



历年真题中出现的单词与词组总结2007年 Text 11.birth certificate 出生证明2.soccer player 足球运动员3.the World Cup 世界杯4.be likely to do…可能做……5.national youth team 国家青年队6.professional rank 专业级别7.strange phenomenon 奇怪的现象8.account for…解释,说明;占(比例)9.psychology professor 心理学教授10.believe in…相信11.grow up 成长12.be switched to…被转变到13.a series of…一系列的14.be coupled with…与……一起15.cognitive exercise 认知练习16.in other words 换句话说17.inborn difference 天生的差异18.be known as…以……而著名19.deliberate practice 审慎的实践20.specific goal 具体的目标21.immediate feedback 直接的反馈22.concentrate on…集中于23.take to…开始24.expert performer 杰出人物;专家级行为人25.a wide range of 大范围的……boratory experiment 实验室的实验27.put another way 换句话说28.professional training 职业培训29.rather than…宁愿……;而不是30.psychological factor 心理因素31.a high degree of concentration 高度的集中32.a dominating factor 主导因素33.professional success 专业的成功34.biographical data 传记数据35.the key to excellent performance 出色表现的关键36.high achiever 取得高成就的人37.owe … to …把……归于38.be close to 接近39.Faith will move mountains. 精诚所至,金石为开。





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crevice n 裂缝,破⼝(rift,slit)crooked adj 扭曲的,狡诈的(bent,twisted)crucial adj 严重的,极重要的(decisive,critical)crumble v 粉碎,崩溃(collapse,crash)crude adj 未提炼的,⽣的(raw,unpolished)crumple vt 压皱(rumple,wrinkle)crush vt 榨,挤,压碎(crunch)crust n 〔地〕地壳,硬外⽪(shell)cryptic adj 神秘的,隐藏的(mysterious)cuisine n 烹调culpable adj 该受谴责的calamity n 不幸之事,灾难(catastrophe)calculate vt 计算caliber n 直径,品质(capacity,faculty,talent,ability)captivity n 囚禁cult n 崇拜,崇拜者curb v 抑制(check,control)curiosity n 好奇⼼cursory adj 仓促的(hurried)curt adj 简短的,草率的carnage n *,残杀(massacre,slaughter)carnal adj ⾁体的(corporeal)castigate vt 谴责(condemn,denounce)cataclysm n 洪⽔,⼤灾难catching adj 迷⼈的,传染的(charming,contagious,infectious)categorical adj 绝对的,⽆条件的(definite,positive,absolute,unconditional)cathedral n 教堂(church,chapel)catholic adj 普遍的(universal)caustic adj 刻薄的,腐蚀性的(abrasive,corrosive)cavern n ⼤⼭洞,⼤洞⽳ceaseless adj 不停的(incessant,endless)celebrity n 名⼈(person of note)celestial adj 天的(astronomical,heavenly)censor v 检查,n 检查员censure n vt 责难(disapproval)ceremonial n adj 仪式,正式的ceremonious adj 隆重的,正式的,恭敬的(formal,solemn)chafe vt 擦热,烦扰(rub,scrape,irritate)chaos n 混乱(disorder)charisma n 魅⼒,感召⼒chary adj 谨慎的(cautious)chaste adj 贞洁的,纯正的(pure,virtuous)chide v 斥责(blame,rebuke)chirp vt 喳喳(⾍和鸟叫声)choke vt 使窒息(suffocate,block)n窒息chop vt 砍 n 排⾻(cut,hew)chore n 零⼯,杂务chronological adj 按年代顺序的chuckle n vt 咯咯地笑cipher n 暗号,密码(code)circuitous adj 迂回的(indirect,round-about)circumference n 圆周circumscribe vt 划清界限,限制(encompass,encircle)circumspect adj 慎重的,⼩⼼的(prudent,cautious)circumvent vt 欺诈,以计胜过clandestine adj 秘密的(secret,covert)cleanse vt 使清洁(clean,purify)cleft n 裂缝(crevice)clog vt 阻碍(block,jam)clot n v 凝块(gelatinize,congeal)clumsy adj 笨拙的,愚笨的(awkward)coax vt 哄,耐⼼调理coddle vt 娇养,溺爱cogent adj 有说服⼒的,强有⼒的(convincing,compelling)collateral n 抵押品coincide vi 相符合,相巧合colloquial adj 会话的,⼝语的colossal adj 巨⼤的(immense,huge)comet n 彗星commentator n 注释者commodious adj 宽敞的(spacious,capacious,roomy)comparative adj ⽐较的compatible adj 兼容的complaint n 抱怨,怨⾔ vt 控告compliment n 问候,vt 赞美,祝贺(praise,commendation)composed adj 沉着的(disimpassioned)composure n 镇静(calmness,self-control)comprise vt 包括(contain)compulsive adj 强迫的(irresistible,obsessive obsessed,irrational)concerted adj 协定的,协调的(unisonous)concession n 让步,迁就(compromise,bargain)conciliatory adj 善于调解的(reconciling)conclusive adj 决定性的,最后的(decisive,definitive,final)concoct vt 编造,虚构(devise,invent)concrete adj 具体的,n ⽔泥concur vi 同意,同时发⽣condiment n 调味品condone vt 宽恕,赦免(forgive,pardon)cone n 圆锥confide vt 倾诉(confess,disclose)confiscate vt 没收,充公(seize)confound vt 使糊涂,迷惑(confuse,puzzle)congenial adj 意⽓相投的(compatible,agreeable,pleasant,pleasing)congested adj 拥挤的(overcrowded)congregate vt 聚集(assemble,gather)congressman n 国会议员congruity n ⼀致,协调conjure vt 恳求(beseech,pray)connive vi 纵容,默许connoisseur n 鉴赏家,⾏家conscientious adj 尽职的,正直的(diligent)consecrate vt 奉为神圣,奉献(dedicate,devote)conservatory n 温室,⾳乐学校(greenhouse)consort vt 结交(associate,connect)conspicuous adj 引⼈注⽬的(noticeable)conspire vt 阴谋,密谋(intrigue,plot)constellation n 星座constrain vt 强迫(compel)constrict vt vi 收紧,压缩(reduce,compress)construe vt 解释,翻译(expound,translate,interpret))contagious adj 传染的(catching,infectious)contaminate vt 污染(defile,pollute)contemn vt 蔑视(disdain,scorn)contemptible adj 可鄙的(mean,despicable)content adj 满⾜的(satisfied,complacent)content n 内容(matter)contingent adj 可能发⽣的(accidental,unforeseen)contour n 轮廓,海岸线(outline,profile)contract n 契约(agreement)v收缩,感染(shrink,reduce,infect)contravene vt 反对,违反(contradict,oppose)contrite adj 悔悟的(repentant,remorseful)contrive vt 发明,设法(invent,plan)controversial adj 引起争论的controvert vt 反驳,辩论(deny,contradict)convene vt 集合(assemble,gather)convict vi 判罪,证明(penalize,prove)convoy vt 护送(accompany,escort)coordinate adj 并列的,同等的(equal,juxtaposed)corroborate vt 确证(confirm,substantiate)corrode vt vi 损害(erode,eat away)cosmopolitan adj 全世界的(global)counsel n 商议,忠告,律师v 劝告(advise)corpulent adj 肥胖的corps n 军团,兵团cordial adj 真诚的,诚恳的(friendly,warm friendly,sincerely pleasant)crafty adj 灵巧的,巧妙的(cunning,sneaky)crave vt 渴求(desire,yearn)credential n 凭证(reference,certificate)credulous adj 轻信的creed n 信仰,信条(belief,faith)covetous adj 贪⼼的(desirous,avaricious)cram vt 填塞,仓促⽤功crash vt 撞碎(crumble,shatter)。



英语作文常用谚语、俗语1、A liar is not believed when he speaks the truth. 说谎者即使讲真话也没人相信。

2、A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. 一知半解,自欺欺人。

3、All rivers run into sea. 海纳百川。

4、All roads lead to Rome. 条条大路通罗马。

5、All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 只会用功不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。

6、A bad beginning makes a bad ending. 不善始者不善终。

7、Actions speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩。

8、A faithful friend is hard to find. 知音难觅。

9、A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。

10、A friend is easier lost than found. 得朋友难,失朋友易。

11、A good beginning is half done. 良好的开端是成功的一半。

12、A good beginning makes a good ending. 善始者善终。

13、A good book is a good friend. 好书如挚友。

14、A good medicine tastes bitter. 良药苦口。

15、A mother's love never changes. 母爱永恒。

16、An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一天一苹果,不用请医生。

17、A single flower does not make a spring. 一花独放不是春,百花齐放春满园。

18、A year's plan starts with spring. 一年之计在于春。






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七、大纲词汇,历年真题出现次数:10次本部分共19个单词amount[☜❍♋◆⏹♦] n. 数量,总额; v. (to)合计,总共达,等于[真题例句] Spend a certain amount ( n. ) of time each day seeking the employment you wish for, and keep in mind: Securing a job is your job now.[1996年阅读1] [例句精译] 每天花一定的时间寻找你想要的工作,请记住:找工作就是你现在的工作。

[真题例句] What this amounts ( v. ) to, of course, is that the scientist has become the victim of his own writings.[1999年阅读5][例句精译] 当然,这几乎等于说:那位科学家成了他自己论文的受害者。

cell[♦♏●] n. ①细胞;②小房间;③蜂房;④电池[真题例句] "First, we need to understand how the normal cell (①) controls itself." [1994年阅读4][例句精译] “首先,我们需要了解正常细胞如何控制自己。

"challenge[ ♦☞✌●♓⏹♎✞] n. ①挑战(书); ②艰巨任务,难题; v. 向…挑战[真题例句] In this process, the journey never really ends; there are always new ways to experience the world, new ideas to try, new challenges ( n. ①) to accept.[1995年阅读2][例句精译] 在这个过程中,旅行永远不会真的结束;总会有体验世界的新方式,总有新的思想要尝试,总有新的挑战要面对。


Another thing is that, being alone, actually gives you more time to develop the hobby of your own, like collecting stamps or design watches, these are all interest that require time alone, then you can really involve yourself inside it.
Passage 1
【内容】主要讲细胞的发现,lens技术的发展做出的贡献,新的理论发展关于动植物细胞的分类观察,最后提到advanced theory关于变异细胞导致疾病等现象。
观点1:一开始有个科学家用one-lens显微镜观察微生物,结果没有观察到单细胞,于是他觉得life comes from nothing
有学生提问短篇是完全cut from长诗么,还是只是被长篇inspired。教授说两种可能都有。
coHale Waihona Puke d-blooded adj.冷血的
warm-blooded adj.恒温的
body size体型
buffer vt.缓冲



