能计算机要去创造一个娇小火辣的17岁的杀人机器人?-Leonard:Skynet is kinky? I don't know...kinky:古怪的天网系统有怪癖?我不知道...-Sheldon:Artificial intelligences do not have teen fetishes.teen:十几岁的人fetish:恋物人工智能计算机才没有恋童癖。


and analyze the data so that you don't crash into geek mountain.
-Howard:I didn’t agree, love is not a sprint; it's a marathon- -
-Leonard:There's a generally accepted pattern in this area.
I would pick you up, take you to a restaurant.
Then we would see a movie,
When it comes to sexual harassment law, I'm a bit of a self-taught expert.
-Leonard:Look,Howard, if I were to askLesliewinkle out, it would just be for dinner.
-Leonard:I'm not jealous. I'm just a little concerned for her.
I didn't like the look of the guy that she was with.
呆呆地在想什么呢 (此谚语中正好有Penny一词)

生活大爆炸第一季(THE BIG BANG THEROY S01E14)字幕中英文对照打印版

生活大爆炸第一季(THE BIG BANG THEROY S01E14)字幕中英文对照打印版
时间机器电影里的时间机器? 不是,是"苏菲的抉择"里的时间机器 哥们苏菲可是在那部电影里用过时间机 器你们见过它么? 挺猛的 哦看起来好酷啊 只有 800 块? 是啊那是我的竞标价 你标 800 美元? 我也是一时激动啊!我以为别人会标到 上千块我只不过想凑个热闹 竞拍就剩下 3 0 秒了 你有 800 块么? 我就算有也不能花在迷你时间机器上 呃别担心,拍卖的时候买家总是在最后 一秒才出价他们突然闯进来把东西卷 走,行话叫狙击战术 还剩 15 秒 快来啊狙击手 10 9 8... 你说的狙击手呢? 5
-Leonard: Some guy is auctioning off a miniature Time 有人在网上拍卖迷你时间机器,那可是 Machine prop from the original film, and no one is bidding on it. 原版电影的仿制品但是没有人在竞拍 -Howard: A time machine from the movie The Time Machine? -Leonard: No. A time machine from Sophie's Choice -Rajesh: Boy, Sophie could have used a time machine in that movie. Did you see it? It's rough. -Howard: Oh, that's cool. -Rajesh: It's only $800? -Leonard: Yeah. And that's my bid. -Sheldon: You bid $800? -Leonard: It was a spur-of-the-moment thing. I figured it would go for thousands, and I just wanted to be a part of it. -Sheldon: There's only3 0 seconds left in the auction. -Howard: Do you have $800? -Leonard: Not to blow on a miniature time machine. -Howard: Well, don't worry. The way these things work is people wait until the last second to bid, and then they swoop in and get it. It's called sniping. -Rajesh: 15 seconds. -Leonard: Come on, snipers. -Rajesh: Ten, nine, eight... -Leonard: Where are your snipers? -Rajesh: five...



目录第2集 (2)第3集 (12)第4集 (24)第2集Why are you up? 你怎么还不睡How am I supposed to sleep? 我怎么睡得着I've been married less than 24 hours, 我结婚还不到24小时and my wife isn't speaking to me. 我的老婆就跟我冷战了Perhaps you can think of this in a more positive light. 或许你可以用更积极的态度看待这件事In one day, you've managed to do 你只用了短短一天what it takes many couples decades to achieve. 就达到许多夫妻花了几十年才达到的境界Y ou couldn't sleep either? 你也睡不着吗Of course not. 当然啦Me neither. 我也睡不着But I just had a tickle in my throat. 但我只是喉咙痒Not profound marital problems. 不是什么深刻的婚姻问题What are we gonna do? 我们该怎么办I don't know. 我也不知道Please, tell me how I can fix it. 求你告诉我我该怎么补救Glad you asked. 就怕你不问As I see it, there's a simple solution. 在我看来有一个简单的解决方法Y our lips had a dalliance with the lips of another woman. 你的嘴唇与别女人的嘴唇厮混过It seems only logical that 如果想重修旧好to restore balance to the relationship, 唯一合理的办法you should find another man and dally with him. 就是你也找别的男人耳鬓厮磨And by dally, I mean some hardcore mouth-on-mouth action. 我说耳鬓厮磨是使出浑身解数狂吻一番Okay, that is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. 这是我听过最蠢的一件事了Actually, I think he's onto something. 其实我觉得他说的不无道理Y-Y ou can't be serious. 你会不是认真的吧'Cause I messed up and made out with a girl, 就因为我一时糊涂跟别的女人亲热了you're gonna do the same with a random guy? 所以你也要随便跟别的男人亲热吗I'm currently single.我目前正好单身That's true. Y ou are. 的确你单身What is happening?! 这是要闹哪样I will tell you what is happening. 我来告诉你是要闹哪样I am saving my best friend's marriage. 我要以身拯救我死党的婚姻Sheldon, I don't think you understand 谢尔顿看来你不太懂how being broken up works. 分手应该怎么样The only way I can sort through my feelings唯一能让我理清情绪的方法is if there is space between us. 就是我们之间要保持距离Every time I see you, it re-traumatizes me. 每次见到你都会让我心灵再次受创I go through the pain all over again.一遍又一遍经历那些伤痛Well, hello to you, too. 我也向你问好What do you want? 你想干嘛I understand we're no longer a couple, 我知道我们已经不是一对了但我想提醒你我们还有爱的结晶but I would like to remind you that we made a babytogether.What baby? 什么爱的结晶A precocious little Internet show 一个网络节目known as "Fun With Flags." 人称《有趣的旗帜》I'm hanging up. 我要挂电话了Great. See you in about half an hour. 好的咱们半小时后见Sheldon, I am not doing "Fun With Flags" with you. 谢尔顿我才不要跟你录那个节目Why not? 为啥不要Because we're broken up. 因为我们分手了Sonny and Cher made it work. 索尼与雪儿就做到啦{\an8\fn微软雅黑\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}索尼与雪儿这对夫妻曾是热门歌唱团体\N还共同主持过综艺节目Their variety show kept going long after the divorce, 他们的综艺节目在离婚后还维持了很久and here we are still talking about them. 直到现在还被我们聊起No one's talking about Sonny and Cher. 没人聊索尼与雪儿好吗Y ou must be thinking about Donny and Marie, 你一定是想到了唐尼与玛丽{\an8\fn微软雅黑\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}又被人成为奥斯蒙兄妹\N同在70年代主持过知名综艺节目'cause you and I are clearly talking about Sonny and Cher. 因为我跟你绝对是在聊索尼与雪儿Sheldon, this has to stop. 谢尔顿到此为止吧I know it's hard. 我知道这很困难It's hard for me, too. 这对我也不容易But I've seen and talked to you more 但分手后的这两天in the two days we've been broken up 我们见面与说话的量than in the last two months that we were together. 