

水产动物营养与饲料学-双语教学课件chapter 1-6-Minerals

水产动物营养与饲料学-双语教学课件chapter 1-6-Minerals
enzymes(酶), • Activation of enzymes(酶的激活).
1.2 Uptake, Storage & Excretion
Complex biochemical mechanisms control and regulate the uptake, storage and excretion of various inorganic elements, allowing fish to live in a dynamic equilibrium ( 动 态 平 衡 ) with their aquatic medium.
• site of calcium uptake (1) gills, the most important site for calcium regulation (2) fins (3) oral epithelia(上皮)
in marine fish • The gut is not a major site of calcium absorption
Calcium requirement met in large part by • absorption through gills and skin in fresh water • and by drinking seawater.
Factors affecting calcium requirement (1) the water chemistry (2) species differences
2.5 Phosphorus requirements
The requirements ranging from 0.5 to 1.0 percent.
Fish species Channel catfish Trout Japanese eel Tilapia Common Carp Atlantic salmon


01 02 03 04
Water maintenance
Density of growth
Match of varieties
Treatment of disease
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《水产养殖概论》一、课程基本信息课程编号:2512690课程中文名称:水产养殖概论课程英文名称:Fisheries Summary课程类型:学科选修课总学时:54 理论学时:18 实验学时:36 课外学时:0学分: 2适用专业:生物科学先修课程:动物学,植物学开课院系:生命科学学院二、课程性质和任务《水产养殖概论》为生物科学专业的一门选修课,其任务是介绍重要水产经济动植物的生物学特性、育种方法、繁育技术、苗种培育和养成技术,使学生掌握水产动植物的相关基础理论知识、技术和生产过程。















第七章 内陆水域养殖

第七章 内陆水域养殖
• 不与主养鱼类争饵、争空间,尽可能利用水体天 然饵料中各种成分:如水草(Macrophyte)、底 栖生物(Zoobenthos)、固着藻类(Attached algae/Periphyton)等
水域单位面积或体积内存在生物的生物量,即瞬时生 物量。
如:浮游生物量(mg/L或mg/m3) (个/升ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱind./L) 鱼类现存量(kg/ha(hectare) )
水域载鱼力(Carrying capacity)
Carrying capacity of environment: 在环境允 许的前提下,种群所能达到的最佳数量
不经投饵和施肥条件下,完全依赖水域中各种饵料生物和 无机物与有机物质可转化为鱼产品的能力。
应用 鲤产潜力、鲢产潜力…… 浮游植物鱼产潜力、浮游动物鱼产潜力、大型底栖动物 鱼产潜力……
现存量(Standing crop/stock)或生物量(Biomass)
1. 放养对象的确定 ❖ 空间:表中底、沿岸敞水; ❖ 天然饵料:多样
主要放养对象:以滤食性鱼类为主,滤食、草食 和杂食性鱼类相结合的放养体系。 鲢、鳙、草鱼、团头鲂、青鱼、鲤、鲫等温和性经 济鱼类。 以人工放养为主的水域,放养鱼类的死亡率应
2. 主养鱼类的确定
鱼产力(Fish productivity)
定义 指鱼类将水中无机和有机营养物质(包括各种生物) 转化为鱼产品的能力。
评定鱼产力是合理放养、合理捕捞、科学利用水域 天然饵料资源的依据,在理论和实践上具有重要的 意义。


angling rate; hooked rate; hooking rate 钓获 率
animal bait 动物性饵料 animal fiber; animal fibre 动物纤维 animal plankton,zoo-plankton 动物性浮游 生物,浮游动物
animal protein factor 动物性蛋白因子 animal starch 动物淀粉 animal tankage 动物残渣 animal-parasitic disease 动物寄生病 animal wastes 动物废弃物 annual algae 一年生藻类 annual fish 一年生鱼类 annual yield 年产量 annulus 年轮 anoxemia 缺氧血症 antarctic convergence 南极收敛线,南极辐 合带
abundance 丰富的 abundance of population(size) 资源量 abyss 深海,深渊 abyssal fishes 深海鱼 abyssal zone 深海区 abyssimal deposits,deep sea deposit 深海沉 淀物
acaleph, acalephe,elly fish 水母 acanthodian 刺鲛 Acanthopterygia 棘鳍鱼类 acceleration of ovulation 促进排卵 accessory scale 辅鳞 accidental introductions 入侵,偶然性引入 acclimation fever 水土病(鱼病) aceptance sampling 抽样检查 acid dyestuff,acidic dye 酸性涂料 acid fish meal 酸性鱼肥 acid-combining power 酸结合力 acidosis 酸血症(鱼病) acidotrophic type 酸性营养型(湖泊水质) acidulated scrap 酸鱼渣,酸化废料 acipenser 鲟鱼类,蝶鲛 acoustic fishery 音响渔业



