2013-04-04 fan
增加血红蛋白含量 ﹐ 注﹕“”有此作用﹐“”有临床实验研究数据。
扶正气,使人体自身有效抵御各种致病因素的 侵袭,是健康的前提。 四合理的生活方式有效提升机体正气。
限极的扶正气基础组合-增健+灵芝皇(元泰/ 时臻/奕华)+钙片
意外伤害 正气不足 阴阳失调 脏腑失和
意外伤害 不良情绪
不良情绪 食品安全 问题
不良生活 方式
防治亚健康状态,预防疾病,维护健康, 已成为国家卫生发展的战略目标
无限极健康食品,以调节免疫,增强抵抗能力为核心; 无限极健康产品特点是功能因子+中草药复方,强调 重点突破+整体调理,多采用药食两用的原材料;
无限极中草药健康食品 研制原则
1、回归自然, 预防为主 从12000多种中草药中筛选80多种上品为原材料,药食 同源. 2、阴阳平衡,双向调节 免疫亢进:出现系统性疾病,如:红斑狼疮、甲亢、肿 瘤等; 免疫低下:容易感染各种疾病,病程较长,难以恢复. 3、微量高效,精心提炼 1:500倍浓缩、安全可靠,不含任何色素、激素
81% 51% 31%
60 40 20 0
3.3.1 当切换手动模式时,换档手柄触发“A/M”开关,手动模式激活(转速表的绿色 “AUTO”、“ECO”灯熄灭,手动模式也可以通过同样的方式解除)。手动模式激 活时,驾驶员可以手动选择档位来得到自己需要的汽车性能。
注意: 手动模式下,显示器会显示系统当前档位(N,1,2,3,4,5 或 R)。 N 档、1 档和 R 档的切换,必须踩住制动踏板方可实现。
奇瑞汽车股份有限公司 2013 -03
机械式自动变速箱 8
奇瑞风云 2 AMT 使用说明书
4.3 “爬行”功能 4.3.1 当发动机启动后,在挂 D 档或 R 档的情况下,不需要踩下油门踏板,松开制动踏 板汽车即可缓慢行驶。
注意: 在挂 D 档或 R 档前,请务必确认车辆周围的路况。 在挂 D 档或 R 档前,请松开驻车制动器,避免离合器异常磨损。
标有“注意”警告标志的内容表明操作车辆时应该注意的事项。无视这些信息可能导致 错误的操作。
奇瑞汽车股份有限公司 2013 -03
机械式自动变速箱 3
奇瑞风云 2 AMT 使用说明书
AMT 的使用:
汽车装备一套 AMT 变速箱,这种变速箱是通过一套电控液压装置来控制机械变速箱 本体,从而实现变速箱自动进行离合器及选、换档控制。 在现有机械变速箱的基础上附加一套电控液压装置来实现离合器以及换档的自动控 制。
奇瑞汽车股份有限公司 2013 -03 机械式自动变速箱 4
奇瑞风云 2 AMT 使用说明书
换档手柄的位置是可变的,它有三个稳态位置(见图 2 空心位置)和三个可变位置 (见图 2 实心位置): ① 三个稳态位置分别为:空档(N),倒档(R),前进档(换档手柄位于两个可变位置 +/-之间,自动模式下初始为 D 档,手动模式下初始为 1 档)。 ② 三个可变位置分别为:升档请求(+)、降档请求(-)和转换开关位置(A/M)。 1.3 E 按键介绍
1-1 13个月保费继续率及影响因素
举例说明 例如:某业务员张民生于2005年3月入司, 2005 年3月—2005年5月期间所做保单及2006年收费的 情况如下:
项目 新契约A 新契约B 新契约C 新契约D 新契约E
张民生何时才能排除2005年4月承保2005年12 月份退保的那张保单的影响呢?
1-1 13个月保费继续率及影响因素
下,续收服务水平也在一定程度上影响继续率的 提升; 3、其他方面。比如公司品牌、理赔速度、保全 简捷、信息系统、银行转账等都会影响到13个月
率奖金 --出处“宽限期末实收保费” 3、叠加且滚动计算 4、按保费计算,不考虑件数
1-1 13个月保费继续率及影响因素
如何快速计算2006年11月份的 13个月继续率?
B C’
05. 11.26
♫ 姓名
♫ 简要经历 ♫ 保险资历 ♫ 主要成就介绍
♫ 了解续期关键指标及影响因素
♫ 了解新契约关键指标及影响因素 ♫ 如何提高收展关键指标水平
特优 数 3
高分 特优 及格数 平均分 数 率 9 26 93.4 8.57
高分 及格率 得分率 率 25.71 74.29 24.4 57.88 77.83 75.3 74.28 73.35 73.12 71.77 73 66.52 73.16 72.63 73.08 68.72 72.72 78.33 79.21 80.44 76.69 82.07 76.95 80.69 78.08 65.61 69.71 75.75 73.06 63.97 68.88 71.54 67.09 66.46 69.39
10.75 27.07 62.25 5.45 5.18 7.55 6.75 4.83 3.56 2.04 16.36 55.75 17.29 32.73 15.57 43.34 19.3 8.02 15.9 10.2 46.77 47.17 44.83 38
30.66 87.67 18 76.76
8.25 22.97 82.66 11 4.25 26.66 85.84 25 80.51
得分率 折合 65.62 63.49 62.63 61.85 61.65 60.51 61.55 56.09 61.68 61.24 61.62 57.94 61.31 66.04 66.79 67.82 64.66 69.2 64.88 68.03 65.83 55.32 58.78 63.87 61.6 53.94 58.08 60.32 56.57 56.04 58.51
31.55 59.52
9.51 23.66 87.61 12.76 25.03 62.26 12 23.66 79.82 27 87.8 8.56 4.2 26.67 52.58 28.43 61.36
1.85 12.51
2013-04 FLUENT工程技术与实例分析(套装上下册) 周俊杰、徐国权、 张华俊 中国水利水电出版社
《FLUENT 工程技术与实例分析(套装共2册)》既是利用FLUENT软件进行高级应用计算的工程技术相关计算指导书,又可作为高等院校相关专业本科生和硕士生的教学参考书。
目录《FLUENT工程技术与实例分析(上)》目录:前言第1章概述1.1序言1.2基本思想1.3主要应用领域1.4常用流体分析软件比较1.5本章小结第2章FLUENT基础2.1概述2.2流体流动基本特性2.2.1基本的物理概念2.2.2流动状态2.2.3湍流模型2.2.4多相流模型2.3控制方程2.3.1连续性方程2.3.2 N—S方程2.3.3能量守恒方程2.3.4其他方程2.3.5通用控制方程2.4数值求解方法2.4.1概述2.4.2有限差分法2.4_3有限元法2.4.4有限容积法2.4.5谱方法2.4.6边界元法2.5离散格式2.5.1概述2.5.2一阶差分格式2.5.3高阶差分格式2.6边界条件2.6.1概述2.6.2边界条件2.6.3初始条件2.6.4 UDF与边界条件2.7软件基本结构2.7.1概述2.7.2前处理2.7.3求解器2.7.4后处理2.8求解过程2.8.1建立控制方程2.8.2确定边界条件与初始条件2.8.3划分计算网格2.8.4建立离散化方程2.8.5离散初始条件和边界条件2.8.6给定求解控制参数2.8.7求解离散方程2.8.8判断解的收敛性2.8.9输出结果2.9本章小结第3章网格生成技术3.1概述3.2结构化网格3.2.1单块结构网格生成技术3.2.2分区结构网格生成方法3.3 非结构化网格3.4 Gambit的使用3.4.1 Gambit的用户界面3.4.2绘制几何图形3.4.3绘制网格3.4.4 Gambit几何图形绘制实例3.4.5 FLUENT的安装与运行3.4.6 FLUENT的用户界面3.4.7数值模拟步骤简介3.5本章小结第4章FLUENT基本算例4.1概述4.2顶盖驱动流4.2.1 物理模型4.2.2在Gambit中建立模型4.2.3求解计算4.2.4计算结果4.3后台阶流动4.3.1 物理模型4.3.2在Gambit中建立模型4.3.3求解计算4.3.4计算结果4.4圆柱绕流4.4.1基本理论与物理模型4.4.2在Gambit中建立模型4.43求解计算4.4.4计算结果4.5圆管流动4.5.1 物理模型4.5.2在Gambit中建立模型4.5.3求解计算4.5.4计算结果4.6弯通道流动4.6.1物理模型4.6.2在Gambit中建立模型4.6.3求解计算4.6.4计算结果4.7方腔自然对流4.7.1物理模型4.7.2在Gambit中建立模型4.7.3求解计算4.7.4计算结果4.8本章小结第5章FLUENT在流体机械领域的应用5.1概述5.2泵分析实例5.2.1概述5.2.2数学物理建模5.2.3边界条件5.2.4求解计算5.2.5结果分析与讨论5.3风机分析实例5.3.1 概述5.3.2数学物理建模5.3.3边界条件5.3.4求解计算5.3.5结果分析与讨论5.4本章小结第6章FLUENT在化工设备领域的应用6.1搅拌设备6.1.1概述6.1.2数学物理建模6.1.3边界条件6.1.4求解计算6.1.5结果分析与讨论6.2混合设备6.2.1概述6.2.2数学物理建模6.2.3边界条件6.2.4求解计算6.3本章小结第7章FLUENT在换热及制冷领域的应用7.1概述7.2管壳式换热器7.2.1 概述7.2.2数学物理建模7.2.3边界条件7.2.4求解计算7.2.5结果分析与讨论7.3管翅式换热器7.3.1概述7.3.2数学物理建模7.3.3边界条件7.3.4求解计算7.3.5结果分析与讨论7.4空气对流换热的场协同原理分析7.4.1场协同基本思想介绍7.4.2场协同评价指标的分析和探讨7.4.3带芯棒圆管换热的场协同原理分析7.5制冷剂管内换热的场协同原理分析7.5.1制冷剂蒸气光管内换热的场协同分析7.5.2 内横槽管制冷剂蒸气换热的场协同分析7.5.3光管内液体制冷剂换热的场协同分析7.5.4液体制冷剂内横槽管换热的场协同分析7.6减阻节能7.7本章小结第8章FLUENT在热力设备领域的应用8.1概述8.2锅炉8.2.1 概述8.2.2数学物理建模8.2.3边界条件8.2.4求解计算8.2.5结果分析与讨论8.3燃烧器8.3.1概述8.3.2数学物理建模8.3.3边界条件8.3.4求解计算8.3.5结果分析和讨论8.4本章小结……《FLUENT工程技术与实例分析(下)》。
体格检查体温:36.6℃;脉搏:76次/分;呼吸:20次/分;血压90/60mmHg 发育正常,营养中等,形体适中,神志清楚,语言流利,语调正常,对答切题,检查配合。
OFFSHORE STANDARDDNV-OS-E201Oil and Gas Processing SystemsAPRIL 2013The electronic pdf version of this document found through is the officially binding version© Det Norske Veritas AS April 2013Any comments may be sent by e-mail to rules@FOREWORDDNV is a global provider of knowledge for managing risk. Today, safe and responsible business conduct is both a license to operate and a competitive advantage. Our core competence is to identify, assess, and advise on risk management. From our leading position in certification, classification, verification, and training, we develop and apply standards and best practices. This helps our customers safely and responsibly improve their business performance. DNV is an independent organisation with dedicated risk professionals in more than 100 countries, with the purpose of safeguarding life, property and the environment.DNV service documents consist of among others the following types of documents:—Service Specifications. Procedural requirements.—Standards. Technical requirements.—Recommended Practices. Guidance.The Standards and Recommended Practices are offered within the following areas:A)Qualification, Quality and Safety Methodology B)Materials Technology C)Structures D)SystemsE)Special Facilities F)Pipelines and Risers G)Asset Operation H)Marine Operations J)Cleaner Energy O)Subsea SystemsU)Unconventional Oil & GasCHANGESGeneralThis document supersedes DNV-OS-E201, December 2012.Text affected by the main changes in this edition is highlighted in red colour. However, if the changes involve a whole chapter, section or sub-section, normally only the title will be in red colour.Main changes•General—Revised references w.r.t. number and/or title.—In addition to the below stated changes, a number of corrections and clarifications have been made in the existing text.•Ch.1 Introduction—Sec.1 [2]: References w.r.t. number and/or title have been revised. New definition of safety system has been added.•Ch.2 Technical Provisions—Sec.2 [6.1.1]: Requirement for shutdown valves at injection point to well for all injection systems has been harmonised.—Sec.1 & Sec.2: Requirements to block valve near PSV's have been revised.—Sec.4: [1]: Requirement for re-ignition of pilot flame in flare system has been added.—Sec.4: [4]: Requirements for emergency disconnect for DP positioned vessels and reference to Sec.12 for offloading systems have been added.—Sec.5: Definitions in accordance with same in DNV-OS-A101 have been deleted and adjusted. A general statement on automation/control system as well as for process shutdown system have been added.