阅读词汇新题(1995.8-2004.01)考频考查的单词正确的选项词性中文含义abundant plentiful a. 大量的accelerate increase v. 加速;加大accessible available a. 可用的2accordingly for that reason;consequently ad. 因此2account (for)explain v. 解释;说明accumulate collect v. 积累;积聚a couple of years two years 两年adequate sufficient a. 充足的adhere stick v. 黏附;胶着adjunct addition n. 附加物administered managed v. 管理adorn decorate v. 装饰advent arrival n. 出现、到达adversely negatively ad. 不利地;有害地advocate proponent n. 倡导者;辩护者aesthetically artistically ad. 审美地;美学地affront insult v 侮辱轻蔑aid help v. 帮助alert wary a. 机敏的allay reduce v. 减少alter change v. 改变;调整alternative option n. 替代;替代物altogether completely ad. 完全地ancillary secondary a. 附属的;辅助的annihilate conquer v. 消灭;征服antagonist enemy n. 对手;敌人antecedent predecessor n. 先辈anticipate look forward to v. 期待;盼望apace with as fast as 快速的appealing attractive a. 吸引人的apply used for v. 应用;适用appreciated (-tion) recognized(-tion) v.(-n) 赏识aptly appropriately ad. 适当地arduous difficult a. 艰巨的;艰苦的article object n. 物品,物体ascend climb v. 攀升;升高2 assemble gather; bring together v. 装配;组合assortment variety n. 品种;种类assumption belief n. 确信的想法attachment preference for n. 依恋;偏好2attained achieved; reached v. 达到attendant accompanying n. 服务员attire clothing n. 衣着;盛装2 attribute credit; characteristics v. 被认为;被鉴定;特征avail make use v. 有用avid eager a. 渴望的;热心的barren infertile a. 贫瘠的;不毛的besides in addition to prep. 除此之外2 bias prejudice n. 偏见;嗜好bind tie v. 捆;绑;使结合boosted raised v. 提高,推进2bound limit held n. v. 范围;界限;限制break departure from n. 决裂;破裂brief look glance n. 瞥视;浏览bring about cause v. 导致;引起brittle easily broken a. 易碎的calculate determine v. 计算;确定came to the forefront became importantcarried on continued v. 继续carry support v. 支撑;支持cease stop v. 停止;结束celebratory full of praise n. 颂扬celestial astronomical a. 天空的;天上的chance unplanned a. 偶然的;碰巧的characteristics qualities n. 性质,特性chronicle describe v. 记述classify categorize v. 分类clear unobstructed a. 畅通的;无阻的2 clue information n. 线索;信息cluster group v. 成群2coarse rough; crude a. 粗糙的coin create v. 创造;杜撰coincide with happen at the same time ad. 同时2collective(-ly) group (together) n.(ad) 集体(共同地)come of age establish itself v. 达到法定年龄;确立自身地位comparably similarly ad. 可比地;相当地compelling forceful a. 被迫的component parts n. 部分compose focus on v. 创作;创造comprise consist of v. 包含;包括concealed covered a. 隐藏着的concentrate cluster v. 集中;积聚conclusive definitive a. 最后的concomitant with in conjunction with ad. 协同concrete specific a. 具体的;特定的configuration arrangement n. 结构;形状2confine limit; restrict v. 限制;局限confirm uphold v. 证实;确认conflicting opposing a. 冲突的;抵触的conjectural based on guessing a. 猜测的;推测的consequence result n. 结果2 conserve store; retain v. 保存;保护3 considerable large; substantial; much; great a. 很重要的;很大的consistent constant a. 持续的consort associate v. 结交conspicuous noticeable a. 显著的2 constituent (-v.) component (make up) n. (v.) 成分;要素(构成;组成)consumed (-n) eaten (eat) v. (n.) 吃掉2contemporary existing; written at that time a. n. 当代的;现有的;同时代convergence gathering n. 聚集2convert change v. 转换correspondingly similarly ad. 相应地;对应地count weigh v. 有价值;有分量counteract negate v. 抵消;反作用counterpart version n. 复本;对应物crisscross move back and forth v. 穿梭;交错往来critical judge of fine arts connoisseur n. 鉴赏家;评论家crucial important a. 重要的cumbersome burdensome a. 麻烦的;笨重的dampen moisten v. 使潮湿daring bold a. 勇敢的;大胆的deft skilled a. 熟练的;灵巧的deliberate careful a. 审慎的;仔细的demand require v. 要求;需求demise death n. 死亡demonstrate show v. 表明;证实dense thick a. 稠密的;浓厚的depend rely v. 依靠depict represent; describe v. 描述depress lower v. 压低;使沮丧derive obtain v. 得到derived from based on v. 基于2 detectable measurable; apparent a. 可察觉的;易发现的detecting finding v. 探测devastated ruined a. 毁坏的;被破坏的developing evolving a. 发展的;演化的2 devote to dedicate; specializing in v. 致力于;献身于dictate determine v. 指示;决定diffuse travel v. 扩散;传播disaster catastrophe n. 灾难discard get rid of v. 丢弃;抛弃discrete separate adj. 不连续的dispute argument n. 争论;争执disseminate spread/impart v. 散布;传播2 distinct separate; different a. 清晰的;不同的distinguish differentiate v. 区分;辨别divergence difference n. 差异;变化3diverse dissimilar; varied; different a. 多种多样的;不一样的dividing line boundary n. 边界;分界线do sth. repeatedly iterate v. 重复;反复2 domain field; region n. 领域;范围dominate be prevalent in v. 支配;控制dramatic striking a. 显著的2drastic (-ly) radical (severely) a. (ad) 激烈的;猛烈的2 draw attract; instruct v. 吸引;引导2durability (-able) endurance (long-lasting) n. (a.) 经久,耐久(持久的;耐用的) dwelling house n. 住处;寓所eager enthusiastic a. 热心的2 easily moved portable a. 轻便的;可携带的2effect (-iciency) influence (effectiveness) v. (n.) 影响;效果elaborately done in great detail ad. 详尽地;精心地elevate promote v. 提高;提升elicit bring out v. 引出embraced welcomed v. 欢迎emerge appear v. 浮现;出现2emit (-ing) give off (producing) v. 发出(生产,发行) emphasize stress v. 强调employ use v. 雇佣;应用2 enable allow; help v. 使能够;使可能enactment performance n. 演出;表演encompass include v. 包含end goal n. 末端;目的endless continuous a. 不断的engaged hired v. 雇佣ensure guarantee v. 保证entire whole a. 全部的entity object n. 实体;存在entomb trap v. 埋葬;设陷阱era period of time n. 时期eradicate eliminate v. 除去;消除erroneous ideas misconception n. 误解;错误观念erroneouslymistake v. 误以为;误认为identified as2essence (-tial) basic nature; fundamental n. (a.) 基本(基本的)establish create v. 设立;创作estimated judged v. 鉴定evidence indicate n. 迹象;预示evolution development n. 发展exalted superior a. 高贵的;崇高的2 excavate dig v. 挖掘;开凿exceptional remarkable a. 非同一般的execute create v. 造成;制成;履行;执行exercise utilize v. 行使,利用exert cause v. 引起;产生exorbitant expensive a. 昂贵的expendable unprofitable a. 没有用的2 expose subject to; uncover v. 使暴露;暴露于2 extend stretch;increase v. 延长;扩展2extol praise v. 赞美2 extract remove v. 提取;取得extraordinary supreme a. 非凡的;极度的2fabricate make; construct v. 制作;装配faction side n. 小派系fashion create v. 造成,引起fatal deadly a. 致命的2favor prefer v. 喜爱feed put v. 供给;供应feel detect v. 察觉;感觉finding scientific discoveryfine (-ly) tiny; minutely a. 细小的fixture commonplace object n. 固定设备;附属装置flamed burned a. 燃烧的flattering complimentary a. 称赞的;奉承的flourished thrived n. 茂盛forage feed v. 搜索;寻找食物foremost leading adj. 最主要的formidable difficult a. 艰难的forward-looking progressive a. 向前看的;有远见的frame (-work)pose (structure) v. (n.) 构造;提出(框架结构) freeing releasing n. 解除,释放functional usable a. 合用的fundamental basic a. 基础的;基本的furnish provide v. 提供fuse combine v. 熔合;结合gambit calculated risk n. 策略;谋略gap open n. 缺口;缝隙give way to turn into v. 让位;变成glowing shining a. 光亮的good name reputation n. 名声;名誉graphic vivid a. 生动的gradually by degrees ad. 逐渐地grumbled complained v. 抱怨hard firm a. 坚硬的;牢固的hard to deal with stubborn a. 执拗的;固执的hardiest most vigorous a. 最强壮的heart center n. 中心hemisphere side n. 半球;半边henceforth from that time on ad. 自此以后herald announce v. 预示;预报hinged on depended on v. 依靠hinterland region n. 地方;区域ideal perfect a. 完美的identical exactly alike a. 同样的ignite set on fire v. 点燃imitate copy v. 模仿;伪造immunity protection n. 保护immutable unchangeable a. 不变的impediment obstacle n. 妨碍;阻碍imperceptibly subtly ad. 不可觉察地;极缓慢地implement tool n. 工具;器械implication significance n. 含义;意义imposing demanding a. 紧迫的;紧急的in place of instead of ad. 代替in reality actually n. 实际上;事实上inaccessible unreachable a. 难接近的;难达到的inception beginning n. 起初incinerate burn up v. 烧毁incised carved a. 雕刻的inclination preference n. 倾向;偏好incorporate combine v. 结合;合并incriminate blame 有罪induce cause vt. 导致influx arrival n. 流入;到达ingenuity resourcefulness n. 机灵inhibit hinder v. 阻止;阻碍2 initiate start; cause v. 开始;引发2innovation (-tive) new idea (new) n. 创新;革新(创新的) insignificant unimportant a. 不重要的instance case n. 实例;例证integral essential; fundamental a. 整体的;不可缺少的2intense (-sive) extreme (concentrated) a. 强烈的;(加强的,集中的) intent goal; purpose n. 目的interchangeable equivalent a. 相等的;可互换的intervals periods n. 周期intermittently periodically ad 间歇的intervention influence n. 干涉;影响intricate complex a. 复杂的intriguing attractive; fascinate a. 迷人的invade move into v. 侵入inviting attractive a. 吸引人的;诱人的justify prove v. 辩护;证实key important a.重要的laborious difficult a. 费力的lament complain about v. 抱怨lie be located v. 位于load weight n. 重担locale place n. 场所lured attracted v. 吸引,引诱magnify intensify v. 放大;强化3 maintain preserve; keep v. 维持;坚持major principal a. 主要的;大型的make possible allow v. 允许;使可能mandate require v. 要求margin edge n. 边;边缘2marked pronounce; noticeable a. 明显的;显著的means method n. 方法merely only ad. 仅仅地,只不过meteoric rapid a. 迅速的meticulously careflly ad. 小心地minuscule tiny a. 很小的;微小的minute tiny a. 微小的;细微的modifying changing v. 修改;变化momentarily briefly ad. 短暂的monopolize dominate v. 独占;占优势moreover furthermore; in addition ad. 此外motif design n. 图案;花纹mundane ordinary a. 世俗的;普通的myriad many a. 许多的;无数的nascent immature a. 新生的;初生的nevertheless however ad. 然而;仍然norm standard n. 标准noted observed v. 注意到noticed announced v. 宣告,通告notwithstanding despite; in spite of prep. 尽管nourish feed 喂养noxious harmful a. 有害的;有毒的obtain get; acquire v. 获得;取得obvious apparent a. 明显的;显而易见的optimal best a. 最佳的ornate elaborate a. 华丽的oscillate swing v. 摇摆震荡outbreak beginning n. 爆发;开始outline summarizing v. 总结;概括outstanding excellent a. 杰出的;显著的over great distances faraway a. 遥远之处overtaken surpassed v. 赶上,超越partitioning division n. 划分peak maximum a. 最高的;高峰的peculiar strange a. 奇特的penetrate go through v. 穿透;透过people in the play actor n. 演员;剧中人物periphery outer edge n. 外围permeate spread through v. 传遍persist continue v. 持续personal magnetism charisma n. 个人魅力pertinent relevant a. 有关的phenomena event n. 现象;事件pick up follow v. 寻找;寻路picture imagine n. 图片pit hole n. 坑;洼地place measure v.plunge drop n./v. 投入,陷入ponderous heavy a. 笨重的pore hole n. 毛孔;细孔position job n. 职位;职务postulate suggest v 假定potential possible a. 潜在的;可能的precarious uncertain a. 不稳定的precise accurate a. 精确的prefer favor v. 偏好;喜欢preoccupation involvement n. 专心preside over manage v. 负责;统辖presumably probably ad. 大概prevailed dominated v. 成功,统治2prevailing most frequent; dominant a. 盛行的;流行的prevent avoid v. 制止;阻止2primary (-ly) fundamental (chiefly) a. (ad.) 基本的;初步的(主要地) prior to preceding a. 在先;居前prized valued a. 贵重的probe explore v. 探察produce butter n. 产物;产品2prolific productive (fruitful) a. 多产的prominent distinguished (famous) a. 显著的;卓越的proponent supporter n. 支持者prospect possibility n. 期望;前景prototype model n. 原型;范例protrude project v. 突出;伸出pry off locate v. 查找puncture pierce v. 刺穿;刺破pursue chase v. 追赶raise rear v. 饲养;养育random unpredictable a. 不可知的rapidity swiftness n. 迅速rare infrequent a. 稀有的;罕见的rather (than)instead (of) ad. 相反;相反地raw unprocessed adj. 未加工的readily easily ad. 容易地realization awareness n. 认识;意识reap accept v. 收获;接受rear raise v. 培养;饲养reckless irresponsible a. 不负责任的recorded documented a. 已纪录的recruit enlist v. 征募;补充refreshing unusual a. 清新的;清爽的regardless of no matter what a. 不管relate connect v. 相关;关联reliance dependence n. 依靠remarkable significant a. 异常的;非凡的renounce reject v. 拒绝representative typical a. 典型的resemble be(appear)similar to v. 相似;类似resolve find a solution for v. 解决resort to using v. 采用revered respected v. 尊敬revise change v. 修正;改造revitalize bring new life to v. 新生robust strong a. 强健的;坚强的roll back reduce v. 压低;减少2 rotate alternate; turn v. 轮流;更迭rot decay v. 腐烂roughly approximately ad. 概略地;大约rudimentary undeveloped a. 原始的;简单的run operate v. 操纵rupture burst v. 破裂;裂开rushing rapid a. 急流的sanitation health n. 卫生;健康状态saturate soak v. 浸透;饱和saying two oppositeparadox n. 悖论;隽语thingsscale measure n./v. 刻度/测量2scarce (-ly) rare (barely) a. (ad.) 稀有的scatter irregularly distribute v. 分散scope extent n. 范围scorched burned v. 烧焦score musical compositions n. 乐谱scurrying rushing v. 急赶2secure acquire; safe v. ad. 获得;取得;安全的sedentary inactive a. 不移栖的sentiment opinion n. 意见;观点serve as function as v. 充当;担任set establish v. 确定;安置2settle (-ed) decide (stabled) v. 决定;解决(固定的) severe poverty indigence n. 贫困;赤贫shield protect v. 保护;避开significant meaningful a. 有重要意义的site location n. 地点;场所skepticism doubt n. 怀疑主义;怀疑态度sketching drawing n. 速写;素描skilled expert a. 熟练的;擅长的skyrocket increase rapidly v. 猛涨,突增sleep briefly nap n. 小睡;打盹smooth operation effective functioningsmother eliminate v. 覆盖;除去snap break v. 折断;拉断2sole only a. 唯一的;独一的solemn serious a. 严肃的;庄重的sort out separate v. 挑选出source of energy fuel n. 能源;燃料span cover v. 包含spawn create v. 产生spark bring about v. 激发;发动speculate hypothesize v. 推测;假设staggering overwhelming a. 压倒的;压倒之势的standard customary a. 标准的standing not flowing a. 停滞的;不流动的2staple popular edition; basic element n. 大宗物品;流行的东西主要成分stimulate encourage v. 激发;促进story level n. 楼层;层strain stress v. 拉紧,重压strength basis n. 实力;基础stress emphasize v. 强调striking noticeable a. 显著的stringent strict a. 严格的;严厉的strive try 努力奋斗struggle competition n. 竞争subject susceptible a. 易受影响的;遭受影响的subjugate conquer v. 征服subsequent later a. 后来的2subsidy (-ize) finance n. (v.) 补助金;补贴subtle slight adj. 微小的;精细的succinct concise a. 简洁的;简练的sufficient adequate a. 足够的;充足的suitably appropriately ad. 适宜地sumptuous luxurious a. 豪华的;奢侈的sums amounts n. 和supplant replace; displace v. 取代;替代2 supplement extension; add to n. 补充;补遗support hold v. 支持;支撑supposedly seemingly ad. 按照推测;表面上supremacy dominance n. 至高无上;支配地位supreme most outstanding a. 最大的;极度的2surge (-ing) increase sharply (accelerating) v. (a.) 急剧增加(高涨的;跃进的) suspend hang v. 挂;悬挂sustain support v. 支撑symmetrical proportionally balanced a. 对称的;匀称的tangled twisted together a. 混乱的teeming with full of 充满telling challenging a. 有效的;有力的tempting attractive a. 诱人的testimony evidence of n. 证据thanks to because of n. 由于;多亏thereby by that means ad.因此think highly admire v. 钦佩;羡慕thrive grow well v. 茁壮成长thwart frustrate v. 使受挫tolerate endure v. 忍受;忍耐trace imprint n. 痕迹;遗迹transition change, convert v. 转变trend tendency n. 趋势;趋向typify characterize v. 代表,表现ultimately eventually; in the end ad. 最后2 undergo experience v. 经历underscore emphasize v. 强调underwater craft submarine n. 潜水艇undoubtedly certainly ad. 的确地2unique particular; singular a. 独特的unprecedented never seen before a. 空前的unravel discover v. 解开;阐明unrestricted unlimited a. 无限制的;自由的unsubstantiated unverified a. 未证实的;未核实的urged encouraged v. 催促,鼓励usher beginning v. 引导;开始2vary (-ious) differ (-ent) v. 变化;改变(不同的) 2vast large; great a. 巨大的;广阔的venture endeavor n. 冒险;冒险行动very closely intimately ad. 亲密;密切vessel craft n. 船vestige evidence n. 遗迹;残余virtually completely n. 实质地want to much greedy a. 贪婪的;贪心的whether if conj. 是否wider more extensive a. 宽广的witness observe v. 目睹;目击yield provide v. 产生;产生效果。





