《水产养殖概论》一、课程基本信息课程编号:2512690课程中文名称:水产养殖概论课程英文名称:Fisheries Summary课程类型:学科选修课总学时:54 理论学时:18 实验学时:36 课外学时:0学分: 2适用专业:生物科学先修课程:动物学,植物学开课院系:生命科学学院二、课程性质和任务《水产养殖概论》为生物科学专业的一门选修课,其任务是介绍重要水产经济动植物的生物学特性、育种方法、繁育技术、苗种培育和养成技术,使学生掌握水产动植物的相关基础理论知识、技术和生产过程。

















水产养殖专业英语Ocean Today一Open Rivers, Abundant FishMany species of fish, including those that are important to the U.S. economy, migrate from the ocean to freshwater rivers and streams to spawn. After spending years in the ocean, fish instinctually return to the same rivers where they were born, making the often-treacherous journey upstream. Some fish, like salmon, travel nearly a thousand miles.If they make it past strong river currents and hungry predators, these determined fish may then find themselves blocked by man-made barriers, such as dams.As many as two million dams and culverts are located in the streams and rivers of the United States.Unfortunately, many of them block access to more than 600,000 miles of river habitat.Special “fish ladders”are built to help fish pass over these dams so they can continue swimming upstream to reach their spawning grounds.Some of the dams that block fish passage are important producers of clean electrical power. But other dams in the way of fish migrations are old and out of use, even dangerous if they are left unchecked and not maintained. Often the best solution is to take them down.In 2007, Portland General Electric removed the Marmot Dam in Oregon, which opened 100 miles of freshwater habitat to thousands of migrating fish. Among them were several salmon species, which are listed as 'threatened' under the Endangered Species Act.The Merrimack Village Dam in New Hampshire was another successful dam removal. The small dam, originally built in the 1730s, had fallen into disuse and disrepair.Loiselle:“Removal of the Merrimack Village Dam is going to make way for river herring, American shad, American eels, and Atlantic salmon that have been blocked from migrating up the Souhegan River for almost two and a half centuries.…[big smile] we anticipate that we’re going to see many more fish, other wildlife in the area and in our river system than we’ve ever seen before.”NARRATOR:When we remove a barrier to migrating fish, we not only increase the health and quantity of local fish populations, we also increase the overall health of the river and even the economic health of the community.NOAA has helped remove over 50 dams in 12 years, enabling migratory fish to finally reach their historic habitat.二Fish on a FarmEvery weekend small farmers around the country head to their local farmer’s markets to selltheir fruits and veggies.Well guess what? There’s a new farmer in town. Fish farmers.In the U.S., we import over 80% of the seafood we eat, and half of that is farmed. This growing demand for safe, healthy seafood has prompted a revival of the fish farming industry here athome.Farmers raise finfish using a variety of methods, but they all start out with baby fish or fingerlings raised in a hatchery. Once they are large enough, the fish are placed in either surface pens near the shore or submersible cages in the open ocean. The netting or cages allow ocean water to flow in and out, but keeps the fish contained in one area.Fish food is dispensed from buoys floating on the surface at the top of the pen. Once the fish have matured –they are harvested using large vacuums. The fish are then prepped, placed on ice, and taken to market. There are some environmental concerns associated with fish farming: For example, the pellets used to feed the fish are actually made from small fish caught in the wild. In order to keep larger numbers of these important fish in the food chain, experts are now finding alternativeingredients for fishmeal.Another concern is that too many cages in the wrong location can lead to water pollution.But experts are now using computer models to map out sites where cages would have lessenvironmental impact.Fish farming can generate jobs and profits here at home.And with the use of new technologies, it can also safely and sustainably meet the demands of a seafood hungry nation.Seafood Does a Body GoodWhen we head to the beach we think of sun, sand, and fun.At the end of the day many of us like to enjoy fresh, local seafood. Even if you are not on the coast, seafood is becoming a number one treat for going out to eat. The good news is safe seafood does a body good. Seafood supplies protein, nutrients, and essential omega-3 fatty acids; protects against cardio-vascular disease; and benefits brain development. And seafood is good for the economy. In 2012, the U.S. commercial fishing industry generated $141 billion in sales, $39 billion in income, and supported 1.3 million jobs.Aquaculture, also known as fish and shellfish farming –is outpacing wild harvest fisheriesglobally in order to meet seafood demand.The US also has a vibrant and growing aquaculture industry.While the U.S. is a world leader