•Ch.3 Certification and Classification—Sec.3: [2]: Tables w.r.t. certification requirements have been corrected.Editorial CorrectionsIn addition to the above stated main changes, editorial corrections may have been made.CONTENTSCH. 1INTRODUCTION (8)SEC. 1INTRODUCTION (9)1General (9)1.1Introduction (9)1.2Objectives (9)1.3Organisation of this standard (9)1.4Scope and application (9)1.5Assumptions (10)2Normative References (10)2.1General (10)2.2DNV Offshore Standards, etc (10)2.3Other references (11)3Definitions (13)3.1Verbal forms (13)3.2Definitions (13)3.3Abbreviations (16)4Documentation (17)4.1General (17)CH. 2TECHNICAL PROVISIONS (18)SEC. 1DESIGN PRINCIPLES (19)1General (19)1.1Overall safety principles (19)2Design Loads (19)2.1General principles (19)2.2Environmental conditions (19)2.3Design pressure and temperature (20)3Plant Arrangement and Control (20)3.1Operational considerations (20)3.2Monitoring, control and shutdown (21)3.3Shutdown devices and failure modes (22)3.4General requirements for valves (22)3.5Wellhead control system (23)3.6Subsea control system (23)SEC. 2PRODUCTION AND UTILITY SYSTEMS (24)1General (24)1.1General requirements (24)1.2Interconnection between hazardous and non-hazardous systems (24)2Wellhead and Separation System (25)2.1General (25)2.2Separator System (25)3Gas Treatment and Compression System (25)3.1General (25)4Water Injection, Gas Injection and Gas Lift System (25)4.1General (25)5Heating and Cooling Systems (26)5.1General (26)6Chemical Injection Systems (26)6.1General (26)7Drainage Systems (26)7.1Open drainage system (26)7.2Additional requirements for closed drainage systems (27)SEC. 3RELIEF AND DEPRESSURISING SYSTEMS (28)1General (28)1.1General requirements (28)3Depressurising System (29)3.1General (29)4Disposal System (30)4.1General (30)SEC. 4HYDROCARBON IMPORT/ EXPORT (32)1General (32)1.1General (32)1.2Recognised codes (32)1.3Riser disconnection systems (for floating installations) (32)1.4Monitoring and control (32)2Pig Launchers and Receivers (33)2.1General (33)3Crude Export Pump Systems (33)3.1General (33)4Offloading System (33)4.1General (33)SEC. 5ELECTRICAL, AUTOMATION AND SAFETY SYSTEMS (34)1Electrical Systems (34)1.1Application (34)2Automation and Safety Systems (34)2.1Application (34)2.2Scope (34)3System Requirements (34)3.1Clarification and amendments to system requirements in DNV-OS-D202 (34)SEC. 6PIPING (35)1General (35)1.1Application (35)1.2Recognised codes and standards (35)2Design Requirements (35)2.1General (35)2.2Wall thickness (36)2.3Expansion joints and flexible hoses (36)2.4Valves and special items (36)2.5Piping connections (36)2.6Supporting elements (37)SEC. 7EQUIPMENT (38)1General (38)1.1Application (38)2Recognised Codes and Standards (38)2.1Unfired pressure vessels (38)2.2Boilers (38)2.3Atmospheric vessels (39)2.4Pumps (39)2.5Compressors (39)2.6Combustion engines (39)2.7Gas turbines (40)2.8Shafting (40)2.9Gears (40)2.10Couplings (40)2.11Lubrication and sealing (40)2.12Wellhead equipment (41)2.13Lifting appliances (41)2.14Swivels and swivel stacks (41)2.15Risers (41)SEC. 8STRUCTURES (42)1General (42)1.1Application (42)1.2Recognised codes and standards (42)3Manufacture and Testing (42)3.1General (42)SEC. 9MATERIALS AND CORROSION PROTECTION (43)1General (43)1.1Objective (43)2Principles (43)2.1General (43)3Specific Requirements (43)3.1Materials for load-carrying parts (43)3.2Bolts and nuts (43)4Specific Requirements for Pressure Retaining Equipment (44)4.1Materials for pressure vessels, piping and equipment - General requirements (44)4.2Rolled steel, welded and seamless pipes (44)4.3Steel forgings (44)4.4Steel castings (44)4.5Aluminium, copper and other non-ferrous alloys (44)4.6Requirements to duplex stainless steel (45)4.7Bolts and nuts (45)4.8Sealing materials and polymers (45)5Material Certificates (45)5.1General (45)5.2Type of document (45)6Corrosion Protection (46)6.1General (46)7Erosion (47)7.1General (47)SEC. 10MANUFACTURE, WORKMANSHIP AND TESTING (48)1General (48)1.1Application (48)1.2Quality assurance and quality control (48)1.3Marking (48)2Manufacture (48)2.1Welder's qualification (48)2.2Welding (48)2.3Heat treatment (48)2.4Pipe bending (49)3Non-destructive Testing (NDT) (49)3.1General (49)3.2Structures (49)4Testing (49)4.1Testing of weld samples (49)4.2Pressure testing and cleaning (49)4.3Functional testing (50)SEC. 11SUPPLEMENTARY PROVISIONS FOR LNG IMPORT AND EXPORT TERMINALS (AND LNG PRODUCTION UNITS) (51)1General (51)1.1General (51)2Scope and Application (51)2.1Scope (51)2.2Codes and standards (51)3Technical Provisions (52)3.1General (52)3.2Initial gas treatment (52)3.3Liquefaction plant (52)3.4Regasification plant (52)3.5LNG transfer (53)SEC. 12CRUDE OFFLOADING SYSTEM (FOR FLOATING INSTALLATIONS) (55)1General (55)1.1General (55)CH. 3CERTIFICATION AND CLASSIFICATION (58)SEC. 1CERTIFICATION AND CLASSIFICATION (59)1General (59)1.1Introduction (59)1.2Class designation (59)1.3Assumptions (59)SEC. 2DESIGN REVIEW (60)1General (60)1.1Application (60)2Specific Requirements for Certification or Classification (60)2.1General (60)2.2Design principles (60)2.3Electrical, automation and safety systems (60)2.4Piping (60)2.5Materials and corrosion protection (61)2.6Manufacture, workmanship and testing (61)3Documentation Requirements (61)3.1General (61)SEC. 3CERTIFICATION OF EQUIPMENT (62)1General (62)1.1General (62)2Equipment Categorisation (63)2.1General (63)2.2Pressure containing equipment and storage vessels (63)2.3Miscellaneous items (66)SEC. 4SURVEY DURING CONSTRUCTION (67)1General (67)1.1General (67)2Quality Assurance or Quality Control (67)2.1General (67)3Module Fabrication (67)3.1General (67)4Module Installation (67)4.1General (67)5Specific Requirements in Relation to the Requirements of Ch.2 of this Standard (67)5.1Welder qualifications (67)5.2Welding (67)SEC. 5SURVEYS AT COMMISSIONING AND START-UP (69)1General (69)1.1General (69)2System and Equipment Checks (69)2.1General (69)3Functional Testing (69)3.1General (69)4Start-up (69)4.1General (69)OFFSHORE STANDARDDNV-OS-E201OIL AND GAS PROCESSING SYSTEMSCHAPTER 1INTRODUCTIONCONTENTS PAGE Sec.1Introduction (9)SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION1 General1.1 Introduction1.1.1 This offshore standard contains criteria, technical requirements and guidance on design, construction and commissioning of offshore hydrocarbon production plants and associated equipment.The standard also covers liquefaction of natural gas and regasification of liquefied natural gas and also associated gas processing.1.1.2 The standard is applicable to plants located on floating offshore units and on fixed offshore structures of various types.Offshore installations include fixed and floating terminals for export or import of LNG.1.1.3 The requirements of Ch.2 relate primarily to oil and gas production activities. Ch.2 Sec.11 provides additional requirements to LNG terminals and should be read as a supplement to the other sections in Ch. The standard has been written