下面把1995~2 006这11年考题中经常考到的词汇列示如下:1. a little2. abolish3. about4. abuse5. acceptable6. access7. accident 8. accidentally 9. accomplish10. a ccordingly 11. account for 12. account to13. account 14. accumulate 15. accuse16. accustom 17. acknowledge 18. acknowledgment 19. acquaint 20. acquire 21. across22. act 23. adapt 24. adopt25. advantage 26. advertisement 27. advise28. advocate 29. affect 30. alarm31. like 32. alive 33. alternatively34. amid 35. amount to 36. amusement37. anticipation 38. anxiety 39. anxious40. appeal 41. appearance 42. applicable43. apply 44. appoint 45. approve46. arouse 47. arrange 48. ascertain 49. asset 50. assign 51. assistance52. associate 53. assure 54. attach55. attitude 56. attribute 57. audible58. avail 59. available 60. average61. award 62. awareness 63. beating 64. be bound to 65. because of 66. believe67. beneficial 68. benefit 69. better than70. blend 71. bravely 72. by means of73. calm 74. care about 75. care for76. career 77. carefully 78. celebration79. center 80. certainly 81. charge82. cheat 83. chronic 84. circulation 85. circumstance 86. classify 87. clear88. clue 89. collapse 90. collection91. collective 92. collect 93. combination94. come along 95. come down 96. come out97. come over 98. come true 99. commission 100. commitment 101. complaint 102. comparable 103. complicate 104. component 105. compound 106. complete 107. conceive 108. concentrate 109. concert 110. concise 111. conclusive112. conduct 113. confidence 114. confident 115. conform 116. confront 117. confuse118. connection 119. conquer 120. consider121. consideration 122. contest 123. continually124. contribute 125. contribution 126. convenient127. conventional 128. convey 129. cope with130. correspondingly 131. cover 132. create133. creative 134. crisis 135. crucial136. curious 137. currency 138. cut down139. cut in 140. cut off 141. cut out142. deception 143. decline 144. decorate145. dedicate 146. deduce 147. define148. definite 149. delay 150. deliberate151. deliberately 152. delicate 153. dependable154. depression 155. derive 156. descend157. detach 158. detain 159. detect160. determine 161. device 162. devise 163. different 164. dignity 165. diligent 166. diminish 167. disappear 168. disappoint169. dispatch 170. display 171. distinctive172. distinguish 173. diverse 174. dominate 175. donation 176. down 177. easy178. effective 179. efficient 180. elaborate181. element 182. eliminate 183. emission 184. emphasize 185. encounter 186. engagement 187. enough 188. entertainment 189. enthusiastic 190. establish 191. evaluate 192. evolution193. exchange 194. excite 195. excitement 196. exotic 197. expansion 198. expect199. expectation 200. experience 201. exploit202. explore 203. exposure 204. extensive 205. exterior 206. exterminate 207. extra bonus 208. extra charge 209. extra price 210. extra tip 211. facilitate 212. fade 213. failed to 214. understand 215. famous 216. favorable217. favorite 218. fear 219. feasible220. field 221. fill in 222. flow 223. follow 224. forbid 225. formal 226. formulate 227. fortunately 228. freedom229. fulfill 230. function 231. funds232. furnish 233. gigantic 234. go in for235. go out 236. go over 237. good238. grateful 239. guarantee 240. happy241. hard 242. hard to 243. hard to244. hard to 245. hastens 246. have247. hazard 248. helpful 249. hesitation 250. hint 251. hitting 252. holiday 253. hurting 254. ideal 255. identical 256. identification 257. identify 258. illuminate 259. illustrate 260. magination 261. imagine 262. imitate 263. implement 264. import265. impose 266. impression 267. impulse268. in addition to 269. in place 270. in return 271. in spite of 272. in the long run 273. in turn 274. inaccurate 275. nadequate 276. incentive 277. incident 278. include 279. income280. incredible 281. indispensable 282. individually 283. induce 284. inefficient 285. influence 286. infrequently 287. ingredient 288. inhabit 289. inherit 290. nitially 291. initiate292. initiative 293. innovate 294. insight295. inspection 296. install 297. integrate298. intellect 299. intellectual 300. intelligent301. intensify 302. intention 303. intentional 304. interactive 305. interest 306. interference 307. interior 308. interruption 309. intervene310. interview 311. invent 312. investigation 313. irregularly 314. judgment 315. justify316. keep 317. kill 318. kind319. knock 320. label 321. last322. lean on 323. legible 324. less325. likely 326. limit 327. light up328. live 329. lively 330. living331. local 332. majority 333. make out 334. make sense 335. make sure 336. make up337. manage 338. management 339. maximize 340. mechanize 341. melt 342. memorize 343. memory 344. mentality 345. mention346. method 347. minimize 348. modernize 349. morality 350. more than 351. motivate352. motivation 353. motive 354. municipal 355. name 356. neglect 357. nervously 358. nervousness 359. network 360. neutral361. normally 362. number 363. objective 364. obstacle 365. obtain 366. on367. on the spot 368. oppose 369. optimal 370. optimism 371. optimistic 372. optional373. originate 374. other than 375. outlook 376. overwhelm 377. overwork 378. panic379. paraphrase 380. partially 381. past382. pat 383. penetrate 384. pension 385. perceive 386. perception 387. peril 388. persecute 389. personality 390. pessimistic 391. petition 392. pinch 393. plan 394. point 395. poise 396. pollution 397. popular 398. possible 399. practical 400. precaution 401. predictable 402. premium 403. preside 404. prestige 405. presume 406. primarily 407. priority 408. privilege 409. problem 410. proclaim 411. produce 412. proficient 413. profound 414. promise 415. promote 416. prosecute 417. protect 418. provincial 419. publication 420. punch 421. punishment 422. put up with 423. qualification 424. raise 425. rarely 426. rather427. rather than 428. reach 429. reasonable 430. reception 431. recommend 432. reduce 433. refer 434. relax 435. release436. relevant 437. reluctant 438. remote 439. render 440. request 441. require 442. requirement 443. research 444. reserve 445. resolution 446. resource 447. respectively 448. response 449. restrict 450. retrieve 451. rivalry 452. rotation 453. routine 454. run against 455. run for 456. run into457. run over 458. rural 459. safety 460. salary 461. scatter 462. search 463. section 464. select 465. sensible 466. sentence 467. separate 468. serial 469. set 470. shoot 471. shrug 472. shrink 473. sick 474. sight 475. similar 476. simply 477. single478. solution 479. specialty 480. specification 481. specimen 482. spoil 483. stab484. stack 485. stand for 486. standard 487. standardize 488. standpoint 489.start490. starve 491. stay 492. steady493. stand up for 494. storage 495. strategy496. strike 497. study 498. suppose499. survival 500. suspect 501. suspend502. suspension 503. sympathetic 504. temper 505. temptation 506. tension 507. terminate 508. testify 509. think about 510. think for511. think out 512. think over 513. think514. together 515. take after 516. take in517. take off 518. take on 519. take out520. take over 521. take up 522. touch 523. track 524. traditionally 525. transaction526. transfer 527. transient 528. transition 529. translate 530. transmission 531. transmit 532. transplant 533. transportation 534. trap535. trigger 536. turn up 537. understand 538. unevenly 539. unfamiliar 540. unfavorable 541. unfortunately 542. unique 543. unity544. unnecessarily 545. unsteadily 546. unwell 547. up 548. up to 549. upset550. used 551. use up 552. valuable553. value 554. vanish 555. variety556. verify 557. very 558. via559. volume 560. voluntary 561. weaken562. weigh 563. wise 564. with565. witness 566. worry 567. worsen568. would 569. wound 570. zealous通过以上的小统计可以看出,过去年考卷中词汇部分所考到的重点词汇集中在常用动词(包括短语动词)、常用名词、形容词词组、副词,还有少量的介副词性小品词。