远远胜过我们分手前两个月的总和Well, if you want to see less of me, 如果你想少见到我一点maybe we should go out again. 那或许我们应该重修旧好I can't believe you made out with Mandy Chao. 真不敢相信你跟曼蒂·周亲热过Trust me, I wish it never happened. 相信我我希望这事从未发生过And you knew about this this whole time? 而你一直以来都知道这事I did. 是的And you didn't think to tell me? 而你没想过告诉我吗Leonard asked me to keep it to myself. 莱纳德要我保密Let's leave Leonard out of this for the moment. 现在这事跟莱纳德没关系This is about you and me. 这是我跟你之间的事Wait, wait, wait, how is my day-old marriage falling apart 等等我一天就快散的婚姻becoming about you two? 怎么变成你们的问题了Hang on. 你等等What do I need to do to make you trust me? 我该怎么做才能让你信任我Y ou think it's hard having one wife, 你觉得有一个老婆就很辛苦了吗try having two. 你试试有两个I bet you told Bernadette 你肯定告诉伯纳黛特all about he was screwing around with Mandy Chao. 他跟曼蒂·周胡搞瞎搞的事情Oh, we didn't screw around. 我们才没有胡搞瞎搞We just got drunk and made out. 我们只是喝醉酒打个啵儿Whatever. It would have been nice to hear it from you. 随便啦我更希望这话从你口中说出What are you doing here? 你来干嘛I'm here to return your belongings. 我来把你的东西还给你That's what people who've broken up do. 情侣分手都这么做And you didn't do your compulsive knocking ritual 而你故意不用你强迫症式的敲门方式so I would open the door. 好让我没戒心就开门On the contrary, 那你就错了you no longer get to enjoy my charming eccentricities. 你现在没资格享受我可爱的小怪癖We're not friends with benefits. 我们不再是有"福利"的朋友Just give me the box. 把箱子给我吧W-Wait. Don't you want to go through it 等等你不想过一遍里面的东西吗to make sure I haven't forgotten anything? 以免有东西我给忘拿了Fine. 好吧My old scarf. 我的旧时围巾Y ou wore it the night we went ice-skating. Remember? 我们去溜冰的那个晚上你围着它还记得吗Y ou mean the night that I went ice-skating, 你是指我一个人溜冰and you stood at the rail 而你在一边扶着扶手Googling the symptoms of hypothermia? 一边网上搜失温症的症状那晚吗We made one heck of a team, huh? 我们俩真是天造地设的一对啊Whose bra is this? 这是谁的胸罩It's not yours? 不是你的吗Oh, my. 老天How embarrassing for both of us. 这下咱俩都尴尬了It's Penny's. 这是佩妮的吧Hey, you broke up with me. 咱俩分手了It is none of your business 就算我把谁的咪咪whose naked bosom I'm smooshing around like pizza dough. 像披萨面团那样搓揉也不关你的事Good-bye. 再见Amy. 艾米Amy. Amy. 艾米艾米Tables work, too. Good to know. 敲桌子也行学到新知识Ooh, brownies for girls' night! 闺蜜之夜的巧克力蛋糕Hands off. I'm mad at you. 手拿开我在生你的气呢Look, I know it's a lot of money, 我知道那是一大笔钱but the guy at the store said 但那个店员说in five to seven years, it'll pay for itself. 五到七年内就能收回成本What will pay for itself? 什么东西收回成本Doesn't matter. What are you mad about? 没什么那你在气什么呀I'm mad at you for blabbing to me 我气你告诉我what Leonard did on the North Sea, 莱纳德在北海的所作所为and I'm mad that I've had to hide this from Penny for twoyears.我还气你让我瞒了佩妮整整两年And you have every right to be mad about those things. 你完全有权对这些事情生气So, why don't you let me 不如这个月的handle the credit card bill this month, huh? 信用卡账单我来处理怎么样I mean, don't even look at it. 你别管了连看都不用看I mean, if Penny finds out I've known all this time 如果佩妮发现我一直都知道and haven't told her, 却没有告诉她she's gonna think I'm a terrible friend. 她肯定会认为我是一个坏朋友I wish you never told me. 真希望你从未告诉我And I wish Leonard never told me. 我也希望莱纳德从未告诉我He's the bad guy here. 他才是最坏的那个I guess that's true. 的确是And you let Penny marry him. 而你还让佩妮嫁给他Compared to that, who cares if I bought 比起这个我买的乔治·克鲁尼a George Clooney limited edition manscaping kit? 限量版的体毛修剪套装根本不值得一提Hi. I'm calling about your marriage counseling services 你好我想预约你们的婚姻咨询服务and was curious what your rate is. 请问一般怎么收费Really? 不是吧Um, okay. 好吧Is there any kind of discount for length of marriage? 会根据婚姻的长短打折吗'Cause we're just talking hours here. 我说的是以小时计算的婚姻- Hi. - Call you back. -在呀-等会打给你Can we talk? 我们能聊聊吗I would love that. 最好不过了All right, look, 听着I'm sorry I said I was okay with everything 很抱歉在结婚之前before we got married. 我说我不介意I hate that we're going through this, 我讨厌我们现在有这矛盾but I don't know what to do. 但我不知道该怎么做If you don't mind waiting for a Groupon, 如果你不介意等团购劵出来we can try marriage counseling. 我们可以试试婚姻咨询Hello. 你们在呀Hey, uh, buddy, 伙计can we have some privacy? 你能回避一下吗Oh, of course. 当然可以Wouldn't want to intrude. 我也不想打扰你们This is yours. 这是你的Okay, when I'm done with him, 等我跟他谈完I'm gonna need more information. 咱俩再好好聊聊Nothing odd. 没什么不妥的I just wanted to rub Amy's nose in it. 我就拿来让艾米难堪而已Okay, look, I might be overreacting, 听着我可能是反应过度了but how am I supposed to get past this 但我怎么可能忘掉这件事when I know tomorrow you're gonna go to work 我明知道你明天要去上班and see this woman? 会见到这个女人Forgive me for eavesdropping, 原谅我偷听了but as I see it, there's a simple solution.但在我看来有一个简单的解决办法Wake up, wake up, wake up. 醒醒快醒醒Bring Penny to meet Mandy. 带佩妮去见曼蒂What? Why? 为什么Well, right now, Penny's imagination is running wild,现在佩妮的胡思乱想根本停不下来but if they meet, that will eliminate the mystery 但如果她们见面了就能消除曼蒂的神秘感and alleviate her fears. 减轻佩妮的恐惧感就像那个独眼龙揭了眼罩让我看Like when that Sparkletts guy let me look under his eyepatch.Uh, first of all, you made that guy cry. 首先你把人家弄哭了And we learned that you don't need an eyeball to do that. 所以我们知道了没有眼珠也能哭Secondly, I can't think of a more horrible idea 其次带佩妮去见曼蒂than Penny meeting Mandy. 这个主意糟透了Really? Why is that? 是吗怎么说What, you actually want to meet her? 怎么你还真想见她啦No, but now that you're being weird about it, 不啊但现在看你对此反应异常maybe I should. 