for general worldwide application. Governmental regulations may include requirements in excess of the provisions of this standard depending on the size, type, location and intended service of the offshore unit or installation.1.2 Objectives1.2.1 The objectives of this standard are to:—provide an internationally acceptable standard of safety for hydrocarbon production plants and LNG processing plant by defining minimum requirements for the design, materials, construction and commissioning of such plant—serve as contractual a reference document between suppliers and purchasers—serve as a guideline for designers, suppliers, purchasers and contractors—specify procedures and requirements for hydrocarbon production plants and LNG processing plant subject to DNV certification and classification.1.3 Organisation of this standard1.3.1 This standard is divided into three main chapters:Chapter 1: General information, scope, definitions and references.Chapter 2: Technical provisions for hydrocarbon production plants and LNG processing plant for general application.Chapter 3: Specific procedures and requirements applicable for certification and classification of plants in accordance with this standard.1.4 Scope and application1.4.1 The standard covers the following systems and arrangements, including relevant equipment and structures:—production and export riser systems—well control system—riser compensating and tensioning system—hydrocarbon processing system—relief and flare system—production plant safety systems—production plant utility systems—water injection system—gas injection system—storage system—crude offloading system—LNG liquefaction system—LNG regasification system—LNG transfer system.1.4.2 The following are considered as main boundaries of the production plant, as relevant:—including connection to production buoy—including shutdown valve at crude outlet from production plant to crude storage or loading buoy —including shutdown valve between liquefaction plant and LNG storage tanks (LNG FPSO)—including shutdown valve between LNG storage and regasification plant, and between regasification plant and export line (LNG FSRU).1.5 Assumptions1.5.1 The requirements apply to oil and gas processing plant as such, and presuppose that systems and arrangements as listed below are provided on the unit or installation:—safe escape—adequate separation between hydrocarbon processing plant, utility area, accommodation —fire and explosion safety —emergency shutdown —alarm and communication —utility systems.1.5.2 It is assumed that the subsea production system to which the unit or installation is connected, is equipped with sufficient safe closure barriers to avoid hazards in case of accidental drift-off of the unit or dropped objects from the unit or installation.2 Normative References2.1 General2.1.1 The following standards include provisions which, through references in the text are relevant for this offshore standard. The latest edition of the references shall be used unless otherwise agreed.2.1.2 Codes and standards other than those stated in this standard may be acceptable as alternative or supplementary requirements, provided that they can be demonstrated to achieve a comparable, or higher, safety level.2.1.3 Any deviations, exceptions and modifications to the design codes and standards shall be documented and agreed between the contractor, purchaser and verifier, as applicable.2.2 DNV Offshore Standards, etc.2.2.1 The standards listed in Table 1-1 apply.Guidance note:Table 1-1 DNV Offshore Standards and other DNV referencesCodeTitleDNV-OS-A101Safety Principles and Arrangement DNV-OS-B101Metallic MaterialsDNV-OS-C101Design of Offshore Steel Structures, General LRFD method DNV-OS-C401Fabrication and Testing of Offshore Structures DNV-OS-D101Marine and Machinery Systems and Equipment DNV-OS-D201Electrical InstallationsDNV-OS-D202Automation, Safety, and Telecommunication Systems DNV-OS-D301Fire ProtectionDNV-OS-F101Submarine Pipeline Systems DNV-OS-F201Dynamic RisersClassification Note 41.2Calculation of Gear Rating for Marine Transmission Rules for Certification of Flexible Risers and Pipes Rules for Classification of Ships DNV Standard for Certification No. 2.22Lifting Appliances2.3 Other references2.3.1 In Table 1-2 other references are listed.Table 1-2 Other referencesCode TitleAISC Manual of Steel ConstructionAISC Manual of Steel Construction: Load and Resistance Factor DesignANSI/AGMA 6032-A94Standard for Marine Gear Units: RatingANSI/ASME B31.3Process PipingAPI RP 2A-WSD Planning, Designing and Constructing Fixed Offshore Platforms - Working Stress Design API RP 14B Design, Installation, Repair and Operation of Subsurface Safety Valve SystemAPI RP 14C Analysis, Design, Installation, and Testing of Basic Surface Safety Systems for OffshoreProduction PlatformsAPI RP 14E Design and Installation of Offshore Production Platform Piping SystemsAPI RP 14H Installation, Maintenance and Repair of Surface Safety Valves and Underwater Safety Valves OffshoreAPI RP 16Q Design, Selection, Operation and Maintenance of Marine Drilling Riser SystemsAPI RP 17A Design and Operation of Subsea Production SystemsAPI RP 17B Flexible PipeAPI RP 500Recommended Practice for Classification of Locations for Electrical Installations onPetroleum Facilities Classed as Class I, Division 1 and Division 2API RP 505Recommended Practice for Classification of Locations for Electrical Installations at Petroleum Facilities Classified as Class I, Zone 0, and Zone 2API RP 520Sizing, Selection and Installation of Pressure Relieving Devices in RefineriesAPI RP 521Guide for Pressure Relieving and Depressurising SystemsAPI Spec 2C Offshore CranesAPI Spec 12D Field Welded Tanks for Storage of Production LiquidsAPI Spec 12F Shop Welded Tanks for Storage of Production LiquidsAPI Spec 12J Oil and Gas SeparatorsAPI Spec 16R Marine Drilling Riser CouplingsAPI Spec 6A Wellhead and Christmas Tree EquipmentAPI Spec 6FA Fire Test for ValvesAPI Spec 6FC Fire Test for Valve With Automatic BackseatsAPI Spec 6FD Fire Test for Check ValvesAPI Std 530Calculation of Heater Tube Thickness in Petroleum RefineriesAPI Std 610Centrifugal Pumps for Petroleum, Heavy Duty Chemical and Gas Industry ServicesAPI Std 611General Purpose Steam Turbines for Petroleum, Chemical and Gas Industry ServicesAPI Std 612Special Purpose Steam Turbines for Petroleum, Chemical and Gas Industry ServicesAPI Std 613Special Purpose Gear Units for Petroleum, Chemical and Gas Industry ServicesAPI Std 614Lubrication, Shaft-Sealing, and Control-Oil Systems and Auxiliaries for Petroleum, Chemical and Gas Industry ServicesAPI Std 616Gas Turbines for the Petroleum, Chemical and Gas Industry ServicesAPI Std 617Centrifugal Compressors for Petroleum, Chemical and Gas Industry ServicesAPI Std 618Reciprocating Compressors for Petroleum, Chemical and Gas Industry ServicesAPI Std 619Rotary-Type Positive Displacement Compressors for Petroleum, Chemical and Gas Industry ServicesAPI Std 620Design and Construction of