in sustainability, with NOAA Fisheries managing and improving fish habitats and stocks, our marine scientists are at the cutting edge of research that’s keepingour seafood supply safe.For example, researchers are successfully developing and testing alternative feeds for farmed freshwater and marine fish to help maintain high nutritional value while reducing our reliance ona limited supply of fishmeal and fish oil in aquafeeds.And, scientists at NOAA’s Northwest Fisheries Science Center are testing the Environmental Sample Processor to help forecast blooms of harmful algae and bacteria up to a week in advance in order to protect shellfish beds and the public from possible exposure.The shellfish industry in the Pacific Northwest supplies millions of pounds of seafood to the U.S. and the world.And millions of dollars in funding opportunities through NOAA Sea Grant and the U.S.Department of Agriculture’s Small Business Innovation Research will help foster otheradvancements in aquaculture science and technology.These efforts across NOAA, other federal agencies, and their partners will continue to support a safe, healthy and secure seafood supply for us all to enjoy.Because seafood health, the ocean’s health, and our health, all rely on one another.North Atlantic Right WhalesThe North Atlantic right whale got its name from whalers. Because these whales travel slowly and spend a lot of time at the surface, they were easy targets.For whalers they were the “right”whales to hunt. With fewer than 400 left, they are now the “right”whales to save. Marine biologists track their migratory routes off North America for the spring and fall, but the wintering grounds for much of the right whale population are unknown. Using hydrophones, scientists recorded whale calls in the waters between Greenland and Iceland from July to December of 2007. A hydrophone is simply a microphone designed to capture underwatersounds.North Atlantic right whale calls sound like screams, bangs, and groans. After deciphering thousands of these new recordings, there was evidence of right whales calling nearby many times. This area was thought to be an abandoned habitat, but this discovery confirms that itcontinues to be used.New discoveries always lead to more questions: How many whales are there? Could these whales be members of a totally separate population, or even an eastern population thought to beextinct?Whatever the answers may be, hydrophones helped us find these whales in a hard to reach location. But most important, if we know where these right whales are wintering, then we can better protect them and maybe even help them recover.五Antarctic KrillKrill are small crustaceans found throughout the ocean. They play an important role in theaquatic food chain, particularly in the Southern Ocean.Antarctic krill provide a vital food source for whales, seals, ice fish, and penguins.These animals depend on eating large quantities of krill for survival in the harsh climate.For their own meals, Antarctic krill eat small plants like phytoplankton, as well as algae under thesurface of sea ice.Krill have the ability to shrink their bodies and undergo long periods of starvation.These adaptations allow them to survive the winter months in the Antarctic.Krill travel in swarms so dense they can actually be seen from space.And it’s estimated that the total weight of Antarctic krill is more than the weight of all humans on Earth.Pretty impressivefor an animal the size of your pinky.And that’s life with the ice for Antarctic krill.六Building Good MusselsFarmers grow all kinds of seafood such as fish, shrimp, and oysters. That may sound funny but it is a method called “aquaculture.”Aquaculture happens in ponds, rivers, bays, and the ocean. Farmers also grow a type of shellfish called “mussels.”You may have seen mussels growing from a pier, jetty, or dock. Their black shell is hard and, in the wild, they grow in clusters. Musselsare easy to farm and great to eat.They also help clean the water. Mussels are filter-feeders, which means that they feed by collecting tiny organisms from the water. So they clean and filter the water as they eat. Fishermen from Rhode Island to Maine are beginning to farm mussels in socks in the ocean. First, they collect baby mussel seed on ropes near the shore. The seed goes into a sock around a long rope. On the water, the sock with the rope is connected to buoys, dropped into the water, and left to grow in the ocean for at least a year. After one year, juicy mussels are bursting through the socks. They are collected, packed on ice, and brought back to shore to sell.A small farm with 12 long lines can produce up to 180,000 pounds of mussels each year. Farming mussels on rafts and on the bottom is hard work, muddy, and messy. But it can be fun, too. Right now, in the United States, mussel farming is catching on among fishermen and farmers. It’s helping provide the seafood we need in a healthy and sustainable manner.。