或许我真该去I'm not being weird. 我才没有反应异常Am I being weird? 我有反应异常吗Y es. 有啊And that's coming from me. 连我这种怪咖都这么觉得Fine, you want to meet her? 好吧你想见她吗No, I just want to know that when you're at work, 不我只想知道你们俩上班时there's nothing going on. 不会发生任何越轨的事How many times do I have to tell you? 我得说多少遍你才信I have no interest in this woman. 我对这个女人一点兴趣都没有Y eah, well, maybe she has interest in you. 或许人家对你有兴趣呢In Leonard? 对莱纳德吗Oh, even the Sparkletts guy could see that's unlikely.就连独眼龙也觉得没可能好吗I guess my big problem is I never saw Leonard 我猜我最大的困扰是as the kind of guy who woulde do something like this. 我从来没想过莱纳德也会做这种事Anybody can make a mistake in a weak moment. 人容易在脆弱的时候犯错What do you think? 你觉得呢Oh, I don't know what to think. 我完全没有想法But then again, I just found out about it. 再重申一次我是刚刚才知道这事Y ou know, I fell in love with Leonard 我之所以爱上莱纳德because he wasn't anything like the guys 是因为他和我曾经交往过的I was used to dating. 其他人不同I mean, I knew those guys weren't above cheating 我知道那些渣男都喜欢出轨because that's usually how we met. 因为我就是他们的小三Come on, you know Leonard's not like that. 你知道莱纳德不是那样的人I want to believe you. I really do. 我很想相信你真的Am I being naive? 是我好傻好天真了吗Oh, I don't know. 我不知道This is all so new to me. 第一次听到这事I'm still processing. 我还在努力消化中Y ou know, he never would've done this when we first met. 我们刚认识时他根本不可能做这种事He's cockier now. 他现在可能耐了That's because you made him more confident. 那是因为你让他变得自信了Y ou know, if you think about it, without you, 你仔细想想如果没有你he never would've grown into the person he is now. 怎么可能有现在意气风发的他I mean, sure, more women might notice him, 虽然他现在受欢迎了but I think it's better to have a guy be with you 但他愿意放弃弱水三千because he wants to be 与你相守and not because he thinks he doesn't have any other choice. 总好过他觉得自己没人爱只好巴着你啊I never thought about it like that. 我还从没这样想过Oh, me neither, not until just now. 我也没有这是刚想到的Hello. I'm Dr. Sheldon Cooper, 大家好我是谢尔顿·库伯博士and welcome to "Sheldon Cooper Presents: Fun With Flags." 欢迎收看谢尔顿·库珀出品的《有趣的旗帜》Y ou may notice that I'm holding a remote control. 你可能注意到我手上拿着遥控器That's because my cameraperson and co-host, 那是因为我的摄影师兼主持搭档Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler, 艾米·法拉·福勒博士has chosen to end her relationship with me. 选择中止了与我的感情关系I'm going to pause here to let that sink in. 我先暂停一会让你们消化一下Okay. 好了If you need to pause a little longer,如果你需要更多时间消化just click the pause button. 请按下你的暂停键But the show must go on. 但我的节目还得继续And thankfully, all the things my girlfriend used to do 万幸的是我前女友的一切功能can be taken care of with my right hand. 我的右手都可以取代Anyway, let's not spend any more time talking about her. 好了我们不要再提她了We're here to talk about flags. 我们节目的重点是旗帜Tonight's theme: 今天的主题是flags of countries that have been torn apart 国破人亡的国家国旗and the women I have a feeling were responsible. 以及我认为该对此负责的红颜祸水们Y ou guys have any idea how much it costs 你们知道接受婚姻咨询to see a marriage counselor? 需要多少钱吗$250 an hour. Why? 每小时250刀怎么了How do you know? 你怎么知道Bernadette and I have occasionally gone to one to, 博纳黛特和我偶尔会去参加一次you know, stay on top of things. 防范于未然嘛And I'm just hearing about this now? 而我却是头一次听说这事Dude, just because we're best friends 老弟虽然我俩是好基友doesn't mean that I have to tell you everything that goes on. 但不代表我非得把所有事都告诉你吧Y ou don't have to, you should want to. 你不是非得要而是应该主动想要Oh, great, there's Mandy. 这下好了曼蒂来了Why are marine biologists always so cute? 海洋生物学家怎么都这么可爱I don't know, 我不知道but I'd like to get lost in her Bermuda Triangle. 但我愿迷失在她的百慕大"三角洲"中That's not helpful. 你这话一点用都没有Then I won't say 那我就不告诉你I'd like to cover three-quarters of her surface area. 我还想覆盖她表面面积的四分之三了Are we done? 你们说完了吗Not yet, this is fun. 没玩得正开心呢Ooh, I know. 有了I'd let her free my willy.我想让她解放我的"杀人鲸"{\an8\fn微软雅黑\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}美国电影《威鲸闯天关》Where you going? 你要去哪儿I'm gonna ask her if she'd be willing to talk to Penny, 我要去问她愿不愿意跟佩妮聊聊tell her she has nothing to worry about. 告诉佩妮根本不用担心- Leonard, wait. - What? -莱纳德等等-怎么了I'd like to SpongeBob her SquarePants. 我还想用海绵洗她的小裤裤[海绵宝宝]Now we are done. 好了我们说完了Oh, hi, Leonard. What's up? 莱纳德你好吗Uh, do you mind if I sit? 我能坐下吗Sure. 当然So, um, I've been thinking a lot 那个我一直在想about you and me and... the boat. 我俩在船上的事What about it? 怎么了Y ou know... 你知道what we did, when we were drunk. 我们喝醉以后做的那些事Oh, no, did I sleep with you, too? 不会吧我也跟你睡了吗No, we just made out. 不我们只是亲热了Oh. Well, good for me. 老天保佑我啊So what can I do for you? 那你来找我干什么Uh, okay, well, um, I got married recently. 好吧我最近结婚了Oh, congratulations! 恭喜你To Sheldon? 和谢尔顿吗Never gets old. 这个笑话永远都好笑No, no, to a girl. 不是和一个女孩Anyway, I told her what happened between you and me, 总之我告诉了她我俩的事and she's concerned about us seeing each other at work. 于是她担心我们上班时总见面会出事It was just a kiss. Why would you even tell her? 不过是亲一下而已你干嘛告诉她Because I didn't want there to be any secrets between us. 因为我不想对她有所隐瞒Is that really the reason? 真的是因为这原因吗What else would it be? 不然还能是什么I don't know. 我不知道Sounds like you're trying to sabotage the relationship. 听起来像是你故意要破坏你们的感情No, I don't think so. 不不是这样的Although, Penny did say exactly that. 不过佩妮也说了同样的话Okay, well, that's something to think about. 