Large, Welded Low-Pressure Storage TanksAPI Std 650Welded Steel Tanks for Oil StorageAPI Std 660Shell-and-Tube Heat ExchangersAPI Std 661Air-Cooled Heat Exchangers for General Refinery ServiceAPI Std 671Special Purpose Couplings for Petroleum, Chemical and Gas Industry ServicesAPI Std 672Packaged, Integrally Geared Centrifugal Air Compressors for Petroleum, Chemical and Gas Industry ServicesAPI Std 674Positive Displacement Pumps - ReciprocatingAPI Std 675Positive Displacement Pumps - Controlled VolumeAPI Std 676Positive Displacement Pumps - RotaryAPI Std 2000Venting Atmospheric and Low-Pressure Storage Tanks: Non-refrigerated and RefrigeratedASME BPVC Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section I, Rules for Construction of Power Boilers ASME BPVC Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section IV, Rules for Construction of Heating Boilers ASME BPVC Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels ASME PTC 22Performance Test Code on Gas Turbines (Performance Test Codes)ASME B73.1Specification for Horizontal End Suction Centrifugal Pumps for Chemical Process ASME B73.2Specification for Vertical In-line Centrifugal Pumps for Chemical ProcessASTM A923Standard Test Methods for Detecting Detrimental Intermetallic Phase in Wrought Duplex Austenitic/Ferritic Stainless SteelsBS 1113Specification for design and manufacture ofwater-tube steam generating plantEN 1834, Part 1-3Reciprocating internal combustion engines - Safety requirements for design and constructionof engines for use in potentially explosive atmospheresEN 14015Specification for the design and manufacture of site built, vertical, cylindrical, flat-bottomed,above ground, welded, steel tanks for the storage of liquids at ambient temperature and aboveBSI PD 5500Specification for unfired fusion welded pressure vessels EN 1993, several parts Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures EN 14015Specification for the design and manufacture of site built, vertical, cylindrical, flat-bottomed,above ground, welded, steel tanks for the storage of liquids at ambient temperature and aboveEN 14620, several parts Design and manufacture of site built, vertical, cylindrical, flat-bottomed steel tanks for thestorage of refrigerated, liquefied gases with operating temperatures between 0°C and -165°CDNV-RP-A201Plan Approval Documentation Types - Definitions DNV-RP-D101Structural analysis of Piping systems DNV-RP-O501Erosive Wear in Piping Systems EN 13480Metallic Industrial Piping EN 1473Installation and equipment for liquefied natural gas: Design of onshore installations EN 1474Installation and equipment for liquefied natural gas: Design and testing of loading/unloadingarmsEN 12952Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations EN 12953Shell Boilers EN 13445Unfired pressure vessels ICS/OCIMF Ship to Ship Transfer Guide (Petroleum)IEC 60079-2Explosive atmospheres, Part 2 Equipment protection by pressurized enclosures IGC Code The International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships carrying Liquefied Gasesin BulkISO 898Mechanical properties of fasteners made of carbon steel and alloy steel ISO 2314Gas turbine - Acceptance tests ISO 3046-1Reciprocating internal combustion engines Performance - Part 1: Declarations of power, fueland lubricating oil consumptions, and test methods - Additional requirements for engines for general useISO 6336 Pt. 1-5Calculation of load capacity of spur and helical gears ISO 10418Petroleum and natural gas industries - Offshore production platforms - Analysis, design,installation and testing of basic surface safety systemsISO 10474Steel and steel products - Inspection documents ISO 13631Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries - Packaged reciprocating gas compressors ISO 15156Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries - Materials for Use in H2S-containing Environments inOil and Gas ProductionNACE SP0176Corrosion Control of Steel Fixed Offshore Platforms Associated with Petroleum Production NFPA 37Standard for the Installation and Use of Stationary Combustion Engines and Gas Turbines NFPA 59A Standard for the Production, Storage, and Handling of Liquefied Natural Gas EN 1999 part 1-1 to 1-4Eurocode 9: Design of aluminium structures OCIMF Guide to purchasing, manufacturing and testing of loading and discharge hoses for offshoremooringTEMA Standards for Heat exchangers Table 1-2 Other references (Continued)CodeTitle3 Definitions3.1 Verbal forms3.1.1 Shall: Indicates requirements strictly to be followed in order to conform to this standard and from which no deviation is permitted.3.1.2 Should: Indicates that among several possibilities one is recommended as particularly suitable, without mentioning or excluding others, or that a certain course of action is preferred but not necessarily required. Other possibilities may be applied subject to agreement.3.1.3 May: Verbal form used to indicate a course of action permissible within the limits of the standard.3.1.4 Agreement or by agreement: Unless otherwise indicated, agreed in writing between manufacturer or contractor and purchaser.3.2 Definitions3.2.1 Abnormal conditions: A condition that occurs in a process system when an operating variable goes outside its normal operating limits.3.2.2 Alarm: A combined visual and audible signal for warning of an abnormal condition, where the audible part calls the attention of personnel, and the visual part serves to identify the abnormal condition.3.2.3 Blow-by: A process upset resulting in gas flowing through a control valve designed to regulate flow of liquid.3.2.4 Bulkhead: An upright partition wall.3.2.5 Choke valve: Control valve designed to regulate or reduce pressure.3.2.6 Christmas tree: Combination of valves and connectors designed to stop the flow of well fluids, i.e. act as a barrier to the hydrocarbon reservoir.3.2.7 Client: May be either the yard, the owner, or, with regard to components, the manufacturer.3.2.8 Closed drains:Drains for pressure rated process components, piping or other sources which could exceed atmospheric pressure, such as liquid outlets from pressure vessels and liquid relief valves, where such discharges are hard piped without an atmospheric break to a drain tank.3.2.9 Cold venting: Discharge of vapour to the atmosphere without combustion.3.2.10 Completed wells: Wells fitted with Christmas trees attached to the wellhead, such that the flow of fluids into and out of the reservoir may be controlled for production purposes.3.2.11 Contractor:A party contractually appointed by the purchaser to fulfil all or any of, the activities associated with design, construction and operation.3.2.12 Control room: Continuously manned room for control of the installation. The room offers operator interface to the process control and safety systems.3.2.13 Control station or Control room: General term for any location space where essential control functions are performed during transit, normal operations or emergency conditions. Typical examples