《水产养殖概论》课程大纲一、课程概述课程名称(中文):水产养殖概论(英文):Generality of Freshwater pisciculture 课程编号:XXXXXXXX课程学分:2.0课程总学时:32课程性质:专业基础课二、课程内容简介(300字以内)本课程简单介绍了水产养殖发展史、水产业对社会发展的贡献以及水产养殖的前沿动态和发展方向,比较全面地介绍了淡水养殖中常见水生动物的生物学特点和鱼类学、水生生物学和养殖水环境化学的专业基础知识,着重介绍池塘养鱼、稻田养鱼和大水面养鱼的基本方法和最新技术,简要介绍了特种水产动物的养殖技术,同时还对水产动物疾病防治的基本方法与技术作了必要的论述。



四、教学内容与学时安排绪论(2.0学时)1. 教学目的与要求:要求学生明确水产养殖、水产养殖业和水产养殖学的的概念,认识学习本课程的目的和任务,了解水产养殖业的发展、成就及对社会的贡献,熟悉水产养殖业的前沿动态、发展潜力和未来方向。

2. 教学重点与难点:重点是水产养殖业的发展、成就及对社会的贡献。


第一章鱼类基础知识(6.0学时)1. 教学目的与要求:要求学生了解鱼类的外部形态、内部结构,掌握鱼类主要器官及其机能、生态习性和主要生理特点,熟悉我国主要养殖的常见种类。

2. 教学重点与难点:重点是鱼类的生活习性、食性划分、和雌雄鉴别。




《水产养殖概论》一、课程基本信息课程编号:2512690课程中文名称:水产养殖概论课程英文名称:Fisheries Summary课程类型:学科选修课总学时:54 理论学时:18 实验学时:36 课外学时:0学分: 2适用专业:生物科学先修课程:动物学,植物学开课院系:生命科学学院二、课程性质和任务《水产养殖概论》为生物科学专业的一门选修课,其任务是介绍重要水产经济动植物的生物学特性、育种方法、繁育技术、苗种培育和养成技术,使学生掌握水产动植物的相关基础理论知识、技术和生产过程。
















政府对养殖业的支持政策 政策实施效果评估
行业标准的制定和执行情况 标准对行业影响分析
投资回报率分析对于投资者来说 至关重要,同时投资风险评估也 是投资前必须考虑的因素之一。 通过分享投资经验,可以减少投 资风险,提高投资效益。
● 02
第2章 水产养殖技术分类
池塘养殖技术是一种传统的水产 养殖方式,主要包括池塘的构建、 池塘的管理和水质监测。合理的 池塘设计和有效的管理是保证水 产养殖产出的关键。定期对池塘 水质进行监测和调整,能有效预 防疾病的发生,提高养殖效率。
01 池塘构建
Adjust the spacing to adapt to Chinese typesetting, use the reference line in PPT.
水产养殖数字化 管理
水产养殖数字化管理包括数据分析应用、 云养殖平台和智能设备应用。数据分析应 用可以帮助养殖场主实时监测水质和动态 分析海水养殖环境信息。云养殖平台则提 供了远程监控和管理养殖过程的便利。智 能设备应用则包括智能监控系统、智能投 喂器和人工智能养殖模式,提升养殖效率 和产量。
合理规划养殖场布局,根据水产种类和养殖规模,科学 设置各功能区,提高养殖效率。
养殖环境控制-扩 展
控制水体中的氧气、二氧化碳含量,维持水体PH值,促 进水产生长。
应用人工授精技术,提高水产的种质质量,促进良种繁 殖。