那你可得好好思考一下了Y ou know, on some level, I've always believed 在潜意识里我总是觉得that I don't deserve a woman like her. 我配不上她这样的女人Oh, you're gonna think about that right here? 你要在这里思考吗I mean, she's really beautiful. 她真的超漂亮She could have any guy she wants. 各种帅哥她都能搞定Which is probably why 所以it took her so many years to tell me she loved me. 那么多年后她对我说她爱你Maybe you should talk to a therapist about this. 这事你去找咨询师聊聊吧Too expensive. 太贵了Y ou'd think I'd be used to women withholding their love.我可能习惯了女人不对我表达爱意I mean, my mother did. 我妈妈就是I mean, no matter how hard I tried, 不管我有多努力she just didn't have any interest in me. 她就是对我不感兴趣Imagine that. 好惨哦I wonder if that's why I have 我怀疑也许这就是为什么such a dysfunctional relationship with Sheldon. 我会跟谢尔顿的关系这么不正常I had a dream 某晚我做了一个梦the other night that I was in a cave 梦见我在一个山洞里and I was nursing a baby, 哺育一个婴儿but the baby had Sheldon's head on it. 但这个婴儿长着谢尔顿的脑袋And your wife is worried about me? 而你妻子担心的人却是我Hey, Leonard! 莱纳德When you're done, 你说完就过来we came up with a bunch more. 我们又想到了好多段子Then the Czech Republic says to Slovakia, 然后捷克共和国对斯洛伐克说"看来你不太懂分手应该怎么样" "I don't think you understand how being broken upworks!"Can you believe that? 你能相信吗Y ou'd think that the Czech Republic 你以为捷克共和国would try to hold on to what it had, 会珍惜自己仅有的机会given that it's not as young as it used to be. 毕竟它也不年轻了And I don't see any other countries 而且我也没见过哪个国家lining up to invade its southern borders. 在排队要侵略她"南线"[下边]的I'm gonna kill him.我要杀了他But enough about the Czech Republic. 捷克共和国就说到这里Let's talk about the time Moldova made Romania 我们再说说摩尔多瓦给罗马尼亚a birthday cake 做了一个生日蛋糕and Romania said it tasted good 罗马尼亚说好吃even though it didn't. 其实并不然And yet Romania gets dumped. 结果罗马尼亚却被甩了I'll pause here while you mull that one over. 我暂停一下等你理清楚I know, right? 的确很扯对吧So, you said you had something to tell me. 说吧不是说有事跟我讲吗Okay, yeah, um, 对do you remember when you accused me 还记得你指责我of trying to sabotage our wedding? 故意破坏我们的婚礼吗I've been thinking about it, 我也想了一下and you might be right. 也许你说得对But the good news is 但好消息是that I'm pretty sure I know why. 我知道自己为啥这么做I'm listening. 洗耳恭听Penny, after all these years, 佩妮尽管过了这么多年I still feel like maybe I don't deserve you. 我还觉得自己配不上你Okay, that is the lamest excuse 行了这种烂大街的理由you could've possibly come up with. 谁不会张口就来啊But I get it. 但我理解-Y ou do? -Y eah. -是吗-是啊Sometimes I worry you're gonna wake up 有时我担心一觉醒来and leave me for someone more like you. 你会为像你这样的女人弃我而去I don't even understand 我都不理解why you're with someone like me. 为什么你会跟我这种男人在一起Why would I want to be with someone like me? 我为什么还要找个像我这样的女人Y ou know what I mean. 你懂我的意思And, you know, maybe the way I've been reacting 也许我的某些反应was me sabotaging this, too. 也是在搞破坏Well, how about we stop 不如我们不要being so scared of losing each other 害怕失去彼此and just be together? 而是要好好在一起That sounds nice. 这主意不错Good. 好的Because... 因为I've loved you since the moment we met, 自从见到你的那一刻我便爱上了你and I will keep loving you until the end of time. 我会一辈子爱你至死不渝Oh, my God, that is the most beautiful thing 天啊这是我听过- anyone's ever said to me. - Y eah? -最美的情话-是吗That's because you're beautiful, 那是因为你那么美and your beauty fills my heart with love and song. 美到我心中满溢着爱与歌It's getting kind of cheesy, Leonard. 越说越烂俗了哦莱纳德If you think that's cheesy, buckle up. 还有更烂俗的呢准备好了Penny Hofstadter, 佩妮·霍夫斯塔德will you please stay married to me? 你愿意跟我维持婚姻吗Oh, damn it, you topped it. 讨厌你的俗气再创新高峰了Should we go to the bedroom and make this marriage official? 我们是不是该去卧室把洞房这事给办了- Y es, please! Okay! - Okay. -好拜托了-好的Sheldon, I can't believe you got us a wedding gift. 谢尔顿没想到你会送我们结婚礼物I don't know why you're so surprised. 这有什么好惊讶的I watch movies; I see what people do. 我看电影看得到别人怎么做What is this? 这是什么Plane tickets and hotel reservations 周末往返旧金山的机票for a weekend away in San Francisco. 以及酒店预订That's so great! 太棒了Y eah, there's Fisherman's Wharf 没错那里有渔人码头and Alcatraz and cable cars. 恶魔岛还有缆车We're gonna have so much fun. 我们肯定玩得超开心We? 我们Is there a problem? 有问题吗Oh, no, no! I just, I said, "Whee!" 没有没有我说的是"我们耶" How dare you go on the Internet and say mean thingsabout me你胆敢在网上说我坏话and compare my genitalia to part of Czechoslovakia?!还把我的生殖器比喻成捷克斯洛伐克南部Y ou saw through that one, did you? 你看完那集了是吗I don't know what you were thinking, 我不知道你在想什么呢but take the video down now! 马上把视频撤下去She watched it. 她看了I'm gonna get that girl back. 我一定能把那妞追回来I only watched it because you e-mailed it to me 我之所以会看是因为你发邮件给我with the subject line: "This is gonna make you mad"! 主题是"看完气死你"She was listening through the door. She wants me. 她在门外偷听她想要奴家第3集Would you pass the mustard? 能把黄芥末酱递给我吗?Sure. 当然Hey, want to hear a fun fact about mustard? 嘿想听黄芥末酱的趣味知识吗?Is it that the glucosinolates which give mustard its flavor 你是不是想说给黄芥末酱带来风味的是葡糖异硫氰酸盐were evolved by the cabbage family 甘蓝族植物也会散发as a chemical defense against caterpillars? 同样的化学物质来抵御毛毛虫吗? Y eah. 对Well, that was fun. 那是挺有趣的Good for you, Leonard. 干得好LeonardHey, there. 你们好Hey, you're early. 嘿你们来早了The movie doesn't start for an hour. 电影再过一个小时才会开场Actually, we're not going to the movies. 其实我们不去看电影We are here to kidnap you. 我们是来绑架你的What are you talking about? 