are central control room, radio room, process control room, bridge, emergency response room, etc. For the purpose of compliance with the SOLAS Convention and the MODU Code, the emergency generator room, UPS rooms and fire pump rooms are defined as control stations.3.2.14 Control system: Is a system that receives inputs from operators and process sensors and maintains a system within given operational parameters. It may also register important parameters and communicate status to the operator.3.2.15 Design pressure: The maximum allowable working or operating pressure of a system used for design. The set point of PSVs can not exceed this pressure. (Identical to MAWP).3.2.16 Disposal system: A system to collect from relief, vent and depressurising systems. Consists typically of collection headers, knock-out drum and vent discharge piping or flare system.3.2.17 Double block and bleed: Two isolation valves in series with a vent valve between them.3.2.18 Emergency shutdown, (ESD): An action or system designed to isolate production plant and ignition sources when serious undesirable events have been detected. It relates to the complete installation. See also safety system below.3.2.19 Escape route: A designated path to allow personnel egress to a safe area in the most direct way possible.3.2.20 Explosive mixture: A vapour-air or gas-air mixture that is capable of being ignited by an ignition source that is at or above the ignition temperature of the vapour-air or gas-air mixture.3.2.21 Fail safe: Implies that a component or system goes to or remains in the mode that is deemed to be safest on failures in the system.3.2.22 Failure: An event causing one or both of the following effects:—loss of component or system function—deterioration of functionality to such an extent that safety is affected.3.2.23 Flammable liquid: A liquid having a flash point below 37.8 ºC (100 ºF) and having a vapour pressure not exceeding 2.8 kg/cm2 (40 psi absolute) at 37.8 ºC (100 ºF).3.2.24 Flare system: A system which ensure safe disposal of vapour by combustion.3.2.25 Flash point: The minimum temperature at which a combustible liquid gives off vapour in sufficient concentration to form an ignitable mixture with air near the surface of the liquid.3.2.26 Hazardous area: Space in which a flammable atmosphere may be expected at such frequency that special precautions are required. See DNV-OS-A101 for a complete definition including zones etc.3.2.27 High Integrity Pressure Protection System (HIPPS): A highly reliable, self contained, instrumented safety system to protect against overpressure.3.2.28 Ignition temperature: The minimum temperature required at normal atmospheric pressure to initiate the combustion of an explosive mixture.3.2.29 Independent systems: Implies that there are no functional relationships between the systems, and they can not be subject to common mode failures.3.2.30 Inert gas: A gas of insufficient oxygen content to support combustion when mixed with flammable vapours or gases.3.2.31 Installation: An offshore platform which may be either bottom-founded (permanently affixed to the sea-floor) or floating.3.2.32 Interim class certificate: A temporary confirmation of classification issued by the surveyor attending commissioning of the plant upon successful completion.3.2.33 Interlock system:A set of devices or keys that ensure that operations (e.g. opening and closing of valves) are carried out in the right sequence.3.2.34 L.E.L. (lower explosive limit): The lowest concentration of combustible vapours or gases by volume in mixture with air that can be ignited at ambient conditions.3.2.35 Master valve: A fail safe remotely operated shutdown valve installed in the main body of the Christmas tree, acting as a well barrier.3.2.36 Maximum allowable working pressure, (MAWP): The maximum operating pressure of a system used for design. The set point of PSVs can not exceed this pressure. (Identical to design pressure).3.2.37 Maximum shut in wellhead pressure: The maximum reservoir pressure that could be present at the wellhead.3.2.38 Minimum design temperature, MDT: Minimum design operating or ambient start-up temperature. The lowest predictable metal temperature occurring during normal operations including start-up and shutdown situations is to be used. (If no thermal insulation is fitted, then ambient temperature is to be used if this is lower than the temperature of the content.)3.2.39 Open drains: Gravity drains from sources, which are at or near atmospheric pressure, such as open deck drains, drip pan drains and rain gutters.3.2.40 Pressure safety valve, (PSV): A re-closing valve designed to open and relieve pressure at a defined pressure and rate.3.2.41 Process shutdown, (PSD): Isolation of one or more process segments by closing designated shutdown valves and tripping equipment. The shutdown is initiated through the process shutdown system that is a safety system designated to monitor the production plant.3.2.42 Processing plant: Systems and components necessary for safe production of hydrocarbon oil and gas.3.2.43 Production system: The system necessary for safe delivery of hydrocarbon oil and gas. The production system may include separation process, compression, storage and export facilities, hydrocarbon disposal, produced water treatment, etc.。
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《 雷 氏族谱 》 上海市 图书馆藏 《 雷 氏大成族谱 》
一年抄本 图五 。 《 北 山雷 氏族谱 》
卷 种
册 。道 光 二十 五年 册
年 稿本 图四 。 册 ,不分卷 。乾隆二十 册 , 不分 卷 。 清抄本 , 卷 年重修 ,
年代不详 图六 。 江西 九江永修雷代林 家藏 种 《 雷 氏宗谱 》
. 样式雷世家族 普 考略
支 的记 载 较 别支 详 尽 , 符 合 前述 乾 隆 二 十 一 年 其子 雷 声 润参 与 修谱 的事 实 。 据 此 , 可判 断该 谱 抄 自乾隆 二 十一 年 纂修 的 《雷 氏大成 宗族 总 谱 》。 由 于该谱 是现 知编 纂 年代最 早 的雷 氏族 谱 , 谱 中关 于样式雷世家第一 代雷发 达与第二 代雷 金玉 的记 载相较 于其 他各 谱具 有 更高 的 史料价值 。事实上 , 乾隆二十一年谱 成时 , 上据
支 记 载止 于 雷声 徽 , 与 乾隆 二 十 一 年 雷声 微 尚未生 子 的事 实相 符 。 此 外谱 中对 雷 金 鸣一
为保 持家族世 系传 承 的完 整记录 , 后 代续
修 家谱 通常包括前代 纂修 内容 。 因此 , 使 用家 谱作 为研 究史 料就需 要 注意 历次修 谱 的时 间 和编 写 者 , 分 辨所涉 资 料是抄 录 旧谱抑 或新
添 , 对不同时代的资料加 以区别使用 。
一 中国文化遗产研究 院藏雷 氏族谱 中国文化遗 产研究 院藏 册雷 氏族 谱系 中国营造学社 旧藏 , 为雷廷 昌之子雷献瑞 、 雷 献华 于 其余 年春送交 。 除刻本 《 雷氏支谱 》 外, 册手写本族谱大小尺寸不 一 , 但书衣颜
色 、 式 样相 同 , 均 为蓝底上贴红 签题字 , 正 中均
50 Job Interview Questions 2013-04-01
14. Have you ever had to fire anyone? How did you feel about that?
This is serious. Do not make light of it or in any way seem like you like to fire people. At the same time, you will do it when it is the right thing to do. When it comes to the organization versus the individual who has created a harmful situation, you will protect the organization. Remember firing is not the same as layoff or reduction in force.
10. Do you know anyone who works for us?
Be aware of the policy on relatives working for the organization. This can affect your answer even though they asked about friends not relatives. Be careful to mention a friend only if they are well thought of.
13. How long would you expect to work for us if hired?
Specifics here are not good. Something like this should work: I'd like it to be a long time. Or As long as we both feel I'm d leave your last job?