水产养殖专业英语公开课Title: Aquaculture Professional English Open Class.Aquaculture, also known as fish farming, is animportant and rapidly growing industry worldwide. As the demand for seafood continues to increase, the need for professionals in the aquaculture industry who areproficient in English is also on the rise. To meet this demand, we are excited to offer an Aquaculture Professional English Open Class.This open class is designed for individuals working inor aspiring to work in the aquaculture industry. The course will focus on developing English language skills specificto aquaculture, including technical terminology, industry-specific communication, and professional writing. Participants will have the opportunity to enhance their ability to communicate effectively in English within the context of aquaculture, whether it be in a business meeting, research presentation, or international collaboration.The Aquaculture Professional English Open Class will cover a range of topics, including:1. Aquaculture Industry Overview: Understanding the global aquaculture industry, its trends, and challenges.2. Technical Terminology: Learning and practicing industry-specific vocabulary related to fish farming, aquatic animal health, feed management, and more.3. Effective Communication: Developing skills for clear and professional communication in English, including email correspondence, phone conversations, and public speaking.4. Writing Skills: Improving written communication for reports, proposals, and scientific papers related to aquaculture.5. International Collaboration: Navigating cross-cultural communication and collaboration within the aquaculture industry.The open class will be led by experienced instructors with expertise in both English language instruction and aquaculture. Through a combination of lectures, interactive activities, and real-world simulations, participants will gain practical and applicable English language skills tailored to the aquaculture profession.Whether you are a fish farmer, aquaculture researcher, industry professional, or student, this open class is an opportunity to enhance your English language proficiency within the context of aquaculture. By improving yourEnglish communication skills, you can expand your career opportunities, engage in global networking, and contributeto the sustainable growth of the aquaculture industry.Join us for the Aquaculture Professional English Open Class and take your English language proficiency to thenext level in the exciting and dynamic field of aquaculture. We look forward to welcoming you and supporting your professional development in this important industry.。

水产动物营养与饲料学-双语教学课件chapter 1-5-Vitamins

水产动物营养与饲料学-双语教学课件chapter 1-5-Vitamins

fairly wide ranges in requirement values for growth in the same species (see Table 1-15)
Vitamin E requirement in rainbow trout
Requirement Response Criteria
Vitamins are classified as fat soluble and water soluble.
Fat Soluble Vitamins
• Vitamin A • Vitamin D • Vitamin E • Vitamin K
Water soluble vitamins
primarily coenzyme functions
signs in 20 days including arrested growth of gill opercula(鳃盖生长抑制), dark pigmentation ( 黑 色 素 沉 着 ) , anemia ( 贫 血 ) ,and hemorrhage ( 出 血 ) in the eyes and liver, accompanied by high mortality(伴随高的死亡 率).
Chapter 1-5 Vitamins
1. General 2. Fat-soluble vitamin 3. Water-soluble vitamin
1. General
• organic compounds • required in trace amounts from an exogenous source
Vitamin A adding forms in fish feeds

水产动物营养与饲料学-双语教学课件chapter 1-3-Carbohydrates

水产动物营养与饲料学-双语教学课件chapter 1-3-Carbohydrates

2. Utilization of carbohydrate
Warm-water fish can use much greater amounts of CHO than cold-water and marine fish.
channel catfish the growth rate of fingerlings was greater when their diets
sucrose, α-glucose and β-fructose maltose (麦芽糖), two α-glucose cellobiose (纤维二糖), two β-glucose molecules
• Polysaccharides(多糖)
macromolecules composed of large numbers of monosaccharides
The most important carbohydrates in fish • glycogen, • glucose, • lactate (乳酸盐) • pyruvate(丙酮酸盐)
muscle glycogen: 0.15%, about 6% of that in the liver liver glycogen: 2.5% of fresh weight
amylopectin (支链淀粉) (75%),250-5000 glucose units
• Polysaccharides(多糖)
Dextrin (糊精) a water soluble breakdown product of starch
Glycogen (糖原) • the animal starch, • 5000-25000 glucose units, • chiefly in the liver,some in the muscle.