你们在说什么呢?Well, you eloped and we didn't get a chance 你当初私奔了所以我们没机会to throw you a bachelor party, 为你办个告别单身派对so there's a van downstairs 所以车已经在楼下等着了and we're here to take you 我们要带你去个to a surprise location for the weekend. 神秘的地方度周末Well, I'd hardly call this kidnapping. 我觉得这不算是绑架Where's the blindfold? 眼罩呢?Where's the duct tape? 胶带呢?Where's the part 你们打电话给我where you call me and demand ransom 要求我付赎金而我努力拖延and I try to keep you on the phone, 不让你们挂电话但你们就在but you hang up seconds before I can trace it 我追踪到位置前几秒挂断了and then I say, "I'm getting too old for this crud"? 接着我说"我上年纪了受不了这种刺激"的部分呢?When do we leave? 我们什么时候走?Right now. 立刻Y eah, Penny packed you a bag. 对Penny帮你打包好了Wow, okay. 好吧你真的打算上车让这俩人Y ou're seriously going to get in a van and letthese twotake you to an unknown destination 带你去个未知的地方for an entire weekend? 度过整个周末?Oh, not just him. Y ou're coming, too. 不止是他你也得一起去你们打算怎么逼我呢?Oh, and how do you think you're going to get meto do that?Unhand me! 放开我!This is ridiculous! 太可笑了!I told you to put tape on his mouth! 我就说要用胶带封住他的嘴!And I told you he bit me! 我也说了他咬我!* Our whole universe was in a hot, dense state * * 宇宙一度又烫又稠密** 140亿年前终于爆了炸... 等着瞧! ** Then nearly 14 billion years ago expansionstarted... Wait! ** The Earth began to cool * * 地球开始降温** 自养生物来起哄穴居人发明工具** The autotrophs began to drool, Neanderthalsdeveloped tools ** We built the Wall We built the pyramids * * 我们建长城我们建金字塔** 数学自然科学历史揭开神秘** Math, Science, History, unraveling the mystery** That all started with a big bang * * 一切由大爆炸开始*生活大爆炸第九季第3集仅供翻译交流使用, 禁止用于商业用途--==圣城家园SCG字幕组/==--协调: 狂写作业的凤梨酥校对:UUUUUU翻译: 酱油影肉肉猫呗夏至未寒凤梨酥It's bad enough I'm being taken 违背我的意志带上我against my will. 已经够糟了I don't see why it has to be in 我不明白为什么非得坐some hippie's mobile sex dungeon. 这种嬉皮士的可移动性爱地下城Well, Sheldon, there's something about this van Sheldon 你马上就会发现that you're going to find very interesting. 这辆面包车的有趣之处了It runs on syphilis? 是用梅毒作燃料的吗?This van was owned and driven by your personal 这辆面包车的主人正是你崇拜的physics hero... 物理界英雄...Richard Feynman. 理查德·费曼- No. - Y eah! - 不会吧- 就是!A buddy of mine let me borrow it. 我的朋友帮我借到的This was Feynman's van? 这是费曼的车?That's so cool. 那太赞了Y eah, nothing's been changed since he drove it. 对自从他开过这车后里面东西就都没换过I bet he picked up a lot of cute grad students in this bad boy. 我打赌他用这辆车接过很多可爱的毕业生Y eah, and talked about physics with them! 对还和他们讨论物理问题!So, are you gonna give us a clue where we'reheaded?你能给个提示我们这是要去哪儿吗?Uh, okay, let's see... 好我想想...They've got spicy food 他们那儿有辣的食物and there's a chance you'll get diarrhea. 你可能会拉肚子India. 印度We can drive there. 是能开车去的地方Y our house? 你家?We are going to Meh-he-co! 我们要去墨喜哥!Fun, I've never been there! 正好我还没去过呢!Leonard, don't be fooled! Leonard 别被骗了!I'm from Texas... 我是德州人...Meh-he-co is Spanish for Mexico. 墨喜哥在西班牙语里就是"墨西哥" What's wrong with Mexico? 墨西哥怎么了?Uh, mariachi bands, wild dogs, 那里有流浪乐队野狗beans that jump around 'cause there's a worminside.还有到处跳的豆子因为里头有虫子Okay, calm down. 好冷静There's a theme to this weekend. 这个周末有个主题We are going to Mexico in Feynman's van 我们驾驶费曼的面包车去墨西哥to stay at the vacation house Feynman bought 住在费曼用诺贝尔奖金。

生活大爆炸第一季(THE BIG BANG THEROY S01E09)字幕中英文对照打印版

生活大爆炸第一季(THE BIG BANG THEROY S01E09)字幕中英文对照打印版

-Leonard:Okay... the x-tens are online. 好...X-10连通了。

-Howard:Gentlemen, I am now about send a signal from this laptop 先生们,我现在要从这台笔记本上发送一个信号,through our local ISP racing down fiber-optic cable 从我们的本地网络出发经由光纤电缆,at the speed of light to San Francisco bouncing off a satellite 以光速抵达旧金山,经由地球同步卫星in geosynchronous orbit to Lisbon, Portugal, 到达葡萄牙首都里斯本,where the data packets will be handed off to submerged 数据包从跨大西洋海底电缆传递出去,Trans-Atlantic cables terminating in Halifax, Nova Scotia 中转于加拿大新斯科舍省的哈利法克斯市,and transferred across the continent via microwave relays back to ourISP经由微波形式横跨大陆传送回我们的本地网络上,and the x-ten receiver attached to this... lamp. 并把X-10接收器连接到这个...台灯。

-Sheldon:Look at me. Look at me. I've got goose bumps. 看看我,看看我,我起鸡皮疙瘩了。

-Howard:Are we ready on the stereo 音响接好了么?-Raj:Go for stereo. 试试音响。

-Penny:Hey, guys. 嘿伙计们。


-Sheldon: Not just fixing my eggs, I'm fixing everyone's eggs.
-Leonard:And we all thank you.
-Sheldon: Use new eggs.
-Penny:hi. Hey, I'm running out to the market.
-Howard:Hey, what up, science bitches
May I introduce my special lady friend Summer
-Woman:Howard, I told you touching is extra.
-Sheldon: How's this
Pleased to meet you,Dr. Gablehauser.
"How fortunate for you that the university's chosen to hire you,"
-Sheldon: you know, I've been thinking about time travel again.
-Leonard:Why, did you hit a roadblock with invisibility

生活大爆炸第一季(THE BIG BANG THEROY S01E11)字幕中英文对照打印版

生活大爆炸第一季(THE BIG BANG THEROY S01E11)字幕中英文对照打印版
不够格来玩三维国际象棋。 你的速度或许更适合玩三维糖果盒游戏。 这盘重来。 这么多层都得我让你,还真丢脸阿。 好,伙计们,你拿了我的邮件了? 是,在这。 内布拉斯加那边怎么样? 比北达科他州强。 我猜这笑话只有在内布拉斯加州才好笑。 就目前的数据来说,你还不能得出这结论。 你所能唯一确定的是这笑话在这儿不好笑。 兄弟们,回来真好。 你家人怎么样 这趟旅行简直不能再糟了。 一个周末下来家里人全病了。 病了? 又来了。什么病? 我猜,就是流感吧。 我不是要你猜,我要你确定。 第一次出现症状是在什么时候? 大概是周五。 周五,上午还是下午? 我…我不… 小姐, 好好想想, 是谁?在什么时候擦过鼻 子? 没事的,Sheldon。 她没有任何症状,我确定她不会传染。 拜托。 如果流感只是在症状出现后才会感染, 那它 早该在几千年前就消失了。 在开始使用石器工具和创作洞穴壁画的年 代,能人们肯定会想方设法干掉流着鼻涕的 家伙的。 Leonard,你要原谅 Sheldon,他有点病理 恐惧。 没关系,我能理解。 谢谢你的照顾,现在请你离开。 你最好趁他还没拿来沙尔来对着你喷的时 候赶紧闪。 好的,谢谢你替我拿邮件。 小意思,欢迎回家。 怎么了? 你在瞎折腾什么啊 我在进行咽拭子培养 用酸橙果冻 我需要一个生长培养基, 而杏仁酸奶却被扫 荡一空。 过来,取一下我喉咙的样本。 我不要。 Leonard 如果我要防患于未然,就得先知 道我喉咙里长了些什么 Sheldon 你没生病.这实在是...不过你真没 得病。
