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1. 常见词汇

装置: apparatus, (device, means, arrangement

设备: equipment

组件: component

器件: device

构件: means, member, element

元件: element


单元: element, unit

方法: method, process

组合物:compositi on

组分(化学领域):compo nent

具有:(be) provided with

实质上,大体上:substa ntially

优选:preferred, prefere ntial

所属领域的技术人员:those skilled in the art, those of ordinary skill in the art

现有技术:prior art

该项技术中的己知方法:methods kn ow n in the art

实施例:embodime nt


设有:(be) equipped with,或(be) provided with



means 装罝(构件)

composition 组合物


process 方法


provided that 但是.......

provided with 具有

is selected from the group con sist ing of 系由下列各物…(或基)组成的群组中选出;



eleme nt单元;组件;元素(化学)

2. 相关词汇

[11]中华人民共和国国家知识产权局[19] State Intellectual Property Office of the People ' s Republic of China

实用新型专利说明书[12] Specificatio ns of Utility Model Pate nt

专利号[21] Pate nt No.

授权公告日[45]Date of Authorized Announcement:

[川授权公告号[11]: Authorized Announcement No.:

[22]申请日[22] Application date:

|_74]专利代理机构[74] Pate nt age ncy

[21 ]申请号[21] Application No.

代理人Age nt:

17习专利权人[73] Pate ntee:

发明人[72] Designer:

权利要求书1页One page of Claims,

说明书 3 页Three pages of Specifications (Specification Description )

附图 1 页One page of Drawings

[54]实用新型名称[54]Name of Utility Model




技术领域Field of the Inven tion

背景技术Backgro und of the Inven ti on

发明内容Descripti on of the Inven ti on

附图说明Brief In troduction of the Drawi ngs

具体实施方式Detailed Descriptio n of the Preferred Embodime nts 说明书附图Drawi ngs



process 方法

method 方法•

provided that…其限制条件为…

provided with 具有

is selected from the group con sisti ng of 系由下列各物…(或基)组成之群中选出;#—

系选自由下列各物(或基)组成之群 ...



composition 组合物

eleme nt组件(电子);元素(化学)



1. 遇有apparatus、device、means三字或其中任两个字出现在同一份说明书中时,建议其译名分别如下:(i) apparatus :装置

(ii)device :设备

(iii)means :构件


2. et al.:等人

3. 翻译means for V + ing时在means前面加适当之中译修饰词,以免同一份中文说明书中出


4. this inven ti on, the subject inven ti on, the in sta nt inven ti on, the prese nt inven ti on 一律译成"本发明”…

5. substantially: 应视前后文译为"实质上" 、"几乎完全"、"相当"、或"大体上",例如:6 k. u, Y D5 R! x+ k' i) l4 R) k

a. the barrier layer contains a material that is substantially impervious to laser ablation —屏障层包含之物质大体上(or 实质上)不会被雷射切除 2 ~+ [- a J% I$ p' I

b. tablet has a substantial surface and a second substantial surface —锭剂有一实质表面和第二实质表面

6. preferred, preferential ,可译成"较佳" ,more preferable 则译成"更佳" ,most preferable 则译成”最佳”,it is preferred that可译成"最好”,preferably可译成"较佳(地)"…

7. those skilled in the art ----- 熟习此项技术者

8. methods known in the art ---- 此项技术中已知之方法

9. are well known ——已为吾人所熟知

10. these include, but are not limited to ——此等包括(但不限于)

11. Alternative embodiment —替代(具体)实施例;另一实施例

alternatively —或者;另一选择为....

12. Aspect可译成"方面”、"观点”、”特点”、及”态样”,例如:…

in one embodime nt of this aspect —在此方面之一实施例中

in one aspect—方面

in a further aspect —另一方面…

in still a further aspect —另一方面, e6 s2 R5 r6 {1 _. W(

gen eral aspect—通用态样

13. 请参考以下之译法: 4 N2 A, r5 y2 s" l* y'

it should be noted —请注意; P( }! V$ _2 _! c

it is to be noted —应注意的是' [/ U: Q- ]2 E# u5 [;

it has bee n found that ---- 已发现

it is believed that ——咸信

help to -------------------- 有助于) }; Z' B4 [0 ]# E( y2 Y: @

it is expected —吾人预期

it will be appreciated —应了解

it is un derstood —当然

it should be un derstood —请了解;应了解

it is inten ded —希望


abandonment of a patent 放弃专利权

abandonment of a patent application 放弃专利申请abridgment 文摘

abstract (摘要)

abuse of patent 滥用专利权

action for infringement of patent 专利侵权诉讼

action of a patent 专利诉讼

address for service 文件送达地址

affidavit 誓书

allowance 准许