考研英语十年真题高频词汇汇总(精编)频率为26次的单词growth n. 增加,增长(量);生长,发展technology n. 工艺,技术theory n. 理论,原理;学说;看法,见解频率为25次的单词economy n. 经济(制度),经济情况;节约,省俭频率为23次的单词behavio(u)r n. 行为,举止;运转情况频率为21次的单词account n. 账(目),账户;叙述,说明vi. 说明(原因等);(数量、比例方面)占economic a. 经济(学)的,经济上的频率为20次的单词individual a. 单独的,个人的频率为19次的单词product n. 产品,产物;乘积rate n. (比)率;速度,进度;价格,费用频率为18次的单词create vt. 创造,创建,创作;引起,产生频率为17次的单词decline vi./n.下降,减少,衰退;婉拒hard a.硬的,坚固的;烈性的;困难的ad.努力地;猛烈地:困难地频率为16次的单词ability n. 能力,本领;才能,才智频率为15次的单词professional a.专业的;高水准的spot n. 斑点,污点;地点;一点儿vt.认出,发现;玷污tend vi.倾向,趋向于vt.照管,护理view n. 眼界;风景;(常用pl.)看法vt.看待;观察频率为14次的单词advocate vt/n. 鼓吹(者),拥护(者)amount n. 数量vi.合计;等同community n. 团体,社会;界,族;社区;群落concern vt. 关联;关心n. 企业;焦虑;关心environment n.环境,周围状况factor n. 因素,要素intelligence n. 智力,智慧;情报likely a. 可能的,有希望的ad.可能return v./n. 回来;归还,送还;回答social a. 社会的;交际的频率为13次的单词consequence n. 结果,后果;重要(性),重大drug n. 药物;(pl.)麻醉品,毒品expert n. 专家,能手a.熟练的,内行的extend vi. 延续;达到vt. 提供,发出industrial a. 工业的,产业的moral a. 道德(上)的n. 寓意,教育意义频率为12次的单词action n. 行为;活动;作用adult n. 成(年)人a.成年人的,已成熟的ambition n. 雄心;野心competition n. 竞争,比赛capacity n. 容量,容积;能力,才能detail n. 细节,详情vt.详述,细说evidence n. 根据,证据;迹象,形迹evolution n. 进化,演化,渐进fund n. 基金,专款;现款vt.为…提供资金inflation n. 通货膨胀;(充气使)膨胀local a. 当地的.地方的;局部的maintain vt. 维持;维修,保养;主张management n. 经营;管理(部门);管理人员productivity n. 生产力,生产率survive vt. 幸免于;比…活得长vi.幸存universe n. 宇宙,世界;范围,领域频率为11次的单词learn vt. 学会;得知vi. 学习;了解频率为10次的单词advertising n. 广告宣传;广告业,广告事务affect v. 影响;感动benefit n. 益处v. 有益,得益debate v./n. 辩论,争论directly ad.直接地;立即element n. 要素;元素;基础;自然环境essential a. 必不可少的;本质的n.(常pl.)要素,要点;必需品identify vt. 把…等同于;认出,鉴定vi.认同intend vt. 想要.打算,企图investment n. 投资(额)reasonable a. 合理的;通情达理的;公道的;尚好的responsibility n. 责任(心);职责,义务opportunity n. 时机,机会personality n. 人格,个性;人物private a. 私人的;秘密的频率为9次的单词alter vt. 改变,变更appropriate a. 适当的vt.私占;拨款用boom n. 叫喊声;繁荣vi.隆隆作响;迅速增长combine v. 联合,化合n.联合企业corporation n. 公司,团体enterprise n. 进取心,事业心;(企)事业单位federal a. 联邦的gas n. 煤气;气体;汽油highly ad. 高(度)地,非常issue n. 问题,争论点v.颁布,出版;分发;流出,发出organization/-isation n. 团体,机构;组织体制principle n. 原理,原则;信条project n. 计划;项目;工程vt. 投射,放映;(使)伸出recognize/-ise vt. 认出;承认;表彰,报偿specific a. 特有的;具体的n(pl.) 详情,细节structure n. 结构,构造;建筑物vt.构造;安排substance n. 物质;实质;内容;根据trend n. 趋势,倾向;时新款式,时尚频率为8次的单词activity n. 活跃,活力;(常pl.)活动advantage n. 优点,有利条件;利益aspect n. 外表;(问题等的)方面attitude n. 态度,看法;姿势balance v. 使平衡,称n.天平;平衡;差额,结余characteristic a. 特有的,典型的n.特征claim vt./n. 声称,断言;索取comment n. 评论,意见vi.评论constitute vt. 组成;设立contract v. 订(约);缩小n.合同,包工creative a. 创造(性)的,有创造力的culture n. 教养,教育;文化;培植,培养historical a. 历史(上)的,史学的interpret vt. 解释,说明,诠释vi.口译,翻译manner n. 方式,方法;态度,举止;风度,礼貌,规矩mass n. 大量;团,块; (pl) 群众;质量obtain vt. 获得vi.通用,流行powerful a. 强大的,有力的;强壮的predict vt. 预告,预言,预测risk n. 风险,危险;冒险vt.冒…的危险robot n. 机器人,自动机械shift v. 转移;改变,转变n.转换;轮(或换)班species n. 种,类频率为7次的单词approach v./n. 接近n.途径;方法argument n. 争论,辩论;论点,论据assume vt. 假定;承担;呈现blueprint n. 计划,蓝图climate n. 气候;风气,气氛competitive a. (好)竞争的;求胜心切的;有竞争力的complex a. 复杂的;复合的n. 综合体concept n. 概念,观念,思想confuse vt. 使困惑;混乱,混淆critical a. 危急的,决定性的,关键性的;批评(判)的crude a. 天然的;生的;粗鲁的emerge vi.出现;发生,显露employee n.受雇者,雇员existence n.存在;生存,生活(方式)innovation n.新方法,新事物;革新interview n./v.接见,会见;面试;采访involve vt.使卷入,使参与;包含,牵涉journal n.定期刊物;日志link v. 连接,联系n. 环节,联系,纽带manifest a. 明显的vt. 使显现;证明motion n.运动;手势,眼色;提议v. (向…)打手势,示意频率为6次的单词analysis n. 分析(报告)apply vi. 申请,请求;适用于vt.应用,运用arise vi. 出现,发生;引起,起源于;起身assumption n. 假定,臆断;担任,承担assure vt. 使确信,使放心;确保authority n. 权威,专家;权力;(常用pl.)官方,当局avoid vt. 避免,避开;预防bias n. 偏见;偏袒,偏心vt.使有偏见brief a. 简洁的v. 简短介绍,简要汇报cash n.现金v.兑现,付(或收)现款challenge vt. 向…挑战n.挑战;难题committee n. 委员会conflict n. 冲突;战斗vi. 冲突,抵触consideration n. 考虑;体贴,关心constant a. 不断的;始终如一的;忠实的n.常数consumption n. 消耗量,消费量contact vt./n. (与…取得)联系convention n. 大会;协定,公约;惯例convince vt. 使确信,使信服,说服cosmic a. 宇宙的data n. 资料,数据definition n. 定义;清晰(度),鲜明(度)delivery n. 交付,投递;分娩;演讲的风格(方式) demonstrate vt. 说明,演示;论证;表露vi.游行示威(或集会) deny vt. 否认;拒绝给予,拒绝…的要求digital a. 数字的discipline vt./n. 纪律;学科;训练;惩罚distinction n. 差别;区分,辨别;优秀educate v. 教育,培养,训练effective a. 有效的;事实上的electronic a. 电子的emphasis n. 强调,重点enable vt. 使能够,使可能,使可行error n. 错误,差错establish vt. 建立,设立,创办;确定extent n. 广度,宽度;范围,程度focus v. 聚焦n. 焦点,焦距;(活动等的)中心function n. 功能;函数vi.运行,起作用fundamental a. 根本的,基础的n. (常pl.)基本原则gene n. 基因genius n. 天才,天赋;天才人物giant n. 巨人;才智超群的人a.巨大的humo(u)r n. 幽默(感);脾性,情绪,心情v. 使满足,迁就implication n. 含意,暗示;牵连improvement n. 增进;改进(处)independent a. 独立自主的;中立的;无关的influence vt./n. 影响(力) n. 势力,权势instinct n. 本能,直觉;生性,天性intention n. 意图,意向,目的invention n. 发明,创造;捏造,虚构item n. 条款,项目;(新闻等的)一条mechanism n. 机械装置;机构;机制observation n. 注意,观察;言论;(常pl.)观察数据odd a. 古怪的;奇数的;剩余的n.(p1.) 可能性offend vt. 冒犯;使不舒服;违犯oppose vt. 反对,反抗panel n. 控制板,仪表盘;专门小组phenomenon n. 现象;非凡的人(或物)physical a. 物理(学)的;物质的;身体的potential a. 潜在的,可能的n. 潜力,潜能prolong vt. 延长,拉长,拖延psychological a. 心理(学)的reflect v. 反射;反省,深思;反映relevant a. 有关的,切题的remark v. 评论,谈论;注意到,察觉n. 评语,议论,意见requirement n. 要求;需要(的东西)respond vi. 回答,答复;响应rsponse n. 回答,答复;反应,响应responsible a. 负责任的;重要的;有责任感的revolution n. 革命;旋转,转数rob vt/vi. 抢劫,盗取scale n. 刻度;级别;规模;鳞;(pl.)天平secure a. 安全的,可靠的vt.获得;使安全site n. 位置,地点vt. 使坐落在,设置status n. 地位,身份;情形,状况stock n. 库存,现货;股票v.储备a.常备的stress n. 压力,紧张;重音;强调vt.强调;重读sufficient a. 足够的,充分的survey n. 测量;概括论述;调查sympathy n. 同情(心);支持;(pl.)慰问threaten v. (构成)威胁,可能发生unemployment n. 失业(人数)vote vi.投票n. 选票;选举;投票总数频率为5次的单词abroad ad. 国外,在国外;到处appeal vi/n. 呼吁;申诉;(有)吸引力;求助captive n. 俘虏a.被俘虏的;被迷住的infrastructure n. 基础结构,基本设施(如运输、动力等) premium n. 保险金;奖品a.高级的;售价高的resign vi. 辞职vt.放弃;使顺从span n. 跨距,范围v.横越title n. 题目,标题;称号,头衔;权益,权利unlikely a. 未必的,靠不住的频率为4次的单词abandon vt. 抛弃;放弃acknowledge vt. 承认;告知收到,致谢addition n.(增)加,加法;附加(物)advertisement n.(登)广告;公告aid n. 援助;助手,辅助物(设备)v.帮助,援助annoy vt. 使恼怒,使生气,打搅apparent a. 表面上的;显然的,明白的appreciate vt. 鉴赏;领会;感激vi.增值artificial a. 人工的;假的,矫揉造作的assemble v.(人)集合,聚集;(物)装配attribute vt. 把···归因于n.属性basis n. 基本,根据,原则bid vt. 命令;祝,表示v./n. 出价,投标n.企图,努力career n. 履历,生涯;职业ceremony n. 典礼,仪式;礼仪character n. 特征;性格,品质;人物,角色;(汉)字commercial a. 商务的;商业(性)的n.商业广告commit vt. 将···托付给;使承担义务,献身于;犯(错误)commodity n. 商品,货物comparative a. 比较的,相对的comparison n. 比较;比拟,比喻compensation n. 补偿,赔偿conduct vt. 指挥;管理;传导n. 行为;管理(方式)conference n. 讨论,会谈;(正式)会议confidence n. 信任,信心,自信;秘密confront vt. 遭遇;勇敢地面对;使对质contrast v./n.(形成)对比,对照conventional a. 常规的;普通的criminal a. 犯罪的,刑事的n.罪犯crisis n. 危机,危急关头;关键时刻critic n. 批评家,评论家current a. 流行的,当前的n.