-Sheldon: We have no idea what pathogen Typhoid Leonard has introduced into our environment. For having never been to Nebraska, I'm fairly certain that I have no corn-husking antibodies. -Leonard: Sheldon, don't you think you're overreacting -Sheldon: When I'm lying comatose in a hospital relying on inferior minds to cure me, these Jell-O cultures and my accompanying notes will give them a fighting chance. -Leonard: I'm going back to bed. -Sheldon: Wait. Put this in the bathroom. -Leonard: What for -Sheldon: I need to measure my fluid intake and output to make sure my kidneys aren't shutting down. -Leonard: I mixed pancake batter in this! -Sheldon: No, that measuring cup has always been for urine. -Leonard: You had time to make a label for everything in this apartment including the label maker, but you didn't have ten seconds to make one that said "urine cup" -Sheldon: It's right here on the bottom. -Leonard: Huh. I guess I owe the Betty Crocker Company a letter of apology. -Sheldon: Oh, dear God. Leonard! Leonard, I'm sick! Leonard, my comforter fell down, and my sinuses hurt when I bend over. -Sheldon: Leonard, where are you -Leonard: I'm at work. -Sheldon: At 6:30 in the morning -Leonard: Yes. -Sheldon: On Sunday -Leonard: Yes. -Sheldon: Why -Leonard: They asked me to come in. -Sheldon: I didn't hear the phone ring. -Leonard: They texted me. -Sheldon: Well, as I predicted, I am sick. My fever has been tracking up exponentially since 2:00 a.m., and I am producing sputum at an alarming rate. -Leonard: No kidding -Sheldon: No not only that, it has shifted from clear to milky green. -Leonard: All right, well, get some rest and drink plenty of fluids. -Sheldon: What else would I drink, gases, solids, ionized plasma -Leonard: Drink whatever you want. -Sheldon: I want soup. -Leonard: Then make soup. -Sheldon: We don't have soup. -Leonard: I'm at work, Sheldon. -Sheldon: Is that a dog -Leonard: Yes. -Sheldon: In the lab -Leonard: Yes. They're training dogs to operate the centrifuge for when they need dogs to operate the centrifuge for blind scientists. I have to go. -Old Lady: Howard, it's the phone! -Howard: I know it's the phone, Ma, I hear the phone! -Old Lady: Well, who's calling at this ungodly hour! -Howard: I don't know! -Old Lady: Well, ask them why they're calling at this ungodly
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S06E02And the next wedding gift is... a gravy boat. Ooh, one gravy boat. That's from Sheldon. He told me he had it engraved. "In the event of a divorce, please return to Sheldon Cooper." One "inappropriate, yet I wish I thought of that" gravy boat. When I get married I'm going to register at the UCLA Cadaver Lab. Ew, why? 'Cause I've always wanted a whole human skeleton and they are really spendy. So, you actually see you and Sheldon getting married someday? Not just someday. In exactly four years. But don't tell Sheldon. He's still a flight risk. What about you, Penny? What about me what? you think you and Leonard might ever get married? Oh, well, you know, Leonard is great. But do you think you'll ever get married? He's a sweetie. You're not answering the question. Do you love him? Yeah, sure, of course I love him. It doesn't sound like it. Well, I do. Do you tell him that? No, he'd just take it the wrong way. What does that mean? It means he is special and smart and nice and... Are you gonna break up with him? No! Maybe. I don't know. I had no idea you were unhappy. That's the thing: I'm not. I'm not unhappy at all. It's just... I don't know... I-I've been in love before, but it felt different. But maybe this is a new, better, boring kind of Do you ever feel that way about Howard? Oh, that's not really a fair comparison. I'm basically married to a sexy Buzz Lightyear. Amy, you? Can't help ya, kid. Whenever I'm around Sheldon, I feel like my loins In the good way. Not the urinary tract infection way. KOOTHRAPPALI: <i Hey, buddy, how's</i You don't have to shout, Raj. It's not like I'm an astronaut floating around in Oh, wait, I am. So, is it everything you hoped it would be? WOLOWITZ: It's better. I wake up every morning and I just can't believe I'm on this incredible adventure. DIMITRI: Hey, Froot Loops, did you clean the space toilet? Excuse me. I'm talking to my friends. You know the rules: new guy scrubs the toilet. If you do good job, next time we give you brush. (mock laughing) Funny. We're always giving each other a hard time up here. It's kind of like being in a frat. You know, joking, kidding around, hurting Okay, my turn. Let me talk to him. Go ahead. 