、 残高
厘米 图九
、 一三 。标本
, 黑陶 。 附耳竖直 。 覆钵形器盖 , 盖上等 距分布三个矩尺状纽 。 腹上部压划一周弦纹 。口
径 扁 两类 。
绳纹高 均为夹砂 陶 。 分 型 。
黄褐 色粉沙土 ,结构致密 , 经夯打 。 木棺仅存朽 埋葬人骨 具 ,肋骨腐朽严重 , 四肢骨保存略好 。 人骨头向东南 ,面向南 ,仰身直肢 。 随葬陶器 件 , 其中高 、 豆、 罐、 单把杯及纺轮各 件 ,孟 件 ,均 单排集中放置于棺外南侧二层 台上 图七 。
米 ,棺板厚 一 米 。埋葬人骨 具 , 人 骨 头 向东 南 , 面 向北 , 仰 身 直肢 , 双 手放 于腹 部。 随葬器物 件 ,其 中 件 陶器竖立放置于棺
外的壁完内 , 扁 、 盂 、 豆 、 单把杯各
另有 陶纺 轮及骨异各
及头顶处 图五 。
件 ,罐
“。 在南侧壁偏东处 向外掏挖长方形 壁完 , 完 长 宽约 、 高 、 进深 米 。北侧留生土浅台 , 台 、 高约 米 。坑 内填 黄褐 色粉 沙土 ,结
位 于墓 地北 部 。 墓扩 开 口距 地 表 米 ,长 、 宽 、 深 米 ,方向 “。
、 通高
厘 米 图九
、 一四 。
多 为夹砂 陶 , 个 别为 泥质 陶 。 手 制成
型 。 依器 表有 无纹饰 可 分为绳 纹 扁和 素 面帚
型 弧腹 , 袋足 。分 式 。 式 斜折 沿略宽 , 口沿 与器身夹角较大 ,
山东省文物考古研究所 滕 州 市 博 物 馆
东 康 留墓地 位 于滕 州市 南部 官桥 镇东 康 留村东北 约 北距滕州市 区约 米 、 大康 留村西北约 米处 , 公里 , 西临京 台高速公路 。
No2 南门二(半人马座α)
尽管用肉眼看来南门二是一颗-0.3等的明亮恒星,但实 际上,它是一个由三颗恒星组成的恒星系统,距离我们约4.3 光年。1689年让•利考德神父发现“亮星”南门二实际是个双 星,现在分别称为南门二甲(α Cen A)和南门二乙(α Cen B)。这两颗星构成了后来人们所知道的三合星系统的主要部 分,它们以8年为周期相互绕转。1915年,天文学家伊内斯 发现了这个系统的第三颗子星——比邻星,它离我们比另外 两颗主星还要稍微近一些,因此也成为目前发现的除太阳外 离地球最近的恒星。不过比邻星是一颗又小又暗的红矮星, 距两颗主星约0.21光年、在周期约50万年的轨道上绕两颗主 星运行;从地球上看过去,它不过是一颗11等的暗弱光点, 而且距离明亮的南门二大约有2度远!它是南门二系统中的成 员吗?还是仅仅从南门二附近“经过”然后离开?虽然在发 现后不久、初步测量了它的距离之后,伊内斯就认为比邻星 应该是南门二的伴星,但是直到伊巴谷卫星精确地测量了它 的距离和运动情况后,人们才知道它确实是绕转系统中的一 员。2012年,人们发现这个三合星系统至少带有一颗行星, 它以3天的周期绕南门二乙(α Cen B)公转。
10北青公寓1栋本栋房间数275间,可住596人(其中113、115为管理员室,114-614、116-616、229-629房为4人间共1 7间,129为2人间,其余为2人间共250间)。
住文新60 8人,法学144人,公管208人,外语124人12金瀚林公寓1栋(女生)本栋房间数共108间,全部为4人间,可住432人。
KonzernnormVW 50127Ausgabe 2013-04Klass.-Nr.:55112Schlagwörter:Türgriff, Zugstange, Buchse, Schalter, Gelenk, Clips, Lautsprechergitter, Hebel, Lager, Innenraumteil,Polyamid 66, PA66Polyamid 66, Fertigteile des Fahrzeuginnenraums WerkstoffanforderungenFrühere AusgabenVW 50127: 2004-11, 2013-02ÄnderungenGegenüber der VW 50127: 2013-02 wurden folgende Änderungen vorgenommen:–Abschnitt 3.2 …Beschaffenheit“ geändert–Abschnitt 3.7 …Verarbeitungsqualität“ geändert –Tabelle 1 und Tabelle 2 geändert AnwendungsbereichDiese Norm legt die Werkstoffanforderungen für z. B. Türinnenbetätigung und weitere Teile aus PA66 mit unterschiedlichen Glasfasergehalten bzw. Glasfaser- und Mineralgemischen im Fahr‐zeuginnenraum fest.Für PA66-Anwendungen außerhalb des Fahrzeuginnenraums wird die VW 50133 angewandt.PA66-Bauteile in Kontakt mit Kühlwasser sind nach TL 52682 zu bewerten.BezeichnungBezeichnungsbeispiel für die mit 15 % Glasfaser verstärkte Ausführung:PA66-GF15 nach VW 50127 – PA66-4oderBezeichnungsbeispiel für die mit 15 % Glasfaser und 25 % Mineral verstärkte Ausführung:PA66-GF15-MD25 nach VW 50127 – PA66-1312Norm vor Anwendung auf Aktualität prüfen.Die elektronisch erzeugte Norm ist authentisch und gilt ohne Unterschrift.Seite 1 von 12Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Weitergabe oder Vervielfältigung ohne vorherige Zustimmung einer Normenabteilung des Volkswagen Konzerns nicht gestattet.© Volkswagen AktiengesellschaftVWNORM-2012-05nSeite 2VW 50127: 2013-04AnforderungenGrundsätzliche AnforderungenGenehmigung von Erstlieferung und Änderung nach VW 01155.Emissionsverhalten nach VW 50180.Freibewitterungsbeständigkeit nach VW 50185.Farbmetrische Beurteilung nach VW 50190.Schadstoffvermeidung nach VW 91101.Brennverhalten nach TL 1010.Die Prüfungen sind an Probekörpern aus Fertigteilen durchzuführen. Die Anzahl der für eine voll‐ständige Untersuchung erforderlichen Bauteile ist von der Bauteilgröße abhängig. Die Festlegung der Zahl der anzuliefernden Bauteile erfolgt in Absprache mit den Fachabteilungen.Sind Prüfungen aufgrund der Geometrie nicht am Bauteil möglich, kann auf Datenblätter bzw. auf Messungen an Prüfplatten verwiesen werden.BeschaffenheitDie Fertigteile müssen an der Oberfläche und im Inneren frei von Fehlstellen und Fertigungsfeh‐lern wie Fließlinien, Lunkern, Rissen und dergleichen sein. Einfallstellen im Bereich des Ansatzes von Rippen, Versteifungen und Anschlussstutzen sind nicht zulässig. Die mit Glasfasern gefüllten Materialien müssen haptisch und optisch eine einwandfreie Oberfläche aufweisen. Die Verteilung der Glasfasern im Bauteil muss so gleichmäßig sein, dass sich an drei verschiedenen Stellen ei‐nes Fertigteils entnommene Proben im Glasfasergehalt um nicht mehr als 2,0 % voneinander un‐terscheiden. Grenzmuster sind mit der jeweiligen Fachabteilung abzustimmen.Die Teile müssen eine einwandfreie Montage zulassen. Es dürfen keine Funktionsrisiken bzw. kein Verletzungsrisiko des Montagepersonals z. B. durch das Lösen von Graten bzw. Restschmutz aus‐gehen.Es muss sichergestellt sein, dass Bauteile mit einem Mindestfeuchtigkeitsgehalt von > 0,7 Gew.-%H 2O am Verbauort angeliefert werden.Für Bauteile, die bei der Montage verclipst, gerastet o. ä. werden, muss der Feuchtigkeitsgehalt der Bauteile dem in Tabelle 1 und Tabelle 2 angegebenen Gleichgewichtszustand entsprechen.HerstellungSpritzgießverfahren.Die Verwendung von prozesseigenem, sortenreinem Regranulat aus der Erstverarbeitung ist bis zu einer Zumischung bis 30 Gew.