(潮)流;电流;趋势cycle n. 循环,周期vi.循环define vt. 限定,规定;给···下定义,解释deprive vt. 剥夺,使丧失derive v. 起源,衍生;追溯···的起源deserve vt. 应受,值得,应得device n. 装置,设备,器械;手段,策略diminish vt. (使)减少,减小,降低disappear vi. 不见,消失discard vt. 打出(无用的牌);抛弃,丢弃easily ad. 容易地,不费力地efficient a. 效率高的,有能力的employer n. 雇佣者,雇主entitle vt. 给(书、文章)题名;给···权利(或资格)estimate vt./n. 估计,估量n.评价,看法executive a. 执行的,实施的n. 董事,行政负责人expense n. 花费;(pl.) 开支export v./n. 出口,输出(品)external a. 外部的,外面的,外表的fascinate vt. 强烈地吸引,迷住fashion n. 方式,样子;流行款式,时装fatal a. 致命的;重大的,决定性的flash n. 闪光(灯)vi.闪光,闪烁;飞驰,掠过forbid vt. 不许,禁止formal a. 形式的;正式的formation n. 形成(物),构成former a. 以前的,在前的n. 前者gross a. 总的,毛重的;臃肿的vt. 获得···总收入(或毛利)n.总额guarantee n. 保证(书)vt.保证,担保happiness n. 幸福,幸运,快乐harmful a. 有害的hence ad. 因此;从此illustrate vt. 阐明;(给···作插图)说明imply vt. 暗示,含有···的意思indicate vt. 指出,指示;表明,示意inevitable a. 不可避免的,必然(发生)的injure vt. 伤害,损害,损伤intellectual n. 知识分子a.智力的,善于思维的intelligent a. 聪明的,有才智的internal a. 内部的,内地的,国内的;内心的;内在的justify vt. 证明···正当(或有理),为···辩护label n. 标签,标记;称号vt.贴标签于;把···称为manufacture vt. 制造,加工n.制造(业);产品modify vt. 修改,更改;(语法上)修饰monopoly n. 垄断(物、商品),专卖商品mostly ad. 几乎全部地,主要地,基本上neglect vt./n. 忽视,忽略;疏忽,玩忽network n. [广义]网络,网状物;[狭义]广播网,电视网nevertheless ad. 仍然,然而,不过notion n. 概念,观念;意图,想法nuclear a. 核能的,原子核的;核心的offspring n.(sing.同pl.)子孙,后代,结果originate v. 起源于,产生;创造,开创pace n. 步(速),速度,节奏vi.踱步painful a. (引起)疼痛的;困难的politics n. [单数性]政治(学);[复数性]政纲,政见possess vt. 占有,拥有poverty n. 贫困,贫穷privilege n. 特权,优惠profit n. 利润;收益v.有益于;得益promote vt. 促进,发扬;提升;推销proportion n. 比例;部分;均衡,相称pursue vt. 追踪,追赶;从事;追求radical a. 根本的;激进(派)的n.激进分子range n.(变动)范围;一系列v.变动;涉及;使排列成行rarely ad. 很少,难得reality n. 现实,实际;真实register n./v. 登记,注册regulate vt. 控制,管理;调整,调节reject vt. 拒绝;退回n.被拒货品,不合格产品remarkable a. 引人注目的;非凡的replace vt. 取代;把···放回原处;更换represent vt. 象征;描绘;代表restriction n. 限制,约束reveal vt. 揭露;(事物)展现,显示reward n./vt. 报酬,酬金;报答,奖赏rival vt. 与···竞争a. 竞争的n.竞争对手scatter vt. 撒(播);使散开,驱散security n. 安全,安定,保证skilled a. 熟练的,有技能的;需要技能的storage n. 储藏(量),保管;库房strive vi. 努力,奋斗,力求style n. 风格;式样;时尚vt.(根据新款式)设计surplus n. 剩余,盈余a.过剩的,多余的surround vt. 包围;环绕,围绕survival n. 幸存(者),残存物target n. 目标,对象,靶子vt. 瞄准tendency n. 趋向,趋势trace vt. 查出;追溯;描摹n.痕迹,踪迹;微量tradition n. 惯列,传统transform vt. 把···转换成;变换,改革union n. 工会,同盟;联合;一致utility n. 功用,效用;(常pl.)公用事业valid a. 有根据的;有效的visible a. 看得见的,可见的,有形的wisdom n. 智慧,明智;格言,名言worthwhile a. 值得(做)的频率为3次的单词abuse vt./n. 滥用;辱骂,虐待acquisition n. 获得(物),取得activate vt. 使活动起来,使开始起作用alternative a. 两者择一的n. 供选择的东西anticipate vt. 预料,期望;先于···行动assess vt.估价,评估,评定assign vt.分配,布置;指定;指派,选派assignment n.(分派的)任务;分配,委派associate vi. 交往vt.使联想;使联合n.伙伴,同事a. 副的attain vt. 达到,获得ban v./n. 禁止bind vt. 捆绑,捆扎;使结合;约束;装订budget v. (编)预算;安排,规划n.预算(拨款)a.合算的,廉价的candidate n. 侯选人;应考者casual a. 碰巧的;随便的;临时的;census n. 人口普查,统计chemical a. 化学的n.(pl.)化学制品,化学药品circumstance n. 环境,条件,形势;(pl.)境况,状况colleague n. 同事,同僚compel vt. 强迫,迫使complaint n. 抱怨;控告;疾病compose vt. 创作,为···谱曲;组成,构成;使平静comprehension n. 理解(力)conclusion n. 结尾;推论,结论confusion n. 混淆;混乱;困惑congress n. 代表大会;[C]国会,议会connection n. 连接,联系considerate a. 体贴的,体谅的contend v. 斗争;竞争;主张context n. 上下文,语境;环境,背景contrary a. 相反的,对抗的n. 相反,对立面contribute v. 贡献出,捐赠,捐助;投稿counsel v./n. 忠告n.法律顾问,辩护人crucial a. 至关重要的,决定性的decrease v./n. 减少,减小democratic a. 民主的,有民主精神(或作风)的dependent a. 依靠的,依赖的;取决于dispute v./n. 争论,争议disregard vt. 不理会,漠视n. 忽视,漠视distort vt. 扭曲;歪曲,曲解vi.变形distract vt. 使分心,转移;迷惑diverse a. 多种多样的draft n. 草稿,草案;汇票;征兵vt.起草;招募drift vi. 漂泊,游荡n.漂流(物);大意economics n. 经济学;(pl.)经济状况,经济因素,经济意义efficiency n. 效率,效能,功效endanger v. 危及,危害endure v. 持续;忍受,忍耐enlarge v. 扩大;放大enlighten vt. 启发,开导enormous a. 庞大的,巨大的,极大的ensure vt. 保证,担保,确保equip vt. 装备,配备;使有准备equivalent a. 等价的;相当的n. 等价物essay n. 短文,文章establishment n. 建立;机构,企业;当权人物evolve v. (使)发展,(使)进化,(使)演变exceed vt. 超出;越出excess n. 超越;过量,过度a.过量的,额外的extreme a. 末端的;极端的,极度的n.极端,过分fade v. (使)褪色;逐渐消失;凋谢failure n. 没做到;失败fiction n. [总称]小说;虚构flourish vi. 繁荣,茂盛,兴旺folk n. (常pl.) 人们a.民间的forecast v./n. 预报,预测formulate vt. 用公式表示;规划;阐明generate vt. 生殖;生产;引起,导致geology n. 地质学;地质情况global a. 全球的,全世界的;总的,完整的grant n. 拨款,授予物vt. 授予,同意,准予gravity n. 重力;严重;庄重,严肃handle n. 把手vt.触摸;操作;处理,对待harm n./vt. 伤害,损害,危害helpful a. 有帮助的;有益的,有用的hesitate vi. 犹豫,踌躇;含糊,支吾highlight vi. 使显著,突出n.精彩场面hospitality n. 友好款待,好客ideal n. 理想的东西(或人)a. 理想的;想像的immigrant n. 移民,侨民immune a. 免疫的;不受影响的;免除的impact n./v. 冲击,碰撞;影响,作用import vt./n. 进口,输入impose v. 把…强加于;征(税),处以(罚款、监禁) inferior a. 下等的,下级的;次的n. 下级,晚辈inform vt. 通知,报告vi.告发,检举inquiry n. 打听,询问;调查instance n. 例子,例证,事例instant n. 瞬间a.立即的;紧急的;速溶的instrument n. 仪器,器械,工具;乐器insurance n. 保险(业,费)interact vi. 互相作用,互相影响irritate vt. 使恼怒,使烦躁;使疼痛keen a. 热心的,喜爱的;敏锐的;锋利的legislation n. 法律,法规;立法leisure n. 空闲时间,闲暇;悠闲liability n. 责任;(常pl.)负债;累赘logical a. 逻辑(上)的,符合逻辑的mankind n. 人类mathematical a. 数学(上)的military a. 军事的,军队的n. 军方;陆军mode n. 方式,式样moreover ad. 而且,此外motive n. 动机,动因,目的multitude n. 大量,许多;民众novel n. (长篇)小说a.新颖的,新奇的oblige vt. 迫使,责成;(使)感激,施恩于opponent n. 敌手,对手;反对者optimistic a. 乐观(主义)的organic a. 有机物的,有机体的output n. 产量;输出(功率) vt. 输出(信息、数据等) phase n. (方)面;阶段vt.分阶段实行(或计划) pollution n. 污染precise a. 精确的,准确的;严谨的prejudice n. 偏见,成见vt. 使有偏见;对…不利presence n. 出席,存在;仪态primary a. 最初的,初级的;首要的,基本的prompt vt. 促使,推动;提示a.敏捷的,及时n.提词,提示proof n. 证据,证明a.能防…的propose v. 提出;提名,推荐;打算;求婚proposition n. 建议,提案;主张;命题outlook n. 观点;前景;景色prosperity n. 兴旺,繁荣provision n. 供应;条款,规定;(pl.)给养random a. 任意的,随机的rare a. 稀有的;(空气等)稀薄的;(肉)煎得嫩的readily ad. 容易地,迅速地;乐意地reckon vt. 认为,估计;指望,盼望;测量recovery n. 痊愈;重获,恢复reference n. 提到;参考(书目);推荐信(或人)reform vt./n. 改革,改良vi.改正,改过自新region n. 地区,区域;范围,幅度regret v./n. 懊悔,遗憾,抱歉relieve vt. 缓解,减轻;使宽慰;接替religion n. 宗教,信仰;信念,信条resist v. 忍住;抗(病等);反抗,抵制revolve vi. 旋转schedule n. 时刻表;清单vt. 安排screen n. 屏幕,银幕;帘,纱窗vt.遮蔽;播放select vt. 选择,挑选a.精选的;一流的sensitive a. 敏感的;神经过敏的;易受伤的significance n. 意义,含义;重要性,重大slip vi. 滑(倒);溜走;下降n.疏漏vt.悄悄放进solution n. 解答,解决(办法);溶液somewhat ad. 稍微,有点spite n. 恶意,怨恨stake n. 标桩;利害关系;股份;赌注vt.以…打赌,拿…冒险standardize/-ise v. 使符合标准,使标准化steer vt.. 引导strategy n. 战略,策略stream n. 溪流;一股,一串vi.流出substantial a. 牢固的;充裕的;主要的,实质性的trail n. 小路;痕迹vt.跟踪vi. 拖,下垂;(比赛等)失败transition n. 过渡,转变transmit vt. 播送,发射;传送,传染transport n. 运输(系统),运输工具vt.运输,运送trial n. 审讯;考验,试验typical a. 典型的,有代表性的underlie v. 构成…的基础unexpected a. 想不到的,意外的unfortunately ad. 不幸地;遗憾的是unknown a. 未知的,不知名的unlike a. 不同的prep.不像…,和…不同unusual a. 不平常的;与众不同的urgent a. 急迫的,紧要的vain a. 徒劳的,无效的;自负的verify vt. 证明,证实via prep. 经,通过violence n. 暴力;猛烈,剧烈whereas conj.然而,可是,不过。