2311 North Los Robles Avenue, 5 Pasadena, California to International Space Can you read me? Over. (imitates walkie-talkie Yes, I read you, Sheldon. Copy that. Over. (imitates walkie-talkie static) What are you doing? I am talking to a man in space. If you don't have the (walkie-talkie static) then he might as well be at the Coffee Bean over You're out of your mind, Sheldon. That's a negative. My mother had me tested. Over. (imitates walkie-talkie static) Come on, scrub it up, Loops. All right, all right. I gotta go. There's a meteor shower. You want to see a meteor shower? Take a look at what Dimitri just left you in the 0 Bye. Over and out. (imitates walkie-talkie static) Bye, buddy! (knocking) Hello. Hey, Stuart, come on in. What are you doing here? Um, Raj invited me to go to the movies with you Excuse me. I didn't authorize this. Sheldon, you are not in charge. That's mighty sassy for a man with a roommate performance review around the What's the big deal? You guys are bringing your girlfriends. I didn't want to sit by myself. The big deal is I was expecting us to be an intimate group of five. Now, we're going to be a... faceless mass of six. It'll be fine. Just, uh, pretend he's Wolowitz. Hmm. Do you like Raisinets? I can take them or leave them. At the movies, Wolowitz always eats Raisinets. Would you feel more comfortable if I ate Well, it's hardly my business what you eat, as long as it doesn'tcrunch during the film and it's Raisinets. Okay. Should we go? Yeah, but, one more question. If you're going to replace Wolowitz, I need to know a little more about you. All right. Wolowitz went to MIT. What's your educational background? I went to art school. Equally ridiculous. Let's go. This insistence on hand-holding is preposterous. Well, I like it. Yeah, of course you do. You're a girl. You like all kinds of hippy-dippy things. Just watch the movie. It's not fair. Penny isn't making Leonard hold hands. There might be a reason for that. Sweaty? Unhygienic? Looks dumb? Take your pick. Penny said she's not sure she wants to be Leonard's girlfriend anymore. Wrong. She just took a sip from his Diet Dr. So? So, if she wants to end her pair-bond with Leonard, why on earth would she guzzle a witches' brew of his soda and spit? It's complicated. String theory is complicated. That's just yucky. Don't get any ideas. All right, for the sake of argument, let's say Why doesn't Penny just end the relationship? She's not sure how she feels. How can she not be sure how she feels? You know, when I have a feeling, I know it. Trains? Love them. Swordfish? I love them, too. They're fish with a sword for a nose. Regardless, don't say anything to Leonard. Now you're asking me to keep a secret from my best friend, colleague, and roommate? 7 Yes, please, Penny will kill me. (sighs) Fine. FYI: secret-keeping? Hate it. 4 Hand-holding? Not a fan. Hammerhead shark? I love that thing. Yeah, it's another fish with a tool on its head. Raisinet? Shh, we're trying to watch the movie. This is not working out with him. (slurping) (clicking tongue) What are you doing? I think I might have tartar buildup. My tongue won't go as far forward as it used to. Maybe your tongue is shrinking. Nope. Oh, you have no idea how annoying this is. I'm starting to get a sense of it. 9 Don't worry. I'll take you to the dentist Thank you. I appreciate that. You're good people, Leonard. There's something I need to tell you. Okay. I can't tell you. Why? I can't tell you why I can't tell you. So I guess there's two things I can't tell you. I wish there were more. Good night. (sighs) I'm sorry. This is really important. What is it? (sighs) I like The Transformers. Do you like The Transformers? Where exactly did your mother have you tested? Leonard, The Transformers teach us that things are not always what they appear to be. You know, like, uh, a semi truck might be an alien robot, or, uh, someone in a romantic relationship, uh, differently than they appear to. Or a conversation about The Transformers might actually be about someone in this room. I'm going to pause to let that sink in. Okay, I think I understand. You do? The guy who seems like an emotionless robot is but your relationship with Amy is causing you to into a red-blooded man with sexual desires. That is literally the stupidest thing I've ever (sighs) Leonard? Leonard. Leonard? LEONARD: What? Are you sleeping? I was. Now I'm having a nightmare. What do you want? Never mind. I still can't tell you. SHELDON (knocking): Penny? Mmm. Penny. Mm-hmm, mmm. Penny. (screams) (screams) Oh, my God. Sheldon? You frightened me. What are you doing in my bedroom? Yeah, well, I knocked on the front door, but you didn't hear it. How did you even get in, you weirdo? Yeah, really? I've seen strange men traipsing in and out of here but when I do it, it's weird? What do you want, Sheldon? Oh, I was having a little trouble sleeping and I just thought, uh, seeing as you're up, we could talk. Talk about what? Oh, I don't know. Uh, weather, uh, fish you could do carpentry with. Why Leonard is such an attractive and desirable boyfriend. Yeah, pick one-- your choice. Sheldon. Didyou know that Leonard has a perfect driving and enjoys the insurance discounts that go along with that? Hubba-hubba. Okay, go home, crazy man. Yeah. Did you know that while