-% zulässig, wenn es sich nicht um zähmodifziertes PA 66 han‐delt. Bauteile müssen mit der maximal zu erwartenden Regranulatzumischung validiert werden.Kennzeichnung nach VDA 260Siehe Tabelle 1 und Tabelle 2.KonditionierungEs wird zwischen den Konditionierungszuständen …trocken“ und …konditioniert“ unterschieden.3 3VW 50127: 2013-04Proben aus Bauteilen im Zustand …trocken“ sind vor der Prüfung bis zur Gewichtskonstanz (siehe Abschnitt 5.2) getrocknet und ohne Unterbrechung in einer trockenen Atmosphäre gelagert wor‐den.Proben aus Bauteilen im Zustand …konditioniert“, sind Proben im Zustand …trocken“, die in einem wasserdichten Beutel mit Wasser bei 70 °C gelagert werden, bis der Gleichgewichtszustand in Tabelle 1 bzw. Tabelle 2 erreicht ist. Abweichend dazu ist auch eine Konditionierung nach DIN EN ISO 1110 möglich.Auswertung der MessergebnisseDie geforderten Zahlenwerte gelten für jede Einzelmessung und jede Stelle des Fertigteils.VerarbeitungsqualitätSiehe Abschnitt 5.10.Es wird die visuelle Beschaffenheit ganzer Formteile nach Lagerung im spannungslösenden Medi‐um beurteilt. Es dürfen keine Durchrisse oder funktionsgefährdende Schädigungen an den Bautei‐len auftreten.SchmelztemperaturSiehe Abschnitt 5.3.Die Schmelztemperatur muss oberhalb von 255 °C liegen.Anforderungen an das MaterialSiehe Tabelle 1 und Tabelle 4VW 50127: 2013-04 Tabelle 1Seite 5VW 50127: 2013-04Seite 6VW 50127: 2013-04Tabelle 2VW 50127: 2013-04Seite 7Seite 8VW 50127: 2013-04VW 50127: 2013-04 Seite 9Seite 10VW 50127: 2013-04Prüfungshinweise WerkstoffDie Identitätsprüfung kann infrarotspektroskopisch oder mittels DSC erfolgen.FeuchtigkeitsgehaltEs sind mindestens 3 Proben der Größe (20 × 20) mm an verschiedenen Stellen des Fertigteils zu entnehmen, auf 0,01 g genau zu wiegen und bis zur Gewichtskonstanz im (Vakuum-)Ofen bei80 °C zu trocknen. Die vor der Rückwaage notwendige Abkühlung der Probekörper auf (23 ± 2) °C muss in einem Exsikkator erfolgen. Der Wassergehalt kann auch mit handelsüblichen Feucht‐emessgeräten bestimmt werden.SchmelztemperaturDie Schmelztemperatur ist mittels der DSC (Differential Scanning Calorimetry) nach DIN EN ISO 11357-1 zu bestimmen.WärmeverhaltenWarmlagerungsversuch nach DIN 53497, Verfahren B, an mindestens einem kompletten gerungsdauer (22 + 2) h, Lagerungstemperatur falls in der Zeichnung oder Freigabe nicht an‐ders gefordert (90 ± 1) °C, für Fahrzeuginnenraumteile, die erhöhter Sonnenstrahlung ausgesetzt sind, z. B. auf der Instrumententafel oder Tür- und Seitenverkleidungsbrüstung (120 ± 1) °C.KälteverhaltenLagerung mindestens eines kompletten Fertigteils in Luft bei (-30 ± 1) °C, Lagerungsdauer (22 + 2) h.KerbschlagzähigkeitEs ist der Kerbschlagbiegeversuch nach DIN EN ISO 179-1/1eA durchzuführen.AlterungsbeständigkeitDie Prüfkörper werden 1000 h bei (150 ± 2) °C in einem Wärmeschrank mit zwangsläufiger Durch‐lüftung gelagert. Die Proben müssen nach der Wärmelagerung umgehend in einem Exsikator gela‐gert werden. Nach Abkühlung der Proben auf Raumtemperatur (23 ± 2) °C, ist die Kerbschlagzä‐higkeitsmessung durchzuführen. Die Messwerte der Kerbschlagzähigkeitsmessungen werden ins Verhältnis zu den Ausgangswerten Kerbschlagzähigkeit trocken gesetzt.ZugversuchDie Streckspannung und Bruchdehnung ist im Zugversuch nach DIN EN ISO 527-1 und DIN EN ISO 527-2 (für Form- und Extrusionsmassen), Probekörper 5A; Prüfgeschwindigkeit 50 mm/min zu bestimmen.5 11VW 50127: 2013-04LichtechtheitFalls in der Zeichnung die Anzahl von Belichtungsperioden nicht definiert ist, gilt folgende Rege‐lung:– 3 Belichtungsperioden für Bauteile im Bereich indirekter Sonneneinstrahlung– 5 Belichtungsperioden für Bauteile im Bereich direkter Sonneneinstrahlung (z. B. Türbrüstung)–10 Belichtungsperioden für Bauteile im Bereich erhöhter Sonneneinstrahlung (z. B. Heckabla‐ge)Verarbeitungsqualität Lagerung von mindestens 3 ganzen Fertigteilen in Kühlmittel nach TL 774, ohne Wasserzusatz. Es ist die jeweils für die Erstbefüllung im Einsatz befindliche Ausführung zu verwenden.Lagerungsdauer: 48 h; Lagerungstemperatur: (135 ± 1) °C.Die Lagerung ist in einem Thermostaten mit Badumwälzung (z. B. Lauda-Ultra-ThermostatTyp U 12, Fa. Messgerätewerk, Dr. Wobser KG) durchzuführen, der mit dem Prüfmedium befüllt wurde.Die Prüflinge sind nach der Kühlmittellagerung mit Leitungswasser abzuspülen und anschließend 24 h bei +70 °C zu trocknen. Danach erfolgt die visuelle Beurteilung.Mitgeltende Unterlagen Die folgenden in der Norm zitierten Dokumente sind zur Anwendung dieser Norm erforderlich:PV 1303Nichtmetallische Werkstoffe; Belichtungsprüfung für Bauteile des Fahr‐zeuginnenraumes TL 1010Innenausstattungsmaterialien; Brennverhalten, Werkstoffanforderungen TL 52682PA66, glasfaserverstärkt, für kühlmittelführende Fertigteile; Werkstoff‐anforderungen TL 774Kühlmittelzusatz auf Ethylenglykolbasis; Werkstoffanforderungen VW 01155Fahrzeug-Teile; Genehmigung von Erstlieferung und Änderung VW 50133PA66 für Fertigteile außerhalb des Fahrzeuginnenraumes; Werkstoff‐anforderungen VW 50180Bauteile des Fahrzeuginnenraumes; Emissionsverhalten VW 50185Fahrzeugbauteile; Freibewitterungsbeständigkeit VW 50190Bauteile der Fahrzeuginnenausstattung; Messtechnische Beurteilung von Farbe und Glanzgrad; Visuelle Beurteilung von Chromoberflächen VW 91101Umweltnorm Fahrzeug; Fahrzeugteile, Werkstoffe, Betriebsstoffe;Schadstoffvermeidung DIN 53497Prüfung von Kunststoffen; Warmlagerungsversuch