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1990 年 10 月语法题
1. The significance of mythology within a culture is reflected in --- , the amount of time devoted to this activity, and the relevance of mythology to ceremonials.
4. Ragtime is a kind of music --- a strongly syncopated melody and a regularly accented accompaniment.
(A) has (B) that it has (C) that has (D) it has 答案:C 测试点;定语从句. 分析:空格后为从句修饰说明 music.(C)是正确的定语从句结构,其中关系代词 that 兼作 从句主语.(A)无主语;(B)重复从句主语;(D)不是从句形式. 解题要点:a kind of+名词的结构,后面常接 that 从句作定语,说明这个名词的特点.应 在答案中先看以 that 开头的形式.
3. Economic goods may take the form --- of material ecause (C) as (D) or 答案:A 测试点;either…or…结构。 分析:后文 or 是关键词,应想到这是 either…of…or 连用的结构。
分析:名词 material 前应有冠词 the.(A)是形式主语 it 的句型,但原句并无真正主语部分; (B)为从句;(C)是 there be 句型,但原句主谓俱全,不适合此句型。 解题要点;空格后为完整的句子,应注意句首的名词前是否缺冠词.4 个答案中有一个是 冠词时,应首先考虑它.


rts and Fine Arts..............................................................................................................2 Opportunists and Competitors ......................................................................................................3 Lascaux Cave Paintings ...................................................................................................................4 Electricity from Wind ......................................................................................................................5 Meteorite Impact and Dinosaur Extinction ..................................................................................6 Groundwater .................................................................................................................................



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词汇》 《词以类记-TOEFL iBT词汇》讲座 词以类记- 词汇

美国历史 American History -1
Stage 1. Discovery of North America 北美的发现 西班牙国王资助Columbus的远征 (expedition),发现了美洲大陆。 很多人错误地认为哥伦布是西班牙 人 (Spanish),其实他是意大利人 (Italian),这位仁兄最终发现了美 洲,却以为自己到了印度(India), 于是称美洲土著(Native Americans) 为印第安人(Indians),(可怜的北美 土著英文冠名权就这样被剥夺了。) 巨大的利益很快引起了当时的世界 强国英、法、西班牙、荷兰等的觊 觎。
Mercury 水星(墨丘利神,即商业旅行守护神) Venus 金星(维纳斯,即爱和美的神) Earth 地球(土神) Mars 火星(战神) Jupiter 木星(统治诸神主宰一切的主神) Saturn 土星(农业之神) Uranus 天王星(最早的至上的神) Neptune 海王星(海神) Pluto 冥王星(地府之神) 词汇》 《词以类记-TOEFL iBT词汇》讲座 词以类记- 词汇



陆地的 市郊 区域 地方性的 世界性的 洞穴 地下的 大洞穴 裂痕 裂痕 豁口 地带 赤道 经度 海拔 纬度 子午线 支流 南极的 南极洲 北极的 沿海地区 半球 轮廓,等高 线 地理 地平线 低地的 平原 海峡 海峡,水渠 山谷 火山 高原 盆地 航行 山脉 盐性 沉淀物 高度 组成 地热 地形 地形学
TOEFL 托福词汇词以类记词汇简表——张红岩.txt 丶︶ ̄喜欢的歌,静静的听,喜欢的人, 远远的看我笑了当初你不挺傲的吗现在您这是又玩哪出呢?TOEFL 词汇 词以类记! 张 红 岩 ! "! ! ! ! "#$%& 词汇! .......... .. ——词汇简表! 按学科分类 地理 insular island peninsula islet marine maritime moist ledge oasis tide ebb continent ter restrial outskirt region endemic cosmopolitan subterrane subterranean cavern flaw cleft crevice gap zone equator longitude altitude latitude meridian subsidiary Antarctic Antarctica A rctic coastland hemisphere
动物脂 油腻的 海狸 海星 海豚 被掠食者 冷血动物 shi 齿动物 食腐动物 微生物 爬虫动物 恒温动物 灵长类动物 灵长类 软体动物 腔肠动物 脊椎动物 无脊椎动物 鸣禽 鸟 家禽 怪物 昆虫群 昆虫 蠕虫 畜牲 水生的 两栖类动物 迁徙 放牧 气喘 啄 小跑 休眠的 子孙 产卵 怀孕的 浮出 繁殖 驯养 使受精 再生 繁殖 吱吱

历年托福词汇题汇总440题(有答案) 5

历年托福词汇题汇总440题(有答案) 5

TOEFL词汇题精选440题 5401. At the heart of a comer's coma lies a nucleus of solid material, typically no more than 10 kilometers across.The word "heart" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) center(B) edge(C) tail(D) beginning402. The most graphic proof that the grand spectacle of a comet develops from a relatively small and inconspicuous chunk of ice and dust was the close-up image obtained in 1986 by the European Giotto probe of the nucleus of Halley's Comet.The word "graphic" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) mathematical(B) popular(C) unusual(D) vivid403. As a comet's orbit brings it closer to the Sun, first the coma grows, then two distinct tails usually form.The word "distinct" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) visible(B) gaseous(C) separate(D) new404. Pheromones are substances that serve as chemical signals between members of the same species.The word "serve" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) improve(B) function(C) begin(D) rely405. Pheromones are the predominant medium of communication among insects (but rarely the sole method) . Some species have simple pheromone systems and produce only a few pheromones, but others produce many with various functions.The word "sole" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) obvious(B) best(C) only(D) final406. Some species, such as ants, seem to be very articulate creatures, but their medium of communication is difficult for humans to study and appreciate because of our own olfactory insensitivity and the technological difficulties in detecting and analyzing there pheromones.The word " detecting " is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) controlling(B) storing(C) questioning(D) finding407. Aphids, which are particularly vulnerable to predators because of their gregarious habits and sedentary nature, secrete an alarm pheromone when attacked that causes nearby aphids to respond by moving away.The word "sedentary" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) inactive(B) inefficient(C) unchangeable(D) unbalanced408. These innovations in manufacturing boosted output and living standards to an unprecedented extent;the average per capita wealth increased by nearly 1 percent per year-30 percent over the course of a generation.The word "boosted" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) ensured(B) raised(C) arranged(D) discouraged409. Since the 1790's, North American entrepreneurs --- even without technological improvements --- had broadened the scope of the outwork system that made manufacturing more efficient by distributing materials to a succession of workers who each performed a single step of the production process.The word "scope" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) value(B) popularity(C) extent(D) diversity410. As early as 1782 the prolific Delaware inventor Oliver Evans had built a highly automated, laborsaving flour mill driven by water power.The word "prolific" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) efficient(B) productive(C) self-employed(D) progressive411. This new technology enabled them to build factories in the Nation's largest cities, taking advantage of urban concentrations of inexpensive labor, Good transportation networks, and eager customers.The word "eager" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) wealthy(B) knowledgeable(C) regular(D) enthusiastic412. Small, both in format and number of pages, they were generally bound simply, in board(a form of cardboard) or merely stitched in paper wrappers (a sewn antecedent of modern-day paperbacks) .The word "antecedent" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) predecessor(B) format(C) imitation(D) compontent413. By far, the most appealing publishing investments were to be found in small books that had proven to be steady sellers, providing a reasonably reliable source of income for the publisher.The word "appealing" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) dependable(B) respectable(C) enduring(D) attractive414. Almanacs, annual publications that contained information on astronomy and weather patterns arranged according to the days, week, and months of a given year, provided the perfect steady seller because their information pertained to the locale in which they would be used.The word "locale" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) topic(B) season(C) interest(D) place415. What unusual or unique biological train led to the remarkable diversification and unchallenged success of the ants for over 50 million years?The word "unique" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) inherited(C) singular(D) natural416. The answer appears to be that they were the first group of predatory ensocial insects that both lived and foraged primarily in the soil and in rotting vegetation on the ground. The word "rotting" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) decaying(B) collected(C) expanding(D) cultivated417. Richly organized colonies of the kind made possible by eusociality enjoy several key advantages over solitary individuals.The word "key" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) uncommon(B) important(C) incidental(D) temporary418. Composers today use a wider variety of sounds than ever before, including many that were once considered undesirable noises.The word "wider" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) more impressive(B) more distinctive(C) more controversial(D) more extensive419. Non-Western music typically divides and interval between two pitches more finely than Western music does, thereby producing a greater number of distinct tones, or microtones, within the same interval.The word "thereby" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) in return for(B) in spite of(C) by the way(D) by that means420. The population of Los Angeles (114,000 in 1900) rose spectacularly in the early decades of the twentieth century, increasing a dramatic 1,400 percent from 1900 to 1930.A number of circumstances contributed to the meteoric rise of Los Angeles.The word "meteoric" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) rapid(B) famous(C) controversial421. The downtown business district did not grow apace with the city as a whole, and the rapid transit system designed to link the center with outlying areas withered away from disuse.The phrase "apace with" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) anew with(B) apart from(C) as fast as(D) at the middle of422. After the 1870's, a number of important authors began to reject the romanticism that had prevailed immediately following the Civil War of 1861-1865 and turned instead to realism.The word "prevailed" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) dominated(B) transformed(C) entered(D) generalized423. Realists such as Joel Chandler Harris and Ellen Glasgow depicted life in the South; Hamlin garland described life on the Great Plains; and Sarah Orne Jewett wrote about everyday life in rural New England.The word "depicted" in line11 is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) emphasized(B) described(C) criticized(D) classified424. Theodore Dreiser, the foremost naturalist writer, in novels such as Sister Carrie, grimly portrayed a dark world in which human beings were tossed about by forces beyond their understanding or control.The word "foremost" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) most difficult(B) interesting(C) most focused(D) leading425. Even in this current era of large scale, intensive research and development, the interrelationships involved in this process are frequently misunderstood.The word "intensive" is closest in meaning to which of following?.(A) decreased(B) concentrated(C) creative426. The widespread and usually uncritical acceptance of this thesis led in turn to the assumption that application of science to industrial purposes was a linear process, starting with fundamental science, then proceeding to applied science or technology, and through them to industrial use.The word "assumption" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) understanding(B) public awareness(C) scientific knowledge(D) expansion427. The most thoroughly studied cases of deception strategies employed by ground-nesting birds involve plovers, small birds that typically nest on beaches or in open fields, their nests merely scrapes in the earth.The word "merely" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) often(B) only(C) usually(D) at first428. One technique involves first moving quietly toward an approaching animal and then setting off noisily through the grass or brush in a low, crouching run away from the nest, while emitting rodentlike squeaks.The word "emitting" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) bringing(B) attracting(C) producing(D) minimizing429. The plover's most famous stratagem is the broken --- wing display, actually a continuum of injury --- mimicking behaviors spanning the range from slight disability to near -complete helplessness.The word "spanning" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) covering(B) selecting(C) developing(D) explaining430. Few predators fail to pursue such obviously vulnerable prey. Needless to say, each short run between "flight attempts" is directed away from the nest.The word "pursue" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) catch(B) notice(D) chase431. Glass fibers were little more than a novelty until the 1930's, when their thermal and electrical insulating properties were appreciated and methods for producing continuous filaments were developed.The word "appreciated" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) experienced(B) recognized(C) explored(D) increased432. The scarce fossils of the Proterozoic, mostly single-celled bacteria, provide little evidence in this regard. However, the rocks themselves do include the earliest evidence for glaciation, probably a global ice age.The word "scarce" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) ancient(B) tiny(C) available(D) rare433. In 2.3-billion-year-old rocks in Canada near Lake Huron (dating from the early part of the Proterozoic age), there are thin laminae of fine-grained sediments that resemble varves, the annual layers of sediment deposited in glacial lakes.The word "resemble" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) result from(B) penetrate(C) look like(D) replace434. Watching the behaviors diverse animal species in their natural habitats, Lorenz, and Tinbergen observed behavior patterns that promote survival.The word "diverse" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) small(B) varied(C) wild(D) particular435. The most well-known of these is imprinting, the early following behavior of certain baby birds that ensures that the young will stay close to their mother and be fed and protected from danger.The word "ensures" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) guarantees(B) proves(D) assumes436. It refers to a limited time span during which the child is biologically prepared to acquire certain adaptive behaviors but needs the support of suitably stimulating environment.The word "suitably" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) willingly(B) moderately(C) appropriately(D) emotionally437. The development of attachment in human infants is a lengthy process involving changes in psychological structures that lead to a deep affectional tie between parent and baby.The phrase "affectional tie" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) cognitive development(B) emotional attachment(C) psychological need(D) behavioral change438. Locke strongly suggested that individuals, while accepting their Americanism, take pride in their African ancestral arts and urged artists to look to Africa for substance and inspiration.The word "urged" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) prepared (B) defined(C) permitted (D) encouraged439. From this unity created by the convergence of artists from various social and geographical backgrounds came a new spirit, which, particularly in densely populated Harlem, was to result in greater group awareness and self-determination.The word "convergence" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) gathering(B) promotion(C) expression(D) influence440. African American graphic artists took their place beside the poets and writers of the Harlem Renaissance and carried on efforts to increase and promote the visual arts. The phrase "carried on" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) continued(B) praised(C) transformed(D) connected401 A 402 D 403 C 404 B 405 C 406 D 407 A 408 B 409 C 410 B 411 D 412 A 413 D 414 D 415 C 416 A 417 B 418 D 419 D 420 A 421 C 422 A 423 B 424 D 425 B 426 A 427 B 428 C 429 A 430 D 431 B 432 D 433 C 434 B 435 A 436 C 437 B 438 D 439 A 440 A。