(5) Spoilage Humidity, hot, light, oxygen, 油哈味 happen in manufacture and storage of diet
(6) Sparing effect of protein (蛋白质节约作用) digestibility > 90%
棕榈油酸 CH3(CH2)5CH=CH(CH2)7COOH
double bonds
carbon atoms *16:1n-6
carbon atoms between the methyl terminal and the first double bond
• Polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA)(多不饱和脂肪酸) ☆18 or more carbon atoms and(18或更多碳原子) ☆ two or more double bonds (2个或更多双键)
explain the meaning of the three numbers)
16:0 硬酯酸
18:0 油酸
18:1n-9 18:2n-6 18:3n-3 20:5n-3
亚油酸 亚麻酸 花生四烯酸 EPA
22:6n-3 鰶鱼酸 DHA
• Factors affecting lipid utilization in fish and shrimp
(磷花脂生合四成烯) 酸 EPA
fatty-liver disease occurred when lack of choline
鰶鱼酸 DHA
1. Essential Fatty Acid (EFA)
• These that fish cannot synthesize and must be supplied in the feed.
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antarctic convergence current 南极辐合电 流
antarctic drift current南冰洋海流 Anthozoa 腔肠动物;珊瑚虫 antibiotics 抗生素 antifouling compounds 防污剂 anti-predator netting 反捕网 aquatic biota,aquatic life,aquatic organism 水生生物
arsenic 砷 atka mackerel 花鲫 Atkin’s incubator 阿金氏孵化器 Atkin incubation apparatus 阿金氏孵化设 备
Atkin’s fish tag 阿金氏标鱼签 atmospheric type condenser 大气式凝缩器 attendant fishing-boat 附属渔船 attracting fish lamp 集鱼灯 attraction fishery method 诱引渔法 autogonism 撷抗作用 autolysis 自溶,自消化 automatic press 自动压盖机,自动压榨机 automatic sanitary vacuum seamer 真空式自 动封罐机
angling fishery 钓渔业 angling gears; fishing tackle 钓渔具
aquaculture farm 水产养殖场 aquaculture site 水产养殖地点
aquaculturist 从事水产养殖业的人士 aqueous waste 含水废物 archer fish 射水鱼,箭鱼 archer fish tag 弓形标鱼签 arctic whaling iron 北洋捕鲸用铦 area of concentration 群集区域 area of convergence 收敛线区域 area of divergence 发散水域 area of upwelling 上升流水域 arm of seine 袖网,荒手网 art of fishing 渔法,渔捞技术 artificial bait 拟饵 artificial bait hook,jig hook,lure,ripper 拟 饵钩
artificial fish breeding; fish artificial propagation 鱼类人工繁殖 artificial food 人工饲料 artificial hatching and plantation 人工孵化 放流
artificial propagation 人 工 繁 殖 ; 人 工 放 流
abundance 丰富的 abundance of population(size) 资源量 abyss 深海,深渊 abyssal fishes 深海鱼 abyssal zone 深海区 abyssimal deposits,deep sea deposit 深海沉 淀物
acaleph, acalephe,elly fish 水母 acanthodian 刺鲛 Acanthopterygia 棘鳍鱼类 acceleration of ovulation 促进排卵 accessory scale 辅鳞 accidental introductions 入侵,偶然性引入 acclimation fever 水土病(鱼病) aceptance sampling 抽样检查 acid dyestuff,acidic dye 酸性涂料 acid fish meal 酸性鱼肥 acid-combining power 酸结合力 acidosis 酸血症(鱼病) acidotrophic type 酸性营养型(湖泊水质) acidulated scrap 酸鱼渣,酸化废料 acipenser 鲟鱼类,蝶鲛 acoustic fishery 音响渔业
angling rate; hooked rate; hooking rate 钓获 率