an Formteilen austhermoplastischen Formmassen, ohne äußere mechanische Beanspru‐chungDIN EN 20105-A02Textilien - Farbechtheitsprüfungen - Teil A02: Graumaßstab zur Bewer‐tung der Änderung der Farbe 5.9 5.10 6Seite 12VW 50127: 2013-04DIN EN ISO 1110Kunststoffe - Polyamide - Beschleunigte Konditionierung von Probekör‐pernDIN EN ISO 11357-1Kunststoffe - Dynamische Differenz-Thermoanalyse (DSC) - Teil 1: All‐gemeine GrundlagenDIN EN ISO 1172Textilglasverstärkte Kunststoffe - Prepregs, Formmassen und Laminate -Bestimmung des Textilglas- und Mineralfüllstoffgehalts; Kalzinierungs‐verfahrenDIN EN ISO 1183-1Kunststoffe - Verfahren zur Bestimmung der Dichte von nicht ver‐schäumten Kunststoffen - Teil 1: Eintauchverfahren, Verfahren mit Flüs‐sigkeitspyknometer und TitrationsverfahrenDIN EN ISO 179-1Kunststoffe - Bestimmung der Charpy-Schlageigenschaften - Teil 1:Nicht instrumentierte SchlagzähigkeitsprüfungDIN EN ISO 527-1Kunststoffe - Bestimmung der Zugeigenschaften - Teil 1: AllgemeineGrundsätzeDIN EN ISO 527-2Kunststoffe - Bestimmung der Zugeigenschaften - Teil 2: Prüfbedingun‐gen für Form- und ExtrusionsmassenISO 554Normalklimate für die Konditionierung und/oder Prüfung; Anforderungen VDA 260Bauteile von Kraftfahrzeugen - Kennzeichnung der Werkstoffe。
1.2.1简介人物简介中文名:志田未来罗马名称:Shida Mirai生日:5月10日血液型:AB型志田未来身高:150cm星座:金牛座职业:演员学籍:堀越高中出道时间:1999年6月个人爱好爱好:手提电话电邮讯息与图像交换、贴纸相喜欢的东西:金枪鱼罐头、番茄、冰咖啡、鱼肉饭喜欢的科目:数学校内参加过的学会活动:HipHop同好会(&羽毛球社;羽毛球、广播学会在学校曾担当的职务:风纪委员喜欢的演员:阿部宽、松下由树、井上真央、吉永小百合喜欢的歌手:MR.CHILDREN(本人初主演代表作《14岁妈妈》的主题曲的演唱组合)、绚香、生物股长、SPYAIR(现同事务所);早安少女、AKB48、少女时代喜欢的漫画:Touch(棒球英豪)、ONE PIECE(海贼王)、宇宙兄弟、海月姬、蜡笔小新喜欢的谐星:UNJASH喜欢的电视节目:电视剧『一公升的眼泪』喜欢在卡拉OK店中唱的歌曲:泪光闪闪(夏川里美)(涙そうそう(夏川りみ))性格:面对陌生人时会感到害羞,但另一方面又与她在『女王的教室』中饰演的神田和美不一样,在与现实生活中的同班同学在一起时感觉最为轻松。
最喜欢去的地方:迪士尼(闲时每月去迪斯尼两回左右)座右铭不忘初心「初心忘るべからず」(Auditon2011年7月号)2主要作品参演电视剧首播时间剧名扮演角色导演合作演员2013-11-16 ふしぎの森デゖズニー学校本人役主演---- ----2013-10-23 段田凛劳动基准监察官第四话佑美---- ----2013-07 总会有办法的内田阳子---- 浅野温子;安田章大2013-04-10 ST~警视庁科学特捜班~ 青山翔---- 冈田将生;藤原龙也;芦名星2013-01-11 信长的主厨夏(女刀匠役) 兼﨑凉介;田村直己;藤冈浩二郎玉森裕太;及川光博;香椎由宇2012-11-03 寻ね人大前美月筱原哲雄夏川结衣;满岛真之介;十朱幸代2012-09-30 Reset ~寻找真正的幸福的方法~/リセット~本当のしあわせの见つけ方~三好知子(80年代高校生役)竹园元铃木保奈美;高岛礼子;樱庭奈奈美2012-07-07 幽灵妈妈捜査线~我与妈妈不可思议的100日上原葵佐藤东弥;太谷太郎;西野真贵仲间由纪惠;生濑胜久;泽村一树2012-06-04 上锁的房间中田友香松山博昭大野智;户田惠梨香;佐藤浩市2012-04-06 黑板~与时代战斗的教师们~ 古沢ゆかり(80年代不良初中女生役)平野俊一佐藤浩市;贯地谷诗穗梨;染谷将太2011-12-02 POV~志田未来のそれだけは见ラいで!~志田未来鹤田法男川口春奈2011-11-26 世界奇妙物语2011秋季特别篇堂岛百合都筑淳一大后寿寿花;梶原光2011-07-06 Bull Doctor武田美亜久保田充;长沼诚;本间美由纪江角真纪子;小日向文世;石原里美2010-11-15 恋色圆舞曲/恋色円舞ナツ(夏) 佐藤信介川口春奈;荒井萌;水沢奈子2010-10-15 秘密杉田藻奈美·直子唐木希浩;高桥伸之;日暮谦佐佐木藏之介;石田光;本假屋唯香2010-07-10 震撼鲜师立花枫麻生学;中前勇児;木村ひさし速水重道;比嘉爱未;小日向文世2010-03-01 毕业之歌高野步美星野和成忽那汐里;入江甚仪;染谷将太2010-02-03 春之幻/春のまぼろし春(犬役?!) 谷村政树夕辉寿太2009-10-17 小公主莎拉黑田莎拉金子文纪;吉田秋生;中井芳彦樋口可南子;林遣都;田边诚一2009-08-25 毛骨悚然撞鬼经 10周年记念篇「心霊动画」武藤由香里鹤田法男稻垣吾郎;金泽美穂;弓削智久2009-05-21 BOSS第八话石原由贵星野和成天海佑希;竹野内丰;户田惠梨香2009-03-21 黑部的太阳滝山光子河毛俊作香取慎吾;小林薰;绫濑遥2009-03-17 樱花道/さくら道小林美树渡边孝好绪形直人;药师丸博子2009-03-02 SMAP×SMAP ちょっといい话「美术教师」小林可奈子----木村拓哉;稻垣吾郎2009-02-16 亡者之声第八话相马朋子成田岳瑛太;生田斗真;石原里美2008-07-09 正义的伙伴中田容子中岛悟;阿部雄一山田优;向井理;本乡奏多2008-05-09 鲸鱼与青鱂鱼今井サチコ西浦正记田中邦卫;余贵美子;八千草薰2007-10-13 ヒナ脳ブログ朝日奈雏(藤本雏)---- 染谷将太2007-10-13 追梦人朝日奈雏(藤本雏)中岛悟;长沼诚反町隆史;加藤爱;儿玉清2007-07-03 探侦学园Q美南惠大冢恭司;位部将人;猪股隆一;石尾纯神木隆之介;山田凉介;要润2007-04-12 我们的教科书蓝沢明日香河毛俊作;叶山浩树;西坂瑞城菅野美穗;伊藤淳史;谷村美月2006-10-11 14岁的母亲一之濑未希佐藤东弥;佐久间纪佳;山下学美田中美佐子;生濑胜久;三浦春马2006-07-10 恋爱补给品绀野夏木成田岳;川村泰佑伊东美咲;龟梨和也;佐藤浩市2006-07-01 探侦学园Q SP 美南惠中岛悟神木隆之介;山田凉介;松川尚瑠辉2006-03-17 女王的教室SP~堕天使~ 神田和美岩本仁志天海佑希2005-10-12 春与夏~迟迟未到的信高仓夏(幼年) 佐藤峰世;田中建二仲间由纪惠;斉藤奈々;井川比佐志2005-09-12 ざこ検潮贞志の事件簿3 潮千寿佐藤健光长岛一茂;星野有香;大岛さと子2005-07-02 女王的教室神田和美大冢恭司;岩本仁志;渡部智明;木内健人天海佑希;羽田美智子;半海一晃2005-05-23 万引きGメン・二阶堂雪「贫乏嫌い」---- 真船祯;松岛稔木の実ナナ2005-01-24 毛骨悚然撞鬼经「何かがそこにいる」笹田理惠星野和成----2004-05-21 霊感バスガド事件簿篠崎由季(幼少) ---- 上原さくら2004-05-03 给亲爱的你中川里奈林彻菅野美穗;藤木直人2004-03-15 ざこ検潮贞志の事件簿2 潮千寿佐藤健光长岛一茂;星野有香;大岛さと子2003-12-21 川流入海海江田多実(幼少)野泽尚深津绘里;浅丘琉璃子2003-04-08 毛骨悚然撞鬼经春の恐怖ミステリー「父の想い」真利江(幼少) 小川智子井川遥;八岛智人;石桥けい2003-01-12 假面骑士龙骑/仮面ラダー龙骑(真司が守った少女)石田秀范须贺贵匡2003-01-10 スチュワーデス刑事7 黒泽杏子(幼少) 本间欧彦财前直见;石田百合子;大后寿寿花2002-12-02 ざこ検潮贞志の事件簿潮千寿佐藤健光长岛一茂;星野有香;大岛さと子2002-10-07 蔷薇的十字架----光野道夫;水田成英;木村达昭 天海佑希2002-08-19 少年们3 千田小百合冈崎栄;矶智明;田中正上川隆也;佐々木和徳;秋山美津子 2002-03-24 女と爱とミステリー 西村寿行列岛縦断サスペンス 「犬笛」 秋津良子 南部英夫 かたせ梨乃 2002-01-22 初体验---- 土方政人水野美纪2001-07-15 死刑台のロープウェ 不二木杏子 小林俊一 ----2001-06-02茉莉子木野茉莉子(幼年)黛りんたろう新山千春;倍赏千津子 2000-10-03 外科医有森冴子Ⅱ 小川理恵 细野英延 三田佳子;かとう かずこ;梨本谦次郎2000-09-12 ぬくもり村山可奈 (幼少)松岛哲也三浦友和;岸本加世子;大鹰明良2000-09-04 永远的1/2----小野原和宏;高桥伸之户田麻衣子;小泽真珠2013-07-20风立ちぬ堀越加代(CV.) 宫崎骏泷本美织2013-02-23 遗体 明日への十日间照井优子君冢良一西田敏行;佐藤浩市;筒井道隆 2012-02-18 POV~被诅咒的胶片~ 志田未来鹤田法男川口春奈2010-07-17 借东西的小人阿莉埃蒂阿莉埃蒂(CV.) 米林宏昌神木隆之介;三浦友和;大竹忍 2010-02-06蜗牛餐厅桃富永ま柴崎幸;余贵美子;上映时间剧名扮演角色导演合作演员い樱田通2009-01-24 无人守护船村沙织君冢良一佐藤浩市;松田龙平;木村佳乃2008-01-26 母亲野上初子山田洋次吉永小百合;浅野忠信;檀丽2006-11-18 椿山课长的七天莲子河野圭太西田敏行;伊东美咲;须贺健太2005-10-29 春之雪凌仓聪子(幼少时代)行定勋竹内结子;妻夫木聪2004-11-13 雨鳟之川高仓小百合矶村一路绫濑遥;须贺健太;阿部宽2004-09-11 特捜戦队デカレンジャー/特搜战队DEKARANGERレスリー星の的女渡辺胜也----2003-08-16 仮面ラダー555NEXT/蒙面超人555:救世者传说之帝王腰带ミナ田﨑竜太----2002-03 借王フゔナル安齐美里---- ---- 写真集2ND写真集名称:未来~小さいですけど、何か?~发行日:2012/3/28初写真集名称:14岁、15岁、16岁的未来出版社:角川MARKETING日期:2009/11/06ISBN:978-4-0489-5068-8摄影师:河野英喜书书名出版社相关项目发售日ISBN儿童的力量(コドモノチカラ)JIVE(ジャブ)封面及其他4页2005/12/01 ISBN 4-8617-6219-7卓上日历2011年度版カレンダーK-SHOP限定!2011年度の年间カレンダー登场!卓上にも壁挂けにもなります。