《张的博⼠英语单词倍增定位记忆法》“百⽇万词”系列22《张的博⼠英语单词倍增定位记忆法》“百⽇万词”系列22(2008-01-28 23:42:09)转载标签:杂谈《英语单词倍增定位记忆法》“百⽇万词”系列22《张的博⼠英语单词倍增定位记忆法》(英语单词ZY⽒定位记忆法)推出后,受到⼴⼤英语爱好者特别是⽆数⽹友的热烈欢迎和积极追捧。

为回馈⽀持,⽅法创始⼈张的博⼠开展“百⽇万词”系列记词活动,运⽤《英语单词倍增定位记忆法》的“⼗⼤记词⼿段”对10000个单词进⾏实战分析讲解,各位⽹友只要坚持阅读和学习,定会创造属于⾃⼰的奇迹!10000单词是学习英语的基本要求,⼀旦突破,你才会真正具备运⽤英语的能⼒,才会真正体会英语的⽆穷魅⼒!我们的⼝号是:突破词汇束缚,感受英语魅⼒《英语单词倍增定位记忆法(Location System)》简介⼀个结果、⼗⼤⼿段★⼀个结果:实现“望词⽣义、望义⽣词”的母语识记境界本⽅法将词汇记忆的效率全⾯推向极致,使学习者能够在极短的时间内⼤幅度提⾼词汇量,并且保证将遗忘率限制在最低程度。




如:cough “咳嗽”此词系模拟⼈咳嗽时发出的声⾳;sigh “叹⽓”此词系模拟⼈叹⽓时发出的声⾳;译⾳词——即根据单词读⾳译成汉语的词。

如:spring-mattress 席梦斯(弹簧床垫);hacker⿊客;honker红客;DINK丁客(家庭);punk朋客;flash闪客当然译⾳词中也存在⼀些根据汉语读⾳形成的英语单词,如:Shanghai上海;(⽤酒等)使失去知觉⽽把⼈劫掠到船上服劳役; 拐骗此外,还有⼀类属于品牌译⾳词,如:GEL ⼝者哩⽔→n.凝胶体OREO 奥利奥饼⼲→n. <美俚>(奉⾏⽩⼈社会准则的)“⽩⼼”⿊⼈谐⾳词——即可由单词读⾳去想中⽂汉字,再联想含义的词。