animal bait 动物性饵料 animal fiber; animal fibre 动物纤维 animal plankton,zoo-plankton 动物性浮游 生物,浮游动物
animal protein factor 动物性蛋白因子 animal starch 动物淀粉 animal tankage 动物残渣 animal-parasitic disease 动物寄生病 animal wastes 动物废弃物 annual algae 一年生藻类 annual fish 一年生鱼类 annual yield 年产量 annulus 年轮 anoxemia 缺氧血症 antarctic convergence 南极收敛线,南极辐 合带
anadromous fish 溯河鱼 anadromous migration 溯河洄游 anaerobe 厌氧生物(菌) anal fin 臀鳍 anchor worm 锚虫,锚虫病{鱼病} anchored gill net,floating gill net,surface gill net 浮刺网 anchovy 鳀鱼,凤尾鱼,片口鳁 anchovy sauce 鱼酱油,鱼汁 angelfish; guppy 孔雀鱼 angelshark 扁鲛 angle worm 蚯蚓,地龙,钓饵虫 anglerfish 鮟鱇鱼 anglerod,fishing pole,fishing rod 钓竿 angling 钓鱼(gentle craft 需要耐心的活
acoustic fish detection 音响鱼群探察 acoustic fishing 音响渔法 acromegalia 肢端肥大症{鱼病} actinia 海葵类 active fishing gear,mobile fishing gear 流动
adaptability; adaptation 适应性 adhesion 附着着,黏着(物) adhesive eggs 黏性卵,附着卵 adipose fin 脂鳍 adipose tissue 脂肪组织 adjacent sea 邻接海域,附属海 adjacent seas fishery; offshore fishery 近海 渔业
alaska cod,alaska codfish,Pacific Cod 真 鳕
Aalaska pollack (Theragra chalcogramma)
albacore,longfin albacore,Albacore Tuna 长鳍金枪鱼,长鳍鲔
albino 白化 albino clara 白鲶鱼 alevin 孵化稚鱼 alewife (Pomolobus pseudoharengus)大肚 鲱
aquiculture in farm pond 池塘养殖 aquiculture in shallow sea 浅海养殖 aquaculture 水产养殖 aquaculture activity 水产养殖活动 aquaculture production 水产养殖生产 aquaculture development zones 水产养殖发 展区
above-water fish lamp 水上集鱼灯 abrasion 海蚀作用,磨损,磨耗 absolute food quotient 绝对饲料系数 absolute growth 绝对成长 absorption curves 吸收曲线 absorption system 吸收式(冷冻法) abstention from fishing 弃捕鱼权,渔业上 自我约束
郝彦菊 2010 年 11 月 16 日
CHAPTER 1: Words and Phrases
A abalone fishery 鲍鱼渔业 abalone,common abalone,common abalone shell,ear-shell 鲍鱼 abdominal fin 腹鳍 abiogenesis 自然发生,自然发生论 ablen 石斑鱼类 abnormal mass mortality 异常大量死亡 abnormalities in the contour of seaming 卷 缔轮廓异常,接缝密封异常
adult 成鱼,成体 adult migration 成育洄游 adult spawning population 成熟产卵(鱼) 群
advanced fry 大鱼苗,浮游性稚鱼 aerobic decomposition of wastes 废物的有 氧分解
aerial scouting 空中探测,飞行探测鱼群 aerobic bacteria 好气性细菌 aerophyte 气生植物 aerotaxis 趋气性 aff warp,aff after warp 船尾侧曳网 agamogenesis 无性生殖,自然发生 Agar, agar-agar 琼脂,石花菜,洋菜 age composition 年龄组成 age determination 年龄检定 age group 年级群 age resister 老化防止剂 air bladder 鳔 air blast freezing 送风式急速冷冻法 air bubble curtain 气泡幕 air craft spotting 空中探测鱼群 aissauque,atom trawl,mid-water trawl 中 层拖网
aquatic community 水生群落 aquatic ecosystem 水生生态系统 aquatic environment 水生环境 aquatic system 水体 aquarium 水族馆,水族箱,养鱼水槽 aquarium fish 观赏鱼;人工饲养鱼 aquatic insects 水栖昆虫 aquatic plants 水产植物 aquatic resources; fishery stock; stock 水产 资源