Leonard is not considered a tall fellow in in today's North Korea, he's downright average. Talk about a keeper. Okay, what did Amy tell you? Oh, very well.I can't keep up this clever charade any longer. She told me that you were thinking of ending it with Leonard. Okay, you listen to me. I think it's really sweet you're trying to protect but this is none of your business. Got it? Excuse me. This is not about protecting my friend. (sighs) I'm a big fan of homeostasis. Do you know what that is? Of course not. Yeah. Homeostasis refers to a system's ability to regulate its internal environment and maintain a constant condition of properties like temperature or pH. Worst bedtime story ever. My point is I don't like when things change. So, regardless of your feelings, I would like you to continue dating Leonard. And also, while we're on the subject, you recently changed I'm not comfortable with the new scent. Please stop this madness and go back to green Okay, honey, I have a lot to figure out, and until I do, you are not to say a word to Do you understand? I do. You clear on the shampoo issue? Get out. (sighs) Penny? What? Please don't hurt my friend. That is the last thing I want to do. Thank you. (sniffing) Coconut? What were you thinking? Are you a hula girl? Get out! (phone rings) Hello? What the hell is wrong with you? You told Sheldon? Do you know what a terrible position this puts me (call waiting beeps) Hang on, please. Hello? Yeah, just a heads-up: Penny knows that you blabbed about Leonard. She's pretty mad. I know. She's yelling at me right now. All right then, so we're all on the same page. Yeah. Hey, Bernie. There's my hubby. How's everything going up there? Oh, it's okay. Space is beautiful. Earth is beautiful. Same old, same old. What's wrong? Nothing. Everything's fine. Howard. The other astronauts are being mean to me. No, what are they doing? Well, like for instance, the other day when I was one of the guys went on a space walk and glued a big-eyed rubber alien mask to the outside of my When I woke up, I screamed for like nine minutes. Oh, Howie. You can see it if you want. It's on YouTube. Google "astronaut screams for nine minutes." Why don't you stand up to them? What am I supposed to say? I don't know. Say, "Being mean is lame. What's cool is being nice." Great, I'll do that when I want to be the first in space to get a wedgie. Do you want me to call somebody at NASA? No. My mom already tried that. It only made things worse. Gelatinous Sphere. Focused Locust. Temple of Yip. I'm sorry. Wolowitz would never play that card. All right, Lesser Demon Turtle. Fairy God Monster, I win. Your desperate need for friendship makes you weak. So, what are you guys doing later? Stuart and I were thinking of going out for a We're gonna try to meet some girls. 'Cause that's what we do. Watch out, ladies: a little coffee and cream coming your way. In case you didn't follow that, I'm the coffee. SHELDON: Leonard? Maybe you'd like to go with them to meet girls. Why would I be interested? I have Penny. Yeah, for now. But that woman has a death wish, Leonard. She talks to strangers; she pets unfamiliar dogs; and it is ridiculously easy to break into her apartment. If I were you, I'd get a back-up. You can't just replace someone you care about with some other random person. No, please don't ruin this for me. Do you remember how upset I was when they replaced Edward Norton as the Hulk? Yes, you walked around for a week saying, "Sheldon unhappy with casting choice." But, then Mark Ruffalo was the Hulk in<i The 9 and he was even better. What's your point? Call me a romantic. I like to think 1 that your Mark Ruffalo is still out there This is ridiculous. Are we gonna play cards or not? I like Mark Ruffalo, too. Yeah, settle down there, Fake Wolowitz. No one likes a kiss-up. So, I had to take Sheldon to the dentist this Really? Yup. I told him if he didn't bite the hygienist, I'd take him for ice cream. Mmm. I didn't have to take him for ice cream. Uh-huh. You okay? You seem a little distracted. Look, there's something I need to tell you. Oh. Yeah, okay. I don't really know how to say this. Just say it. Okay. Here goes. Mm-hmm. You slept with him? I didn't know what else to do. He had those big, sad eyes. Oh, sure, you had no choice. He looked at me like this. Well, if that's all it takes, it's a good thing you don't have a dog. Don't worry. You'll have plenty of chances to break up with him: Your wedding day, your honeymoon, your 50th anniversary. Look, it's fine. We're not getting married, okay? We're keeping things, you know, homeostasis. It's so cute when she tries. (phone beeps) It's from Leonard. "Last night was amazing. "You're amazing. I'm so lucky to have you in my life." Please, stop it. WOLOWITZ: Hey, Bernie, guess what? I stood up to the other astronauts like you said and I got to tell you, last night was the first in a week I got a good night's sleep. (laughing) Oh, Howie. What's wrong? You look upset. Nope, this is my proud face.。