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张宏伟总结TOEFL历年真题词汇Inaccessible 难以接近的:unreachableExtracting 提取,提炼:removingStrength 基础:basisSurging 激增,迅速上升:acceleratingTrend 倾向,趋势:tendencyPeak 最高点,最高峰:maximumPrior to 在前,局先:precedingAdvocates 提倡者,赞成者:proponentsUnsubstantiated 无确实根据的,未经证实的:unverified Maintain 维持:preserveConsiderable 极其,相当,大量:substantialEnactment 制定,执行:performanceStaggering 令人惊愕的:overwhelmingDevastated 毁坏:ruinedDemonstrate 证明,示威:showedExtend 延伸,扩展:stretchVast 巨大的,辽阔的:largeSparked 发动,鼓舞:brought aboutPotential 潜在的,可能的:possibleOutstanding 突出的,显著的:excellentAccount for 解释,说明:explainPicking up 沿着:followingA supremacy至高,霸权:a dominance Supplanted代替:replacedMyriad无数:manySupreme最高的:most outstandingSettle解决,决定:decideAscending 上升,攀登:climbingSolemn 严肃的:seriousComposed创作,作曲:createdScores 乐谱:music compositionComprises 包含,由,构成:consists of Intense 剧烈的:extremeMargins 空白:edgesSupport 支撑:holdAppreciation 感激,评价,欣赏:recognition Bias 偏见:prejudicePrevailing 流行的:most frequent Accumulated 积聚,堆积:collectedRelated 有关系得:connectedSupported 支撑:upheldForward-looking 向前看的:progressive 进步的Rudimentary 不发达的,未发展的:undevelopedSole 唯一的:onlySubsidizes 资助:financeRotates 旋转:alternatesImplements 玩具:toolsClues 线索:informationHemispheres 半球:sidesSubject to 遭受:susceptible toPuncture 刺穿:pierceDramatic 戏剧性的,显著的:striking Characterized 不同,区别于其他:distinguished Bizarre 古怪的:oddCasts off 抛弃:gets rid ofHomogeneous 一致的,同一的:uniformLargely renounces 基本上拒绝:generally rejects Prevail 流行,支配控制:dominatesSubtle 轻微的,精细的:slightCompile 收集,积累:put togetherRaw 未加工的,为处理的:unprocessedProspect 前景,可能性:possibilityRoughly 大约地:approximatelyMagnify 增加,扩大:increaseDistinction 不同,区别:differencesFused 结合:combinedLure 吸引:attractPlaced 放置:depositedDiscrete 分泌:separateOvertaxed 负担沉重的:heavily burdened Inadequate 不充足的:deficient Inevitable 不可避免地:unavoidably Lamented 不满,抱怨:complaint about First rank 最高水平:highest quality Faded from 消失于:disappeared from Novel 创新的,新颖的:innovative Stationary 固定的:fixedVessel 船只:craftSmothering 窒息的:eliminatedCoined 组成,创造:createdIntervention 干预:influenceEmerged 出现:appearedOutlining 概括,总结:summarizing Deliberate 仔细地:carefulDemanded 需要:requiredImitate 模仿:copyComparably 相似地:similarlyInclinations 偏好,喜好 : preferences Varied 不同:differedCumbersome 笨重地:burdensomeConfined 局限:limitedFramed 构造,制定:posedSupposedly 可能地,推测地:seemingly Sanitation 卫生:healthConflicting 对立的:apposingGive way to 让位于:turns intoSpeculate 假设:hypothesizeAlternative 选择:optionImposing 要求高的,费力的:demanding Penetrate 穿过:go throughExtended 增加,延长:increasePreferred 喜欢; favoredBarren 贫瘠的:infertileHard 坚硬的:firmDivergence 不同,区别:differenceDurable 耐久地:long-lastingDwelling 住所:housesElaborately 精心地:done in a great detail Bounds 限制:limitsChance 偶然的:unplannedIntegral 必要的,基本的:an essential Carry 承担:supportConcentrated 集中:clusteredEffect 影响:influenceDistinct 区别,不同:separateSetting 建立:establishingEnds 目标:goalsDrastic 激进的:radicalExtracted 提取:removedInstances 例子:casesEntombed 陷入:trappedMarked 明显的:pronouncedUshering 开始,引入:beginning Execute 执行,创造:createDomains 领域:fieldsFundamental 基本的:basicSkilled 专业的:expertPresided over 管理控制:managed Celestial 天文学的:astronomical Entities 物体:objectsMotifs 母题,图案:designsRare 罕见的:infrequentMaintaining 维持:preservingTolerate 忍耐:endureObtain 获得 getRoll back 减少 reduceStimulating 刺激 encouraging Depressed 降低,使沮丧 lowered Stringent 严厉的 strictPrecarious 不稳定的 uncertainSettled 固定的 stableChronicle 记载,记录,编年史 describe Ornate 装饰的,华丽的 elaborate Derived from 起源 based onVarious 不同的,多样的different Account for 解释 explainSubjugated 征服 conquered Synonymous with 同义的 equivalent to Excavating 挖掘 diggingAgents 动因,代理人 causesAided 帮助的 helpedEstimated 评估 judgedPry off 翘起 removeLittered 杂乱堆满,乱丢 coveredPreserved 保持,保存 protected from destruction Constant 持续的,一致的 consistentAttained 达到,获得 achievedResumed 再继续,重新开始 began againAttests to 证明 give evidence ofDrab 单调的 dullProminent 显著的,突出的 noticeableYet 仍,至今 so farRudimentary 根本的,未发展的 basicBiting 尖锐的 sharpHeightened 提高,提升 increasedMeticulous 小心翼翼的 carefulAccumulated 积聚,积累 built upTantamount to 与……相等的 practically the same as Remarkable 非凡的,显著的 extraordinaryLink 连结,联合 connectionSurge 汹涌,激增 sharp increaseUnprecedented 空前的,前所未闻的 not seen before Obscure 模糊的,朦胧的 unclearDisplay 陈列展示 exhibitLoad 负荷,重担 weightPrecise 精确的 accurateExercise 训练,使用 utilizeElicit 得出,引出 bring outProbe 探查 exploreProlific 多产的,丰富的 fruitfulIdeal 理想的perfectStandard 标准 customaryStrain 疲劳,紧张 stressAccordingly 因此,从而 consequentlyTeeming with 充满了,丰富的 full of Resemble 类似,模仿 appear similar to Postulated 假定,假设 suggestedDepended 依靠 reliedSubscribed 订阅,赞成 agreed withStunning 极好的 impressive 感人的,印象深刻的Spawn 产生,制造 createPartitioning 分割,划分 divisionEnhances 增强,提高 increasedTransition 转换,过渡 changeIgnited 点燃 set on fireEvolution 发展,演化 developmentMomentarily 即刻 brieflyDepict 描述 representAdvent 出现,到来 arrivalAffront 侮辱,冒犯 insultIntriguing 迷人的 fascinatingEndless 无止境的 continuous连续的Adequate 充分的,足够的 sufficientRather than 胜于 instead of 而不是Forage 觅食 search for foodIntermittently 间歇地periodically周期性的Furnish 供应,提供 provideOscillating 震荡,摇摆 swingingUltimately 最终 in the endCompelling 强迫地,又说服力的 forcefulExceptional 异常地,意外地 remarkable 不平常地,显著地Enhancement 增加/进 improvementRevitalize 新生 bring new life toExecuting 执行,制造 producingAllay 减轻,减少 reducePermeated 弥漫,渗透 spread throughTestimony to 证词/明evidence ofHardiest 坚硬 most vigorousFramework 框架,结构 structureProlonged 延长的extendedEncounter 遭遇 meetFortuitous 偶然的,幸运的luckyThwarted 阻挠,挫败 frustrated失败的,落空的Scattered 分散的irregularly distributedBy virtue of 由于 because ofCircumscribed 限制 restrictedIndeterminate 不确定的uncertainEnveloped 包围着 surrounded 环绕地Gradually 逐渐地 by degreesAt any rate 无论如何 regardless 不管Intent 目的,意向 goalAdministered 管理managedPeriphery 外围 outer edgeInception 起初beginningFabricating 构成,虚构constructingResort to 采取usingIngenuity 机灵,灵巧resourcefulnessFunctional 有功能的,有用的usableSignificant 有意义的meaningfulAttained 获得reachedFlamed 燃烧burnedEncompass包围,环绕 includeCame to the forefront 来到最前线/变得很重要 became important Hinged on 依赖 depended onLured 引诱attractedExpendable消费品,可以牺牲的 nonessentialNotwithstanding 尽管despiteIntricate 错综复杂的complexRandom 任意的unpredictableOptimal 最佳的,最理想的bestUrged 催促encouragedCarried on 继续 continuedDiverse 不同的variedEnsures确保 guaranteesSuitable 合适的,适宜的appropriatelyScares 稀有rareResemble 类似look likeCoarse 粗糙的crudeBrittle易碎的,脆弱的 easily brokenAppreciated赏识,意识到 recognizedMerely 仅仅onlyEmitting 发出producingSpanning 跨越 coverPursue 追赶catchAltogether 完全的completelyIntensive 集中的,透彻的concentrated Prevailed 流行,盛行dominated Depicted 描述describedForemost 首要的 leadingMeteoric流星的,迅速的 rapidApace with 快速的,急速的as fast as Wider 宽广的more extensiveThereby 因此,在那方面by that means Unique 唯一的,独特的singularRotting 腐烂的decayingKey 关键的importantConverted修改 changedAntecedent 先行的的,先辈predecessor Appealing吸引人的 attractiveLocal 场所placeBoosted推进 raisedScope 范围extentProlific多产的,丰富的 productive Eager 热心的,渴望的enthusiastic Engaged使用,雇佣 hireSubsequent后来的 laterSums 总数amountsIdentical同样的 exactly alikeGraphic生动的,鲜明的 vividUndoubtedly 毫无疑问的certainlyComponents 组成部分partsBesides 除此之外in addition toFlourished繁荣,昌盛 thrivedGrumbled 抱怨,牢骚complainedServe服务,适合 functionSole 唯一的onlyDetecting 发现findingSedentary久坐的,不活动的 inactiveSubjected 受影响的exposedEssence 本质,精华basic natureDiverse 不同的differentNoted 注意到 observedEmphasize 强调stressAccessible易接近的,可靠近的availableAccount for 解释,说明explainSmooth operation 顺利进行 effective functioning Cluster 成群 groupAlert 警惕 wareScurrying 急跑,匆忙走rushing Formidable 艰难地,令人敬畏的difficult Intent 目的,意向 purposeRegardless of 不管,不顾no matter what Marked 显著地noticeableConfine 限制 restrictPresumably 推测,大概 probablySustain 支撑,持续 supportInsignificant 无关紧要的unimportant Ultimately 最后,最终 eventually Demise 死亡 deathConvert 转变 changePrimarily 主要地,根本上 chiefly Prevailing 流行的dominantUndergone 经历 experiencedVast 巨大的 greatMonopolized 垄断 dominatedFactions 部分 sidesFlattering 赞美 complimentary Disseminated 分散 spreadAccelerated 加速 increasedGiven way to 替代 been replaced byReliance 依赖 dependencePicture 想象 imagineEmit 发出 give offGlowing 发光的 shiningInflux 流入,到达 arrivalExtraordinary 异常的 exceptionalEra 时代 period of timeIntriguing 吸引人的 attractiveConclusive 总结性的 definitivePreoccupation 卷入involvementPrimary 基本的fundamentalEntire 整个wholeBring about 引起 causeTemping 吸引人的 attractiveReckless 不负责任的 irresponsibleConcomitant with 同时发生的,与之伴随的in conjunction withSkyrocketing 迅速上升increasing rapidlyExtolling 高度赞扬praisingRoughly 大约harshlyReaped 获得gainedInterchangeable 互换的,等同于 equivalentClassified 分类 categorizedIncinerated itself 燃烧 burn upSecuring 获得 acquiringImplications 意义 significantHinterland 腹地,内地贸易区 regionPersisted 坚持,持续 continuedUndergoing 经历,遭受 experiencingSuspend 悬挂,延迟 hangFatal 致命的 deadlySecure 安全的 safeSorted out 分类,挑练 separatedDampened 使潮湿 moistenedFine 细微的 tinyDerived 起源,得自 obtainedDrastically 激烈的,彻底的severelyCoincided with 一致,符合 happened at the same time Supplement 补充 add toContemporary 当代的,同时代的 written at the same time Prized 珍视 valuedOvertaken 超越,胜出surpassedIntervals 间隔 periodsFreeing 解除 releasingPlunge 投入,跳进 dropTangled缠结的,紊乱的 twisted togetherConcealed 隐藏 coveredAvail themselves 利用 make useAccordingly 因此for that reasonCrucial至关重要的 importantPonderous 笨重的heavyAttained 达到,获得achievedAbundant 丰富的,充裕的plentifulPeculiar 独特的,奇异的strangeMeticulously小心翼翼的 carefullyDurability 经久,耐久力enduranceIncised雕刻的carvedConsumed消耗,吃eatenInnovative 创新的 newExtract 提取,提炼removeScorched烧焦burnedConsequence 结果resultExceed超越,胜出go beyondGenerated 产生causeNorm 标准 standardHenceforth 今后 from that time on Mandated委托统治的recommended Immutable 不可变的unchangeableRevered 尊敬 respectedConsist 一致的,协调的constantDictates 决定 determinesWitnessed 看到 observedA break with 分开 a departure from Conserve 维持,保留 retainMagnified 加强,加剧 intensifiedForage 觅食 feedCounteracted 否定,抵消 negatedIn season 应季 a particular time of year Fixture 寻常物品 commonplace object Nevertheless 但是 howeverRotates 转动,改变 turnsReadily 容易地,欣然地 easily Constituting 组成 making upPits 洞,坑 holesDisputes 争论 argumentsUnrestricted 不受限制的 unlimitedSnap 折断 breakFed 吃/放入 putExposed to 易受影响的,受支配 subjected to Exert 引起,导致 causeDiffuses 穿过,扩散 travelsRapture 破裂 burstMiniscule 微小的 tinyEnables 使能够 allowsAesthetically 美学的,艺术的 artistically Refreshing 非同寻常的,耳目一新的 unusual Devote 奉献 dedicateBound 系,绑 tiedAssembling 聚集 gatheringAdorned 装修 decoratedAttire 服装 clothingUnravel 揭露 discoverMundane 平凡的 ordinaryGap 空隙 openingDiscards 抛弃 gets rid ofDeft 灵巧的 skilledRobust 强壮的 strongHeralded 宣布 announcedPosition 职位 jobMajor 主要的 principalSymmetrical 比例平衡的,对称的 proportionally balanced Obvious 明显的 apparentDominated 占支配地位的 were prevalent inSupplements 补充 extensionsCrisscross 交叉 move back and forthSkepticism 怀疑主义 doubtSubsidy 资助 financingConjectural 猜测的 based on guessingEmploying 采用 usingAssortment 种类 varietyExalted 高级的 superiorIngots 银锭/块 blocks of silver mixed with copperCame of age出现了,成名了 established itselfTrace 痕迹 imprintsExposed 暴露 uncoveredAdversely 逆向/反的 negativelyAltered 改变 changedNoxious 有毒的,有害的 harmfulDetectable 可以探测的 measurableAcute 敏锐的,剧烈的 intenseExceeded 超越 surpassedAstounding 惊讶的 surprisingDurable 耐久的 lastingCustomarily 通常 usuallyInduced 导致 causedRemarkable 异常的 extraordinary Exerted 运用 appliedRestricted 限制 limitedIntricate 错综复杂的 complexVary 区别,不同 differInitially 首先 at firstCohesion 凝聚力 unityConsciously 有意识地,故意地 purposely Unadorned 未装饰的,平凡的 plain Consumption 消费,吃 eating Constituents 组成部分 components Calculated 计算,决定 determined Ceased 停止 stopProminent 著名的 distinguishedApply to 应用于 used forCoarser 粗糙的 rougherDense 浓密的 thickThanks to 由于 because ofEagerly anticipated 渴望,期待 looked forward to Properties 特征,特点 characteristicsAscribed to 归功于,认为 assumed to be true of Revolutionized 巨变,革命 dramatically changed Appeal 吸引attractionSpawned 产生,产卵 createdCore 核心 centerEmbedded 镶嵌 encasedSpotting 识别 identifyingDogma 信仰,教条 beliefDetect 发现 discovered the presence ofShied away from 避免 avoidedMilestone 里程碑 significant developmentCritical 关键的 essentialJolting 震动 shockingMagnitude 成都/大小 extentAttachment to 倾向于 preference forProtruding 凸出的 projectingShield 保护 protectDaring 大胆boldBoosted 鼓舞 raisedInhibited 阻碍hinderedCounterpart 版本,对应物 version Detectable 明显的,可探测的 apparent Sumptuous 奢侈的 luxuriousYield 供应provideAdhere 坚持 stickInitiate 启动,开始 beginModifying 改变,限制 changing Rapidity 迅速 swiftnessEfficiency 效率 effectivenessRear 抚养 raiseScale 攀登 climbImmunity 免疫,保护 protection Conspicuous 明显的 noticeableBias 偏见 prejudiceExorbitant 丰富的 expensive Undergone 经历 experienced Consorted 交往 associatedSufficient 充足 adequateAnnihilate 消灭,征服 conquerAptly 恰当的 appropriatelyFashion 制造 createArticle 物品 objectStaples 基本产品 basic elementsInvade 侵入 move intoContemporary 当代的 existingFinely 微小的 minutelyAttendant 伴随的 accompanyingExponential leaps 迅速上升 rapid increases Virtually 几乎完全,实际上 almost completely Pertinent 相关的 relevantSuccinct 简明 conciseRevise 改变 change。
